Volume 13, Issue 3, Winter 2013


Volume 13, Issue 3, Winter 2013
Davenport Schools
Foundation NEWS
Inside this issue:
Alcoa Foundation grant...….……1
Great Minds program grows..….2
2013 DSF Donors Honored........3
How YOU can help……….…….4
December 2013
Vol. 13, No. 3
Project Lead the Way
Alcoa Foundation Gives $15K Grant to West High
Project Lead the Way at West High School
model for STEM programs. The school has
received a $15,000 grant from the Alcoa
also received a grant from the State of Iowa
Foundation in October. They will receive
for a high-tech engineering classroom to be
$5,000 for the next three years to fund teacher
completed in the next year.
training, materials for
projects and expenses
for competitions. WHS
James Skinner, West
High class of 1962 (in
necktie), was inducted
into the WHS Hall of
Honor in October. He is
the recently retired CEO
of McDonald’s, who
toured the school and
met with students in the
school’s business
academy following a
luncheon in his honor.
teachers Jason
Franzenburg and Greg
Smith designed the
grant request in
collaboration with DSF’s
Norm Bower and DCSD
liaison Rachael Steiner.
West’s engineering
curriculum is a national
President’s Comments
by John Korn
YOU Deserve Our THANKS!
John Korn,
DSF president
The QC community is known for its
generosity and this year continues that
trend. Check out page 3 for a listing of
the hundreds of DSF supporters this
year. One and all, you are making very
good things happen for our students.
Likewise, thanks to our donors who
gave through the John Deere Golf
Classic and its Birdies for Charity
program. They contributed more than
$2,300 to DSF last summer. The JDC
10-percent match for every gift dollar
boosts our coffers even more.
DSF has also received several generous
scholarship gifts recently.
• Long-time Central teacher Orson
Lauder, who passed away in
September, was honored by his
wife, Jeannette, with a special gift to
the CHS Hall of Honor Scholarship.
• The late West High principal William
Rettko was remembered by his wife,
Marj, with a donation to the newly
established Friends of West
Scholarship in November.
• Stanley “Lee” Kneipp of Houston,
who graduated from Davenport High
in 1960, is planning to create an
additional CHS Hall of Honor needbased scholarship starting with next
spring’s graduates.
Thanks so very much to these supporters
and others who invest in our kids’ future!
December 2013
Great Minds Programming Expanded K-8
At the November DSF board meeting, the Foundation approved an
expanded program offering for Davenport students in sixth through
eighth grades. Previously, Great Minds enhancement programming
covered only K-5. Now sixth graders will go to the Putnam Museum, which is offering
special pricing. Seventh graders will do water quality testing at Nahant Marsh, and all
eighth-grade students will participate in the Junior Achievement financial literacy
DSF served as the
fiscal agent for an effort
to upgrade the
playground at
Eisenhower in honor of
the late Kent Naae, who
taught there for 30
years and passed away
in 2011. Deb Irey, Susie
Rathje and Jean Nelson
organized the project
which added a ninestation workout area,
signage and an annual
awards program.
program called “Finance Park.”
Said Great Minds program director Gene Conrad, “With all elementary and intermediate
students visiting our best cultural and educational institutions, we are very proud of our
partnerships and the opportunities for our students to learn and appreciate all the great
resources right here in the Quad Cities. These trips are all tied in with current curriculum
standards as indicated by the Iowa Core Curriculum.”
On Oct. 31, 80 Sudlow 6 th
8 grade music students
learned from famed tabla
master Surata
Bhattacharya and
renowned Carnatic
Our Schools
violinist Dr. Lalitha
in Pastels
Muthuswamy in a Great
Minds program set up by
Kristian Svennivig.
You Bought Cards to Help Our Kids – BRAVO!
