good news about democrats! - North Carolina Democratic Party
good news about democrats! - North Carolina Democratic Party
GOOD NEWS ABOUT DEMOCRATS! MAY 9, 2016 GRAND OPENING – HARNETT COUNTY DEMOCRATIC HEADQUARTERS! The jubilant Democrats of Harnett County held a Grand Opening at their new Headquarters on April 23rd. Participating in the ribbon cutting were (from left): 2nd Congressional District candidate Elton Brewington, Judge Mike Morgan, Agriculture Commissioner candidate Walter Smith, County Commissioner candidate Suzanne Prince, Attorney General candidate Josh Stein, County Party Chair Jean Sivoli, Insurance Commissioner Wayne Goodwin, State Senate candidate Susan Byerly, State House candidate Jon Blum, Judge Vince Rozier, & School Board candidate David Bradham. Harnett County’s new Democratic Headquarters where Harnett Dems will launch their campaign to turn their county blue! Be sure to notice: The porch is already painted a bright blue! HARNETT DEMOCRATIC WOMEN STAGE A MAD HATTERS PARTY! The Democratic Women of Harnett County held their annual MAD HATTERS PARTY on April 30th. The members demonstrated great creativity as they designed unique hats with colorful messages. Legislative candidate Jon Blum enjoyed attending the event. This picture also includes Suzanne Prince and Sharon Gilbert. Elizabeth Crudup designed a “Stand Against HB 2 Hat.” The rainbow colors honor the LGBT community. The pastel shades honor women potentially affected by the law. Elizabeth selected a straw hat to salute the poor and middle class populations who are targeted by the GOP. The hat on the entrance table was decorated by Linda Blum. LOTS OF GOOD THINGS HAPPENING IN NASH COUNTY! A big crowd of Democrats packed into the Courtroom of the Nash County Courthouse in Nashville for their 2016 County Convention. Nash County’s Party Officers sat up front at the Convention. Nash County Democrat Kevin Jones, President and Founder of the BAC Scholarship Fund, was the Convention’s Keynote Speaker. Tremayne Smith, former Vice Chair of the Nash County Democratic Party, was recognized as one of East Carolina University’s “40 Under 40 Distinguished Alumni Award” recipients. Tremayne is now a student at George Washington University pursuing a graduate degree and working in Congressman Butterfield’s office. He is featured in the May, 2016 edition of “Business North Carolina!” Aron Johnson, past President of the Nash County Teen Democrats was recently elected to the Executive Board of the College Democrats of North Carolina. Aron served as President of the UNC-G College Democrats during the 2015-2016 school year. Thanks to Barbara High Tyre, First Vice Chair of the Nash County Democratic Party, for all the information about Nash Democrats on these two pages! GRACE GALLOWAY ON STAGE AT LBJ PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY! Dr. Grace Liem Galloway, a nurse practitioner and former Vietnam War medic, and Vietnam veteran Jan Scruggs, right, founder of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund and driving force behind the creation of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington discuss the physical and psychological trauma faced by US veterans after the Vietnam War. The panel focused on PTSD and how it has affected Vietnam Veterans. Jacques, The Wonder Dog, was on stage also. This panel discussion was held at the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library in Austin, Texas. It was moderated by Joe Klein, left, author and political columnist for TIME magazine PRESIDENT JOHNSON’S DAUGHTERS & JOHN KERRY TALKED WITH GRACE! President Johnson’s daughter, Linda Byrd Johnson Robb, came up to Grace after the event concluded and thanked her for her candor and for fighting for the underprivileged because those were things that were very dear to her father and mother’s hearts. Luci Baines Johnson and Governor Chuck Robb also conversed with Grace after the event. Grace shook hands with Secretary of State John Kerry and had a conversation with him! GRACE AND JOE GALLOWAY AT NATO TATTOO IN NORFOLK! Grace and Joe Galloway were guests of honor at Norfolk’s annual NATO Tattoo in late April. General Spitzer and his wife are with the Galloways in the picture above. The word “Tattoo” is derived from the