Last Week`s - Jesus the Good Shepherd
Last Week`s - Jesus the Good Shepherd
OCTOBER 9, 2016 TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME The Covenant Community of Jesus the Good Shepherd 1601 West Mount Harmony Road, Owings, Maryland 20736 Office: (410) 257-3810 * Fax: (410) 257-6334 * Email: * Website: * Follow us on Facebook Sister Parish – Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Diocese of Jeremie, Haiti Regular Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday 8:00 & 10:45 AM; 5:00 PM Sunday Nursery 7:45 AM-12:15 PM ages 9 mos—3 yrs old (Please, no children in nursery without an adult) 8:00 AM Monday-Saturday (Chapel) Daily Mass: (unless otherwise noted in bulletin) Gluten free hosts are available in the priests line at Communion time. Reconciliation/Penance: Sat 3:30-4:30 PM Eucharistic Adoration Every Thursday 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM (Sign up outside chapel) If you have young children your thoughtful use of the Quiet Room during Mass is appreciated Cardinal Hickey Academy Principal: Mrs. Jennifer Griffith 410-286-0404 · 301-812-0404 · Fax: 410-286-6334 A U.S. Dept. of Education Blue Ribbon School WELCOME! NEW TO OUR PARISH? - Please come to Hospitality in the Centre. We want to know you! New members’ meetings are usually held the second Sunday every other month following the late morning Mass, giving you the opportunity to learn about our vision as a community, its ministries and register as a member. Registration is required of every Catholic in a parish and gives the parish an idea of the number of participating Catholics. It also allows a parish to extend courtesies to members such as letter of sponsorship, recommendations, etc. RCIA – We welcome adults interested in becoming Catholic into our year-round RCIA program. Please contact Kelley Magnuson at 410-2573810 x14 or BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASS - Usually held the third Sunday of each month following the last morning Mass. Baptisms are held on Sunday after the last morning Mass. Please call the church office to register for the class. Catholic parents of the child to be baptized must eventually be registered members of JGS. We welcome you to a New Members Meeting in advance. A Catholic godparent must be a registered and practicing Catholic, confirmed in writing by one’s proper pastor. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY - We rejoice with members who are preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage. We encourage couples to contact our office at least one year in advance; otherwise, dates cannot be guaranteed. Please do not set a date before making Church arrangements first. Dates for weddings can never be arranged before a preliminary meeting. JGS CEMETERY: If you would like to discuss purchasing a cemetery plot, or, a niche in the Columbarium, please call Catholic Cemeteries at 301-475-5005 or email: MISSION STATEMENT: “We, the Roman Catholic Parish of the Covenant Community of Jesus the Good Shepherd, have chosen to serve the Lord by evangelizing through the virtues of Hospitality, Spirituality and Stewardship.” Dear Brothers and Sisters, JGS Staff Pastor Rev. Michael J. King 410-257-3810 x20 Weekend Clergy Rev. Kenneth Boyack, CSP Deacon Eric Mueller 410-610-3844 Seminarians Theological College Deacon Timothy Iannocane Mr. Joseph Baykow Adult Faith Formation (AFF) Mrs. Kelley Magnuson 410-257-3810 x14 Children’s Faith Formation (CFF) Mrs. Cynthia Wagenhofer 410-257-3810 x18 Mrs. Kim Addison 410-257-3810 x18 Youth Ministry/Confirmation Mrs. Julie Gartrell 301-855-0492 x26 Director of Music Ministry Mrs. Katie Evans 410-257-3810 x24 Only five weekends remain between now and Election Day in November. In today’s Gospel, we hear Jesus say: “Stand up and go; your faith has saved you.” Events/Covenant Creek Centre Mrs. Kim Addison 410-474-2258 It is so important that, as Catholics, we know where candidates for office stand on a variety of issues. In last weekend’s bulletin message, I mentioned that we believe in the sacredness of all human life. But where do our candidates stand? Not only will the outcome of this year’s election affect our next four years, but with vacancies to fill on our nation’s Supreme Court, the election of our next president will affect a generation