2011 IAPD Events - Illinois Association of Park Districts
2011 IAPD Events - Illinois Association of Park Districts
2011 2011 Editorial Department/Advertising Todd Silvey, Director of Publications Illinois Association of Park Districts Phone: 217-523-4554 Fax: 217-523-4273 tsilvey@ILparks.org 2011 6 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 PETER M. MURPHY, J.D., CAE, President and CEO 8 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 2011 IAPD Board of Directors CHAIRMAN Wally Frasier Mundelein Park & Recreation District wwfrasier@comcast.net CHAIRMAN-ELECT Linda Johnson Crete Park District sjlj2@sbcglobal.net IMMEDIATE PAST-CHAIRMAN George Longmeyer Schaumburg Park District glongmeyer@comcast.net VICE-CHAIRMAN Don Andersen Oak Lawn Park District dardona17@sbcglobal.net Nathaniel "Nate" Martin Rockford Park District myenmartin@yahool.com Joseph Petry Champaign Park District joseph.petry@cparkdistrict.com TREASURER Willis “Bill” Logan Springfield Park District logan.w@att.net SERGEANT AT ARMS Gayle Cinke Grayslake Community Park District gcinke@yahoo.com 10 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 Tom Barz Frankfort Park District tom@frankfort.com Ken Collin Freeport Park District jkcollin@aol.com Carolyn Edley East Saint Louis Park District David Hansen Itasca Park District davedhpls@aol.com Jerri-Lynn Kleina Alsip Park District pbsfolks@att.net Ron Lehman Channahon Park District malrdl@aol.com Diane Main Westmont Park District dianemain24@hotmail.com David McDevitt Effingham Park District mcdevittdavid1@gmail.com D. Dewey Pierotti Jr. Forest Preserve District of DuPage County dpierotti@dupageforest.com Chris Riley Decatur Park District chrisriley@adm.com Frank Scarpelli Dundee Township Park District meadshop@yahoo.com 2011 IAPD Events April-May Flying 4 Kids Month Statewide Kite Fly June 18 IAPD Workshops for Newly Elected Officials Heartland Community College, Normal May 3 Parks Day at the Capitol State Capitol, Springfield June 20 Summer Golf Tour Event #2 Steeple Chase Golf Club, Mundelein Park & Rec. District May 3 Legislative Reception Illini Country Club, Springfield May 4 Legislative Conference Hilton Hotel, Springfield July 21 Legislative Golf Outing White Pines Golf Club, Bensenville Park District June 25 IAPD Workshops for Newly Elected Officials Lewis & Clark Community College, Godfrey May 16 Summer Golf Tour Event #1 Tanna Farms Golf Club, GolfVisions Mgt. Geneva, IL June 30 IAPD Workshops for Newly Elected Officials Schaumburg Golf Course June 1 IAPD Boot Camp Rolling Meadows Park District Aug 20 Park District Conservation Day State Fairgrounds, Springfield, IL June 2 IAPD Boot Camp Downers Grove Park District Aug 30 Summer Golf Tour Event #3 Orchard Valley Golf Course, Fox Valley Park District June 8 IAPD Boot Camp Decatur Park District Sept 20 Summer Golf Tour Event #4 Bridges of Poplar Creek Country Club Hoffman Estates Park District June 9 IAPD Boot Camp Collinsville Area Recreation District June 11 IAPD Workshops for Newly Elected Officials Joliet Junior College June 15 IAPD Boot Camp Rockford Park District Oct 14 IAPD Awards Gala Traditions at Chevy Chase Country Club Wheeling Park District Oct 27 Legal Symposium Hamburger University, Oak Brook, IL Nov 1-4 NRPA Congress & Exposition Atlanta, Georgia Jan 26-28/12 IAPD/IPRA Conference Hyatt Regency Chicago 12 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 2010 George Longmeyer, Schaumburg Park District IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 13 Update Your Membership Information Anytime at our Extensive New Website: www.ILparks.org Your updated agency information and statistics is crucial as part of the IAPD database used to represent park districts, forest preserves, conservation, recreation and special recreation agencies with issues concerning Illinois legislation. Keeping your agency's membership information up to date assures that your agency's board members and professionals will receive all pertinent communications from IAPD, including conference-related mailings, notification of upcoming grant opportunities, legislative alerts, newsletters and Illinois Parks & Recreation magazine. The association also uses this information to compile the annual membership directory. If your agency's information is not accurate – or if your agency's information changes during the course of the year – please update your agency's membership information by accessing the member profile information on the IAPD Web site at www.ILparks.org. Many agencies find it useful to assign the task of updating membership information – including board member contact information changes – to the executive director or some member of the administrative staff. But individual board members and professionals may update their own information if that is more desirable for your agency. The following instructions guide you step-by-step through the process of updating contact information for board members and key personnel at your agency. In addition, someone from your agency should be responsible for updating your agency's profile page anytime your agency has a change in general contact information, EAV, number and type of facilities and board meeting schedules. How to Update Your Agency Profile and Information Each member agency has an IAPD profile. Each member of your agency team is added, managed or subtracted through the agency profile. The agency profile is also your website page to update all key statistical information. Keeping this agency information current allows your staff to access the extensive features of the IAPD website. IAPD recommends that each agency's executive director (or assigned member of the administrative staff) update the profile pages any time contact or statistical information changes. 14 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 Agency Administration Login · Go to www.ILparks.org · Login to your profile using the Sign In dialogue box in the upper right of the home page. · The agency user name is UserName: full name of agency, no spaces (ex.pontiacparksandrecreationdepartment) [Please note that there are no ampersands and is not case-sensitive]. · Default Password: iapd211 [Security: please note to change and save a new password during your first login]. The Sign In dialogue box located in the upper right of the ilparks.com home page is the point to login to your agency administration page or to login to your individual member information and profile. Once you have logged into the agency profile page, you will see new administration choices where the sign in panel was before. Choose Manage Profile to update critical statistics and contact information concerning your agency. · If you are having difficulty with your user name and/or password, please e-mail the IAPD at admin@ilparks.org. For security reasons, website administrators cannot view your current password but can re-set to a default password for you to re-assign your own new password. · After you click the Login button, you will be taken to your agency profile page. Here you can view communication within the IAPD website or use a number of features in the My Profile box in the upper right corner. Update Agency Information and Settings Edit Bio · Once you have logged in to your agency profile page (above), click the Manage Profile link in the upper-right My Profile box. You will be taken to a Manage Profile page where you can update a number of information and setting options. · Click the Edit Bio link on the Manage Profile page. On this page you can update essential contact and statistical information about you agency. Please review all fields concerning your agency and please add a “0” to any that do not pertain to your agency. As with all pages, make sure to click the Save Changes button at the bottom of each page for all field changes to take effect. Sub-accounts · On the agency Manage Profile page, click the Subaccounts link. On this page you can add, subtract or modify individual profile accounts for executives and staff within your agency. Beside each existing sub-account (individual member) is a list of icons where you can edit individual accounts. To add a new account, you can click the Create Sub-account link or send an invitation for someone to create their own account by adding their email to the invite new members dialogue box and sending. As with all pages, make sure to click the Save Changes button at the bottom of each page for all field changes to take effect. Explore the Features · On the agency Manage Profile page is a number of opportunities to create blogs, photo galleries