The Villa Park Police Department Reaches Out to Residents


The Villa Park Police Department Reaches Out to Residents
Police Department
The Villa Park Police Department Reaches Out to Residents
The Villa Park Police Department, located at 40 S. Home, has had a
long-standing philosophy towards community policing. This can be
illustrated through a number of the department’s programs designed
to improve community relations, increase community involvement
with the police department and to better communicate with Villa Park
residents. Some of these programs are illustrated in this article.
Neighborhood Watch
The Villa Park Neighborhood Watch has been in existence for over 20
years. The Villa Park Neighborhood Watch is an organized group of
citizens devoted to crime and prevention in Villa Park neighborhoods.
Villa Park currently has over 40 active neighborhood watch groups
throughout the village. The groups vary in size from a few homes in
some neighborhoods to over 100 homes in other neighborhoods. The
Villa Park Police Department utilizes internet social media and cell
phone technologies to forward and exchange relevant information
with the watch groups. Neighborhood Watch police activity bulletins
are sent from the police department to Villa Park Neighborhood
Watch Captains and members by e-mail. Each watch group has a
captain that is in charge of the organization and dissemination of
information to their respective watch groups.
Neighborhood watch members are encouraged to register for NIXLE.
NIXLE is a system of community alerts issued by the Villa Park
Police Department to residents. Residents that have subscribed to
the service, at, receive
crime prevention and emergency related
messages from the Villa Park Police
Department via text message or by e-mail.
The information contained in the NIXLE alerts may be related to
issues such as weather, traffic, missing persons, crime prevention,
or other information that the department may need to share with
the community. The information provided by the subscriber to the
service is kept confidential and there is no charge for the service to the
Smart 911
Members of the Villa Park Neighborhood Watch are also encouraged
to register for Smart911. Smart911 is brought to Villa Park residents
through DuComm (DuPage Public Safety Communications) which
is the dispatch service for the department. A large portion of our
population are doing away with landline telephones and using only
cell phones for their residence. When
a 911 call is placed from a cell phone,
limited information is provided to the
dispatcher. With a land-line phone,
the dispatcher is given comprehensive
information about the location and
identity of the location where the 911 call was made. Smart911 allows
registered users to enter critical emergency information about the
user and the user’s family on-line before an emergency takes place
and this information is provided to DuComm when a 911 call is made
from a cell phone. This information can be emergency medical
information, location and emergency contact information about the
caller and their family. Smart911 also allows for the user to up-load
photos of the user and family which can be useful in cases of missing
persons. Additionally, location information also helps the police
department to locate the caller if the 911 call drops for any reason. You
can register by going to
National Night Out
The Villa Park Police Department has been a participant in National
Night Out for over 20 years. National Night Out is a national event
where neighborhood watch members across the country gather in
protest of crime and violence. National Night Out is always held on the
first Tuesday in August and celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2013.
Last year’s event involved
37.5 million people in
15,704 communities
from all 50 states,
Canadian cities, and
military bases worldwide.
During National
Night Out residents in
neighborhoods throughout
Villa Park and across the
country are asked to lock
their doors, turn on outside lights and spend the evening outside with
neighbors and police. Many neighborhoods throughout Villa Park host
block parties, cookouts, parades, and flashlight walks in participation
of the event.
The Villa Park Police Department hosts an annual pool party and
cookout in support of National Night Out. Tuesday, August 5, 2014
will be the third year of the pool party cook-out event which is held
at either the Jefferson or Lufkin Pool. Food and beverages are served
and a variety of family oriented activities and prizes are provided to
Villa Park residents. The event is provided free of charge to all Villa
Park residents.
Citizens Police Academy
The Villa Park Police Department has brought back the Citizens
Police Academy (CPA). The most recent Citizens Police Academy was
held on consecutive Thursdays between January 23rd and March 27th
The classes are held at the Villa Park Police Department and provide
the opportunity for our residents to meet and learn from Villa Park
police officers. The main focus of CPA is to help bridge the gap of
understanding between law enforcement officers and the community.
CPA consists of nine classes that cover a variety of police-related
topics such as community policing, crime scene investigation, DUI
enforcement and detection, traffic accident investigation, use of force
and the introduction to firearms training, juvenile law and vehicle
stop techniques. The classes are all taught by members of the Villa
Park Police Department.
Community Emergency Response Team
The Villa Park Police Department also promotes involvement with
the community through its Community Emergency Response Team
or C.E.R.T. program. The C.E.R.T. program is an organization of
volunteer citizen emergency workers who have received specific
training in basic disaster response skills. These workers agree to
respond on an on-call basis in the case of an emergency. The C.E.R.T.
team’s main function is to supplement existing emergency responders
in the event of a major disaster. The C.E.R.T. program is sanctioned
by F.E.M.A. and there are currently 18 members on the Villa Park
Police Department C.E.R.T. team. In addition to being on-call to the
police department for disaster relief efforts, the Villa Park Police
Department C.E.R.T. team also assists the department with crowd and
traffic control efforts for special events such as 5 k runs, community
bicycle rides, as well as both the Summer and October festivals.
For additional information on any of the Villa Park Police
Department’s community programs contact Officer Kevin Conner at
(630) 834-7447 or
Fire Department
2014 Adopt-A-Hydrant Program Begins on
Thursday, May 1
The Adopt-A-Hydrant Program is beginning
its 4th year and the painted hydrants have truly
beautified the Village. There are still over 600
hydrants in Villa Park that can be adopted.
In 2013 proceeds from the Adopt-A-Hydrant
program were used to purchase the electronic
sign at Fire Station 81 on Ardmore Avenue.
