Parrish Village News
Parrish Village News
Parrish Village News For updates news or events, please visit our website at In this issue of the Parrish Village News Volume 18, Issue 3 March 2011 FREE Parrish Heritage Day Festivities scheduled for Saturday, March 26 Try some delicious asparagus recipes from Cookie this month found on page 5. Friends of Rocky Bluff Library Used Book Sale scheduled for March 16 - 19. Story on page 6. Join the parade, enjoy the entertainment, be a vendor, take a train ride - everyone is welcome! Build a fabulous float representing your business, school or favrite passion. Or just load up your dog in a wagon and decorate your golf cart to be a part of the traditional Heritage Day Parade on Saturday, March 26. If you want to be part of the paprade, just call Cindy Chin at 776-1571 for more parade information. There is no need to register. Just show up at the parade line in the field behind the Parrish Fire Station (accessible off 121st Avenue) starting at 9:30 a.m. The parade starts at 10:30 a.m. and will travel north on 121 Avenue from the Fire Station and will proceed to Erie Road then around to 82nd Street, crossing Highway 301 and Ending at the Florida Railroad Museum parking lot. There will be entertainment, train rides and food available. If you don’t want to build a float but have a craft, fresh vegetables or other wares you want to present to our audience adter the parade, call Tami Vaughan at 776-8222 or email her at for more information. You can come set up your booth if you aren’t selling something but if you are planning on making a profit, we’re asking for a $25 donation. either way, Tami would like to know if you are coming, so she can plan the spaces. She recommends an easy-up or some other kind of cover. (There will be no electricity available. Our parade after festival will feature bounce houses, cub scouts with food, shaved ice, live bands with local musicians and much, much more. At any rate, come on out for some gret fun! Vern Buchanan to host Town Hall on March 12 in Parrish PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID MANASOTA FL PERMIT # 943 Pastor Bill tells about Gardening in the 1940s on page 20. Please fill out and mail in the Parrish Survey found on page 15 of this newspaper. Your thoughts are appreciated and we hope to hear from you about what you think about the future of Parrish. U.S. Represemtaive Vern Buchanan is the only Florida member of Congress to serve on the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, which has jurisdiction over tax policy, international trade, health care and Social Security. Buchanan is in his third term. A self-made business- man, Buchanan understands that America’s economic strength flows from its entrepreneurial spirit and pro-growth, freemarket policies. Buchanan has worked tirelessly to enact tax incentives to help small businesses, end burdensome regPlease see Vern Buchanan CONTINUED ON PAGE 13 POSTAL CUSTOMER Jan tells you about “phishing” on page 16. U.S. Congressman Vern Buchanan will be featured at a Town Hall Meeting on Saturday, March 12, 2011, at the Community Center / YMCA located at 12214 US 301 North in Parrish. The Town Hall meeting will start at 10:30 a.m. and his topic will be jobs and the economy. Parrish Village News. page 2 Parrish Village News Official publication of the Parrish Civic Association, a non profit coporation. P. O. Box 257 Parrish, FL 34219 Cookie Jordan Publisher and Editor 941-776-9019 Volunteer Staff Advertising Manager Gene Orlowski Contributors Jan Kaufman Ben Jordan Cookie Jordan Barbara Curtin Pastor Bill Straitwell Jackie Felix Financial Investing Jackie Riordan YMCA News Leslie Wells Real Estate Jack Tichenor University of Florida, IFAS, Manatee County Extension Service This newspaper is printed by Sun Coast Media Group Venice, FL Message from the Editor Welcome to almost spring! So glad the weather is turning warmer. I have had enough cold for this year! Great things are happening in Parrish. Congressman Vern Buchanan will visit us for a Town Hall Meeting on Saturday, March 12. The meeting will be at 10:30 a.m. at the Community Center / Y in Parrish at 12214 U. S. Highway 301 North. You’ll want to come a little bit early as his last Town Hall was packed and had standing room only. Congressman Buchanan’s topics will be jobs and the economy. There will also be time for questions and answers, so come prepared. The next item I want to mention is the Parrish Civic Association Survey you can find on page 15 of this newspaper. I hope you will complete it and mail it in. This data will be compiled and summarized to provide input to the Manatee County Planning Department. It will provide them with an idea of how the people of our community feel about the growth of Parrish and tell them the direction we want to go in the future. The results will also be printed in this newspaper. The last survey that was done about four years ago had enough data that it helped to get us a YMCA / Community Center and laid some of the groundwork for the widening of U. S. Highway 301 Cookie Jordan through Parrish. Other information regarding commercial development is helpful when members of the Parrish Civic Association talk with developers about what they would like to see come to Parrish. Below my message are several pictures of our beautiful birds in the area. Last month I showed you a photograph I took of the White Pelicans which we enjoyed for about three weeks. We are so blessed with the opportunity to observe our wildlife throughout the year. Our lovely birds bring all of us so much pleasure an enjoyment. Take the time to stop and look around you. We live in a great place and are, indeed, so fortunate to have these lovely creatures in our own backyards and near the water areas in Parrish. If you have some photos you’d like to share with us, please send them to me. Hopefully, this Osprey’s mate will appear shortly to begin the nest construction and we’ll soon have babies. Lexington resident Allan Tremell took this beautiful photograph of a Sandhill Crane and her two babies. We hope they thrive successfully. Warmer weather brings new life to our beautiful Parrish birds For more information or to check out places where you can give blood, go to February Blood Drives in the Parrish area Tuesday, March 1st: 8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m., Country Lakes Village, 5700 Bayshore Rd, Palmetto. Tuesday, March 1st: 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., City of Palmetto, 516 8th Ave W, Palmetto. Thursday, March 3rd: 8:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m., SYSCO, 3000 69TH St East, Palmetto. Thursday, March 3rd: 1:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m., PEEK Traffic, 2906 Corporate Way, Palmetto. Friday, March 4th: 4:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m., Moose Lodge Palmetto, 203 9th St Dr West, Palmetto. Friday, March 4th: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., Colony Cove Homeowners Association, Highway 301, Ellenton. Monday, March 7th: 11:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m., Wal-mart, 508 10th St. E., Palmetto. Tuesday, March 8th: 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m., Tax Collector - Ellenton Office, 4333 US 301 North, Ellenton. Friday, March 11th: 2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m., Bank of America, 700 8th Ave West, Palmetto. Monday, March 14th: 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., The Gardens, 11300 US Highway 301 N., Parrish. Monday, March 14th: 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m., Parrish YMCA, 12214 US Hwy 301 N., Parrish. Tuesday, March 15th: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m., Leisure Lake, 3003 US 41 N, Palmetto. Wednesday, March 16th: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., Port Manatee, 300 Regal Cruise Way, Palmetto. Wednesday, March 16th: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m., Sheriffs’ Training Facility/ Central Jail, A14470 Harlee Rd, Palmetto. Friday, March 18th: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., JET Mobile Home Park, 506 5th Ave West, Palmetto. Friday, March 18th: 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m., The Coach House Mobile Home Park, 4907 28th Ave East, Palmetto. Friday, March 18th: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., K-Mart, 6126 US Highway 301 N, Ellenton. Saturday, March 19th: 11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m., Beef O’ Brady’s, 8913 US301 N, Parrish. Saturday, March 19th: 3:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m., Ellenton Ice & Sports Complex, 5309 29th St East, Ellenton. Monday, March 21st: 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., Tidevue, 4214 11th St Ct E, Ellenton. Monday, March 21st: 11:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m., Wal-mart, 508 10th St. E., Palmetto. Wednesday, March 23rd: 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., Tree Lakes Resort, 2215 73rd St E, Palmetto. Thursday, March 24th: 8:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m., Terra Siesta, 3502 Patricia Place, Ellenton. Monday, March 28th: 8:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m., Sun Key Village, 8607 26th Ave E, Palmetto. Tuesday, March 29th: 10:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m., Southeastern Guide Dogs, 4210 77th St East, Palmetto. Tuesday, March 29th: 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m., Palmetto Police Department, 1115 10th Street West, Palmetto. Wednesday, March 30th: 4:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m., First Baptist Church of Palmetto, 1020 4th St West, Palmetto. Wednesday, March 30th: 12:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m., Blackburn Elementary School, 3904 17th St East, Palmetto. Thursday, March 31st: 7:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., Palmetto Mobile Home Club, 1201 8th Ave West, Palmetto. Parrish Village News. page 3 For “Pot of Gold” savings, call call Brown Heating & Cooling! Our team is here to help you! Parrish Village News. page 4 Personalized Pest Control Service Makes PROEX Different St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Dance to be held at Mother Cabrini Great Hall The 2nd Annual St. Patrick's Day Dinner Dance will be held at Mother Cabrini Great Hall of Saturday, March 12, 2011, from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The dinner includes a buffet dinner and Irish menu. The menu features Cornbeef and Cabbage, Potatoes, Carrots, Rye Bread, Coffee, Tea and Dessert. Beer, wine and soda will be available. Tickets are $15.00 per person and are on sale at the Parrish Office, Angel's Corner, Cabrini Cottage, after masses and at the Parrish Office from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. ABSOLUTE AUCTION March 19th Contents at 10:00 AM Double Wide at 12:00 Noon Most Everything to Be Sold Absolute Mobile Has a $1,000 Opening Bid. Contents are General Household, Jewelry, Silver Coins, Tokens, Wood Furniture, Art, Washer & Dryer, Small Electric Items. Unit in Colony Cove. RENT IS $300. MONTH NOW ALL FLORIDA REALTY & AUCTION CO. AB923 941-746-5355 AU1333 10% Buyers Premium MC, VISA, DIS, CASH & LOCAL CHECKS Mike Altland has been in the pest control business for over twenty five years. In 1983, he transferred to Florida, with a national pest control company where he learned almost everything there was to know about pest control in the Florida environment. He and his staff were retained to service the United States Dept. of Agriculture’s research facility in Port St. Lucie, Florida, along with treating the homes of many high profile persons including Donald Trump, the Kennedys, Jackie Gleason, Sophia Loren, John Lennon and the BeeGees, so he well knows how to provide the personal treatment and demanding service that is called for in some situations. After retiring from the national company in 2003, he started Proex Pest Control — something he had wanted to do since childhood. (Mike tells us he had an extensive collection of butterflies and insects housed in glass boxes when he was a kid and was fascinated with insects.) His philosophy is relatively simple, however: take the time to inspect each home carefully, strive for perfection, and take the time to ensure that each customer is satisfied. Mike isn’t trying to make the usual 10 to 15 house calls per day as most national concerns demand of their workers. He would rather make fewer calls and “spend the time to do the job right.” What that nets out to in Mike’s words is, “Guaranteed same day service, spending the time necessary to understand each individual situation and not becoming a cookie cutter operation. Everyone tells me I do more than the other guys.” Mike performs all the work himself. He is certified, licensed and insured in Florida to perform Pest Control, Lawn and Ornamental Control and Termite Control including Fumigation and is also University-certified with Texas A & M for Termite Biology and Control with another certification from Purdue University for Pest Control Technology. The significant point he made is that maintenance is a MUST. In the tropical areas of southwest Florida, a homeowner cannot let up on preventative measures. He says the more time he spends inspecting, the less amount of pesticides are needed to control pests. He has limited his service to Manatee County so he can respond quickly to customer calls. Most of the service he performs is on the outside of the house where the problems usually originate. He said, “If you minimize the amount of outside pest activity, the inside of your home will naturally have less problems.” What really makes his service different is the inspection and treatment of lesser utilized areas where homeowners do not frequent, such as attics. Sometimes pests can start in these areas and, if unchecked, can spread throughout the house. Mike often spends two hours carefully checking a home on his first call for service. Mike says his prices are extremely competitive and that his goal is “to be known for customer’s saying, ‘That’s the best pest control service I’ve ever had.’” PROEX PEST w TERMITE w LAWN Parrish, Florida 780-4415 Tired of hearing excuses from your current pest control company, or just tired of doing it yourself? Then, call PROEX. WOW! LOOK AT ALL I DO FOR YOU! For info & Pictures WWW.AFRAAC.COM [ Complete inspection of house & property with written report. [ Eliminate any pest activity on the inside living areas of your home. Pampered Pets [ Remove all stinging insects, such as wasps and bees, and their nests attached to your home. [ Eliminate all fire ant mounds on your property. [ Remove all spiders and their webs attached to your home including pool screens and porch enclosures. Daily dog walking while you are at work. Pet taxi to and from groomer and vet. Pet sitting in your home while you are away. You pick the number of visits and I’ll provide lots of love, attention and exercise. [ Inspect and eliminate all pest activity around plumbing areas such as under sinks, stoves, refrigerators, utility rooms, hot water heater, ac units etc… [ Inspect and treat all attics, crawl spaces, storage areas, and garages. [ Inspect and treat all outside nesting areas of pests, such as trees, bushes etc… Serving: Palmetto, Parrish, Ellenton and Terra Ceia e-mail: PAMPEREDPTS@CS.COM [ Inspect and treat all outside pest entry points such as where utility pipes enter the house, windows, doors, roof eave vents etc… [ Apply a liquid and or granular barrier around the perimeter of your home. Pet Sitting - Exercising - Pet Taxi Service 705-4447 Services Include: Marcy Foley Owner/Operator/Pet Lover Licensed and Insured BONDED STATE LICENSED, CERTIFIED AND INSURED Mike Altland, Owner / Operator 780-4415 Parrish Village News. page 5 Cooking with Cookie How about some asparagus for St. Patrick’s? Asparagus has been used from early times as a vegetable and medicine, owing to its delicate flavor and diuretic properties. There is a recipe for cooking asparagus in the oldest surviving book of recipes, Apicius’s third century AD De re coquinaria, Book III. It was cultivated by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, who ate it fresh when in season and dried the vegetable for use in winter. Asparagus is pictured on an Egyptian frieze dating to 3000 BC. France’s Louis XIV had special greenhouses built for growing it. Fresh asparagus is always easy to find when you live in Florida. There are so many ways to prepare it - whether you like it in salads, soup, casseroles or with other ingredients as a main dish. Here are some recipes to try in March - and they’re green for St. Patrick’s Day! Congealed Asparagus Salad 10 3/4 can condensed asparagus soup 3 oz. lime gelatin 8 oz. cream cheese, softened 1/2 c. cold water 1/2 c. mayonnaise 3/4 c. celery, chopped 1 Tbsp. onion, grated 1/2 c. green pepper, chopped 1/2 c. pecans, chopped Heat soup to boiling. Remove from heat; add gelatin. Stir until dissolved and add cheese, mixing until melted. Add water and mayonnaise and heat until blended. Add remaining ingredients. Pour into a 1 1/2 quart mold. Chill. Garnish with asparagus spears. Yield: 6 to 8 servings. Beer-Battered Asparagus For lemon dipping sauce: 1/2 c. mayonnaise 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice 1/2 tsp. fresh lemon zest, finely grated 1/4 tsp. black pepper For asparagus: 1 c. all-purpose flour 1 tsp. salt 1 Tbsp. fresh lemon zest, finely grated 1/4 tsp. black pepper 1 c. lager About 4 cups vegetable oil 1 lb. medium asparagus, trimmed and cut into 3-inch pieces Make dipping sauce: Stir together mayonnaise, lemon juice, zest and pepper in a small bowl. Chill, covered until ready to use. Make