vision, mission and values of the hong kong polytechnic university
vision, mission and values of the hong kong polytechnic university
Th eHo n gKo n gPo l y t e c h n i cUn i v e r s i t y 2 0 1 0 / 1 1年報 1Se p t e mb e r2 0 1 0-3 1Au g u s t2 0 1 1 1 September 2010 to 31 August 2011 Department of Land Surveying & Geo-Informatics THE HONG KONG POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY HUNG HOM KOWLOON HONG KONG General Office Telephone : (852) 2766-5968 / 2766-4440 Telefax : (852) 2330-2994 E-mail : Home Page: Editor : Katherine CHAU CONTENTS Page VISION, MISSION AND VALUES The University ..................................................................................................................... 1 The Department ................................................................................................................... 2 DEPARTMENTAL STAFF Academic Staff ...................................................................................................................... 3 Administrative Staff and Technical Staff ............................................................................... 7 Departmental Review Panel Members, Departmental Academic Advisor, External Examiners and Adjunct Assistant Professor ............................................................ 8 Research Personnel and Research Students........................................................................... 9 Academic Visitors ................................................................................................................. 11 Departmental Advisory Committee ..................................................................................... 14 FACILITIES Survey Store .......................................................................................................................... 16 Navigation Lab ...................................................................................................................... 16 Hydrographic Lab ................................................................................................................. 17 Cadastre Lab.......................................................................................................................... 17 Geomatics Computing Lab .................................................................................................... 17 Geographic Information Systems Lab ................................................................................... 17 Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Lab ........................................................................... 18 Digital Cartography Lab ........................................................................................................ 18 TEACHING ACTIVITIES Course Information Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Geomatics Programme (Full-Time) ................ 19 Higher Diploma in Geomatics Programme (Full-Time) ......................................... 22 Master of Science/Postgraduate Diploma in Geomatics Programme (Full-Time and Part-Time) .................................................................................. 24 Master of Science in Geomatics Dissertation/Projects ........................................................ 25 Bachelor of Science in Geomatics Final Year Projects.......................................................... 26 TEACHING AND LEARNING PROJECTS Current Teaching and Learning Projects and Summary Description ..................................... 29 Staff Attendance in Learning and Teaching Activities........................................................... 29 CONTENTS Page STUDENT AFFAIRS Scholarships & Prizes............................................................................................................ 31 The Dean’s Honours List....................................................................................................... 34 The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE) ................................................................................. 35 Student Exchange with Curtin University of Technology ..................................................... 35 Student Profile ....................................................................................................................... 35 Student Activities .................................................................................................................. 36 RESEARCH ACTIVITIES, RESEARCH AWARDS AND RESEARCH OUTPUT Research Programmes ........................................................................................................... 38 Research Centre for Geo-Information Science and Technology ........................................... 39 Research Degree Graduates................................................................................................... 40 Ongoing PhD Projects ........................................................................................................... 41 Ongoing MPhil Projects ........................................................................................................ 43 New Research Projects .......................................................................................................... 44 Research Output .................................................................................................................... 47 Research Personnel / Research Student Weekly Seminar Series ......................................... 58 Departmental and Public Seminars ..................................................................................... 60 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AND SCHOLARLY ACTIVITIES Professional Service .............................................................................................................. 62 Academic and Non-Academic Services within The Hong Kong Polytechnic University ..................................................................... 66 Consultancy ........................................................................................................................... 69 Conference Attendance ........................................................................................................ 71 Staff Development Programme ............................................................................................. 73 Others .................................................................................................................................. 74 Annual Report 2010/2011 VISION, MISSION AND VALUES OF THE HONG KONG POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Vision To become a ‘preferred university’ offering ‘preferred programmes’ and producing ‘preferred graduates’. Mission “Academic Excellence in a Professional Context” through Programmes that are application-oriented and produce graduates who can apply theories in practice. Research of an applied nature relevant to industrial, commercial and community needs. Intellectual and comprehensive development of students within a caring environment. Dedicated partnerships with business, industry and the professions. Enabling mature learners to pursue life-long learning. Values We recognise and embrace the following values which are fundamental to our success: People We value integrity, freedom and creativity of individuals. We take calculated risks. We build teamwork through individual development and by synergistic use of their talents. We provide a caring environment in which students and staff pursue personal and institutional development. Performance We demand good performance and reward excellence in performance. We encourage innovation, practicality, entrepreneurship, and the pursuit of academic and management excellence. Productivity We treasure the investment the community has made in us and strive to deliver quality results in a most cost-effective manner through a simple management structure, efficient processes, effective “checks-and-balances” and vigorous quality assurance mechanisms. Partnership We, members of the University, are partners in pursuing our shared vision. Together, we are partners of the community sharing common goals and valuing mutual benefits. 1 Annual Report 2010/2011 VISION AND MISSION OF DEPARTMENT OF LAND SURVEYING & GEO-INFORMATICS Vision To be one of the top geomatics departments in the world Mission Maintain quality academic programmes for training and education of highly skilled land surveyors and geospatial information technology engineers capable of meeting local and regional needs; Develop international leadership in research within the discipline; Strengthen global relationships and linkages with other geomatics institutions by cooperating in teaching and research, and actively participating in international academic and professional activities; Further develop close links with industry and local, national, and international professional organizations. 2 Annual Report 2010/2011 DEPARTMENTAL STAFF Academic Staff Name Fields of Interest Chair Professor of Geomatics and Head of Department: Prof. Xiaoli DING 丁曉利 BEng (South Central University of Technology), PhD (University of Sydney), MISA, FHKIES, FCICES, FRICS, FIAG Engineering Surveying Geodesy and Geodynamics Geohazards Monitoring (852) 2766 5965 Professor Emeritus : Prof. Yongqi CHEN 陳永奇 Dipl. Eng (Wuhan Technical University of Surveying & Mapping), PhD (University of New Brunswich), FCSGPC, FHKIS, FInstCES, FRICS, FHKInstES Geodesy Estimation Theory Engineering Surveying Hydrographic Surveying (852) 2766 5966 Associate Head of Department and Associate Professor: Dr. Lilian PUN 潘鄭淑貞 BA (University of Hong Kong), PCed (University of Hong Kong), MPhil (Chinese University of Hong Kong), PhD (University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK), FBCartS, MHKGISA (852) 2766 5959 GIS Data Modelling Digital Mapping Automated Cartography Geography Professors: Prof. Wu CHEN 陳武 BSc (University of Science and Technology of China), MSc (Institute of Geodesy & Geophysics), PhD (University of Newcastle upon Tyne), MRIN Satellite Navigation Geodesy System Integration (852) 2766 5969 Prof. H.B. IZ 葉栢基 Geodetic Science, Selenodesy MSc (The Black Sea Technical UniversityTurkey), PhD (The Ohio State University) (852) 2766 5962 3 Annual Report 2010/2011 Academic Staff (Cont'd) Fields of Interest Name Professors: Prof. Zhilin LI 李志林 BEng (Southwestern Jiaotong University), PhD (University of Glasgow), DSc (University of Glasgow) (852) 2766 5960 Digital Cartography GIS Digital Photogrammetry/ Remote Sensing Prof. Esmond MOK 莫志明 BSc (University of Toronto), Dip. Surveying (University College London), MSc Surveying (University of London), PhD (University of Newcastle upon Tyne), MInstCES, MRICS, MHKIS, RPS(LS), (852) 2766 5953 Prof. Janet NICHOL 李真 BSc (London University, UK), MA (University of Colorado, USA), PhD (Aston University, UK) (852) 2766 5952 Prof. John SHI 史文中 BEng (Wuhan Technical University of Surveying & Mapping), MEng (Wuhan Technical University of Surveying & Mapping), Dr.-Sc. (University of Osnabrueck, Germany), FHKInstES, MRICS, MIS (Australia), ASPRS, HKGISA, CPGIS Satellite Geodesy Intelligent Satellite Navigation GIS-GPS Integration Engineering Surveying Wireless Positioning Techniques and LBS Applications Remote Sensing Urban Heat Island Ecological Monitoring GIS Remote Sensing of Air Pollution GIS Remote Sensing Uncertainty and Spatial Data Quality Control (852) 2766 5975 Associate Professors: Dr. Bruce KING 金博思 BSc (The University of Newcastle, Aust), PhD (The University of Newcastle, Aust), MIS Aust, FHKInstES (852) 2766 5976 Dr. Conrad TANG 鄧康偉 BScEng (University of New Brunswick), MEng (University of New Brunswich), PhD (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), LLM, FHKIS, RPS(LS) (852) 2766 5963 4 Close Range and Digital Photogrammetry Terrestrial and Aerial Laser Scanning Cadastre and LIM Engineering Surveying Hong Kong Land Boundary Survey Annual Report 2010/2011 Academic Staff (Cont'd) Fields of Interest Name Assistant Professors: Dr. Eric GUILBERT BSc (Littoral University, France), MSc (University of Grenoble 1, France), PhD (University of Rennes 1, France) (852) 3400 3662 Dr. George LIU BEng(Southern Institute of Metallurgy), MSc(Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping, China), PhD(University of Calgary, Canada) GIS Spatial data modelling Cartographic Generalisation Data representation Satellite Navigation Geodesy Engineering Surveying Hydrographic Surveying (852) 2766 5961 Dr. Bo WU BEng and MSc(Changsha University of Science and Technology), PhD(Wuhan University), ASPRS, HKGISA,CPGIS (852) 2766 4335 Digital Photogrammetry Planetary Mapping and Robotic/Human Navigation 3D GIS and Applications Senior Lecturer: Dr. Geoffrey SHEA 佘裕佳 PhD (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), ME (University of New South Wales, Sydney), MSc (Victoria University of Technology, Melbourne), PgDipPhotogrammetry (University College London), BSc (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan), FHKInstES, FBCS Chartered IT Professional, Microsoft Certified Systems Engineers (MCSE) Internet and Mobile GIS Geospatial data modelling and handling GIS applications (852) 2766 5958 geoffrey.shea Lecturer: Mr. Steve LAM 林幼華 BTech (Ryerson University), BA (York University), MPhil (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), MSc (University of Greenwich), MEd, PgC (The Open University of Hong Kong), Canada Lands Surveyor (CLS), FICE, Chartered Builder (MCIOB), Chartered Surveyor (MRICS), FICE, MASCE, FCInstCES Tunnel and Railway Surveying Cadastre and LRIS TQM and GIS for Construction Geomatics Curriculum (852) 2766 594 5 Annual Report 2010/2011 Academic Staff (Cont'd) Name Fields of Interest Instructors: Mr. Nelson CHAN 陳佛生 HCertLS (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), BSc (York University), MSc (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) (852) 2766 5973 Mr. Joseph LAM 林安華 HCertLS (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), MSc (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), MHKInstES, ACICES (852) 2766 5972 Photogrammetry Engineering Surveying Survey Automation Hydrographic Surveying Engineering Surveying Cadastre Hong Kong Land Boundary Survey Computer Programming Tutors: Miss Alice CHENG 鄭雅芳 BSc (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), MPhil (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), PGCESLT (The Open University of Hong Kong), MHKIS, MRICS (852) 2766 4441 Miss Mandy TANG 鄧月芳 BSc (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), MSc (Loughborough University), MPhil (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) (852) 2766 4347 Dr. Rebecca TSE 謝藹慈 BSc (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University ), MPhil (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), PhD (University of Glamorgan ) (852) 2766 5355 6 Cadastre Hong Kong Land Boundary Survey Engineering Survey Digital Cartography GIS GIS Data Modelling Internet Technologies Data Mining Software Engineering GIS 3D Data Modelling Computer Programming Photogrammetry LIDAR Annual Report 2010/2011 Administrative Staff Executive Officer I Mrs Katherine CHAU (852) 2766 5956 MBA (Open University of Hong Kong), Cert (Per. Mgt.), Cert (Japanese Lang.) Personal Secretary - Head Miss Peony CHAN (852) 2766 5967 Clerical Officer II Miss Vaness YU Miss Justin YUEN (852) 2766 4440 (852) 2766 5968 Typist Miss Ziki CHEUNG (852) 2766 4440 Office Assistant Mr Chishing LAU (852) 2766 5968 Assistant Officer Mr Adam YAU (852) 3400 3897 Assistant Programme Officer Miss Violet TSANG (852) 