The Al Risalah Times


The Al Risalah Times
The Al Risalah
1 Is
Junior Maths
Al Risalah Fun Day
Rendezvous at the
National Portrait
Activity Page
Peeking into
Sports Day
And much much
Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet (pbuh) said, “Whoever does not give
up forged speech and evil actions, the Almighty is not in need of his
leaving his food and drink (i.e. The Almighty will not accept his fasting)”
(Sahih Bukhari)
Welcome to the new updated Al Risalah
Newsletter. This is a newsletter created by
the students for the Al-Risalah School
community. Read about the latest news at AlRisalah and our students’ work and efforts.
Enjoy our cartoons, try our quiz, and
enter in our crossword competition to be
in with a chance to win a prize!!!
Press Gang
We would also like to give recognition to the year 11s for all their hard work and for generally being
amazing people! You have been a fantastic and we will never forget you! Also Thanks to Mrs Hunna
and Mrs Shakeba for doing an tremendous job of taking care of the year 11s!
Junior Maths Challenge
Brother Abdulkadir
All Praise belongs to the
Almighty, Lord of the worlds,
and to Him belongs all praise.
I am pleased to inform you that
our students once again have
done extremely well in the
Junior Mathematical Challenge
May the Almighty bless us and
our students and enjoin you all
in good for your support.
May the Almighty continue to
guide us on the right path and
increase us and our students
with beneficial knowledge..
The winners for this year's
Junior Mathematical Challenge
Abdulhakim Ahmed 8B (Best in
Abdirahman Ali 8B (Best in
Abdijabar Mursal 8B
Ahmed Favre 7B (Best in Year)
Mohid Khan 7B
Mahamed Mohamed 8B
Ayub Ali 8B
Sitra Hadafow 8G
Ghadar Osman 7B
Salman Nur 7B
Mohammed Chowdhury 7B
Mahamed Mohamed 7B
The Al Risalah Fun Day
Hana Khan 8G
Here it is, its finally happened the event of the year that everyone who's anyone has been talking
about! Here’s to the Al-Risalah fun day! A day where lessons don't exist, teachers flip burgers and
the mental screams from the rides are deafening. Lets get real guys, where else would you want to
spend your Sunday!
We’d like to thank everyone that came, especially the teachers and students who helped out in the
stalls and just generally everyone who showed up. Your generosity and bright smiles was much
Quiz Q1: Which group of days does
laylatul qadr fall in?
Quiz Q2: How many times is
Ramadan mentioned in the Quran?
A. 3 times
B. 9 times
C. 1 time
A. 1-10 of Ramadan
B. 11-20 of Ramadan
C. 21-30 of Ramadan
Answers on page 6
For sponsorship enquiries please email
Answers on page 6
Parliament Trip
Hudeyfa Nur 9B
The Student Council went on a trip to the Houses of
Parliament to see the place where British laws are made.
On this trip we were given a tour of the Houses of
Parliament. One thing which I learnt is that the Queen is
forbidden from entering the House of Commons and
cannot go further than the House of Lords. The
difference between the House of Lords and the House of
Commons is that the people who sit in the Commons are
elected by the public, whilst the people in the House of Lords are appointed. Overall during this trip
we have been given an insight into an important part of British democracy and we hope we can take
what we have learnt to be used in our student council.
Ikram Ahmed, Aisha Asfar 9G
Syeda Hussaini, 8G
Ramadan has approached us, and that means time for fasting. We know it’s tough, especially now
that we have these long hot summer days BUT and it’s a big but, even though fasting is hard, the
reward that’s given to us is so gigantic that we would probably fast every single day of our lives if
we knew how much it was!. So here they are, some of the virtues of Ramadan:
Worshipping the Almighty on the night of Laylatul Qadr is better than worshipping Him for a
thousand months, i.e. 83 years and 4 months; most of us don't even live that long! (The Quran,
Whoever spends Laylatul Qadr in prayer out of faith and in the hope of reward, will be
forgiven for his previous sins. (Bukhari and Muslim)
Fasting in Ramadan is equivalent to fasting ten months. (The Quran, 6:160)
All the good deeds that are committed in Ramadan are multiplied by 70.
In the blessed month of Ramadan, an opportunity is given to every Muslim to draw near to The
Almighty, and lets get real, who in their right mind would want to pass down that opportunity!!!
English Creative Writing
The lucky year 8 and 9 girls had
the rare opportunity of meeting
the author of a book that has
been capturing their interest
for quite a while . The author,
Sumayah Lee along with Sr
Shenaz had arranged a creative
writing workshop where they
learnt about the rich history of
South Africa and its
Inhabitants. The girls also
carried out fun creative writing
tasks which exercised their
brains. One of the lucky
students, Sohaiba Hussaini a
budding author quoted “ I
Ikram Ahmed, Aisha Asfar 9G
found it very intriguing to hear
about the history of South
Africa, and I hope read Mrs.
