May/June 2012


May/June 2012
Inside this issue:
May is MC Awareness
Rio Rancho Toy Run
Buffalo Soldiers
Clovis Biker
No Colors Welcome
Riding Tips
Membership Form
Letter to Mayor Berry
A Word from ABATE
Calendar of Events
Dan Sorey
Chairman…………...Annette Torrez
Vice Chairman......Courtney Farris
Sgt at Arms……...Todd Thompson
Editor………….…………….Bev Covert
Webmaster…RockHell Thompson
Public Relations…………….VACANT
Org. Liaison…………..Patrick Sierra
CNMMRO……….……….Dave Covert
SNMMRO……..….Todd Thompson
NMMRO Monthly Meetings:
American Legion Post 49
11005 Central Ave NE Abq., NM
May 19 - No Meeting
June 16- 12:00 pm
COC Meeting:
June 9 - 2:00 pm
American Legion Post 49
11005 Central Ave NE Abq., NM
Chairpersons Letter…
Our rights as motorcyclists are
constantly being challenged; every
motorcycle enthusiast in our state
should consider getting involved in the
New Mexico Motorcyclist Rights
Organization (NMMRO). We are a
committee dedicated to preserving
individual liberties, freedoms and
biker’s rights. We advocate and
monitor current political and legislative
activities that affect the motorcycling
community throughout our state. We
promote safety awareness to all who
share the road and favor stronger
penalties for motor vehicle driver
infractions such as careless driving and
right of way violations, or when drivers
are at fault in accidents that cause
death or injuries to motorcycle
riders. We have hosted Bike Day at the
Capital annually for nine years, with
our largest turnout in 2012 of 250-300
in attendance.
In 2012, Representative Rick Miera,
Senator Richard Martinez and the
motorcycling & bicycling communities
came together in support of House Bill
12 (The Careless Driving Bill) and
Senate Memorial 35 (The Civilian
Motorcycle Safety Traffic Escort
Program (M-STEP)). HB 12 would have
increased the penalty options for a
very distinct type of crash due to
careless driving that causes the great
bodily harm or death of another road
user. Careless driving encompasses
distracted and inattentive driving,
including texting, cell phone use or any
other activity that diverts a driver’s full
Volume 3, Issue 6
May/June 2012
attention from their duty to drive
safely. HB 12 received a DO PASS,
through two committees in the
House of Representatives and then
on the House Floor unanimously, 430; it then moved over to the Senate
side and passed one committee in
the Senate.
The Civilian Motorcycle Safety
Traffic Escort Program passed two
committees in the Senate and was
on the agenda waiting to be heard
on the Senate Floor the last two
days of the session. This piece of
legislation requested establishing a
task force to develop a program to
train volunteer civilian motorcycle
traffic escorts and to recommend
implementation, endorsement and
continued support of volunteer
civilian motorcycle traffic escorts
statewide. With this being only a 30
day session, we ran out of time on
both pieces of legislation. In the year
2013 we will introduce both pieces
of legislation again and work to get
them passed.
Join us in our fight to preserve our
rights and save lives. Please visit our
web-site, attend our
monthly meetings held at the
American Legion Post 49 on Central
and Elizabeth on the third Saturday
of every month at 12 noon or
Thomas Jefferson, "The price of
freedom is eternal vigilance."
MAY is Motorcycle Awareness
The motorcycle and bicyclist community celebrate May
as Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. The New
Mexico Motorcyclist Rights Organization and a united
motorcycle community have come together to sponsor
a Bike and Car Show on May 5 at the Balloon Fiesta
Park, to promote public safety awareness to all who
share the road. It is amazing to see a diverse cast of
characters coming together in a common goal. The
Department of Transportation, Motorcycle Riders
Foundation and ThunderBird Harley Davidson Riders
Edge Program will provide motorcycle safety
demonstrations and help enhance rider skills. MADD,
APD, The Bat-Mobile, the bicycle community, Attorney
Dan Sorey will all be there in support and attendance
to share their messages on road safety. In a recent
conversation with APD’s Commander Eric Garcia and
a spokesman
Martinez, they are in full support of our event; they
understand and see the need for road safety
In recent months there has been a multitude of
fatalities and injuries of preventable motorcycle
accidents in our state, many have suffered and grieved
over a loss of our loved ones. As we share messages
public to make them more aware of motorcycles; we
as motorcyclists must see past the handle bars and
keep the responsibilities as riders in the front of our
minds. In every situation motorcyclists make judgment
calls to proceed safely and legally on our roads. Don’t
ever let an opportunity pass you by and let your voice
be heard to make our roads safe for all motorists. The
hope is by bringing awareness of the dangers of the
road we can and will save lives and prevent injuries.
