Autumn 2012 issue - Girlguiding Buckinghamshire


Autumn 2012 issue - Girlguiding Buckinghamshire
The Newsletter of Girlguiding Buckinghamshire
Autumn 2012
The Bucks
Sue Says….
Hello Ever y o n e ,
hope you
have managed
break from
Guiding to
enjoy holidays with your family and the Olympic and Paralympic Games. I know that some of you were Gamesmakers at the games and I am sure that, like me, you
had an amazing experience. Our own Guiding Games
were held recently and while the weather was not kind
to us it was a great day. The girls were able to try many
sports and hopefully get an appreciation and what can be
achieved in sports by anyone even if they have a disability. We were fortunate to have Georgie Trigg from the
Team GB women‘s hockey team join us with her bronze
medal. The Chief Guide Gill Slocombe was also able to
join us for the afternoon and has sent us all a card saying
‗Wow! What a fantastic day on Sunday. Many congratulations and thanks to you all for a fabulous achievement.‘ I
also know that many of your have been working on the
Go for Gold Challenge.
As a result of the donations from the sale of
the badges we were
able to donate £1400 to
Wheelpower which they
In this issue:
were thrilled with. Our
Olympic Events
donation could, for
example, pay for 7
Camp news
young athletes to go to
Hike and cookery
the Wheelpower sumcompetition results
mer camp where they
Jubilee celebrations
are able to try many
MDG competition
different sports and
MBE presentation
realise that they can
New leaders
get involved in sport
despite their disability.
Join the crew.
If you haven‘t yet com
pleted the challenge
the badges there
s o m e
from the
new Guiding year I
am sure we are all looking forward to the activities we
have planned for the girls in our units. Planning activities
is time consuming particularly as we all try to make sure
we cover the guiding essentials in our programme to ensure it is varied and fun. Don‘t forget one of the best
ways of finding new activities is to talk to other leaders
and attend trainings. In the county we run a programme
of trainings each year but our trainers don‘t always know
what it is that you as leaders would like them to put on.
Please help them and also ensure you get the trainings
you want by telling your Commissioner what you would
like so she can pass it onto the county team. Another
resource is Guiding magazine which every leader should
receive. If you do not receive it maybe your details on
Go! are not correct but if they are do let the office know
so they can try and help you.
I have been County Commissioner for four years now so
during our final year Judy, Jane and I have set ourselves
the challenge to visit every Division during the next 10
months! Please help us by inviting us to join you at your
special events, a meeting or for a cup of tea!! We look
forward to
visiting you!
Best wishes
Dates for your diary
With thanks to my ever patient proof readers
The Newsletter of Girlguiding Buckinghamshire
Autumn 2012
Olympics &
My Olympic Summer
My personal Olympic dreams had started last August when I saw a call for
applicants to perform at the ceremonies. In particular they were asking
for drummers so since I play percussion quite a lot I dared to hope I might
have a chance.
I attended two auditions last autumn. Luckily I did something right and in
January I had a fantastic cast offer – a place on the 1000-strong drumming
cast, with the added bonus that our group would also be used as marshals
in the athletes parade of both the opening and closing ceremonies. Of
course the price to pay was attendance at over 30 rehearsals – some of
which were 10 hours long!
Rehearsals started in mid May and quickly became very intense. They got
bigger and about four weeks before the opening ceremony we moved into
the stadium. The rest of the Olympic park still resembled a building site
but security got tighter each day as the big day approached.
The drums were an integral part of the industrial revolution sequence – entitled Pandemonium – and we started out
of sight with a low ‗rumble‘ that literally made the stadium shake, then gradually built up to provide the power to
inspire the revolution. It felt fantastic to be part of such a huge noise and I didn‘t want it to end.
The Opening ceremony cast were very lucky as we had three full dress rehearsals to capacity audiences (family and
gamesmakers) in the Stadium and there were not too many surprises on the night. The Closing ceremony cast had all
their rehearsals in Dagenham and had never even been to the stadium before their big night so things were a lot
harder for them. It was a privilege to go back on August 12th and once again marshal the athletes while they celebrated all their achievements. The marshals were the last to leave the stadium at the end and it was hard knowing
that our Olympic family now had to go our separate ways again.
All through the summer my training as a Guider has been very useful – knowing how to work as a team, help those
who are struggling for whatever reason, ‗live‘ in a small space and persevere when things get tough. However all
good things come to an end and real life has to take over again. I‘d love to do it all over again but I think the commute to Rio might be a bit much!
Bridget Harrison
Being a Games Maker
What did I do this summer? I was one of the 70, 000 Games Makers who helped make London 2012 happen. I was not
one of those people perched on an umpires chair with a megaphone to guide you to your venue, I didn‘t have a giant
pink finger to point you in the right direction, nor did I stand behind Usain Bolt to collect his kit before the start of
the 100m. No I was one of the unseen thousands toiling away out of site of the general public, but still making an
invaluable contribution and having a great experience.
I saw more of the distinctive purple and red uniforms than most as I worked at UDAC (Uniform Distribution and Accreditation) fitting out all those volunteers. My Olympics actually started in June and from then until mid August I
was at the depot near West Ham twice a week. I met so many people, many bubbling over with the excitement of at
last getting their uniforms and looking forward to making their contribution, young games makers from Wales who
would be wiping the moisture off the badminton courts, retired people proud to
be driving officials to their destinations.
Then there were the Technical Officials who needed smart and casual outfits,
often arriving en-masse, causing a flurry of activity in the fitting rooms. I particularly remember the football referees, including the young lady from Columbia who spoke little English but gained wolf whistles from her colleagues as she
paraded in her smart uniform, I hope she went on to have a good games.
I met volunteers from around the UK and further afield, Australians, Americans
and Chinese some of whom had volunteered in their own countries and had so
enjoyed it just had to do it again, so Rio here I come, or maybe Glasgow for the
2014 Commonwealth Games?
Wendy Thirlwell- Milton Keynes
The Newsletter of Girlguiding Buckinghamshire
Autumn 2012
My Moment to Shine
On Sunday 8th July, I
had the very great honour of carrying the
Olympic Torch and
helping the flame on its
way though Bedford and
on its journey to London.
It was a very proud moment and one I will
remember for the rest
of my life.
It was
amazing to see so many
people out in the rain
to cheer the flame on.
Their cheering helped carry me along while I was running my 300 metres
with the flame.
Even a week on I still cannot believe that I have had the once in a lifetime
opportunity to carry the flame and be part of London 2012- an amazing
moment to shine. Thank you to those who nominated me and thank you
London 2012.
As I was selected for 28 years of volunteering with Girl guiding UK and running a Brownie pack for this time. I have been visiting all the Rainbows, Brownies and Guides in Newport Pagnell, so
that as many girls as possible could get the chance to see and hold the torch while having their pictures taken. This
has then formed part of the units Olympic themed activities. The girls had many questions to ask and I know that
they all enjoyed the experience.
I have also visited an assembly at Tickford Park Primary School in Newport Pagnell and also visiting Ouse Valley Trefoil Guild.
It is amazing to see the
effect the torch has on
people some comments
have included
―Wow you have made my
Thank you to everyone
involved for MY MOMENT
Sue Robinson- Brownie
3 rd
Pagnell Brownies and
District Commissioner
Jubilee fun
In March 2012, 6th High Wycombe All Saints Brownies
spent an afternoon at the Speen Horse Home. The
Brownies had been working towards a Queens Diamond
Jubilee badge, and part of the challenges was to each
collect 60 coins. Once the girls had collected the coins,
we discussed which charity to donate them to. The
girls all agreed that they would like to give the money
to the horses, especially as they knew that the Queen
likes horses. We arranged a trip one Sunday afternoon
to the Horse Home, and the girls enjoyed stroking the
horses, reading all about them, seeing which was the
tallest, which was the oldest, what they had spent
their life doing etc. At the end we presented the owner
with a cheque for £50, and she got out ―Cracker‖ to
have our picture taken with. The girls all had a great
afternoon. Gillian Crawshaw & Jacqui Lillie.
