Giants On The Earth


Giants On The Earth
“Giants often have six fingers and six toes.
Note: this X-ray of a six-fingered giant
Many in the Illuminati Royal Families had
6 fingered Hands. (Reptilian Blood lines)
For the past seven
years, Quayle has
articulated the
need for Americans to be aware
of bioterrorism and
weapons of mass
Quayle has completed his latest
Steve has up-to-date
info on all relevant
topics on his website
and also an online
radio broadcast. We
have down loaded
many, many mp3 files
on nephilim etc from
talkback shows, very
important for the
Christian to keep informed in these dangerous last days, to win people for Christ before the
Tribulation “orge” (wrath) of God comes on the left
behind after the rapture. MP3s available on request.
The amazing revelation that
GIANTS are back on the earth in
increasing numbers makes any
Bible-based Christian think of
our Lord’s words:
“ But as the days of Noe were,
so shall also the coming
of the Son of man be” Matthew 24:37.
There were giants on earth before the Great Flood
(and in the land of Canaan later on):
Deuteronomy 2:20; 3:13; and Joshua 17:15 et al.
DESPATCH has gathered three booklets on this startling subject
for your perusal. These are only the tip of the iceberg.
1. GIANTS IN ISRAEL. From Barry Chamish, a reliable and sound reporter and investigator, a Jew who lives in Israel.
2. GIANTS IN THE SOLOMON ISLANDS. This is a report from a most
concerned and astonished man, an Australian, Marius Boirayon
3. GIANTS IN HISTORY, from Stephen Quayle.
Read these reports, bring together the various points of information, and prepare yourselves for strange events in the future.
Unless, that is, we soon leave this fallen world in the RAPTURE!
Access our website [] for detailed info on the
truth about the pre-millennial, pre-trib rapture. Find out about “orge” the
wrath of God.
watcher website ufos and the bible pages
Strange UFO
Sightings in Israel...
Are Giants Returning
to the Holy Land?
by Barry Chamish
Are the Anakim or the Rephaim, the giants of the Bible, returning to Israel today? There are only two periods
of recorded history when giants were reported in Israel; In
biblical days from the time of the Flood to the ascension of
King David and since 1993 in modern Israel.
The case for the return of giants to Israel is strong. In
fact, what characterizes the current Israeli UFO wave from
others in the world, is the sheer abundance of physical
evidence left behind by the visitors. Consider the first incident to usher Israel into the UFO age.
On the evening of Sept. 28, 1987, a 27 year old auto
mechanic, Ami Achrai was driving just south of Haifa when
he saw what he thought might be a helicopter in distress
hovering just above the sands of Shikmona Beach on the
Mediterranean Sea. He stopped his car and to his utter
amazement saw a disc-shaped craft which emitted a bright
red flash before disappearing.
We have used Barry’s
material before in Despatch;
we also have a lot of his books
gratis from himself.
Born in W innipeg, Canada,
1952. Education - University of
Manitoba, 1974, MA Hebrew
University of Jerusalem 1979.
Barry Chamish is Israel's
most controversial writer. Ten
years ago he claimed in his
best-selling book, Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin, that the
prime minister was murdered in
a coup from within his own
party. In the past 3 years every
major news paper poll has
proved the majority of Israelis
support Chamish. The Israeli
government's answer was
to smear Chamish with ugly
web sites, rumors and violent
accidents. Tired of the harassment, and fearing for his life,
Barry Chamish went to the
U.S.A. for several months and
offered his lectures to congregations or organizations.
Barry believes, that a
sec ond holocaus t is being
engineered in Israel at this
time and that soon Israel will
cease to exist as we know it; it
will become a c ountry with
out borders, and Jerusalem will
become a multinational city, run
by a team that includes the
The chronicler also notes the booming voices of these giants. Two of them were apparently
brought aboard Magellan’s flagship but died during their crossing; whether their remains
were thrown overboard is not known.
Apparently Francis Drake caught them on a bad day when he pulled into Bahía San
Julián in 1578: his forces skirmished with the “large men” who lived there, and the British
sea-dog lost two of his sailors to them. Fifteen years later, Anthony Knyvet passed through
the Straits of Magellan and confirmed sightings of the Patagones, reporting that some of
them stood a towering 12 feet tall.
In the fall of 1962, some strange human remains were found in the vicinity of the
Torres del Paine mountain peaks: they were those of a man who had stood between two
and a half and three meters tall, and dated to an antiquity of 500 years. Proof that the
Patagonian giants were not merely traveler’s tales?
In a 1995 interview with Alfonso Serra, Catalonian mystery writer Miguel Aracil mentioned
that an article of his had caused an uproar among Spain’s intellectual community when he
levelled the accusation that some of that country’s museums held in their collections bones
that proved the existence of giant humans. The maverick writer had been aided in this effort
by a physician, Ana Capella, and a cartographer, Fernando Ledesma.
Aracil’s work suggests that the entire region of the Pyrenées—the mountain range
separating Spain from France—was the home of true giants who may still endure to this
day, becoming the source of numerous Bigfoot accounts. A considerable number of giant
skeletons, he argues, have been unearthed beside the megalithic dolmen of Oren in the
Cerdanya region. They were in the custody of a man in the village of Prullans until they
were turned over to the Barcelona Museum of Archaeology, where they vanished altogether or were perhaps even destroyed.
The remains of a three-meter-tall giant were found at Garós (Pirineo de Lleida)
according to another Catalonian researcher, Joan Obiols. The town priest was among those
who studied the impressive bones, which have since vanished, causing some to believe
that these remains were absconded with in order to preserve the anthropological and
paleonthological status quo.
“Both archaeology and history are °©giants with feet of clay,” writes Miguel Aracil
in one of his magazine articles. “Whenever it rains, so to speak, and new archaeological
finds take place, their feet weaken further.”
What would the lore of all human cultures be like
without the presence of giants?
They are a fixture of folk tales and myth from Europe and the Americas to the farthest
reaches of Asia. They are mentioned with equal ease in holy books and in fairy tales. Giants
fill us with wonder and not inconsiderable envy as we marvel at their strength and feats.
Those dwelling in the Middle Ages, caught in the turbulence of their troubled times, ascribed the engineering achievements of the Roman Empire to the work of giants. Giants
may have been relegated to the realms of fable and sword-and-sorcery novels, but there
is considerable evidence that beings of great size shared our world in primeval times.
This belief was apparently borne out by the unearthing of giant remains while the
Spaniards built their new civilization over the ruins of the Aztec Empire. The Franciscan
Diego Durán reportedly saw with his own eyes the remains of giants, while another monk,
Gerónimo de Mendieta, confirmed the claim that the ancestors of the conquered Mexicans
had found it necessary to fight against giants.
Coexistence with this other species, therefore, was seemingly impossible. The
Quinametzin, or more properly said, quinametzin hueytlacame (“great deformed men”)
were eventually forced out of Mexico proper on a southward migration along the Pacific
Coast, although others headed north. Fray J. Mariano Rothea summed up this belief: “…in
very ancient times there came men and women of extraordinary height, seemingly in flight
from the North. Some of them went along the coast of the Southern Sea, while others took
to the rough mountainsides…”
Fray Andrés de Olmos, writing in the 16th century, mentions a curious detail: the
Mexican giants nourished themselves on oak acorns and a variety of weeds. This detail
contained in the codices enables us to contemplate a strange possibility: could the
Quinametzin have survived into our present age under the guise of the tall, hirsute simian
beings known as Bigfoot, Yeti, Sasquatch, and myriad other denominations? Those interviewed by the Colonial-era chroniclers explained that tradition held that those giants who
were not exterminated by normal-sized humans were chased into the wilderness, where
remnants of their race still endure.
Two days later he returned to the site with a ufologist the police referred him to,
Hadassah Arbel. What they discovered remains one of the most lasting proofs ever left by
a UFO of its physical existence. The flash emitted by the craft burned its image into the
sands of Shikmona Beach. A fifteen meter ellipsoid disk was burnt black into the sand but
what was more interesting was what wasn't burned. In the vegetation which wasn't burned
was a clear image of the pilot of the craft facing a control board.
Pedro Cieza de Leon, a chaplain who accompanied the handful of Spaniards who
managed to overthrow the powerful Inca Empire in the 1500s, collected a curious and
highly significant piece of information concerning giants: the natives had been astonished
and terrified to see a reed raft arrive on their shores bearing a shipload of beings “so tall that
from the knee down they were as big as the full length of an ordinary fair-sized man…”
There was nothing gentle about these giants: Cieza’s informants described them as having
a hideous appearance, clad in animal skins or naked, and bent on raping and murdering.
Could this band of pillagers have formed part of the southward migration of giants
described in the Mexican chronicles compiled by the Jesuit Rothea? Zecharia Sitchin’s The
Lost Realms (Avon, 1990) echoes this account in the chronicles collected by Fernando
Montesinos, a Spanish visitor to Peru who mentioned an old Inca tradition describing the
colonization of the Peruvian coastal plain by “men of great stature” equipped with metal
tools. The depredations of these giants ended when a “heavenly fire” consumed them all.
Could descendants of these Quinametzin have wound up in distant Argentina, at
the very end of the Americas? Antonio Pigafetta, who chronicled Ferdinand Magellan’s
circumnavigation of the world, described an encounter with giant natives in Bahía San
Julián in the year 1520. Standing two meters tall, according to the chronicler, these imposing presences covered their feet in animal skins, making them look even larger (hence the
description patagones or bigfeet being applied to them, and later extended to the landmass
as Patagonia).
“One day,” writes Pigafetta, “when the first traces of southern spring became visible, we witnessed the arrival of a native, the first our eyes had beheld. He was a giant, and
his feet seemed so large that one of our men dubbed him Patagón. We were able to soothe
him little by little and his distrust vanished to the point that he presented the rest of his tribe
to us, who were as large as he and just as voracious.”
Seven years later I sent samples of the burnt sand to the television show Sightings
which subjected it to laboratory tests. The sand seemed to melt in the heat of the camera
light. The reason later discovered was the sand particles were covered by a low melting
hydrocarbon material. The laboratory could find no natural or human explanation for the
Ami Achrai's incident was followed by a repeat performance on June 6, 1988 when
a similarly shaped craft was once again burned into the sands of Shikmona Beach, about
100 yards north of the first site. This was followed by the most spectacular display of all. On
April 27, 1989, two teenagers witnessed a UFO explode into thousands of shards over
Shikmona Beach.