2766 4350 Technical Staff Mr Waikam HO - Survey Store Mr Stanley LEUNG - Digital Cartography Lab Mr Kenneth YAU – Geographic Information Systems Lab Mr Waileung YUEN - Survey Store (852) 2766 5970 (852) 2766 5957 (852) 2766 5592 (852) 2766 5971 7 Annual Report 2010/2011 Departmental Review Panel Members Prof. Clive S. FRASER Professor, Department of Geomatics, The University of Melbourne, Australia Prof. C.K. SHUM Professor, Division of Geodetic Science, School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University Columbus, USA Departmental Academic Advisor Prof. Alan Henry DODSON BSc Civil Engineering (Nottingham), PhD Civil Engineering (Nottingham), DSc University of Nottingham, FICE, MRICS, FRAS, FRIN, MInstCES, FIAG Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Professor of Geodesy, IESSG Building, University of Nottingham External Examiners Overseas Prof. Peter DARE BSc (North East London Polytechnic), MASc (Toronto), PhD (East London), FRICS, Chartered Land and Hydrographic Surveyor, MAGU, MCIG, MCGU, MION Associate Professor and Chair of the Department, Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick Local Mr Waipun CHENG BSc, MSc, MHKIS, MRICS, MBCS Chief Land Surveyor, Urban Survey Division, Survey and Mapping Office, Lands Department, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region Adjunct Assistant Professor Dr. Joon JEO PhD (University of Wisconsin at Madison) Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University 8 Annual Report 2010/2011 Research Personnel and Research Students Research Personnel (Full-Time) Funghang CHOI Han HU Shengyue JI Haifeng LI Weihua LUO Haixia MAO Zelang MIAO Duojie WENG Mansing WONG Fei XIAO Jingya YAN Wentao YANG Lei ZHANG Ran ZHANG Elaine Mary ANSON Kitlung CHAN Xiufeng HE Jiajie LIU Zheng LIU Maixia MAO Zhe QIN Muhammad Imran SHAHZAD Peng TI Jue WANG Shuliang WANG Wailam WONG Manfai WU Guoning ZHAI Xunruo ZHANG (Part-Time) Student Assistants Lungyan CHAN Puishan CHAN Tszhong CHAN Tszshing CHAN Kaho CHEUNG Chen HU Yanyi HUI Keikwan LAU Hokyim LEUNG Kaman LEUNG Puihang LI Chunhei LIU Shuhim MU Carmen SIU Wingchi SIU Chun SHAN Jie SUN Fei XIAO Cheng YANG Haodong ZHANG 9 Annual Report 2010/2011 Research Personnel and Research Students (Cont’d) Research Students (Full-Time) Muhammad BILAL Deepak DAHAL Susu DENG Qiong DING Homindra DIVITHURE Yang GAO Jian GUO Pei HU Mi JIANG Min LIU Zakaria Robert NGEREJA Yang OU H M Indika PRASANNA Zhe QIN Muhammad Imran SHAHZAD Hui SUN Peng TI Puihang TO Cheukyan WAN Chisheng WANG Jue WANG Bing WEI Wailam WONG Shengjun XIAO Qianxiang XU Rui XU Nithiyanandam YOGESWARAN Ling ZHANG Xunruo ZHANG Qi ZHOU Wu ZHU Hochiu CHAN Takcheung CHAN Ngafong CHENG Yikkong CHEUNG Rahman SARKER Kingfai WONG Wentao YANG (Part-Time) 10 Annual Report 2010/2011 Academic Visitors Prof. Kiyun YU (Associate Professor, GIS/LBS Group, National University) - 20 Sep 2010 Department of Geoinformatics, University of Seoul – 10 Feb 2011 11 Annual Report 2010/2011 Academic Visitors (Cont’d) Wuhan University 14 Mar 2011 The Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (ICES) 18 Mar 2011 Mr. Joseph RYDING, Experimental Officer, Institute of Engineering Surveying and Space Geodesy (IESSG) 21 Apr 2011 12 Annual Report 2010/2011 Academic Visitors (Cont’d) Prof Jiangxing WU, Prof Jianping QI and Prof Qingming GUI, Prof Guangyun LI, Prof Ying WU and Prof Zhaoping YU (Zhengzhou Institute of Information Science and Technology) 28-29 Apr 2011 Mr Tom BRAMALD (Senior Teaching Associate, School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences of Newcastle University) 13 May 2011 13 Annual Report 2010/2011 Departmental Advisory Committee Chairman Mr. Chunghang WONG 黃仲衡 Deputy Director Survey and Mapping Office Headquarters Lands Department FHKIS, FRICS, MCIArb Internal Members Prof. Xiaoli DING 丁曉利 BEng, PhD, MISA, FHKIES, FCICES, FRICS, FIAG 滕錦光 Ir. Prof. Jinguang TENG Associate Vice President Dean of the Faculty of Construction and Land Use Chair Professor of Structural Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University BEng, PhD, FHKIE, FIIFC Dr. Lilian PUN 潘鄭淑貞 Associate Head and Associate Professor, LSGI The Hong Kong Polytechnic University BA, PCed, MPhil, PhD, FBCartS, MHKGISA Prof. Esmond MOK 莫志明 BSc, Dip. Surveying, MSc Surveying, PhD, MRICS, MHKIS, RPS(LS), MInstCES, Member - ACSM(AAGS) Prof. Wu CHEN 陳武 Mr. Kwokwai NG, Paul DLTC Chairman Professor, LSGI The Hong Kong Polytechnic University DRC Chairman Professor, LSGI The Hong Kong Polytechnic University BSc, MSc, PhD, MRIN Members Chair Professor of Geomatics & Head, LSGI The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 吳國偉 Lands Department The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region MSc(IT), BSc(Hons), MRICS, MHKIS Mr. Takwah NG 伍德華 BA(Hon) T&CP, BSc GIS, MRTPI, MHKIP, Registered Urban Planner (PRC) Ir. Prof. Yeetak LEUNG, Andrew 梁以德 Planning Department The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Representative of HKIE DSc, PhD, MSc, CEng, FRICS, FRAeS, MIStructE, MHKIE Mr. Takming KOO 古德明 Representative of HKIS BSc, PgC, PgD, MSc, FHKIS Mr. Kaiyip KWOK, Zico BBA, FHKIUS, FSOE 14 郭啓業 Representative of HKIUS Annual Report 2010/2011 Members Mr. Hoiyuen TSUI, Paul 徐開源 MHKIS, MRICS, MPhil(GIS) Representative of LSGI Alumni Association Mr. WONG Tat-fai 黃達煇 Public utility CEng, MIET Ms. Lai-yi TONG, Ellis 唐麗儀 Private Sector BBA, MBA, MSc, MHKIHRM Secretary Mrs. Katherine CHAU MBA 周黃麗萍 LSGI The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 15 Annual Report 2010/2011 FACILITIES Laboratory Survey Store Navigation Lab Hydrographic Lab Cadastre Lab Geomatics Computing Lab Geographic Information Systems Lab Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Lab Digital Cartography Lab Room No CF306 FG303 FG303 FG306 FG307 FG308 FG310 FG311 Lab-in-Charge Wu CHEN Wu CHEN George LIU Conrad TANG Geoffrey SHEA John SHI Bruce KING Geoffrey SHEA Survey Store The surveying Laboratory continued to provide service of equipment maintenance and production of special accessories in support of teaching and research activities in the department. The laboratory has a variety of surveying equipment, including total stations, precise level instruments, GPS receivers, hydrographic surveying systems, laser scanners, and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). A GPS base station has been installed for many years to support student’s experiments. Currently, the department is running a new stream on utility surveying and management. A new utility surveying lab is establishing to support the research and teaching requirements for this new area. Navigation Lab This laboratory is jointly set up by Department of Land Surveying and Geo-informatics (LSGI) and the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA). A number of NUAA staff and students visited our department this year. There are four main areas of research interest in the laboratory: Integrated Navigation Systems; GNSS and positioning; and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and Location based services (LBS). A joint-supervised PhD student between LSGI and NUAA stayed in Hong Kong for a year, working on the project of GPS software receiver. New algorithms based on a Kalman filter are developed for pseudorange and carrier phase estimations. The results shows less than 1 m and a few mm measurement precision can be achieved with pseudorange and carrier phase respectively.The Public Transport Enquiry Service developed for the laboratory has been launched since April 2008, by the Transport Department, HKSAR Government. The system has been widely used by the public, averaging 2000 visitors and 30,000 page views per day. This consultancy project has been extended for another year until early 2011. The laboratory is collaborated with the Department of Civil Engineering to develop various systems for construction management, from early tracking system for RMC plant, to new devices based on zigbee for construction resource tracking. A new regional tracking system is under the development. The initial test results show the positioning accuracy of 2 m can be achieved with WSN networks. Research is also carried out for other wireless communication systems, i.e. mobilephone and WiFi. 16 Annual Report 2010/2011 Hydrographic Lab No significant changes since last year. Cadastre Lab The Cadastre Lab has 1 set of Pentium IV PC running on MicroSoft Windows XP Professional with MicroSoft Office, Bentley MicroStation V8, Inroads V8, Leica LGO and data download software for varies survey instrument. One large format color ink-jet plotter (HP750C) is installed. Geomatics Computing Lab This lab is equipped with 51 sets of Dell Precision 360N workstation for general teaching and learning in the department. Currently, the workstations are installed with Microsoft Windows XP operating system and a diversified surveying and geomatics application software such as Matlab, Leica Geo Office, Starnet, ESRI ArcGIS 9. Department is planning to upgrade the workstations in the lab in the coming summer (mid-July 2010). Geographic Information Systems Lab Geographic Information Systems Laboratory is a multi-discipline laboratory for research and teaching in the area of Geo-Informatics. The Lab covers the disciplines of geographical information systems (GIS), remote sensing, virtual reality and database management systems. In GIS area, the Lab is equipped with software such as Arc/Info 8.1 (three sets, including the major extension modules), ArcGIS 9.2, Microstation and Idrisi. In the area of remote sensing, the Lab is equipped with ER-Mapper 7.0 floating. Other software are Civil Inroads suite, Mathlab 6.1, Visual Studio 2005, Ortho maker, Mono mapper, Stereo maker, Stereo mapper, Star-Net demo etc. There are 16 PC workstations in the Lab. The workstations are Dell Pentium 4 CPU with 3.GHz and with one Gbyte Ram installed. These workstations are linked to each other through network. Other hardware includes an A0 size color HP 800psDesignJet and A4 double-sided printers. 17 Annual Report 2010/2011 Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Lab This lab is equipped with a range of photogrammetric and laser scanning hardware and software, and software for remote sensing. Photogramemtric hardware includes a two-projector Multiplex, a radial line plotter, 20 Sokkia mirror stereoscopes and parallax bars, a Zeiss P3 analytical stereoplotter with CADMap software, an Intergraph PhotoScan TD and ImageStation, two high performance PCs. The lab also owns a collection of digital SLR cameras and a selection of lenses and flash units. Software includes licenses for LPS, DDPS from 3DMapper and PhotoModeler. For laser scanning there is a CYRAX 2500 and a ScanStation with 10 licenses of Cyclone software. Remote sensing software includes products from ERDAS, ERMapper and PCI. There are 10 PCs dedicated for the use of students undertaking coursework or project and dissertation work using the photogrammetric, laser scanning and remote sensing software. Digital Cartography Lab No significant changes since last year. 18 Annual Report 2010/2011 TEACHING ACTIVITIES Course Information The Department offers two full-time undergraduate programmes and one mixed mode (full-time and part-time) taught postgraduate programme. A brief description of the programmes and the changes in their syllabi introduced in the year are given below. Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Geomatics Programme (Full-Time) Programme Code Name of Programme Leader Intake Quota : : 34014 Dr. Conrad TANG 45 This is the year the Geomatics Programme proceeds with three professional streams: land surveying, Geo-Information Technology and utility options. Year 1 students are given introductory courses on all the professional streams and are going to choose their options in the end of Semester 2. The list of subjects and their credit values for 2010/11 are listed below:Subject Code Subject Credit Values Level 2 AMA284 COMP201 COMP210 COMP211 ELC2401 IC251 @ LSGI2222 LSGI228 LSGI2294 LSGI2341 LSGI2351 LSGI2361 LSGI2372 Mathematics Principles of Programming Discrete Structures Data and System Modeling (Prob/Stat) University English for the Faculty of Construction and Land Use Industrial Safety for Surveying & Geo-Informatics Fundamentals of GIS Mapping CAD and Processing for Geomatics Survey Adjustment Introduction to Utility Surveying and Management Field Scheme I Surveying I 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 Level 3 COMP302 COMP304 COMP305 COMP311 COMP316 COMP319 COMP323 COMP324 CSE399 Foundations of Software Engineering Operating Systems Data Structures and Algorithms Foundations of Database Systems Object-oriented Methods for Information Systems Development Introduction to Multimedia Computing Foundations of Chinese Computing Project Methodology and Implementation Construction Technology & Management 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 19 Annual Report 2010/2011 Level 2 ELC3403 ELC3404 Workplace English for the FCLU Job Application Skills (ELC3401 top-up) 2 2 Digital Terrain Modelling and Visualisation Geospatial Database and Data Infrastructure Spatial Analysis GIS Project Integrated GIS Project Cartography Geomatics Programming Cadastre and Land Management Remote Sensing Photogrammetry I Advanced Survey Adjustment Geodetic Control Communication & Positioning Hydrographic Surveying Construction Surveying Survey Instrumentation Data Integration and System Customisation 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 Level 3 LSGI3242 LSGI3243 LSGI3244 LSGI3251 LSGI3253 LSGI326 LSGI3291 LSGI3301 LSGI3321 LSGI3332 LSGI3341 LSGI3342 LSGI3343 LSGI335 LSGI3371 LSGI3382 LSGI3431 Level 4 COMP417 COMP418 COMP437 COMP439 COMP444 COMP452 LSGI4212 LSGI4213 LSGI425 LSGI4292 LSGI4311 LSGI4321 LSGI4322 LSGI433 LSGI4342 LSGI4343 LSGI4344 LSGI4361 LSGI4371 LSGI4391 LSGI4392 20 Data Warehousing and Data Mining Tech. in Business & Commerce Electronic Commerce Mobile Computing Game Programming Internet Infrastructure Security Computing Professionals in Society Geomatics Business Management GIS in Business and E-commerce Geomatics Projects Internet and Mobile GIS Hong Kong Land Boundary Survey Geoinformation for Urban and Regional Studies Geo-IT in Environmental Management Photogrammetry Space and Physical Geodesy Deformation and Tunnel Alignment Surveying Geospatial Data Mining & Knowledge Discovery Field Scheme II Geo-IT in Logistics & Transportation Individual Project Final Year Project 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 6 9 Annual Report 2010/2011 General Education GEC ## General Education 2 It normally takes 3 years to complete this study programme. Generally, level 2 subjects are taken in the 1st stage, level 3 subjects are taken in the 2nd stage, and level 4 subjects are taken in the final stage. ## the general education subjects can be taken at any semester. @ Training Credit Entrance requirement: The minimum entrance requirements are HKALE or HKALE (AS-Level) with Grade E or above in one of the following subjects: Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Mathematics & Statistics, Geography and Physics; and grade D or above in Mathematics or Additional Mathematics, and in Physics, Geography or Computer Studies at Hong Kong Certificate of Education; or equivalent qualifications. Applications will be considered for entry to year 1 of the programme from holders of Technical Institute Diploma in Civil Engineering Studies, Building Studies, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or Electronics and Communication Engineering. Mature students may be considered subject to their experience and academic background. Holders of Higher Diploma in Geomatics may be given credit transfer for some of the Year One subjects as listed under the Normal Study Pattern. 