zde - Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací
zde - Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací
8. výroční konference ČAKK / 8th CACC Annual Conference CZECH BROADBAND COMMUNICATIONS CACC 2007 – The 2006 Review and its legal and regulatory consequences – 23. – 24. dubna / April 23 & 24 CONFERENCE ORGANIZER : ČAKK / CACC Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague info@cacc.cz, www.cacc.cz Každý mu přijde na chuť ! HustlerObalka_final.indd 1 CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 1 4.4.2007 15:32:03 23:03:34 19.4.2007 CZECH BROADBAND COMMUNICATIONS CACC 2007 is made possible with the co-operation of the following companies: SUPPORTING SPONSORS COFFEE-BREAKS SPONSORS LUNCH SPONSOR EVENING GALA RECEPTION SPONSOR PANEL DISCUSSIONS SPONSORS MEDIA PARTNERS 01 PATRONAGE Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 2 19.4.2007 15:32:05 O B S A H S T R A N A Uvítací slovo prezidenta ČAKK ............................................................................................................................... Program konference (v češtině) .................................................................................................................... 04-09 Program konference (v angličtině) Seznam sponzorů, vystavovatelů a mediálních partnerů konference ProÞl ČAKK ............................................................................................................. 10-15 ............................................................................................................... 16-30 .............................................................................................................................................................................. Přihláška za člena ČAKK 03 .............................................................................................................................................. C O N T E N T S 32 P A G E The CACC President´s Welcome Address Conference Programme (in Czech) 31 ...................................................................................................... 03 .............................................................................................................. 04-09 Conference Programme (in English) .......................................................................................................... 10-15 List of the conference sponsors, exhibitors and media partners .................................................................................................................................................. 16-30 CACC ProÞle ........................................................................................................................................................................... CACC Membership Application Form ................................................................................................................. 31 33 Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 3 02 19.4.2007 15:32:07 Vítám vás na 8. výroční konferenci ČAKK. Jsem potěšen, že vás mohu opět uvítat v Praze. Moji kolegové a já se těšíme, jak doufáme, na podnětnou konferenci bohatou svým programem, na největší a nejzajímavější kabelově-televizní, mediální a elektronicko-komunikační představení v České republice v tomto roce. V 2007 roce se zaměřujeme na revizi předpisového rámce elektronických komunikací a na s související otázky a problémy. Změny, které formují elektronické komunikace, jsou nevyzývavějšími událostmi v našich životech, pojďmež tedy sdílet své úvahy, myšlenky i starosti. Všichni nepochybně sledujete změny, které mají vztah k sítím založeným na IP, jakož i k „triple play“ či „quadruple play“, a jejich dopad jak na nás, tak na průmyslové odvětví. Konvergence dramaticky ovlivňuje prostředí elektronických komunikací a my jsme si všichni vědomi, že cesta vpřed povede prostřednictvím služeb IP a IMS a bouřlivými vodami sítí a služeb nové generace. Výroční konference ČAKK nabízejí jedinečnou platformu pro odborné diskuze, cenné prezentace a také k vzájemnému setkávání – které je tak důležité v rychle se proměňujícím světě. Když jsme připravovali program této konference, měli jsme na paměti činnost odvětví v celosvětovém měřítku, s dopady na konkurenční situaci na evropské (a také na české) trhy. Nechť se vám tedy konference líbí a ať je pro nás všechny přínosem! Zdeněk Vaníček prezident občanského sdružení Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací člen představenstva CABLE EUROPE Welcome to CACC´s 8th annual conference. It is great to see you again in Prague. My colleagues and I look forward to, as we hope, an exciting as well as eventfull conference, the biggest and the most interesting cable TV-, media-, and electronic communications show in the Czech Republic throughout 2007. This year we will primarilly focus on the 2006 Review and on all related issues and topics. Changes that are shaping electronic communications are the most challenging features in our lives, so let us share our thoughts, ideas, and concerns. No doubt you are all following all the activities related to IP based networks, and triple and quadruple play, and its impact on us and the industry. Convergence is dramatically changing the shape of the electronic communications landscape and we all know that IP and IMS services as well as NGN and services are the way forward. CACC annual conferences offer a unique platform for expert discussions, valuable presentations, and also for networking – so important in our fast changing world. The activity of the industry worldwide, with consequences for the competitive situation in the European (and also Czech) markets, is what we had in mind when preparing the conference programme. Enjoy it and have a nice conference in beautiful Spring Prague! Zdeněk Vaníček President of the Czech Association of Competitive Communications CABLE EUROPE Board member PLEASE ENSURE YOU KEEP YOUR PERSONAL BELONGINGS, CONFERENCE WORKBOOK AND NOTES WITH YOU AT THE END OF EACH DAY AS CACC CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ITEMS LEFT IN THE CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION AREA 03 Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 4 19.4.2007 15:32:07 P R O G R A M Pod záštitou: Rektora ČVUT Prof. Ing. VÁCLAVA HAVLÍČKA, CSc. Ministra vnitra a ministra informatiky MUDr. Mgr. IVANA LANGERA GENERÁLNÍ SPONZOR KONFERENCE: PONDĚLÍ 23. dubna 2007 den společnosti 08.00 – 18.00 Registrace – registrační stůl 09.00 – 18.00 Výroční konference ČAKK Hlavní sál sponzoruje společnost Internetový koutek sponzoruje společnost Moderátor konference: Evžen Staněk 08.00 – 09.00 Ranní káva - foyer konferenčního sálu 09.00 – 09.45 Zahájení 8. výroční konference ČAKK Přivítaní a úvodní vystoupení prezidenta ČAKK OÞciální zahájení konference Prof. Václav Havlíček – rektor Českého vysokého učení technického v Praze Pavel Dvořák – předseda Rady Českého telekomunikačního úřadu Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 5 04 19.4.2007 15:32:07 09.45 – 11.15 Panelová diskuze I Revize evropského předpisového rámce elektronických komunikací z roku 2002 a nové Doporučení Komise o relevantních trzích Implementuje ČR evropské právní předpisy dobře a úplně? 12. implementační zpráva Komise Revize předpisového rámce elektronických komunikací v roce 2006 Nové Doporučení Komise o relevantních trzích Co ukázala „Revize 2006“ – jaké budou její právní a regulační dopady? Příklady a poučení do budoucna Úvodní slovo: Wolf-Dietrich Grussmann – zástupce vedoucího odboru B2 generálního ředitelství Evropské komise pro informační společnost a media (DG INFSO & Media) Reinald Krueger – zástupce vedoucího odboru generálního ředitelství pro hospodářskou soutěž Evropské komise Účastníci: Wolf-Dietrich Grussmann Reinald Krueger Malcolm Harbour – poslanec Evropského parlamentu Gary Waller – poslanec dolní sněmovny Britského parlamentu (1979 – 1997) a předseda stálé ICT komise Sněmovny obcí (1992 – 1997) Michal Frankl - člen Rady Českého telekomunikačního úřadu Zdeněk Vaníček – prezident ČAKK Moderátor: Richard Harris 11.15 – 11.30 Prezentace T-Mobile Czech Republic - Richard Stonavský, manažer regulace 11.30 – 11.45 Prezentace ASTRA CEE - Leszek Bujak, Business Development Manager „Satelit – efektivní prostředek pro komunikaci a zábavu. Nová služba Triple-Play přes ASTRU.