and network with fellow agencies in multiple ways. Make sure to become a part of the ILparks.org community! Once you have entered the Manage Profile area of your agency information page, you can update important statistics about your agency through the Edit Bio link or administrate your individual member accounts through the Sub-accounts link. IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 15 How to Update Your Individual Member Information and Profile Each board member and member of your agency's administrative team has an IAPD profile. Keeping this information current helps IAPD get pertinent information directly to the people at your agency who will find it useful. (And it allows us to exclude from certain mailings and communications people for whom the information would be irrelevant.) IAPD recommends that each agency's executive director (or some member of the administrative staff) update the profiles of board members and key administrative staff. Review your current individual member accounts by accessing the Sub-accounts page. Individual Login/Register · Go to www.ILparks.org · Login to your profile using the Sign In dialogue box in the upper right of the home page. · The user name is UserName: first name last name, no spaces (ex. JohnSmith) [Please note that the first name is your full name. For example, Robert Smith's username would be RobertSmith, not BobSmith]. · Default Password: iapd211 [Security: please note to change and save a new password during your first login]. · After you click the Login button, you will be taken to your personal profile page. · If you are having difficulty with your user name and/or password, please e-mail the IAPD at admin@ILparks.org. For security reasons, website administrators cannot view your current password but can re-set to default for you to re-assign a new password. · After you click the Login button, you will be taken to your personal profile page. Here you can view communication within the IAPD website or use a number of features in the My Profile box in the upper right corner. As with all pages, make sure to click the Save Changes button at the bottom of each page for all field changes to take effect. Explore the Features · Your My Profile box provides you a number of website features including: Networking through over 20 social and business network sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and within the inter-agency website connections itself. You can also add profile information, photos and join groups within www.ILparks.org! If you have any questions or difficulties accessing the website using your member information, please contact the IAPD at admin@ILparks.org or at 217-523-4554. A member's individual profile can include a personal bio about yourself, a “wall” to communicate with other members and a tracking page to follow blogs and news feeds from other members and agencies. Some other features avalable on your own profile page are a photo gallery and central location to view and manage all of your social/business networking sites, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and MySpace. www.ILparks.org 16 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 8020 POWER CORP Scott Turik 252 Woodstock St. Crystal Lake, IL 60014 847-971-4095 PH 847-971-4095 FX scott@8020powercorp.com www.8020powercorp.com AQUA PURE ENTERPRISES Thomas Todner 1404 Joliet Rd., Suite A Romeoville, IL 60406-9999 630-771-1310 PH 630-771-1301 FX tom@aquapure-il.com www.aquapure-IL.com BONESTROO John Briggs 1860 Winchester Rd. Libertyville, IL 60048-9999 847-816-1631 PH 817-816-3762 FX john.briggs@bonestroo.com www.bonestroo.com A-AWESOME AMUSEMENTS COMPANY Chris Manski PO Box 377 Saint Charles, IL 60174 630-953-2866 PH 630-916-1317 FX info@awesomeamusements.com http://AwesomeAmusements.com ASTROTURF® Andy Belles 2680 Abutment Rd, SE Dalton, GA 30721 706-277-8873 PH 706-277-5220 FX www.astroturfusa.com BROOKS, TARULIS, SCHAFFER & TIBBLE, LLC Rick Tarulis 101 N. Washington Street Naperville, IL 60540 630-355-2101 PH 630-355-7843 FX rtarulis@napervillelaw.com http://www.napervillelaw.com A MOON JUMP 4U Steve Rhey 5109 W. Lake St. Melrose Park, IL 60160 630-833-4386 PH amoonjump4u@gmail.com www.amoonjump4u.com/index.php ALL PAWS PET WASH Heather Steines 8642 Route 20/PO Box 98 Garden Prairie, IL 61038 800-537-8231 PH 815-544-4353 FX ccsi@ccsiusa.com www.allpawspetwash.com AMERESCO, INC. Louis Maltezos 1900 Spring Rd., Suite 400 Oak Brook, IL 60523-1834 630-203-2600 PH 630-954-5977 FX lmaltezos@ameresco.com ANCEL, GLINK, DIAMOND, BUSH, DICIANNI & KRAFTHEFER, P.C. Robert Bush 140 South Dearborn Street Chicago, IL 60603 312-782-7606 PH 312-782-0943 FX rbush@ancelglink.com www.ancelglink.com BAGGO Tod Williams 312 Lookout Point Hot Springs, AR 71913 888-323-1813 PH 501-767-5173 FX tod@baggo.com www.baggo.com ROBERT W. BAIRD John Piemonte 300 East 5th Avenue Naperville, IL 60523 630-778-2633 PH 630-778-9179 FX jpiemonte@rwbaird.com www.rwbaird.com BEACON ATHLETICS Lori Thielke 2224 Pleasant View Rd., Suite 6 Middleton, WI 53562 608-824-0068 PH 608-836-0724 FX lorit@beaconathletics.com www.beaconathletics.com BLAZING STAR CINEMA/ MOVIES IN THE PARK Christopher dePaola 24325 Blazing Star Court Plainfield, IL 60585 630-803-4963 PH 815-327-0726 FX chris@chicagoland outdoormovies.com www.Chicagoland OutdoorMovies.com BURNHAM AND FLOWER AGENCY Eddie Wood 2000 W. Pioneer Parkway, Suite 25 Peoria, IL 61615 800-692-9522 PH 309-692-9602 FX ewood@bfgroup.com www.bfgroup.com CABRERA CAPITAL MARKETS, LLC Brian King 10 S. LaSalle St., Suite 1050 Chicago, IL 60603 312-236-8888 PH bking@cabreracapital.com www.cabreracapital.com CALL ONE Colleen Lamb Ferarra 1000 Skokie Boulevard Suite 350 Wilmette, IL 60091 847-920-9600 PH 312-496-6693 Direct PH 312-519-5260 Cell 847-256-1478 FX www.callone.com clambferrara@callone.com IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 17 CDS OFFICE TECHNOLOGIES Fred Bascom 612 South Dirksen Parkway Springfield, IL 62703 217-528-8936 PH 217-753-4867 FX fbascom@cdsot.com www.cdsot.com CEDAR FOREST PRODUCTS CO. Matt Lilly 1008 S. Division Ave. Polo, IL 61064 800-552-9495 PH 815-946-2479 FX salescfp@cedarforestproducts.com www.cedarforestproducts.com CGA MEDIA Jon Bizzaro 28 Pope St. Hudson, MA 01749 978-618-5965 PH jon@cgamedia.com www.cgamedia.com CHAPMAN AND CUTLER Lynda Given 111 W. Monroe St. Chicago, IL 60603-4080 312-845-3000 PH 312-701-2361 FX given@chapman.com www.chapman.com CHASE BANK Sudeepa Chakrabarti 100 E Higgins Rd. FL 2N Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 847-228-2713 PH 866-779-0192 FX sudeepa.x.chakrabarti@chase.com www.chase.com CHLORIDE SALES Sally Litvay PO Box 7395 Romeoville, IL 60446 630-759-4900 PH 630-343-2260 FX sal.chloridesales@earthlink.net www.chloridesales.com 18 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 CL!X ON-LOCATION PHOTOGRAPHY Joe Izzo PO Box 662 Wheaton, IL 60187 630-221-8280 PH 630-221-1352 FX joeizzo@clixonlocation.com www.clixonlocation.com CORPORATE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Kelly Groth 1323 Butterfield Rd., Suite 110 Downers Grove, IL 60515 630-271-0500 PH 630-271-0505 FX ccs@corporateconstruction services.com www.corporateconstruction services.com COWHEY GUDMUNDSON LEDER, LTD. Bob Gudmonson 300 Park Blvd., Suite LL Itasca, IL 60143 630-250-9595 PH 630-250-9644 FX bob.gudmonson@cgl-ltd.com www.CGL-Ltd.com DROP ZONE PORTABLE SERVICES, INC. Bob Denton PO Box 964 Frankfort, IL 60423 815-727-7304 PH 815-727-7350 FX dropzonerdenton@sbcglobal.net www.dropzoneportableservices.com DUPONT PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTS Norman Kleber 33460 North Lone Rock Lane Wildwood, IL 60030 847-693-9348 PH ndnckleber@aol.com E. COONEY ASSOCIATES, INC. Ed Cooney PhD., P.E. 359 Webster Ave. Elmhurst, IL 60126 630-834-0754 PH 630-834-1528 FX ed@ecooney.com www.ecooney.com EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC. Steve Larson 550 Warrenville Rd. Suite 220 Lisle, IL 60532-4311 630-271-3330 PH 630-271-3369 FX slarson@ehlers-inc.com www.ehlers-inc.com ELGIN SWEEPING SERVICES, INC. Christopher Cacciatore 1015 W. Pershing Rd. Chicago, IL 60609 773-254-7100 PH 773-254-3555 FX jcosta@elginsweeping.com www.elginsweeping.com FARNSWORTH GROUP, INC. Christine Kleine 7707 N. Knoxville Ave., Suite 100 Peoria, IL 61614 309-689-9888 PH 309-689-9820 FX ckleine@f-w.com www.f-w.com FGM ARCHITECTS John Dzarnowski 1211 W. 22nd St. Oak Brook, IL 60523 630-574-8300 PH 630-574-9292 FX johnd@fgmarchitects.com www.fgmarchitects.com FITZGERALD LIGHTING & MAINTENANCE CO., INC. Dave Fitzgerald 1585 Beverly