Report 04/05 - Echo Horizon School
Report 04/05 - Echo Horizon School
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GOALS Students will develop the academic tools, social skills and moral integrity needed to be successful in their next phase of education. Students will integrate themselves successfully, making contributions to a diverse society, while maintaining individuality and respect for others. Students will generate a variety of solutions and approaches to situations requiring thoughtful and creative problem solving. Students will develop the skills and positive attitude for engaging in learning as a life-long process. Echo Foundation 2004 - 2005 Annual Report We Have Two Gifts to Give Our Children… One is Roots, the Other, Wings. CAROL AND KENT H. LANDSBERG - FOUNDERS BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2004-2005 David Rosenblum, Chairman Jim Harris, President Dan Black, Vice President Tom Collier, Vice President Donald Moger, Vice President Masako Carpenter, Treasurer Linda Brown, Secretary Jonathan Glaser, Trustee Eileen Holmes, Trustee Richard Hull, Trustee Carol Proctor Landsberg, Trustee Janet Lonner, Trustee William M. Luxford, M.D., Trustee Deborah Nordman, Trustee David Oliver, Trustee Rob Palmer, Trustee Rick Wartzman, Trustee Nora Wendel, Trustee Mary Brussell, Parent Association President Fred Fern, Emeritus Kent H. Landsberg, Founder, deceased PARENT ASSOCIATION 2004-2005 Mary Brussell, President Karen Leichenger, First Vice President Jenny Savitsky, Vice President Judy Price, Vice President Janna Harris, Secretary Diane Molina, Treasurer STAFF Norma F. Roberts, Executive Director Paula R. Dashiell, Head of School Vicki C. Ishida, Director, Echo Center Each fall, when I take a moment to reflect on the previous school year, I marvel at the determination, creativity, and dedication of Echo Horizon’s many stakeholders - the students and their families, the school’s faculty and staff, our board of trustees. The energy and enthusiasm with which each individual approaches his/her piece of this puzzle that is Echo Horizon School are both extraordinary and heartwarming. The 2004-2005 school year was a year marked by change. Our board of trustees, ably guided by board chair Dave Rosenblum, made a smooth transition in leadership and successfully launched a major building project and its accompanying capital campaign, Building on Success. The enhancements and additional program space provided by this project will allow the faculty to significantly extend the experiences and learning opportunities for the children we serve. My deepest gratitude goes to Mary and Tom Collier for leading Building on Success, to Deborah Nordman for her passion and behind the scenes cheerleading and to David Oliver for his time and commitment to this project at every stage of its implementation. Such a project could not be successfully launched without the support of our families. We are immensely grateful for their 100% participation in Building on Success, for their strong support for annual giving, and for their ongoing involvement in the many and varied activities of our Parent Association. Their support affirms the commitment of the faculty and staff to provide a top-notch educational experience for every student. Although change is healthy for an organization, it can also be poignant. Last spring we said good-bye to two faculty members who were instrumental in establishing our excellent programs and whose many contributions helped define our culture. Founding librarian Starr Johnson and her husband, volunteer Ralph Johnson, retired after 20 years dedicated to establishing one of the finest children’s libraries in southern California. Kindergarten teacher Denise Hubbard also departed, deciding to move on to new challenges after 17 years devoted to giving our youngest students the best possible start to their elementary school years. We will miss the Johnsons and Mrs. Hubbard, and will not forget their commitment to establishing EHS as a healthy place for children. The Echo Horizon community is indeed a special group. It is my great pleasure to work alongside all of you as we make the school a first-class environment for learning and growing. Paula R Dashiell Head of School EHS ANNUAL REPORT Kent H. Landsberg Echo Horizon School EHS ANNUAL REPORT From the Chair of the Board of Trustees In my first official report as Chairman of the Board of Trustees, I want to tell you more about our board and the role the Trustees play in the management and administration of Echo Horizon School. The purpose of the board is to safeguard the mission, values and culture of the school for future generations, as well as to fulfill all legal and fiduciary obligations. Given the board’s varied responsibilities, trustees represent a wide range of constituent groups and broad spectrum of professional disciplines. The board’s decision-making process considers the greater good of the school and balances the needs of present and future families, faculty and administration, local neighbors and the broader community. A good example of balancing various viewpoints was the development of a long-range strategic plan in 2001. The board collected input from parents, faculty, children