“ 11.45 – 12.30 Polední káva Prezentace sponzorů: 12.30 – 12.40 SPI International – Ivan Hronec, General Manager „NONSTOP KINO HD – první Þlmový HD kanál ve střední Evropě“ 12.40 – 12.50 Zonemedia – Philip Mordecai, Commercial Sales Manager 12.50 – 13.00 VIASAT – Viera Červenáková, Sales Manager „VIASAT v ČR a na Slovensku“ 05 Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 6 19.4.2007 15:32:08 13.00 – 14.30 Panelová diskuze II Revize směrnice TVWF Stav revize směrnice TVWF Souvislost s „Revizí 2006“ Dopad na relevantní trhy elektronických komunikací Směrnice TVWF a služby ve veřejném zájmu Úvodní slovo: Graham King – Senior Corporate Counsel, Liberty Global Legal and Public Policy Team Účastníci: Senátor Jiří Oberfalzer - předseda Stálé komise Senátu pro sdělovací prostředky Poslanec Vítězslav Jandák - předseda Stálé komise pro sdělovací prostředky PS Jaromír Talíř – první náměstek ministra kultury Vladimíra Chlandová – předsedkyně představenstva ČAKK Petra Smolíková – vrchní ředitelka sekce A, Ministerstvo kultury Petr JoseÞ – Senior právník, T-Mobile Czech Republic Vladimír Kroupa - advokát Moderátor: Jan Kramosil 14.30 – 16.00 Oběd – restaurace Loreta Prezentace sponzorů: 16.00 – 16.10 National Geographic Channel – Lada Dobrkovská, marketingová konzultantka 16.10 – 16.20 Total Media – Stephanie Murdoch-Meyer, Director 16.20 – 16.30 Discovery - Katie Merriam, Commercial Manager 16.30 – 17.45 Panelová diskuze III Digitalizace vysílání v České republice Syndikovaný výzkumný program digitálního televizního vysílání v letech 2006 – 2010 Obsah syndikovaného výzkumu, jeho první výsledky Jak se mění mapa digitálního vysílání v ČR Jak nové regulační prostředí ovlivňuje konkurenci mezi platformami rozhlasového a televizního vysílání Obsah, obsah, obsah … Vysílání a NGN Úvodní slovo: Jiří Peterka – nezávislý konzultant a publicista, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta Univerzity Karlovy Účastníci: Pavel Dvořák – předseda Rady Českého telekomunikačního úřadu Václav Žák – předseda Rady pro rozhlasové a televizní vysílání Zdeněk Duspiva – národní koordinátor digitálního vysílání v ČR Jiří Balvín – předseda Asociace digitálních televizí Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 7 06 19.4.2007 15:32:08 Martin Kubacki – Managing Director, ASTRA CEE Ondřej Zach – ředitel HBO Česká republika Aleš Janků - předseda sdružení DIGI MONITOR Jan Dašovský - místopředseda představenstva ČAKK Moderátor: Tomáš Nielsen 17.45 – 18.30 Večerní káva 18.30 Závěr prvního konferenčního dne 20.00 – 23.00 Večerní gala recepce & Přivítání hostů Udělení výročních cen ČAKK za rok 2006 Kulturní program Our Audience Means Business BLOOMBERG TELEVISON ® Bloomberg is the world’s leading source of data, news and analytics for corporations, news organizations, financial professionals and individual investors. Bloomberg’s global media services include BLOOMBERG NEWS®, with more than 1,600 journalists in 127 bureaus worldwide; BLOOMBERG TELEVISION®, a 24-hour business and financial network distributed across 10 channels in seven languages; and BLOOMBERG RADIOSM, which provides up-to-the-minute news. The BLOOMBERG TELEVISION and BLOOMBERG RADIO services are syndicated to more than 800 affiliates worldwide, generating thousands of news reports that are made available to Bloomberg users in real-time via the BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL® service and syndicated to more than 350 newspapers and publications. Elérhetoségünk: Agnes Paraskeva Telephone: +44 20 7673 2048 E-mail: aparaskeva2@bloomberg.net Bloomberg: City Gate House 39-45 Finsbury Square London EC2A 1PQ Web: www.bloomberg.com Television Radio Internet Print ©2007 Bloomberg L.P. All rights reserved. 23269525 0307 07 Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 8 19.4.2007 15:32:08 ÚTERÝ 24. dubna 2007 den společnosti 08.00 – 09.00 Registrace – registrační stůl v konferenčním foyer 09.00 – 18.00 Konference – 2. den Hlavní sál sponzoruje společnost Internetový koutek sponzoruje společnost 09.00 – 18.00 Individuální schůzky, debaty a setkání – salónky a stánky Moderátor konference: Evžen Staněk 08.00 – 09.15 Ranní káva 09.15 Zahájení druhého konferenčního dne 09.30 – 10.00 Zásadní vystoupení předsedy ÚOHS na úvod druhého konferenčního dne 10.00 – 11.30 Panelová diskuze IV Hospodářská soutěž, elektronické komunikace a svět rozhlasového a televizního vysílání Hlavní zásady soutěžních pravidel Evropské právo o hospodářské soutěži Stav ochrany hospodářské soutěže v sektoru elektronických komunikací Platí pravidla soutěžního práva také v sektoru vysílání? Úvodní slovo: Martin Pecina – předseda Úřadu pro ochranu hospodářské soutěže Účastníci: Martin Pecina Jana Fürstová - členka Rady Českého telekomunikačního úřadu Poslanec Karel Sehoř – místopředseda Hospodářského výboru PS Petr Mlsna – vedoucí Sekretariátu Legislativní rady vlády Miroslav Uřičař – General Legal Counsel, T-Mobile Czech Republic Radek Pokorný – Senior Partner, AK Pokorný, Wagner & spol. Moderátor: Luděk Vrána 11.30 – 11.45 Prezentace společnosti ScientiÞc-Atlanta, A Cisco Company Michael Olsen – Sales Manager 11.45 – 11.55 Prezentace společnosti Jetix - Lada Dobrkovská, marketingová konzultantka Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 9 08 19.4.2007 15:32:11 11.55 – 12.05 Prezentace společnosti BBC Prime John Anderson – Sales & Distribution Executive for BBC Prime 12.05 – 13.30 Polední pohoštění 13.30 – 15.00 Rada Českého telekomunikačního úřadu hovoří s podnikatelskou obcí elektronických komunikací Úvodní slovo: Zdeněk Vaníček - prezident ČAKK Účastníci: členové rady ČTÚ Pavel Dvořák, Michal Frankl, Jana Fürstová, Marcela Gürlichová, Petr Štěpánek Václav Bartoň – generální ředitel společnosti UPC Česká republika, zasloužilý člen ČAKK Roland Mahler – generální ředitel T-Mobile Czech Republic Jiří Nykodým – generální ředitel společnost Alcatel-Lucent David Šita – výkonný ředitel pro regulaci a propojování, Telefónica O2 Czech Republic Moderátor: Václav Moravec 15.00 – 15.15 Závěrečné vystoupení prezidenta ČAKK a hlavního organizátora výroční konference 15.30 Pohoštění na cestu domů 17.00 Závěr 8. výroční konference ČAKK Program a řečníci potvrzeni ke dni 15. dubna 2007 *Změny programu vyhrazeny. 09 Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 10 19.4.2007 15:32:11 P R O G R A M M E Patronage: Czech Technical University in Prague Ministry of Informatics Czech Republic GENERAL CONFERENCE SPONSOR: MONDAY 23 April 2007 conference day of 08.00 – 18.00 Registration – registration desk in Belvedere Foyer 09.00 – 18.00 CACC Annual Conference Conference hall sponsored by Internet Corner Sponsor Conference Chairman: Evžen Staněk 08.00 – 09.00 Welcome and get-together coffee-break 09.00 – 09.45 Opening of the 8th CACC Annual Conference The CACC President´s introduction and welcome address OfÞcial opening of the conference Prof. Václav Havlíček – Rector, Czech Technical University in Prague Pavel Dvořák – Chairman, Council of the Czech Telecommunications OfÞce Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 11 10 19.4.2007 15:32:11 09.45 – 11.15 Panel discussion I The Review of the 2002 Regulatory Framework of Electronic Communications and a Revised Commission Recommendation on Relevant Markets Does the Czech Republic implement European law fully and properly? 12th Report The 2006 Review of the electronic communications framework New Commission Recommendation on relevant markets Legal and regulatory consequences of the 2006 Review Lessons to be drawn… Introduction: Wolf-Dietrich Grussmann – Deputy Head of B2 Unit, DG Information Society & Media, European Commission Reinald Krueger – Deputy Head of Unit „Telecommunications and post, information society Coordination“, Competition Directorate-General, European Commission Participants: Wolf-Dietrich Grussmann Reinald Krueger Malcolm Harbour – MEP Gary Waller – Former MP, House of Commons (1979 – 1997) and Chairman of the House of Commons Select Committee for Information Michal Frankl – Member, Council of the Czech Telecommunications OfÞce Zdeněk Vaníček - CACC President Chair: Richard Harris 11.15 – 11.30 T-Mobile Czech Republic presentation Richard Stonavský, Head of Regulatory Affairs 11.30 – 11.45 ASTRA CEE presentation - Leszek Bujak, Business Development Manager “Satellite – an effective mean for communication and entertainment. New Triple-Play service via ASTRA” 11.45 – 12.30 Midday coffee-break Sponsors´ presentations: 12.30 - 12.40 SPI International – Ivan Hronec, General Manager „NONSTOP KINO HD – The Þrst HD Þlm channel in the Central Europe“ 12.40 – 12.50 Zonemedia – Philip