

Burpham Pages
corpora ng Jacobs Well
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Welcome to Burpham Pages
From the Editor …
Hacked Off
Burpham Church
Free For Nothing
Burpham WI Update
Burpham Gardening Club
Burpham Community Associa on
Family Quiz Challenge
How Many Bones Are There In The Foot?
Fairs And Celebra ons
Dear Neighbours,
At least “summer me” by which I mean BST, has arrived, even if the summer weather
has not! It is hard to believe that as I write this, it will be the longest day in a few days’
me. The summer is the me most of us get out and enjoy the sun and those lazy
evenings perhaps at a BBQ or quiet beer garden. For many it is a me to explore our
countryside and the beau ful Surrey Hills. Walking has many health and social benefits.
The Stroke Associa on recommend a fast 25-35-minute walk each day to help prevent and control
high blood pressure that can cause strokes. It may also reduce the risk of a stroke by up to 25
percent. You could also burn about 70 calories if you walk at 2mph for 25-30 minutes. Speed to
3mph and it may even be a much as 100 calories burnt.
So please do remember this over the summer, go for a walk a er the BBQ and burn a li le of that
excess off. We have carried ar cles from Guildford Walking for Health in the past and Annelize Kid at
Guildford Walking for Health has a great regular schedule of walking events to share with us in this
issue. So here are three FREE walks you can take part in during the week.
x 1-hour+ walks on Mondays at 9.45 am from the Boxgrove shops, Cunningham Avenue.
x 1-hour and 30 minute walks on Wednesdays at 9.45 am from The Farmhouse Cafe, Rokers,
x 1-hour and 30 minute walks on Fridays at 10.45 am from the Jolly Farmer car-park on
Burdensho Road, nr Worplesdon.
For more info on this simple way to get fit, stay fit and lose weight have a look at their website or call
Annelize on 0755 55 23010.
STOP PRESS…..Burpham Community Event …..STOP PRESS
10am - 4pm Sunday 7th August
Sutherland Memorial Park
See Page 26
Regards, Howard.
COPY DEADLINE FOR September & October 2016 edi on is 3rd August 2016
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Recently we a ended a wedding and sat with someone who had been to the musical Les
Miserables over 100 mes! I think she liked it! I too am a fan of this musical because of the
powerful message of grace and forgiveness it portrays. In par cular, I am always touched by
the power of the forgiveness and undeserved goodness of the bishop towards ex-convict
Jean Valjean. This is the turning point in Valjean’s life, se ng up the whole story, and it never
fails to move me however much I watch it.
I wonder if you have experienced some kind of free gi or unmerited act of goodness that
has impacted your own life for good? Very li le in our world comes without strings a ached
simply to benefit and bless others, and some mes we struggle to receive these kind of gi s
because we are so unused to them. However, some people have caught the vision and there
is even a Random Acts of Kindness Founda on which seeks to promote that simple but profound idea of kindness; “Imagine a world: where people look out for each other, where we
pay it forward, where success is measure in selfless acts, where kindness is the philosophy of
life.” Sounds good, doesn’t it?
Chris ans know that this is the way God has treated us and so as his church we want to reach
out to others with that same kindness that we have received for free. Irrespec ve of how
you feel about God, we would love to bring some joy into your life through our free and for
nothing community fun day in August. This year we’re holding it on a Sunday and hope to
share with you a li le of our faith as well as the regular host of fun ac vi es that are put on
for free. Do come and share in the fun and pass it on!
Rev’ds James & Jo Levasier
Church of the Holy Spirit, New Inn Lane with St Luke’s on Burpham Lane
Tel (01483) 825533 e mail - parishoffice@burphamchurch.org.uk
for all ages everything is FREE
This Burpham Community Event is run by Burpham Church
Burpham Community Event
10am - 4pm Sunday 7th August
bouncy castles & slides – face pain ng – cra tents – water rockets
– nail pain ng & temporary ta oos – bowls – wet assault course – classic cars – treasure hunt –
balloons – board games – computer games – nerf guns - tea, coffee & cake: also 1-4pm - Pony
Rides - 5-a-side football games - tennis
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T:07832 368951/01483 493962 (evenings)
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Recently Burpham Evening WI enjoyed an evening playing Ski les . At the
mee ng in May a plant sale was held. It was also interes ng and thought
provoking to learn about the work at the Mulberry House project in Epsom
Road, Guildford. Many members were not aware of this refuge for vulnerable young women with
support needs. The project helps women from very varied difficult circumstances and backgrounds and
prepares them to be independent in the community. The Mulberry House support team and their
clients are very grateful for help and dona ons of all sorts. Through Burpham WI some members have
made some small prac cal dona ons such as toiletries and crockery which have been gratefully
Ac vi es in July and August include a walk and pub lunch, a canal boat trip with cream tea, an evening
‘Gin experience’ and an ou ng to Oxford. The regular monthly mee ng will be held in July when the
speaker will talk about Guildford Cathedral. There will be no formal mee ng in August.
