Building a Reactive UMLet API for Eclipse
Building a Reactive UMLet API for Eclipse
Building a Reactive UMLet API for Eclipse registration: 4784227 (Supervisor: Dr Joost Noppen) Abstract This project involved the building of a reactive Application Programming Interface (API) for UMLet, a Unified Modelling Language diagramming application. It required the use of and integration with a predefined Integrated Development Environment, namely Eclipse, for which it is available as a plugin. A reference implementation of the API incorporated into another Eclipse plugin, was also to be achieved. The development of this API consisted of a number of stages: 1. Undertaking a literature review: being based on a specified set of criteria, the literature review for this project had to take into account both specific directly related material, as well as more generic matters. This provided a firm foundation for commencing the design of the system. 2. Researching and selecting tools and methodologies having regard to the criteria set out in the initial project specification 3. Conceiving the best potential designs: This was achieve through successive iterations of thorough experimentation as well as detailed inspection of the UMLet source code. 4. Designing, developing, testing and perfecting the various components of the system. 5. Consolidation and deployment for the purpose of the project. An unanticipated new release of the UMLet plugin resulted in an unexpected additional phase. Execution of the project resulted in a working version of the API. It also demonstrated the value of certain software engineering techniques such as the use of software design patterns and an iterative development model. CMPC3P2Y Acknowledgements The project relied upon: • UMLet, originally developed in 2002 and now in it’s 12th release. • Eclipse, originally released in November 2001 by IBM and now at release 4.2. And the particular contributions of the following persons: • Dr. Joost Noppen the project supervisor whose constant availability, attentiveness, support and encouragement proved invaluable. • Dr. Pierre Chardaire, the module organiser, who also provided helpful advise and encouragement. • Dr. Richard Harvey, whose project lectures brought added value. Reg: 4784227 3 CMPC3P2Y Contents Contents 1 Introduction 7 2 Literature Review 7 2.1 Eclipse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.1.1 The Integrated Development Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.1.2 The Plugin Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.1.3 Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.2 The Java Programming Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.3 UML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.4 UML Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.5 Software Design Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.5.1 Singleton design pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.5.2 Facade Design Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.6 Software Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.7 Event driven programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 3 4 5 6 Design of the Software System 16 3.1 17 The Application Programming Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Eclipse Environment 19 4.1 Exploration of Eclipse Plugin Extensibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 4.2 The D-UEA-ST Eclipse Plugin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4.3 Initial API Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 The UML Model 22 5.1 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 5.2 Population . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 5.3 Persisting Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 The Reactive API 6.0.1 Reg: 4784227 The Notification Centres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 25 5 CMPC3P2Y 7 Contents Proof of Concept D-UEA-ST Plugins 29 7.1 The Name Checker Plugin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 7.1.1 The First Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 7.1.2 Further Revisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 The OMT Analyser Plugin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 7.2 8 New UMLet Release and Multiple Document Support 30 9 Deliverables 31 9.1 Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 9.2 Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 10 Future Development 31 11 Conclusion 32 Reg: 4784227 6 CMPC3P2Y 1 Introduction 1 Introduction This project sought to design and implement a reactive Application Programming Interface (API) that would allow new software tools to both easily and effectively integrate with a Unified Modelling Language (UML) based diagramming application and to assist users in designing UML diagrams. For the user facing, diagramming, application (client side), "UMLet" (UMLet Project, nd) was selected as worthy of investigation. UMLet is available as an Eclipse(The Eclipse Foundation, nd) plugin. Eclipse, an opensource integrated development environment (IDE) that is built around a flexible plugin system while supporting different programming languages. It was thus also selected for investigation. This report documents the research of existing material, the research performed to identify the best possible solution for the implementation of the API and seeks to fully document the resulting system. 