Mordecai, Commercial Sales Manager 12.50 - 13.00 VIASAT – Viera Červenáková, Sales Manager “VIASAT in Czech Republic and Slovakia” 11 Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 12 19.4.2007 15:32:12 13.00 – 14.30 Panel discussion II The Review of the Television without Frontiers Directive New „Audiovisual without Frontiers“ Directive The revised TVWF Directive and the 2006 Review of eletronic communications framework Consequences on electronic communications relevant markets The revised TVWF Directive and public interest services Introduction: Graham King – Senior Corporate Counsel, Liberty Global Legal and Public Policy Team Participants: Senator Jiří Oberfalzer – Chairperson of Senate Media Committee Vítězslav Jandák MP - Chairman of the Standing Committee for Media, the House of Deputies of the Parliament Jaromír Talíř – First Deputy Minister of Culture Vladimíra Chlandová - Chairperson of the CACC Board of Directors Petra Smolíková – Director, Ministry of Culture Petr JoseÞ - Senior Lawyer, T-Mobile Czech Republic Vladimír Kroupa - Attorney Chair: Jan Kramosil 14.30 – 16.00 Buffet Lunch - Loreta Restaurante Sponsors´ presentations: 16.00 – 16.10 National Geographic Channel – Lada Dobrkovská, Marketing Consultant 16.10 – 16.20 Total Media – Stephanie Murdoch-Meyer, Director 16.20 – 16.30 Discovery – Katie Merriam, Commercial Manager 16.00 – 17.45 Panel discussion III Digital Broadcast in the Czech Republic A syndicated research programme of the digital television broadcast in the period between 2006 and 2010 Syndicate research of transition to digital TV broadcast Changes on a map of digital TV broadcast in the Czech Republic New regulatory environment and its impact on competition among broadcast platforms Content, content, content… Brodcasting and NGN Introduction: Jiří Peterka – Consultant & Writer, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague Participants: Pavel Dvořák – Chairman, Council of the Czech Telecommunications OfÞce Václav Žák – Chairman, Council for Radio and Television Broadcasting Zdeněk Duspiva – National Coordinator for Digital Broadcasting Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 13 12 19.4.2007 15:32:12 Jiří Balvín – Chairman, Association of Digital Televisions Martin Kubacki – Managing Director, Astra CEE Ondřej Zach – Country Manager, HBO Czech Republic Aleš Janků – Chairman, DIGI MONITOR Jan Dašovský - Deputy Chairman of the CACC Board of Directors Chair: Tomáš Nielsen 17.45 – 18.30 Late afternoon coffee-break 18.00 Close of the conference day one 20.00 – 23.00 Evening Gala Reception & Welcome CACC 2006 Annual Awards © Jean-Marie Hervio / Flash Press Entertainment Zúãastnûte se boje o ‰i‰at˘ míã na TV5MONDE ! Mistrovství svûta v ragby 2007 od 7. záfií do 20. fiíjna TV5MONDE naleznete v kabelovych ´ sítích, napr. ˇ UPC… Informace na www.tv5.org nebo s.cervenkova@seznam.cz 13 Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 14 19.4.2007 15:32:13 TUESDAY 24 April 2007 conference day of 08.00 – 09.00 Additional registration of participants 09.00 – 18.00 Conference Day Two Conference hall sponsored by Internet Corner Sponsor 09.00 – 18.00 Individual meetings and discussions – meeting rooms and booths Conference Chairman: Evžen Staněk 08.00 – 09.15 Morning coffee-break 09.15 Opening of the conference day two 09.30 – 10.00 Key-note address of Chairman of the OfÞce for the Protection of Economic Competition 10.00 – 11.30 Panel discussion IV Competition, Electronic Communications and the World of Radio and Television Broadcast Principles of competition rules Acquis and economic competition The protection of economic competition in the area of electronic communications Do economic competition rules apply also on brodcasting? Introduction: Martin Pecina – Chairman, OfÞce for the Protection of Economic Competition Participants: Martin Pecina Jana Fürstová - Member of the Council of the Czech Telecommunications OfÞce Karel Sehoř MP - Deputy Chairman of Economic Committee, Czech Parliament Petr Mlsna – Director of the Government Legislative Council Secretariat Miroslav Uřičař – General Legal Counsel, T-Mobile Czech Republic Radek Pokorný – Senior Partner, Pokorný, Wagner & spol. Chair: Luděk Vrána 11.30 – 11.45 ScientiÞc-Atlanta, A Cisco Company presentation - Michael Olsen, Sales Manager 11.45 – 11.55 Jetix presentation - Lada Dobrkovská, Marketing Consultant 11.55 – 12.05 BBC Prime presentation John Anderson – Sales & Distribution Executive for BBC Prime Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 15 14 19.4.2007 15:32:14 12.05 – 13.30 Noon refreshment 13.30 – 15.00 The Council of the Czech Telecommunications OfÞce (Czech NRA) talks to electronic communications industry leaders Introduction: Zdeněk Vaníček - CACC President Participants: Members of the Council of the Czech Telecommunications OfÞce Pavel Dvořák, Michal Frankl, Jana Fürstová, Marcela Gürlichová, Petr Štěpánek Václav Bartoň – CEO, UPC Czech Republic, CACC Honorary Member Roland Mahler – General Director, T-Mobile Czech Republic Jiří Nykodým – CEO, Alcatel-Lucent David Šita – Chief Regulation and Interconnection OfÞcer, Telefónica O2 Czech Republic Chair: Václav Moravec 15.00 – 15.15 Closing address of the CACC President 15.30 Refreshment 17.00 Close of the 8th CACC Annual Conference Programme and speakers conÞrmed as of 15. 04. 2007 * Right to alter the programme content and speakers reserved. 15 Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 16 19.4.2007 15:32:15 Asnet, s.r.o. is working since July 2004. The company has two main directions. Main direction we are the reseller and integrator of Enigma Systems Certex™ Technology scrambling systems. The second main direction of company is integration of digital TV systems, building new digital head end stations and integrations of CMTS to existing TV cable networks. Furthermore we are cable operator and MMDS operator as well. Lastly we do LAN networks, IP telephony and security camera surveillance systems. e-mail: asnet@asnet.sk www.asnet.sk ASTRA is the European leader in direct-to-home satellite broadcasting, combining performance, reliability and audience reach. ASTRA delivers over 1600 services to more than 107 million European homes. The ASTRA portfolio includes variety of international and domestic TV and radio services as well as direct-to-cable, occasional use and HDTV services (currently 23 HD channels on different ASTRA orbital positions). Telecom operators and service providers together with ASTRA can effectively offer last mile connectivity anywhere in Europe and beyond. ASTRA provides a reliable platform with totally secure methods for data package delivery, multimedia streaming services and broadband Internet services via satellite. Being a part of the SES group, ASTRA delivers satellite connections around the world. ASTRA CEE Pl. Pilsudskiego 2 PL 00-073 Warszawa tel. +48 22 332 78 50 fax +48 22 332 78 55 email: info.cee@ses-astra.com www.ses-astra.com Logo AXN About AXN Delivering top rated series, blockbuster features, Þrst-run sporting events and, reality programming, AXN is a leading international television destination among young adults 18-34. AXN is seen in 46 countries across Asia, Latin America, Europe and the Middle East, and is part of Sony Pictures Television International’s diverse portfolio of over 35 global networks. Sony Pictures Television International is a Sony Pictures Entertainment company. AXN in Czech Republic is distributed and marketed by HBO Czech Republic. AXN is distributed via cable, satellite and ADSL. For more information about AXN see: www.axn.cz. Logo BBC Prime BBC PRIME is a 24-hour entertainment channel for the whole family offering Great British programmes such as classic and modern dramas, the top children’s series and comedies – both old and new. There’s music, reallife documentaries, world-class natural history programmes, lifestyle series dealing with fashion, gardening and interior design. Overnight, there are Learning English programmes and an education service for all ages. It also offers Czech subtitling on it‘s prime-time entertainment schedule. There are over 2,500 hours of fresh new programming each year, with many of the UK‘s recent programmes. BBC PRIME is broadcast to over 22 million subscribers across Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia on cable and satellite. http://www.bbcprime.com Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 17 16 19.4.2007 15:32:16 Bloomberg is the world’s leading