batter and fry asparagus: Put oven rack in middle position and preheat oven to 200 degrees F. Whisk together flour, salt, zest and pepper in bowl until combined. Add beer whisking until smooth. Heat 3 inches oil in a 3 to 4 quart saucepan over moderately high heat until it registers 374 degrees F on a thermometer. Submerge asparagus spears in batter to coat. Working in batches of 10, drag 1 at a time gently against rim to remove excess batter, then transfer to oil and fry, stirring gently to keep asparagus from sticking together, until golden, 2 to 3 minutes. Transfer as fried with a slotted spoon to a paper-towel-lined baking sheet and keep warm in oven. Return oil to 375 degrees F between batches. Serve with lemon dipping sauce. The River Wilderness chorus is working hard on the choral pieces for the upcoming spring concert, “An America Journey.” The concert will be held on Sunday, April 10, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. in the River Wilderness Clubhouse and is presented free of charge. A goodwill donation will be accepted at the door. The wonderfuly-varied music includes jazzy numbers. ballads, big band sounds, folk music, a touch of patriotism and much more! Join the group on the musical journey through America where you will visit many famous cities, stomp and shout on the Mississippi River, descend into the rural valleys, climb the Appalachian Mountains and even take an old-fashioned train ride. The River Wilderness Golf & Country Club is located at 2250 Wilderness Boulevard West in Parrish. River Wilderness is located off Old Tampa Road about a mile and half from Highway 301 North. Yield: 4 first-course servings. Creamed Asparagus Soup 3 Tbsp. butter 1 leek, sliced 1 large clove garlic, minced 1 lb. fresh asparagus spears, each cut into thirds 1 c. chicken broth 1 c. water 1 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. pepper 1/2 c. Philadelphia Chive and Onion Cream Cheese Spread 1/4 c. milk Melt butter in medium saucepan on medium heat. Add leeks; cook 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir in garlic; cook and stir 2 minutes. Add asparagus, broth and water; stir. Simmer on medium-low heat 5 minutes or until asparagus is crisptender. Stir in salt and pepper. Mix cream cheese spread and milk until well blended. Process asparagus mixture in food processor (blender) until smooth. Pour in soup bowls. Add cream cheese mixture; swirl gently with spoon. Yield: 4 servings. Spring has arrived! Check out our new decorating deals! Beautiful Iron Wine Racj $13.97 Unique Iron Bird Sconce $8.97 Adorable Mosaic Turtles $5.97-$7.97 Large Glass Hurricane $12.97 The Rustic Rose of Lakewood Ranch opening soon! 8328 US 301 N w Parrish, FL w 941-479-4912 (2miles east of the Outlet Mall. corner of Erie Road) Parrish Village News. page 6 FANTASY TRAVEL 795-3900 Happy St. Patrick’s Day SPECIAL EVENTS March 16 - Carnival Cruise Presentation 2 PM at office Pam Smaridge March 18 - Mixon Fruit Farm Business Fair 10 AM - 3 PM Calling all bibliophiles to the 2011 Friends of Rocky Bluff Library (FORBL - Friends of Rocky Bluff Library) Spring Book Sale! The event will be held in the usual room at the library, and the schedule is shown below. The sale offers hardbacks, paperbacks, audiovisual materials and puzzles, and includes the categories of popular fiction, biography, cooking, health, self-improvement, crafts, religion, decorating, political, children’s and gardening, to name a few. The first day of the sale, Wednesday, March 16, is Members’ Only Day, when only FORBL members may peruse and purchase. Another benefit of membership is the Book Sale Buck printed in this newsletter. Present this coupon on Members’ Day for a savings of $1.00 on your minimum purchase of $5.00. Non-members wishing to access the 2011 Spring (and Fall!) Book Sale on Members’ Day, may join FORBL by using the form in this newsletter, or by requesting one at the Rocky Bluff front desk. Or, and perhaps most convenient, you may join at the door on Members’ Day. Annual fees start at $5.00, for an Individual Membership. March 22 - Princess Cruise Presentation - 2 PM at office March 31 - Holland America Presentation - 2 PM at office October 27, 2011 17-day PANAMA CANAL - fr $1699 San Diego and Panama Canal lncl. air from Tampa to San Diego, 1 nt hotel stay In Old Town, 15 nt Panama Canal Cruise on a deluxe ship and Return motorcoach to Bradenton ALASKA r/t from SEATTLE fr $799 7 Days to Puget Sound, Juneau, Hubbard Glacier, Ketchikan and Victoria, British Columbia CRYSTAL CRUISES 2 for 1 pricing $500 to $2000 onboard credits Free Air Receive PREPAID gratuities and bonus OBC of $200 if deposited by March 20, 2011 !!!! CELEBRITY MILLENNIUM 4 Night Western Caribbean Many Fall 2011 dates Fr $349 Let us take over your booking that you deposited directly with the cruiseline, And we will add bonus amenities to your trip! Rates are per person based on dbl occ. Rates are subject to change. Taxes are additional and restrictions may apply. Fantasy Travel 6630 CORTEZ ROAD WEST BRADENTON, FL 34210 941-795-3900 FLST31808 Follow Us on Facebook Turning Houses Into Homes Since 1992 Come to the Spring Book Sale! March 16-19, 2011 Rocky Bluff Libray Members Day: Wednesday, March 16 - 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Thursday, March 17 - 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Friday, March 18 - 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday, March 19 - 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. On Friday, March 18, prices on remaining books will be significantly reduced. And on the last day of the sale, Saturday, March 19, remainders will be sold at the flat rate of $3.00 per plastic-grocery-bagful. FORBL is a non-profit, volunteer organization with the purpose of enhancing Rocky Bluff Library resources and services to the residents of our community. Fundraising is a vital part of the support we provide, and the Spring Book Sale is an important contribution to that effort. Because all of the materials for the sale are donated, your great buys are translated directly into funding needs not covered by the library’s budget. If you would like to be a friend to the library, an easy start is to simply join FORBL. You can also help by donating books, music or movies in good condition for our sales. And if you have time, volunteer help for all facets of the book sale is greatly appreciated; just ask how to sign-up at the front desk. Be a Friend . . . see you at the 2011 Spring Book Sale! Join the Friends of Rocky Bluff Library. Your contribution helps the library so much. Cash back offers -new customers only! For The Best Royal Treatment 941-626-8773 Join the Friends of Rocky Bluff Library Name: Address: City: State: Telephone: Email: Types of memberships Zip: Date: Individual Member - $5.00 Family Member - $10.00 Sustaining Member - $25.00 Lifetime Friend - $100.00 Are you a new member or a renewal? q New q Renewal Please make check payable to Friends of Rocky Bluff Library. Drop your completed form with your check into the Friends’ box at the library. Dues and contributions are tax-deuctible. Pool Service from $45.00 a month Ask about our new pool and window cleaning Parrish Village News. page 7 For questions about advertising in The Parrish Village News, call Gene Orlowski at 776-8524 or send him an email at Bonnie Gray Manatee 941.741.8131 Pinellas 727.709.0199 Will visit your home to care for your dog or cat 7 days a week, year round I am a former Humane Society and Southeast Guide Dog volunteer. Have been a local Florida resident for 33 years. Lifetime animal lover. Full time pet sitter. Visit includes: bringing in newspaper and mail and watering plants, if needed. I live in Parrish - within a few minutes of your home. I’m a responsible, dependable and caring person. Registered with the Ellenton Vet Clinic. Member of Pet Sitters International. “That’s Dancing!” Dance Education for Adults 515 9th St. E (Manatee Ave.) Bradenton, FL 34208 Visit my website at Please call Donna at (813) 443-2448 or (941) 447-9722 Bonded/Insured BRUCE WHIDDEN CONSTRUCTION Jana Motwani “All Work Guaranteed & Built To Last” 12281 Britt Road 813-634-4459 Residential Contractor Room Addition Screen Room General Repairs Celebrating 4 years of providing great skin care and cosmetics to my clients. Thanks for allowing me to serve you! 15% of your entire order. 941-776-2859 Roofing Contractor Shingle-Tile Metal General Repairs Pool & Spa Contractor New-Used Resurfacing General Repairs CCC1328858 CRC049124 Independent Beauty Consultant Parrish, FL 34219 941-531-3450 CPC1457847 ARCHITECTURAL MARBLE IMPORTERS PHYSICAL THERAPY & REHABILITATION SERVICES Ensuring Top Quality Treatment with Healthy Outcomes! Medicare, Tri-Care & Most Other insurances Accepted P.T. owned & operated practice. Complete diagnostic/gym equipped facility Gayle Reed, M.A., P.T. WALK-INS WELCOME l AT-HOME SESSIONS & PICKUP SERVICE AVAILABLE 8263 Highway 301l Parrish (941) 776-5585 Brick, Stone or Stucco Stone Countertops & Flooring Supply w Fabricate w Install James Newby 2560 12th Street w Sarasota, FL 34237 (941) 365-3552 Fax (941) 955-6644 email: GERRY RUFFINO Lic. # MC00472 Escrow Manager THOMPSON’S Plastering and Masonry Inc. Off: 322-2707 Cell: 722-3067 Real Estate Specialist (941) 907-1033 EXT. 132 BUSINESS (941) 776-3170 FAX (941) 776-0020 RESIDENCE (941) 704-9744 CELLULAR Owned And Operated By NRT Incorporated stewart title® -Free EstimatesLarge & Small Jobs JUDY AARNES RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE, INC. 8334 Market Street Bradenton, FL 34202 6210 Manatee Avenue West Suite 203 Bradenton, FL 34209 (941) 794-2116 office (941) 795-4930 fax A STEWART INFORMATION SERVICES COMPANY (NYSE: STC) NEED A RIDE?? Cadillac - door-to-door Roy McChesney 776-0168 “The Gardens” References Parrish to (or from) Sarasota/Bradenton Airport: $50 Parrish to (or from) Clearwater/St. Pete Airport: $65 Parrish to (or from) Tampa Airport: $70 Parrish to (or from) Orlando Airport or Amtrak: $150 Appointments, etc.: $20 an hour Clip and Save # Father and Son Handyman Services (The Cabinet Shop) Phone: 941-773-4928 or 941-932-5899 Fax: 941-721-9772 E-mail: RELIABLE - DEPENDABLE - REASONABLE RATES We tackle doors, locks, tile, paint, appliances, fans, blinds, new kitchen cabinets, install flooring, countertops, and general maintenance problems. NO JOB TOO SMALL! (941) 776-2141 “A Full and Complete Line of Quality Hardware Products” Featuring MannaPro and Buckeye Nutrena Products P. O. Box 235 12320 301 North Parrish, FL 34219 James Parks Manager Parrish Village News. page 8 Moving TV to the internet Providing good quality, educational and entertaining local programming Jackie Felix Tony Beazley is a professional cinematographer and a still photographer who shoots music videos, documentaries, feature movies, TV shows, indie films, concert photos and wildlife. Tony started his own production company in 1994. Tony was a winner of a Telly Award for 2008 as Director of Photography. Tony has shot 85 music videos for national TV of the biggest top country acts ever known in the business for United Cerebral Palsy and GAC and also has hundreds of sellable still photos of Rock stars and bands and a well received Marshall Tucker remake of “Fire On The Mountain” in 2008 which he also shot, directed and edited. He has worked on and shot several documentaries that have sold well, and won numerous awards around the world and have been viewed on TV in over 70 million homes. Tony has worked for production companies across the nation from Boston’s WGBH and PBS for school series to CBS News in Nashville, Tennessee, and on to WATV in Los Angeles for ESPN’s Michael Waltrip’s reality TV series and American Thunder Series on the Speed channel. He also worked for HBO in the movie “Against The Wall” where he acted and did unit stills. The film was directed by John Frankenheimer, which has always been Tony’s favorite director since he was eight years old. He also worked with Bret Michaels on his independent film “Letter From Death Row” as unit still photographer and Metal Edge Magazine used his photos filling up two full pages of the magazine. Mr. Beazley was also chief photographer for Tennessee Monthly for three years until the magazine stop publishing. Tony is still working with his partner on a long and timely documentary about the history of Lynyrd Skynyrd which has been going on for 10 years. Tony Beazley moved to Parrish a year ago looking for opportunities for growth in the entertainment industry. As work became scarce in Nashville during the second depression to hit the USA, Tony decided to move to more fruitful grounds. Kris, Tony’s wife, was offered a position in Sarasota Florida, which sealed the deal. After traveling through the area, they fell in love with Parrish’s gentle climate and warm people. Tony wanted to bring some of the programming he had in Nashville to Parrish. He was influenced by the people and content produced on these shows in Nashville. Tony realized the potential for educational shows, however, in this economic environment large funding cuts have been proposed, including the likely elimination of federal funding for public broadcasting. Tony wanted to find a solution to this problem. Once the Beasley’s settled into Parrish, the next step was meeting people and getting involved with the community. Their first month in their new home in Parrish, they received The Parrish Village News in the mail. A Parrish Civic Association meeting was taking place at the time at the local Y and Tony was sure to attend. Coincidently, that very night there was another group holding their meeting in the same building: Parrish Professionals. Tony met Jackie Felix that evening and attended both Parrish Professionals and the Parrish Civic Association. He felt he should be a part of these groups therefore joining both shortly afterwards. Being the entrepreneur that Mr. Beazley is, he has started an online TV station in Parrish Florida with two partners that he met shortly after moving here, Jackie Felix and Jason Johnston. will be the wave of the future to Manatee County Airport Shuttle Service Friendly, Reliable Transportation To All Airports # Mike: 721-8540 or cell 704-0441 and hopes to help the community grow and also bring more business and notoriety to Parrish. Tony had numerous chats with Jackie Felix and Jason Johnston, another Parrish Professional member, the brainstorming begun summer of 2010. Jason wanted to offer his Parrish Pages clients more than just print advertising. Jackie was ready to expand her advertising to TV commercials, but the cost of adverting with the cable companies was prohibited. After extensive research this new group found that cable was the past and TV was on a totally different course: internet. The world’s first and only HDTV powered by Google TV was being heavily advertised. You could easy access more entertainment than ever. Search the entire web, TV listings and apps to find exactly what you’re looking for. Watch TV, browse the internet, or do both at the same time on the same screen. This was not just available to those with this fancy new device but to anyone who owned a Wii or Xbox. This inspired them to incorporate as Parrish Broadcasting Company and start providing good quality, educational and entertaining local programming at no cost to the consumer. No longer would advertising be a luxury, but a right to the small business owner. Please go to for your local news and entertainment. For advertising please call 941-809-3729 or email: Gardens to hold garage sale A Community-wide Garage Sale will be held at the Gardens in Parrish on March 26, 2011 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The Gardens is located at 11300 U.S. Highway 301 North in Parrish (across from the Silverlake Publix). For more information, please call Marilyn Kennie at 776-9993. Foxbrook to hold garage sale The Foxbrook community will be having their bi-annual All Foxbrook Garage Sale Saturday, March 26, 2011 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The profits will be used by the Grounds Committee to improve the park and children’s play area. In addition to all the individual garage sales, the community will be having a booth at the main entrance park. We will be selling baked goods, drinks and donated great stuff. Be sure to stop by on your way in and help support our community projects. The main entrance to Foxbrook is located just east of Rye Road on St. Rt. 675. Colony Cove Bay Choral to present concert The 70 voice Bay Chorale will present their concert “Appalachian Spring Songs from America’s Heartland” in Harmony Hall, Colony Cove on Sunday, March 13th at 3:00 p.m. Tim O’Connor is Director of the Chorale and Piano Accompanist is Carolyn Schmidt. A free will donation is requested with proceeds to benefit the We Care Food Pantry and Helping Hands. Harmony Hall is located at 7615 Lakeshore Drive, off of Erie Road in Ellenton. For more information, call Johanna at 722-6106 or Carol at 722-8451. Guardian ad Litem upcoming training Every day abused, neglected and abandoned children in our community are removed from their homes and placed in foster care. Guardian ad Litem volunteers advocate for the best interest of these children at a most vulnerable time in their life. As a trained child advocate, you can act as the eyes and ears of a judge, while helping these children navigate through a confusing, over burdened court system. Please volunteer today, a child is counting on you. The hours are flexible and the training is free. The training is scheduled for March 14, 15, 17 and 18, 2011, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the State College of Florida at Lakewood Ranch. For more information, please call 