2 Literature Review 2.1 Eclipse 2.1.1 The Integrated Development Environment With the increasing complexity of modern day operating systems, developers have significantly increased their expectations of tools used to support software development. Developers use many different tools and technologies in their work and these become increasingly difficult to manage as more tools are used. An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) aims to solve this problem by giving developers the ability to access the functionality of each of such tools from within one program. Rivieres and Wiegand (2004) explained this in their paper on Eclipse: "The use of IDEs is prevalent for one simple reason: they make software developers more productive [...] Another way to improve productivity is for the IDE to cover more of the software development life cycle." Reg: 4784227 7 CMPC3P2Y 2 Literature Review Storkel (2002) explained that Eclipse (The Eclipse Foundation, nd) aimed to be a language-neutral IDE that is platform independent, even though it is built on a Java foundation. The Eclipse environment provides a number of open application programming interfaces (APIs) that can be used to create new tools and integrate existing tools into a developers workflow. By doing this, the Eclipse environment can control the interaction between these tools. The resulting product is a very streamlined development experience, where all the tools work well with each other, even though they may be developed by completely different entities. This contrasts width some language-focused IDEs, which may contain some of the functionalities that developers seek but may lack some important functionality, thus impacting negatively on the developers productivity (Rivieres and Wiegand, 2004). Rivieres and Wiegand (2004) summarise this well: "The Eclipse Platform’s principal role is to provide tool providers with mechanisms to use and rules to follow that lead to seamlessly integrated tools. These mechanisms are exposed through well-defined API interfaces, classes, and methods. The platform also provides useful building blocks and frameworks that facilitate developing new tools." 2.1.2 The Plugin Architecture The Eclipse plugin architecture allows new functionalities to be easily integrated into the IDE. Rivieres and Wiegand (2004) note that the core of the Eclipse IDE is known as the “Platform Runtime” and consists of a small codebase that is responsible for the loading of plugins. The graphical user interface (GUI) and tools, that to the user appears as a single program, are then built up using a lot of small plugins, each of which implement a small piece of the overall functionality. A plugin is usually distributed as a Java Archive (JAR) file, a compressed container, which contains the plugin’s Java byte code, as well as any other resources needed for the plugin to function. Eclipse also offers plugin developers the possibility to split the functionality of a given plugin into separate JAR files that are then bought together at runtime. An example of where this segregation of plugin code can be used is discussed by Rivieres and Wiegand (2004) when it is explained that multiple plugin files are: Reg: 4784227 8 CMPC3P2Y 2 Literature Review "[...] the mechanism used to deliver separate language packs for an internationalized plug-in" When an Eclipse plugin is created, an associated Extensible Markup Language (XML) file containing relations with other plugins also has to be created. This file allows the plugin to detail build-time and run-time dependancies on other plugins while also detailing extension points. These extension points are Eclipse’s mechanism for dynamically extending plugin’s functionality using a further plugin. This mechanism allows different plugins to interact with each other, as well as allowing the modularisation of code explained above. When Eclipse is first started a “registry” of the plugins is established and the relationships between them is read from each plugin’s XML file. Because this operation is only performed on startup, no new plugins can be installed and loaded into the environment without also first closing and restarting Eclipse. When dormant plugins are activated, a request is sent to the plugin registry querying which other plugins provide additional functionality. This can be done without actually loading any plugins and means that such additional plugins are only activated by a parent plugin, when the functionality that they implement needs to be used. By working in the manner, Eclipse minimises the resources (CPU, Memory, etc.) needed and reduces the start up time of the IDE. Eclipse also allows plugins to store information relating to them, so that they can maintain any preferences that a user may have indicated. 2.1.3 Tools UMLet (UMLet Project, nd) is a software tool in which user’s can design UML diagrams and is available as an Eclipse plugin as well as a standalone version. UMLet forms part of the user facing portion of this project. A second plugin, that runs in the background, would then be able to use an API to receive notifications of changes to a diagram and make any changes. Csertan et al. (2002) use a similar concept in their project: "A back-annotation engine (based directly upon the automatically generated transformer) provides the user with the analysis results integrated into Reg: 4784227 9 CMPC3P2Y 2 Literature Review the original UML model. The entire transformation framework is hidden from the end user." This project did however intend to explore how the user facing functionality and the back-end functionality can be separated by using two separate plugins that are able to communicate with each other. This offers the advantage of multiple back-end processes being able to communicate with a single user facing process. 