By now, Israeli ufologist were prepared to handle the latest incident more scientifically. The beach was strewn with burning white metal which was cool to the touch. The
metal even glowed in water. When picked up, the shards turned into a white ash. Scientists
from the Technion Institute of Technology tested the site and found that magnetism was
6000 times higher than the surrounding area. The shards were found to be very pure magnesium.
Two hundred yards above Shikmona Beach is a biblical shrine called Elijah's cave.
Here Elijah preached and here or somewhere nearby in the Carmel Mountains, Elijah
challenged the Canaanites to a duel of Gods. Two bulls were tethered and the gods were
beseeched to roast them. Naturally, Baal failed the Canaanites but Elijah's God sent a ray of
light from heaven which cooked the bull on the spot. This ray must have been similar to the
kind of beam which burned the sands of Shikmona Beach into a saucer shape. [watcher
comments: The ray which Elijah's God sent from heaven was similar to the that which
burned the sand into a saucer shape, but not for the reason Chamish is suggesting. While
the power source of Chamish's two rays are distinct, the similarity results from the masterful
counterfeiting by rebel angels masquerading as aliens in UFOs. Satan and his rebel angels
seek to IMITATE & COUNTERFEIT the Creator, or as satan declares: "I will be compared to
the Most High - Isaiah 14:13"]
Within the Cave of Elijah is an ancient drawing of something that was the spitting
image of the craft burned into the sands below. The Sightings team decided the image "was
a coincidence. Maybe it was a bat." When Michael Hesemann filmed the drawing he left
certain it was a match for the burned sand pictures.
Although the cave drawing's meaning is in dispute, the fact of the modern UFOburned inscriptions is not. Something unique occurred at Shikmona Beach. Alien craft
decided to leave souvenirs there at least three times. By doing so, they revealed the dimensions of their craft and apparently pilot, as well as their construction material. These were
not crop circles nor were they formed the same way. A very different message was left on
Shikmona Beach's sands.
After the UFO explosion, there was a hiatus of UFO activity until 1993 broken only
once in late 1991 over the village of Sde Moshe, some five miles from Kadima. There, after
two straight nights of having the inside of his house lit up by an unexplained craft hovering
above it, Eli Cohen captured the responsible UFO on videotape. Several minutes of the
tape were filmed after daybreak making the result a most clear and convincing record of a
It seems the visitors were merely scouting the Kadima area in 1991 but they returned
in force in 1993. And this time, the occupants of the crafts did more than merely hover in
the sky.
In the early morning of April 20, Tsiporet Carmel's house glowed from within. She
stepped outside and saw what she thought was a new fruit silo built outside her back yard.
But then she saw the silo add a second storey to itself. Ten yards to the side of this magical
silo, Tsiporet saw a seven foot tall being wearing metallic overalls. Its head was covered in
a what looked like a beekeeper's hat. Tsiporet said, "Why don't you take off your hat so I
can see your face?" The being answered her telepathically, "That's the way it is."
This was Israel's first publicized close encounter with an alien being. Tsiporet could
easily have been made an object of ridicule but for the fact that a crop circle 4.5 metres in
diameter was found exactly where she had seen the craft. Within the circle were shards of
a material later found to be a very pure silicon. I add, Israel's ufologist are divided over the
their inability to take on the colossal dwellers of the new land, namely Ahiman, Seshai, and
Talmai, descendants of the mighty Anak.
“The country we explored, they said, will swallow up any who go to live in it. All
the people we saw there are men of gigantic size. When we set sight on [the Anakim] we
felt no bigger than grasshoppers…” (Numbers 13:32–33). The sense of hopelessness that
Moses’s scouting party must have felt at the prospect of fighting these giants is repeated
once more: “Our kinsmen have discouraged us by their report of a people bigger and taller
than we are, and of great cities with fortifications towering to the sky. And they told us they
saw there the descendants of the Anakim” (Deuteronomy 1:28). “Who can withstand the
sons of Anak?” they ask despairingly at one point.
As if the Anakim weren’t enough, the Israelites had to face Og of Bashan, “the sole
survivor of the Rephaim.” The Scriptures tell us that this gargantuan monarch was buried in
a basalt sarcophagus measuring 14 feet long by 6 feet wide. But a “devouring fire” (generated perhaps by the Ark of the Covenant?) destroyed the giant Anakim throughout Judah
and Israel, leaving isolated survivors in the coastal cities of Gaza, Askalon, and Gath, this
latter site perhaps best known as the birthplace of the nine-foot-tall armored giant Goliath
who faced the young David. Yet the legendary defeat of this towering presence did not
appear to bring an end to the giants in the holy land. The Book of Samuel gives us the
names of other colossi, such as Benob and Saph “who died in the battle of Gob,” and an
unnamed giant suffering from polydactylism (II Samuel 21:20).
Further giant-slaying appears in I Chronicles 20:4–8 when discussing the prowess
of King David and his victories against all adversaries: “…Sibecai slew Sipai, of the descendants of the giants…and Elhanan son of Jair slew Lahmi, brother of Goliath, whose
spear was as big as a weaver’s beam…these were the descendants of the giants in Gath.”
As the bloodthirsty Nuño de Guzmán pushed his way into northern Mexico to
establish the province known as Nueva Galicia, he arrived at the site of modern Guadalajara
and was startled to see a number of deserted cities of large size. His interpreters told him
that these ruins were the foundations of the population centers occupied by the giant
Quinametzin. Who were these unknown entities?
Obras Históricas, a treatise written by an early chronicler of Mexican history,
Fernando Ixtilxochitl, discusses the belief among the Chichimec people of north central
Mexico that the earliest arrivals in Mesoamerica had to displace a race of giants who
occupied the land, echoing the exploits of Joshua on the other side of the world. Strife
between the Quinametzin and ordinary humans appears to have been widespread, and
memories of this war with another species were not confined to a given region. The Tlaxcalans
who allied themselves with Mexico’s European conquerors told as much to Bernal Díaz
del Castillo, who mentions it in his Crónica de la Nueva España: “…their ancestors had
shared the land with men and women of very tall bodies and large bones, and since they
were very wicked and ill mannered, [the ancestors] slew them in combat, and what remained of them died out. In order that we might see how large these men were, they
brought us one of their leg bones, which was rough and as long as the height of a normalsized man. We were stunned upon seeing those bones and believed that there must have
been giants in that country. Our captain Cortés said that it would be proper to send this
bone back to Castille, so that His Majesty might see it. We therefore sent it, entrusting it to
the first of our agents to go there…”
Giants: Fact or Fiction?
For more in-depth information, check Steve
Quayle Site re Genesis 6 Giants
His latest book “Giants” available now!
May 2006
By Scott Corrales
Fate Magazine
The autobiography of the Tibetan lama
Chagdud Tulku (Lord of the Dance, California: Padma
Press, 1992, pp. 110–111) contains a fascinating reference to a Tibetan mountain giant and how a seeker of
mystical relics was able to come across its remains.
While on their way to the monastery of Chudo
Gompa in the mountains to witness dancing and ceremonial pageantry, the lama and his retinue came
across a stupa marking the site where the legendary
hero Gesar had entombed a slain giantess in ages past. A few months prior to Chagdud
Tulku’s arrival, he writes, a seeker of treasure and holy relics known as a terton had stopped
by the monastery to challenge the assertion that any unknown entity had been buried at
that spot long ago. He had it on good authority, as the terton professed to be the incarnation
of Shanpa, the hero Gesar’s companion.
“I was here when we put her under a big rock by the river,” he challenged the
monks, urging them to prove him false by digging at the indicated spot.
His challenge was taken up and hasty excavations soon began at a location marked
by the terton with a 25-foot circle. The digging took days, but a massive stone disk was
found at the bottom; excitedly, the monks summoned the treasure finder to show him the
results of their efforts.
“He supervised as they wedged poles under the rock to pry it up and support it,”
writes Chagdud Tulku, and the monks and their gang of laborers were able to remove the
massive remains, “the bones of a giantess whose upper arm had been more than five feet
long.” The author adds that these mountain ogres had at once been endemic to the region
and feasted on hapless humans until eliminated by the legendary hero. Because this was
not an archaeological dig but an effort to ascertain the powers of the treasure hunter, the
massive bones were returned to the site of their entombment and the stone disk placed over
them once more.
At this point we can only wonder if those remains, so carefully buried in a distant
age and concealed under a seemingly man-made stone disk, belonged to some extinct
animal of the Pleistocene megafauna. Perhaps they were indeed the remains of one of the
giants that has haunted human imagination since the dawn of time in every continent and
every culture.
Giants and larger-than-human beings have played a major role in the development
of many cultures, harkening back to the Biblical Anakim who occupied certain locations of
the land of Canaan, according to the Pentateuch, where the Israelites complain to Moses of
veracity of the silicon because there was a prankster loose in Kadima.
However, within ten days, two more circles were found just outside Tsiporet's back
yard. This time, they were soaked with a red liquid and this fluid would be a constant
feature of upcoming landing circles. It was tested by the National Biological Laboratory in
Ness Tziona and found to be composed mostly of cadmium.
This was the end of Tsiporet's incidents. Now the visitors concentrated on two other
woman in their late thirties living on Hapalmach Street. The first was a Russian immigrant
Mara. Strange forces shook her house so hard they caused the outside air-conditioning unit
to fall out of its casing into the house. Voices called to Mara in her childhood nickname.
Eventually she decided the house was haunted and she moved far from Kadima.
Shosh Yahud is the treasurer of the town of Kadima. She is down to earth and wants as
little to do with her UFO experience as possible. In May, she awoke to see a seven foot,
round faced being in silvery overalls circling her bed as if "floating on his shoes." The
creature assured her he was not there to harm her and she became relaxed. After a few
minutes the being floated through her wall outside.
Shosh thought she had dreamed the incident until she looked out her window in the
morning and saw a 4.5 meter crop circle in her backyard. The ufologist descended on her
home and discovered the silicon and cadmium within the circle.
Next, in June, it was Hannah Somech's turn to be visited by a giant. Hannah lives in
Burgata, three miles from Kadima. She was startled to see her dog go flying across the
kitchen into a wall. She stepped outside to investigate and her way was stopped by an
invisible force. She then saw a seven foot, round-faced being in metallic overalls examining her pick-up truck. She said to it, "What did you do to my dog?" It answered telepathically, "Go away. I'm busy. I could crush you like an ant if I wanted to. Go back to your
Needless to say, a 4.5 meter circle crushed out of the grass was later found in Hannah's
back yard. Within, the grass was soaked with red liquid cadmium.
By the end of the summer, the credible reports of giants roaming the land persuaded
the normally staid television station Channel One, to broadcast a one hour program on the
subject. Tsiporet and Shosh appeared as well as the ufologist who had examined the circles
of Kadima. To the apparent shock of the host, the viewing audience believed the advocates
of alien landings. The result was two more witnesses coming out into the open.
