Lots of Time and Many Weeks or Points Make for Extensive Vacations


Lots of Time and Many Weeks or Points Make for Extensive Vacations
The Trusted Independent Voice of Vacation Ownership since 1991
Issue #124
Jul/Aug, 2012
Lots of Time and Many Weeks or
Points Make for Extensive Vacations
TimeSharing Today asked readers of its online newsletter to tell us about their vacation plans
for 2012. Among the responses were those of owners with multiple weeks or many points and
the time to fully utilize them. Here are some of those responses.
The attached is a listing of where we will be going (and have gone so far in 2012), how we will get there, how long we will
be there, and who, if anyone, will be staying with us. Our guests/family are noted in red. We drive or fly to resorts as indicated.
Sometimes we bracket our resort travels with visits to friends/family. We don’t stay at home very much.
We are owners of Wyndham points and use all of our points annually to enjoy travel around the U.S. and Canada. You can
see that we exchange some of our Wyndham points with RCI. The cruises were booked through a traditional travel agent. You can
note that there are no resorts outside North
America. In prior years we have traveled
VA and stayed two weeks at the Historic
to 87 countries on all 7 continents so we
Powhatan Resort to refresh our colonial
feel it is time to concentrate on our beautihistory memories at Colonial Williamsful North America continent.
burg, Yorktown, and Jamestown. The
During 2012 we have and or will
Williamsburg area is near the top of our
spend a total of 73 nights at Wyndham
most desired timeshare destinations.
resorts, 63 nights at RCI resorts, and 30
In May, we traveled to the hill country
nights aboard cruise ships. The rest of
of Texas for a couple of weeks with my
the year we stop at home to pay bills, do
brother and his wife, staying a week at the
laundry, and entertain locally.
Silverleaf’s Hill Country Resort at Canyon
Bruce Baldwin
Lake. During this time, we searched out
small, unique hill country towns for shop****
ping, entertainment, and some of Texas’
My wife, Nancy, and I are 76 and 79
best bar-be-que which measures right up
years old. We bought our first timeshare
there with Tennessee pork bar-be-que.
in 1980 and the tenth in 2006. We have
Planned for the rest of 2012, after
timeshared all over the continental U.S.
Nancy recovers from total knee replaceand trade seven. In January, we met my
from California to Washington to Maine
ment, are a couple of weeks in July/August
brother and his wife at The Wharf in Hot
to Key West, Florida and have enjoyed it
at the same resorts we visited in March –
Springs, AR, where we have adjoining
all. All of our timeshare are fixed weeks
Wyndham Resort at Fairfield Glade and
weeks, to relax and visit the arts, crafts,
and while we have attended quite a few
Sunrise Ridge Resort – to hibernate, heal,
and antique shops in the area. In March,
presentations by several developers on
and watch the Summer Olympics. From
the two of us spent a couple of weeks near
their points programs, we are satisfied
there we plan to end our timeshare year
the Smoky Mountains – Wyndham Resort
with the weeks program. Of the ten weeks
with one week at Apple Valley Resort in
at Fairfield Glade, TN and Sunrise Ridge
that we own, we normally trade about half
Howard, OH to visit the Amish and MenResort in Pigeon Forge, TN – where we
of them through RCI and travel to our
nonite area and another week at French
visited a Mennonite Community and enhome resorts the rest of the time.
Lick Springs Villas in French Lick, IN
joyed the mountains in the early Spring.
During 2012, we have and plan to
doing the same thing.We enjoy learning
In April, we traveled to Williamsburg,
travel to our home resorts for three weeks
(Continued on page 25)
Continue to Receive TimeSharing Today! Subscription form on page 55.
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Page 3
Jul/Aug, 2012
Privacy Concerns vs Owners’ Contact Information:
A Possible Solution
During the past several years, we have published a number of articles about
instances when timeshare owners have been unable to gain or retain control
over the resorts at which they own weeks. These situations usually arise when
the developer or management company has voting rights for enough units
to give it effective control over who will be elected to the Board of Direc­
tors. When a candidate for a board seat runs in opposition to the candidates
favored by the developer or management company, he or she is hampered
by the inability to communicate with other owners at a reasonable cost, or to
even have access to the contact information for the other owners.
On the positive side, the California Supreme Court recently held that the
California statute, which requires that owners’ addresses be provided, also
means that the email addresses should be given to the owner. The Court found
that the $280,000 cost for the mailing would have been prohibitive for an in­
dividual. (SeeTimeSharing Today, Jan/Feb, 2012.) However, most developers
and management companies continue to push back against requests for the
list of owners and their contact information, citing privacy concerns.
In the last issue of TimeSharing Today, we wrote about proposed legisla­
tion in Hawaii that would require the manager of a timeshare resort to provide
names and addresses of timeshare owners to an owner who certifies that the
list will be used only to solicit votes or proxies or to provide information to
other owners with respect to business of the homeowners’ association. The
arguments of those in opposition were based on claims that owners have an
expectation that personal data will remain confidential when timeshares are
purchased, and that the list could be leaked and used for junk mail.
In the California case, the court stated that “denial of the right to contact
other members by email effectively denies a member the right to contact other
members for a proper purpose.”
We believe there is a relatively simple way to reconcile the privacy and
security concerns of those who are opposed to releasing the list with the desire
of an owner to contact other owners by email for a proper purpose.
When an owner wishes to contact other owners with respect to
homeowners’ association business, such as soliciting proxies to act on
their behalf at the next owners’ meeting or seeking votes to be elected to
the board of directors, the resort manager would then arrange for the
owner’s message to be emailed to the other owners who have provided
email addresses. There is then no disclosure of personal information to
the requesting owner, nor any danger of the list being leaked and used
for junk mail.
This procedure is so simple and obvious that it is hard to believe it has
not been proposed in response to the objections expressed during hearings
on the Hawaii bill.
Of course, to make this procedure function properly requires the coopera­
tion of the resort manager and restraint by owners to avoid the system being
abused. Since such “cooperation” may not be readily forthcoming, any statute
would need some punitive remedies to insure compliance with reasonable
requests that an emailing be done. On the other side, there must be limitations
on the frequency of owner requests and probably some specified fee to cover
the administrative cost of the emailing. These provisions should not be too
difficult to work out in developing legislation that would enable timeshare
owners to have a real voice in the governance of their resorts.
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Page 4
Jul/Aug, 2012
Letters to the Editor
Expired timeshare
Although I’ve seen the situation
mentioned every so often in the magazine,
I do not recall an article describing what
has actually occurred at a deeded week
timeshare resort when the time expires for
the timeshare plan and the owners have
some residual rights. We used to own at
the Royal Mayan in Cancun and after 25
years, or perhaps it was 20, the resort
was supposed to be sold and the proceeds
divided between the developer and the
owners. I have always been curious as to
what actually happens when that occurs,
i.e how the owners fared.
By now I believe that time has expired for the Royal Mayan. I recall in an
article in TimeSharing Today quite a few
years ago mentioning that the expiration
was close for a sister resort, Club International de Cancun. That date is long past.
In our 28 years of timesharing, I have
not talked to anyone else who owned at a
resort with those conditions. Those with
deeded weeks either had a deed in perpetuity or a fixed time period where at the end
of the time period they owned nothing.
©Michael Maslin/The New Yorker Collection/www.cartoonbank.com.
Is what we had at the Royal Mayan used
elsewhere or only at the Royals Resorts
or perhaps only Mexico?
In any case, I think an interesting
article would be to describe an actual situation when the time expired like at VCI or
the Royal Mayan.
Charles Trenkle
Editor’s reply: Within the past two
years, we did report that the owners at two
Mexican resorts had voted to extend the
timeshare plan for an additional period of
time. If the timeshare plan is not extended,
the owners would share in the proceeds
from a sale of the resort.
Diamond owners
We have been Diamond owners at
Greensprings and Powhatan Resorts in
Williamsburg, VA since around 1996.
During our last trip to Greensprings in
late Feb. we went to one of the “talks.” I
mentioned that I knew of the special assessments [at a Diamond-managed resort]
in Hawaii (from TimeSharing Today, of
course) and the salesman pounced on
that in order to scare us into purchasing more points. Thankfully, we were
able to rescind in time. In retrospect,
we can’t believe we agreed to purchase
more points since we are able to enjoy
our timeshare quite well with the points
we already own.
After reading more, I discovered
what has been mentioned in TimeSharing
Today about directors being Diamond
employees. Just doesn’t seem fair. We’ve
learned our lesson – no more “talks!”
We plan on continuing to enjoy our
use of our timeshare. Thank you so much
for keeping us informed. Good luck to the
owners with the lawsuit.
Melinda Castin
We used to own at Poipu and so
glad we don’t now. We bought it when
it was Embassy. We are owners at Tahoe
(purchased when it was Embassy) and our
board of directors is composed mainly of
Diamond people even though we have
elections every year. It seems that it is
hard for anyone not connected with Diamond to be elected even though we have
several non-Diamond candidates. We do
go to the annual meetings and vote.
The same thing happened with increase of maintenance, even though it is
a very nice property.
We travel mainly with timeshare
weeks; like many others, I am becoming
disillusioned about management practices
and the fact that to buy from a developer
is exorbitant and resale is nil.
Ada Towers
As a member of Diamond Resorts,
I am so disappointed in CEO Cloobeck
for subjecting the owners of timeshares
at Poipu Point to consumer fraud, poor
management and unethical practices. We
watched Cloobeck on Undercover Boss
and he portrayed himself as a decent
person. Was that just an act? We have
stayed at Poipu Point twice and we haven’t
been able to discern all the damage they
are talking about.
We have had high hopes for Diamond
Resorts, but when things like this happen,
it shakes your confidence in the decisions
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TimeSharing Today
that are being made by the CEO and others at the management level. No wonder
timesharing gets a black eye. All we ask
is for things to be ethical and honest.
George and Barbara Moore
Bluegreen points
owners and RCI
I just want to check in on the
changes since RCI regrouped. I have
Bluegreen Points. I used to be able to
reserve a unit with Bluegreen and deposit
it in the spacebank at RCI. I can’t do
that anymore. Now I can only put in
a request directly with the Bluegreen
operator at RCI for a vacation I want to
use, so I won’t be able to spacebank my
weeks anymore.
Does that make any sense? RCI
doesn’t get my weeks anymore and I
have to have my vacations planned way
ahead. I foresee losing a lot of my points
this way. I’ve already lost 1500 and it’s
only been a year. So, why would I want
to buy more Blue Green points?
Diane Drummond
RCI explains:
The new way that Bluegreen points
owners do business with RCI has many
advantages for the Bluegreen owner.
They now have the ability to search
for a vacation without giving up a week
to RCI. In addition, Bluegreen owners
can access RCI exchange availability
through the Bluegreen website. They do
not need to login to RCI separately.
And perhaps the most exciting thing
is that they can confirm RCI inventory
in BVC point values. There is no need
Page 5
to convert to RCI points.
We would love the opportunity
to speak to this member and help her/
him make the most of his points. Many
members find it helpful to go on-line
and let one of our agents help them to
navigate their way through the RCI/
Bluegreen site. If this member is not a
computer user we could simply explain
the process and help them manage their
points successfully.
Brooke Brown is the supervisor of
our Bluegreen line. I know that Brooke
would be happy to set this owner up with
a helpful phone rep. Or, they are welcome to call me directly and I will set up
a good time for a patient and knowledgeable phone rep to make contact.
Brook’s phone number is 317-805xxxx. She is out today but in next week.
She will also be out of the office May
21 - 25.
My phone number is 407-226-xxxx.
I will be out of the office most of next
week but am back May 21 - 25. Or, the
member is welcome to contact either of
us by email.
Thank you for making us aware of
this. We look forward to helping this
member make good use of her Bluegreen
Teresa DeFelice,
Account Executive, RCI
TimeSharing Today
to the rescue
In my position as the Timeshare Administrator for the state of --------------,
I receive numerous complaints and
inquiries from timeshare owners about
reselling their timeshare interests. As
Jul/Aug, 2012
you are aware, the number of resale
scams and resulting complaints have
exploded over the past couple of years.
And as a result, they come to me wanting to know what to do and how to rid
themselves of their timeshare.
As a state regulator, I cannot recommend any one entity over another,
but I do provide them with some tips
on how they can “unload” (for lack of
a better word) their unwanted timeshare interest. Several years ago, I
came across your publication and have
personally subscribed since that time.
I do not own a timeshare, but find the
articles and classified ads to be very
enlightening. And, I am sure there are
a lot of owners who are not aware that
your publication exists.
As I was recently personalizing
a response for a consumer inquiry, I
thought how beneficial it would be
for consumers in this situation to see
a sample publication of TimeSharing
Today. Do you have any old (or sample)
publications you are looking to discard,
that might be available to include in my
mailing. In addition to several listed
alternatives, I currently include the
TimeSharing Today website, mailing
address, and telephone number in the
information that I provide to consumers.
I currently do not provide copies of
TS Today articles because of copyright
laws. But in the future, it might be
helpful to send a list of your most recent
reputable Timeshare Resale Companies, if your permission is granted.
I am not approaching you with this
as an official government request. This
is strictly a personal decision, based on
www.tstoday.com for back issues, message boards, Special Reports and much more
TimeSharing Today
compassion for these folks. So please
do not use my name, title, or state, in
any of your publications (hard copy or
Thank you in advance for your
Name withheld by requesd
Editor’s reply: We are shipping a
small quantity of magazine to the admministrator each month.
Kudos for Wyndham
and Dave M.
In Ask Dave M’s column in the the
May/Jun issue, CACtiV posted the same
problem we had experienced with Wyndham and Club Wyndham Access.
We were in touch with Wyndham
and through correspondence explained
what had happened.
The Wyndham representative was
very helpful and she worked with us to
solve a very expensive situation.
Maybe this information might be
helpful to CACTiV.
Leon Thomasleontor@comcast.net
Page 6
Just wanted to drop a quick note to
say thank you to David McClintock for
his excellent articles on the tax aspects
of timeshares. Saved me a big chunk of
research time. Thanks for explaining the
“why” behind the “what”. Keep up the
good work.
T. J. Taylor, Accountant/Tax
Specialist, Chandler, AZ
Benefits for existing
Marriott owners
We have been timeshare owners
since 1990 and I just wanted to respond
comments by Jim Boyd (Letters to Editor,
May/Jun, 2012)
Marriott has undergone many changes in the past two years with the points
product. New owners can only purchase
points to access resorts. Previous owners
(Legacy) have the option to use points or
to continue to use weeks as they have after
they have purchased the points option. It
Jul/Aug, 2012
currently costs $695 for this feature and
this cost will increase to $2395 in June.
The nice part about this new program
is after the initial cost the following fees
are included in the yearly fees 1) Interval
membership $89, 2) Trade for Marriott
Rewards points $119, 3) Lock off fees
$80, 4) Split Week fees $80, 5) Cancellation/Modification fees $35, 6) Internal
Exchange $119/$129. Club dues of $165199 cover all of these items. I figure that
we will come out ahead on these.
Here is something to consider with
the new product for Legacy owners. If
you want to utilize a resort that is of lesser
points than what you own, you are better
off using points as you will have points left
over. For even exchanges (resorts worth
the value of your home resort), you are
better off using the exchange company as
you will not have enough points to use for
a resort of comparable value. If you want
to use a resort worth more than the point
value of your resort, it would again be of
benefit to use the exchange company.
Hope this helps.
Kathryn Smith, St. Charles, IL
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TimeSharing Today
Page 7
Spotlight on Scams
Three People Charged
in Mortgage Fraud
Sixteen people from southern New
Jersey have been indicted on charges of
conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud,
mail and wire fraud, and conspiracy to
commit money laundering in a $2.6 million timeshare mortgage fraud.
According to documents filed in this
case and statements made in court:
In July 2010, law enforcement officers began investigating The Vacation
Ownership Group, (a/k/a VO Group
The investigation revealed that from
at least March 2009 and to September
1, 2011, the defendants, through the
VO Group, participated in a fraudulent
scheme in which representatives of the
VO Group, often using false identities,
telephoned owners of timeshare vacation properties purchased from Flagship
Resort Development, Wyndham Vacation Resorts Inc., and other timeshare
developers. They convinced the owners
in some cases to submit money to the VO
Group, purportedly to pay off the owners’
mortgages on their timeshares. The VO
Group claimed that the timeshare owner
could pay off the mortgage balance at a
substantially reduced amount—often by
as much as 50 percent of the amount of the
owner’s original mortgage—by mailing
payment to the VO Group at a post office
box in Pleasantville, New Jersey.
The VO Group representatives also
got timeshare owners to send the VO
Group money, purportedly to have timeshares cancelled or sold.
After receipt of payments for the
VO Group’s “service,” the conspirators
caused those payments to be deposited
into a bank account in the name of the
VO Group. Rather than paying off the
timeshare owner’s mortgage, cancelling
the owner’s timeshare, or selling the timeshare, the conspirators used the timeshare
owner’s money for their personal use.
The investigation also revealed that,
in an attempt to cover up the scheme, the
conspirators in most cases engaged in a
“bait and switch” tactic by purchasing
an additional timeshare in the victim’s
name without the victim’s knowledge.
The victim purportedly had assented to
the purchase based on documents the VO
Group previously emailed to the victim
for signature even though the victim
had been led to believe he or she was
simply paying off the original timeshare
Jul/Aug, 2012
During the course of the investigation, law enforcement officers interviewed approximately 225 victims of the
conspirators’ scheme identified to date.
Many of the victims are elderly.
Law enforcement has determined
that the conspirators defrauded the victims of more than $2.6 million.
Since the arrests, the VO Group
changed its name to VO Financial Corp.
The investigation also revealed that
three of the prople charged, Adam Lacerda, Ashley Lacerda, and Brian Corley
sought and received unemployment
compensation during the time they were
working at the VO Group. The indictment
charges them with mail fraud in connection with this related scheme.
The mail and wire fraud conspiracy
charge, and mail and wire fraud charges
each carry a maximum potential penalty
of 20 years in prison and a $250,000
fine. The conspiracy to commit money
laundering charge carries a maximum
potential penalty of 10 years in prison
and a $250,000 fine.
United States Attorney Fishman
credited special agents from the FBI’s
Atlantic City Resident Agency, under
the direction of Special Agent in Charge
Michael B Ward in Newark; and special
agents from the Department of Labor, Office of Inspector General, Office of Labor
Racketeering and Fraud Investigations,
under the direction of Special Agent in
Charge Robert Panella, New York Region, for their roles in the ongoing investigation. He also thanked the New Jersey
Department of Labor, Benefit Payment
Control Unit for their assistance.
(Source: 7thSpace Interactive)
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Page 8
Ron’s Select Holidays
By Ronald G. Helms,
Centerville, OH
Windward Passage Resort,
Fort Myers Beach, FL
Forty-five years ago as young educators, my wife and I selected Ft. Meyers
beach as a holiday destination during
the Christmas break. We enjoyed the
Christmas holidays with our parents and
relatives, and drove south to Ft. Meyers
Beach Holiday Inn for a week of sun, the
salty beaches and the Gulf of Mexico.
What were we thinking? Holiday Inn
and a road-trip to Florida? This was to be
the last holiday taken in this fashion. We
soon realized that our lifestyle provided
plenty of holiday time, and we have the
resources to fly to U.S. and world-wide
destination. Holidays Inns are a vague and
very distance memory.
I tend to be a linear thinker concerning attendance at national conferences
and in terms of planning holidays. We
seem to have a queue of airline tickets
and timeshare reservations. The vital
holiday planning is for spring break.
Within weeks of the last spring break we
are trading for next year’s spring break,
and we are finding airline tickets as soon
as the airlines post the routes.
Our stable is filled with ten twobedroom timeshares. However, we traded
years ago into Windward Passage Resort
on the quiet north section of Ft. Meyers
Beach. Ft. Meyers Beach is not Sanibel
and Captiva, but for a small fraction of
the price, we purchased two weeks of
one-bedroom units. There are very few
two-bedroom units at this property, and
very few two-bedroom units appear on
the secondary market.
I believe that location is vital; that
timeshare ownership should be in geographic areas that one will re-visit; and
that timeshare ownership is not an economic investment, but rather a lifestyle investment. Windward Passage Resort also
turned out to be an economic investment.
We sold the two properties at a profit.
Windward Passage Resort is a resort
that we greatly enjoyed for several years;
all 52 weeks are flex ownership, and we
always scheduled the very same unit for
two consecutive weeks. Timeshare owners know the advantage of making these
arrangements: no refrigerator transfer of
food, no kitchen transfer, no bathroom
transfers, and no clothing or luggage
Windward Passage Resort has a great
swimming pool on the south side; we always arranged to reserve our units on the
north side with a beach view rather than a
view of children playing about the pool.
Some years, we found profit in renting the unit, and these ocean and beach
front one-bedroom units traded into five
star and two-bedroom units with a degree
of ease. All 52 weeks are red weeks at
Windward Passage Resort.
My wife and I are avid tennis fans;
the tennis courts are one story high on the
roof of the parking lot. This is a unique
and clever arrangement.
The photographs (while limited) on
the Interval international Website do not
provide justice to this gem of a property.
Jul/Aug, 2012
Ft. Meyers is the archetypical Florida
“snowbird city.” The hordes come in November and depart in April. This means
that often the bridge from Ft. Meyers to
Ft. Meyers Beach is in gridlock. This is
not the case in the summer months.
We always fly to the Ft. Meyers
airport, pick up a Hertz automobile and
drive the 18-22 miles to Windward Passage Resort in about 30 minutes. During
the “snowbird months,” allow at least an
hour for the same trip.
I posted this review on the Web several years ago:
“Outstanding small resort located
between city pier and city park. Although
small rooms, the veranda provides an
outstanding Gulf view.
“Summers are hot and humid, and
good vacation times. Winters can generate
fierce traffic problems.
“Hurricanes have done their worst to
this property, and it has always bounced
back. Ideal for small families. Great
The following post is representative
as a summary of Many Web posts:
“A unique, intimate Resort in a great
beach location. Socials include Ice Cream
Day, Pancake Day, Hot Dog, Burger Day
& free coffee any day. A user friendly
quiet Resort with heated pool and complimentary beach chairs. Bring your own
beach towels as they are not supplied and
minimum toilet tissue or you can purchase
additional rolls. Not far, near the end of
N. Ft. Myers Beach, is the fabulous Pine
Shell Resort for a tropical drink or meal
and several quality island restaurants.”
The absolute best part of the day is at
sunset. People flock to the beach in an almost religious manner to silently observe
the ardent red ball of sun “descend into
the ocean” or into a thin layer of clouds
that provide a hue of red and pink for a
30 minute afterglow following sunset.
There is something very unique about
the atmospheric conditions of Ft. Myers
Beach that provides this unique sunset.
Once experienced, it takes little time to
conjure up in one’s brain the absolute
beauty of nature.
Windward Passage Resort is a “find.”
It is not unusual to be visited by wild
dolphins while swimming. The staff can
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TimeSharing Today
direct the visitor to manatee habitats.
Birding is always available. There are
a few sea shells, and sand dollars are in
abundance (be certain to observe Florida
state law in sea shell collecting.)
I have never understood the use of a
swimming pool at a timeshare that is yards
away from the Gulf of Mexico, and that
is warm year round. Windward Passage
Resort provides “beach” lounge chairs
that may be moved to quiet areas within
inches of the Gulf of Mexico. It is here
that couples are able to escape the feral
children that haunt timeshares.
Windward Passage Resort, a re-
Page 9
sort that I liken to a “starter
house,” is priced “right” on
the secondary market, and
provides a significantly better holiday than does a hotel.
The kitchen, living room, and
bedroom are very small; the
outstanding lanai is the wonderful part of the unit. During the afternoon and night
storms, it seems magical to
view the lighting strikes miles
away at sea.
Many of us have advanced from starter houses
to better properties to near
mansion-like homes that are
fronted by parks and have
acres of yards and gardens in
the back. As we moved into
the Hyatt and Marriott properties, we also transcended
from the “niceness” of Windward Passage Resort to more
exquisite timeshares that are
much larger, professionally
decorated, and provide a home
away from home.
There is nothing “wrong”
about Windward Passage Resort; the
property suited us for several years. We
certainly recommend Windward Passage
Resort to those whose budget is modest,
and who will thoroughly enjoy an outstanding beach holiday.
