Fusion Group Ltd
Fusion Group Ltd
WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 1 Fusion Group Ltd PRODUCT APPRAISAL REPORT 11/27 Fusamatic Electrofusion Fittings AS/NZS 4129:2008 – Fittings for polyethylene (PE) pipes for pressure applications Publication Date: 6 February 2015 3 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 2 Document History The following information indicates the changes made to this document. Date Version 3/2/2015 Peer Review draft 5/3/2015 Publication File Location U:\PP1 Industry Performance and Regulation\PP1-012 Product Appraisals\Civil Asset Infrastructure\2012\PA 1127 Fusion Provida Electrofusion Couplings\PA 11_27 Fusion Plast 06022015_Final Peer Review Draft.docx U:\PP1 Industry Performance and Regulation\PP1-012 Product Appraisals\Civil Asset Infrastructure\2012\PA 1127 Fusion Provida Electrofusion Couplings\PA 11_27 Fusion Plast 0532015 Publication.docx Peer Reviewers Name/Title Organisation Date David Moore, Design Manager City West Water 5/3/2015 Dayong Li, Senior Engineer – Standards Planning Queensland Urban Utilities 3/3/2015 Mohamed Yoosuf, Senior Engineer, Standards City West Water 5/3/2015 Leith Forbes, WSAA Contractor WSAA Contractor 5/3/2015 Carl Radford, Product Appraisal Manager WSAA 3/2/2015 Name/Title Signature Date Carl Radford, Product Appraisal Manager Carl Radford 5/3/2015 Approvals COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 3 Overview of WSAA The Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) is the peak industry body that supports the Australian Urban Water Industry. Its members and associate members provide water and sewerage services to approximately 20 million Australians and many of Australia's largest industrial and commercial enterprises. The Association facilitates collaboration, knowledge sharing, networking and cooperation within the urban water industry. It is proud of the collegiate attitude of its members which has led to industry-wide approaches to national water issues. WSAA can demonstrate success in the standardisation of industry performance monitoring and benchmarking, as well as many research outcomes of national significance. The WSAA Executive retains strong links with policy makers and legislative bodies and their influencers, to monitor emerging issues of importance to the urban water industry. WSAA is regularly consulted and its advice sought by decision makers when developing strategic directions for the water industry. WSAA was formed in 1995 as a non-profit organisation to foster the exchange of information relating to the provision of urban water services between industry, government and the community, and to promote sustainable water resource management. The Association’s main activities focus on four areas: 1. influencing national and state policies on the provision of urban water services and sustainable water resource management 2. promoting debate on environmentally sustainable development and management of water resources and the community health requirements of public water supplies 3. improving industry performance and establishing benchmarks and industry leading practices for water service processes; and 4. fostering the exchange of information on education, training, research, water and wastewater management and treatment and other matters of common interest. Copyright This document is copyrighted. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of the Water Services Association of Australia Limited. © Copyright 2014 by WATER SERVICES ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA LIMITED. All rights reserved. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 4 CONTENTS 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................. 5 1.2 Report recommendation ........................................................................................................................................ 6 2 THE APPLICANT ......................................................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 The Manufacturer .................................................................................................................................................. 6 3 THE PRODUCT ........................................................................................................................................................... 7 3.1 Fusamatic Electrofusion Tapping and Branch Saddles ......................................................................................... 7 3.1.1 Multiseal Tapping Tees Stackload (S/L) and underpart (U/P) ......................................................................... 7 3.2 FlexTee Tapping Tees underpart (U/P) ................................................................................................................. 8 3.3 Branch Saddles Stackload (S/L) and underpart (U/P) ........................................................................................... 9 4 SCOPE OF THE APPRAISAL ..................................................................................................................................... 9 5 APPRAISAL CRITERIA ............................................................................................................................................. 12 5.1 Quality Assurance Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 12 5.2 Performance Requirements................................................................................................................................. 12 6 COMPLIANCE WITH APPRAISAL CRITERIA........................................................................................................... 12 6.1 Compliance with Quality Assurance Requirements ............................................................................................. 12 6.2 Compliance with Performance Requirements ..................................................................................................... 12 6.2.1 Use in contact with drinking water ................................................................................................................ 13 6.2.2 Quality compliance testing ............................................................................................................................ 13 7 FITTING INSTRUCTIONS, TRAINING AND INSTALLATION ................................................................................... 13 8 PRODUCT MARKING ............................................................................................................................................... 14 9 PACKAGING AND TRANSPORTATION ................................................................................................................... 14 10 PRODUCT WARRANTY .......................................................................................................................................... 14 11 WATER AGENCY EXPERIENCE WITH THE PRODUCT OR FIELD TESTING REPORT ..................................... 