Both were women in their late thirties who lived within ten miles of each other south
of Tel Aviv. Clara Kahonov of Holon was most reluctant to be quoted but acknowledged
that she had seen a giant being.
Batya Shimon of Rishon Letzion saw far more than one. In early July, two seven foot
tall, bald creatures beamed themselves into her seventh floor apartment. They told her
telepathically not to be frightened and she immediately relaxed. She then felt they had
"friendly faces." They roamed her home, "floating on their shoes" dusting her shelves with a
yellow, foul- smelling powder. One being saw her son's aquarium, became very excited
and called his colleague over. After a few minutes, they beamed themselves outside. The
next night at 3am, a dozen giants visited Batya arriving and leaving the same way.
I have had extensive conversations with the contactees and there is much in common
with their stories. That is fit subject for a separate lecture. In short, all were the same age, all
were white collar workers, three have been haunted since their encounters telepathically,
all their men slept through the encounters, two had mysterious pregnancies etc. But the
core commonality is that these women did not know each other and separately described
the same seven foot tall, bald, round-faced giants.
And if absolute proof that giants were about in Israel was needed, it came in December in the village of Yatzitz, twelve miles east of Rishon Letzion. The giants had opened a
new axis after Kadima, a triangle of twenty miles linking Rishon Letzion, Holon and Yatzitz.
Herzl Casatini, the village security chief and his friend Danny Ezra were sharing conversation when they heard an explosion and felt Ezra's house shake. Herzl opened the door
and stood face to face with a nine foot tall creature in metallic clothes whose face was
hidden in "a haze." He shut the door and called the police. They arrived and discovered
deep boot tracks in the hard mud. The tracks sunk 35 centimetres into the ground meaning
whoever made them had to have weighed, literally, a ton. Thinking there might have been
a terrorist incursion, the army was called in.
Military trackers were totally stumped. The tracks carried on for 8 kilometres. The heel
dug in only 5 cm. meaning whatever made the tracks was walking almost on tip-toes. If you
can call it walking. Sometimes the distance between tracks was twelve feet, meaning the
intruder was a world record holding broad jumper weighing about a ton.
The Yatzitz incident confirmed, even to the deepest skeptics, that giants were indeed
sighted and they left proof that was nearly impossible to dispute. The best the Israeli authorities could come up with to explain the tracks was they were left by an unknown cult.
It would have to be very unknown for records of cults whose ceremonies include dressing
as giants and leaving miles of unidentifiable tracks are undoubtedly quite rare.
After Yatitz, giant sightings were reported in Ramat Hasharon, Rehovot and Afula.
And 1996 became a vintage year for UFO evidence gathering with a good dozen craft
filmed. Two incidents stand out. In August, a UFO was filmed over three nights with professional equipment at Kibbutz Hatzor. The results include a close-up of what appear to be
rows of square-shaped vents on the craft. In December, a Netanya household reported
constant contact with small greys, the first such report from Israel. The witnesses backed up
their claims with an abundance of physical evidence, including stones that melt ice immediately without a known energy source.
The Israeli UFO experience is unique and very complicated. I have touched on just
one aspect of it; but it is vital to understanding the Israeli puzzle. Of the seven best documented close encounters with alien beings provably connected to UFOs, six involved
giants. These giants were determined to leave evidence of their arrival in the form of cadmium-imbued landing circles, miles of impossible boot tracks and deliberate communication with witnesses. Indeed, the abundant evidence more than indicates that there are
giants roaming Israel today.
As there were 5,000 years ago and they also left proof of their existence. The giants
were descended from the Nephilim, literally the fallen ones. In ancient time, entities fell
on Israel from the heavens and later
became the mortal enemies of the
Hebrew nations.
jungle, and sometimes surfacing out of the sea near where they are fishing. They have
landed near villages, and the (white or black) human people who get out of them, have
strange grey uniforms, not seen of anywhere else in the world. You can make your own
deduction’s there about where they’re from.
With the extraordinary amount of UFO traffic found in the Solomon Islands, it
would be hard to imagine with our modern satellite tracking surveillance by a variety of
countries around the world, that over the past few decades no one of the modern world has
noticed their activities. I know for a fact that few satellites are above the Solomon’s. Maybe
it would be a good idea to switch a couple of their cameras on and put it on the Internet so
we too can all watch them getting around, instead of the selected secret few that do. I
suppose because there are a couple of multi-million dollar American spy planes to patrol
the Solomon Islands now, they might get lucky.
I do not have any evidence that these “sting-ray” or “triangular” shaped UFO vehicles go to the ST Bases mentioned above when they are not flying around, so I only can
presume that they have their own nearby. And if that were the case, then it would be
reasonable to think that it was to keep an eye on these “Balls-of-Light” UFOs and their
occupants that have been making the Solomon Islands their home for a long time.
Where do I think these flat man-made “string-ray shaped” or “triangular type” undiscovered to the rest of the world unidentified flying objects go when they are not flying
around? My educated guess is that these secretive people have built bases either in the side
of remote mountains within the jungle, (the ‘?’ mark on the map) or within the waters of the
sea. Furthermore, because of the frustration that the secretive ones within these Governments have had over the decades with the ST’s not sharing the majority of their technology
(for good reasons) with them, and because of worldwide ethical consequences of stopping
millennia of religious wars, and the huge advantages to further humanity if the rest of the
world were to know the truth of the Giants and Alien’s existence within the Solomon
Islands for the past millennia, it would be logical that their own secret bases are nearby.
I hope the information within this Website has been helpful to those that are interested in these sorts of things. What you do with it now is up to you.
There is a lot more behind “The Place That Time Forgot” than what first meets the
eyes, and there is much that I have not mentioned. It is all too much for just one person to
pursue, and I sincerely hope many researchers follow up on these key discoveries.
For those who are interested in joining forces and helping further this most
important research by firstly supporting us with the necessary financial assistance, and
whatever else you can, please make contact by either the “send email” option below,
This Website ( will
be periodically updated from time-to-time with further developments,
and please visit to obtain a copy of
“The Giants Of The Solomon Islands” book.
Or purchase one from Nexus
P.O.B. 30 Mapleton Q.4560. 0753429280
Marius Boirayon
Research Director
Solomon Anthropological Expedition Trust Board Incorporated.
my first Solomon wife ‘Miriam’ comes from that Island.
Like all three UFO Bases mentioned, this Base has quite a significant amount of
active, as one would find out by going there, or just simply asking the locals, that’s if
anyone ever bothers. Of interest about this Base entrance, is the very large clumps of white
crystal formations that can be found growing on the stream’s edge further up before the
waterfall, of which the lake below is where the “balls-of-light” UFOs frequently go in-andout.
While talking about waterfall lakes and lake entrances and such, a common dominator I have found. These aliens in all three Bases I have mentioned have chosen waterfalllakes or lakes as their Base entrances. Apart from the ones (that I know of) that are in the
Mountains of Kwaio and Kwara’ae, they all have a connection with waterfalls and lakes.
This may have been a coincidence when they choosing a place to build them, but somehow I doubt it. So, when one day those that may follow up on my research in this area are
contemplating where else they might find other UFO Bases in the Solomon’s, consider this
common dominator.
Psychologically, as over the centuries they have installed fear within the Solomon
Islanders. As one of the reasons for this is, if perhaps they were to be discovered, these
places would become reverently “Tambu”, which in some cases they are. Also, because of
their jungle remoteness from village inhabitation, the concept of “out of sight-out of mind”
In the June-July issue of NEXUS Magazine, Sri Ramon Jun Quitales II wrote a ‘Letter
to the Editor’ about, “could anyone provide information of the UFO activity on his Island
Makira”, which just happens to be an Island just below Malaita. Many Solomon Islanders
have told me of, as they describe them, ‘flat string-ray type’ UFOs with big round lights
underneath them that hum as they go along. They sometimes see them flying low over the
One giant king was Og of Bashan. The bible records that his bed was thirteen feet long.
Bashan's territory included the Golan Heights. Sitting on the Golan Heights is the Israeli
version of Stonehenge. Called Gilgal Rephaim, the Circle of the Rephaim or giants in English, this site consists of five concentric rings whose beauty can only be appreciated from
above. Unfortunately, there was supposedly no way for the simple nomads of 5000 years
ago to see the circles from above.
The site is enormous. The outside circle has a diameter of 159 meters and over 37,000
tons of rock went into the construction of the complex. Two openings in the circles may
have been used to measure the solar solstice and the rising of Sirius in 3000 BCE.
The fact remains that Israeli archaeologists are totally mystified by the Gilgal Rephaim.
No other complex built in the Middle East resembles it and it predates the pyramids by over
500 years. The indigenous nomads of the time did not engage in this kind of megalith
building, so outsiders were probably the builders. According to the Bible, the only outsiders living on the Golan Heights
back then were giants.
Maybe it's a longshot, but no one has come up with a
better explanation for Israel's current UFO wave. I believe
the ancient giants may be coming home. I conclude on a
somber note. The biblical giants were God's enemy and
Israel's armies were the means to their utter destruction. There
is a legitimate reason to contemplate the recent rearrival
of giants in Israel with a good measure of dread.
Copyright © by Barry Chamish
Purchase Barry Chamish’s Book on UFOs in Israel:
Return of the Giants for $10 downloaded pdf
Reposted by Watcher Website
Watcher's UFOs and the Bible,
Aliens, Angels & Demons
Watcher's UFO Sightings in Jordan
Israel & Holy Land 1990-1997
Please view our website for the
truth behind the "alien" deception,
and the END OF THE AGE.
2 Thes 2:9: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and
signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that
perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for
this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie ...
Matthew 24:24: For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew
great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very
Jesus Christ explained to his apostles what events would immediately precede his
second coming, "For as in the days that were before the flood...until the day that Noe
entered into the ark,". Matt 24:38 , Luke 17:27. What is the significance of this statement
and how does it relate to UFOs? The Flood epic Gen. 6 begins with a strange account of
the "sons of God" (b'nai Elohim), taking wives from among the daughters of Adam.
"There were giants in the earth in those days; ...
mighty men which were of old, men of renown."
The word which is translated, "giants", in the King James version of the Bible is, in
Hebrew, "Nephilim", which means, "Those who fell, or ... the fallen ones". Jude, the brother
of Jesus describes them as "angels, having left their first estate in heaven". These fallen
angels came to earth for a serious purpose.
