Hall of Extraordinary - HKTDC Hong Kong International Jewellery
Hall of Extraordinary - HKTDC Hong Kong International Jewellery
Contents 4 Introduction 33 Golden Splendour Jewelry Co Ltd 5 Floor Plan 34 Goldstone Jewellery Co Ltd 6 A.K. MAHALLATI CO LTD 35 H. H. Gems Co Limited 7 Aarzee Jewellery 36 Hans D. Krieger kg 8 Aliel 37 Hatta New World Company Limited 9 Allure Jewellery Mfg Co Ltd 38 Heinz Mayer OHG 10 Almor Design, Inc. 39 Horovitz & Totah SA 11 Andrew Cohen SA 40 J.P. Cam International Ltd. 12 Arnav Jewels 41 Jacob’s Jewelry Co. Ltd 13 Art Creations 42 Jewellery Planning Co., Ltd. 14 baerjewels Limited 43 Kajita Co Ltd 15 Bapalal Keshavlal 44 Karen Collection Ltd 16 BUSATTI 45 Karp Impex HK Limited 17 Butani Jewellery Limited 46 Kashikey Co., Ltd 18 Chen Chan Art Co. 47 Kinetic Artwork (HK) Limited 19 Continental Diamond 48 Kiran Jewels 20 Dehres Ltd 49 La Putri Pte Ltd 21 Designs by H.C. 50 Lanesa Designs, Inc. 22 DIAMRUSA LTD 51 Lee Jewellery Co. 23 Dily’s Collection 52 Lithos - E.Hatzopoulos 24 Dreamtime 53 Louis Glick & Company 25 Emerald Mines Ltd 54 M. Kawasaki Trading Co Ltd 26 EURO PEARLS 55 Mario Buzzanca Gioielli Co Ltd. 27 F D Trading 28 Fai Dee Limited 56 Maysun Jewellery Manufacturing Company Limited 29 Fei 57 Michael Youssoufian Limited 30 Gad & Co. 58 Midas Touch 31 Gembros Jewelry Co Ltd 59 MKS Jewelry Intenational Co., Ltd. 32 Global Gems 60 Morelle Davidson (UK) Ltd 61 New Heritage Ltd 62 Olympic Watch & Jewellery Co Ltd 63 On Tung Co 64 Oscar Heyman & Bros. 65 Podicko Asia Ltd 66 Presto Trade 67 Red Diamond Co., Ltd 68 S B Gems (HK) Co Ltd (Taiwan Branch) 69 Saboo Fine Jewels (H.K) 70 Sarl Laurence Fayolle 71 Sartoro Gioielli 72 Seaman Schepps 73 Sigi Creations Co., Ltd. 74 Smart Arts Jewellery 75 Sunflower Art Jewellery 76 The Deyoung Collection 77 The Mughal Limited 78 Thomas Faerber SA 79 Unique Brilliant Limited 80 United Color Inc 81 United Jewelry Co 82 Vama Creation Co Ltd 83 Viva Collection Co., Ltd. 84 Wai Lun Jewellery Ltd 85 WDG Since 1966 Srl 86 Windsor Jewelers Inc 87 Yafa Jewelry Inc. 88 Yavorskyy Co Ltd 89 Zorab Creation Jewellery Mfg Co Ltd Hall of Extraordinary Exquisiteness on show Jewellery at the very top of the market is the work of genius. It captures the imagination and stimulates the senses as much as any work of art. These masterpieces of the jewellery world find their rightful place in the show at the Hall of Extraordinary. Here, design flair meets the very best craftsmanship and the highest standard of materials. The result is a breathtaking selection of exquisite jewellery created by the top names in the fine jewellery industry. The Hall of Extraordinary has a strong pedigree, renowned for bringing craftsmen and precious jewels together with those who appreciate true excellence in jewellery. The pieces range from the classic to the contemporary, but always executed with the best possible taste. The zone is more than just a display of the best in the jewellery world, however, as it provides a professional environment in which to carry out business. 珠寶精粹廊 匠心獨運 頂級珠寶與所有藝術創作一樣,蘊含豐富的想像力,令人賞心悅目,堪稱巧 奪天工。 