14 12 DISCUSSION........................................................................................................................................................... 15 13 SUMMARY............................................................................................................................................................... 15 14 LIFE EXPECTANCY ................................................................................................................................................ 15 15 FUTURE WORKS .................................................................................................................................................... 16 16 REPORT RECOMMENDATION .............................................................................................................................. 16 17 DISCLAIMER ........................................................................................................................................................... 16 17.1 Issue of Report .................................................................................................................................................. 16 17.2 Limits on Reliance on Information and Recommendations................................................................................ 16 17.2.1 Disclaimer of liability ................................................................................................................................... 16 17.2.2 Need for independent assessment ............................................................................................................. 16 17.3 No Updating ...................................................................................................................................................... 17 17.4 No Warranty ...................................................................................................................................................... 17 APPENDIX A TECHNICAL MANUAL/BROCHURES .................................................................................................. 18 APPENDIX B - QUALITY CERTIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................... 21 APPENDIX C - WSA PRODUCT SPECIFICATION ...................................................................................................... 28 APPENDIX D – WATER QUALITY TEST REPORT RESULTS.................................................................................... 31 APPENDIX E –TEST REPORT RESULTS ................................................................................................................... 33 APPENDIX F - SUPPLIER CONTACTS ....................................................................................................................... 34 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 1 5 EXECUTI VE SUM M ARY This appraisal of the Fusamatic electrofusion fittings replaces the lapsed appraisal PA 06/08.2 Fusion Provida electrofusion fittings, issued for AFPM in February 2007. Fusamatic electrofusion fittings are manufactured at two locations: • • Fusamatic Division (a Division of Fusion Group Limited) located at Smeckley Wood Close, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, United Kingdom. GH Fusion Corporation Limited located at Zhongshan, Guangdong, China. Fusamatic electrofusion fittings are distributed in Australia by Fusion Plast Australia Pty Ltd through their office in Brisbane. At the UK and Chinese manufacturing sites, Fusamatic electrofusion fittings have demonstrated ISO Type 5 ‘Product Certification’ by ApprovalMark International for compliance with AS/NZS 4129:2008 – Fittings for polyethylene (PE) pipes for pressure applications. The Fusion Group LTD and GH Fusion Corporation Limited Electrofusion Fittings certification summaries are shown in Appendix ‘B’. The Fusamatic Electrofusion Product Guide can be found at: www.fusionplast.com.au. See the drop down screen under ‘Products’ and click on ‘Electrofusion Fittings’. Fusamatic electrofusion fittings are manufactured from black PE 100 resin and rated PN16 for water. Fusamatic electrofusion fittings below DN 63 size are for pipe SDR 11 and for pipe sizes DN 63 and larger for SDR 11 to SDR 17.6 pipe. The ‘Fusamatic’ range includes PN16; • Electrofusion couplers, end caps, reducers, elbows, equal tees, reducer tees, in sizes from DN 20 to DN 630 (product dependent). • Electrofusion tapping tees and branch saddles. Notes: 1 -The following Fusamatic fittings are not included in this appraisal: a. Long and short spigot fitings, b. Flanged tees and flanged branch saddles as the available Fusamatic flanges do not comply with AS 2129 OR AS/NZS 4087. c. Male and female transition couplers and male and female transition elbows do not manufactured to comply with AS 2345 (Dezincification resistance of copper alloys) or are not manufactured in Grade 316 Stainless Steel. A summary of the appraised product range is shown in Section 4 below. The full Product Certification Schedules that include the appraised product range are available at the IPAM section of the WSAA web site – www.wsaa.asn.au and in the Products Guide at the above mentioned Fusionplast web site. Fusion Group Limited is one of the three largest manufacturers of electrofusion fittings in the world and is a leading developer of polyethylene pipe jointing technology. Fusion Group is based in Chesterfield, UK and the comprehensive range of products is available globally through the Fusion Group network of wholly owned companies, joint ventures, licensees and distributors. Fusamatic electrofusion fittings are imported by Fusion Plast Australia Pty Ltd and distributed through various suppliers throughout Australia – Ref Appendix ‘F’. Based on product certification to the nominated standard the listed Fusamatic electrofusion fittings have been rated ‘A’ – Life expectancy in excess of 100 years before replacement. This rating is only a general guide to life expectancy and may increase or decrease as a result of the quality of installation, system operating conditions, operating environment and other geographical and site specific factors. The appraisal concludes that: • The nominated Fusamatic electrofusion fittings are ‘fit for purpose’ and suitable for use in water supply and sewer gravity, pressure and vacuum systems. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 • • • 6 The Fusamatic electrofusion fittings are suitable for use with PE pipe conforming to AS/NZS 4130. This appraisal recommends that ‘Fusamatic’ fittings are installed using QBOX electrofusion control boxes. ISO Type 5 product certification of the appraised range of Fusamatic electrofusion fittings has been adequately addressed to the satisfaction of WSAA Appraisal Network. 