2.2 The Java Programming Language It merits being mentioned that, in considering the choice of programming languages, the existence of the Java Hotspot Performance Engine was amongst the reasons that militated in favour of its use in this project. Oracle (nd) explains that, "virtually all programs spend the vast majority of their time executing a minority of their code." The Hotspot architecture makes use of this fact and implements a variant of a "just in time" compiler. This allows the Java byte code to be run, first off, by the interpreter and performance analysis performed, recording which methods are used the most. These highly used methods are then replaced, on the fly, by the virtual machine with native optimised code. This architecture avoids the need to optimise rarely used methods that may never benefit from it. By using extremely optimised garbage collection algorithms, Java is able to treat all non primitive variables (all variables instantiated from a class inheriting from the Object class) as references to a location in memory, avoiding the need for developers to perform manual memory management. Oracle (nd) discusses how this optimisation considers how many processors and how much RAM, the computer running the JVM has, and in doing so, the garbage collectors will self-tune to improve the throughput of the application and reduce pause times. Reg: 4784227 10 CMPC3P2Y 2 Literature Review 2.3 UML Unified Modelling Language (UML) is a modelling language, standardised by the Object Management Group (OMG), that helps people model and plan ideas and projects using charts and diagrams that show the relationships between different aspects of design in a project. Given that UML is standardised, these diagrams can be shared by different persons and, potentially, different applications to communicate ideas and implementations in a common format. According to the UML specification published by OMG: "The objective of UML is to provide system architects, software engineers, and software developers with tools for analysis, design, and implementation of software- based systems as well as for modelling business and similar processes (Group, 2010)" As UML has grown in popularity, and newer versions of the specification have been released, additional types of diagram that can be used have been added to the specification. Csertan et al. (2002) note that this was a concern to them and that there was a: "need for a high-degree of flexibility due to the changing and extensible UML standard, the problems revealed in UML and the implementationrelated aspects of the target application to be included into the transformation" A need was therefore envisaged, that the API would need to be easily extensible, so to allow additional diagram types to be supported. 2.4 UML Analysis Csertan et al. (2002) proposed that a UML dialect be used for interacting with their application. The use of a front-end application, such as UMLet, for user input and display of notifications, should avoid introducing another dialect to a user and permit Reg: 4784227 11 CMPC3P2Y 2 Literature Review them to use a visual format that they may be more familiar with. This could, in turn, result in less errors, by the end user, when designing diagrams. This has been identified as a problem in the past by Ramollari and Dranidis (2007), who commented that: "[...] Both professional and educational tools lack consistency and validation capabilities, which we consider as important educational features. As a result, such tools discommode, instead of supporting the learning process, since students are left with the wrong impression that what they model is correct." Ramollari and Dranidis (2007) This was their motivation for building a new UML design tool called StudentUML that would allow students to easily design UML diagrams and receive feedback on the diagrams that were designed. While this project has not focused on building a backend application to perform this analysis, validation and completion, it will still be important to consider these topics when implementing the API so as to ensure that such tools can be able to be easily integrated. As this project looked at building an API between a UML display tool (UMLet) and a backend tool, it was important to understand what would be required by the backend tool. UML analysis is one of the applications in which the API that this project aimed to develop would be extremely useful and this project thus aimed to facilitate such future developments. Much research has already been performed in the area of code completion, correction and validation, but little research has been performed in the area of UML verification and completion. On the rare occasion that these tools are implemented, they are usually included as part of a specific software package. 