Spring Newsletter - Suffern Free Library


Spring Newsletter - Suffern Free Library
Thank You!
The Suffern Free Library
budget passed on March 22nd.
The Staff and Board of Trustees thank you for your continued support and hope to be
able to continue serving you
for many years to come.
Library Trustee Elections
On February 23rd, the Library
held its annual association
meeting and trustee elections.
Kathleen J. Hugh, Donalee
Berard and Christine Gigante
were re-elected for three year
Going Away?
If you are planning a trip this
summer, don't forget to suspend your holds so you won't
miss any of the items you've
been waiting for. You can do
this yourself through our
online catalog, or you can stop
by the Checkout Desk or call
the Library at (845) 357-1237.
Borrow a Nook!
We have Nooks pre-loaded
with current titles for you to
borrow. New titles will be
added for your Summer reading pleasure! We have Nooks
available for Adults, Teens and
Children. For more information or a list of titles, please
ask at the Checkout Desk.
All residents of the Ramapo Central School District are invited to register in person at the
Library for Summer Reading.
Registration: June 13 to July 30 in the Children’s Room
Don’t let your child lose up to three months’ worth of
reading progress over the summer. Join the On Your Mark, Get Set, Read 2016 Summer Reading
Program. By letting the children choose the books they want to read and making it part of their
summer fun, you can help keep them on track for the next school year.
Starting on Monday, June 27th, children 2 years-old through children entering 2nd grade can bring
in their reading log and receive stickers to decorate our Reading Boards and a new prize each
Children entering 3rd- 6th grade have the option of keeping a reading log and earning prizes or they
may play OLYMPIC BINGO. They can earn a backpack full of prizes and a ticket to a movie night.
SAVE THE DATE: June 30 is the Children’s Summer Reading Kick-Off Party! A flyer will be available
through the school’s electronic backpack in June or you can pick it up at the Library.
Registration: June 13 to July 19 at the Adult Information Desk
Join the teen summer reading club to get prizes and participate in events. Volunteer opportunities are open to all teens going into grades 7-12 this September.
The grand prize drawing will be a pair of 3-day passes to New York Comic Con.
Get in the Game Opening Ceremony Lock-in: Friday, June 24th from 6:30-9:00PM
We’ll have a truck filled with video games in the Library parking lot, as well as free food and summer reading bags! Remember to register.
Registration: June 23 to August 4 at the Adult Information Desk
Give your brain a workout this summer! Stretch your mental muscle and
join our annual summer reading club. Explore all the ways you can boost
your own thinking, learning, and memory while earning prizes along the
way by attending book discussions, writing short, easy book reviews,
playing exercise-your-mind bingo, completing game sheets and/or attending Library sponsored
adult events. Members will also be entered into our grand, end-of-summer prize drawing.
Children’s Room
Spring 2016
Drop-In Programs
Make a Mother & Father’s Day Card
Walk-In Storytime
Held the first and third Saturdays of the month.
Drop in and make a special card. Parents must remain with
children. RSCD residents only.
 10:15AM for children up to age 3
 11:15AM for ages 3-6
Newborn to 2 Year- Old Storytimes
 Fridays, May 6 to June 10 from 10:15-10:45AM
Drop In Stories for Kids 2 Years-Old and Up
 Thursdays, May 5, 12, 26 from 11:15-11:45AM
 Fridays, May 6, 13, 20 from 11:15-11:45AM
Drop In Art for 3-5 Year-Olds
 Tuesdays, May 3, 10, 24, 31 from 2:00-2:30PM
Drop In LEGO© for Ages 4 and Up
 Fourth Saturday of every month. 10AM-4:30PM.
3rd-6th Grade Arts & Crafts Club
Craft time will be held from 4:30-5:30PM Wednesdays:
 May 4: Pom Pom Tree
 June 1: Paint Chip Butterfly
Register online one week prior to the program date.
K-2nd Grade Arts & Crafts Club
Craft time will be held from 4:30-5:00PM Tuesdays:
 May 10: Crayon and Watercolor Resist Art
 June 14: Plastic Egg Animals
Register online one week prior to the program date.
Mad Science
Space Technology. Sessions run from 5:00-5:45PM on:
 May 2: K-2nd graders; May 5: 3rd-6th graders
Living In Space. Sessions run from 5:00-5:45PM on:
 June 2: 3rd-6th graders; June 6: K-2nd graders
Interact with an App
Tuesday, May 17 from 2:00-2:30PM. Parents and children,
join Miss Kim and learn about interactive educational apps.