The Newsletter of Girlguiding Buckinghamshire
Autumn 2012
Diamond Games
We recently celebrated the Diamond Jubilee and
the Olympics in Wendover District with a sports
and activity day (including a picnic) on June 16.
We called it the Diamond Games and all units in
the district were involved. The weather for the
event was not very good, but the girls had a picnic
We also had a two week birthday celebration for
Rainbows - our indoor/outdoor Mad Hatter's Tea
Party. We had a nature walk and fairy cakes the
first week, and the second week we had an indoor
picnic followed by decorating helping hands for a
"Helping Hands Hedgehog" we are going to display
in the Wendover Guide Hut.
Jackie Brown—Unit Guider 1st Wendover Rainbows
Brownies save Willy Wonka’s Factory
The Oompa Loompa Chief and all his tribe were snitched from Willy Wonka‘s Chocolate Factory by the dreadful Arthur Slugworth, Mr Ficklegruber
and Mr Prodnose. Without the daring, bravery and creative skills of the
Chenies and Chalfont Brownies, all chocolate production may have ceased!!
Children all over the world may never have tasted a Whipplescrumptious
Fudgemallow Delight ever again!!
Between 20th – 22nd April 2012 girls from 1st and 3rd Chenies and Chalfont Brownies became Bookworms and began their Adventure in Roald
Dahl‘s Treasury of Revolting Worms. One by one they triumphed over each
of Roald Dahl‘s villainous book characters to save the Oompa Loompa tribe!
They beat the evil confectioner‘s in the walled garden by completing a
marvellous Book Title Forage, then they tackled the Vermicious Knids in
The Grubber by decorating cakes beyond your wildest imagination! They
out-foxed the dreadful Boggis, Bunce and Bean by inventing the most fantastic sweets, one of which even plaited
your hair as you ate it!
You should have seen how they flung Miss Trunchball in a team building Water Blast, and shot down The Witches on
their Woodland Archery expedition. Their fire lighting and Kelly Kettles expertise certainly made twits of The Twits
and their sheer bravery scared away the most terrifying Terrible Bloodsuckling Toothpluckling Stonechuckling Spittler as they climbed their way to the top of the climbing wall!
Not finished there, they took to the swamps to create wonderful sculptures to distract the cunning Enormous Crocodile and eventually they bottled the dreams the BFG had been collecting all weekend to foil the ‗not so bright‘ Giants!
What‘s more, in between all this they got on with the usual chores, such as cleaning the toilets, setting the tables,
helping in the kitchen, sweeping up and washing the dishes!!
It was a fabulous weekend full of fun and smiles spent in a fabulous three-winged Tudor Mansion, Ufton Court in Ufton Nervet.
Willy Wonka, Miss Honey, Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker, Grandma Georgina and Grandma Josephine together with
Mugglewump, Matilda, Charlie, James and Fantastic Mrs Fox went home and slept, but may be willing to appear
again another year for another fantastic Brownies Adventure!
Julie Pickard—1st Chenies and Chalfont Brownies
The Newsletter of Girlguiding Buckinghamshire
Autumn 2012
Trefoil Guides the Way
Aylesbury Trefoil Guild members spent a very enjoyable
Wednesday evening recently showing the 2nd Southcourt Brownies how to clean windows and mirrors, lay the table and wash up
after a meal, and clean shoes. We discovered that many of them
actually help with the washing-up and table-laying - very good
to hear!
They were all trying to do their Home Skills Badge, and along
with the work they did at home they passed with flying colours!
We hope that their parents won't be having a big polish bill from
now on as they really enjoyed getting to grips with the shoe
cleaning!! At the end we presented them with their badges.
Beth McCunn—Aylesbury Trefoil Guild
Brownies Gang Show
On 29th May 1st Loughton Brownies performed their gang show for the residents
of Lovatt Fields Retirement Village. It was hailed as a great success. The residents had been invited to attend the event at Herons Lodge following on from
the Carol Singing Concert the girls performed at Lovatt Fields in December.
Also present was our own District Commissioner Chris Avery who said she thoroughly enjoyed the event.
The colourful lively show featured more than 20 acts. There was a sprinkling of
cheesy humour in the skits performed, singing and dancing and even circus
skills all topped with a little touch of nostalgia for those in the audience who
remembered their own Guiding/
Scouting experiences
The finale was the traditional song
of departure ―Go Well and Safely‖,
a fitting end to an uplifting night.
Jo Wilson from the Retirement Village said it was just what the residents needed after having some sad
news earlier on in the week. This to me is what a community is all about
and I am sure that the audience, parents and grandparents will agree.
Thank you all of you involved, especial my adult leaders who worked
hard in the kitchen, with the props and the running order.
Jackie Hikal—Brown Owl
Brownies Beat the Cubs!
On a cold and wet July evening the Annual Brownies verses
All 3 Brownie units in Haddenham challenge the Cub Pack
of Haddenham every year to a Rounders match. This year
the practice and sheer determination paid off and the
b r o w n i e s
w o n
3 .
We all had great fun and everyone had squash and biscuits
after the match
Diane Austin- 3rd Haddenham Brownies
Trefoil Torch!
Many of the County Trefoil members turned up to help
at the Girlguiding Games at Stoke Mandeville on 23rd
September. As you know it was a very wet day, but
things went on and we
were able to dry out
from lunchtime onwards in the Sports
Hall and cafe. Here
you see Olive Mulley,
Margaret Watson and
Beth McCunn, having
dried out somewhat,
having a close encounter with the Olympic
and Paralympic Torches which were available for us to admire.
The Newsletter of Girlguiding Buckinghamshire
Autumn 2012
Tree Planting in Newport Pagnell
On Monday evening at 6pm on the 30th April 2012 the rain stopped to allow the 5th Newport Pagnell Brownies to
plant some 24 trees to mark the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. The Brownies had been given the trees by the Woodland
Trust, through the Sainsbury's Active Kids vouchers. A new border was prepared in Ousebank Gardens by the Newport
Pagnell Partnership and members of the Partnership and Milton Keynes Neighbourhood Rural office were on hand to
assist the Brownies with the planting of the saplings together with a plaque to mark the occasion.
Linda Morris—5th Newport Pagnell Brownies
Olympic fun for Brownies
3rd and 4th Newport Pagnell Brownies had an Olympic/Paralympics themed activity
day on 30th August. They had a morning at Willen Lake where they had Bell Boating Races. It was a wonderful opportunity to be on the water and get the experience of paddling. Tired but happy from their efforts they returned to St Luke‘s
Church for their lunch and then they did word searches with Olympic and Paralympics themes, they coloured the logos for both events, they each made an Olympic
torch, and made a collage of the Olympic rings. They had to design a medal ceremony and were asked if they were to have such a ceremony who would they have
to present the medals. The first three answers were 1. The Prime Minister 2. The
Queen 3. A Member of Parliament. Following the discussions as to the format of a
medal ceremony the girls practised how it would take place, with Brown Owl
from 3rd NP Brownies standing in as the "important person". Unbeknown to the
girls Mr Mark Lancaster the MP for Milton Keynes North had been invited to the
activity day. He duly arrived at 3.00pm with his aid Richard. The girls had
their special medal ceremony and they carried their torches that they had
made. One Brownie passed a comment that she didn't expect to get a real
medal and when it came to the photos they were all happy to pose holding it
like true Olympians/Paralympians. For the remainder of the afternoon the
girls were busy with games and craft activities, at 5.00pm they sat down to
roast chicken, roast potatoes, carrots and peas, followed by jelly and ice
cream. At 6.00pm they went home having earned Water Safety, Water Sports,
On your Marks and Going for Gold badges. A good day was had by all.