Fees are as follows:
• $25 Family
• $35 Organizations or Groups
• $50 Businesses
• $100 Major Corporations
Villa Park Fire Dept.
Annual Open House
Saturday, Oct. 11
Noon - 3:00 pm
1st Place Winner
1121 S. Villa
Proceeds from the Adopt-A-Hydrant Program will be
used toward the purchase of Fire Department vehicles or
equipment. Contact Mary Hornback at the Villa Park Fire
Department at (630) 833-5350 or visit our website at to reserve your hydrant today!
Flood Preparedness
Burning Yard Waste and Outdoor Fireplaces
As a reminder, the Village of Villa Park prohibits the burning
of yard waste, brush, debris and similar materials and
regulates the use of fire pits and outdoor fireplaces. The
following excerpt from the village’s fire prevention code
regulates the burning of yard waste, debris, etc. and outdoor
fireplaces and fire pits:
In the wake of recent flooding, the Villa Park Fire Department urges
residents to take the following steps before, during and after a flood:
Chapter 4: Open Flames or Burning
Before A Flood
(a) Open burning is prohibited except with the express written
permission of the code official or his designate.
Place storage at least two feet off the basement floor.
Have a generator fueled and ready for use at all times.
Have additional extension cords ready for use.
Have flash lights ready and avoid candles.
Have a battery back-up sump pump ready for use.
Have a contingency plan ready! Where will you go if the power is
out for two days? And don’t forget your pets.
Fire pits, fire rings or other fires on the ground are
(b) Exceptions to (a) include recreation fires that are allowed
for cooking food on grills, barbecues, kettles, smokers and
similar appliances.
During a Flood
Watch for flash flooding. This can occur without rain clouds or
rain in the immediate area.
Never walk through moving water more than 6 inches deep.
Do not drive through a flooded area. Did you know that cars can be
easily swept away in just 2 feet of moving water?
If your vehicle stalls in water, exit it and move to higher ground.
After a Flood
Be careful in areas where floodwaters have receded.
Watch for downed electrical lines and weakened roads and
Stay out of flooded buildings.
Use caution when entering damaged structures. The foundations
may have weakened.
Avoid coming in to contact with floodwater – it may be
contaminated. Wash your hands if they get wet.
Discard any food that has been in contact with floodwater.
Flooded electrical outlets and wiring may need to be inspected by
a licensed electrician.
Terms to Know
Flood Watch – Flooding is possible within 12 to 36 hours.
Flash Flood Watch – Flash flooding is possible and could occur
without warning.
Flood Warning – Flooding is or soon will be occurring.
Flash Flood Warning – Flash flooding is occurring.
(c) The burning of seasoned firewood in an “outdoor fireplace”
is allowed. The wood used shall be cut into logs and not freshly
cut or “green.” The appliance used shall have a secure, suitable
cover and suitable screening in place on its sides. The code
official or his designate may prohibit the use of an outdoor
fireplace if the products of combustion create or add to a
hazardous or objectionable situation.
For more information, contact the Villa Park Fire Department
at (630) 833-5350.
Fire Department
Summertime Safety Tips
1. Sunburn
Regardless of age and skin type (whether or not you
burn easily), the American Academy of Dermatology
recommends that everyone, adults and kids alike,
apply a water-resistant sunscreen that protects
against both UVA and UVB rays every day of the
year. Yes, even in winter and on cloudy days. Choose
a sunscreen that is at least SPF 30 and apply it 15 to
30 minutes before going outside.
2. Hydration
4. Food Poisoning
Summertime offers so many gorgeous days for
picnicking and cookouts. But don’t let the heat
ruin your outing -- food-borne illnesses are caused
by bacteria, viruses, parasites and other toxins.
One of the best ways to avoid food poisoning during the summertime
is to be sure food items that contain mayonnaise, milk, eggs, meat,
poultry and seafood aren’t kept at room temperature for more than an
hour or two (one hour max if it’s 90 degrees Fahrenheit outside). Be
sure to pre-heat your grill for at least 15-20 minutes and to cook all
meats to the proper temperature.
5. Helmet Safety
Did you know that if you’re feeling thirsty, you’re already mildly
dehydrated? Relying on thirst as a reminder to take a drink leaves you
at risk for dehydration. So to be sure your kids are ok, look for these
other signs, instead, which can indicate that a child is dehydrated:
Dry mouth
Cessation of sweating
Dark yellow urine
Anuria (lack of urine) for 12 hours (or 6 hours for infants)
Tearless crying
Sunken eyes
Help kids avoid becoming dehydrated by reminding them to drink
often throughout the day. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
recommends drinking about every 20 minutes if kids are active in
sports, about five ounces is right for a kid weighing 88 pounds. Water
and sports drinks (drinks that contain electrolytes) are the best
options for hydrating kids -- avoid sodas, juice and other fruit drinks.
Especially avoid drinks containing caffeine and alcohol for adults.
Whether or not you wore a helmet while riding your bike as a child,
it’s a must for kids these days. Nearly 300,000 kids
make a visit to the emergency room every year
with bike-related injuries, some resulting in death
or severe brain injury. Wearing a helmet can help
reduce your child’s risk of making such a visit. The
Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) sets standards for
helmets, so be sure to choose one with its safety seal on it.
3. Heat-Related Illnesses
7: Ticks & Mosquitoes
Staying hydrated in hot weather can help reduce
the risk of heat-related illness. Keep water or
sports drinks (with electrolytes) on hand to
maintain hydration, and try to stay in a shady or
air-conditioned location during the hottest parts
of the afternoon.
