E=k{r ,,tia, /tPIr-3 rrfi p* ffier6u, /ta$ Fs-m'irg, wgq @-frerc) qugR, ftana. /fi/2012 7 ot,t zotz 7 qrTmfi-o qR!-( ol forro zz q-wft zorz a} r+qq +s d-eo qs fu{izn zg lfliia zotz d tTq;q aafl d-eo if psr;r.6 Rules and Reguration for T.A.,D.A. and other cha[gL's ibt stLrdents and professionals participated during College /lnter.-College/lnter-Univer.s it1 cultLrral trnd spo'ts competitions d fts-q t qRs< ETqr srir{r y-<r-c fuqr ".rqT r ftiso1 cft qa+eJ ge orcrs{o'offi tg u*rq iB-o tr fl fr d en'ffr$li e-dqft / frrflq /\2It-3 sftfufr'- /td ,t oz / zotz 7 437 ewEq S irrgi, fuflzF 3q fi /2012 r vamo eryunTft-ran ffi, gRiT rnt qR frr{R'dTdq, r|qgr 2 fi-iqro' ftrer"r,zqfren ft€q., gkrT rrnff qft-ffier6q rrq:{ e e'l*Erf,r, qe q-eTfu-ercq, irqg"i a q,Dqrar, gv ddfffi rflfqindq, gfu{T,nqt qR ftTqfrdrE-a., rrqg{ s s{fuEmr. a$ qfirqrBrol trorq_ iiR-iT.Tiff qR iffirms. ira5r 6 3,t1tgtdr. Erd o-d[sr. gfriT,.Trrn qR ffi-drro, vu5rr i 3TfuErfrT. qiJfufu-dl TE c{vroq q-cTfteros, 3rdRr, g.f e q'ltlqrnr. frsmvqqq EE 3rftqTBr+f w d-q)ffi fuardq, g.,riEfdfr, T,lff e rTlr)ErdT, aqr tfttri qfr rilfr--qrd-q qs 3{-gqqra S-<. fr-cis5r r " \ ^d'ftom ro.'orBenn, iT-"ir)ifft tff Eft rofreraq rq 3mrrnq #*, srru-ogl r ' I I r I r r r rz rs s'luerm. v-fi< ycrtry n! qh .ffi ro *:$+# d=.';r."g, I , o-ff-r efr ,irrB-*rcq q-+ ogwurr 6q, q-of I e-frsror, qfrrq-+l q-6TErsrds. msrtnq 14 iiTssln-r EF r-dTBflEq, qtril.ft{-"tv,,/qft qafi+fiq +icnrRr I ts aqtfr4e-6, gfrql lTiff qE ffieldq', tr,iT I ro c;*eifr 1$R-6 ns-r, vfttr.Trrn qE iTqql 17 gkiri?r+turer. yct-ore-a, cRsT.rifi qR frtroffi-+o. rrcgi 18. r+[rtl lil']Trrmae{ .........: gfriT ,rtft qE 1Meldq.iIq5 r e ol+6q fusT{ gf -dE, ,/ frETqg{7 srBdTgiZ q.r<-dwZ ;rrdfi qilrf,q t 1r<lr6,EB sTfusmr, #n,ir fu{ffiq. irc . r ..........j--.:... r r & t t Hm1k-sm//qrerqr{/EdlTsrlo-edr-iT(dr{sr)TordrTuergrTdrRw TradTrildtrq is7 ffiaq$7ffwqr,zqRqEq ffi6, ef$s qft oryltnt fr< E)-{recl r 20 q1s qrC. nc.ra r ffio, <ro ?6-dTrq fuE 3r$TqTi fq *)erFro q&"r. ErdTrrrc c,{rft, qqq'ff-q.cffiqq gBn rTlS qB ffiuraa nu5r z: EHr q "Ttr srfuETtZoqeq iriq, gR-{T rlrft efr ffieffiq zr *zz ql-lw I r (ffim) rrqw I t-r-d gotr tre a7tur. /s.q-$(i)/zotz/tsll,fu-28/ac,/rz d ri<.{ I--r*-BqqilT_frs 25 sqrll, Et'. orn.fq. RrrTltr]T, nc ar$rrTrr. \-s vtefio seld, d-t-g|. {r.qg( zo c*rrq-ero. srja?m wE, gfriT,Tlrfr qfr fr.roBareu, iruy zz. gavfufr d ftq tra-qo, yRirTiq1 qF frEaB.erir-o, iTqgr r r r , ,(et7--- /"o \ / | ggal\ @,n,,.- 7 (.) g R.ceirt In.."ipt No.,.:,,.,... 10.,.1,,.,...] 2 * / \Jt I 12_J -\ l17i,l, \xffi, }, 7 Rcv.isctl llules antl l{cgulltion tbr.T.A.,D.A. and othex char.ges I(,r students an(l profcssiorr{Is ptrticipatcrr riuring Corcge /rn,a.-crrr.g.ii,"",-i,,ivcrsitr Cuilurar anrr Sports Competitiol)s 1. TA ANd and DA for ts- P No. Details 1 Daily allowance for lood and refreshment and TA {Rs.) Daily allowance of 5tudents for lnter College Sports and 120.00 Cultural Competition (Only to the participants form out station) 2. Daily allowance of Students for tnter University Sports and Cultural Competitions 150.00 Note: ' ' . . Actual rrain (sleeper crass) or Bus fare shourd be provided to the srudents during journey period. TA and DA of students, Assistant and ream Managers shourd be provided from oean /principal oF participating College in lnter College Sports and Cultural programme as per their eligibility. TA and DA of