Pueblo Holistic - The Pueblo Holistic Fair


Pueblo Holistic - The Pueblo Holistic Fair
Pueblo Holistic
Health & Living Fair
A Southern Colorado Holistic Expo Production
April 2nd & 3rd, 2011
Readers, Vendors, Workshops now located in the
Hearthwell Room adjacent to the Ballroom
Food Court with specialty items located at the rear of the
facility. Enjoy lunch, snacks, beverages.
Information located at booth 25
Aura Photos located at booth 26
Meditation Pyramid
Compliments of Patrick Wodiuk and the producers
Parkview Medical Center
Sponsor and Participant
Booths 72 & 73
Produced By: Temara Speaks, Mimi Barriere, Linda Weiner
www.PuebloHolisticFair.com; find us on Facebook
Presentations/Workshops, Saturday
11:00 to 11:45 ~ Linda Lee Landon ~ Learning About Soul Mates. We Have More Than One.
What are the lessons?
Booth 20
Linda Lee can teach how to meet a soul mate, how to send the message out to the universe that you
are ready to meet a soul mate, and how to feel the psychic pull when a soul mate may be near. The
information will teach each person how to fine tune their mission and purpose. Linda Lee Landon has
been doing mystical work professionally since 1975. She is an author and has a TV Show. She gives
inspirational lectures on how to set high goal and achieve them - including finding soul mates.
12:00 to 12:45 ~ Ginger and Dale Lee ~ More About Shamanism
Booths 33 & 34
Join Ginger and Dale Lee to learn more about Shamanism and enjoy a semi-guided journey to
meet with a Helping Spirit. We will open Sacred Space, discuss Shamanism and Shamanic
Journeying. Ginger and Dale live just outside of Salida, Colorado, where they have an active
shamanic practice, conduct ceremony, teach shamanic circles & journey groups and advanced
workshops which include Soul Retrievals, Illuminations, Extractions, Heavy Energy Clearings &
Death Rites 719-539-5370 www.SacredWaysCO.com
1:00 to 1:45 ~ Robert Blond ~ Creating Inner Awareness ~ Reincarnation, Karma and Transformation ~
An Edgar Cayce Style Past Life Reading Demonstration
Booth 19
In this class, you will be presented what it is like to come from a non-dualistic awareness and how it
changes the perception of everything you experience. We will explore some of the ideas around Reincarnation and Karma and really deepen them in awareness. Robert has given over 8,000 readings, is a bodycentered psychotherapist and a teacher of a multitude of classes in metaphysics, mysticism and selfawareness. 303-688-8276 RobertB@CSD.net
2:00 to 2:45 ~ Tamara Herl ~ Become Your Own Guru
Booth 7
Practice using your mind/body as a tool for creating a strong connection with Inner & Divine Wisdom in
this experiential workshop. You will be invited to take part in guided meditation, body wisdom exercises.
intuitive symbol creation and a BioGenesis manifesting exercise. Author of two "play" books that teach
how to connect with your intuition, spiritual life coach and healer Tamara Herl, combines traditional
coaching and counseling techniques with energetic healing practices. 719-942-3229 tamaraherl.com
3:00 to 3:45 ~ Tom Anderson ~ An Introduction to the Vision Quest
Booth 21
There comes a time when you must go off alone, looking within to discover your changes in the circle of
life. Cultures all over the world throughout time have understood the value of solitude in nature. Today,
with our busy lives so closely tied to technology and modern conveniences that insulate us from the
natural world, the need for these experiences has never been greater. Tom Anderson is a life purpose
coach, inspirational speaker, vision quest guide, and author of Your Place in the World: Creating a life of
vision, purpose, and service whose passion is helping others to discover theirs. Find more information
and order Tom’s book at http://liveamythiclife.com.
4:00 to 4:45 ~ Mary Elkins ~ Why Do We Dream?
Booth 36
Wisdom that we keep locked within the unconscious layers of our minds surfaces within our dreams in
the form of symbolic images. By understanding our dreams, we are able to receive guidance from our
higher selves that promotes problem solving, healing and success in our lives. Mary will share her insights and knowledge of the dreamscape and discuss the purpose of and types of dreams, common
themes and symbols. Mary is a clairvoyant, medium, psychic artist, tarot reader, dream decoder and
spiritual advisor.