The life you save may be your own. Always respect and
appreciate the passion we share of the open road and
ride safe.
Annette Torrez
New Mexico Motorcyclist Rights Chairman,
New Mexico’s Motorcycle Riders Foundation Rep.
Rio Rancho Toy Run…
Hello All, After 19 years the Rio Rancho toy run /
ride will end as we know it. Thanks for all the
supports over the years. There are thousands of
children out there that were able to enjoy their
I met with all the top brass I care to meet in Rio
Rancho government. I am not willing to raise
$12,644.00 to pay just for traffic control and
approx. another $2,500.00 for expenses to hold
the toy run.
My Warmest Regards,
New Mexico Patriot Guard Riders will be hosting a
Four Corners/Meet-N-The Middle gathering June 1517 2012. Make your plans early for a great time in
Cuba. Lodging is going fast if you wish to stay over.
Camping is unlimited; brotherhood and patriotic
ceremony will be everywhere. This is your official
invite to a feel very good event.....Motorcycles and
membership not required...Cuba NM, Eichwald
Center; Sandoval County Fairgrounds. KING
Clovis Biker: Hit …
Buffalo Soldiers …
On Friday March 23rd approximately at 7pm
my Friend Danielle Galley was riding her
bike, when she approached the intersection
of 21st and Thorton here in Clovis, A vehicle
making a left hand turn didn't apparently
see her and ran her over. She sustained 9
broken ribs, deep tissue injuries to her right
leg and multiple cuts and bruises; she’s alive
by the grace of God and is currently at UMC
in Lubbock, doing well.
The unique problem we have here in the
East side of New Mexico is that we don't
have a large number of accidents, however
we are a port of entry to the state, and I
continue to believe it is important to have
signs promoting Motorcycle Awareness and
Safety when entering New Mexico. One
Biker Down Is One Biker Is One Biker too
The Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club - Albuquerque, NM Chapter
annually sponsors a memorial ride to honor all veterans buried at
the Santa Fe National Cemetery.
Buffalo Soldier remains were among those of more than 60 people
exhumed at the historic Fort Craig cemetery in southern New
Mexico in 2007, during an investigation into widespread looting at
the site. These remains were reburied, with full military honors, at
the Santa Fe National Cemetery in 2009. Specifically identified
were the remains of Buffalo Soldiers Pvt. David Ford, Pvt. Levi
Morris and Pvt. Thomas Smith.
We invite the traditionally patriotic motorcycling community to
join us on this honorable mission.
Some of us are planning to do a day trip to the Red River Bike
Rally, immediately following the events at the cemetery. You are
invited to join us on this trip, as well.
Please go to get more information about
the event and to confirm your intent to join the Buffalo Soldiers
Motorcycle Club on the Ride To Honor by completing the online
ABATE of East Plains has been actively RSVP/Pre-registration.
working on motorcycle awareness in Clovis A copy of the flyer for the event has been attached to this email.
NM is currently making signs to place along Please feel free to forward this email, along with the event flyer
the highway on private property, and to your friends and motorcyclist who may be interested in joining
purchasing signs to have hopefully placed in on the Ride To Honor.
around the city.
On May 5th ABATE East Plains Chapter will The Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club - Albuquerque, NM.
be having a Motorcycle Safety Awareness
parade followed up by a burger burn.