Dutch “doe den tap too” which means “turn off the taps.” Every year the City Of Norfolk and NATO participate in producing a tattoo that feature some of the best pipers, drummers, dancers, and vocalists from all NATO counties and from around the world. This Williamsburg fife and drum regiment performed. This year the finale included words from General Colin Powell and “Amazing Grace” sung in French, German, Celtic and Dutch. In front of this massive groups of military musicians, the boots of the horse are facing backwards depicting a lost soldier who will never ride again. The NATO High Command is taking the salute in this picture. BLADEN CONVENTION SALUTES DR. DELILAH BLANKS AND OTHER LONGSERVING DEMOCRATS! North Carolina’s youngest County Chair, Zane Singletary, used the 2016 Bladen County Convention to honor some of his county’s greatest leaders. In the top picture Zane is saluting the legendary Dr. Delilah Blanks who has been a County Commissioner for over 20 years. She has also served as President of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners. Long ago she established a Political Action Committee to help Bladen Democrats get elected. Before her retirement Dr. Blanks was a member of the faculty of UNC-Wilmington. Bladen Democrats honored White Lake A plaque was presented to Bladen’s longest Mayor Goldston Womble who is the longest serving public official, Coroner Hubert Kinlaw, serving elected official in the county. who has been in office since 1986. Goldston’s Beach is named after him. Dr. Kyle Horton of Wilmington, First Vice Chair of the Bladen County First Vice Chair Althea Seventh Congressional District Democratic Party, was Lisane has been a Democratic star Keynote Speaker at the Bladen Convention. Bladen Democrats enjoyed colorful refreshments after their Convention adjourned. since the 1990s. Superior County Judge Douglas B. Sasser addressed the Convention. WILSON COUNTY DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION! Wilson County Democrats were thrilled to have North Carolina’s most famous Democrat, Governor Jim Hunt, speak at their 2016 County Convention. Wilson Democrats are proud that Governor Hunt is their native son. He always electrifies a crowd. Wilson County Democratic Party Chair Betty McCain organized the Convention. This link in the Wilson Times gives lots of information about the Wilson County Convention:,64205 Elton Brewington took his campaign for Congress in the Second Congressional District to the Wilson County Convention. Learn more about Elton Brewington’s campaign on other pages in this edition. The Democratic Primary on June 7th will decide Democratic Congressional races in the 2nd, 5th, 11th, 12th and 13th Districts. The June 7th Primary will also select two candidates for a seat on the NC Supreme Court. JAY CHAUDHURI BECOMES NORTH CAROLINA’S NEWEST STATE SENATOR! History was made on April 19th when attorney Jay Chaudhuri of Raleigh was sworn in as the first State Senator of South Asian descent in the North Carolina legislature. In the happy picture above Jay is joined by his wife, Sejal Mehta who is a former New York prosecutor, and their two children. The voters of Senate District 16 in Wake County delivered a landslide vote for Jay in the March 15th Democratic Primary. When Senator Josh Stein resigned from this Senate seat to devote full time to his campaign for Attorney General, the Wake County Democratic Executive Committee nominated Jay to fill out the rest of Josh’s term. He is running for a full term against a GOP candidate in the November General Election. Jay graduated from Davidson College, the Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs, and the North Carolina Central School of Law. CHRIS SGRO RECEIVES OATH OF OFFICE! Chris Sgro received the Oath of Office as North Carolina’s newest State Representative on Sunday, April 24th. He will serve the remaining months of the term of the late State Representative Ralph Johnson. State Representative Brian Turner of Buncombe County administered the oath to Chris. Chris’ husband, Ryan Butler, President of the LGBT Democrats Caucus, proudly held the Bible as Chris received the oath. Chris is Executive Director of Equality NC and former Chair of the Sixth Congressional District Democratic Party. His