2.5 Software Design Patterns A common technique in software engineering is to use design patterns to solve common problems that need to be repeatedly in projects. Source Making (nd) explains that: "A design pattern is a general repeatable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software design. A design pattern isn’t a finished design that can Reg: 4784227 12 CMPC3P2Y 2 Literature Review be transformed directly into code. It is a description or template for how to solve a problem that can be used in many different situations." Various design patterns exist that can prove useful when developing an API. The following have selected for this project from amongst those explored: 2.5.1 Singleton design pattern A singleton design pattern allows for a class which defines that only one instance of that class can exist at a time. In Java this implemented by first creating a static class variable inside of the class implementing the singleton pattern. This field is used to store the single instance of the class. The constructor of the singleton needs to assigned private visibility, meaning that it is only executable from within itself. Finally a method with public visibility is created to fetch the instance from the static field or create it if one does not yet exist. An example of this can be seen in figure 2.1. API - apiInstance : API - API() + getInstance() : API Figure 2.1: The Singleton Design Pattern The singleton pattern is thus well suited for use in an API. Reg: 4784227 13 CMPC3P2Y 2 Literature Review 2.5.2 Facade Design Pattern A class that implements a facade design pattern, defines a set of methods that can be called to execute further functionality, of which the developer using the facade need not know how the underlying functionality is implemented (See Figure 2.2). Tarr (nd) further expands on this when he explains that a facade design pattern is used to: • "To provide a simple interface to a complex subsystem. This interface is good enough for most clients; more sophisticated clients can look beyond the facade". • "To decouple the classes of the subsystem from its clients and other subsystems, thereby promoting subsystem independence and portability". Class Class Class Facade Class Class Class Figure 2.2: The Facade Design Pattern This is an ideal candidate pattern for creating an API, as changes in methods behind the facade will rarely have any effect on code already using the facade. Reg: 4784227 14 CMPC3P2Y 2 Literature Review 2.6 Software Methodology The Waterfall software development methodology is one of the oldest and best known. It is comprised of four main stages, Analysis, Design, Implementation and Testing. In an ideal situation, each of these stages was designed to be performed only once for each software development project and although stages can be returned to, this can be costly. This means that the client for which the software was being developed would be consulted at the beginning of the project, during the analysis stage, and asked for all the requirements. This is the only stage at which the client has input and returning to this stage becomes increasingly expensive as the project progresses through the next stages. The clients requirements are then evaluated by the software development teams and design decisions are made. After Implementation has been completed, the software is thoroughly tested. This product is then delivered to the client. If a change does take place then it could result in large delays, which in turn result in large costs to the client. Given this it is important to note that the waterfall methodology is only really suited to large mission critical applications. (Munassar and Govardhan, 2010) Software methodologies that comprise of an iterative development model are designed to solve the inherent problems exhibited by the waterfall methodology. An iterative development model keeps the same four steps as the waterfall model, while repeating them many times throughout a project’s lifetime. Beck (1999) Extreme programming (XP) is a methodology that follows the iterative software development model. When using XP, the customers and developers schedule a regular release cycle and the developers only implement a small amount of functionality in the current cycle, which they agree with the client at the beginning of the cycle. Beck (1999) Agile methods, of which XP is one, also require a metaphor to be defined. A metaphor is a communication tool that helps to easily explain the overall project, including it’s goal and how the development should be structured (Tomayko and Herbsleb, 2003). Tomayko and Herbsleb (2003) also explain that: "Almost all agile methods explicitly cite “communication” as a key value. This is meant to be communication about the software among the development team, as well as among and with the clients. The use of a metaphor is a powerful tool to achieve this." Reg: 4784227 15 CMPC3P2Y 3 Design of the Software System Given that this is a relatively small project that was not being undertaken with a large development team and did not require mission critical stability, an iterative development model was followed. This was to also allow the project to adapt to requirements that may become obvious during the implementation stages. 2.7 Event driven programming Myers (1993) notes that reactive programming involves a new approach to software design due to the software application not be in complete control. Instead a user will perform a certain action that will trigger a certain action in the program to be run. In this software system, the API was to be able to pass information about the UML diagram being displayed in the user facing application, UMLet, straight to the backend applications, based on which actions the back-end applications have registered to receive. This is therefore an event driven structure. 