珠寶精粹廊特為這些珠寶傑作而設,匯聚業內赫赫有名的名師巨擘,推介令 人讚歎的珠寶系列,工藝精湛,質料上乘,完全顯現設計師的天賦才華。 珠寶精粹廊網羅各類工藝不凡的貴重珠寶,蜚聲寰宇,吸引有意採購卓越珠 寶的買家蜂擁而至。展品琳瑯滿目,由經典款式以至富現代風格的系列,應 有盡有。館內布置得體,提供專業環境,不但能凸顯珠寶的光芒,更有利參 展商及買家洽談業務,得心應手。 Floor Plan A.K. MAHALLATI CO LTD 2 Narathiwadratchanakaharin Road, Soi Narathiwadratchanakharin 10 Kwaeng Tungwatdon, Khet Sathorn, Bangkok, Thailand Tel: (66 2) 6763 600 Fax: (66 2) 6763 133 Email: mahallatibkk@gmail.com Website: www.mahallatiak.com 6 Booth No. GH-E02 Aarzee Jewellery Aarzee Building, DMCC Plot 1D JLT, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: (971 4) 3688 756 Fax: (971 4) 3688 755 Email: info@aarzee.net Website: www.arzano-jewellery.com 7 Booth No. GH-D17 Aliel PO Box 3112, Level Podium Gate Village 1, Building 1, DIFC, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: (9714) 2217 999 Fax: (9714) 2287 373 Email: info@aliel.com Website: www.aliel.com 8 Booth No. GH-F09 Allure Jewellery Mfg Co Ltd 24 Mahesak Soi 3, Mahesak Road, Suriyawang, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand Tel: (66 2) 6357 301 Fax: (66 2) 6356 005 Email: info@allure-jewels.com Website: www.allure-jewels.com 9 Booth No. GH-F13 Almor Design, Inc. Room 125, 98 Cuttermill Road, Great Neck, New York 11021, USA Tel: 1 (516) 4828 030 Fax: 1 (516) 4820 259 Email: heskiabrother@aol.com Website: www.almordesign.com 10 Booth No. GH-A07 Andrew Cohen SA S Rue Du Marche 1904 Geneva, Switzerland Tel: (41 22) 8185 878 Fax: (41 22) 8185 879 Email: npinkas@andrew-cohen.com 11 Booth No. GH-E08 Arnav Jewels Partaniyon Ka Mandir, Johri Bazaar, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302003, India Tel: (91 141) 2568 895 Fax: (91 141) 2568 897 Email: arnav@arnavjewels.com 12 Booth No. GH-G12 Art Creations 10 Rockefeller Plaza, Suite 1100, New York, 10020 USA Tel: (1 212) 8403 995 Fax: (1 212) 7687 395 Email: artint1@verizon.net Website: www.artcreationsjewelry.com 13 Booth No. GH-D05 baerjewels Limited Room A, 3rd Floor, Galuxe Building, 8-10 On Lan Street, Central, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2877 0099 Fax: (852) 2877 6969 Email: baer@baerjewels.com Website: www.baerjewels.com 14 Booth No. GH-D14 Bapalal Keshavlal 401 Queen’s Diamond 5 M. P. Marg, Opera House, Mumbai, Maharashtta, India Tel: (91 22) 2369 4211 Fax: (91 22) 2363 1678 Email: info@bapalalkeshavlal.com Website: bapalalkeshavlal.com 15 Booth No. GH-B14 BUSATTI Via Dei Piatti 1, 20123, Milano MI, Italy Tel: (39 02) 8691 5717 Fax: (39 02) 8645 2055 Email: info@busattisrl.com Website: www.busattisrl.com 16 Booth No. GH-B13 Butani Jewellery Limited Suite 510, Houston Centre, 63 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2369 8245 Fax: (852) 2721 9561 Email: info@butani.com Website: www.butani.com 17 Booth No. GH-C02 Chen Chan Art Co. Flat 7, 7th Floor, Sterling Center, 11 Cheung Yue Street, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 9517 8198 Email: info@chen-chan.com Website: chen-chan.com 18 Booth No. GH-F15 Continental Diamond Flat M, 1st Floor, Kaiser Estate Phase 3,11 Hok Yuen Street, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2363 8882 Fax: (852) 2765 7516 Email: retail@contidiamond.com Website: www.contidiamond.com 