FWIW June 24, 2016 - Alpine Lake Resort
FWIW June 24, 2016 - Alpine Lake Resort
***For What It’s Worth*** Janice Nelson, Editor June 24, 2016 Editor’s Comment The fierce squall was howling, blowing a soaking sideways rain on everyone! Thunder boomed overhead as lightning struck across the wind swept lake! Yet this did not deter the brave and hungry souls who were determined to enjoy their evening with good friends and delicious food at last week’s Carry-In Picnic at the Boathouse! Several days later, a similar weather pattern ocurred during the first ever Summer Solistice festival held at the lake pavilion. But no worries! Many still attended, enjoying an evening of kayaking on a moonlit night (yes, the moon did peak out finally from behind the clouds), having great conversations with friends while eating tasty hors d’oeuvres, desserts and drinks! Yes, that’s how we do it here at Alpine! Party hearty! Thank you, Jim and Norleen Hoadley, for organizing such an enjoyable evening. Rumor has it that there just may be another such event in the works! Some important reminders! If you signed up for the tour of the Lavender Farm next week, you MUST prepay by Sunday, June 26th. Also, the 5th Annual Music Festival is July 9th. The last day to purchase discounted tickets is July 2nd (please refer to the flyer at the end of this publication). A 4th of July picnic will be held at the Boathouse and SEASONS Restaurant has scheduled several breakfast buffets in July as well as a dance with a DJ. The exact dates for these activities are listed in the “Coming Events” section. Please read, in detail, about all the above “happenings” and more in this issue of your FWIW. See you around the lake! The next FWIW will be issued on Friday, July 8th. Please email all articles to me, Janice Nelson, at mamaj11@yahoo.com, or use the FWIW box on the lobby counter. Please keep your article brief so we can fit all the news in each issue. Thanks for your cooperation and participation. Enjoy! TIMELY NOTICES AND REMINDERS NEXT EGG DELIVERIES by Sheila Amato James will deliver eggs to the Lodge on Wednesday, June 29th. He typically comes between 11am – 11:30am. Email messages will go out on the Friday before the delivery, and orders need to be placed no later than Sunday evening. The Terra Alta Farmer’s Market opens up at the end of June. James said that he will let us know by June 29th whether or not he will continue to deliver eggs to Alpine Lake during the summer or if we will need to visit the Market to purchase them. Thus, stay tuned. 1 JULY CELEBRATIONS Happy Birthday to Grace Crane on July 2nd. Wishing Sue Aamodt and Frank Buczek, both on the 5th, a very Happy Birthday! Birgit Stock and John Bowers celebrate their special day on the 7th. Happy Birthday to Pat Thompson on the 9th. Be sure to wish Saundra Conklin a Happy Birthday on the 13th. And don’t forget Wilma Rumble on the 21st…have a Happy Birthday, Wilma! Jeff Daugherty celebrates his special day on the 23rd and Norma Eckerd’s birthday is the 27th. And a very Happy Birthday to Helen Wylie on the 29th. Birgit and Bernie Stock celebrate their Anniversary on the 9th and Mike and Lee Maddox have a wedding anniversary on the 27th. Congratulations to all and enjoy your special day! HAPPENINGS AROUND THE LAKE & NEARBY… LADIES WHO KAYAK by Sally Rocchi Every Friday, 9am, at the boat launch, the ladies will be placing their kayaks in the water, paddling around the lake, and “yakking.” Please come join us. The kayak launcher makes it really easy to get in and out of your boat. Make sure you have a light weight rope, about 6 feet long, to tie you to the launcher when using it. Kayaking with friends is a fun way to start the weekend. Hope to see you there. TERRA ALTA OLD FASHIONED 4TH OF JULY IN THE PARK by Kathleen Berry Saturday, July 2nd 10am – 4pm World class quilt show Sunday, July 3rd (10am until dark) Craft and food vendors all day. Bring your chairs or blankets. Noon. Dunk booth. 1pm – 7pm Quilt show 5pm Old Fashioned Parade (Grand Marshal, Cody Wickline). 