March 2015 Newsletter - School District No. 57


March 2015 Newsletter - School District No. 57
7151 Heather Park Road, Prince George, BC V2K 5Y3 Phone: (250) 962-1811 Fax: (250) 962-1825
Grade 7 Parent info night @ KRSS
6:00pm in MPR
~Internet Safety Presenation for parents
@ Vanier Hall 7:00-9:00
~Parent/Community Event with Tom
Schimmer @ Van Bien Training Centre
~Class Photo Day – Band room 9am
~Last day for Student Online Transfer
~Internet Safety Presentation for grade
6 & 7 students 10:00-12:00
Duchess Park Parent Info Night @
Primary Report Writing Day – No school
for K-3
Welcome back everyone! I hope that you all had a restful
spring break and that you had a chance to take part in some
of the Canada Winter Games activities that happened. The
two weeks in February were very busy for students and staff
with Carnaval, Quiz Me try outs (preliminary round),
basketball games and play day, pink shirt day, and of course
Valentine's Day activities. Looking forward, this is an
important time of the year for our grade 7 students as the
transition to High School starts. Many of our students are
either transitioning to Kelly Road or Duchess Park. Grade 7
parents/guardians, please pay close attention to any notices
coming home from these schools and please be checking the
KRSS and DPSS school websites for any further information.
This Friday, March 6th there will be a very informative
presentation to our grade 6 and 7 students about online
safety, I encourage parents to talk to their students about
what they learn from this. Lastly, our HEROES focus for March
is "Helpfulness", please talk to your child about how to be
helpful at school and at home.
NID – No School
Hart to Hart Preschool - “Day-Care Get
Together” 6:30-8:30
Family Fun Night 6:30-8:30 in Gym and
Next steps at Heather Park…Starting this week, staff will be acknowledging our
Heather Park Heroes. Part of a PBS program is ongoing acknowledgement of
appropriate behavior. When students are observed being "HEROES" in any
setting, (Helpful, Empathy, Respect, Ownership, Engaged, Self-Control) they may
be given a hero badge. This badge (piece of paper) will then be entered into a
draw where students have an opportunity to win a monthly school prize. The PBS
program is a system that makes acknowledgement easy and simple for students
and staff by acknowledging appropriate behavior (small frequent incentives more
effective). Source
Will you be moving?
We are in the process of planning for
the 2015-2016 school year. We
would appreciate you advising us
(Call the office at 250-962-1811,
please leave a message) if you are
planning on not attending Heather
Park next year. This is important
information that makes for smoother
planning and transitioning for next
This is a reminder that there will be a
Parent Information Night at Kelly
Road Secondary School on
Wednesday March 4 at 6pm in the
Multi-Purpose Room. This meeting
will review the process of your child’s
transition to KRSS. This includes the
variety of activities your son or
daughter has the opportunity to
participate in including the Grade 7
Tour, the Grade 7 Gym Riot and the
Grade 7 Summer Camp at the end of
August. The Parent Meeting will also
provide information about the
support services that your child can
access at KRSS. Please bring any
questions, comments, or concerns. If
you have any questions, please feel
free to contact me at Kelly Road
Secondary at (250) 962-9271 ext.
1104, or via e-mail at
Student online transfer reminder…
School District 57 students who wish
to transfer schools or who wish to
attend schools outside of their
catchment area for next year are
required to apply through the
district’s transfer process.
Student online transfer ends on
Friday, March 6 at 3:00 pm.
Students wishing to transfer to
another school for September 2015
must apply during this time.
All transfer applications must be
made using the online transfer
application form available at An application may
be made from any computer with
Internet access or the general office
of any district school. Please see the
School District 57 website for
Application details.
Canucks Raffle
The annual École Heather Park Elementary
Canucks raffle gets underway on Monday
March 2. This raffle raises money to support
the building of an inclusive playground on the
Hart. The grand prize is a trip for four to
Vancouver, with airfare and hotel included, to
see the Canucks play the Edmonton Oilers on
April 11. With the early spring break this year,
the timeframe for the raffle is
compressed. Tickets will be sent home with
students on March 2 and are due back in the
school on March 16. Thank you to all the
businesses who have provided prizes for
students. These businesses include: Costco,
Shhh, Booster Juice, 4 Oak Oil & Vinegar, Live &
Lift Ladies Fitness, Prince George Cougars, Shoe
Strap Onz, Trendsetters Hair Studio, Brandt
Tractor, Menchies Frozen Yogurt, Red Robins,
Shiraz Café and Restaurant, and Sticky’s Candy.
We are looking for volunteers to help out with
the distribution and collection of tickets and
money. If you can help please email or
If you have questions about the raffle please
Purdy’s Easter Fundraiser
Time has come once again to prepare
grade 7 students for their transitions
to high school. The process will be as
it has been in previous years. Duchess
will begin with Grade 7 programming
visits from Monday March 9 to Friday
March 13, 2015. Duchess Park
Counselors and perhaps
administrators will come to grade 7
classrooms to talk about High School.
The Grade 8 Parent Info Night will be
held on Thursday March 12, 2015 at
7:00pm in the Duchess Park Theatre.
Duchess Park Tours will take place
May 1 to 10, 2015.Students coming
from outside S.D. 57 or outside the
Duchess Park catchment area must
complete an online transfer by March
6, 2015.
Also starting on March 2 is the Purdy's Easter
Chocolate fundraiser. This is a general
fundraiser for things that the PAC funds for the
school, such as classroom funds, sports
equipment, library books and field trips. With
Purdy's fundraisers, the PAC receives 25% of
the amount on all orders placed by the school
community. The catalogue and instructions for
on-line ordering will be sent home March 2 and
the deadline for ordering is March 19. Orders
will be delivered to the school and sent home
with students on April 1. For alternate pick-up
arrangements, please email
Upcoming PAC Meeting
The next PAC meeting will be Wednesday,
March 18 at 645pm in the upstairs computer
room. Babysitting is provided! Please feel free
to bring your kids. Bring them in their pajamas
and throw them into bed when you get home!
We aim to finish meetings by 8:30 pm at the
latest, but please feel free to come late or leave
early if necessary.
There will be an “Internet Safety
Presentation” on Friday, March 6 for
grade 6/7 students from 10:00am12:00pm. We are hosting Darren Laur,
a retired policeman with a speciality in
internet safety, to speak to grade 6
and 7 students from HPES, Glenview,
Hart Highlands, and Nukko Lake about
how to protect themselves on their
electronic devices and through the
internet. We expect 220 students in
the gym. Please see above for a similar
FREE presentation for parents on
March 5, 2015 @ Vanier Hall.
CNC Dental Assisting students
will be providing cleanings, xrays and sealants for children
aged 18 and under in March and
May 2015. The cost for this
service is only $15.00 per child,
ideal for families who do not
have dental insurance
coverage. If you are interested
please call Monica Costley at
250-561-5810 for further
information. Call soon as
appointment times will be
Thank you to those parents and grandparents who have
volunteered this year at school!
To find out about current volunteer opportunities and be
put on our volunteer list for upcoming opportunities,
please email or