of Americans to come. Fields, Gym & Pavilion Mrs. Theresa Mills 410-257-3810 x25 The teachings of our Catholic faith are not subject to a democratic vote nor the most recent statements from the campaign trail. Based on Scripture and tradition, the 2000-year teaching to the truth by the Catholic Church is what constitutes authentic teaching. Administrative Assistant Mrs. Laura Cleary 410-257-3810 x10 Take for example, what we believe about marriage. I recently saw on the news one candidate running for election who stated, that “with time, that the Catholic Church’s teaching on marriage will change”. The Catholic Church simply does not “adjust” its teaching to align itself with the present opinion polls. Secretary/Shepherd’s Cove/ Calendar Coordinator Mrs. Sheryl Fischer 410-257-3810 x15 As Catholics, we believe all humans warrant dignity and deserve love and respect and unjust discrimination is always wrong. Our understanding of marriage, however, is a matter of justice and fidelity to our Creator’s original design. Marriage is the only institution uniting one man and one woman with each other and with any child who comes from their union. Redefining marriage furthers no one’s rights, least of all those of children, who should not purposely be deprived of the right to be nurtured and loved by a mother and a father. Business Manager Mrs. Pamela Huseman 410-257-3810 x36 ______________________ CHA Principal Jennifer Griffith 410-286-0404 Principal We have over 70 ministries at JGS. We invite you to go to our website at and click on the Ministries tab and then click on “Our Ministries” to see the complete listing. I call on all in our community and all those concerned for preserving this sacred union to unite in prayer, to live and speak out with compassion and charity about the true nature of marriage – the heart of family life. As we prepare to vote in November, let us prayerfully study where the candidates stand on a variety of issues and see how they align with Catholic teaching. For example, where do the candidates stand on physician-assisted suicide? The death penalty? Immigration? Freedom of religion? These issues will be the subject of my weekly message until Election Day. God bless you! Father Mike Weekend Mass Intentions for October 8-9, 2016 Vigil 5PM † Michael Dziedzic, on the anniversary of his death, at the requst of his family 8 AM † Nathalia Patterson, mother of Mark Patterson, at the request of Carlton and Theresa Leslie 10:45 AM † Marvin Cullens, father of Gerald Cullens, at the request of Don and Cornelia Poudrier 5:00 PM † Margaret Johnson, aunt of Mary Anne Booker, at the request of May Toepfer Mass Intentions for October 10-15, 2016 Mon 10/10 8:00 am † Chuck Heffron at the request of Jackie Taylor Tue 10/11 8:00 am † Phillip Hardy at the request of O.J. & Lorraine Boccabella Wed 10/12 8:00 am † Souls in Purgatory Thurs 10/13 8:00 am † Bob Coble at the request of Sandy Haley Fri 10/14 8:00 am † Bob Coble at the request of Joe and Sandy Carr CHA 10/14 9:30 am - Special Intentions Sat 10/15 8:00 am † Bob Coble at the request of Mary Ann and Buck Rodda 2 Ministry Schedule for October 15-16, 2016 Lectors Vigil 5pm Rock/Curran 8 am Polk/Fagan 10:45 am Neil/Paland 5 pm Confirmation Volunteers Eucharistic Ministers Altar Servers Hospitality Bright/Donnalley/Finan/Hopson/Hotchkiss/M.Scott/ Worell Keffer/Knott/Warner Please Volunteer Addison(2)/Horabik/Langley(2)/Leslie/O’Keefe/Stubbs Evans/Harrington/Polk Bodenhorn(2)/Collins/Corcoran/Hoff(2)/McNelly/ Pierpont/Richardson/Thompson Lindsey/A.Pierpont/ G.Pierpont KOC Breakfast (Proceeds Benefit A.C.T. Youth Group) Dodd(2)/Fischer(2)/B.Genelin/Marinaccio(2) Fraher/Martin/Pike Cathy Martinoli The Virtue of Hospitality—How can I welcome? NEW? JGS MEMBER REGISTRATION - Truly belonging to a Christian community is signified not only by attendance but also by registration. Registration ensures your full participation in the sacramental life of the Church. THE NEW MEMBERS MEETING IS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13, after the 10:45 AM Mass in Shepherd’s Cove. Will last about one hour. We welcome you! The next meeting is Sunday, January 8, 2017 after the 10:45 a.m. Mass. MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR CALVERT COUNTY CATHOLIC MERCY FEST!! The five catholic