6pm Quilt Auction 8pm Free Concert featuring Cody Wickline from the VOICE Monday, July 4th (10am until 4pm) Craft and food vendors all day. Tractor Show all day. 10am Annual Dog Show 10am Car Show 10am – 4pm Quilt Show Dusk - Fireworks 2 MINI GOLF COURSE by Beverly Serpone The mini-golf course arrived in sections on Friday (6/10) evening as promised by Joe Buckhorn, owner of MiniGolf, Inc., of Jessup, PA. Mr. Buckhorn was very pleased to have the many volunteers to assist with unloading the truck and the assembly of the 18-holes. With his supervision, work went quickly and the course was assembled by early afternoon. (We were lucky that he made it to Alpine Lake at all….his GPS directed him from Sang Run Road through the State Forest and onto Cranesville and West Cranesville Road. He had a difficult time making the tight U-turn onto West Cranesville Road with the 25ft. box truck! And yes, he was provided with more accommodating directions for his drive home.) The Mini-Course-Committee, made up of Debbie Palank, Mike Kubina, Clark Sharpless and Beverly Serpone, is happy to see the completion of the colorful and sturdy mini-course. Also, many thanks to Lorraine Hart for generously passing on all of her research and notes and meeting with the committee. Her notes led us to Joe Buckhorn and his company. Work will continue on the course as members of the Beautification Committee make plans for landscaping. Good work and many thanks to the employees of Alpine Lake Resort for prepping the site. Also, a big thank you to all of the volunteers from Alpine Lake who made this wonderful addition to the Resort possible and a reality. Hopefully it will be enjoyed by property owners, guests, family and friends for many years to come. TERRA ALTA EAST PRESTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL by Denise Kerr Please consider donating the following items for our local elementary school: Crayons (24 size) Glue Sticks Kid Scissors Pencils Erasers (pencil top & pink ones) Hand held pencil sharpener Snack size baggies (quart & gallon size) Hand Sanitizer Germ Wipes Tissues Paper (Elementary lined and Middle school lined) Mulch for playground They will also need help putting a Green House together when it arrives. (More info to come.) We suggest that you bring your donations to the July Carry-In Picnic. WATER AEROBICS by Michele Hall Please join us for water aerobics every Tuesday and Thursday at 8am! We'd like to thank Trish Birch, Kathy Andes, and Rene Myers for lending us their boom boxes and donating CD’s and VHS tapes! We now have 4 different routines to use, including Water Pilates, Deep Water Aerobics, Water Aerobics with Billie Jo, and Rocking to the Oldies Water Aerobics. We'd love for you to join us, whether you follow the routine, or just march to the music. It's a GREAT pool for water aerobics! Free and Fun! EAST PRESTON LIONS CLUB by Kathleen Berry East Preston Lions Club is selling raffle tickets for a Myrtle Beach vacation. The tickets are $5 each, and Jerry Edens will hand deliver to anyone purchasing four or more tickets. The drawing will be on December 17th and will be based upon the West Virginia three-digit number for that day. If you would like to order tickets to be delivered, contact Jerry at jedens2@frontier.com or 304-780-2235. We will also be selling tickets at the Terra Alta Fourth in the Park celebration and at Alpine Lake's Music Festival on July 9th. 3 ALPINE ANNUAL CRAFT SHOW by Mary Bowers Calling all Alpine Crafters...Have you been busy with a hobby this winter and spring or have extra items made that you are wondering what you are ever going to do with them? Offer them up for sale at the Annual Craft Show on Sept 3rd in the Lodge. Many interested buyers come out looking for unique items for themselves or as Christmas gifts. Last year was very successful for 11 crafty Alpine folk so think about joining us this year! The fee is minimal, covering advertising costs only. It is not too early to reserve a table. Please call Donna at 304-789-6369 or email donnab1944@aol.com for more information. BOAT LAUNCHING REMINDER by John Laing There is one area, the boat area near the boathouse, authorized for launching and landing boats. Our lake shores are sensitive areas and erosion is a continuing problem. Please do not launch or land boats from other areas. FLYING THE AMERICAN FLAG by John Laing If you are patriotic enough to fly an American flag, please fly it respectfully. As a reminder on flag etiquette: If the flag is being used at a public or private estate, it should not be hung (unless at