Visitors are welcome at mee ngs held in Burpham Village Hall on the third Tuesday monthly at 7.30pm
(except August).
For further informa on contact Alison G.578116 or h p://www.burphamevewi.btck.co.uk/
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Burpham Pages is unable to help with ma ers rela ng to the Burpham Community Associa on
Please contact the Secretary on 01483 567791 or visit their website as shown above.
Ethnea Wye
Are you experiencing difficulties in
coping with life because of:
Painting & Decorating / Tiling
Coving & Artexing / Plastering
Carpentry / Wood Flooring
Brickwork / Fascias & Guttering
Garden Maintenance / Patios
01483 833437 (home)
07939 988770 (mobile )
Panic Attacks
Low Self-Esteem
Drug/Alcohol Abuse
Sexual Abuse
Counselling can help
Sessions available daytime and evening
Burpham, Guildford
Tel. No: 01483 563150
Mobile No: 07789 996024
Email: ethnea.wye@hotmail.co.uk
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• Allergies • IBS
• Anxieties • Phobias
• Stress • Migraine
• Back/Neck Pain
£5 Discount
off your first visit with this advert.
Check when booking for participating
As well as Acupuncture, Osteopathy,
Chiropractic, Colonic Hydrotherapy, Reiki and Counselling, we have a range of
over 30 different therapies on offer.
Call us on 01483 300400
Guildford Natural Health Centre
36-37 Castle Street, Guildford
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Foot complaints are a common cause of pain and disability for many of the pa ents we
see at our prac ce. There are a variety of different sources of foot pain, luckily the vast
majority are mechanical in origin.
The foot is a very complex structure, to say the least. The feet form the founda on of the
body and if the feet are misbehaving, it is no real surprise that the knees, hips or low back
(and some mes the neck) can also begin to play up. The foot is compromised of 26 individual bones. With two feet that means you have 52 bones, which equates to about 25%
of the overall number of bones in your whole body. That's a lot of bones and joints! Misalignment or reduced movement between any of these bones can be responsible for a lot
of foot condi ons. Therefore as well as the bones and joints, the muscles and ligaments
that hold and move the foot, need to be carefully inspected to iden fy exactly what’s
causing the trouble. This is why, at our Prac ce, we pride ourselves on our success rate in
trea ng feet.
Our ancestors may have run round barefoot in grassy terrains chasing mammoths, but
modern humans wear shoes pre y much from the day they're born. We walk on flat surfaces, not bumpy ground. This in essence has changed the way our foot looks, and is the
main theory as to why there is such a high incidence of ‘flat feet’ referred to as
hyperprona on.
As with any complaint, it is necessary to
determine the exact cause of the condi on.
It is therefore important to make a proper
diagnosis and to perform expert treatment.
A er doing this, we then provide the pa ent
with all the necessary informa on to prevent the problem from reoccurring. This
could include, for example, exercises or custom-made ortho cs (shoe inserts), which we
can make on site. Our treatment varies according to the individual pa ent and the
condi on.
Alain Michelo DC FRCC MCSP
Andrew Hewi DC MRCC
Philip Hehir DC MSc MRCC
Suzanna Corbe DC MSc MRCC
Sandy Boniface DC DCCP MRCC
If you would like to
find out about
treatment that does
not involve surgery or
drugs, why not contact our clinic recep on
to book an ini al consulta on? Whether
you suffer from plantar fascii s/policeman’s
heel, an ankle sprain, an Achilles tendoni s
or other type of foot pain, let our experts
evaluate it.