parishes of Calvert County are collaborating for the first -ever county—wide Catholic gathering, featuring nationally known speaker and song composer, Jesse Manibusan. It will take place on Saturday, November 5, 2016. Please mark your calendar! Also, check out the website at UPCOMING EVENTS JGS WELCOMES BACK FATHER ANTHONY SCIARAPPA: We are happy to announce that Father Anthony [formerly Deacon Anthony] who was with us for the last two years as a seminarian and deacon] will be with us to celebrate the 10:45 a.m. Mass for our community on Sunday, October 16, 2016. Following both morning Masses the KOC will have their monthly breakfast. This will be a great opportunity to see Father Anthony and catch up on what’s been happening in his life. A basket for cards for Father Anthony will be available in the Centre. KOC BREAKFAST ON OCT 16 WILL BENEFIT THE JGS YOUTH SUMMER MISSION TRIPS: All are welcome, after both morning Masses, to a wonderful buffet breakfast which includes a made to order omelet station and a Belgian waffle station. RESPECT LIFE MONTH Sunday, October 9, 2016: “If you know someone...who has had an abortion, express your sympathy for her loss. Assure her of God’s unconditional love, and encourage her to seek healing and forgiveness.” — © 2015. Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission . EXTRAORDINARY YEAR OF MERCY PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY DOORS OF THE NATIONAL SHRINE: Sunday, October 23 Father Mike will lead a pilgrimage through the Holy Doors of Mercy at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate NEW ALTAR SERVER TRAINING: Are you a youth in fifth grade or older? Conception. All are invited. There will be a group bus leaving Have you ever watched the altar servers at Mass and thought, “I could do JGS parking lot at 1:30 p.m. for arrival by 2:30 to the Shrine. that!”? Have you ever watched the altar servers at Mass and asked, There will be a tour at 2:30 and Mass at 4:30 concelebrated by “Why should I do that?” These are great thoughts and questions, and we Father Mike. The bus will depart at 6:00 for arrival back to JGS have answers! Our new altar server coordinators Chris Lindsey and Melisat 7:00. Please bring a bag lunch. $15/person for the bus; $75 sa Knott will be holding an Altar Server Training session on Tuesday, Ocfor families of 5 or more. Sign up on-line at Click on tober 18, 2016 at 7:00 PM in the church. Come and learn how to serve on the altar, come and learn how you can help your community experience resources and click on “Holy Door Pilgrimage”. the Mass more fully. Please call the church office to sign up, 410-257This pilgrimage is in accordance with Pope Francis’ call for an 3810. If you signed up on your Covenant Sunday scroll, please call the extraordinary year of mercy, which is only the 4th extraordioffice to make sure we have your name and please plan to attend this nary Jubilee in the history of the Church. important meeting. He invites the faithful to make a brief pilgrimage, as a sign of THE MARTHA AND MARY SOCIETY resumes their meetings on Wednesday, the deep desire for true conversion, to the HOLY DOORS that October 12, 2016 in the Center at 7-9pm. All ladies of the parish are wel- are open in every Cathedral or in churches designated by the come. Refreshments will be served. Please bring your rosary as we will pray bishop in every diocese. for peace in the Chapel during the meeting. In the Archdiocese of Washington, both St. Matthew’s Cathedral and the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in WashANNUAL N.Y. CHRISTMAS TRIP: Dec 17-19. Staying at a Marriott near ington have been so designated. Time Square. Price is $630 for 2 nights hotel stay, bus transport to and from New York City, and a show. The show this year is “Holiday Inn”. Call More information about how to obtain the Plenary Indulgence for information and reserve your seat on the bus. Mary Menoche 301-855go to and click on the picture at the top of the 7378. 