1.2 Report recommendation It is recommended that WSAA members and associates accept/authorise the nominated Fusamatic electrofusion fittings supplied by Fusion Plast Australia Pty Ltd as listed in Section 4 – Scope of this report. This recommendation is subject to the pipelines / fittings being designed, installed and commissioned in accordance with Fusion Plast Australia Pty Ltd recommendations, appropriate WSAA Codes and nominated Standards. It is recommended that for PE pipelines where electrofusion is being used, an attentive site supervision regime be adopted using qualified, experienced supervisors until the individual installer or contractor can demonstrate competence in all aspects of installation. 2 THE APPLI C ANT Fusion Plast Australia Pty Ltd is the Australian distribution arm of Fusion Group Limited. Fusion Plast Australia Pty Ltd is the only company to import Fusamatic electrofusion fittings into Australia. Fusion Plast Australia Pty Ltd has grown to a sizable company having their main national warehouse in Brisbane. By providing a tried and tested product for the Australian and NZ market they hope to continue to grow in the market and use the Brisbane office as a central office for other sister companies in Asia (China, Malaysia, Indonesia, PNG & Philippines). 2.1 The Manufacturer The principle product designer and manufacturer is the Fusamatic Division located at Smeckley Wood Close, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, United Kingdom. The appraised Fusamatic electrofusion fittings are manufactured at two locations: • • Fusamatic Division (a Division of Fusion Group Limited) located at Smeckley Wood Close, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, United Kingdom. GH Fusion Corporation Limited located at Zhongshan, Guangdong, China. With highly developed continuous improvement systems in place and following lean manufacturing principles, the Fusamatic Division is one of the top three electrofusion fitting manufacturers in the world, with a range covering sizes from 20mm to 630mm supplying utilities in the water and gas industries in over 50 countries around the world. Fusion Group LTD is at the forefront of new technology with fittings, machinery and equipment and has a worldwide reputation for quality products. Fusion Group LTD is a leading developer of polyethylene pipe jointing technology. The Fusamatic principle of electrofusion and its range of automatic butt fusion machines are at the core of their product portfolio. Fusamatic welding is a Fusion Group LTD innovation used by other major companies (Plasson etc.) who originally were required to pay Fusion royalties to use the technology. Fusion Group LTD design, manufacture and supply jointing systems for polyethylene pipelines used in water and gas distribution networks and other industrial applications. The comprehensive range of products is available globally through the Fusion network of wholly owned companies, joint ventures, licensees and distributors. Using new Fusion Group technology, operatives and engineers will have the ability to not only electrofuse a fitting but by using the telephone technology attached to the QBOX (Electrofusion Control Box {not included in this appraisal}), field operatives will be able to take a picture and GPS the position of the fitting as welded in the field. This technology will go a long way towards safer and more control of EF welded fittings. For more information see the Fusamatic Electrofusion Fittings Product Guide. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 3 7 THE PRODUCT The Fusamatic electrofusion fittings are a further development from the Fusamatic pin system that was originally appraised in the now lapsed PA 06/08. The Fusamatic electrofusion fittings are suitable for use with polyethylene (PE) pipes manufactured in accordance with AS/NZS 4130 - Polyethylene (PE) pipes for pressure applications, for conveyance of drinking water, recycled water and sewage, in above ground and below ground applications. Fusamatic electrofusion fittings were appraised for compliance with AS/NZS 4129:2008 Fittings for polyethylene (PE) pipes for pressure applications. The appraised fittings are Approvalmark product certified, by Approvalmark International. The Approvalmark Product Certificate is shown in Appendix B. A copy of the Schedule is available for downloading from the WSAA ‘Members Only’ IPAM Portal Website. The Fusamatic electrofusion fittings are manufactured from black PE 100 resin and available in different pressures classes i.e. SDR 17.6 for PN 10 and SDR 11 for PN 16 at 20⁰C (size dependent). The black PE 100 resin used to manufacture these fittings is in accordance with approved resins listed in Table 1.1 of AS/NZS 4129. Fusion Group LTD, Fusamatic electrofusion fittings are manufactured from black PE 100 resin and rated PN16 for water. Fusamatic electrofusion fittings below DN 63 size are for pipe SDR 11 and for pipe sizes DN 63 and larger for SDR 11 to SDR 17.6 pipe. The complete Fusamatic Electrofusion Fittings Product Guide is available from their web site at: www.fusionplast.com.au. See the drop down screen under ‘Products’ and click on ‘Electrofusion Fittings’. The ‘Fusamatic’ range includes: • • Electrofusion couplers, end caps, reducers, elbows, equal tees, reducer tees, in sizes from DN 20 to DN 630 (product dependent). Electrofusion tapping tees and branch saddles Note: - 2 The following Fusamatic fittings are not included in this appraisal: a. Flanged tees and flanged branch saddles as the available Fusamatic flanges do not comply with AS 2129 OR AS/NZS 4087. b. Short and Long Spigot fiitings, c. Male and female transition couplers and male and female transition elbows are not manufactured to comply with AS 2345 (Dezincification resistance of copper alloys) or are not manufactured in Grade 316 Stainless Steel. 3.1 Fusamatic Electrofusion Tapping and Branch Saddles 3.1.1 Multiseal Tapping Tees Stackload (S/L) and underpart (U/P) The MultiSeal Tapping Tees S/L and U/P contain an integral cutter designed to cut through the PE pipe. The integral cutter consists of a metallic blade manufactured from 304 stainless steel, and a moulded thread form using Luranyl KR 2403 G6. The data sheet and WRAS approval for the Luranyl material has been supplied to WSAA. The Multiseal Tapping Tees S/L and U/P are available in various sizes from DN 40 to DN 355 (with outlet from dn 20 to dn 32) at a maximum allowable operating pressure of 16 bar (PN 16, SDR 11) at 20⁰C. The MultiSeal Tapping Tee S/L and PE pipe are held in place during fusion, using specialist tooling. This installation process is known as ‘top loading’ or ‘stack loading.’ The MultiSeal Tapping Tee U/P is held in place during the fusion cycle, using a sacrificial clamp underpart. The MultiSeal Tapping tee U/P range has two styles of underpart. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 8 Each underpart is specific to that PE mains size and is designed for a single use application. The main one being an toggle clamp, which allows installers to snap the fitting quickly into place, saving the installer time, it avoids specialists tooling and provides proof of clamping during the fusion cycle. The second style is only used on the DN 40 and 50mm MultiSeal Tapping Tee U/P and is an underpart that is secured by four self tapping screws. The MultiSeal Tapping tees incorporate two O-ring seals. An internal O-ring in the body of the fitting which seals the cutter and an external O-ring which seals against the tightened LockCap. The O-ring seal is made of 75 Shore nitrile rubber (NBR). This NBR O-ring is manufactured in compliance with BS 6920 Suitability of non-metallic products for use in contact with water intended for human consumption with regard to their effect on the quality of the water. Specification. An optional cutter tube is available with the MultiSeal Tapping tees. The tube works in conjunction with an internal D-ring seal in the body of the fitting to affect safe live connections. All Multiseal cutters require a 12mm hexagon drive to operate the cutter. The Multi-Seal Tapping tees are designed with a longer outlet spigot, its length accommodates a dual shot, which means you can cut off the original coupler and electofusion another in its place. Refer to Figure 1. FIGURE 1 MULTISEAL TAPPING TEES LONGER OUTLET SPIGOT, 3.2 FlexTee Tapping Tees underpart (U/P) The FlexTee Tapping Tapping Tees U/P contains an integral cutter design to cut through the PE pipe. The integral cutter consists of a metallic blade manufactured from 304 stainless steel, and a moulded thread form using Luranyl KR 2403 G6. The data sheet and WRAS approval for the Luranyl material has been supplied to WSAA. The FlexTee Tapping Tapping Tees U/P are available in various sizes from DN 40 to DN 225 (with outlet from dn 20 to dn 32) at a maximum allowable operating pressure of 16 bar (PN 16, SDR 11) at 20⁰C. The FlexTee Tapping Tees U/P has a flexible electrofusion mat which conforms to the shape of the pipe. A sacrificial understrap keeps the tapping tee in place during the electrofusion jointing process. Refer to Figure 2. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 9 FIGURE 2 MULTISEAL FLEXTEE TAPPING TEES (U/P) 3.3 Branch Saddles Stackload (S/L) and underpart (U/P) The Branch Saddles S/L and U/P fitting requires an ancillary cutting tool to drill a hole in the adjoining PE pipe wall. The Branch Saddles S/L is available in various sizes from DN 250 to DN 355 with an 32 mm outlet, at a maximum allowable operating pressure of 16 bar (PN 16, SDR 11) at 20⁰C. The Branch Saddles S/L and PE pipe are held in place during fusion, using specialist tooling. This installation process is known as ‘top loading’ or ‘stack loading.’ The Branch Saddles U/P is available in various sizes from DN 40 to DN 355 (with outlet from dn 20 to dn 63), at a maximum allowable operating pressure of 16 bar (PN 16, SDR 11) at 20⁰C. The Branch Saddles U/P is held in place during the fusion cycle process, using a sacrificial clamp underpart. A toggle clamp is fitted to Branch Saddles U/P, which allows installers to snap the fitting quickly into place, saving the installer time, it avoids specialists tooling and provides proof of clamping during the fusion cycle. A summary of the nominated appraised product range is shown in Section 4 below. The full Certification Schedules are available at the IPAM section of the WSAA web site – www.wsaa.asn.au and in the Products Guide at the above mentioned Fusionplast web site. Fusion Group LTD, QBOX 3 control boxes provide computerised control and monitoring systems that can supply all joint data required for a fully traceable quality system when used in conjunction with ‘Fusamatic’ fittings. Third party fusion control boxes which have comparable voltage can be used with Fusamatic fittings, however it cannot be guaranteed that the automated timing function (Fusamatic principle) will be compatible. Therefore, in order to achieve a quicker and more accurate joint it is highly recommended that Fusamatic fittings are always installed using QBOX electrofusion control boxes. Note: - 3 4 Control boxes are not included in this appraisal. SCOPE OF THE APPR AI S AL The Scope of this appraisal follows the ApprovalMark Schedule and includes: (Australian common sizes in BOLD.) COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 10 Equal couplers 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63, 75, 90, 110, 125, 140, 160, 180, 200, 225, 250, 280, 315, 355, 400, 450, 500, 560 and 630mm. End cap 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63, 75, 90, 110, 125, 140, 160, 180, 200, 225, 250, 280, 315 and 355mm. 90º Elbow; 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63, 75, 90, 110, 125, 160 and 180mm. 45º Elbow 32, 40, 50, 63, 75, 90, 110, 125, 160 and 180mm. 22.5º Elbow; 180mm. Equal 90º Tee; 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63, 75, 90, 110, 125, 160 and 180mm. 90º Reducing Tee; 20mm x 20mm x 32mm, 25x25x32, 50x50x40, 63x63x40, 63x63x50, 90x90x63, 110x110x63, 110x110x90, 125x125x63,125x125x90, 160x160x63, 160x160x90, 160x160x110, 160 x 160 x 125mm, 180x180x125. Reducer 25mm x 20mm, 32x20, 32x25, 40x32, 50x32, 50x40, 63x32, 63x40, 63x50, 75x63, 90x63, 110x63,110x90, 125x90, 160x90, 160x110 and 180x125. MultiSeal Tapping Tee S/L 40mm x 20mm, 40x25, 40x32, 50x20, 50x25, 50x32, 63 x 20, 63x25, 63x32, 63x40, 63x50, 75x20, 75x25, 75x32, 75x40, 75x50, 75x63, 90x20, 90x25, 90x32, 90x40, 90x50, 90x63, 110x20, 110x25, 110x32, 110x40, 110x50, 110x63, 125x20, 125x25, 125x32, 125x40, 125x50, 125x63,160x20, 160x25, 160x32, 160x40, 160x50, 160x63, 180x20, 180x25, 180x32, 180x40, 180x50, 180x63 200x20, 200x25, 200x32, 200x40, 200x50, 200x63 225x20, 225x25, 225x32, 225x40, 225x50, 225x63, 250x20, 250x25,250x32, 250x40, 250x50,250x63, 280x32, 315 x 32 and 355mm x 32mm . COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 11 MultiSeal Tapping Tee U/P 40mm x 20mm, 40x25, 40x32, 50x20, 50x25, 50x32, 63x20,63x25, 63x32, 63x40, 63X50, 63x63, 75x20, 75x25, 75x32, 75x40, 75X50, 75x63, 90x20, 90x25, 90x32, 90x40, 90X50, 90x63, 110x20, 110x25, 110x32, 110x40, 110X50, 110x63, 125x20, 125x25, 125x32, 125x40, 125X50, 125x63, 160x20, 160x25, 160x32, 160x40, 160x50, 160x63, 180x20, 180x25, 180x32, 180x40, 180x50, 180x63, 200x20, 200x25, 200x32, 200x40, 200x50, 200x63, 225x20, 225x25, 225x32, 225x40, 225x50 and 225x63. Flextee tapping Tee U/P 40mm x 20mm, 40x25, 40x32, 50x20, 50x25, 50x32, 63x20,63x25, 63x32, 75x20, 75x25, 75x32, 90x20, 90x25, 90x32, 110x20, 110x25, 110x32,125x20, 125x25, 125x32, 160x20,160x25, 160x32, 180x20, 180x25, 180x32, 200x20, 200x25,200x32, 225x20, 225x25 and 225x32, 250x20, 250x25 and 250x32. Branch Saddle S/L Branch Saddle U/P 250mm x 40mm, 250x50,250x63,280x40,280x50 280x63,315x40, 315x50, 315x63, 355x40, 355x50 and 355mm x 63mm, 40mm x 20mm, 40x25, 40x32, 63x20,63x25, 63x32, 63x40, 63X50, 63x63, 75x40, 75X50, 75x63, 90x20, 90x25, 90x32, 90x40, 90X50, 90x63, 90x90, 110x20, 110x25, 110x32, 110x40, 110X50, 110x63,110x90, 125x20, 125x25, 125x32, 125x40, 125X50, 125x63,125x90, 160x20,160x25, 160x32,160x40, 160x50, 160x63,160x110, 180x20, 180x25, 180x32, 180x40,180x50,180x63,180x90,180x110, 180x125, 200x20, 200x25,200x32,200x40, 200x50,200x50,200x63, 225x20, 225x25, 225x32, 225x40, 225x50, 225x63, 225x90, 225x 125, 250x90 and 250x125. The above products can be found on Pages 1, 2 & 3 of the 11 page ApprovalMark Product Schedule. All the above fittings are PN 16 and there are additional ApprovalMark fittings in PN 10. See the Approvalmark Schedule in Appendix ‘B’. NOTE: 4. The use of PN 10 fittings with PN 16 pipe requires the system to be downgraded to PN 10. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 5 12 APPR AI S AL CRI TERI A 5.1 Quality Assurance Requirements The WSAA product appraisal network accepts polyethylene Electrofusion fittings for pressure applications manufactured in compliance with AS/NZS 4129:2008 Fittings for polyethylene (PE) pipes for pressure applications and duly certified by means of an ISO Type 5 product certification scheme undertaken by a JAS-ANZ accredited Certification Assessment Body (CAB) or by an international accreditation system recognised by JASANZ. The manufacturer is generally expected to have a production management and control system that has been duly accredited in accordance with AS/NZS ISO 9001 as a prerequisite to undergoing a product certification audit. 5.2 Performance Requirements Fusion Group LTD Fusamatic electrofusion fittings have been appraised for compliance with AS/NZS 4129:2008 – Fittings for polyethylene (PE) pipes for pressure applications. Appraisal criteria is also determined by the WSAA Infrastructure Products and Materials Network and regularly reviewed to ensure that the criteria reflect the requirements of WSAA members. The following Product Specification is also relevant to this application: WSA PS–208 Polyethylene (PE) Moulded Pressure Fittings for Pressure Applications Water Supply and Sewerage WSA PS–329 Tapping Saddles, Electrofusion, for Use with Polyethylene (PE) Mains for Pressure Applications - Water Supply. Copies of the above Product Specification can be found in Appendix C or downloaded from the WSAA website. Note: 5 includes drinking and recycled water supply. 6 COMPLI ANCE WITH APPR AI S AL CRI TERI A 6.1 Compliance with Quality Assurance Requirements Fusion Group LTD (Chesterfield UK) Quality Management System is Certified for compliance with ISO 9001:2008 with a BSI Certificate of Registration No. FM 597347 including the Design and manufacture of polyethylene electrofusion and spigotted fittings. GH Fusion Corporation Limited (China) Quality Management System is Certified for compliance with ISO 9001:2008 with a Certificate issued by TÜV NORD, Registration No. 44 100 082006 for ‘Design, Development and Manufacture of Buried Polyethylene (PE) Pipes and Fittings for the Supply of Gaseous Fuels and Water’. Fusion Group LTD (Australia) does not have certification to AS/NZS ISO 9001. Full Copies of the Quality Certificates and schedules including products listed in this appraisal are available for downloading from the WSAA ‘Members Only’ IPAM Portal Website 6.2 Compliance with Performance Requirements ApprovalMark International has issued Fusion Group LTD (UK) with ISO Type 5 Certificate of Conformity – Certificate No. AMI 20303 for compliance with AS/NZS 4129:2008. The 11 page Schedule includes appraised product certified Fusamatic fittings (pages 1, to 3). ApprovalMark International has issued GH Fusion Corporation Limited (China) with ISO Type 5 Certificate of Conformity –Certificate No. AMI 21719 for compliance with AS/NZS 4129:2008. The 2 page Schedule lists water product certified Fusamatic fittings. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 13 ISO Type 5 Certificate of Conformity for product compliance with AS/NZS 4129 provides some confidence that the Fusamatic electrofusion fittings are manufactured for compliance with the nominated standards and requirements. Fusion Group LTD has submitted numerous additional certification and approval certificates from various certifying and regulatory bodies including BSI (KiteMark), Bureau Veritas, WRAS, CSA International, UKAS, KIWA, INSTA-CERT and DVGW demonstrating compliance with various European and International standards. 6.2.1 Use in contact with drinking water Refer: AS/NZS 4129:2008 Clause 1.12 – EFFECT ON WATER. Fusion Group Ltd has submitted four test reports from ISO 17025 accredited NSF-WRc (previously called WRc-NSF) and three from NATA accredited AMS Laboratories to demonstrate product compliance with AS/NZS 4020:2005 – Products for use in contact with drinking water. For further information refer to Appendix D. 6.2.2 Quality compliance testing Refer: AS/NZS 4129:2008 Clause 1.13 – REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIC TO PLASTIC MATERIALS. Fusion Group Ltd has submitted several third party independent quality compliance and test reports to further demonstrate compliance with AS/NZS 4129:2008. For further information refer to Appendix E. 7 FITTI NG INSTRUCTIONS, TR AI NING AND INSTALL ATION The Fusamatic Electrofusion ‘Product Guide’ is available on their web site at www.fusionplast.com.au which includes specific installation instructions in accordance with their guide to electrofusion procedures. This information is also available as a video presentation or available from the Fusion Group LTD that also provides additional information regarding OH&S when jointing with EF products. Polyethylene pipe systems have been commonly used in the urban water industry for many years. PE pipe manufactured in compliance with AS/NZS 4130 is compatible with fittings manufactured in accordance with AS/NZS 4129:2008 Fittings for polyethylene (PE) pipes for pressure applications. It is recommended to refer to the suppliers or manufacturers of the electrofusion fittings for the installation instructions as the method may be specific to the fitting geometry. Electrofusion welding and butt fusion processes may be used for joining pipe-to-pipe or fitting-to-pipe. All welding shall be performed by welders who have successfully completed training by a Registered Training Organisation, endorsed by the Plastics Industry Pipe Association for the relevant welding method(s). The Plastics Industry Pipe Association provides technical guidelines for electrofusion welding in the following documents. (a) POP001 Electrofusion Jointing of Pipe and fittings for Pressure Applications (b) POP003 Butt Fusion Jointing of PE Pipes and Fittings – Recommended Parameters. POP001 contains recommendations for equipment required, for jointing, maintenance, servicing and calibration procedures, records to be kept and the training program to be respected to produce good fusion joints in polyethylene pipes. POP003 is a guide to the butt fusion of polyethylene pipe using AS/NZS 4130 material as a basis, recommending the butt fusion procedures and parameters as specified in ISO 21307. Copies of these documents can be downloaded from the PIPA website www.pipa.com.au. Polyethylene pipe systems should be installed in accordance with AS/NZS 2033:2008 Installation of polyethylene pipe systems. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 14 PE pipe shall be stored in accordance with the storage requirements of POP005 Packaging, handling and storage of polyethylene pipe and fittings. 