The 2013 Major Saver campaign produced an
amazing sales record with a total of almost
Former DCSD teacher
$46,000 in profits for DSF Great Minds program
Anne Jochum is donating
and the participating schools (which received
a series of watercolor
$1 for every card sold by their students). Thanks
images of Davenport
to the students for selling the valuable buy-one,
Schools to the Foundation
get-one-free restaurant cards, to the participating
for use by schools in
restaurants and to all the friends of DSF who
communications. She has
bought a card. Shown celebrating the successful
completed West, Central,
sales program at left are DSF President John Korn,
Wilson, Sudlow and
Major Saver President Kelly Osborn and DSF
Washington (above).
development director Norm Bower
DSF News
December 2013
The Davenport Schools Foundation’s Honor Roll for 2013
These alumni, friends and business partners shared our vision for greatness in Davenport Community Schools …
Allen, Diana & Wayne
Andrews, Mary Jane
Arnold's Body Shop, Inc.
Balagna, Mary
Barrett, Charles
Bartel, Pamela
Bauder, Jeannette
Baustian, Linda
Bawden, James
Bawden, Mark & Rita
Berry, Thomas & Cheryl
Bettendorf Rotary Club
Blackman, John & Paddy
Blanche, James
Boelk, Norman
Borkgren, Lori
Bowe Machine Company
Bower, Jay & Kandis
Bower, Lee & Kelsey
Bower, Norm & Linda
Bracey, Tom & Connie
Braren, Howard & Ruth
Buchanan Social Cmte.
Cahoy, Bob & Sandy
Calvert, Jonelle
Cameron, Mark
Cleve, Mark
Clewell, Richard
Conrad, Gene & Mollie
Cook, Gavin & Tracy
Coppinger, Jason & Jen
Cornish, John
Dave Wessel
D’port Evening Optimist
D’port Principals Assn.
DSF Board
Dawson, Clay & Kathleen
Decker, Don
Dietz, Beth
Doonan, Mark &
Dulaney, Richard &
Dunsworth, Ira
Eckhardt, Robert
Eckhardt, Tina & Aric
Eckley, Stacy
Eisenhower School
Foster, Leah
Fraser, Marie
Freese, William & Sherry
Gallin, William & Chris
Garlock, Brian & Lisa
Garrard, James & Lori
Goldstein, Richard
Goldstein, Robert & Susan
Greenlee, Janet
Guy, Brad & Polly
Haake, Dale
Hall, Kay & John
Hankins, Jessica
Hansen, Herman & Edith
Hansen, Stephanie
Haring, Cynthia
Harris, Patricia
Hart, Alison
Heggen, Don
Heller, Sharon
Hollonbeck, Denise
Hoyt, Harry & Gay
Hunter, Steven & Mary Ellen
Iglehart, Dave & Peg
Iowa Cancer Specialists, P.C.
Irey, Bill & Deb
Jackson School PTA
Jakubowski, Barbara
JDC Birdies for Charity
Johnson, Heather
Johnson, James & Sue
Johnson, Ruth
Keesee, Harold & Linda
Keppy, Carl & Vicki
Kiley, Katie
Kilmer, Mark & Kathy
Kleinschmidt, Gary & Cindy
Klipsch, Jake & Leslie
Korn, Gwen
Korn, John & Karen
Kovach, George & Carol
Krause, Laurie
Krumwiede, Kenneth & Jane
Kundel, Lois
Lamp, Deb
Lannan, Diane
Lanphere, Jennifer
Lazio, Sam & Liz
Levien, Craig & Laura
Liddy, Jane
Liebbe, Sandra
Lunardi's Restaurant
Mahaffey, John
Mahaffey, Patricia
Mahl, Dave & Tamara Byram
Marvin, Sally
Mazich, Thomas & Nancy
Means, Louis
MidWestOne Bank
Mielenhausen, Steve &
Minard, Larry & Carol
Molyneaux Insurance
Molyneaux, Daniel &
Mortiboy, Clara
Mullins, Shirley
Nauman, Brian & Sherry
Navarro, Rico
Neal, Martha Levy
Nelson, Betty
Norgard, Judith
Northwest Bank & Trust Co.