For kids 3 years-old and up with parent and device.
Turn Off The Screen Week: May 2-6
The Children’s Room will be celebrating Turn Off the Screen
Week by turning off the computers in the room. The
Librarians will be reading special books in the toddler area all
week. So sit back, relax and listen to a book.
Plant a Tree
The Ramapo Valley Garden Club is joining us with
some saplings to plant. First, we will decorate a pot
and then we will plant. Join us for this special event.
 May 21 from 2:00-2:30PM for K and up
 May 1 from 12-4:30PM: Mother’s Day Card
 June 12 from 12-4:30PM: Father’s Day Card
Discovery Zone for 3-5 Year Olds
May: All About Shapes
 Mondays: May 9, 16, 23 from 2:00-2:30PM
 Thursdays: May 12, 19, 26 from 2:00-2:30PM
(Registration begins 04/18)
June: All About Art
 Mondays: June 6, 13, 20 from 2:00-2:30PM
 Thursdays: June 2, 9, 16 from 2:00-2:30PM
(Registration begins 05/23)
Elementary Explorers for K-2nd Graders
Wednesdays: May 11, 18, 25 from 4:30-5PM for K
Thursdays: May 12, 19, 26 from 4:30-5:15 for 1st –2nd
(Registration begins 04/27)
Book Discussions
Tween’ Book Discussions
Thursdays from 7:30-8:15PM
Upcoming titles and dates are as follows:
 May 19: Call It Courage
 June 16: Little Princess
Books will be available at the children’s information desk the
day after the previous discussion. Open to 4th-6th graders.
Just For Gals Book Discussion
Hey girls, join Miss Kim on July 5 from 7:30-8:15PM for a
discussion of London Eye Mystery. Grab your Mom, your
Grandma, Aunt, Cousin or friend. Sign up and pick up a book
as early as June 4. Open to 4th-6th graders.
*All children’s book discussion are sponsored by the Book Sale
Group. Please support our book sales and remember to thank our
volunteers when you see them.
Summer Storytime Registration
All registration will be done online. You can do the registration
from home, at the library or over the phone (357-1237)
beginning at 10AM on Tuesday, June 7.
You will ONLY hear from us if there is a problem with your registration.
To see exact date of the storytime and for further information, please
pick up a flyer at the children’s reference desk or check the website at
All children’s programs are open to residents of the
Ramapo Central School District. Register online at
www.suffernfreelibrary.org, unless otherwise noted.
Teen Scene
Spring 2016
Teen programs are open to residents of the Ramapo Central School District. Register online at www.suffernfreelibrary.org.
Suffern Teen Advisory Council (STAC)
Are you in grades 7-12 and looking for volunteer hours? Perhaps you want to have a
say in what teen materials the Library purchases or what events we have. Or maybe
you just want free food. Either way, check
out our up-coming meetings!
 Monday, May 2nd, 7-8PM
 Monday, June 6th, 7-8PM
Anime Club
Each month we’ll watch an episode of an anime, then discuss our favorite anime and manga, talk about anime/
manga news, and vote for possibilities for the next month’s
meeting. Our meetings will be held in the Arts & Crafts
 Monday, May 9 , 7-8PM
 Monday, June 13 , 7-8PM
Friday Night Lock-Ins
A guardian is required to walk the attending teen in to the
Library to sign in and fill out appropriate permission slips. Remember to register online so
that we know how much pizza, snacks and
drinks to provide.
Sports Window Painting Lock-In (Grades 7-12):
We’ll be painting the windows in the cafe area
and the teen room to celebrate the sports and
games theme for this year’s Summer Reading
Club. Join us for 2.5 hours of volunteer work while getting
free food and having fun. Register online.
 Friday, May 13th from 6:30-9:00PM
“Get In the Game” Opening Ceremony
See front page for details.
 Friday, June 24th from 6:30-9:00PM
Book Clubs for Teens
Teen Self Defense Class
Join Jennifer C. on Monday nights in the
Young Adult Room to discuss teen
books. Sign up and pick up your books
at the Adult Information Desk.