941-744-9473 or visit our website at MANATEELINKS COMPUTER SERVICES, INC REPAIRS, UPDATES, SALES, LESSONS GARRY & JOAN APA HOURS: 7 AM 7 PM & DAYS A WEEK HOME: 941-722-6543 PICK UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE Parrish Village News. page 9 Parrish Professionals’ Relay for Life schedules fundraising events Theresa Gilleard as told by Veronica Huzzard FARM FRESH, LOCALLY GROWN VEGETABLES AND FRUITS NO BENDING - NO KNEELING STRAWBERRY/SHORTCAKE/ICE CREAM BOARS HEAD SANDWICHES TUESDAY-SAT 10-6 SUNDAY 11-5 CLOSED MONDAYS PHONE (941) 322-0429 7308 Verna Bethany, Myakka City, Fl 34251 TAKE SR 70 EAST 12 MILES FROM I-75. LOOK FOR THE HYDRO-TASTE SIGN ON SR 70 WHEN GOING EAST ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE ROADWAY. THEN GO 100 FEET AND TURN LEFT ON VERNA BETHANY ROAD. TWO MILES ON THE LEFT. LOOK AT OUR WEB SITE FOR DIRECTIONS AND A MAP. WOW!!! The first annual Parrish Professionals’ Silent Auction and Dinner to benefit the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life Ellenton/Parrish event was anything but SILENT! Everything was perfect and a good time was had by all! It all came together with the organization and coordination of Veronica Huzzard. Her passion shines through for this cause near and dear to her heart as well as the hearts of so many others. It’s very easy to want to step up and step in where needed when Veronica asks you to. A huge thank you also goes out to Frank LoGrande and his staff at Ferraro’s. Frank graciously hosted our event as well as donated a portion of the food cost for the night. The food is always excellent at Ferraro’s as everyone should know by now. We had over 50 people in attendance and raised over $1,500.00. The Parrish Professionals would like to recognize and thank all of the following businesses and individuals who donated items for the auction: Peter Barrie of the Manatee Cultural Arts Alliance and Diane Barrie, of Iberia Bank; Sandy Plummer of Anytime Fitness; Theresa Gilleard of Premier Designs; Nikki Sonekeo of Sandhill Insurance; Jean Dalton of Expert Massage; Dawn Turgeon of Grow Financial and Larry Turgeon of LT Plumbing; Ferraro’s Restaurant; Todd and Nadine Anderson of Parrish Design Company; Jenn Robb of Miche Bags; Pam Fraser of Purity Cleaners; Susan Ralston of Chocolate Dove Discoveries & B’s Purses; David and Angela Harrison of Obvita Natural Health; Rachel the owner of Pets Plus in Parrish and Pinellas; Judy Athari of the American Cancer Society; Dave Strickland of Zeno Office Solutions; Mary Humphrey of KCJ Cleaning; Caron Rivera of Scentsy; Deb Stickland of Passion Parties; Lela Hartsaw of Send Out Cards; Kristi Alflen of Kristi’s Klean Kreation; Jan Doherty and Ariyana Saint Jennings of Magical Miniatures. As you may or may not know, the Relay for Life is the American Cancer Society’s biggest fundraising event. This year’s Ellenton/ Parrish event will be held April 15th starting at 7:00 p.m. and running through April 16th until 1:00 p.m. at Buffalo Creek Track in Parrish. The next team meeting will be at Beef O’Bradys in Parrish at 7:00 p.m. Please contact Veronica Huzzard at 941-720-2778 for further information. We still need help with our committee and more teams to RELAY!! We have two big events prior to the relay. There will be a bachelor auction March 12th. Ladies will be able to bid on some of Manatee County’s most eligible bachelors, all for a good cause. It will be a cocktail-attire event, and starts with an hors d’ oeuvres reception where the bidders can mingle and chat with the bachelors before they hit the stage. You can buy a V.I.P. ticket for $20 that includes reserved seating and a glass of champagne, or a general admission ticket for $15. Proceeds benefit Relay For Life. Cash bar and dinner available, with music throughout the evening. Please contact Sandy Plummer at Anytime Fitness 941-981-3821 or Jean Dalton of Expert Massage Therapy at 941448-1408. Also we will paint the town PURPLE with the help of the Parrish Civic Association, Parrish Professionals and the local communities. The dates will be announced soon. At the Relay, we also sponsor a free Survivor dinner. There are many ways you can help or participate. Times are tough for everyone right now but this event is a great way to have some positive distraction in your life. So get INVOLVED!!! Visit or contact the American Cancer Society at 941-745-1214. As you can see, Parrish Professionals is where it’s at and where YOU want to be! We meet the third Thursday of the month at the Parrish “Y”. Contact Jackie Felix at 941-504-2376 for more details. Parrish Village News. page 10 Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at Ferraro’s Ferraro’s hosts Bloodmobile Best pizza south of New Jersey! Ferraro’s employees gather in front of the Florida Blood Services Bloodmobile prior to donating blood on February 5. Wine Tasting Wednesday, March 16 5 - 8 PM, $5.00 pp Sponsored by Southern Wines 2 Dinners - $14.99 (except Friday & Saturday) Ravioli, Stuffed Shells, Manicotti, Baked Ziti, Pasta & Meatballs (comes with bread & salad) Expires 3/31/11 $5.00 Off Any Order of $25 or More Expires 3/31/11 8348 US 301 N, Parrish, FL 34219 941 723.1111 Fax: 941 721.MENU (6368) Visit our other location, too! 817 14th St. W, Bradenton, FL Full Event Catering (Bartenders, Servers - everything) Sunday Noon to 9 PM Monday-Thursday 11 AM - 9 PM Friday & Saturday 11AM - 10 PM Celebrate a special event at Ferraro’s Coupons may not be combined. North River Veterinary Hospital Small Animal Veterinary Medicine and Surgery Dr. Stacy Nelson, D.V.M. NEW HOURS M, W, F - 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tues., Thurs. - 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Every 2nd & 4th Saturday of each month 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon “At North River Veterinary Hospital we believe in providing clients and their pets with the most advanced care and service. We are creating a compassionate family of staff who will always have you and your pet’s best interest in mind.” Don’t forget your pet’s annual check up! Make an appointment now. 941-776-8678 12805 CR 675 Parrish, FL Pictured donating blood to Florida Blood Services is Michela Baron, sister of Frank LoGrande. On Saturday, February 5, things were really busy at Ferraro’s Italian Grille. It wasn’t just because people were eating at the restaurant and shopping at Alris Shopping Plaza. People were donating blood to the Florida Blood Services. With the blood supply in the Tampa Bay area critically low, this blood drive was especially important. All the employees at Ferraro’s donated blood ass well as many customers and people in the area. The final totals show that the drive exceeded the last one held at Ferraro’s. Everyone who donated received a T-shirt from Florida Blood Services and Ferraro’s gave everyone a personal pizza and a soda. Welcome home Orlando Pachecko from Afghanistan! All your family and friends are glad you arrived home safely. We’re glad you are back. You’ll be spending time until the end of May as a Marine Corporal in Orlando with your unit and then back to being with the Manatee County Sheriff’s Department. Don’t forget the carry-out service as well as catering services provided by Ferraro’s. You can have all the wonderful menu items in the restaurant to take home or offer to family, friends and guests. Simply call and order ahead and specify a time for pick up. Now that our weather is moderating, you’ll want to dine outside under the stars (or umbrellas) that have recently been placed in front of the restaurant. There’s seating for 12 at cafe tables under the lights. Bring you family and friends to enjoy outside dining in the plaza. Any day or night of the week is good at Ferraro’s. Tap into the Power of Michael Saunders & Company # 1 in Closed Sales in 2010 “Top 30 MS&C Agent in 2010” Charlie Probert, Realtor © 13 Year Parrish Resident 941-773-0604 Parrish Village News. page 11 $10.00 Off 2010 Income Tax Preparation (new clients only) Montgomery’s Affordable Accounting & Tax, L.L.C. Parrish, Florida 941-776-5557 With this coupon. Not valid with others or prior services. Offer expires 4-15-11. Professional Tax Preparation Tax problems (past or present)? Haven’t filed in a while? WE CAN HELP YOU! FREE consultation FREE electronic filing FAST accurate service FAST refunds Walk-ins welcome Appointments available All state tax returns prepared here Corporate, partnership & Affordable Accounting indi vidual tax returns & Tax, L.L.C. 8003 US Highway 301 N, Suite B-1, Parrish (Next to Papa Nicks) 941-776-5557 Fax 941-776-0390 Support the Parrish Civic Association by joining. Form on page 31. BILL MANNING We Buy Sell or Trade in Livestock Bulls - Cows - Calves Mobile 941 / 720-2439 Home 941 / 737-7947 Parrish Village News. page 12 8405 US North,Suite Suite 100 8405 US301, 301 North, 101 941-776-3300 941-776-3300 BEAUTIFUL 3BR HOME. Serene pasture view from screen lanai. Pet friendly, heated comm pool, open flr plan, lrg kit w/lots of cabinets. New A/C 2009. Many extras - come see today. M5816711 $92,775 Cindi Grigsby 941-447-9506 HARRISON RANCH 4BRLarge 2BA RIVER WILDERNESS built include Gran3 BR2008. 3BAUpgrades home with pool on ite, maple woodlot! & Locatd tile floors, gated 3 acre onwhite golf oak cabinets! Lifestyle for entire course with top of the line appl. family - clubhouse, pool, tennis & and theater room. Reduced to playground. M5815547 $160,000 $89,900. Gerry Feudo at Gerry FeudoCall 941-224-6684 NOT SHORT SALE – NO CDD – PARKWOOD LAKES. 2218 A/C, lakefront, one of a kind. 2 large master suites + den, FR, gas fireplace, 30’x14’ enclosed lanai, new roof. Extras! $234,900 M5817860 BJ Burnside 941-518-4301 3.33 ACRES Located in Ellenton zoned A1. Build your dream home close in with country beauty. Partially cleared, majestic oaks, creek, county water/sewer available. Call for directions. $110,000. M5817330 Jerri Phillips 941-809-5059 CHARMING KEY WEST STYLE 3BR 2.5 BA home on beautiful Snead Island. Pool & tennis courts next door. Just a block from Bradenton Yacht Club & full service marina. M5817676 $249,900 Booth/Wize Team Doug Booth 941-932-0239 w 3BR 2BA 1CG, end unit, ground flr townhoome M5819497 $154,900 w 2BR 2BA 1CG, golf course villa M5815271 $124,900 w 2BR 2BA 2CG villa on golf course M578637 $139,900 Gail Adams 941-725-1945 If you have rental property, let us do the work! Our property manager Cindi Grigsby can help! For information call: Office: 941-776-3300 Cell: 941-447-9506 000-0000 BEAUTIFUL HOME INSIDE AND OUT. Many extras, one owner & snowbirds at that. Very low HOA fees, large Florida room w/hot tub. Make this your year round or seasonal home. A must see! M5816775 $149,906 Cindi Grigsby 941-447-9506 Valentine Tea benefits Sister Nora’s Ministries Lesa Dailey Eighty-three women attended the 4th Annual Valentine Tea at St. Frances X. Cabrini Church in Parrish on Saturday, February 12, 2011. All ladies of the parish were invited to attend this beautiful event that benefits Sister Nora Brick’s ministries with expectant migrant workers in West Bradenton. Sister Nora’s ministries include Stillpoint House of Prayer and Project Light. The table decoration competition at the Tea made it especially exciting this year. Individual members of the Council of Catholic Women (CCW) volunteered to decorate a table in one of four themes – Whimsical, True to Theme, Elegant and Other. Each winner received a prize. There was a tie for elegant, as both tables were exceptional. The New Baby Steps Circle of the CCW organized the Tea, which raises funds and layette items for their ministry. The Circle has made several hundred layette bags over the past five years, and the Valentine Tea is the one fundraiser each year. Parishioners of St. Frances Cabrini Church are involved with several of Sr. Nora’s ministries throughout the year, contributing food for families in need, layettes for new mothers and Easter shoes for children. Congressman Vern Buchanan Town Hall Meeting Saturday, March 12, 2011 - 10:30 a.m., Y/ Community Center 12214 US Highway 301 N in Parrish RITZCRAFT Swim Spas Inc. 941-729-8680 Handyman RITZCRAFT Pavers Inc. 941-753-0300 By: Jim, Inc. Pool Design Renovations Commercial Residential Paver Specialist Parrish & River Wilderness Resident for 17 Years Dan Gibbs CPC 1457651 Cell: 518-5364 Electrical Repairs - Fans - Custom Lighting - Security Lights General Repairs - Basic Plumbing - Tile Sliding Glass Door Repairs - Doors and Windows Interior/Exterior Painting - Pressure Washing Property Repairs for Real Estate, Property Management, Absentee Owners (941) 650-7685 Visit our Website: Professional - Experienced - Insured The perils of living in paradise Leslie Wells It’s been all over the news. This winter has been a bear! Massive ice storms and heavy snow have covered the entire country . . . Florida was the only state unaffected. Even in late February, more snow, sleet and ice were predicted. Places like Chicago prepared for what may have been the biggest blizzard in history. Travelers across the Midwest are stranded in airports and stuck in traffic jams everywhere. Downed power lines, frozen pipes, stranded parents stuck in the house with bored kids (no electric for TV or video games), shoveling snow, cars that won’t start even if you could go out . . . just thinking about it makes me want to go out and buy gloves, hats, big overcoats . . . Brrr! As I write this column, I take in the view from my picture window. A small bird has perched itself on the sill, singing a sweet song. The temperature is about 75 degrees. The sun is bright; the skies are clear. Lunch on the lanai sounds delightful. I hear it may go down to 60 degrees tonight. I’ll grab a light sweater just in case. As you might imagine, Realtors work with a wide-range of clients. I always get a kick out of defending our iceless, snowless paradise to those who for whatever reason love to shovel driveways in 20-degree weather. Early one January morning I received a call from a man who wanted to list his house immediately. “Price it to sell,” he mandated. “I want to be home by June 1.” It turns out, every year around that time his wife would start having panic attacks. She feared hurricanes and her anxiety had become much more than he could bear. Snow seemed like a much better option. I often think about that couple when I hear winter storm news and I suspect, one day, they will be back. Later that same year I was showing a property to a couple from Michigan. Although they were in their 40s, a retirement and outdoor lifestyle was on their minds. Perhaps more golf and tennis? Maybe extra days at the beach with a few sunsets peppered in. As we were stopped at the traffic light on 301 by Colony Cove heading towards Parrish, an alligator sauntered across the highway stopping traffic in both directions. Soon after seeing our native jaywalker, this couple started booking their tickets to return home. I promise you, I really didn’t see that many teeth. Smile! Ah, the perils of living in Florida! I just don’t know how we deal with it. Shorts, flip-flops, bicycles, gulf views, gentle breezes, fruity drinks . . . winter lunches on the lanai. Did I mention it’s 75 degrees out today? I suspect 2011 may very well go down in the books as good year for Real Estate in Florida. Next time you chat with your friends up north, remind them of the great deals, the low interest rates and of course, the sunshine! No need to mention those pesky little alligators. Vern Buchanan CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE ulations and limit frivilous lawsuits. A strong fiscal conservative, the Congressman’s signature bill is the Buchanan Balanced Budget Amendment Act. He also introduced legislation to stop automatic pay raises for Members of Congress until the budget is balanced. Congressman Buchanan’s previous committee assignments include the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, the House Veterans Affairs Committee and the House Small Business Committee, where he also served as the Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Finance and Tax. Vern Buchanan grew up with five siblings in a blue collar household in a small town near Detroit, Michigan. He served six years in the Air National Guard and worked his way through college. He chaired both the Florida Chamber of Commerce and the Sarasota Chamber of Commerce. He was also a member of the Board of the U.S. Chamber, and in 2005 he was inducted into the Tampa Bay Business Hall of Fame. In addition, Congressman Buchanan is a dedicated philanthropist, committing himself to diverse community causes, including the Boys and Girls Club, the Community Foundation of Sarasota County, the Walk to Cure Juvenile Diabetes, the American Heart Walk, the Mote Marine Laboratory and the Ringling Museum of Art. A husband and father, Congressman Buchanan lives in Longboat Key, Florida, with his wife of more than 30 years. Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan have two grown sons, James and Matt. Congressman Buchanan, whose district includes Parrish, held a Town Hall meeting on the Obama Health Plan just over a year ago that was so well attended that there was standing room only, so you might want to come early to be sure you get a seat. The meeting will be over by 1:30 p.m. The Parrish Community Center / Y is located at 12214 US Highway 301 N in Parrish. Parrish Village News. page 13 True Family Farm Hydroponic Grower Randy True Owner 941-725-0205 941-776-0870 Join our Produce Club to pick up a weekly basket of locally grown offerings straight from the farm as well as items obtained from the immediate surrounding area. Everyone who joins will have complimentary membership in the Parrish Pickers, a weekly group that picks their own straws and toms when they pick up their weekly baskets. Get a free produce basket for any recommendation resulting in a new account for the farm. Enjoy our strawberries from December till June. Restaurants - we have a Supply Program tailored to your needs. From our farm to your fork in hours -- not weeks. See me on Saturdays from 9 AM to 2 PM at the Ellenton Farmer’s Market (beside the skating rink) or on Fridays at St. Frances Cabrini in Parrish from 11 PM to 2 PM Heather Glen to Hold Community Yard Sale There will be a Community Yard Sale at Heather Glen on Saturday, March 12, 2011 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The rain date is Saturday, March 19. Heather Glen is located south of 69th Street near Virgil Mills and Buffalo Creek Schools. Parrish Village News. page 14 6 ways to cut waste in your sprinkler system at little or no cost Jack Tichenor, University of Florida / Manatee County Extension Service Half the residential water used is for watering the lawn and studies show about a third of that may be wasted. There are things you can do at little or no cost to stop irrigation water waste and reduce your utility bill especially if you use municipally supplied water for lawn irrigation. That’s like extra income plus your lawn will be healthier, look better and environmental impact may be reduced. 1. Understand Your Water Use: Indoor water use averages about 750 gallons per person a month. For example, a family of four uses about 3,000 gallons a month for basic domestic purposes. Outdoor uses such as irrigation, pool filling, car washing etc. may be more than indoor water use. An average subdivision lot having 5,000 square feet of irrigated area uses between 2,000 and 3,000 gallons for each irrigation cycle. Multiply that by the number of irrigation cycles per month your system runs to get an idea of how much water goes onto the lawn. It may be a lot of water! Look at your municipal utility bill. Focus on the charges for water and sewer; notice the water rates are tiered. When certain water use amounts are exceeded, the cost per 1,000 gallons goes up. Sewer charges are added to the amount of water used, indoors or out. Cutting water waste in the sprinkler system will reduce the gallons of water (and sewer) used and may drop the cost per 1,000 gallons used into a lower cost tier. You save on the higher cost water first. Some utility bills include a small chart showing your water use history for past months making it easier to track your water-saving progress. 2. Take Charge of the Irrigation Controller: Replace the small back-up battery every two to three years. Set the controller for the current day, time and year. Directions are on a label inside the controller door. Next put the three key pieces of information below into the controller to make it as efficient as it can be. See Using the Irrigation Controller for a Better Lawn on Less Water at and Watering Your Florida Lawn at http://edis.ifas.ufl. edu/LH025. a. What day to water: Set the controller to operate only on your allowed watering days. Then switch the controller to “Off”. When you begin to see dry spots in the lawn switch to “Automatic” to water on the next allowed day. After watering or rainfall go back to “Off”. This encourages a deeper, more drought tolerant root zone by watering thoroughly but only as needed. Established lawns may go two weeks or longer without water in the winter but only 3 to 5 days in the summer. See Let Your Lawn Tell You When to Water at http:// b. How long to water: Adjust the timer so each zone receives ¾-inch of water. Here’s how. Spread 6 or more empty tuna or pet food cans in each irrigation zone, one zone at a time. Time how long it takes for sprinklers to put out ¾-inch of water, on average, in cans. Set timer for that many minutes in that zone. Repeat test for other zones. c. Set the start time: Early morning is best. Add all the zone run times together from step 2 and subtract the total from 8 AM. Set that time in the controller and set Irrigation Controller any additional start times to zero. 3. Seek the Leak: Look for soft, very wet spots or water flowing up around sprinklers indicating a broken pipe or a leak. Expose and repair as necessary. See the publication Basic Repairs and Maintenance for Home Landscape Irrigation Systems at ae451. 4. Survey the Sprinklers: Trim overgrown grass or shrubs that block sprinkler spray patterns. Adjust sprinklers to put water only onto your lawn without overspray onto streets, walks, buildings or neighboring yards. Sprinkler nozzles or a complete sprinkler may need to be changed. They are readily available at a reasonable cost from irrigation supply and home improvement stores. Choose carefully for the correct brand, spray pattern and distance. The spray from one sprinkler should touch its neighboring sprinkler for uniform coverage. 5. Mow High and Sharp: Adjust the mower cutting height at 3.5 to 4 inches for Augustine and Bahia grass; 1.5 to 2.5 inches for Zoysia. Keep blades sharp to prevent ragged, brown grass tips. See Mowing Your Florida Lawn at 6. Mulch the Bare Places: Keep 2 to 3 inches of mulch on beds of shrubs and flowers. around trees and other Please see 6 Ways CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 Landscape/Irrigation Class Schedule for March, 2011 University of Florida/IFAS/Manatee Agriculture & Extension Service DATE TIME March 2 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. March 2 6:00 p.m. – 8:30p.m. March 5 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. March 15 1:30 p.m. – 4 p.m. March 22 10 a.m. – Noon March 23 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. March 26 9 a.m. - Noon March 31 6:00 p.m. – 8:30p.m. EVENT Are Your Brown Plants Giving You the Blues? – Another cold year for our landscapes and gardens. How and where do you start to clean up the brown forlorn appearance of your landscape? Come learn tips on watering and fertilizing to help reduce cold injury to plants. Presented by Lisa Hickey, Extension Agent. Register online or call the Master Gardeners. Ground Covers, Grasses & Vines – Landscaping with low-growing ground cover plants, grasses and vines has become a popular trend of landscape practices because, once established, these plants need little or no water. Learn noteworthy plants, site considerations, and management of these three diverse plant groups. Presented by Elissa Mirabelli, Horticulture Program Assistant. Register online or call Elissa. Florida-Friendly Family Festival – Will feature a variety of fun activities, learning programs and entertainment for children of all ages on environmental awareness and water conservation. Micro-workshops on conservation topics. The Master Gardeners will host a “1st Rate 2nd Hand” garage sale starting at 9 a.m. Local entertainment. Local exhibitors. Register online or call Cindy. Tips for Cutting the Cost of Lawn Irrigation - Lawn irrigation uses about half the total residential water. Learn how to eliminate water wasting components and practices, improve your lawn, reduce your utility bill, and do the environment a favor. A free lawn sprinkler tune up kit will be given to each attendee. Register online or call Cheryl. Dazzling Designs – Interactive hands-on class demonstrates how to implement the nine principles of Florida-Friendly Landscaping™. We will highlight dazzling landscape designs in Manatee County created by homeowners who possess fabulous Florida-Friendly Landscapes. Register online or call Cindy. Smart Landscaping – Planning and Care - Learn practical design tips, landscape pitfalls, garden chores, hardscape choices, texture combinations, and remedies for difficult areas. Should you need identification of a plant, arrive early and bring along a branch with leaves (and ideally with flower or seed). Elissa Mirabelli, Horticulture Program Asistant. Free. Register online via website or call Elissa at ext. 235. Combo Compost & Rain Barrel Workshop - Learn how to turn your kitchen scraps and yard waste into useful soil amendments. Participants will learn Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ concepts and details about how to set up home compost bins. Leave with a bin to start creating your own compost. Fee for compost bin. Let us provide you with great water conservation tips and trivia. Learn how to install, paint, and maintain a functional rain barrel. Bring your truck or car with a large trunk and leave with your own rain barrel. Start conserving today. Fee for rain barrel. Register online or call Cindy. The Lowdown on Lawn irrigation - Tune up your sprinkler system for the dry season. Learn how to adjust the timer and sprinklers, improve water uniformity, eliminate water waste and cut costs plus an introduction to micro-irrigation. A free lawn sprinkler tune up kit will be given to each attendee. Jack Tichenor, Extension Agent for Water Conservation. Free. Register online via website or call Cheryl at ext. 262. Workshops are held at the Manatee County Extension Office. 1303 17th St. W., Palmetto, FL 34221 Phone: 941-722-4524 Website: Must pre-register! All classes and workshop sizes are limited. Minimum class size required Parrish Village News. page 15 Survey on Parrish Area This survey information, once compiled, will be delivered to the Manatee County Planning Department for input to their overall planning effort. The results will also be published in this newspaper. Feel free to send write in comments if you have them. Attach another sheet if you need more room. You can fill out the survey online at 1. What is your zip code: 2. How long have you lived in the Parrish area? Less than 1 year 1 - 3 years 4 - 10 years 10 - 20 years More than 20 years 3. I am: Male Female 4. I am: Under 20 years old 20 - 50 years old 51 - 65 years old over 65 years young 5. I am: Working full time (30+ hours per week) Working Part time (under 30 hours per week) Retired 6. There are: No children living in this house Children under 6 years old Children 6 - 18 years old Children older than 18 7. Do you favor building the Fort Hamer Bridge: Yes No 8. There have been concerns raised about the safety conditions on Fort Hamer and Upper Manatee Plantation River Road with the increased traffic when the bridge is built -- they are narrow, have deep ditches on either side in places and have no sidewalks or bike lanes in place. Would you favor a small toll on the Fort Hamer Bridge that would be used to pay to upgrade these two roads? No, the roads are okay like they are. Just build the bridge. Yes Yes, but only if the tolls are used to upgrade these two roads 9. Are you a member of the Parrish Branch of the YMCA? If no, skip to question 11. Yes No 10. Is your membership family or single? Family Single Weights and machines Aerobics classes Cards and Mah Jongg Summer Camp Youth sports 11. Which of these do you use at the Y? (Check each that applies) Teen Room Kids zone If other, please specify: 12. What services or classes would you like to see the Y add? Cooking class Crafts class (specify what kind) Photography class Painting class Planned trips Book club None, I am happy with what they offer If other, please specify: 13. Are you a member of the Parrish Civic Association? Yes No 14. Do you know what the Parrish Civic Association does? Yes No 15. Have you ever attended a General membership meeting of the Parrish Civic Association? Yes No 16. What else do you think the Civic Association can do for the Parrish community? Who would you like to have as a guest speaker at a future General Membership meeting? 17. How often do you use the Rocky Bluff Branch Library? 1 don’t 1 - 3 times per month 4 - 10 times per month More than 10 times per month 18. If you use the Rocky Bluff Branch Library, what do you use it for? (Check all that apply) To check out books To read newspapers and magazines For research To use the computers The children’s reading program The Pre-Teen Book Club I told you I don’t use it If other, please specify: 19. What new programs and services (or expanded existing ones) would you like to see the library offer? 20. In your opinion what is the importance of having each of these in the Parrish area (on a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being most important)? (Not in the Village): Big box store (Wal-Mart, Target, etc.) Home improvement store (Home Depot, Lowe’s) Discount store (Sam’s, BJ’s, COSTCO) Office supply store (Office Depot, Staples, Officemax) 21. If we could have only one new big box store in our area, which would you want (i.e. Sam’s Club, Home Depot, Target, etc.)? 22. How important is it that we have the following business open in Parrish (on a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being most important)? Florist Gift shop Book store Lawn and garden 23. What other types of businesses do we need? 24. Which of the following professional services type businesses do we need more of in Parrish? Legal Accounting Banking Barber/Beauty shop Doctor Dentist 25. If your choice was not listed above or you indicated we need more professional services, please indicate if we need a specific specialty (i.e. dentist who work with children, cardiac specialist, etc.). 26. How many days per week do you eat breakfast outside of your house? None 1-3 More than 3 27. On the average how many days per week do you eat your evening meal outside your house? None 1 2-3 4-6 Every meal 28. If a new restaurant serving evening meals located in Parrish, how important is each of the following (on a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being most important)? Serve mixed drinks (vs only beer and wine) Have wait staff vs cafeteria style Serve your salad vs salad bar Take reservations vs no reservations Have take out service 29. When you go out to dinner for two on a regular night (vs birthday, anniversary, etc.) what is the average you feel you should pay including tip and tax? Less than $30 $30 - $50 More than $50 Additional comments: 30. What type of fast food restaurant would you like in Parrish area? None, we already have enough McDonald’s Burger King Wendy’s Long John Silver’s Krystal Steak ‘n’ Shake If other, please specify 31. If one of the following chain restaurants were to build in the Parrish area, how often would you go per month (rank 1 = 8+ times per month, 2 = 4 to 7 times per month, 3 = 1 to 3 times per month, 4 = I would never go to this restaurant)? Outback Stonewood Grill Carrabba’s Golden Corral Longhorns Olive Garden Red Lobster 32. If a new coffee shop opened in Parrish, would you patronize it and if so which do you prefer? No, we don’t need a coffee shop Dunkin’ Donuts Starbucks If other, please specify: 33. Do we need a new park in Parrish and if so what does it need to offer? Don’t need a new park Yes, we need a new park and it should offer the following: Picnic area Playground equipment Trails Skateboard Dog park If other, please specify: 34. How would you like to see the area along Highway 301 from Fort Hamer Road to Moccasin Wallow Road look in 10 years? 35. What else would you like to tell us about like or dislike about Parrish? Please complete this survey and mail to: Parrish Civic Association, Survey P. O. Box 257 Parrish, FL 34219 Let’s go phishing! Parrish Village News. page 16 Jan Kaufman I had other plans for this month’s article but life has a habit of driving us up to a fork in the road. From there we made a decision. Which way do we go? And so this month I would like to talk about computer safety on your own home. My husband and I both had Facebook accounts that we enjoyed. Both of our email addresses have been long-standing addresses that are well known and have been used for well over 15 years. We have both received the scams about the lottery wins from someone in Nigeria, or the links that someone sends that end up being a virus and all that garbage over the years. If you’ve been on a computer for awhile, you know what to look for and you know not to click on those links. BUT . . . we were not prepared for what happened in late January. My husband went to log into his Facebook and he couldn’t get in. He thought it might be a problem with his password so he tried to get a new password, but the email on his Facebook account was not his email. It was a close variation to it though and you’d miss the change if you didn’t look carefully. After reviewing his email, he noticed he had received an email from . . . Guess Who? From HIMSELF! It read something like this . . . I’m sitting here with tears in my eyes. My family and I came down here to Cardiff, Wales, for a short vacation. Unfortunately, we were mugged at the part of the hotel where we stayed. All cash, credit cards and cell were stolen off us but luckily for us we still have our passports with us. Jan is currently in hospital due to the stress. We’ve been to the embassy and the police here but they’re not helping us at all. Our flight leaves in less than three hours but we’re having problems settling the bills and the hotel manager won’t let us leave until we settle the bills. Am freaked out at the moment. I need your help urgently . . . Well, we weren’t in Cardiff, Wales. We were right here in Parrish, Florida. And then the phone began to ring. We had calls from across the US, Canada and even a few from Europe with people concerned about us and offering us money and assistance. We quickly put their concerns at ease and let them know it was a scam. While fielding all the calls, I got in touch with Facebook and I let them know that someone had hacked into Marty’s Facebook and had changed everything in there. We also contacted AOL about the problem. And finally, we actually contacted the FBI due to the fraud and possible identity theft. Marty’s AOL account had also been hacked. Not just hacked though. His entire contact list was