Sylvia`s Scribblings… - Greenbaum`s Quilted Forest
Sylvia`s Scribblings… - Greenbaum`s Quilted Forest
$5-$10 CLASSES The $10 classes come with a $5 gift certificate to spend on class supplies. Sylvia’s Scribblings… Our talented teachers have created terrific new classes, for you, pg. 2. Our popular kids summer classes are on p. 5, with Quilt Camp is starting its 25th year!!! The fun beginning classes on page 3 are followed by our “classics”, which run as long as they’re hot, so sign up soon before we retire them. And, we have two guest teachers, Kayla Kennington with an Abstract Fabric Collage and Dave McCallum with a Featherweight Maintenance Workshop. Our full-price sign-up on the web with a $10.00 shop gift certificate has been so popular that we are doing it in the shop too! No more LP Price, (what was that anyway) just one price with a $10.00 G.C. for most classes. Early bird discounts will still apply, so make your choices before March 31st. to get 10% Sylvia’s Scribblings continues on p. 7 FUN EVENTS, MARCH-AUGUST, 2012 SAVE THE DATES ___HOFFMAN CHALLENGE, MARCH 8-20 ___Our SPRING RETREAT, March 29-April 1 ___LOVEY’S BIRTHDAY PARTY, Sat., April 14 ___DOGS NIGHT OUT, First Wednesday in June, the 6th ___BUS TRIP TO THE SISTERS OUTDOOR QUILT SHOW: July 13-14 ___THE OREGON STATE FAIR, August 24- Sept 3 ___FRIED GREEN TOMATOES QUILT CHALLENGE quilts due July 23-30, hanging at the State Fair and in the Forest during Quiltopia ___JUNE 2012, TRAVEL WITH US TO THE INTERNATIONAL QUILT FESTIVAL IN IRELAND Please Pre-Register for Classes 503-363-7973 or Toll Free 1-877-700-2233 FIVE BUCK FINISH: Gather up your Frog Prince or Saturday Sampler blocks from months... or years.. past, and spend a fun evening in a whole class effort to decide your best layout, accent and addition or elimination options. You’ll look at options in sashing, filler blocks, on-point or not on-point, and what-the-heck to do about borders. Inspiring to see others’ blocks, fun to compare similar blocks with your own, great to get ideas on how to beautifully tie everything together; a great way to spend five bucks. Instructor: Sylvia Dorney Tuition: $5 ✱ Tue., May 1 6 to 8 pm 2-Hour Treasures: Join us for a fun class! Make a gift for yourself and then another for a friend. Choose from the ever-popular pillowcase, dog collars, market bag and more. Instructor: Sylvia Dorney Tuition: $10 Tue., April 10 6 to 8 pm – Snap Happy Bag Tue., April 17 6 to 8 pm – Painted Scissors Thu., April 19 6 to 8 pm – Market Bag Tue., April 24 6 to 8 pm – Dog Collars Tue., June 12 6 to 8 pm – Magic Pot Holder Fri., June 15 10 am to 12 pm – Dog Collars Sat., June 30 10 am to 12 pm – 10-Minute Blocks Sat., June 30 2 to 4 pm – Market Bag Fri., July 20 10 am to 12 pm – Snap Happy Bag Fri., Aug. 3 10 am to 12 pm – Painted Scissors Fri., Aug. 10 10 am to 12 pm – Pillowcases Suggested Patterns: 10-minute Blocks, Dog Collars, Snap Happy Bag, Market Bag LET’S GET STARTED: This class is about beginning basics, rotary cutting, achieving the perfect 1/4” seam, squaring up and pressing, but if you feel like you’ve missed some of this along the way, come make a patch or two! Instructor: Sylvia Dorney Tuition: $10 Tue., April. 3 6 to 8 pm FIRST SATURDAY SAMPLER: Started in September continues through August. Fri., April 6, May 4, June 1, July 6, Aug. 3 8:30am to 9:15am Sat., April 7, May 5, June 2, July 7, Aug. 4 8:30am to 9:15am Overnight Bus to Sisters Show The question is: can you talk, stitch AND ride a bus at the same time? Join our quilter’s ride to the Sisters’ Quilt Show— gab, gobble and even sew over mountains... Sigh! Life is rough! Overnight in Bend with stops at a couple of quilt shops. This bus leaves at 9 am Friday, July 13 and returns to our shop at 5 pm July 14. (Two to a room— includes dinner-- assigned bus seating) $165 each ✱ 1 NEW CLASSES ABSTRACT FABRIC COLLAGE: Join Silverton fiber artist Kayla Kennington for a half day of personal fabric design. Using Kayla’s unique stitching technique and her cheerful guidance, you’ll create your own “surface design collage” that blooms with layers of hand-dyed fabrics, ribbons and threads. Your embellishments finish off your signature piece: and then, is it a purse, a pillow, a fabulous wall hanging—you decide! Instructor: Kayla Kennington Tuition: $45 ✱ Sat., April 21 12:30 to 4 pm FABULOUS CUT FLOWERS: A table runner to sigh for: wonderful concentric circles of petals, leaves, wispy spires and dainty points are fused kaleidoscope fashion with one another to create five gorgeous blooms. Two nifty tricks lie behind the magic—good