Ouse Valley Division spend another ―Night at the Museum 2‖
Ouse valley division like to do things as a division and to make these events as unusual
as possible, so what better than to sleep in Milton Keynes Museum in Wolverton. And
we do sleep amongst the exhibits!
We had done this once before for our division centenary celebration so this time let‘s
do it bigger and better.
Milton Keynes museum is a museum that celebrates life in the area before Milton
Keynes so it has different areas which include a Victorian farmhouse with a parlour, the
local railways works board room,(Wolverton is famous for its railway works) a street of
local shops, a school room, a hall of transport including a the tram which ran between
Wolverton and Stony Stratford and a communication gallery with lots of telephones old and new..
Final numbers were even better than expected with 200 brownies sleeping Friday night, 400 attending during the day
and 150 guides and senior section sleeping on Saturday night.
For our theme we linked in with the museum who had a Communication theme running with them and Bletchley Park
(Home of the codebreakers) So along with a visit to the museum the girls got to take part in activities which linked
in the the Communication badge,
Milton Keynes Museum is a very welcoming place to visit, very child friendly and a great place to take your girls, they
will by arrangement open during the evening for unit visits as well as weekends and school holidays
Sheila Beales—Ouse Valley Division Commisioner
The Newsletter of Girlguiding Buckinghamshire
Autumn 2012
4 Taplow and Hitcham guides won the Slough ihelp heats in July and are
through to the final in September. Emily Nurcombe and Chloe Fulbrook did
a fantastic job presenting to the judging team including the Mayor of
ihelp – Entry Y012
Project Name: SPICE cake sale
Team Leader: Nina Heavyside (Guide Unit Assistant Leader)
The project was initiated by Chloe and Emily who are Young Leaders with
our Burnham Rainbow unit which is unfortunately having to close as the
leader is stepping down. To acknowledge the role that the leader Paula has
played in running the unit they wanted to raise funds for her favourite
charity SPICE, her daughter is a member. The money is being raised without
her knowledge and they plan to present it to her at the end of term. SPICE ‘Special People on ICE‘ is an ice skating
group that runs in Slough for young people up to the age of eighteen who have a wide range of additional physical
and mental development needs.
On 28th March, we held a cake sale and played games such as guess the number of sweets in the jar during our hour
long 4th Taplow and Hitcham Guide meeting. The 21 guides, ranging in age from 10-15 raised £62. The girls
independently arranged the event, baked the cakes and created fantastic promotional posters. They demonstrated
their enthusiasm for fundraising particularly for a local charity providing a fantastic sporting opportunity for local
children who might not otherwise get the chance to get out on to the ice.
We think the ihelp project is an excellent programme which raises awareness of local charities and community
projects and the young people who support them. The ihelp is an excellent way of distributing funds to welldeserved causes, the receipt of which can be life changing.
Camping at Foxlease
Members of 1st Aylesbury Guides enjoyed a 5 day camp at Foxlease, in
the New Forest at the end of August. Guides and their Leaders enjoyed a
variety of activities including
Kayaking, Zip Wire, Raft Building, a visit to the local town, a
survival challenge, learning
first aid and during the camp
completed their Outdoor Cook
and Active Response badge. We
all had a super time, despite
the very muddy campsite and
are looking forward to our next residential event in November. Debbie
Potter, Guide Leader
Trefoil Fun
Bishop of Buckingham
Aylesbury Trefoil Guild celebrated the Diamond Jubilee
with an "indoor" Garden Party (due to the heavy rain and
wind!!) There was a hat competition , many of which you
can see here, and lots of games and activities finishing
with a wonderful Afternoon Tea and lots of chat and
shared memories of the Accession and Coronation.
Beth McCunn—Chairman, Aylesbury Trefoil Guild
The 5th Newport Pagnell Brownies loved making crowns
to wear and providing the guard of honour by waving
flags as the congregation left the church after the service
Linda Morris– 5th Newport Pagnell Brownies
The Newsletter of Girlguiding Buckinghamshire
Autumn 2012
Chalfont St Peter Jubilee Weekend
Nicky Dodd of 2nd
Chalfont St Giles lead
the camp. Nicky's
sure they had the
best adventure ever.
Even the weather did
not bother us. I bet
the Queen did not
have Cucumber sandwiches as well as ice
cream and Jelly as
good as ours.
Phi l
L ar m an — 1 st
Chalfont St
Jubilee Themed Camping
After over 50 years in Guiding and several visits to Foxlease I decided it was
about time that I actually camp there, so in October 2010 myself, Lesley and
Chris set off for a site visit, selected our pitch started making mental plans
off all the things we could do, only to find our chosen site was not available
in 2011, however we could book for 2012 and actually remembered that the
half term was a week later because of the Jubilee, so booked for 4 – 9 June
with ready made theme the Queens Diamond Jubilee.
With plenty of time to plan everything
was in place and weather booked –
whoops appears it was booked for the 2
weeks before camp.
Monday—At least the pitch was in the dry, girls made lanterns and dressed in
their Jubilee finely as we joined Hampshire Guides at the lighting of one of the
Beacons as part of the Queens Jubilee celebrations
Tuesday—Early start High ropes and Zip wire sessions at 8.45, but at least they
were completed in the dry, by 11 it had started to rain but undaunted we went
for welly boot walk in the forest testing just how deep were the puddles! Returned to find mess tent transformed by Lesley for our Jubilee Tea tables decorated with union jack table cloths,
cake stands of cream scones and union jack cake and even china cups and
Wednesday—Sun made a guest appearance and we had wonderful day on
Brownsea ending with fish and chips sheltering on cliff top from the cold
Thursday—Amber weather warning, which led to two additions to planned
programme, bowling in Southampton and that night unexpected sleepover in
the house with 100+ Brownies, Cubs and Scouts, but great atmosphere even
if the leaders had to sleep on the landing
and half way up the stairs
Friday—Back to site, thankfully tents
that we had not struck were still standing, girls happy and went off to Kayak
and zip wire. By evening it was chilly
but the girls entertained themselves with hide and seek and mud rolling.
Saturday—Thank goodness after all the rain had a dry strike and managed to get
all tents packed away dry, yet another challenge as most of the site was still
Tremendous thanks to the Pearls of Wisdom Lesley, Chris and Natasha , leaders
who as it says the tee shirt made it happen, and to the Sapphire, Ruby and Diamond Patrols who laughed and sang throughout the week, together you all contributed to a camp that will remain in
The Newsletter of Girlguiding Buckinghamshire
Autumn 2012
Amersham West Celebrates the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
Where were you for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee? How did you celebrate? Will you
be able to answer those questions in years to come?
I was a Brownie at the time of the Silver Jubilee celebrations and I can still clearly
remember our street party. I am sure the celebrations organised by many of us for
this Diamond Jubilee will have equal longevity with our current Brownies and in 35
years they will look back with just as fond memories as I have. That is certainly the
case for the girls of Amersham West District who spent the weekend of 22nd to 24th
June at Chalfont Heights at a District Jubilee Celebration weekend. With two pack
holiday houses stuffed full of Brownies and a field with patrol tents of guides and
senior section as far as you could see the District was out in force. With the addition of Rainbows, more Brownies, Trefoil Guild and special guests on Saturday, 200 of us aged from 5 to 85 were
ready to celebrate.