half-staff or when an allweather flag is displayed) during rain or violent weather. To place the flag at half-staff (or half-mast, on ships), hoist it to the peak for an instant and lower it to a position half way between the top and bottom of the staff. The flag is to be raised again to the peak for a moment before it is lowered. On Memorial Day, the flag is displayed at half-staff from sunrise until noon and at full staff from noon to sunset. ALPINE LEARNING PROGRAM by Norleen Hoadley The Alpine Learning Program’s first field trip of 2016 will be on Tuesday, June 28th, to the Lavender Farm in Accident, Maryland. The cost is $25 which includes lunch, tour and a lavender craft. A choice of three options for lunch will be listed on the sign-up sheet at the Lodge. Mark which option you prefer. The last date for signup is Sunday, June 26th. We will meet at 10am in the Lodge parking lot to carpool to the Lavender Farm. Prepayment is required. Checks can be made to ALP Treasurer, George Evans. Place “ALP-Lavender” in the memo line. Checks are the preferred method of payment. The cost is $25 per person. Lunches must be ordered in advance, hence the need for pre-payment. Give your check to Shelley, Kay or Crystal at the front desk. Payments are due by Sunday, June 26th. Reservations will be made ONLY for those who have prepaid! TERRA ALTA FOOD BANK There is an ongoing need to replenish supplies at our local food bank so please add your donations whenever you can to help this worthy cause. There is a box inside the front foyer of the Lodge for your convenience. Please continue to be generous in your giving. 4 GOLFING NEWS STROKERS by Skip & Dottie Creamer June 13th: The weather and the competition are heating up as 4 teams contested for weekly bragging rights. George Fetcho, Alpine’s oldest resident at 93 years of age, led his team to a one shot victory. The only thing George hasn’t done is jump in the lake from a helicopter! Each Monday at 4pm try your luck to knock off George or even be paired with him. After playing, enjoy dinner, hear stories, jokes, gossip, whatever. Answer the question posed and win a FREE dinner. It’s a great night and has been going strong for 23 years. No experience necessary. C’mon out! 1st George Fetcho Carl Donald -1 Lough Cosner Trish Birch 2nd Dan & Julia August +1 Ann Dunson 3rd Bernie & Birgit Stock +2 Denise Kerr John Bower June 20th: Monday evening, summer Strokers, sunny skies and smiles means it’s Alpine at its best! Jim and Barbara Herndon played for their first time. Hal and Becky Meacham had visitors from Florida and Darrell Shaffer. All competed along with fifteen others tonight. 1st 2nd Skip Creamer Dan August Darrell Schaffer Sue Aamodt Carl Donald Boyd Weiss -4 John Bowers Lough Cosner -3 3rd Andy & Tamara Beardley Jim & Barbara Herndon Come on out on Monday at 4pm. Also, we will play on July 4th at 3:30pm. For more info, call Dottie/Skip (304) 789-2766. Try to win a FREE dinner. ALLGO RESULTS FOR 9 JUNE 2016 by Sue Aamodt ODDS AND EVENS (Odd Front & Even Back Holes Counted for Score): 18 Holes: 1st – Ann Dunson –49 Birdie: None 2 – Diana Nevin – 54 nd 3rd – Bev Serpone – 57 9 Holes: Chip-In: 1st - Connie Shaffer – 30 Jenni Mills – #4 Ann Dunson – #10 2 – Cindy Sturm – 33 nd 3rd – Birgit Stock – 34 ALLGO RESULTS FOR 16 JUNE 2016 by Sue Aamodt TRUE AND FALSE (Only Handicap Adjusted Scores for Holes That Begin With “T” and “F” Counted for Score): 18 Holes: 9 Holes: 1st – Ann Dunson – 22 2nd – Vicki Mastalerz – 24 3rd – Sue Aamodt – 25 1st – Charlotte Wiles – 14 2nd – Jenni Mills – 15 3rd – Dottie Creamer and Cindy Sturm – 17 Birdie: None Chip-In: None 5 SENIOR GOLF LEAGUE by Skip Creamer Ken Reel flexed his muscles shooting a 75. His next competitor was Chas Minor with an 83. Skip took 3rd place with an 88. Playing in a High-Low format, those players finished in that order with Lough Cosner – Larry Layman tying for the 4th. The Race to the Lake saw its third change at the top in four weeks with Skip Creamer leaping into 1st. MEMBER’S SCRAMBLE June 14th: 1st: Larry Layman Lough Cosner Gary Horsey Ann Dunson 2nd: Skip Creamer Bev Serpone -2 Howard Witte -6 SENIOR MEN GOLF by Skip Creamer June 22nd: This week, three man teams counted total putts for the round. 