old fusible web and a simple folding technique that makes the work quick and manageable. The results will be as astonishing as the fabrics you choose. Instructor: Lisa Encabo Tuition: $45 Sat., April 21 10 am to 5 pm Suggested Book: Skinny Quilts & Tablerunners II FEATHER-WORTH-ITS-WEIGHT-IN-GOLD WORKSHOP: They both are: the class AND the machine. If you are lucky enough to have a Feather Weight, don’t miss this class that will allow you to keep it—or get it—into the best possible shape it can be. Your little treasure deserves your best TLC, and will reward you for years when you know how to clean it, oil it, adjust it, and give it lots of praise. Instructor: Dave McCallumTuition: $75 ✱ Fri., June 8 10:30 to 3:30 pm Sat., June 9 10:30 to 3:30 pm Suggested Books: Featherweight RX Sew Guide, The Featherweight 221 & I FRENCH BLEND: Oui-oui! Our French café has grown: choose from gardens, braids, Capriccio, Twinkle or Flamenco, and now the latest addition to this wonderful line-up, BQ2: your block is squared, re-squared, and then squared into place! No smoke and mirrors, but plenty of ease with fabulous how-didyou-do-that results. Make one, and you’ll want to make them all! Oui? Instructor: Sally Blankenship Tuition: $49 Wed., April 4, 11, 25 6 to 9 pm Suggested Patterns: French Braid, BQ2 & Others MAD HATTERS HAVING A BALL: Get to class, Alice! Time to choose from three fabulous hat designers, and make the party hat of your dreams. Janaé and her pet dormouse will give you all the tips, techniques and tea you need to create the perfect sunshine brim, a ding-dong perfect cloche, or a fetching Easter bonnet, with plenty of frills upon it. You’ll come away with tons of cool ideas and your head will never look boring again. Instructor: Janaé King Tuition: $39 Sat., April 14 12 to 5 pm Suggested Patterns: Blue Sky Hats and Boho Choche PEACE FLAGS: Tiny heart-warmers to give as a gift, a thank you, a memory… Angelina fibers, handpainted fabrics, a plethora of trims go into an ethereal and lovely symbol-quilt, that’s as beautiful as it is small. Joanna never stops coming up with new ideas and techniques for bringing her—and your—artistry to a new level. Sorry, no fighting allowed during this class! Instructor: Joanna Price Tuition: $25 Sun., April 29 1 to 4 pm Suggested Book: Between the Sheets with Angelina RUBBING PLATE ROUNDUP: Horses are not involved, but luminous paint sticks, lovely, leafy stencils, and luxurious foils are, along with rub-adub-dub “plates” that create antique-finish, classic designs on fabric. These are wonderful techniques to learn so that you can customize your fabrics and hence your quilt to achieve that special look, essence or design for a particular situation or occasion. Plus, it’s just plain fun to do; round up your supplies and get to class! Instructor: Sylvia Dorney Tuition: $25 Sat., June 16 2 to 5 pm Suggested Book: Rubbing Plate Roundup SEWING MACHINE APRON: Tired of spaghetti sauce all over your machine? Put an apron on her! This little dangler is held in place by the heft of your machine (okay, it’s actually under her…), and keeps all your favorite sewing utensils right in front of you, ready for a stitch, a nip or a stir. Customize your pockets, trim with ruffles, lace or buttons, throw in a pin cushion, and you and your machine will be cookin’ with gas! Hey, I’m hungry! Instructor: Janaé King Tuition: $35 Sat., May 5 10:30 am to 2:30 pm Suggested Pattern: Sewing Machine Apron SWEET BONBON TABLE RUNNERS: No, you’re not allowed to lick your table runner! But it is hard to resist this ruffled and ribboned round or rectangular “candy” that will add fun and frolic to any table. Whether you’re making a Christmas Bonbon, a Fourth of July “Cracker,” or an Easter treat, you’ll have a ball from beginning to end making this simple and satisfying runner that lights up the table with good humor and joy. Fast, easy—great for gifts and bazaars—and absolutely calorie free! Instructor: Nancy Ingerson Tuition: $39 Sun., May 20 12 to 5 pm Suggested Pattern: Sweet! Put a Bon Bon On It! NEW TUITION PRICES: A $10 gift certificate comes with most classes. ✱ = retreats, quilt camps, bus trips and guest teachers are not eligible. $10 classes come with a $5 gift certificate. 