3 Design of the Software System • UML is a constantly evolving language, with new functionality being frequently added. It is thus important that the API be designed in an object oriented fashion to ensure that future functionality can be quickly and easily integrated. • The waterfall model was not suited to this kind of project. It was therefore important to use an iterative development model. • A thorough inspection of the UMLet source code was an essential prerequisite to be able to understand how to approach building an appropriate solution. • The API was built as an Eclipse plugin. This was to allow the extension of UMLet while also allowing backend tools to access the API’s functionality. • The API was implemented in Java due to it’s object orientated approach. This approach allows a UML diagram’s structure to be modelled and it’s contents to be passed between the API and a backend application easily. Java also offered cross-platform compatibility. Reg: 4784227 16 CMPC3P2Y 3 Design of the Software System • It was important to understand what functionality the backend tools would require from the API. A detailed specification had to be produced to ensure a complete implementation. This was provided as MoSCoW requirements table which can be seen in Table 3.1. • A key requirement of the project was to use Eclipse as a foundation. A major element therefore, was to test at the outset to what extent UMLet would indeed be a suitable application, having regard to the feasibility of developing an API, so that it would work with other Eclipse plugins. 3.1 The Application Programming Interface An API is a collection of functions that a program or service implements to allow other applications to interact with the software system in a controlled and organised manner. By having a defined set of functions that remain constant, developers can use them without ever having to concern themselves about changes internal to the application, even in cases where new functionality may eventually become available. By implementing an API for UMLet, other applications will be able to interact with it in a simple manner, notably to, for example: • Fetch information about the diagrams available to them • Read the content of any files that are open • Perform actions, such as adding or removing objects to/from a diagram, etc. An application’s developers will ensure that an API evolves in parallel with changes to the application itself, but ensuring that earlier iterations continue to function as before. Reg: 4784227 17 CMPC3P2Y 3 Design of the Software System Table 3.1: MoSCOW analysis of project requirements Priority Requirement must Support exchange of data between UMLet and a backend client must Support UML Relation elements and the associated properties must Support UML Class elements and the associated properties should Use UMLet as a user facing application should Use the D-UEA-ST framework by Dr. Joost Noppen should Allow the API to reactively respond to user’s action should Allow for easy extensibility of element types should Implement an example plugin demonstrating the functionality of the noninteractive plugins in D-UEA-ST could Implement an example plugin demonstrating the functionality of interactive plugins in D-UEA-ST could Offer multi document support could Offer the possibility to prompt UMLet to create a new document won’t Implement a layout engine for deciding where to place new elements on a canvas won’t Reg: 4784227 Implement detailed UML analysis 18 CMPC3P2Y 4 The Eclipse Environment 4 The Eclipse Environment 4.1 Exploration of Eclipse Plugin Extensibility Having identified the Eclipse plugin architecture as a suitable candidate for the API to be based upon during the initial research phase, further exploration needed to be performed into how Eclipse allows plugins to communicate. The approach that was taken involved creating a parent and a child plugin. After having considered different possible techniques, it was decided that the parent plugin should implement a method that returned a String object and that was contained inside a Java package. Inside the build properties for the parent plugin, the Java package was "exported", resulting in all other plugins in the eclipse environment having access to the classes contained within it. A child plugin was then created and it’s build properties set to declare a dependancy on the parent plugin, so as to ensured that the parent plugin had already been loaded by Eclipse as expected. A method was implemented inside the child plugin, to call upon the method inside the parent plugin, fetching the String, and printing it to the debug console. Finally this child plugin method was executed by the child plugin initialisation code. The final resulting structure can be seen in Figure 4.1. Parent Plugin Exported Package Dependancy Method Call Child Plugin Class Figure 4.1: The Prototype Communication Structure Reg: 4784227 19 CMPC3P2Y 4 The Eclipse Environment 4.2 The D-UEA-ST Eclipse Plugin The D-UEA-ST framework is an Eclipse plugin written by Dr. Joost Noppen. It that aims to allow plugins wishing to perform an analysis of data within a programming environment, such as code analysis and diagram analysis, to use a common framework to communicate with each other and share data. It was decided that a reference implementation of this project would be implemented within the D-UEA-ST plugin and some example plugins would be created inside of D-UEA-ST to show the opportunities