Court, Suite 104 Aurora, IL 60502 630-513-7147 PH 630-513-6872 FX dave@fitzgeraldlighting.com www.fitzgeraldlighting.com FLOORS INCORPORATED Steve Fantuzzi 1341 Cobblestone Way Woodstock, IL 60098 815-338-6566 PH 815-338-6679 FX stevefantuzzi@sbcglobal.net www.floorsinc-illinois.com GATEWAY SPORTS SOURCE, INC. / GYMSHORTS.COM Matt Miller PO Box 28554 St. Louis, MO 63146 314-738-9400 PH 314-738-9402 FX matt@gymshorts.com www.gymshorts.com GEWALT-HAMILTON ASSOC., INC. Robert Hamilton 850 Forest Edge Dr. Vernon Hills, IL 60061-3105 847-478-9700 PH 847-478-9701 FX info@gha-engineers.com www.gha-engineers.com GILBANE Douglas Lim 8550 W. Bryn Mawr Ave., Ste. 500 Chicago, IL 60631 773-695-3500 PH 773-695-3501 FX dlim@gilbaneco.com www.gilbaneco.com HERVAS, CONDON & BERSANI, P.C. Michael Bersani 333 Pierce Rd., Suite 195 Itasca, IL 60143-9999 630-773-4774 PH 630-773-4851 FX mbersani@hcbattorneys.com www.hcbattorneys.com GOODMARK NURSERIES LLC Michael Scheitz 8920 Howe Rd. Wonder Lake, IL 60097 815-653-9293 PH 815-728-0977 FX mike.scheitz@ goodmarknurseries.com www.goodmarknurseries.com HITCHCOCK DESIGN GROUP Bill Inman 221 W. Jefferson Ave. Naperville, IL 60540-5397 630-961-1787 PH 630-961-9925 FX binman@ hitchcockdesigngroup.com www.hitchcockdesigngroup.com GREEN ASSOCIATES, INC. George Reigle 111 Deerlake Rd., #135 Deerfield, IL 60015 847-317-0852 PH 847-317-0899 FX greig@greenassociates.com www.greenassociates.com HODGES, LOIZZI, EISENHAMMER, RODICK & KOHN LLC Robert Kohn 3030 W. Salt Creek Ln., Ste. 202 Arlington Heights, IL 60005-5002 847-670-9000 PH 847-670-7334 FX info@hlerk.com www.hlerk.com HALOGEN SUPPLY COMPANY, INC. Rich Hellgeth 4653 W. Lawrence Ave. Chicago, IL 60630-2532 773-286-6300 PH 773-286-1024 FX rhellgeth@halogensupply.com www.halogensupply.com HENRY BROS. CO. Marc Deneau 9821 S. 78th Ave. Hickory Hills, IL 60457 708-430-5400 PH 708-430-8262 FX info@henrybros.com www.henrybros.com HOMER INDUSTRIES, LLC Todd Hahn 14000 S. Archer Ave. Lockport, IL 60441 815-838-0863 PH 815-838-0863 FX todd@homertree.com www.homerindustries.com HOWARD L. WHITE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Loren Thorstenson P. O. Box 5197 Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 847-870-7745 PH 847-870-7806 FX loren@howardlwhite.com www.howardlwhite.com IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 19 HR GREEN Dave Reitz 420 N. Front St., Suite 100 McHenry, IL 60050 815-385-1778 PH 815-385-1781 FX dreitz@hrgreen.com www.hrgreen.com HUTCHINSON, SHOCKEY, ERLEY & CO. Bob Bergland 222 W. Adams Chicago, IL 60521 312-443-1566 PH 312-443-1082 FX rbergland@hsemuni.com www.hsemuni.com ICE MILLER LLP Bob Schillerstrom 200 W. Madison St., Suite 3500 Chicago, IL 60606 312-726-7142 PH 312-726-2693 FX Robert.schillerstrom@icemiller.com www.icemiller.com ILLINOIS BUS SALES Rob Zimmerman 1216 Rand Rd. Des Plaines, IL 60016-3403 847-297-3177 PH 847-296-3155 FX rob@bestbussales.com www.bestbussales.com ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CENTRAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES Diann Reed 201 E. Madison, Suite 3B Springfield, IL 62702 217-524-1227 PH 217-524-7541 FX diann.reed@illinois.gov 20 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 ILLINOIS METROPOLITAN INVESTMENT FUND Laura Allen 1220 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60523 630-571-0480 PH 630-571-0484 FX lallen@investimet.com www.investimet.com J & J POOL EQUIPMENT SERVICE John Moore 1119 Pershing Ave. Wheaton, IL 60189 630-336-3346 PH 630-456-4054 FX johnm@jj-pool.com www.jj-pool.com JAFFE FILMS, INC. Greg Bizzaro 6135 River Bend Drive Lisle, IL 60532 630-730-3777 PH 630-353-0887 FX greg@jaffefilms.com J.E.M. MORRIS CONSTRUCTION, INC. Jean Ellen Morris 49 W 102 US Route 30 Big Rock, IL 60511 630-556-3730 PH 630-556-3730 FX JJR, LLC Paul Wiese 35 E. Wacker Dr., Suite 2200 Chicago, IL 60601 312-641-6756 PH 312-641-0668 FX paul.wiese@jjr-us.com www.jjr-us.com JOHN DEERE COMPANY Mark Allgaier 262 Hawthorne Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 630-258-0384 PH 630-469-7358 FX allgaiermarkc@johndeere.com www.johndeere.com KENDALL HILL NURSERY Kathy Sharp 15990 Newark Road Newark, IL 60541 815-695-9907 PH 815-695-9908 FX kathy@kendallhillnursery.com www.kendallhillnursery.com KUBIESA ASSOCIATES, P.C. Ken Kubiesa 105 S. York St., Suite 250 Elmhurst, IL 60126 630-516-1800 PH 630-516-1808 FX www.ksgalaw.com LAMP INCORPORATED Ian Lamp P. O. Box 865 Elgin, IL 60121-0865 847-741-7220 PH 847-741-9677 FX ilamp@lampinc.net www.lampinc.net LANDSCAPE CONCEPTS MANAGEMENT George Markoutsas 31745 N. Alleghany Road Grayslake, IL 60030 847-223-3800 PH 847-223-0169 FX gmarkoutsas@ landscapeconcepts.com www.landscapeconcepts.com LAUTERBACH & AMEN, LLP Ron Amen 27W457 Warrenville Rd. Warrenville, IL 60555 630-393-1483 PH 630-393-2516 FX ramen@lauterbachamen.com www.lauterbachamen.com LEOPARDO COMPANIES, INC. Michael Behm or Emily Portugal 5200 Prairie Stone Parkway Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 847-783-3000 PH 847-783-3001 FX MWBehm@leopardo.com www.leopardo.com LET’S GO PLAY, INC. Ana Fiore P.O. Box 785 Tinley Park, IL 60477 708-802-9750 PH 708-802-9760 FX info@letsgoplayinc.com www.letsgoplayinc.com MCGINTY BROS., INC. Brian McGinty 3744 E. Cuba Rd. Long Grove, IL 60047 847-438-5161 PH 847-438-1883 FX brian@mcgintybros.com www.mcgintybros.com MESIROW FINANCIAL, INC. William Carney 353 N. Clark St. Chicago, IL 60654 312-595-6125 PH 312-595-6988 FX bcarney@mesirowfinancial.com www.mesirowfinancial.com MIDWEST SERVICE AND INSTALLATION (MOMENTUM) Dan Reid 231 E. Broadway, Suite 8 Bradley, IL 60915 815-744-8022 PH 815-730-3159 FX danreid@midwestserviceinc.com www.midwestserviceinc.com MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT Tom Boldwin 146 W. Issert Dr. Kankakee, IL 60901 815-933-2412 PH 815-933-3966 FX tom.boldwin@midwesttransit.com www.midwesttransit.com MUSCO SPORTS LIGHTING Gail Cressley 100 1st Ave. West Oskaloosa, IA 52577 641-673-0411 PH 641-673-4852 FX gail.cressley@musco.com www.musco.com NICERINK James Stoller PO Box 310 Genoa City, WI 53128 888-642-3746 PH 262-279-6744 FX info@nicerink.com www.nicerink.com NORWALK CONCRETE INDUSTRIES Jeff Malcolm 80 Commerce Drive Norwalk, OH 44857 800-733-3624 PH 419-663-0627 FX jmalcolm@nciprecast.com www.nciprecast.com NUTOYS LEISURE PRODUCTS Jennifer Samanich 915 Hillgrove P.O. Box 2121 LaGrange, IL 60525 708-526-6197 PH 708-579-0109 FX jennifers@nutoys4fun.com www.nutoys4fun.com OAK LAWN PARKS FOUNDATION c/o J. Quinn Mucker Ltd. 5210 W. 95th St., Ste. 200 Oak Lawn, IL 60453 708-425-1800 PH 708-425-2007 FX OPENLANDS Gerald Adelmann 25 E. Washington Street, Suite 1650 Chicago, IL 60602 312-427-4256 PH 312-427-6251 FX jadelman@openlands.org www.openlands.org OTTOSEN BRITZ KELLY COOPER & GILBERT, LTD. Shawn Flaherty 1804 N. Naper Blvd., Suite 350 Naperville, IL 60563 630-682-0085 PH 630-682-0788 FX sflaherty@obkcg.com www.obkcg.com PALATINE OIL COMPANY Keith Copersmet 900 National Parkway, Suite 260 Schaumburg, IL 60173 847-358-3600 PH 847-358-5904 FX info@palatineoil.com www.palatineoil.com PARK DISTRICT RISK MANAGEMENT AGENCY Brett Davis 2033 Burlington Avenue Lisle, IL 60532 630-769-0332 PH 630-769-0449 FX bdavis@pdrma.org www.pdrma.org PAVELOC INDUSTRIES LLC Marc Hurley 8302 South Route 23 Marengo, IL 60152 815-568-4700 PH 815-568-1210 FX marc@paveloc.com www.paveloc.com IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 21 PERENNIAL PARK PRODUCTS Tiffany Bachmann 885 Church Rd. Elgin, IL 60123 847-289-8383 PH 847-289-8382 FX tiffany@epsplasticlumb.com PERSONALIZED AWARDS, INC. Wendy Eastman 6020 W. Donges Bay Road Mequon, WI 53092 262-242-8900 PH 262-242-8925 FX info@LifeShouldBeRewarding.com www.lifeshouldberewarding.com PFM ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC Don Jessen 222 N. LaSalle, Suite 910 Chicago, IL 60601-9999 312-977-1570 PH 312-977-1575 FX jessend@pfm.com www.pfm.com PHN ARCHITECTS Karen Lellios 199 Town Square, Suite D Wheaton, IL 60189 630-665-8400 PH 630-665-8450 FX karen.l@phnarchitects.com www.phnarchitects.com PINNACLE SERVICES, INC Aron Jordan 1337 Industrial Dr. Itasca, IL 60143 630-773-8660 PH 630-773-8586 FX ajordan@pinnacleservicesinc.net www.pinnacleservicesinc.net PIZZO & ASSOCIATES, LTD. Susan Kuntzendorf 10729 Pine Rd. Leland, IL 60531 815-495-2300 PH 815-498-4406 FX info@pizzo.info http://pizzo.info/ 22 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 PLANNING RESOURCES, INC. Darrell Garrison 402 W. Liberty Dr. Wheaton, IL 60187-9999 630-668-3788 PH 630-668-4125 FX dgarrison@planres.com www.planres.com RECREATION