2 BEGINNING CLASSES Baby Small or Wall QUILTS: Make one of these wonderful “beginning” quilts”. The designs are fast and doable—it doesn’t matter if you’re an advanced quilt maker, or “just a baby”—you’ll have a blast with Janaé during this less-than-9-months Saturday workshop creating one of these fetching, drool-free designs. Instructor: Janaé King Tuition: $45 Sat., May 26 10 am to 5 pm Suggested Books: Start Quilting, Baby Wraps, Still Crazy for Baby Beginning BAGS: If you’ve never made any kind of bag or tote before, working in “3-D” can seem pretty intimidating. Come sew with Janaé, a professional bag designer and maker, and she’ll take the mystery out of it for you. Choose from four easy but eye-catching bags, and come learn the tricks of the trade for custom bag making pleasure! If you’re not a beginner, choose a different bag from the supply list. Instructor: Janaé King Tuition: $45 Sat., June 2 10:30 am to 5:30 pm Suggested Patterns: Aimee Bag, Trendy Tote, Lavendar Patches & more! BEGINNING NINE PATCH OR MODERN LOG CABIN: Simple and sweet, easy to complete. From cutting to strip piecing to triangle corners, this is a great introduction to the wonderful world of quilting, and your lap will be eternally grateful, too! Instructor: Janaé King Tuition: $59 Thur., April 5, 12, 19, 26 6 to 9 pm Tue., May 8, 15, 22, 29 6 to 9 pm Thur., May 31, June 7, 14, 21 6 to 9 pm Thur., Aug. 2, 9, 16, 23 6 to 9 pm Suggested Pattern: Nine-Patch Hourglass or Log Cabin Book Beginning Fusibles: Whether you’ve never worked with fusible web before or it’s left you plain confused, come spend some time with Lisa working with one of modern technology’s great gifts. Come learn all the sticky little secrets behind this super technique! Instructor: Lisa Encabo Tuition: $25 Sat., May 12 10 am to 1 pm Suggested Patterns: Any Elegant Garden block in the shop BEGINNING PAPER PIECING: Add this technique to your other quilting skills. We’ve picked a pretty little pattern that should be just your cup of tea for learning the nifty techniques that make paper piecing the perfect art that it is. Instructor: Lisa Encabo Tuition: $25 Sat., May 12 2 to 5 pm Suggested Pattern: “Cups! Cups! Cups!” BORDERS & BINDINGS: Never again have a quilt left undone because you were intimidated by these two important finishing steps. Fix it, rescue it, renew it, enhance it. Your quilt will be all the better for having learned from Sylvia whose motto is “It doesn’t have to be hard in order to be good!” She’ll prove it with her outstanding finishing techniques. Instructor: Sylvia Dorney Tuition: $25 Thur., May 3 6 to 9 pm Suggested Book: Baby Wraps or Color Shuffle CLASSicS ADVENTURES IN DESIGN: Join Pam Greer for a design session based on Joan Wolfrom’s amazing Adventures in Design, a guide to bringing your own vision to fabric and quilting. You’ll come back for a construction class, as you and Pam—and certainly your classmates—collaborate to create the steps and techniques you need to make your quilted dream come true. Instructor: Pam Greer Tuition: $49 Sat., May 26 & June 9 1 to 5 pm Suggested Book: Adventures in Design APPLIQUÉ CLUB: Appliqué away with Janae as your gracious guide. Choose your Piece o’ Cake from My Whimsical Quilt Garden or the New Applique Sampler and perfect your curvy curves, your delicate points, lacy leaves and perfect petals. Janae will help you wield your appliqué needle with new skill and polish. Instructor: Janaé King Tuition: $10 each or all 5 for $42 paid in advance ✱ Sun., April 15 1 to 5 pm Sun., May 20 1 to 5 pm Sun., June 10 1 to 5 pm Sun., July 8 1 to 5 pm Sun., Aug. 5 1 to 5 pm Suggested Books: The New Applique Sampler or My Whimsical Quilt Garden A STEP BEYOND Beginning: These patterns have great design, super construction techniques, and a fresh, modern look. Perfect for the Beginning 9-patch or Log Cabin graduate. Instructor: Janaé King Tuition: $59 Thur., May. 3, 10, 17, 24 6 to 9 pm Suggested Pattern: Off Track, Chubby Chicks, Big Ten, Grand Central, Perfect Ten AURORA:.Choose one of our borealis-like batiks, the joy of this class is in what you do with your sewing machine, yarns and fibers. While your quilt will have the look of free-motion quilting, you’ll actually be using your walking foot to couch and quilt the motion and emotion of your fabric—whole-cloth quilting at an artistic level. And Joanna will be there every stitch along the way! Instructor: Joanna Price Tuition: $39 Sun., June 3 12 to 5 pm Suggested Pattern: Aurora COLOR ADDED TO COLOR: Paint ‘n’ color expert Terrie Kygar is offering an advanced degree in coloring on fabrics. Join her class in which you’ll use crayons to learn Terrie’s Melt’n’Blend technique. You’ll color your way to a stunning heirloom with Terrie’s expert guidance & the ease of fusible web. Instructor: Terrie Kygar Tuition $45 Sat., April 14 10 am to 5 pm Sat., May 12 10 am to 5 pm Sat., July 7 10 am to 5 pm Suggested