19 Booth No. GH-B18 Dehres Ltd Room 3501, Edinburgh Tower, The Landmark, Central, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2521 3411 Fax: (852) 2845 0506 Email: zion@dehres.com Website: www.dehres.com 20 Booth No. GH-B02 Designs by H.C. 555, 15 West 47th Street, New York 10036, United States Tel: 1 (212) 3823 062 Fax: 1 (212) 7193 025 Email: info@designsbyhc.com Website: www.designsbyhc.com 21 Booth No. GH-G06 DIAMRUSA LTD 66/7-10 Soi Pramote (Yasu), Opp Manohra Hotel, Suriwongse Road, Bangkok 10500, Thailand Tel: (66 2) 2378 563 Fax: (66 2) 2366 248 Email: info@diamrusa.com Website: www.diamrusa.com 22 Booth No. GH-D02 Dilys’ Collection Room 702, New World Tower One, 16-18 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2877 9896 Fax: (852) 2877 9486 Email: info@dilyscollection.com Website: www.dilys.com.hk 23 Booth No. GH-B08 Dreamtime 292 Nonaka Cho, Shizuichi, Sakyo-Ku, Kyoto 601-1122, Japan Tel: (81 75) 7413 415 Fax: (81 75) 7411 225 Email: brucekyoto@gmail.com Website: kyotobruce.com 24 Booth No. GH-B16 Emerald Mines Ltd Unit 7, 2nd Floor, Block A, Focal Industrial Centre, 21 Man Lok Street, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2362 4209 Fax: (852) 2764 5205 Email: info@emeraldmines.com.hk 25 Booth No. GH-C08 EURO PEARLS Euro Building, 26, St. Cross Street, London, EC1N8UH United Kingdom Tel: (44 20) 7025 0700 Fax: (44 20) 7025 0702 Email: michael@europearls.com Website: europearls.com 26 Booth No. GH-A02 F D Trading 303 Anchor House, 2-14-20 Yamamotodori Chuo Ku, Kobe, Osaka 6500003, Japan Tel: (81 7) 8231 4540 Fax: (81 7) 8231 4541 Email: fdtrading@faidee.com Website: www.faidee.com 27 Booth No. GH-C14 Fai Dee Limited Unit G, 6th Floor, 9 Queen’s Road, Central, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2344 9888 Email: faidee@faidee.com Website: www.faidee.com 28 Booth No. GH-D15 Fei 36W 44 Street, Suite 1102, New York, NY 10036, USA Tel: (1 212) 5830 899 Fax: (1 212) 5830 955 Email: info@feiny.com Website: www.feiny.com 29 Booth No. GH-E12 Gad & Co. 18th Floor, V. Heun Building, No. 138 Queen’s Road, Central, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2544 0002 Fax: (852) 2544 0855 Email: gadco@biznetvigator.com 30 Booth No. GH-C13 Gembros Jewelry Co Ltd Queen’s Ville 15-6, Nonhyun-Dong, Gangnam-Gu, Seoul 135-811, Republic of Korea Tel: (82 2) 5175 728 Fax: (82 2) 5116 870 Email: gembros@hotmail.com Website: www.gembros.com 31 Booth No. GH-F07 Global Gems Mainzerstr. 34, Idar-Oberstein, 55743 Germany Tel: (49 06781) 47367 Fax: (49 06781) 46474 Email: info@globalgems.de Website: www.globalgems.de 32 Booth No. GH-E11 Golden Splendour Jewelry Co Ltd Unit 811, 8th Floor, Lippo Sun Plaza, 28 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2973 6363 Fax: (852) 2763 6200 Email: goldensplendour@hattanewworld.com 33 Booth No. GH-D11 Goldstone Jewellery Co Ltd 20th Floor, Goldmark, 502 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2890 2586 Fax: (852) 2890 4618 Email: info@goldstonejew.com Website: www.goldstonejew.com 34 Booth No. GH-G07 H. H. Gems Co Limited Suite 3001, 30th Floor, No. 9 