We are having a great response to this event, and have the backing of many organizations, one being Cannon
One of the programs I would like to get started is an Adopt a Safety Sign: we all see the Adopt a Highway Clean
Up signs why not use that idea and have a safety sign put up. This goes back on to the DOT, if they are not going
to give us the funding or the signs, I think we as motorcyclists should just take the matter in our own hands, With
all that you have going on and myself, I will bring up the adopt the safety sign at a later date. Just a thought
I wanted to share with you.
What I have been trying to get from the DOT was promotional safety and educational material. Correct me if I am
wrong, But isn't the DOT suppose to support us with these materials, from funding generated from motorcycle
registration? I know that's another headache and ball of wax to reckon with. Geez the list goes on doesn't it
Annette? lol..
I want to thank you for listening and helping me problem solve certain issues, I will continue to keep in touch and
if I hear anything from the DOT I will let you know.
Once again you’re doing an amazing job for us motorcyclists. Remember every now and then to stop and
RIDE SAFE AND ALWAYS RIDE FREE - Dot Jouett (ABATE of New Mexico East Pains Chapter)
NO-COLORS Welcome …
Establishments as reported by NMMRO members who:
 Welcome Bikers and provide friendly service or
Do not allow Colors or have refused service to a Motorcyclist.
High Noon Restaurant
Leo’s Nightclub
Billy’s Long Bar
Santa Ana Casino
Burts Tikki Lounge
Silva’s in Bernalillo
Cottonwood Mall
Slate Street – Rio Rancho
Hard Rock Casino
Stone Face Tavern
Horse & Angel Tavern
T.D.'s Showclub
KnuckleHeads (Bar & Grill ABQ)
The Library Bar and Grill (downtown)
Los Ojos Locos
Twin Peaks Bar and Grill
Ned’s on the Rio Grande
Uptown Sports Bar
Sandia Casino
This list will be updated and published in every newsletter.
Please email Annette Torrez with new submissions or resolutions
The NMMRO would like to recognize Biker Friendly establishments, please take
the time to report those businesses that appreciate your business.
Riding in HOT Weather…
With the hot weather fast
approaching here are some tips that
will make a more enjoyable and
safer ride…5
Weather conditions can make all the
difference to enjoying a motorcycle
ride or not. Few people venture out
during the wintertime, depending on
the climate, but spring and summer
normally offer the best riding
conditions for man and machine
However, in some climates (typically
the southern states of the US) the
weather can be too hot for riding
during the summer months, unless
you are prepared.
Luckily, manufacturers realized
there was a market for specialist
clothing to keep riders cooler during
summer rides. But there are a
number of other things a rider can
do to keep cool.
Hot Weather Riding Route
The majority of classic bike owners
will ride their motorcycles for
pleasure only, so their choice of route is more open than for someone who uses their bike to commute. In the US,
freeways make journeys much quicker, but they tend to involve a lot of direct sunlight. Things to consider:
Shade: A tree lined country road can be many degrees cooler than a freeway. Not only do country roads offer better
protection from the sun, they have the added benefit of being more fun to ride, with lots of great curves and hills.
Stop Lights: Routes that include many stop lights should be avoided too. Not only will the engine get hot very
quickly (air or water-cooled engines will both suffer), but the heat from both the road and the engine will rise to
make the rider very hot!
Traffic jams and road repair: Road repair can result in backed up traffic and should be avoided at all costs. Check
before riding to make sure no road construction is taking place on your planned route.
If you should get stuck in backed up traffic unexpectedly, it is best to switch off the engine if you are likely to be
there for any appreciable length of time. This is particularly important for air-cooled bikes.
Things to Take in Hot Weather
There are occasions though that riding across barren desert roads may be called for (in Arizona for instance). Trips
like this should be planned with safety in mind.
Cell phone: Make sure your phone is charged before you go. However, remember that if the bike should break
down in the middle of nowhere, there is no guarantee that you will have cell phone reception or that someone will
see you and help. Therefore, you should bring items to keep you safe.
Water bottle: The rider should always take enough water to last at least half a day, and it is always good practice to
let someone know when and where you are going.