Pattern: Pansies Suggested Book: Colorful Quilts from Your Crayon Box 3 MORE CLASSICS DYNAMIC DAHLIA & More!: The folks at Quiltsmart have taken the stress out of traditionally difficult patterns with their wonderful fusible foundation. The lines are there for you to fold, sew and cut on, and your accuracy is unparalleled because nothing shifts out of place. Marvelous control adds up to fantastic results, along with a huge amount of piecing pleasure. Instructor: Lisa Encabo Tuition: $39 Sat., June 16 12 to 5 pm Suggested Pattern: Quiltsmart’s Dahlia, Ohio Rose and more. DYNAMIC QUILTS WITH EASY CURVES: Your chance to spend a day with Karla Alexander and make a quilt from her newest, just released book. The quilts are dynamic and beautiful. Working with Karla is not just about the piecing, she helps you find your own style with your fabrics, expressing yourself freely and easily one fun block at a time. Instructor: Karla Alexander Tuition: $59 Sat., June 23 10 am to 5 pm Suggested Books: Dynamic Quilts With Easy Curves, Color Shuffle, or any of the 15 new patterns designed for Karla’s Creative Grid Rulers GELLI PLATE MONOPRINTING: Try gelatin monoprinting on fabric with the new GELLI plate! It lasts indefinitely and doesn’t need to be refrigerated. You’ll pick up some super-easy painting techniques, using just a few paint brushes, your finger, or leaves and ferns, to create a variety of prints from mini-landscapes to nature prints. Joanna will even share her accumulated wealth of mark-making tools such as bubble wrap, sequin waste, and deconstructed plastic doilies if organic and abstract is your thing. Finish your favorite monoprint at home with stitching and a bit of embellishment. Instructor: Joanna Price Tuition: $25 Sat., April 7 2 to 5 pm Sat., July 21 2 to 5 pm Suggested Notion: Gelli Printing Plate Hand Carving Stamps for Fabric Postcards:Joanna brings fabric postcard construction to a new level as she teaches you to carve your own stamps. Armed with an inexpensive lino-cutter and a soft artist’s carving block, you’ll learn the finer points of creating an original, hand-carved design, ready for block printing! You won’t be sewing in class—Joanna will provide you with the finishing steps—but you will learn how to use paints and embellishments with your finished stamps to make one-of-a-kind fabric postcards. Instructor: Joanna Price Tuition: $25 Sun., May 6 1 to 4 pm Suggested Pattern: Fabric Postcards Please Pre-Register for Classes 503-363-7973 or Toll Free 1-877-700-2233 4 HALLOWEEN TREE:Twinkle, twinkle little tree, filled with pumpkins just for me! Halloween merriment doesn’t get better than when giggling jack-o-lanterns and wispy ghosts dangle from an autumn tree twinkling with little lights. Come learn the tricks that will let this treat light up your Halloween for years to come! Instructor:Cheryl Ennis Tuition: $49 Sat., July 28 9:30 am to 5:30 pm Suggested Pattern: Twinkle Treat for Halloween JELLY ROLL RACES: The race is on! View the video on the 11/3/2011 E-club archive and you, too, will want to get your race on in this I-know-I-can-do-this-in-under-35-minutes jelly roll mini-marathon. We’ll play music that helps you sew fast and straight, and have a pit crew ready in case you blow a needle. You may want to consider bringing a helmet. Trophy, of course, for our winner. But everyone gets a prize anyway—a great 48” by 60” lap quilt top!! Instructor: Jeanette Pitalo Tuition: $25 Sun., April 1 2 to 5 pm Sun., July 29 2 to 5 pm Suggested Notion: One Jelly Roll MACHINE QUILTING FOREST STYLE: Why break the rules when you can make them? Join Jeanette and discover the REAL secrets behind the tools, techniques and “rools” of machine quilting—you’ll gain the confidence and skill to obtain professional strength results at home. Instructor: Jeanette Pitalo Tuition: $25 Sat., May 5 10:30 am to 1:30 pm Sun., July 8 2 to 5 pm Suggested Book: Machine Quilting or Machine Quilting Made Easy MINI TWIST: Join Sally for five hours of twist-and-turn fun as you spin out an array of “primitive pinwheels.” You’ll love the fast and clever construction of these “how-did-they-do-that?” Blocks. Great for a fast table runner, perfect for a charming wall hanging. Instructor: Sally Blankenship Tuition: $39 Sun., April 22 12 to 5 pm Suggested Pattern: Primitive Pinwheels, Let’s Twist, Let’s Twist Again MY FAVORITE VEST: Join Sylvia for some whole cloth stippling then turn that cloth into a jacket like vest that’s absolutely elegant in its simplicity. Just a few simple steps to construct the vest, then you’ll trim it with the perfect