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3101 1900 Fax: (852) 3101 9088 Email: hh@hhgems.com.hk 35 Booth No. GH-A01 Hans D. Krieger kg P.O. Box 12 24 48, 55716 Idar-Oberstein, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany Tel: (49 6781) 94900 Fax: (49 6781) 949041 Email: info@kriegernet.com Website: http://kriegernet.com 36 Booth No. GH-A13 Hatta New World Company Limited Unit 811, 8th Floor, Lippo Sun Plaza, 28 Canton Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2973 6363 Fax: (852) 2973 6200 Email: hatta@hattanewworld.com Website: www.hattanewworld.com 37 Booth No. GH-D07 Heinz Mayer OHG Schachenstrasse 37, Idar-Oberstein 55743, Germany Tel: (49 6781) 9640 Fax: (49 6781) 964 200 Email: service@heinzmayer.com Website: www.heinzmayer.com 38 Booth No. GH-E13 Horovitz & Totah SA 9-11 Place De La Fusterie, Geneva 1204, Switzerland Tel: (41 22) 3115 012 Fax: (41 22) 3106 866 Email: ronny@h-t.ch 39 Booth No. GH-E07 J.P. Cam International Ltd. Suite A, 17th Floor, Arts Mansion, 43 Wong Nai Chung Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2719 5424 Email: info@jpcam.com.hk Website: www.jpcam.com.hk 40 Booth No. GH-E15 Jacob’s Jewelry Co. Ltd 232-236 Mahesak Soi 2 Road, Bangrak, 10500 Bangkok, Thailand Tel: (66 2) 6356 441 Fax: (66 2) 6358 702 Email: sales@jacobjewelry.net Website: www.jacobjewelry.net 41 Booth No. GH-G01 Jewellery Planning Co., Ltd. 110-3 Saijo Showa-cho, Nakakoma-gun, Yamanashi 409-3866, Japan Tel: (81 55) 2263 555 Fax: (81 55) 2263 734 Email: jewellery_planning@yahoo.co.jp 42 Booth No. GH-F16 Kajita Co Ltd 2-1-9 Kojima Taito-Ku, Tokyo 111-0056, Japan Tel: (81 3) 3862 7441 Fax: (81 3) 3862 7575 Email: kajtalk@gmail.com Website: kajita-net.jp 43 Booth No. GH-F18 Karen Collection Ltd Room 901, Chuang’s Tower, 30-32 Connaught Road, Central, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2525 2591 Fax: (852) 2525 2290 Email: info@karencollection.com.hk Website: www.karencollection.com.hk 44 Booth No. GH-A17 Karp Impex HK Limited Flat 01-02, 10th Floor, Tower 2, Harbour Centre, 8 Hok Cheung Street, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2369 3000 Fax: (852) 2369 8700 Email: karpjewhk@karpgroup.com Website: www.karpgroup.com 45 Booth No. GH-A14 Kashikey Co., Ltd 19-3, Shinbashi 2-Chome, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 105-0004, Japan Tel: (81 3) 3575 0810 Fax: (81 3) 3572 3066 Email: y.kawashima@kashikey.co.jp Website: www.kashikey.com 46 Booth No. GH-E18 Kinetic Artwork (HK) Limited Room 308-309, Wing Fat Industrial Building, 12 Wang Tai Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2798 9200 Fax: (852) 2798 7151 Email: info@kinetic-artwork.com 47 Booth No. GH-F05 Kiran Jewels Room 905, Hilder Center, 2 Sung Ping Street, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2366 2488 Email: ashish@kiranjewels.in Website: www.kiranjewels.com 48 Booth No. GH-C18 La Putri Pte Ltd 333A Orchard Road, Mandarin Gallery, #02-37, Singapore 238897 Tel: (65) 6733 3345 Fax: (65) 6732 2501 Email: info@laputri.com Website: laputri.com 49 Booth No. GH-G10 Lanesa Designs, Inc. 15 West 47th Street, Booth #23, New York 10036, USA Tel: (1 212) 