Umbrella: Another item that is worth its weight in gold should you break down in hot weather is a folding
umbrella. Although we all associate umbrellas with rain protection, they do have a duel role of offering shade in
hot weather.
Sunscreen: It’s easily forgotten but very important. Covering all exposed skin before leaving on a ride and taking
it with you to apply during the ride is critical to help prevent possible skin damage. An SPF of 45 or higher is
Rider's Edge Instructor "Rich" from Alabama
Our Condolences…
LESTER -- CARLOS W. Born August 24, 1966 passed away at his home on Friday, March 2, 2012,
at the age of 45 due to uncontrolled diabetes. He is survived by his mother, Nancy; brother, Jim
and wife Vicky; sister, Audrey Kay; as well as hundreds of cousins, aunts, uncles, friends, nieces
and nephews of the Chavez and Lester families who loved and will miss him dearly. Services will
be held at Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church, 9502 4th Street NW. A Rosary
will be recited on Sunday, March 11 at 3:00 pm. The Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated
on Monday March 12, 2012 at 9:00am with burial following at Mt. Calvary Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Pablo
Bennett, Chris Higdon, Allen Cofran, Cicario Ortiz, Eric Dixon, and Orlando Romero. Honorary Pallbearer will be
Tom Mathews. Should friends desire, memorial contributions would be much appreciated to help our 84 year
old mother pay her taxes and utilities. Carlos is now on his last motorcycle ride to his last fishing trip. God bless
you. Arrangements by Direct Funeral Services, 2919 4th ST. NW 505-343-8008.
Carlos Lester; was member of our motorcycle community, The Desert Posse RC, New Mexico Motorcyclist
Rights Organization and the COC.
David Duffy a friend of many in the motorcycle community passed away last week in a tragic motorcycle
accident. On Saturday Kelly's Brew Pub on Central and Nob Hill will open at 8:30 AM for breakfast and as a
meeting location for a memorial run in his honor to Madrid. RIP Peace David.
passed away this
past weekend in
Gallup, he crashed
his motorcycle in to the pot in this
picture, and they have some of
these pots in the medians of their
highways. I understand speed and
alcohol were both factors in this
As the responsibility of the NMMRO
to promote safety awareness to all
who share the is also
important we remind motorcyclists
you save may be your own...
ride safe all. Annette
born in Seminole, Texas on June 8, 1952 and died
suddenly when the motorcycle he was riding was struck
by a semi-truck on April 22, 2012 in Moriarty, New
Mexico. John served his country in Viet Nam and was a
Purple Heart recipient. John (Ripsaw) was also a proud
member of the Black Berets MC, the New Mexico
Motorcyclist Rights Organization, the Confederation of Clubs, an
advocate for American POW/MIA's and an avid motorcycle enthusiast.
John also loved fishing and boating. John was a man who loved quietly
and described his love in a letter that he wrote to his mother by saying "I
loved everyone I just didn't know how to show it. I ask everyone's
forgiveness and God bless." Johnny will be greatly missed by his children,
grandchildren, siblings and family as well as by his brothers of the Black
Berets, MC. A Memorial service was held for Johnny Dee Hamilton on
Saturday, April 28, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. at Denver City Memorial Park, 102
W. 3rd St., Denver City, Texas. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made
to the Black Berets, MC, c/o Dennis "Big D" Watson, #10 Greenridge
Blvd., Tijeras, NM 87059.
SNMMRO Update…
In early February, Annette Torrez and I traveled to
Roswell, NM to find out if the biker community would be
interested in starting the SNMMRO. Interest was
overwhelming. Overall, the community was interested.
Annette and I began exploring how to get the program
started. After a lot of exploring, we found it would be
easier said than done. With Annette being extremely busy
with the main NMMRO and me being on the verge of
retiring, she asked me to be the Chairman of the
SNMMRO, which I agreed to do. Since that time, I have
been to the Roswell area many times. Meetings with the
biker community have proven us right. I met with the
Roswell mayor, Police Chief, and city attorney along with
some big businessmen in the area. I had little resistance
with any of them with the exception of concern over the
amount of alcohol related incidents involving bikers. I
assured them this issue would be addressed at the next
meeting, which was held in March. All the SNMMRO
meetings are being held in conjunction with the Roswell
Citywide meetings, however, will start being stand-alone
meetings this summer.