The "fallen ones" sought to merge with the bloodline of Adam, because of the promise
to send a redeemer through Adam's kinsman. The Hebrew says that the Sons of God saw
that the women were a fit "extension", for they sought to extend themselves into this realm
from the spirit realm, as well as to extend themselves into the "children of the promise" the
lineage of Adam. Satan tried to prevent the eventual birth, in the distant future, of the
The mating of human beings with angels resulted in hybrid creatures, evil spirits
with human bodies. The human \ angel hybrids began to corrupt and destroy the human
race, resulting in the Deluge, "the end of all flesh" except Noah and his family.
Scripture uses other names to describe these degraded fallen angels and their descendents in addition to the word Nephilim, they are. . . .
* REPHAIM - from the root rapha = spirits, shades Gen. 14:5
* ANAKIM - race of giants Num. 13:33 descendents of Nephilim
* EMIM - the proud deserters, terrors, race of giants Gen. 14:5
* ZUZIM- the evil ones, roaming things Gen. 14:5
* ZAMZUMMIMS - the evil plotters, Deut. 2:20
* ZOPHIM - watchers, angels who descended Num. 23,
distinct from "holy watchers" aligned with God
* SEPHERIM - the many. . . .
The book of the Jubilees remarks that Jared or Yeh-red, an Old Testament patriarch,
was so called because in his days the angels descended upon the earth - Yaw-rad "descend". It is interesting to note that "Jordan" comes from that same root word denoting
"descent, coming down or falling" - Yar-dane "the place of the descent". Jordan, "place of
the descent", is located in the ancient boundary of Israel. Israel is currently a major location
for sightings, and the fallen angels in disguise as "aliens".
The Book of Enoch explains that the Sons of God descended first onto the mountain called
Hermon which in Hebrew means desolation, in the land of Jordan the place of the descent. The
rebel angels intended to thwart God's plan for the earth by destroying the descendents of Adam.
Satan's goal in organizing the nephilim / human hybridization program was to pollute the bloodline that would produce Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Kinsman Redeemer. Now that it is so close
to the end times, Satan has orchestrated human/rebel angel interaction on a grand scale. The plan
is now to prevent any flesh from being saved.
By genetically manipulating human genetics, whether through the guise of "alien abduction" or by supplying willing mortal accomplices with the proper technology... there is currently
being created humanoid hybrids who are not-quite-human. These genetically altered humans
are no longer Sons of Adam, and no longer able to be saved by the Kinsman Redeemer. The
second wave of hybrid "nephilim creation" is Satan's last effort to destroy all Sons of Adam, so that
none can be redeemed when Jesus Christ returns at the End of the Age.
let down over hundred 200 meters of 100 lb line and it still hasn’t hit the bottom. I always
think of this hole being made by a huge spaceship that hovered above it and shot a huge
laser into the crust of the earth.
Maybe the Australian minesweeper currently in the Solomon’s could go over this
UFO hole to determine for us all how deep it is, that is, if they don’t know already. I mean
to say, the minesweeper really does belong to us “Australian” taxpayers, and because we
are paying 300 million dollars a year to contain these momentous world scattering discoveries instead of putting it into the much in-need hospitals, dental, and education services,
just to name a few, maybe they could do this and let us all what they found out.
The left-hand pushpin with the arrow, directly inland from that circular-reef hole
UFO Base entrance, about 3-4 miles on the mainland of the Island is a lake of which when
the boys are out fishing at night, the UFOs can be seen going in that lake and coming out
the circular-reef, or vice-versa. Both entrances are definitely connected. I personally have
only seen their activities at the lake in this area. A UFO coming out of this lake at dusk,
incinerated my good friend’s Grandfather, and everyone in the area knows about it. These
Aliens, for the want of another name, have installed fear in these people for generations,
and many people have gone missing, and I think I know where they are. In the Kwaio and
Kwara’ae area are three other entrances in their jungle mountains that I know of, where
these ‘balls of light’ type UFO vehicles can be seen going in-and-out. It is my belief that all
these entrances are not individual Bases, but are all connected making up one big one
under the Island. I maybe wrong, but I also believe one of the many reasons why they there,
is that, for reasons of their own, they have been mining a very rare type of gemstone under
this highly mineralised Kimberlite base carrying rock volcanic Island of multitude type
gemstones. The rare gemstones of the Alien’s interest that my wife’s relatives possess have
a far higher specific gravity than that of diamonds, and a refractive index that when you put
the stone in sunlight, you see your mirror image deep in the centre of the stone. Also,
holding them to the sun, they are a very deep transparent silvery-blue. For their size, they
are noticeably extremely heavy. I once had one of these “E.T. Stones” that was 32.4 caret,
which had these characteristics. Ironically enough, the more customary people of this
Island call these particular UFOs “Diamond Snakes”, and there are some old folklore stories supporting the Alien’s interest in these unique gemstones.
As there are many remnants of the “Ramo civilisation” to be found on top of the
Island, and “the Aliens” underneath for what appears has been a very long time, there is
every chance there is a connection between the two. And that goes for Guadalcanal also.
I can only speculate about remote Choiseul, but that wouldn’t surprise me in the least, as I
know that they also have quite a lot of Giants, and a lot of UFO traffic over that way too.
Nevertheless, if there ever were a place that one could call “UFO Headquarters”, it
would have to be Central East Malaita. Mind you, these are only the ones I know of.
Goodness knows what other UFO Bases are really in the rest of the Solomon Islands.
This map below is slightly inaccurate in that “Affiou”, the main town, is located
approximately where the ‘T’ is adjacent to the arrow indicating the Alien Base entrance.
The waterfall lake UFO Base of Small Malaita (South Malaita), where I have also
witnessed their activities, is easy to find. Just ask the locals, but, heading north up the
passage with Small Malaita on your right, about 3-kilometres from ‘Affiou,’ the main town,
and about a kilometre up the jungle mountain is their Base entrance where they can be
seen nearly every night going in and out of, and also brazenly and casually flying along the
passage. I should know, apart from expeditions there when I would watch them doing this,
Antichrist Will Counterfeit Prophecy & Fool Israel
The Antichrist will SEEM Like the messiah UFOs and Antichrist Linked Mars and AntichristAntichrist Identity Anti Christ Counterfeit of Christ
When considering the identity of the antichrist,
keep in mind he will SEEM
like the Messiah of Israel.
The Second Coming of Christ
mentioned. The question mark represents; “I know there is some kind of base in that location somewhere too”. Although one pin is missing near the left-hand arrow, I believe that
cluster of pins are all entrances that make up one big UFO Base under the Island.
Contrary to popular belief, NASA, or whoever that mob was, first made contact
with the Aliens at the subterranean UFO Base of Central East Malaita in 1961. No doubt
this is one of the ways of how they began to gain what partial secret technology that they
have today. Back then; during the height of the ‘Cold War’ in attempts to gain technological
advantages, they blackmailed these particular Aliens. This all happened because when the
great British Geologist “Mr. Gropher” was doing his few expeditions in the area in-between
1958-1960, he first saw these UFOs and then reported them back to England. In 1961, a
Whiteman who claimed himself to be from NASA came to that part of the Island and asked
assistance from my wife’s relatives to take him to the UFO subterranean Base entrances,
which they did. Requesting privacy, they left him at the desert coast above the UFO Base.
This self-claimed NASA guy (or whoever he was) was gone a week, during which somehow he made contact with these Aliens, until he arrived again, when he asked my wife’s
relatives once again for further assistance to take him back from where he came. Most of
the people of Kwaio and Kwara’ae know of this NASA guy happening.
In the map above, you will notice the right-hand red pushpin on the east coast with
an arrow pointing at it. This is a 50-meter in diameter ‘bottomless circular reef’ in amongst
the surrounding 10-meter deep coral reef and is few miles North of ‘Kwoi Island,’ (which is
on the border of the Kwaio and Kwara’ae tribes) and South of Namo’ere’ere of Central East
Malaita. “Singalanggu Harbour” is slightly further south. “Balls-of-light” UFOs can be seen
going in-and-out of that bottomless circular reef virtually every night. My friends like fishing down this UFO hole during the daytime, because it saves them going out to the danger
of the ocean, as lots of big fish like found in the ocean can be found down there. They have
Christ arrives at the end of a great war --Armageddon
the war will end in fire for the enemies of Israel
Christ comes with His holy ones, His raptured saints
Christ sets up an era of peace as ruler of the earth
Christ builds the Millennial Temple of Ezekiel 40
The Coming of Antichrist
Antichrist arrives at end of a great war --Gog & Magog
the war will end in fire for the enemies of Israel
Antichrist comes with his “holy ones” -- aliens in UFOs
Anitchrist sets up era of peace under global dictatorship
Anitchrist allows building of Third Jerusalem Temple
UFOs and Antichrist Linked!
The Angelic Conspiracy and End Time Deception
Israel and End Time Prophecy - Gog Index Israel Temple Mount - Arab and Mid East Tension Ezekiel Prophecy
The Giants of the Solomon Islands
and Their Hidden UFO Bases
Marius Boirayon
Some of the Greatest Anthropological and
Scientific Discoveries of Modern Man
Contained in this website is extraordinary information that brings to the forefront
worldwide issues that has been tormenting intellectuals for centuries. It is about two phenomenal discoveries that I have found existing in the Solomon Islands and this Website is
a further attempt once again to bring them to the attention of the Modern World.
The first discovery is about how the people of the Solomon Islands have shared
their Islands with ‘previously undiscovered to the modern world’ race of hominoids for
millennia right to this present day, and for a variety of reasons explained, this has not been
known about by the rest of the World, until now. The second discovery is about the whereabouts of hidden UFO Bases that I have found existing in the Solomon Islands for quite
possibly the same amount of time, and how there seems to be a link between the Giants
and the Extraterrestrials making the Solomon Islands their home.
For many reasons, these groundbreaking discoveries have compelled me to share
them with the rest of the World. It has always been my sincere hope that hundreds of
researchers follow up my work by going to the Solomon’s to continue on. Science is definitely a progression of new discoveries, and these are some of them.
The Solomon Islands people name the undiscovered hominoids mentioned “The
Giants”, which is linguistically ironic for the isolated Solomon Islanders, as throughout
history, including in the Bible and other prominent books, the same name has been used in
other parts of the World to describe these huge elusive hominoids. To explain some facts
about the Giant race existing in the Solomon Islands, I will use the Giants of Guadalcanal
as an example.