21 Annual Report 2010/2011 Higher Diploma in Geomatics Programme (Full-Time) Programme Code Name of Programme Leader Intake Quota : : : 34012 Prof. Wu CHEN 72 The goal of this programme is to provide education and training so that graduates can properly function as geomatics technologists working in the areas of land surveying and geo-information technology. Geomatics technologists are employed under professional direction in both private and public geomatics related activities performing day-to-day duties. The programme satisfies the academic requirements for Associate Membership of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineering Surveyors (HKInstES). It is also supported by the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) and various Government Departments such as the Survey and Mapping Office, the Highways Department. Besides, progression to second/third year degree programmes of similar disciplines is recognized by many local and overseas universities. The programme has two specialisms: Land Surveying and Geo-Information Technology. Graduates from the Land Surveying stream will be trained chiefly to work in the fields of land and engineering surveying whilst those from the Geo-Information Technology stream in the fields of GIS, cartography, remote sensing and information management. The list of subjects and their credit values for 2010/11 are listed below:Subject Code Subject Credit Values Mathematics for Geomatics Industrial Saety for Surveyors Fundamentals of GIS Mapping CAD & Processing for Geomatics Survey Adjustment Field Scheme I Surveying Computer Programming Cadastre and Boundary Survey 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Construction Technology & Management English in the Workplace for FCE English for Geomatics Geospatial Database & Data Infrastructure Remote Sensing Photogrammetry Geodetic Control Construction Surveying GIS Workshop GIS Applications Data Integration & System Customization 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 4 2 Level 2 AMA226 IC224 LSGI2222 LSGI228 LSGI2294 LSGI2341 LSGI2361 LSGI2372 LSGI2492 LSGI2511 Level 3 CSE399 ELC3401 ELC3402 LSGI3243 LSGI3321 LSGI3331 LSGI3342 LSGI3371 LSGI3411 LSGI3421 LSGI3431 22 Annual Report 2010/2011 Subject Code Subject Credit Values LSGI3463 LSGI3492 LSGI3542 LSGI3551 LSGI3561 LSGI3572 LSGI3591 Spatial Data Representation Computers and Information Technology Satellite Positioning Hydrographic Surveying Field Scheme II Engineering Surveying I Project 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 General Education GEC General Education 2 Entrance requirement: HKALE in one subject at grade E or above or Grade E in two AS subjects. Hong Kong Certificate of Education with Grade C or above in Mathematics or Additional Mathematics and Grade E or above in five other subjects including English (Syllabus B), and Chinese Language or Chinese Literature or a language other than English or Chinese, and Physics or Engineering Science. Technical institution qualifications: Diploma in Civil Engineering Studies; Building Studies; Electrical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; or Electronics & Communications Engineering; or Computing Studies. A mature student with the relevant practical industrial experience but with qualifications other than those indicated may be admitted onto the course at the discretion of the Department. Exceptionally, the Department may consider other qualifications deemed to be equivalent to the above. Students who do not possess HKALE Grade D in or above in Mathematics or Physics are required to enrol in remedial classes for these subjects in the summer term. Other students may enrol on a voluntary basis. 23 Annual Report 2010/2011 Master of Science/Postgraduate Diploma in Geomatics Programme (Full-Time and Part-Time) Programme/Programme Code : 04001 Name of Programme Leader : Prof. John SHI Intake Quota (Minimum viable number) : 30 (to be completed by John SHI) Subjects in four levels Block – 4: 4.1 Dissertation Dissertation and Project 4.2 Project 3.1 Urban remote sensing Block – 3: 3.2 Location-based computing and services Applications 3.3 Advanced GIS GIS Stream 2.1.1 GIS engineering Block – 2: 2.1.2 Spatial information visualization and modeling Surveying Stream 2.2.1 Satellite positioning & navigation 2.2.2 Advanced surveying Advanced Technologies 2.3 Spatial data analysis and mining 2.4 Remote sensing image processing Block – 1: Fundamentals 1.1 Principles of GIS 1.2 Spatial data acquisition Entrance requirement: A Bachelor’s degree with Honours in engineering, science or technology; OR A Bachelor’s degree with Honours in other relevant disciplines (such as a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Geography)^; OR A professional qualification plus relevant work experience related to surveying or Geographic Information Systems (GIS)^. Holders of the qualifications marked with^ above may be invited to attend an interview to assess their suitability for study. 24 Annual Report 2010/2011 Master of Science in Geomatics Dissertations/Projects Name of student Topic Supervisor Wingyee CHAN Illustration of Photogrammetry Using Computer Aided Design (CAD) Software Bruce KING Hu CHEN Efficient Change Detection Using Principal Component Analysis-Based Approach Zhilin LI Xi CHENG Surface Bidirectional Reflectance and Albedo Properties derived using a land cover-based approach with AERONET Observations John SHI Huang CHAO Analysis of Spatial Distribution of Heavy Metal PollUTION IN Hong Kong Island by Using an Integrated Interpolation Method John SHI Haocheng JIANG Real-Time SMS Warning Visualization System Based On Html5 Geoffrey SHEA Gengwei JIAO Realization and Comparison of Routing Algorithm Based on Mobile Platform Geoffrey SHEA Wei JIAO Realization of Buffer Funtion based on Windows Mobile System Platform Geoffrey SHEA Ye LIU Traffic Parameters Estimation Based on Video Images Wu CHEN Chun SHAN Reducing the multipath effect in Hongkong urban area Wu CHEN Jingzhi WANG Analysis and Monitoring of PM2.5 Particle Pollution in Hong Kong John SHI Jian WU The Study of applying GIS in Vehicle emissions and dispersion in Hong Kong Island John SHI Fei XIAO The Study of Applying Distributed Computing to Lida Data Processing in Grass GIS John SHI Jingya YAN Terrain Feature Extraction at Different Levels Eric GUILBERT Shasha ZHANG A Study of Spatial-Temporal Distribution of Human Swine Influenza in Hong Kong Based on GIS and Spatial Analysis John SHI 25 Annual Report 2010/2011 Bachelor of Science in Geomatics Final Year Projects Name of student Topic Supervisor Hosing CHAN, Ernest An Urban Tree Management Information System with the Support of Mobile Phone Apps Bo WU Leelee CHAN Land Boundary Re-establishment of Lot 659 in D.D. 132 Conrad TANG Lungyan CHAN Effect of Ionospheric Activity on GPS Integrity Monitoring George LIU Puishan CHAN, Theodora Influence of Cross Boundary Pollutants on Regional Air Pollution in Hong Kong Janet NICHOL Shukman CHAN Spatial Analysis of Traffic Accident in Hong Kong Zhilin LI Tinyan CHAN Vegetation Biomass Mapping in Hong Kong Using Worldview-2 Satellite Image Janet NICHOL Tszhong CHAN Stability Analysis of Electronic Distance Measurement Instrument Calibration Baseline at Plover Cover Yongqi CHEN Tszshing CHAN Analysis of Survey Specifications of High Speed Railway Wu CHEN Yuenting CHAN Land Boundary Re-establishment of Lot 1612 in DD 114 Conrad TANG Tszkiu CHOI Route Guidance with Wi-Fi Positioning Wu CHEN Tszwing CHU Dynamic Maps for Traffic Accident Mapping Zhilin LI Xue DONG Bush Fire Detection Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Conrad TANG Yanyi HUI Dynamic Visualisation of Air Corridor in Hong Kong Using Google Earth Eric GUILBERT Ching HUNG 3D Modelling of Shaw Amenities Building (VA) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University With Terrestrial Laser Scanning Bruce KING Kwoksheung HUNG Evaluating the Efficiency of Klobuchar Model for GPS Measurements in Hong Kong George LIU Yukyee KWOK Evaluation of Precise Point Positioning by Hydrographic Methods George LIU Chiukeung LAU Modelling of the Jockey Club Auditorium in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University by Terrestrial Laser Scanning Bruce KING 26 Annual Report 2010/2011 Bachelor of Science in Geomatics Final Year Projects (Cont’d) Name of student Topic Supervisor Chunyu LAU A Software Package for the Teaching of Photogrammetric Interior Orientation Bruce KING Kaman LEUNG Land Boundary Re-establishment of Lot 951 in DD 125 by Geo-referencing DD sheet 125 Using Wells as Control Points Conrad TANG Kwokchun LEUNG Modeling of Area Near W Core in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University by Terrestrial Laser Scanning Bruce KING Kwokhong LEUNG GPS in Sport Training - Rowing George LIU Puihang LI Developing a Web GIS Using Flex and Open Source Software Eric GUILBERT Tszhim LI, Martin Evaluation of Reliability of Hong Kong Driving Route Service for Public Use Geoffrey SHEA Chun Hei LIU A North Seeking Programme with Wild GAK-1 Gyro-theodolite Joseph LAM Chunyiu MAN Analysis of Maintenance Works of Railway Xiaoli DING Waiyee MAN Burglary Analysis in Hong Kong H.B. IZ Laiman MOK Web Application on MTR Route Searching System Geoffrey SHEA Shuhim MU Site Selection of the 4th Cross Harbour Tunnel in Hong Kong Using GIS Technique Bo WU Chiching NGAI GIS to Determine the Potential Locations of Columbarium H.B. IZ Waiming OR Historical Patterns of KMB Route Planning in Tin Shui Wai Lilian PUN Hoitik POON Analysis of the Relationship between Land Use Patterns and Air Quality H.B. IZ Carmen SIU Real Time Vegetation Monitoring Program for Registger of Old and Valuable Trees Wu CHEN Wingchi SIU, Gigi Bridge Construction Analysis Xiaoli DING 27 Annual Report 2010/2011 Bachelor of Science in Geomatics Final Year Projects (Cont’d) Name of student Topic Supervisor Waisum SO On the Fly Generalization of Lines Based on Douglas-Peucker Algorithm Eric GUILBERT Yukching SO Determinants of Housing Prices in Hong Kong H.B. IZ Tsunyat SUM, Carlos Feasibility Study on Applying Mobile-Phone-Based GPS Device in Travel Behaviour Measurement Xiaoli DING Punlung TAI, Agustinus Web-Based Coastline Information System for Hong Kong Island Bo WU Kaman TANG Deformation Monitoring of Stability of Tunnel with Automatic Deformation Monitoring System Xiaoli DING Laito TSANG 3D City Modelling - Comparing CityGML with Other Methods Geoffrey SHEA Ran WEN Database Design for Managing Deformation Survey Data Xiaoli DING Shingtak WONG Visualization of 3D Data in Google Earth Eric GUILBERT Wingyin WONG 3D Modeling of Anita Chan Lai Ling Building of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University with the Use of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Bruce KING Yukyi WONG Current Trend of Web Map Services Zhilin LI and Lilian PUN Kamhung YAN Effect of Altitude of GPS George LIU Tszching YIM An Application Study of CityGML - Case Study of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Geoffrey SHEA Mankit YIP Evaluation and Adaptation of the Earth Gravitational Model EGM2008 Over Hong Kong Wu CHEN Chunkit YIU Flood Forecasting Map in Tai Po H.B. IZ Anshu ZHANG GIS for Indoor Fire Evacuation System John SHI 28 Annual Report 2010/2011 TEACHING AND LEARNING PROJECTS Current Teaching and Learning Projects and Summary Description Investigators Title Amt of funds Status Outcome-based Approaches Projects Esmond MOK Alignment of the BSc(Hons) in Geomatics (Geo-IT) with HKIE and ABET Criteria on Outcome-based programme Accreditation Esmond MOK Assessing Student Generic Programme Outcomes with Final Year Projects $393,920 Completed $1,568,343 Completed Staff Attendance in Learning and Teaching Activities Seminars / Workshop / Symposium Staff Attended Outcome-Based Education (OBE): What is it all about? - Session 1 : Articulating Intended Learning Outcomes - Session 2 : Achieving Intended Learning Outcomes - Session 3 : Assessing Learning Outcomes and Improving Student Learning George LIU eLDSS : iEducation – Exploring the iPhone, iPod and iPad as Educational Tools Conrad TANG The Certificate in University Teaching - Addressing the Challenges - Progressing as a Teacher - Improving and Proving Your Teaching - Classroom Observation - Diversity in the Classroom - Getting Students to Prepare for Class - Feedback for Teachers - Teaching with PowerPoint and Prezi - English as a Medium of Instruction - Preventing, managing and Resolving Problems - Ending on a High Note Eric GUILBERT Date 22-Nov-10 29-Nov-10 06-Dec-10 07-Dec-10 24-Feb-11 03-Mar-11 10-Mar-11 17-Mar-11 24-Mar-11 31-Mar-11 07-Apr-11 14-Apr-11 21-Apr-11 28-Apr-11 12-May-11 29 Annual Report 2010/2011 Staff Attendance in Learning and Teaching Activities (Cont’d) Seminars / Workshop / Symposium Staff Attended Date Developing Proposals for Piloting Service-Learning Subjects for the 4-Year Curriculum Esmond MOK 28-Mar-11 Excellent Teachers on Teaching Excellence 2011 Symposium cum Presentation of Outstanding Teaching Development Projects Awards Esmond MOK 05-May-11 2-Part Workshop on “Teaching the Freshman Seminars” - Part 2 : Practical Realities in Teaching the Freshman Seminar: What Do You Need to Know? Bruce KING 18-May-11 eLDSS : iEducation – Exploring Blackboard Mobile and the use of iPad, iPhone as Educational Tools Geoffrey SHEA 28-Jun-11 Introduction to University Teaching (IUT) (Sem 1, 2011/12) - Module 1 : The first class: Active learning from the start - Module 2 : Who comes to PolyU? - Module 3 : Planning and preparing for active learning - Module 4 : Engaging students in the active classroom - Module 5 : Essentials of assessment - Module 6 : Managing behavior active classroom - Module 7 : Teaching practice (by appointment) Rebecca TSE 30 08-Aug-11 08-Aug-11 09-Aug-11 10-Aug-11 11-Aug-11 12-Aug-11 15-Aug-11 Annual Report 2010/2011 STUDENT AFFAIRS Scholarship & Prizes Student Name Name of Scholarship Doctor of Philosophy Takcheung CHAN Departmental of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics Scholarship Master of Philosophy Puihang TO The Happy Project Scholarship MSc in Geomatics with Specialisms in Geo-information Systems – Stage 1 Xi CHEN Departmental of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Performance Chao HUANG Departmental of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics Scholarship Gengwei JIAO Departmental of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics Scholarship Yuehua WANG Departmental of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Performance Wenzhi WU Departmental of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Performance Jie ZHANG Entry Scholarship for the Postgraduate Scheme in Construction and Land Use Teng ZHONG Entry Scholarship for the Postgraduate Scheme in Construction and Land Use BSc (Hons) in Geomatics with Specialisms in Land Surveying and Geo-information Technology – Stage 4 Anshu ZHANG Post-entry Scholarship for Current Students on UGC-funded Undergraduate Programmes 31 Annual Report 2010/2011 Scholarship & Prizes Student Name (Cont’d) Name of Scholarship BSc (Hons) in Geomatics with Specialisms in Land Surveying and Geo-information Technology – Stage 3 Chi CHEN Departmental of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics Scholarship for Non-local (Chinese mainland) Students Yinchun CHOI Mong Man Wai Mainland-Hong Kong University Student Exchange Scholarship Puihang LI HKSAR Government Scholarship Li Po Chun Charitable Trust