And celebrate we did. Throughout our camp decked with Union Jacks we all spent the day enjoying an activity bonanza. From making jam tarts to chariot racing, wide games to jewellery crafting and cooking dampers to designing
a jubilee plate, we all had a go at everything. What made this particularly special was the way in which the girls
from all the sections mixed. As our visiting Division Commissioner commented ―there was so much care and patience
from the older guides helping the Rainbows to complete their tasks and enjoy their day.‖ As a leader it was equally
wonderful to have the support of all around you. As QM for my Brownie house I was frequently seen visiting the guide
kitchen tent for additional supplies and advice (although my request for garlic proved to be a bit refined for camp
So on to the evening – 400 sausages, an industrial BBQ, mountains of salad and plates and
plates of puddings. We were soon all fed and
ready to lift our voices in harmony around the
largest campfire I have ever witnessed.
By 8pm it was well past the Rainbows' bedtimes
and time for them to leave excited but tired
with their bag of goodies they had made and
their jubilee cups and T-shirts to recall the
weekend for years to come. And the rest of
us... well we continued the next day with climbing, go karting, archery ….
I have been on a lot of pack holidays and I can honestly say this was the best. To
steal a phrase from the Centenary, the whole weekend was a ―mountain top moment‖. From the youngest rainbow
to the longest-serving leader we all had a fabulous weekend - we learned new skills, made new friends and had
great fun doing so. This is what Guiding is about!
Thank you to Wendy Swan, Leader 2nd Chesham Bois Guides and District Commissioner for Amersham West and Pauline Lee, Leader 1st Amersham on the Hill Guides for being the driving force behind the weekend.
Juliet Brown—Leader, 2nd Amersham on the Hill Brownies
A girl called Katie
Let us tell you a story about a girl called Katie Rivero-Cabrera. One Monday night in 2003 this dark haired little girl
came into our Brownie Unit as a new starter. We knew Katie, as she lived near us and her Grandma was one of our
Guide Leaders way back in the mists of time.
Anyway, Katie took to Brownies like a duck to water; she earned a sash full of badges, went on trips to the zoo and
the pantomime and eventually became Sixer of the Badgers. One evening we were doing an activity about what we
all wanted to be when we grew up and Katie piped up that she wanted to be a Brownie Leader.
The time came for Katie to turn 10 and move onto Guides, luckily we ran the Guide Unit too so we kept our Katie
with us and watched her thrive. She made her Promise to us at Ellesborough in November of 2006 dressed in her
pyjamas. She has been on Guide Holidays, Parades, helped at village fetes, been on trips to London and of course
earned badges galore. Katie was the epitome of a Guide, doing everything with a smile and with a willingness that
was catching. She was Patrol Leader of the Puffins and the example she set her Patrol and the rest of the Company
was exemplary.
At 14, Katie decided she wanted to move on to the Senior Section, she did not feel the Ranger Unit was for her and
decided to become a Young Leader. Once again she rose to all the challenges of transitioning from being one of the
girls to being part of the Leadership Team. The Guides treat her with respect and due to her own quiet dignity and
determination she is now our right hand woman.
Katie will soon be 16 and she has now completed and will be awarded her Young Leader Qualification and is already
raring to go on her ALQ.
We are very lucky to have seen Katie grow from a shy seven year old into the accomplished Young Leader she is now.
GirlGuiding is lucky to have her as a member and we are honoured to call her our friend.
Congratulations on your award Katie, you deserve it. Nicky Batson and Emma Compton—1st Whitchurch Guides.
The Newsletter of Girlguiding Buckinghamshire
Autumn 2012
Senior Section Weekend August 2013
When we arrived at our Senior Section weekend we started making dream catchers, that was really fun. Then we played a bingo style game to get to know each
other. We ate fajitas, they were really messy! That night at 11pm we sat down to
make neckers, we all decorated them individually (Ellie is still going).
On Saturday we had a lazy morning and decided to go to Aylesbury to windowshop and tried on huge heels. Then we arrived back and relaxed making friendship bracelets and putting henna on ourselves.
After we had finished lunch we walked outside with on shoe on
and one show off (we were waiting for the henna to dry) to
attempt to do archery, with a competition between Leaders
and Senior Section.
Next three teams competed in a Great Bucks Bakeoff! Where we had the chance to be creative and
create master pieces. Then we ‗tagged‘ a tent with spray cans and fabric paints, which will follow
us where ever we go.
Judy Freeman and Maggie Pringle came to join us for dinner, and judged the Great Bucks Bakeoff!
Competition, well done to Ellie and Helen for winning! They left us to our campfire, but not before
Judy and Maggie ‗tagged‘ the tent. We enjoyed the rest of the evening at campfire singing and
On Sunday we spent the morning eating breakfast in our pjs with eggy bread and spaghetti hoops. We then began to
solve ‗who killed who‘ in the murder Mystery, playing was very enjoyable and funny.
We had to solve a quiz where we guessed all the names of the films (crime films), we
weren‘t very good at this so some of us gave up because Rom Coms are better!, so
from now on Tarzan is a gun man. We had a roast dinner for Sunday lunch, and spent
time tidying up and eating any leftover food.
Next year we‘re planning to go to London for the weekend, and spend Saturday doing
a monopoly run around London with extra challenges, and seeing a show on the West
End. We‘re currently looking into the finer details of the planning but pop the date in
your diary...30 August – 1 September 2013! Written by Ellie, Helen, Cathy, Eva, Lucy
and Emma
A girl called Emily
Emily has been a member of Girlguiding since she joined as a rainbow at the age of 5. As soon as Emily reached the
required age (14) she started helping as a Young Leader with brownies. As such she leads games with up to 24 girls
and helps them take part in all aspects of their programme.
Emily has accompanied the brownies on a number of residential holidays and she has assisted at a number of Guide
camps. In 2010 she took part in an adventure to mark the centenary of Girlguiding sailing as a member of the crew
of a tall ship from Aberdeen to Newcastle. Through Girlguiding Emily has successfully completed the Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh Awards and is working towards gaining the Gold Award.
Emily suffers from hydrocephalus and is a wheelchair user. She does not let her disability limit her. She competes at
wheelchair basketball and has been selected to train with the British national team. She is a member of the South-East of England schools team.
Despite her strict training schedule she is still dedicated to meeting her
Guiding commitments, even changing which group she helps with when necessary. Emily is an excellent ambassador for para-sports and for disability
awareness. She engages comfortably and confidently with younger girls in
Guiding (and their parents), answering any queries they may have, and preventing any misconceptions of wheelchair users to develop.
Emily has just had her 18th Birthday and is looking forward to starting her
leadership qualification with 1st Beaconsfield Brownies. Morag Mason—
Beaconsfield District Commissioner
Foreign Trefoil Fun!
In June 2012 Buckinghamshire Trefoil Guild and friends enjoyed a trip to the Netherland visiting Floriade, which is held every 10 years, Cologne and Schloss Augustusberg (UNESCO Site)
The Newsletter of Girlguiding Buckinghamshire
Autumn 2012
Dick the Badger
Dick Humphries or, as he became known throughout Buckinghamshire, Dick
the Badger, died in April this year aged 86. He was a dear friend of mine
for many years and I had the honour of giving this eulogy at his funeral.
Dick the Badger was a living legend within Girlguiding Buckinghamshire. An
ambassador par excellence.
How fortunate for us that Dick & Peggy had daughters and they joined the
Girl Guides. Dick‘s involvement with Guiding started when Carol became a
Guide and help was needed to build a new Guide headquarters for Taplow.
Immediately he started fund raising heading a committee of parents that
built the hut and subsequently maintained it for many years.