3 homepage. A.C.T. ( ACTIVE CATHOLIC TEENS) Next class will meet October 16, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. ALL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ARE WELCOME. Bring a friend and come hang out. Lots of great food and faith and fun. A $3 donation will be accepted for the good eats. Next class meets Sun., Oct 30 in the Youth Lounge. Middle School Youth (grades 6-8) When: Friday night, Oct 21, 6:30-8pm Where: Drop-off/pick-up will be at the gym entrance (please come inside to get your child). Cost: $2 How often: 3rd Friday of every month, except for Lent Leader: Kelley Magnuson CONFIRMATION CLASSES meet next weekend, Oct 16, 2016 in your regular classrooms. Q?? contact Julie Gartrell at or at 301-855-0492 We will have pizza/cookies in the Youth Room and move to the gym for games/lesson. Sign-up in the Atrium or email Kelley to RSVP. Mandatory registration paperwork is available in the atrium or online. Questions? Want to help with a meeting? Contact Kelley at or 410-257-3810 x14. x26. Cardinal Hickey Academy Annual Gala/Auction Saturday, November 12, 2016. The theme this year is SPORTS ZONE. Go to and click on “Support CHA” for ways you can advertise, donate, and buy tickets. The Virtue of Spirituality The sick: Joe Iazzetta; Brian Hickey; Marsha Dunn; Roger Flynn; The Bell family; Cheryl Johnson; Anne Newman; John Shay; Brooke Heiston; Elizabeth Ann Nicely Coppers; Donald Burch; Dean Walker; Lori Gazelle; Colleen Casse; Kerin Barklage; Claire Canady; Hudson Reyno; Vicky Reyno; Gertrude Jaggie; Maureen Carroll; Baby Chloe Lynn Overmeyer; Michael Smalley; Cindy Miller; Anne Marinaro; Colleen Heim; Anita Fischer; Calvin Fischer; Martin Seitter; Dorothy Joan Carlson; Kristina Hanson; Gina Richardson; Margaret Slaherty; Jim Donnelly; Joann Halleck; Pat Conway; John Wagenhofer; Mary Sita; John Bubner; Marilyn Taylor; Lori Rhee; Kathie Scott; Jane Ritter; Debbie Bean; Marissa Berick; Diane Sparrow; Eileen Day; Connor Bell; Dave Suhosky; Jimmy Scanlan; Jason Ratcliff; and Irving Sandy. For those who have died, especially, Carol Perini. Friends/relatives in need of prayer and for those who have died contact the church office monthly to include them in our bulletin. READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 9, 2016 Sunday: 2 Kgs 5:14-17/Ps 98:1-4/2 Tm 2:8-13/Lk 17:1119 Monday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31--5:1/Ps 113:1-7/Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6/Ps 119:41, 43-45, 47-48/Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25/Ps 1:1-4, 6/Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Eph 1:1-10/Ps 98:1-6/Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Eph 1:11-14/Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13/Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: Eph 1:15-23/Ps 8:2-7/Lk 12:8-12 Next Sunday: Ex 17:8-13/Ps 121:1-8/2 Tm 3:14--4:2/Lk 18:1-8 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time – October 9th “‘For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink…’ Then the righteous will answer him and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? …’ And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’” (Mt 25:35-40) Who is the least brother or sister of mine? What am I doing to fill his or her hunger? Share mercy with those in need through your parish or with Catholic Charities. Find more at KOC SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY —Each year the Maryland State Council of the Knights of Columbus awards three Catholic high school scholarship grants to sons and daughters of members of the Knights of Columbus and three Catholic high school scholarship grants to Catholic Students in general. Interested parents and students may obtain specific information and applications by contacting and click on Scholarship Opportunities. REPORT FROM LADIES OF CHARITY FOOD PANTRY: JGS non-perishable donations totaled 418.4 lbs. Many thanks to the JGS parishioners, who are such wonderful supporters of our mission. For the month of September, the Pantry served a total of 195 families which represented 522 members. For October, we would greatly appreciate canned fruit donations. 