last name is pronounced “Grow.” ROY COOPER FUNDRAISER IN WILMINGTON! On May 4 th many people turned out for a Wilmington fundraising event for our next Governor and First Lady, Roy and Kristen Cooper. New Hanover County Democrats Wes Taylor and Ryan Burris joined the Coopers in this happy picture. REGION NINE DW MEETING – A BIG SUCCESS! Democrats filled the meeting room of the Southern Sizzler steak house in Whiteville for the April 30th meeting of the Democratic Women of Region Nine. Region Nine is composed of most of the counties in the Seventh Congressional District. In the center of this picture is enthusiastic Region Nine DW Director Sonya Bennetone Patrick of Wilmington. Also in this picture are 7th Congressional District Party Chair Francisco Rivas-Diaz, Duplin County Party Vice Chair Brenda Rivas-Diaz, Paul Rollizo of Cumberland County, New Hanover DW Presdent Brenda Fong, J. Wesley Casteen who is the Democratic candidate for Congress in the 7th Congressional District, Duplin DW President Elaine Farrior, Farrah Farrior of Duplin County and several more outstanding Democratic leaders. Our beloved Superintendent of Public Instruction June Atkinson joined five retired educators at the DW meeting in Whiteville. THREE DW QUEENS! The Democratic Women of Region Nine saluted these three outstanding Democratic ladies as “DEMOCRATIC QUEENS” at their Whiteville meeting. These dynamic ladies give their all to promote the cause of good government through the Democratic Party! From the left they are: RUTH DOWNEY – NEW HANOVER COUNTY ANNA DEVONE – PENDER COUNTY MOMMY EVANS – CUMBERLAND COUNTY Paul Rollizo, Jr. of Southview High School gave a stirring rendition of “Wind Beneath My Wings” at the DW meeting in Whiteville. Click this link and listen to it: F&aref=1462028432523543&medium=email&mid=10154080227692226&n_m=mel GUILFORD DEMOCRAT MICHAEL WELLS AUTHORS A FASCINATING NOVELLA! Multitalented Guilford Democrat, attorney Michael Wells, has produced a novella that he describes as “House of Cards” meets Dracula and the Strain trilogy. It is 128 pages long and can be ordered for only 99 cents on Amazon or the free Amazon app. The book has already been featured on several web sites in the US and Canada. Click this link to order Michael’s newest work: It is an eBook. It can be downloaded on Kindle or the free Kindle app. It is available on all Barnes & Noble devices. There are Nook and iBook versions also. About the novella: Pierre Leblanc, lawyer and vampire, is 2,000 years old and is a former Roman Senator. He now lives in the US and he is trying to prevent a wholesale vampire takeover of our country. There are several villains, but the main two are a vampire billionaire named Vladimir Lenin (not the real one) in Europe and a US developer based on Donald Trump named Ronald Drum. You can easily click the link above and find out what happens next! Michael Wells and his wife, attorney Jillian Brevoka, are very active Democrats. Jillian is currently Chair of the Sixth Congressional District Democratic Party and President of the North Carolina ACLU. Michael writes articles for a well known blog: The picture above shows Michael and Jillian after their wedding some time ago at St. John’s Church across from the White House. They actually received wedding messages from both President Obama and Vice President Biden. They live in Greensboro. To receive bulletins about Michael’s future publications, join his email list at: MEET PENDER’S NEW COUNTY CHAIR: DEBBI FINTAK! Pender County Democrats elected Debbi Fintak of Surf City to be their new County Party Chair at their April Convention. Steve Unger relinquished his Chair’s position in order to devote full time to his campaign for State Representative. Debbi recently retired after 40 years of teaching. Her teaching career ranged from teaching in elementary grades to high school drama. She taught in overseas schools from Egypt to China. Debbi’s daughter is a junior at UNC-Chapel Hill. In her spare time Debbi walks the beach and “nest sits” to protect turtles as part of Surf City’s “Sea Turtle Project.” When asked about her goals as County Chair, she replied: “Pender is a large spread out county and I hope to organize all precincts. With new development in the area we need to find those