Lee’s book soon”
We would like to thank Ms
Sumayah Lee for going out of
her way to join us!!!!
Boys France Trip
Syed Aamer Hussaini 10B
As the first Sun streaks thread through the grey, damp and paved streets of London; a group of
students could be seen just outside the baby-blue gate, alongside two teachers. Soon they advanced,
and made their way towards the first steps to an unforgettable journey. The France Trip!
As the group entered the aerodynamic EuroStar, their eyes peered out the sleek, crystal windows
embedded within train to gaze on the sight of leaving London, not just in style, but in lightning speed
(300 mph to be exact)!
As the handful of students regained themselves after a few hours in the
train, they made their way to the gates of a place most of them knew not,
a place which was similar but different and a place in where they were
guests but treated better. The first stop was the infamous Tour De Eiffel
(Eiffel Tower). Towering the streets of Paris with the unimaginable height
of 324 metres (1063 feet), as much as an 81-storey building! Its sheer
size had found the miniscule students dumbfounded, and the 1710 steps
had found them utterly exhausted. However, the view at the top was a
beauty to behold as the true bulk of France could be seen; the lush trees,
the ancient architecture and the busy buzz of a rush hour.
After making the way back down the Tour Eiffel, it was off to the Seine
(the river through Paris), which there waited a boat to be boarded by the
students along with their teachers.
The picture of Paris taken at the 2nd floor of the Tour Eiffel
The motor-blades slowly spun within the rippling water as the boat gradually began gaining speed.
Before long, the passengers were submerged in a serene, tranquil and glorious boat ride through the
waves in the water. Archaic architecture scattered the bank lines and beautiful bridges connected
the islands whilst the boat slowly advanced through the Seine. Luckily, no one got seasick!
For sponsorship enquiries please email
After the boat had halted, the group made their way to the Arch De Triomphe via public transport.
Its detailed sculpture could effortlessly give the students an insight into the pain-staking
procedure of producing 50 meters (164 feet) of architectural masterpiece. After that, hungry as
they were, the students went for a quick meal alongside their chaperoning teachers. Having seen the
wonderful landscape of Paris at hand, and having had their stomachs full; the group went to their
final sightseeing location- Le Mosque De Paris (The Mosque of Paris).
The Mosque was quite simply amazing and it gave the bunch of students a place to relax and pray
before heading back to the EuroStar and making their way back to London
Unfortunately this was the last place the students needed to visit, and so, having seen the many
wondrous, magnificent and amazing places within Paris, it was time to head back.
The journey seemed longer as the students conversed within themselves the many exciting
experiences they have witnessed, and though this was the end of a very memorable experience, it
was the beginning of something new…
We would like to thank Brother Fouad for arranging this amazing trip for us and for Brother Adam
for accompanying us.
Quiz Q3: What
is the first
penalty if you
break a fast
A. Fast 60 days
B. Free a slave
C. Feed a poor person
Answers on page 6
The Perfect Man
He was perfect
Did nothing wrong
And hair curly and
Was loved
He was the chosen
He had bright black
Eye brows thick with
a vein of anger
And a neck like a doll
Yasmin Abdirahman 10G
His cheeks were full
and fleshy
His face was full of
and Baraka
He will always be in
our souls
Activity Page
Ubaid Rahman 9B
Imtehal Ali 7G
Brother Raihaan
1. I'm tall when I'm young and I'm short when I'm old. what am i?
Quiz Q4: At which time
do we pray tarawih?
2. What comes down but never goes up?
3. What has a foot but no legs
4.Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it you die. What is it?
5.What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in a thousand years?
A. After fajr
B. After the fardh of isha
C. Before maghrib
Answers at bottom of page
Crossword Competition:
Complete the crossword and rearrange the letters in yellow to find the word(s). Hand it in to Brother Raihaan with by 16:00
Sep 19 to be entered into a prize draw!!! Clue: Fasting was prescribed for the Muslims as it was to who?
The month the Quran was
The England goalkeeper for the
World Cup
This football player needs to
fast from eating people!!!!
The main city of the World Cup
Frozen water
Fasting is which pillar of Islam?
12 The first surah to be revealed
14 The gas around us
This was spun to protect the
prophet from the Quraysh in a
15 cave in Medinah
Give in charity even if it is half
17 a _______??
18 The opposite of dry
19 To be persistant in something
20 Home
21 We use this to see
The fourth prayer of
1 the day
This night is better
2 than 1000 months
Algeria beat this
team 4-2 in the
4 World Cup
England lost 2-1 to
this team in the
6 World Cup
A South African
8 country
Mario's green
13 partner
16 Al Nahl
to las atulations
winn issue’s
A r—
Chow min
This summer will be jam packed with events
and things to do with the tournament that
every football fan loves—the World Cup!