7th-9th Grades:
 Monday, May 16th, 6-7PM: Counting by 7s by Holly
Goldberg Sloan
 Monday, June 20th, 7:30-8:30PM: Drama by
Raina Telgemeier
10 -12 Grades:
 Monday, May 16th, 7:30-8:30PM: Batman
(The New 52), Volume 1: The Court of Owls
 Monday, June 20th, 7:30-8:30PM: Sabriel by Garth
Teens will learn how to protect themselves in an hour-long
class taught by Master Portante. This event will get you a
stamp in your Summer Reading log. Please register online
and remember to wear loose fitting clothing.
 Monday, June 27 , 7-8PM
Babysitting Class
Teens between the ages of 12-17 can attend a two-night class at the Library to get
babysitter certification from the American
Red Cross. Only 15 teens can participate so
make sure to register ASAP at the Adult
Information Desk. There is a $25 per teen
fee due at registration. (Teens must attend both classes.)
 Monday, May 2nd and Wednesday, May 4th from
Soccer Game
Join us in the backyard of the Library for a casual game
of outdoor soccer, weather permitting. This event will
get you a stamp in your Summer Reading log. Register
 Wednesday, June 29 , 6-7PM
Battle of the Books Meeting
Learn more about the annual Battle of the Books competition and joining the Suffern/Sloatsburg team.
 Wednesday, June 29 , 7:30-8:30PM
Join the Teen Summer Reading Club
Registration begins June 13.
Adult E
Foreign Films
Tuesdays, May 10, 17, 24, 31 at 11AM
Join us for a series of films such as A Matter of Size (Israeli), Mustang (Turkey), Son of Saul (Hungary). Pick up a flyer at the Library
for more information.
project developed, stages of the build, what you will see now and
what will come in the future. Environmental and logistical concerns
are explained as well as the removal of the old bridge, and a discussion of the 3.1 mile long shared use path. Questions will be answered.
2016 Academy Award Films
Thursdays from May 12 to June 16 at 11AM
 May 12: Spotlight
 May 19: Bridge of Spies
 May 26: The Big Short
 June 2: Brooklyn
 June 9: The Martian
 June 16: Room
Medicare 101: Everything You Need to Know About Medicare
Thursday, May 12 at 7PM
Close to retirement? The Rockland County Office for the Aging
will tell you everything you need to know about Medicare. This
workshop is especially useful for people who will soon be eligible
for Medicare. Register online at www.suffernfreelibrary.org.
For more information on these films, pick up a flyer at the library or visit
our website at www.suffernfreelibrary.org.
Medicine Garden: Wednesday, May 4 at 7PM
The building of the Ramapough Medicine Garden at the Well Field
offers an opportunity to reclaim a damaged watershed with both
contemporary scientific methodology, as well as Indigenous Knowledge. Join us for this interesting lecture by Chuck Stead of the Town
of Ramapo.
Reading the Woods with “Doc” Bayne ∙ Thursday, May 5 at 7PM
What is living in the woods? How do you know what is there
or what is not there? You just need to know what to look for!
Come and learn the tell-tale signs of the forest so that next
time you hike you will know what lurks in the woods you are
walking in. Donald “Doc” Bayne is a former Environmental Educator
at Sterling Forest and leads many educational hikes in the Hudson
Valley. Register online at www.suffernfreelibrary.org.
Poetry Roundtable ∙ Third Monday of the month at 7PM
If you love poetry, you’ll love our roundtable. Join us for
this informal gathering where you can read either an original poem, or just your favorite poem. Please bring 8 copies.
Color Me Calm ∙ Fridays at 1:30PM (except June 24)
Come experience the new adult coloring phenomenon! Experience
coloring to de-stress and relax while you meet new people and
make new friends. Join us for an hour on Fridays. Materials will be
provided but you are welcome to bring your own.
Mother’s Day Card-Making Workshop
Saturday, May 7 from 11AM-1PM
Join Meryl Raffman for a card-making workshop where you
will have the opportunity to make 4 cards and 4 envelopes.
There is an $8 materials fee. Please register and pay at the
Adult Information Desk. Adults and kids ages 10 and up, accompanied by an adult, are welcome to register.
Tappan Zee Bridge Update: Wednesday, May 11 at 7PM
The New NY Bridge Community Outreach presentation covers the
scope of the ongoing New NY Bridge Project. It tells you how the
Adult Events are open to the general public. Please check online for
registration details: www.suffernfreelibrary.org.