binding to accent your print, and the perfect button to tie it all together. As easy, as it is elegant. Instructor: Sylvia Dorney Tuition: $39 Tue., June 5 & 19 6 to 9 pm Suggested Pattern: My Favorite Vest Receive the next 2 flyers mailed to your door for the bargain price of $1.00! Add it to your next shop purchase, mail a check, or sign-up on line at our Classes page, OR TELL US TO SWITCH YOU TO (E) FOR ELECTRONIC And we’ll send it to your e-mail box at no charge. Even More Classes POTLUCK Piecing Party: Pick your Friday night, whip up a batch of Grandma Susie’s Slice & Dice Wasabi Frito Pie, gather up your quilting gear and fabric stash, and get on down to the Quilted Forest for four free-style hours of quilting fun: finishing the old, starting the new, stitching, stuffing, and munching all night long! And you get a FREE fat quarter for bringing something yummy to share! Instructor: Nancy Ingerson Tuition: $20 Fri., April 13 6 to 10 pm Fri., May 11 6 to 10 pm Fri., June 8 6 to 10 pm Fri., Aug 10 6 to 10 pm Suggested Pattern or Book: Any project you want to work on Rag Quilts -- Fuzzy Around the Edges: Master quilt designer Karla Alexander has created some of the best Rag Edge quilt designs on the market. Join Janae’ and choose any of Karla’s patterns, and come learn this marvelous piecing technique that results in the ultimate comfort quilt—heavy, cuddly, extra warm, and fuzzy all over! No more winter chills at your house! Instructor: Janae’ King Tuition: $45 Sat., May 19 10 am to 5 pm Sat., Aug. 4 10 am to 5 pm Suggested Patterns: Frosty, Lazy Daisy, Love Notes RUG HOOKING FOR QUILTERS: Join Lorraine for this fun 3 hour class, to hook you on hooking! You’ll learn a nifty no-sew technique for turning your fabric into continuous long strips, and all the little ins and outs of looping a lush and sturdy rug as scrappy or patterned as you like. (Ratted hair optional!) Instructor: Lorraine Sherman Tuition: $25 Sat., May 19 2:30 to 5:30 pm Suggested Book: “The Happy (Rug) Hooker 3” or “Hook, Loop & Lock” TREASURED T-SHIRT QUILTS: They define us from the time we’re born, the t-shirts we wear, and this is such a cool way to save and treasure the memories they bring, long after the t-shirts have been tucked away. Join Janaé and explore how you can use your shirts to create a one-of-a-kind quilt that keeps special memories alive, whether centered around one t-shirt or a crazy quilt of a couple dozen. You probably never knew that “t” stands for “treasure!” Instructor: Janaé King Tuition: $45 Sat., May 19 10 am to 5 pm Suggested Pattern: T-Shirt Memory Quilt, Stadium Blanket TWO HOUR TULIP BAG: You’ll have four sizes to choose from—grapefruit to basketball—and three hours to make this little knockout that amazes with its speed of construction belied by its wonderful shape, storage capacity and sturdiness. This is the type of bag that’s great for gift giving or fundraisers: fast, easy, affordable and filled with “wow,” even when it’s empty! Come open up a shop model, and you’ll see what we mean! Instructor: Sylvia Dorney Tuition: $25 Thur., May 10 6 to 9 pm Suggested Pattern: Two Hour Tulip Bag Daytime Students: Remember we’re in a 2 hour parking zone. Stop briefly in the alley to drop off your machine, then park in the “free all day” Chemeketa Parkade touching the North side of our building. SCRAP REPUBLIC: Blow away the winter blues with color, color, color! These sunny , sassy quilts speak in triangles, dots, lines and rectangles that allow you to mix your methods, scraps, and style with nothing but fun results. (After all, when was the last time you made a quilt called Freckles? ) And since most of the quilts in the book are 30” by 30”, this play won’t feel like work at all! Instructor: Sally Blankenship Tuition: $45 Sat., June 2 10:30 am to 5:30 pm Suggested Book: Scrap Republic KIDS & TEENS: KIDS DESIGNER PILLOWS: 5-to-8 year olds are invited to make a can’t-mess-it-up star or heart filled pillow. You’ll love the fuzzy edges, and the cool stack and clip techniques, plus the nifty envelope back, that add up to a great pillow for yourself or a best friend. Make one in class; make lots more at home! Instructor: Jeanette Pitalo Price: $25 Fri., June 29 10 am to 1 pm Fri., Aug. 17 10 am to 1 pm Suggested Pattern: Stars & Hearts QUILT CAMP FOR KIDS: Drop the kids off for four days of quilt-making magic— in four 4-hour days we cut and stitch our way to a fabulous twin sized quilt; all supplies included except for backing. Our 10-16 year-olds delight in the skill they learn (“I can sew better than my mom!”)