When Hazel became a Guide leader she was just 18. That was a brave and
sometimes difficult challenge as she wasn‘t much older than some of the
Guides. Dick was so proud of her, he regularly attended meetings to provide support and the girls got to love him. And what a partnership he and
Hazel were.
When he was with the girls Dick‘s aim was to make things fun for them, to
give them memories for the future. A particular highlight was Thinking Day
on the Air which he organised nearly every year from 1985 to 2010. With
the help of amateur radio operators, he enabled thousands of Guides,
Brownies and Rainbows to talk over the airways with other members of our
World Association.
Dick‘s zeal for fund raising and providing support at Guiding functions was ardent. He decided he could do better
than the standard burgers and sausages often served as refreshments so built his own barbecue with a spit and now
he could roast a pig. That‘s a lengthy business but Dick would be there stoking and basting, sometimes from before
dawn until dusk, to be sure that pig was cooked to a turn and ready for him to carve at exactly the appointed time.
But it was with his badge machine that Dick became a living legend across the whole of Buckinghamshire and he acquired the name Dick the Badger. This machine made pin badges. He was the appointed guardian travelling, with
Peggy, to events county-wide – Badger and Mrs Badger. The girls would design their own badges under his gentle encouragement and all the while he would be chatting to them. And when there was a break he‘d be chatting to the
Guiders and making himself many new friends. Dick also made thousands of badges at home for distribution at Bucks
camps and fun days. He was a very industrious Badger.
For Dick himself, the highlight of his Guiding with Bucks was probably the international camps he attended as part of
the security team. For him it was an honour to patrol at night, keeping girls and leaders safe as they slept, but he
could also have a ball by day visiting each sub-camp and talking to everyone.
Burnham & Taplow District was, of course, his first love. Chesham became his second and he adopted my Guides as
his number 2 unit in Bucks. Pat, my assistant, and I at times truly felt we were honorary daughters. The Friendship
Badge he gave me I will treasure forever.
My most vivid personal memories are of him visiting our camps. We always made sure we were spick and span as the
inspection he gave us was meticulous, although his eagle eye always had the biggest of twinkles. He loved camp
fires, would wear his blanket and camp hat, both covered in badges, and sing along with us. I will also never forget
him mummified in toilet paper by our Guides.
When he moved from Bucks, Highworth became his new Guiding home but it didn‘t end our links, he would bring
Peggy to our Seniors party in Chesham and dress up for us as Santa Claus. He continued to attend our annual Bucks
Banner Service and at his last one in 2009 he met the Chief Guide, that really made his day. When he could no longer
travel we took news of his beloved Bucks to him.
Dick wore with pride his Thanks Badge and latterly his Ambassador‘s badge. Guiding gave him so much pleasure and
he gave back in equal measure but I know he would want me to add that he always said he could have achieved
nothing without the love and support of Peggy.
Dick was special, super special. His passion for Guiding was phenomenal. He was always willing to lend a hand, no
job was too much trouble and if he could pre-empt your need for help even better. He was so kind, generous, happy, amusing, encouraging, enthusiastic, appreciative. I and many others in Buckinghamshire have lost a very dear
and true friend and will always cherish his memory.
I‘d like to finish with the words of Taps, the song Guides sing at the end of every meeting, as our farewell now he
has gone to rest.
Day is done, Gone the sun
From the sea, from the hills, from the sky.
All is well, Safely rest
God is nigh. God bless you, dear Dick. Go well and safely. Jane Paterson
Dick has bequeathed his collection of Guiding mugs to the county and these will be put on display at Ellesborough.
The Newsletter of Girlguiding Buckinghamshire
Autumn 2012
Competition Hike 2012
Another year passed and the Competition hike 2012 was
another successful event.
The number of entries were up, 21 teams and 135 girls
took part so this shows the girls enjoy the challenge this
event gives them. It‘s brilliant to see the sense of
achievement they get from taking part and completing
the event.
The adding of a specific Competition Hike training day in
March has given both the girls who attend the training,
added confidence and has taken away the emphasis of
the guider to train the teams before hand. Girls may
attend this training without a leader.
So the Competition Hike organising team are once again
planning for next year. We are always looking for new
members if you would like to join us. The event can not
be run without the huge number of volunteers who help
us every year to make the event no only an enjoyable
experience but a safe one as well.
So get your girls out walking, the event is open to Brownies who walk with an adult, guides who may be accompanied
or walk alone, senior section and adult members.
We offer two distances 10k and 20k.
We really hope to see even more competitors this year.
Competition Hike Training Day
Sunday 24th March 2013
Competition Hike
Saturday 11th May 2013
Forms and more information will be available in the New Year but if in the mean time you need further information
please contact me.
Sheila Beales- Guider in Charge
Details of all the winning teams are available on girlguiding bucks website
MDG competition
Write a song which
connects to one or more of
the 8 MDGs.
Use a known tune or make
up your own.
MDG resources to be won
Deadline: 31st January 2013
Send entries into
Bucks MDG Competition,
11A Mitchell Walk,
The Newsletter of Girlguiding Buckinghamshire
Autumn 2012
International Cookery Competition 2012
On a wet 28 April, fifteen cooking teams gathered at Ellesborough with a shelter
and cooking equipment ready to impress the judges with their culinary delights.
There were teams from all over the county cooking from a variety of countries;
Finland, Portugal, Italy, America, China, India, Japan and Jamaica!! Most had completed their cooking after a couple of hours and then the judges had a difficult
time deciding on scores for team work, taste, presentation and creativity. They
were particularly impressed with the standard of cooking especially in the wind and
the rain. The final scores were as follows:
Team Name
Sushi Chefs
The Italian Stallions
The Wild West Gals
Pancake People
Immensely Italian
Amazingly American
Spanish Ladies
Jazzy Jamaicans
Yellow Chorizos
1st Dinton
2nd Chesham Bois
1st Dinton
10th Chesham
2nd Chesham Bois
1st Wendover
10th Chesham
1st Aston Clinton
1st Wendover
3rd High Wycombe
3rd High Wycombe
2nd Marlow Guides
1st Marlow Bottom
2nd Chesham Bois
Cooking from …
America - Texas
A special well done goes to the only adult
team who cooked from Scotland and
achieved 36 points.
Huge thanks to the amazing judges; Alison
Buckingham; Sue Berry; Jane Tillman; Scottie McCutcheon; Gill Vine. Also thank you
to members of the International team who
helped me run the event and got very wet
in the process; Lesley Try, Rosie Hall, Margaret Lorton; Janice Lorton; Katie Needham; Elaine Thorogood.
Jenny Askew- County International Adviser
Rikki award 2013
The ‗Rikki‘ Award is open to all members of the Senior Section, either as individuals or as a group of 2 or more. A
trophy is awarded to the winning entry as decided by independent judges.
Create a publication about a fictitious community or based on your own community.
Your publication is to include the following:
Sports events, Crafts and the arts, Voluntary groups, Business/commercial, Finance
Entries must be made in paper format with written and pictorial evidence – and must include a level of involvement
with district units and community groups with a variety of ages.
Please remember that the judges wish to be entertained!
Entries must be sent to Rikki or the County Office to reach them by no later than midday on Friday 14 th June 2013.