and other constituents. Trustees also analyzed the current educational environment, projected future educational trends and assessed the school’s needs today and tomorrow. The strategic plan identified key areas that have guided the board and the school in recent years: • Maintaining a superior faculty and teaching excellence • Expanding the program (e.g., starting the Pre-K program) • Integrating technology into all school programs • Further diversifying our school and strengthening our community outreach • Ensuring the long-term adequacy and security of our facility (e.g., the current building program) • Maintaining the financial stability of the school into the future This past year, the board established a communications committee to focus on what the school conveys to its key constituents and how information is communicated. The communications survey in which so many of you participated was a direct result of this work. Examples of communication enhancements that have grown out of this effort are our new Web site, the Signals On section of the weekly bulletin, and more grade meetings with Head of School Paula Dashiell. I hope you will take a moment to look at our handsome new Web site at A complete list of the trustees is available there. The board will continue to reflect, strengthen and value what makes our school different, particularly the culture of the school and the enthusiastic commitment of parents. Thank you for your support during my first year as chair. David Rosenblum Chair, Board of Trustees Parent of Eric, Alum ’99, and Lauren, Alum ‘01 In the 2004–2005 school year, Echo Horizon School continued to move forward in providing our students with a unique educational and social experience. I am grateful to everyone who helps make the school such a special place. The most notable achievement of the year is the outstanding progress made toward renovation of the school facility. Two short years after we reported that the school had hired an architectural firm to develop plans, construction is underway! The remarkable Echo Horizon community has already contributed half of the fundraising goal. We greatly appreciate the tireless efforts of Tom and Mary Collier who are chairing the campaign. Most important, I extend my sincere gratitude to all of you who contributed to the capital campaign. My thanks to parents David Leichenger and Andy Simon, who volunteered to draft the contract with Del Amo Construction Company. Thanks also to David Oliver, chair of the facilities committee, for his commitment to the project. As always, I extend my thanks to the dedicated faculty and staff who give so much of themselves to our children. My deep appreciation to Paula Dashiell and Norma Roberts for their thoughtful, capable leadership of the school. Thanks also to Vicki Ishida, who directs Echo Center, one of the preeminent programs of its kind in the country. The school would not be what it is without all the parents who graciously volunteer their time, and I thank you for your efforts. My appreciation as well to Dave Rosenblum and the Board of Trustees for their diligence and commitment. Also, I am grateful to Mary Brussell, president of the Parent Association, and Linda and Steve Brown, who led our Annual Campaign in 2004–2005. These are crucial jobs that require considerable time and contribute significantly to the school’s success. Thank you. Soon we will have an expanded school with state-of-the-art facilities that will enhance educational opportunities for Echo Horizon students. While we all appreciate this tremendous progress, we are also grateful that values and foundations of this fine school remain robust and constant. Jim Harris President, Board of Trustees Parent of Jake, 4th grade, and Emma, Alum ’04 EHS ANNUAL REPORT From the President of the Board of Trustees EHS ANNUAL REPORT Carol H. Proctor Echo Center Report Echo Center, which has its roots in the Oral Education Center, has served hearing-impaired children for 35 years. Today, we maintain an average of two to three hearing-impaired students per grade, a ratio that is ideal for the development of listening and speaking skills. Each year, we build on past successes to enhance our thriving, robust auditory-oral education program. Awareness and interest in our unique program continues to increase in the educational community. This year, we hosted undergraduate and graduate students from Loyola Marymount, California State University at Long Beach and California State University at San Diego, who observed our teaching techniques and educational environment. We received inquiries about our program from as far away as England and India. Disseminating what we have learned, our resource teachers presented papers on language and technology at the California Technology Assistance Project, and also garnered two awards for teacher/student projects at the California Student Media and Multi-Media Festival. The school also continued to maintain leadership in AG Bell Association and the OPTION schools network, prominent national organizations focused on oral education of the hearing-impaired. Last year we welcomed Jessica Aguillon to our DHH teacher faculty, and after many years of service, said good-bye to