CONCEPTS, INC. Bob Collins PO Box 240981 Charlotte, NC 28224 630-554-3800 PH 630-554-3750 FX bobc@recreationconcepts.com www.recreationconcepts.com PLATINUM POOLCARE AQUATECH LTD. John Gitzinger 300 E. Industrial Lane Wheeling, IL 60090 847-537-2525 PH 847-537-3857 FX johng@platinumpoolcare.com www.platinumpoolcare.com REESE RECREATION PRODUCTS Terry Curtis 3327 North Ridge Avenue Arlington Heights, IL 60004 847-398-2992 PH 847-398-1433 FX tcurtis@reeserec.com www.reeserec.com PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SERVICES Chad Charon 510 Cass St. Crete, IL 60417 708-672-4010 PH 708-672-3607 FX chad@pbsdesignbuild.com www.pbsdesignbuild.com PROFESSIONAL FITNESS CONCEPTS, INC. Brian Fonseca 521 Vera Court Joliet, IL 60436 815-741-5328 PH 815-741-5352 FX brian@pfc-fitness.com www.pfcfitnessequipment.com PSA - DEWBERRY Daniel Atilano 25 S. Grove Ave., Ste. 500 Elgin, IL 60120 847-841-0571 PH 847-695-6579 FX datilano@dewberry.com www.dewberry.com RATIO ARCHITECTS Brian DeMuynck 10 E. Chester St. Champaign, IL 61820 217-352-7696 PH 217-352-7831 FX bdemuynck@ratioarchitects.com www.ratioarchitects.com RENAISSANCE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, INC. Michael Shares 3509 Martens St. Franklin Park, IL 60131 847-671-1340 PH 847-671-9340 FX mike.shares@rc-systems.com www.rc-systems.com SEBERT LANDSCAPING Kim Riebel 1550 W. Bartlett Rd. Bartlett, IL 60103 630-497-1000 PH 630-497-1002 FX kim@sebert.com www.sebert.com SELECT ENERGY PARTNERS Jeff Olshesky 444 N. Wells Street, Suite 205 Chicago, IL 60654 773-278-6906 PH 888-358-2407 FX jo@selectenergypartners.com www.selectenergypartners.com SEVEN UTILITY MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS Dale Snyder 7704 Oakridge Rd. North Little Rock, AR 72116 501-835-3142 PH 866-546-8561 FX dsnyder@sevenutility.com www.sevenutility.com SRBL ARCHITECTS Carol Sente 1161-A Lake Cook Rd. Deerfield, IL 60015-9999 847-272-9500 PH 847-272-9510 FX carols@srblarchitects.com www.srblarchitects.com WOODWAY USA Donald Kindt Jr. W229 N591 Foster Ct. Waukesha, WI 53186 262-548-6235 PH 262-522-6235 FX dkindt@woodway.com www.woodway.com SIKICH LLP Fred Lantz 998 Corporate Blvd. Aurora, IL 60502 630-566-8400 PH 630-566-8401 FX flantz@sikich.com www.sikich.com SUMMERLAND CONSULTING LLC Michael Buehner 30320 Glenham Ct. Wesley Chapel, FL 33543 877-348-5338 PH 813-991-6552 FX mbuehner@ summerlandconsulting.net www.summerlandconsulting.net WRD ENVIRONMENTAL Geoff Deigan 445 N. Sacramento Blvd Chicago, IL 60612 773-722-9870 PH 773-722-9875 FX gdeigan@wrdenvironmental.com www.wrdenvironmental.com SPEAR CORPORATION Sam Blake P.O. Box 3 Roachdale, IN 46172 800-642-6640 PH 765-522-1702 FX sblake@spearcorp.com www.spearcorp.com TEAM REIL INC. John Cederlund 17421 Marengo Rd. Union, IL 60180 888-438-7345 PH 815-923-2204 FX john@getreil.com www.getreil.com SPEER FINANCIAL, INC. David Phillips One North LaSalle, Suite 4100 Chicago, IL 60602 312-780-2280 PH 312-346-8833 FX dphillips@speerfinancial.com www.speerfinancial.com TRESSLER LLP Charlene Holtz Willis Tower, 22nd Floor Chicago, IL 60606 312-627-4168 PH 312-627-1717 FX choltz@tresslerllp.com www.tsmp.com SPIROFF & GOSSELAR, LTD. Barbara J. Gosselar 610 Roosevelt Road, Suite A-2 Wheaton, IL 60187 630-510-6000 PH 630-510-6005 FX barbara@thesglawfirm.com www.thesglawfirm.com V3 COMPANIES Ed Fitch 7325 Janes Ave. Woodridge, IL 60517 630-729-6329 PH 630-724-9202 FX efitch@v3co.com www.v3co.com SPORT COURT MIDWEST Patrick Walker 1070 Entry Dr. Bensenville, IL 60106 630-350-8652 PH 630-350-8657 FX info@courtofsport.com www.courtofsport.com WILLIAMS ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS, LTD. 450 E. Gundersen Dr. Carol Stream, IL 60188-9999 630-221-1212 PH 630-221-1220 FX williams@williams-architects.com www.williams-architects.com SHANNON SALES SPECIALTY FLOORS Kimberely Phad 1005 S. 60th Street Milwaukee, WI 53214 800-522-9166 PH 414-944-0550 FX kimp@shannonsales.com www.floorsbyshannonsales.com W-T ENGINEERING, INC. Troy Triphahn 2675 Pratum Ave. Hoffman Estates, IL 60192-3703 224-293-6333 PH 224-293-6444 FX troytriphahn@cdg-llc.com www.wtengineering.com IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 23 24 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 PO Box 697 Lombard, IL 60148 630/376-1911 Phone 630/376-1919 Fax www.ILipra.org JAN ARNOLD EX 203 Executive Director...................................................................jan@ilipra.org MIKE SELEP, CPRP EX 206 Professional Services Director................................................mike@ilipra.org DINA KARTCH EX 200 Education & Conference Director............................................dina@ilipra.org SHEILA MULVEY-TATORIS EX 208 Member Service Specialist...................................................sheila@ilipra.org HEATHER WEISHAAR EX 202 Development & Project Director.........................................heather@ilipra.org BARRY FRANKS EX 209 Financial Services Director...................................................barry@ilipra.org MITCH BOWLIN EX 207 Accounting Assistant..........................................................mitch@ilipra.org IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 25 2011 IPRA Board of Directors 2011 Board Officers Chair LoriKay Paden, CPRP, Office of Recreation & Park Resources, University of Illinois Chair-Elect John Curran, CPRP, Tinley Park Park District Past Chair Carrie Haupert, CPRP, Bloomingdale Park District Secretary Allison Niemela, CPRP, Batavia Park District Treasurer Jan Arnold, Executive Director, Illinois Park & Recreation Association 2011 District Board Members Chicago Metro District Jan Hincapie, CPRP, Lincolnwood Parks & Recreation Department 2011 Section Board Representatives Administration & Finance Nancy McCaul, CPRP, Fox Valley Park District Communications & Marketing Allison Niemela, CPRP, Batavia Park District Ethnic Minority Section Gail Ito, CTRS, Chicago State University Facility Management Brian Meyer, CPRP, Bolingbrook Park District Parks & Natural Resource Management Mike Sletten, CPRP, River Forest Park District Recreation Rick Hanetho, CPRP, Northbrook Park District Therapeutic Recreation Matt Corso, CPRP, SEASPAR 2011 Section Directors Administration & Finance Section Brian Sullivan, CPRP, Morton Grove Park District Northern Illinois District Patrick Kloss, Belvidere Park District Communications & Marketing Section Jessica Alexenko, Oak Brook Park District Central Illinois District Joe DeLuce, CPRP, Champaign Park District Ethnic Minority Section Keeley Lewis-Childress, University Park Parks & Rec Southern Illinois District Mary Jeanne Hutchison, CPRP, O'Fallon Parks & Recreation Facility Management Section Lori Neubauer, CPRP, Itasca Park District Parks & Natural Resource Management Section Alice Eastman, CPRP Recreation Section Steve Nagle, CPRP, Glencoe Park District Therapeutic Recreation Section Peter Pope, CTRS, Tri-County SRA Student Section Jon Vidovic, Illinois State University 26 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 Upcoming IPRA Educational Opportunities Dates and topics are subject to change. UPDATED: April 4, 2011 Please visit www.ipraonline.com for detailed and the most current information as well as online registration. SCHOOLS August 10 Communications and Marketing Boot Camp September 1 Therapeutic Recreation Leadership Workshop September 27-28 Supervisor Symposium: Branching Towards Excellence November 13-16 Professional Development School: The Pirate’s Map to Discovering Buried Treasures! WORKSHOPS August 26 Performance Management: What You Need to Know and How to Get Started Presenters: Rick Hanetho, Executive Director and Chuck Trongnetpanya, Director of Information Technology, Northbrook Park District September 20 Cyber Bullying and Internet Security (Kankakee) Presenter: Sarah Migas, Internet Safety Specialist, High Tech Crimes Bureau, Illinois Attorney General’s Office October 4 Perfecting Internal Customer Service Presenter: Chuck Balling, Executive Director, Glenview Park District November 4 FM/REC Joint Section Workshop December 2 Developing an Innovative Culture (REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS NOVEMBER 11) Presenter: Praveen Gupta, Consultant, Excellence and Innovation Participants will receive a copy of Business Innovation in the 21st Century. WEBINARS June 9 GIS: A Tool You Can Use for Better Decision Making Presenters: Mary Gardocki and Barbara Heller, Consultants, Heller and Heller Consulting June 21 Strategies for Enhancing and Managing Park Safety Presenters: Ray McGury, Executive Director, Naperville Park District; Carl