provider of Þnancial news & information, providing customers across the globe with the tools to facilitate investment decisions. Bloomberg News is an integrated media provider operating out of 127 news bureaus employing over 2000 journalists and distributing via TV, radio, print, web and mobile services. Bloomberg TV reaches over 200 million households globally via 10 channels broadcasting in 7 languages and providing 24hr coverage of the world’s Þnancial markets. In Europe, we offer 5 independent channels: English, German, French, Spanish and Italian. Bloomberg News’ wire service generates 4,000 breaking news stories every day, syndicated to 50 million readers through 350 publications. Bloomberg - a wealth of information. Contact: Agnes Paraskeva Tel: +44 20 7673 2048 Email: aparaskeva2@bloomberg.net Cinemax, the premium pay movie channel launched by HBO Central Europe in February 2005, is a complementary channel to HBO. Cinemax has a themed approach, focusing on a particular genre each day of the week. Cinemax includes top movies with top stars and award winning Þlms from around the world. Cinemax focuses on all time movie favorites, International and European Þlm festival hits and movies with top stars which have had limited theatrical releases. Cinemax broadcasts local language versions using the same localization approach as HBO. In Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia the channel is dubbed. In Poland the channel is voiced-over, and in Romania and Bulgaria the channel is subtitled. Cinemax airs 24 hours a day. The channel is distributed via cable, satellite and ADSL. www.cinemaxtv.cz Zdenek SAMEK CommScope -Territory Manager Eastern Europe Tel/FAX: +420 283 882 013 GSM: +420 603 489 480 zsamek@commscope.com Please also visit our Web: www.commscope.com Logo CorningCabelcon Corning Cabelcon is Europe’s largest and leading manufacturer of connectors, jumper cables, adapters and installation tools for CATV and Broadband applications. Premium class connectors for telecommunications such as GSM networks are also an important part of our business. Our customers count the most well-known broadband network operators all over Europe. Please contact us for more information on our products. Corning Cabelcon ApS Industriparken 10 DK-4760, Vordingborg, Denmark cabelcon@cabelcon.dk www.cabelcon.dk 17 Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 18 19.4.2007 15:32:17 Logo Deutsche Welle Deutsche Welle (DW) is Germany‘s international broadcasting service with DW-TV, DW-RADIO and DWWORLD.DE. Deutsche Welle promotes freedom of information, the programmes are to foster the peaceful coexistence of nations, and to serve as a bridge of understanding among peoples in the world. DW has gained an excellent reputation for reliability and credibility. The publicly funded institution in Germany is one of the Þve largest international broadcasting services in the world. All programmes can be received direct-to-home via a globe-spanning satellite network or via rebroadcasting partners. Deutsche Welle Distribution Europe Kurt-Schumacher-Straße 3 53113 Bonn Germany T+ 49 228 429 2735 F+ 49 228 429 2789 ursula.hettchen@dw-world.de www.dw-world.de Discovery Channel channel is braver than ever. With trademark high quality programming, it reaches deep in the human psyche with subjects that amaze, enthral, amuse and rouse emotions in even the hardest of characters. As leader and innovator in the Þeld, Discovery Channel is spearheading the evolution of the factual television genre. With an attractive audience of upscale 25-39 year old men, the Discovery Channel, is distributed in 170 countries and territories with nearly 1.5 billion subscription units. Animal Planet is the world‘s leading animal entertainment brand, Animal Planet reaches 195 million subscribers in more than 160 countries outside of the United States with programming customized in 24 languages. Offering intrigue, adventure, humor, relationships, life and death, Animal Planet is the only television network on the planet dedicated to people‘s fascination with animals. A joint venture between Discovery Communications and BBC Worldwide. Animal Planet launched in Asia in 1998 and is currently distributed to 114.5 million subscribers in over 20 countries and territories. Contact details: Zonemedia Czech, s.r.o. Radlická 608/2, 150 00 Prague 5 info@zonemedia.cz www.zonemedia.net E! Entertainment Television is your front-row seat to everything entertainment. Broadcasting direct from Hollywood 24/7, no one can match our exclusive celebrity access. From exclusive Red Carpet coverage to original series you won’t see anywhere else, we’re the ultimate Hollywood destination. Contacts: E! Entertainment 141 Wardour Street London, W1FOUT Brad Wald Managing Director, EMEA Tel: +44 207 297 5050 bwald@eentertainment.com Oliver Taprogge AfÞliate Sales Manager, EMEA Tel: +44 207 297 5053; Fax: +44 207 297 5060 otaprogge@eentertainment.com Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 19 18 19.4.2007 15:32:17 About EuroNews Launched in 1993 EuroNews is broadcast 24 hours a day, simultaneously in seven languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian. The European news channel reaches over 189 million households by cable, digital satellite and terrestrial distribution in 121 countries worldwide. The channel is also broadcast on 24 ADSL / High Speed Internet networks in 16 countries, on 29 mobile phone platforms in 17 countries across Europe (3G, VOD), and also broadcast live on board the aircraft of leading international airlines. EuroNews covers world news from a European perspective providing live breaking news as it happens with constantly updated bulletins on the hour and half hourly, containing in-depth coverage of the day‘s top news, sport, business and European affairs, together with a comprehensive weather forecast. EuroNews also brings a wide range of Current Affairs and Lifestyle features including space, science, sustainable development, web-news, arts and entertainment. www.euronews.net The Eurosport Group is today the leading multimedia platform in Europe with Eurosport, Eurosport 2 and eurosport.com. The pan-European channel Eurosport, available in 19 different languages, reaches over 105 million homes across 54 countries. Eurosport 2, the new sports channel, is already transmitted to 20 million households across 39 different countries. Following the tenth anniversary of the localization of Eurosport in Czech Republic, Eurosport is now available with 100% of the commentaries in Czech language and is distributed in the basic package of all major cable and DTH networks. Contact details: Zonemedia Czech, s.r.o. Radlická 608/2, 150 00 Prague 5 info@zonemedia.cz www.zonemedia.net FRANCE 24 is the Þrst French international news channel to broadcast on a 24/7 basis. Launched in December 2006, it brings a French perspective and sensibility to world news. Resolutely modern, FRANCE 24 extends its reach via a continually updated and comprehensive trilingual website in French, English and Arabic. Built upon a commitment to upholding cultural, political and economic diversity, FRANCE 24 offers groundbreaking images and news reports to provide a quality alternative on the international news scene. Contact details: Vincent Chabrier Distribution manager Tél: + Mob: + France 24- Beyond The News. www.france24.com 19 Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 20 19.4.2007 15:32:17 Logo HBO About HBO in Czech and Slovak Republics. Home Box OfÞce, America’s leading premium television network arrived in the Central European Region in 1991, providing basic and premium pay television entertainment channels. HBO was launched in the Czech Republic in 1994 whilst in 1997 it expanded its services to Slovakia. Currently the HBO family offers 4 premium pay television channels HBO, HBO 2, Cinemax and Cinemax 2 in Czech and Slovak Republics. Addition to this, HBO is responsible for the distribution of a documentary channel, Spektrum and also a basics action and adventure channel AXN owned by Sony Pictures Entertainment. The channels are distributed via cable, satellite and ADSL. HBO is bringing the biggest blockbusters, award winning original series, exclusive events and the biggest stars into the home. HBO broadcasts 24 hours a day without commercial interruption. HBO ofÞce in Czech and Slovak Republics is located in Prague. www.hbo.cz The PORT Group has been collecting and distributing cultural events information (TV, cinema, theatre, concert, sports and exhibition) for 12 years and now runs the most frequently visited cultural portal both in Hungary (http://port.hu) and Romania (http://port.ro). We entered to the Czech market in 2005; our reference site can be found at http://houser.cz. We provide XML-based EPG services for T-online, T-Mobil, Vodafone and many other companies in Hungary and for Vodafone in Czech Republic. Channel One Russia 24-hour leading Russian-language TV network for worldwide audience understanding Russian language №1 brand name in the world among Russian language TV channels the package of 3 unique thematic channels for family viewing: Dom Kino (Russian movie channel), Vremya (retro channel), Muzika (music channel) innovative, diversiÞed and high quality programming rich tradition of television production and broadcasting for more than 50 years the largest Russian language television news service in the world the competitive and rich collection of modern and classic Russian movies, soap operas and documentaries For further details, please contact Denis Gorshkov (Director, Network Distribution, Europe) at DGorshkov@1tvrus.com or +7 495 540 5580, www.1tvrus.com Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 21 20 19.4.2007 15:32:17 IKO Cable s.r.o. is the provider of thematic family Þlm channel Film+ in Czech republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Serbia. Film+ is broadcasting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All Þlms on Film+ are dubbed in Czech. Film+ offers the widest variety of European, American and Asian Þlms of different types – comedies, dramas, Þlms for children, action Þlms, family Þlms, sci-Þ, erotic Þlms and horrors ... Film+ guarantees being of help to every family member to Þnd the most favourable and most entertaining program. Contact details: Erika Luzsicza Operation Manager Tel.+420 222 710 393 Mob.+420 721 559 707 www.Þlmplus.cz Irdeto provides content security solutions for digital TV, IPTV and mobile networks worldwide. Irdeto has nearly forty years experience and more than 200 deployments worldwide. Irdeto secures any content, over any network to any device. Its products also enable a wide variety of revenue-generating business models. Irdeto offers three families of products: • The Irdeto Digital TV solution offers conditional access systems for both large and smaller operators, using Irdeto’s state-of-the-art smart cards which support subscription, pay-per-view, VOD, pay-per time and pre-paid subscriber revenue models. • The Irdeto IPTV solution offers telcos, ISPs and other IP-based service providers the choice of the company’s time-proven smart card-based system as well as an IP-centric software client solution. • The Irdeto Mobile solution offers content protection and DRM for DMB (Digital Mobile Broadcasting) and DVH-H (Handheld) broadcast content on mobile devices. Contact details : Francois Hernandez Telephone: +31 23 556 2159 Email: fhernandez@irdeto.com Jetix is the global kids entertainment brand launched by Jetix Europe and The Walt Disney Company (ABC Cable Networks Group and Jetix Latin America) in 2004. Jetix entertains kids aged 6-14 worldwide through a unique combination of action, adventure and cheeky humour. Jetix programming reaches over 270 million television households in 80 countries and 25 languages worldwide Jetix in the Czech Republic targets kids aged 6-16, and broadcast daily 18 hours in Czech language from 6:00 to 24:00 in Czech language! The channel is supported by a fully localised interactive website, www.jetix.cz visited by 258.070 children a month - and various marketing activives, among them the successful brand initiative, Jetix Kids Award. Dariusz Wasilewski distribution manager JETIX Europe Ltd. Tel: + 44 20 8222 3565 Fax: +44 20 8222 3490 E-Mail: Dariusz.X.Wasilewski.-ND@jetix.net Jetix Česká a Slovenská republika Masarykovo nám. 18 Jílové u Prahy 254 01 Tel: +420 222 733 679 Lada Dobrkovská: Dobrkovska.Lada@seznam.cz +420 739 058 224 Martina Zvířecí: Martina.Zvireci@seznam.cz +420 731 173 869 21 Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 22 19.4.2007 15:32:18 Company JJJ SAT s.r.o. is a successor of company JJJ SAT & BESIE s.r.o. We are a supplier of CATV and SMATV systems. We are a wholesaler of world brands such as Grundig SAT Systems, Hirschmann, Triax and FTE maximal. We have been selling Grundig headend stations for 17 years. During this time we have had a lot of successful customers not only in the Þeld of small cable systems but also at many hotels, pensions, guest houses, schools and factories. Most of embassies in Prague 6 have installed our systems and people in diplomacy have been our good customers for a long time. We always keep pace with the newest trends which we use to strengthen the position of our customers at their market. www.jjjsat.cz Karneval Media, s. r. o. is a member of the UPC Group in the Czech Republic, members of which also include UPC Česká republika, Forcable and TES Wireless. Karneval Media is the second largest cable television and highspeed Internet provider in the Czech Republic, and the Þrst and largest company to offer digital cable television. Karneval Media also offers voice services. In 2006 the Karneval Media network serviced a total of 500,000 homes with approximately 1.2 million inhabitants. 330,000 customers subscribed to individual services. Karneval cable television offers over 40 television channels, of which more than 30 are in Czech or Slovak. Its Internet services are divided into 8 price and quality categories and surveys show that these have long been considered to be the best in their Þeld. Karneval’s telephone services rank among the most value-for money and high quality services in the Czech telecommunications market. LICA s.r.o. headquartered in Nymburk was founded in 1994. In the Þrst years the company specialized in wholesale and retail of technologies for cable television networks. LICA can provide turn key solution for both analog and digital TV transmitions together will integration and after sales support. Latest projects include MPEG2, MPEG4 processing of the TV signal as well as IP-TV distribution solutions. Lica is also logistic operator offering since September 2005 complete value added warehouse services (packing,completation, add on documents, ...) As reference we can mention our cooperation with UPC Prague, Self Servis s.r.o. and some other companies. LICA s.r.o., Na Přístavě 267, 288 02 Nymburk, Czech Republic tel. : +420 325 531 080 - fax : +420 325 531 218 – http://www.lica.cz Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 23 22 19.4.2007 15:32:18 MINIMAX is a perfect channel for young children and school kids. The Hungarian feed was launched in December, 1999. In less than two years a separate channel was started up in Romania in June, 2001 followed by the one covering the territories of the Czech Republic and Slovakia in December, 2003. The channels broadcast 14 hours a day (06:00-20:00). Minimax gives continuously a very special attention to the channels’s content. All the programmes are nonviolent, entertaining, educating and and some featuring also regional cultural values. That is why the parents can safey let their children watch Minimax any time of the day. This is an important factor signiÞcantly increasing potential customers´ readiness to subscribe. Anime+ is primarily targeting teenagers and young adults. It is showing mostly original and world-famous Japanese „anime“ series. The programmes are bringing more action, adventure, tension but also fun and romance. Launched also in Hungary and Romania the total audience is about to reach 4 million households. Anime+ is on air 6 hours a day (20:00-02:00). http://www.minimaxtv.cz National Geographic Channel Europe invites viewers to re-think the way they see television and the world. Globally, National Geographic Channel (including NGC U.S. which is a joint venture of NGT&F and Fox Cable Networks Group) is available in over 290 million homes (including day-part households) in 164 countries and 27 languages. In March we will be launching Nat Geo Wild, a brand new channel dedicated to the best in wildlife programming, offering a unique insight into the natural world, the environment and the incredible creatures that inhabit it. And not to forget National Geographic HD which presents every dimension of the world in incredible detail, breathtaking colour, superior sound and vibrancy that has to be seen to be believed. We’re conÞdent the combination of our core channel, our high deÞnition channel and our new WILD channel provides the best possible mix of programming for our partners and viewers. Contact: Lada Dobrkovská. Tel: 00420 739 058 224 E-mail: Dobrkovska.Lada@seznam.cz Czech.ngceurope.com Playboy Television is the number 1 operator of erotic TV channels in the World. In Europe the company operates 12 TV channels in 25 countries. Now 3 of these channels are available to cable operators in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The Playboy channel has the highest quality erotic content, beautiful women and the highest production values, 9 hours every night. The Adult Channel is Europe’s most popular erotic channel. It brings you the very best and latest erotic entertainment with more premieres and the most varied programming. Private Spice is the explicit premium service from Playboy and Private. 