erased. Fifteen years of gathering up email addresses for friends, family and literally thousands of people we know through our involvement with sports car racing. There was no way for him to email everyone and let them know it was all a scam. There were several people who didn’t realize it was a scam. They replied to the “fake” email address and sent their phone numbers back to the hacker offering to help including some friends who live in Europe who were close by and were ready and willing to come to help us. Four hours, 80 phone calls, lots of computer time and time we are still spending trying to rebuild our email contact listing – it’s such a waste of time but that is only one of the scams that is going on these days. There’s the “grandparent/relatives” scam where Solutions for all your storage needs! CALL EZ STORAGE - Climate Controlled - Packing Supplies U-Haul - Garage-Style - Boxes Call for SPECIALS and COMPETITIVE RATES Our clients say: “We are spic and span and best managed in the area. Don’t go anywhere else!” 5120 SR 674 Wimauma, FL Just East of Walmart in Wimauma 813.634.4851 Family built, owned, and operated since 1999. a young person calls and says “Hi, it’s me!” When you ask who it is the person says something like, “You don’t know your own grandchild?” and YOU respond with a name usually in the form of a question like . . . “Steven, is that you?” And of course they say “yes.” Now, they know you have a grandson named Steven and they play on that saying they are in trouble and need money and they don’t want their parents to find out. Another popular scam comes under the disguise of a bank or credit card saying there is a problem and your account has been suspended until you get the billing information corrected. Now think about it – banks and credit card companies will always call if there is a problem on your account. They would never email you on something like that. Anyone who has ever missed a payment knows that. Yet another one appears to come from a government agency – often the FBI. It looks so official with the logo and the name of the head of the FBI in the email. The immediate alert I saw on that one was the horrible spelling and sentence structure in the email. I knew that one was a scam – or our government is hiring people who can’t spell. And there is the ever popular AOL billing scam saying they need you to update your billing information. And with tax time just around the corner there is an IRS scam out there now saying you are owed some extra money. And there’s the email that comes from a friend of yours that says, “I’ve found a way to make lots of money” with nothing but a link. These types of scams are referred to as phishing. The hackers/scammers are “phishing” around trying to hook someone and get some money from you. Everything might sound legitimate or it might look official but they are not. The worst thing you can do is respond to those emails and you should never, EVER open an attachment from them. This experience has been quite an eye opener for me. This showed us about how vulnerable we all are on our computers if we don’t take precautions to ensure our own safety. Here are a few ideas I’ve learned along the way that might help you as well. 1. Change your passwords at least twice a year. Yes, I know it’s a bother to do it, but it’s for your own protection. Here’s a helpful hint put a reminder on your calendar to change Please see Let’s go phishing CONTINUED ON PAGE 18 CJ TOURS 2-DAY CASINO GETAWAY TOUR INO CK CAS O R D R HA March 28-29, 2011 OOD HOLLYW PACKAGE INCLUDES: Only $99.00 $115 in FREE PLAY ($230 value) per person based on double occupancy. Single occupancy add $30. Prices subject to change without notice. 1 Night - La Quinta Inn * Optional stay at Hard Rock Hollywood only $46 additional 4 $5 meal vouchers 1 Continental Breakfast Seats sell out fast, don’t wait!! Call 941-776-1959 or email Website: Parrish Village News. page 17 Welcome Home! Take the time to see this adorable Old Florida style home on almost a 1/2 acre lot! this 3 bedroom plus den. New Metal Roof, Paint, Kitchen, Flooring. $76,900 Charming 2 bedroom (possibly 3) 1 bath home on a HUGE lot in Bradenton. No deed restrictions! New Kitchen, paint, carpet, flooring and much more. Take the time to see this home! $59,900 What an opportunity to buy a beautiful custom home on nearly 3 acres in the quiet area of Parrish. Located down a private drive, with No Deed restrictions or HOA fees. The home, built in 2004 to the highest standards, is 2,800 square feet under air. $319,900 Adorable 2/2 home in Palmetto on a Golf Course! 1/3 acre lot, no deed restrictions. Ready Soon... $64,900 The Florida-Friendly Family Festival to be held at the Manatee County Fairgrounds on March 5th will feature a variety of fun activities, eco-workshops and entertainment that appeals to children of all ages. The Festival will offer a wide array of interactive demonstrations, ideas, workshops and exhibits to highlight our environment and show ways that families can conserve in and around their homes. The Master Gardeners demonstrate recycling with a “Trash to Treasures” sale which will begin prior to the event at 9:00 a.m. Admission is free. Food will be provided, first come, first serve. The Manatee County Utilities Department will be hosting a shower head exchange. Bring your old shower head to be exchanged for a new water conserving model. The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is an Equal Opportunity Institution authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function with non-discrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, IFAS, Florida A. & M. University Cooperative Extension Program, and Boards of County Commissioners Cooperating. Let’s go phishing CONTINED FROM PAGE 16 your passwords. I’ve got reminders already on my calendar for two pass- Parrish Village News. page 18 word changes later this year – once in the late spring and once in late fall. Do not use your birthdates or your name in your passwords. Come up with something that only you would know. Be sure to use capital letters, lower case letters, numbers and possibly symbols. Here’s an idea for a password using our own town – ParrisH44^. Or using my last name but using some numbers in the middle – kAUF44man. 2. If you get an email where it appears to be a person you know who needs money for an emergency – do NOT respond. Pick up the phone and call that person to find out what’s going on. They may not know their system has been hacked. But just think about it. If that person truly needed money for an emergency – do you truly think they would be emailing you? Don’t you think they would have picked up the phone and called you already? Once you’ve found out that it is indeed a scam – just delete the email. 3. A phone call from someone who you “might” know but maybe not as well as you’d like, asking for some emergency money – take down some infor mation but do not promise anything. Then – investigate it further. 4. Those AOL billing emails, or bank and credit card billing update requests – just delete them. You can always go into your own personal accounts di rectly just to double check but do not, under ANY circumstances, EVER click on the link on the email and provide that information there. While the link might look legitimate it is just a way for the hackers to get your infor mation and before you know it your bank account is emptied or your credit card is maxed out. There is a great website that will tell you about all these types of scams, urban myths and more. When you get a chance go to They have lots of information about the Top Scams, including the Top 25. It’s really interesting reading and gives you lots of information about how to differentiate a scam from the real deal as well as how to protect yourself. Most importantly, well almost anyway, if it sounds too good to be true, it is. If it sounds like a scam, it is. If it seems too strange to be true, it is. Just investigate things before you respond in email. It’s far too easy for someone to steal your online identity and try to scam your friends and family. Now . . . most important. There was something very special about the scammer who got into Marty’s email. It was truly heart-warming to know that so many people care. We talked to friends we had not spoken to for a very long time. Friendships were renewed. That was the silver lining that resulted from all the frustration and aggravation we suffered due to the hacking. And a side note – after all the chaos that morning and after the dust had settled, we got a call from our dear neighbor, Ben Jordan. He said he went to every neighbor and he was able to collect an entire $1.50 to help us get back from Wales! That Ben . . . What a good neighbor! We’ve got the best neighbors in the world – kind of nutty but the best! Sales l Service l Maintenance Manatee County 941-479-4324 l l l l l l l Installation Sarasota County 941-487-8396 We Proudly Live in and Serve Parrish Quality Dependable Service Family Owned and Operated 24 Hour Service Over 20 Years Experience Air Conditioning Replacement Experts $49 SERVICE CALLS $49 MAINTENANCE CHECK UP Clean Coils Lubricate Motors Check Freon Check Heat New Washable Filter Member Check us on the web: 2049 Cornell Street l Sarasota, FL 34237 Be sure to clip out the survey. fill it out and return it as soon as possible. Send surveys to: Parrish Civic Association, P. O. Box 257, Parrish, FL 34219. Thank you for your opinions. Local inventor launches new product: the Rotator Rod Parrish Village News. page 19 GOOD FOOD, GREAT PRICES Redeploying space in an unlikely place FAmIly SPORTS PUB There’s nothing quite like a BEEF ‘O’ BRADy’S FAmIly SPORTS PUB. A nieighborhood, family kind of place, “BEEF’S is known for its great Chicken Wings, Sandwiches, Salads and Comfortable Atmosphere. And ... there are lots of flat screen TVs for sports viewing & video games for the kids. Now featuring FREE WI-FI. BEEF ‘O’ BRADy’S FAmIly SPORTS PUBS Every neighborhood should have one... with a full bar. AND NOW PARRISH DOES! Come Celebrate A For many years, Colleen O’Connell worked as a bedside nurse in Intensive Care Units. Then, after moving through the ranks of Nursing Management, her career took a great turn. She embarked on a unique opportunity to begin, on the ground floor, implementing Electronic Medical Records in large hospitals. After ten years, she found her personal life was a mess. So, she took a much-needed break, which included moving out of her house and trading my walk-in shower for a bath tub. Oh, how she missed her shower space! She began each day having to peel the shower curtain off her body, and don’t mention the shock of cold air while drying off! But she knew the answer. She had enjoyed the luxury of curved shower rods in all the hotels she’d stayed in over the past five years. She remembered they provided the space to move that she so needed AND enough room to dry off in the warmth of the shower. So, she bought a curved rod and happily installed it. But there was a problem: it took up too much room in her bathroom . . . it encroached on her toilet space! She discovered that whatever room was gained IN the shower, was lost OUTSIDE of the shower. Now, her stubborn streak came out. She was determined to have the best of both worlds. There is more activity taking place in small bathrooms than in any other space in the house. On any given day, people bathe in it, dress in it, make up and shave in it. They may sit, stand or recline. They primp and play or sometimes just hide out. And, more often than not, it becomes the Command and Control Center just before an important outing! So, it’s no wonder why people are in a constant search for making this small but important space more livable. To do so, they are told they must install a smaller commode, buy a pedestal sink, condense storage and get rid of stuff . . . in other words, they have to shrink. All these suggestions just remind a person of their predicament: a smaller commode is just nuts; everything falls off the pedestal; one cannot fold the towels any tighter and all that “stuff” is part of everyday living. So, like so many others, Colleen came up with a solution: the Rotator Rod. This curved shower rod rotates back and forth so that when it’s “out,” space is deployed into your shower. You can enjoy tons more space every morning! Then, when showering is finished, the rod flips around and curves back into the tub, so space is deployed in the bathroom where it’s needed for the rest of the day. Your bathroom space, once fixed and divided, is now redeployed, flexible and versatile. Fast forward several months and there, mounted in her shower, was the first Rotator Rod. It was attached to the walls with closet sockets, bright orange Gatorade caps, furniture slides, lots of wire, glue and screws! Some of her friends saw her website ( and found it to be useful so she then set out to explore the possibility of production. She wanted to keep manufacturing in the United States, but that has proven to be difficult. It seems that forces are aligned to urge people like her to manufacture goods in other countries. These forces include attorneys, sales and distribution people and, in particular, retailers. She has met very few people outside the manufacturing world itself who support making goods in the U.S. Sure, in theory they all nod their approval, but in practice they say, “You have to go to out of the country if you’re going to compete.” She now reports that the Original Rotator Rod is made entirely in the United States, as is the Rod Reacher. The molded plastics are produced in Sarasota Florida, where she lives. The plating is done in Brooklyn and the boxes are made close by, in Bradenton Florida. Until recently, she has been unable to find suitable U.S. suppliers for the curved rod itself, but that problem has been solved and the stainless steel rods come from North Carolina. SHAmROCKIN’ GOOD TImE UNDER THE TENT Corned Beef and Cabbage Full liquor bar Catering menu Special events Meeting rooms Happy Hour Private parties M - F 4 to 7 Take-out orders Hours 11 AM to 10 PM Sunday - Thursday 11 AM to 11 PM Friday and Saturday w w w w w w on St. Patrick’s Day Thursday, March 17 11 AM to Close Corned Beef and Cabbage, Red Potatoes & Dinner Roll Irish Dancers, Live Music ALL SPORTS ALL THE TIME 941-776-0053 PUBlIX SHOPPING PlAZA - PARRISH 8913 US HIGHWAy 301 NORTH - SE CORNER US 301 & OlD TAmPA ROAD WWW.BEEFSPARRISH.COm - FOllOW US ON FACEBOOK & TWITTER Have a good Shamrockin’ good time under the tent at Beef’s on St. Patrick’s Day Everything is planned! Everything has been arranged. The menu is Irish and sounds terrific. Beef’s is going to have another “Shamrockin’ good time under the tent in Parrish. The fun starts at 11:00 a.m. and you’ll find a great menu of corned beef, red potatoes and cabbage. There will be green beer, Irish dancers, live music and all the party atmosphere you can hope for a reelin’ good time. Pull out your green clothing and join the fun. The party will last until closing and promises to be the best ever that Beef’s in Parrish has offered. You can celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at the only restaurant in the immediate are offering beer, wine and mixed drinks. The kids can enjoy all the activities and the music as well as the Irish dancers. Beef’s is located in the Parkwood Shopping Center at the corner of U. S. Highway 301 and Old Tampa Road. There’s plenty of parking and easy access off either Old Tampa Road or U. S. Highway 301 North. Much has happened to Colleen since the launching of her product. It has been seen (as has Colleen) on HSN ( ) and has received recognition in an invention contest in Apartment Therapy (http:// ). It is also available in a number of catalogs and e-stores. Colleen is now branching out to retail outlets and has two dates scheduled to show off her product and demonstrate its versatility. In our area, she will be at Crowder Bros. ACE Hardware Store on Manatee Svenue on March 5 and at the Lakewood Ranch Store (Lakewood Ranch Boulevard between Highway 64 and Highway 70) on March 12. Stop by and see the Rotator Rod Rotator Road (left folded out shile showering and (right) in Action. folded inward after shower. Parrish Village News. page 20 Gardening in the 1940s Pastor Bill Straitwell These are some of the memories I have of when I was growing up. I write them down and share them with my family. I urge you, the reader, to do the same - for your children, for your grandchildren, for posterity. How else will they know? Before I get into the story, I must share this short story someone sent to me recently. It’s called “The Preacher and the Mower.” I think you’ll enjoy it. A preacher was making his rounds to his parishioners on a bicycle, when he came upon a little boy trying to sell a lawn mower. “How much do you want for the mower?” asked the preacher. “ I just want enough money to go out and buy me a bicycle,” said the little boy. After a moment of consideration, the preacher asked, “Will you take my bike in trade for it?” The little boy asked if he could try it out first, and, after riding the bike around a little while, said, “Mister, you’ve got yourself a deal.” The preacher took the mower and began to crank it. He pulled on the rope a few times with no response from the mower. The preacher called the little boy over and said, “I can’t get this mower to start.” Tomatoes on the vine, waiting to ripen and be canned. The little boy said, “That’s because you have to cuss at it to get it started.” The preacher said, “I’m a minister and I can’t cuss. It’s been so long since I’ve been saved that I don’t even remember how to cuss.” The little boy looked at him happily and said, “Just keep