hiding Democrats, register them and show an increase in our Democratic vote this fall.” Democrats can send best wishes to Debbi at: SUSAN EVANS PICNIC! Despite the threat of thunderstorms, a large crowd came to Apex Community Park to support Susan Evans’ State Senate campaign on May 2nd. Susan is on target to remove an incumbent GOP Senator and give REAL representation to the people of Wake County. You can contact Susan’s campaign at: HERMAN & OLMA AT THE WHITE HOUSE ON CINCO DE MAYO! Two great Democrats, Herman De Castro and Olma Echeverri of Charlotte were invited to the Cinco de Mayo Celebration at the White House on May 5th. Olma is one of North Carolina’s Members of the Democratic National Committee and President of the Democratic Women of Mecklenburg County. KIMBERLY REYNOLDS HAS BEEN OUR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FOR ONE YEAR! May 4th marked one year since Kimberly Reynolds became Executive Director of the North Carolina Democratic Party. She is doing such an excellent job that some Democrats have suggested that May 4th should be named a State Holiday! This picture of Kimberly and Attorney General Roy Cooper was made at a recent wedding. FAB FOUR TOUR SAN DIEGO! Wake County’s Fab Four County Commissioner, Jessica Holmes, Sig Hutchinson, Matt Calabria, and John Burns recently went to San Diego for an “Inter-City Tour” to get ideas for improving life in Wake County. Their trip was sponsored by the Raleigh Chamber of Commerce. While in California, they were able to do some sightseeing including attending a San Diego Padres major league baseball game where the picture above was taken. While the Commissioners were at the famous San Diego Zoo, Jessica took a ride! JOHNSTON COUNTY DEMOCRATIC WOMEN! This pictures shows some of the people who attended the May 4 th luncheon meeting of the Democratic Women of Johnston at the Lone Star Steakhouse in Clayton. The four Democratic candidates in the picture are State Senate candidate Al Pacer, District Two Congressional candidates John McNeil and Ron Sanyal, and County Commissioner candidate Wendy May. Pat LeGrand and Ed Jones Kim Aspenleiter & John McNeil Ron Sanyal JOHN MCNEIL WITH JOHNSTON DEMOCRATS AT HAM & YAM FESTIVAL! Second District Congressional candidate John McNeil campaigned for several hours at the Johnston Democrats booth at the big “Ham & Yam Festival” in Smithfield on May 7 th. From the left in this picture are: Patti Wilson, John McNeil, Pat Anthony, Patricia LeGrand, Gerald Rowland, and Phyllis LeFevre. Johnston County Chair Sharon Castleberry and NCDP Executive Council Member Sarah Anderson helped set up this booth on Friday night and came back Saturday morning to make sure it was still standing and ready for action. . My son-in-law, Tommy Whitley, and his daughter, Elizabeth Whitley, enjoyed talking with Second Congressional District Candidate John McNeil at Smithfield’s Ham & Yam Festival on May 7th. Two Congressional candidates – from two different districts – campaigned at the Ham & Yam Festival in Smithfield Saturday. Johnston is divided between the 2nd and 7th districts. Second Congressional District candidate John McNeil (left) and Wesley Casteen, Seventh Congressional District candidate, were busy shaking hands and making friends with Johnston County citizens. John’s web site is His email is and his phone is 919-825-0311. J. Wesley Casteen is a Wilmington attorney. He is unopposed in the Democratic Primary and he is vigorously campaigning for the General Election in November. Wesley’s web site is ROY COOPER & CAROLINA FONSECA! Attorney General Roy Cooper and Carolina Fonseca who is Secretary of the NCDP Hispanic American Caucus attended an event at the State Democratic Headquarters in Raleigh last week. Like all North Carolina Democrats, Carolina is excited about helping Roy Cooper become our next Governor! ELTON BREWINGTON IS MAKING FRIENDS AS HE CAMPAIGNS FOR CONGRESS IN THE SECOND DISTRICT! Elton Brewington poses with Wake County Democratic Women President Rebecca Llewellen at a Raleigh DW meeting recently. Elton brings a unique background to legislation with 25-plus years of experience in publishing, strategic planning, communications, training, data evaluation and content development. He has worked in varied