Enid Wizig. “Miss Enid” retired from her volunteer efforts for the Echo Program and for Echo Horizon School. With her sunny disposition, her career as a cartoonist and her success as a hearing-impaired adult, she was a role model for all of us. Mrs. Wizig has been a great asset to our program through the years and we will miss her. We look forward to the expansion of the school facility and the many program improvements that we will be able to implement. My thanks to everyone who enables us to provide such a high-quality, widely recognized program. Vicki C. Ishida Director, Echo Center EHS ANNUAL REPORT Financial Report 2004 - 2005 Fundraising success and prudent control of expenses resulted in another financially healthy year for Echo Horizon School in 2004–05. Through parent efforts and the annual giving campaign, the school raised over $297,000 this year. This was accomplished in addition to over $1.5 million dollars in pledges to our capital campaign. We are indeed fortunate to be part of such a committed family of parents and friends. Enrollment was at full capacity and expenses were monitored and controlled throughout the year. Financial aid was increased and faculty and staff benefits were kept at the level of the previous year. As of June 30, the capital campaign had raised approximately 50% of the goal set for our crucial expansion project. Continuing capital fundraising over the next several years ultimately will cover the costs of the entire project. In the meantime, the school has established a secured line of credit that will enable us to complete the project swiftly. Thus, the entire expansion will be funded by additional funds raised, not by tuition or add-on fees of any kind. The coming years promise to be exciting times of change and enhancement to our school building and programs. Your ongoing support will help us maintain the school’s fiscal well-being. For your past and future support, we are very grateful. Masako Carpenter Treasurer, Board of Trustees Parent of Alumni, Elina ’01 Norma Roberts Executive Director, Echo Foundation EHS ANNUAL REPORT Financial Picture 2004 - 2005 INCOME Tuition 86.3% Fees & program 5.8% Fund Development (excluding Capital Campaign) 5.9% Investment Income 2.0% EXPENSE Salary & Benefits 73.8% Plant 6.9% Financial Aid 11.0% General Administration 3.5% Instruction 4.8% Summary of Fund Development Grants.........................................................................................................................................................................$ 11,600 Parent Association Activities...................................................................................................................................$108,150 Annual Giving...........................................................................................................................................................$176,000 Special Fund.............................................................................................................................................................$ 9,960 Capital Campaign...............................................................................................................................................$1,575,000 (Contributions to this campaign are not included in the graph shown above.) EHS ANNUAL REPORT Parent Association Report Parent involvement is the essence of the warmth and camaraderie that is felt immediately by visitors to our school. With over sixty parent volunteers chairing our committees, we have a vibrant and engaged parent body. In fact, most of our parents volunteer in a variety of ways, as room parents, in the library, serving hot lunch, facilitating community service projects, and participating at one of our many school events such as back to school night, Book Fair, Halloween Carnival, Readathon, Grandparent’s Day, Teacher Appreciation Luncheon and our Annual Fundraiser. Many of our parents serve as trustees of the school. Kicking off the year, our Hospitality committee hosted our annual “back to school night” event which was highlighted by a delicious dinner al fresco. During that event another group of volunteers was busy in our library orchestrating our Book Fair. A wonderful selection of books was offered to our children and the proceeds help support our library program. There is always a flurry of activity in the fall and this year was no different. Picture day is always highly anticipated and ran smoothly due to the efforts of our hardworking volunteers. The Halloween Carnival was fun for both parents and our children. Each year parents enjoy our tradition of dressing up for this special afternoon. Community Service worked through the fall coordinating our Trick or Treat for UNICEF, Thanksgiving in a Box and Adopt a Family programs. Many of our parents volunteered as docents to guide prospective families on tours through our school. The Open House committee orchestrated six daytime events as well as an evening event for this year’s prospective families. All the while, the Readathon committee put on another wonderful event and our students and families participated by reading thousands of books and raising over $20,000 for our library. The spring