4 The Virtue of Spirituality Interested in the Catholic faith? We meet Sundays at 9:30am in the upstairs Media Center. This is a great low-key group that explores the faith and allows for lots of Q&A. We invite you to join our journey! Contact Kelley at, visit or call 410-257-3810 x14 INSIGHT Want to grow your Catholic faith and understanding? Whether you’ve been active in the parish for years or just returning to the faith, you are invited to join us every other Sunday night at 6:30pm in the upstairs Media Centre, next meeting is Oct 16th. We will watch videos, have discussion, and share our faith as we grow together. Contact Kelley at or 410-2573810 x14 Our exciting Sunday morning adult class is held in Shepherd’s Cove at 9:30am. Contact Kathy Jenkins-Mann at if you have questions. We pray for all the members of the United States Military. We pray that all are kept from harm, especially: Steve Looney; Billy Looney; Will Jones; Michael Hardy; Lt. Alex Scott; Nicholas Majers; David Keffer; James Lanson Weeks; 2nd Lt. Robert Patterson; Ensign Nadila Khan; Ross Noone; Lt. Col. Robert Magnuson; Lt Col Phil Noltemeyer; A1C Matthew Cullens; William Ryan Thayer Please contact the church office if you would like to add a name to list: 410-257-3810 or UPCOMING CURSILLO WEEKENDS — For Women’s Cursillo, October 27-30, 2016. For Men’s Cursillo, November 17-20, 2016. Cursillo will give you the tools you need to live your faith in your daily life experiences and situations. It will enrich and strengthen your relationship with God; and it will teach you a method to persevere on your spiritual journey. Please go to for more information or to participate in the next Cursillo Weekend. Maybe you have been away from the Church for a little while or for quite some time, but now you feel a tug at your heart calling you back to the Catholic Church. It’s your Heavenly Father reaching his arms out to you, the Holy Spirit whispering in your ear, hoping to draw you home. What is SPARCS? Our community has acquired a dynamic online study to help understand and grow in the Catholic faith. Sessions are available online and are compatible with any device. What are the topics? The Mass, Vatican II, Reconciliation, marriage/divorce/annulment, God’s Mercy, Faith Sharing. Sessions also include first-hand accounts from newly returned Catholics. How can I access the online series available for our parish Web Address: User Name: JGSAFF Password: JGSAFF Is this for individuals or groups? Both! The questions are reflective and appropriate for individual or group settings. Sharing thoughts on the video/questions will lead to fruitful discussions in groups. How can I join a group discussion? If you’d like to host or join a discussion group, please contact Kelley at 410-257-3810 x14 or to coordinate meeting times/spaces. Can I share this with a friend who has fallen away from the Catholic Church? Yes, please! This program is a fabulous resource to help others follow the call to return to an active faith and relationship with God and our Catholic community! Regardless of why you left or got out of the habit of going to Mass, you can always come home and return to the practice of the sacraments and the fullness of relationship with Jesus Christ and the Church he founded. Welcome home. Please contact Kelley at or 410-257-3810 to receive your Welcome Home gift. MINISTRY SPOTLIGHT: Children’s Liturgy allows K-3rd grade to experience God’s word through engaging activities and lessons. It is also a chance for parents of young children to peacefully focus on God and prayer during the Mass! You will find your own faith grow as you work with children and teach them the Gospel. Children’s Liturgy is conducted during a portion of the 10:45 Mass. It includes songs, the Gospel reading and other activities. Materials and guidance are provided! Children’s Liturgy ministers work in pairs. All volunteers must take the Child Protection screening and education training. Please join us in this important liturgy! Contact Barb Brunner at 4435 623-3504 or at The Virtue of Stewardship EXTENSION OF TAX EXEMPTION FOR NEW RECTORY CAMPAIGN: The Archdiocese of Washington has graciously extended the building campaign for the new rectory for another two years. This means that any donations received towards the new rectory are exempt from diocesan taxation. If you have not made a pledge, you are cordially welcome to do so. A financial statement will be shared this month where we stand with the new rectory, but for the time being suffice it to say we are at least $100,000 short of our goal. Thank you! REGISTER TO VOTE AND THEN VOTE AS A FAITHFUL CITIZEN—All Catholics are encouraged to register to vote by Oct 18. A table will be available in the Centre with