created by this projects API. 4.3 Initial API Implementation Figure 4.2 shows how the result from the tests mentioned in figure 4.1 above, were applied to the base implementation of the API. Within the UMLet source code, a new Java package was created to house the API. A class called "API", that was to act as a facade, was also created. A singleton design pattern was implemented inside the API class, to ensure that only one instance of the API was ever created, regardless of how many different back-end application access it. The UMLet build file was then modified to export the API package and make it visible to other plugins in the Eclipse environment. Within the XML file in the D-UEA-ST plugin, a build and runtime dependancy was declared on UMLet. This meant that Eclipse would ensure UMLet was always present and loaded before then loading D-UEA-ST. A new package was created, inside of DUEA-ST, to contain all UML functionality. Inside this package a class called "UMLManager" was then created to act as a facade. This class was implemented as a singleton, meaning that every plugin in D-UEA-ST would receive the same instance of the manager. By ensuring there is only one instance of the UMLManager, resource usage on the user’s machine can be minimised by only holding one copy of the UML diagrams from UMLet in memory. Reg: 4784227 20 CMPC3P2Y 5 The UML Model UMLet com.umlet.api API - apiInstance : API - API() + getInstance() : API Dependency getInstance() D-UEA-ST uk.uea.dueast.uml UMLManager - umletAPI : API - fetcherInstance : UMLManager - API() + getInstance() : API Figure 4.2: The Base API Implementation Reg: 4784227 21 CMPC3P2Y 5 The UML Model 5 The UML Model 5.1 Design As a part of the reference implementation of the API within D-UEA-ST, a structure of Java classes to model a UML diagram was created. A class was created for each type of element that would appear, which in turn extended a class called UMLElement. Functionality that was common to all elements, such as colour, was implemented in the super-class, UMLElement, so that the implementation could then be shared with the subclasses. The UMLElement needed to be stored inside of a container that represented a document and so a class UMLDocument was created for this purpose. To ensure that a UML document could always be uniquely identified, a String data member was added to UMLDocument and was populated with the file path of the associated document in UMLet. If in the future, a different client needed to be used with D-UEA-ST, this ID could be set to any other String value that might be better suited in that particular situation. A UML diagram showing the implementation of the model can be found in Figure 5.2. Figure 5.1: D-UEA-ST UML Implementation While relations in a UMLet diagram were already present in the form of UMLRela- Reg: 4784227 22 CMPC3P2Y 5 The UML Model Figure 5.2: The UMLModel Implementation tion elements, they were not yet linked to any of the elements. To solve this issue, a collection of references to UMLElementRelation objects that were attached to the element, were placed inside of each UMLElement. Two references, one to either end of a relation were also placed in the UMLRelationElement class. These established the ability to traverse a whole UMLDocument, while only having the requirement of knowing about one element. Finally each element was assigned a reference to the UMLDocument in which it was contained. This meant that the complete document could be retrieved from any element, including the elements that might not have a reference attached to them. Reg: 4784227 23 CMPC3P2Y 5 The UML Model 5.2 Population Having constructed the structure for the UML model, functionality was then implemented into the UMLManager to populate it. The UMLManager will populate documents in two circumstances: • When the UMLManager is first initialised, it will request from UMLet, a list of documents that are open in the current Eclipse workspace from UMLet. • When the UMLManager receives a notification that a new document has been opened inside of UMLet. In both of the above cases, D-UEA-ST will proceed to create a new UMLDocument before querying UMLet for a list of all the elements that currently exist in the document. The elements returned by UMLet are in the form of a Collection of GridElements (UMLet’s internal storage for elements) that need to be looped through and converted to UMLElements. These are then added to the previously created UMLDocument. The resulting method was named "convertToUMLElement". As well as being responsible for assigning all of the data to a UMLElement, the method first checked whether the GridElement to be converted was of a type that had a specifically implemented UMLElement extension such as UMLClassElement or UMLRelationElement. In it’s current form, UMLet does not in store it’s data model, a connection between elements on the canvas and the relations between them, but instead relies on checking wether the relations overlap the edge of elements. This was a particular consideration when populating the UML model and different solutions had to be tried. In the end the choice fell on harnessing the code used within UMLet when user’s move elements on the canvas ("The Sticking Polygons"). 5.3 Persisting Elements The last feature implemented inside of the UML model was to allow any element that has a document associated with it to be saved, simply by calling a save method. This then allows an element to be distributed to any plugin in D-UEA-ST and for changes to Reg: 4784227 24 CMPC3P2Y 6 The Reactive API be made to it, without the plugin ever needing to require direct access to the UMLDocument class. 