brought another flurry of events beginning with Grandparents/Special Friends Day. Our visitors enjoyed a delicious lunch with the children and spent the afternoon sharing some special classroom activities together. Next was our Teacher Appreciation Luncheon. Many parents participate, staging, cooking and serving the meal, while entertaining our faculty and staff with a themed program created especially for them. Then came Alumni Day in which we welcomed many of our graduates who had an opportunity to catch up with old friends and share new experiences. Our biggest event of the spring is the Annual Fundraiser. This year it was taken into the 21st Century with the addition of an on-line silent auction. Bidding was exciting and the “on-line” feature allowed more families than ever before to participate. We enjoyed a wonderful Tropical Evening at Smashbox Studios that included delicious food, superb entertainment and lots of opportunities to socialize. The event raised over $72,000, and when combined with other activities the generosity of our parent body added over $130,00 towards Echo Horizon’s operating budget. All this was in addition to contributing so generously to our Annual Giving and Capital Campaigns. We are indeed fortunate to have such a committed group of families. This is an exciting time for our school community. While we watch the building grow and expand, we are blessed with the ever increasing support of so many of our parents serving on committees, contributing in so many ways that all benefit our children. On behalf of all of the officers, committee chairs and many volunteers I thank you for your outstanding service to our school community this past year. It’s been a privilege and honor this past year to serve with so many talented, creative and gifted people. Fondly, Mary Brussell Parent Association President 2004-2005 EHS ANNUAL REPORT Annual Giving We gratefully acknowledge the many generous families who collectively contributed over $176,000 to the 20042005 Annual Fund. A total of 86% of the school families participated in the effort. In addition to our families, gifts were received from grandparents, faculty, staff, board members, alumni parents, and alumni. Your financial contributions made possible the purchase of a SMARTboard which is an interactive whiteboard, combining the simplicity of a whiteboard with the power of a computer. The SMARTboard is currently located in the technology center and is an extremely useful tool for the teaching of all subjects. In addition, Annual Giving donations were used to significantly enrich our financial aid program as well as maintain the high level of health care benefits provided to our teachers. Thank you to each and every donor for your gifts to Annual Giving. You made a real difference for all of us at Echo Horizon School. We have been pleased to chair this important campaign for the past two years and welcome Nancy and Yaron Rabinowitz as the new Annual Giving chairs. We know will bring new energy and ideas to Annual Giving. Linda and Steve Brown Parents of Tracie, 5th grade and Abby, Alumni ‘03 Annual Giving SPONSORS (Gifts of $4,000 or more) Mary & Tom Collier Charlotte Hughes & Chris Combs Nancy & Jonathan Glaser Maria & Lawrence Goldman Pamela & Peter Kelly Janet & David Lonner Nancy & Jonathan Lurie Max Palevsky Mindy Schultheis & Jeff Strauss Karen & Rick Wolfen PATRONS (Gifts of $3,000 to $3,999) Linda & Steve Brown Mary & Dan Brussell Alisa Taylor & Ron Hutchinson Robin & John Jameson Carol Landsberg Patti & Christopher Rowey DONORS (Gifts of $1,250 to $2,999) Marilyn Wade & Paul Arrow Jin & Jack Choi Lori Bowman & John Coleman Anonymous nancy & Robert Fried Catherine & Daniel Gerst Audrey & Theodore Haas Maria & James Hardy Katie & Greg Heller Margaret & Matthew Kuhns Jennifer & Dick Manoogian Madeleine & Jeff Moskowitz Helene & William Nishizawa Deborah & Mark Nordman Cathy & Marc O’Krent Karen Haas & Paul Pratt Sue & David Rosenblum Judy & George Savitsky Jenny & Steve Savitsky Robin & Charles Shephard Virginia & Norman Solomon Gillian & John Wagner Orna & Keenan Wolens Jackie & Jay Wolf Judy & Stefan Zweig Sherri & Eric Sloane Ruth & Michael Smarinsky Gloria & Marvin Smolan Debra & Roger Stevenson Denise DiNovi & Christopher Taylor Susan & Richard Ulin Susan & Jonathan Weiner FRIENDS SUPPORTERS (Gifts of $750 to $1,299) (Gifts of $250 to $749) Robin & Keith Adler Jamie Cohen & John Allman Sheri & Steve Altieri Linda Sallas & Frederick Brookwell Claudette & Harvey Brown Masako & Jeff Carpenter Allison & Daniel Cohen Elizabeth Lane & Lewis Colick Malcolm Currie Helen & Steve Ellis Michele & Kenneth Feinswog Craig Fields Jarvis Gatlin Max Guefen Linda & Matthew Heartney Marion & Jon Hookstratten Patty & Glenn Huettner Diana Currie Hull & Richard Hull Margarita & Venkatesh Iyer Shayne Vitemb & Gerd-Ulf Krueger Michele & Scott Layne Karen & David Leichenger Diane & Scott Lewis Christine & Hunt Lowry Tamiko Ishida & Masatoshi Misaki Jean & Todd Moodey Joan Nordman Sally Menke & Dean Parisot Carla & Alvin Pittman Debbie & Joachim Postel Judy & Steve Price Nancy & Yaron Rabinowitz Mariel & Peter Saber Yumi & Tomoyuki Agawa Anonymous Laurie Aranoff & Nancy Aspaturian Suzanne & Vernon Aspaturian