Windward Passage Resort is directly
in hurricane country. On August 13, 2004,
Hurricane Charley, a Category 4 hurricane that made landfall north of the area,
hit Fort Myers hard. In 2005, Hurricane
Wilma struck caused extensive damage
in Fort Myers. Windward Passage Resort
was heavily damaged by these two hurricanes, and extensive rebuilding became
Jul/Aug, 2012
necessary. Of course, the surrounding
area also suffered greatly from these hurricanes.
One of the advantages of Windward
Passage Resort is that the city of Fort Myers, with a population of 68,689, provides
an adjacent urbane center with hospitals,
shopping, and all of the infrastructure of
a modern city within a few minutes drive.
Tourist brochures point out that Fort
Meyers was the winter homes of Thomas
Edison (Seminole Lodge) and Henry Ford
(The Mangoes), which are both primary
tourist attractions in the region.
The restaurant and nightlife scene
of Fort Myers provides the full scale of
choices from seafood to fast-food to white
tablecloth. Fort Myers has invested heavily in transportation arteries that are logical
and easily memorized. There are several
shopping centers. The older shopping
areas are suffering from blight, but some
of the newer areas are quite attractive. We
are always attracted to the shops and restaurants at Bell Tower (Daniels Parkway
and U.S. 41.) There is something festive
and inviting about this set of outdoors
shops; turnover of shops and restaurants
seem all to frequent. The outdoors plazas
and fountains provide a scenic relief from
the world of “cuteness.”
This area of Florida is an easy airline
flight, as well an almost intuitive driving
experience. If one’s brain functions in
terms of cardinal directions it is virtually
impossible to become lost on the urban
area. Of course, once one is driving on
Ft. Meyers beach, the Gulf of Mexico is
always to the west.
A Windward Passage Resort unit
may sell for $1,000.00 – $2,000.00. This
is an excellent investment for a young
family or for a retired couple living on a
fixed budget.
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TimeSharing Today
Page 10 TSToday Anywhere
Jul/Aug, 2012
Mrs. Donald Hershman of Boca Raton, FL enjoyed her
magazine during an exchange to The Banyon in Key West, FL.
Long-time reader Evie Wagner reads her TimeSharing Today
(she calls it her Bible) while on vacation in Williamsburg, VA
with her husband Allyn.
David Garrison shows off his magazine at the Fairfield
Flagstaff Resort in Arizona.
Linda Hill, Joan and Rot Lunde and Kristen Ross are sharing
their TimeSharing Today during an exchange in Puerta Vallarta.
Anita Dickerson of
Orlando, FL clutches
her TimeSharing Today as she arrives at
their Sea Gardens
timeshare on the
ocean in Pompano
Beach, FL
Bill and Sheryl Hurley display their magazine while vacationing at the Sea Garden Resort in Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico.
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Page 11 Jul/Aug, 2012
Avid TimeSharing Today readers Robert Newell and
Don Erickson are shown in front of the Sea Palace in St.
Maarten where they vacationed with their wives.
Myrna Helfand of Northbrook, IL reads her
magazine at the Grand Destination Vacation Club in
Mesquite, NV.
My husband Carl Scherer and I (Rhea Palma) want to share photo
memories of our 20th anniversary in December in San Diego with our fellow TimeSharing Today readers. We are pictured on the lovely walk path
along Harbor Island with the incredible San Diego cityscape behind us. We
celebrated our anniversary dinner at Island Prime restaurant, great service
and very romantic location on the waterfront. Our timeshare company is
Shell Vacations Club which offers its members a unique alternative to the
adventurous: houseboats and large yachts located at Harbor Vacation Club at
Marina Cortez on Harbor Island, just a short walk from where we are pictured
standing. My husband and I stayed there the week of the San Diego Parade
of Lights, with fireworks over the bay and a parade of boats decorated in
Christmas lights. Life on a 55’ foot yacht can be challenging, but the experience was fun and memorable, and the location was spectacular!
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Page 12
Jul/Aug, 2012
Westgate founder’s
mansion up for sale
Set on 10 acres in Windermere,
FL the 90,000-square-foot house of
Westgate founder David Siegel is on the
market for $65 million although it is not
completed. Reports are not clear whether
the asking price is for the completed
house or as is. The home is the subject
of a new documentary, The Queen of
The house contains 22 baths, 10
kitchens, 13 bedrooms and a bowling
alley. The complex includes a baseball
field, an underground 20-car garage,
two movie theaters, and a roller-skating
Sandy Shores saga
nears end
The seven-year struggle for Sandy
Shores Resort to terminate its timeshare
plan and sell its property is nearly at an
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end. The lengthy process to terminate
the plan, chronicled in the Sep/Oct, 2011
issue of TimeSharing Today, finally came
to a conclusion on December 18, 2011
when termination plan approvals from
more than the required 80% of owners
were recorded in the County Clerk’s
With about 2,200 owners of this
Daytona Beach Shores (FL) resort, the
recording fees were more than $15,000.
Legal fees during the seven years exceeded $200,000.
The building, which had been severely damaged by a hurricane was demolished several years ago. The property
has finally been listed for sale and is now
on the market.
Class action suit
against Diamond could
impact S & P rating
Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services
said today that it is monitoring the potential impact of a $65 million assessment
fee on the performance of two rated
Diamond Resorts Owner Trust transactions. The Homeowner’s Association
Board of a Diamond Resorts property
in Hawaii imposed the fee on timeshare
owners to cover water intrusion damages
to the property.
In its statement, Standard & Poor’s
said “The imposition of this assessment
may, in our view, result in an increase
in defaults among timeshare owners,
many of whom may also have obtained
financing from Diamond or an affiliate to
purchase their timeshare interest. These
loans, made to facilitate the purchase
of timeshare interests, serve as part of
the underlying collateral for the series
2009-1 and 2011-1 transactions. If a
spike in defaults were to result from this
fee, the ratings we have assigned to these
two transactions could be negatively affected.”
The statement noted that timeshare
owners have filed a class action suit
against the company, its CEO, and certain
members of the Homeowner’s Association Board (see TimeSharing Today, Mar/
Apr, 2012). The assessment amounts to
approximately $6,000 for deeded owners
of one week at the property. The average
assessment for a points-based owner is
about $1,500.
According to information provided
by Diamond Resorts to Standard &
Poor’s, monthly defaults and delinquencies have remained relatively stable in
both transactions.
The statement concluded, “We will
continue to monitor the underlying loan
performance in light of the assessment in
order to determine whether there will be
any impact on the ratings.”
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Diamond Resorts
acquires nine resorts
Diamond Resorts has purchased
nine resorts from Pacific Monarch Resorts, Inc. This transaction adds nine
resorts located in California, Nevada,
Utah and San Jose del Cabo, Mexico,
as well as approximately 75,000 owners
to Diamond. The acquisition was originally announced in October 2011 and
just finalized.
“We are delighted to finalize this
acquisition and bring these resorts into
our global network of properties,” said
Stephen J. Cloobeck, Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer of Diamond Resorts
International®. “Our growth strategy
is clear: to acquire properties in leading
destination locations at good valuations,
to make the necessary investments in
plant and equipment to bring them up to
our standards and to transform the service levels by introducing our industryleading service program.”
The acquired resorts are:
• Cabo Azul Resort in San Jose del
Cabo, Mexico
• Cancun Resort in Las Vegas, NV
• Cedar Breaks Lodge & Spa in Brian
Head, UT
• Desert Isle of Palm Springs in Palm
Springs, CA
• Palm Canyon Resort & Spa in Palm
Springs, CA
• Riviera Beach & Spa Resort in
Capistrano Beach, CA
• Riviera Oaks Resort & Racquet
Club in Ramona, CA
• Riviera Shores Resort in Capistrano Beach, CA
• Tahoe Seasons Resort in South
Lake Tahoe, CA
Page 13
traditional hotel occupancy (60% in
2011) year after year. Fifteen percent of
the timeshare occupancy rate was comprised of renters, with 64% occupied by
either owners or exchange guests.
Year 2011 sales volume increased
by 2.4% from 2010. There were about
353,800 timeshare intervals sold at an
average price of $18,400 — the number
of intervals sold increased by 7.5% in
2011, while the average price decreased
by 4.7%.
The weighted average maintenance
fee charged per interval was $786, up
almost 8% from 2010. The average was
$636 for studios, $630 for one bedroom
units, and $909 for units with two or more
Sales prices and maintenance fees
tend to be higher for resorts with greater
levels of sales volume, likely owing to the
fact that these resorts are newer resorts.
The most common resort type in
the U.S. timeshare industry is the beach
resort. Theme park and golf resorts tend
to be the largest; island resorts are the
most expensive and have the highest
Jul/Aug, 2012
Florida continues to have the most
resorts, and resorts there tend to be much
larger than in most other regions. Hawaiian resorts have the highest average sales
price and occupancy rates.
Resorts with higher average sales
prices also tend to have higher occupancy
and maintenance fees. Again, this may
derive from the fact that these tend to be
newer resorts with more amenities and
As of December 31, 2011, there were
1,5484 timeshare resorts in the United
States. These resorts represented approximately 194,200 physical timeshare
units — 125 units per resort on average.
If lock-offs are counted as separate units,
there are an additional 52,800 units, for a
total of approximately 247,000.
The two bedroom unit is the most
common type at 64% of units, followed
by the one bedroom at 21%. Nine percent
of units have three or more bedrooms;
another 6% are studios. This mix of unit
types has remained relatively consistent
for the past several years.
Timeshare industry still
growing, up 2.4 percent
There are 8,400,000 timeshare intervals in the United States according to recent studies released by the American Resort Development Association(ARDA).
According to the State of the Vacation
Timeshare Industry: United States
Study 2012 Edition conducted by Ernst
& Young, sales of vacation products increased slightly from the previous year.
Occupancy at timeshare resorts was
79%, a figure that continues to outpace
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TimeSharing Today
Page 14
Ratings are based on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the best.
Jul/Aug, 2012
Report Card ratings for each resort are
averages based on a significant number
of reports received from readers.
Las Vegas, NV
Kissimmee, FL
Amenities and activities at resort: Pools, fitness center,
hot tubs, shuttle, game room, activities, grills, concierge.
Amenities and activities at resort: Lake, paddle boats,
tennis, mini-golf, bikes, pools, hot tubs, game room, playground, volleyball, basketball, grills, movies, entertainment,
walking trail, planned activities, fitness center, concierge.
Amenities and activities nearby: Adjacent South Point Casino with bowling alley, movie theatre, Strip, casino shows,
indoor equestrian center, Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, Red
Rock Canyon, State Park, outlet malls, restaurants, golf.
Amenities and activities nearby: Disney, Sea World, Universal Studios, shopping, golf, dinner shows, restaurants.
Unit: Furnishings: 9.0
Cleanliness: 9.2
Kitchen inventory/appliances: 9.2
Maintenance: 9.4
Construction quality: 9.2
Amenities and activities: At resort: 7.9
Nearby: 9.6
Suitable for: Young children: 7.3
Pre-teens: 7.6
Seniors: 9.1
Teenagers: 7.9
Handicapped: 8.6
Resort: Restaurant facilities: 7.3
Convenience store: 7.2
Grounds and maintenance: 8.8
Security: 8.8
Staff: 9.0
General hospitality: 8.8
Exchange affiliation: RCI
Unit: Furnishings: 8.3
Cleanliness: 9.0
Kitchen inventory/appliances: 7.8
Maintenance: 8.8
Construction quality: 8.5
Amenities and activities: At resort: 8.8
Nearby: 9.7
Suitable for: Young children: 9.0
Pre-teens: 9.0
Seniors: 8.1
Teenagers: 8.7
Handicapped: 6.6
Resort: Restaurant facilities: 8.3
Convenience store: 8.0
Grounds and maintenance: 8.6
Security: 8.5
Staff: 8.2
General hospitality: 8.3
Exchange affiliation: II
Comments: This quiet escape is located 8 miles from Strip,
with spacious units that have washer/dryer. Car necessary
to explore area. Courteous staff and no sales pressure.
Wi-Fi costs $50 per week.
Comments: Family oriented resort with 3700 units (older
and newer); lots of walking to venues. High pressure sales
presentation to upgrade to VIP card for free activities vs
rentals (mini-golf, paddle boats, bikes), .
Fairfield Bay, AR
Newport, RI
Amenities and activities at resort: Indoor and outdoor
pools, tennis, two golf courses, marina, fishing, horseback
riding, water skiing, lake, health club, playground, organized
activities, mini-golf, bowling.
Amenities and activities at resort: Indoor and outdoor
pools, hot tub, sauna, exercise room, daily activities, game
room, laundry room, wine and cheese party.
Amenities and activities nearby: Hiking, National Forest,
caverns, antiques, shopping, restaurants.
Unit: Furnishings: 9.0
Cleanliness: 9.1
Kitchen inventory/appliances: 8.7
Maintenance: 9.3
Construction quality: 8.8
Amenities and activities: At resort: 8.4
Nearby: 7.1
Suitable for: Young children: 6.8
Pre-teens: 6.9
Seniors: 8.1
Teenagers: 6.9
Handicapped: 6.0
Resort: Restaurant facilities: 8.3
Convenience store: 8.4
Grounds and maintenance: 9.6
Security: 7.3
Staff: 9.4
General hospitality: 9.3
Exchange affiliation: RCI
Comments: Relaxing large resort secluded in rural area
in Ozark Mountains. Great for golfers. A car is necessary.
Small towns nearby. Spacious units include washer/dryer.
Amenities and activities nearby: Tennis, shopping, golf,
restaurants, hiking, beaches, boating, mansion tours.
Unit: Furnishings: 8.7
Cleanliness: 9.1
Kitchen inventory/appliances: 7.6
Maintenance: 9.0
Construction quality: 8.0
Amenities and activities: At resort: 6.3
Nearby: 9.0
Suitable for: Young children: 7.6
Pre-teens: 7.7
Seniors: 9.0
Teenagers: 7.3
Handicapped: 8.7
Resort: Restaurant facilities: NA
Convenience store: NA
Grounds and maintenance: 8.7
Security: 8.4
Staff: 8.6
General hospitality: 8.7
Exchange affiliation: RCI
Comments: Attractive Resort with convenient location in
town and bay area, with access to public transportation.
Limited parking. All units are one-bedroom with efficiency
kitchens; bathrooms have only showers.
TimeSharing Today
Page 15
Ratings are based on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the best.
Jul/Aug, 2012
Report Card ratings for each resort are
averages based on a significant number
of reports received from readers.
Park City, UT
Capistrano, CA
Amenities and activities at resort: Indoor/Outdoor pools,
hot tubs, fitness center, planned activities, internet access,
free parking, picnic area with grills, horseshoes, library.
Amenities and activities at resort: Pools, exercise room,
tanning bed, game room, spa, Jacuzzis, saunas, day trips,
bikes, activities, grills, fishing, movie and game nights.
Amenities and activities nearby: Main Street shopping
and restaurants, free trolley, theatre, ski lifts, entertainment,
hiking, biking, scenic drives, golf, water park, skate park.
Amenities and activities nearby: Beach, golf, shopping,
theme parks, sightseeing, surfing, tennis, boat rentals, hiking, Catalina Island, Mission San Juan Capistrano, DisneyLand, Knotts Berry Farm, shopping, boating, dining.
Unit: Furnishings: 9.6
Cleanliness: 9.6
Kitchen inventory/appliances: 9.7
Maintenance: 9.7
Construction quality: 9.9
Amenities and activities: At resort: 8.0
Nearby: 9.6
Suitable for: Young children: 8.6
Pre-teens: 9.0
Seniors: 8.7
Teenagers: 8.7
Handicapped: 8.4
Resort: Restaurant facilities: NA
Convenience store: 5.7
Grounds and maintenance: 9.1
Security: 10.0
Staff: 9.6
General hospitality: 9.9
Exchange affiliation: II
Comments: Clean, modern and well-appointed resort with
beautiful surroundings. Washer/dryer in units. Perfect for
all ages. Easy walk to town.
Unit: Furnishings: 8.0
Cleanliness: 8.0
Kitchen inventory/appliances: 8.2
Maintenance: 8.5
Construction quality: 7.7
Amenities and activities: At resort: 8.2
Nearby: 9.7
Suitable for: Young children: 7.0
Pre-teens: 7.3
Seniors: 8.7
Teenagers: 7.8
Handicapped: 8.3
Resort: Restaurant facilities: 8.3
Convenience store: NA
Grounds and maintenance: 8.5
Security: 9.0
Staff: 9.0
General hospitality: 9.3
Exchange affiliation: II
Comments: Free use of bikes, beach umbrellas and chairs.
Wonderful location for beach and sightseeing, but some
traffic noise. Free parking. Elevators; great for seniors.
Cabo San Lucas, MEX
Orlando, FL
Amenities and activities at resort: Beach, five pools, spa,
tennis, daily activities, fitness center, chapel, shops.
Amenities and activities at resort: Seven pools, eight hot
tubs, mini golf, organized activities, playground, jogging trail,
tennis, fitness room, shuffleboard, massage service, game
room, BBQ grills, handicapped units, child care.
Amenities and activities nearby: Downtown Cabo (8
miles), fishing, boating, water sports, car racing, horsebackriding, zip line, bungee jumps, hiking, shopping, shuttle to
sister property near downtown, nightlife.
Unit: Furnishings: 9.4
Cleanliness: 9.5
Kitchen inventory/appliances: 8.8
Maintenance: 9.7
Construction quality: 9.7
Amenities and activities: At resort: 9.0
Nearby: 8.8
Suitable for: Young children: 8.0
Pre-teens: 8.1
Seniors: 8.7
Teenagers: 8.3
Handicapped: 6.0
Resort: Restaurant facilities: 8.6
Convenience store: 7.6
Grounds and maintenance: 9.9
Security: 9.7
Staff: 9.7
General hospitality: 9.5
Exchange affiliation: RCI
Comments: Beautiful secluded beach resort with gorgeous
views and excellent food; upscale and pricey. Friendly staff.
Safe area. Units have Wi-Fi but no microwaves. Golf carts
shuttle guests around resort.
Amenities and activities nearby: Golf, Walt Disney World
and other theme parks, shopping, restaurants, water parks,
museums, dinner shows, fishing, lakes.
Unit: Furnishings: 9.4
Cleanliness: 9.2
Kitchen inventory/appliances: 8.2
Maintenance: 9.4
Construction quality: 9.2
Amenities and activities: At resort: 9.0
Nearby: 9.9
Suitable for: Young children: 9.3
Pre-teens: 9.4
Seniors: 8.9
Teenagers: 9.2
Handicapped: 8.2
Resort: Restaurant facilities: 8.3
Convenience store: 8.2
Grounds and maintenance: 9.3
Security: 9.4
Staff: 9.2
General hospitality: 9.7
Exchange affiliation: II, RCI
Comments: Convenient to DisneyWorld with responsive,
friendly staff. Well-maintained grounds and units, which
were recently refurbished. Excellent marketplace,
TimeSharing Today
Page 16
Canaltime: Our Most Memorable Exchange
By Cynthia Burke
While trying to decide on
a weekend outing, my husband
met some guys in an English
pub during a two-week annual
tour with the US Air Force in
1991. Bob remained friends
with Mr. Turner from BurtonUpon-Trent, since that chance
pub exchange. In fact, we attended Mr. Turner’s wedding
and have since become part of
his “extended family.”
We try to visit them at least
once a year since then and have
been very successful doing so through exchanges over the past 15 years. Depending
on availability and location, we’ve been
able to cobble together many extended
trips around England always managing to
arrange some combination of timeshare
exchange and hotel near Burton-UponTrent. One fall we exchanged for “Canaltime at Barton-Under-Needwood,” which
is about 10 miles from Burton. Definitely
not sailors of any sort, our idea was to
use the canal narrowboat as a hotel with
kitchen benefits.
This location is deep in middle England far from any coastline. However,
England has an extensive network of rivers and canals throughout the country. To
our surprise, Barton-Under-Needword is
a huge marina housing about 300 boats of
various kinds. The boat we were assigned
was 7’ wide and 56’ long, two bedrooms,
two baths, full kitchen/lounge
area with TV - well equipped
and comfortable. I could stand
in the middle, raise my arms,
and just about touch both side
walls at once.
Nine boats were being
checked out that busy weekend, and while waiting, we met
two Canadian couples who’d
just come from two weeks in
Ireland. The women talked
with some trepidation about
taking the boat out for a week.
I mentioned that we were just
staying put in the marina for
the week, and they said, “Oh, you can
do that?” Glancing past them, I saw their
husbands making neck-cutting signals
for me to keep quiet. Apparently, they’d
done a lot of convincing they didn’t want
me to undo.
It’s a good thing Bob is knowledgeable about generators and pumps, because
the self-contained boat had this source
for heat and water; we used the electric
hook-up on shore. We used one bedroom
for suitcases and both bathrooms, which
were half-closet size. We wondered how
this could accommodate six and realized
that two would remain on deck to motor
and open the locks and then sleep in the
kitchen/lounge with a rearrangement of
cushions. We checked into our floating
house and our plan worked well for the
entire week. We’d drive to meet our
friends, return and walk down the dock,
and step down into our boat.
About mid-week, the fuel ran out
during the night. We’re sleeping and bobbing around below water level, and the
side of the boat is cold, but with no heat,
the air seemed damp and colder. Bob got
up in the middle of the night and switched
to the reserve propane tank.
Another day, the water reservoir was
empty. Bob found that the storage tank
was 56 away at the bow, and after running the hose down the dock, it was 4’ too
short. The boat had to be turned about to
meet the hose end, but that meant “motoring” into the Marina, turning, docking
the bow, and reversing this again after the
tank was filled. We couldn’t do this, not
having taken the first-day boating course
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TimeSharing Today
and swearing to the Marina staff that we
were strictly landlubbers. We contacted
the staff and, after the day-boaters left the
Marina, they turned the boat, topped up
the tank and re-docked us stern towards
the shore..
The boating video provided with the
boat, although comical, proved the point
that we’d made the right decision to stay
put. There are all manner of canal locks
to open - each with differing mechanisms
and, remember, you have to physically push them open and re-set the lock
mechanism. These locks can be frequent
- sometimes only several hundred feet
apart - and I knew who’d be working the
locks most of the time. Leisurely travel
at 4 mph, docking for lunch at waterfront
pubs, sightseeing town centers certainly
appeals to many. Canal boats are a huge
pastime in England and all of Europe.
But among other mishaps, the video also
showed a boater taking a wrong canal
and ending up on the Thames in London
dodging bigger ships.
We met a gentlemen who lived on
his narrowboat full time. He graciously
invited us aboard to see the many
modifications he’d made. Although his
boat was 45 feet long, he had a large
bathroom, a roomy bedroom, a large
living room at the stern, and a beautiful
kitchen. Quite comfortable quarters. He
would take his “home” out for a spin on
the water to practice marina maneuvers
and canal turns. Since the average canal
width is 15’ - 20’, passing and turning at
T-crossings can be tricky. He said that the
boat, although low in the water. can act
as a sail when caught by the wind. The
video flashed into memory again - images of fighting the wind, spinning, and
getting wedged in the canal with other
boaters waiting behind. Besides tea and
biscuits, this man kindly provided us with
area sightseeing maps and information on
places of interest
The marina had plenty of parking
close to the docks, a well-stocked store,
full showers and bathrooms, a café, and
a caring and helpful staff For those with
“salt” in their blood, patience, time to
travel slowly, a keen sense of adventure—
and have not seen that boating video - this
would be and ideal way to vacation.
For us it was a memorable exchange
experience even though we stayed
docked. Besides, it still counts.
Page 17
Jul/Aug, 2012
Simpson Bay Resort ( former Pelican
Resort) appeals labor ruling
St. Maarten’s Simpson Bay Resort,
which took over the Pelican Resort
property after a mortgage foreclosure
sale during January 2011, is appealing
a recent verdict requiring the Simpson
Bay Resort to assume responsibility for
the previous owner’s collective labor
agreement with the union. In a letter to
timeshare owners, the resort stated, “We
believe the lower court’s decision to impose the old labor agreement on the new
owners of the Resort to be contrary to the
law, and are hopeful the verdict will be
In the meantime, four union workers
have used the same verdict to claim they
are owed unpaid wages. They have filed
a bankruptcy petition against Simpson
Bay Resort Management Company,
(“SBRMC”). The letter to timeshare
owners explained:
“First, it is important for you to know
that this bankruptcy petition only affects
the management company. The resort
property is held by Simpson Bay Resort
Owner Company, a separate and distinct
entity. Therefore, please understand that
neither the physical resort property nor
your interval is directly affected by the
bankruptcy petition. Whether or not the
bankruptcy goes forward against SBRMC,
your right to use will continue.