“The Giants of Guadalcanal” are named as such by the Guadalcanal people, and
from my observations they seem to be very similar to the Sasquatch, Bigfoot, Yeti, Yowie
and such suspected to be found in other parts of the world. At this moment of time, there
are hundreds quite possibly thousands of these Giant people (and I use the word people for
a reason) living inside the huge tropical rainforest Jungle Mountain ranges of Guadalcanal,
as the Guadalcanal people will tell you. All claims made on this Website about the
Guadalcanal Giants can be support by the indigenous Guadalcanal people of the Island, as
it totally plays the major part of their entire grass-roots culture, past and present.
Apart from being known for building timber base structures with sheltering sago
palm and other leaf, they have vast cave systems running within the majority length of the
mountains of this 200 plus kilometre long tropical Jungle Island. Some of the Guadalcanal
Giants live in organised lifestyles with social structures, and I have come across many
Guadalcanal people that believe they can go from east to west through their cave systems
without seeing the light of day, and many believe that their population numbers in the
thousands. The Guadalcanal Islanders also believe that there is a huge city of them living
inside or underneath the big mountains of the Island. “Mount Tatuva” is definitely one of
this city’s main entrances, and if anyone ever wished to film them, the closest villages to
Mt. Tatuva, where they are also seen regularly is a good starting point. But that is not
On the map further up this Website is a reference to the “Mount Dragon UFO Base”
entrance. This is definitely a current UFO Base used by Aliens. The entrance to this subterranean Base is a waterfall-lake about 2,500 feet high on the western side of a 5-kilometre
long valley, and is approximately 8-kilometres from the coast.
I spent several months living in a village called “Chapuru”, of Cape Esperance,
which is north on the coast from the “Subterranean Terrestrial UFO Base” (ST’s new word),
and in this area, the Alien activity from this Base is seen of regularly, meaning like nearly
every night. During the time I lived at this village, I began to loose count of these UFO
sightings at around 60 times, but I do remember estimating that it would be 100 by now.
The reason why I eventually called this unnamed mountain UFO Base entrance “Mt. Dragon”
is because the Guadalcanal people who live in this area call these flying ‘balls-of-light’
UFOs, “Dragon Snakes”.
To the people of Northwest Guadalcanal, as they have been observing these “Dragon
Snakes” for well over a century, and most probably much longer, although they fear them
because people have been killed, injured, or have gone missing due of them, they generally give them no more of a second thought unless in close proximity, as they can be found
flying around in the area nearly every night. As an example of this accepted part of life,
about a kilometre East from “Chapuru”, the village I once lived, the current Prime Minister
of the Solomon Islands, Prime Minister “Sir Alan Kemakeza’s” main residence is found, and
he has seen these UFOs many more times than I have. “Ezekiel Alebua”, a once Prime
Minister, the previous Guadalcanal Premier, and Guadalcanal Minister again, also knows
of the Waterfall Lake UFO Base entrance. You can ask anyone from Northwest Guadalcanal
about their UFOs, and I mean anyone about them and they will tell you heaps, as they are
seen of virtually every night and have been for well over a century. That is if the American
led Australian Solomon Islands Government allows Tourism to continue in the Solomon
Island’s and doesn’t place restricted no go zones everywhere.
As these sightings did not always become second nature to me, after some extensive investigation to find out where these UFOs go when they were not flying around, over
a six-day period there and back, myself and another Guadalcanal friend made an arduous
trip to this UFO Base, and from a hidden position in the nearby mountains above it, was
when we first discovered that there was more than one “UFO/Dragon Snake” using this
place as one of their residence in the Solomon Islands. This Alien Base is still there today.
Apart from all the people of the area, the best person to confirm this Base and its position is
“Ezekiel Alebua”. Also, may I say, the current Solomon Island’s Prime Minister, “Sir Allan
Kemakeza”, who I know, being from Guadalcanal, knows all about the Giant race existing
on his Island, but was unaware of the real reasons why the Australian Prime Minister after
many years all of a sudden had a change of heart and started offering assistance with a
military interdiction immediately after he got back from visiting the American President.
You cannot tell me that the Americans, British and Australians do not know of these
UFO Bases, because I have overwhelming proof that they do. The current ‘Solomon Islands
Interdiction’ by the American led Australian multinational Forces has been named;
“Operation Helpem Friend”. No More! Hemi “Operation Containem, and Bringem
Come Oil and Gas”. Incidentally, it was during my adventurous stay at this village that I
first began to learn about the Giants of Guadalcanal also.
On the map below is shown the entrances of the UFO Base located in the Central
East Coast of Malaita that I know of, and the location of the ‘Ramo mountain remnants’
Ramo civilisation built a perfectly fitting large stone block wall to support its Northeastern
section. This freshwater lake, although a few days hard trekking from the East coast of
Kwaio, is connected through an underground watertable or caesium making it tidal. Even
though in the course of this unique lake’s far distance in the Jungle Mountains from the
ocean, it goes up and down with the ocean tide. Because of its isolation throughout evolution, every different kind of strange looking fish and plants not found elsewhere in the
world can be found within. Another interesting part about this strange place is that there is
a Ramo (Giant) cave on the western edge which has a rare species of Hibiscus not found
growing anywhere else in the Solomon’s, and most probably the world. Inside that ‘Ramo
cave’ is something very important, but I’ll kept that to myself at this time. Expeditionary tip:
Be careful of the snakes that are in that area.
Some more expeditionary advise for those interested in this particular part of Malaita.
As I happen to be the first Whiteman to marry a woman from this tribal area, take my
advice. The first Whiteman who thinks he can just trek into this area without first gaining
the permission of the “Chief’s of Kwaio Fadunga”, and thinks that he would return safely is
mistaken. Apart from once being renowned as the most ferocious headhunters of the Malaita,
and culturally unique in the Solomon Islands through their compensatory customary ways,
there is another reason for this of which I suppose I should explain.
The Paramount Chief of Kwaio, Chief Miner Adne, has a book compiled with a
large list of names of his tribe’s people that he says were killed in 1927 from the genocide
that the Australian Government perpetrated upon them for the death of “Mr. William R.
Bell”, the then District Commissioner of Malaita. Without going into the details of his
death, in retaliation, the Australian Government sent the “HMAS Adelaide” with a contingent of constabulary to “Singalanggu Harbour” of Kwaio and over a short period of time, in
an attempt to systematically eradicate them, mass murdered, raped and poisoned, according to the bereaved Paramount Chief, a significant number of Men, Women and Children
of their tribe. Overwhelming detailed evidence that this genocide occurred can be found in
the book, “Lightning Meets The West Wind” written by “Professor Rodger Keesing,” seventeen years the head of Anthropology, Australian National University. To the Kwaio people,
in their compensatory customary ways, because they have not received any compensation
for this sad part of Solomon Island / Australian history, getting through this area, for some
White people, would have its difficulties. Monetary gratuities would be an advantage though.
The Giants of the Solomon Islands have large Island entrapped populations in most
of the bigger Islands of the Solomon’s, and have existed there for millennia. For those
interested in pursuing this research further, it my sincere hope that the rest of the world
becomes fully aware of the Solomon Giants and the long tumultuous history that the Solomon Islanders have endured at the expense of many lives. I have had a long time to consider the ethical impact that this discovery will bring upon mankind, and I can assure you
that the monumental advantages gained by far outweigh all.
Our group in the Solomon Islands are seeking urgent financial assistance to continue this important work towards advancing humanity, and if there is anyone who can
help us in this area, don’t hesitate in contacting us as soon as you can. We certainly need
the help.
Known UFO Bases of the Solomon Islands
To my knowledge, this maybe the first time that somebody is telling the rest of the
world about subterranean UFO Bases he has found. I suppose there is a first time for
required, because they are all over the place and are seen on a daily basis somewhere
around the Island. Actually, I can think of a dozen places around the Island apart from the
Mt. Tatuva area that are good starting places for the beginnings of gathering documentary
photographic evidence of them. For that matter, I can think of dozens of places around the
Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu that would be the same.
Virtually, you can ask anyone from Guadalcanal, and for that matter the Solomon’s,
if any of their recent ancestors, or themselves has had past exchanges with these Giants,
and one finds a very positive response with many tales supporting their existence. I know
for a fact that upon arriving within the Solomon Islands, one can ask the first person they
see as to whether the Giants can be found there, and they’ll start pointing in every direction, and if not, they’d quickly steer you onto someone who would tell all about them.
To my understanding, there are three different species or types of these Giants. The
larger and more commonly seen are over 10 foot tall, but I have come across numerous
Islander accounts with evidence that supports that they do grow much taller than that.
These Giants have very long black, brown or reddish hair, or a mixture and when they want
to have a good look at you, they pull it aside from their face with one hand. They have a
protruding double eyebrow, buldging red eyeballs, and flat nose wide gapped mouth facial
features, and have an unmistakeable odour, which the coastal people would once use as a
sign of their presence, depending on the wind. From the large hairy type, they range down
in size with reducing amounts of body hair. The smaller version, although bigger than
normal human beings, are like a wild man living in the jungle and are not as hairy as the big
ones. This is the way the Guadalcanal Islanders describe them. Inherently, when they see
these small giant half human people, they make efforts to kill them. These smaller versions
are lower down in the Giant social order, living predominately outside their caves systems
in the jungle, although all three (types) are found in the Island’s jungle. Incidentally, there
are many newspaper reports, even recently, of these hairy Giants in Papua New Guinea,
and also may I say that I know for a fact that the Vanuatu people have also had a similar past
with their Giants as the Solomon Islanders have had, as those that follow up on my research
will find out.
I must point out, that the Solomon Islanders, and I suppose the PNG and Vanuatu
people are lacking
understanding that
their Giant race living
with them are something big in scientific
discoveries to the
rest of the World.
Whether by intentional design or not,
it is appropriate that
the Solomon Island’s
National logo is “The
Place That Time Forgot”.
This is a map of west
Guadalcanal showing where a huge
population of them can be found on that Island. As a thumb-rule, this approximate 1,000
square kilometre area of heavy mountainous jungle of the western section of this half-map
of Guadalcanal, that doesn’t have dots as signs of inhabitation, are the free territory of the
Guadalcanal Giants. Although the Giants are found all over the Island, more often than
not, the dots seen are merely 2-3 village huts indicative of inter-related tribal areas. Further,
and of significance, is the fact that although land-possession is highly regarded by
Guadalcanal people, and the Solomon Islanders, this 1,000 square kilometre area does not
belong to any particular tribe, and there is a good reason for that too, which once again,
can be easily found out by just asking any Guadalcanal person. For those Solomon Islanders seeing this Website for the first time, in particular Choiseul and Isabelle please excuse
that I didn’t put a map of your Island on and discuss the similar situations that you have on
your Islands.
Guadalcanal is rich with Gold, a fact that the Europeans discovered centuries ago.