The winners each year must return the trophy to Rikki by no later than the closing date for entries the following
Rikki MacKenzie, Robins Wood, Radnage Common Road, Radnage, Bucks HP14 4DD
The Newsletter of Girlguiding Buckinghamshire
Autumn 2012
The Millennium Development Goals
Representatives of counties from across Anglia attended a training weekend at Hautbois in February 2012 in order to
learn more about the Millennium Development Goals and the issues surrounding them, as well as taking part in and
planning different activities which we can take back to the representative counties. The MDGs are eight goals that
all member states of the United Nation have agreed to try to achieve by 2015. The goals are:
Eradicated extreme poverty and hunger
Achieve universal primary education
Promoted gender equality and empower women
Reduce child mortality
Improve maternal health
Combat HIV/AIDs, malaria and other diseases
Ensure environmental sustainability
Develop a global partnership for development
It involved a lot of learning about the 8 millennium development goals (MDGs) and also some games. Some of the
activities were mainly listening but a lot of them were interactive. These included writing the goals on a piece of A3
paper and drawing arrows to show how they are linked to each other. We also did a human version of this with people and some colourful string. There was also a board game with situations that some people have to go through and
you won if you got to safety.
Also we did a challenge where we had to go around 8 activities (one for each MDG) and complete the challenge at
each station. Our favourite was the one where we had to come up with as many uses for a potato as possible. Not
necessarily for eathing! We came up with some very creative ones from potatio guns to potato portkeys. Another one
we did was make a superhero. Ours was based on the MDG that aims to empower women. She was called ‗Woman
Empowering Woman‘.
There was only one activity that was completely unrelated to the MDGs. That was the zip wire. It was so fun that I
had to have another go. You had a choice between kayaking or zip wire. There was also a tour of the grounds that
you could go on if you wanted. It was interesting to see the human sundial in front of the house. Overall it was a
very enjoyable weekend and the food was great too. In Bucks, we hope to begin the school year in September with a
new focus on learning about the MDGs, and on what we can do to help. We will be holding a competition to write a
song which connects to one or more of the MDGs, and there will be MDG resources to be won.
Rachel Edwards (1st Chesham Bois Ranger), Donjeta Lumley (2nd Chesham Bois Guide)
Get Involved
High Wycombe Gang Show
A Musical Entertainment by Scouts and Guides
Monday 1st April 2013 – Sat 6th April 2013
The High Wycombe Gang Show is a variety family show with a mix of old and new music, comedy and dance items all
performed by around a 100 members of the local Scout & Guide movements from age 8 to sixty something! The show
also has a live band, makes all its own costumes and builds all its own scenery and props. Every year the show raises
money for a local charity.
ANYONE who is a Cub or Brownie (over the age of 8), Scout, Guide, Ranger, Explorer or Leader can be in the cast.
We are now recruiting cast members for the 2013 show. If you might be interested in taking part in our all-inclusive
show, we are holding an OPEN AFTERNOON Sunday 23rd September 2pm til 5pm
John Wood Scout Centre, Keep Hill Road, High Wycombe HP11 1DW
Come along and meet the producers and some of our current cast, have a chat, watch some of lasts years show on
DVD, get your questions answered and pick up the necessary paperwork. This is an informal drop-in afternoon so feel
free to pop in whenever suits you…potential cast and parents welcome.
If you are unable to come along to the Open Afternoon, don’t worry, just get in touch with us on the email or number
below and we can email you the information you need.
We look forward to meeting you.
Becky Adams Tel 0844 443 5737 email
The Newsletter of Girlguiding Buckinghamshire
Autumn 2012
Queen for the Day—2/3/12
The big day had arrived. We were off to Windsor for my MBE presentation. At nine thirty
the castle gates were opened. We scanned the rooftops in an endeavour to spot the
queen's standard flying indicating the queen was in residence. However the fog obliterated
the tops of the turrets so no flag could be seen. To our great delight, we learned from the
man driving the buggy taking us to the castle doors, the queen was doing the presentations
which really and truly was the 'icing on the cake' for me. After showing I.D. Together with
our special tickets several times, we were permitted to enter the castle. Our eyes were
everywhere. The paintings; the furnishings; the upholstery – all a sight to behold. Once
through the ladies cloakroom, where we left hand bags, cameras, phones, car keys, etc. I
was separated from the family. My two sisters and Fred were taken to the Waterloo Chamber with other guests, whereas I, as recipient, was led in to a large room to mingle with
the other recipients. Here we were briefed very clearly and precisely before being lined
up in order of a) the award we would be receiving and b) alphabetically. We were told that
when the queen speaks we initially address her as 'Your Majesty' and thereafter as M‘am
(to rhyme with ham) We were then led through the castle to the Waterloo Chamber to
await our individual presentations. Each of the recipients had a pin with a hook placed on
their left breast in order that the queen could hook the medal on without the fuss of trying to pin it. The ceremony was beautifully carried out. It was very slick, with the queen
standing on a dais at the front, and the orchestra at the opposite end of the room playing
from the balcony. Each name was called out individually together with the reason we were
being awarded our medal. The orchestra played throughout the ceremony. My name was
announced ―Mrs Sheila Gurnett MBE for services to young people and to the community.‖ I
walked across the room; turned to face her majesty, curtsied; and took three paces towards the queen. She smiled;
She hooked on my medal with the words:- ―Congratulations, you've worked very hard. What work do you do with
young people in the community?‖ I replied: ―Thank you very much your majesty‖ as she hooked on the medal. Then
in answer to her comment: ―When living in a small village and working with young people you get involved in all
events organised by and for the community. Queen: Have you been working with young people for a long time?‖ Me:
Most of my voluntary work with young people has been through Girlguiding Ma'm. I became a member of Girlguiding over sixty years ago.‖ Queen: ―You must have started very young.‖ ―Yes. I went along to Brownies when I was
five because my mum, was brown owl Ma'm.‖ At this the queen laughed and said: ―So you had no option but to go
along then?‖ I replied: ―I wasn't too keen at first, but I grew to love my guiding and have continued all my life in
many different roles‖ The queen smiled, held out her hand which I shook gently, took three steps back, curtsied, and
went on my way to the next room where the medal was promptly taken from me, together with the hooked pin. The
medal was boxed beautifully and handed back. I followed the other recipients to the back of the Waterloo Chamber
where I could watch the remainder of the ceremony and absorb the whole atmosphere, in a much more relaxed state
of mind. After the last recipient had received his medal everyone stood to attention whilst the orchestra played the
National Anthem. The queen then left the dais, and paraded down the aisle very close to us. She was followed by
The Yeoman of the Guard in full regalia, and officials in smart uniform, and the ceremony was over. F & I had ordered the DVD which will be personalised for us showing me and my guests. Following a family lunch in Windsor, we
returned to Dove House Close for a glass of bubbly and nibbles to round off a very exciting day. A wonderful surprise
awaited us. I switched on my computer to discover an email which contained a photo of the queen pinning on my
medal and one of the queen shaking hands with me. The end of a wonderful memorable day.
I have always gained so much from working with the girls in guiding, whatever their age and with adults as a friend,
trainer and mentor. My belief in and my passion for Girlguiding has never diminished and has certainly opened many
doors for me personally. Over the years, I have met several Chief Guides; several M.P.s; The Countess of Wessex;
and now the Queen. I have been to The House of Commons; St. James's Palace; Buckingham Palace; Windsor Castle;
I have worked with girls and trained guiders in South Africa and Belarus . What a wonderful game this game of
Guiding is. Sheila Gurnett MBE
MK Gang Show
Rehearsal for the Milton Keynes Gang Show 2013 have just begun and we are holding open
evenings on the 18th and 25th Sept at Knowles Primary School, Queensway, Bletchley. 810 years olds will meet from 6.30-7.30, over 11s meet from 7.30-9.30. Why not come
along and meet everyone. We also have a newly formed band so if your girls would prefer
this then please let them know. If you would like to help behind the scenes, or in wardrobe then we would also welcome this too.
The Show will be held on February 22nd-23rd 2013, at the Ridgeway Centre, Wolverton,
and tickets are already available.