“Second, please understand why
SBRMC continues to fight this verdict: In
short, SBRMC has and will continue to
fight the idea it should assume the debts
of the Resort’s previous owner. It was impossible for the previous owner to sustain
the Resort with this labor contract, and
the Resort’s previous financial problems
ultimately resulted in the entire property
being foreclosed on and sold at auction.
The fact that a new company owns the
Resort does not make it any easier to run
the Resort under the same financial burdens that caused its past failures.
“If Simpson Bay Resort Management Company is declared bankrupt,
Simpson Bay Resort Owner Company
- the company that actually owns the
Resort -- has two options:
1. Stop providing services, which
will in essence constitute the closure of
the Resort; or
2. Retain services of another
management company to operate the
“Simpson Bay Resort Owner Company, with whom again you have a
timeshare usage agreement, has placed
SBRMC on notice that SBRMC’s right
to operate the Resort will be terminated
if SBRMC is declared bankrupt. Also,
to ensure the continued operation of
the Resort, Simpson Bay Resort Owner
Company is also planning to solicit bids
from third party service providers to
outsource the operation of the Resort in
case SBRMC becomes unable to provide
“While it is impossible to say what
effect this action will ultimately have, and
also impossible to predict what will occur in the bankruptcy case, Simpson Bay
Resort Owner Company will continue
to work to protect the resort and your
timeshare interval right.”
www.tstoday.com for back issues, Resort Report Cards, articles on resorts and much more
TimeSharing Today
Page 18
Jul/Aug, 2012
FOCUS ON: Outer Banks Beach Club II, Kill Devil Hills, NC
By El Rajotte,
Virginia Beach, VA
We went to Outer Banks
Beach Club II on the week of
September 25 for only four
days and three nights. It
was my husband, Mom and
I. We had a two-bedroom
poolside unit. Yes, we were
disappointed that we didn’t
get an oceanfront, but what
can you do?
The two-bedroom unit
has a queen bed in the master
bedroom and two twin beds
in the second bedroom. Both
bedrooms had access to the
same back balcony. (This
faced Route12 and the parking lot). It wasn’t very noisy but, then
again, it was off season. (In oceanfront
units, the bedroom balconies faced the
pool and parking lot.) The front balconies
were one big balcony and were shared by
everyone on the floor, although you had
your own four chairs and table in front
of your unit.
The tub in the master bedroom is a
Outer Banks
Timeshare Rentals
& Resales
Milepost 13.5 Nags Head
Jacuzzi tub and can hold twohhhhhhhhhh
people. The second bathroom is in the
hallway next to the second bedroom. It
has only a shower, but it is handicap accessible with a seat in the shower and shower
bars to hold on to if necessary. This was
perfect for my 75 year old Mom. The unit
supplied only soap in the bathrooms - no
shampoo or lotions, etc. There were two
bath towels, washcloths and hand towels
(extra bath towels were in the closet.)
One of the downsides to the resort
is that you can hear the people walking
above you. Well, you hear the ceiling
creak, as they walk, that is, but you do
not hear their actual footsteps or anything
else. Who knows, maybe it was only our
unit that could hear it. Don’t know if we
had anyone next door to us, but if we did,
we didn’t hear a thing.
The kitchen was a full kitchen and
they did supply just about everything you
need to cook and eat, and also included,
dish detergent, dishwasher detergent, sos
pads, dish cloths and paper towels.
The staff we encountered during
our stay were very friendly and helpful.
There is free Wi-Fi access in the clubhouse
across the street. We tried it in our rooms
but could not gain access.
It’s not a very long walk from the
poolside units to the beach. On our first
day, we walked to the beach and there
were two foxes right there in the dunes in
front of the Oceanfront units. They just
watched the people as they walked by,
didn’t seem to be a threat,
yet we were careful. We
never saw them again after
that. There is a walkway
to the beach, with some
bench seats at the top. As
far as the pool goes, it was
a very nice size, and the
two hot tubs looked very
The weather was great
on the first two days but
unfortunately rained on
and off on the third day.
During our stay, we
went to the Hatteras Lighthouse and climbed to the
top for $7 each. My mom
stayed at the bottom in a
shady area with seats and waited for us;
it only took us about 10 minutes to climb
to the top. The lighthouse was about an
hour from the resort and very easy to get
there staying.
We also went to the Wright Brothers
Memorial, which is about a mile from
the resort, and a very interesting place to
see. It cost $4 each to enter the memorial area.
We did some shopping and also
stopped off at Jockey’s Ridge State Park,
which has the largest natural sand dune
on the east coast. We didn’t go up the
dunes but just did the boardwalk part of
it (which was not as long as I thought it
was going to be.) It’s a nice area but not
what I expected. I assume we only saw a
piece of it; if we walked over to the dunes,
I’m sure we would have seen more. It’s
only about 5 miles from the resort and it
was free.
We did some grocery shopping for
breakfast foods and lunch before heading to the resort. But there are plenty of
places nearby to pick up groceries. There
are also plenty of nearby restaurants to
choose from as well. We picked up a
very good pizza at the pizzeria across the
street. We also ate at 5 Guys Burger and
Fries, about 2 blocks away, and went to
Henry’s Seafood restaurant which was
also very good.
All and all we had a great time during our stay and would definitely go back
again someday!
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Page 20
One Resort, Three
Weeks, Four Units
By Bill Hagan, Traverse City, MI
My wife and I exchanged into Hanalei
Bay Resort, Princewille, Kauai for three
weeks thru Trading Places International.
The first two weeks were to be in a resort
owned two-bedroom unit and the third
week was for a one-bedroom “owner”
owned unit. Prior to arriving, I had called
and requested one of the refurbished
rooms that I saw on Hanalei Bay Resort‘s
website when I made the exchange. It
was then that they told me that is only a
“model” room for what they plan to do.
That was not explained on the site.
The website refers to Hanalei Bay
Resort being a Fodor’s Gold Award winner in 2010. Don’t be fooled by the misleading stuff on the website. The award
was for their pool fountains only.
Our check in went fine; however, we
were not told at that time about all of the
extra fees that were mandatory.
Caution! Everyone must park in the
main lot and a golf cart shuttle with a bell
man is available for getting to the rooms.
The property is very hilly and there are
no elevators.
In all fairness to my following
criticisms, I must disclose that the owners recently took ownership and control
of Hanalei Bay Resort from the previous
company that apparently failed to reinvest
into the resort. Also, on July 1, 2011 the
main building housing the restaurant,
lounge and workout area burned down. I
would expect improvements to be coming
in years ahead.
Our assigned unit was a ground floor
condo. The first thing we noticed was the
shabby condition of the furnishings, walls,
carpet and appliances.
The second thing we noticed was the
ant farm on the kitchen wall. A call to the
front desk brought a maintenance man
who proceeded to spray an insecticide on
the kitchen walls. Once he was done, we
asked him to check out the ice maker. He
told us it has never worked in that room.
I started to think we may have gotten the
worst room. Trying to make the best of it,
I went ahead and subscribed to the internet
service at $40 for a week. In the morning,
I got up to find the ant farm back in full
Jul/Aug, 2012
swing and two dozen of the tiny critters on
my computer screen and keyboard.
The second day, I called front desk
and a maid (?) was sent over. She told us
there were so many ants when she cleaned
prior to our arrival, she had to call her
supervisor for assistance. She was of no
help. I walked over to the front desk to
request another room and was sent to the
reservations department.
They at first said they were sold out,
but I persevered and finally they offered a
unit that was going to be vacant to have a
piece of wall paper about 2x4 ft replaced.
I had to call the bellman to help us move
our luggage and groceries. This was a
third floor unit with a great view and in
somewhat better shape but still worn out.
We still had ants but not nearly as many.
Come Sunday morning, just as we
were going to head out, we got a call from
the front desk saying an owner would be
arriving and we would have to vacate the
unit. Now we were moved to a second
floor unit in yet another building. There
went our Sunday as we had to pack everything up, wait for the next unit to be
cleaned and call the shuttle once more.
We settled into unit #3. Same worn
out cookie cutter furnishings in a worn out
room. Same ant level as unit #2. Appliances have been replaced only when unrepairable. Many were rusted and looked
junk yard ready. The front desk called and
said I have to stop by and sign in again
since we would be in a different room. I
was given an itemized statement with a
$25 check in fee (?) plus daily amenity
fees and taxes. Okay, I know resorts are
charging taxes and resort fees to the users,
but a check in fee?
At the end of the second week we
were ready to move to the privately owned
one-bedroom unit. I had read that these
were much nicer. No such luck. This was
exactly like the worn out resort-owned
units except no washer/dryer and a bare
minimum for kitchen storage. Reaching
some of the plates would be impossible for
short folk like my wife. There was no way
to know if this unit was in fact privately
owned or if we were given another loser.
The best part: No ants in this unit. Back
www.tstoday.com for back issues, message boards, Resort Report Cards and much more
TimeSharing Today
down to the front desk.
Again I’m charged a check in
fee “because the reservation slip
was one number different.” I complained to the assistant manager
who happened to be right there. He
affirmed I would be stuck with a
third $25 fee when I check out but
would reverse one of the fees as a
courtesy, but not both.
I have never been so conflicted
in my opinion of a resort. On the plus side
the view from the resort is the nicest we’ve
had in approximately 50 different resorts
we have stayed in. (However, we can get
the view for free by going over to Hanalei
itself.) All of the owners we spoke to are
supportive of the place and optimistic
about the future.
On Mondays there is a mai tai social
by one pool. There are eight tennis courts.
The grounds are well kept. Princeville is a
good spot to explore the north shore.
On the negative side, the units are the
most worn out we have ever experienced.
The extra charges ($25 check in, $1.25
local calls, $40/week internet, $5 daily
resort fee plus daily taxes, bellman tips
and $1.57 daily fee for optional safe) make
this seem like pickpocket’s work in accounting. The resort beach is down a steep
but pretty pathway but not comparable to
the many local beaches. On check in they
give you a plastic card good for 2 beach
towels. Lose the card and it’s $25. Lose a
towel and it’s $20.
Their web -site paints a misleading
picture of reality. No accommodation was
offered for the inconvenience of having
to move the two extra times. The touted
pool fountains were out of commission
for the entirety of our stay.
In summation, having stayed on
Kauai at least eight times and Princeville
at least four times I doubt we would
choose to return to Hanalei Bay Resort.
To their credit, Trading Places InternationalI has offered me two vouchers as an
apology for our aggravation. My thanks
to them.
Hanalei Bay Resort responds:
We appreciate the opportunity to
comment on this article. The owners,
Board of Directors and employees at
Hanalei Bay are equally as frustrated as
Mr. Hagen. We are sorry that he had this
less-than-perfect experience. However,
Page 21
in his own words, “On the plus side, the
view from the resort is the nicest we’ve
had in approximately 50 different resorts
we stayed in.” In our humble opinion,
Hanalei Bay Resort is absolutely the finest
location in Hawaii, overlooking the tremendous Hanalei Bay from a high level.
The view is breathtaking and you know
you are in paradise when at our resort.
What Mr. Hagen has described is a
typical older resort that has not had the
regular maintenance and timely refurbishment that is necessary for all resorts.
The owners association has just resolved
a lengthy dispute with the former developer and management firm because of
that and other issues. Now that the owners association is in control, it has asked
for and has begun to receive from the
owners a substantial special assessment
to complete the remodeling of all of the
units at the resort over the next two years.
The resort’s website currently indicates
at a page called “Room Remodel” that it
will be undergoing remodeling starting in
September 2012 and shows some “before
and after” photos.
Unfortunately, the restaurant operator was just finishing his remodel of the
restaurant area when a fire accidentally
started and burned the restaurant, the front
desk and management offices to the
ground. The bright side to this is that
insurance will allow us to rebuild these
areas and provide a much newer and better
restaurant experience.
In the meantime, we will try even
harder to make certain the units are clean.
Often, old does not look clean but our staff
is working very hard to keep it nice. The
employees do their best to make guests
feel like part of their “O’Hanna.” We
have already apologized to Mr. Hagen
for the fact that we had an ant problem
when he and his family visited. The ant
problem is a constant challenge for our
property and the record breaking rainfall
that occurred during this time forced the
Jul/Aug, 2012
ants back into the unit. We treat
the property for ants often and
always respond quickly when they
intrude into a unit.
It is typical that a change of
units may occur with multiple
week exchange guests. We try to
keep exchange guests in the same
unit but it is often not an option.
We are sorry we had to move Mr.
Hagen’s party and did our best to
assist him and his family.
Mr. Hagen’s experience with the extra
fees is revealing. We need to make a better
effort at informing all guests of what they
should expect upon arrival. The extra fees
have been determined by the Association
Board of Directors as a method to fairly
charge those who are using a particular
service rather than to increase the owners’
annual maintenance fees. Many resorts
do this, but it does appear that we must be
more vigilant in communicating this.
We hope that your readers will find
the opportunity to visit us at Hanalei Bay
Board of Directors,
Hanalei Bay Resort
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TimeSharing Today
Page 22
As you can see by the picture, we had another successful
meeting in Baltimore on April 15, 2012 with over 150 members in attendance, which included people who came from as
far as California, Wisconsin and Missouri. Thanks to all who
Our line of speakers included Shep Altshuler, Publisher
TimeSharing Today magazine, Karen Starughn of the Maryland
State Attorney General’s office, Peter Emery Director of Sales
Cash Out a Timeshare, Karen Donohue Operations Manager
Trading Places, Carly Dickson, Director of Marketing Crown
Vacation Exchange, and Rich Muller, Sr. Vice President Resort
Operations - Vacation Resort International.They covered all
the issues and concerns of our members and gave some great
We received a lot of suggestions for the next meeting which
members felt would stimulate even more interest. Members
felt that the more timeshare owners we have join NTOA, the
more clout they will have in getting results when it comes to
If you wish to start an owners group in your area please
contact us at 410-536-0064 for details.
Remember, it is only $75 for TimeSharing Today subscribers to belong to NTOA. To learn more, visit us at www.
nationaltimeshareownersassoc.com or e-mail: hastry@aol.com
or call 410-536-0064. We are looking forward to hearing from
you and your becoming a member to receive all the benefits.
Jul/Aug, 2012
Our Group’s scheduled Summer meeting will be held on
Sunday afternoon, July 29th, 2012, at 1:00PM, at the Palm Aire
Country Club, in Sarasota, FL.
Guest Speakers attending will be the following:
Scott Riddle, Pres. of Trading Time, Resort Synergy, and
1 800 MY CONDO.
David Heine, Pres. of Close My Timeshare.
Robert Stolt, Vice President, Resort Condominiums Int’l,
Lisa Ann Schreier, Director of Timeshare Insights.
A Question and answer period will follow each Speaker.
In addition, a Members Round-Table Discussion, covering
timeshare related topics of interest & concern, will be initiated
by selected Members, who will serve as Topic Presenters.
Seat reservations are now being accepted for the July meeting. Non-members are limited to attending one FTOG meeting,
by requesting reservations in advance, and are subject to a $10.00
per person door charge, payable in advance. Non-Members who
elect to join FTOG on the day of the meeting, may have their door
charges applied towards their membership dues. Advance seat
reservations are required to attend each FTOG meeting.
Membership is open to all timeshare owners, regardless of
their residential location, or their resort locations. Our meetings
will be audiotaped and made available to our Members who are
unable to attend some or all FTOG meetings.
Copies of our Members Resort Directory, listing units at
resorts owned by our Members that are currently available for
exchange, rent, or sale, can now be obtained, at no cost, to all
FTOG members. Directory updates continue to be provided on
a frequent basis, upon request.
The FTOG Winter meeting has been scheduled for Nov.
11th, 2012. Annual membership dues is $60.00 per family, which
includes monthly E-newsletters.
For information on FTOG membership, please contact Frank
Debar, Group Coordinator, at fdebar433@gmail.com, or (941)
351-1384. FTOG’s website is tsownersgroup.com.
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TimeSharing Today
Page 23
Jul/Aug, 2012
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Jul/Aug, 2012
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Unit furnishings: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Cleanliness: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
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Quality of construction: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Amenities and activities at resort: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Nearby: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
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OVERALL RATING OF RESORT: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
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TimeSharing Today
Extensive Vacations
(Continued from front page.)
about the culture and
lifestyles of these
people, eating their
great cooking, shopping for their high
quality products, and
visiting some of the most highly skilled
craft people you will ever meet.
To cap the year off, we plan to spend
the month of November in Gulf Shores,
AL. Though not a timeshare travel event
(we have in past years stayed at Gulf
Shores timeshare resorts), we plan to
walk the beach, watch the sunsets, visit
surrounding locations such as Fairhope,
Mobile, Bellingrath Gardens, and watch
the Blue Angels homecoming air show
at the Pensacola Naval Air Station in
Pensacola, FL. November on the Gulf
Coast is one of the best kept secrets for
senior citizens.
While timesharing may not suit everyone and some timeshare owners prefer
points rather than weeks, if given a choice,
we would vacation the same way that we
have for the past thirty years. The only
negative aspect of timesharing that we are
experiencing is that while timesharing is
extremely easy to get into, it is extremely
hard to get out of. Perhaps in the next ten
years or so, if the industry wants to survive, they will address this problem for the
aging owners who do not have heirs with
an interest in timeshare. This, however, is
another story.
We almost always drive our automobile to destinations, because the trip is part
of the vacation experience. Many times,
we travel back roads and find interesting
stop-overs. For example, when returning
home from our April trip to Williamsburg,
we spent several hours at Appomattox
Court House National Historic Park near
Appomattox, VA. While we travel the year
round, we normally leave the summer
months for others to enjoy. I suppose age
makes us want to stay out of the heat.
Of our ten weeks of timeshare vacationing, Nancy and I travel alone six or
seven weeks and invite family and friends
the rest. Overall, timesharing has been
great for us.
Walter Shurden, Fayetteville, TN
Page 25
My wife, Laurie, and I have tried to
get maximum use from our six weeks of
timeshare ownership since we retired
in 2009. We try to take advantage of
playing by the rules even as the rules
change. For example, we feel that
the advantage in using RCI (one of
three exchange companies we use) has
switched over the last several years from
points to weeks members. Fortunately, we
have both. Last minute booking advantages to stretch out timeshare time used
to rest with points members with RCI
(7500-9000 points) for bookings within
30-45 days of check-in. Now, the last
minute booking discount advantage with
RCI seems to rest with weeks owners
since the introduction of TPUs.
Over the last three winters, Laurie
and I have taken 4-5 month trips using
mostly timeshare exchanges from our six
weeks of ownership. These trips have
included traveling from British Columbia
(our home) to Florida by car return, Southern California and Mazatlan and Hawaii.
During the winter of 2012-13, we
will again be traveling by car from British
Columbia to California then east through
Jul/Aug, 2012
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Page 26
Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana,
Mississippi, Alabama and Florida then
returning back to British Columbia mostly
through the same states.
We break up the trip by staying in
timeshares along the way. For example,
we will leave British Columbia on October 21st and not arrive to our first timeshare in Florida until December 1st. We
leave Florida on February 18th to slowly
head back to B.C. by April 1st. Virtually
all of our accommodation is timeshare
exchange using our six weeks spread out
as much as we can.
To plan trips such as these requires
a great deal of planning, persistence and
patience, but we have proven it can be
done. We will continue to use this system to travel as long as health, money
and interest in going to different places
Randy Lee, Chilliwack, B.C.
This year we will use a total of five
weeks of vacation using the benefits of
our timeshare. This is on the high side for
us, I’d say the average use is two or three
weeks a year.
Jul/Aug, 2012
In March we
exchanged into the
Club Donatello in
San Francisco, using
one of the weeks we
had on deposit with
SFX (San Francisco
Exchange Company).
We only used four days of the seven, but it
was still worth it to us, as the nightly costs
of a decent hotel in SF are over $200, usually more like $3-400, so paying $149.00
for an exchange fee was absolutely worth
it. We love the Donatello and have stayed
there several times, exchanging each time
through SFX. We live in the SF bay area
and take BART to the City, saving us lots
of money and hassle.
In May, I used one of our weeks to
exchange into the Palm Springs Tennis
Club, using a week that I had deposited
with Platinum Interchange. Platinum Interchange has become one of my favorite
exchange companies. Their exchange fee
is one of the lowest-only $129.00, and
they have excellent customer service.
(I have also had great customer service experiences with SFX). This is the
second year that I have gone to the Palm
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SPM Resorts has more than 30 years of experience managing the needs of individual resorts, boards of directors and
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and quality service to owners and their boards.
We offer:
R5 hospitality equal to the best in the industry
transparent management of HOAs
complete financial services
resort and owner communications
owner support and services
complete human resources support
easy-to-read financial information
maintenance and housekeeping
assisted financing for renovations and refurbishments
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TimeSharing Today
Springs Tennis Club with my best friend,
who lives in Montana.
She can get very inexpensive flights
to LAX from Montana, so we both fly to
LAX and rent a car to drive from there out
to Palm Springs.
Getting an exchange in Palm Springs
in May has been very easy; it’s after the
prime season there and the average temperatures during our stay was between
104-111! But we stay out of the sun during the heat of the day, and spend a lot of
time in a pool side cabana (no competition
for these with those temperatures!), taking a dip and talking the whole day long
getting caught up for a year’s worth of
life events.
I have already put in my request for
2013 and will use a bonus week.
Next time, we plan to fly directly
into Palm Springs and avoid renting a car,
using public transportation and shuttle
services instead.
My husband and I are retired and so
avoid traveling during the busy summer
travel season, unless it’s camping. In September, we are going to North Lake Tahoe,
staying at the lovely Red Wolf Lodge. This
is a week that I had deposited with Grand
Pacific Resorts Exchange company. GPR
is the management company for our home
resort, Riverpointe in Napa.
GPX is their exchange company,
which often has excellent availability at
the various resorts they manage in California, including the Red Wolf. We have
stayed there before and love its location
right on the lake, and the rustic charm and
ambiance. We will drive, as it’s just three
hours from the Bay Area.
The first week of October we are
exchanging back into the Club Donatello,
again through SFX. The past three years
we have exchanged into SF to stay there
for the first week in October to attend
the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival,
which takes place the first weekend in
October every year in Golden Gate Park.
We spend the rest of the week enjoying
places we’ve been to before and checking
out new ones. SF has endless cultural treasures, great places to eat, theatre and live
music. After three years, we haven’t lost
our enthusiasm for being tourists in our
own backyard. And the money we save
in airfare gives a little extra to spend on
fun. We usually buy the City Pass, which
includes admission to various museum
Page 27
and a pass for all public transportation
(excluding BART), which we mostly use
on the cable cars.
Thanksgiving week we will fly to
Cabo San Lucas to stay a week in a junior
suite at the Pueblo Bonito. This is a week
that we own, purchased just a year ago
for $500.00. This year we purchased a
second week in an executive suite (from
the same real estate agent) which we will
begin using in 2013. My husband loves
the Pueblo Bonito and we had exchanged
into it before. When I saw the ad it was
too good an offer to pass up.
Our use time there lasts for ten years,
which works just fine for us.
We do not plan to bank these weeks
but will use them every year, either on our
own or inviting friends or family.
We have been owners at Riverpointe
for over ten years and have been very happy with our purchase. We bought 13,500
points, which is the equivalent of either
one week in a two-bedroom unit or one
week in a one-bedroom and a studio unit.
Generally I have broken up the points and
deposited each week with a different exchange company to get the biggest “bang
for our buck,” and this has worked out
very well. At the beginning of each year,
I call the various exchange companies I
use- SFX, Platinum Interchange, Trading
Places, and DAE and ask them what kind
of an incentive they would give me for
early deposit of my weeks.
In this way, I’ve been able to maximize our weeks and benefits, getting
bonus weeks (SFX and Platinum), extensions of existing deposits (SFX), one dollar exchange fees (DAE), etc. I generally
deposit the studio week with the company
with the lowest upgrade fees so I have the
option of upgrading to a one bedroom.