Schnibben, Park Police Chief July 12 Freedom of Information Act Presenter: Robert Bush, Partner, Ancel, Glink, Diamond, Bush, DiCianni & Krafthefer, P.C. August 4 A Park District’s Guide to Environmental and Storm Water Regulations Presenters: Bill Donnell, Senior Landscape Architect and Planner, Patrick Kelsey, Executive Vice President and Kristine Meyer, Professional Engineer, Certified Floodplain Manager and Project Manager, Wills Burke Kelsey Associates August 11 Effective Team-Based Approaches Presenter: Barbara Heller, Consultant, Heller and Heller Consulting September 8 Leading a Culture of Service Excellence with Dennis Snow Presenter: Dennis Snow, Author, Lessons from the Mouse: A Guide for Applying Disney World's Secrets of Success to Your Organization, Your Career, and Your Life. October 13 Creating New Energy in Your Recreation Programs Presenter: Barbara Heller, Consultant, Heller and Heller Consulting October 17 Private Sector Funding for Parks & Recreation Presenter: Barry Weiss CERTIFICATION PROGRAMS July 14 Certified Park and Recreation Professional (CPRP) Preparation Course (Decatur) Presenter: Mike Selep, Professional Services Director, IPRA August 11 Certified Park and Recreation Professional (CPRP) Preparation Course (Moline) Presenter: Mike Selep, Professional Services Director, IPRA October 6-7 Aquatic Facility Operator Course and Exam (AFO) October 14 Certified Park and Recreation Professional (CPRP) Preparation Course (Collinsville) Presenter: Mike Selep, Professional Services Director, IPRA October 18-20 National Playground Safety Institute (NPSI) December 8 Certified Park and Recreation Professional (CPRP) Preparation Course (Buffalo Grove) Presenter: Mike Selep, Professional Services Director, IPRA IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 27 CEDAR FOREST PRODUCTS Mr. Mark Johnson P.O. Box 98 1008 S. Division Polo, IL, IL 61064 Email: cfpinfo@ cedarforestproducts.com Tel: (815)946-3994 Fax: (815)946-2479 COMMERCIAL RECREATION SPECIALISTS, INC. Mr. Ron Romens 415 Investment Court Verona, WI 53593 Email: info@crs4rec.com Tel: (608)848-8781 Fax: (608)848-8782 CORDOGAN CLARK & ASSOCIATES Ms. Rhonda Mont 960 Ridgeway Avenue Aurora, IL 60506 Email: rmont@cordoganclark.com Tel: (630)896-4678 Fax: (630)896-4987 DEVERY ENGINEERING, INC. Mr. Robert Devery 145 Commerce Drive, Suite B Grayslake, IL 60030 Email: info@deveryengineering.com Tel: (847)548-8153 Fax: (847)548-8159 EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES Mr. Steve Larson 550 Warrenville Road, Suite 220 Lisle, IL 60532-4311 Email: SLarson@Ehlers-Inc.com Tel: (630)271-3330 Fax: (630)271-3369 ENGINEERING RESOURCE ASSOCIATES Mr. William Pearch 3S701 West Ave Ste 150 Warrenville, IL 60555-3264 Email: wpearch@ eraconsultants.com Tel: (630)393-3060 Fax: (630)393-2152 28 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 FEATHERSTONE, INC. Ms. Tom Featherstone 4610 Roslyn Road Downers Grove, IL 60515 Email: tomf@featherstoneinc.com Tel: 630-737-1990 Fax: 630-737-1998 GREEN-UP LANDSCAPE, INC Mr. James K. Callham 13520 S. Budler Road Plainfield, IL 60544 Email: brs@green-up.com Tel: (815)372-3000 Fax: (815)372-3005 FGM ARCHITECTS Mr. John Dzarnowski 1211 W. 22nd Street Oak Brook, IL 60523 Email: johnd@fgmarchitects.com Tel: (630)574-8300 Fax: (630)574-9292 HELLER AND HELLER CONSULTING, INC. Ms. Barbara Heller 813 South Harvey Avenue Oak Park, IL 60304 Email: barbara@hellerheller.com Tel: (224)456-6934 Fax: (877)242-7761 FITZGERALD LIGHTING Mr. Dave Fitzgerald 1585 Beverly Court, Suite 104 Aurora, IL 60502 Email: dave@fitzgeraldlighting.com Tel: (630)513-7147 Fax: (630)513-6872 FLINT ARCHITECTS Mr. Stephen E. Flint 314 S Westmore Ave Lombard, IL 60148-3024 Email: seflint@flintarch.com Tel: (630)953-9220 Fax: (630)953-9440 GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS CO. Mr. Pete Bakala 450 N. York Rd. Bensenville, IL 60106 Email: pbakala@gmpopcorn.com Tel: (800)767-5352 Fax: (630)860-5980 GREAT LAKES LANDSCAPE CO., INC. Mr. Kevin Harynek 434 E. Devon Avenue Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 Tel: (847)439-3737 Fax: (847)439-3737 HEY AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Mr. Tim Pollowy 1780 N Farnsworth Ave Ste M Aurora, IL 60505-1576 Email: tpollowy@heyassoc.com Tel: (630)585-8020 Fax: (630)585-8022 HITCHCOCK DESIGN GROUP Mr. Bill Inman 221 W. Jefferson Naperville, IL 60540 Email: binman@ hitchcockdesigngroup.com Tel: (630)961-1787 Fax: (630)961-9925 HOMETEAMZ.COM INC. Terri Kauss 804 S White Willow Bay Palatine, IL 60067 Email: terri@hometeamz.com Tel: (312)473-7225 IT AUGMENTATION SOLUTIONS, INC. Mr. Richard Alesky 1925 Hastings Avenue Downers Grove, IL 60516 Email: ralesky@recSoftware.com Tel: (630) 854-1885 JJR, LLC Mr. Paul Wiese 35 E Wacker Drive Suite 2200 Chicago, IL 60601 Email: paul.wiese@jjr-us.com Tel: (312) 641-0570 Fax: (312) 641-0668 KI FURNITURE Mr. Jim Heyden PO Box 4135 St Charles, IL 60174 Email: jim.heyden@ki.com Tel: (847) 867-7898 KIDSTUFF PLAYSYSTEMS, INC. Mr. Richard Hagelberg 5400 Miller Ave. Gary, IN 46403 Email: rhagelberg@ kidstuffplaysystems.com Tel: (219)938-3331 Fax: (219)938-3340 LAKE GENEVA CRUISE LINE Ms. Ellen Burling P.O. Box 68 Lake Geneva, WI 53147 Email: eb@glcl.net Tel: (262)248-6206 (101) Fax: (262)248-5657 LAMP INCORPORATED Mr. Ian C. Lamp 460 N. Grove Avenue Elgin, IL 60120 Email: ilamp@lampinc.net Tel: (847)741-7220 (305) Fax: (847)741-9677 LAUTERBACH & AMEN, LLP Mr. Ronald Amen 27W457 Warrenville Road Warrenville, IL 60555 Email: ramen@lauterbachamen.com Tel: (630)393-1483 Fax: (630)393-2516 LEOPARDO COMPANIES, INC. Mr. Michael W. Behm 5200 Prarie Stone Parkway Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 Email: mwbehm@leopardo.com Tel: (847)783-3212 Fax: (847)783-3213 LUNDY'S SPECIAL EVENTS 1385 Pridemore Ct. Lexington, KY 40505 Tel: (859)255-0717 MARY COOK & ASSOCIATES INTERIOR DESIGN Ms. Kate Brennan 4001 N Ravenswood Ave Ste 101 Chicago, IL 60613-2576 Email: info@marycook.com Tel: (773)975-9500 Fax: (773)975-0210 MELROSE PYROTECHNICS, INC. Mr. Robert Kerns P.O. Box 302 Kingsbury, IN 46345 Email: bob@melrosepyro.com Tel: (219)393-5522 Fax: (219)393-5710 MIDWEST SALES COMPANY Ms. Jill Peterson PO Box 416 Bettendorf, IA 52722 Email: sales@ midwestplaygrounds.com Tel: (800)346-2371 Fax: (563)336-4017 MORTON ARBORETUM Ms. Lisa Wisner 4100 Illinois Route 83 Lisle, IL 60532 Email: lwisner@mortonarb.org Tel: (630)719-7958 Fax: (630)719-7956 MUSCO SPORTS LIGHTING Mr. Doug Miller 1150 Powis Road West Chicago, IL 60185 Email: promotions@musco.com Tel: (630) 920-6701 Fax: (630)876-9654 NATIONAL ALLIANCE FOR YOUTH SPORTS Ms. Kate Dilworth 2050 Vista Parkway West Palm Beach, FL 33411 Email: marketing@nays.org Tel: (561)684-1141 Fax: (561)684-2546 NICERINK Mr. James E. Stoller P.O. Box 310 Genoa City, WI 53128 Email: jim@nicerink.com Tel: (262)279-6000 Fax: (262)279-6744 PALATINE OIL CO., INC. Mr. Keith Copersmet 900 National Parkway Suite 260 Schaumburg, IL 60173 Email: kcopersmet@palatineoil.com Tel: (847)358-3600 Fax: (847)358-5904 PEARL VALLEY ORGANIX Kerry Satterwhite 968 S Kent Road Pearl City, IL 61062-9170 Email: ksatterwhite@ pearlvalleyeggs.com Tel: (815) 291-9627 PDRMA Mr. Dane Mall PO Box 4320 Wheaton, IL 60189 Email: dmall@pdrma.org Tel: (630) 769-0332 Fax: (630) 435-8999 PERSONALIZED AWARDS Ms. Wendy Eastman 6020 W Donges Bay Road Mequon, WI 53092 Email: info@lifeshouldberewarding.com Tel: (262)242-8900 Fax: (262)242-8925 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 29 PIZZO & ASSOCIATES, LTD. Ms. Susan Kuntzendorf PO Box 98 Leland, IL 60531 Email: info@pizzo.info Tel: (815)495-2300 Fax: (815)498-4406 RILEY CONSTRUCTION CO., INC Ms. Barbara J. Riley 5614 52nd Street Kenosha, WI 53144 Email: barbr@rileycon.com Tel: (262)658-4381 Fax: (262)658-0312 TEAM REIL, INC. Mr. John W. Cederlund 17421 Marengo Rd Union, IL 60180-9692 Email: mike@getreil.com Tel: (815)923-4321 Fax: (815)923-4303 PLAYWORLD PREFERRED Ms. Andrea Acome 13504-G South Point Blvd. Charlotte, NC 29273 Email: andrea@ playworldpreferred.com Tel: (800)459-7241 Fax: (704)583-0074 ROSE PAVING COMPANY Mr. Chris Tanner 7300 W 100th Place Bridgeview, IL 60455 Email: cjohnson@rosepaving.com Tel: (708)430-1100 Fax: (708)430-9100 THE LAKOTA GROUP Mr. Scott Freres 212 W Kinzie St Fl 3 Chicago, IL 60610 Email: sfreres@thelakotagroup.com Tel: (312)467-5445 PRECISION CONTROL SYSTEMS OF CHICAGO Mr. Chuck Gebbia 1980 University Lane Lisle, IL 60532 Email: cgebbia@pcsoc.com Tel: (630)521-0234 Fax: (630)521-0556 PREMIER RUBBER TECHNOLOGY/PART OF KELLY'S CONSTRUCTION GROUP, INC. Mr. Larry Budnik 205 Willow Springs Road PO