pulling on that rope. It’ll come back to ya.” Ok, on with the gardening. Here in Florida, growers are nearly ready to plant their gardens, acres and acres of tomatoes, potatoes and other cash crops. Many of the rest of us are planting small gardens, often just one or two tomato or pepper plants in small, plastic containers. Even though I have lived in Florida for over twenty years, it still seems strange to me to see gardens growing this early in the year. At this time of year, in western Pennsylvania where I was raised, we might be planting tomato seeds in homemade hot houses. And we would be hoping for the ground to thaw out enough to get a plow into it. Typically, the field we were to plow had dead stalks of corn or tomatoes in it, not having been cleared from last year’s harvest. Our family always had a garden, usually no larger than an acre, but one in which we could grow enough vegetables to sustain us for the summer, then can them for use in the winter months. How I loved the smell of the fresh earth being moved! How I remember planting our gardens! When I was quite young, a garden at our house required “all hands,” and there were seven of us children to join in with the planting and care of the garden. We usually dug them with a shovel, one spade at a time. Neat, orderly rows of vegetables grace this beautiful back yard garden. The gardens were large enough to grow a good crop of corn, beans, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce and much of our food source depended on good crops. With the garden freshly spaded, the next job was to smooth the surface by using a hand rake over the soil. That took time! We’d always uncover a piece or two of flint stone, and sometimes even an Indian arrowhead! Next, came the string. To make the rows neat and parallel to each other, two people would hold each end of a very long string, taut across the length of the garden. When it was just right, someone would ask, “Ready for Freddy?” to which a reply from the other end of the garden was, “Ready for Freddy!” I never did know who Freddy was, but his name always reminds me of gardening. “Ready for Freddy,” of course, meant that the string was straight, and we could use the cultivator to open a furrow. A typical cultivator had two long, wooden handles attached to a single, large diameter metal wheel in the front. Behind the wheel was a small plow attachment. The handles stood at about my shoulder height, simply too tall for me to handle back then. Now, with a clean furrow in which to plant seeds, Beautiful bounties from the garden all canned and ready for winter meals. we would load the planter with seeds. A planter was a heavy apparatus which also had two long, wooden handles. At the front was a steel, spoke wheel, smaller in diameter than that of the cultivator. There was also a small, wide, steel wheel at the back. Behind the front wheel was a small hopper or container in which one could put seeds: corn kernels, bean, peas, etc. There was an adjustment on the hopper which you could use to set the delivery of whatever type of seed your might be planting. The planter was a unique piece of equipment, as it was designed to first, open a furrow, drop seeds at predetermined spacing, cover the seed, then, with it’s rear wheel, compact the soil over the seed. Now, when I was a child, there was absolutely no way I could balance, let alone push that planter. The alternative to using the planter was to plant the seeds by hand, which we sometimes did. When we were done with the planter, we stored it in the barn. It is no longer in the Those Kerr and Mason jars and lids were invaluable and the jars were used year after year. the barn. I have since cleaned and repainted it, and it now rests in our living room, serving as a flower holder. With memories . . . I am reminded here of a message I heard recently: A pastor said that planting seeds in the ground requires faith. Once you plant the seed, you don’t keep digging up the soil every day or so to see if the plant is growing – rather you use faith to know that it will grow. Likewise, when we ask God for something, when we pray about something, we have to have faith that He will answer our prayer. After planting the lettuce and carrot seeds, we planted the small tomato and pepper plants. And we hoped that the groundhogs and rabbits wouldn’t eat too many. Once everything was planted, it would turn cold, and we’d have to make many covers for the various plants. These covers were made from newspaper, folded in such a way as to look like what we called Pirate hats. We’d place one “hat” over each plant, and secure each in place with some of the surrounding soil. Then, next morning we had to take all those “hats” off so that the sun wouldn’t bake the fragile plants. Once things started growing, the watering came. We did not possess enough garden hose to reach to our gardens, and at my early age, I didn’t think there was enough hose in the world to reach the garden, because it seemed so far from our house. So, we carried water in buckets - many, many buckets! All of this was the “easy” part. Now, we were faced with hoeing, weeding and more watering for the rest of the summer. We’d all take hoes and rakes and go to work. Sometimes, one of my older brothers would ask, “Who is the best “hoer” in the field, and everyone would giggle. I didn’t have a clue as to what they were talking about, but I laughed along with them anyhow. So, my younger brother and I would busy ourselves by throwing dirt clogs at each other. Soon, Mother would Please see Gardening CONTINUED ON PAGE 22 Important news about proposed legislation Captain Ric Liles, Reel Simple Fishing Adventures 6 Ways CONTINUED ROM PAGE 14 Parrish Village News. page 21 Want help? The Manatee County Extension Service offers a free, no obligation landscape and irrigation evaluation to identify water-saving opportunities in your lawn. Annual savings are averaging about 20,000 gallons of water and $200 per participant. Call or visit the website. For more information call the Agriculture and Extension Service, 1303 17th Street W, Palmetto, FL 34221, (941) 722-4524 or go to the website at http://manatee. and click on “Water Conservation Program” on the bottom left side of page. If you are unable to access the publications referenced in this article on a computer, contact the writer to obtain a free printed copy. The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is an Equal Opportunity Institution authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function with non-discrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, IFAS, Florida A. & M. University Cooperative Extension Program, and Boards of County Commissioners Cooperating. Jewelry making class to be held Tim Huss, Newton Fink, and Denzel Lester with a few nice Trout they caught while fishing with Capt. Ric Liles and Reel Simple Fishing Adventures. Since my last report, fishing has gotten better and that should put a smile on your face if your an angler. I am going to bypass my regular report this month and put out some information that is a lot more important than a fishing report to the success of our fishery. If you’re a member of CCA (Coastal Conservation Association), you have already received this in a “call to action” request. The request read as follows: CCA FLORIDA ADAMANTLY OPPOSES LEGISLATION THAT ELIMINATES SALTWATER FISHING LICENSE. SB 744 WILL DAMAGE FLORIDA’S 18 BILLION DOLLAR RECREATIONAL FISHERY AND UNDERMINE FISHERIES CONSERVATION PROGRAMS. Senator Joe Negron (R - Palm City) has filed SB 744 which would eliminate the saltwater fishing license and the critical funding that is needed to protect and manage Florida’s 18 billion dollar recreational fishery and the thousands of jobs that it supports. “We (CCA) met with Senator Negron to explain the benefits of the license money and the damages that would occur if it was eliminated,” said Ted Forsgren, Executive Director of CCA Florida. “He told us that he did not believe that a license should be required to fish. He simply disagreed with all of our comments and concerns, but was open to further discussions.” For more than a hundred years, conservation minded sportsmen, fishers and hunters have actively supported and promoted license fees to manage public natural resources. As the original proponent of the saltwater fishing license in 1988, CCA Florida has worked to protect and improve the license for more than 20 years. Since then, the saltwater fishing license has provided more than 250 million dollars in revenues specifically dedicated to marine research, management and law enforcement. The funding provides critical information for the management of fisheries like snook, redfish, spotted sea trout and grouper. “If you don’t have basic research which establishes the levels of abundance and monitors the impacts of regulations you cannot properly manage a fishery,” said Forsgren. “The other huge issue that was either overlooked or disregarded by Senator Negron is that elimination of the Florida license will simply trigger the imposition of a federal fishing license,” said Forsgren. “Florida’s anglers will pay more to fish and all the money will go to the federal government.” Starting in 2010, the federal Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act requires all anglers fishing in saltwater or for anadromous species to obtain a federal registration. The fee is about 20 dollars per angler and the funds are deposited into the National Treasury, not into Florida’s Marine Fisheries Conservation Trust Fund. A provision in the Act exempts states that have an adequate saltwater fishing license. Florida’s current license has qualified for the exemption so our anglers do not have to purchase the federal license. “CCA Florida has a long history of conservation advocacy. We are always in the front lines promoting management and research funding for Florida’s marine fisheries and its 18 billion dollar recreational fishery,” said Forsgren. “We will continue to talk to Senator Negron. We are requesting all concerned anglers and other conservationists to contact Senator Negron now and urge him to withdrew his hampering bill.” If you want to contact Senator Negron you can call (772) 219-1665 at the local office or (850) 487-5088 at the Capital office. Senator Negron can also be contacted Come to the Open Beading Class on the second Friday of every month at 7:00 p.m. Learn to create necklaces and matching earrings using our semi-precious stones, agates and centerpieces or you can bring your own. Everything will be provided. We also have lots of helpers to put your creation together. Bring your daughters. It’s lots of fun. The class will be held at Emmanuel Baptist Church at the corner of US 301 N and Old Tampa Road. The next ones are scheduled for March 11 and April 8. For more information, call 776-2531. at If you want more information about this, you can also go to the CCA website at Next month I will get back to a normal fishing report. Until next time, good luck and be safe on the water. Remember: don’t let your kid be the one that got away, take them fishing. For charter information call (813)601-2900, email CaptainRic@msn. com or visit Parrish Village News. page 22 We welcome our new and returning members of the Parrish Civic Association Basic Members Barb & Joe Burtt Robert & Carolyn Cordes Butch & Carolyn Delhagen Andrew DiBenedetto Gertrude Joyce Iris McClain Mike & Peggy Murray Community Boosters Ken & Theresa Furth Dick & Daphne-Ann Haynes Jay & Audrey King Culver & Greta Lussier Matthew Mayo Al & Carolyn Meronek Robert & Barbara Mustain Parrish Sponsors William & Margaret Dawson Karen Mohl Gene & Karen Orlowski Ray & Emily Varnell Community Patrons 1st Manatee Bank in Parrish Thank you for your support! 40 MILLION DRIVERS PARK HERE See me and find out why State Farm® is such a great place to park. ® Kim Vole Insurance Agency, Inc. Kim Vole, Agent 8169 US Highway 301 Parrish, FL 34219 Bus: 941-776-5900 LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR, STATE FARM IS THERE. ® State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, Stte Farm Indemnity Company - Bloomington, IL Gardening CONTINUED FROM PAGE 20 come down to the garden with Mason jars filled with fresh brewed iced tea. Wow! What memories! As vegetables ripened, Mother would get out the canning jars and the large pots and get ready to can, so that we would have plenty to eat in the winter months. Mother kept diaries for so many years, and she would write in them the quantities of tomatoes, corn or beans that she canned. In later years, she agreed to let me read, and then put all of her diaries on the computer, to be shared with my brothers and sisters. Those diaries, covering events from the ‘20s through the ‘80s are a story for another time, but the greatest point of her diaries was that they never contained one bad word or negative statement against anyone. But, to read about how she worked canning! And the satisfaction she got from the work. She would include everyone who helped her, and what part they had in the operation. Of course, usually, her main helpers were my two older sisters. But if we got out-of-town company, which we frequently did, all hands would help. ALL FLORIDA REALTY That is just the way it was & AUCTION CO. 1990 done back then. After a long day of garBRIAN HERRON dening or canning, it was BROKER-AUCTIONEER-DEVELOPER A full service Real Estate & Auction Co. typical for us to all gather around the piano or pump 4709 US Hwy 301 N. 941 746-5355 Ellenton, FL 34222 organ and sing songs. Those were the days . . . Fax 941 776-2061 Well, soon I will be starting on my own garden – two tomato plants in a plasAuctions of Real Estate, Personal Property, tic container. This is what Business & Estate Liquidations and Charities. I did last year, and I had an We are also a full Service Land Development & unbelievable 100 plus tomaMarketing Company. Our Company lists all toes off those two plants! types of Real Estate from residential to Feel free to contact Commercial and Business. me at Midlife@Tampabay. AB923 AU1333 God bless America! II Chronicles 7:14. Parrish Village News. page 23 St. Patrick’s Day Dance Colony Cove LARGE TREE SALE *InstantImpact *Beautifyyouryard *Increaseshade&reducecoolingcosts *Increasepropertyvalues 14 - 15’ Trees for $95.00: RedMaple,BaldCypress,Sycamore,Sweetgum 16 - 18’ Trees for $275.00: RedMaple,LiveOak,LaurelOak,S.RedCedar DELIVERY&INSTALLATIONOPTIONAL 15Acresoftreestochoosefrom/40varieties/Varioussizes BYAPPOINTMENTONLY st l l l 2400571Ave.EMyakkaCity,FL34251Phone:941-232-9377Fax:941-322-2397 How Florida’s pioneers used herbs Manatee Village Historical Park will host a fascinating presentation by John Dawson, Master Gardener with the Manatee County Extension Service, on Saturday, March 12 at 2:00 p.m. The program will focus on how Manatee County’s first settlers would have used herbs in their daily lives. Learn how herbs were used for food, flavorings, medicines, teas, alcoholic beverages, dyes, inks, pesticides, deodorants, cosmetics, oils, poisons and expressions of passion. There is no admission for entry to the Park or for the program. Door prizes will awarded so winners can enhance their personal exploration of Florida herb gardening. The park is located at 1404 Manatee Avenue East, Bradenton, Florida. Preregistration is advised by calling the Park at (941) 741-4075. Adopt a rescued cat or kitten Adopt a rescued cat or kitten at Animal Network’s Kitty Korner at Petsmart, Corner Cortez Road and US 41, in Bradenton, Florida 34207. Standard adoption fee is $75.00 and includes spay/neuter, FeLV/FIV test, current vaccines and microchip. Adoption counselors are available on-site Saturdays from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and Sundays from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. For more information email or call 1-727-421-5505. You may view cats for adoption at Petfinder. com Animal Network Bradenton Florida. Join Colony Cove residents for an evening of fun, friendship and libation as they celebrate the Emerald Isle of Shamrocks & Leprechauns. Saturday, March 12, 2011 Newly Renovated Harmony Hall 7:30 PM to 10:30 PM Music by Jay Smith & His 16-Piece Orchestra (Back by popular demand) Snacks provided Awards for the most original attire 50/50 drawings Tickets: $5.00 per person Available @ Saturday Coffee Hours Call Ken or Kathy at 723-1933 or Barb at 722-4429 Harmony Hall is located at 7615 Lakeshore Drive, off Erie Road in Ellenton. Colony Cove is a gated community. Gates will be open for the event. Manatee Grange #179 news Manatee Grange #179 holds meetings on the first and third Tuesdays from October through May. There is a Pot Luck Supper with the meeting starting at 7:30 p.m. The meeting is held at the Community Building of the United Methodist Church at 3607 US Highway 301 in Ellenton, Florida. From June through September 3rd the group meets Tuesdays at members homes or at a local restaurant. For more information, please call Evelyn Cunningham at 531-3127. Below is a schedule for meetings through the remainder of 2011: March 15: St. Patty’s Day April 5: Memorial Service (50 years - April 17, 1961) April 19: Safety Program May 3: Mothers’ Day May 17: Memorial Day September 18: Member’s Home October 4: Summer Tales October 18: Halloween Protect your identity Tear up or shred any credit offers you get in the mail before throwing them in the trash. Take your name off the front of your home, especially your surname. Keep your receipts for your credit or debit cards until you get your statement and then compare them. Don’t carry your Social Security Card in your wallet or purse; secure it at home or in a safe deposit box. Don’t give out any personal information over