industries such as insurance non-profits, international trade organizations, churches, schools, community colleges, universities, and civic organizations. Elton talked with Harnett County Party Chair Jean Sivoli at the Grand Opening of the Harnett County Party Headquarters. He is on the left in the first picture on page one of this edition but the camera cut off part of his face. He was also show speaking at the Wilson County Convention on an earlier page of this edition. His web site is: His email is: and his phone number is 919-263-4475. FOUR CONSECUTIVE SATURDAYS: TRANSYLVANIA DEMOCRATS STAGE SUCCESSFUL EVENTS! County Chair Jackie Hovey and the Democrats of Transylvania County are on the march! They organized and carried out big Democratic events four straight Saturdays in April and May. The picture above was made at the April 16th County Convention in Brevard. Delegates are giving a standing ovation to brilliant State House candidate Maureen Copelof as she makes her way to the podium to deliver the Convention’s Keynote Address. Maureen was a top military intelligence expert for many years. On April 23rd a strong group of Transylvania Democrats turned out to greet our US Senate candidate, Deborah Ross, at Rocky’s Soda Shop in Brevard. The owner, former Brevard City Council Member Dee Dee Perkins opened the Soda Shop just for this Democratic rally. On April 30th Dunn’s Rock Precinct and Cedar Mountain Precinct held a joint BBQ at Dunn’s Rock Community Center. State Party Chair Patsy Keever was a special guest speaker. The speakers at the Dunn’s Rock BBQ event made their talks from the front porch of the Community Building. Dunn’s Rock Precinct Chair Judy Lauter, Cedar Mountain Chair Ruthie Zaleon and County Party Chair Jackie Hovey are on the porch in the picture above. When two precincts stage a big, successful event, everybody knows Democrats are doing effective grassroots campaigning. JUDGE RICKEY MCKOY-MITCHELL CAMPAIGNS IN TRANSYLVANIA! Transylvania County’s fourth consecutive Saturday event was a Pancake Breakfast at Pisgah Fish Camp on May 7th. Judge Rickye McKoy-Mitchell who is our strong candidate for a seat on the NC Court of Appeals was the featured speaker. Transylvania Democrats were highly impressed with Judge McKoy-Mitchell’s credentials and her ideas. Democrats statewide can vote for her in the November General Election. Democratic Mens Club President Jerry Transylvania County’s Democratic Register of Beddingfield and his daughter, Kathy, enjoyed Deeds, Cindy Ownbey, is with State House speaking with Judge McKoy-Mitchell. Kathy candidate Maureen Copelof in this picture. is an energetic Democratic poll worker. An unopposed Democratic officeholder in Transylvania County? Cindy Ownbey must be doing an excellent job as Register of Deeds! STEVE FOWLER HOSTS FUNDRAISER FOR ELAINE MARSHALL! Wilmington attorney Steve Fowler hosted a Breakfast Fundraising event for Secretary of State Elaine Marshall on April 22nd. Steve is a former Chair of the Seventh Congressional District Democratic Party. This year he has been making some talks as a surrogate for Secretary Marshall. Attorney Richard Poole who is First Vice Chair of the New Hanover County Democratic Party happily attended the event. Brunswick County Democratic Party Leader William Flythe enjoyed the breakfast event with Elaine. William has served as Treasurer of the Brunswick County Party and was a Delegate to the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte in 2012. BRUNSWICK COUNTY DEMOCRATS! Brunswick County Democrats turned out in large numbers for their 2016 County Convention at the County Party Headquarters in Bolivia. In the picture above County Chair Janis Simmons (standing) is calling the Convention to order. Vice Chair Brenda McMillan, Chair Janis Simmons, Secretary Linda Rudick and Vice Chair Bob McGrath sat at the head table during the Convention. Lifelong educator Tom Simmons addressed the Brunswick Convention. Tom has been Treasurer of the Seventh Congressional District Democratic Party for many years. ONSLOW COUNTY DEMOCRATS! Democrats in Onslow County know how to do it! After their County Convention at the Courthouse in Jacksonville, they adjourned to a picnic in a nearby park. From the left in the picture above are County Party