For further information please do not hesitate to contact me on 07913567562 or 01908
241557 Looking forward to hearing from you, Lisa Smith- Director
The Newsletter of Girlguiding Buckinghamshire
Autumn 2012
New Leaders
And Awards
Congratulations to these new Leaders.
What a great few months we have had. Diamond Jubilee and Mad Hatters Tea Party and the Olympics and Paralympics, and so many Leaders completing the Leadership Qualification that the list has grown to 1½ pages. Wonderful and thank you all.
You know what comes next! Can we have 2 pages for next time please? Linda Seaton- LQ Coordinator
Names of Leaders, Assistants and Young Leaders who have completed
the Leadership Qualification or extra Modules from 01.04.12 to 31.08.12
Livvy Abbott
Sharon Albone
Savannah Barros
Stephanie Bland
Janet Bowden
Dawn Bowdidge
Julia Chambers
Katie Cook
Leanne Daniels
Sophie Dann
Charlotte Dechamps
Alison Dodd
Rebecca Finn
Chloe Fowler
Nicky Freshwater
Richenda Gorman
Autumn Hales
Rebecca Harrington
Julie Hartshorn
Chloe Hawkes
Chris Hazlewood
Sarah Hemphill
Vanessa Horton
Louise Horwood
Tracy Howlett
Alison Husband
Rachel Janusz
Siri Shanti Kaur
Brownie 1,2,3
Guide 1,2,3,4
Brownie 1,2,3
Brownie 1,2,3,4
Brownie Mod.1
Brownie Mod.1
Brownie 1,2,3
Brownie 1,2,3
Brownie 1&4
Brownie 1,2,3
Guide 1,2,3,4
Brownie 1,2,3,4
Brownie 1,2,3,4
Brownie 1,2,3
Rainbow 1,2,3,4
Brownie 1,2,3,4
Guide 1,2,3,4
Guide 1,2,3,4
Brownie 1,2,3,4
Rainbow 1,2,3,4
Guide Mod.1.
Brownie 1,2,3
Brownie 1,2,3,4
Guide 1,2,3
Brownie Mod.4
Brownie 1,2,3
Brownie Mod.4
Rainbow 1,2,3,4
Great Missenden
Chesham North
Loughton Lodge
Chalfont St Giles
Seckloe Hundred
High Wycombe East
High Wycombe East
Burnham & Taplow
Loughton Lodge
High Wycombe East
Tylers Green
Amersham West
North Chilterns
North Chilterns
North Chilterns
Milton Keynes
Ouse Valley
Milton Keynes
High Wycombe
Aylesbury East
High Wycombe
Ouse Valley
Ouse Valley
Burnham Beeches
Milton Keynes
High Wycombe
Chesham North
The Newsletter of Girlguiding Buckinghamshire
Ramni Kortman-Bedi
Diana Lloyd
Claire McGonigle
Nicola O‘Sullivan
Beverley Parker
Rachel Pilgrim
Stacey Pond
Rachael Porri
Helen Pugh
Suzanne Raffellini
Elisabeth Ryder
Hannah Savage
Katie Shute
Tessa Smethurst
Sue Spaargaren
Elizabeth Stewart
Lynsey Stewart
Amy Tomkins
Jo Walker
Tamar Walker
Natasha Warren
Jenny Webb
Mary Webster
Alicia Whitthread
Claire Wickson
Sarah Winkfield
Rebecca Wood
Brownie 1,2,3,4
Guide Mod.1
Brownie 1,2,3,4
Brownie 1,2,3,4
Guide 1,2,3,4
Brownie 1,2,3
Rainbow 1,2,3,4
Brownie Mod.4
Guide Mod.1
Brownie 1,2,3
Guide 1,2,3,4
Brownie 1,2,3
Guide 1,2,3,4
Rainbow 1,2,3,4
Brownie 1,2,3,4
Brownie 1&4
Brownie Mod.4
Brownie 1,2,3,4
Guide Mod.1
Brownie 1,2,3,4
Brownie 1,2,3
Brownie 1,2,3,4
Brownie 1,2,3,4
Rainbow 1,2,3,4
Brownie 1,2,3
Brownie 1,2,3,4
Brownie 1,2,3
Autumn 2012
Chalfont St Giles
Loughton Lodge
Chalfont St Peter
High Wycombe East
Amersham West
Bourne End
Princes Risborough
Chalfont St Giles
Tylers Green
Tylers Green
Princes Risborough
Great Missenden
Gerrards Cross & Denham
Loughton Lodge
Holmer Green
Loughton Lodge
Aylesbury East
Milton Keynes
Milton Keynes
Milton Keynes
Ouse Valley
High Wycombe
Aylesbury East
Aylesbury East
Chepping Wycombe
Ouse Valley
Chepping Wycombe
Aylesbury East
North Chilterns
Aylesbury East
Burnham Beeches
Milton Keynes
Milton Keynes
Congratulations to these new Young Leaders.
Not many Young Leaders tackle the Young Leader Qualification so it is wonderful that we have seven to
congratulate on completing it, and it is even more wonderful that they are all going on with the (Adult)
Leadership Qualification.
If you (or your Young Leader) are interested in seeing what is involved, the syllabus is on the SS CD-rom,
and there are some notes about the process on the Girlguiding UK website and the County website.
Rhiannon Ropke, 1st Water Eaton Brownies, Bletchley District, Bletchley Division.
Rhiannon Treviss, 1st Water Eaton Brownies, Bletchley District, Bletchley Division.
Katie Rivero-Cabrera, 1st Whitchurch Guides, Winslow District, Buckingham Division.
Vanessa Chann,, 5th Newport Pagnell Brownies, Newport Pagnell District, Ouse Valley.
Megan Rolfe, 5th Newport Pagnell Brownies, Newport Pagnell District, Ouse Valley.
Kelly Reynolds, 1st Monkston Guides, Walton District, Milton Keynes Division.
Amy Collins, 1st Monkston Guides, Walton District, Milton Keynes Division.
Linda Seaton—LQ Coordinator
The Newsletter of Girlguiding Buckinghamshire
Autumn 2012
Congratulations to these Award Winners.