And this year is no exception with all the
excitement coming from the football mad
nation of Brazil. HOWEVER!!! Even more
important—the summer will also see a
testing month of Ramadan. Lets all sort out
our priorities making sure that worship and
good deeds tops the list before the
football.—no matter how good a match
5.The letter M
Quiz answers
Q1: C
Q2: C
Q3: B
Q4: B
Answer for the riddles!
For sponsorship enquiries please email
Rendezvous' at the National Portrait Gallery
No, we have not hit our
heads on rocks and gone
mad; that happened a long
time ago! But selected
students from Al-Risalah
opportunity to go and meet
the Deputy Prime Minister
Nick Clegg. Including yours
truly. Al Risalah was invited
to the National Portrait
cultural diversity. During
Hana Khan 8G
this the students learnt
the history of quite a few
portraits; met a lot of
important MPs, and even
got the opportunity to
meet Nick Clegg. The
students quoted: “ It was a
fantastic experience, one
that we definitely wouldn't
have passed for anything.
We had a brilliant time and
really enjoyed it”.
Thorpe Park Trip
Hana Khan 8G
That’s right we’re talking about everyone's favourite trip! THORPE
PARK!!! Yay , we don't know about you guys but Thorpe park in our
opinion is definitely THE place to be, with Stealth, Saw and plenty of
doughnuts—what's not to love! Don’t just take it from us though, here
are some quotes we got, from the Al-Risalah students “Going to
Thorpe Park was really a FUN experience . I enjoyed it, I hope we can
go next year!”
Student Success!!!
Abdurrahman Shah 7B
Brother Adam selected me and other students to visit Chelsea’s Asian Star competition.
I went and it was amazing. We completed all sorts of stuff such as running and speed
tests, matches and football tournaments. I went and enjoyed myself, and at the end of
the day they had told me I had been scouted by Chelsea. I was so shocked and my family
were amazed. I now have a time schedule of when I need to go for training and have been
going regularly since. I would like to really thank Brother Adam for making this
outstanding thing possible for me.
Don't be lazy in Ramadan! Make the
most of your time that you are given.
Days are long but nights are short
Try to keep practicing your good habits that
you pick up during ramadhan throughout
the rest of the year. Such as spending in
charity, speaking good words, helping others
and praying on time!!!
Sports Day
Brother Adam
Sister Sadiyah
The end of the year means its also time for a day in the sun where students showcase their sports
and athletic abilities—Sports Day!
On the boy’s Sports Day, The track and field events saw some amazing
performances and effort by some of our students. Hussein Ali Gesei showed his
quick speed by winning a few medals in the running events, Abdijabar Mursal
showed his ability in long distance running by outperforming his peers in the
400m race, and Humza Raja threw an amazing javelin throw just short of 25
metres! The year 10s also performed brilliantly with Mahdi Ibrahim, Kamaal
Mohamed, Ishaq Osman and Ahmad Bahauddin sharing a great chunk of medals together. Yasin
Mahmutoglu also took home 3 Gold medals and Abdinasir Omar won 4 gold medals on the day to add
to their collections.
Ahmad Bahauddin lead his house team in the tug of war event to beat the other teams which lead
onto one of the highlights of the day - the tug of war between the teachers and students, an event
which was won by the teachers even though the students tried their best to win by hook or crook!!!
In the annual football tournament Hichem Alem showed brilliant leadership to
captain his house to victory in the final of the football tournament in a 4-2
victory. He linked up well with Zakaria Soltani, great defending from Abdinasir
Omar, Yahya Jama, Mohamed Ali Amer ElKhedoud also performed some amazing
saves on the day to keep their team in front, including a brilliant penalty save to
take them to the final, alongside a vital goal from Muhammad Gangat.
The girls also had their very own sports day, with the 100m showing
some fast and competitive racers. Results in the table on the right. The 7G Siham Safa Fatima A
winners were put forward for the relay race with everyone gathered 8G Riyyan
around to cheer their class on, and everyone watched while Ramsha stole
Ikram Fatima S Suweyda
the lead for the year 8s by rapidly increasing her speed towards the end
10G Suad
of the race to beat the other classes. Houda Baiza showed amazing
javelin skills, by throwing an astounding throw just short of 15 meters. Ramsha
Sehrish demonstrated her skills again, by jumping an amazing 2.90 meters in the
long jump, and Sohaiba Hussaini who jumped 2.60 meters. Meanwhile The year
10 girls showed everyone how it’s done by beating their peers at tug of war, and
the rounders tournament, although it was a close tie between year 8 and year
10, Well done girls.
Both days were very enjoyable and pleasant days for both teachers and students. A huge Thank you
to Suweyda, Houda, Hana, Maisa and Sara for helping with equipment on the girls Sports Day. Also a
very big Thank you to year 10 boys and girls for helping set up the field for the Sports days.
All praise to the Almighty, the
day was a success, and a massive
thank you to the teachers &
office staff who supported us
through the planning and
performance of the event and
the students who without their
participation the day would not
have been possible.
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