5:00 to 5:45 ~ Kirsten Taylor, MA ~ Sex, Brain, Body: Make the Connection
Booths 72 & 73
Parkview Medical Center’s Spirit of Women Program encourages positive change in all aspects of women’s wellbeing. In this session, the program’s director will explore female sexual
health, particularly the role the brain is thought to play in female sexual desires and function.
When it comes to sex, more than half of all men and women do not recognize the brain as an
important female sexual organ. Participants will leave with a better understanding of these
connections, as well as some useful tools to begin conversations with their healthcare
providers and partners.
Presentations/Workshops, Sunday
11:30 to 12:15 ~ Rev. Janet Day, B.Msc. ~ Developing Your Psychic Abilities: Am I Psychic?
Booth 16
We are all born with psychic abilities. Janet Day is a natural-born psychic intuitive and medium, and
she wants to teach you how to awaken your psychic gifts and use them in your daily life to improve
your relationship with Spirit, your loved ones, and even your boss! Janet organizes The Colorado
Springs Metaphysics Meet-up Group and teaches classes on a variety of metaphysical topics. She
offers psychic readings and spiritual guidance to help you find answers to love and relationships,
career and finances and a variety of life issues. Phone readings are available.
12:30 to 1:15 ~ Cindy Tate ~ Graceful Alchemy
Booth 40
Cindy uses her Graceful Alchemy to help you isolate the discordant energy in your life and will then
suggest the options or tools best suited for the situation. She can help you to clear your physical,
mental and spiritual obstacles and to develop a management plan to achieve more balance, joy and
grace in our daily lives. In this workshop, Cindy will be offering you a guided journey and exercises to
perceive and visualize the geometry of your body and whole being. The workshop will begin with a
group clearing using SRT, Spiritual Response Technique.
1:30 to 2:15 ~ David Confietto ~ UFO’s and Their Spiritual Mission
The Emergence of the Next World Leader
Booth 64
Many are becoming astonished by the exponential increase in reports of UFO sightings. Nothing like
this increased activity over vast areas of the earth has been seen before. Recently, three miraculous
phenomena have been seen by millions worldwide: An enormous spiraling star in Norway, a glowing
UFO over Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, and an ethereal figure in white riding a white horse through the
crowds in Tahrir Square in Cairo, Egypt. What do these phenomena mean? What is their significance
at this time of crisis and change? Could it be the emergence of Maitreya, the next World Teacher, into
public life?
2:30 to 3:15 ~ Kris Cassidy ~ Your Breath Can Heal You
Booth 8
This dynamic, interactive workshop includes a brief history of breathing techniques used for healing &
meditation throughout the ages, explanation of current breath-work modalities and the benefits of
breath-work. Experience of Breakthrough Breath-work Meditation technique. Kris Cassidy, M.A. is a
graduate of Oxford University and has led Breath-workshops internationally.
Visit: www.BreakThroughBreathwork.com or Breath-work Meditation on You Tube and Facebook.
3:30 to 4:15 ~ Naomi Lake ~ Tools for Conscious Health: Access Consciousness
Booth 38
Access Consciousness provides a set of tools to help you change anything in your life that is not working for you. Change ideas, attitudes and judgments that limit your capacity to generate something new.
Experience the processes that can unlock anything that is keeping you from living your life with ease,
joy & glory. Naomi teaches Esoteric Healing and Shamanic Journey-work. She has offices in
Crestone, CO and Santa Fe, NM and travels internationally to help others to discover liberation.
www.NaomiLake.com Email: Naomi@NaomiLake.com or phone 505-982-1183
Readers, Visionaries, Guidance
Booth 2. Cynthia Mills: Traveling Wind and ordained Priestess of the women’s water bowl tradition, a Q’ero Shaman of the Inca Tradition and
Usui Reiki Master Teacher, offers readings of
auras, past lives, Inca archetypes, Reiki and
more. $20/20 Pueblo, CO
Booth 4. Gaetan Michel Belleview is a local
Manitou Springs Universalist Spiritualist, specializing in tarot, psychometry and channeling.