Fund Scholarship Shuanglin HU The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Non-local Students Scholarship (Academic) BSc (Hons) in Geomatics with Specialisms in Land Surveying, Geo-information Technology and Utility – Stage 2 Chingto CHAN HKURC-HKIUS Utility Specialists Fund Scholarship Sibo CHEN Departmental of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics Scholarship for Non-local (Chinese mainland) Students Kwoksheung HUNG HKSAR Government Scholarship Yungfong KING Li & Fung Scholarship Puilam LEUNG HKURC-HKIUS Utility Specialists Fund Scholarship Chunhei LIU Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) Scholarship Carmen SIU Departmental of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics Scholarship Waisum SO Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) Scholarship Yuxiao WANG The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Non-local Students Scholarship (Academic) BSc (Hons) in Geomatics with specialisms in Land Surveying and Geo-information Technology – Stage 1 Chiyuen LAI Li & Fung Scholarship Siuchung PAU RICS (Hong Kong) Scholarship Hanqing ZHAO The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Non-local Students Scholarship (Academic) 32 Annual Report 2010/2011 Scholarship & Prizes Student Name (Cont’d) Name of Scholarship Higher Diploma in Geomatics – Stage 2 Yitak LEUNG, Lily The Hong Kong Institution of Engineering Surveyors (HKIES) Scholarship Higher Diploma in Geomatics – Stage 1 Shingpan CHU Departmental of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics Scholarship Wanyin NG Swire Polytechnic Scholarship BSc (Hons) in Geomatics with Specialisms in Land Surveying and Geo-information Technology Student Name Name of Prize / Award Anshu ZHANG The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors – Outstanding Final Year Dissertation Awards 2011 – Top Award (Land Surveying) (Project Title: GIS for Indoor Fire Evacuation System) Carmen SIU The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors – Outstanding Final Year Dissertation Awards 2011 – Second Award (Land Surveying) (Project Title: Real Time Vegetation Monitoring Program for Register of Old and Valuable Trees) 33 Annual Report 2010/2011 The Dean’s Honours List BSc (Hons) in Geomatics Stage 1 Szewing LAI BSc (Hons) in Geomatics with specialisms in Geo-information Technology Stage 2 Shingtak WONG Stage 3 Anshu ZHANG BSc (Hons) in Geomatics with specialisms in Land Surveying Stage 2 Wingsze HOU Stage 3 Chunhei LIU Higher Diploma in Geomatics Stage 1 Shingpan CHU Kachung CHAN Wanyin NG Wingsze WU Higher Diploma in Geomatics with specialisms in Geo-information Technology Stage 2 Chikei LI Higher Diploma in Geomatics with specialisms in Land Surveying Stage 2 Yitak LEUNG 34 Annual Report 2010/2011 The International Association for the Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE) Exchange of The following students were nominated to carry out the summer training in Greece and Poland through the international student exchange (IAESTE) scheme : Wingyn LEUNG, Jacqueline IAESTE training in Vienna, Austria Student Exchange with University of New Brunswick, Canada The University signed an agreement with University of New Brunswick on credit-bearing student exchange scheme in 2002/03. Each year, 2 students studying the BSc (Hons) Surveying & Geo-Informatics programme will be selected to study relevant subjects in the University of New Brunswick (UNB) for one academic year maximum. Similar arrangement from UNB is also expected. The following students were selected in 2009/10: Chiyuen LAI Yungfong KING Student Profile Student No. Foundation Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 BSc (Hons) in Geomatics 5 41 58 36 7 Higher Diploma in Geomatics - 77 71 - - 35 Annual Report 2010/2011 Student Activities Community Service Learning Awards A Course-required project has been chosen for Community Service Learning Awards 2010/11. The award was presented to the participating students at an Award Presentation Ceremony held on 9 February 2012. Awards / Certificate Gold Award and The Most Creative Award Project Name Gui with You 2011 Project Description This was a service trip to a remote part of Guizhou, China. Students from Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics built 3D models for some local famous tourist posts in an old town using the skills and knowledge learnt in classrooms, and students from other disciplines such as marketing, tourism management, English, etc, collected and edited the relevant tourist information. The project hoped to promote the old town and attract more tourists so as to boost the towns economy and enhance the quality of life of the townspeople. Besides, PolyU students also taught the pupils of a local primary school how to read maps and how to introduce their hometown in English. Classes and group activities were also organized for two local primary schools to stimulate the pupils’ interest in studies and widen their horizons. Service Users Primary pupils and the local residents Activities Period 24 Mar 2011 to 11 Sep 2011 Volunteers To be completed by Joseph 36 Annual Report 2010/2011 Student’s Learning Experience on Chinese Mainland - Study Tour in Qingdao Early 2011, 31 LSGI students of different years joined a China Study Tour to Qingdao, Shangdong 2011 during 9 to 14 January, 2011. The tour was leded by Dr. George Liu, Ms. Alice Cheng and Mr. Adam Yau. During the 6-day tour, the students visited The First Institute of Oceangraphy, SOA.(國家海 洋局第一海洋研究所), Shandong University of Science and Technology(山東科技大學) and Ocean University of China(中國海洋大學). Apart from the academic institutions, we visited some Qingdao historical and cultural interests, such as Zhanqiao Pier, Granite Castle, Badaguan Scenic Area, Mount Lao of Qingdao. One thing to deserve being mentioned is that we have visited The Site of China Sea Level Datum, which is the China's zero sea-level marker at Silver Sea Big World. The marker is the benchmark for China’s national height system. 37 Annual Report 2010/2011 RESEARCH ACTIVITIES, RESEARCH AWARDS AND RESEARCH OUTPUT Research Programmes The Department is well recognized as a regional centre of excellence in research in the discipline of geomatics and is comparable with international reputed academic units in the discipline as evidenced by both the number and quality of the research outputs produced and research grants received. The department has a Research Centre for Geo-Information Science and Technology (RCGIST) that carries out research in a number of focused areas as described later in the report. The Department admits research students from both Hong Kong and abroad at the Master’s and Doctoral levels. Various scholarships are available to applicants with outstanding academic merits. For inquiries about the research programmes and student places, please contact Prof. Wu CHEN, Chairman of Departmental Research Committee (tel: 2766 5969; email: Alternatively, you may visit the home page of the Department at to find a staff member with appropriate specialty for advice. Surveying, Navigation and Positioning 測量、導航和定位 Automation and enhancement of cadastral systems of Hong Kong; improvement of accuracy, reliability and efficiency in shallow water mapping using new technologies such as multi-beam echo sounders; development of GPS positioning technologies such as multi-antenna GPS; evaluation & modeling of GPS positioning errors; development of technologies for landslide and structure monitoring; multi-sensor and map matching techniques for navigation in high-rise urban areas; intelligent transport information systems; location-based computing and services; and fleet management. Geodesy and Geodynamics 大地測量及地球動力學 Dynamical interaction between the solid Earth, oceans and atmosphere; El Niño; InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) for monitoring Earth surface deformation; precise determination of the geoid; space geodesy; sea-level change and impact assessment; applications of space geodetic techniques to study crustal deformation, atmospheric and environmental changes and the related natural hazards. Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 攝影測量及遙感 Applications of close-range photogrammetry and laser scanning in engineering and industry; fusion of satellite images; high-resolution image compression; environmental applications of remote sensing; remote sensing of the urban thermal environment; two- and three-dimensional information extraction from high-resolution digital images. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 地理資訊系統 Applications of GIS in transportation, environment and facility management; spatial data structures, terrain modeling and computational geometry; data exchange and integration; dynamic marine GIS; multi-dimensional data models; scale theory; spatial databases; spatial data quality; spatio-temporal analysis and modeling; geovisualization and visual analytics; spatial decision support systems; and internet GIS. Digital Cartography 數字化制圖 Automated map generalization; cartographic visualization; design of dynamic maps for vehicle navigation; multi-media presentation; multi-scale cartographic databases; and symbol design for tourist maps. 38 Annual Report 2010/2011 Research Centre for Geo-Information Science and Technology Director : Prof. Yongqi CHEN, Deputy Director : Prof. Wu CHEN The objectives of the Research Centre are To conduct research in a number of focused areas within the broad field of geo-information science and technology; To promote external research collaborations; and To promote applications of the latest research outputs and to provide services to the local and international communities. The main current research areas of the Research Centre are included in three laboratories: Laboratory for Environmental Change (LEC) The current research areas include studies of ocean-atmosphere oscillations such as El Niño, crustal deformation monitoring with GPS and interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) technologies, monitoring stability of slopes and landslides, atmosphere sensing using GPS, measurement of land subsidence with InSAR, monitoring the deformation and health conditions of large engineering structures, sea level change monitoring using tide gauge records and satellite radar altimetry, monitoring of air and ocean pollution using remote sensing methods, study of urban heat islands, dynamical earth systems and phenomena such as earthquakes, typhoons and red tides, and GIS in natural hazards monitoring and management. Laboratory for Integrated Navigation Technologies (LINT) The current research areas include GNSS and applications, seamless navigation for urban application, integrated navigation systems, and Intelligent transportation Systems (ITS). Cyber City Laboratory (CCL) The research areas include multi-resolution image bases, dynamic and 3-dimensional representation of city, through internet and virtual technology. 39 Annual Report 2010/2011 Research Degree Graduates PhD Name of student Title Supervisor Guangcai FENG Coseismic Deformation and Ionospheric Variation Associated with Wenchuan Earthquake Estimated from InSAR Xiaoli DING He WEN Enhancement of China Land Information Management Systems Conrad TANG @ Yongqi CHEN Hong ZHANG Uncovering Road Network Structure through Complex Network Analysis Zhilin LI Name of student Title Supervisor Gang PANG A Model-based Method for Extracting Terrain Surface from Airborne Lidar Data John SHI MPhil @ Chief Supervisor 40 Annual Report 2010/2011 Ongoing PhD Projects Name of student Title Supervisor Muhammad BILAL Air Quality Monitoring in Hong Kong and Pearl River Delta Region Using Remote Sensing Janet NICHOL Susu DENG Quality Control for Spatial Data John SHI Qiong DING The Integration of LiDAR and Imagery Datasets for Terrain Analysis of Outfall Wu CHEN @ Bruce KING Homindra DIVITHURE Land Registration Design and Evaluation for Sri Lanka Conrad TANG Jian GUO Integration of Multi-source Lunar Imagery and Laser Altimetry Data for Precision Lunar Topographic Mapping Bo WU @ Zhilin LI Indika Prasanna HERATH MUDIYANSELAGE Precise Geoid Determination and Geodetic Network Improvements in Sri Lanka Wu CHEN @ Baki IZ Mi JIANG Unbiased Interferometric Coherence Estimation and Applications in InSAR Xiaoli DING Yang OU A Multi-scale Approach to Automated Recognition of Fuzzy Spatial Objects Lilian PUN @ Zhilin LI Zakaria Robert NGEREJA Monitoring Urban Change Using Remote Sensing John SHI Muhammad Imran SHAHZAD Remote Sensing of visibility using weather satellite data Janet NICHOL Hui SUN Transformation of Information on Topographic Map from Large Scale to Small Scale Zhilin LI Peng TI Automated Generation of Schematic Network Maps Zhilin LI Chisheng WANG FEM Numerical Simulation of Seismic Deformation Constrained by InSAR Xiaoli DING Bing WEI A Dynamic Vehicle Positioning System Based on Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Wu CHEN @ Xiaoli DING Qianxiang XU Modeling Uncertainties in Area Estimation for Spatial Objects John SHI Rui XU Multi-channel Fusion Tracking in L1/L2 GPS Software Receiver George LIU @ Wu CHEN Full-time 41 Annual Report 2010/2011 Ongoing PhD Projects Name of student (Cont’d) Title Supervisor Lei ZHANG The Joint Analysis of PSInSAR and GPS Data to Infer Seismic Deformation and Model the Slip Distribution Xiaoli DING Ling ZHANG Geo-oriented River Network Generalization Eric GUILBERT @ Zhilin LI Qi ZHOU Generalization of Transportation Network Zhilin LI Hochiu CHAN On the Dynamics of Genetic Algorithm for a Multi-modal Transportation Database Lilian PUN @ Zhilin LI Takcheung CHAN Sustainable Development of Geomatics Zhilin LI Ngafong CHENG A Precise Boundary Determination Model in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Conrad TANG @ Xiaoli DING Yikkong CHEUNG Simplification of Maps for Mobile-based Navigation Zhilin LI @ Wu CHEN Kingfai WONG Quality Assessment and Control for Topographic Data John SHI Wentao YANG GNSS-Based Multi-Sensor Systems for Structural Health Monitoring Xiaoli DING Full-time Part-time Duojie WENG @ Chief Supervisor 42 Integrity Monitoring with Multiple GNSS Systems Wu CHEN @ Xiaoli DING Annual Report 2010/2011 Ongoing MPhil Projects Name of student Title Supervisor Deepak DAHAL Analysis of the Spatial Changes in the Irregular Trip Generation and Travel Behaviour Lilian PUN Yang GAO Investigation and Remediation of False Topographic Perception Phenomena Observed on Lunar Orbital Imagery Bo Wu Pei HU Effect of Distortion in Geometric Shape on Recognition of Area Cartogram Zhilin LI Zhe QIN Legend-driven Web Tourist Mapping System Zhilin LI @ Geoffrey SHEA Pui Hang TO Temperature Projection in Hong Kong Using Remote Sensing and Dynamic Modelling Janet NICHOL @ Rebecca TSE Cheukyan WAN Shadow Enhanced Urban Remote Sensing Imagery of a Complex City - Hong Kong Bruce KING @ Zhilin LI Jue WANG Effectiveness of Visual, Screen and Dynamic Variables in Animated Mapping Zhilin LI Wai Lam WONG 3D Terrain Data Matching Using Energy Minimisation Techniques Eric GUILBERT @ Zhilin LI Shengjun XIAO Handling Spatial Inconsistencies in Land Use Data Updating Lilian PUN @ Zhilin LI Xunruo ZHANG Generalisation of Contour Lines on Nautical Charts Using Snake Model and a Multi-agent System Eric GUILBERT @ Zhilin LI Full-time Part-time Yuenyung TSANG Experimental Study with InSAR Technology for Landslide Monitoring in Hong Kong Xiaoli DING @ Chief Supervisor 43 Annual Report 2010/2011 New Research Projects New Research Projects funded in the reporting year:- CHEN, Wu Investigators: Title: Amt of funds: Status: CHEN, Wu, DING, Xiao-li and AQUINO, Marcio Mitigating