At the past meeting on April 2, we held the 1st SNMMRO
meeting. Minutes of the meeting from Albuquerque were
read and, since there are no monies involved at this time,
there was no treasurer’s report was read. New business
included the recent wrecks involving motorcyclists in the
Roswell area. Out of the 4 wrecks, at least 2 are under
review because the local authorities’ reports may have
discrepancies. The issue of motorcyclists being under the
influence of alcoholic beverages in many incidents was
brought to the attention of the local bikers. This got a lot
of attention from many in attendance. There was
discussion from almost everyone there since some of the
wrecks involved alcohol, or drunk drivers of both cages
and bikes. Another issue was cagers driving and texting,
or on the phone and failing to pay attention to traffic.
This issue will be brought to the Police Departments
Currently there are 3 officer positions filled:
Chairman- Todd “Viking” Thompson
Secretary- Michaela Armstrong
Sgt. at Arms- Bret “Loki” Thompson
Positions to be filled soon:
Vice Chair and Treasurer
NMMRO Membership
Single Membership
Couples Membership
Corporate Membership
Please send info & checks to:
PO Box 27673
Albuquerque NM 87125-7673
(City, State and Zip Code)
E-mail: ________________________
Phone Number: _________________
Are you a registered voter? ________
CNMMRO Update…
The CNMMRO held its most recent monthly meeting on May 1 , 2012. Topics discussed included:
• Safety Awareness Day – Cinco de Mayo Sharing the Road Car & Bike Show Balloon Fiesta Park
• Update on NMMRO Treasurer Situation.
• Motorcycle Awareness Day – latest updates on the planning of the event.
• Black Berets are taking the Rio Rancho Toy Run date for their toy run at Rt. 66 Casino
• Annette is receiving the “Grunt” award at the NCOM convention this year.
• MAP class was held at RRHS on 4/26/12, Bev and Rod taught the class
• CNMMRO Officer nominations began and will close at the next meeting in June
CNMMRO meetings are held at 7 pm on the first Tuesday of each month at the Smokehouse BBQ, Hwy 528 & Barbara Loop
in Rio Rancho and are open to everyone. Our upcoming meetings will be held on Tuesday June 5 , the meeting for Tuesday
July 3 has been rescheduled for July 10 at 7pm
Dave Covert
Letter to Mayor Berry…
Mayor Richard J. Berry and Police Chief Ray Schultz
My name is Annette Torrez; I am the Chairman for the New Mexico Motorcyclist Rights Organization (NMMRO)
and the New Mexico representative for the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF). I represent motorcyclist
rights, freedoms, liberties and safety awareness on a state and national level. The New Mexico Motorcyclist
Rights Organization is holding A Sharing the Road Cinco de Mayo Bike and Car show at the Balloon Fiesta Park
on May 5 from 1 PM to 6 PM to promote safety awareness to all who share the road. Our Sponsors for this
event are The Department of Transportation, Attorney Dan Sorey, ThunderBird Harley Davidson Dealership and
MADD. We will have a day of motorcycle safety awareness demonstrations given by the DOT Motorcycle Riders
Foundation and ThunderBird's Riders Edge. The Duke City Wheelman will provide a bicycle Rodeo for the
children, throughout the day we will be handing out information about safety awareness to all who share the
road. MADD will be promoting don't drink and ride, don't drink and drive. We want to also promote don't text
and drive.
There have been so many motorcycle accidents in our state in the last couple of years. Last weekend alone
there were 6 accidents in our city involving motorcycles with two fatalities. While we promote safety
awareness to those who share the road with motorcyclist, we also promote safety to motorcyclists and ask they
also follow the laws of the road. We are trying to save lives through this event. Many are dying on our roads
and we hope our message will be heard.