Mild symptoms -- heat exhaustion -- may include feeling thirsty,
fatigue and cramps (legs or abdominal). If left untreated, heat
exhaustion can progress to heatstroke.
Heatstroke is serious. Symptoms may include any of the following:
dizziness, trouble breathing, headaches, rapid heartbeat, nausea,
vomiting, confusion and changes in blood pressure. Skin may be
flushed and feel hot and dry (not sweaty). Body temperature may rise
to 104 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, and as it becomes more severe,
the risk of organ damage (to the liver, kidneys and brain) increases.
Kids are more susceptible to heat illnesses than adults are because
their central nervous system is not yet fully developed. Strenuous
activity and dehydration make it difficult for young bodies to regulate
changes in body temperature, and chronic health conditions such
as diabetes or cardiovascular disease also increase the risk. Kids are
also at risk for heat illnesses if left in a hot car -- even if the windows
are cracked and even if it’s only for a few minutes. Never leave a child
unattended in a car.
6. Pool Safety
According to SafeKids, 5,714 kids younger than 5
years old are injured in near-drowning incidents
every year and more than 1,027 kids ages 14
and younger die each year due to unintentional
Never leave kids alone near the pool, no matter
what their ages or swim capabilities are. Parents can and should take
precautions around home pools, in addition to closely supervising
kids while they swim, installing fencing around pools, at least 5-feet
high, all the way around and with a self-closing, self-latching gate, can
prevent 50 to 90 percent of accidental drowning incidents.
Outdoorsy types aren’t the only ones who need to worry
about ticks and mosquitoes -- you could pick one up
in your own yard while gardening or playing outside.
Prevent bites and tick-borne illnesses with these steps:
It’s smart to wear long sleeve shirts and pants that
are light-colored clothing with shoes during the summertime
because they help keep you cooler -- and, as it turns out, they help
you spot any ticks that may be crawling on you.
Insect repellents containing DEET have been tested and
approved as safe for kids, but you should take some precautions
with them. Choose a repellent with no more than 10% to 30%
concentration of DEET (look for N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide on
the label). Use lower concentrations if kids will be outside only
for an hour or two. If they’re outside longer, consider using a
repellent with a higher concentration of DEET. (The higher
concentration means that it will last longer.)
Generally, repellent with DEET should not be applied more than
once a day, and is not recommended for babies younger than 2
months old.
Do not use a single product containing both sunscreen and
DEET — sunscreen needs to be reapplied frequently, while DEET
should not be applied more than once a day.
Wash your child’s skin with soap and water when you return
indoors, and wash all clothing before it is worn again.
Get Cooking for the Centennial!
Tee Time @ the Library a Hole-in-One Hit
The Friends of the Villa Park
Library are gathering recipes,
pictures and anecdotes for A
Centennial Celebration: 100 Years
of Cooking in Villa Park in honor
of the Village of Villa Park’s 100th
Anniversary Celebration on Aug.
8–10, 2014. Please share your
favorite Villa Park–related recipes, photos and reminiscences
online at or by filling out a form at
the Library check-out desk. Cookbooks can be preordered at
The 3rd annual Tee Time @ the Library mini-golf event
was a resounding success! The Library would like to
thank our wonderful sponsors, donors and volunteers for
helping the Library raise more than $2,000 for our Early
Literacy Initiative. Please continue to support those who
Meet Our New Head of
Outreach Services
The Library welcomes Kandice
Krettler as our new Head of
Circulation/Outreach Services.
Krettler previously served for more
than 20 years at the Bloomingdale
Public Library, working in various
capacities, including circulation, business office manager,
human resources, technical services and special events.
“I’m looking forward to finding ways to expand the Library’s
presence and usefulness in the community,” Krettler says.
Increase Your High-Tech Quotient: New
Digital Training @ the Library
Now Library cardholders can get in-depth
training on popular software tools at the
Library’s new workstation.
Through the Online Training
Library®, you can learn via video and
on-screen prompts how to use the latest
software tools and techniques. Click on the shortcut on
Internet Workstation 12, and you’re off and training!
Presenting Sponsor: BMO Harris
Watering Hole Sponsor: Colley Elevator
Ace Sponsors:
Klein, Thorpe & Jenkins,
C U Latte Café
Eagle Sponsors:
Kiwanis Club of Villa Park
Library Furniture
Sikich LLP
Supreme Lobster
Villa Park Ace Hardware
Villa Park Lions Club
Villa Park Office Equipment
Family Fun Sponsors:
Mike’s Meat Market
Hensley’s Prairiee Path
Our Donors:
Anyway’s Pub
b • Aurelio’s Pizza • Baker & Taylor
Publishing Group
Gro • Chuck E. Cheese • Dominick’s Pizza
• Fingers N Faces
Hair Salon & Nail Spa • Pheasant Run
Resort • Rico
co West Salon & Spa—Nails by Sheri • Rico
West Salon
n & Spa—Amy Koehlinger • Safari Land • The
Summer Place
Pla Theatre • Villa Park Parks & Recreation •
West Suburban
2014 Summer Reading Programs:
Paws to Read
Sign-up begins: Tuesday, May 27
Program ends: Saturday, August 2
Youth Services Summer Reading Program: Kids read for
fun and earn prizes when they reach time-based goals set out
in our reading logs. Sign up at the Youth Services desk or call
(630) 834-1176.
Adult Summer Reading Program: Read or listen to five titles
to earn a chance to enter the drawing for fabulous prizes. Sign
up at the Readers’ Advisory desk or call (630) 834-1164, ext. 2.