Jul/Aug, 2012
Using more than one exchange
company does require some vigilance
and paperwork to monitor exactly what
is deposited with whom and when the
deposit expires. But since I have retired,
this is a luxury I can take advantage of and
it has paid off well. One of the benefits
of subscribing to TimeSharing Today is
knowing just how many exchange companies there are out there and giving each
one a try to see what sort of inventory they
have and what level of customer service
they provide.
Cheryl Zuur
www.tstoday.com for back issues, message boards, Resort Report Cards and much more
No membership fees.
Free membership; Gold
None required.
Advantage premium membership upgrade available.
Subject to availability. No
upgrade fees.
(Season or unit)
P.O. Box 1077
Koloa, HI 96756
7250 North 16th St., Suite 402
Phoenix, AZ 85020
Travel agency offers members
below market rates on car rentals and cruises. Online services
include exchange, Getaways for
additional weeks and full-service
travel. Golf program. Interval
Visa card provides benefits.
6262Sunset Drive
Miami, FL 33143
985,263 in 2011
Since 1979, exchange and rental
co. with online exchange and
rental booking, exchange or
deposit requests. Ask for aWAY
list- daily inventory. Top service &
real value. Tricom Mngmt.- resort
management. Owner rentals.
1300 N. Kellogg Dr., Ste B.
Anaheim, CA 92807
Not provided.
Exchange, rental and travel
company specializing in Hawaii.
Receive a bonus week when
depositing a future Hawaii week.
Offices in Australia, Europe, Asia,
India, South Africa, New Zealand
and the United States. The U.S.
office manages the entire North
American region, offering a wide
variety of international inventory.
Not provided.
Not released.
Affordable week exchange alternative for owners who don’t want
to pay membership fees and high
exchange rates. Email custserv@
crownvacationexchange.com to
join email list for special offers
and discounts. Online exchange.
P.O.Box 1680
Ocean Springs, MS 39566
300+ most popular resorts in
color directory with amenities
and photos. Online directory
with available weeks, rental
deals and discounts.
Request first, deposit last. No
fees until confirmed, or bank
week & request exchange
within 2 years after date of
deposit. Last minute deposits.
Upgrade fees apply, subject
to availability.
$129 - domestic
$149- international
No restrictions apply to
exchanges under 60 days,
subject to availability.
Website at www.htse.net list Annual directory with member
resorts with weekly updates. resorts with amenities and
Members can go online to
photos available in print, oncheck availability for exchang- line and through mobile app.
es and rentals.
$175 for unit size
Not provided.
$49 - guest certificate.
Fees $20 more when booked
through service center
$154 - Domestic and
international online
1300+ worldwide resorts not
under contract, subject to approval. Emphasis on quality.
Approximately 2,700 resorts
in more thanr 75 countries.
$49 for one yr, $125 for 3 yrs $89 for 1 yr; 3 years is $227.
Interval Gold is $59/yr. Club
and $199 for 5 yrs.
Search first option or deRequest first, or deposit first,
posit week up to two years in Flexchange and Short Stay
exchanges (for upgraded
memberships) offer a variety
of options. Club Gold points.
No charge for guest certificates
$79- internal
$99- external
$109- international
U.S. mainland and international destinations.
No membership fees.
Included with purchase from
developer of member resort.
Eligible owners may self enroll at renewal-fee rate.
Page 28
Bank and save a week for a
three-year deposit credit, or
bank at the same time you
make the exchange.
Bank and vacation one year
before or after start date of
deposited week. Options to
extend deposit use.
No charge for season
upgrades; fee to upgrade
number of bedrooms.
Online directory with daily
Online directory with available
updates includes link to resort resort inventory profiled. Print
websites, resort contact infor- directory with worldwide desmation and pictures.
tination highlights, featured
resort profiles and listings.
None required.
None required.
Fee payable upon confirmation of exchange.
$125- Domestic
(U.S., Canada, Hawaii)
$150- International
able for exchange.
Fee payable upon confirmation of exchange. No fee for
guest certificates.
$99- Domestic
Internal- home resort $99- International
External- other resort
able for exchange.
RESORTS AVAILABLE Any resort deposited is avail- Any resort deposited is avail- Resorts throughout Hawaii,
TimeSharing Today
Jul/Aug, 2012
Domestic & international
1,870,039 in 2011
The golbal leasder in vacation exchange, offering quality, flexibility
and variety to 3.7 million members. RCI pioneered vacation
exchange in 1974 and continues
to innovate as a driving force for
growth within the industry.
7 Sylvan Way
Parsippany, NJ 07054
800/338-7777 (Weeks)
877/968-7476 (Points)
2845 Nimitz Blvd., Suite E
San Diego, CA 92106
619/226-2391 or (855) donita1
Started in 1985 until 2002, then a
joint venture until 2009 and back
as DVU Club program until June
13, 2011.
None at this time.
Not available.
Subject to availability, based
on trading power (Weeks) or
Points. Free with Platinum.
RCI Weeks/Points directories
highlight resorts, benefits,
maps, cruises, services, other
vacation options. Available in
hard copy, online or as app.
No upgrade fees or size or
(Season or unit)
Free memberships
$149 -$189 - domestic or
international, based on
membership level.
$139 - $169
More than 4,000 affiliated 1200+ resorts, most are Gold Hundreds of resorts available. Kraus-Anderson resorts in
resorts in approximately 100 Crown/Five Star.
Maui, Kauai,Colorado. All recountries.
sorts deposited are available.
Usually included with purchase.
Upgrade fees apply, subject
to availability.
Over 35 years providing consumers and developers exchange,
travel, rental, resale and resort/
association management services. Timeshare owner insurance
available for exchange reservations. Online exchange option.
23807 Aliso Creek Road,
Laguna Niguel, CA 92656
Not provided.
Specializes in Hawaii and West
Coast. Website has current availability, rental specials, reward
weeks, car rentals. Travel insurance available. Independently
owned. Not affiliated with Trading
Places International.
362 Huku Lii Places,
Suite #207
Kihei, Maui, HI 97653
Not provided.
Page 29
1900 North Loop Road
Alameda, CA 94502
Specializing in the highest
rated resorts in the U.S., Mexico,
Canada, Caribbean, and Western
Europe. Must own a Gold Crown
or Five Star resort to qualify for
Not released.
Online directory is available at 100s of popular resorts. Color Online directory at
directory, or online at www.
tradingplaces.com/exchange. Annual printed directory
mailed with every deposit
and upon request.
1-for-1 exchange. No trade
Fees and availability
depend on membership level. power/season restrictions
$149 - Internal
$159 - External
Weeks: Call Center- $199 No fee for guest certificates. $169 - International
Web - $189
$179 - Reward Week
Points: Call Center - $49 to
Fee payable upon confirma- $119- $139 for VEC members $109 - Extension fee
tion of exchange.
Payable when confirmed. No
Web - $$39 to $149
charge for guest certificates.
num- $55. Discounts for mu- Platinum memberships start VEC optional membership$99 to join, $79/year renewal.
at $199.
litple years.
Search availability before
Two year credit on deposits.
Can deposit or request first
Deposit first, travel 1 year
deposit. Request exchange at Search first option; extension
Request/Exchange and bank before or 2 yrs after start
depending on membership
time of deposit or exchange program for expiring weeks.
or bank for later use, good for date of deposited Week.
Reward Program for HI
up to 3 years after start date. No banking with RCI Points; Deposits are valid for up to 3 up to two years later;
extensions available.
weeks booked year ahead.
ceding applies.
$125 - U.S. and Canada
$150 - international
Internal- home resort
External- other resort
RESORTS AVAILABLE Weeks deposited are for
TimeSharing Today
Jul/Aug, 2012
TimeSharing Today
Page 30
Jul/Aug, 2012
FOCUS ON: Grand Timber Lodge, Breckenridge, CO
By Sterling Hartman, Cedar Park, TX
It had been a hot and dry summer
here at our picturesque 17,800 ft ranch
house with a 5-car air conditioned garage
surrounded by 78,300 acres of rolling hill
country in West Texas. Our new Olympic
sized swimming pool is nice for a refreshing swim in the morning before it gets too
hot. A couple hired hands always check
the pool out before our dip just in case
any rattlers have fallen in. That would
wake you up.
We decided, on the spur of the moment, to spend some cooling off time in
Breckenridge. Breckenridge with lows in
the mid 40’s and highs around 72 sounded
Some of our lower middle class
friends from Ohio time-share and suggested we might enjoy Grand Timber
Lodge and mixing with the hai polloi.
When we vacation, we usually go
overseas and rent a chalet for a month or
so, but this would be a spur of the moment
surprise to my wife.
Our private 10,500 foot runway at
the ranch had just been resurfaced. Fortunately, our old aircraft hanger, circa 2005,
was large enough to hold our mouthwateringly beautiful new corporate business
jet that is certified overwater for both the
Pacific and Atlantic. Thank goodness for
the tax breaks. The on-call crew stays in
our four-bedroom, 2500 sq ft, mother-inlaw cottage.
Eagle county airport is the closest
airport to Breckenridge that could handle
the Falcon 900 tri jet, “Bo Shoi Ming” my
pet name for our jet.
I directed my COO to wire funds
for the purchase of a Lexus LS from
Stevinson Lexus of Denver with the
stipulation that the car meet us at the airport. “No problem, Mr. Hartman sir, no
problem.” They bought it back from us a
week later with just less than 1000 miles
on the odometer.
It is so nice not to have the hassle of
TSA groping, boarding passes, looking for
your luggage, and renting a used car with
more than 5000 miles on the odometer.
Tucked between Peaks 8 and 9 of
Breckenridge Ski Resort, Grand Timber
Lodge features timber-frame construction, well appointed interiors, luxurious
amenities, and the finest customer service
Their Spa offers Massages, Facials
and Anti-Aging Treatments, Manicures
and Pedicures, and Salon Services.
Parking is underground through incredibly narrow garage doors.
The Lodgepole Restaurant is convenient and on site and at these high altitudes
it seems you are always hungry. They
serve great pizza.
A shuttle bus runs to the downtown
area where there are numerous restaurants
and probably 10 museums in this former
mining town.
Their enthusiastic and attractive
staff helped us book many fun activities.
We especially enjoyed the narrow gauge
Georgetown Loop narrow gauge Steam
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TimeSharing Today
Train that loops over itself to gain elevation. At the time it was built it was the
only train in the US that used the loop
technique and there were only two other
loop trains in the world.
The white water rafting goes down
the Arkansas River with knowledgeable
guides from High Side Rafting. Be aware
the rafting is quite strenuous and consists
of 8 hours of paddling through white
water rapids.
The chairlifts will quickly whisk you
to 10,000 foot peaks for great alpine hiking, photography, beautiful flowers, and
an occasional critter.
If you need to keep your class differential there are available art workshops,
delightful Mozart concerts in the area, and
live theater.
The Moonlight in the Mountains
Dinner Train is a catered, casual dinner
at either Devil’s Gate Depot or aboard
the train 120 feet high above rambunctious Clear Creek Canyon. Wine and Hors
d’ouevres Trains are returning after rave
revues of the last two years.
For the commoners, a Beer and Brats
train runs in September and October. They
have a free Colorado micro brew beer
tasting for all adult riders coupled with
appetizers, brats & sauerkraut, and desert.
The Oktoberfest Trains are returning the
last three weekends of October.
The Pumpkin Festival Trains are back
again for your enjoyment the first two
weekends of October.
Most of the roads around Breckenridge are scenic and if you take Boreas
pass, 11,482 feet, a few miles out of town,
you get a nice overview of the valley
Page 31
with obvious ski runs visible
on the mountains to the West.
Highway 9 south is scenic, but
beware of the speed traps of
Alma and Fairplay. A fellow in
the lodge was going fly fishing
early and went through Alma at
7am doing 23 in a 20 mph zone.
$100 ticket!
If you go east a few miles on
highway 24 there are enormous
herds of cattle grazing on green
grass up to their stomachs with
lots of cool mountain streams to
drink from.
If you head south there are
scenic spots to watch rafters
attempt rapids on the Arkansas
River. My favorite rapids were
“pin ball” and “toilet bowl.” The
river was running at just about the minimum flow for the rafting companies—
otherwise you get stuck between rocks.
When you head back toward Breckenridge, take 24 and 91 through historic
Leadville and Climax toward Frisco and
beautiful Lake Dillon. There are many
excellent restaurants in Frisco.
Our unit was not air conditioned,
faced west, and soaked up the sun at 9600
feet elevation. Even with the ceiling fan
and window fan, it was uncomfortably hot
until 8:30-9 pm. Unit 111 was right next
to the pool and parents would bring their
noisy, screaming children out from 8-10
pm. Management shut the pool down at
10 pm.
They have “oxygen bars” in Breckenridge from 10am-10 pm. Folks from
lower elevations can develop oxygen
deficiency after a strenuous day hiking and
they relax in the bar inhaling oxygen and a
smoothie. The symptoms are frightening;
Jul/Aug, 2012
you wake up in the middle of the night
or upon arising in the morning gasping
for air and panting. A hit of oxygen lasts
24-36 hours but seemed only necessary
after an extremely strenuous day of white
water rafting.
If you want to get a real John Denver
Rocky Mountain High there is a Medical
Marijuana Clinic in Frisco.
Nice facility, great staff, beautiful
location, flowers to rival those in Hawaii.
We will go back next summer if it is still
so hot in 3NAP3HOT!DPDF
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TimeSharing Today
Page 33
Our Florida winter break
By Frieder Schurr, Shingle Springs, CA
Having not been to Orlando, Florida
since 2000, my spouse and I decided
that a January trip would allow us to
visit Kennedy Space Center and Disney
World while enjoying a break from our
northern California winter weather. We
used a deposited Kauai week with Dial an
Exchange to get a week at Cypress Pointe
Grande Villa Resort in Orlando.
Flying Southwest from Sacramento
to Tampa via St. Louis, we arrived the
7th of January to 40-year record low
temperatures in Florida. The state was
experiencing crop killing frosts and actual
snow in some parts. Having heard the
forecasts, we were prepared for the cold
by packing multiple layers of clothing
including fleece jackets, but we were still
hoping for a warm-up for the last half of
our trip.
We drove from Tampa to Titusville
avoiding toll roads, which is actually
somewhat difficult to do around the Orlando area. We spent two days at Kennedy
Space Center. We bought our entry and
tour tickets online which is definitely the
way to go. We booked the “Cape Canaveral Yesterday to Today” tour for our first
day there. Our guide was a retired space
center employee who was now sharing his
knowledge with visitors. This tour takes
you deeper into the Air Force Base than
the standard tour that is included with
your normal entry ticket with stops at the
original launch site where the first manned
Mercury flight took off.
The amount of information that is
conveyed by these exhibits, movies, and
Jul/Aug, 2012
two more times about it, and the second
offer was much more generous, indicating
to us how desperate they were for buyers.
All in all, they were courteous and polite,
but if you want to attend a sales presentation there we suggest you wait until the
gift offer goes up around midweek.
The on-line reviews of Phase One
of the resort are not very complimentary
while the reviews of the Phase Two part,
Grande Villas, where we stayed, are more
positive. The Grande Villas are made up
of three-bedroom units that can be split
tours is overwhelming. The typical visitor
who is interested in the Space program and
how it has revolutionized virtually every
aspect of our daily lives will definitely
want to spend at least 2 days there, if not
Unfortunately, our time at Kennedy
was up too soon. It was time to checkin for our timeshare week in Orlando.
Cypress Pointe Resort is actually made
up of two sections. Check-in is in the
“Phase One” section, but other than looking around in the reception area, we spent
little time there. The check-in procedure
went smoothly and quickly. The concierge
desk had somewhat lower prices on tickets
for the parks and nighttime entertainment
such as dinner theatre and shows, as well
as an outlet-shopping shuttle. We took
them up on the Disney tickets, which
ended up saving us about $12 dollars for
two 5-day Park hoppers.
They also offered us tickets and/or
money to attend a timeshare presentation,
but we declined. They only bothered us
www.tstoday.com for back issues, message boards, Resale Value Tracker and much more
TimeSharing Today
into a 2-bedroom unit and a one-bedroom
lock off. We were in the one-bedroom
lock-off. Supposedly, the lock off unit
sleeps 4 adults, but we would highly discourage this, and even for a family with
two kids, it would be a squeeze.
The lock-off has a huge bathroom
with separate toilet area, shower, large
bathtub (but no whirlpool), closet, and
two-sink vanity. The bedroom is smallish but acceptable, but the kitchen/living
room section is cramped. There is no
dishwasher, barely any counter or cupboard space, and the dining table is fine
for two people but wouldn’t fit more than
that unless you are all just having tea. The
pullout sofa is right by the door, and if
pulled out would block your only exit as
well as block the refrigerator. Luckily, we
didn’t need it. Also, the only way into the
bathroom is through the bedroom so there
goes any privacy for either couple.
The architects that designed the
layout obviously never thought about the
practicality of having a huge bathroom
and thus no room for living space in these
units. Add to all this, very thin walls so
you could be entertained by your neigh-
Page 34
bors’ conversations or foot traffic. Luckily,
we had quiet neighbors most of the time
we were there.
There were some minor maintenance
issues like loose door handles, nonworking TV remote, and a sticking broiler
drawer, but the maintenance department
was prompt and helpful in dealing with
these problems. The manual that supposedly informs the guest on how to contact
the front desk, retrieve phone messages,
and what to do on check out is a bit dated
and missing some information.
Other than the impractical layout of
the unit, which really wasn’t a problem for
just the two of us, the stay was pleasant.
Staff was courteous and friendly. There
is no free Internet access anywhere on
the property, but you can pay for service
on a daily or weekly basis (we declined).
There are also “pay-to-play” computers in
the gift shop near the reception if all you
need is to print boarding passes and the
like. This is what we did. The cost was 25
cents per minute and 50 cents per printed
page with a $3.00 minimum.
The grounds look well maintained,
and there is always someone around
Jul/Aug, 2012
working on the landscape. The unit was
very clean, and although they don’t do
a mid-week cleaning, they did drop off
towels on Wednesday, and then again on
The city police provide the security
and are seen driving through the parking
areas during the day and evenings.
The resort provides activities, although the majority of them require an
extra fee. There is a S’mores evening,
but unlike some resorts that provide ice
cream as a nice gesture, here it costs an
additional fee. There are several arts and
crafts activities that sounded interesting.
They do have a miniature golf area, tennis
courts and pools, and a family sport center,
all of which are free to guests.
The mini market/pizza café is small
but has convenience items for late night
snacks or toiletry items. This could come
in handy, as the resort manual states that
there will be charges for all replacement
items after the initial complimentary toiletries, including toilet paper, are used up.
Take note: There are two filter-pack coffee
packets included in the complimentary
kitchen package, but no further coffee
filters are provided.
The resort is located about 2 miles
away from Downtown Disney, and it is an
easy walk. However, there are no direct
public transport or pedestrian connections
to the parks from there, and they are all
located several more miles away. The
bottom line is that you must drive to the
Disney parks each day you plan to visit
and pay a $14/day parking fee for the
www.tstoday.com for back issues, Resort Report Cards, articles on resorts and much more
TimeSharing Today
privilege. The only up side is that the
parking pass is good for all Disney parking
lots for the entire day so you can make full
use of a Parkhopper pass.
We walked to Downtown Disney on
our first full day there, in freezing wind
and temperatures in the 30’s. The photo
at the left is of my wife, Kip, reading our
TimeSharing Today with Mickey Mouse
in the background. Downtown Disney
is actually an entertaining area that even
non-shoppers could enjoy spending a
couple of hours touring. There are a wide
variety of shops and restaurants, and we
spent a nice afternoon just taking in what
Disney was offering for sale these days.
Our next five days were spent in the
Disney Parks running from one ride or
exhibit to another to stay warm in the
buildings. However, as the week went
on, the weather did warm up so that the
last two days we spent in T-shirts and
pants with just a sweatshirt for the chillier
morning and evening hours. There were
more tourists than expected for that time
of year, after the holidays, but it turned out
to be participants and spectators from the
Disney Marathon Race that took place the
Page 35
weekend we arrived.
As the week progressed, there were
smaller crowds, although we never really
had problems getting on the rides or getting Fast Passes. The only issue we had
was getting a dinner reservation at the
Polynesian Resort. Disney now offers
meal plans for anyone staying at their
own resort properties. Unfortunately, that
makes it virtually impossible for outside
visitors to get reservations without booking them about a month in advance.
Our favorite park at Disney World is
Epcot for the futuristic exhibits and rides,
as well as the international showcase area.
Our pattern turned out to be that we would
spend the day in one of the four parks, but
would always return to Epcot for dinner at
one of the nicer international restaurants to
end the day. This trip we dined in Japan,
China, and Morocco and enjoyed baked
goods in Germany!
Of course being from California we
couldn’t help comparing Disneyland to
Disney World. Overall, there is far more
to do in Florida, no question. But we did
notice that where the same rides or attractions exist in both places, the California
Jul/Aug, 2012
version almost always was slightly better
than the Florida version. Most of the time
the improvements were in the details.
When standing in line in Disneyland
there are far more eye catching details
to keep you distracted than in the comparable attraction in Florida. Also, both
the “Pirates of the Caribbean” and “The
Haunted Mansion” were lit so dimly in
Florida that most of the details went by
unnoticed in the gloom even when you
knew they were there. Also, the speaker
systems in Florida were often very poor.
In “It’s a Small World” you could barely
understand a word being sung. In California you will hear every word for every
repetition of the song until it is implanted
in your brain for the next several months
to come. On second thought, maybe that’s
a good thing!
Our trip ended as the temperatures
returned to the upper 70’s in Orlando and
10 straight days of rain greeted us back
home in Placerville. Aside from the bad
timing it was a great winter break, and
then again, we can take solace in knowing
that we were there while meteorological
history was being made.
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TimeSharing Today
Exchanging 101
By Vincent Lehr
Trading is one of the most misunderstood benefits of timeshare ownership. It
can potentially be one of the biggest benefits of what you own and allow you to do
the most amazing vacations. The problem
most people have, however, is they have
no idea of how to trade properly and they
are not willing to do the research for the
best techniques. Many of the developers
are also not great about providing education on how to properly exchange and
actually get what you want.
Most people just try and call RCI or
II and tell them exactly what they want
and the dates they want. In nearly every
case you are not going to get exactly what
you want on your first phone call. The
exchange companies also don’t make
money until they get you a week, so they
will try to get you to book something else
in order to make a transaction fee. Many
representatives don’t even tell members
about the ongoing search feature which is
the best way to get a reservation. I think
Page 36
many owners would trade their timeshares
more as well as take more vacations if
they knew some of the tricks to make it
Dealing with thousands of owners
allows me to say with confidence that the
simpler it is, the better it is. Here is the
process I would teach my grandmother
and anybody else to make it as easy as
possible. We also have a few advance
tricks that can supercharge your results
and get you many reservations you never
thought possible.
How exchange companies
make money
The better the weeks they have, the
more trades they get and the more money
they make. As with regular real estate,
location and quality have a lot to do with
your power. There was also a lawsuit
recently which required RCI to show you
the value of your week’s trading power
(TPU) so you know what you qualify
for. This is not new; it’s just they never
publicized it before.
Jul/Aug, 2012
People thought they could trade their
Red week in Arkansas for a Red Week
in Hawaii and that is not the case at all.
The two biggest keys to trading are what
week you are giving up and how far in
advance you call with as large parameters
as possible. There is also a difference if
you own in a points system as opposed
to a fixed week system as well as which
exchange company you are using. With
all of these options and all this confusion,
here are the basics to follow to actually get
what you want.
Depositing Your Week
All exchange companies have an
internal scoring system that determines
your trading power. When you deposit
your week has a large effect on your trading power.
Step 1. Determine the best resort you
have access to in your developer’s system.
This could just be your home resort. If you
have the ability to book any week (floating), find the best week you have access
to farther out then nine months.
Hint: Know the booking rules for
your developers and know the earliest
in advance you can book a full week (13
months, 12 months, 10 months, etc) and
what time the reservations department
Even if you are not sure when you
want to go on your vacation book a prime
time week to deposit.
Once you figure out what week you
are going to book, mark in your calendar
the exact time to call. Call exactly the first
day possible at the exact time the reservations department opens up. This will
give you an extremely high probability
of getting the exact date you want at the
best time. Your best option is to book a
two-bedroom unit during a major holiday
as far out as possible.