24 hours a day of the World’s top programmes from Private and Playboy. Operators can take all or part of its output or offer their customers the channel on a pay-per-night basis. Three great channels, designed to maximize cable operators revenue. Contact details: Jiří Maršál, Playboy TV, GSM: +420 731 71 3 941, Tel./Fax: +420 222 733 679 jiri.marsal@seznam.cz 23 Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 24 19.4.2007 15:32:18 ROHDE & SCHWARZ is an internationally operating company dealing with development, production and sale of wide range of electronic devices for professional applications. The company is seated in Munich and currently has 6400 employees. More than 80% of the total R&S production, exceeding EUR 1 bilion, is being exported worldwide. In the Czech Republic, the company is represented by its subsidiary, ROHDE & SCHWARZ – Praha, s.r.o., providing complex trade services as well as service and support, and by production facility ROHDE & SCHWARZ závod Vimperk, s.r.o. with 440 employees. R&S company is a stable technological leader in all the below stated Þelds of application: Test & Measurement; Radiocommunication Systems; IT Security; Radio And Monitoring Systems; Trunked Radio; Broadcasting. ROHDE & SCHWARZ - Praha, s.r.o. Evropská 2590/33c 160 00 Praha 6 Tel.č.: 224 311 232 Fax: 224 317 043 E-mail: ofÞce@rscz.rohde-schwarz.com www.rohde-schwarz.cz ScientiÞc Atlanta, a Cisco company, is a leading supplier of digital content contribution and distribution systems, transmission networks for broadband access to the home, digital interactive set-tops and subscriber systems designed for video, high-speed Internet and voice-over-Internet-Protocol (VoIP) networks, and worldwide customer service and support. ScientiÞc Atlanta is widely recognized for its expertise in video delivery, which many view as an art as much as it is a science. ScientiÞc Atlanta’s products, systems solutions and people enable service providers to transform themselves into “experience providers” that deliver an exciting, innovative entertainment, information and communications experience for consumers. The digital environment where video, data and voice services with mobility have converged has created ‘The “Connected Life” that we are helping to shape and deliver. More information about ScientiÞc Atlanta is available at: ScientiÞc-Atlanta Europe NV http://www.saeurope.com Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 25 24 19.4.2007 15:32:19 Spektrum - The documentary channel broadcasts eighteen hours a day from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. with Czech dubbing. Documents of renowned world authors gained great popularity and channel Spektrum became one of the most watched stations. Spektrum offers programs close to all family members. Program structure of the channel is formed by documents in these genre blocks identiÞed by colour stripes on the screen: NATURE SCIENCE STYLE HISTORY TRAVELLING ARMY green blue violet brown red grey The channel is distributed via cable, satellite and ADSL. www.spektrumtv.cz SPI INTERNATIONAL is an international Þlm distribution company based in New York with local ofÞces in Poland, Czech Rep., Slovakia and Hungary. We work with the movie from it’s theatrical release through video and DVD release to all forms of TV distribution. In the territories where we have our local ofÞces we participate in production of Þlm projects and TV programs. SPI International CE Matúškova 10 831 01 Bratislava Tel: +421 2 54 65 08 24 Fax. +421 2 54 79 36 53 Cell: +421 903 398 650 www.spi-Þlm.eu SPORT1, the new best friend of sport lovers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, has already gathered hundreds of thousands of viewers who can regularly follow the German, Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch and Scottish football leagues along with the best matches of the FA Cup, DFB Pokal, leading boxing and football oriented magazines and last but not least the programmes of Chelsea TV and Manchester United TV that allow everyone to experience once again greatest moments of the two Premier League giants. SPORT1 brings you the best sport action from the stadiums around the world! Tune in now! Technetix is a growing successful €60m (2006) pan-European company, operating almost exclusively in the broadband cable market. We have operations all across Europe. Our customers are all the main broadband cable operators. The group brings with it 28 years of leadership in the development and supply of cable TV systems, products, and supply chain management services developed speciÞcally for this market. We deliver high quality broadband products on demand, faster and more cost-effectively. The company has 180 staff based in sales ofÞces and warehouses throughout Europe in the United Kingdom, Austria, Balkans, Belgium, Denmark, France, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and Russia. www.technetix.com 25 Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 26 19.4.2007 15:32:19 T-Mobile Czech Republic has been operating in the Czech market since 1996. Since its establishment, the company has placed emphasis on the quality of services offered and excellent customer service. As of 31 December 2006, 5.049 million customers were using T-Mobile services. The company continues to strengthen its No. 1 position in the business segment. T-Mobile Czech Republic operates a public mobile communications network on the GSM standard in the 900 and 1800 MHz bands and is also authorized to operate a UMTS network. T-Mobile was the Þrst operator in the Czech Republic to launch this third-generation technology on 19 October 2005 under the name Internet 4G. T-Mobile is a member of the international telecommunications group T-Mobile International. Thanks to T-Mobile’s international presence, customers can count on the worldwide availability of their favourite services and take advantage of uniÞed, favourable prices of calls when abroad. For more information, please visit http://t-mobile.cz. YOUR CONTENT PARTNER FOR ADULT ENTERTAINMENT: TOTAL MEDIA We have extensive experience built up over 8 years specialising in the adult entertainment industry and have the unique position to supply many genres of adult entertainment to the vast majority of cable, satellite and ADSL operators throughout Europe. Adult Entertainment at its Þnest from one source: A mix of hardcore and softcore offerings rating from high end glossy branded channels through to amateur channels. Our softcore channel Blue Hustler and hardcore channels Hustler TV and XXX Xtreme are available to cable, satellite and ADSL operators across Europe. A full Video-on-Demand offering that includes a large library of hardcore, softcore and other genres. We work closely with the operators to provide help and guidance setting up their VOD service, deÞning refresh rates, title and genre selection. Mobile phone clips and pictures Our content complies with EU regulations and our channels operate with European Broadcast Licences. Our goal is to work closely with our customers, listening to their needs and offering a ßexible service. Contact details: Zonemedia Czech, s.r.o. Radlická 608/2, 150 00 Prague 5 info@zonemedia.cz www.zonemedia.net Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 27 26 19.4.2007 15:32:19 Travel Channel now available with Czech audio. Launched in 1994, Travel Channel is now the largest pan-European TV channel dedicated to the world of travel, broadcasting 18 hours a day in 14 languages to over 95 countries across Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Entertaining, practical, informative and inspirational, Travel Channel presents a uniquely panoramic and objective perspective on the travel experience, providing something for everyone, from trekking adventures to Þve-star luxury. Whether you are planning a trip or simply love armchair globetrotting, Travel Channel’s exciting mix of programming gives you the inside view with an expert eye on the latest travel news and trends. www.travelchannel.co.uk For further information please contact: Lada Dobrkovská e-mail: dobrkovska.lada@seznam.cz GSM: +420 739 058 224 Martina Zvířecí email: martina.zvireci@seznam.cz GSM: +420 731 173 869 Masarykovo nám.18 Jílové u Prahy 254 01 tel: +420 222733679 fax: +420 222733679 TV Paprika, the Þrst thematic gastronomy channel in Central-Eastern-Europe was launched in 2004 with the clear and very important aim to present, promote and help preserve the culinary traditions of the region. Turning to the channel the people always get what they expect: information, ideas and advice as to what to make for lunch or dinner, which places are worth visiting, which restaurants are the best in the region. From the shows of TV Paprika wannabe cooks may learn the know-how of cooking everyday meals and the preparation whole menus for special occasions not only from professional Hungarian chefs, but from world-famous celebrity chefs like Jamie Oliver, Gordon Ramsay or Kylie Kwong. May it be the cooking of traditional Hungarian meals, making of Italian pasta, tasting of wine, preparing sushi or enjoying a cup of coffee, on TV Paprika everyone will Þnd something pleasing to the eye and to the palate! TV Paprika - a bite of happiness! TV DEKO is the Þrst topic-oriented television channel in Central Europe which addresses one of the most important areas of our lives: our homes and our time spent at home. Interior decoration, home construction, remodeling, needlework, do-it-yourself, garden design, landscaping, architecture and design – all in one TV channel. From the programs of TV DEKO, the viewers can learn new ideas and information which make their everyday lives and chores easier. TV DEKO will show how to take the furniture set into the living room, how to drive a nail into the wall or plant a hedge in the garden or how to decorate an old glass aiming a modern and trendy object. Let’s do it together, shaping our homes, our gardens with our own hands! Contact details: tv@tvpaprika.cz gsm: +420 724 165 646 27 Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 28 19.4.2007 15:32:20 The leading global French-language network www.tv5.org Reception TV5MONDE Europe Satellites / Hotbird 6 / Astra 1H / Hotbird 7 Program 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Films and series, from classic to recent releases, police series to great drama series. Major cinematographic events, great directors and actors through movie marathons. News: six hours of daily newscasts on the hour, round-the clock news coverage. Sport, children’s fare, entertainment, fashion, food, documentaries. The best of French-language television Learning and Teaching One third of the French teachers within TV5MONDE’s broadcast area use its programs as a supplement to pedagogical tools. This effective approach allows students to learn French in a true-to-life, dynamic context. Learning and Teaching with TV5MONDE means being in direct contact with the language as it is spoken today Contact CR: Štěpánka Červenková Tel: +420 604 688 114 Fax: +420 251 819 039 e-mail: s.cervenkova@seznam.cz UPC Česká republika, a. s. is a member of the UPC Group in the Czech Republic, members of which also include Karneval Media, Forcable and TES Wireless. UPC Česká republika is the leading Czech provider of cable television, broadband Internet and voice services. UPC Česká republika was also the Þrst, and is now the largest, company to offer digital satellite television in the Czech Republic. In 2006 UPC ČR serviced a total of 740,000 homes with approximately 2.2 million inhabitants and there were 550,000 subscribers to individual services. UPC Česká republika, a. s. is a consolidated daughter company of Liberty Global, Inc. (NASDAQ: LBTYA, LBTYB). UPC cable television offers over 40 television channels, of which more than 30 are in Czech or Slovak. The UPC Direct digital satellite television service covers the whole of the Czech Republic and offers around 200 channels, tens of which are broadcast in Czech. Its Internet services are divided into 8 price and quality categories surveys show that these have long been considered to be the best in their Þeld. UPC ČR’s telephone services rank among the most value-for money and high quality services in the Czech telecommunications market. www.upc.cz VECTOR is an European leader in designing and manufacturing technically advanced solutions for building a network infrastructure. It has a stable position on the market due to almost 20-year-experience in the business, innovation and high team competences. VECTOR supplies solutions that are individual, professional and entirely matched to Client requirements. VECTOR product line PROGRESS and Light Flash II are the complex product offer for building dependable optical transmission systems and RF. http://www.vector.com.pl Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 29 28 19.4.2007 15:32:20 Viasat is a part of Modern Times Group MTG AB, an international broadcasting group with television as its core business. MTG is the largest Free-TV and Pay-TV operator in Scandinavia and the Baltics. In Czech Republic and Slovakia, MTG operates both Pay and Free TV operations. In early 2005, Viasat launched the thematic documentary channels Viasat History and Viasat Explorer. Czech Republic and Slovakia- 3 channel offerings on 2 frequencies! Viasat History – is a uniquely positioned channel in Central and Eastern Europe, focused exclusively on history. Viasat Explorer – the channel with the documentaries that explore the world around us. It is exciting, thrilling, adventurous, fast, extreme, shocking and sexy. Spice – a channel block produced by Playboy and distributed exclusively through Viasat in Central & Eastern Europe. It is offered as an add-on block on the same signal as Viasat Explorer. About Zonemedia Based in London, Zonemedia is one of the leading international broadcasters, distributors and representatives of thematic television channels. The company was founded in 1991 and today has 18 ofÞces and studios throughout Europe, the United States, Asia and Latin America. Zonemedia owns and operates six thematic channels: Zone Reality, Zone Europa, Zone Romantica, Zone Club, Zone Horror and Zone Fantasy, which are broadcast in over 125 countries in 22 languages, with over 150 million paying subscribers. In addition, Zonemedia has a successful channel representation business and currently represents over 30 international channels from such companies as Viacom, Turner, Hallmark, MTV, Discovery and Eurosport. Zonemedia also has a program distribution business and continues to acquire formats, series and specials from leading producers around the world. Zonemedia is 90% owned by chellomedia, a division of Liberty Global, Inc. Contact details: Zonemedia Czech, s.r.o. Radlická 608/2, 150 00 Prague 5 info@zonemedia.cz www.zonemedia.net 29 Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 30 19.4.2007 15:32:20 ISDN Server ACES s.r.o. Brdlíkova 286/1c, Praha 5, 150 00 tel. +420-720380051 mobil +420-602353400 http://www.isdn.cz A monthly magazine with essential law informations for all legal profession, apart for advocacy, justice and notary, following after 1999. A monthly providing the latest news and practical, authoritative advice to legislative in Czech republic and European union from the all part law. Právní zpravodaj giving in-depth news, statistics, and analysis of trends extra in the civil and bussines law. Origin have law information from law on technologie and electronic comunication. The focus of the Právní zpravodaj is on current legal issues in judicial decisions, law reform, legislation, legal research, legal information, law information technology and practice. Contributions to the Articles, Comments, Case Notes, Legal Education and Information. Pravní zpravodaj is a legislative law review which focuses on analysis and news of legislative and law in power. The one of primary purpose of the Právní zpravodaj is to provide a forum for debate of timely issues of