Odds & Ends
Environmental Concerns Commission
Free Bike Rentals
What better way to enjoy the beauty of the Illinois Prairie
Path or the Great Western Trail than a leisurely bike ride?
You simply need to sign a waiver, provide a copy of your
valid driver’s license and a $20 per bike cash refundable
deposit – then enjoy the ride! Bikes are adult sized, single gear
without lights. Renters must be 18 years and older. Additional
rental information can be obtained by calling the Parks and
Recreation Dept at (630) 834-8525.
Traffic and Safety Commission
Be Cautious while on the Prairie Path/Great Western Trail
As Spring is here and Summer is following, residents will be venturing
outdoors to enjoy the warm weather. Popular activities during
this time are biking and walking on the Illinois Prairie Path/Great
Western Trail/Salt Creek Greenway Trail. As most of us are aware,
there are several streets in the Village where the paths intersect.
These streets are not controlled by either stop signs or stop lights,
so the traffic has the right of way when people on the path approach
the roadway. Although most residents are probably aware of the stop
signs posted in the pathway where the path and street meet, please
be certain to stop and look prior to entering the roadway. The law
states that motorized vehicles are to yield the right of way to the
pedestrian in a marked or unmarked crosswalk on the driver’s side
of the roadway and there are no traffic control signals. Do not expect
traffic to yield when you are approaching the street. Also, be cautious
of being waved into the street by a driver without ensuring that traffic
in the opposite direction is clear. A driver going the opposite direction
may not be aware that a pedestrian or a bicyclist is being waved into
the street. Remember, drivers and pedestrians are both responsible
for traffic safety. We want everyone to enjoy the Prairie Path and
Great Western Trail as safely as possible.
Men’s Garden Club
Historical Preservation Commission
When was Village Hall built?
The Villa Park Village Hall was built in 1929. It also served
as the fire station and police headquarters with a jail cell in
the basement. Board meetings had been held at the former
Community Congregational Church on Highland Avenue and
in a commercial building on Ardmore Avenue.
When was the first Village Board elected?
Villa Park’s first election was held on September 12, 1914 and
the following were elected: President William H. Calhoun;
Trustees: O.M. Rogers, A.E. Olson, R.M. Steele, J. Eigelbernes,
R. Jacobi and G. Gilbertson; and Village Clerk Fred H. Smith.
New Village Website
The Village of Villa Park launched the new Village website in
April of 2014. The web design project required consolidating
the existing site content, acquisition of images and photos, and
the creation of an attention getting design. The new design uses
cutting edge technology to allow the Village to communicate
more effectively with residents and visitors with an optimized
experience for mobile and tablet.
Please visit to visit our streamlined and
more responsive interface to allow for easy navigation.
The Men’s’ Garden Club of Villa Park was founded in 1936 with a
mission to foster gardening and fellowship. All men and women
gardeners, 15 years of age or older and actively interested in home
gardening, are invited to become members of the club. The Garden
Club features a free lecture and slide series at most monthly
meetings, a monthly garden news publications for all members and
a club directory to facilitate communication between members. In
addition to these benefits, a Spring and Summer Competition is held
throughout the growing season. At the end of the competition season,
awards are given during a special ceremony.
The 19th Annual Plant Sale will take place on May 9th and May 10th,
2014 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. The sale will take place at the Villa
Park Community Recreation building located at 320 E. Wildwood in
Villa Park. There are many varieties of plants including perennials,
vegetables, and hanging baskets which will be available for purchase.
A master gardener will also be on site to handle any questions you
may have. Please join us for the best plant sale ever!
Each year the Garden Club organizes a Garden Walk throughout
the surrounding suburbs. Homeowners open their gardens for all to
appreciate and enjoy. There are a diversity of gardens to enjoy, each
with its own personality and style. The event this year will be held
Sunday July 20, 2014 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm and is free for anyone
to participate and offers people a relaxing day of touring the passion
that homeowners bring to their gardens. The walk chair is looking for
new gardens, so if you would like to share your garden, please visit our
website for more information. (See the link below.)
If you are interested in learning more about the Men’s Garden
Club of Villa Park, monthly meetings are held at 7:30 pm on the 4th
Tuesday at the Villa Park Recreation Center, 320 E. Wildwood, Villa
Park. Details of the events and monthly meeting information is also
available at
Economic Development
Welcome, Jan Fiola
Bone Roofing Celebrates 43 Years
Jan Fiola recently joined the Village
of Villa Park as the new Director of
Economic Development, replacing
Mamie Yee. Ms. Fiola has over 30
years of commercial real estate
experience. She has a background
in architecture together with nearly
20 years with BP/Amoco in all areas
of retail development in addition to time as a Zone Real
Estate Manager with Potbelly Sandwich Works and Caribou
Coffee. Her experience with the private sector is beneficial to
advancing development and leasing opportunities within the
Bone Roofing Supply, Inc. is celebrating its 43rd year of business
by opening its doors at its new facility at 880 N. Addison Rd. in
Villa Park. Prior to coming to Villa Park, Bone Roofing was based
out of Chicago. The company is proud to be family owned and
oriented and excited to be one of Villa Park’s newest businesses
to join the community.
Jan was raised and presently lives in the western suburbs with
her husband and daughter. Another daughter is out of state
attending college. The Village is thrilled to have Ms. Fiola at
their new Director of Economic Development.
Fast forward 43 years and Bone Roofing is proud to have
30 employees, including an exceptional team of office staff,
salesmen, warehouse workers, and truck drivers. Included
on staff are Jim’s three children, Jason, Dennis, and Valerie,
and Jack’s child, Jackie. The third generation has come from
riding in the trucks with their fathers during holiday parades
to working for the company on their summer breaks and now
is taking the reins by bringing new energy and ability to Bone
Roofing Supply. Two concepts have remained constant with the
company throughout its three generations of leaders: (1) the
company strives to provide the best service to its customers, and
(2) the Bone family treats their employees as an extension of
their own family.