Now once you have your prime time
week booked, get the confirmation number and get ready to deposit the week.
Step 2.
Once you have the week, decide
which exchange company you are going
to deal with. There are more exchange
companies that you can use besides RCI
and II. Call the exchange company or go
online and deposit your week 9-24 months
in advance of the check in date. This will
give you maximum trading power.
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TimeSharing Today
Depositing first will typically yield
you higher trading power with most of
the exchange companies as opposed to
requesting first. Even if you do not know
where you would like to go, it is a good
idea to have the week deposited as it will
keep your value for when you are ready.
Now if you own a points system with
major developers such as Wyndham or
Hilton, you do not need to deposit a week
with II or RCI; just go to the next step.
Step 3.
The next most important criteria
for maximum exchange power are when
you request your vacation. You are put
on the waiting list according to when it is
you start your search. Ideally, you want to
start your search nine months or farther in
advance. The problem with most people
is that they call once and ask for what they
want; when it is not available, they give
up and never try again. Or they are on the
waiting list for a long time and never hear
anything. This leads to much frustration
on the part of owners because they don’t
know how the process works.
Nearly every time you call an exchange company, exactly what you want
Page 37
will not be available. Do not panic; this
is to be expected. The likelihood of the
exact week you want being available at
the exact time you call is highly unlikely.
Don’t get discouraged. However, you can
most likely get what you want if you have
a little patience.
When they tell you nothing is available, what you want to do is start an ongoing search. Different exchange companies
call it different names, but basically it is a
waiting list that searches all day every day
to find what you want. Since exchange
companies make money from fees, many
times they will try to get you to book
something different from what you are
asking in order to get a booking. Tell them
no and keep yourself on the search list.
To increase your chances of getting
what you want do not just give them one
resort and one date whenever possible.
Your best chances are to request farther
out than nine months, choose multiple
resorts (up to 48 resorts), and up to a 10
week time frame. Whenever possible, pick
a range of dates instead of just a single
week. The key is to be as broad with your
options as possible to ensure you get a
trade within a decent time frame.
Jul/Aug, 2012
There are obvious critiera that can
make getting trades easier, such as flexibility on room size, location of the resort,
and traveling off season. Any of these
parameters will increase your chances
as well.
Trading may seem complicated at
first and ultimately you could just call the
exchange company and ask for a week, but
most likely you will be waiting awhile for
a response. If, however, you know what
exchange companies’ criteria and plan a
little bit ahead, you will be more successful a lot more often and stay at the world’s
best resorts. You will be extremely satisfied with your timeshare if you are able
to trade to the Atlantis, Disney Resorts,
Marriott, Four Seasons and others for a
nominal exchange fee.
There are additional tricks you can
also use to exchange on short notice, get
multiple weeks for one week, and trade for
other things besides condos as well.
Vincent Lehr is the founder of My
Timeshare Insider (www.Mytimeshareinsider.com) and author of Timeshare Tips &
Tricks and MYTI Rental Guidebook
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TimeSharing Today
Page 38
Have you ever been
to the Florida Keys?
By Bill Kelly, Glastonbury, CT
Whenever the conversation gets
around to vacations/timeshare, and I ask,
“Have you ever been to the Keys?” I have
yet to get a “yes” answer. Usually Florida
is Florida, but the exception is the Keys.
Here is why.
The Florida Keys has only one road.
“U.S. 1” aka “the Overseas Highway”
runs all the way from Key Largo to Key
West. Due to the one road, addresses are
done by mile markers (M/M). Key West
begins M/M 1, and Key Largo runs from
M/M 100-106.
I own at Topsider Resort in Islamorada at M/M 75.5. Topsider, like most
“Keys” resorts, is small in size and units,
creating some limited availability. My
resort has only 20 octagonal shaped,
two-bedroom “treehouses” - 8 feet off
the ground for flooding purposes, with
two tennis courts, a small outdoor pool, a
new boat dock and launch and a very small
beach. Due to the eight foot concrete pillar
the unit sits on, parking
both your cars and a boat
below your unit is very
Between II and RCI,
my count is 29 timeshare
resorts total on the Keys,
but several overlap in
both directories, with
only three gold distinctions by II and two gold
crown by RCI. With 29 choices, the
numbers of resorts are comparable to
that of Hilton Head or Myrtle Beach,
but again, with very limited availability.
The closest to a big player is Hyatt (three
gold distinction resorts in Key West), but
no representation by Maniott, Disney,
Hilton, Worldmark, Shell, Diamond or
Islamorada is known as the sport fishing capital of the world. It is 75 miles from
Key West, 25 miles to Key Largo. Don’t
figure travel time as usual; the 75 miles
to Key West is easily a two plus hour trip.
This is due to the one road going through
every town/village, stop lights, and being
stuck behind RV’s, etc.
The Keys, unlike the rest of mainland
Florida, are not noted for their beaches.
Generally, if you find a beach, it’s manmade. Someone came in and deposited
some sand to make a postage stamp size
beach with coral on the water bottom. The
two exceptions I have found is beautiful
Bahia Honda State Park (M/M 37), $8 fee
per car, a must visit, and Sombrero Beach
(M/M 50), smaller, with no fees. Another
unique key is Big Pine Key (M/M 30),
home to dwarf size two foot deer! They
are so cute, and very protected by a heavily enforced 25 mph speed limit starting
at dusk.
There is an aptly named, Seven Mile
Bridge (M/M 47), that hosts a seven mile
road race, in April, where the bridge is
shut down, so pick a different day to visit
Key West. An additional fun attraction is
“Theater of the Sea” M/M 84.5) - very
educational - where your kids can swim
with dolphins (a bit pricy).
Key West is the closest to a city you’ll
find south of Miami. It has McDonalds,
Jul/Aug, 2012
KFC, Hard Rock Café, Sears, a regulation
18-hole, par 72 golf course and is labeled
as an “artsy” community, home of Ernest
“Papa” Hemingway. On Duval St. there
are some big name tourist traps, including
Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville, Sloppy
Joe’s, and Hog’s Breath to name a few.
I always enjoy a very casual “Half
Shell Raw Bar” on the waterfront in the
seaport district, a short walk from Duval
St, and Kelly McGillis’ Caribbean Restaurant is a wonderful historical eatery.
Don’t miss sunset at Mallory Square;
every night is a show. Besides a breathtaking sunset, you’ll see talented fire eaters,
jugglers, people getting married, mimes,
golden retrievers doing high wire acts,
and running water fights with passing
craft including a pirate clipper ship, a PT
boat, wave runners and finally, the Coast
Guard to power spray everybody as a
grand finale.
Being a beach bum and golfer, not a
boater, fisherman or diver, the keys are not
my favorite, but are certainly serviceable.
What does make it for me is the dining.
There are many fabulous restaurants all
over the keys, with most having outside,
open air, great view dining.
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TimeSharing Today
Page 39
Jul/Aug, 2012
Report of Transfer Company Task Force
In the summer of 2011, the ARDAROC Executive Committee established
the Transfer Company Task Force, which
was created to make recommendations as
to what ARDA-ROC should do to address
the transfer company business model and
its potential and actual negative effects
on timeshare owners and home owners’
associations (HOAs) in the United States.
The term “transfer company” refers to
companies that are also known as “relief’
or “postcard” companies. Their business
model includes the solicitation of timeshare owners through direct marketing
efforts which often end in an in-person
solicitation, to pay the transfer company
a large fee to legally transfer title of their
timeshare interest into the name of a third
party While this model is not inherently
illegal, the fact remains that numerous
transfer companies do not fulfill their
legal obligations or transfer the timeshare
interests into an asset-less LLC or an individual who has no intention of paying
maintenance fees.
The Task Force reported its findings
in April, 2012. This is one portion of
that report, which is representative of
the work of the Task Force as a whole
as well as one of the separate Sub-Task
Force groups who were asked to look at
more specific areas of concern to the Task
Force, that of HOA/Owner Education Sub
Task Force (ESTF) and Legislative/Legal
Sub Task Force (LSTF).
impacts on HOAs. In conjunction with
these best practices, education materials
would be created to provide factual responses to transfer representations made
to individual owners. Finally, the ESTF
identified potential resources for HOA
Boards, management companies, and/or
developers to use.
The group members are recommending a multi-pronged and concurrent approach to HOA board and owner
educational efforts. There are five major
1. ARDA-ROC Public Relations
Awareness Campaign.
• Goal: To increase owner and association awareness of transfer companies
and to educate consumers as to how to
protect themselves from unscrupulous
and fraudulent activities of ill-intended
transfer companies.
• Actions:
Create and distribute post card
alerts for HOA distribution regarding
sales and marketing techniques of transfers companies as well as their potential
negative financial effects.
Create and distribute sample text
for insertion in owner newsletters and
owner maintenance fee billing insert.
2. HOA Best Practices.
• Goal: To develop specific recommendations for HOAs to combat fraudulent transfers.
• Actions:
Provide examples of programs
and policies resorts are using to decrease
fraudulent transfers.
Provide options for internal
owner exit, dissolution, take-back programs.
Offer examples of successful resale programs (affiliated brokers, etc.).
Establish or expand rental programs.
Revise legal documents to include transfer policies.
Establish partnership with other
Education Sub-Task Force
The Education Sub-Task Force
(ESTF) was asked to create educational
material to inform the industry’s HOAs
and ultimately consumer owners about
the practices of transfer/rescue/relief
companies that encourage - even coerce - timeshare owners to divest their
timeshares for a fee. Transfer company
marketing tactics often include the use of
disparaging statements, fear-mongering
and misrepresentation of the timeshare
Once options were identified, the
ESTF created a set of recommended best
practices to combat unscrupulous transfer
company activities which include consumer coercion and financially negative
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TimeSharing Today
Board Members/Onsite Managers
Attend the Next Meeting
San Diego - October 28-30,2012
For details visit: tbmassoc.com
TBMA has the right tools, mentoring
and support to enable you to navigate the stormy waters of a shaky
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Education and action: We provide support to help you maintain a
healthy resort and positive vacation
experience for owners and guests.
Meetings/Networking: No resort
should operate in a vacuum. Meet
other TBMA members and industry
professionals. Participate in interactive panel discussions and network
with your peers. Get up-to-date information, share your bright ideas,
experiences and goals.
Shep Altshuler,
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Page 40
Suggest options to consolidate use
within higher seasons (shut down in low
Provide information on recapturing “lost” inventory (use of non-judicial
3. AIF Supported Research.
• Goal: To help identify the factors
that lead to the proliferation of transfer
company activity as well as the types of
resorts that are most likely to encounter
transfer issues.
• Actions:
Produce and distribute research
as well as an industry white paper to
identify the following:
Solutions to improve
the resorts to solve current and/or avoid
future transfer problems.
Circumstances that
would assist resorts with the best wind
down options, if other improvements
cannot be made.
Common challenges
that may be a catalyst as to why some
resorts find their ownership base particularly susceptible to offers made by
transfer companies.
Negative financial effects that transfer companies have had
on HOAs through unpaid assessments as
well as costs of foreclosure to recapture
Initial goal is to conduct this
research in the following states: Florida,
Colorado, Massachusetts, and South
4. Transfer Company Database.
• Goal: To create a database of
active transfer companies to inform
ARDA-ROC members as to their names
and the names of partner companies and
individuals who may be part of the transfer company process.
• Action:
Work with ARDA IT staff or a
third party vendor to create the database
structure to house the names of transfer
companies as well the names of commonly used LLCs or individuals who
have accepted timeshare interests and
are delinquent in their maintenance fee
ARDA-ROC will work with legal
counsel to create the necessary legal dis-
Jul/Aug, 2012
claimers for the database and to ensure no
local, state or federal laws will be broken
through the creation and maintenance of
this resource.
Information will be gathered from
ARDA-ROC participating HOAs and
management companies.
Only ARDA-ROC members will
have access to the database.
5. Transfer Company Page on
• Goal: To create an online resource
dedicated to educating owners and HOA5
about transfer companies.
• Action:
ARDA staff will create a resource center to deliver much of the
information created as part of this Task
Force effort.
It will occupy its own section of
the ARDA-ROC.org website and will be
updated routinely as information becomes
Recommendation Summary
Our working group members strongly feel that a comprehensive, cohesive
approach of proactive measures is immediately needed in order to off-set the
potential damage that current transfer
activities will continue to have on our
industry’s homeowner association budgets and the overall negative public
perception of timeshare products. These
consequences include the transformation
of dues paying owners who are actually
happy timeshare users into people who
divest their ownership interests and are
willing to pay thousands of dollars to do
so. The long-term implications of loss of
revenues and loss of access to the inventory in order to find future paying owners
are of concern to ARDA-ROC.
Several organizations represented
within this Task Force have already taken
on a leadership role in fighting against
the wave of transfers and are willing to
share their expertise and examples of best
practices and research.
Most importantly, the working group
believes this is a unique and outstanding opportunity for ARDA-ROC to step
forward with solutions and resources in
support of consumers and industry HOAs.
ARDA-ROC will garner a solid reputation as an organization worthy of financial
support and participation.
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TimeSharing Today
Page 41
TimeShare Classified
Wk # Starts on
Starts on
RCI and Interval International both start
week #1 on the first Saturday of the year
in 2012 and 2013.
Some resorts start weeks on a Friday or
Sunday. Check with the resort to confirm
check-in dates.
Jul/Aug, 2012
BEACH, 2BR, 2ba, $22,000, 479/6366493, debradynamo150@hotmail.com.
SEDONA-Red Rock Country!. Best Buys!
Specializing in the Gold Crown Arroyo
Roble. Voted one of AZ’s highest rated
resorts! Call Rod Goebel, Broker Sedona Timeshare Resales. 800/344-3763
----------------------------------------------------SCOTTSDALE CAMELBACK RESORT
BUY RESALE weeks from $700
SELL Timeshare weeks worldwide
Desert Vacation Realty-Since 1991
Debby Kreager/Designated Broker.
desertvacation.com 800-283-9174
----------------------------------------------------SEDONA PINES RESORT, 1BR studio,
1 floating wk, annual maint $467. Near 6
vortex sites, asking $500. 903/549-3172,
leave message 24/7 or donleggon@
------------------------------------------------------FOUR SEASONS Residence Club
Scottsdale at Troon North.2 BR lockoff
Deeded Platinum, Gold, or Silver available.Starting at $1000. Contact Betty at
TRIWEST 800/423-6377.
------------------------------------------------------LONDON BRIDGE RESORT, TIMESHARE, Lake Havasu City, 2BR float wk,
Maint $600/yr, $8000. Yvonne 714/3363038
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM SEDONA, Gold Crown,
300,000 pts, $15,000, 970/240-9455,
------------------------------------------------------LONDON BRIDGE RESORT in Lake
Havasu, 1BR, 1 Week, floating $1,250.
If there is an error or change in your ad,
do not telephone us. Please email staff@
tstoday.com, write or send a fax Include
both the old and the new wording. Contact:
Ad Editor, TimeSharing Today
140 County Rd, Ste 114, Tenafly NJ 07670
Fax: 201-871-4305
LOS ABRIGADOS, Sedona, Premier V C
Studio, every other year. Sell for closing
costs, sargent@shasta.com
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM FLAGSTAFF, Prime Red,
deeded, fixed wk 31, 2BR, 2ba, slps 8.
Full kit, A/C, W/D. $8000 fees pd thru ’12,
520/378-2494, svfolks@gmail.com.
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT CANYON VILLAS, Phoenix,
2BR, 2ba, w/lockout. Platinum Week every
year. $19,000. Call 262-547-6373.
------------------------------------------------------VILLAS at POCO DIABLO, Sedona, 1BR,
1ba, $6000, 520/531-0616, bspulver1@
------------------------------------------------------LONDON BRIDGE RESORT at Lake Havasu, 2BR, floating week, $600 Maint Fee,
$5000. Call Dick at 989/687-5678
------------------------------------------------------LONDON BRIDGE RESORT: Lakefront
resort on Lake Havasu. Prime floating 1
and 2 bedroom deeded units. Annual Use
$995+. Contact Tony for details: (714)8414541 or Tony@TimeShareTony.com
------------------------------------------------------LONDON BRIDGE RESORT, 2BR $1000,
1BR $600. Rent Option 2BR $800, 1BR
$600, More Info at 805/231-0430 windyward1@yahoo.com.
------------------------------------------------------LONDON BRIDGE RESORT, Lake Havasu, Prime floating, 1BR deeded unit.
Annual use, available 2012. $1200 OBO,
419/289-1879, corralts@netzero.net
------------------------------------------------------LAKE HAVASU CITY @ LONDON BRIDGE
RESORT, 2BR, 1Wk/Yr, $3000, Maint. Fees
Extra/Yr., 702/228-4542, cheryl.kallas@
Avoid Scams
Ignore telemarketers and
email solicititors looking
for upfront fees and
personal information.
Have your attorney
review all documents
before you sign. Fees
should be held in escrow.
Report fraud to consumer
protection agencies
Ad deadline - 8/10/12
Add Color To Your Ad
Select the color option
on the advertising order form.
TimeSharing Today
LONDON BRIDGE RESORT, Lake Havasu, 2BR, $1500, 1BR, $1000. Option to
rent 2BR $1000/wk, 1BR $600/wk, Owner
Windy Ward 805/231-0430, windyward1@
$1, 479/244-6607, robert.hotchkiss@
------------------------------------------------------SUNBAY RESORT, Hot Springs,
$10000, 864/677-5304,
Save 40 to 70% off Hilton Grand Vacation
Club units. I am an Accredited Buyers Representative. and will be happy to represent
you in the purchase of a Hilton unit. No
Buyer’s fee. If you would like to be put on
my Best Buy list send an email to Judi@JudiKoz.com. You may call me at 1-800-5415666 ext 622 or my cell at 407-921-0000.
My website is www.JudiKoz.com
------------------------------------------------------ALL WELK RESORTS-LWRV from $2500.
Villas on the Green from $1500. Desert Oasis from $750. Welk Platinum Points from
$2000. lic Calif RE Bkr/Realtor 760/2940073, www.calresale.com
------------------------------------------------------CAPISTRANO SURFSIDE INN, 1 & 2
BR, FLOAT, All weeks EX as red wks.
Prices start @ $1,100. 949/240-7681.
Contact Manager, Amanda Burgess,
Email: CapistranoSurfside@yahoo.com.
------------------------------------------------------HYATT HIGHLANDS INN & ALL MARRIOTT PROPERTIES! Licensed CA Broker
with 20 years experience. 775/690-2653,
Buy/Sell billgabrielli@me.com
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT DESERT SPRINGS II, Palm
Desert, 2BR, 2ba, w/lockout (can be used
individually for 2 separate wks) floating RED
Wk Season-$6500, opt to rent, 516/5465155, lynloves2golf@yahoo.com.
------------------------------------------------------BEAUTIFUL SO-CAL BEACH RESORT.
Blue Whale intervals starting at $500.
www.thebluewhale.net. Purchase today!
Call Tricia Deschamps/DRE# 01499399 at
800/772-0706 Offer void in certain states.
Page 42 ****************************
FOUR SEASONS Residence Club
Aviara, Carlsbad.
1 BR Standalone or 2 BR lockoff
Deeded Platinum or Gold available.
Every other year starting at $1500
Contact Betty at TRIWEST
----------------------------------------------------HARBORTOWN POINT Marina Resort
and Club, Ventura.
Mariner-Studio / Voyager-1BR / Islander-1BR lockoff
Deeded Prime or High available.
Starting at $199
Contact Viccie at TRIWEST
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT DESERT SPRINGS I, remodeled flagship units, 2BR, 2ba, lock off, red
season, $9800, rmcniel@cox.net
------------------------------------------------------PALM SPRINGS TNS CLUB, 1BR, Red/
High fltng Wk Palm Springs, plus +++ TriAnn, (1 Wk every 3yrs), 2BR at VACATION VILLAGE PARKWAY, FL. Package deal with both going for just $1K,
------------------------------------------------------WELK RESORT MOUNTAIN VILLA, for
use every other year. Purchased in 5/10
for $17,000, worth $28,495,
------------------------------------------------------LAGONITA LODGE RESORT: Lakefront
resort on Big Bear Lake. Prime Season
Annual use WINTER/SUMMER 2 bedroom, 3 bath deeded “LAKEFRONT”
unit $6495. Contact Tony: (714)8414541 or Tony@TimeShareTony.com
----------------------------------------------------SNOW LAKE LODGE: Located at
the base of Snow Summit Ski Resort.
Prime Floating Winter 1 bedroom, 2
bath deeded units. Annual Use $995+.
Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
----------------------------------------------------NOB HILL INN: In the prestigious Nob
Hill area of San Francisco. Prime floating 2 bedroom deeded unit. Annual Use
$5995. Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
----------------------------------------------------SUITES AT FISHERMANʼS WHARF:
In the popular Fishermanʼs Wharf area
of San Francisco. Prime floating 1 bedroom deeded units. Annual Use $1995.
Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
See discount offers
Page 54
Jul/Aug, 2012
Vista, $4000, 1BR Annual/High Trade,
650/359-6579, sharoncaren@comcast.
------------------------------------------------------LAWRENCE WELK RESORT VILLAS,
Escondido, $20000, OBO, 805/733-4887,
------------------------------------------------------LAWRENCE WELK RESORT VILLAS, Escondido, $14000, 949/378-3633, hjhlin@
------------------------------------------------------RANCHO MIRAGE (Palm Springs), Westin
MH, 2BR, 2ba L/off Ann., Gold Wk, golf,
$1950, 858/755-7645, patwick@san.
------------------------------------------------------LAWRENCE WELK RESORT VILLAS, San
Diego, 420,000 Plat Pts, Odd yrs. $7995,
760/877-5057, pcss@earthlink.net
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT DESERT SPRINGS –
2Bdrm 2Bath Units W/Lockout
Seasons: RED - $7,500 ● WHITE $3,500
See us at www.htr4timeshare.com
Hotel Timeshare Resales
800 – 808 – 5651
----------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT DESERT SPRINGS –
2Bdrm 2Bath Units W/Lockout
Seasons: RED - $6,000 ● WHITE $3,000
See us at www.htr4timeshare.com
Hotel Timeshare Resales
800 – 808 – 5651
----------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT NEWPORT COAST
PLATINUM 2/2 – Weeks 23-51 $9,500
GOLD 2/2 - Weeks 1-22 $5,500
See us at www.htr4timeshare.com
Hotel Timeshare Resales
800 – 808 – 5651
----------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT SHADOW RIDGE
2Bdrm 2Bath Units W/Lockout
Seasons: Platinum - $7,000 ● Gold $3,500
See us at www.htr4timeshare.com
Hotel Timeshare Resales
800 – 808 – 5651
----------------------------------------------------SHADOW RIDGE-ENCLAVES
2Bdrm 2Bath Units W/Lockout
Seasons: Platinum - $14,000 ● Gold $12,000
See us at www.htr4timeshare.com
Hotel Timeshare Resales
800 – 808 – 5651
-----------------------------------------------------CARLSBAD INN, Steps to the Beach,
2-1BR, $4000 EACH OR BOTH $7500.
760/774-2444, briesen@dc.rr.com
TimeSharing Today
CAPISTRANO SURFSIDE INN, 2BR, Corner Unit, Oceanfront, 2 Red Wks, $2500
each week or $4000 for both. 928/2842167, samazza@esedona.net
------------------------------------------------------RESIDENCE CLUB PGA WEST. La
Quinta, 1/9 fractional ownership, $204900,
3350sq ft, 3BR, 3ba, Jfk73@me.com
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT DESERT SPRINGS II, Palm
Desert, 2BR, 2ba w/lockout (can be used
individually for 2 separate wks), floating,
RED wk $4000, 562/715-4010, allezmarsha@mac.com
------------------------------------------------------SHELL VACTION CLUB, Western Club
Points at California locations, 21800 pts per
year in 8 contracts at four locations, Asking
$5,000 for all but will divide . Contact Dave
at trrff@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------SO CAL BEACH CLUB, 1BR, 1BA, $3000,
OBO, 805/231-0430, windyward1@yahoo.
------------------------------------------------------CARLSBAD INN BEACH RESORT, 1BR,
1ba, $3000, OBO, 805/231-0430, windyward1@yahoo.com
INN at SILVERCREEK, Granby, $1500
for 6 wks, slps 6, 2ba, lockoff, golf, ski
303/697-6189, jkblumens@aol.com.