8698 408 Fax: (1 212) 2788 465 Email: shafiiangem@gmail.com 50 Booth No. GH-A12 Lee Jewellery Co. Flat/Room G, 1st Floor, Han Kow Mansion, 43-49 Hankow Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 9023 2411 51 Booth No. GH-E17 Lithos - E.Hatzopoulos 17 Romvis Street, Athens 10560, Greece Tel: (30 210) 3236 162 Fax: (30 210) 3314 732 Email: hatzopoulos@kita-lithos.com 52 Booth No. GH-A06 Louis Glick & Company 1271 Avenue of The Americas, New York, NY 10020, United States Tel: (1 212) 2590 300 Fax: (1 212) 4898 178 Email: gamos@louisglick.com Website: www.louisglick.com 53 Booth No. GH-B12 M. Kawasaki Trading Co Ltd 2-34-4 Mukogaoka, Tokyo 113-0023, Japan Tel: (81 3) 3821 6188 Fax: (81 3) 3828 5570 Email: kawasaki@tcn-catv.ne.jp 54 Booth No. GH-E05 Mario Buzzanca Gioielli Co Ltd. 41/4 Tayuta Building, 6th Floor, Silom Soi 19, Bangrak, Bangkok, 10500, Thailand Tel: (66 2) 6352 886 Fax: (66 2) 6351 144 Email: info@mariobuzzanca.com Website: mariobuzzanca.com 55 Booth No. GH-A15 Maysun Jewellery Manufacturing Company Limited Room A4, 2nd Floor, 83-87 Tsim Sha Tsui Mansion, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2366 8887 Fax: (852) 2311 1308 Email: maysunjewellery@gmail.com 56 Booth No. GH-F11 Michael Youssoufian Limited Unit C-D, 10th Floor, Kimley Commercial Building, 142-146 Queen’s Road, Central, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2868 9093 Fax: (852) 2368 5930 Email: michael@youssoufian.com Website: www.youssoufian.com 57 Booth No. GH-F12 Midas Touch 919/311, Jewelry Trade Centre, 24th Floor, Silom Road, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand Tel: (66 2) 6303 223 Fax: (66 2) 6300 349 Email: sales@midastouchjewelry.com Website: midastouchjewelry.com 58 Booth No. GH-A08 MKS Jewelry International Co., Ltd. Gemopolis Industrial Estate, 47/1, MOO 4, Kwang Dokmai Khet Pravet, Bangkok 10250, Thailand Tel: (66 2) 727 0150 - 6 Fax: (66 2) 727 0160 Email: sales@mksjewelry.com Website: www.mksjewelry.com 59 Booth No. GH-G11 Morelle Davidson (UK) Ltd 45/46 New Bond Street, London W1S 2SF, United Kingdom Tel: (44 20) 7408 0066 Fax: (44 20) 7495 8885 Email: info@morelledavidson.com Website: www.morelledavidson.com 60 Booth No. GH-D08 New Heritage Ltd Unit 1102, 11th Floor, Hung Hom Commercial Centre, Tower B, 37 Ma Tau Wai Road, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2356 1858 Fax: (852) 2356 1857 Email: girish@diajewelcn.com Website: www.diajewelcn.com 61 Booth No. GH-A05 Olympic Watch & Jewellery Co Ltd Shop 26 & 28, Ground Floor, Central Building, 1-3 Pedder Street, Central, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2810 7381 Fax: (852) 2810 8599 Email: info@olympicjewellery.com Website: www.olympicjewellery.com 62 Booth No. GH-B05 On Tung Co Room 1003B, 10th Floor, East Ocean Centre, 98 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2369 4029 Fax: (852) 2722 4158 Email: info@ontung.com 63 Booth No. GH-A18 Oscar Heyman & Bros. 501 Madison Avenue, 15th Floor, New York NY 10022, USA Tel: (1 212) 5930 400 Fax: (1 212) 7598 612 Email: paul@oscarheyman.com Website: www.oscarheyman.com 64 Booth No. GH-A11 Podicko Asia