Service Bars issued August 2011 - July 2012 - Members
10 year Service Awards
Sylvia Baker
Heather Beckett
Alison Clark
Anne Digby
Susan Gaunt
Emily Godwin
Katherine Gooding
Beverley Goodwin
Karen Green
Claire Hall
Rosemary Hall
Sarah Hardisty
Tracy Howlett
Angela Hurlstone
Christine Joiner
Margaret Jones
Catherine Joyce
Philomena Larman
Emma Moore
Nicky Norman
Elaine Parker
Rachel Porter
Hannah Saunders
Jane Sissons
Emily Smith
Lynda Solowin
Kim Sullivan
Liz Tranter
Lesley Try
Joanne Wood
Patricia Young
40 year Service Awards
Ann Beattie
Anthea Burch
Irene Lees
Libby Odell
Doreen Phillips
Patricia Sharp
Chepping Wycombe
North Chilterns
Ouse Valley
Ouse Valley
North Chilterns
Milton Keynes
Burnham Beeches
North Chilterns
High Wycombe
Ouse Valley
Burnham Beeches
High Wycombe
Milton Keynes
High Wycombe
Ouse Valley
Chepping Wycombe
Milton Keynes
Aylesbury East
North Chilterns
North Chilterns
20 year Service Awards
Susan Baldwin
Juliet Brown
Tessa Brown
Gillian Crawshaw
Joanne Greaves
Bridget Harrison
Kathryn Hissey
Sarah How
Kate Kallmeier
Sonia Lewis
Jennifer Marchant
Cheryl Muirhead
Julie Pickard
Linda Prosser
Shirley Saunders
Pamela Scott
Suzanne Thake
Susan Trischitta
North Chilterns
Milton Keynes
High Wycombe
Aylesbury Vale
North Chilterns
North Chilterns
North Chilterns
Aylesbury East
Milton Keynes
Ouse Valley
30 year Service Awards
Sharon Bailey
Heather Bates
Linda Dash
Penelope Harris-Patel
Gillian Hart
Betty Mills
Elaine Morris
Helen Nicholls
Jean Varley
Wendy Walden
Jill Witts
50 year Service Awards
Jean Dale
Patricia Kimber
Mollie Plackett
Milton Keynes
Ouse Valley
Milton Keynes
Milton Keynes
Chepping Wycombe
Aylesbury Vale
High Wycombe
Thank you Certificate Service Awards August 2011 - July 2012 - Recognised Volunteers
5 year Service Certs
10 year Service Certs
Victoria Boakes
North Chilterns
Yvonne Munn
Susan Bushby
Victoria Daniel
Ouse Valley
Margaret Devlin
Simon Evans
High Wycombe
James Ferris
Aylesbury East
Brian Gowlett
North Chilterns
Jeremy Hall
High Wycombe
Susan Knight
Kay Sharpington
Timothy Sparks
High Wycombe
Rebecca Woodward
Aylesbury East
Burnham Beeches
The Newsletter of Girlguiding Buckinghamshire
Autumn 2012
Service Bars Issued August 2011 - July 2012 - Members
5 year Service Bars
Hannah Austin
Susan Batson
Deborah Begent
Pauline Bell
Elizabeth Butterworth
Alison Byrne
Brian Cook
Isabel Crispin
Ellysa Crutcher
Philippa Evett
Katherine Farrell
Carly Francis
Wendy Frary
Julia Glass
Laura Golds
Katherine Gomme
Ruth Greene
Nicola Greenhill
Lindsey Grimsdell
Jain Hamoudi
Carole Harmer
Nina Heavyside
Joy Hempshall
Lyn Ingman
Emma Jones
Teresa Jones
Laura Keil
Aylesbury Vale
Aylesbury East
Burnham Beeches
Burnham Beeches
Milton Keynes
Burnham Beeches
North Chilterns
Milton Keynes
Burnham Beeches
Aylesbury East
Chepping Wycombe
Ouse Valley
Burnham Beeches
Milton Keynes
Burnham Beeches
Burnham Beeches
Milton Keynes
North Chilterns
High Wycombe
5 year Service Bars
Jane King
Cheryl Knight
Katherine Knipe
Zoe Krawczyk
Michelle Maia
Janis Milne
Patricia Moe
Jane Morrison
Andrea Neill
Gina North
Ruth Passmore
Sarah Pearce
Rachel Pilgrim
Elizabeth Prais
Joanne Readman
Charlene Retallack-Hall
Kerry Russell
Natalie Sargent
Karen Seegoolam
Charlotte Small
Helen Solloway
Cheryl Strutt
Caitlynn Tait
Emily-Jane Tilley
Joanne Trickey
Joanne Walker
Chepping Wycombe
Burnham Beeches
North Chilterns
North Chilterns
Burnham Beeches
Aylesbury East
Chepping Wycombe
High Wycombe
Burnham Beeches
Burnham Beeches
Ouse Valley
Milton Keynes
High Wycombe
Ouse Valley
Ouse Valley
Chepping Wycombe
Message from the County Badge Secretary
All promise badges
Roundabout (red, yellow or blue)
Pot of Gold (pk of 5)
Interest Badges
Six Emblems
Adventure, Adventure on
Leaving badges
Sixer and Seconder
Challenge Badges
Challenge Certificates
Community Action Cloth
Community Action Metal
Patrol Emblems
PL, PS, Pack Leader, Brownie Helper, Rainbow Helper
Leaving Badge
World Badges
County Badges
Silk (each)
Silk (200)
Mrs June Bradshaw, County
Badge Secretary holds a full
range of badges. If you
have no local depot, badges
can be obtained from her.
Some badges and certificates require additional
paper work and are only
available through County
channels, for further information use the County website or contact June on
01296 483740
Please add £1.00 postage
per order. Cheques should
be made payable to ‗Guide
Association Of Buckinghamshire‘. Send orders and
cheques to: Mrs June Bradshaw, County Badge Secretary, 5, Barnett Way,
Bierton, Aylesbury, HP22
The Newsletter of Girlguiding Buckinghamshire
Autumn 2012
Take Flight—
The Back Page Bits
Editor’s Contact Details
Editor’s Bit
If you have anything to go in the next
edition, or an up and coming event,
please email me on:, see county directory for my other contact details.
The deadline for the next issue is Jan 6th ‗12
The Bulletin is compiled 3 times a year by little
old me on my little old laptop using little old
Publisher. Please send articles in a Word document and attach photos to emails separately. It
doesn't need to be formatted as I often have to
shrink it to fit the space I have. Please keep articles to less than one page of A4.
Many thanks for continuing to send me enough to
keep my busy, Nicky x
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed may not be those of the Editor
or of Girlguiding Buckinghamshire. The editor reserves the right to
edit copy. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the
accuracy of information, liability cannot be accepted for any
errors or omissions
The rather unusual quote have come from Dr Seuss as suggested by a lay on the GirlGuidingUK
Facebook page. I found them at
Don’t Forget! Dates for the Diary!
For further information about training contact your Division Guiding Development Representative or County Office
Sat 24th
January 2013
Tue 15th
Thu 17th
Tue 22nd
Wed 23rd
Sat 26th
Thu 31st
Mon 4th
Tue 5th
Wed 6th
Sun 10th
Mon 11th
Wed 27th
BP Adventure Weekend, Windy
First Response, Marlow Guide
A Safer Space, Marlow Guide
LQ Brownies & LQ Rainbows
(separately) - Bletchley
A Safe Space – Marlow
Guiding Development Meeting
Meet and Sing – for all those who
like to sing
First Response - Buckingham
County Finance Meeting
Fri 15th
Sat 23rd
Sun 24th
Wed 27th
like to sing
Sat 13th
Sat 20th
Wed 24th
Thu 25th
Sat 27th
Mon 29th
May 2013
Wed 1st
Thu 9th
Sat 11th
Sun 12th
Trefoil Guild Meeting
First Response – Ellesborough
Hike Practice Day
Meet and Sing – for all those who
Trefoil Guild Spring Gathering
First Response – Marlow
Meet and Sing – for all those who
like to sing
Guiding Development Meeting
International Cookery Comp
County Finance Meeting
A Safe Space - Ellesborough
County Executive/Awards Meet-
Competition Hike
International Meeting
Banner Service – St George‘s
LQ Guides/SS - Bletchley
Church – RAF Halton
County Exec/Awards Meeting
Thu 16th
LQ Guides/SS - Downley
First Response – Gerrards Cross
Sat 18th
First Response – Bletchley
Trainers Support Meeting
Meet and Sing – for all those who
Meet and Sing – for all those who Wed 22nd
like to sing
like to sing
Thu 23rd
LQ Brownies & LQ Rainbows
(separately) – Downley
Sat 2
County Training Day – GOAP/Mug
Fri 31st
Trefoil Guild Meeting
Tue 5
Ellesborough House Committee
Camp/Residential Training
- Ellesborough
by: The Print Shop, The Common, Oxford Road, Stokenchurch, Bucks. HP14 3TZ.
Mon 11th
A Safe Space – Buckingham
Tel: 01494 485121
Registered Charity number: 308309
Layout and Bucks Swan in Flight graphic by