-----------------------------------------------------SHERATON MOUNTAIN VISTA, Avon
1BR, 81,000 Starwood Pts, ski season,
$15000, mummar@chesapeake.net
-----------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM PAGOSA MOUNTAIN
MEADOWS, Outdoor Lovers! 174,000
Wyndham Pts, $2000,
-----------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM PAGOSA, Sale includes
264,000 Annual Wyndham Points! Incredibly beautiful acres in Pagosa Springs.
$3000, 303/659-3598.
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT STREAMSIDE at VAIL, Douglas, Vail, winter red wk, 303/733-6074,
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM PAGOSA, Pagosa Sprgs,
Prime Red, deeded, fixed wk #27, 2BR,
2ba, full kit, a/c, w/d 2012. Use week
July 1-8. $7500. (low fees; pd thru ’12),
520/378-2494, svfolks@gmail.com
------------------------------------------------------OROFINO by STRAIGHT CREEK, Dillon,
Wk #45, slps 6, Grnd Fl., $500, 904/6478418, drh55@hotmail.com
------------------------------------------------------SILVERADO II at WINTER PARK, 2BR,
2ba full kitchen, $1000 OBO, Wk 38, topdown@roadrunner.com
Page 43
Estes Park, $10000, Wk #28, 2BR,
2ba, 319/524-8970 or c319/795-3300,
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM DURANGO at Historic Downtown, Durango, $1. 0031 20 6717273,
------------------------------------------------------THE WREN, Vail, $4900,
------------------------------------------------------FRENCH RIDGE CONDOMINIUMS,
Breckenridge, Wk 22, Red, $2000, 903/6292212, bobcatsbasicsllc@peoplescom.net
------------------------------------------------------SHERATON MOUNTAIN VISTA, Avon,
Shoulder Annual Float, 2BR, 2ba, $5900,
719/650-2115, angpotter@me.com.
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT STREAMSIDE at VAIL-Douglas, $10000, 1BR + loft, 3BR, 303/7994084, weskico@comcast.net
------------------------------------------------------TWIN RIVERS, Prime Wk 52 & 53, 2BR,
2ba, Ski Xmas–New Yr! Red Wk 39, 3BR,
2ba, RCI & II; $4900 all Wks, $3800 ea wk,
303/483-8110, ourmtnwks@gmail.com
------------------------------------------------------FALCON POINT in Avon, floating shoulder
or floating summer week, 1 BDR, 1 BA,
Atlantic Coast
------------------------------------------------------JENSEN BEACH &
One offers over 2000 sq. feet, two and
three bedrooms, plus atrium in the unit.
Great amenities include pools and tennis
courts. No developer hassles. Forclosure
opportunity on prime red weeks.
Defender Realty 1-800-799-0798
------------------------------------------------------DEERFIELD BEACH. Emerald Seas. 1
BR, 1 ba, full kit. Wk 51. Oceanfront resort, beautiful beach, convenient location.
$1100. charlacafe@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------www.RonJonResort.com, 2BR w/lockout,
slps 10. $3,800 Fin Avl 908/766-2211 or
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT OCEAN PT, W Palm, Oceanview, 2BR, 2ba, Platinum, annual lock-off,
15K OBO, 262/742-2778, cfl011442@
Subscription offer.
See details at:
Jul/Aug, 2012
Atlantic Coast
------------------------------------------------------LAS OLAS BEACH RESORT, Satellite
Beach, 2BR, Full Kitchen, slps 6. Unit faces
the beach $3,000 OBO 727/255-4493,
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL FLORIDIAN TS, 2BR, 2ba, EOY,
can split for every yr, Ormond Bch. Fees
every two yrs! Floating wk. 10K. jackanddianeb@comcast.net
------------------------------------------------------CATALINA BEACH CLUB, Daytona Beach,
$2900 OBO, rent $900. Wk 11, 609/6611033, jsport001@hotmail.com.
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT OCEAN POINTE, Palm
Beach Shores, $10,499, 781/259-1001,
------------------------------------------------------OCEAN LANDINGS, Cocoa Beach, Wk 17,
1BR, 2ba, oceanfront, Top Flr (5) $3500,
505/299-6279, dotwhaley@msn.com
------------------------------------------------------COCONUT BAY RESORT, Ft Lauderdale,
$1100, 919/568-8408, hotpr33@hotmail.
------------------------------------------------------CELEBRITY RESORTS PALM COAST,
Palm Coast, $2000, 919/568-8408, hotpr33@hotmail.com
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT OCEANA PALMS, SINGER
ISLAND, $25900, beautifully furnished,
MAGNIFICENT! robert@rfishman.com
------------------------------------------------------LIGHTHOUSE COVE RESORT, Pompano
Beach, $6000, e/side A1A rt on beach,
631/348-7737, elaineqeii@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------COCONUT PALMS BEACH RESORT II,
New Smyrna, Wk 41, 1BR, 1ba, $8500,
319-431-0630, jstone720@hotmail.com
------------------------------------------------------SURF RIDER, Pompano Beach on A1A,
2BR, 2ba, Wk 44, $1000 or OBO, 814/4555255, joyousjack@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM SEA GARDENS, Pompano
Beach, Wk 8 fixed on bch e/side A1A, Mk
Offer, 631/348-7737, elaineqeii@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM PALM AIRE RESORT & SPA,
Pompano Beach, Wks 32 & 33, 2BR,
$2.00, 603/966-6770, kenl@san-ken.com
------------------------------------------------------AMERICANO BEACH RESORT, Daytona
Beach, 1BR, 1ba, Floridian slps 6, Wk 19,
$7900 OBO, 386/424-5699
------------------------------------------------------TRADERS INN BEACH CLUB, Ormond
Beach, $150, Wk #43, 1BR, 1ba, danirvin@
------------------------------------------------------LAS OLAS BEACH CLUB, Satellite Beach,
Wk 19, 2BR, 2ba, $3000 OBO, 727/2554493, locojefe41@yahoo.com
------------------------------------------------------COCOA BEACH oceanfront timeshare
units. Great II trade value for price. Seagullbeachclub.com. 321-783-4441. Licensed
RE Brokerage.
TimeSharing Today
Atlantic Coast
------------------------------------------------------DAYTONA BEACH-Perennial Vacation
Club, red week, 1 br, 1 ba, Maint fee.
$594, Asking $500. Contact Dave at
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT OCEANA PALMS, Singer
Island, $10000, GOLD Season, 2BR,
419/923-2804, mtaylor@fulton-net.com
------------------------------------------------------HOLLYWOOD BEACH RESORT,
Hollywood, $1,
------------------------------------------------------PALM BEACH SHORES RESORT & VAC
VILLAS, Palm Beach Shores, 2 units-1BR, 1ba each; use both units same wk or
separate wks, $6000/$10000 both, Email:
------------------------------------------------------VISTANA BEACH CLUB, Jensen Beach,
Prime Season, floating Wk 1-17, 24-35,
46-47, 50-52. Loc on beautiful Hutchinson
Island. 2BR, 2ba, $2800, 239/281-0452,
------------------------------------------------------DOLPHIN BEACH CLUB, Daytona Beach
Shores, 1BR, 1ba condo, $4500. POC:
------------------------------------------------------RON JON CAPE CARIBE RESORT, Cape
Canaveral, Red, poolside, 2BR, 2ba,
$2999, jen52683@yahoo.com
------------------------------------------------------PLANTATION BEACH CLUB, Stuart,
5* Oceanfront, golf, 1BR, slps 4, 2 Fall
Flex Wks, $3900 ea, both for $7500,
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT OCEAN POINT, Singer Island,
3BR, 3ba, Oceanfront, Gold Season,
$10,000. Ispaetzel@gmail.com
------------------------------------------------------PALM BEACH RESORT & BEACH CLUB,
Wk 2, ICW, 1BR, 1ba, newly renovated.
“Try Before You Buy” 2013 dates 1/12-1/19
or 5/11-5/18 ACT TODAY! 908/902-1831,
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT FORT LAUDERALE BEACH
TOWERS, Steps to ocean-GOLD SEASON, 2BR, w/lockout $6500, 860/918-8624
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL FLORIDIAN, Ormond Bch, min to
Daytona, 1BR, 1ba, floating wk, even yrs,
$6000, 315/363-2767.
------------------------------------------------------SEA GARDENS BEACH & TENNIS RESORT, Pompano Beach, Wk 42, 4th Fl studio, ocean/pool view MTF PD 2012, $500,
740/962-4857, travjb@earthlink.net
Page 44
Gulf Coast
------------------------------------------------------LONGBOAT BAY CLUB, Sarasota, Beautiful 2BR, 2ba, floating week, $854.66 annual fee. $6000 OBO, 703-819-4951
------------------------------------------------------SAILFISH YACHT CLUB, Destin (jPanhandle), deeded 2BR, 1ba, slps 6/4, Wk
# 52, balcony, boat slip. M/F $383 Beginning 2012. $1000 OBO, 716/674-1876, or
------------------------------------------------------NAPLES VANDERBILT BEACH CLUB,
2BR, 2ba, waterfront, cov. Park, screen
balcony, upscale condo, wk33, Gold
Crown RCI Red $2900. Call Ed to discuss 502/267-7649,
------------------------------------------------------SUNRISE BAY RESORT, Marco Island,
Wks 12, 3, 14 @ $3500/wk, 508/432-7382,
------------------------------------------------------PLANTATION BEACH CLUB at SOUTH
SEAS RESORT, Captiva Island, Wk 36,
2BR, 2ba, $4000, madeira4@yahoo.com
------------------------------------------------------PANAMA CITY BEACH RESORT, Wk 45,
Efcy, slps 4, 2 queens, gulf frnt cor unit
$500 OBO, 904/759-9313.
------------------------------------------------------HOLIDAY BEACH RESORT, Destin, 1BR,
1ba, Wk 9, $1100, 870/659-8400, lelefler@
------------------------------------------------------THE SURF CLUB, Marco Island, 2BR,
2ba, Mid Apr to Mid Dec, 85% Beachfront
Units. New Kitchen/Bath. 3HDTV’s. $2995,
------------------------------------------------------HYATT COCONUT PLANTATION RESORT, Bonita Springs, 2BR, 2ba, Wk 15,
1880 pts, asking $12500. Contact Doug.
------------------------------------------------------LEHIGH RESORT CLUB, Lehigh Acres,
$350, Wk 32, 1BR, 1ba, 07980813250,
------------------------------------------------------MARINA VILLAGE, Ft Myers Beach, 2BR,
2ba, sleeps 6, week 46. Beach 1 block,
shop on the way. Daily boat to Key West.
$5000, 717/794-0079.
------------------------------------------------------ALL SEASONS VACATION RESORT,
Madeira Beach, #PH 601, Wk 52, $5750,
239/598-5479, bright1244@gmail.com
------------------------------------------------------SUNRISE BAY RESORT, Marco Island, Wk
50, Waterfront, screened porch, 1BR, 2ba,
AWESOME VIEW!, $2800, sam1rudy@
------------------------------------------------------HILTON CLUB REGENCY, Marco Island,
OCEANFRONT!, Great views, & Sunsets.
2BR, 2ba, screened porch, RCI Gold, Wk
49, $3200, sam1rudy@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------Tell someone you know about
TimeSharing Today.
Help keep our voice strong.
Jul/Aug, 2012
Gulf Coast
------------------------------------------------------BAY & BEACH CLUB, Indian Shores,
2BR, Tampa Bay side, with Gulfview.
Wk #7, #205 @ $3500 or Wk 8 #305 @
$3500. Both for $6500. Mary at
------------------------------------------------------LONGBOAT BAY CLUB, Longboat Key,
$8000, 203/710-7749,
------------------------------------------------------EAGLE’S NEST, Marco Isl. Wk 22 or 3400
HGVC Pts. 2BR, 2ba, 2012 MF Pd. $1000
+ closing. 703/978-3058.
------------------------------------------------------EAGLE’S NEST BEACH RESORT, Marco
Island, 2BR, 2ba, remodeled, $8500, Wk
#27, #103, 407/463-5192, donnadd@cfl.
------------------------------------------------------PLANTATION BEACH CLUB, Indian River,
Stuart, 2BR, Wk 51, $12,500, charles.j.neff.
------------------------------------------------------LEHIGH RESORT CLUB, Lehigh Acres,
$150, 1BR, 1ba, slps 4, 01455 23923,
------------------------------------------------------THE CHARTER CLUB of MARCO BEACH,
Marco Island, Wk 29, 2BR, 2ba, $9000,
941/426-0937, john.hayes861@yahoo.
------------------------------------------------------KEY WEST:
The Banyan Resort
Luxury and charm
In the heart of Old Town.
Resales starting at only $4000.
Large inventory available.
Call: Amy Lachat Lynch, Banyan Realty.
Email: kwfbroker@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------KEY LARGO. Anchorage Resort. Week 7
(President’s week). One BR, slps 4. Resort
has own marina. Great fishing and scuba
diving/snorkeling. Deeded RCI. Must sell.
$16,500. 201/768-7124
------------------------------------------------------KEY WEST – Coconut Beach Resort.
Rare offering, Wk 4, $15,900, 2 BR, 2 ba,
slps 6, lock-out. Stunning ocean sunrises
& sunsets. service@crowsnet.com. or
------------------------------------------------------KEY WEST-Hyatt Beach House, 2 BR, 2
ba, 1300 pts use yr begins 2013, Maint.
fee $945, Asking $2000. Contact Dave at
------------------------------------------------------THE REEF at MARATHON RESORT
CLUB, Wk 3, 2BR, 2ba, Wash/Dryer,
$1800, 239/281-0452, autobrokers1@
------------------------------------------------------These ads are read.
Place your classified ad today.
TimeSharing Today
Orlando Area
------------------------------------------------------NEAR DISNEY. Florida Vacation Villas,
Presidents Week 7. 2BR, Sleeps 6. Pool,
tennis, playground, W/D in unit. Asking
$4500. Email to dougj@ismsports.com or
call 201-362-8151.
------------------------------------------------------DISNEY VACATION CLUB resales, all
resort locations typically available. Significant savings! Call DVC By Resale toll
free 1-800-844-4099 or visit www.DVCbyResale.com for current listings. Shontell C
Crawford, Lic. Real Estate Broker email:
------------------------------------------------------Save 40 to 70% off Hilton Grand Vacation
Club units. I am an Accredited Buyers Representative. and will be happy to represent
you in the purchase of a Hilton unit. No
Buyer’s fee. If you would like to be put on
my Best Buy list send an email to Judi@
JudiKoz.com. You may call me at 1-800541-5666 ext 622 or my cell at 407-9210000. My website is www.JudiKoz.com
------------------------------------------------------STAR ISLAND RESORT, 5 Star II – 3BR,
2ba, lock off. Wk 10 SPRING BREAK
WEEK!. Pool view 2 nd floor unit. MAKE AN
OFFER. 618/534-6665 or robertgonzenbach@msn.com
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT GRANDE VISTA, Platinum,
2BR lockoff, $9200 & 3BR $16,000,
------------------------------------------------------CYPRESS POINTE, 3BR, 3ba w/lockout,
deeded Emerald float, $1000 + trans. Fee,
217/525-2435, tsquires2@hotmail.com
------------------------------------------------------CYPRESS POINTE, 3BR, 3ba, w/lockout,
slps 10, Fltg Wk Deeded $1500 + Closing
Cost, Nicholas386@msn.com
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT CYPRESS HARBOUR,
Orlando, 2BR units, Winter-Spring near
Disney, ea $6000, negotiable,
------------------------------------------------------VACATION VILLAGE at PARKWAY, Kissimmee, Wk 11 2BR, $22000, 508/2483985, susanwilbur@charter.net
------------------------------------------------------ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, Kissimmee, $3500, Wk 29, PEAK SUMMER
WEEK, 2BR, celambert@tiscali.co.uk
------------------------------------------------------VACATION VILLAS @ FANTASY WORLD,
Kissimmee, near Disney. 2BR, 2ba, slps
6, float wk. $450 OBO. 608/837-6249,
The resale values are here.
Go ahead and make an offer.
Page 45
Orlando Area
------------------------------------------------------MYSTIC DUNES in a 2 bedroom unit
for floating weeks 1-52 priced at just
$1995 with a FREE maintenance fee for
2012! Lockout feature incuded Licensed
Broker. A+ Rating with the BBB. 1 year
Satisfaction Guarantee with each
purchase! 800-809-6020 or
------------------------------------------------------POLYNESIAN ISLES RESORT, DISNEY
(4 MI), 2BR, 2ba, deeded, floating wk,
pools, picnic areas, safe, gated, convenient, 2012 WK INCLUDED, $1000,
------------------------------------------------------VISTANA FALLS, Wk 16, 2BR, 2ba, Unit
0330, $350 + closing fees, No Solicitation,
Jim, 407/341-0069.
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT GRANDE VISTA, 3BR, 3ba
lock-off. Trades Red. Mile from Disney &
Epcot, hungryhunter2@yahoo.com
------------------------------------------------------POLYNESIAN ISLES RESORT, DISNEY
(4 MI), 2BR, 2ba, deeded, floating wk,
pools, picnic areas, safe, gated, convenient, 2012 WK INCLUDED, $1000,
------------------------------------------------------ORANGE LAKE RESORT, Kissimmee, Wk
11, slps 5, Private, Gold Cr. Near Disney,
SELL FOR CLOSING COSTS! 715/2464013, or bkomula@frontiernet.net
------------------------------------------------------WESTGATE LEISURE, 2BR, 2ba, Red
Flt, 2012 fee pd, 46 trade pwr wk depd w/
RCI xchg for 2 or more wks!!! $950 OBO.
616/942-6018, ron@inventassist.com.
------------------------------------------------------ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB, Wk
21, 3BR, RCI Wk # 21. $6000, Best Offer.
610/613-4462, marc@rsgcpas.com
Exp 124>STAR ISLAND, 5* Trades II 3BR,
2ba lockoff, Wk 44, $1000 + closing costs,
239/560-0453, jtomminell@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------GRAND LAKE RESORT, Kissimmee, Wk
38/flexible, 2BR, 2ba $9500, 786/2390550, nyaemarsh@gmail.com
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT SABAL PALMS, Orlando,
$9700, 973/661-4971, mweiss6510@
------------------------------------------------------GRAND LAKE RESORT, Kissimmee, Wk
38/flexible, 2BR, $9500, 786/239-0550,
------------------------------------------------------VISTANA FALLS, Wk 16, 2BR, 2ba, Unit
0330, $350 + closing fees, No Solicitation,
Jim, 407/341-0069, jim@pagemediation.
------------------------------------------------------Keep your subscription active.
Stay informed.
Order at
Jul/Aug, 2012
Orlando Area
------------------------------------------------------GRAND BEACH, 3BR, 3ba, patio, LR, full
kit, W/D, 4 TV’s, ihomes, $4000, floating
wk, jeder1@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------WESTGATE TOWN CTR 1 mi Disney,
2BR/2BA,lockoff, WK#47 even yrs, $10,500
obo. justin12@onemain.com
Florida-Other Locations
------------------------------------------------------VACATION VILLAGE at WESTON, Wk
#1, 2BR, 2ba, MAKE OFFER, Motivated
Seller. gpianko@yahoo.com
North Georgia’s best kept secret – your
own Mountainside Villa for the week or
weekend! Great rates on rentals; even
better deals on sales! 706-268-3600
2 BR units. Starting @ $ 3,500. Contact
Syed Sarmad, Hawaii Broker. Specialist in all HI properties & name brand
resorts. www.advantagevacation.com,
------------------------------------------------------Save 40 to 70% off Hilton Grand Vacation
Club units. I am an Accredited Buyers Representative. and will be happy to represent
you in the purchase of a Hilton unit. No
Buyer’s fee. If you would like to be put on
my Best Buy list send an email to Judi@
JudiKoz.com. You may call me at 1-800541-5666 ext 622 or my cell at 407-9210000. My website is www.JudiKoz.com
------------------------------------------------------SNORKEL WITH TURTLES ON MAUI.
Lovely 3BR at ONE NAPILI WAY. 2
min. walk to beach, Kapalua area, 2
weeks in August, can be traded. Odd
years. $11,500. gailster2@juno.com or
------------------------------------------------------KONA COAST I, deed 2500 shell points,
annual 1BR, 2ba, slps 4, oceanview, w/golf
$3000, 541/523-4174 or 520/465-8512.
------------------------------------------------------MAUI BEACH VACATION CLUB-CORAL.
Consolidated Resorts. Float: Biennial Odd.
1BR, great amenities & location, ocean
just feet away. Deeded. $6000/neg, Renee
TimeSharing Today
Oceanfront resort on MAUI. Prime floating 1 bedroom, 2 bath deeded OCEANFRONT units. $3995. Contact Tony:
(714)841-4541 or
----------------------------------------------------SANDS OF KAHANA: Oceanfront
resort on MAUI. Prime floating 1 bedroom deeded unit. Annual Use $3800.
Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
----------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT MAUI OCEAN CLUB:
Oceanfront resort in Kaanapali on
MAUI. Prime floating 1 bedroom, 2 bath
deeded unit. $12,500. Contact Tony:
(714)841-4541 or
------------------------------------------------------WESTIN KAANAPALI OCEAN RESORT
VILLAS, Lahaina, Maui, $40000, 905/2789361, Hendersonmullin@yahoo.com
------------------------------------------------------MAKAI CLUB, Kauai, 2+floating wks,
Priv 4, 1BR, 1ba, 150,000 CI Pts, $5400,
239/273-5412, mistydog52@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------WESTIN KAANAPALI OCEAN RESORT
VILLAS, 2BR, 2ba oceanfront deluxe
annual $25,000,
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT KO O’LINA BEACH CLUB
PLATINUM - 2/2 w/Lockout $23,900
Fixed Week 52 For XMAS in Hawaii
See us at www.htr4timeshare.com
Hotel Timeshare Resales
800 – 808 – 5651
------------------------------------------------------CLIFFS CLUB, Princeville, Kauai, Gold
Crown, 1BR, 2ba, recent remodel, exc
maintained prop yrly float Sept-Dec 20.
Deeded $2000 INCL 1 WEEK FOR 2012,
775/450-1556, mtnburke@charter.net
------------------------------------------------------MAUI SCHOONER - Assn. & owner resales. 1 to 3 bedroom; some every other
year. resales@tradingplaces.com
------------------------------------------------------HAWAIIAN PRINCESS AT MAKAHALimited number of assn. & owner
resales. Call Penny Dumont 808-4973052 or resales@tradingplaces.com
------------------------------------------------------KAHANA FALLS RESORT … Limited
number of assn. & owner resales. Floor
plans to match your family’s needs - great
pricing! Call Penny Dumont 808-497-3052
or resales@tradingplaces.com
------------------------------------------------------CLIFFS CLUB, Kauai, 2BR, 2ba, kit. FX
WK 47, 2012, maint fees paid. $4000 OBO,
913/893-6680, lhaubein@gmail.com
Page 46
slps 6, deeded week. $5K, 330/723-5901,
------------------------------------------------------WESTIN KAANAPALI OCEAN RESORT
VILLAS, Lahaina, Maui, $23500, 2BR
lockoff, oceanview annual, bthomas@
------------------------------------------------------PAHIO BALI HAI (Wyndham) Princeville,
2BR, 2ba, full kitchen, EOY. Make Offer,
2, 2BR, 2ba, $499 OBO, 231/740-3424,
------------------------------------------------------FRENCH LICK, Villa 55, Wl 18 KENTUCKY
DERBY WK! 2 BR, 2ba slps 8, sauna,
jacuzzi, full kitchen. $2900, fees current
941/214-8218, ptstjet2@comcast.net.
NEW ORLEANS-Wyndham Avenue Plaza,
studio red week, use year begins 2013,
Maint. Fee $501. Asking $200, Contact
Dave at trrff@aol.com.
------------------------------------------------------QUARTER HOUSE, New Orleans, in
French Quarter, 1BR, Wk 33, frequently
trades with II for 2BR, $1000. This is 83%
below what Quarter House charges, ralphkroehlerl@prodigy.net
Club Ocean Villas II, Boardwalk One,
Ocean High and The Quarters.