6 The Reactive API 6.0.1 The Notification Centres To enable the API to be truly reactive, every time a element has changed inside of UMLet, D-UEA-ST needed to be notified. A publish/subscribe design pattern, to be referred to as the notification centre, was chosen to implement this functionality. The reactive approach has the benefit that it allows actions performed by the user to be relayed to D-UEA-ST in realtime and avoids the necessity to constantly poll the UMLet layer of the API to check for changes, thus again reducing the burden on the system’s resources. This implementation resulted in there being one thread of control between UMLet and D-UEA-ST and allowed some certainty that the UMLDocument would stay in synchronisation with the diagram on the UMLet canvas. A sequence diagram showing this thread of execution is shown in Figure 6.1. A second notification centre was implemented inside of D-UEA-ST allowing plugins to subscribe to particular types of notification (element added, element remove, etc). Support was also added for plugins to subscribe to notifications of a particular type of a specific document. A sequence diagram showing the thread of execution for this notification centre is shown in Figure 6.2. Having implemented the notification centres, extensive testing needed to be performed. It was found during the first phase of testing that when actions inside UMLet that should have caused new advice to be issued from D-UEA-ST occurred, no advice was however displayed. This issue was later resolved by calling the method for updating the table view inside D-UEA-ST, containing the advice, from the swing display thread. A full class diagram should the structure of the implemented system can be seen found in figure 6.3. Reg: 4784227 25 Reg: 4784227 ELSE IF n Begins with 'internal-' recieveNotification(n,obj) d-uea-st UMLManager recieveNotification(n2,obj2) UMLet Notification Center fireNotification(n2, obj2) UMLet API recieveNotification(n,obj) UMLet Notification Center fireNotification(n, obj) UMLet Diagram Command CMPC3P2Y 6 The Reactive API Figure 6.1: The Reactive Thread of Execution 26 Reg: 4784227 recieveNotification(n,obj) recieveNotification(n,obj) recieveNotification(n,obj) d-uea-st Notification Center fireNotification(n,obj) d-uea-st UMLManager recieveNotification(n,obj) UMLet Notification Center d-uea-st Plugins CMPC3P2Y 6 The Reactive API Figure 6.2: The thread of execution for the D-UEA-ST notification center 27 CMPC3P2Y 6 The Reactive API Figure 6.3: Class diagram showing the implementation of D-UEA-ST - For enlarged copy see Annex 1. Reg: 4784227 28 CMPC3P2Y 7 Proof of Concept D-UEA-ST Plugins 7 Proof of Concept D-UEA-ST Plugins As D-UEA-ST is a framework on which many plugins can reside, two proof of concept plugins were developed to test the functionality of both the API and the D-UEA-ST implementation of the client. This was also to demonstrate the possibilities that the platform offers. 7.1 The Name Checker Plugin 7.1.1 The First Implementation The Name Checker Plugin was the first plugin that was written and it was designed to scan through all elements in a document looking for a UMLRelationElement. Whenever the plugin found a relation, it would check whether there was a name associated with it and if not assign one. After having also changed the colour of any element without a name, the plugin would then ask the UMLManager to update the element, in turn causing it be updated inside of UMLet. This plugin allowed the functionality to fetch and modify elements, to be tested, as well as showing that using Java Object Introspection inside of the UMLManager worked as expected. 7.1.2 Further Revisions After having implemented the notification centre inside of D-UEA-ST, as documented above and implemented after the plugin had initially written, some changes needed to be made to the Name Checker Plugin to allow it to continue to function. These changes included implementing a NotificationClient interface inside of the plugin and subscribing to all "element-added" notifications. This resulted in the plugin being able to inspect each element in a UMLDocument as it was added (element-added notifications are sent for each element when D-UEA-ST is started). 7.2 The OMT Analyser Plugin The OMT (object modelling technique) Analyser Plugin was developed to demonstrate the ability of the API to handle plugins operating in an interactive mode within D-UEA- Reg: 4784227 29 CMPC3P2Y 8 New UMLet Release and Multiple Document Support ST. These plugins mainly allow the user to perform specific tasks that do not require offering reactive feedback. An initial implementation of the plugin, provided by Dr. Joost Noppen, that supported using the Stanford Part of Speech (POS) Tagger (The Stanford Natural Language Processing Group, nd), allowed the software to find all the nouns in a text file corresponding to a given specification. These where then displayed to the user and the user was given the opportunity to remove any that he did not want appearing on the canvas. This project took this implementation and added an ability to take the resulting nouns and display them in a document of the user’s choice. The new elements would be placed next to the shortest edge of the bounding box of the elements already present in the given diagram. 