— as they enjoy snacks, drinks and laughs along the way. Instructor: Jeanette Pitallo Tuition: $139 ✱ Mon. – Thur., June 18 – 21 9 am to 1 pm Mon. – Thur., June 25- 28 9 am to 1 pm Mon. – Fri., July 2, 3, 5, 6 12 to 4 pm Mon. – Thur., July 16 - 19 9 am to 1 pm Mon. – Thur., July 23 - 26 9 am to 1 pm Mon. – Thur., July 30 – Aug. 2 9 am to 1 pm Mon. – Thur., Aug. 6 - 9 9 am to 1 pm Mon. – Thur., Aug. 13 - 16 9 am to 1 pm Mon. – Thur., Aug. 20 - 23 9 am to 1 pm Suggested Pattern: Memory Chain ADVANCED QUILT CAMP FOR KIDS: Instructor: Jeanette Pitallo Tuition: $65 ✱ Mon. – Thur., June 18 – 21 2 to 6 pm Mon. – Thur., July 23 - 26 2 to 6 pm Suggested Pattern: Perfect Ten SMART BAG: The Smart Bag is fast, easy and great for gifts! Choose 2 fat quarters, the pattern with 2 Quilt Smart Interfacing Sheets and let Jeanette guide you through with some fun & laughs too! Instructor: Jeanette Pitallo Tuition: $25 Fri., June 22 10 am to 1 pm Fri., Aug. 3 10 am to 1 pm Suggested Kit: Quilt Smart’s Smart Bag Kids 10 and older can take the Let’s Get Started class or 2-hour Treasures 5 CLASS POLICY: Please Pre-Register for Classes 503-363-7973, Toll Free 1-877-700-2233 or www. – look to the left for classes. Payment of fees assures a place in class until we reach the maximum # of students. Phone orders will be gladly taken with a credit card. Our fabrics, supplies, products and classe sare backed by our expert advice, service and guarantee of quality! We cannot guarantee your quilt or class satisfaction if you purchase supplies elsewhere. A $10 gift certificate comes with most classes. (✱) = retreats, quilt camps, bus trips, guest teachers are not eligible. $10 classes come with a $5 gift certificate. Full refunds will be given for cancellations received SEVEN days prior to the class UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON SUPPLY SHEET. If we cancel a class, refunds will be promptly made. “Full” refunds will be less the $10 gift certificate, unless the full certificate is returned to us at the time of the cancellation. Print out calendar pages for May - August from our web site: Go to the top of the home page and click on the “Calendar” button. Then click on the pdf file for Spring-Summer 12 classes. RETREATS Do You Need A Weekend Away? How does a relaxing weekend trip to the coast or the forest sound? Interested? It’s easier than you think. Join us on one of our quilt retreats. Spend several sewing in a spacious, peaceful environment. Enjoy spectacular settings surrounded by fresh air, delicious food and most importantly, good company. Sign-up today to reserve a spot. Spring at Camp Cascade, Mill City March 29, 30, 31 & April 1, 2012 – Price $319 (4 days) ✱ with Karla Alexander & Sally Blankenship Nestled under giant Fir Trees in the foothills of the Cascade Range, this popular small retreat includes all meals, overnight accommodations and fun mini classes. Sisters Bus Trip July 13-14, 2012, Price $165 ✱ Overnight trip to the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show. Tour includes, overnight double occupancy hotel accommodations, Friday night dinner, stops at four quilt shops. Lead by Jeanette Pitalo. Fall at Camp Cascade, Mill City Retreat #1 October 12, 13, 14, 2012 – with Sally Blankenship & Jeanette Pitalo– Price $244 ✱ Retreat #2 October 18, 19, 20, 21, 2012 - with Karla Alexander & Sally Blankenship – Price $325 (4 days) ✱ Nestled under giant Fir Trees in the foothills of the Cascade Range, this popular small retreat includes all meals, overnight accommodations and fun mini classes. Winter at the Newport Shilo January 18, 19, 20, 2013 – Price $269 ✱ Oceanfront at the Newport Shilo – This retreat features several groups of “snap-shot” classes with demonstrations of some of our newest hottest shop classes and classic requested techniques. Sign-up soon; this retreat fills early. (Includes Saturday night dinner) FREE PATTERNS ON OUR WEB PAGE Halfway down on the left of our homepage, click on the red “Free Patterns” link. Print off a pdf for our Pillowcase Pattern—The Burrito Method, a Watch Frog Pattern or one of three different mystery quilts, and much more! Come in if you’re not connected. FAT QUARTER CLUB RECEIVE SIX SHINY NEW FAT QUARTERS A MONTH FROM OUR FABULOUS FOREST ASSORTMENT CHOSEN FROM FUN NEW COLLECTIONS $18.95 / MONTH Call, come in or sign up on the web under Events “It’s a fun event to open your package each month” 6 The Winner of this quarter’s filled punch card $75 gift certificate is Rosemary Tutt. Call or come in by March 31, 2012 to claim your prize! = OK for beginner = OK if you’ve made 1 