The Landings on Villa
Trinity Services, Inc. is continuing its 64-year tradition by building
a new 16-unit apartment building at 37 N. Villa Avenue for persons
with disabilities. Construction is underway and scheduled
completion is mid-summer, 2014.
The building’s first floor will feature an office and a community
room for residents’ use. The second and third floors will contain
16 apartments. Persons living at The Landings must meet federal
guidelines, their household income must be less than 50% of median
family income as set by HUD and they must be approved through
the Illinois Department of Human Services and not have a criminal
background. A person receiving services at The Landings will have
close access to learning, recreation and fitness options; social
interaction; and professional services.
Funding is being provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development (HUD), and the Permanent Supportive Housing
Program of the Illinois Housing Development Authority (IDHA).
Trinity is also receiving support from the DuPage County Housing
Authority, which provides grants for housing that serves low-income
Trinity Services is a nonsectarian, nonprofit 501(c) 3 offering a range
of services for children and adults with developmental disabilities
or mental health needs. Trinity serves more than 2,500 people in
the Illinois metro areas of Chicago-Naperville-Joliet, Peoria and
Since 1992, Trinity has received the highest accreditation possible
from the Council on Quality and Leadership. It has been honored
on a number of occasions for quality services, including its
behavioral health service. The Illinois Chapter of the American
Psychological Association named Trinity as the 2007 recipient of the
Psychologically Healthy Workplace Award in the nonprofit category.
And in 2008, Trinity received the national Psychologically Healthy
Workplace Award from the American Psychological Association.
Trinity was recently named a Chicago Tribune Top Workplace in
2010. It was the only human services organization on the list. Also,
Trinity won the Alford-Axelson Award for Managerial Excellence in
For more information about Trinity Services, visit
Bone Roofing was founded in September of 1971 by Clay and
Hope Bone together with their twin sons, Jim and Jack. When
asked to start the business with their parents, Jim and Jack
were only beginning their sophomore year at Bradley University
in Peoria. The twins took a chance on their family’s dream, left
school, and began working endless nights and weekends in effort
to become Chicago’s premier roofing distributor.
After searching for the perfect new home for over five years,
Bone Roofing purchased and rehabbed the former Highway
Technologies building beginning in August 2013 and opened its
doors for business in early 2014. “We moved to Villa Park for
three primary reasons,” said Jack Bone, President. “Logistically,
Villa Park is in a great location enabling us to access all major
highways pretty quickly. As a service based company, being
able to make deliveries to our customers within hours of them
placing the order is certainly something we needed. Second,
the majority of our customers have shifted from the city to the
suburbs and being based in Chicago was not an easy location for
most customers to get to. Our new facility allows customers to
easily pick up materials when needed. Finally, as we expand our
business, we needed more storage space to store the vast amount
of shingles we carry.”
Bone Roofing Supply primarily sells to roofing contractors.
Homeowners are welcome to visit the facility to see the
company’s showroom displaying numerous shingle samples
in different colors, shapes, and weights. As the company was
named Supplier of the Year by the Chicago Roofing Contractors
Association, Bone Roofing is happy help Villa Park residents
find a trusted roofing contractor to help them with their roof
repair or replacement needs. “We are thrilled to be in Villa Park.
We have really enjoyed getting to know the board members,
police and fire staff, and many others from the Village. We are
looking forward to growing Bone Roofing Supply in Villa Park for
generations to come.”
Shop Local
Villa Park Welcomes New Businesses!
Special Thanks
The Village of Villa Park would like to recognize and thank SERVPRO
of Lombard/Addison and the Roy Strom Company for donating time
and materials to help the Village assist two elderly residents.
Kathy Marr, franchise owner of SERVPRO of Lombard/ Addison
donated water damage restoration services to a resident of Villa Park
who had experienced severe flood damage from the storm event in
April of 2013. SERVPRO of Lombard/Addison specializes in water,
smoke, fire and mold remediation. SERVPRO of Lombard/ Addison
is a close knit group of individuals who donated their time to aid an
elderly resident with mold remediation and debris removal. SERVPRO
of Lombard/Addison can be reached at (630) 543-1700 and is the
preferred vendor of all major insurance carriers.
George Strom, Vice President of
Roy Strom Company, donated
dumpster and hauling services on
several occasions to Village of Villa
Park. The Village currently has a
garbage hauling contract with Roy
Strom which runs through June
30, 2018. The most recent donated
dumpster and the volunteer efforts
of three Village employees and
a local resident have helped an
elderly resident of Villa Park move
closer to living in a safe home. The
Roy Strom Company can be reached
at (708) 344-5000.
The service and generosity illustrated by the commitment these
companies have to working with the Village of Villa Park help
p impr
our resident’s quality of life. Please contact Executive Assistant
istan Erin
Knackstedt at (630) 592-6052 should you have any questions
stion these two
Greater Chicago Cage Bird Club
Thank you for your interest in our organization, Greater Chicago
Cage Bird Club. We are an organization dedicated to the care, rescue
and adoption of companion birds. GCCBC is comprised of pet owners
and breeders dedicated to the improvement of and public education
of cage birds.
You may recognize our name, as GCCBC was the organization that
assisted in the rescue of 378 parakeets in 2012. We were located
on Park Boulevard at that time but have since moved to the Villa
Avenue address. GCCBC also taught a six week 4H class on birds in
conjunction with the University of Illinois in January and February.