1st (Tie) Skip Creamer Gary Cox Dean Reger 98 Carl Donald Dick McCurdy Jack Keim 2nd (Tie) Larry Layman 102 Jerry Edens Gary Horsey Lough Cosner Howard Witte Steve Steffan The yearlong point race has Skip Creamer on top with 50. Larry Layman Lough Cosner 42 32 Gary Horsey 25 Steve Steffan 22 Jack Keim 21 Jerry Edens 20 The top six spots earn rewards. The current pot is fifty dollars. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATION COMMITTEE by Charlotte Wiles The 2016-17 Phone Directory is ready and will be distributed at the upcoming Annual Meeting. The first copy is free and any additional copies will cost $2 each. There is also a $2 charge if you wish to have it mailed. In the event you will not be attending the Annual Meeting, copies will be available at the front desk of the Lodge. Also, there is a digital version available at www.alpinelake.com for your convenience under your property owner login (see “Member Directory”). 6 GOLF COMMITTEE by Carl Donald, Chairman The Golf Committee for the 2016 season was formed early this calendar year. The members are Trish Birch, Treasurer, Jerry Edens, Chas Minor, and Carl Donald, Chairman. Gary Cox is our Board liaison. Before the golf season commenced, we had separate meetings with the general manager, the golf manager, the marketing director, and course superintendent. Early in the season, we were privileged to meet with Chip McDonald. Chip is a property owner at Alpine, has done work on our golf course in the past, has prepared golf courses throughout the U.S. for professional golfing events, and has remained a willing and able advisor to Alpine Lake. The general manager and Gary Cox attended all of these meetings. All of us who have responsibilities related to golf at Alpine want golf to be an attraction for property owners and the public. Our goal is to make it a profitable amenity. However, for the second consecutive year, we have had a very wet spring. Therefore, we have some “catching up” to do! 5th ANNUAL MUSIC FESTIVAL by Rich Nelson, Co-Chairman Marketing Committee The deadline is fast approaching for the discounted $20 entrance fee. If you want to avoid the post-deadline $25 charge, place your ticket order no later than 2nd July. Purchase your tickets at the front desk of the Lodge, go to WVSummerMusic.com to purchase your tickets online, or call (304) 789-2481 Ext. 0 to purchase your tickets over the phone and pick them up the day of the event! PROPERTY OWNER’S COMMITTEE by Bernie and Birgit Stock The Carry-In Picnic held at the Boathouse on 6/16, was well attended as over 60 PO's and guests enjoyed good food, friends and lots of rain. The storm hit just before we ate, but the wind curtains saved us... mostly. We'll be better prepared next time and listen to the prognosticators. Next month we'll be collecting school items (7/21) at the Picnic. Stay tuned as to the things needed. Food items continue to be collected in the blue box at the front entrance to the Lodge, so please keep on giving. Aluminum cans (only) are still being accepted at the bin near the cart barn. Please proceed cautiously when you deliver them. Thanks to the Hoadleys for heading up the Solstice Party. Thanks to the Creamers for running the STROKERS on Monday nights. Thanks to the folks who worked at the Boathouse last Friday and made the place "sparkle" and thanks to all who take pride in OUR community by rolling up their sleeves and getting things done. There's always lots to do. Lots of activities in and around ALPINE, so read the FWIW, Shadowboxes, local media reports, etc., and wordof-mouth. POC sponsored events coming up: Carry-in Picnic (7/21), YARD SALE (8/3,4,5,6), Labor Day Picnic (9/4), and OKTOBERFEST (9/17,18). Fill in the spaces with FUN on and around the Campus. 