Tracy & Andre Berger Jennifer & Andrew Bernstein Gail & Greg Bernstein Rosemarie & Jean Camille Bianic Jan & Dan Black Steven Blatt Anne & John Booth Karen & Jonathan Brooks Katie Klapper & Doug Brotherton Marilyn & Bud Brown Sami & Parkson Chang Laura & Ted Cohen Ellen Collett Tiffani Curtis Chaille & James Dalthorp Paula & Fred Dashiell Lois & Rodney Davidson Sylvia & Abe Duban Anne & Steve Factor Jane Bassett & Mike Fair Noushin & Hamid Fani Elizabeth & Glen Friedman Tamara Funk Linda & Jeffrey Glaser Betsy & Daniel Goodkin Julie & Eric Guefen Beverly & David Halberstadter Janna & Jim Harris Tom Haskins Annual Giving Gwen & Ron Hitchcock Gail & Bob Holmes Gin Lee & Steven Hong Erica & John Huggins Starr & Ralph Johnson Julie & Steven Karic Nancy & Rodger Karrenbrock Nancy Lenehan & Roeban Katz Sharon Hall-Kessler & Todd Kessler Susan Weil & Anatole Klebanow Hayley & Chris Kondon Joan Williamson & Richard Lanet Diana & Robert Laufer Christine & James Lennon Ellie Herman & David Levinson Elise Ungerleider & Ron Losch Jill & Steven Lowy Susan Kandel & Peter Lunenfeld Margie & William Luxford Cynthia Cidre-Marks & David Marks Rejeana & Troy Mathis Diane Molina & Massimo Mazzarini Bonnie Mark & Gary Natoli Janet & Mark Noah Bettina O’Mara Kim Caldwell & Richard Ochoa Connie & David Oliver Anne & Rob Palmer Patricia Duncan & Winston Peters Debra & Robert Pitt Maura & Mark Resnick Susan Greene & Robert Ring Audrey Risden Norma Roberts Sue & Terry Robins Miseon & Byung Ryu Suzy & Jon Saferstein Miki & Lee Shapiro Darcy & Andrew Simon Elizabeth & Albert Simpson Shelley & Ronald Singer Brenda & Robert Smith Pamela Reed-Smolan & Sandy Smolan Lori Zukerman & Tom Strouse Stanley Tendler Marti Harlow & Stella Theodoulou Randy & Richard Tyler Susan Dear Uhley & Len Uhley Randye Hoder & Rick Wartzman Elizabeth & Peregrine Watts-Russell Amy & Steven Wayne Nancy Holt & David Weber Sheila & Wally Weisman Nora & Peter Wendel Leslie & David Wimmer Jill & Jeff Wishman Vicki Ishida & Michael Yakura Mary Alice Zaffina Karen & Gary Zelcer CONTRIBUTORS (Gifts of up to $249) Jessica Aguillon Carly Alsbach Lucienne & Jerome Aroesty Mark Mascollo & Jennifer Benedisuk Betsy Berenson Kristen Berg Jenny Boone Craig Call Ben Gafni & Corinne Carter Shea Denham Paula & Tim Doherty Nicholas Doudoumopoulos Helene Dubow Burnette & Caldwell Durham Ellis Enlow Jennifer & Tim Fall Jerry Fields Jose Figueroa Linda & Louis Fiore Anthony Flores Kristine Flores Christina & Nick Freeman Pat Friendly Bill Funderburk Tena Yatroussis & Michael Harshberger Roz Henderson Ellen & Nathan Hoffman Sylvia Hoffman Eileen & Mark Holmes Denise & Verdel Hubbard Linda & Kerry Jackson Joseph Jares Janice Rhetta & Bob Johnson Minda & Doug Johnstone Ladan & Ben Karimi Kelly Killian Matilda & Sung Kim Lynette & Raymond Kurtzman Jee Yeon & Joo-Young Lee Avon Leekley Amy Levine Linda Mazzanti Elizabeth McDonald Anita Melnick Gloria Menezes Monica Schuster & Steven Merkin Lynda & Peter Mitsakos Lynn & Donald Moger Arline & Paul Molmud M.L. Moodey Terry & Peter Morello Kelly Nick Maysoun & Taysir Noureldine Ruth Ann Oliver Cowan Julie Parrino Alexis Phillips Annual Giving Cynthia Pinkos Scott Reardon Jezelle Richards Cari & Scott Rosen DeeDee & Bob Rosenfeld Tami Rubin Jennifer Russell Susie & Jim Sayer Gloria & Stephen Seiff Arlene & Rodolfo Serna Cynthia & Daniel Shoff Robin & Jerry Sinclair Catherine Smith Dorothy Nichols & Martin Smith Sally Sorensen Myrna & Jesus Soria Patrick Stack Tara Szabo Maria Pezzulo & Scott Tatro Miven & Eric Trageser Tracey & Jeff Tremblay Farrel Levy & Craig Tung Sheryl Udell Rae Dubow & David Ulin Rosie Vazquez Marci & Peter Vogel Edna & Arnold Weber Beth & Greg Weisman Cathleen Wolff Elaine Wrenn Karen Wyatt Kim Wynn Judy DeWitt & Mark Yellen Jeannette & John Young GRANDPARENTS, RELATIVES AND SPECIAL FRIENDS Lucienne & Jerome Aroesty Suzanne & Vernon Aspaturian Anne & John Booth Marilyn & Bud Brown Malcolm Currie Sylvia & Abe Duban Helene Dubow Burnette & Caldwell Durham Jerry Fields Pat Friendly Max Guefen Audrey & Theodore Haas Sylvia Hoffman Joseph Jares Nancy & Rodger Karrenbrock Lynette & Raymond Kurtzman Arline & Paul Molmud M.L. Moodey Joan Nordman Ruth Ann Oliver Cowan Max Palevsky DeeDee & Bob Rosenfeld Judy & George Savitsky Gloria & Stephen Seiff Shelley & Ronald Singer Gloria & Marvin Smolan Stanley Tendler Susan & Richard Ulin Edna & Arnold Weber Sheila & Wally Weisman Jeannette and John Young Mary Alice Zaffina FACULTY AND STAFF Jessica Aguillon Carly Alsbach Jennifer Benedisuk Betsy Berenson Kristen Berg Jenny Boone Claudette Brown Craig Call Corinne Carter Paula Dashiell Shea Denham Ellis Enlow Jose Figueroa Christina Freeman Roz Henderson Denise Hubbard Vicki Ishida Starr Johnson Kelly Killian Avon Leekley Amy Levine Linda Mazzanti Anita Melnick Gloria Menezes Kelly Nick Julie Parrino Alexis Phillips Scott Reardon Audrey Risden Norma Roberts Cari Rosen Tami Rubin Jennifer Russell Susie Sayer Sally Sorensen Tracey Tremblay Jeff Tremblay Sheryl Udell Rosie Vazquez Marci Vogel Cathleen Wolff Elaine Wrenn Kim Wynn CORPORATIONS AND FOUNDATIONS American International Group, Inc. AOL Time Warner BP Employee Matching Fund Capital Group Companies Chevron Texaco Countrywide Cares