the phone or computer to a solicitor. (Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it’s not true.) There are many more ways a scam artist can steal your identity or from your good credit. Those were just a few quick examples. If you think your personal information has been compromised, contact the Federal Trade Commission and request your free credit report. You can do this three times a year at Then, go over your reports to ensure no lines of credit have been opened without your knowledge. If you find out your identity or credit has been stolen, contact your local law enforcement agency immediately and file a report. For more information or questions, please call Deputy Steve Ogline, Crime Prevention Unit, Manatee County Sheriff’s Office at (941)747-3011, ext: 2586 or email him at Parrish Village News. page 24 Deborah Brown Serving Your Real Estate Needs 941.705.1355 Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker 4400 Manatee Avenue Westw Bradenton, FL 34209 THE PARRISH YMCA What’s happening at the Y Jackie Riordan, Membership Director Parrish Social LUNCHEON/FUNDRAISER THURSDAY, MARCH 17th 12:00 noon to 4:00 PM CARDS, BRIDGE, MAH JONGG, DOMINOES, LIGHT LUNCH AND DOOR PRIZES $10.00 per person. Reserve your spot today! Call Sue Ann at 776-9665 or the Y at 981-5323. All proceeds benefit the Parrish Y Annual Scholarship Campaign. The Parrish Civic Association is proud to host: Representative Vern Buchanan North River Hair & Nails Hello Beautiful Whitney Watson Owner/Stylist 909 25th Drive East Ellenton, FL 34222 941 723-2626 www.northriverhairand Saturday, March 12th from 10:00 AM to 12:00 noon at the Parrish Y w CREATIVE MOVEMENT & BALLET: Age 3-4 and 5-7 Wed. Members $27/month, All others $37/month. w KARATE: Ages 4-5 Tues. & Fri. 6 and up Wed. & Fri. Members $37/month, All others $63/ month. w TUMBLING: Ages 4-5 Thur. Ages 6 & up Tues. Members $27/month, All others $37/month. w CARD/GAME SOCIAL: Thursdays 12:30 to 3:30 PM. Cards, Mah Jongg, bridge, etc. Free for Y members, $1.00 for all others. Beginners welcome. w Investment Discussion Group: Thursdays 3:30 to 4:45 PM. Discuss and learn about investing and the markets. Monthly speakers. All are welcome. Free to Y members, $1 to all others. w SHINE (Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders) - Tuesdays 1:00 to 3:00 PM. Seniors meet with a SHINE representative who will help answer insurance questions. Must be scheduled ahead of time. Call the Y at 981-5323 to schedule an appointment. w SPRING YOUTH SPORTS: Register now for cheerleading, flag football, soccer and little hitters. Season March 7 - May 14. Y members free, all others $68.00. w SPRING BREAK CAMP: March 7-11. Come to the Y for Spring Break Camp. Children grades K - 5th Games, group activities, crafts 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM. $90 a week for members, $110 for all others. w Kids’ Night Out: Ages 5-10 can play at the Y while their parents fo out for a night on their own. Held Friday, March 18th. Members Only $12 first child, $6 each additional child in a family. w MUSICAL MOTION: Free to all. Ages infant to 5 years and a parent(s). Each Wednesday. Registration required. Space is limited. GET IN SHAPE - FEEL BETTER - BE HEALTHY Members enjoy a full schedule of group exercise classes, fitness ara with cybex circuit, cardio machines and free weight area. Personal Training sessions are available at a low cost. ACTIVE OLDER ADULT Class meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the aerobics room. This class is limited to 15 participants and sign up is required and open on the 15th of the month prior to the session. SUMMER CAMP IS NOT TOO FAR AWAY . . . LOOK FOR OUR SUMMER CAMP GUIDE COMING MARCH 2011 Parrish YMCA is proud to e the home of The Parrish Foundation, Parrish Civic Association, Parrish Professionals, Girl Scounts and the Florida Railroad Museum. YMCA Mission: To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all. See you at the Parrish Y! The YMCA is located at 12214 US Highway 301 North in Parrish. The phone number is 941-981-5323. The website address is and look for us on facebook at Manatee County YMCA. o Parrish Village News. page 25 Mike Armstrong Landscaping, Inc. “Serving Manatee County Since 1978” For All Your Landscaping Needs Come see our varieties of plants for your landscaping needs! “Give the gift that keeps on Growing” 776-0410 776-1076 Monday - Friday 9 - 4 / Saturday 9 - 3 w 8475 69th Street E, Palmetto, FL 34221 Tom Arrant President Arrant’s Plumbing Services, Inc. 2651 Whitfield Ave. Suite 103 Sarasota, FL 34243 All Plumbing Repair Mobile Home Specialist Drain Cleaning Water Heaters Repair/Replaced Repipes All Plumbing Repair Mobile Home Specialist 941-739-0033 Lic # CFC1426840 $10.00 off with ad 1 per household Palmetto Bradenton Parrish Sarasota Join our Cutter’s Club! (10th haircut FREE) Full Service Family Barber Shop Barber is Texee Master Barber is Karen Precision Haircuts Hot Lather, Outline Shave Full Face Shave Full Head Shave Hot Lather, Hot Towel Hours Monday - Friday: 9 - 5 Saturday: 9 - 2 (941) 776-9927 8003 US 301 North Parrish, FL 34219 (at the BP Station, next to Papa Nick’s) Parrish Village News. page 26 Church Services FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF PARRISH 12125 71st Street East Parrish, FL 34219 941-776-1533 Rev. Joe Skidmore, Pastor Sunday Services Bible Classes, all ages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9:45 AM Morning Worship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11:00 AM Evening Worship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:00 PM Wednesday Services Youth Group Meetings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 PM Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. . . . . . . . .7:00 PM Parrish Baptist Learning Center Monday through Friday 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM CrossPointe Fellowship Senior Pastor Dale Lawson Associate Pastor Sean Murphy Sunday Services at 11:00 AM Buffalo Creek Middle School Office: 941-778-0719 Faith Lutheran Church 9608 Highway 301 North Parrish, Florida 34219 776-1395 Reverend Philip Vangen, Pastor Sunday Services - 8:00 and 10:30 AM Sunday School and Bible Class - 9:15 AM Saint Frances Cabrini Catholic Church 12001 69th Street East Parrish, Florida 34219 941-776-9097 Pastor “Jay” J. Jancarz EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH OF PARRISH “Making Heaven a reality here on earth” 10 AM Sunday 6:30 PM Wednesday A FRIENDLY, SPIRIT-FILLED GATHERING Nursery & Childrens Ministry Erie Rd to Martha, follow Martha 1/2 Mi. to 6622 941-806-7550 NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH 9422 Old Tampa Road Parrish, Florida 34219 Church Office - 776-8687 Kevin Thompson Senior Pastor Sunday Services SundaySchool(forallages)..9:15AM AllAges Worship..................10:30AM Children’sChurch..........10:30AM EveningWorship............6:00PM Nurseryavailableforallservices Wednesday AdultBibleStudy&Prayer.....7:00PM AwanaClub(ages3-6thGrade).7:00PM WordofLife(Teens)..........7:00PM Everyone Welcome New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church 11915 82nd St E Parrish, FL 34219 941-776-2568 Reverend Fletcher Lawson, Jr., Pastor 941-776-3723 Fellowship Alliance Church 5735 69th Street East Palmetto, Florida 34221 Phone: 941-723-9593 Pastor Bruce Quackenbush Sunday Services 9:30AMSundaySchool 10:45AMWorshipService 6:00PMPrayerMeeting Friday 6:30PMYouthGroup Small Groups - call Church Office for times Email: Crossroads Christian Church 7200 69th St. E. Palmetto, FL Meeting at Virgil Mills Elementary 941-713-3941 Pastor Michael V. Malick Sundays at 10:00 AM Rev. Rick Chaffin, Pastor Rev. Charles Hahn, Minister to Families Sunday Services 9:00AM..........ContemporaryWorship 9:00AM.......SundaySchool/BibleStudy 10:30AM..........TraditionalWorship Wednesday Services 4:30PM.....PraiseTeam/DeafMinistry 5:00PM......WednesdayNightSupper 5:30PM......DramaTeam,Handbells 5:45PM....................Worship 6:30PM..Children’sandYouthActivities 6:30PM......................Choir EVERYONE WELCOME! (NurseryProvided) MY FATHER’S HOUSE 7215 US Highway 301 N Ellenton, FL 34219 (IntersectionofUSHwy301N and72ndSt.E/AmsterdamAve.) Non-Denominational Spirit-Filled Contemporary Worship Pastors; Revs. Robert & Anne Barber (941) 776-9016 Sundays 9:15AMSundaySchool-Allages 10:30AMPraise,Worship&Word 6:00PMBilingualService(English/Spanish) (Coffee&Cookiesatallservices!) Wednesdays 7:00PMWorship&BibleStudy (Adults&Youth) Bible-Based - Casual Dress Nursery Available ALL WELCOME There’s a place for you in My Father’s House! Sunday service at 10:30 a.m. 825 9th Street W, Bradenton, FL 34205 941-776-0026 - email: Don Sturiano - Pastor Nursery and children’s church provided (Children’s Ministry and Nursery Provided) (941) 776-2422 Wednesdays BibleClasses.............7:00PM Personal home Bible studies or correspondence courses upon request Pastor Daniel Witte 14605 59th Avenue E Lakewood Ranch, FL 34211 Phone: 941-747-5564 OUR NEW BUILDING IS NOW COMPLETED! Please join us! Sundays Bible study . . . . 8:45 am Worship . . . . . .10:00 am NEWCHRISTIAN NON-DENOMINATIONALCHURCH YOUAREINVITED! Atthechurchatthe“Y” ComeworshipwithuseverySunday6PM StartingFebruary14th ManateeFamilyYMCA,12214US301NinParrish PASTORDANNAWARA phone:365-5433/920-5511 www.THELIVINGSANTUARY.COM Sunday Services 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon Williams Elementary School Everyone is welcome! Harvest Field Community Church Where you can count on Christ! Non-denominational Bible based - Christ centered Casual dress, warm fellowship Music is a combination of contemporary and hymns 13885U.S.Highway301North Parrish,Florida34219 (941)776-1134 Sundays Risen Savior Lutheran Church 7710 121st Avenue East, Parrish, FL North River Church of Christ BibleClasses(allages).....10:00AM MorningWorship...........11:00AM EveningWorship...........6:00PM 12180 Highway 301 North and CR 675 @ flashing yellow light Worship Services 10:00 AM Sundays Nursery available 11750 U.S. Highway 301 Parrish, FL 34219 Worship Service - 8:30 AM Sunday School 9:45 AM 11:00 AM Worship Service “ReachOuttoPeopleofEvery NationalityandBackgroundtoDevelopDedicated DisciplesWhoWillBeDoersofGod’sWordand ExperiencetheAbundantLife!” Come Check Us Out Sunday: 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM Connecting people with the life-changing power of Jesus Christ Pastor Carl Rhodes, Jr. WE SAY YES TO CHRIST!!!!!! Dress Down & Be Yourself Parrish United Methodist Church Life Changing Ministeries Rev. James W. Berrien, Pastor Saturday Mass - 4:00 PM Sunday Masses 8:00 AM, 10:30 AM and 12:00 noon Confessions - Saturday 3:00 PM St. Mary’s Baptist Church Erie Road Parrish, Florida 34219 8305Highway301North Parrish,Florida34219 ChurchOffice-722-0218 Bible Study 7:00 PM each Wednesday First Baptist Church of Gillette 3301 Moccasin Wallow Road Palmetto, Florida 34221 (941) 722-1937 Sunday Service Sunday School - 9:45 AM Kingdom Builders - 10:45 AM Worship Service - 11:00 AM Everyone Welcome! (Nursery Provided) Pastor: Rev. Terry L. Cary - 941-725-4150 “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore to send out workers into his harvest fields.” Mat. 9:38 NIV BETHISRAEL The Jewish Congregation of Sun City Center 1115DelWebbBlvd.E. SunCityCenter(813)634-2590 SHABBATSERVICESFRIDAYEVENINGAT7:45PM TORAHSTUDYSATURDAYAT12NOON Rabbi: Philip Aronson Cantor: Dr. Sam Isaac Parrish Village News. page 27 Williams’ students and teachers have very busy February Gamble Plantation Association works with Williams students Pictured are Mrs. and Mrs. Daly, (back) Alyssa Waldron, Ariel Dixon, Harmony Rigney, Emily Loefgren, Samson Yang and Art teacher, Nancy Seagle. (Middle) Courtney Maroon, Valerie Vina, Kalib Riffel, David Royal, Ambriel Jones. (Front) Liam Senkow, Amelia Tomlinson and Hunter Young. Not pictured are Blake Butzow and Christine Felix. Our 100 Day Celebration! Kindergarten teacher, Nancy McCabe and intern, Erica Blosser, won first place recognition for the 100th Day Celebration and Healthy Heart for Women at Williams Elementary. Under the inspiration of the Wellness Committee, staff were encouraged to wear red and “100 of somethings.” Many creative and unusual ideas were seen about campus on clothing such as 100 hearts, 100 eyeballs, 100 sweet tarts to 100 ribbons. Mrs. McCabe’s shirt said “2 top administrators, 1 great staff, 1 terrific intern, 38 wide eyes watching, 38 alert ears listening, 19 smart brains thinking, plus one friendly wolf = 100 reasons to love teaching Kindergarten at Williams Elementary!” On the shirt were pictures of the Principal and Assistant Principal Beth Campbell. Also, each of her students’ picture had a conversation bubble of something they had learned lately, and they each got to read their “quote” aloud in class. Miss Blosser’s red T-shirt had 19 students’ white handprints plus her own and it said “5 fingers on 20 hands makes 100.” Staff recognition for a job well done Principal Paul Hockenbury, presented Art Teacher Nancy Seagle the “Wolf Pack Pride Award” for outstanding support and dedication to the students and staff at Williams Elementary. This award is given to a staff member each month to display in their classroom or work area including a designated “Wolf Pack Pride” parking space in the front of the school. Mrs. Seagle was instrumental in obtaining a grant for art supplies and continuously displays the students’ artwork at many community functions such as the Gamble Mansion Arts and Crafts Festival, IberiaBank Reception and also throughout the school. Congratulations to Nancy Seagle! Williams recognizes cafeteria manager Williams Elementary Cafeteria Manager, Billie Brinn, not only provides nutritious, hot breakfast and lunch for the students, but takes time out to educate the students on how to eat healthy with “A Question of the Week” contest. Each week, Mrs. Brinn posts a question on the Cafeteria bulletin board which is also asked on the morning announcements. The question is based on the monthly health and nutrition theme at school or she comes up with a question on her own. Questions like: how many seeds are in a strawberry - (200), what is the most popular vegetable among Americans - (potato) or name a fruit or vegetable high in Vitamin C - (broccoli, kiwi, citrus fruit). Students submit their answers in the answer box and on Friday of each week, fifteen students with the correct answer receive a special prize. Her bulletin boards are both informative, creative and colorful. Mrs. Brinn, who also works the After School Program, has the children color and help decorate the bulletin board while discussing how important it is to make healthy, balanced meal choices each day. Thank you, Mrs. Brinn forreaching out to the students so that they can have healthy bodies and minds at Williams! On February 23th, Bob and Bea Daly, from Gamble Plantation Preservation Association visited Williams Elementary and presented 15 students certificates for participating in the 2011 Gamble Plantation Open House and Arts and Crafts Show which was held the first weekend in February. Also, Mrs. Seagle, Art teacher, was presented with a $25 check and a certificate for participation. Science Fair held at Williams 4th grade winners: Hailey Souders-lst place, Odalyz Morfin-2nd place, Shane Holmes-3rd place 5th grade winners: Science teacher Mr. Byron Ballenger, Ashley Bruneman-3rd place, 4th and 5th grade participants: Miranda Wolf-2nd place Back row: Patrick Hosker, Kalina and Alyssa Ohme-1st Kondor, Evan Wilson, Devon place Stewart, Matt St. John, Madelyn Wright, Shelby Bryan Front Row: Caleb Meyer, Madelyn Moran-not pictured Zachary Nadeau, Caleb Greer in group participation picture Our wonderful judges: Retired Educators, Dianne Chesnut, Peter Barrie, our Parrish Editor Cookie Jordan and retired Educator Frank Horvath. Trojanettes visit The “Trojanettes Lunch Group” pictured are: L-R: Back Row - Shirley Jones, Johncyna McRae, Cora Woodard, Marie Clark, Alberta Smith, Rosa Bacon, Juanita Adams, Louise Rue, Minnie P. McDaniel. Front Row - Beatrice Ziegler, Charlie Mae Owens, Myrtle Riley, Imogene Campbell, Wilma Stewart. Seated: Doris Robertson, Dorothy Simmons. Williams Elementary was recently visited by the ladies of the “Trojanettes Lunch Group” who are graduates of Lincoln Memorial High School, the only high school for African-Americans in Manatee County from 1948-1969. The school was where Lincoln Middle School is today in Palmetto. The mascot was the “Trojans.” The girls basketball team was called the “Trojanettes;” hence, the name. When member, Doris Robertson, retired and moved back to Manatee County she wanted to re-connect with her former classmates. She called one, they went out to lunch, and enjoyed it so much they called another former classmate; she called another and the group was born. It’s been said about their group that they are like the “Red Hat” Ladies only their colors are blue and gray (the old Lincoln Memorial High School colors). The members of their group support the activities of the Lincoln Memorial High School Alumni Club. The group meets monthly for lunch at different restaurants in the Manatee County area. They visited Annie L. Williams Elementary School because Mrs. Annie L. Williams taught many of them and they had not seen the school named for her. Daughter of Annie Lucy Williams, Johncyna McRae, is also a member of their group. Parrish Village News. page 28 8943 US HWY 301 N - PARRISH, FL 34219 941-776-0770 (main) - 941-776-9524 (grooming) Mon - Sat: 9 - 7 Sun: 11-4 Bring in any competitor’s coupon and we will match it PLUS an additional 10% of the savings! WWW.PETSPLUSPETCENTER.