8 PRODUCT M ARKI NG ISO Type 5 product certification ensures that marking complies with the requirements of AS/NZS 4129 and includes: • • • • • • • Manufacturers name or registered trademark; Date or batch code; Nominal size – “DN”; Abbreviated material identification; Class “PN” Standard No. – AS/NZS 4129 Certification Mark – (ApprovalMark) Quality control is central to the success of Fusamatic fittings. The barcode provides full traceability right down to the polymer batch; the raw material from which the fittings are manufactured. The injection mould batch number, replicated in the fitting's barcode, is moulded into the body of the fitting. 9 PACK AGI NG AND TR ANSPORTATION All Fusamatic electrofusion fittings are supplied in individually sealed 300 gauge clear polyethylene bags, and in standardized cartons dependent of fitting type and size. It is recommended that all fittings are stored in a cool dry area, preferably on shelved units. The fittings should be kept and transported in their cardboard cartons and out of direct sunlight. Steps should be taken to prevent the following up to the point of use: • • • Damage to the sealed bags which could result if contaminants entering the bags. Build up of moisture within the bags as a result of large temperature fluctuations. UV degradation of bags due to prolonged exposure to sunlight Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact the local Fusion Group LTD office as listed in Appendix D. 10 PRODUCT W ARRANTY The products are covered by the normal commercial and legal requirements of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010, which covers manufacture to the relevant Standard. Refer to Fusion Group LTD for details of their warranty and standard terms and conditions of sale. 11 WATER AG ENCY EXPERI ENCE WI TH THE PRODUCT OR FIELD TESTING REPO RT A field testing report of the Fusamatic electrofusion fittings has not been submitted at this time. While electrofusion fittings are a mature and widely installed product, the Australian water industry has had varied experience with the performance of these fittings. They are approved by many Water Agencies simply based on product certification and the knowledge that they are capable of performing well provided the installation is carried out correctly by competent well-trained installers. Many Water Agencies are cautious about the use of electrofusion fittings due to the lack of confidence in the installers. Because of the history of erratic installation quality it is imperative that satisfactory completion of a recognised PE pipeline installation training program be a minimum pre-requisite for all PE pipeline installers. In addition it is recommended that for PE pipelines where electrofusion fittings are being used, an COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 15 attentive site supervision regime be adopted using qualified, experienced supervisors until the individual installer or contractor can demonstrate competence in all aspects of installation. 12 DISCUSSION The Fusionplast web site provides lists of approvals from all over Europe including the following: • • • • • • • • • • • BSI Kitemark GIS/PL2-4 BSI Kitemark GIS/PL2-6 DVGW KIWA EN 1555-3 & UNI EN 1555-3 INSTA SBC EN 1555-3 EN 12201-3 & UNI EN 12201-3 INSTA SBC EN 12201-3 EN ISO 15494 & UNI EN ISO 15494 WRAS Approval CSA International NSF / ANSI 61 This is in addition to the WSAA requirement for Type 5 Product certification documented in this report. The listed appraised ‘Fusamatic’ products meet the requirements for a WSAA recommendation as ‘fit for purpose’ products. 13 SUMM ARY Electrofusion jointing of PE pipelines offers a permanently sealed and jointed system provided the electrofusion process is carried out correctly. The electrofusion jointed PE pipeline has the potential to have life expectancy equal to and in some cases well beyond other pipeline materials and jointing systems. The PE material is corrosion resistant and correctly made joints are permanently fused to provide a high level of joint integrity against leakage and/or infiltration over the long-term. Similar to other plastic pipe systems, PE is susceptible to fatigue from cyclic pressure changes and additional design considerations must be made if used in a pumped pipeline. PE pipelines are susceptible to permeation of specific organic chemicals (as are other pipeline systems) and care must be exercised if designing for installation in contaminated ground and/or brownfield sites. Seek further advice from Fusion Group LTD regarding such installations. The appraisal concludes that: • • • • 14 The Fusamatic electrofusion fittings are ‘fit for purpose’ and suitable for use in water supply and sewer gravity, pressure and vacuum systems. The Fusamatic electrofusion fittings are suitable for use with PE pipe conforming to AS/NZS 4130. This appraisal recommends that ‘Fusamatic’ fittings are installed using QBOX electrofusion control boxes. The ISO Type 5 Certificate of Conformity for the listed appraised Fusamatic electrofusion range of fittings has been addressed to the satisfaction of WSAA Appraisal Network LIFE EXPECTANC Y Fusamatic standard electrofusion and plain end fittings are designed on the basis of 50 year extrapolated material test data. For correctly manufactured and installed systems, the actual life cannot be predicted, but can reasonably be expected to be well in excess of 100 years before major rehabilitation is required. This rating is only a general guide to life expectancy and may vary with the quality of installation workmanship, system operating conditions, operating environment and other site specific factors. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 15 16 FUTURE WORKS No ‘Future Works’ requirements have been identified. 16 REPORT RECOMMEND ATION It is recommended that WSAA members and associates accept/authorise the nominated Fusamatic electrofusion fittings supplied by Fusion Plast Australia Pty Ltd as listed in Section 4 – Scope of this report. This recommendation is subject to the pipelines / fittings being designed, installed and commissioned in accordance with Fusion Plast Australia Pty Ltd recommendations, appropriate WSAA Codes and nominated Standards. 