Institutional Housing Partners J. Paul Getty Trust Los Angeles Times Merrill Lynch Sony Pictures Entertainment Toyota Motor Sales USA, Inc. EHS ANNUAL REPORT Capital Campaign Report - Building on Success Since its inception, Echo Horizon School has been the beneficiary of extraordinary support from its community. Today that spirit of giving has never been more apparent than with the resounding achievement of the Building on Success capital campaign. Thanks to a remarkable 100% participation by families and strong support from alumni, grandparents, faculty and staff, we are making significant enhancements to our facility. These improvements will strengthen our award-winning programs and provide today’s students and future generations of Echo Horizon students with enhanced educational opportunities: • A new performing arts space and an enlarged visual arts studio will better serve our students in their exploration of music, theater, creative movement and the visual arts. • A science center will provide our students with the appropriate environment for scientific exploration and investigation. • Newly designed outdoor play areas will incorporate color, texture, greenery and new playground equipment to provide engaging areas for outdoor play and physical education. • An improved library will expand to meet the current and future needs of our program and keep up with today’s advancing technology. • Additional Echo Center resource rooms will enable our resource teachers to provide support to our hearing-impaired students in the most updated and technically advanced surroundings. • An expanded pre-kindergarten room will provide optimum space for our youngest students as they enter our program. • An enlarged math center will enable students to participate in more hands-on activities and to expand opportunities for engaging in cooperative projects. As parents, we share a common bond; we are committed to raising our children in an environment in which they will flourish and grow. By supporting this project, our community has embraced what is unique and precious in our school: our passion for excellence, a faculty and staff who approach their work with boundless enthusiasm, and, of course, our children. We thank all members of the Echo Horizon community for creating an environment that will allow our children and the generations to come to be the best they can be. Mary and Tom Collier Co-chairs Capital Campaign Parents of Rachel, 6th grade (Class of 2005), and John, 3rd grade Capital Campaign PATRONS (Gifts of $100,000 or more) Anonymous Nancy & Jonathan Glaser Carol Landsberg DONORS (Gifts of $50,000 to $99,999) Mary & Tom Collier Pamela & Peter Kelly Denise DiNovi & Christopher Taylor Karen & Rick Wolfen CONTRIBUTORS (Gifts of $25,000 to $49,999) Anonymous Charlotte Hughes & Chris Combs Nancy & Robert Fried Elizabeth & Glen Friedman Nancy & Jonathan Lurie Deborah & Mark Nordman Janet Shprintz & Adam Platnick Sue & David Rosenblum Mindy Schultheis & Jeff Strauss SUPPORTERS (Gifts of $10,000 to $24,999) Linda & Steve Brown Mary & Dan Brussell Lori Bowman & John Coleman Anonymous Paula & Fred Dashiell Paula & Tim Doherty Helen & Steve Ellis Sherry & Fred Fern Leah & Sam Fischer Bill Funderburk Catherine & Daniel Gerst Julie & Eric Guefen Maria & James Hardy Janna & Jim Harris Robin & John Jameson Sharon Hall-Kessler & Todd Kessler Margaret & Matthew Kuhns Diane & Scott Lewis Janet & David Lonner Susan Kandel & Peter Lunenfeld Cynthia Cidre-Marks & David Marks Hillary & Michael Mendelsohn Bonnie Mark & Gary Natoli Joan Nordman Sally Menke & Dean Parisot Carla & Alvin Pittman Nancy & Yaron Rabinowitz Patti & Chris Rowey Jenny & Steve Savitsky Suzanne & William Shamlian Cecil & Paul Slye Aida & Mark Thau Susan & Jonathan Weiner Nora & Peter Wendel Jackie & Jay Wolf Gail & Greg Bernstein Rosemarie & Jean Camille Bianic Jan & Dan Black FRIENDS (Gifts up to $9,999) Robin & Keith Adler Yumi & Tomoyuki Agawa Jessica Aguillon Dania Akkad Jamey Cohen & John Allman Carly Alsbach Sheri & Steve Altieri Christine & John Alvarado Anonymous Marilyn Wade & Paul Arrow Laurie Aranoff & Nancy Aspaturian Suzanne & Vernon Aspaturian Sarah Dennison & Greg Baker Dana & Harvey Beesen Jennifer Benedisuk Betsy & Craig Berenson Kristen Berg Tracy & Andre Berger Jennifer & Andrew Bernstein Leslie & Robert Blagman Tamara Funk & Steven Blatt Larry & Jenny Boone Karen & Jonathan Brooks Katie Klapper & Doug Brotherton Marilyn & Bud Brown Claudette & Harvey Brown Craig Call Masako & Jeffry Carpenter Corinne Carter Sami & Parkson Chang Nellie Chavez Helen & Sintat Chiu Jin & Jack Choi Allison & Daniel Cohen Laura & Ted Cohen Elizabeth Lane & Lewis Colick Capital Campaign Tiffani Curtis Chaille & James Dalthorp Kathy & Philip Davis Susan & Paul Deason Shea Denham Bridget & Jerry Dobson Nicholas Doudoumopoulos Helene Dubow Ellis Enlow Lorraine & Jerry Factor Anne & Steve Factor Max Factor Family Foundation Jane Bassett & Mike Fair Jennifer & Timothy Fall Noushin & Hamid Fani Michele & Kenneth Feinswog Gilly & Henry Fenton Craig Fields Jerry Fields Jose Figueroa Linda & Louis Fiore Kristine Flores Jennifer & Ed Foran Christina & Nick Freeman Marilyn Funderburk Jarvis Gatlin Linda & James Ginsberg Ellen Glaser