Ltd Room 2005, 20th Floor, Queen’s Place, 74 Queen’s Road, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2543 4579 Fax: (852) 2543 4207 Email: podicko@podicko-diamonds.com Website: www.podicko-diamonds.com 65 Booth No. GH-C12 Presto Trade Unit F, 13th Floor, Winner Building, 36 Man Yue Street, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2311 5480 Fax: (852) 2311 5485 Email: prestotrade@gmail.com 66 Booth No. GH-D16 Red Diamond Co., Ltd 408 Piyamitr Building, 99 Mahesak Road, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand Tel: (66 2) 6359 920 Email: faidee@faidee.com Website: www.faidee.com 67 Booth No. GH-D13 S B Gems (HK) Co Ltd (Taiwan Branch) Room 908, No. 205, Sec-1, Tunhwa S. Road, Taipei 106, Taiwan Tel: (886 2) 8772 1255 Fax: (886 2) 8772 1684 Email: sbgemstw@yahoo.com 68 Booth No. GH-E06 Saboo Fine Jewels (H.K) Room C3, Block C, 8th Floor, Hankow Center, 1 Middle Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3690 2637 Fax: (852) 3167 7363 Email: saboohk@saboofj.com Website: http://saboofj.com 69 Booth No. GH-G14 Sarl Laurence Fayolle 82 Rue Lauriston, Paris 75016, France Tel: (33 60) 7699 971 Fax: (33 47) 8089 766 Email: laurencefayolle@aol.com 70 Booth No. GH-F14 Sartoro Gioielli Almas Tower, 19th Floor Office B, Jumeira Lake Towers, Dubai 41449, United Arab Emirates Tel: (971 50) 8727 404 Email: maral@sartoro.net Website: sartoro.net 71 Booth No. GH-B07 Seaman Schepps 485 Park Avenue, New York 10022, USA Tel: 001 (212) 753 9520 Fax: 001 (212) 753 9531 Email: exhib@seamanschepps.com Website: www.seamanschepps.com 72 Booth No. GH-G13 Sigi Creations Co., Ltd. 197/3 Soi Pradit, Surawong Road, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand Tel: (66 2) 2339 253 Fax: (66 2) 2364 339 Email: headoffice@sigigroup.com Website: www.sigigroup.com 73 Booth No. GH-B15 Smart Arts Jewellery Unit F, 13th Floor, Winner Building, 36 Man Yue Street, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2311 5480 Fax: (852) 2311 5485 Email: smartartsjewellery@gmail.com Website: smartartsjewellery.com 74 Booth No. GH-D18 Sunflower Art Jewellery 8F-1, No. 101, Sec 4, Ren-Ai Road, Taipei 106, Taiwan Tel: (886 2) 2771 1638 Fax: (886 2) 2771 1477 Email: sunfly.design@msa.hinet.net Website: www.sunflower-art.com.tw 75 Booth No. GH-F17 The Deyoung Collection 608 Fifth Ave, Suite 708, New York 10020, USA Tel: (1 212) 5417 202 Fax: (1 212) 2472 197 Email: alan@thedeyoungcollection.com 76 Booth No. GH-E10 The Mughal Limited Room 2503, Bank of America Tower, 12 Harcourt Road, Central, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2344 9888 Email: faidee@faidee.com 77 Booth No. GH-C16 Thomas Faerber SA 29 Rue Du Rhone, Geneva 1204, Switzerland Tel: (41 22) 3186 633 Fax: (41 22) 3186 636 Email: geneva@faerber-collection.com Website: www.faerber-collection.com 78 Booth No. GH-E02 Unique Brilliant Limited Unit C, 6th Floor, Century House, No.3-4 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2301 1428 Fax: (852) 2369 0588 Email: info@uniquebrilliant.com Website: www.uniquebrilliant.com 79 Booth No. GH-C11 United Color Inc 2 West 46th Street #1404, New York, NY 