17 DISCL AIM ER This Product Appraisal Report (Report) is issued by the Water Services Association of Australia Limited on the understanding that: This Report applies to the product(s) as submitted. Any changes to the product(s) either minor or major shall void this Report. To maintain the recommendations of this Report any such changes shall be detailed and notified to the Product Appraisal Manager for consideration and review of the Report and appropriate action. Appraisals and their recommendations will be the subject of continuous review dependent upon the satisfactory performance of products. WSAA reserves the right to undertake random audits of product manufacture and installation. Where products fail to maintain appraised performance requirements the appraisal and its recommendations may be modified and reissued. Appraisal reports will be reviewed and reissued at regular intervals not exceeding five (5) years. The following information explains a number of very important limits on your ability to rely on the information in this Report. Please read it carefully and take it into account when considering the contents of this Report. Any enquiries regarding this report should be directed to the Program Manager, Carl Radford, Phone: 03 8605 7601 email carl.radford@wsaa.asn.au. 17.1 Issue of Report This Report has been published and/or prepared by the Water Services Association of Australia Limited and nominated Project Manager and peer group of technical specialists (the Publishers). The Report has been prepared for use within Australia only by technical specialists that have expertise in the function of products such as those appraised in the Report (the Recipients). By accepting this Report, the Recipient acknowledges and represents to the Publisher(s) and each person involved in the preparation of the Report that the Recipient has understood and accepted the terms of this Disclaimer. 17.2 Limits on Reliance on Information and Recommendations 17.2.1 Disclaimer of liability Neither the Publisher(s) nor any person involved in the preparation of the Report accept(s) any liability for any loss or damage suffered by any person however caused (including negligence or the omission by any person to do anything) relating in any way to the Report or the product appraisal criteria underlying it. This includes (without limitation) any liability for any recommendation or information in the Report or any errors or omissions. 17.2.2 Need for independent assessment The information and any recommendation contained (expressly or by implication) in this Report are provided in good faith. However, you should treat the information as indicative only. You should not rely on that information or any such recommendation except to the extent that you reach an agreement to the contrary with the Publisher(s). COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 17 This Report does not contain all information that a person might require for the purposes of assessing any product discussed or appraised within it (Product). The product appraisal criteria used in preparing this Report may not address all relevant aspects of the Product. Recipients should seek independent evidence of any matter which is material to their decisions in connection with an assessment of the Product and consult their own advisers for any technical information required. Any decision to use the Product should take into account the reliability of that independent evidence obtained by the Recipient regarding the Product. Recipients should also independently verify and assess the appropriateness of any recommendation in the Report, especially given that any recommendation will not take into account a Recipient’s particular needs or circumstances. WSAA has not evaluated the extent of the product liability and professional indemnify insurance that the provider of the product maintains. Recipients should ensure that they evaluate the allocation of liability for product defects and any professional advice obtained in relation to the product or its specification including the requirements for product liability and professional indemnity insurance. 17.3 No Updating Neither the Publisher(s) nor any person involved in the preparation of this Report [has] [have] any obligation to notify you of any change in the information contained in this Report or of any new information concerning the Publisher(s) or the Product or any other matter. 17.4 No Warranty The Publisher(s) do[es] not, in any way, warrant that steps have been taken to verify or audit the accuracy or completeness of the information in this Report, or the accuracy, completeness or reasonableness of any recommendation in this Report. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 18 APPENDIX A TECHNICAL MANUAL/BROCHURES The Fusion Group Ltd Electrofusion Fittings Product Guide and Technical Manual is available at the Fusionplast web site at www.fusionplast.com.au. See the drop down screen under ‘Products’ and click on ‘Electrofusion Fittings’ fittings’. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 19 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 20 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 21 APPENDIX B - QUALITY CERTIFICATIONS Copies of the following Quality Certificates are available for downloading from the WSAA ‘Members Only’ IPAM Portal Website. TABLE A1-FUSION GROUP LTD– MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Business Address: Smeckley Wood Cl, Chesterfield Trading Estate, S41 9PZ Derbyshire, UK Quality Systems Standard ISO 9001:2008 Certification licence no. FM 597347 Certifying agency BSI First date of certification 16/04/2013 Current date of certification 22/10/2014 Expiry date of certification 05/11/2017 TABLE A2-FUSION GROUP LTD– PRODUCT CERTIFICATION Manufacturing Plant: Smeckley Wood Cl, Chesterfield Trading Estate, S41 9PZ Derbyshire, UK Product Standard/Spec. AS/NZS 4129:2008 Confirmation No. AMI 20303 Issuing certification body ApprovalMark International First date of certification 10 January 2013 Current date of certification* 10 January 2013 Expiry date of certification** 10 January 2018 TABLE A3-GH FUSION CORPORATION LIMITED – PRODUCT CERTIFICATION Manufacturing Plant: Zhiye Road, Zhongshan Torch Hi-Tech Industry, Development Zone, Zhongshan, Guangdong CHINA 528437 Product Standard/Spec. AS/NZS 4129:2008 Confirmation No. AMI 20303 Issuing certification body ApprovalMark International First date of certification 10 January 2013 Current date of certification 10 January 2013 Expiry date of certification 10 January 2018 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 22 TABLE A4-GH FUSION CORPORATION LIMITED – WATERMARK CERTIFICATION Manufacturing Plant: Smeckley Wood Cl, Chesterfield Trading Estate, S41 9PZ Derbyshire, UK Product Standard/Spec. AS/NZS 4129:2008 Confirmation No. WMKA 20303 Issuing certification body ApprovalMark International First date of certification 8 June 2011 Current date of certification 8 June 2011 Expiry date of certification 8 June 2016 TABLE A4-GH FUSION CORPORATION LIMITED – MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Manufacturing Plant: Zhiye Road, Zhongshan Torch Hi-Tech Industry, Development Zone, Zhongshan, Guangdong CHINA 528437 Quality Systems Standard ISO 9001:2008 Certification licence no. 44 100 082006 Certifying agency TÜV NORD First date of certification 23/11/2004 Current date of certification* 23/11/13 Expiry date of certification** 22/11/16 TABLE A5-GH FUSION CORPORATION LIMITED– WATERMARK CERTIFICATION Manufacturing Plant Manufacturing Plant: Zhiye Road, Zhongshan Torch Hi-Tech Industry, Development Zone, Zhongshan, Guangdong CHINA 528437 Product Standard/Spec. AS/NZS 4129:2008 Confirmation No. WM 21719 Issuing certification body ApprovalMark International First date of certification 6/8/2011 Current date of certification* 16/8/2011 Expiry date of certification** 6/8/2016 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 