P R E SID E NT `S LE T T E R - Midwest Reining Horse Association


P R E SID E NT `S LE T T E R - Midwest Reining Horse Association
February - March 2013
Thank you for all those who braved the weather and came to the banquet in Joliet. Most everyone got
there without driving in the ice. However for some it was right on their heels leaving Iowa. I hope
everyone made it home OK. I think they made it worse then what it turned out to be.
It was announced at the banquet that this year we will continue with the Rookie II saddle award, and
the others will go to the Non Pro Division and the other to the Open Division. This is how it will work.
Everyone in their respected division who wins the championship their name will go into a bucket with
all the other champions in Open or Non Pro division. Each champion will receive their award. As each
person receives their champion award they will pull a name from the bucket. The last person who
remains in the bucket will be awarded the saddle. So any one of the divisions could win the saddle.
The only thing we have not made clear is to whether you need to be present at the banquet to get your
name into the bucket. We feel this will give everyone a chance to win the saddle and make the
banquet more thrilling (or how to lose friends if your name happens to get pulled).
Also at the banquet an incentive was announced. The board would like to grow and promote the
Directory. We would like this not only to help advertisers but also aid our membership in finding
services. An example would be in an area such as a reining horse farrier. New folks are buying reining
horses and may bring their horse home and there farrier is not equipped to shoe a reining horse.
Where do they go? We would like them to be able to pick up the directory and know in their area this
is who they could call. Same could go for hay, shavings etc. So with this in mind, we are offering free
stalls at our Gordyville shows to anyone who brings in any ad’s that total $500. The break down
includes full page color to business cards. Now if you can only come up with half that amount that will
get you 1 free stall at one show. Last year we had over 2700 hits on the web and we feel this will
continue to grow as the directory grows. We cover a large area with 4 states involved, Illinois, Iowa,
Indiana and Wisconsin. Won’t you please give it a try and see if we can make this directory something
we can be proud of to help fellow Reiners. See the break down (on page 3) for the directory ad’s and
if for some reason you can’t bring yourself to ask someone but you get the feel they might want to be
involved in the directory, give us the name and contact and we will make the call. If we get them you
will get the credit.
Also we will have the saddle raffle or $1000 cash. Each member will be given two books to buy or sell
for the drawing in August at South of the Border.
Hope everyone has a wonderful fun show season.
Our hearts go out to Gigi Challas on the loss of her 14 year
old palomino stallion Gunsmoke Fritz. He came from the
bloodlines of Mr Gunsmoke and Bueno Chex. Gigi raised,
trained, showed and also bred this horse with her
own group of broodmares. Gigi has raised and sold his
foals in which many are in the NRHA show pen
today. " Hank" became a very big part of her life
and family. We all know to well how hard it is to make the
decision to put one down. Her horse developed laminitis
as a result of being insulin resistant. She took him to the
University and was treating him with several medications.
Nothing was working to relieve the horse's pain. So on
February 8th she had him euthanized.
We are so sorry for your loss.
Rates remain the same as last year.
Full page color prime spots (covers and
center fold) $500. That includes color on the
web site, banner display at all the shows,
(you supply the banner), newsletter &
announcements at all the shows.
Full page black & white $250.00 that
includes web site, banner display at all the
shows (you supply banner), newsletter &
announcements at all the shows.
Half page black & white $125.00 includes
web site, newsletter, & announcements at all
the shows.
Quarter page black & white $75.00 with
announcements at all the shows, directory
Business Card Ad enlarged $50.00 with
announcements at all the shows, directory
Check out our website! MWRHA.com
Midwest Reining Horse Association
If you received this newsletter in the mail MWRHA
does not have your email information. If you
would like to send us your email contact
Jodi at (309) 251-5645 or jodis@mailptg.com.
NEW for 2013
Raul Munoz Memorial Show
May, 18 2013
$5,000.00 added
7 & Up aged event and one day MWRHA affiliate show
As stated in American Cowboy, June 1999 edition, Raul Munoz is a charro.
Not a cowboy, Not a vaquero, nor a ranchero, nor a Norteno. Raul is a charro,
distinguished by master horsemanship and wizardry with the lariat.
Come join MWRHA and the Raul Munoz family to honor this great Don of
all charros in Joliet. Huge 300 x 100 show arena, great footing, Kaiser drag,
authentic Mexican Food concessions on the grounds! Limited stalls available
(40-50) contact Dottie Smith to reserve 219.742.0122!
ON mwrha.com, facebook, and advertised at up coming MW shows!