Chair Mike Morgan, NCDP Hispanic Democrats Caucus Chair Marshall Adame, and State House Candidate Dan Whitten. Third Congressional District candidate David Judge Paul Hardison, Becky Adame, Hurst is with Marshall Adame in this picture. and Jim Roddy enjoyed the picnic. Happy Onslow Democrats! CHATHAM COUNTY DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION! After a lively breakfast social hour organized by Beverly Bland, the Chatham County Democratic Convention was called to order at 10AM on April 16th at Horton Middle School in Pittsboro. The picture above shows two members of the Chatham County Sheriff’s Department opening the Convention with the National Anthem. First Vice Chair Rev. Anthony Davis gave the invocation. County Chair Jan Nichols presided over the election of Delegates to the District and State Conventions and to the Prosecutorial, Senatorial, and State House Executive Committees. State Representative Robert Reives introduced the Convention’s Keynote Speaker, Rick Glazier, the Executive Director of the NC Justice Center. Mr. Glazier deplored the actions of the General Assembly and talked about the destructive effects their actions have had on the poor, the sick, and the unemployed. He gave facts and figures on the severe cuts that the GA has made to our public schools. Rick Glazier reminded the audience that of the three branches of state government, only the Judiciary is not in Republican hands and he called for a massive Democratic turnout in the November General Election. SEC MEMBER JERRY MARKATOS AND COUNTY PARTY SECRETARY ERIKA LINDEMANN The Convention Delegates adopted these 11 Resolutions which were written with the invaluable help of Jerry Markatos: 1 – Honoring Commissioner Mike Cross 2 – Honoring the service of Commissioners Crawford, Hales, and Howard 3 – Affirming Chatham County Board of Commissioners’ Adoption of Countywide Zoning 4 – Support of the Board of Commissioners action to deliver a Comprehensive Land Use Plan 5 – Reconstitute Chatham County Human Relations Commission and County Human Relations Office 6 – Chatham Commissioner Elections and Board Expansion 7 – County Board Support of Chatham County Arts 8 – Revitalization of Downtown Pittsboro 9 – Just say “No” to Trans Pacific Partnership 10 – Urging the Confirmation of President Obama’s Supreme Court Nominee 11 – Support for Peace and a Two-State Solution to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. ASHE COUNTY FDR DINNER! One of our state’s longest running events – the FDR Dinner of the Ashe County Democratic Party - was held on April 23 in West Jefferson. The banquet celebrates the blessings that people in Ashe County and all over America received from President Roosevelt’s New Deal programs. From the left in the picture above are: State Senate Candidate Art Sherwood State House Candidate Sue Counts NC Supreme Court Candidate Daniel Robertson 5th District US Congress Candidate Charlie Wallin 5th District US Congress Candidate Jim Roberts (front row) Agriculture Commissioner Candidate Walter Smith County Commissioner Candidates Polly Jones, Donna Weaver & Richard Blackburn State Senate Candidate Art Sherwood addresses the banquet. Ashe County Democrats treasure their FDR memorabilia. THE FOLLOWING DEMOCRATS WERE HONORED AS RECEPIENTS OF THE LISTON B. RAMSEY AWARD AT THE 11TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT’S RECENT LISTON B. RAMSEY BANQUET AT MARS HILL COLLEGE: AVERY COUNTY – JUDY NEWTON BUNCOMBE COUNTY – GLENDA OVERBECK BUNCOMBE COUNTY – PAUL SWANN BURKE COUNTY – STEVEN M. SMITH CALDWELL COUNTY – FRED R. PIERCE CHEROKEE COUNTY – LAWRENCE E. MCNABB CLAY COUNTY – GAIL CRISS GRAHAM COUNTY – JACK WIGGINS HAYWOOD COUNTY – CAROLE LARIVEE HENDERSON COUNTY – HARVEY POORBAUGH JACKSON COUNTY – BRIAN MCMAHAN MACON COUNTY – CLAYTON RAMSEY MADISON COUNTY – SUSAN RECTOR MCDOWELL COUNTY – DONALD R. RAMSEY MITCHELL COUNTY – HOWARD & RISA LARSEN SWAIN COUNTY – VERNA W. KIRKLAND TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY – KRIS HOVEY YANCEY COUNTY – ERIC R. PENLAND MOUNTAIN DEMOCRAT OF THE YEAR: DAVID GANTT – BUNCOMBE COUNTY Send Your GOOD NEWS To Me At: Your Democratic Friend, Melvin Williams, Secretary North Carolina Democratic Party
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