Ionospheric Scintillation for GNSS Applications (B-Q23J) $1,165,399 Start date : 01-Jan-2011 DING, Xiao-li Investigators: Title: Amt of funds: Status: DING, Xiao-li, CHEN Wu and LU, Zhong High Resolution Mapping of Ionospheric TEC Anomalies Associated with Earthquakes with SAR Measurements (B-Q23K) $1,277,000 Start date : 01-Jan-2011 Investigators: Title: Amt of funds: Status: DING, Xiao-li Acquisition of InSAR Data for Fen-wei Basin Area (H-ZG63) $165,800 Start date : 20-Dec-2010 GUILBERT, Eric Investigators: Title: Amt of funds: Status: GUILBERT, Eric and SAUX, Eric Feature Based Generalisation of the Seabed on Nautical Charts (5-ZG62) $182,795 Start date : 01-Mar-2011 Investigators: Title: GUILBERT, Eric and BOUDRAA, Abdel-Ouahab Multi-level Representation of Lines for Cartographic Generalisation Using Empirical Mode Decomposition (A-PK56) $105,000 Start date : 01-Jul-2011 Amt of funds: Status: 44 Annual Report 2010/2011 IZ, H.B. Investigators: Title: Amt of funds: Status: IZ, H.B. Reference Frame Transformations for Chang'E 1, SELENE, LRO, Lunar Laser Altimetry Measurements and ULCN2005 Data toward a Unified Selenodetic Control for High Resolution Lunar Mapping (G-U855) $105,000 Start date : 08-Feb-2011 KING, Bruce Investigators: Title: Amt of funds: Status: Investigators: Title: Amt of funds: Status: KING, Bruce and WU, Bo Development of a Photogrammetric System for the In-situ Recording of Complex Objects (G-U856) $105,000 Start date : 03-Jan-2011 KING, Bruce and LI, Yuk-kwong Optimisation of Digital Photogrammetric Workstations for Unconventional Photogrammetric Applications (H-ZJB2) $100,000 Start date : 01-Mar-2011 LIU, George Investigators: Title: Amt of funds: Status: Investigators: Title: Amt of funds: Status: LIU, George, DING, Xiao-li and CHEN Wu Investigation of the Space Weather Impact on the GPS Surveying in Hong Kong Industries and Government Services (A-PJ78) $150,000 Start date : 30-Sep-2010 LIU, George and CHEN, Wu Determination of High Resolution, High Precision Global Ionospheric TEC Rates and Analysis of TEC Rate Variation Characteristics (A-PL11) $105,000 Start date : 01-Jun-2011 NICHOL, Janet Investigators: Title: Amt of funds: Status: NICHOL, Janet, CHENG, Cho-ming and HUTCHISON, Keith Multi-sensor Monitoring and Prediction of Fine Particulates over an Urbanised Region (B-Q23L) $819,000 Start date : 01-Jan-2011 45 Annual Report 2010/2011 SHEA, Geoffrey Investigators: Title: Amt of funds: Status: SHEA, Geoffrey Development of a Fast Responsive Open Source Mobile Geospatial Data Editor (A-PL10) $100,000 Start date : 01-Aug-2011 TANG, Conrad Investigators: Title: Amt of funds: Status: TANG, Conrad Creating Best Accurate Land Boundary Models with Positional Uncertainties from Legal Land Boundary Plans and Old Aerial Photographs (G-U919) $105,000 Start date : 01-Jun-2011 WU, Bo Investigators: Title: Amt of funds: Status: Investigators: Title: Amt of funds: Status: 46 WU, Bo ZoomCam: An Innovative Imaging System with Zoom Lens for High-Precision 3D Measurement (A-PJ62) $166,913 Start date : 30-Sep-2010 WU, Bo Integration of Multi-source Lunar Orbiter Camera Imagery and Laser Altimeter Data for Precision Lunar Topographic Mapping to Support Future Lunar Landed Missions (B-Q23M) $609,558 Start date : 01-Jan-2011 Annual Report 2010/2011 Research Output Book and Book Chapters Author Title ZHANG, XUNRUO# and GUILBERT, ERIC " A multi-agent System Approach for Feature-driven Generalization of Isobathymetric Line ". In Anne Ruas, ed., Advances in Cartography and GIScience, Vol. 1, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp.477-495 (2011) ISBN 978-3-642-19142-8 ZHOU, Q.# and LI, ZHILIN " Evaluation of Properties to Determine the Importance of individual Roads for Map Generalization ". In A. Ruas, ed., Advances in Cartography and GIScience, Vol. 1, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Paris, pp.459-475 (2011) (Part 5; DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-19143-5_26) 47 Annual Report 2010/2011 Papers in Refereed Journals Author Title BAN, B.S., WU, J.C., CHEN, Y.Q., FENG, G.C. and HU, S.C. " Calculation of 3D terrain deformation of WenChuan earthquake with GPS and InSAR data ". JOURNAL OF GEODESY AND GEODYNAMICS, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp.25-28 (2010) CHEN, Q., LIU, G.X., DING, X.L., HU, J.C., YUAN, L.G., ZHONG, P. and OMURA, M. " Tight integration of GPS observations and persistent scatterer InSAR for detecting vertical ground motion in Hong Kong ". INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION, Vol. 12, pp.477-486 (2010) ((SCI, IF=1.947) DOI:10.1016/j.jag.2010.05.002) IZ, H.B. and NG, H.M. " Empirical Modeling and Impact of Transient Effects on the Mean Sea Level Trend Estimates from the Global Tide Gauge Data ". JOURNAL OF GEODETIC SCIENCE, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp.221-232 (2011) IZ, H.B., CHEN, Y.Q., DING, X.L., KING, B.A., SHUM, C.K., WU, C. and BERBER, M. " Assessing Consistency of Chang'E-1 and SELENE Reference Frames using Nearly-collocated Laser Altimetry Footprint Positions ". JOURNAL OF GEODESY - JOGE (2011) (DOI 10.1007/s00190-011-0495-6) (publised on-line) IZ, H.B., SHUM, C.K., DING, X.L. and DAI, C.L. " Orientation of the Geometrically Best fitting Triaxial Lunar Ellipsoid with Respect to the Mean Earth/Polar Axis Reference Frame ". Journal of Geodetic Science, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.52-58 (2011) (DOI: 10.2478/v10156-010-0007-2) IZ, H.B., SHUM, C.K., CHEN, Y.Q. and DAI, C.L. " An Improved Geometrically Best Fitting Lunar Figure from Chang’E-1 and SELENE Laser Altimetry ". Journal of Applied Geodesy, Vol. 5, pp.1-12. IZ, H.B., DING, X.L., SHUM, C.K. and DAI, C.L. " Polyaxial Figures of the Moon ". Journal of Geodetic Science, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp.348-354. JANET, NICHOL and WONG, MAN SING " Estimation of ambient BVOC emissions using remote sensing techniques, ". ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, Vol. 44, pp.2501-2506 (2011) JI, SHENGYUE, CHEN, WU, DING, XIAOLI, CHEN, YONGQI, ZHAO, CHUNMEI and HU, CONGWEI " Ambiguity validation with combined ratio test and ellipsoidal integer aperture estimator ". JOURNAL OF GEODESY - JOGE, Vol. 84, No. 10, pp.597-604 (2010) 48 Annual Report 2010/2011 Author Title JI, SHENGYUE, CHEN, WU, DING, XIAOLI, CHEN, YONGQI, ZHAO, CHUNMEI and HU, CONGWEI " Potential Benefits of GPS/GLONASS/GALILEO Integration in an Urban Canyon - Hong Kong ". JOURNAL OF NAVIGATION, Vol. 63, No. 4, pp.681-693 (2010) JIANG, M#, LI, Z.W., DING, X.L., ZHU, J.J. and FENG, G.C. " Modeling minimum and maximum detectable deformation gradients of interferometric SAR measurements ". INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION, Vol. 13, pp.766-777 (2011) LAM, STEVE Y. W. and CHAN, ALBERT P. C. " Engineering Surveying for the Construction of Railway Tunnels in Hong Kong ". GEOMATICA (FORMERLY CISM JOURNAL ACSGC), Vol. 65, No. 2, pp.427-437 (2011) LI, ZHILIN and DONG, WEIHUA " A stroke-based method for automated generation of schematic network maps ". INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SCIENCE, Vol. 24, No. 10, pp.1631-1647 (2010) LIU, ZHIZHAO " A New Automated Cycle Slip Detection and Repair Method for a Single Dual-Frequency GPS Receiver ". JOURNAL OF GEODESY - JOGE, Vol. 85, pp.171-183 (2011) (DOI 10.1007/s00190-010-0426-y) MIAO, JIANFENG, CHEN, WU, SUN, YONGRONG and LIU, JIANYE " Adaptively Robust Phase Lock Loop for Low C/N Carrier Tracking in a GPS Software Receiver ". ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp.52-60 (2011) MOK, ESMOND, XIA, L., RETSCHER, G. and TIAN, H. " A Case Study on the Feasibility and Performance of an UWB-AoA Real Time Location System for Resources Management of Civil Construction Projects". JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEODESY, Vol. 4, pp.2332 (2010) NICHOL, JANET and SARKER, LATIFUR " Improved Biomass Estimation using the Texture Parameters of Two High Resolution Optical Sensors ". IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, Vol. 49, No. 3, pp.930-948 (2011) SARKER, LATIFUR and NICHOL, JANET " Improved forest biomass estimates using ALOS AVNIR-2 texture indices ". REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, Vol. 115, pp.968-977 (2011) SHEN, XUESONG, LU, MING and CHEN, WU " Computing Three-Axis Orientations of a Tunnel Boring Machine through Surveying Observation Points ". JOURNAL OF COMPUTING IN CIVIL ENGINEERING, ASCE, Vol. 1, No. 54, pp.232-241 (2010) 49 Annual Report 2010/2011 Author Title SHEN, XUESONG, LU, MING and CHEN, WU " Tunnel Boring Machine Positioning during Microtunneling Operations through Integrating Automated Data Collection with Real Time Computing ". JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT, ASCE, Vol. 137, No. 1, pp.72-85 (2010) WEN, HE#, TANG, CONRAD and CHEN, YONGQI " Development of a Soft Infrastructure for City-wide Land Information Management - a China perspective ". JOURNAL OF CADASTRE, Vol. 41, No. 1, pp.39-54 (2011) WONG, MAN SING and NICHOL, JANET " Fine resolution aerosol optical thickness (AOT) retrieval and applications over a complex urban region ". ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH, Vol. 99, pp.579-589 (2011) WONG, MAN SING, LEE, KWON-HO and NICHOL, JANET " Aerosol optical thickness retrieval using a small satellite ". Korean Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 26, No. 6, pp.605-615 (2010) WONG, MAN SING, NICHOL, JANET and LEE, KWON-HO " A satellite view of urban heat island: causative factors and scenario analysis ". Korean Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 26, No. 6, pp.617-627 (2010) WONG, MAN SING, NICHOL, JANET, SHAKER, AHMED and HUI, CHAN FUN " Data fusion using aerial photographs and satellite images for detailed landslide assessment ". INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMAGE AND DATA FUSION, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp.181-190 (2011) WOO, SUNKYU, JEONG, SEONGSU, MOK, ESMOMD, XIA, LINYUAN, CHOI, CHANGSU, PYEON, MUWOOK and HEO, JOON " Application of WiFi-based indoor positioning system for labor tracking at construction sites: A case study in Guangzhou MTR ". AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp.3-13 (2011) WU, B., GUO, J.#, ZHANG, Y., KING, B., LI, Z. and CHEN, Y. " Integration of Chang'E-1 Imagery and Laser Altimeter Data for Precision Lunar Topographic Modeling ". IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, Vol. 49, No. 12, pp. 4889 4903 (2011) WU, B., ZHANG, Y. and ZHU, Q. " A Triangulation-Based Hierarchical Image Matching Method for Wide-Baseline Images ". PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING AND REMOTE SENSING, Vol. 77, No. 7, pp.695-708 (2011) 50 Annual Report 2010/2011 Author Title WU, J.C., LIU, R.Z., CHEN, Y.Q., TANG, H.W., MENG, G.J. and DANG, Y.M. " Analysis of the crust deformation before and after the 2008 Wenchuan Ms8.0 earthquake based on GPS measurements ". International Journal of Geophysics, Vol. 2011 (2011) (DOI: 10.1155/2011/802346) (article ID802346, 7 pages) XU, G., XU, T., YEH, T.K. and CHEN, WU " Analytical solution of a satellite orbit distributed by lunar and solar gravitation ". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 410, No. 1, pp.645-653 (2010) XU, G., XU, TIANHE, CHEN, WU and YEH, T.K. " Analytical solution of a satellite orbit disturbed by atmospheric drag ". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 410, No. 1, pp.654-662 (2011) (January) YAN, HAO-MING, CHEN, WU, ZHU, YAO-ZHONG, ZHANG, WEI-MIN, ZHONG, MIN and LIU, GEN-YOU " Thermal Effects on Vertical Displacement of GPS Stations in China ". CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS-CHINESE EDITION, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp.252-260 (2010) YI, Z.H., ZHU, J.J., CHEN, Y.Q. and DAI, W.J. " An improved stochastic model considering satellite clock interpolation error in GPS precise point positioning ". GEOMATICS AND INFORMATION SCIENCE OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY, Vol. 35, No. 10, pp.1165-1169 (2010) YUAN, J., WANG, D., WU, B., YAN, L. and LI, R. " LEGION-Based Automatic Road Extraction from Satellite Imagery ". IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, Vol. PP, No. 99, pp.1-11 (2011) ZHANG, H.# and LI, ZHILIN " Weighted Ego Network for Forming Hierarchical Structure of Road Networks ". INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SCIENCE, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp.255-272 (2011) ZHANG, L.#, DING, X.L. and LU, Z " Modeling the PSInSAR time-series without phase unwrapping ". IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp.547-556 (2010) ZHANG, L.#, DING, X.L. and LU, Z. " Ground settlement monitoring based on temporarily coherent points between two SAR acquisitions ". ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, Vol. 66, pp.146-152 (2011) ZHU, Q., ZHANG, Y., WU, B. and ZHANG, Y. " Multiple Close-range Image Matching Based on a Self-adaptive Triangle Constraint ". PHOTOGRAMMETRIC RECORD, Vol. 25, No. 132, pp.437-453 (2010) 51 Annual Report 2010/2011 Proceedings and other published items Author Title CHAN, A.P.C., WONG, F.K.W., YAM, M.C.H., CHAN, D.W.M., MOK, E.C.M., SHEA, G.Y.K., GUAN, A.Y., CHUNG, J.W.Y., BIGGS, H. and DINGSDAG, D. " A Research Framework for Assessing the Effects of Heat Stress on Construction Workers ". Proceedings of the 6th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (ISEC-6) on Modern Methods and Advances in Structural Engineering and Construction, Zurich, Switzerland, 21-26 June 2011, pp.485-489 (2011) (ISBN 978-981-08-7920-4) CHAN, W.F.# and PUN-CHENG, L.S.C. " A structural analysis of public transport routes for optimal route computation ". 6th Across-the-Strait Geomatics Conference, Macau, 14-16 Oct 2010 (2010) CHEN, WU and JI, SHENGYUE " Ionospheric scintillation monitoring and predicting based on GPS network in Hong Kong ". 2010 CPGPS GNSS Technical Forum, Shanghai, China, 18-20 May (2011) (CD-ROM) DING, QIONG#, CHEN, WU and KING, BRUCE " Analysis of LiDAR’s ability in wetland investigation - a case study in Yellow River Delta ". 34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Sydney, Australia, 10-15 April, 2011 (2011) DING, QIONG#, CHEN, WU and KING, BRUCE " Comparison of LiDAR’s characteristics at different flying height ". International Symposium on LiDAR and Radar Mapping: Technologies and Application, Nanjing, China, 26-29 May, 2011 (2011) DING, X.L. " Observing ground deformation and geohazards from space ". 29th Surveying and Geo-Informatics Symposium (29界测量与空间资讯 研讨会), Taipei, 2-3 September (2010) (keynote) DING, X.L., ZHANG, L.#, HU, J., LI, Z.W. and LU, Z. " TCP-InSAR and 3D InSAR ". International Symposium on LiDAR and InSAR Mapping: Technologies and Applications, Nanjing, 26-29 May (2011) (Invited plenary) FUNG, HON-KWOK, KING, BRUCE, MATUK, KRZYSTOF and SHI, WEN-ZHONG " Image-based global registration of 3D point clouds ". Terrestrial LiDAR 2010, Zhengzhou, China, 15-18 October 2010 (2010) 52 Annual Report 2010/2011 Author Title GONGYOU, W., SHUM, C.K., YI, Y., FOK, H.S., GOOSSENS, S., MATSUMOTO, K., ARAKI, H., DAI, C., HU, X., IZ, H.B., PING, J., SASAKI, S., SHANG, K., WANG, J. and WANG, L. " Lunar Topography and Regional Gravity Field Modeling Using Multiple Platform Laser Altimetry and Crossovers ". EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 3-8 April 2011 (2011) HU, J., DING, X.L., LI, Z.W., ZHU, J.J., SUN, Q., ZHANG, L.# and OMURA, M. "3D surface displacement from multi-sensor, multi-track and multi-temporal interferograms ". IAG Symposium: Geodetic Imaging Techniques, IUGG 2011, Melbourne, 28 June – 7 July (2011) IZ, H.B., SHUM, C.K., DING, X.L. and DAI, C.L. " Recent Geometric Figures of the Moon ". 