Mayor Berry and Chief Schultz I ask for both of yours and the city of Albuquerque's support and hope you will
consider coming to our event and helping us promote safety with a message to those that attend. You can
contact me at 730-0435 or Thank you, attached is a flyer to our event.
Annette Torrez
NMMRO Chairman
New Mexico MRF Rep
MRF E-MAIL NEWS Motorcycle Riders Foundation
236 Massachusetts Ave. NE | Suite 510 | Washington, DC 20002-4980
202-546-0983 (voice) | 202-546-0986 (fax) |
12NR13 - MRF News Release - MRF Bikers Inside The Beltway National Lobby Day
23 April 2012
Contact: Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) is pleased to announce that the 4th annual Michael "Boz" Kerr Memorial Bikers Inside
The Beltway national lobby day will be held Thursday, May 17, 2012 in Washington DC. The MRF will have secure, free parking for
motorcycles just steps from the US Capitol Building. From 9:00-11:00am, participants will meet at the motorcycle parking area for
registration, instruction and lobby material pickup. From 1:00-2:00pm, there will be a program with Congressional speakers.
Lobbying your federal officials will take place from 11:00am-1:00pm and any time after 2:00pm. The MRF encourages you to
schedule appointments with your Representative and Senators during the lobbying hours. It is best to begin scheduling those
appointments now, as their calendars fill up quickly, particularly on a busy legislative day. Plan your appointments according to
your arrival time. If you plan to arrive promptly at 9:00am (don't forget to take DC traffic into consideration), you can schedule
meetings anytime from 9:45am until 12:30pm without conflict with the program that begins at 1:00pm. If you plan to arrive at
11:00am, you can schedule meetings from 11:30am until 12:30pm, and of course after the Congressional program. Should you not
be able to get an appointment, plan on dropping by as many offices from your State as you can during lobby times. Feel free to
contact the MRF office with any questions about scheduling. The MRF has secured free parking from 7:00am until 7:00pm just
steps from the US Capitol and the House and Senate office buildings. The exact location of the parking is on 3rd street SW and NW
between Madison and Jefferson drives. A map can be found at: An event flyer for Bikers Inside The
Beltway is also available on the MRF website: This year's Bikers Inside The Beltway
national lobby day coincides with an MRF Board of Directors meeting the following weekend, provide a perfect opportunity for
you to see your MRF Board in action. For more information regarding the times and location of the MRF Board meeting, contact
the MRF office in DC.
THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and
the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. For
more information, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit us on our website at NCOM
BIKER NEWSBYTES Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)
Proving that persistence pays off, motorcyclists in Michigan shook off the sting of two previous gubernatorial vetoes of their
helmet law repeal bills over the past few years and bounced back to win freedom of choice with the stroke of their new
governor’s pen. “Michigan gained freedom today when Governor Rick Snyder signed the bill (SB 291) into law (Public Act
#98) that repeals the 37-year old mandatory helmet law,” announced Angel Richardson, Legislative Director for the Michigan
Confederation of Clubs and a member of the National Coalition Of Motorcyclists (NCOM) Board of Directors. “The repeal is
effective immediately!,” she continued. “Thanks to everyone who made a phone call, sent a letter or a postcard, or sent an
e-mail.....your efforts made a difference.”
The Michigan legislature overwhelmingly approved the measure with broad bipartisan support, and with Gov. Snyder’s
signature on April 12th Michigan now joins 30 other states in amending their mandatory helmet law in favor of adult choice.
“The new law modernizes Michigan's outdated mandatory helmet law, which was a holdover from bygone days leaving
Michigan in the minority as one of only 20 states left enforcing an empty federal mandate,” said Vince Consiglio, President of
ABATE of Michigan. The proposal to update Michigan’s mandatory helmet law was introduced in the Senate by Senator Phil
Pavlov (R) St. Clair. "Every year, millions of dollars leave our state because of Michigan's outdated mandatory helmet law,"
Pavlov said. "This bipartisan plan will keep our dollars here, attract even more tourists to Michigan and help our state in
these tough economic times." Allowing motorcyclists to ride helmet-free could also generate more than $1 billion in direct
and indirect revenue, according to a recent Michigan Consultants study. The new law gives Michigan the strictest
requirements for riding helmet-free of any state that has modified mandatory helmet laws for adult choice. To ride helmetfree in Michigan, motorcyclists must:
* Be at least 21 years old.