10036, United States Tel: (1 212) 3986 729 Fax: (1 212) 3981 865 Email: unitedcolorgems@gmail.com Website: www.unitedcolorgems.com 80 Booth No. GH-B11 United Jewelry Co F-I, 19th Floor, The Jade Plaza, 513 Canton Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2332 6663 Fax: (852) 2710 8214 Email: general@united-jewelry.com.hk 81 Booth No. GH-C07 Vama Creation Co Ltd 553-557, Soi 5/1, Charoen Nakhorn Road, Klongsan, Bangkok 10600, Thailand Tel: (66 2) 8610 001 Fax: (66 2) 8610 901 Email: vamacreation@hotmail.com 82 Booth No. GH-C15 Viva Collection Co., Ltd. 41/13-14, Soi Silom 19, Silom Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand Tel: (66 2) 2374 767 Fax: (66 2) 2374 766 Email: viva.collection@hotmail.com 83 Booth No. GH-E14 Wai Lun Jewellery Ltd Suites 3902-3, 39th Floor, Tower 6, The Gateway, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2388 6779 Fax: (852) 2388 3871 Email: inquiry@wailun-jewellery.com Website: www.wailun-jewellery.com 84 Booth No. GH-C06 WDG Since 1966 Srl Viale Dell Industria 14, Vicenza 36100, Italy Tel: (39 444) 189 800 Fax: (39 444) 189 801 Email: info@worlddiamondgroup.com Website: www.worlddiamondgroup.com 85 Booth No. GH-A09 Windsor Jewelers Inc 589 5th Avenue, Suite 909, New York, NY 10017 United States Tel: (1 212) 2620 500 Fax: (1 212) 2629 799 Email: hugo@windsorjewelers.com Website: www.windsorjewelers.com 86 Booth No. GH-G03 Yafa Jewelry Inc. 580 Fifth Avenue, Store 7, New York, NY 10036, United States Tel: (1 212) 7199 828 Fax: (1 212) 8692 016 Email: yafajewelry@verizon.net Website: yafajewelry.com 87 Booth No. GH-D06 Yavorskyy Co Ltd Maneesap 2 Building, Suite 604, 41/5-7 Soi Silom 19, Silom Road, Bangkok 10500, Thailand Tel: (66 2) 6352 923 Fax: (66 2) 6352 924 Email: yavorskyy@yahoo.com 88 Booth No. GH-G08 Zorab Creation Jewellery Mfg Co Ltd 198/23-25 Silom Soi 14, Silom Road, Bangrak, 10500 Bangkok, Thailand Tel: (66 2) 2336 301 Fax: (66 2) 2664 513 Email: info@zorabcreation.com Website: zorabcreation.com 89 Booth No. GH-F08 NOTICE TO READERS This special booklet is not a mail-order catalogue. The products are traded directly by the suppliers in large commercial quantities for import, re-export and wholesale purposes. The Hong Kong Trade Development Council makes no representation or warranty regarding the companies, their products or the potential infringement of any intellectual property rights of any third parties and accepts no responsibility, liability or obligation, in addition to any of the statements, photographs or illustrations appearing in this special booklet. Inclusion of any particular item does not mean that goods or services have the approval of or are endorsed by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council. It is recommended that normal precautions be taken before any business is transacted with any company. Correspondence concerning any alleged infringement of any design, copyright, patent, trademark or other intellectual property right should be addressed directly to the company, not the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.
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