Thirty years ago, different Gold mining companies started negotiating with the traditional
landowners with ‘Memorandums of Understanding’ in order to capitalize on this gold. A
succession of failed attempts followed until of these recent years when ‘Ross Mining’ broke
through with a 3% to the indigenous deal. In 1998, at “the Gold Ridge”, central north
Guadalcanal where the mine was being built, they got going with their bigger type of
mining bulldozers pushing in roads and clearing the mine area. The mine borders the
Giant’s territory, and it would appear that the Giants are quite territorial. On one particular
occasion, one of these huge bulldozers broke down with one of the pins on the blade
attachment rendering useless. As it was late in the afternoon, they decided to drop the
blade there and take the bulldozer back to the workshop to do the repairs overnight to
continue on the next day. When they returned the next morning, the blade had disappeared. All the boys became confused. How could such a heavy object vanish? Mind you,
we’re talking about ten tons plus. So they started scouting around in the bush looking for it
and happened to notice giant footprints around 3-foot in length close bye where the blade
had been left. Finally, some 100 odd meters away on a small nearby hill, one of the boys
called out, “Here it is!” From further footprint investigation, they deduced that the Giants
had not carried it there, but had thrown it, or it got there some other way.
By the way, this current inoperative Gold Mine at the Gold Ridge, which from the
Island’s geology reports is small in compared to the potential of several other areas, has an
estimated 20 Billion Australian dollars of Gold still remaining.
Some years ago, as I had once been working as a Helicopter pilot/engineer, I was
asked by a boss helicopter pilot of an American fishing fleet that had helicopters, to look
after their spare parts required, as Australia was closer that Guam. The job lasted six weeks
and I was handsomely paid for my little effort. The office I took was just opposite the old
Guadalcanal Provincial Headquarters, and at lunchtimes I would sometimes go across the
road and have a few beers there with the then Guadalcanal Premier, and Victor the Finance
Minister. It was during one of these lunchtimes that they told me of a Giant encounter they
had just had some month’s prior. Both the Premier, who is now a National minister, and
Victor, who is now a Guadalcanal minister again, had decided to go to the Gold ridge to
survey the area of the proposed Gold mine. They took their twin-cab Toyota Hilux mid
afternoon and drove up there. It’s quite a drive and after passing a few villages on the way
they arrived at the mine area. A bulldozer had craved out a road, and as sometimes it rains
frequently, the road around the side of a hill had became slippery, and they slipped of the
road's edge and became bogged. They made some effort trying to get back up onto the
large blocks of stone were quarried is miles down the mountain range on the west coast
near the sea. It is too long to explain just now how I know this. Incidentally, the indigenous
of this area are quite jealously protective of this site, but that should not be too much of a
problem by using monetary gratuities if you wished to visit this place. A helicopter is advisable. I have told people about this place, but like everything else, for one reason or another,
nobody believes me. It has been there for a few thousand years already, so I suppose it will
still be there in a few thousand years more.
In Kwaio, Central East Malaita, a place where my wife comes from, they have
stone-block structures with strange inscriptions upon them deep in the bush. I have seen
pictures of this same ‘Ramo (Giant) language’ in a book written by an Australian ‘Yowie’
Researcher. No doubt Papua New Guinea, The Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji, and obviously Australia all have the same. In Malaita, these sometimes-large stone structures with
ancient Ramo writing chiselled into them are considered with reverence to those people of
the bush nearby of where they are located. For instance, my wife’s grandfather, a famous
man of Kwaio, is buried close to a four-foot rounded edge Ramo stone block structure with
Ramo, or Giant race writing upon it. By the way, “Ramo” is a common word used by the
Malaitan people to describe anyone with superior warrior characteristics. Another Malaitan
meaning for “Ramo” is; “Man who eats man”. Also, for those that follow up on my research, you will find that the names chosen by the “Malaitan Shipping Company” for their
ships are; Ramos I, Ramos II, and Ramos III. There is a reason for that. When you find out
some of the Malaitan history in regards with what they went through with “the Ramo of
Malaita”, it is absolutely horrifying and unparalleled anywhere else in the world’s history,
and that goes for Guadalcanal and the rest of the Solomon Islands. To a great extent, through
examining their psychology, this accounts to me for why the individual Island’s people’s
overall personalities from the different Solomon Islands, following their own grass-root
cultures related to worshipping their particular Island’s Giant race, are different from one
another and is the cause of why they are the way they are today, and nothing to dramatic
ever seems to faze them.
There is an area of Kware’ae, north of Kwaio, where there is a large burial kind of
cemetery area in their jungle with literally thousands of Giant Ramo skeleton bones scattered upon the ground. I do not know whether this was actually a Ramo cemetery, or
whether the locals a few hundred years ago gathered them there. One village not far away
from this area has as one of the huts main support poles, a Ramo femur bone that measures
near 8-foot. They estimated this particular Ramo to have been over 24-foot tall, which
doesn’t surprise me, as many of their folklore stories support them being this tall. Further,
on Guadalcanal, where the Giants can still be found, I know that some do get this big.
Although it is generally believed by the Malaitan people that their Ramo civilisation disappeared several hundred years ago, I have come across evidence that some might still exist
in the vast wilderness of their Jungle Mountains.
One day, I’m sure these next discoveries I’m about to mention will be of great
interest to Naturalists and a variety of Scientists. In 2001, Australian Scientists found a
previously unknown botanical species they called the “Wallamine Pine tree” (or something
similar) in an isolated gorge of New South Wales, but that’s nothing compared to the
isolated patch of jungle rainforest that can be found in Kwaio that has every different kind
of jungle plants and trees (and most probably insects) definitely not found anywhere else in
the Solomon Islands, and to our knowledge, anywhere else in the world. Not far away from
this geographically isolated unique patch of rainforest, is a small lake that some of the
“Isabelle”, has big Giants still living there in two different areas, but their population is far
fewer than that of Guadalcanal. Central Northeast and central north are the two areas
where they can be found on that Island, but just ask anyone there and they will steer you in
the right direction. “Makira”, which is east to Guadalcanal, has only the small super-strong
dwarf-like Giants, which I forgot to mention can be found on Guadalcanal too. These are
another type of hominoid race that can be found living in the Solomon Islands. They exist
not only on these two Islands, but no-doubt on many other Solomon Islands and definitely
Vanuatu also.
In 1996, there was a front-page picture of one of these four-foot “Chowa-Chowa”
in the ‘Solomon Star newspaper’. He wondered into a village near the Gold Ridge, and so
they put a pair of shorts on him and took him to Honiara to show him off. The picture has
him being lead hand-held down the main street with hundreds of indigenous following.
There was one other time a similar occurrence happened that was in the newspaper. This
was around 1991 when another one of these “Chowa-Chowa” did a similar thing. Another
pronunciation is “Cho-Cho”. The Australian Aborigines speak of a similar little reddish
hairy man that they call the “Jungarre-Man”. Other cultures around the world have the
same. I know of stories where men have seen these little people in the bush, and they
display the extraordinary ability of being able to jump considerably distances. I’m not
particularly that interested in them, but might I say that they must live socially somewhere.
Peter tells me he knows where they could be found, but one thing at a time. As an example
of some Solomon Islanders, Peter’s Great Grandfathers and his Father worshipped the
Giants, so he knows a fair bit about them, like many other Solomon Islanders I know do.
“Malaita” has a very rich history with these Giant people. It is all too much to put
down now, but I’ll briefly give you some of my research. “The Ramo of Malaita” are the
same species as “The Giants of Guadalcanal”, but were, in the Malaitan case, culturally
different to that of Guadalcanal. When you get into understanding the old grass-roots customs and cultures of these different Island’s people, you find that they follow that of their
particular Island’s Giant race culture. This is difficult to explain without virtually writing an
essay on it. Their folklore stories of prominent Giant encounters are different, and portray
their Giants fittingly to their own cultures. For instance, the Malaitan Ramo was known to
use a huge ‘Subi’ (A long flat elongated diamond shaped club style weapon). Even though
in my estimation the last of the Ramo was approximately 600 years ago, and I maybe
wrong, the Malaitan people still have this weapon and they can be found as ornaments
everywhere on the Island. One day, we will find out that this Island was once the centre of
a vast civilization of these Giant people that were spread throughout the Southwest Pacific
as far away as Fiji, and possibly further.
Of great significance, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that there is
much remnants of this lost civilisation of the Giant race scattered in different parts of Malaita.
I say ‘civilisation’ for a very good reason. Around a mountain near “Mt. Mala” of North
Malaita’s interior, is a perfectly fitting large stone blocked wall path spiralling around the
mountain. This path leads to a flat area on the top of the mountain of where another large
stone blocked wall separates to a higher split-level flat area where an alter can be found.
Some hundred metres further on is a burial site that has a perfectly flat approximately
18ftx6ftx1ft stone upon it. The bush people further away from that area say that a Ramo of
great importance is buried there. There are also hieroglyphic inscriptions chiselled into
these stone block walls. Several years ago when they were cutting the bush back a little to
expose this area more, they also found pottery and other items. The area from where these
road, but decided to walk back to the last village that they had passed and get a bunch of
boys to come help pull it out. Obtaining thirty odd men they walked back. As they were
rounding the last corner to where the 4WD was bogged, they saw the 4WD back up on the
road with two huge Giants standing one in front of the vehicle and other behind. Inherently, their first reaction was for all of them to run away screaming in absolute fear. They
told me that when they got the courage up some half-hour later, they all returned to find
that the Giants had gone. Obviously, I asked how tall were they? They told me that the taller
of the two was the one that lifted the front of the vehicle up onto the road, and when they
inspected the footprints, each had picked the vehicle up by putting one foot on the road
and the other near the vehicle. Pointing out the window to a tree, the Premier said; “About
that high”, which I estimated to be over fifteen foot, which matched the size of the 3-4 feet
footprints they had described.
The Guadalcanal people, and many others, all know the story of “Mango”, whom
passed away two years ago. She had been kidnapped by the Giants fifty years ago and
spent 25 odd years with them, and like them all they had given her up for dead until she
was found pregnant, hysterically frothing from the mouth in a garden on the Northeast
coast. A Giant had taken her as a wife. When the men realized who she was, they tried
capturing her, but because her skin was as slimy as an eel, they found it difficult holding
her. One of the men got an ingenious idea and got some particular rough-sided leaves of
which they used to hold her down and tie up with vine. Understandably, she was mentality
unstable for the remainder of her life, but through her pregnancy she gave birth to a halfcast boy. The bastard boy lived to the age of five when one of Mango’s brothers slaughtered
him. Peter and a few other friends of mine know where he is buried. Mango is just one of
many that this type of thing has happened too, but you don’t have to believe me, just ask
them. There are quite a few more.