or 2 quilts = Intermediate Dont’ Forget... The parking is hassle FREE at the Chemeketa Parkade — the entrance is just north of our shop on Commercial Street. You can drive through the alley and stop briefly to unload your machine from the back before parking, unless you have one of our rolling totes, then you’ll want to roll it great distances! There is an elevator on Commercial St. so park near it on the 2nd or 3rd level! Sylvia’s Scribblings continued off . A little ( ✱) will tell you of any that are not eligible, (Retreats, Quilt Camps, Bus Trips, Guest Teachers). We really have fun in the Forest: Don’t miss the Hoffman Challenge, dates listed on page one; Lovey’s birthday party, she’s 8 so it’s 8% off, plus we’ll punch your card. Please bring your “pup” in to visit, we usually have more dog than human treats. This is my first call for this years dog quilts. Many of you followed the e-club link and saw the wonderful family of dogs that now has a fenced yard and dog houses all from last years efforts. There are almost no rules, any size up to a large lap, use dog prints or not! They will be up for silent auction June 6-30th, with all proceeds going to Fences for Fido, purchasing supplies to build fences for chained dogs. This would be a great opportunity to practice your machine quilting. Our bus trip to Sisters is always a hit, jump on board; lots of Quiltopia info on page 7 and our trip to Ireland and the International Quilt Festival is coming in June. Looks like some of our “Quilted Forest” trees will be there. Our weekly e-club will keep you up to date on all these happenings and the new fabric and book arrivals at www.quiltedforest. com , click on the e-club button at the top of the home page. So much new fabric and fun books I have to stop scribbling and sew! We’d really love to see you in the Forest, but if you can’t, remember to visit our web site, we have free shipping on most items. Keep on Quilting! Sylvia 10% off Just Beginning? Look for one thimble ( ) classes. Early Bird Class Registration Fee Greenbaum’s Quilted Forest Please Pre-Register for Classes ____________________________ Signature 503-363-7973 (Limit 2 Classes) or Toll Free 1-877-700-2233 Valid until March 31, 2012 One use per person! Classes that include supplies, Celebri-Quilters, Bus Trips & Retreats Excluded 15% off If you are downtown more than 2 hours, remember to use the regular priced item in store. ChemeketaOneParkade. Greenbaum’s Quilted Forest ____________________________ It’s free all day! Signature One use per person! Valid until March 31, 2012 QUILTOPIA 2012 MARK YOUR CALENDAR OCTOBER 5-6-7, 2012 Enter our Fried Green Tomatoes Quilt Challenge quilts due July 23-30, hanging at the State Fair and in the Forest during Quiltopia. Entry form available in the shop or on our webpage. Click on “Events.” Enter a Quilt in the show at the Mill – Then bring friends to see it. Oct. 5, 6, 7, 2012. $5 Don’t miss the Show at the Mill and a special Trunk show from guest quilter Janet Fogg. Saturday after the show 5:30-6:30pm, $10 A Two house quilted cottage tour Sunday afternoon – lots of time to see the houses and other Quiltopia events! $5 7 240 Commercial Street NE Salem, Oregon 97301 We inspire creativity op ler h S t l i u uilt Samp Q 0 1 TOP es & Gardens’ Qof all time! Hom best Better e of the 20 & on RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Visit our website: Spring/Summer Classes 2012 BOOK REVIEWS 50 LITTLE PAPER-PIECED BLOCKS by Carol Doak $12.95 Carol is back with 50 new little 3” quilt blocks in a variety of themes from hearts and flowers to airplanes, birthday cakes, stars and an adorable duck. This book is complete with her usual easy-to-follow paper piecing instructions, full sized patterns and tips. She shows you how to frame the cute little guys for gift or greeting cards and gives ideas for fabric projects. Mix any combination of the fifty or make several the same. Maybe a row of the ducks! KAFFE FASSETT’S QUILTS IN SWEDEN $24.95 Breathtaking photography, fabulous fabrics and inspirational quilts. Pretty enough to be a coffee table book, but you’ll want to make every one of the twenty quilts. Kaffe and his designers tell sensational color stories that bring simple layouts to life. Do not miss this book. ( His name rhymes with “safe”.) CREATE YOUR OWN FREE-FORM QUILTS by Rayna Gillman $27.95 Rayna sets you on a course for creating fun, funky original quilts by getting you to just start sewing strips. Discover how to spontaneously combine units and design as you go. Start from scratch or reinvent U.F.Os with strips