$20/20 Manitou Spgs
Booth 5. Catherine Ralston Taos Clairvoyant:
Catherine has been clairvoyant since childhood
and a medical intuitive for more than 30 years.
She is the founder of All is Well LC in Taos, NM.
Call 888-667-0001 for a telephone reading, or in
person in Taos. TaosPsychic.com $2.50/1
Booth 6. Madeline Huggins, Psychic specializing in healing, spiritual teaching, and clairvoyance. $1/1
Littleton, CO
Booth 13. Valorie Millican will be reading from
the new “Infinite Visions” tarot ~ the art of the
old masters. There will be a limited number of
decks available. $20/20
Pritchett, CO
Booth 16. Rev. Janet Day, B.MSC: Janet is a
clairvoyant, medium and psychic intuitive who
offers guidance with relationships, finances and
career and can help you connect with loved ones
on the other side. $20/20
Colorado Springs, CO
Booth 17. Robin Rakoff: Angelic Channeled
Psychic Readings, Numerology: Positive spiritual
guidance using Angel Healing cards. Numerology: discover how your name and birth date will
bring enlightenment to your personal strengths
and your life’s purpose. $20/20
Colorado Springs
Booth 18. Gene Rallins Metaphysical Psychic
Readings: Dice, Tarot, playing cards, telephone
readings and private parties. Readings $20/20
Colorado City, CO
Booth 19. Edgar Cayce Style Past Life and
Health Readings with Robert Blond, Teacher
and Reader for 33 years. He has given over
8,000 readings. Significant to present time past
life readings and health readings. $1 to $1.30/
min. Sedalia, CO
Booth 20. Linda Lee Landon is a mystical,
spiritual, metaphysical reader, tarot card & aura
color reader. She can help talk to those who
have passed on. She is an author and has a TV
show available on www.DenverOpenMedia.org
$20/20 Thornton, CO
Booth 21. Live A Mythic Life: Discover your
one true life with Tom Anderson, Life Purpose
Coach, Vision Quest Guide and Author of “Your
Place in the World: Creating a Life of Vision, Purpose and Service”.
Prairie Village, KS
Booth 29. Angel Therapy Practitioner: Angel
Card reading and transformative sessions, guided
visualization, intuitive counseling. $45/1 hour
Colorado Springs, CO
30. Tracy Binol Certified Clairvoyant and
Healer: Clairvoyant readings, tarot cards, past
life readings, healings. Compassionate readings
for powerful insight to make change. $20/20
Lakewood, CO
Booth 31. Soul Face: An intuitive portrait process: This color portrait is a tool that can deepen
Readers, Visionaries, Guidance
your relationship with your high self and help to
clarify your soul purpose. $60/60
Stanley, NM
Booth 32. Intuitive Tarot: Coyote, co-author of
“Intuitive Tarot”, has been a reader for over 30
years. He is a “recovering” psychotherapist and
well-known writer and lecturer. $20/20
Stanley, NM
Booth 37. Chakra Readings: Anne Marie offers 97% accuracy in reading belief structures
in chakras and offers techniques to unblock
chakras. $30/30
Colorado Springs, CO
Booth 38. Tools for Conscious Health: Access Consciousness provides a set of tools and
processes that help you let go of anything that
is not working and facilitate change in all areas
Booth 33. Dale Lee, Shaman: Works within the
energetic field to clear out non-beneficial energies. of your life. $20/20
Offers Shamanic technique called “Bringing the
Crestone, CO
Jaguar Down From the Tree”, balancing your adrenal system. $20/15
Booth 39. Spirit Connections: Sandra-marie
Salida, CO
is a dedicated spiritual advisor medium, clairvoyant who brings messages from the angels,
Booth 34. Ginger Lee, Shaman, Intuitive, Psy- ancient ones and ancestors to gain insight into
chic, Teacher: Ginger reads & interprets your en- your life and empower you to succeed in findergetic field providing clarity, answering questions ing joy, peace and purpose. $20/18
& assisting in making desired changes. Phone
Denver, CO
sessions & workshops. $20/15 www.SacredwaysCO.com
Salida, CO
Booth 44. Allison Clear Insights: Angel
card readings, acting as a guide to help people
find their truth within themselves, leading to
clarity and purpose. A catalyst for change.