5th KAGUYA (SELENE) Science Working Team (SWT-5) Meeting, Tokyo Japan, January 17–19, 2011. IZ, H.B., SHUM, C.K. and DING, X.L. " Lunar Reference Frames Realized by the Footprint Positions of Laser Altimetry Measurements ". 5th KAGUYA (SELENE) Science Working Team (SWT-5) Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 16-19 May (2011) IZ, H.B., SHUM, C.K., DING, X.L. and DAI, C.L. " Recent Geometric Figures of the Moon ". 5th KAGUYA (SELENE) Science Working Team (SWT-5) Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 16-19 May (2011) JI, S., CHEN, WU and PUN-CHENG, L.S.C. " Differential mobile positioning based on received signal strength measurement in urban environment ". International Symposium on GPS/GNSS, Taipei, Taiwan, 25-28 Oct 2010, Taiwan (2010) KING, BRUCE and LO, HENRY " Documentation of the Tai Fu Tai Mansion, Hong Kong, by terrestrial laser scanning and architectural drawings ". Terrestrial LiDAR 2010, Zhengzhou, China, 15-18 October 2010 (2010) LI, MAOQUAN, CHEN, WU and LI, ZHILIN " Improving Video-based Traffic Flow Monitoring quality with Motion Vector Information ". Int. Symp. On GPS/GNSS 2010, Taipei, Taiwan, 25-28 October 2010 (2010) (CD-ROM) LI, ZHILIN, CHEN, WU, CHONG, YANWEN, LI, MIAOQUAN and LAM, H.K. WILLIAM " Traffic monitoring for a real-time traffic information system using moving video images ".第六届海峽兩岸測繪發展研討會, Macau, 22 Oct 2010 (2010) (CD-ROM) 53 Annual Report 2010/2011 Author Title MOK, ESMOND " Using Outdoor WiFi and GPS Integrated Method for Position Updating in Dense High Rise Environments ". The 8th International Conference on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems, Hong Kong, 6th October 2010 (2010) MOK, ESMOND, CHEN, WU, SHEA, GEOFFREY, PUN, LILIAN and ZHAI, GUO-NING " A Self-improving System to Facilitate the Continuous Process of Health Monitoring of Sewage Pipes in Hong Kong ". First International Conference on Sustainable Urbanization, Hong Kong, 15-17 December 2010 (2010) MOK, ESMOND, WONG, KING and ZHAI, GUO-NING " Analytic Hierarchy Process Method for Utility Health Index Development ". The 2nd International Conference on Utility Management and Safety, Hong Kong, 7-8 March 2011 (2011) NICHOL, JANET, WONG, MAN SING and LEE, KWON-HO " A study of impact of Asian dusts and their transport pathways to Hong Kong, using multiple AERONET data, trajectory and in-situ measurements, ". SPIE Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere and Clouds III, Seoul ,Korea, 10-15 October 2010 (2010) (On CD) SHUM, C.K., WU, G., YI, Y., GOOSSENS, S., DAI, C., FOK, H., WANG, L., ARAKI, H., CHEN, Y., HU, X. IZ, H.B., MATSUMOTO, K., PING, J., SASSAKI, S. and WANG, L. " Lunar topography modeling using multiple altimetry data ". Asian-Pacific The 5th KAGUYA (SELENE) Science Working Team Meeting, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, January 17–19, 2011. SHUM, C.K., FOK, H., YI, Y., WU, G., ARAKI, H., MATSUMOTO, K., SASAKI, S., IZ, H.B., DING, X.L., PING, J. and WANG, L. " Lunar topography modeling using laser altimetry from multiple orbiters ". Asian-Pacific Space Geodynamics Project (APSG) Workshop 2011, Melbourne, Australia, June 25–27, 2011. SUN, HUI#, GUILBERT, ERIC and LI, ZHILIN " Information contents of contour lines and maps ". ICA Workshop on Theories of Map Design in Digital Era, Hong Kong, 23-25 September 2010 (2010) TAM, H.M.# and PUN-CHENG, L.S.C. " Evaluation of Online Itinerary Planner and Investigation of Possible Enhancement Features ". 6th Across-the-Strait Geomatics Conference, Macau, 14-16 Oct 2010 (2010) TI, P.# and LI, ZHILIN " An Intelligent Deformation Method for Improving the Clarity of Schematic Network Map ". 25th International Cartographic Conference, Paris, 2-8 July 2011 (2011) (CD-ROM) 54 Annual Report 2010/2011 Author Title WANG, J.# and CHEN, Y.Q. " Extraction of land degradation information using object-oriented analysis with hyperion images ". 6th Cross-the-Strait Conference on Geomatics, Macau, 14-16 Oct 2010 (2010) WEI, BING#, CHEN, WU and DING, XIAOLI " Large Scale Errors Correction for Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks Model and Algorithm ". Int. Symp. On GPS/GNSS 2010, Taipei, Taiwan, 25-28 October 2010 (2010) (CD-ROM) WEN, H.# and CHEN, Y.Q. " Development of institutional and management framework for city-wide LIMSs ". 6th Cross-the-Strait Conference on Geomatics, Macau, 14-16 Oct 2010 (2010) WONG, MAN SING and NICHOL, JANET " Digital Urban Environment: Urban Environmental Quality, Urban Heat Island, and Air Quality ". PRAGMA 20TH WORKSHOP, University of Hong Kong, 2.3.11 (2011) WONG, MAN SING, NICHOL, JANET and LEE, KWON-HO " On the use of integrated remote sensing techniques to study aerosol sources and transport pathways to Hong Kong ". First International Conference on Sustainable Urbanization (ICSU 2010), Hong Kong, 15-17 DECEMBER 2010 (2010) (On CD) WONG, MAN SING, NICHOL, JANET and NG, EDWARD " A study of air ventilation impacts of “wall effect” in Hong Kong using remote sensing and GIS techniques ". First International Conference on Sustainable Urbanization (ICSU 2010),, 15-17 December 2010, Hong Kong (2010) (On CD) WONG, MAN SING, NICHOL, JANET, LEE, S C, CHEN, HONGWEI and HO, DAVE " Development of natural Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (BVOC) emission model using remote sensing and GIS techniques: an example in Hong Kong, ". SPIE Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere and Clouds III, Seoul. Korea, 10-15 October 2010 (2010) WU, G., SHUM, C., FOK, H., YI, Y., ARAKI, H., GOOSSENS, S., HU, X., IZ, H.B., MATSUMOTO, K., NEUMANN, G., PING, J., SASAKI, S., and WANG, J. " Lunar topography modeling using laser altimetry data, Abstract # P51D-1478". Fall AGU meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 13–17, 2010. WU, G., SHUM, C., YI, Y., FOK, H., GOOSSENS, S., MATSUMOTO, K., ARAKI, H., DAI, C., HU, X., IZ, H.B., and the Lunar Study Team " Lunar topography and regional gravity field modeling using multiple platform laser altimetry and crossovers ". Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly, Vol. 13, EGU2011-13022-3, Vienna, Austria, April 3–8, 2011. 55 Annual Report 2010/2011 Author Title ZHANG, L.#, DING, X.L. and LU, Z. " Ground Deformation in Los Angeles Basin, 1995-2000 from Temporarily Coherent Point InSAR ". IAG Symposium: Geodetic Imaging Techniques, IUGG 2011, Melbourne, 28 June – 7 July (2011) ZHANG, L.#, GUILBERT, E. 56 " Automatic Construction of Structured Dentritic River Networks ". Proceedings of the Third International Postgraduate Conference on Infrastructure and Environment, Liu, Javed, Ni, Shen editors, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, pp. 584-591. Annual Report 2010/2011 Others (speeches, public presentations, articles in newspapers, patents or computer programmes) Author Title DING, X.L. " Radar remote sensing for monitoring deformation and geohazards ". Liaoning Technical University, Fushun (2011) (28 April) DING, X.L., ZHANG, L.# and HU, J. " Ground Subsidence Monitoring in Macao with Satellite SAR Interferometry (InSAR) ". Project Report submitted to Cartography and Cadastre Bureau, Macao Government (2010) (December, 56pp) DING, X.L., " Geo-hazards Studies by PALSAr interferometry ". Project report submitted ZHANG, L.#, FENG, to Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) (2011) (6 pp.) G.C., JIANG, M.# and HU, J. KING, BRUCE and LO, HENRY " Laser scanning and photogrammetry for recording architecture ". (2011) (Invited presentation, Department of Architecture, University of Hong Kong) LAM, STEVE Y. W. " Paper Reviewer ". Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, National Research Council of Canada (NRC) Research Press, Canada (2011) LI, ZHILIN " Effectiveness of symbols on disaster maps ". International Symposium on GIS & Disaster Prevention and Reduction (2011) (Keynotes; 13-14 May 2011; Chengdu, China) LIU, ZHIZHAO " A New Cycle Slip Detection Method for Single GPS Dual-frequency Receiver and Comparison with NRCan & JPL Results ". Seminar Talk, Annual Seminar On Spatial Information Science and Technology (ASSIST’10), Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong (September 2010) SHEA, YU KAI GEOFFREY and CAO, JIANNONG " libMobileGIS ". libMobileGIS, (Fall 2010) (A software foundation package as a set of pre-compiled dynamic link libraries (DLLs) that can be used for developing GIS applications on Microsoft Windows mobile devices.) (Computer software or system) 李志林, 陳武, 徐柱 #, 陳永奇 and 張奕 港 " 導 航 綫 路 顯 示 方 法 及 導 航 綫 路 顯 示 裝 置 ". 200710110384.2 (2010) (Patents granted) 夏德嘉艾麥德 and 史文中 "衛星遙感影像幾何校正方法 ". PRC Patent No.: ZL 200710002098.4 (2010) (Patents granted) PRC Patent No.: ZL 57 Annual Report 2010/2011 Research Personnel / Research Student weekly Seminar Series Date Speaker 1 Speaker 2 07/10/10 Mr Lei ZHANG Research life at USGS's Cascades Volcano Observatory Mr Md. Latifur Rahman SARKER Forest Biomass Estimation and Optical Remote Sensing: problem and prospect 14/10/10 Ms Hui SUN Quantitative Measures for Information Contents in Contour Maps Mr Ling ZHANG Structured tree-like river network establishment 21/10/10 Mr Maoquan LI An Introduction to Image and Video Coding Ms Jian GUO Chang'e Mission & Data Outline 04/11/10 Mr Zhe QIN The Evaluation of Visual Perception in Empty Squares Size Mr Wentao YANG Multi-antenna GPS deformation monitoring system 11/11/10 Mr Jun HU Three-dimensional InSAR approach based on Kalman filtering Mr Wailam WONG An Overview of Constraint Programming 18/11/10 Mr Alex TO Temporal Characteristics of Thermal Satellite Images for Urban Climate Study Mr Gang PANG Outlier detection in LiDAR data with multiple attributes 25/11/10 Ms Wenrui WANG Lunar crustal thickness model and mass distribution Mr Yunsheng ZHANG A Triangulation-Based Hierarchical Image Matching Method for Mars Ground Wide-baseline Images 02/12/10 Ms Qiong DING Coastal wetland classification using LiDAR technology Mr Elton CHAN On Genetic Algorithm and GIS 09/12/10 Mr Indika Prasanna HERATH MUDIYANSELAGE Determination of the geoid of central highlands in Sri Lanka : A Preliminary Study Mr Kingfai WONG Assessing positional accuracy for linear feature in spatial dataset 58 Speaker 3 Mr Shewood WANG Coseismic Slip Inversion from InSAR Data using Finite Element Models Mr Bing WEI Beyond the Next Generation of Internet Annual Report 2010/2011 Research Personnel / Research Student weekly Seminar Series (Cont’d) Date Speaker 1 Speaker 2 17/02/11 Mr Shengjun XIAO Handling of Spatial Inconsistencies in Land Use Data Updating Mr Mi JIANG Removing Orbit Errors in InSAR Interferogram 24/02/11 Mr Peng TI A Technical Review for Automated Generation of Schematic Network Map 03/03/11 Mr Qianxiang XU A Review of Area Measurement Error Caused by Rasterization Ms Rui XU Performance Analysis of Vector Tracking Based GPS Software Receiver 10/03/11 Mr Jue WANG Effectiveness of Visual, Screen and Dynamic Variables in Animated Mapping Mr Qi ZHOU Evaluation of Properties to Determine the Importance of Individual Roads for Map Generalization 17/03/11 Ms Su Su DENG A General Introduction of Landslide Researches Mr Muhammad BILAL Application of Snowmelt Runoff Model (SRM) on Indus Basin in Northern Pakistan 24/03/11 Mr Yang OU A Discussion on Linear Spectral Unmixing and Its Application to the Estimation of Land Cover Composition Mr Deepak DAHAL Land Cover Mapping of Lund Commune, Sweden from IRS 31/03/11 Mr Homindra DIVITHURE Evolution of Cadastral System in Sri Lanka Mr Yang GAO Investigation of False Topographic Perception Phenomena (FTPP) on Lunar Orbital Imagery 07/04/11 Mr Zakaria Robert NGEREJA Development of Geomatics Education in Tanzania 14/04/11 Mr Jacob WAN A Study on the Enhancement of Shadowed Areas of Urban Remote Sensing Imagery Mr Duojie WENG A MEMS based Integrated Navigation Device for Multipurpose Uses 21/04/11 Ms Xunruo ZHANG Generalization Isobathymetric Lines Using Multi-Agent System Mr Muhammad Imran SHAHZAD Atmospheric Visibility and Aerosol Optical Thickness Trends in an Urban Area of Hong Kong 59 Annual Report 2010/2011 Departmental and Public Seminars Name of Speaker Seminars / Open Lectures Prof. Kiyun YU Introduction LBS and Remote Sensing Research of Seoul National University 20/09/10 Patents in Brief – What Every Researcher Should Know About Patents 27/09/10 Occupational Safety and Health Seminar “An Overview of UK Railway Safety, from the Regulator” (co-organized) 06/10/10 (Seoul National University) Dr. Carlo COLESANTI, European Patent Office Mr. Iain FERGUSON (Her Majesty’s Inspector of Railways) 60 Date Annual Report 2010/2011 Departmental and Public Seminars (Cont’d) Name of Speaker Seminars / Open Lectures Mr Thomas WIDER 3D City Modelling – Automated Building Extraction From Point Clouds in An Integrated Workflow 09/02/11 University of Nottingham Ningbo and the Planned Surveying Activity 18/02/11 Determining Geological Structure in the Tropics Using Optical and Radar Data 19/04/11 (Chief Geologist, Fugro NPA) Prof. Hon. Patrick LAU, SBS, JP Seminar on Spatial Data Infrastructure in Hong Kong (co-organized) 12/05/11 The Beauty in GIS 08/06/11 The Permanent Facility for Calibrating Satellite Radar Altimeters in Gavdos, Greece. 30/08/11 (Inpho GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany) Prof. Gethin Wyn ROBERTS Date (Dean of Science and Engineering, Professor of Geospatial Engineering, The University of Nottingham Ningbo, China) Mr. Mike OEHLERS (Keynote speaker) Prof. Guoan TANG (Department of Geographic Information Science, Nanjing Normal University) Prof Stelios MERTIKAS (Geodesy & Geomatics Engineering Lab, Technical University of Crete) 61 Annual Report 2010/2011 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AND SCHOLARLY ACTIVITIES Professional Service Wu CHEN Secretary, IAG sub-commission 4.5: Editor and Editorial Board Member, Journal of Geospatial Engineering Editor Board Member, Journal of Global Positioning Systems Adjunct Professor, Wuhan University, China Adjunct Professor, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China Adjunct Professor, Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Adjunct Professor, Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping Yongqi CHEN Advisory professor of following Universities in China, The Hehai University; The Southwest Jiaotong University; Tongji University; and First Research Institute of State Oceanic Administration of China; University of Central China; Shandong University of Science and Technology; Shandong University of Agriculture; Changsha University of S&T, Chinee Academy of Surveying & Mapping Editorial Board Member, Journal of Geodesy Editorial Board Member, GPS Solution Editorial Board Member, Crustal Deformation and Earthquakes Editorial Board Member, Geo-Spatial Information Science Editorial Board Member, Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica Editorial Board Member, Journal of Geodesy and Geodynamics Xiaoli DING Adjunct Professor, Central South University of Technology, Changsha, China Adjunct Professor, Southwestern Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China Adjunct Professor, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Adjunct Professor, State Key Lab. for Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (LIESMARS), Wuhan University, Wuhan, China Adjunct Professor, China University of Geoscience, Beijing, China Adjunct Professor, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China Vice Chairman, Engineering Surveying Sub-Society, Chinese Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Cartography and