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01483 420039 or 07776 250454
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Hacked off…
The weekend papers, television and news websites have recently been highligh ng scams
whereby people who are involved in house
buying/selling have lost hundreds of thousands
of pounds when emails between them and
solicitors were intercepted by scammers. Some
of the ar cles cri cised lawyers – unfairly we
feel - for not having sufficient security on their
email systems. It is in fact not just us in the
profession that are targeted for email
intercep on; in fact law firms would probably
have a lot more security on their email systems
than an individual client. In some of these cases
clients have been hacked, emails from solicitors
intercepted and a revised email forwarded to
clients with a different bank account.
This scam has been dubbed ‘Friday a ernoon
fraud’ because that is the busiest day of the
week for comple ons of sales and purchasers
and there is a possibility due to the majority of
transac ons that a scam goes undetected.
Maybe the solicitor who is expec ng the funds contacts the client to say no funds have arrived, or the
client chases the solicitor. By then the funds have moved through various accounts, usually
disappearing overseas where it cannot be traced.
So what steps can we all take to protect ourselves? Most lawyers would never exchange bank details
by email but even if we do receive an email from a client or another solicitor giving us bank details,
we phone to confirm the informa on, especially if the email is received a few days before monies
need to be transferred. Why do we tradi onally want to move house on a Friday? Of course, there
are chains, so that if one person chooses that day of the week, all the people in the chain have to
agree and I can understand that people want to use the weekend to se le into their new house but
with moving house being one of the most stressful and unusual events in one’s life me, so why not
consider a move in the middle of the week? Not only do you move the transac on from the busiest
banking day of the week but on a prac cal level it would mean that, if anything does go wrong, there
are two or three working days to deal with it. Supposing the roof of your new house leaks? Would it
be easier to find a roofer on a weekday rather than a Saturday also it could save you money, quite
o en removal men are cheaper in the middle of the week as well, as there is less pressure on them.
So, a word of cau on to us all, double check bank account details not only with your solicitor but
anyone new you haven’t dealt with before. A simple telephone call could save a whole lot of
heartache – let’s turn the tables on the scammers and ‘hack them off!’
© Jennifer Margrave
May 2016
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Burpham Community
10am - 4pm Sunday 7th
for all ages everything is
This Burpham Community Event is run by Burpham
Sutherland Memorial
Bouncy castles & slides – face pain ng – cra tents – water rockets – nail
pain ng & temporary ta oos – bowls – wet assault course –
classic cars – treasure hunt – balloons – board games – computer games – nerf
guns - tea, coffee & cake:
also 1-4pm - Pony Rides 5-a-side football games - tennis
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We look forward to receiving your entries for the Autumn Show on Saturday September 3rd which we
hope weather permi ng, will be as good as the Summer Show. The Trading Hut closes on Sunday July 31st.
and will reopen on Sunday September 4th.
x Complete tasks that you should have done in June.
x Dead head Summer Bedding Plants, repeat flowering Roses and Perennials so that they will
con nue to produce new buds and flowers.
To encourage good flowering next year Camellias, Rhododendrons
and climbers which are growing in containers should be well watered.
Divide Bearded Iris a er flowering.
Feed Dahlias with a high potash feed.
Regularly pick Courge es so that you do not end up with Marrows, the same applies to Runner
Beans or they will become old and stringy. Remove the main stem from cordon Tomatoes just
above the fourth truss, to prevent Blossom End Rot Tomatoes should be watered at a regular
me, they should be fed with Tomorite and sprayed against Blight when condi ons are warm
and damp.
Spring Cabbage, Turnips and the final batch of French and Runner Beans should be sown.
x Con nue to dead head bedding plants.
x On warm dry days start collec ng seed from Annuals such as French Marigold and Tagetes
for sowing next Spring.
Take cu ngs of Pelargonium, Osteospermum and Penstemon.
Wisteria should be trimmed, reducing all new shoots to 5 or 6 buds from the main stem.
Prune Rambling Roses a er flowering removing one in three stems from the base to
encourage new growth.
Cut back perennials which have collapsed onto the lawn, path or other plants.
Clip Lavender s a er flowering to maintain compact bushes.
Set traps amongst Dahlia to reduce earwig damage by placing 3" pots filled with
hay on the top of a cane. The earwigs will rest in the pots for the night and
you will be able to dispose Of them in the morning.