Introducing our new Webmaster
MWRHA would like to introduce Nicole Mauser-Storer, as our
new Webmaster. Nicole will be keeping MWRHA's website up
to date and working with the board on a few new projects.
A little about Nicole: She taught web design at ICC for
almost 10 years and has earned a "Certified Internet
Webmaster" certificate, she is currently working on her last
semester to complete a certificate as a Rich Internet
Application Developer at ICC. She has worked on websites for
Caterpillar, ICC, UMECRA and various projects for non-profit
A little about her horses: Nicole has been riding endurance
on her horse, Peso. Her and Peso were Reserve Champion
Novice, Top 5 Rookie and then Top 10 Competitive in the last
three years with UMECRA (Upper Midwest Endurance &
Competitive Rides Association). In their spare time Peso has
been showing Level 1 Dressage, and has even started jumping.
Nicole also recently purchased a Hungarian Sportlo Gelding,
registered with the Hungarian Horse Association of America
and the Performance Shagya Registry. She is also on the
committee for the First Performance Shagya Registry
Inspection in the US.
MWRHA would like to welcome Nicole to the team!
CLASSIFIEDS (contact Kathy or Jodi if you'd like to include an ad to our website or newsletter)
Blood lines of Peptoboonsmal, Doc’s Stylish Oak, Gunsmoke, Gangster Chic
NRHA eligible 2yr olds, NRBC eligible 3yr olds, and Broke aged horses for sale as well.
Call for more information to: Challas Quarter Horses (708) 476-0461
The Vazquez's are selling a great horse Juiced Up Doc. Lifetime earnings $160,000 and he is still
showing great. Mariana just showed in the youth at NAAC and was 5th out of 60. He is a great horse
and would make a wonderful addition to a youth, rookie, limited and intermediate non pro. Call for
more information 773-251-6892 or email mariana_vazquez_13@hotmail.com
THANK YOU! Becky Ruehle for the picture!
Sign An Go “GiGi”
registered Appaloosa mare
DOB: 05/08/97 (16 yrs)
Sire: Heza Sure Sign
I decided to retire Sign An Go “GiGi” Jan. 28 th of this year. It appears as though age and arthritis have caught up
with us.
I started reining in 2001 with purchase of Gigi’s full sister - Lily’s Sign. Lily was a good introduction to reining, but
she much preferred chasing cows, so she and I competed in Working Cow Horse classes and did some team
penning. That was a lot of fun, but I wanted to focus a little more on the sport of reining, so I purchased GiGi in
2003. We’ve been together ever since. She’s a super horse…smart, talented, athletic, patient, kind and
beautiful. She’s been a wonderful partner all these years…always willing to do whatever I asked of her. She made
me look so much better than I am. I’m confident that had she shown in much more capable hands than mine, she
would have done great things.
I’m definitely going to miss showing her, but I know that it’s in her best interest she no longer competes .
Lounging around with her sister and the occasional trail ride is in her future. After all she’s given me, that’s the
very least I can do for her.
Having been bitten by the bug, I’m currently in the market for another reiner. Until we find that “special one”,
you’ll find me in the role of “show mom” for “the other Laurie” and anyone else who may need anything, and
cheering on all those that are doing their very best to put together that “great ride”.
Laurie Miller
2013 Reining Horse Clinic Featuring Lori Nelson
Lori Nelson has a passion for reining. She has ridden with many
top National Reining Horse Association (NRHA) professionals in
order to build the knowledge she shares with her students. She
has competed, as well as coached her students, to both regional
and national levels. Lori and her clients have earned numerous
year end awards from several associations including the Midwest
Reining Horse Association, Illinois Reining Horse Association, and
Indiana Reining Horse Association. Lori finished the 2012 show
season in the Top Ten for her NRHA division.
Lori owns and operates Lori Nelson Training located in
Mechanicsburg, IL where she works with students from beginner
to advanced levels to help them achieve their goals. Her
adaptable teaching and training methods produce a soft and
responsive horse resulting in success across a wide range of
disciplines from reining to pleasure to hunter/jumpers.
Bring your horse and join Lori Nelson for her reining clinic at the
2013 Illinois Horse Fair!
For more information go to:
I would like to thank Kathy
and all responsible for the
beautiful flowers presented
to me at the Banquet! I
have made so many Great
Friends since I became a
MWRHA Board Member!
Thanks everyone for the
kind words!
Thanks, Jodi
January 27, 2013
Joliet County Club
Norbert Glynn is one happy guy
to be part of the 2013 MWRHA board!