Photogrammetry. Council Member, Hong Kong Institute of Engineering Surveyors. Council Member, The Hong Kong Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Chairman, IAG Sub-Commission 4.4: Application of Satellite and Airborne Imaging Systems Chairman of Working Group 4.4.1: Quality Framework for InSAR, International Association of Geodesy (IAG) Honorary Advisor, Hong Kong Utility Research Centre Editorial Board Member, Journal of Geospatial Engineering Editor, Journal of Spatial Science Reviewer for over 30 international journals 62 Annual Report 2010/2011 Professional Service (Cont’d) Eric GUILBERT Secretary, Commission II, International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing H.B. IZ Reviewer, Journal of Geodesy Reviewer, Science Bruce KING Invited reviewer, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing Invited reviewer, Asian Journal of Geoinformatics Invited reviewer, Geoinformation Science Journal Honorary Secretary, The Hong Kong Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Steve LAM Member of Corporate Membership Review Panel (Disciplines of Commercial Management and Geospatial Engineering, HK Region), The Charterd Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors, UK PolyU Delegate to FIG’s Commission 1 – Professional Standards and Practice, and Commission 2 – Professional Education. Zhilin LI Vice President of International Cartographic Association Honorary Vice President of the Chinese Society of Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography Chair Professor of Wuhan University Co-Chair, ISPRS Working Group II/IV: Dynamic Systems and Applications Regional editor (East & South East Asia), The Cartographic Journal Associate Chief-editor: GIS book series, GISA of China Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Geographical Information Science Editorial Board Member, Geo-Spatial Information Science Editorial Board Member, Geomatics World Editorial Board Member, Geography and Geographic Information Science Guest Professor, State Key Lab. for Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (LIESMARS), Wuhan University Guest Professor, Southwestern Jiaotong University Guest Professor, Kunming University for Science and Technology Member, Working Group on Automated Map Generalization (International Cartographic Association) Member, National Committee on Scientific Terms (GIS sub-committee) of China Council Member, The Hong Kong Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Reviewer, for over 10 international journals George LIU Managing Editor, Journal of Global Positioning Systems Board of Director, International Association of Chinese Professional in Global Positioning System Reviewer: Canadian Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Journal of Geospatial Engineering, Journal of Surveying Engineering, Journal of Global Positioning Systems, Sensor, Korean Society of Civil Engineers (KSCE) Journal of Civil Engineering, Advances in Structural Engineering, etc. 63 Annual Report 2010/2011 Professional Service (Cont’d) Esmond MOK Editorial Board Member, Survey Review Editorial Board Member, Journal of Global Positioning Systems Editorial Board Member, Journal of Geodesy and Geodynamics Editorial Board Member, Journal of Location Based Services Editorial Board Member, Journal of Applied Geodesy Editorial Board Member, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors Journal Hong Kong Representative, Commission 5 of FIG Vice Chair, Working Group 6.2, Commission 6 of FIG APC assessor, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors Member (LS), Divisional Education Committee, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors BOE Panel of Experts of The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors Member, Cadastral Survey Consultative Committee, Government of the HKSAR Janet NICHOL Editorial Board Member, Remote Sensing Editorial Board Member, Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography Reviewer for Environment and Conservation Fund Secretariat, Hong Kong Government Peer review of research proposal for Swiss Science Foundation Examiner for PhD candidate at University of New South Wales, Australia Examiner for PhD candidate at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Invited reviewer, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing Invited reviewer, Asian Journal of Geoinformatics Invited reviewer, Remote Sensing of Environment Invited reviewer, International Journal of Remote Sensing Invited reviewer, Journal of Landscape Ecology Invited reviewer, Landscape and Urban Planning Technical Consultant and advisor to Planning Department on Urban Climatic Map study Lilian PUN Editorial Board Member, Survey Review Editorial Board Member, Asian Journal of Geo-informatics Geoffrey SHEA International Editorial Board Member, Journal of Geospatial Engineering Director of Education, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineering Surveyors 64 Annual Report 2010/2011 Professional Service (Cont’d) John SHI President, Commission II, International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Council Member, The Association on Environment Remote Sensing of China Adjunct Professor, East China Geological Institute, Wuzhou, China Adjunct Professor, Wuhan University, Research and Development Center in Spatial Information and Network Communication, Wuhan, China Adjunct Professor, Chinese Academy of Sciences, LREIS, Beijing Advisor, PhD Candidate, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China Advisor, PhD Candidate, Tongji University, Shanghai China Guest Professor, Wuhan University, LIESMARS, Wuhan Member of the Editorial Board, International Journal of Geographic Information Science Member of the Editorial Board, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (JAG) Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Spatial Information Science Member of the Editorial Board, Geographical Analysis Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Geomatics Science and Technology Column Editor, Journal of Geographic Information Science (uncertainty modeling) Member of the Editorial Board, Geomatics World Member of Editorial Board, Geography and Geographic Information Science Reviewer, Asia Journal of Geoinformatics Reviewer, Cartography and GIS (USA) Reviewer, Computer and Geo-Technics Reviewer, Geoinformatics Reviewer, Geomatics Journal of Hong Kong Reviewer, International Journal of Geographical Information Science Reviewer, International Journal of Marine Geodesy Reviewer, International Journal of Remote Sensing Reviewer, Photogrammetry Engineering and Remote Sensing Reviewer, Transactions in GIS Conrad TANG Council Member, Land Survey Division, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors Secretary, Boundary Survey Advisory Committee, Land Survey Division, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors Member, Research Committee, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors. Hong Kong Delegate, University Member to Commission of Cadastre and Land Management, International Federation of Surveyors Editorial Board Member, Surveying & Built Environment, Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (since 2003) Honorable Advisor, The Hong Kong Institute of Land Administration Member, Buildings Ordinance Appeal Tribunal Bo WU Vice President of Hong Kong Geographic Information System Association Co-Chair, ISPRS Working Group II/6 - Geo-Visualization and Virtual Reality Reviewer, for Photogrammetry Engineering and Remote Sensing, International Journal of Computer Vision , IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Marine Geodesy, Computers & Geosciences, ASCE Journal of Surveying Engineering, etc. 65 Annual Report 2010/2011 Academic and Non-Academic Services within The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Nelson CHAN Member, Departmental Health & Safety Committee Departmental Enrolment Liaison Officer (All Programmes) Wu CHEN Deputy Director, Research Centre for Geo-Information Science and Technology Member, Faculty Research Committee Member, Faculty Board (CLU) Chairman, Departmental Research Committee Member, Departmental Management Committee Member, Departmental Staffing Committee Member, Departmental Promotion and Publicity Committee Lab-in-charge (Navigation Research Lab) Lab-in-charge (Surveying Lab and Survey Store) Yongqi CHEN Director, Research Centre for Geo-Information Science and Technology Member, Departmental Promotion and Publicity Committee Xiaoli DING Ex-Officio Member, Faculty Staffing Committee Ex-Officio Member, Departmental Advisory Committee Ex-Officio Member, Departmental Research Committee Ex-Officio Member, Departmental Learning and Teaching Committee Ex-Officio Member, Undergraduate Programme Committee Deputy Director, Research Centre for Urban Hazard Mitigation Chairman, Departmental Management Committee Chairman, Departmental Staffing Committee Chairman, Departmental Promotion and Publicity Committee Chairman, Departmental Health & Safety Committee Member, Executive Committee of the Faculty Board (CLU) Member, Faculty Board (CLU) Member, Heads of Department Consultative Group Member, Senate Member, Faculty Research Committee (CLU) Member, Faculty Staffing Committee Eric GUILBERT Ex-Officio Member, Departmental Learning and Teaching Committee Member, Departmental Research Committee Member, Undergraduate Programme Committee Programme Leader, Higher Diploma in Geomatics – Deputy H.B. IZ Member, Scholarship Assessment Board Ex-Officio Member, Departmental Learning and Teaching Committee Programme Leader, MSc/PgD in Geomatics – Deputy FCE Representative in Blended Learning Advisory Committee (BLAC) 66 Annual Report 2010/2011 Academic and Non-Academic Services within The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Cont’d) Bruce KING Member, Scholarship Assessment Board Deputy Chairman, Departmental Learning and Teaching Committee Ex-Officio Member, Departmental Learning and Teaching Committee Member, Undergraduate Programme Committee Member, Departmental Promotion and Publicity Committee Programme Leader, Higher Diploma in Geomatics Lab-in-charge (Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Lab) Joseph LAM Community Service Learning Programme Liaison Officer Steve LAM Member, Departmental Health & Safety Committee Zhilin LI Member, Departmental Promotion and Publicity Committee George LIU Member, Departmental Promotion and Publicity Committee Departmental Promotions Officer on the School Marketing Advisory group Lab-in-charge (Hydrographic Lab) Esmond MOK Faculty Representative, OBE Champion Chairman, Departmental Learning and Teaching Committee Member, Academic Appeal Committee Member, Departmental Management Committee Member, Departmental Health & Safety Committee Member, Undergraduate Programme Committee Janet NICHOL Faculty Working Group on Sustainable Urbanisation Deputy Chairman, Departmental Research Committee Departmental Library Liaison Officer Lilian PUN Member, Faculty Board (CLU) Member, Working Group to Develop a Pilot Proposal on Freshman Seminar Chairman, Undergraduate Programme Committee Vice Chairman, Departmental Promotion and Publicity Committee Member, Departmental Management Committee Member, Departmental Learning and Teaching Committee Departmental Mentorship Scheme Coordinator Departmental Alumni Liaison Officer Lab-in-charge (Digital Cartography Laboratory) 67 Annual Report 2010/2011 Academic and Non-Academic Services within The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Cont’d) Geoffrey SHEA Member, Departmental Research Committee Member, Departmental Health & Safety Committee Departmental Computer Liaison Officer Departmental IT Security Officer Departmental Software Asset Manager Lab-in-charge (Geomatics Computing Laboratory) LSGI Homepage Web Administrator (URL: John SHI Member, The Senate Ex-Officio Member, Faculty Staffing Committee Chair, Award Dissertation Committee, MSc/PgD in Geomatics Member, MSc Award Dissertation Committee Member, Faculty Working Group on Annual Course Report (FAPC) Member, Departmental Research Committee Member, Departmental Staffing Committee Member, Departmental Promotion and Publicity Committee Co-opted Member, Departmental Management Committee Ex-Officio Member, Departmental Learning and Teaching Committee Programme Leader, MSc/PgD in Geomatics Lab-in-charge (Geo-Informatics Lab) Conrad TANG Ex-Officio Member, Departmental Learning and Teaching Committee Co-opted Member, Departmental Management Committee Member, Departmental Research Committee Member, Undergraduate Programme Committee Departmental Enrolment Liaison Officer – Deputy (All Programmes) Departmental Alumni Liaison Officer Programme Leader, BSc (Hons) in Geomatics with specialisms in Land Surveying and Geo-information Technology Lab-in-charge (Cadastre Lab) Rebecca TSE Deputy Departmental Promotions Officer on the School Marketing Advisory group Member, Departmental Promotion and Publicity Committee Bo WU Member, Faculty Board (CLU) Deputy Programme Leader, BSc (Hons) in Geomatics with specialisms in Land Surveying and Geo-information Technology Member, Departmental Research Committee Member, Undergraduate Programme Committee 68 Annual Report 2010/2011 Consultancy Name of Consultancy Project Staff Involved 1:1000 Topographic Data Quality Assessment and Evaluation Standard for Macao (Phase II) (Macao Cartography and Cadastre Bureau) John SHI 01/08/10 to 30/09/11 Provision of Service for Using Sunphotometer Data to Retrieve Aerosol Partical Size Distribution (HK Observatory, HKSAR Government) Janet NICHOL, Charles WONG 01/09/10 to 31/08/11 Training Course on Photogrammetry (Planning Dept, HKSAR Government) Bruce KING, Bo WU, Mandy TANG, Rebecca TSE and Alice CHENG 27/09/10 to 28/09/10 Training on the application of GIS and its integration with computational fluid dynamics simulation (Allied Environmental Consultants Limited) Lilian PUN and Nelson YUNG 18/10/10 to 29/10/10 GLONASS Training Course for staff of Lands Department HKSARG (Lands Dept, SMO, HKSAR Government) Esmond MOK and Yongqi CHEN 22/10/10 to 31/01/11 Delivery of Public Transport Enquiry Service on the Internet for Transport Department simulation (Transport Department, HKSAR Government) Lilian PUN and Mandy TANG 11/11/10 to 10/05/12 Development of Mobile Web Application & Application Programming Interface (API) of Mobile Applications for the Public Transport Enquiry Service (Transport Department, HKSAR Government) Geoffrey SHEA 16/12/10 to 15/11/12 Ground Subsidence Monitoring in Macao with Satellite SAR Interferometry (InSAR) (Macao Cartography and Cadastre Bureau) Xiaoli DING 18/12/10 to 01/06/11 Mapping of Relict Landslides Using LiDAR Data (Civil Engineering and Development Department, HKSAR Government) John SHI 09/05/11 to 31/01/12 Boundary Rectification of Lots Nos. 327 & 328 in D.D. 194 (Winly Construction Designers Limited) Conrad TANG 04/07/11 to 05/07/11 Training Course on Theory of Processing Long Baseline and Network Adjustment with Bernese (Macao Cartography and Cadastre Bureau) Yongqi CHEN 01/07/11 to 31/08/11 Period 69 Annual Report 2010/2011 Consultancy (Cont’d) Name of Consultancy Project Staff Involved Light Pollution Monitoring and Management by 3D GIS for Macao (Direcção dos Serviços de Protecção Ambiental) John SHI 01/08/11 to 31/12/11 GPS Systems (Ejtech) Xiaoli DING 01/08/11 to 31/07/14 GLONASS Training Course for Staff of Lands Department of HKSARG (Lands Dept, HKSAR Government) Esmond MOK 31/10/11 to 14/11/11 70 Period Annual Report 2010/2011 Conference Attendance Title of Conference Staff Involved Period 測量及空間資訊研討會,國立台北大學 Xiaoli DING 01/09/10 to 02/09/10 2010 FIG