8 New UMLet Release and Multiple Document Support During this phase, a new release of UMLet was issued. As a result all previous phases had to be revisited. This entailed verification of each phase, some major restructuring and adaptation and renewed testing to ensure the compatibility with the changes resulting from the new release. This also generated the opportunity for a further enhancement to be included, namely the incorporation of multi-document support. These change mainly affected the API class and the UMLManager and demonstrated the clear value of having used a facade design pattern as, in the end, a minimal amount code depending on the UMLManager actually needed to be rewritten. The value of the agile development methodology that was being used, also became apparent, given the possibilities it offers to integrate changes, such as these, at a late stage. Reg: 4784227 30 CMPC3P2Y 9 Deliverables 9 Deliverables 9.1 Distribution As certain elements of UMLet had been modified to allow the API to operate, a decision on how to make these changes available to users needed to be made. The follow solutions were proposed: 1. A JAR file containing the plugin could be distributed. This would also be available alongside D-UEA-ST for which a user should be instructed to install this version of UMLet. 2. The source code of both UMLet and a patch file could be distributed to allow users to compile their own version and to allow further use of the API in other applications. 3. The UMLet developers could be contacted with a request to consider merging the changes with the UMLet codebase. The first and second solutions were chosen as an immediate solution. The JAR files for the modified UMLet and D-UEA-ST, along with a patch file containing the change to UMLet, can be found on the accompanying CD-ROM. It was also decided that perhaps in the future the UMLet developers should contacted. 9.2 Documentation A detailed documentation has been provided to accompany the codebase. This consists of comments in the source code as well as the documented design and implementation in this report. 10 Future Development The project identified many possible avenues for further future development. These include: Reg: 4784227 31 CMPC3P2Y 11 Conclusion • Extending the element support of the UMLManager to include the elements associated with sequence diagrams. • Developing a transaction mechanism that would apply to all elements inside a UMLDocument. This would allow multiple plugins to stage changes to document and then later commit them to the document when they are complete. This could also integrate a locking mechanism where only one plugin could commit to a document at a time. • Support for creating and opening a new document could exist as part of the API. This would allow an interactive plug to request that a new document be created and for the user to be prompted where to save it before moving on. • Limit the number of notifications sent when, for example, a user is moving an element across the UMLet canvas. 11 Conclusion – The project demonstrated that it was feasible to build a reactive API based on both Eclipse and UMLet. Furthermore the project explored the optimal manner in which, amongst other things, to communicate between Eclipse plugins. – Various ways of modelling UML diagrams in an object orient programming language, such as Java, were considered. Diverse challenges were identified and overcome in developing this API, such as fetching the relations from UMLet. – The project demonstrated how unexpected changes to the base application could be successfully incorporated, without deviating from time schedule. This also demonstrated the value of using certain software engineering design patterns. – Overall the project resulted in the development, testing, deployment of a working model API. Reg: 4784227 32 CMPC3P2Y 11 Conclusion Personal Project Evaluation and Reflections This project was chosen because of the multiple opportunities that it offered to explore new concepts, work on a real practical software project that had an actual envisaged outcome and use, deal with real challenges and seek to find sound working responses to them. The value of regular meetings and meaningful communication with the software client (project supervisor) became increasingly evident as the project progressed, particularly when the nature of one of the given parameters (UMLet), changed unexpectedly and significantly. Deep insights were provided into the value of sound software engineering principles such as the use of reusable techniques such as design patterns as well as the use of an agile development cycle. The concepts explored and employed, allowed the acquisition of sound working methods and valuable transferable skills. Given the evolutionary nature of software, the project underlined how things have to continuously adapt and progress. It proved a most enjoyable and satisfying piece of work and is considered to offer a sound foundation to build upon in the future. Reg: 4784227 33 CMPC3P2Y References References Beck, K. (1999). Embracing change with extreme programming. Computer, 32(10):70 –77. 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Reg: 4784227 35 CMPC3P2Y References Annex 1 Figure 11.1: Enlarged version of Class diagram (Figure 6.3) - Part 1 Reg: 4784227 36 CMPC3P2Y References Figure 11.2: Enlarged version of Class diagram (Figure 6.3) - Part 2 Reg: 4784227 37 CMPC3P2Y References Notes Reg: 4784227 38