Box 205 Willow Springs, IL 60480 Email: lbudnik@ onesubbersurface.com Tel: (312)617-7602 Fax: (708)839-1603 PSA-DEWBERRY Mr. Daniel Atilano 25 S Grove Ave Ste 500 Elgin, IL 60120-6400 Email: datilano@dewberry.com Tel: (847)841-0571 Fax: (847)742-4571 RECREATION CONCEPTS, INC. Mr. Scott Cunningham PO Box 240981 Charlotte, NC 28224 Email: scott@cunninghamassoc.com Tel: (800) 438-2780 Fax: (704) 525-5376 30 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 SIGNATURE DESIGN GROUP, INC Mr. Greg Sagen 604 N Washingon St Naperville, IL 60563 Email: greg@sgntrgroup.com Tel: (630)305-3980 Fax: (630)305-3994 SPEER FINANCIAL, INC. Mr. David F. Phillips One North LaSalle, Suite 4100 Chicago, IL 60602 Email: dphillips@speerfinancial.com Tel: (312)780-2280 Fax: (312)346-8833 SRBL ARCHITECTS Ms. Carol Sente 1161-A Lake Cook Road Deerfield, IL 60015 Email: carols@srblarchitects.com Tel: (847)559-7710 Fax: (847)272-9510 SUNDEK OF ILLINOIS, INC. Mr. Jake Olson 3810 Industrial Avenue Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 Tel: (847)392-3939 Fax: (847)392-8844 TOT TURF BY RICHARDSON IND. Mr. Bob Hauser 6N440 Barberry Lane St. Charles, IL 60175 Email: rhauser@totturf.com Tel: (630)429-3929 VERMONT SYSTEMS, INC. Ms. Kathy Messier 12 Market Place Essex Junction, VT 05452 Email: sales@vermontsystems.com Tel: (877) 883-8757 Fax: (802)879-5368 WIGHT & COMPANY Mr. Stephen Collins 2500 N. Frontage Road Darien, IL 60561-1511 Email: scollins@wightco.com Tel: (630)739-6703 Fax: (630)969-7979 WILLIAMS ARCHITECTS, LTD. Ms. Dawn Jones 450 E. Gundersen Drive Carol Stream, IL 60188 Email: drjones@williamsarchitects.com Tel: (630)221-1212 Fax: (630)221-1220 WILLS BURKE KELSEY ASSOCIATES, LTD. Mr. Patrick Kelsey 116 W Main Street Suite 201 St. Charles, IL 60174 Email: pkelsey@abkengineering.com Tel: (630)443-7755 Fax: (630)443-0533 WINTRUST FINANCIAL Ms. Aimee Briles 500 Roosevelt Rd Ste 320 Glen Ellyn, IL 60137-2600 Email: abriles@wintrust.com Tel: (630)516-4685 Fax: (866)854-2115 W-T ENGINEERING, INC. Ms. Beth Alexander-Ham 2675 Pratum Avenue Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 Email: Beth.Alexander@ wtengineering.com Tel: (224)293-6333 Fax: (224)293-6444 Looking for Contact Information for Your IPRA Peers? Contact information for IPRA members can be found online in the members section of the IPRA Web site at www.ILipra.org. Be sure to check out this resource. Also at the IPRA Web site, you can update your member information instantly. IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 31 BUYERS’ GUIDE Advertiser Index & Types of Suppliers 32 3D Design Studio........................................ 52, 54 A.C.T. Tennis Services................................... 65,68 Ancel, Glink, Diamond, Bush, Dicianni & Krafthefer, P.C...............................35,40 Bonestroo.................................................... 39,48 Brusseau Design Group, LLC......................... 33,52 Burbach Aquatics, Inc........................................34 Call One...................................................... 37,41 Camosy Construction.................................... 37,53 Central Sod Farms, Inc................................ 39, 68 Commeg Systems.............................................. 68 Corporate Construction Services, Ltd................7, 38 Custom Playgrounds.................................... 62, 66 Design Perspectives, Inc...............................52, 56 Drop Zone Portable Services, Inc.........................62 Ehlers & Associates, Inc............................... 39, 48 FGM Architects, Inc....................................... 1, 34 Fox Ridge Nursery........................................56, 61 Gold Medal Products Co............................... 37, 46 Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates................ 39, 48 Henry Bros. Company.................................. 38, 47 Hitchcock Design Group............................... 11, 52 Homer Industries...........................................3, 56 Howard L. White & Associates.......... 61, 62, 63, 68 Indesco...................................................... 38, 63 Innovative Aquatic Design, LLC..................... 34, 35 Keeper Goals.............................................. 37, 68 LandTech Landscape Architecture..................52, 53 Mary Cook & Associates................................. 5, 41 McGinty Bros.............................................. 56, 58 Melrose Pyrotechnics, Inc.............................41, 50 Midwest Transit.................................................67 Musco Sports Lighting..................................56, 59 Norwalk Concrete.....................31, 37, 41, 63, 68 NuToys Leisure Products............................. 61, 62 Park Supply Direct, Inc............................... 62, 63 Perennial Park Products.................................... 63 Phils Topsoil, Inc........................................35, 38 Planning Resources, Inc.............................. 56, 57 Power Equipment Leasing........................... 50, 68 Professional Fitness Concepts...................... 39, 51 PSA Dewberry............................................34, 42 Public Research Group................................38, 52 Ratio Architects, Inc................................... 37, 52 Recreation Accessibility Consultants, LLC......56, 63 Recreation Concepts, Inc.........................9, 62, 68 RenoSys Corporation.................................. 34, 36 RJ Thomas Mfg......................................... 60, 63 Scharm Floor Covering................................ 41, 50 Schwake Stone.......................................... 56, 67 Seven Utility.............................................. 39, 67 Sikich LLP............................. 38, inside back cover Speer Financial, Inc....................................37, 44 Sportsfields, Inc......................................... 35, 43 SRBL Architects............... inside front cover, 35, 38 Starved Rock Lodge....................................39, 55 Team REIL, Inc.......................................... 62, 64 University of Illinois.................................... 39, 66 Upland Design Ltd............................................52 Vermont Systems, Inc................................. 37, 45 WB Olson................................................. 38, 53 Williams Architects..............34, 35, 38, back cover Willis Burke............................................... 39, 55 WRD Environmental................................... 55, 56 W-T Engineering, Inc............................ 39, 49, 52 Aquatic Architects............................................. 34 Aquatic Engineers..............................................34 Architects.................................................... 34-35 Athletic Fields - Equipment & Supplies.................35 Attorneys..........................................................35 Bond Consultants.............................................. 37 Business Telecommunication.............................. 37 Computer Software............................................ 37 Concessions......................................................37 Concession Stands.............................................37 Construction Management............................. 37-38 Consultants...................................................... 38 Consulting - Executive Search............................. 39 Day Trips & Tours.............................................. 39 Education......................................................... 39 Energy Management........................................ 39 Engineering Consulting.......................................39 Engineers......................................................... 39 Exercise Equipment Manufacturing & Sale............ 39 Finance............................................................ 39 Fireworks..........................................................41 Flooring/Floor Covering.......................................41 Hazardous Materials Storage...............................41 Interior Design...................................................41 Land Surveying................................................. 52 Landscape Architects................................... 52-56 Lawn & Tree Care............................................. 56 Lighting........................................................... 56 Mulch..............................................................56 Natural Stone................................................... 