Quinn Selner and Gigi Challas
our 2012 saddle winners!
Oscar Munoz 1st place 13 & Under
Allen Mitchels at the podium before
starting his video presentation!
For more pictures go to www.ruehlephotographix.com
2013 MWRHA
Affiliated Show Circuit & Saddle Circuit
All shows will be used for points in the saddle circuit. But, you must
show at least 4 of the 5 days of MWRHA shows to qualify
Gordyville Breeders Cup
Gordyville USA * Gifford, Illinois
March 14th-17th
INRHA Cloverdale Reining Show
Cloverdale * Cloverdale, Indiana
April 13th & 14th
MWRHA Classic
Gordyville USA * Gifford, Illinois
May 4th & 5th
MWRHA Memorial Show for Raul Munoz (see ad in this newsletter)
(Added 7-up Class)
May 18th
Illinois Reining State Fair
State Fair Grounds * Springfield, Illinois
July 15th-16th
South of the Border
Gordyville USA * Gifford, Illinois
August 17th & 18th
NRHA North Central US Affiliate Finals
Minnesota Equestrian Center * Winona, MN
As you know MWRHA went Green in 2012.
We offered NRHA approved Green rider classes in our
NRHA/affiliate approved shows. This means Green riders are rewarded for points earned by NRHA. Points
are awarded based on the number of horses in the class on a sliding scale from one to ten (see scale below).
Through the GREEN RIDER REWARDS PROGRAM, Green riders with 50 points are awarded an NRHA jacket
and Green riders with 100 points earn a Montana Silversmiths trophy buckle. After achieving 100 points a
rider is no longer eligible for the Green Reiner class format. This year MWRHA will offer one more
opportunity for entry level reiners to ride in NRHA approved classes. Ride & Slide level 1 and Ride & Slide
level 2. As with Green level classes all you need to show is a $20.00 associate membership. You do not need
NON-PRO declarations, competition licenses, or even need to own the horse you are riding. All classes
require standard NRHA Rules for
bits and attire; long sleeved shirt, hat or helmet, western
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
saddle and western bridle, chaps are not required. Let me
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
try to explain the differences between Green and Ride & Slide
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Classes. Rules for entry level classes are on pages
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
73-74 of 2013 NRHA handbook.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
GREEN Reiner Classes:
1 2 3 4
1 2 3
1 2
$20.00 Associate membership
Use NRHA patterns 1-11
One or two handed
Simple or flying lead changes
Green Level 1 open to riders who have less than $100.00 in NRHA earnings, have less than 25
NRHA Youth points and less than 50 green points.
Green Level 2 open to riders who have less than $100 in NRHA earnings, have less than 25 NRHA
Youth points and less than 100 Green Rider Points.
Ride & Slide Classes (these classes can be offered in open, non-pro and youth)
Ride & Slide Level 1 open to riders who have $0 in NRHA earning and 0 youth points.
$20.00 Associate membership
Reduced patterns are permitted
One or two handed with any bridle
Ride & Slide Level 2 open to riders with $500 or less in NRHA earnings and less than 50 NRHA youth points
$20.00 Associate membership
Standard NRHA patterns and rules
Two more points of interest for all entry levels, any money earned will not count toward your Rookie status.
Exhibitors can be given the opportunity to talk to judges at the conclusion of the class.
In closing, MWRHA would like to welcome reiners of all levels to our show. Our Green rider program will
offer a less expensive way to show, an easier way to complete at an enjoyable level and a great way to
improve your reining skills.
Jodi Summer, MWRHA Secretary / NRHA Liaison (309)251-5645
Don't forget to visit the MWRHA Website
for a full update of show rules,
show schedules and show bills.
Membership cards are being sent out now.
We would like to see if we could get
everyone to send in their membership
as soon as you can, to avoid extra work
for the show office at our first show!
Remember you have to be a member to earn points!
Keep in mind you must be a MWRHA member
and attend 4 of the 5 MWRHA shows to qualify
for year end awards and the saddle circuit.
ALL 11 shows will count toward year end points.
Thank you Becky Ruehle of Ruehl Photographix for the picture!
Midwest Reining Horse Association
Board members
SECRETARY: Jodi Summer, NRHA Liaison
TREASURER: Dottie Smith
Albert Burton, YOUTH CONTACT
Gigi Challas,
Norbert Glynn
Ed Gomez
Lori Hedges
Martin Melgoza
Gary Todd
C/O Jodi Summer, Secretary
31569 Irish Lane
Eureka, IL 61530