Increase the feeding of Tomatoes.
Con nue to spray Potatoes and Tomatoes to control blight when necessary.
Salad Crops and fast growing Vegetables need to be harvested before they go over.
Keep Runner Beans well watered to ensure that the flowers set.
Li main crop Potatoes.
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The Guildford Spike WI is a mixed group of caring, sharing cake-loving ladies of all ages who enjoy developing
new friendships and knowledge. We meet on the first Thursday of every month. We also have several special
interest groups, including a s tch group, book club, gardening group and pudding club.
This year we have welcomed speakers from Mane Chance Sanctuary, Surrey Street Angels, a Homeopath, and
the “Sewing Soldier”. In the coming months we will be ge ng advice from an expert on Image Therapy and a
Confidence & Mo va on coach. We are also looking forward to celebra ng our 4th birthday in October.
In addi on to this friends and family have joined us at a night with Stu Henshall from the Bri sh Bake off, a
visit to the Bombay Sapphire dis llery and at our annual summer BBQ to name but a few.
We also love to take the opportunity to get involved in the local community and meet others. For example,
we have a range of produce and baked treats for sale at the Spike Summer Extravanganza in July and the
vintage fair in October.
We are most excited about our Autumn Fair on Saturday 24th September 2016 from 2pm – 5pm at The
Spike Centre, Warren Road, GU1 3JH. Come and enjoy WI Produce, Raffle, Tombola, Jewellery, Soaps &
Cra s, Refreshments, Games & Prizes, Fun for families & children. Entry is just 50p for adults and free for
To find out more please visit our Facebook page or website: h p://www.guildfordspikewi.co.uk
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Have you no ced how much me we spend perhaps just looking at a phone or staring at a
screen, well we challenge you to a family quiz. Our family sat down together and without
the use of any other sources i.e. books or internet we came up with these ques ons. We
did however check them a erwards.
Our challenge to you is to see if you can all sit down and complete them in under 20
minutes? Which is how long it took us to come up with them.
1. Neil Morrissey
2. Exeter
3. 239,000 Miles
4. 186,000
5. Six
6. Lemony Snicket
7. Random Access Memory
8. Vincent Van Gogh
9. Au
10. Barnum
11. Harper Lee
12. Ear
13. Ho Chi Min
14. Quincy Jones
15. Nicki Minaj
16. Regal or Blue Tang
17. Barium
18. PewDiePie
19. Tennessee
20. Two
Who was the voice of Bob the Builder
In what county are the Tarr Steps situated?
Approximately how far on average is the moon from earth?
What is the speed of light in miles per second?
How many feet are there in a fathom?
Who wrote the book A Series of Unfortunate Events?
In compu ng what does RAM normally stand for?
Who painted The Starry Night?
What is the chemical symbol for gold?
The song Colours of My Life features in which musical?
Who wrote the book to Kill a Mocking Bird?
In the human body where is the hammer ?
Who was president of Vietnam from 1945-54?
Who produced the Michael Jackson album Thriller?
Who sung the song Anaconda?
What type of Fish is Dory from Finding Nemo?
What is the 56th element in the periodic table?
Who is commonly thought to be the most subscribed “Youtuber”?
Which US state is named on the label of a Jack Daniels bo le?
According to popular belief how many people know the recipe to Coca-Cola?
Some useful local phone numbers:
Burpham Community Association: Secretary: 01483 567791
Jacobs Well Residents Association: Secretary: Robert Clark 01483 577994, Chair: Janet Smith 01483 822976
Jacobs Well Village Hall Bookings: 07482 632144 or email bookings@jwvht.co.uk
Borough Council Councillors (Burpham): Christian Holliday 07527 546792 and Mike Piper 01483 575 252
Borough Council Councillor (Worplesdon / Jacobs Well ): David Elms 01483 234414
Worplesdon Parish Council (Jacobs Well) 01483 300094
County Councillors: Guildford East (within which lies Burpham): Graham Ellwood 01483 506845. Want to
know more about the County Council or County issues? (eg Education and Highways) please contact at
Worplesdon (for Jacobs Well):
Doctors’ Surgeries: New Inn, London Rd 01483 301091 and Merrow Park 01483 503331
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