registration forms if you need one. Postage is provided. We encourage everyone to know your candidates and be sure they stand for the correct values. MASS FOR LIFE AND PRESENTATION: Thurs., Oct 27th 79p.m. at Jesus the Divine Word Catholic Church in Huntingtown. Presider and homilist, Fr. John Dakes; keynote speaker, Jennifer Briemann, Associate Director for the Maryland Catholic Conference—Respect for Life. Sponsored by Calvert County Knights of Columbus. OUTSIDE EVENTS: RUN FOR VOCATIONS—Registration is now open! Marine Corps 10K will be held on October 30, 2016. Register at for both the 10K and run for vocations. It is not necessary to be part of a team to run. Email with questions. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE: Join the 40 Days for Life fall campaign for prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigil to end abortion. Pray with the College Park Campaign in front of Metropolitan Family Planning. Sanctity of Life Prayer Service with Rev. Thomas LaHood, 3PM, October 16. Prayer hours 7AM - 7PM throughout the campaign. To pray for an hour, contact Tom Trunk at 240-593-6982 or Contact JGS volunteer, Buzz Burek, for more information at 301-812-1868. Prayer is the answer and we ask all to pray for an end to abortion. NEXT WEEK IS WORLD MISSION SUNDAY. Its theme this year is “Mercy Changes the World.” Pope Francis invites the entire Church to support the young mission dioceses in Africa, Asia, the Pacific Islands, and parts of Latin America and Europe, where priests, religious and lay leaders serve some of the poorest of the poor. Please keep the Missions in your prayers and be generous in next week’s collection for the Society of the Propagation of the Faith. WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER: October 9, 2016 “But the word of God is not chained.” Let us express God’s love through our marriages. Strengthen, renew and rekindle your marriage by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter on November 11-13, 2016, April 21-23, 2017 or October 27-29, 2017 in Gaithersburg, MD. For more information and to apply online visit, or call 301-541-7007, or email at HELPFUL CATHOLIC APPS Daily Readings *Discerning Hearts * Divine Mercy * i God Today* iMissal * The Pope App * Confession * Jesus Calling * Truth and Life * Rosary Prayers * Bible Laudate * Vatican II * Catechism * The Roman Missal * Stations of the Cross WEBSITES * * * * * * * (w/ reflections) * * MEN’S DISCERNMENT DINNER— Sunday, Oct 16, 4-6 p.m. St. Peter Church. You must RSVP to attend. ?? Contact More info on bulletin board. CATHOLIC CHARITIES FINANCIAL WELLNESS WORKSHOP— October 29, 9 a.m.—2 p.m. at Gonzaga High School, Washington, DC. Lunch provided. More details on bulletin board. Michelle Singletary, syndicated columnist for the Washington Post, will be the keynote speaker. Please register at: Fall into eGiving through Faith Direct, which is the most convenient and secure way for you to make your weekly offering to Jesus the Good Shepherd. Your automatic contributions through Faith Direct will save valuable time for both you and our parish staff. EVANGELIZATION CONFERENCE—Sat., Nov 5—training day for parish leaders. More info at INTERFAITH DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CONFERENCE—Save the Date — Wed., Nov 9, 8:30 a.m.—4:30 p.m. Judicial Institute of Maryland, Annapolis, MD. More details are forthcoming. Thank you for your continued support of our parish family! God Bless You, Father Mike Do You Want to Sing Praise to God? All are welcome to join the JGS Music Ministry Contact Katie Evans at or 410-257-3810 x24. Rehearsal Schedule is Thursday’s from 7-8:30pm for the Combined Adult Choir * *Schedule may change during the summer, please contact Katie at Visit and use our church code: MD612 SACRIFICIAL GIVING for the weekend of September 25, 2016: Weekly Offertory $ 14,272 September Faith Direct offertory $ 14,518 SACRIFICIAL GIVING for the weekend of October 2, 2016: Weekly Offertory $ 12,182 Contact Laura Cleary at 410-257-3810 ( for Mass Cards/Intentions; Sponsor Certificates (for Sacraments) or to place bulletin announcements. Deadline for bulletin items is Thursday at noon, 10 days before the weekend you want your article to appear. Thank you! 6 7 8
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