This class will be repeated this summer. GCCBC also presented the
birding badge at the Merit Badge University for the Boy Scouts in
February. In June, we will have an adoption day that will include Cat
Guardian and Belly Rub Dog Rescue.
Please stop by the shelter during our business hours and view the
lovely birds – from parakeets to macaws. Volunteers are needed to
assist in the care and socialization of the birds. And, of course, they
all need HOMES.
We are located at 204 S Villa Ave, Villa Park, Il 60181. Our hours are
from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
and Sunday. Our phone is (630) 640-4924.
We would like to welcome these new businesses into our community.
Let’s all support our local businesses by stopping in and
seeing what they have to offer.
A-K Mulch and Firewood
110 S. Villa Avenue
Mulch and Firewood Sales
Foremost Liquors
609 W. North Avenue
Retail Liquor Store
Amalia’s Vintage Fixation
201 W. St. Charles Road
Resale of Vintage Items
Metro Staff, Inc.
1025 W. North Avenue
Temporary & Permanent
Staffing, Labor and Payroll
Betty’s Bistro
635 W. North Avenue
Bistro-Style Restaurant and
Video Gaming
Midwest Spray Coatings, LLC
100 S. Villa Avenue, Unit B
Residential Waterproofing
Bone Roofing Supply Inc.
880 N. Addison Road
Roofing Distributor Commercial and Residential
Service Master
1147 N. Ellsworth Avenue
Cleaning Services - Fire, Water
Damage, Mold
Car & Truck Outlet Inc.
733 N. Harvard Avenue
Used Car Sales
196 W. Roosevelt Road
Video Gaming / Café
Comfort Pro’s Heating and Air
Conditioning Co.
112 E. St. Charles Road
Heating and Air Conditioning
- Office
Super Autohaus Inc.
726 N. Ardmore Avenue
Used Car Dealership
D and You Auto Body
739 N. Harvard
Auto Body - Auto Repair
Dr. Rindie Coker
82 W. St. Charles Road
Naprapath and Natural
Firehouse Subs
100 E. Roosevelt Road, Suite
Fast Food Sub Shop
SV Prostar, Inc.
752 N. Yale
Auto Repair Shop
Wireless Titan
dba Boost Mobile
140 W. North Avenue, Unit B
Retail - Cell Phone Sales
Xtreme Motorwerks
805 W. North Avenue
Used Car Dealership
Villa Park Has a One-Stop Permit Shop!
In order to make the building permit process more efficient and
easier for residents and developers to navigate, the Village has
created a One-Stop Permit Shop. All of your permitting needs will be
accommodated in one convenient location at Public Works. The Public
Works Department has issued over 1300 permits so far this year and of
those permits 70% were issued over the counter (same day) and over
90% were issued within 1 to 5 days. The permitting hours are Monday
through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
At our One-Stop Permit Shop you can do any of the following:
Apply for a building permit or Certificate of Occupancy by
stopping in at 11 W. Home Avenue
Ask questions about permitting or Certificates of Occupancy by
calling (630) 834-8505
Set up an inspection by calling (630) 834-8505
Sugar Creek Golf Course
Welcome to Sugar Creek
Sugar Creek Golf Course is a 9-hole, par 32 course, owned and
operated by the Elmhurst Park District and Village of Villa
Park. The course features large, smoothly contoured Penncross
bentgrass greens, a 3-acre pond coming into play on four of the
nine holes, and excellent turf for golf. It provides a challenge
for the more experienced player, yet is short enough for the
Sugar Creek Golf Course is located at 500 E. Van Buren in Villa
Park and is open from dawn until dusk. The golf course and
the driving range are now open for the season and Sugar Creek
offers golf programs for all ages.
Golf Academy
The Sugar Creek Golf Academy is ideal for learning the game
of golf through professional golf instruction. The Sugar Creek
Learning Center emphasizes learning to play better golf
through analysis of course management, mental approach
to the game, and equipment analysis - optimizing current
equipment technology to your advantage. It’s not always about
fixing your swing, but more about using what you already have
learned to play better golf. For beginners, we suggest enrolling
in one of our many classes that will introduce you to all phases
of the golf swing! Private lessons are also available.
The Sugar Creek clubhouse features a banquet room with
private bar, pro shop, and an extended outside deck area. The
clubhouse includes an expanded grill and dining area offering
daily lunch specials, soft drinks, beer and wine. The golf shop
stocks name brand clothing, accessories, and state of the art
equipment from leading golf club manufacturers.
During January 2014 the clubhouse underwent a restoration
and renovation. New flooring was installed throughout the
entire facility, including the banquet room, to create an upscale
look for your next event. Book your banquet today!
Visit our webpage at or call
(630) 834-3325 to reserve your tee-time now!
Meet the Staff
Dave Anderson
Sugar Creek General Manager and Golf
Professional Dave Anderson has over
twenty years of experience in the golf
business working with individuals,
groups, juniors and golfers at all skill
levels. Dave has developed many different
types of creative programs for all golfers
emphasizing the fundamentals of the golf
swing and proper short game technique, while teaching good
practice habits. Dave has used video analysis as well as oncourse instruction to work with students to improve their golf
Cory Ferrell
Cory Ferrell, Head Golf Professional
at Sugar Creek Golf Course, has been a
class “A” PGA member since 2002, with
over twenty years of background and
experience in the golf business. Cory has
grown up in the golf business and has
followed in the footsteps of his father
who is a life-long PGA Golf Professional.