law stature. Articles authors are solicited from among public known lawyers who inßuence politics too. SITA a.s. Slovak News Agency is the largest private provider of complex information services in Slovakia. It is a modern information medium based on an independent news agency. SITA was established as a news agency in 1997 with the aim of providing current, balanced, and politically impartial information from the economic and political sphere. Since the beginning the agency had the idea that it would deliver information not only through other media, but also directly without time delay and Þltering to people who make decisions in the political sphere or in business. We are prepared to offer individual information solutions to future clients. This gives them the opportunity to enter with their needs and comments already in the phase when a concept of targeted news reporting is created. Our solutions are based on active approach in relation to clients. Our goal is to be a quality information source for our partners that will provide them complete, fast, relevant, and undistorted information. We hope you will Þnd a good partner in our agency for long-term cooperation. TECHNOLOGIES & PROSPERITY is a professional Czech-English magazine on electronic communications and business for middle and top management of ICT corporate users, telecommunication service providers, technology suppliers, banks and utilities. It is focused predominantly on issues of electronic communication applications in large corporations, medium businesses and public administration. Basic facts: 10th year tradition, circulation more than 5.000, more info: www.tapmag.cz. TUESDAY Business Network is a membership-based association providing a platform to meet, exchange knowledge and information and gain insight over trends in the Þeld of technologies and their application to increase process effectiveness. TUESDAY Business Network wants to connect these categories and help market players to reach their strategies and goals more effectively and faster, through its events, other activities and expertise presented by its representatives, members and Advisory Board—a counselling body represented by high-proÞle, business-oriented and talented personalities. www.TUESDAY.cz Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 31 30 19.4.2007 15:32:21 O asociaci ČAKK Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací sdružuje největší kabelové komunikační společnosti a alternativní operátory elektronických komunikačních sítí v ČR, poskytovatele programů, dodavatele technologií a poradenské Þrmy. Asociace si klade za cíl přispět k budování moderní infrastruktury a informační společnosti v České republice. Současnými řádnými členy asociace jsou společnosti UPC Česká republika, Karneval Media, HBO, LICA, T-Mobile Czech Republic, BT Global Services, SELF servis a SATT. Asociace dále sdružuje dvě desítky přidružených členů z České republiky a ze zahraničí. Asociace vznikla v roce 1998. Založily ji přední společnosti poskytující služby kabelových komunikací v ČR - Kabel Plus, Kabel Net Holding a Dattelkabel (dnes součástí UPC ČR), Intercable CZ a TES Media. Dalšími zakládajícími členy byly HBO ČR, dodavatel programů, a společnost Hughes Network Systems, dodavatel telekomunikačních technologií. ČAKK vystupovala až do konce roku 2001 pod názvem Česká asociace kabelových komunikací. ČAKK je aktivním členem asociace CABLE EUROPE (www.cable-europe.eu), která byla založena již v roce 1955. About CACC Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC) associates providers of alternative electronic communications networks and of broadband services. Established in 1998 under the name of Czech Association of Cable Communications. In December 2001 the Board of Directors decided to change the name to Czech Association of Competitive Communications in order to reßect reaching the Þnal stage of the CACC transformation process that aimed at becoming a strong, modern, pro-European and respected association of alternative electronic communication networks and broadband services. Current regular members of the association are UPC Czech Republic, Karneval Media, SELF servis, SATT, HBO, LICA, T-Mobile Czech Republic and BT Global Services. Our key aim is to represent and protect all interests of competitive elcom companies and to be the main driving force in the creation of an open and competitive electronic communications market in the Czech Republic. We want to be a united voice of the whole industry and contribute to the creation of liberalised environment free from unnecessary regulation and political inßuence. CACC is an active member of CABLE EUROPE www.cable-europe.eu 31 Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 32 19.4.2007 15:32:21 PŘIHLÁŠKA ZA ČLENA ČAKK Název společnosti: ………..………….……………………..………..……………………………………………………….. Poštovní adresa:.…………………….……………………….….……..……………………………………………………….. Fakturační údaje:…….……………………………………………………..……………………………………………………… IČ/DIČ: ……………………….……………………..…….………………………………………………………………………… Typ členství: ……………………..……………………………….………………………………………….……………………… Podle článku 3.3. Stanov ČAKK se shora uvedená společnost přihlašuje za řádného (přidruženého) člena České asociace kompetitivních komunikací. Současně prohlašuje, že s těmito Stanovami ČAKK souhlasí. Datum: Podpis/podpisy statutárního zástupce/zástupců společnosti: Přílohy: Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 33 32 19.4.2007 15:32:21 CACC MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM Company Name: ……………………..………………….…………………….…………………………….………………….. Postal Address: ………………………….……….……………………….……………………………………………………….. Invoice Address: ………………………….…….………………………………………………………………………………… VAT number: ………………………………….………………………….………………………………………………………… Membership Category: ………………………..…………………………………………………………….……….………… Under the Section 3.3. of the CACC Articles the hereinbefore named company applies hereby for ordinary (associated) membership of the Czech Association of Competitive Communications. At the same the said company declares that it is in full agreement with the CACC Articles. Date: Signature/s of the statutory representative/s of the company: Annexes: 33 Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací ~ Czech Association of Competitive Communications Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: info@cacc.cz, http://www.cacc.cz CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 34 19.4.2007 15:32:21 ©2007 Ernst & Young. All rights reseved. CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 35 19.4.2007 15:32:22 Nabídněte svým předplatitelům jedinečný balíček erotické zábavy Lehká erotika jen pro dospělé * Opravdové dovádění holek odvedle ** Non-stop hardcore akce *** Právě nyní máte jedinečnou příležitost představit svým zákazníkům jednoznačně nejlepší balíček zábavy „pro dospělé“ na celém evropském trhu – to nejlepší od proslulé, exkluzivní a profesionální značky Hustler v kombinaci s pravým amatérským dováděním XXX Xtreme. Již stovky kabelových, DTH a IPTV platforem po celé Evropě si vybraly naše televizní služby, protože divákům nabízejí nejvyšší standard zábavy pro dospělé s nepřekonatelně pestrou programovou paletou. Hustler TV je synonymem nejúspěšnějších filmů a nejprodávanějších erotických formátů. Divákům nabízí mnohem víc než kterákoli jiná značka erotického průmyslu na trhu, a to každou noc v soft i hard verzi. K tomu přiřaďte svět „amatérů“ XXX Xtreme, pečlivě vybraný materiál zachycující tvrdou necenzurovanou erotiku z reálného života z různých koutů světa. XXX Xtreme, protipól vysokorozpočtových snímků Hustler TV, je jeho ideální kombinací. Pokud Vás tato nabídka zaujala a chtěli byste exkluzivní svět Hustler TV a zábavy pro dospělé zprostředkovat i svým zákazníkům, kontaktujte nás na info@zonemedia.cz nebo info@hustlertveurope.com. Rádi Vám zašleme další podrobnosti. Další informace získáte také na www.hustlertveurope.com * Program Blue Hustler disponuje nizozemskou vysílací licencí a je dostupný každý den od 23.00 do 5.00 ** Program XXX Xtreme disponuje nizozemskou vysílací licencí a naladíte ho non-stop *** Program Hustler TV disponuje nizozemskou vysílací licencí a je dostupný buď ve své noční verzi (každý den od 23.00 do 05.00) nebo non-stop Zástupcem pro ČR a SR je společnost Zonemedia Czech, s. r. o., Radlická 608/2, 150 00 Praha 5, tel. +420 251 081 333, info@zonemedia.cz HustlerObalka_final.indd 2 CACC_katalogo_A4_2007_final.indd 36 4.4.2007 15:32:23 23:03:47 19.4.2007