Apes and Monkeys cannot breed with Homo sapiens. Where do I think the Giants
came from? I believe that they are a surviving species of hominoid that had branched off
well before Neanderthal man and have developed throughout evolution to be what they
are today. The Guadalcanal people also believe that the Giants were there before they
were. I know for a fact that their gene pool allows them to breed with us, as those that
follow-up on my research will find out. The Guadalcanal Giants are definitely some sort of
surviving species of Hominoid once closely related to Homo sapiens, as scientists tell us
that it is genetically impossible for Homo sapiens to breed with Apes and Monkeys. Still
living today on Guadalcanal, and goodness know where else, are crossbred descendants
from the Giants. Just ask any Guadalcanal person, and they’ll tell you about them and
where they are living, but here’s some examples I know of. Apart from the two huge tall
half-cast Giant women that can be found living at Northeast Guadalcanal, there are halfcast and quarter cast huge men who have eight-cast children to Guadalcanal women,
which are still living today at Tangarare of the Weather Coast of Southwest Guadalcanal.
Anyone can go and see these huge inter-species-bread people. Even though “Silver” died in
the early 1990s, “Genny” his son and his children, some who have bread themselves, are
still alive. The huge quarter-cast Giant Genny is renown by the people of his area for being
able to selfishly eat a whole pig by himself, bones and all. And that includes crocodiles too.
A few funny stories about this extraordinary man are included within a book soon to be
released made available at the end of this Website.
DNA sample from the Giants, and of their cross-bread human descendants for
analysing/research would be an invaluable tool for many future developments in genetic
technology and medical remedies that might be still thought impossible, and would unequivocally prove their origins. Further, in 2002, a Scientist/Doctor of the University of
Papua New Guinea mapped the DNA of the Melanesian people and found slight differences from that of other Homo sapiens like Europeans, which he said, he found bewildering. I would like to speculate that I might have an answer to his wilderment. It is quite
possible that over thousands of years, Papua New Guineans, Solomon Islanders and the
Vanuatu people have had their DNA slightly altered because of occasional sporadic interbreeding from their Giant race from their Islands.
Why are the Giants around the world so secretive and universally shy to be seen or
known-of? As those that follow on from my research will find out, this is not exactly the
same case in the Solomon Islands, but I have an answer to this difficult question, of which
I’ll attempt to answer it towards the end of this Website, but may I say I’m sure within the
next decade we will found out as to whether I was correct.
Like with Homo sapiens and other Hominoids, the Solomon Giants are both carnivorous and herbivorous, as most Guadalcanal and some Solomon Islanders would bear
testament. These ‘whatever type’ of Hominoid people have, until in recent history, considered the coastal Human beings of Guadalcanal and the Solomon’s to be a reliable source
of food, somewhat similar as another meat to be eaten, if required. Over the millennia,
many thousands of Guadalcanal and Solomon Islander people have lost their lives by
being cannibalised by these Giants; hence the reason being the major part of their history
and grass-root cultures. During my limited research about the existence of the Solomon
Giants, I found that the Giants had actually considered the Solomon Island people like
‘pigs to be eaten’. This primitive type of Neanderthal thinking tragically lead to coastal
children being penned up into cages and rose to be eaten when they were bigger. There are
numerous handed-down folklore/custom stories of where the Giants would once storm
villages grabbing people and ripping limbs off and eating them right there and then, while
all run in absolute terror. Also, there are many about what they called “Killer Giants” who
would persistently return to make a meal out of them. Sometimes there were groups of
these ‘Killer Giants’. Within the book, “The Giants Of The Solomon Islands”, soon made
available at the end of this Website is a recorded a well-known Guadalcanal folklore/
custom story of an incident that happened at the Weather Coast of southwest Guadalcanal
where a village idiot managed to kill “five Killer Giants brothers” exacting revenge on
behalf of his people and in return gaining the hand of the Paramount Chief’s daughter and
a few other things.
It is my belief that one of the major reasons why the Solomon Islanders, and Vanuatu
populations are far smaller than they should be is because, just as an example, over five
thousands of years through the Giants of the Islands considering the people as food to be
eaten, those people never had the opportunity to breed. Even if it was fifty people a year
that were cannibalised, and just only over five thousand years, then that’s two hundred and
fifty thousand people that never bred. Unfortunately, the statistics of the Giant’s cannibalism is far worse than that, as those that follow up on my research will find out.
There is one Giant, who is famously known to the Guadalcanal people for being
responsible for taking them off the menu. “Luti Mikode” who still is the “Chief of the
Giants”, changed the murderous behaviour of the Giants towards the Guadalcanal people
forever in the “Giant Wars” of the early 20th Century that were fought against clans that
oppose these changes. When you find out the story about how he change the rest of the
Giant’s attitudes of cannibalising the Guadalcanal people about a century ago, you will be
ing the bidding of other world governments, to stop the rest of the world knowing the real
truth of the Solomon Islands, and hopefully at the same time gaining the massive oil reserves of the Solomon’s like East Timor, and some other resources, they are in a ‘no win’
situation, at least with the Giants. For instance, perish the thought that they think that they
can just waltz into the jungles of Guadalcanal and take on the Giants, as many of them
would not come back. It would be similar to the movie “Predator”, and what the Japanese
experienced in World War II. Explaining their lose to the relatives of the dead, and to the
rest of the media of the world would be interesting. As Giants can be found on other Islands
of the Solomon’s, containing the entire Solomon Islands is impossible. Without even considering the known UFO Bases of the Solomon’s of which their American bosses have been
capitalizing on for some time now, if they attempt to contain the entire 1,900-kilometre
length of the Solomon Islands, they better invade Vanuatu also, as they have Giants and
little hairy undiscovered hominoids there too. Just ask them.
It would be a grave crime against the world, if any harm were to come to the Giants.
It is my sincere hope, that one day when this discovery breaks through, that certain sections
of the Solomon Islands becomes “World Heritage”, and I lobby the scientists of the world,
and the International community to make sure that happens. More on this unfolding subject is found within the book soon made available at the end of this Website
From ‘The Borderline’ very near Mount Austin, and further up the road past the
Japanese Memorial are three Guadalcanal tribes. ‘Simba’ is one of those tribes, and living
not far away from them is an old couple of retired big Giants. (A male and a female) Ask any
of the tribes up that way and they will tell you all about them, as it is common knowledge
and they have been numerously seen of. I had thought of filming there many times, but I
have been the victim of unusual circumstances always preventing this. “Joseph” is the
name of the Paramount Chief of that area. During the ‘ethnic conflict’ of 2,000, many
residence fled Honiara to the jungles behind. These fleeing people spotted these two Giants on a number of occasions during that time. Actually, a short cut to get to the area of
where they are living is by following the track that leads on over the other side of the creek
at the southern end of the Botanical gardens behind the Honiara Prison. But, gaining permission from Joseph with measured gratuities would be a better idea. Around that area also
are a number of ex-Giant caves that you can look through and film. One-day, these will be
archaeological and anthropological sites worth digging up. The area is rich with many
folklore stories pertaining to their tumultuous historical relationship with their Giants, but
so is everywhere else on the Island, and for that matter, everywhere else in the Solomon
Islands. Virtually, every big Island in the Solomon’s has commonly known folklore stories
of their Giant people.
Enough about the Guadalcanal Giants for time being. All the larger Islands of the
Solomon’s have Giants living in them, but each of these Island people call them different
names. “Moo-Moo”, like the cow noise, is the universal Solomon Islander name for this
huge race of Giant people. “Choiseul” which is a three hundred long by eighty kilometres
wide Island to the western extremity of the Solomon’s has just as many Giant people living
in its interior as Guadalcanal. When you observe the map, you’ll notice that there is not
one village in the interior, and there is a very good reason for that. Actually I have sometimes wondered why they were always trying to take each other’s Island territory back in
the head-hunting days, and I thought maybe that it had something to do with them always
trying to get away from being eaten by these Giant people on their own Islands. But little
did they know that they would have had the same problem no matter where they went.
residence of the interior of the Island. Not to take away any credibility about the Giant race
discovery, I reluctantly report this.
Over the years, I have been receiving astonishing reports from credible people that
live in different sections near the centre of the Island, Guadalcanal that is. Having a bit of
curiosity about these strange reports, I decided to put a little effort into determining what’s
it all about. Credible people have been telling me that sometimes at dusk, dawn or during
the night they are seeing dozens of a creature that fly in group formations over the jungle
going here and there. They all describe the same thing. As they fly along above the jungle,
they see a man-like creature with a long tail and a red-glow from upon their back, and a
rolling hum from the group as they go over. Many have told me of hundreds of them at a
time. They have been seen at dawn randomly flying around above the fog of the valleys of
the big mountains of the interior. They have been regularly spotted in large groups going
out to sea and coming back at Central South Guadalcanal. On occasions, they have been
seen individually and in groups in the jungle, and they describe their appearance as such:
They look like strong homo-sapien men with greenish-brown scale skin and have a long
tail, some apparel, and walk upright. Naturally, these kinds of reports are all very strange to
average person, but to me, they are not that strange any more.
“The Japanese War Memorial” of the Solomon Islands, located at Mount Austin of
Honiara, would have to be the only one of its type in the world. Most war memorials I’ve
come across have something to do with soldiers, guns, dead people and stuff. Not this one!
It’s about 30 x 10 metres in area. On the western end there are four large blank vertical
marble walls that should have writing on them, and to the north a row of Cherry-blossoms
that are having difficulty surviving in the tropical environment. The only writing to be
found, which is about the famous Japanese sculpturer, is at the base of the bronze statue of
a half-human man with scales who is holding a ray-gun looking thing attached to the end
of his long tail.
This very futuristic “Star Trek” warrior-type reptilian half-human man has a very
determined look upon his face whilst holding his tail-attached ultra-modern ray-gun in his
right hand and pointing to the west with his left. Surprisingly enough, when I line up to
where he is pointing, for some reason he is pointing straight at the “Mt. Dragon UFO
Waterfall-lake Base” of northwest Guadalcanal. The less detailed bullet ridden statue that is
there now was the replacement that the Japanese put there in hindsight just before the
Solomon Island Tension. As mentioned, ironically enough, in 1999, the Japanese having
approval from the Solomon Government were just about to send a 2,000 strong contingent
of the Japanese Army into the centre of Guadalcanal to do a so-called military exercise, but
the Solomon Tension put an end to that. Mind you, there’s 970 Islands in the Solomon’s
that they could have choose from. But look at it now, Howard has sent an equivalent 2,000
strong military contingent to the Solomon Islands to do an expensive 300 million dollars a
year occupation, as said for ten years, to restore ‘law-and order’, or for whatever reasons of
their own.
