NE?,,S & vrE?,,g^ Vol. VJe 22, hrue 9 G'*B.hq Ba*Y-'- ?outhful SmilcI Stained, ycllow or graying teeth. Thinning, wotn down or chippcd teeth. Top teeth that are worn down and barely show when you smile. Receding gums that make your teeth look elongated. manl obsess about rvarding ofT s:rinkles. But vour srrilc is tlre first thing pcoplc scc ! Old testorations and remaining teeth that don't match in color. s we afac, And missing, discolored, ctooked, gapped, or chipped teeth can add 10 or more years to your face. Iloncstlr', ir's a l()t easier to rcvcrsc vour aginu smile than to agc-proof lour skin. why not take advantage of our "age-de{'ing" dental procedures-rnany showing instant results ! So Tc,kp- c- 0aSe La,k ir.- ll^2. lurirra- thcsc major aters: Sunken facial areas due to tooth or bone loss. We can often restore the color, position and shape of r,our pearlt' rvhites from s,av back u,'hen I Pcstorcd Snrilc Oncc $'c trcat the impertections that age 1'our smile-\,oute going to sonder what took rrru so )ong to makc the imDrovcments. A Avea+ $nalz. tS Ao,+. 1t"r"'"""Seu.De+" It all starts bv cnhancing ! the appearance, hcalth, and function of rrur tccth and gums. Discovcr how vour healthier, younger-looking smile can boost your self-esteem and improve yout overall well-being. We are not saying 1<ru shouldn't deYote time to vour skin, but you'll nevef regret having a vibrant, whitet and healthier smile. ! Comparc vonr prcscnt smile to an old photo of t'oursclf-, C)r'cr time, r-ou ma\- not havc noticed the graclual changcs. Sec . Ask about our high-tech dental advancements: stateof-the-art bleaching, bonding, porcelain veneers, bridgework, crowns and dental implants. if lou spot <rJd'^02 ,ao,- c,nllaeirr,c, '>e^I&Ex;t^^-' TiDDAY! /? %hhV Time is Running Out! You snooze.,,you lose " ! This month is the ideal time flenlal lnsur:ln(c Plxn can De paid l ith rrrur rcmaining tl. &a{.;;,... We'll te *t torer'i(rr'rourrcmainingdentaI--*H.F|erSpentIinubl|lrncc. fnsurance ocncr'ir* ano i-ret tartnqt - E-- rou to schedule necessary treatment before rnev exDrre: so rvill alknv -f It-l --l q\E7.I U d Ei ".Jlii::Tt:lTTJ?s: *l t ii vour oentar coverage -;rJ it" policy yow2l74benefits 31st. will expire on December \iru non.t bc rblc them r>r'cr into t, roll | i ! tr ' .rr rrid losing thlt . ..,r,,, '...,:,::::::1:',=,.' [::iil:f;::;:, " Don't.detay']:.i;lij:llr,:::l;l;,,, I! yOUf / next appOintlqent. SGne0Ullng 2t)15. .. nl'. J:#Jx :.:: ""';::::1. :un rn' rcscr\ e\ Derore thc end of the year / ca //@7 rrrur tjrmilr.s dcnrrl c\lllrs, clcaninus anrl anr' d en ri i'rr*h a'l i s "lililLi I i'- ur cirlminl can stoP ! in c( )ntrol Don\ fccl thc s to havc tlcntal s'orl lonq timc sincc lou You're not alo: zlneinr lssacialiat petcent of Amerir going to the dent: so fearful, thcv rcfr. C)ur stafi is rvci feel more relaxed \\rc'r-c alreaclr, hclpr ()Ycfconte their cler Iife-changing ! Today's dental that ensure patier advanced than ev previous expericnc, vour dental hsalth. To help you look and feel your best, we genuinely want to help you eliminate dental disease, In addition to daily brushing and flossing, take the following steps to help preserve your teeth and gums for a lifetime: REDUCE your consumption of processed foods and refined sugars. The keys are moderation and more whole, natural foods. AVOID between-mcal snacks. If you must indulge in sweets or snacks, less damage is done when consumed with BEWARE of so-called "hcalthy" snacks that are just irs bad For your teeth as candy when not removed fronr tooth surfaces; chewy, sticky foods like nutrition bars, lruit rolls, raisins and other dried fruits. RINSE THOROUGHLY or chew a sugarless gum when you can't brush meal. after earing SCHEDUTE regular dental exams and in'officc cleanings. CHOOSE snacks wisely by replacing sugary, starchy snacks with plain yogurt, cheese, fruits, raw vegctables, nuts and seeds. REPLACE sugar-filled carbonated sodas and fruit juices with watcr. ! weDoql Tell us vour cor so rtru can gct the and de scn-c. Take a deep lrrt firoment vou tinish frcsh on your nrinc ( Jnce YOU start har.e feu'cr clcnta Yc h,
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