Parker, CO 720-281-5814
Booth 35. 7 Temples Psychic Readings by
Jennifer Sweete: Offering clear, precise psychic
readings for matters of the heart, career, family,
friends, finance and soul purpose. Reveal your
path, clear old karma and feel your aura sparkle
like new! $10/10 Conifer, CO 800-351-5671
Booth 36. Dream Interpretation & Tarot
Readings by Mary Elkins along with spiritual
guidance to promote healing, abundance, joyful
relationships and spiritual evolution, uniquely delivered with humor, honesty, compassion & love.
$20/20 Colorado Springs, CO
Booth 44.—Marisha Diaz – Angel Channel
and Ancient Wisdom Activations. A gifted
healer and channel for over 25 years, brings a
clear Angelic Connection from the Higher Dimensions to give guidance and clarity, activates Ancient Wisdom and dissolves energy
blocks. Certified in numerous healing modalities, she is a mentor and teacher of Light
Workers. $30/20 www.marishadiaz.com
Santa Fe, NM
Booth 70. Aura/Chakra Readings, Clearing
and Balancing: Shaman-ChannelClairaudient-Clairvoyant. Clarke and Jerri are
4th level Shamans. Clark St. Dennis 509220-9326 St.Dennis23@msn.com $20/20
Jerri Doran jerrijeanjellybean@yahoo.com.
Salida, CO
Holistic Health &
Alternative Health Options
Booth 3. SHUE: Spectrum Health Universal Energy: Certified at 1st & 2nd levels, Ella facilitates your path to well-being
on multiple levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual $20/session
Fountain, CO
Booth 7. Inner Wisdom Coaching and
Healing: Tamara offers BioGenesis energy treatments, spiritual coaching, intuitive symbols, readings/play books. Kaeylarae will offer aura and chakra work,
gemstone work, pendulum/dowsing.
$20/20 Howard, CO
Booth 8. Breakthrough Breathwork
Meditation is a simple, dynamic breathing
meditation which helps heal body, mind &
emotions & allows a deeper connection
with Spirit. Free 10-min. session.
Colorado Springs, CO 719-200-2924
Booth 9. Shamans 2: Donna Hurley and
Cheryl Russell, Peruvian Traditional Shamans: Chakra clearing, energy balancing
and cord cutting. See where your energy
is before/after energy work to demonstrate
its positive effect. $1.00/min.
Pueblo, CO
Pueblo, CO
Booth 23. A Gentler Path, Mind, Body Work
sessions provide passive exercise, deep relaxation, increased oxygenation, blood & lymph circulation, toxin release, stimulate cellular activity, relieve muscle strain, synchronize right/left
hemispheres & release endorphins. $5/15
Pueblo, CO
Booth 40. The Sanctuary, 67 N. Silicon in
Pueblo West & Cindy Tate from Crestone, CO
719-256-5880 offer reading and clearing with
SRT. Experience Trager Bodywork from Valerie
Spencer 719-583-8915. $1/1 Ask about fair
specials. Pueblo West, CO
Booth 10. Massage by William: Chair
Massage. Fair Special 4 sessions for the
cost of 3! $1.00/min.
Pueblo, CO
Booth 12. Beverly Ming/Crystal Autry:
Iridology, Reflexology, Ear Candling, Ionic
Foot Bath. Sheila Smith: Bison Education on meat and hunts.
Pritchett, CO
Booth 22. Reflexology & Essential Oils:
Wendie Stauffer: Listen to your body as
you experience the healing touch of Reflexology applied to your ears for 15 mins., including Essential Oils. Offering FREE COMPASS (by Zyto) Assessments. $10/15
Booth 47. Calm 1 Therapeutics: Craniosacral
Therapy at its best by Upledger-trained Jean M.
Reid, RNC, LMT of Blanca, CO. $35/30 Unique,
embroidered T-shirts also available.
Blanca, CO
Holistic Health &
Alternative Health Options
bike (as many as 200-400 calories per
hour). Plus, it’s a fun way of getting heart
healthy!! Come practice your moves and
burn some calories with the Wii “Just Dance”
game. Additional information about the
Spirit of Women program and membership
information also available.