Cory’s background includes positions as head professional at
Maple Meadows in Wood Dale, Seven Bridges in Woodridge,
and most recently as the Teaching Professional at Old Oak
Country Club in Homer Glen since 2010.
Kevin Goss
Kevin Goss has been Sugar Creek’s Golf
Course Superintendent since 2009.
Previously, he held several different
positions at the course from 19952008. Kevin graduated from Valparaiso
University (B.A.), Northern Illinois
University (M.A. in English), and College
of DuPage (Certificate in Horticulture).
Kevin enjoys both the art and the science of turf and landscape
management. He and the staff strive to make Sugar Creek a
fun and challenging course for golfers of all ability levels. He
regularly posts news and pictures about Sugar Creek on the
Course Blog.
Community Events
May 1
May 3
May 5
May 6
May 7
May 8
May 12
May 13
May 14
May 20
May 21
May 22
May 26
May 27
May 28
June 2
June 3
June 4
June 5
June 7
June 9
June 10
June 11
June 12
June 18
June 20
June 21
June 23
June 24
June 25
June 26
Historical Preservation Commission, 7:30PM Village Hall
Coffee with the Village Board, 9:00AM
Senior Concerns Commission, 6:00PM Village Hall
Cable TV Commission, 6:00PM Village Hall
Villa Park Rotary Club, 12:15PM Gullivers Pizza and Pub
Summerfest Commission, 7:00PM Iowa Community Center
Kiwanis Club of Villa Park, 7:15AM Hi-View Restaurant
Lions Club, 12:00PM Hi-View Restaurant
Planning and Zoning Commission, 7:30PM Village Hall
Village Board Meeting, 7:30PM Village Hall
Villa Park Rotary Club, 12:15PM Gullivers Pizza and Pub
Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission, 7:00PM Iowa Community Center
Traffic and Safety Commission, 8:00PM Village Hall
Kiwanis Club of Villa Park, 7:15AM Hi-View Restaurant
Summerfest Commission, 7:00PM Iowa Community Center
Villa Park Rotary Club, 12:15PM Gullivers Pizza and Pub
Kiwanis Club of Villa Park, 7:15AM Hi-View Restaurant
Economic Development Commission, 7:00PM Village Hall
Fire and Police Commission, 7:00AM Village Hall
Lions Club – 7:00PM Villa Park Library
Environmental Concerns Commission, 7:00PM Village Hall
Sugar Creek Golf Course Administrative Board, 6:00PM Sugar Creek Golf Course
Memorial Day – All Village Buildings Closed
Villa Park Rotary Club, 12:15PM Gullivers Pizza and Pub
Community Pride Commission, 6:30PM Village Hall
Kiwanis Club of Villa Park, 7:15AM Hi-View Restaurant
Senior Concerns Commission, 6:00PM Village Hall
Cable TV Commission, 6:00PM Village Hall
Villa Park Rotary Club, 12:15PM Gullivers Pizza and Pub
Kiwanis Club of Villa Park, 7:15AM Hi-View Restaurant
Summerfest Commission, 7:00PM Iowa Community Center
Historical Preservation Commission, 7:30PM Village Hall
Coffee with the Village Board, 9:00AM
Village Board Meeting, 7:30PM Village Hall
Villa Park Rotary Club, 12:15PM Gullivers Pizza and Pub
Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission, 7:00PM Iowa Community Center
Traffic and Safety Commission, 8:00PM Village Hall
Kiwanis Club of Villa Park, 7:15AM Hi-View Restaurant
Summerfest Commission, 7:00PM Iowa Community Center
Lions Club, 12:00PM Hi-View Restaurant
Planning and Zoning Commission, 7:30PM Village Hall
Kiwanis Club of Villa Park, 7:15AM Hi-View Restaurant
Economic Development Commission, 7:00PM Village Hall
Summerfest Commission, 7:00PM Iowa Community Center
Summerfest, 6pm to 11pm Gazebo
Summerfest, 11am to 10:30pm, Gazebo
Village Board Meeting, 7:30PM Village Hall
Villa Park Rotary Club, 12:15PM Gullivers Pizza and Pub
Community Pride Commission, 6:30PM Village Hall
Kiwanis Club of Villa Park, 7:15AM Hi-View Restaurant
Fire and Police Commission, 7:00AM Village Hall
Lions Club – 7:00PM Villa Park Library
June 26 (cont.)