56 Nursery - Wholesale..........................................56 Park / Facility Accessibility................................. 56 Park Planning & Design..................................... 56 Parks & Playgrounds......................................... 62 Playground Equipment...................................... 62 Playground Installation...................................... 62 Playground Maintenance & Inspection................. 62 Portable Toilets.................................................62 Restroom Buildings........................................... 63 Safety Equipment............................................. 63 Shelter.............................................................63 Site Furnishings................................................ 63 Skate Parks......................................................68 Sporting Goods.................................................68 Storage Buildings..............................................68 Tennis............................................................. 68 Timekeeping / Time & Attendance.......................68 Trucks & Equipment.......................................... 68 Turf................................................................. 68 Waterplay Structures......................................... 68 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 BUYERS’ GUIDE Aquatic Architects - Architects Aquatic Engineers Williams Architects Dawn Jones 450 E. Gundersen Dr. Carol Stream, IL 60188 630/221-1212 PH 630/221-1220 FX www.williams-architects.com williams@williams-architects.com See back cover ad 34 Burbach Aquatics, Inc. Roger Schamberger 5974 State Hwy 80 South Platteville, WI 53818 608/348-3262 PH 608/348-4970 FX www.burbachaquatics.com baae@centurytel.net See ad on page 34 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 Innovative Aquatic Design, LLC Jim Lueders 2675 Pratum Ave. Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 224/293-6460 PH 224/293-6466 FX www.iad-llc.com info@iad-llc.com See ad on page 35 RenoSys Corporation Jason Mart 2825 E. 55th Place Indianapolis, IN 46220 317/251-0207 PH 317/251-0360 FX www.renosys.com info@renosys.com See ad on page 36 FGM Architects, Inc. John Dzarnowski 1211 W. 22nd St. Oak Brook, IL 60523 630/574-8300 PH 630/574-9292 FX www.fgmarchitects.com johnd@fgmarchitects.com See ad on page 1 PSA - Dewberry Daniel Atilano 25 S. Grove Ave., Ste 500 Elgin, IL 60120 847/841-0571 PH 847-742-4571 FX www.dewberry.com datilano@dewberry.com See ad on page 42 BUYERS’ GUIDE Architects - Attorney’s SRBL Architects Carol Sente 1161-A Lake Cook Rd. Deerfield, IL 60015 847/559-7710 PH 847/272-9510 FX www.srblarchitects.com carols@srblarchitects.com See inside front cover ad Williams Architects Dawn Jones 450 E. Gundersen Dr. Carol Stream, IL 60188 630/221-1212 PH 630/221-1220 FX www.williams-architects.com williams@williams-architects.com See back cover ad Phil's Topsoil, Inc. Elizabeth Zarndt 24043 W.Oak St. Unit 3 Plainfield, IL 60544 815/436-7447 PH 815/439-9935 FX www.philstopsoil.com liz@philstopsoil.com See ad on page 38 Sportsfields, Inc. Jim Walsh 12200 S. Shirley Alsip, IL, 60803 708/371-0917 PH 708/371-0108 FX www.sportsfieldsinc.com jim@sportsfieldsinc.com See ad on page 43 Ancel, Glink, Diamond, Bush, DiCianni & Krafthefer, P.C. Robert K. Bush 140 S. Dearborn St. Chicago, IL 60603 312/782-7606 PH 312/782-6904 FX www.ancelglink.com rbush@ancelglink.com See ad on page 40 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 35 36 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 BUYERS’ GUIDE Bond Consultants - Construction Management Concessions Speer Financial, Inc. David Phillips One North LaSalle St., #4100 Chicago, IL 60602 312/780-2280 PH 312/346-8833 FX www.speerfinancial.com dphillips@speerfinancial.com See ad on page 44 Business Telecommunications Gold Medal Products Co. Pete Bakala 450 North York Road Bensenville, IL 60106 630/860-2525 PH 630/860-5980 FX www.gmpopcorn.com pbakala@gmpopcorn.com See ad on page 46 Concession Stands Call One John Havis 123 N. Wacker Dr., 7th Floor Chicago, IL 60606 312/681-8300 PH 312/681-8301 FX www.callone.com jhavis@callone.com See ad on page 41 Norwalk Concrete Ind. Scott Kinnamon 80 Commerce Dr. Norwalk, OH 44857 800/733-3624 PH 419/663-0627 FX www.nciprecast.com skinn@nciprecast.com See ad on page 31 Vermont Systems, Inc. Terri Colacchio 12 Market Place Essex Junction, VT 05452 877/883-8757 PH 802/879-5368 FX www.vermontsystems.com sales@vermontsystems.com See ad on page 45 Camosy Construction John Bosman 43451 N. Hwy 41 Zion, IL 60099 847/395-6800 PH 847/395-6891 FX www.camosy.com johnbosman@camosy.com See ad on page 53 Construction Management continued on page 38 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 37 BUYERS’ GUIDE Construction Management - Consultants Construction Management Cont. Corporate Construction Services Mike Rink or Doug Rink 1323 Butterfield Rd., Suite 110 Downers Grove, IL 60515 630/271-0500 PH 630/271-0505 FX www.corporate constructionservices.com ccs@corporateconstruction services.com See ad on page 7 Henry Bros. Company Marc Deneau 9821 S. 78th Ave. Hickory Hills, IL 60457 708/430-5400 PH 708/430-8262 FX www.henrybros.com mdeneau@henrybros.com See ad on page 47 W. B. Olson Inc. Pat Harper 3235 Arnold Lane Northbrook, IL 60062 847/498-3800 PH 847/498-4896 FX www.wbo.com pharper@wbo.com See ad on page 53 38 Williams Architects Dawn Jones 450 E. Gundersen Dr. Carol Stream, IL 60188 630/221-1212 PH 630/221-1220 FX www.williams-architects.com waa@williams-architects.com See back cover ad Public Research Group Tod Stanton 1754 N. Washington St. #120 Naperville, IL 60563 630/606-0776 PH 630/577-9447 FX www.publicresearchgroup.com todstanton@ publicresearchgroup.com See ad on page 52 Sikich LLP Frederick G. Lantz, CPA 998 Corporate Blvd. Aurora, IL 60502 630/566-8400 PH 630/566-8401 FX www.sikich.com flantz@sikich.com See inside back cover ad IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 SRBL Architects Carol Sente 1161-A Lake Cook Rd. Deerfield, IL 60015 847/559-7710 PH 847/272-9510 FX www.srblarchitects.com carols@srblarchitects.com See inside front cover ad BUYERS’ GUIDE Consulting-Executive Search - Finance Consulting Executive Search Hazard, Young Attea & Associates, Ltd Keith Frankland 5600 N. River Rd. Rosemont, IL 60018 847/724-8465 PH 847/724-8467 FX www.hyasupersearches.com office@hyasearch.com See ad on page 48 Education University of Illinois M.S. in Recreation, Sport and Tourism Timothy Tiger 1206 S. Fourth St. 205 Huff Hall Champaign, IL 61820 217/333-3629 PH www.rst.illinois.edu/ graduates/msrst rst-advisor@ad.uiuc.edu See ad on page 66 Engineering Consulting Wills Burke Kelsey Associates, Ltd. William Donnell 116 West Main St., Suite 201 St. Charles, IL 60174 630/443-7755 PH 630/443-0533 FX www.wbkengineering.com bdonnell@ wbkengineering.com See ad on page 55 Day Trips and Tours Starved Rock Lodge Edna Daugherty Routes 178 & 71 Utica, IL 61373 815/220-7386 PH 815/667-4455 FX www.starvedrocklodge.com ednad@starvedrocklodge.com See ad on page 55 Energy Management Seven Utility Management Consultants Dale Snyder 7704 Oakridge Rd North Little Rock, AR 72116 501/835-3142 PH 866/546-8561 FX dsnyder@sevenutility.com www.sevenutility.com Bonestroo Tom Palansky 1860 W. Winchester Rd. Suite 106 Libertyville, IL 60048 847/816-1631 PH 847/816-3762 FX www.bonestroo.com john.briggs@ bonestroo.com See ad on page 48 W-T Engineering, Inc. Troy Triphahn 2675 Pratum Ave. Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 224/293-6333 PH 224/293-6444 FX www.wtengineering.com info@wtengineering.com See ad on page 49 Professional Fitness Concepts Michael Lyons 521 Vera Ct. Joliet, IL 60436 815/741-5328 x 111 PH 815/741-5352 FX www.pfcfitness equipment.com mlyons@pfc-fitness.com See ad on page 51 Ehlers & Associates, Inc. Steve Larson 550 Warrenville Rd., #220 Lisle, IL 60532 630/271-3331 PH 630/271-3369 FX www.ehlers-inc.com slarson@ehlers-inc.com See ad on page 48 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 39 40 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 BUYERS’ GUIDE Fireworks - Interior Design Hazardous Materials Storage Melrose Pyrotechnics, Inc. Bob Kerns P. O. Box 302 Kingsbury, IN 46345 219/393-5522 PH 219/393-5710 FX www.melrosepyro.com bob@melrosepyro.com See ad on page 50 Scharm Floor Covering Fred or LuAnne 1843 E. Oakton St. Des Plaines, IL 60018 847/298-8233 PH 847/298-5344 FX www.scharm.com fred@scharm.com See ad on page 50 Norwalk Concrete Ind. Scott Kinnamon 80 Commerce Dr. Norwalk, OH 44857 800/733-3624 PH 419/663-0627 FX www.nciprecast.com skinn@nciprecast.com See ad on page 31 Interior Design Mary Cook & Associates Kate Brennan 4001 N. Ravenswood Suite 101 Chicago, IL 60613 773/975-9500 PH 773/975-0210 FX www.marycook.com info@marycook.com See ad on page 5 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 41 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 43 44 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 46 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 47 48 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 49 50 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 51 BUYERS’ GUIDE Land Surveying - Landscape Architects W-T Engineering, Inc. Troy Triphahn 2675 Pratum Ave. Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 224/293-6333 PH 224/293-6444 FX www.wtengineering.com info@wtengineering.com See ad on page 49 3D Design Studio Dan Dalziel 529 Barron Blvd. Grayslake, IL 60030 847/223-1891 PH 847/223-1892 FX www.3ddesignstudio.com ddalziel@3ddesignstudio.com See ad on page 54 Brusseau Design Group, LLC Joseph Brusseau 2675 Pratum Ave. Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 224/293-6470 PH 224/293-6477 FX www.brusseaudesigngroup.com info@brusseaudesigngroup.com See ad on page 33 52 Design Perspectives, Inc. Tod Stanton 1754 N. Washington St. Suite 120 Naperville, IL 60563 630/577-9445 PH 630/577-9447 FX www.design-perspectives.net tstanton@designperspectives.net See ad on page 56 Hitchcock Design Group Bill Inman 221 W. Jefferson Ave. Naperville, IL 60540 630/961-1787 PH 630/961-9925 FX www.hitchcockdesigngroup.com binman@hitchcockdesign group.com See ad on page 11 LandTech Landscape Architecture John Vann 2930 Cherry Rd. Oswego, IL 60543 630/554-9984 PH 630/206-1484 FX www.landtechdesign.net info@landtechdesign.net See ad on page 53 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 Ratio Architects, Inc. John Jackson, ASLA, LEED AP 10 E Chester St. Champaign, IL 61820 217/352-7696 PH 217/352-7831 FX www.ratioarchitects.com jjackson@ratioarchitects.com See ad on page 37 Upland Design Ltd. Michelle Kelly 24042 W. Lockport St. Plainfield, IL 60544 815/254-0091 PH 815/254-6010 FX www.uplanddesign.com mkelly@uplanddesign.com See ad on page 52 Landscape Architects continued on page 56 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 53 54 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 55 BUYERS’ GUIDE Landscape Architects - Park Planning & Design Landscape Architects Cont. WRD Environmental Geoff Deigan 445 N. Sacramento Blvd. Chicago, IL 60612 773/722-9870 PH 773/722-9875 FX www.wrdenvironmental.com gdeigan@wrdenvironmental.com See ad on page 55 Lightning Musco Sports Lighting Doug Miller 1150 Powis Rd. West Chicago, IL 60185 630/920-6701 PH 630/876-9654 FX www.musco.com doug.miller@musco.com See ad on page 59 Natural Stone Robert Schwake Stone Co. Alexis Soboj 1440 Townline Rd. Mundeline, IL 60060 847/566-0799 PH 847/566-0756 FX www.schwakestone.com alexis@schwakestone.net See ad on page 67 Lawn and Tree Care Mulch Nursery Wholesale McGinty Bros. Inc. Vicki Jarchow 3744 E. Cuba Rd. Long Grove, IL 60047 847/438-5161 PH 847/438-1883 FX www.mcgintybros.com info@mcgintybros.com See ad on page 58 Homer Industries, Inc. Todd Hahn 14000 S. Archer Ave. Lockport, IL 60441 815/838-0863 PH 815/838-0378 FX www.homerindustries.com todd@homertree.com See ad on page 3 Fox Ridge Nursery Bob Livingston 23513 Streit Rd. Harvard, IL 60033 815/943-1111 PH 815/943-1112 FX www.foxridgenursery.com bob@foxridgenursery.com See ad on page 61 56 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 Recreation Accessibility Consultants, LLC John McGovern, J.D. 2675 Pratum Ave. Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 224/293-6450 PH 224/293-6455 FX www.rac-llc.com info@rac-llc.com See ad on page 63 Planning Resources Inc. Darrell Garrison 402 W. Liberty Wheaton, IL 60187 630/668-3788 PH 630/668-4125 FX www.planres.com dgarrison@planres.com See ad on page 57 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 57 58 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 60 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 61 BUYERS’ GUIDE Parks & Playgrounds - Portable Toilets Playground Installation Howard L. White & Associates Inc. Loren Thorstenson P. O. Box 5197 Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 847/870-7745 PH 847/870-7806 FX www.howardlwhite.com info@howardlwhite.com See ad on page 61 NuToys Leisure Products Moira Staggs P. O. Box 2121 LaGrange, IL 60525 708/579-9055 PH 708/579-0109 FX www.nutoys4fun.com play@nutoys4fun.com See ad on page 61 Team REIL, Inc. Mike Cederlund 17421 Marengo Rd. Union, IL 60180 888/GET-REIL PH 815/923-2204 FX www.getreil.com sales@getreil.com See ad on page 64 Recreation Concepts, Inc. Scott Cunningham 2135 City Gate Lane, Suite 300 Naperville, IL 60563 800/942-1062 PH 630/554-3750 FX www.recreationconcepts.com info@recreationconcepts.com See ad on page 9 62 Custom Playgrounds, Inc. Mary Beth Kling 215 N. 4th Rockford, IL 61107 815/505-0500 PH 815/964-5277 FX www.custom playgroundsinc.com info@custom playgroundsinc.com See ad on page 9 Recreation Concepts, Inc. Scott Cunningham 2135 City Gate Lane Suite 300 Naperville, IL 60563 800/942-1062 PH 630/554-3750 FX www.recreationconcepts.com info@recreationconcepts.com See ad on page 9 Drop Zone Portable Services, Inc. Bob Denton P.O. Box 964 Frankfort, IL 60423 815/727-7304 PH 815/727-7350 FX www.DropZonePortable Services.com dropzoneredenton@ sbcglobal.net See ad on page 62 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 BUYERS’ GUIDE Restroom Buildings - Site Furnishings Restroom Buildings Norwalk Concrete Ind. Scott Kinnamon 80 Commerce Dr. Norwalk, OH 44857 800/733-3624 PH 419/663-0627 FX www.nciprecast.com skinn@nciprecast.com See ad on page 31 Safety Equipment Indesco Norm Jones 15935 Whisper Petersburg, IL 62675 217/622-6345 PH 217/632-5504 FX www.indescoop.com norm@indescoop.com See ad on page 38 Howard L. White & Associates Inc. Loren Thorstenson P. O. Box 5197 Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 847/870-7745 PH 847/870-7806 FX www.howardlwhite.com info@howardlwhite.com See ad on page 61 Park Supply Direct, Inc. Jennifer Mencias P. O. Box 201 Sugar Grove, IL 60554 800/814-7152 PH 877/814-7153 FX www.parksupplydirect.com sales@parksupplydirect.com See ad on page 62 Howard L. White & Associates Inc. Loren Thorstenson P. O. Box 5197 Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 847/870-7745 PH 847/870-7806 FX www.howardlwhite.com info@howardlwhite.com See ad on page 61 Perennial Park Products Engineered Plastic Systems, LLC Tiffany Bachmann 885 Church Rd. Elgin, IL 60123 847/289-8383 PH 847/289-8382 FX www.epsplasticlumber.com tiffany@epsplasticlumber.com See ad on page 63 R.J. Thomas Mfg. Co Inc. Customer Service Dept. P. O. Box 946 Cherokee, IA 51012 800/762-5002 PH 712/225-5796 FX www.pilotrock.com customerservice@ rjthomas.com See ad on page 60 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 63 64 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 65 66 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 67 BUYERS’ GUIDE Skate Parks - Water Play Structures Recreation Concepts, Inc. Scott Cunningham 2135 City Gate Lane, Suite 300 Naperville, IL 60563 800/942-1062 PH 630/554-3750 FX www.recreationconcepts.com info@recreationconcepts.com See ad on page 9 Sporting Goods Keeper Goals John Moynihan 12400 W. Silver Spring Dr. Butler, WI 53007 262/781-7800 PH 262/781-9230 FX www.keepergoals.com info@keepergoals.com See ad on page 37 Storage Buildings Norwalk Concrete Ind. Scott Kinnamon 80 Commerce Dr. Norwalk, OH 44857 800/733-3624 PH 419/663-0627 FX www.nciprecast.com skinn@nciprecast.com See ad on page 31 68 A.C.T. Tennis Services Chuck Enge 4825 Stonewall Ave. Downers Grove, IL 60515 630/964-4725 PH See ad on page 65 Commeg Systems, Inc. Doug Aron 141 W. Home Ave. Carol Stream, IL 60181 630/833-3305 PH 630-833-3680 FX www.commeg.com douga@commeg.com See ad on page 68 Trucks and Equipment Power Equipment Leasing Company Steve Schroeder 605 Anderson Dr. Romeoville, IL 60446 815/886-1776 PH 815/886-1161 FX www.powerequipment leasing.com steve@powerequipment leasing.com See ad on page 50 IAPD/IPRA BUYERS’ GUIDE 2011 Central Sod Farms Inc. Paul Carlson 25606 W. 111th St. Plainfield, IL 60585 630/904-1017 PH 630/904-0327 FX www.centralsod.com paulc@centralsod.com See ad on page 39 Howard L. White & Associates Inc. Loren Thorstenson P. O. Box 5197 Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 847/870-7745 PH 847/870-7806 FX www.howardlwhite.com info@howardlwhite.com See ad on page 61
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