Pueblo, CO
Aura Color Interpretation
Booth 52. P.C.C. Student Massage Club:
Students will provide chair massages. Donations Accepted.
Pueblo, Co 719-250-4530
Booth 54. Acupuncture by Tawnya Salas:
Alternate Oriental medicine for mind, body &
spirit. Learn how acupuncture focuses on a
holistic, energy-based approach to healing.
Imagine pain treatment without drugs and
their adverse effects.
Pueblo, CO
Booth 55. Gilbert Massage Therapy: Rusty
Gilbert: Massage therapy with a spiritual approach. Reiki for people and animals to assist
with physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. $15/20 mins.
Pueblo, CO
Boots 72 & 73. Parkview Medical Center’s
Spirit of Women: Spirit of Women focuses
on dance as a way to take steps for a healthier life because dancing can burn as many
calories as swimming, walking, or riding a
Aura Photos Booth 26
Red: high energy, money worries, depression, anger, leadership, strong willed, courage, sexuality, vitality, survival
instincts, activity or movement. Red is the emotional
color relating to the reproductive system.
Pink: love, passion, romance, immaturity
Orange: creative, artistic, sensitive, considerate, lazy, selfcontrol, compassion, moving, uncertainly, naive, avoids
conflicts, fragile, childlike, addictive personality. Orange
relates to the adrenal glands.
Yellow: intellectual, analytical, independent, stubborn, personal power, manipulation, perfectionist, opposed to
change, goal oriented, self-starter, judgmental, secretive,
anxiety. Yellow relates to the spleen and life force energy.
Green: growth or change, healing, teacher, jealousy, envy,
abundance, deception, physical discomfort, calming,
social nature, fear, distrust or doubt. Green relates to the
thymus and immune system.
Blue: communication, hard worker, judgment, practical, conscientious, certainty, male energy, faith, feeling isolated,
withdrawn, genuine, emotional health, learning, passive,
calming. The darker blue represents a natural psychic.
Blue relates to the thyroid and metabolism.
Violet: spiritual, visionary, spacey, dreamer, spiritual arrogance, charismatic, self-importance, clairvoyance, heart
or stomach trouble, trance medium, protection, superiority. Violet relates to the pineal and pituitary.
Turquoise: powerful healing ability, magnetic energy.
Gold: happy, high degree of wisdom, spiritual intellect.
White: Protection, stress, enlightenment, shy, scattered, angelic energy, nervousness, trance state, ungrounded,
distracted, pain
Peach: good sense of humor, joy.
Coral: learning new information.
Be sure to stop by and see
Booths 12 & 13
by Sheila
Learn about the benefits of eating
Lots of by products from Bison Hides
Tarot Cards—Own your own
Metaphysical Merchants, Tools For Growth,
Booth 1. Triple Acres Horse Rescue Inc. is
a non-profit organization dedicated to compassionate care of equines. Their mission is
to rescue, protect and rehabilitate horses in
need as well as provide support to existing
and potential owners. They also provide educational and volunteer opportunities.
Boone, CO
Booth 11. Laughing Willow Creations: Offering tools for your journey along the medicine path.
Colorado Springs, CO
Booth 14. Kamala’s Own Magickal Perfumery specializes in pure essential oils,
healing potions and incense. Custom blends
are our favorite thing to do!
Find us on Facebook. www.Kamala.com
Colorado Springs, CO
Booth 25. Pueblo Holistic Health & Living Fair Producers: Stop by and visit with
Temara Speaks, Mimi Barriere and
Linda Weiner.
Booth 25. Pueblo Light Connection ~
A group for Southern Colorado’s Metaphysical Community. Information is available
from PLC’s Director, Linda Weiner.
Email: PuebloLightConnection@yahoo.com
Booth 25. Pueblo Holistic Directory ~
Advertise your business on our website and
in our booklet. To place your listing, visit
with Publisher, Linda Weiner.
Booth 15. Diva’s Healing Herbs & More:
Your supply store for herbs, statuary, Pagan
supplies, ear candles and many other specialty items. Pueblo, CO
Booth 25. Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting!
A unique book study designed to help you
unlock your hidden potential.
Sponsored by Temara Speaks.