23 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 24 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 25 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 26 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 27 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 28 APPENDIX C - WSA PRODUCT SPECIFICATION PRODUCT SPECIFICATION COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 29 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 30 COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 31 APPENDIX D – WATER QUALITY TEST REPORT RESULTS Fusion Group Ltd has submitted four test reports from ISO 17025 accredited NSF-WRc (previously called WRc-NSF) and three from NATA accredited AMS Laboratories to demonstrate product compliance with AS/NZS 4020:2005 – Products for use in contact with drinking water. Fusamatic Division (UK) AS/NZS 4020 Test Reports AMS Laboratories Report No. 1405121, dated 14 th May 2014 Submitting organization – Fusion Group Limited Product – Atofina XS10B PE 100 Electrofusion Fittings. General Composition of Product – Atofina XS10B black PE 100 HDPE Polyethylene. Summary: Based on completion and evaluation of all tests on 14/05/14, the product, Fusamatic, Model No: CBKHA20, Electrofusion Coupler; fully complied with the test requirements of AS/NZS 4020:2005 to cover a cold water application up to <40, at the recommended 0.1 (1/10) of “in-the-product” exposure at (20 ± 2)˚C. WRc-NSF WRc-NSF Report No. Report No. MAT/ASN 018L, dated 28th November 2013 Submitting organization – Fusion Group Limited Product – BorSafe PE 100 Electrofusion Fittings. General Composition of Product – BorSafe HE3490–IM black PE 100 HDPE Polyethylene. Summary: This product has satisfied the criteria set out in AS/NZS 4020:2005, Section 6 “Test Requirements” and is suitable for use with cold water. WRc-NSF WRc-NSF Report No. Report No. MAT/ASN 019L, dated 28th November 2013 Submitting organization – Fusion Group Limited Product – Eltex PE 100 Electrofusion Fittings. General Composition of Product – Eltex TUB 121 black PE 100 HDPE Polyethylene. Summary: This product has satisfied the criteria set out in AS/NZS 4020:2005, Section 6 “Test Requirements” and is suitable for use with cold water. GH Fusion (China) AS/NZS 4020 Test Reports NSF-WRc NSF-WRc Report No. Report No. MAT/ASN 016M, dated 3rd October 2014 Submitting organization – GH Fusion Corporation Limited Product – BorSafe PE 100 “Fusamatic” Electrofusion Fittings. General Composition of Product – BorSafe HE3490 – IM black PE 100 HDPE Polyethylene. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 32 Summary: This product has satisfied the criteria set out in AS/NZS 4020:2005, Section 6, Test Requirements and is thus suitable for use with cold water. NSF-WRc Report No. Report No. MAT/ASN 017M, 3rd October 2014 Submitting organization – GH Fusion Corporation Limited Product – Eltex TUB 121 PE 100 “Fusamatic” Electrofusion Fittings. General Composition of Product – Ineos Eltex TUB121 black PE 100 HDPE Polyethylene. Summary: This product has satisfied the criteria set out in AS/NZS 4020:2005, Section 6, Test Requirements and is thus suitable for use with cold water. Copies of the above reports are available from WSAA. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 33 APPENDIX E –TEST REPORT RESULTS AS/NZ Product Conformance Factory Audit Report issued to AMI ApprovalMark International dated 29 October 2012 to demonstrate continuing compliance with the requirements of AS/NZS 4129 and the continuance of Certification No. WMKA 20303 for Factory located at Smeckley Wood Close, Chesterfield UK. The four (4) page summary Audit Report listed ‘nil required actions’. AS/NZ Product Conformance Factory Audit Report issued to AMI ApprovalMark International dated 4 September 2012 to demonstrate continuing compliance with the requirements of AS/NZS 4129 and the continuance of Certification No. WMKA 21719 for Factory located at Zhiye Road Zhongshan County, China. The five (5) page summary Audit Report listed ‘nil required actions’. United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) – Impact Solutions Material Testing 10 page Report – Weld Quality Testing of Electrofusion Joints – Report No. IMP001803/1804 LR dated 14 February 2013. Impact Solutions is a UKAS accredited test laboratory and performs work to the highest technical standards using proficient staff and calibrated equipment in accordance with its accreditation to the International Standard ISO 17025 - “General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories”. REPORT SUMMARY: Fusion Provida have made a range of electrofusion pipe couplings out of ATOFina XS 10B, a black PE100 pipe compound. In order to satisfy the requirements of EN12201, Impact Solutions have been asked to undertake the following tests; • Hydrostatic pressure pipe testing of an assembly comprising of 4 X 20mm OD pipes connected by 3 electrofusion couplings • Peel de-cohesion test according to ISO 13954 • Crush de-cohesion test according to ISO 13955 The results confirm the quality of the welds with no failures seen in the hydrostatic test and ductile behaviour seen in the peel and de-cohesion tests. In the former tearing of the pipe wall away from the weld confirmed the integrity of the weld. Only slight de-cohesion was seen in the 40mm pipe in the crush test and the coupling could not be prised apart from the pipe after the test. CSIRO Report No. PDR 06/012 – dated 12 June 2006 and titled; “Internal pressure test assessment of Fusion Australia PTY LTD PE 100 test assemblies in accordance with AS/NZS 4129:2000, Clause 3.5.2”. This test is continued in AS/NZS 4129:2008 Table 3.2 and the test method continues to be specified as ISO1167. The Conclusion states: “The two test assemblies supplied by Fusion Australia PTY LTD identified by CSIRO as PDA06/012a and b, when tested in accordance with AS/NZS 4129:2000, Clause 3.5.2 were found to fulfil the requirements by showing no signs of failure during a test duration of 1000 hours.” COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 34 APPENDIX F - SUPPLIER CONTACTS Fusion Plast Australia Pty Ltd Head office (Queensland) 146 Crockford Street Northgate QLD 4013 Telephone: 07 3393 5770 Fax: 07 3393 5771 Email: sales@fusionplast.com.au Fusion Group LTD has a large distribution network and following is a list of the main distributors: Tyco Water, Tyco Flow Control, Cromford Pipe, Promains and All Mains, PPI, David Moss, Queensland Gas Company now owned by British Gas, lcon Septec, Tradelink, Reece Civil, Total Eden, Bentons gas and Water, Run Energy, APA Group formally Origin, Zest Pipe Company, Landfill Management Services, Acutec, Adroit etc. COPYRIGHT WSAA Product Appraisal 11/27 35 Melbourne Office Level 8, 401 Docklands Drive Docklands VIC 3008 Phone: (03) 8605 7666 Fax: (03) 8605 7612 Sydney Office Level 11, 39 Martin Place Sydney NSW 2000 GPO Box 915 Sydney NSW 2001 Phone: (02) 9221 5966 Fax: (02 9221 5977 www.wsaa.asn.au COPYRIGHT
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