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/PETSPLUSFL The 5th Annual Paws In Motion Walk-a-thon is scheduled for Saturday, April 9, 2010. The walk begins at 9:00 a.m. at 101 12th Street W (in front of the Manatee Players Theater) in beautiful downtown Bradenton on the riverfront. Register today! You can register for the Walk-a-thon online and create your own fundraising page. The first 500 people who register before the walk will receive a goody “wag bag.” Here’s how you can participate. Once you register, either online or by paper form, you can begin soliciting for pledges. Organize a team to make it even more fun for you and your friends. Create a fundraising page on Firstgiving and make it easy for people to donate to you or your team by credit card online. The individual who raises the most money by the day of the walk will be given the opportunity to have their dog as Spokesdog for the 2012 Paws in Motion walk. On April 9, all registrants and their dogs will take a 1.1 mile walk through the streets of downtown Bradenton. There will be vendors with pet-related articles for sale, canine demonstrations, raffles, contests and team prizes. Vendors/walkers interested in par- ticipating in Paws in Motion go to this link for more information: http://www. Sponsorship opportunities are available.All proceeds benefit the Humane Society of Manatee County. The mission of the Humane Society of Manatee County is to lead Manatee County in creating a No-Kill community where animals receive the compassion and respect they deserve. Our programs focus on prevention and retention and include: low cost spay/ neuter services, trap/neuter and return for feral cats, Pet Safety Net resources to help you care for/keep your pet, rescue/ adoption of orphaned dogs and cats. ® AND Locally-Owned “Cruises by Lori” PRESENT Great Moments in Cruising!!!! Farm Fresh and Locally Grown Citrus & Produce Fresh squeezed orange juice, Dakin Dairy Milk, Cheese, Brown Eggs, Local Honey, Jams, Salad Dressings & More! Open Tuesday - Saturday 10:00 AM till 5:30 PM 12255 N. Highway 301 N, Parrish, FL - 1/4 mile north of CR 675 “WILD & CRAZY” UP TO $175./CABIN “ON BOARD CREDIT” Best Cabin Choices Now / Refundable Deposit Thru 10/15/2011 / Local Charter Bus To/From Port Allure of the Seas ® Jewel of the Seas® “Our family farming for you!” Tim & Hiedi Brown 941-776-2710 “More Than Just a Paint Store” 4215 US Hwy 301 N rds a Ellenton, FL. 34222 gC tin e 941-722-2222 e Gr ine of te l omple ns. rry a c wood stai P a c e s W r e t as Old M Custom Color Matching Driveway Coastings Ready Made “Frames” for Canvas Store Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8 A.M. - 5 P.M. Sat. 8 A.M. - 12 P.M. Key s Art Supplies Mention this ad for 10% off any purchaseP visit us at: we accept most major credit cards Huge resort at sea / family & couple friendly / newest and sister ship to Oasis of the Seas / every amenity possible Pricing from $945./pp* Sail date: 1/15/2012 #/Nights: 7 From/To: Ft. Lauderdale/Falmouth, Jamaica/Cozumel/Labadee Classic, smaller liner sailing LOCALLY FROM TAMPA!! Pricing from $359./pp* Sail Date: 1/07/2012 #/Nights: 5 From/To: Tampa/Puerto Costa Maya/ Cozumel Other Cruises and Cruise Dates Available too! Get your friends together and join in on the fun!! ****EXTRA BONUS**** Refer a friend bonus & booking of $25./cabin! Call: Harry @ 941-932-1193 or email: for more information & FREE catalog & DVD MEMBER: CLIA, NACTA, Bonded & FL Lic. # 36142, locally operated & cruising since 1982 * Pricing per person, based on double occupancy. Single rates available by contacting us. Government taxes additional. Charter bus additional and to be determined, but we WILL have transportation!! Cruise line reserves the right to implement fuel supplement fee if oil prices rise to unexpected pricing levels. Ships Registry: Bahamas Parrish Village News. page 29 Formerly of The Hair Depot Paula Jennifer Kristen Barbara New Location 703 B 60 th St. E. - Across from Wal-Mart on SR 64 Call for your next appointment (941) 727-6676 Specializing in Goldwell Color, Highlighting and Dimensional color. Ask about our Keratin Treatment. We look forward to seeing you. Sign up for either Drywood or Subterranean Termite Guarantee and receive an instant up to $600.00 discount!!!! Mike Young Screen & Window Repair New screens, Re-screening, Replacement Rollers, Reglazing, Balance Rods, Sliding Glass Door Rollers, Awning Window Operators Island Pest and Termite Control, Inc. State Certified, Licensed & Insured Please ask for a free termite inspection and if you sign up for a Drywood and/or Subterranean Guarantee receive a discount up to $600.00 and/or $1,200.00 (if signed up for both) Please call immediately - only the first 500 customers are eligible!!! 3010 Avenue C, Holmes Beach Beaches: 778-1337 Bradenton: 794-1005 Sarasota: 365-2893 Parrish: 776-0779 Brandon: 813-643-0200 Port Charlotte: 625-6887 941-932-7819 Visit our website at or email us at “The bugs stop here.” Dance Dance Dance Pool Repairs & Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “To the Noblemen” Sarasota’s Premier Big Dance Band 26 years of early “Big Dance Dances” Sahib Shrine Center - 600 N. Beneva Road - Sarasota 5:00 - 7:00 PM - $7.00 pp - info 330-0109 (proceeds benefit Sahib Shrine activities) 2011 Dates - Mar 3 & 24 Apr 7 & 14 and Nov 3 & 10 Bill Belle 4709 US HWY 301 Ellenton, FL 34222 (941) 722-1957 (800) 721-1957 Fax: (941) 723-6225 941-725-1369 45 Years Experience Pumps. Filters, Plumbing, Remodeling, Pool & Equipment Leaks, Tile Repairs, Decks, Pavers, New Screen Enclosures & Screen Repair Vern Buchanan Town Hall Saturday, March 12, 10:30 PM - Parrish Community Center / Y 12214 US Highway 301 N in Parrish Parrish Village News. page 30 Don’t leave your child’s college education to chance Jacqueline Felix, Felix Financial Group Why go to college? Consider the average earnings as stated in “The Tampa Tribune” on Thursday October 26, 2006: High school dropout - $19,169 High school graduate - $28,645 College graduate - $51,554 Advanced college degree - $78,093 In July 2009, the unemployment rate for high school dropouts was 15.4 percent, compared to 9.4 percent for high school graduates, 7.9 percent for individuals with some college credits or an associate’s degree, and 4.7 percent for individuals with a bachelor’s degree or higher. It pays to stay in school!!! Some say their kids will make it on a sports scholarship; it’s a competitive game. But here are some common sense and counter intuitive rules to follow. Let’s face it sports scholarships are nearly impossible to win. About two percent of students who play high school sports capture a college athletic scholarship. Every year, however, thousands of students beat the odds. Here are some tips that your kids might benefit from: w Reach out to coaches. Except for the true superstars, and there aren’t many of them, teenagers can’t wait around to be noticed. Students often believe they will be discovered at tournaments, but that’s often not the case. At these sporting events, college coaches are often there to see specific player on their list and they often will block out the other players on the field. Consequently, students should reach out to coaches on their own. w Don’t wait too long to contact coaches. Once your child is in his sophomore year they should express their interest in an email. This email should include: o Name o Sport position o Sports highlights/awards o Available sports statistics o Year of high school graduation o High school name o Contact information for high school and club coaches w Students should create their own buzz. A great way that students can boost interest among coaches is to create their own websites that focus on their athletic prowess. On a website, they should include a sports bio, coach recommendations, upcoming game schedule and video clip. Many students post video on YouTube for and include the link in the email to college coaches. w Be realistic when pinpointing athletic programs. Parents often over estimate their teenager’s athletic abilities. Students who aim too high will be wasting their time. So, how good do you have to be? If you cannot answer yes to these questions, your child probably won’t be a scholarship recipient. o Is your teenager the best player on the team? o Is he or she the best in his or her league or in a tournament? o Is he or she one of the five best players in his or her position in his or her state and region? What happens if your child cannot participate in sports scholarship? There are only four ways to pay for college: o Save o Pay-as-you-go o Borrow o Let someone else pay I know I have your attention now. How do I get someone else to pay? The answer is financial aid. Now let’s clear up some myths about financial aid. o “My parents make too much money, so I won’t qualify for aid.” o “Only students with good grades get financial aid.” o “You have to be a minority to get financial aid.” o “The form is too hard to fill out” Most kids today will qualify for financial aid. For more information about federal student aid, see or call the Federal Student Aid Information Center at: 1-800433-3243. This does not mean your child will necessarily have to go to a community college to receive aid. Because of the substantial amount of student aid available, an institution’s sticker price may be substantially higher than the charge the student actually pays. At 4 year private colleges: 80% of full-time undergrads receive aid and 70% of part-time undergrads receive aid. At 4-year public colleges: 66% of full-time undergrads receive aid 48% of part-time un- Enjoy Life, We’ll Take Care Of The Details. Stop By And Meet Our Team John Schmitt EVP/Senior Lending Officer Loraine Abarr Peel Head Teller Lewis O. Benner Jr. Vice President /Commercial Lender David Hart Customer Service Tiffany Pike Teller Karis A. Meier AVP/ Branch Manager Jackie Thompson Bank Officer, Branch Support Officer Stop By Today And Sign Up For Free Personal Checking or Free Business Checking And Learn About The Many Other Financial Offers to Make Your Life Simpler. 12215 US 301 North • Parrish, FL 34219 • 776-5040 Visit Us At: undergrads receive aid. Some parents feel that a four-year college education running about $100,000 for tuition, their kid would have to be Rickie Rich to afford a college degree. The reality is despite hairraising stories about rising costs, only 7% of students attending four-year institutions pay $24,000 or more a year in tuition and fees. The majority 70% pays less than $8,000 a year, and almost 40% pay half that amount. See if this would fit your family’s situation go to www.FAFSA.ED.GOV for a freeapplication for Federal Student Aid. For more education strategies call Jackie Felix from Felix Financial Group at 941-504-2376 or email questions to Parrish Village News. page 31 Parrish Civic Association Corner A Letter from the PCA Membership Chairman Dear Friends: There was a very important meeting held last week at the Community Center. Board Chairman Carol Whitmore and District 1 Commissioner Larry Bustle attended the meeting that was hosted by the County’s Planning Department. The topic was the changes to the Comprehensive Plan that the County’s Planning Department is working on. Among other things, these changes will help shape the future commercial development of Parrish – especially the area along 301 between Fort Hamer Road and Moccasin Wallow. The meeting was attended by over 70 people including several land and business owners and they heard Planning Director John Osborne present the alternatives the Planning group will be bringing to the Board over the next few months. It appears that the County has begun to realize the potential of Parrish and is prepared to assist us in our efforts to plan for the future of the this area. The important next step is for us to agree on what we want and don’t want. Please take time to complete the survey in this newspaper and online at Results will be tabulated and passed on to the planning department – if we don’t tell them what we want we can’t expect them to help us. One of the issues that got a lot of attention at the meeting was that until we get the infrastructure issues along 301 addressed, no one is going to be building new commercial businesses. There are three issues – and we have discussed them before – the completion of work on 301 from 675 to Moccasin Wallow, getting sewer service along this stretch of 301, and coming up with some sort of storm water plan for the property along 301. Fortunately FDOT is already evaluating firms to plan for this last part of the 301 work. Just having the design for this important part of 301 will be great, but we need a plan to get the work done, too. MPO has completing 301 high on its list of priorities – we must be sure it remains there. Also the County has agreed to partner with FDOT on a plan to oversize the storm water ponds that will be required to serve 301 so that property owners can also use them. If this can be worked out, it will be a tremendous boost to new commercial development. The final issue is getting sewer service to the area. Before the meeting, Commissioner Bustle shared a drawing he had been given of the current plan. The plan was prepared about two years ago for the County’s Infrastructure Engineering Division and funds were said to be available to do the work as a separate project from the 301 work. Somehow, this money was moved to another project and it is very important that we get this funding restored. Hopefully, Commissioner Bustle can assist us with this task. Another thing that was presented at the meeting last week is the Planning Departments desire to provide incentives to focus new development in areas where infrastructure – roads, utilities, schools, etc. -- is already in place. It was pointed out that while new development pays for extending water and sewer lines, there is still a cost to the County taxpayers to maintain the lines – especially now that we are in this slowdown and in some subdivisions there are only a few homes using them. The idea discussed is that incentives would be included in the Comprehensive Plan to move new development back toward the urban core of the County where there are large amounts of land that were “leap frogged” by development over the past several years. This sure makes sense, but then we see that there is a development with over 800 homes being proposed on Golf Course Road and another mega development with over 3,300 homes being proposed northwest of Parrish. With so many developments in limbo – Cross Creek, Cone Ranch, Parrish Plantation to name a few -- why are we pushing forward to approve more? These three developments were approved for over 3,000 homes and because of their proximity to Parrish would have provided much needed road and sewer improvements to our area. Now all three have been turned back over to the banks and who knows what will happen with them. Is there actually a new plan or are we still plodding along driven by the developers tunnel vision? One last reminder - there will be a very important meeting in Parrish on Saturday, March 12. It will be a Vern Buchanan Town Hall where he will talk about jobs and the economy. It starts at 10:30 a.m. I’d suggest you arrive early as there was a large turn out for his last meeting. It is time once again for our membership drive. A few of you have already paid your dues for 2011, and I’m hoping the rest of you will join, or re-join, with us to continue the work to support our Parrish area.As you know, the Civic Association works to bring forward the issues that affect our area and develop solutions to those issues. We are part of the non-incorporated part of the county and served by the Manatee Board of County Commissioners. Here are some of the projects we supported in 2010: w The Children’s Christmas Party for local, needy children. Approximately 125 children attended the party in 2010. w Scholarships so that no child is prevented from attending the YMCA’s Summer Youth Program. w Hosting the Heritage Day Festival in the spring. w Sponsoring a Board of County Commissioners Meeting in Parrish. w Sponsoring our own monthly newspaper, the Parrish Village News, our local website,, and an annual food drive in support of the Manatee Food Bank. w Obtaining a grant to improve Ola Mae Simms Park. w Planting of trees at the post office. w Monitoring the road improvement projects in our part of the county. w Spearheading the Florida Railroad Experience (a project to build a museum in Parrish for the Florida Railroad Museum and Realrail, formerly the Model Railroad Club of Sarasota. Membership dues are the only source of revenue for the Civic Association; your dues help support these events and activities. Through your dues, you are helping make Parrish a better place for all of our children and families. You may use the form in this paper and mail to P. O. Box 257, Parrish, Florida 34219. There are various categories of memberships. We hope that you will join and be a part of this vibrant organization. Thank you for your support. Cookie Jordan Membership Chairman, Parrish Civic Association 941-776-9019, I wish to join the Parrish Civic Association. Here are my dues. Mail to Parrish Civic Association, P. O. Box 257, Parrish. FL 34219. (Please print.) Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Phone No.: Email Address: (Above information is for PCA use only. We do not give out or sell to outside parties.) Please check one: Ben Jordan President, Parrish Civic Association or (941) 776-9019 Amount Enclosed $ New Member $15.00 Basic Member (Member and Spouse) $25.00 (Community Booster) $50.00 (Parrish Sponsor) $100 or more (Community Patron) $500.00 or more (Community Sponsor) Renewal Parrish Village News. page 32
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