Commission 7 Annual Meeting, Czech Union Surveyors and Cartographers Conrad TANG 05/09/10 to 11/09/10 The 7th International Symposium on LBS & TeleCartography, Spatial Information Research Center (SIRC) Wu CHEN 20/09/10 to 22/09/10 ESRI South China User Conference, ESRI Beijing Yongqi CHEN 28/09/10 to 29/09/10 The 8th International Conference on Supply Chain Management and Information System (SCMIS 2010), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Esmond MOK 06/10/10 to 07/10/10 SPIE Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing 2012, SPIE Janet NICHOL 11/10/10 to 14/10/10 The 6th Cross-the Strait Conference on Geomatics (第六 屆海峽兩岸測繪發展研討會), Macao Bureau of Mapping and Cadestre Yongqi CHEN Xiaoli DING John SHI 13/10/10 to 15/10/10 Ubiquitous Positioning, Indoor Navigationand Location-Based Service (UPINLBS 2010), Finish Geodetic Institute Wu CHEN 14/10/10 to 15/10/10 21 th ISPRS Congress, Macau Cadastre and Mapping Department Zhilin LI 14/10/10 to 16/10/10 The First International Workshop on Terrestrial LIDAR, Zhengzhou Institute of Surveying and Mapping Bruce KING 15/10/10 to 18/10/10 21 th ISPRS Congress, Suzhou Digital City Research Center Zhilin LI 18/10/10 to 19/10/10 2010 International Symposium on Inertial Technology and Navigation(CISITN 2010), Chinese Society of Inertial Technology Wu CHEN Yongqi CHEN Xiaoli DING 18/10/10 to 20/10/10 International Symposium on GPS/GNSS 2010, National Cheng Kung University Wu CHEN 26/10/10 to 28/10/10 The 4 th Joint PI Symposium of ALOS Data Nodes for ALOS Science Program 2010 Tokyo, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Xiaoli DING 16/11/10 to 18/11/10 71 Annual Report 2010/2011 Conference Attendance (Cont’d) Title of Conference Staff Involved Period 現代空間定位技術應用研討交流會, 中國測繪學會工 程測量分會 Xiaoli DING 03/12/10 to 05/12/10 Geoinfotech 2010, Geo-Informatic and Space Technology Development Agency – GISTDA, Thailand John SHI 15/12/10 to 17/12/10 The 5th KAGUYA (SELENE) Science Working Team Meeting, Tokyo Baki IZ 17/01/11 to 19/01/11 2011 International Symposium on Geospatial Information Technology and Disaster Prevention and Reduction, Southwest Petroleum University Zhilin LI 13/05/11 to 14/05/11 China Satellite Navigation Conference, 中國衛星導航系 統管理辦公室 Wu CHEN 18/05/11 to 21/05/11 2011 FIG Working Week, International Federation of Surveyors Conrad TANG 18/05/11 to 22/05/11 Lidar and Radar 2011, Hohai University / The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Xiaoli DING 26/05/11 to 29/05/11 3rd Asia-Pacific Regional Conference “Make A Difference: Impacts of Service – Learning”, Office of Service-Learning, Lingnan University Alice CHENG Joseph LAM 09/06/11 to 11/06/11 International Conference on Geoinformatics, CPGIS John SHI 24/06/11 to 27/06/11 APSG Workshop 2011, Asia Pacific Space Geodynamics (APSG) Program Central Bureau Xiaoli DING 25/06/11 to 27/06/11 XXV IUGG General Assembly, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) Xiaoli DING 28/06/11 to 07/07/11 25th International Cartographic Conference and ISPRS WG II/6 Workshop, ICA Commission on GeoVisualization, ISPRS WG II/6 Bo WU 01/07/11 to 08/07/11 25th International Cartographic Conference, International Cartographic Association, IGN of France Zhilin LI Eric GUILBERT 03/07/11 to 08/07/11 第二屆中國測繪學科院長論壇, China University of Mining and Technology John SHI 26/07/11 to 29/07/11 The Symposium of Land Subsidence Simulation and Analysis Technology, Cheng-Kung university Xiaoli DING 23/08/11 to 25/08/11 72 Annual Report 2010/2011 Staff Development Programme Title of Programme Staff Involved Period Doktoratsstudium der technischen Wissenschaften (Doctorate studies of Technical Science in Surveying and Geoinformation), Institute for Geoinformation and Cartography, Vienna University of Technology Mandy TANG Apr 09 to Apr 13 Part time Doctor of Philosophy, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Alice CHENG Jan 10 to Dec 16 73 Annual Report 2010/2011 OTHERS Conference/Seminar Hosted by Department 6th Annual Seminar on Spatial Information Science and Technology (ASSIST ’10) 22 September 2010 The 6th Annual Seminar on Spatial Information Science and Technology (ASSIST ’10) was successfully held on 22 September 2010 at PolyU. ASSIST ’10 attracted more than 70 participants from government departments, industrial sectors, and the academia. Ten authors had been selected to present their papers at the seminar. Prof. Xiaoli DING, Head of LSGI, welcomed all the participants and guests in an opening address. The presentations and papers covered a wide range of subjects in Spatial Information Science and Technology (SIST). The experts who gave them were from transportation, observatory, architecture, construction, environment monitoring, and university sectors. Their presentations on their latest research and engineering works clearly demonstrated the present wide applications of the SIST in various government departments and industries in Hong Kong. This annual seminar is an inter-disciplinary platform for leading researchers and professionals from various sectors in Hong Kong to present their latest findings and exchange their views on SIST. 74 Annual Report 2010/2011 Conference/Seminar Hosted by Department (Cont’d) Mini-Symposium of Remote Sensing of Urban Enviornment of ICSU 2010 15-17 December 2010 The Conference aims to provide a forum for the international scientific community to examine the challenges posed by the massive urbanization programmes under way in many parts of the world and to find effective solutions to achieve sustainable development, operation and management of urbanized areas. The three main sub-themes of the Conference are Infrastructure, Energy and Environment. During the conference, a half-day Mini-Symposium on Remote Sensing of the Urban Environment was organized and chaired by Professor Janet NICHOL of LSGI. The mini-symposium was split into two sessions. The first focused on applications of remotely-sensed data within studies of the urban environment. The second was centred on the development of remote sensing techniques for the collection and interpretation of data for urban environments. The keynote speaker for the first session, Dr Gilbert Rochon, Purdue University, USA opened the symposium with an insightful presentation on the development of Earth observation with respect to urban studies, including the integration of remotely-sensed imagery with ancillary spatial datasets for urban analysis. Dr Rochon also highlighted the need for research collaborations using remote sensing to focus on developing nations, where current rapid growth and urbanization mean that urban sustainability is a pressing issue. Other presentations in the session introduced studies on a range of interesting topics including a number on the urban heat island effect and urban ventilation in Hong Kong. The second session of the afternoon was opened by keynote speaker Professor Paolo Gamba, University of Pavia, Italy who presented a methodology for the use of multispectral and hyperspectral remote sensing for urban mapping applications. This set the stage for the remainder of the session, where presentations introduced development of various techniques, including my own entitled, “An Evaluation of Thermal Earth Observation for Characterising Urban Temperature Dynamics”. The symposium was without doubt a success and provided an invaluable opportunity to present and engage with members of the urban remote sensing community. Such was the intensity of discussion at the end of the symposium, participants and presenters were invited back to the nearby Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics to continue discussions further. A special edition of the International Journal of Remote Sensing is currently being developed from the work presented during the mini-symposium. 75 Annual Report 2010/2011 Conference/Seminar Hosted by Department (Cont’d) International Cartographic Association (ICA) Workshop on Theories of Map Design in Digital Era (23 and 24 September 2010) More than 30 international participants from about ten countries attended the ICA Workshop, held by the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics of PolyU on 23 and 24 September 2010, on the PolyU campus. The workshop, on the theme “Theories of Map Design in Digital Era”, was jointly organized by PolyU and the ICA Commission on Theoretical Cartography. Its opening ceremony was officiated by Prof. Alex WAI, Vice President (Research) of PolyU, Prof. William CARTWRIGHT, President of ICA, and Mr. Chunghang WONG, Deputy Director of Lands Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The opening ceremony was followed by two keynote speeches, one by Prof. CARTWRIGHT and the other by Prof. Deren LI, Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering. There were more than 30 plenary speeches and group discussions which were grouped under six sub-themes, namely: Special session in memory Jacques BERTIN, Cartographic theory and philosophy, Theory of map design, Communication and information theory, Semiotic and symbolization, Concepts and models. The ICA Workshop is a valuable platform for researchers on several counts: to discuss state-of-the-art research, problems and issues in the theories of map design in the digital era; to present advanced theories and cutting-edge technology; and to exchange ideas and promote international collaborations. Over the past 50 years, ICA has a tradition of co-organizing international workshops with local universities so as to promote the exchange between local professionals and international experts. The organization of the 2010 workshop under the joint efforts of PolyU and ICA was a valuable opportunity for Hong Kong professionals to share their knowledge and experiences with many international attendees. 76 Annual Report 2010/2011 77 Annual Report 2010/2011 Conference Co-hosted by Department (Cont’d) Conference on “Regulative Requirement on Building Inspection for Better Building Safety” (18 September 2010) With the sudden collapse of a building at Ma Tau Wai Road in To Kwa Wan, the concern of Building Safety and Maintenance has been a spot-light topic in the society. In view of providing more details on building inspection and potential maintenance works to be carried out, this conference aims to provide a platform for engineers and all construction industry professionals to share their views and experience in the aspects of building inspection including Building Structural, Building Safety and the New Ordinance – Buildings (Amendment) Bill 2010. The Speakers and Topics. 1. Mr Alex CHOW, Assistant Director of Buildings Department, HKSARG Topic : “Buildings (Amendment) Bill 2010 – Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme & Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme” 2. Ir Prof. John CHAN, Adjunct Professor of Building & Construction, City University of Hong Kong Topic : “Building Safety and Maintenance” 3. Mr. Taikeung TAK, Senior Divisional Officer of Fire Services Department, HKSARG (Fire Safety Command) Topic : “Fire Safety in Building” 78 Annual Report 2010/2011 Conference Co-hosted by Department (Cont’d) 2nd International Conference on Utility Management & Safety 2011 (7-8 March 2011) The First International Conference on Utility Management and Safety was held in 2009 and was a great success. The Second International Conference on Utility Management and Safety aims to build on that success by providing an excellent platform for utility specialists to share their experience when delegates from around the world. Delegates will have an unique opportunity to hear about the latest theories, practices and developments in utility planning, production, management and safety from the four corners of the globe. The major topics for the conference program are as follows: 1. Field Techniques & Materials : Utility Surveys, Pipe Condition Surveys, Pipe Rehabilitation Methods and Materials, Water Leakdage Detection, etc. 2. Asset & Data Management : Project Management, Training, Personnel, System, Program, Construction Design, GIS, data Sharing, Risk Management Strategy, etc. 3. Safety & Health : Safety Management, Construction Management, Damage, Pollution, Carbon Reduction etc. 79 Annual Report 2010/2011 LSGI Department visited by Scientist from Makerere University, Uganda The Department of Land Surveying & Geo-Informatics (LSGI) was visited by Dr Anthony GIDUDU, Senior Lecturer from the Department of Surveying of Makerere University in Uganda, from 28 September to 1 October 2010. The purpose of the visit was for Dr GIDUDU to exchange experience with LSGI colleagues in curriculum designs for Geomatics programmes. Makerere University was then in the process of redesigning its Geomatics programme. The curricula of programmes offered in LSGI were thought to be useful to Makerere University for reference purposes. During his stay in LSGI, Dr GIDUDU also gave a presentation on the topic of “Ensemble Classification for Land Cover Mapping” to LSGI staff and research students. Professor Xiaoli DING, Head of Department, and staff of Department also had discussions with Dr GIDUDU regarding potential collaborations between his department and LSGI. 80 Annual Report 2010/2011 UTM Global Outreach visits LSGI The Department of Land Surveying & Geo-Informatics (LSGI) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University was pleased to have students from the Department of Geoinformatics, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) to visit our department as their Global Outreach Event. 15 Oct 2010 (UTM Remote Sensing Group) 81 Annual Report 2010/2011 07 Dec 2010 82 (UTM Land Surveying Group) Annual Report 2010/2011 29 Mar 2011 (Department of Geomatic Engineering) Prof Wu CHEN and Prof Xiaoli DING (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) Prof Halim Setan, Mr Zanial Abidin Md Som, Zulkarnaini Mat Amin (Department of Geomatic Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia) and Mr Jalal Johari (Department of Surveying & Mapping Malaysia) 83 Annual Report 2010/2011 CSLP PolyU Serving the Community A successful high school visit was held by SAO on 22 Jan 2011 (Saturday). More than 70 high school students visiting LSGI. During the visit, they were interested in looking at our demonstrations which include, laser scanner and GIS software and programme. They involved in doing some simple practical using total station and levelling machine on the podium floor. With the great help of our student helpers, the visitors were learning and asking many interesting questions. 84 Annual Report 2010/2011 LSGI student wins swire polytechnic scholarship 2010/11 Ms NG Wan Yin, a first-year Higher Diploma student of the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI), was honoured with a Swire Polytechnic Scholarship of HK$31,575.00 that was sponsored by the John Swire & Sons (HK) Ltd., which gives out the scholarship annually to a UGC-funded first-year Higher Diploma student who excels in academic results and personal achievement in the first semester of study. Ms NG Wan Yin was a top student in LSGI and earned the highest GPA in the first semester during 2010/2011 academic year. She has a special talent for mathematics, which she has demonstrated in her course work. NG Wan Yin said, “As a student of science, I have a great exposure to Mathematics, which has become my favourite subject and also my strength. In the process of calculation, I can learn much since a mathematical question can be very challenging and also can train up my logic.” The scholarship is a testimony of her academic achievements, leadership potential and personal qualities. Congratulations Wan Yin! 85