students, Assistant and Team Managers should be provided from O/o DSW Raipur for participation in lnter university level sports and Cultural activities as per their eligibility from Head Quarter (Raipur) to final Destination. Conveyance Chargesi To be paid by the O/o Deanlprincipal for inter colleges and O/o DSW For intL,r University (The Actual Convenience) such as auto, Riksha charges etc. co'veyance charges / Medicar charges Make up and costume / charges:, Actuar charges for inter colleges paid by the O/o Dean,/principal and for inter University paid by O/o OSW for ' Pliryers/ participants. 2.U Kits for lnter and Cultural Com Paid by suils and game wise respective colleges @ 50% cost or issue by Paid by respective colleges @ 50% cost or issue by \r) 3. Uniforms/ Kits for National level Sports and Cultura, meet (Unive rsity Team) N -:. 1. 2. : National Level Cultural Programme Blazer _(Free of cost) Sports and Games Iracks suits Free of cost - Kit Hokey shirt, stockings and spqrts pant free of cost, shoes at Focrtba ll As above. Kabbaddi and Kho,Kho Baniyan and Sport shorts frge of cost. White T-Shirts, White pant country Cap. Socks free Cricket shoes at 5O% cost. Sport shorts, banii/anlsocks free of cost, Spikes at 5O% cost. Sport T-Shirt and socks free of cost. Shoes at SO% cost. Cricket 5O% iosi ;f."rt,:- Athletics Badminton & Table Ten nis Gymnastics Weight-lifting belt and shoes at SO% cost, Cotton shorts and overall free of cost. Sportiwear at free ofcost?nd shoes at 50% cost. Other Sports ir.r: (lv titlon {a?r E./ RrT-3 / E)d /03/2012/23-.7--Q fu k <loFrtcL- 2 PUn/zotz tw q1 , Z. lnte. M College level Lr sic /rheaie Dirnce / Frne arts etc. Director charges @ 3OO/- per Day/ diector / + Traveling Allowance Minimum esalification Graduation in Music /Iheatre/Dance/Fine arfs etc or specialization in above Events at least state/ national jevel. 2. Accompanist charges; As per skilied labour charges of the University. (number should be vary as per the norms of |CAR/ AtU) 3. Judges Charges: @ 5Q0/- per day /ludges+ actual traveling charges (out sider of the universi 3, Zonal level/ 1. M u sic/ National level Theatre/ (lnter Dance Fine arts University) / etc. Director charges : @ 5O0/- per dayldirector + Travelling allowance Minimum Qualification :. Graduation in Music /TheatrelOance / Fine arts etc. or specialization in above Events at state national level. 2. Accompanist charges: As per skilled labour charges of the University. (number should be vary as per the norms o, ICAR/ AtU) 3. .ludges Charges:@2500/- per day /Judges + actual traveling out side of the Colour of Track suits, Banner and Flag of Different Colleges/University 1. Basic Colour of university flag Flas) (old 2.\ with mono- Off White with orange and Green Basic Colour of flag of college - Decided by respected Deah/Principal with college mono 3. Size-: 4" x 3" Balner / Flag 4. Colour of traiksuit of University :- G reVd,g[ud 5. Basic Colour oftrack suits ofdifferent colleges will be decided by the respective Dian of Colleges which will be finally approved by DSW, IGKV, Raipur. 6. The colour of the Blazer/Coat will be dark green and the colour of the shirt pant will be oFf white and the tie will be of ma roon colour. * + / iJt^t- 1ffi64rt,-., &Y /4' altqan o.7*er-s7d7otyzotz1 .{S.Zi A"* 3),t to / zotz tm qff
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