O'Hare, Jennifer
Optimedica Corporation
O'Shaughnessy, Beth
Pelsang, Chester & Retta
PerMar Security &
Research Charity
Perry, Susan and
Stan Goodyear
Petersen, Jeff & Julia
Popcorn Charlie & Company
Portes, Daniel
Rathje, Susan
Ray, Sarah
Reilly, Ellen
Reiter, Terry & Nora
Rettko, Marj
Robinson, Ron & Kris
Robinson, Stephen & Patricia
Roudebush, LaWanda & Peter
Rowland, Tina
Rowley, Doerle
Royal Neighbors of America
Ruhl & Ruhl Realtors
Runge Mortuary
Samuelson, Dave & Ginny
Schaefer, Eleanor
Schaefer, Katherine
Schaeffer, David
Schneider, Ronald
Schutte, Roger &
Sherwood, Scott
Shipley, Katherine
Shoup, Sara Jo
Shugars, Gayle
Siegel, Marcella
Sinning, John & Beverly
Smith, Loretta
Starns, Terry & Rebecca
Staszewski, Juli
Staub, David & Sherry
Steiner, Rachael & Roger
Stewart, Jeanette
Strom, Doris
The Horizon Group
Treanor, Ron & Nancy
Truman PTA
Tuczak, Robin
Valdeos, Katia
Valley Bank
Van Gundy, Gail
Verizon Foundation
Vieth, George
Wainwright Orthodontic
Warner, Kelly
Warren, Barbara
Weyeneth, Jennifer
Whitcomb, Michele
Whittenmore, Jolene
Wiese, John
William Stadt Trust
Williams, Anthony
Williams, Kathy
Wine, Thomas
Woods, Jabari
World Nation
In Memoriam: Lola Fike
Long-time DSF Board member and
Scholarship Committee chair Lola Fike
passed away Nov. 14, 2013. Survived by
her husband, Harry, she was known for
her enthusiasm and meticulous recordkeeping. Thanks to the many friends
who gave to DSF in her memory.
Davenport Schools Foundation
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The Davenport Schools Foundation was created in 1987 as
a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization in order to
enhance the educational opportunities and experiences
available to students in the Davenport Community Schools.
DSF Board: ’13 -’14
John Korn
Steve Hunter
Jim Groenenboom
Manny Fritz
Nancy Hayes
Sherry Freese
Kay Hall
Chris Hester
Greg Gowey
Larry Minard
Tony Williams
Can you help?
New DSF Scholarships Need YOUR Support
Next spring DSF will award $60,000 in scholarship money to graduating seniors. Many
thanks to our recent major scholarship donors, including Dr. Susan Perry, Stan
Goodyear, Louis Means, John Wiese, Cynthia Haring, Robin Tuczak and Tony and
Mary Williams. If you want to contribute to any of these scholarships, or to the Great
Minds program, please use the donor card below and return it with your gift to DSF.
Thanks for your consideration!
Jack King Music Scholarship—for a DCSD senior in band for four years
North High Music Scholarship—for a North High senior in music program for 4 years
West High Music Scholarship—for a West High senior in music program for 4 years
Directors Emeritus
Lisa Arbisser, M.D.,
chair emeritus;
Steve Ahrens
Beth Dietz
Penne Duncan
Lola Fike
Don Fisher
Thom Hart
John Holladay
Linda Miller
Linda Orr
Tracy Schwind
Caryl Haring Scholarship—for a DCSD senior (intended education major)
Mary Means Scholarship—for a DCSD senior (intended consumer science major)
MidwestOne Bank “You’re the One” Scholarship—for a CHS senior (business major)
Friends of West Scholarship—for WHS senior (general academic scholarship)
Please apply my gift to:
Great Minds Program _______________
Name of Scholarship: ________________________________________
Enclosed is my DSF donation of
_______ $25
_________$50 ________$75 _______$100 ________Other
Name ___________________________________________________________
Development Director
Norm Bower
Address _________________________________________________________
Program Director
Gene Conrad
City/State/Zip _____________________________________________________
DCSD Liaison
Rachael Steiner
Phone _________________________ E-mail __________________________
Please send this form and your tax-deductible donation (check payable to DSF) to:
Davenport Schools Foundation, 1606 Brady Street, Davenport, IA 52803.