7 NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS COMMITTEE by Boris Nazaroff 2016 Board of Directors Positions The following members of the ALPOA in good standing have officially announced their candidacy for the ALPOA board: Pat Arnone Xaver Gramkow Craig Stevens Ginger Tucker We thank them for their willingness to serve and wish them well. Their biographies were provided in the Newsletter and in the Community Chat. “Meet the Candidates Night” will be held at 7pm on June 24, 2016 at the Lodge. They will be elected at the ALPOA annual meeting to be held at 10am on Saturday June 25, 2016, at the Lodge. The deadline for absentee ballots was 5pm, June 22, 2016. BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE by Sally Rocchi and Wilma Rumble There will be a Beautification Committee meeting on Wednesday, July 13th, at 11am in the Rhododendron Room. ECC by Dick Gallagher The ECC is currently compiling a list of “Failure to Maintain” properties. If you know of a property that you think might qualify, please e-mail ecc@alpinelake.com us or drop a note in our mailbox in the lodge. Include the street address so we can do a drive-by to assess the property. Our office has been moved to the lower level of the Lodge. We meet on Thursday mornings at 8am. SECURITY by Fuzzy Corum, Director of Security Remember to watch your speed on the roads in Alpine Lake. Radar is being set up around the resort. All roads are 25 mph with the exception of the Lodge, Boathouse and beach which are 15 mph. Also, when entering the gate and there are cars backed up, please do not go around cars on the right and do not go through the exit. 8 FROM MANAGEMENT & STAFF Linette Sines – Interim General Manager We have another exciting week in store at Alpine Lake! Thursday night will be our next Open Mic Night at the Boathouse. The theme for this week will be “Love Songs”. Remember, both performers and spectators are welcome, so BYOW (bring your own whatever), and enjoy an evening of music. Just a quick reminder that we will be hosting a Golf Tournament for Camp Dawson on Friday, so the course will be busy – be sure to call ahead for a tee time if you plan to golf that day. We are also hosting the Mountaineer Ladies Golf Group on Monday -so tee times will be limited that day as well. Friday night is “Meet the Candidates Night” This is a great opportunity to ask the candidates questions before our annual election. The forum will begin at 7pm in the Allegheny Room (lower level of the Lodge). I encourage you to stop by SEASONS and enjoy dinner before the event. Don’t forget that SEASONS now has 5 gaming machines located in the upper portion of the lounge. Feel free to stop by and have a try at your luck. The Annual Meeting will begin at 10am on Saturday in the main dining room. ALPUC will begin their meeting at 9am. Be sure to come a little early to register and obtain your ballot. This year, the ballot is lengthy, so we have made a preview available in the “Property Owner’s Only” section of the website. The Boathouse, Boathouse Gazebo and the Beach Pavilion are all rented for private parties on Saturday and will be unavailable for general property owner use. On Sunday, be sure to check out the annual House Tour, sponsored by the Beautification Committee. Tickets are available at the Front Desk. This committee has done a great job of sprucing up the front of the Lodge, and I encourage you to help them fund future projects by purchasing a ticket. A portion of the proceeds will also go to the Terra Alta East Preston Leo’s Club, sponsored by our local Lion’s Club. If you have signed up for the Alpine Learning Program’s trip to Lavender Farms, please remember that you must pay your registration fee and submit your lunch choice by this Sunday. For more information, contact Norleen Hoadley at norleenhoadely@gmail.com. If you are looking for a way to keep fit, feel free to join a group of your fellow property owners who meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8am to do aqua aerobics in the pool. This is a free activity and all are welcome. They use a pre-recorded CD to lead them in their exercises. Lastly, with the new pavement on East Alpine Drive, it may be tempting for many owners to drive faster but please remember that speed limits inside the property are 25mph (15mph near the lodge, boathouse and beach). Security will be out enforcing these limits to help keep everyone safe. ALPUC NEWS by Kim Mayne, General Manager The Annual Meeting is here! We hope to see you all at 9am on Saturday, June 25th, at the Lodge for the ALPUC Annual Meeting. We are excited to share information about accomplishments during the last year, plans for the upcoming year, as well as share helpful information. Kay Bayer will serve another 3 year term on the ALPUC Board. Board Members are: Jim Wachter, Dave Tucker, Mike Kubina, Boris Nazaroff and Kay Bayer. Although no other member wished to run for Kay Bayer’s expiring term this year, be thinking if you would be willing to serve next year as we’ll have two board positions expiring. Your ALPUC bill will be mailed out June 30th and will include information on backflow prevention. Please feel free to contact our office if you have any questions. 