* Have at least two years of riding experience or undergo special safety training.
* Carry at least $20,000 in additional medical insurance.
“On behalf of the NCOM Board of Directors we congratulate the State of Michigan on a job well done and to all who
supported them,” said James D. "Doc" Reichenbach II, Chairman of the NCOM Board.
Police claim that a group of bikers was pulled over for wearing improper helmets, but an attorney for the bikers claims they
were stopped by state troopers because of their colors. In a recently issued court opinion, U.S. District Judge Jerome
Simandle in Camden, N.J. said two members of the Pagans Motorcycle Club and one Tribe M.C. member can proceed with
their lawsuit stemming from a July 30, 2009, traffic stop in Burlington County, including malicious prosecution. During the
stop, New Jersey state troopers ordered riders of six motorcycles to remove their "colors," the members' patched jackets,
but the bikers refused -- leading to a federal lawsuit alleging actions by the troopers violated their constitutional rights. "The
court has basically said, 'Yes you have a right to wear a patch, these logos,' " said Norristown attorney Boyd Spencer, who
represents the Eastern Pa. Confederation of Clubs. The bikers were ticketed for not having approved helmets, and were told
to remove their colors if they wanted to leave. The whole traffic stop, which lasted more than an hour, was captured by
mounted cameras in the police cruisers. "Now you're all going to take your jackets off, because on this highway, these are
the only colors," one of the state troopers told the group after nearly 50 minutes had passed, referring to State Police blue
and gold uniforms. None of the bikers removed his colors, and at a later municipal court hearing, the helmets were found to
be legal and a prosecutor dismissed the charges. “We’re looking … for the court to rule the obvious: These people have a
right to wear their colors,” said Spencer, who is the Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) attorney for Pennsylvania and New
Jersey, and serves as legal counsel for the local Confederations of Clubs. “This is a widespread practice of police officers
harassing people with (club) patches on,” asserted Spencer, who contends his clients were stopped and detained by the
troopers because of their colors. “It’s not an isolated incident.” The state filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit but Simandle,
in his ruling, said the plaintiffs "sufficiently alleged deprivations of a clearly established constitutional right."
Safety studies show the most dangerous time for motorcyclists is their first year riding, peaking in the first month. For
motorcycle riders, their first 30 days are about four times more risky than their entire second year. A study by the Highway
Loss Data Institute shows 22% of nearly 57,000 collision claims from 2003 to 2007 occurred within 30 days of a new policy
taking effect. The claim rate then dropped by one-third in the second month and by almost two-thirds after six months.
A Word from ABATE…
Hello everyone I hope all are well and the riding is plentiful and great. May {motorcycle awareness month} is
upon us and a lot is going on with two motorcycle awareness events being done on the 5th, the Freedom Ride and
Flight the 18th, 19th and 20th as well as all the Memorial weekend events like Red River and the Eagleview
rallies. I hope we have the opportunity to see one another at some of these rides. On the subject of riding, I
should have gone riding today [it was a beautiful day] but I did some much needed work around the house. While
I was doing said work I was thinking about where it [unity among NM riders] all got off track. Years ago ABATE of
NM helped form the New Mexico Motorcycle Rights Organization to help with keeping an eye on the people that
are responsible for representing us in Santa Fe. It was intended that we would work together to make an even
stronger statement to the people at the capitol. Sometime in the last ten years we had a rift between the two
organizations that seems to have caused some lasting hard feeling for some people from both ABATE and
NMMRO. The biggest problem with holding on to this grudge is it prevents us from having as much awareness as
well as power as we would be capable of if we would work together. After all we all want the same thing, to be
FREE to enjoy our motorcycles and ride the highways of NM safely. It makes sense to me that instead of us and
them {ABATE & NMMRO} it should be we. Everyone is supporting each other with us being motorcyclist and them
being the people that want to prevent us from exercising our right to ride our motorcycles. I hope everyone
around the Albuquerque area will support the Ride and Shine motorcycle awareness event that the NMMRO will
hold on May 5th. We will be having our Motorcycle awareness parade here in Clovis at the same time or Dot and I
would be there. Hopefully these types of events will help remind people that this is the time of the year that
motorcycles, bicycles and even pedestrians come out in force to enjoy the summer and share the road with each
other as well as with the cars and trucks. Remember as was once said 150 years or so ago "a house divided will
not stand" only when we unite as motorcyclist/Freedom fighters will we be a strong voice for the motorcyclist
that live in, or travel through New Mexico. You don't have to agree with everything I have to say but you need to
think about the strength we can have when we put up a strong UNITED front. [Us and them FREEDOM FIGHTERS
and bureaucrats].I guess I'm done ranting at least till the next meeting.