Color Along with Curly’s Mojo: Friday, May 13 at 1:30PM
Meet Howard “Curly” Greenberg, author of adult and children’s
coloring books. Curly will lead a coloring session that will be educational, as well as fun. But most of all, it will be relaxing and stressfree. All coloring materials will be supplied. Register online.
Escape from Behind Enemy Lines: Operation Bonaparte
Saturday, May 14 at 1:30PM
The Shelburne Line was a World War II escape network operating in
occupied France which returned 136 allied servicemen to England.
The French Resistance located downed airmen and hid them from
the Nazis utilizing a series of safe-houses. Once a month—during
dark of the moon—the men were transported to the Brittany coast
to meet a British Motor Gun Boat which would return them to England. Join Rick Feingold, as he recounts the story of how his father,
Lt. Louis Feingold, a B-17 U.S. Army Air Corps navigator, escaped
Nazi capture. Feingold’s escape story is told using letters, maps,
photos, and the original fake identity cards.
Understanding Addiction and Recovery
Tuesday, May 17 at 7PM
How does addiction happen? What can an addicted person do to
recover? How can I support a person in recovery? What happens in
the family when someone is addicted? How does addiction change
relationships? Join us for an informational session where we will
discuss these questions and some of your own. Presenter, Chris
DeTora, is a Certified Addiction Recovery Coach and a coach trainer.
The Softer Side of Spring: Wednesday, May 18 at 7PM
Join us as Ken Norman AIFD, PFCI of Floral Inspirations in Lewes,
Delaware reveals the trending color palettes for the new season. Learn who determines these color directions and how
they are established. Watch as Ken demonstrates how to
choose flowers and foliage as they pertain to trending color
schemes. Paired with both unique and common plant materials, spring floral designs come to life to be enjoyed for any occasion
or no occasion at all. WARNING: The exposure to fresh flowers may
induce smiles and emotions of tranquility and serenity during this
Mah Jongg Classes: Thursdays, May 26, June 2, 9, 16, July 7 at 2PM
Beginners and amateurs can join this class to improve their Mah
Jongg skills. You will learn the basic rules including passing tiles,
indispensable strategies, and invaluable betting tactics. Master a
social, competitive game that requires practice, strategy...and a
little bit of luck! Space is limited to 12. Register online.
Chair Yoga Classes
Fridays, May 27, June 3, 10, 17 at 11AM
If you have difficulty walking, bending or stretching, this class will
help open you up to movement. Instructor, Helene Byron, was able
to use yoga to regain her ability to walk, after having lost it due to a
debilitating disease. She was eventually able to become a certified
yoga instructor. Register online at www.suffernfreelibrary.org.
Don’t Wait, Meditate: Saturday, June 4 at 11AM
Stress, anxiety, depression, emotional and physical symptoms can
be relieved or eliminated by meditation. You can learn this simple,
direct method of stilling the body and mind in just a few minutes.
Join Dr. Frank Pawlowski, long time meditator, for a fascinating and
life-transforming experience of accurate meditation. Everyone who
attends will be given a personal demonstration of jyoti meditation.
American Impressionist Gardens with Irene Wisoff
Wednesday, June 8 at 1PM
Late 19th century American artists who traveled to France and studied there were inspired by Monet’s renowned gardens at Giverny.
They created paintings with an impressionist technique that featured gardens as the subject or as background landscapes. During
Spring and Summer 2016, a garden-wide exhibition at the NY Bronx
Botanical Garden will display original artworks and create amazing
gardens that evoke paintings by American Impressionists including
John Singer Sargent and Childe Haasam.
Wine Lovers Journey: Off the Beaten Path
Wednesday, June 8 at 7PM
There are over 5000 different varietals of wine. Join us as we
explore wines you may not have known about before. Open to
people ages 21 plus. Please bring your own wine glass. There is a
$3 wine fee due in cash at the class. Register in advance online. Only
those who register will be allowed into the class.
Summer Picnic Painting Instruction
Tuesday, June 14 at 6:30PM
Please join us for a summertime painting class! In this class we
will paint watermelons together. Jessica will instruct you
through each of the steps to arrive at a beautifully painted
summer picnic table covered with fresh and juicy watermelons. A
butterfly will join the scene to add the perfect touch of summer fun.
All experience levels are welcome. Register in advance at the Adult
Information Desk. There is a $10 materials fee due at registration.