Pueblo West, CO
Booth 25. Bamboo by Soul of a Mermaid
Pueblo, CO 719-251-2729
Soul of A Mermaid
Mary Carole Anderson
Booth 26. Aura Photos: See what colors
your energy field is emanating by getting a
photo of your aura. The aura is the energy
field that surrounds any living thing. The
aura camera is able to translate the frequency of your aura into the correlating colors. The aura does change as you change.
This means that the frequency at which
your energy field is vibrating is a direct reflection of your inner state of being and
manifests as one or many colors.
Fair Special $20
Pueblo West, CO
Booth 27. Spiral Soul Designs: Handcrafted power pieces featuring leather,
mixed metals and a unique variety of
stones created to inspire, empower and be
Metaphysical Merchants, Tools For Growth,
a companion on your journey.
Albuquerque, NM
Booth 41. The Biomat Co.~ Far Infrared
Therapy: Deep healing, stress reduction and
rejuvenation. Break the pain cycle and get
Colorado Springs, CO
Booth 46. Legend Lessons: Wisdom of the
ancients through stories & spiritual healing
tools: High energy crystals, jewelry, animal
totems. Personal channeled message with
purchase of Ilga Ann’s book: The Answers.
Booth 50. You-niquely Magnetic offers
high-quality, affordable magnetic jewelry.
Bracelets, anklets, necklaces all available in
double, triple and quad. Custom made to
ensure proper fit.
Alamosa, CO
Booth 51. Vemma/Verve Nutrition:
Plant-sourced liquid supplement.
Center, CO
Booth 58. Bionic Band ~ The Bionic Band
is worn to improve overall health & wellbeing by realigning you with the natural
resonance of the Earth. Doug Pruit & Vivian
Parker, CO
Booths 62 & 63. Celebration Conscious
Living Store: Books, tarot decks, CD’s,
gifts, incense, sage, oils, candles, clothing,
drums, pendulums, discount pricing on
many items.
Colorado Springs, CO 719-634-1855
Booth 64. Share International: David
Confietto ~ Information on the world
teacher, Maitreya. www.ShareInternational.org
Boulder, CO
Booth 66. Coyote Moon Music
Individually handcrafted musical instruments,
chimes and sun catchers made from natural
recycled, and renewable materials.
Denver, CO
Booth 67. Andes Store Imports
Alpaca wool clothing, ponchos, capes,
shawls, and accessories. Andes musical instruments, items for home décor, handmade
jewelry. Colorado Springs, CO 719-622-1308
Booth 68. Candyce’s Textile Dreams: Repurposed textiles for women. The Holistic
Fair is the launch place for this new enterprise and dream company.
Mosca, CO
Booth 71. Yuthok Tibetan Treasure:
Unique and hand-made Tibetan jewelry,
crafts, Buddhist artifacts and much more.
Booth 59. Original Designs by Gene: Wire Denver, CO
wrap crystal jewelry, gold filled & sterling
silver wire. A wide variety of unique gemBooth 74. Claudia’s Healthy Coffee, Orstones are cabochons, points & faceted. The ganoGold offers healthy beverages & prodphilosophy is to show off the beauty of each ucts made with the highest ranking “Super
stone and priced at a reasonable rate.
Herb”. www.ClaudiasHealthyCoffee.com
Northglenn, CO
Pueblo, CO
Booth 60. Himalayan Salt Lamps naturally
product negative ions which cleanse the air
of pollutants and help alleviate allergies &
asthma. They also neutralize EMF waves
emitted by electronic devices. Good for your
pets too!! Cedaredge, CO 970-901-2242
INFORMATION TABLES are located in the
food court.
The FOOD COURT is located in the back of
the ballroom.
“Excuse Me
Your Life Is Waiting"
written by, Lynn Grabhorn
A Life Study
Facilitated by
Temara - booth 25
Pueblo Touring
Walking Group. Starts
April 15th, 9am
Learn about Pueblo while
See Temara
booth 25
Pueblo Holistic Health & Living Fair
The Pueblo Holistic
Health & Living Fair is
dedicated to giving
back to our
community through:
Pay It Forward
For participation as an holistic
health practitioner, metaphysical
vendor, or reader in the Pueblo
Holistic Health & Living Fair:
Go to: www.PuebloHolisticFair.com
or see the producers at
booth 25.