Stay safe and enjoy the ride. Madjack Jouett
Calendar of Events…
May 5 12:00 pm
May 10 – 13
Cinco de Mayo Sharing the Road
Balloon Fiesta Park, Albuq. NM
27 Annual NCOM Convention
Indianapolis IN
Ride To Honor
Veterans Memorial Park Louisiana & Gibson
Rally in the Valley
Red River NM,
CNMMRO Meeting
Smokehouse BBQ , 4000 Barbara Loop, Rio Rancho, NM
COC Meeting
American Legion Post 49 - 11005 Central Ave NE Abq., NM
MRF Best of the West
Las Vegas Nevada
NMMRO Meeting
American Legion Post 49 - 11005 Central Ave NE Abq., NM
May 26 – 8:45 am
May 26
June 5 7:00 pm
June 9 2:00 pm
June 15 -17
June 16 12:00 pm
June 23 11:00 am
June 30 12:00 pm
2 Annual Back in the Saddle
Chopper Fest
Santa Fe Brewing Co. 35 Fireplace, Santa Fe (505) 424-3333
Schooltime Fundraiser
Santa Fe Sol Stage & Grill, Santa Fe Brewing Co.
35 Fireplace, Santa Fe (505) 424-7395
Advertisements & Announcements’
Healing Hands Massage
Cassandra Fischer
Licensed Massage
4041 Barbara Loop Ste. A
Rio Rancho, NM 87124
Young Living Essential
Oils #946986
1903 4 St. NW Suite A
Show Stoppers Unlimited
9319 Central NE
Albuquerque, NM 87123
(505) 888-2484
D&D Custom
David Baca Sr.
David Baca Jr.
8509 Constitution Ave, NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico
(505) 292-2700
Sales Service Installation, Repair,
Carpet, Wood, Laminate, Ceramic
Great Carpet Sale and Specials
Contact Pancho Frank Rivera
505 837 1950
For all your flooring needs
Berry Drafting Services
Patty Berry, Owner
(505) 934-1548
926 Coal Ave. SW
Albuquerque, NM 87102
 Registration 
Name(s): ____________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________
City: ______________________ State: _____ Zip: _____________
Phone: _________________ Mobile: __________________
Email: _________________________________________
Note: Check here if you wish to stay in bivouac quarters. 
Want an event t-shirt and pin ???
($20 per person until May 31, $25 June 1 and later)
Amount enclosed: ____________ T-shirt size(s): ________________
To register contact 
Albina Romero
PO Box 1633,
Cuba, NM 87013
Phone: (505) 469-0098
 Lodging 
Circle A Ranch Hostel—
Phone: (575) 289-3350
Cuban Lodge— Phone (505) 220-8291
Del Prado Motel— Phone (575) 289-3475
Frontier Motel— Phone (575) 289-3474
Suenos Encantados Bed and Breakfast—
Phone: (575) 289-3327 or (505) 249-7597
RV, bivouac and camping spots are
available at the Sandoval County