Great Decisions Foreign Policy Discussion Group
First Tuesday of the month at 7:15PM
Join our foreign policy discussion group designed to engage citizens
in learning about the world. Each session begins with a 15-minute
video to introduce the topic.
 May 3: Migration
 June 7: The Koreas
Adult Book Discussion
Third Tuesday of the month at 7:30PM
 May 17: Buckingham Palace Gardens by Anne Perry
 June 17: The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the
Window and Disappeared by Jonas Jonasson
Forever Young: Doo Wop and Oldies
Sunday, May 15 at 1:30PM
Forever Young has a reputation as one of the
area’s premier oldies bands. This 6-member
band will entertain us with music from the
1950s, 60s and 70s such as Dion & the Belmonts, The Duprees, Elvis,
Eric Clapton, The Platters and more.
A Tribute to America in Anthems, Marches and Songs
Sunday, May 22 at 1:30PM
Dr. Louis Orazio presents A Tribute to America. From the time of our
country’s founding fathers to today, the narrative of American history is overflowing with the names and events of
courage, adventure, scientific discovery and creativity in the
arts. In the arts, there is no finer expression of American
image than in its patriotic marches, traditional and spiritual
hymns, songs, jazz, and other music which depicts the character of its people and beauty of the land. This program will include
traditional melodies as well as compositions by John Phillip Sousa,
George Gershwin, Scott Joplin, Samuel Ward, Irving Berlin, Antonin
Dvorak and Ferde Grofe.
A History of the 1950s & 60s through Popular Song
Sunday, June 5 at 1:30PM
Marc Black performs a wide range of popular
songs including surprising favorites like Itsy Bitsy
Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini, great rock
tunes like Blue Suede Shoes and moving folk songs
like Bob Dylan’s Blowin’ in the Wind. Marc Black’s
songs come to life during this performance with an
interesting slide show backdrop.
Suffern High School Jazz Ensemble Concert
Tuesday, June 7 at 7:30PM
Randy Schwartz is back with the young musicians of the SHS Jazz
Ensemble. In this smaller concert at the Library, they will have an
opportunity to highlight some of the seniors in a special way.
The Art of Time: Violin and Piano Concert
Sunday, June 12 at 1:30PM
Time serves as a basic organizing function in music, and composers have long sought to push our
sensory boundaries of it. But to what extent can
time as a larger force influence the creation of art?
Violinist Madeleine Jansen and pianist Anna Whistler present an exciting, varied program that explores the inseparability of music from time through the performance and discussion of
works by Beethoven, Debussy, Satoh, and Piazzolla.
Novel Ideas Book Discussion Group
Fourth Thursday of the month at 3PM
 May 26: Nora Webster by Colm Tóibín
 June 23: The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage
Permit #1203
Monsey, NY
210 Lafayette Ave.
Suffern, NY 10901
Phone: (845) 357-1237
Fax: (845) 357-3156
Web: www.suffernfreelibrary.org
Email: askus@suffernfreelibrary.org
Monday - Thursday: 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Friday - Saturday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
12 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Library Closed: May 30, 2016
The Board of Trustees meets the fourth
Tuesday of the month at 8PM. Open to the
general public.
Current Resident
Craig H. Long, President
Warren E. Berbit, V. President
Mario F. Pensa, Treasurer
Christine Gigante, Secretary
Donalee Berard
Kathleen J. Hugh
Amy MacKenzie
Michael Minevich
Joyce Nencetti
NEW!! Cookbook Club
Carol Connell Cannon
Wednesday, June 15 at 7PM
Upcoming Book Sale
Friday, June 24 from 10AM to 4PM
Saturday, June 25 from 10AM to 2PM
Join our new cookbook club. Each
month, we will select a cookbook which
will be available for you to browse through at the Adult
Information Desk. You can select a recipe that you would
like to share with the group. Then, on June 15th, you can
bring your dish to the meeting. We will have an opportunity to eat, talk about our recipes and share cooking tips.
Register and pick up your recipe at the Adult Information
Ramapo Central School District
Student Exhibit
Through the month of May
Coming Soon!! New Scanners
Paintings by Simon Jeruchim
Through the month of June
Opening Reception:
Saturday, June 4
We will soon have new scanners at the Checkout Desk
that will be able to read your library card
barcode from a Smartphone or other electronic device. Please note that other libraries may not have similar technology and
may still require you to present your library
card for service.