Sharon & Herb Glaser Linda & Jeffrey Glaser Evelyn & Monte Glaser Maria & Lawrence Goldman Betsy & Dan Goodkin Jan & Darrel Griffin Karel & Max Guefen Audrey & Theodore Haas Judy & Jonathan Haft Beverly & David Halberstadter Tena Yatroussis & Michael Harshberger Tom Haskins Linda & Matthew Heartney Marsha & Eugene Heller Roz Henderson Ellen & Nathan Hoffman Sylvia Hoffman Margaret & Martin Hoffmann Eileen Holmes Gail & Robert Holmes Gin Lee & Steven Hong Marion & Jon Hookstratten Denise & Verdel Hubbard Patty & Glenn Huettner Erica & John Huggins Diana Currie Hull & Richard Hull Kelly & Rod Killian Matilda & Sung Kim Susan Weil & Anatole Klebanow Hayley & Chris Kondon Shayne Vitemb & Gerd-Ulf Krueger Seth Landsberg Joan Williamson & Richard Lanet Diana & Robert Laufer Michele & Scott Layne Jee Yeon & Joo-Young Lee Alisa Taylor & Ron Hutchinson Mamie & Art Ishida Margarita & Venkatesh Iyer Linda & Kerry Jackson Janice Rhetta & Bob Johnson Starr & Ralph Johnson Karen & Ronald Johnson Minda & Doug Johnstone Mirella & Dennis Jolicoeur Michele Jonas Monica & Seymour Kahn Ruth Kalin Julie & Steven Karic Ladan & Ben Karimi Nancy Lenehan & Roeban Katz Avon Leekley Karen & David Leichenger Christine & James Lennon Amy Levine Ellie Herman & David Levinson JoAnn Consolo & Jay Lichtman Carol & Kenneth Lipman Fred Lonner Elise Ungerleider & Ron Losch Christine & Hunt Lowry Jill & Steven Lowy William Luxford Karen & Brian MacDonald Jennifer & Dick Manoogian Carmelita Permison & Romulo Manzano Capital Campaign Rejeana & Troy Mathis Roberta Maxwell Linda Mazzanti Diane Molina & Massimo Mazzarini Elizabeth McDonald Anita Melnick Gloria Menezes Monica Schuster & Steven Merkin Tamiko Ishida & Masatoshi Misaki Lynda & Peter Mitsakos Connie & David Oliver Ruth Ann Oliver Cowan Max Palevsky Anne & Rob Palmer Julie Parrino Pat Duncan & Winston Peters Alexis Phillips Cynthia Pinkos Patricia & Donald Pitts Toni & Alan Pollack Phyllis & Stanley Rothstein Lynne & Bob Rubin Tami Rubin Jennifer Russell Miseon & Byung Ryu Jean Saber Mariel & Peter Saber Margaret & Harvey Saferstein Suzy & Jon Saferstein Carmen & Conrad Salindong Donald Moger Arline & Paul Molmud Jean & Todd Moodey Terry & Peter Morello Donald Motzkin Bonnie Weinstein Murrow & Greg Murrow Anita Newman, M.D. Kelly & Jack Nick Helene & William Nishizawa Janet & Mark Noah Meyer Nugit Cathy & Marc O’Krent Bettina O’Mara Kim Caldwell & Richard Ochoa Debbie & Joachim Postel Karen Haas & Paul Pratt Judy & Steve Price Scott Reardon Helene & Richard Reiner Enid & Martin Reiser Maura & Mark Resnick Jezelle Richards Lori & Roy Rifkin Susan Greene & Robert Ring Audrey Risden Norma Roberts Susanne & Terrell Robins Anat & Uri Rodan Cari & Scott Rosen Judy & George Savitsky Susie & Jim Sayer Arlene & Rodolfo Serna Miki & Lee Shapiro Robin & Charles Shephard Phyllis & Marty Shephard Cynthia & Daniel Shoff Ivonne & Patrick Silver Darcy & Andrew Simon Elizabeth & Albert Simpson Robin & Jerry Sinclair Sherri & Eric Sloane Ruth & Michael Smarinsky Catherine Smith Dorothy Nichols & Martin Smith Capital Campaign Brenda & Robert Smith Gloria & Marvin Smolan Pamela Reed-Smolan & Sandy Smolan Ginny & Norman Solomon Sally Sorensen Myrna & Jesus Soria Patrick Stack Debra & Roger Stevenson Shari & Bruce Weiller Beth & Greg Weisman Nadia & Tadeusz Wellisz Leslie & David Wimmer Jill & Jeff Wishman Orna & Keenan Wolens Cathleen Wolff Elaine Wrenn Zahava & Michael Stroud Louise Strouse Lori Zukerman & Tom Strouse Tara Szabo Maria Pezzulo & Scott Tatro Marti Harlow & Stella Theodoulou Larry Title Miven & Eric Trageser Tracey & Jeff Tremblay Farrel Levy & Craig Tung Laura & John Turman Penny & Felix Uadiale Sheryl Udell Susan Dear Uhley & Len Uhley Rae Dubow & David Ulin Rosie Vazquez Marci & Peter Vogel Gillian & John Wagner Randye Hoder & Rick Wartzman Elizabeth & Peregrine Watts-Russell Amy & Steven Wayne Edna & Arnold Weber Nancy Holt & David Weber Jackie & Clifford Wright Karen Wyatt Kim Wynn Alice & David Yakura Vicki Ishida & Michael Yakura Judy DeWitt & Mark Yellen Jeannette & John Young Karen & Gary Zelcer Judy & Stefan Zweig ALUMNI Dania Akkad Sarah Dennison & Greg Baker Leslie & Robert Blagman Jan & Dan Black Masako & Jeffry Carpenter Helen & Sintat Chiu Susan & Paul Deason Gilly & Henry Fenton Leah & Sam Fischer Jan & Darrel Griffin Michele Jonas Monica & Seymour Kahn JoAnn Consolo & Jay Lichtman Nahid & Tupper Lienke Karen & Brian MacDonald Carmelita Permison & Romulo Manzano Roberta Maxwell Lynn & Donald Moger Bonnie Weinstein Murrow & Greg Murrow Toni & Alan Pollack Helene & Richard Reiner Lori & Roy Rifkin Sue & David Rosenblum Lynne & Bob Rubin Larry Title Nadia & Tadeusz Wellisz Nora & Peter Wendel Christy & Scott White Jackie & Clifford Wright Jeannette & John Young GRANDPARENTS & SPECIAL FRIENDS Suzanne & Vernon Aspaturian Marilyn & Bud Brown Bridget & Jerry Dobson Helene Dubow Lorraine & Jerry Factor Sherry & Fred Fern Jerry Fields Marilyn Funderburk Linda & James Ginsberg Sharon & Herb Glaser Evelyn & Monte Glaser Karel & Max Guefen Audrey & Theodore Haas Marsha & Eugene Heller Sylvia Hoffman Margaret & Martin Hoffmann Mamie & Art Ishida Ruth Kalin Seth Landsberg Fred Lonner Capital Campaign Arline & Paul Molmud Donald Motzkin Anita