9 ALPOA BOARD NEWS BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORT by Ginger Tucker, President It’s summer at Alpine Lake and despite a brief rain shower members ushered in the solstice by attempting a moonlight kayak/canoe float. The clouds hid the moon so they enjoyed snacks and comradery instead. This is just one example of the activities at Alpine Lake. We updated another amenity on 11th June when the mini-golf course was delivered. More than 30 volunteers quickly positioned and completed construction within 3 hours. The mini-golf company representative said he had never had so many volunteers nor had it ever gone together so quickly. Thank you volunteers, you know who you are! All property owners and their guests (when the owner is present) play free while renters, motel guests and the public pay $2.50 for children 12 and under and $4 for adults and teens per day. Many members have noticed the pool decking paint is peeling. Sherwin Williams is replacing the paint at no cost with an epoxy designed for indoor pools with standing water. We will paint the decking during the fall season as we will have to close the pool/Fitness Center for one week for the paint to cure properly. We need to remind property owners that dogs (other than service dogs) are not permitted at the beach or picnic areas around the Boathouse. We have authorized a dog swimming area off of Bluebell Drive and will be erecting signs identifying the designated area. The Board asks property owners to send letters to the Public Service Commission (PSC) regarding your satisfaction/dissatisfaction with Preston Sanitation. We approved the following new committee members and chairs: Compliance: o Marg Gearhart o Teddy Cox, Chair Finance: o Randy Law, Chair ECC o Jim Rocchi o Kurt Engel, Chair Please plan to attend the Alpine Lake Fourth of July Picnic to be held on Monday 4th July at the Boathouse from Noon to 3pm. Please bring a covered dish to share and participate in the golf cart decorating contest and parade by reserving your golf cart at the pro shop. The parade starts promptly at 3pm from the Boathouse to the Lodge. It will then be followed by a Golf Strokers’ Sparkler Scramble that starts at 3:30pm with play commencing at 4pm. Come with your Patriotic Pride and celebrate! We remind everyone about Prodigi’s broadband offer. We still need to have 250 homes interested to be a spur off Route 7. Please notify Linette Sines if you are interested. We plan to have a table with Prodigi brochures at the annual meeting. 10 FREE CLASSIFIED ADS – “A Service for our Community” Editor’s Note: Ads will run in 4 issues, and then be deleted, unless new ones are resubmitted. This will be accomplished by inserting the date the ad was first run, with new ads at the top of the listing. Remember to notify me if your item is no longer available, too. Thank you. Home for Sale: 110 Pine Drive, Lot 54 Bavarian Sec. (At Lakes Edge Rental property) Alpine A-Frame, with loft and finished basement. 10 Year old Cedar Cabin for sale with partial view of the lake and walking path down to Beach and Boat House. Brand new hardwood floors and flooring, new Stainless Steel appliances, new Washer/Dryer, Hot Tub, great rental history. Includes shed and lots of furniture to start your rental or move right in. Call Helene Taylor @ (301) 514-6596. (6/22) Free: Two unopened T-460 laser printer toner cartridges for Brother printers. Call John Laing (304) 789-6120 (6/22) For Sale: 5 matching carpets – call Dottie Creamer at (304) 789-2766 (6/22) Needed: If anyone is getting rid of their electric stove, we could use it at the Boathouse. It must be in good condition. Call the Stocks (304) 789-2443. (6/10) For Sale: NEW IN BOX: Empire NON VENTED 24" log set 34,000 BTU w/remote control, easy hookup $550. Call Pat (304) 789 6520. (5/27) For Sale: NEW IN BOX for any heavy lawn equipment. Steel construction, safety lock, rubber platform, non-slip foot pedal hydraulic power, maneuverable and adjustable. Cost $200 - Sell $170, or M.O. Call (304) 789- 6520 or email mr.prp@hotmail.com (5/27) Home for Sale: I would like to sell my big, beautiful house at Alpine Lake (397 Betony Lane) and buy a small cabin here. If you are interested in seeing my house, or you have a small house to sell at Alpine, please call Marilyn at (304) 789-3134. (4/15) Insurance: Carrie See Insurance, located on Alpine Lake Rd. We offer great rates on homeowners and automobile insurance, annuities and investments, life insurance, and business operations coverage. Give us a call for a free quote! (304) 789-5585 or email carrieseeinsurance@gmail.com. (4/15)* Tax Services: Dorinda Kisner, CPA, and staff providing professional services for individuals, businesses, estates and trusts. Tax planning, compliance, estimated payments, consulting and accounting services locally in Terra Alta. Contact us at (304) 789-6082 or email at questions@kisnercpa.com (4/15)* Handyman Services – White Oak Works LLC ~ Property Maintenance, Lawn Care, & more! Call (304) 698-7710 (4/15)* Pet Sitting & House Checks. Call Kay Bayer (304) 789-2111 11 ALPINE LAKE LODGE HOURS EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY (NOTE CHANGES) FRONT DESK Sundays – Thursdays: 7am-7pm SEASONS LOUNGE Daily: 11am-9pm Fridays & Saturdays: 7am-9pm SEASONS DINING ROOM PRO SHOP Breakfast: Fridays – Sundays: 7am-10:30am DAILY: 7am-6pm (weather permitting) FITNESS CENTER OPEN DAILY from 7am – 10pm POOL OPEN DAILY from 8am-9pm DATES TO REMEMBER (A handy summary of dates to put on your calendar now) Please note that the following events occur weekly on the day and time noted: Mon., Wed. & Fri. 9am -10am – FUN-FIT Aerobics Classes, Lodge, Allegheny Room Mondays 10am - 3pm – Sew Together, Boathouse Wednesdays 10am – Needlework Club - Rhododendron Room, Lunch Follows 6 -7pm - Jammers – Rhododendron Room (except the first Wed. of each month) 7pm – Property Owners Game Night, Boathouse Thursdays Thursdays 8:30 a.m. - ALLGO Ladies' Golf - Rhododendron Room (18/9/Golf Buddies) 10am - Noon – Braille Workshop – Rhododendron Room 6pm – 9pm- Open Mic – Boathouse 6pm – 9pm – Karaoke – SEASONS Note: Dump Open: Tues/Thurs 7am – 4pm & Saturdays 7am-4pm T.A. Recycling Plant Open: Tues/Thurs 8am–4pm, and Saturdays 8am ‘til Noon Also – monthly events: 2nd Sunday of each month – 7am – 1pm – Kingwood VFD Breakfast 3rd Saturday of each month – 9am – ALPUC Board Meeting (meets March, June’s annual mtg., Sept., Nov.) 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month: 7pm - East Preston Lions Club Meeting First Tuesday meeting is held at Shorthorns Third Tuesday meeting is in the Rhododendron room 12 ALPUC ANNUAL MEETING Saturday, June 25th @ 9am ALPOA ANNUAL MEETING Saturday, June 25th @ 10am COMING EVENTS (Please put on your calendar now – don’t miss a thing – watch for more details): Fri., June 24th Fri., July 8th – 7pm – “Meet the Candidates Night” – Allegheny Room – Lodge Next FWIW published – submit articles by Wednesday, July 6th Sat., June 25th - 9am – ALPUC Annual Mtg. - Lodge Sat., June 25th - 10am – ALPOA Annual Mtg. – Lodge Sun., June 26th - 12pm-5pm - Annual Alpine Lake Home Tour Mon., June 27th - Women’s Mountaineer League – Alpine Lake Tues., June 28th - 10am – Lavender Farm – Meet at Lodge parking lot to carpool Wed., June 29th - 11am – Egg Delivery - Lodge Thurs., July 21st - Garden Club Trip – Flight 93 Memorial & Bedford Village Mon., July 4th - Noon – 3pm – 4th of July Picnic @ Boathouse Wed., July 6th - Women’s Mountaineer League – Sunny Croft, Clarksburg, WV Fri., July 8th - Open Social Hour w/Carrie See in Seasons’ small dining room Fri., July 8th - Open Breakfast Buffet – SEASONS’ Restaurant Sat., July 9th - Open Breakfast Buffet – SEASONS ‘Restaurant Sat., July 9th - Noon – 8:30pm - 5th Annual Music Festival, Alpine Lake Sun., July 10th - Open Breakfast Buffet – SEASONS’ Restaurant Wed., July 13th - 11am - Beautification Mtg. – Rhododendron Rm. Wed., July 13th - Women’s Mountaineer League – Green Hills, Fairmont, WV Thurs., July 14th - Dance to a DJ in SEASONS’ large dining room Thurs., July 28th - Women’s Mountaineer League – The Pines, Morgantown, WV Thurs., August 18th - Women’s Mountaineer League – Bridgeport Country Club, Bridgeport, WV 13 14 15 16
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