July 3
July 4
July 5
July 7
July 8
July 9
July 10
July 14
July 15
July 16
July 22
July 23
July 24
July 28
July 29
July 30
August 2
August 4
August 5
August 6
August 7
August 8, 9 & 10
August 11
August 12
August 13
August 14
August 19
August 20
August 25
August 26
August 27
August 28
Environmental Concerns Commission, 7:00PM Village Hall
Sugar Creek Golf Course Administrative Board, 6:00PM Sugar Creek Golf Course
Historical Preservation Commission, 7:30PM Village Hall
Fourth of July – All Village Buildings Closed
Fourth of July Parade, Noon
Coffee with the Village Board, 9:00AM
Senior Concerns Commission, 6:00PM Village Hall
Cable TV Commission, 6:00PM Village Hall
Villa Park Rotary Club, 12:15PM Gullivers Pizza and Pub
Traffic and Safety Commission, 8:00PM Village Hall
Kiwanis Club of Villa Park, 7:15AM Hi-View Restaurant
Summerfest Commission, 7:00PM Iowa Community Center
Lions Club, 12:00PM Hi-View Restaurant
Planning and Zoning Commission, 7:30PM Village Hall
Village Board Meeting, 7:30PM Village Hall
Villa Park Rotary Club, 12:15PM Gullivers Pizza and Pub
Kiwanis Club of Villa Park, 7:15AM Hi-View Restaurant
Economic Development Commission, 7:00PM Village Hall
Villa Park Rotary Club, 12:15PM Gullivers Pizza and Pub
Community Pride Commission, 6:30PM Village Hall
Kiwanis Club of Villa Park, 7:15AM Hi-View Restaurant
Fire and Police Commission, 7:00AM Village Hall
Lions Club – 7:00PM Villa Park Library
Environmental Concerns Commission, 7:00PM Village Hall
Sugar Creek Golf Course Administrative Board, 6:00PM Sugar Creek Golf Course
Village Board Meeting, 7:30PM Village Hall
Villa Park Rotary Club, 12:15PM Gullivers Pizza and Pub
Kiwanis Club of Villa Park, 7:15AM Hi-View Restaurant
Coffee with the Village Board, 9:00AM
Senior Concerns Commission, 6:00PM Village Hall
Cable TV Commission, 6:00PM Village Hall
Villa Park Rotary Club, 12:15PM Gullivers Pizza and Pub
Kiwanis Club of Villa Park, 7:15AM Hi-View Restaurant
Historical Preservation Commission, 7:30PM Village Hall
100th Anniversary Celebrations
Village Board Meeting, 7:30PM Village Hall
Villa Park Rotary Club, 12:15PM Gullivers Pizza and Pub
Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission, 7:00PM Iowa Community Center
Traffic and Safety Commission, 8:00PM Village Hall
Kiwanis Club of Villa Park, 7:15AM Hi-View Restaurant
Planning and Zoning Commission, 7:30PM Village Hall
Villa Park Rotary Club, 12:15PM Gullivers Pizza and Pub
Kiwanis Club of Villa Park, 7:15AM Hi-View Restaurant
Economic Development Commission, 7:00PM Village Hall
Village Board Meeting, 7:30PM Village Hall
Villa Park Rotary Club, 12:15PM Gullivers Pizza and Pub
Community Pride Commission, 6:30PM Village Hall
Kiwanis Club of Villa Park, 7:15AM Hi-View Restaurant
Fire and Police Commission, 7:00AM Village Hall
Lions Club – 7:00PM Villa Park Library
Environmental Concerns Commission, 7:00PM Village Hall
Sugar Creek Golf Course Administrative Board, 6:00PM Sugar Creek Golf Course
Constant Contact and the Village
Communication with our residents is a priority for the Village of Villa Park. In
order to foster communication between our residents and the Village of Villa Park,
we have an email-based program known as Constant Contact. Located on the
homepage of the Village website is a hyperlink that you are able to click on which
will bring you to our Constant Contact sign-up page.
After clicking on the envelope you will be prompted to enter in your email address.
1914 – 2014
Village Hall
20 S. Ardmore Avenue
Villa Park, IL 60181-2696
(630) 834-8500
TDD (630) 834-8589
Village Hours
Village Hall:
Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Fire Department:
Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
(630) 833-5350
Finance Department:
Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Public Works:
Mon – Fri: 7:30 am – 4:00 pm
Community Development
and Economic Development:
Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Police Department:
Sun – Sat: 7:00 am – 11:00 pm
Non-Emergency Phone Number(630) 834–7447
Iowa Community Center:
Mon – Thu: 8:30 am – 7:00 pm
Fri: 8:30 am – 6:00 pm
Sat: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Sun: Closed
Community Recreation Building:
Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm;
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday : Closed
Villa Park Public Library:
Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 9:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sunday (Labor Day – Memorial Day):
1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Sunday (Summer): Closed
After entering in your email, the website will bring you to an information page
where you can enter in your contact information and receive updates from the
This service is free of charge, and will provide you with information regarding
upcoming projects, emergency information, board meetings, and construction
information. We strongly encourage citizens to sign-up for Constant Contact.
Your email will be used solely for Village purposes, and will not be
Making Trails Count: Illinois Prairie Path
In 1963, the Illinois Prairie Path began operation as the first rails-to-trails
conversion in North America. Today it extends 61 miles across 18 communities
and three counties. There is no doubt it is an integral part of the community
and the not-for-profit Illinois Prairie Path Corporation, as part of its mission to
preserve, enhance, and advocate on behalf of the trail, hired Trails for Illinois to
produce a report on the trail’s community impact. The report would allow the
Illinois Prairie Path Corporation to prioritize trail improvements, plan new trail
connections, promote trail use, and attract grants and development.
Trails for Illinois surveyed trail users from late-July to mid-October 2013.
Twenty-eight volunteers stationed across the system collected over 700 surveys
and seven electronic trail counters counted trail users 24 hours a day. The triple
bottom line approach utilized by Trails for Illinois examined the trail based on its
economic, health, and environmental impacts.
The results of the survey found that the trails attract hundreds of thousands
of visitors each year as both a means of recreation and a non-motorized
transportation option. The average number of annual users across the
entire trail system is 122,016. Sections of the trail in Wheaton and Villa
Park had the highest average annual user counts recorded of any of
the seven trails Trails for Illinois has studied across the state (193,514
and 185,012 users respectively). Most visitors live nearby, though 22.5% of
users came from outside the immediate area. The economic impact of the
trail is significant. Many survey respondents reported having purchased a
home because of its location near the trail. Other respondents reported having
made purchases while using the trail. The average amount spent was $41.50
among those who made purchases and $14.29 among all respondents. Trail users
enjoy the contact with nature and the opportunity for frequent outdoor physical
activity, however they found there to be a lack of quality restroom services,
drinking fountains, and wayfinding signs.
The full survey and results can be found online at