Newman, M.D. Joan Nordman Meyer Nugit Ruth Ann Oliver Cowan Max Palevsky Patricia & Donald Pitts Enid & Martin Reiser Phyllis & Stanley Rothstein Jean Saber Margaret & Harvey Saferstein Judy & George Savitsky Phyllis & Marty Shephard Gloria & Marvin Smolan Louise Strouse Edna & Arnold Weber Alice & David Yakura CORPORATIONS AND FOUNDATIONS American Express AOL Time Warner British Petroleum Capital Group Companies Chevron Texaco Countrywide Cares Max Factor Family Foundation Hope for Hearing Foundation Institutional Housing Partners International Fund for Education and Career Dev’t. J. Paul Getty Trust Mead Westvaco Los Angeles Times Toyota Motor Sales USA, Inc. FACULTY & STAFF Jessica Aguillon Carly Alsbach Jennifer Benedisuk Betsy Berenson Kristen Berg Jenny Boone Claudette Brown Craig Call Corinne Carter Paula Dashiell Shea Denham Ellis Enlow Jose Figueroa Christina Freeman Roz Henderson Denise Hubbard Vicki Ishida Starr Johnson Kelly Killian Avon Leekley Amy Levine Linda Mazzanti Anita Melnick Gloria Menezes Kelly Nick Julie Parrino Alexis Phillips Scott Reardon Audrey Risden Norma Roberts Cari Rosen Tami Rubin Jennifer Russell Susie Sayer Sally Sorensen Jeff Tremblay Tracey Tremblay Sheryl Udell Rosie Vazquez Marci Vogel Cathleen Wolff Elaine Wrenn Kim Wynn Special Funds This year a number of our supporters made gifts to the funds listed below. These donations were made to memorialize, honor or thank someone. We are sincerely grateful to those who contributed to these special funds. THE ENID WIZIG SCHOLARSHIP FUND Established by Enid and Bernard Wizig to provide financial assistance to our hearing-impaired students and their families. Anonymous Chris Coleman David Kates Dick & Jennifer Manoogian Bernard & Enid Wizig SAMANTHA NICOLE SACKS OUTDOOR EDUCATION FUND Established by the Board of Trustees in memory of Samantha. The earnings from this fund provide opportunities for students to participate in the school’s outdoor program. DORENE TAWA MEMORIAL FUND Lisa, Kyle & Steven Chlavin Peter Geddes Tami Rubin Irwin & Mildred Sacks Jeffrey & Tracey Tremblay Elise Ungerleider Peter & Marci Vogel Established by her family and the Board of Trustees in memory of Mrs. Tawa. Donations made to this fund will be used to create a memorial tribute at the school. JUDITH KATES MEMORIAL FUND Audrey Tawa & Jeffrey Burbank Katherine Griffith Pamela & Peter Kelly Jennifer & Dick Manoogian Janet & Mark Noah Tami Rubin Debra Stevenson Ken Tawa Lauren Tawa Larry Title Sheryl Udell Established by her family and the Board of Trustees in memory of Mrs. Kates. The earnings of this fund will be used to provide financial assistance to the children of Echo Center. Gail & Greg Bernstein Doreen Brids Pati Harris David Kates Marie Kates Amy Mc Guire Kates Julie, Gracie, Josh & Matt McGovern Francis & Noreen Morrissey Tami Rubin Enid Wizig Fran Zimmerman Class of 2005 It is a tradition at Echo Horizon School for each graduating class to present the school with a gift. The class of 2005 has chosen to donate to the Dorene Tawa Memorial Fund. Library Fund Established to provide for the dedication of a new book in our library in the name of a friend, relative, teacher or other special person. The Alvarado Family The Bernstein Family Claudette Brown Tracie Brown Jin Choi Alison Feinswog Michele Feinswog Maria Hardy Hannah Holmes Richard Hull Starr C. Johnson Adeline Katz Alex Leichenger Matthew Leichenger Emma Moodey & Family Judy Price Thalia Sallas-Brookwell Xavier Sallas-Brookwell The Albert Simpson Family Rick Smolan Elissa Title Shari Johnson White Leslie Wimmer Sam Wimmer Jackson Yellin BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2005-2006 In closing, we would like to use this opportunity to thank our Board of Trustees and our Parent Association for a job well-done in 2004-2005 and to introduce our Board of Trustees and Parent Association Officers for 2005-2006. All listings in this report reflects contributions received as of June 30, 2005. The Annual Giving Committee wishes to thank the parents, grandparents, alumni, friends, faculty and staff who contributed their money, time and effort to Echo Horizon School during 2004-2005. We have made every effort to list all contributions accurately. If an error has been made, please accept our apologies and notify us of the mistake. David Rosenblum, Chairman Jim Harris, President Tom Collier, Vice President Jonathan Glaser, Vice President Richard Hull, Vice President Masako Carpenter, Treasurer Linda Brown, Secretary Mary Brussell ,Trustee Eileen Holmes, Trustee Carol Landsberg, Trustee David Leichenger, Trustee Janet Lonner, Trustee Jonathan Lurie, Trustee William Luxford, M.D., Trustee Deborah Nordman, Trustee David Oliver, Trustee Rob Palmer, Trustee Nora Wendel, Trustee Karen Leichenger, Parent Association President Fred A. Fern, Emeritus Kent H. Landsberg, Founder, deceased PARENT ASSOCIATION 2005-2006 Karen Leichenger, President Robin Jameson, Vice President Christine Alvarado, Secretary Diane Molina, Treasurer STAFF Norma F. Roberts, Executive Director Paula R. Dashiell, Head of School Vicki C. Ishida, Director, Echo Center 3430 McManus Avenue, Culver City, CA 90232 (310) 838-2442 •
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