We have it all from fixed flex, quartershare
to RCI Points. Studio to Two bedroom refurbished resorts. Own one week and vacation up to 39 nights each year. Call for
incredible resale prices and no hassles.
Defender Realty 1-800-799-0798
------------------------------------------------------OCEAN CITY at COCONUT MALORIE,
Ocean City, $1795, RCI Points (37000pts)
Summer Week, 410/987-8787, fakcpa@
2BR, 2ba, slps 6. 5 Star Resort. $16,000.
Jul/Aug, 2012
$12000, 781/828-7796,
------------------------------------------------------OAK & SPRUCE, Berkshires, 2BR, 2ba,
Tanglewood, Wk 33 (2012 MF Pd $771),
$8000, 352/787-1559, ons@somes.org
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT CUSTOM HOUSE, Boston, $21000, Wk 37, Platinum, floating,
510/459-0434, Mnlarry@msn.com
THE VILLAGE at IZATYS, Onamia, Wk # 1,
2BR, 1ba, $1000, 763/754-0291, rjbundy@
2BR lockout, $3500 negotiable, Platinum
Wk, nrgamsk@ilstu.edu
------------------------------------------------------THE VILLAS at LANTERN BAY, Branson, HOA, a small lakefront resort on
Table Rock Lake, 2BR, 2ba prime wks,
fixed & floating, $750, includes 1st yr
maintenance & closing fees. Limited
supply. Contact Richard 417/861-4376
or rjkessel@gmail.com.
------------------------------------------------------ROARK RESORT, Lakefront, 2BR, 2ba
condo, slps 6. Deeded wks # 29: Mid-July
& Wk # 47 Thanksgiving/Xmas. Boat docks
& fishing pier. Near Branson Landing &
Historic Downtown Branson. $8K/wk, rental
option 573/449-8489.
------------------------------------------------------SILVERLEAF’S OZARK MOUNTAIN RESORT, Near Branson, $18000, 281/4240045, ronaldf.niedziejko@verizon.net
------------------------------------------------------SILVERLEAF’S HOLIDAY HILLS RESORT,
Branson, Wk 14, Red, 2BR, 2ba, $500,
------------------------------------------------------HOLIDAY HILLS RESORT, Silverleaf Resort, Branson, 2BR, slps 6, Wk # 40 every
year, fall color season, $1000, good RCI
trade, kroehler52@yahoo.com
------------------------------------------------------ESCAPES to STONEBRIDGE VILLAGE,
Reeds Spring, $10, 2BR lockout, on golf
course, crazydaaz@yahoo.com
------------------------------------------------------WESTGATE BRANSON WOODS,
Branson, $8000,
Place your classified ad today
and save!
TimeSharing Today
Save 40 to 70% off Hilton Grand Vacation
Club units. I am an Accredited Buyers Representative. and will be happy to represent
you in the purchase of a Hilton unit. No
Buyer’s fee. If you would like to be put on
my Best Buy list send an email to Judi@
JudiKoz.com. You may call me at 1-800541-5666 ext 622 or my cell at 407-9210000. My website is www.JudiKoz.com
------------------------------------------------------JOCKEY CLUB, Las Vegas, $6000 OBO,
1BR, Red Time, next to Bellagio, 608/7511484, bschuh@charter.net
------------------------------------------------------GRANDVIEW RESORT, Las Vegas, 1BR,
odd yr, 61,000 pts, 6th floor, $8K OBO,
------------------------------------------------------Club de Soleil. Rare 2 bedroom unit for
floating weeks 1-50 priced at just $99!
With lockout feature! Licensed Broker.
A+ Rating with the BBB. 1 year Satisfaction Guarantee with each purchase!
800-809-6020 or timeshares@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------HYATT HIGH SIERRA LODGE, OVER 40
LISTINGS!, Former Hyatt Sales Executive
w/Century 21, $3500 +, 775/690-2653,
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT GRAND CHATEAU, Las Vegas, 2BR, 2ba w/lockout. Platinum week,
odd yrs. $11,000. Call 262-547-6373.
------------------------------------------------------GRANDVIEW RESORT, Las Vegas, 1BR,
slps 4, Wk 25 Triennial $5000, nspedding@
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM GRAND DESERT, Las Vegas,
420,000 pts/yr. Make reasonable offerLarry. ericw8376@yahoo.com
------------------------------------------------------POLO TOWERS: On the Strip in Las
Vegas. ALLTowers 1,2,& 3 at the Polo
Towers. Prime floating and fixed, 1
and 2 bedroom deeded VILLAS and
SUITES with “LOCK-OFF” feature.
$995+. Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
------------------------------------------------------JOCKEY CLUB, Vegas Strip, penthouse,
Wk 51, updated, next to Bellagio in City
Center, $4100 OBO, 305/446-4834 or
------------------------------------------------------HGVC FLAMINGO, Las Vegas, 2BR,
2ba, floating week, 5000 pts, $6000 OBO,
Email: fneumarkattorney@att.net
------------------------------------------------------RIDGE TAHOE (Lake Tahoe) 2BR w/
lock-off, slps 6, Prime Floating Winter/
Summer. Skiers-direct tram to Heavenly.
2012 fees pd. 631/830-7710 or mlhisiger@
Page 47
1ba, 6 milies from airport, 7 mi. from LV
Strip. $14,000. Bill Burns, 909/556-0444
or wmburns3rd@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------GRANDVIEW at LAS VEGAS, 2BR, Wk 2.
Matching units, slps 8 w/lock off + 4 BONUS WKS. Las Vegas Blvd So next to So
Point Casino. Will also rent. Buy $18,000,
------------------------------------------------------GRANDVIEW LAS VEGAS, Wk 36 (SunSun) 2BR, asking $29,000. RCI Affiliation,
call 914/469-4124.
------------------------------------------------------JOCKEY CLUB, Las Vegas Blvd, 1BR,
1ba, Unit 770. Week 7 Floating. $1000 +
closing, 785/640-1830.
------------------------------------------------------CLIFFS @ PEACE CANYON, Vegas, Unit
1022, 1BR, Wk 19 (Fri-Fri EEY or 46K Pts.
YR. 43K currently banked thru RCI. Mt.
Fee $599 pd until 2014. *If booked within
a 30day departure to Gold Crown Resort,
one only uses 9K pts per vacation. Asking Price $15,000. Interested parties call
717/728-2838, LJOA1@aol.com.
------------------------------------------------------GRANDVIEW, Las Vegas, 2BR, Wk # 2
(CES) $26,000 OBO. 949/735-3283. Buyers or buyer agents only.
------------------------------------------------------HOLIDAY INN DESERT CLUB (was Summer Bay) floating wk Aug/Sept/Oct 2BR,
weeks RCI. $4000, Best Offer, 610/6134462, marc@rsgcpas.com
------------------------------------------------------LAS VEGAS, Suites at Polo Towers, Super
Vegas location, 1 BR, 1 ba, eoy odd years,
float 1-52, maint fee $686, $500 or best
offer, Dave at trrff@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------TAHITI, Las Vegas, $21000,
------------------------------------------------------POLO TOWERS, Las Vegas, Suites Wks 4
& 49, 1BR, 1ba, $1600 per week or $3000
for 2 wks, 920/788-9112, w.hietpas@att.
MITTERSILL ALPINE RESORT, Franconia, Weeks # 51 & 52 avail., $3000/week,
1BR, slps 4, rudy1733@yahoo.com.
------------------------------------------------------EASTERN SLOPE INN, North Conway,
$5000, Wk #10, 1BR, 2ba, slps 6, 847/6248818, britr@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------TARANOVA including ATTITASH MOUNTAIN VILLAGE, TAHOE SUMMIT, annual
weeks 1-52, $99, nielsenm@us.ibm.com
------------------------------------------------------COLD SPRING RESORT, Ashland, deeded, Red Wk #12, slps 6, 2BR, 2ba, good
trading wk. FREE, 631/589-4909.
Jul/Aug, 2012
FANTASEA FLAGSHIP, Atlantic City, slps
4, deeded, wk 3, 2012 Maint. Fee pd
($473). $5000 OBO, 813/969-3367.
------------------------------------------------------FLAGSHIP RESORT, Atlantic City, $3600,
deeded property, 941/312-4377, feltonanderson@comcast.net
------------------------------------------------------THE BLUEGREEN at ATLANTIC PALACE,
Atlantic City, $1295, 2BR, 2ba float, 1-52,
443/306-8787, fakcpa@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------FLAGSHIP, Atlantic City, 1BR, 1.5ba,
slps 4, many amenities $9500 OBO, dccookie1@gmail.com
------------------------------------------------------FLAGSHIP RESORT, 32 story high rise,
1BR, Wk 20, $3000 OBO, 561/747-1571,
------------------------------------------------------FANTASEA FLAGSHIP RESORT, AC,
on boardwalk, 1BR, 1ba, floating red wk,
deeded, slps 4. $4000 OBO, 508/4105683, linda2353@verizon.net.
------------------------------------------------------FLAGSHIP RESORT, Atlantic City, studio, float wk, red, even yr usage, $6700,
------------------------------------------------------BLUEGREEN at ATLANTIC PALACE,
Atlantic City, $19000, 215/548-6209, van.
------------------------------------------------------FLAGSHIP RESORT, Atlantic City, Studio,
slps 6, Flt Wk not used, good for trading.
Excellent Buy $1500. 2 Wks Banked,
973/377-7929 or twobauers@gmail.com
------------------------------------------------------MINERALS RESORT & SPA, Vernon,
$20000, 201/725-2026, irenesutton@
------------------------------------------------------LEGACY RESORTS @ BRIGANTINE
BEACH, Brigantine, Wk #22 (red) 201/3213393, staznj@yahoo.com
CROWN POINT CONDOMINIUMS RUIDOSO. Two very nice 3BR, 2ba, slps 8.
Deeded. RCI & II. Weeks 38 & 39. $1000
ea, $1500 both. Owner 830/629-5618.
------------------------------------------------------CROWN POINT CONDOMINIUMS,
Ruidoso, 3BR, 2ba, deeded, RCI. Week
#2, $400, maint. fee $700,
Save 40 to 70% off Hilton Grand Vacation
Club units. I am an Accredited Buyers Representative. and will be happy to represent
you in the purchase of a Hilton unit. No
Buyer’s fee. If you would like to be put on
my Best Buy list send an email to Judi@
JudiKoz.com. You may call me at 1-800541-5666 ext 622 or my cell at 407-9210000. My website is www.JudiKoz.com
TimeSharing Today
1BR, 2ba, $12000, 520/444-1739, bspulver1@gmail.com
------------------------------------------------------BEACH HOUSE at GURNEY’S INN
RESORT & SPA, Montauk, $12000,
------------------------------------------------------THE MANHATTAN CLUB, NYC, $1000,
------------------------------------------------------THE MANHATTAN CLUB, NYC, NEW
YEAR’S WEEK!! Executive Suite, $24,500,
ATLANTIC BEACH, N.C. Oceanfront Resorts. Homeowners Association Closeouts and resales. Deeded weeks. Blue
start at $200.00, white start at $500, Red
start at $900. 1,2,3 BR.
Timeshare OutletDeanna Hull Realty. Rentals avail.
------------------------------------------------------OUTER BANKS, NC- All resorts and
homeowner assn resales. 1, 2, 3, & 4
BR condos. Deeded wks. 252/441-2134
------------------------------------------------------FOXRUN Lake Lure, FREE weeks by
owners, all seasons. 2BR, 2ba, $645
MF/$128 closing/transfer. Golf course.
----------------------------------------------------BLUE RIDGE VILLAGE, Banner Elk, 2BR,
2ba plus loft. Week 28. $500. 941/7941892.
----------------------------------------------------FOXHUNT at SAPPHIRE VALLEY, 2BR,
Wks 5 & 6, indoor pool, ski & tubing on site.
MAKE OFFER. 843/297-2609
----------------------------------------------------FOX HUNT @ SAPPHIRE VALLEY, Cashiers, 2BR, 2ba, slps 6, fireplace, Wk 48,
$2500. Call 770/596-2322
----------------------------------------------------FOXHUNT @ SAPPHIRE VALLEY, 2BR,
2ba, slps 6, Wk #26, $1500, 319/795-8282,
----------------------------------------------------SMOKETREE LODGE, Banner Elk, $500,
1 BR, Wk 6, Prime Ski Time, 404/754-8042,
NEWPORT, Schooner Landing, 2 br, 2 ba,
red week, maint fee $728, $500 or best offer, Contact Dave at trrff@aol.com
Page 48
Unit R107, 2BR, Occupancy 12/22/12,
$485 Maint. Great skiing, Asking $990, Call
908/273-2908, hblades1@verizon.net
----------------------------------------------------WILLOWBROOK at SPLITROCK, LAKE
HARMONY, 1BR. Maint. $302, Paid
$10,000, WILL ACCEPT $5000, 718/9871905
NEWPORT, red float wk, 2 BR, 2 ba, kit.
flex wk. 2 BR, 2 ba $1900 Maint fees paid
for BOTH units for 2011!! 978/490-7255,
------------------------------------------------------WELLINGTON RESORT, New port, Wk
#35, 2BR, 2ba, lockoff, harbor view $3000,
860/678-7151, jonsue228@yahoo.com
Maritime Beach Club, The Links, The
Beach House, Windy Shores II, Ocean
Forest Colony, Montego Beach Club and
Ataylaya Towers. We offer fixed, floating,
flex and RCI Points from studio to three
bedrooms. Oceanfront to golf course.
Vacation up to 35 nights each year and it
works! Low RCI Points conversion price.
Call for information at
Defender Realty 1-800-799-0798
------------------------------------------------------SCHOONER BEACH & RACQUET CLUB,
Myrtle Beach, 1BR, 1ba & 2BR, 2ba
units, floating. Small, comfortable Resort.
315/963-3161, MAKE OFFER
------------------------------------------------------SHERATON BROADWAY PLANTATION,
2BR, 2ba, $970MF, prime weeks 9-43,
47. $1.5K + closing. 303/457-0236, rickandcindy23@msn.com
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT HARBOUR POINT,
Unit 309, slps 6, Weeks 39 & 40 are
available, separately or together. Asking $7000 for combined two weeks or
$4000 for either single week. Email
owner at radbowling@verizon.net.
----------------------------------------------------PORT O’CALL, Hilton Head Isl, Red Wk 37,
2BR, Golf/Tennis Pkg. Gold Crown, $4300
OBO, MUST SELL 715/386-9672
------------------------------------------------------SANDY SHORES III, Garden City Beach,
Wk 33 (Red) 1BR, 1ba, Make Offer!,
------------------------------------------------------ISLAND LINKS -CORAL RESORTS, Hilton
Head Island, 2BR, 2ba, use every odd year,
106K Pts., floating, $11,000. Contact Eddie
Jul/Aug, 2012
Marriott’s Harbour Point, Hilton Head, in
a 2 bedroom ocean view unit for prime
summer week 37 priced at just $4495!
Licensed Broker. A+ Rating with the
BBB. 1 year Satisfaction Guarantee
with each purchase! 800-809-6020 or
------------------------------------------------------EGRET POINT by SPINNAKER, Hilton
Head Island, $18000, 773/928-9084,
------------------------------------------------------PEPPERTREE BY THE SEA, N Myrtle
Bch, 2BR, 2ba balconies facing ocean. Wk
13, renovated 2010. $4500 OBO, 1-586630-0882.
------------------------------------------------------MYRTLE BEACH, Sheraton Broadway
Plantation, 2 BR, 2ba, float week 9-43, 47 ,
maint fee $912, Asking $500 or bo, contact
Dave, trrff@aol.com.
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT GRANDE OCEAN, Hilton
Head Isl., 2BR, 2ba, oceanfrnt. Wk 4,
trades Red. $1700
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT HARBOUR CLUB, Harbour
Town, HHI. Sport season, $5000 firm, private owner, starworks88@yahoo.com
------------------------------------------------------KINSTON MANOR, Westminster, $500,
2BR, Wk # 35, near Lake Hartwell, 404/7548042, robroxy629@yahoo.com.
------------------------------------------------------SCHOONER BEACH & RACQUET CLUB,
Myrtle Beach, 1BR, Value Season, FREE
------------------------------------------------------FREE TIMESHARE! KINSTON MANOR,
Thanksgiving week, 2BR, 2ba. You pay
closing costs, sdcouple99@yahoo.com
GATLINBURG, Gatlinburg Town Square, 2
BR, 2ba, 1-23,44-52 floating week(Spring/
Fall), maint. Fee $550, Asking $500, Dave
at trrff@aol.com.
------------------------------------------------------GATLINBURG, Bent Creek Golf Village,
2 BR, 2 ba, red week, eoy odd, maint fee
$380/year, Asking $500 or best offer, Dave
at trrff@aol.com.
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM FAIRFIELD GLADE, Wk
18, 2BR, deeded, fees pd, $2000 OBO,
-----------------------------------------------------CROWN PARK RESORT, Gatlinburg,
$8000, 2BR, 2BA, Wk 48, casual #507,
615/438-8218, joe1993nancy@att.net
-----------------------------------------------------Subscribe, renew or extend with this
special subscription offer.
TimeSharing Today
Austin, 27 days/yr, 3BR, 3.5ba, $46500,
972/978-2998, slp06@verizon.net
resales, fixed, deeded ownership.
------------------------------------------------------PARK HOTEL - HOA resales - fixed,
deeded ownership.
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT MOUNTAINSIDE, Park City,
Gold (24-38), 2BR, 2ba, lock-off, $4900,
623/780-3737, billgislason@cox.net.
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT SUMMIT WATCH, Park City,
$18000, 248/650-8657, dpatrish@comcast.net
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT MOUNTAINSIDE, Park City,
$10000, 949/661-2490, nanci512@aol.
Wk 5, points, 2BR, 2ba, 908/537-2447,
------------------------------------------------------TRAPP FAMILY RESORT, Stowe, 2BR,
2ba, May, $4300. Motivated Seller,
------------------------------------------------------CEDARBROOK RESORT, Killington, Wk
34, double lockout unit, $3000, negotiable. Principals only,
BARCLAY TOWERS, Virginia Beach, red
wk 34, 1BR, 1ba, $4995, 757/495-4079,
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM PATRIOT PLACE, Kingsgate,
Alexandria Old Town, MUST SELL! All $7K
or $3K ea, WLH2950@gmail.com.
------------------------------------------------------FOR SALE OR PERMANENT TRADE:
deeded wks 12 & 21, 2BR+2BR=4BR
Lockoff each. Annual Maintenance $1300.
Preferred trades: Orlando, St Augustine.
Fully paid. Any offer will be considered.
Page 49
47, A & B biennial, slps 8, $370 yr fee.
Make Offer! 406/847-8899, drgood07@
------------------------------------------------------MASSANUTTEN, Woodstone, Wk 23,
2BR, golf, indoor park, ski area, $22,000,
508/248-3985, susanwilbur@charter.net
------------------------------------------------------TURTLE CAY RESORT, Red Wk #52,
1BR, slps 4, Leap Year Bonus Week #53,
deeded, $8000, sbjh@comcast.net
------------------------------------------------------WILLIAMSBURG KINGSGATE (WYNDHAM) 2BR + lockout, slps 8, 203K Points
$5000, 216/233-2998, halschroed@aol.
------------------------------------------------------GREENSPRINGS RESORT, 2-2BR, 2ba +,
Wk 39 deeded. 2012 maint fee pd, 2 UNITS
@ PRICE OF ONE! $8300, OBO. Units A
& B, nrtrains@frontiernet.net.
------------------------------------------------------HISTORIC POWHATAN PLANTATION,
Williamsburg, Wk 29, 4BR, 4ba, $3300,
jacuzzi, deck, www.diamondresorts.com,
------------------------------------------------------MASSANUTTEN’S MOUNTAINSIDE VILLAS, McGaheysville, Wk # 41, 2BR, 2ba,
$6000, shleppy5@yahoo.com
THE RUSHES. Gold Crown Resort. On
Kangaroo Lake. 1,000 ft of shore, plus
100 acre nature preserve. In the heart of
scenic Door County. Very limited number
of resale weeks available. Contact:
Tom Moeller, Starr Realty. 800/661-8555
Email: tom_rushes@yahoo.com
------------------------------------------------------EAGLE RIVER. Lake Forest Resort
& Club. Where woods & water meet!
Attractive prices, many amenities. II
Resort. Deeded fixed weeks. All 2 BR,
2 bath, sleeps 6. On 28 lake chain, rec.
area w/golf, fitness center w/pool, boat,
fish, hike, bike, snowmobile or X-C ski.
4 forests nearby. Wi Travel Green Certified, Call Marcy: 715/479-2455 x204 or
visit us at www.lakeforestresort.com
-----------------------------------------------------NICOLET SHORES, Phelps, 2BR, slps
6, red float. Negotiable 608/758-3426 or
ALPENLAND, 2 locations in Austrian Alps,
red week, 1 br, 1ba, Maint. fee $873, Asking
$100, Dave at trrff@aol.com.-----------------------------------------------------See special offers
Page 54
Jul/Aug, 2012
Nassau, Paradise Island. Wk # 17 Platinum
Season. $35,000. Interested parties please
call Rosie borowski10@comcast.net or
-----------------------------------------------------ISLAND RESORT & GOLF CLUB, Freeport, 2BR, 2ba, July Wk. Best Offer. Must
sell, pal13749@verizon.net or 413/4545306
-----------------------------------------------------HARBORSIDE-ATLANTIS TIMESHARES,
2 floating wks. Units (1) 1BR Deluxe, Silver
Season for $18.5K incl. 2012 use & (2) 1BR
Deluxe, Plat. Season for $30.5K incl 2012
use. Owner sale contact Tom 914/2716546 or burniston@optonline.net
-----------------------------------------------------ST GEORGE CLUB, 2BR, slps 6, Wk 32,
$4500 OBO or option to rent. Call 617/2937075 or jamesraimondi@comcast.net.
CLUB CRANBERRY, Ontario, 40000 RCI
points odd years to 2058. Maint. C$768.
$9900. 716/672-2662, jamesorawcliffe@
-----------------------------------------------------BARRIE, Carriage Hills Resort, Year
round red float week, 2br, 2ba, maint.fee.
$933, Asking $500 or best offer. Dave at
-----------------------------------------------------PACIFIC SHORES, Parksville, BC, 2 units.
Biennial week #40, 58000 pts, $3000.
Week 28 RCI 96500 pts. $4000 both, have
A & B Suites. Fees paid for 2012. Contact
------------------------------------------------------DIVI GOLF & BEACH, wk 6, 1BR, slps 4,
close to everything. $7000 OBO, 301/6441879, susie.a@comcast.net
------------------------------------------------------CARIBBEAN PALM VILLAGE, Unit A101,
1BR/Great Location, poolside, fxd wk 50,
deeded $4500, 732/238-3978, susangioffre@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------LA CABANA BEACH & RACQUET CLUB,
1BR, 1ba unit, $1995. All fees paid. Gerri
949/636-1736 or Beachgerri@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------LA QUINTA BEACH RESORT, 2BR, sleeps
4, Wk 39, $4000, 2 pools, walk to beach,
bus stop, restaurants, casino 603/5951954.
------------------------------------------------------DIVI VILLAGE GOLF & BEACH RESORT,
$6500, 301/644-0768, susie.a@comcast.
TimeSharing Today
------------------------------------------------------CARIBBEAN PALM VILLAGE RESORT,
1BR, 2ba, Wks 15-50 must sacrifice
$2000, deeded 2BR, 2ba also avail. $3000.