It is my belief that apart from some Japanese soldiers losing their lives from being a
free feed for the Giants, they more than likely had a few encounters with these warrior-halfhuman-lizard types, and when news got back to Jap Headquarters about what was happening, it was “Abandon Island!” and let them have it. That’s why there were no Japanese to be
initially found went the Allies arrived. It’s a difficult subject to briefly discuss here, but I
hope you can see the like between the two.
Incidentally, the American led Howard occupiers are in a ‘catch 22’ situation. Do-
blown away. It is absolutely amazing, and through my research I have proven it to be true.
Although I do not everything about the Solomon Giants, I believe that the Giant’s cannibalism towards the coastal people of other large Solomon Islands halted for three main reasons, and I’ll just mention them. “The Guadalcanal Giant War”, their association with the
extraterrestrials inhabiting Guadalcanal and other Islands, and the advent of being discovered by modern Whiteman starting to occupy the Solomon Islands. Topics within this
paragraph are found within the book made available at the end of this Website.
How do I know that Luti Mikode is still alive? Apart from many people telling me
that he is, and the fact that the Giants are believed to have a far greater longevity than that
of Homo-sapiens, one of the Bishops of the Solomon Island’s Anglican Church met him in
a garden in 2000 to discuss the ethnic war, during the Solomon Island Tension. How did
Luti Mikode know that the Bishop was having a retreat back at his village? Apart from it
being on the radio, the only thing I can work out and it sound ridiculous to some, there
must have been was some spiritual dimension to it, which apparently the Giants have
abundance of. The bishop met Luti Mikode one more time after that, just ask him or the
Solomon Island’s Broadcasting Corporation (SIBC) as this was all reported on the news
around that time. It’s a strange place for things like that!
I do not know if the Giants of Guadalcanal ever had technology before, but they
certainly do have now. In fact, I know that they have had a lighting system within their cave
dwellings for at least the past 50 years now that has no obvious light source, such as bulbs
and lamps, but somehow inside the mountains, it is just like daytime from what the eyewitnesses that have been captured and released have told me. There is a reason why I use the
word ‘technology,’ because other independent credibly eyewitnesses have told me of happenings that overwhelmingly supports this. Once again, I best not go into it, as at the
moment it is just good enough to know that they exist.
Guadalcanal, Malaita, Choiseul, Isabelle and Makira have literally hundreds of
caves and remnants of Giant artefacts, and on these Islands anyone can visit many them.
Some Giants of old would bury their dead in a similar fashion as Jesus was at first with a
stone rolled across the tomb’s entrance. “Ezekiel Alebua”, a once Prime Minister and the
previous Guadalcanal Premier whom asked me to make the Giants happen for them, knows
of a burial cave at East Guadalcanal that his father took him too when he was a child.
Within that cave, there is a perfect approximate 15-foot Giant skeleton laid out. Through
unusual circumstances, I never got to see it, but I now know of many more, and so does
many others I know.
Just prior to the Solomon Tension, some Tangarare men (S/W Guadalcanal) went to
see the Giants for advice about what they should do. They did not follow their advice, and
so when they went back the second time, as they had not followed their advice, the Giants
told them that it’s all up to them now, and told them to get lost. Surprisingly enough that
was all reported on the Solomon Island Broadcasting Corporation’s news. When a Whiteman
hears such things, and there are plenty of them, for some reason it has always just gone
straight over their heads and they haven’t even got a little curious. Well I do!
Just briefly, you can ask nearly anyone in the Solomon Islands, most certainly
Guadalcanal about this particular incident. One night, sometime during 1960’s, for some
reason I never found out, the Giants went through Honiara and smashed the town to
pieces. This is well known of story of recent Guadalcanal Giant history. Mind you they’re
plenty of them.
At Christmas of 2002, I was sitting on my veranda around lunchtime with my wife
and a few others when a couple of men came running up to tell us that a family working in
their garden, not far away from where we where living near Mt. Austin on the outskirts of
Honiara, had just seen a huge Giant casually wondering along in the tall grass of the
hillside above their vegetable garden. When we eventually caught up with this family, they
told me he made no effort to hide himself during the few minutes he was nonchalantly
walking along. They said they noticed that he had actually paused for a moment to pull his
hair aside to have another look at them as they were leaving the garden.
The Guadalcanal ‘Giants’ and the Malaitan ‘Ramo’s’ write language, as those that
follow on from me will find out that there are countless ancient stones block walls and
stone objects with inscriptions chiselled into them. While I’m mentioning language and
such, a curiosity I came across and a theory to it. The Guadalcanal people’s language and
the Fijian language are very, very close. There are over one hundred common words that
they both share. Meaning that a Guadalcanal person can go to Fiji and speak Fijian within
a week and vice versa, as my good friend and partner “Peter Casi” found out when he and
his music band did a tour over there. The Guadalcanal Giants language is very similar in
dialect as to the Guadalcanal people. It is my belief, and others that there once was a huge
civilization of these Giant people spread throughout the southwest Pacific as far away as
Fiji and beyond, well before Homo-sapiens arrived. I have much evidence about this, too
much to put down just now, but I’ll touch on it more later, when I briefly get onto the
“Ramo of Malaita”, personally my favourite.
Over the centuries, as the Giants had an appetite for humans, and that they were
easy to catch, the Guadalcanal people offered ‘instead-off’ sacrifices to them where the
Giants would come out of the forest to receive them. Although that did not stop the cannibalism to any get extent. Still today, there are men that can and sometimes do this practice,
like at a village near Mt. Tatuva. The pigs have to be white pigs without spots. They include
Guadalcanal beetle-nut-lime, which is ground from freshwater snail shells. Also Guadalcanal
custom-money, which is four or five strings together with small shells laced upon a strand
length. This also has to be white shell money. Shell money or custom money is the original
currency used in the Solomon Islands, and still can be used instead of dollars and cents. In
a sacred clearing, these are placed and by methods of calling known to those it was passed
down to from generation to generation, and by burning eel bones, which irresistible to
them, the Giants soon arrive to take their offering. By the way, the pigs on Guadalcanal,
and no doubt a few other places in Melanesia have learnt through evolution not to use any
of the Giant’s trails or tracks, and they don’t. In Tangarare, a big area S/W Guadalcanal,
some of the Giants put barriers across their track entrances to stop the Homo sapiens from
inadvertently using them.
It is well known that Giants do not like fire, possibly because of their long hair.
When one is to travel through Giant territory, it is advisable to take a pressure pack can with
a lighter along just in case. Some months ago, Ezekiel Alebua told me of an incident that
happened on the “Weather Coast”, south Guadalcanal, in 2000 during their ethnic conflict.
Five Tangarare men went hunting pig with their bow and arrows and during their
hunt they lost track of time. As it was getting late and the weather was ominously turning to
rain, they decided to built a sago palm hut quickly to camp the night. The hut had a roof
with sago palm walls. At night with rain pelting down, as they were sitting around a fire
within the hut, a huge hand and arm came through the hut’s wall. An inquisitive Giant had
lent over the hut and was feeling around for what was inside. The five men starting scream-
ing and using sticks from the fire to beat the monstrous hand away. Apparently, horrified
they ran straight through the back wall of the hut into the darkness of the bush. When they
found each other the next morning down on the coast, they had been spread out over a
several kilometres.
This brings me to theory about World War II and the Japanese occupation of
Guadalcanal. There is a mystery that has never been solved about why there were no
Japanese to initially resist the Allied Forces at Red Beach and Henderson Airfield when they
first arrived. (Interestingly, the Howard led Australian intervention force; in another attempt
to emulate the Americans have heroically used Red Beach again to arrive on) When the
Allied Forces arrived, they were expecting to loose one in two, but instead there was no
one to be found. This was uncharacteristic of the Japanese and of any other Island campaigns. They fought to the very last. Why did such a large force of Japanese flee? I believe
I have the answer to that one, and it’s not the way history has written it.
I believe that the Japanese encountered the Giants in the centre of the Island, and
most probably some others and quite a few lost their lives, because the Giants and those
others would have definitely been on the Guadalcanal people/Solomon Islander/Allied
side. Circumstantially, in 1999 the Japanese were just about to do a ‘2,000’ strong military
exercise (or as they say) in the middle of Guadalcanal, but the ethnic tension stopped that.
I find it more than a coincidence that now all of a sudden the Australian Government has
decided to send the 2,000 plus strong military contingent (a little bit of a overkill) to the
Solomon’s, to only help restore ‘law and order’ to a little town like Honiara, and to rounding up a few small rag-tag mobs on Guadalcanal and Malaita. I’m positive this does not
require two multi-million dollar spy planes, a minesweeper, patrol boats, satellite surveillance, 2,000 plus men and a 300 million dollar a year commitment for 10 years, although
I’m sure at this present time, this initial overseas boost to the economy, and stabilising the
economically broke country is much appreciated by most.
Apart from the potential very rich fishing industry and sustainable rainforests of the
Solomon’s, there are; the six huge ‘light crude’ oil and gas basins (just the Indispensable
Basin alone being 2,200 sq klms), the high-concentrated several vast Gold deposits of
Guadalcanal and those of Choiseul, the large quantities of emeralds, sapphires, rubies,
garnets, zirconium etc and recently found diamonds of Malaita, the mammoth Copper
deposits of Choiseul 3 times bigger than that of neighbouring Bougainville, the two large
Nickel deposits of Isabelle, the two huge Titanium Oxide deposits of Royal Harbour, Malaita,
and a few others, of which were deliberately never mentioned by the dozen odd Australian
Government Advisers to the Solomon Island’s Prime Minister’s Office over the past two
years. The Advisors to Prime Minister’s Office, the people in charge of the Treasury, and the
Central Bank have all been predominately Australian Government workers for the past two
years. They calculatingly helped bring the country to its knees.
With regards to the Japanese of WW II, there are too many unexplained questions
of which, apart from the Guadalcanal Giants being in the centre of the Island, I have extra
evidence of something that totally supports my claims. Ask “Ezekiel Alebua”, my down-toearth friend, about the Japanese War Memorial Statue, and I think you will find that he will
come up with the same conclusions as I have, and no doubt the Japanese did. If some of the
information of my findings within this Website is mind-blowing enough for the average ‘Joe
Blow’ around the World, then what I am about to discuss will really spin them out, but it
doesn’t for many Guadalcanal Islanders who knows that it is true, including Ezekiel Alebua,
some National Ministers, Anglican Bishops, Priests and the majority of the Guadalcanal