and bits. You’ll love this book. • Hours • Monday • Friday • Saturday 9:30 am to 5:30 pm Tuesday • Wednesday • Thursday 9:30 am to 8:00 pm Sunday Noon to 5:00 pm 240 Commercial Street NE 503-363-7973 • 1-877-700-2233 E-mail: Web: 8 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID SALEM, OR Permit # 106 APRIL 2012 503-363-7973 Sunday Monday 1 Tuesday Wednesday 2 3 Friday 4 Saturday 5 6 7 8:30-9:15am First Sat Sampler 2-5pm Jelly Roll Races Spring Retreat 6-8pm Let’s Get Started 8 9 Closed Easter 6-9pm French Garden Blend A-1 10 6-9pm Beg. 9-Patch A-1 11 12 8:30-9:15am First Sat Sampler on Friday 2-5pm Gelli Plate Monoprinting 13 14 12-5pm Mad Hatters Having a Ball 6-8pm 2-Hour Treasures: Snap Happy 15 16 6-9pm French Garden Blend A-2 17 6-9pm Beg. 9-Patch A-2 18 22 23 29 30 25 6-9pm French Garden Blend A-3 26 6-9pm Beg. 9-Patch A-4 10am-5pm Color Added to Color 20 21 10am-5pm Cut Flowers 12:30 -4pm Abstract Fabric Collage 6-9pm Beg. 9-Patch A-3 24 6-8pm 2-Hour Treasures: Dog Collars 12-5pm Mini Twist 19 6-10pm Potluck Piecing Party 6-8pm 2-Hour Treasures: Market Bag 6-8pm 2-Hour Treasures: Painted Scissors 1-5pm Appliqué Club 1-4pm Peace Flags Thursday 27 28 MAY 2012 503-363-7973 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 Thursday Friday 2 Saturday 3 4 5 8:30-9:15am First Sat Sampler 10:30am-1:30 pm Machine Quilting 6-9pm A Step Beyond Beginning A-1 8:30-9:15am First Sat 6-9pm Borders & Bindings Sampler on Friday 6-8pm Five Buck Finish 6 7 8 9 10 10:30am-2:30 pm Sewing Machine Apron 11 12 10am-1pm Beg. Fusibles 6-9pm 2-Hour Tulip Bag 1-4pm Hand Carving Stamps for Fabric Postcards 6-9pm A Step Beyond Beginning A-2 6-9pm Beg. 9-Patch B-1 13 14 15 16 6-10pm Potluck Piecing Party 17 20 21 22 2:30-5:30pm Rug Hooking 24 25 26 10am- 5pm Baby. Small or Wall quilts 12-5pm Sweet Bonbon Table Runners 1-5pm Appliqué Club 6-9pm A Step Beyond Beginning A-4 6-9pm Beg. 9-Patch B-3 27 19 10am-5pm Rag Quilts and T-Shirt Quilts 6-9pm A Step Beyond Beginning A-3 23 2-5pm Beg. Paper Piecing 18 Closed Mothers Day 6-9pm Beg. 9-Patch B-2 10am-5pm Color Added to Color 28 29 30 1-5pm Adventures in Design 1 of 2 31 Memorial Day Closed 6-9pm Beg. 9-Patch B-4 6-9pm Beg. 9-Patch C-1 JUNE 2012 503-363-7973 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 31-May 1 2 8:30-9:15am First Sat Sampler 10:30am-5:30pm Scrap Republic 8:30-9:15am First Sat Sampler on Friday 6-9pm Beg. 9-Patch C-1 3 4 12-5pm Aurora 5 6-9pm My Favorite Vest 10 11 12 6 7 5-8pm First Wednesday DOGS NIGHT OUT 6-9pm Beg. 9-Patch C-2 13 10:30am-5:30 pm Beg. Bags 14 8 9 10:30am-3:30pm Featherweight Maintenance Workshop 10:30am-3:30pm Featherweight Maintenance Workshop 6-10pm Potluck Piecing Party 1-5pm Adventures in Design 2 of 2 15 16 12-5pm Dynamic Dahlia 6-8pm 2-Hour Treasures: Magic Pot Holder 1-5pm Appliqué Club 17 18 19 6-9pm Beg. 9-Patch C-3 20 21 10am-Noon 2-Hour Treasures: Dog Collars 2-5pm Rubbing Plate Round-up 22 23 9am-1pm Quilt Camp 2-6pm Adv. Quilt Camp 6-9pm My Favorite Vest 24 25 26 6-9pm Beg. 9-Patch C-4 27 28 10am-1pm Smart Bags 10am-5pm Dynamic Quilts with Easy Curves 29 30 9am-1pm Quilt Camp 10am-Noon 2-Hour Treasures: 10-Minute Block 10am-1pm Kids Designer Pillows 2-4pm 2-Hour Treasures: Market Bag JULY 2012 503-363-7973 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 2 Wednesday Thursday 3 4 12-4pm Quilt Camp Friday Saturday 5 6 7 Quilt Camp continues Independence Day 8:30-9:15am First Sat Sampler Shop Closed 8:30-9:15am First Sat Sampler on Friday 8 9 10 11 12 10am-5pm Color Added to Color 13 9am Sisters’ Quilt Show Bus Tour 14 5pm-Return Sisters’ Quilt Show Bus Tour 1-5pm Appliqué Club 2-5pm Machine Quilting 15 16 17 18 19 9am-1pm Quilt Camp 20 Salem Art Fair Open 10am-5pm 10am-12pm 2-Hour Treasures: Snap Happy 22 Salem Art Fair 21 23 24 25 26 27 2-5pm Gelli Plate Monoprinting 28 9am-1pm Quilt Camp 2-6pm Adv. Quilt Camp 9:30am-5:30pm Halloween Tree 29 30 9am-1pm Quilt Camp 2-5pm Jelly Roll Races 31 Aug. 1 Aug. 2 AUGUST 2012 503-363-7973 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 2 9am-1pm Quilt Camp continued. 6 7 8 3 4 8:30-9:15am First Sat Sampler on Friday 6-9pm Beg. 9-Patch D-1 5 Saturday 10am-Noon 2-Hour Treasures: Painted Scissors 8:30-9:15am First Sat Sampler 10am-1pm Smart Bags 10am-5pm Rag Quilts 9 10 11 9am-1pm Quilt Camp 10am-12pm 2-Hour Treasures: Pillowcase 1-5pm Appliqué Club 6-9 pm Beg. 9-Patch D-2 12 13 14 15 16 6-10pm Potluck Piecing Party 17 18 9am-1pm Quilt Camp 6-9 pm Beg. 9-Patch D-3 19 20 21 22 23 10am-1pm Kids Designer Pillows 24 9am-1pm Quilt Camp 6-9 pm Beg. 9-Patch D-4 26 27 28 29 30 31 25