------------------------------------------------------DIVI DUTCH VILLAGE, $5000, Wk 3,
slps 4, studio, kitchen, 610/763-3811,
------------------------------------------------------THE MILL RESORT & SUITES, Wk 43,
1BR, 1ba, $6000, 404/663-5563, d_tuten@
------------------------------------------------------COSTA LINDA BEACH RESORT, $12500,
2BR, 2ba, Wk 20, 386/447-2714, mariomgnn@yahoo.com
Cayman Islands
------------------------------------------------------GRAND CAYMAN ISLAND, Morritt’s Tortuga Club, 1 BR,1ba, floating wks 1-52,
maintenance fees $785, first use 2013,
$500 asking. Contact Dave at
------------------------------------------------------Morritt’s Tortuga Club prime floating
weeks 1-50 in a 2 bedroom unit priced
at just $2495! Licensed Broker. A+ Rating with the BBB. 1 year Satisfaction
Guarantee with each purchase! 800809-6020 or timeshares@aol.com
Dominican Republic
------------------------------------------------------MELIA VACATION CLUB at Melia Tropic,
St. Lucia
------------------------------------------------------OASIS MARIGOT 1 BR, 1 ba, secluded
access by boat to units, 5 weeks/year, 2
prime weeks, rental possible through management co., maint fee $2420/5 weeks,
Asking $4000, Dave at trrff@aol.com
St. Maarten
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL PALM BEACH CLUB, oceanfront,
large 2BR, 2ba, slps 6. Recent remodel,
float week 14-49, $5800. Tom Waggener
425/582-0410 lv message, tom.waggener@comcast.net
------------------------------------------------------SEA PALACE, Wks 8 & 9 (Sat-Sat) 1BR,
1.5ba, full kitchen, oceanview, $2200 each
$4000 both. 802/238-6637, odinhound9@
Page 50
St. Maarten
------------------------------------------------------FLAMINGO BEACH, deluxe studio, float
wk, renovated, casino & marina, $2800,
------------------------------------------------------THE TOWERS at MULLET BAY, Wk 20,
Studio #105, ground floor, poolview, $2000,
------------------------------------------------------PELICAN RESORT, Wk 51, 1BR, M217
overlooking Simpson Bay. FLAMINGO
BCH WK 52 Deluxe Studio 7207 directly
overlooking Pool & Ocean. $8500 each.
Call 203/389-5295 or lehrerm@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------SAPPHIRE BEACH CLUB, $4000,
------------------------------------------------------DIVI LITTLE BAY, 1BR, full kitchen,
beachfront, balcony. Wk 49, $10995,
Virgin Islands
------------------------------------------------------Bluebeard’s Castle. 1 bedroom week
47 priced at only $495 FOR EVERYTHING! That’s the purchase price,
closing cost and the 2012 banked
week! Licensed Broker. A+ Rating with
the BBB. 1 year Satisfaction Guarantee
with each purchase! 800-809-6020 or
------------------------------------------------------ELYSIAN BEACH RESORT, King Studio, floating Wk (18-51) deeded, $4000,
704/545-8142, MartaBob@aol.com.
------------------------------------------------------BLUEBEARD’S CASTLE, Wk # 39, Studio,
Pirates Pension, Ocean view, $12000,
831/688-3356, barbarac@got.net
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM ELYSIAN BEACH RESORT,
King Studio, floating, Wk (18-51) deeded,
$1500 OBO, 704/545-8142, martabob@
Cabo San Lucas
------------------------------------------------------Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach! Floating
weeks 1-50 in a 2 bedroom Presidential
unit at just $6495! Ocean view unit!
Licensed Broker. A+ Rating with the
BBB. 1 year Satisfaction Guarantee
with each purchase! 800-809-6020 or
Jul/Aug, 2012
Cabo San Lucas
------------------------------------------------------Prime units at all PUEBLO BONITO
1, 2, and 3 bedroom prime floating &
fixed units starting at $995+. Contact
Tony: (714)841-4541 or Tony@TimeShareTony.com
-----------------------------------------------I specialize in ALL PUEBLO BONITO
RESORTS in Cabo San Lucas. I have
an extensive inventory of Prime units/
weeks in all unit sizes with prices starting at $900+. Contact Tony: (714)8414541 or Tony@TimeShareTony.com
-----------------------------------------------------PLAYA GRANDE, Ridge A # 3301, Wk 8,
2BR/3BR, slps 8, Ocean + Marina view,
24K, margo.ludwig@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------CASA DORADA at MEDANO BEACH,
Cabo, 3 Wks/yr, anytime, 2BR, $8950,
------------------------------------------------------CABO VILLAS BEACH RESORT, $14500,
floating EOY/100yr contract (2011) (ttl
usuage of 49 wks), meyerhc@gmail.com
------------------------------------------------------VILLA DEL ARCO, $2500 2BR, 3ba
floats. Also selling week 51/52,
------------------------------------------------------PUEBLO BONITO SUNSET BEACH, Presidential Villa 2BR, 2ba, asking $16,000,
925/462-0785, mikem9250@comcast.
------------------------------------------------------PUEBLO BONITO ROSE, 1BR Executive, 1ba, Must Sell, Asking $6,000,
------------------------------------------------------CLUB CASCADAS DE BAJA, Wk 28,
2BR, 2ba, private jacuzzi, $6100, Email:
------------------------------------------------------SOLMAR Beach Club Wks 4&5 same unit,
dlx studio, 1st floor, 10 yrs left. $4K for
both + trans fee. Cmprisms@aol.com or
------------------------------------------------------WESTIN LAGUNAMAR OCEAN RESORT, Deluxe studio on beach, even yrs
Wk 16, odd years Wk 46, $6500,
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL CARIBBEAN, Wk 22, beach,
ground, $8500, Call Wayne 210/508-1359
or email waynehaensel@sbcglobal.net.
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL ISLANDER & Caribbean. Multiple
Units-GF/BF/PH, Mult. Weeks: 5-16, 52.
From 9K to 17.5K, 303/268-6438, paul.
TimeSharing Today
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL CARIBBEAN, Wk 8, ocean view,
2BR, 2ba, lockoff $8000,
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL CARIBBEAN, Wks 1 & 2, same
9th floor villa, 2BR, 2ba w/lockout, both
units for $12,500, Call 989/821-8788,
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL SANDS, Wk #16 Penthouse,
2BR, 2ba w/lockoff, $28,000, Stay on
one side, rent the other. Children friendly,
handicap accessible. Call Gloria,
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL CARIBBEAN, Wks 38 & 39, 2BR,
2ba, 5 star, Sell $1995/ea, rent $895/ea.
Email: cdpierce@optonline.net
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL SANDS, Wk 10, OV, PV $19900
OBO. Rent $1000,
------------------------------------------------------THE ROYAL SANDS, Wk #22 & 23, 2BR,
2ba, $20000 ea., 707/419-5913, vrconsentino@live.com
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL CANCUN (VCI), Wk 47, Thanksgiving every other year, Unit C111, 2BR,
2ba, beach, slps 6. Sell $9000, OBO, call
321/799-9332, swoock@cfl.rr.com
Nuevo Vallarta
------------------------------------------------------VILLA DEL PALMAR FLAMINGOS:
Prime floating Studio, 1 and 2 bedroom
WINTER and SUMMER weeks. Annual
Use $995+. Contact Tony: (714)8414541 or Tony@TimeShareTony.com
Playa Del Carmen
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL HACIENDAS, Wk 23 even yr
only, OV, PV, $11900. Rent $1000 OBO,
Puerto Vallarta
------------------------------------------------------VILLA del PALMAR FLAMIN, Winter Wk2200P, 1BR, 2ba, $32000,
------------------------------------------------------LINDO MAR RESORT… Resales – We
Have Motivated Sellers! Perpetuity
membership in Gold Crown® Resort.
1 & 2 bedrooms. All units ocean front.
Page 51
Puerto Vallarta
------------------------------------------------------VILLA DEL PALMAR FLAMINGOS:
Prime floating Studio, 1 and 2 bedroom
WINTER and SUMMER weeks. Annual
Use $995+. Contact Tony: (714)8414541 or Tony@TimeShareTony.com
Riviera Maya
------------------------------------------------------MAYAN PALACE RIVIERA MAYA, $8950,
Mexico-Multiple Locations
-----------------------------------------------------MAYAN PALACE, Multiple Locations
throughout MX, Suite, slps 4, $12000 OBO,
-----------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT PHUKET BEACH CLUB,
$14000, Platinum Wk, 2BR, 916/481-6930,
MT AMANZI, RCI SILVER CROWN 1BRGREAT TRADER $599, http://www.mountamanzi.co.za, babsinc2@yahoo.com
2ba, Sunroof – Wks 15 & 16, $1500 ea wk,
317/846-8172 or orrdb@sbcglobal.net
WorldMark Resales
Premier Reseller of WorldMarktheclub
Dozens of Contracts, Thousands of
Satisfied Clients
Timeshare Liquidation Service, LLC
------------------------------------------------------Save 40 to 70% off Hilton Grand Vacation
Club units. I am an Accredited Buyers Representative. and will be happy to represent
you in the purchase of a Hilton unit. No
Buyer’s fee. If you would like to be put on
my Best Buy list send an email to Judi@
JudiKoz.com. You may call me at 1-800541-5666 ext 622 or my cell at 407-9210000. My website is www.JudiKoz.com
------------------------------------------------------HSI MEMBERSHIP + 70 Breakaway wks
for 21 yrs, $2200, transfer fee pd, 303/6976189, jkblumens@aol.com.
------------------------------------------------------DIAMOND RESORTS-10,000 PTS usable all locations. $5000. 520/299-9176,
Jul/Aug, 2012
WKS WORLDWIDE. Save pts up to 3 yrs!
$5000, mummar@chesapeake.net.
------------------------------------------------------GRAND LUXXE RESIDENCE CLUB, 3000
sq, 2BR, 2.5ba, 2 decks, TVRm, slps 8, 16
rounds golf/wk inc. Nuevo Vallarta, Playa
Del Carmen & More. 2 Wks for 100yr + 1
Wk for 10yr. All Float 94,900 Sale Fees
Paid, HIS Membership Incl. 440/653-9151,
------------------------------------------------------11000 PTS With DIAMOND RESORTS,
Powhatan Plantation, Wmsbg, VA, Phone
Jefferson, 804/526-7439
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL ALOHA VACATION CLUB, Hawaii!
Lake Tahoe!++$3000, 2BR, incl. 1 week,
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT MONARCH, Hilton Head Isl,
2BR, deeded, Wk 6 $2900 and CHURCH
STREET INN, Charleston, SC deeded,
float, slps 4, $1500. Sell both for $3900.
716/674-2973, fergusshea@buffalo.com.
------------------------------------------------------DIAMOND RESORT OWNERS! Buy my
5500 points for $1800 and select superior
vacations. Your maintenance fee stays the
same. Alexpalos@yahoo.com
LONDON BRIDGE RESORT, LAKE HAVASU: Prime 1 and 2 bedroom Lakeview suites. $100+ per day. Contact Tony
for details at (714)841-4541 or
------------------------------------------------------LONDON BRIDGE RESORT, Lake Havasu
City, 1-2BR, 4-1BR’s, $600 For Rent or
For Sale, 805/231-0430, windyward1@
$1295. 2 BR, slps 6-8, lic Calif RE Bkr/Realtor 760/294-0073, www.calresale.com
------------------------------------------------------TAMARACK BCH RESORT, Carlsbad
$2495, July 13-20, Front Ocean View, #332,
2BR, 2ba, 760/746-2884 or wlange3@cox.
Good deals!
Try before you buy.
Rent a timeshare.
TimeSharing Today
FOUR SEASONS Residence Club
Aviara, Carlsbad.
1 BR Standalone or 2 BR lockoff
Platinum or Gold Reservations available/requestable.
Seven nights Starting from
$1495 - $3995
Contact Viccie at TRIWEST
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Marriott’s Newport Coast Villas,
Newport California Coast … 2 BR
Rental Inventory available/requestable
Gold/Platinum Use
Seven nights Starting from
$899 - $2495
Contact TRIWEST at 800/423-6377
----------------------------------------------------HARBORTOWN POINT Marina Resort
and Club, Ventura.
Mariner-Studio / Voyager-1BR / Islander-1BR lockoff
Prime or High Reservations available/
Seven nights Starting from $399 - $995
Contact TRIWEST at 800/423-6377
------------------------------------------------------WORLDMARK SAN DIEGO, Mission Valley, 8/5/12 or 8/12/12, (7nts) 2BR, 2ba,
6max, $1200, jmk1000@mail.com
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT NEWPORT COAST VILLAS,
Newport Coast, Wk 28, 2BR, 2ba, $2200,
213/819-1975, arsprops@msn.com
------------------------------------------------------TAMARACK BEACH RESORT, Carlsbad,
1BR, 1ba, steps to beach, $1200, 801/4756020, norm1331@hotmail.com
------------------------------------------------------BIG BEAR LAKE: Prime 1 and 2 bedroom units at LAGONITA LODGE and
SNOW LAKE LODGE. $100+ per day.
Contact Tony for details at (714)8414541 or Tony@TimeShareTony.com
----------------------------------------------------LAGUNA BEACH: I rent out PRIME
units on a daily and/or weekly basis at
per day. Contact Tony for details at
(714)841-4541 or
----------------------------------------------------LAKE TAHOE: RIDGE TAHOE RESORT. I rent out Prime 1 and 2 bedroom units in all buildings on a daily
and/or weekly basis for $100+. Contact
Tony: (714)841-4541 or
Page 52
Atlantic Coast
------------------------------------------------------COCOA BEACH ocean view condos rented
nightly/weekly 321/783-4441, artfriedman@seagullbeachclub.com
-----------------------------------------------------GOLDEN STRAND OCEAN VILLA RESORT, N Miami Beach, Wk 51, 1BR,
$1500, 416/706-7897, lanagrill@me.com
Gulf Coast
-----------------------------------------------------EAGLE’S NEST, Marco Isl. 2BR, 2ba,beach,
Jan 04-11, 2013, 609/674-8119 or BENONE@webtv.net
------------------------------------------------------MARINA BAY RESORT. Ft. Walton Beach.
1 BR 2BA Sleeps 5-6. WKS 1-52 $499
- $615 + tax.. Destin 6 miles - Great fishing, Beaches, Golf, Restaurants, Outlet
Shopping. 850-244-5132
------------------------------------------------------GULF TIDES of LONGBOAT KEY, 2BR,
2ba, slps 8. Beach, pool, bicycles, cookout.
3 units available, Wk # 52 (Dec 29-Jan 5)
$895 ea wk for extended family reunion
and/or fun and warmth, 317/507-4814,
------------------------------------------------------PBC at SOUTH SEAS, Captiva,
THANKSGIVING, 2BR, 2ba, $1950,
------------------------------------------------------LITTLE GULL, Longboat Key, Unit 9, Wk
49, 2BR, 2ba, 561/798-4120, drraeppold@
Orlando Area
------------------------------------------------------SPECIAL RATE – 50% OFF (LIMITED
TIME). Near Disney: $590 a wk (+tax) for
3BR, 2ba (slps 8). 407/396-2744 or mdservices@earthlink.net
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM BONNET CREEK, Disney,
2012, 1BR 7/6-7/13, $750 & 2BR 3
Wks 8/4-8/25, $1195 per week. Call Jim
716/672-2662 or overbury348@gmail.
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT CYPRESS HARBOR, 2BR,
2ba $1400 wk, simbapurple@hotmail.
------------------------------------------------------WESTGATE LAKES RESORT & SPA,
4TH OF JULY WK! $1100, 845/386-2698,
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM BONNET CREEK RESORT,
Lake Buena Vista, all year, 1– 3BR, $600,
------------------------------------------------------VACATION VILLAGE at PARKWAY, Kissimmee, $2200, 619/977-2052, jadd03@
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM BONNET CREEK RESORT,
Walt Disney World, Wk #52, 2BR, Dlx.
$1000, mark.peters@grunau.com
Jul/Aug, 2012
Other Locations
-----------------------------------------------------MIZNER PLACE, Weston, $1000,
Petit Crest Villas at Big Canoe – North
Georgia’s best kept secret – your own
Mountainside Villa for the week or weekend! Great rates on rentals; even better
deals on sales! 706-268-3600
Molokai-Ke Nani Kai Resort. Experience unspoiled Hawaii on the beautiful
West End of the Friendly Isle! 1 & 2
bedroom suites, Pool, Jacuzzi, tennis,
beach. 2012 weeks available. From
$750/week. Call: 800/490-9042,
------------------------------------------------------LAWAI BEACH RESORT- Poipu, Kauai. 1
& 2 BR condos available for 2012. Prices
starting at $1000 per week. 808/7420185
------------------------------------------------------IMPERIAL-WAIKIKI BEACH, 1BR, 2ba,
slps 6, CHOOSE ANY WEEK! 10/1/12—
9/30/2013 check-in any day. 951/7340545.
------------------------------------------------------KAHANA BEACH VACATION CLUB: 1
bedroom, 2 bath, Oceanfront, corner,
end units located directly on the Sandy,
Safe, Swimmable, Rock-Free Beach of
Kahana on Maui. $1400 weekly. Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
----------------------------------------------------SANDS OF KAHANA: 1 bedroom units
on the beach at this fine oceanfront resort on Maui. $1,050+ weekly. Contact
Tony: (714)841-4541 or
----------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT’S MAUI OCEAN CLUB: 1
bedroom, 2 bath, PLATINUM OCEANFRONT suites. $2,450+ weekly. Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
----------------------------------------------------MAUI RENTALS: PRIME units at MARRIOTT, KAHANA BEACH VACATION
CLUB, and SANDS OF KAHANA Resorts from $1050+ weekly. Contact Tony
for details at (714)841-4541 or
------------------------------------------------------LAWAI BEACH RESORT, Koloa, Kauai,
$1150, 1BR, 1ba (almost anytime) 650/3596579, sharoncaren@comcast.net
TimeSharing Today
Page 53
POLO TOWERS. On The Strip in Las
Vegas. ALL Towers at the Polo Towers.
Prime 1 and 2 bedroom SUITES and
VILLAS. $100+ per day. Contact Tony:
(714)841-4541 or
----------------------------------------------------LAKE TAHOE: RIDGE TAHOE RESORT. I rent out Prime 1 and 2 bedroom units in all buildings on a daily
and/or weekly basis for $100+. Contact
Tony: (714)841-4541 or
Kailua-Kona, Wk #51, 2BR, 2ba, $1199,
907/338-4338, lucasfamily@gci.net
------------------------------------------------------KAMAOLE BEACH CLUB, Maui, $1450,
808/344-9343, Mauidjenkins@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM at WAIKIKI BEACH WALK,
Honolulu, Oahu, $700, condovacations@
------------------------------------------------------WESTIN KAANAPALI OCEAN VILLAS
NORTH, Maui, 12/29/12-1/05/13, $3500.
Spend NEW YRS EVE in luxury 2BR, 2ba
suite, slps 8, L/R, Kit., 2 lanais, all amenities, 512/658-2780.
------------------------------------------------------GRANDVIEW at LAS VEGAS, 1BR,
King, Kit, D/Liv Rm, 1ba, 2 tvs, slps 4.
2BR DBL above slps 8 w/lock off. Las
Vegas Blvd next to So Point Casino,
1BR, 1wk $650, 2BR 1 wk $1200,
25 (6/22-6/29), Lakefront, 1BR, slps 4,
boat dock $950, 626/688-1005 or 626/2464007.
------------------------------------------------------HABITAT at TRAIL CREEK, Ketchum, 2BR,
2ba, garage, $1200, 12/22/12-12/29/12,
970/468-1124, kathyallitto@q.com.
SAMOSET RESORT, Rockport, on
ocean, Gold Crown, 1BR, slps 4 on-site
golf, heated pools, hot tubs, restaurants,
tennis, fitness center, Wk # 30 (7/27-8/3),
Wk # 31 (8/3-8/10) $1275 ea, 207/3728910.
$1000 518/320-0364, 518/364-1385,
------------------------------------------------------BRANSON YACHT CLUB at ROCK LANE,
Branson, $850, 812/738-4266, sieghill@
Branson, $850, 812/738-4266, sieghill@
We value your support.
Keep your subscription active.
OTRA VEZ en SANTA FE, 2 blocks from
Plaza, 2BR, 920 sq ft, week deeded unit,
$7500 annual use. Contact Larry 972/6610101 or Larry@ffgnetwork.com.
& 2BR MYRTLE BEACH SC 919/3871228, 919/946-7572,
------------------------------------------------------NORTH PIER OCEAN VILLAS, Carolina Beach, Wk #35, 2BR, 2ba, $900,
919/490-0242, tpatterson@nccu.edu
Newport, $799,
Hilton Head Island, Wk 19, 3BR, 3BA, slps
8, End Unit: 2 Bikes & Golf; $1200/week,
SHELTER COVE, HHI, $1200, 561/8830273, janddcam@bellsouth.net
------------------------------------------------------OCEAN PALMS RESORT at PORT
ROYAL, Hilton Head Island, $900,
Jul/Aug, 2012
Gatlinburg $1000, 165/382-0516,
Most Wks, 1BR/$850 or 2BR/$1250,
540/962-9491, tuvus@ntelos.net
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM WILLIAMSBURG at GOVERNOR’S GREEN, 2BR, 2ba, $825,
------------------------------------------------------ATRIUM RESORT, Virginia Beach, 1KBR,
1BA, 1 week at $950, 540/962-9491,
------------------------------------------------------BEACH QUARTERS at CLARION RESORT, Virginia Beach, Wk 33, $1200, slps
4, William.winn2810@gmail.com
JACKSON HOLE TOWNCENTER, Wk 2833, Grand Teton/Yellowstone area. Owner:
248/549-6032 or 248/376-3849
Bahamas, $1200, 631/567-5968,
------------------------------------------------------PARADISE BEACH. 1 & 2 BR. Wks
51+52+1+3+4+5+8+9+31+32+ SALE. La
Quinta, 1 BR. Poolside, Wk 11, Casa Del
Mar 27+28. Call: 941/343-1088
------------------------------------------------------TROPICANA ARUBA RESORT & CASINO,
$900, Various Weeks-May thru Sept,
------------------------------------------------------IVI ARUBA PHOENIX BEACH RESORT,
$1200, 214/498-1029, dezi_v@yahoo.
Cayman Islands
------------------------------------------------------MORRITT’S TORTUGA CLUB, $1700,
214/789-1627 or 972/562-8105, gary_
------------------------------------------------------Take TimeSharing Today on vacation.
Send TSToday Anywhere photos and
articles about your timeshare vacation
TimeSharing Today
St. Maarten
------------------------------------------------------DIVI LITTLE BAY, 1BR, Full Kitchen,
beachfront, balcony. Wk 49, $1000,
Virgin Islands
------------------------------------------------------WESTIN ST JOHN, XMAS WK (29 Dec-05
Jan), 1BR, 2ba Villa slps 4-5, Kit/Lndry,
hotel, beach, health club, shuttle, Wk #52,
$4900, ncarp@warwick.net
Cabo San Lucas
-----------------------------------------------------Prime units at all PUEBLO BONITO
GROUP RESORTS. Studio, 1, 2, and 3
bedroom units are all available. $700+
weekly. Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
----------------------------------------------------PUEBLO BONITO RESORTS: PRIME
suites at ALL Pueblo Bonito Resorts
from $700+ weekly. Contact Tony:
(714)841-4541 or
----------------------------------------------------VILLA DEL ARCO RESORT: PRIME
suites from $875+ weekly. Contact
Tony: (714)841-4541 or at
----------------------------------------------------MEDANO BEACH RENTALS: From
700+ weekly. Contact Tony at (714)8414541 or at Tony@TimeShareTony.com
----------------------------------------------------PUEBLO BONITO RESORT at SUNSET BEACH, Cabo San Lucas, $1600,
Nuevo Vallarta
------------------------------------------------------VILLA DEL PALMAR FLAMINGOS:
Prime floating Studio, 1 and 2 bedroom,
WINTER and SUMMER suites. $700+
weekly. Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
Puerto Vallarta
------------------------------------------------------VILLA DEL PALMAR: Prime Oceanfront
Resort. $700+ weekly. Contact Tony:
(714)841-4541 or
Page 54
VILLA del PALMAR, All Resorts –
Winter Weeks, 7-days, slps 6 (+). Yearly
Rental or Sale. About 24 years + left at
$900, 2012 yrly fees. $10,000. Contact
NEED RENO 9/6/12-9/10/12 (Thru 9/9/12)
trade or sell Pvt Pty. 805/967-5968.
No Up Front Fees
SINCE 1991
------------------------------------------------------NEED A CLOSING AGENT?
Prominent Florida attorney
with over 20 years experience.
Call the office of Jeffrey C. Sweet & ask
for Melissa or Lori for more info on transferring title on your Florida property.
Call 386/677-3431 Fax: 386/677-8284
Email: tsservices@aol.com
------------------------------------------------------NEW BOOK ON TIMESHARES
AVAILABLE! Order “Used Timeshares”
from Amazon.com, BN.com or at
Most Memorable
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Jul/Aug, 2012
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