Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance
Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance
ISSN 1800-6906 lulnyv êvmêtvu{puhujl ylw|ispj z{yêvmêm {olêtpup Ministry of Finance of Montenegro BULLETIN XII april - june 2008 www.min ist ars tvo-fin an sija.vlad a.cg.yu TAX ADMINISTRATION: www.poreskauprava.vlada.cg.yu CUSTOM ADMINISTRATTION: www.upravacarina.vlada.cg.yu DIRECTORATE FOR ANTI-CORRUPTION INITIATIVE: www.antikorup.vlada.cg.yu ADMINISTRATION FOR THE PREVENTION OF THEMONEY LONDERY: www.gom.cg.yu/aspn DIRECTORATE FOR REAL ESTATES: www.nekretnine.cg.yu PUBLIC PROCUREMENT DIRECTORATE: www.djn.vlada.cg.yu Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS 6-7 8-10 11-12 13 14-15 16 4 INTRODUCTION - Minister of Finance, dr Igor Lukšić INFLATION, PROBLEM OR INCENTIVE? - mr Damir Šehović, Secretary of Ministry of Finance NEWS IN TAXATION OF JURIDICAL PERSONS - Koviljka Mihailović, Assistant to Minister - Gordana Balan, Higher Adviser II for direct taxes Decree on conversion of citizens’ foreign currency savings and Decision on emission of bonds of Montenegro for the citizens’ foreign currency savings invested with the banks outside Montenegro - Marina Popović, Independent Advisor I - Nataša Novaković, Independent Appointee I COOPERATION OF MONTENEGRO WITH EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK (EIB) ON IMPLEMENTATION OF INFRASTRUCTURAL CAPITAL PROJECTS - Ivan Petrović, Advisor FROM WORK OF COMMISSIONS FOR RESTITUTION AND REMUNERATION - Zoran Radulović, Independent Advisor I 17-18 PROPOSAL OF BUDGET FINAL ACCOUNT OF MONTENEGRO FOR THE YEAR 2007 - Dušan Perović, Assistant to Minister - Stanimirka Mijović, Independent advisor I 19-20 Strategy and Action Plan for Financial Reporting Improvement in Montenegro - Aleksandra Popović, Higher Advisor III 21-22 Activities of Directorate of Customs during the main tourism season - Edina Osmanagić, Independent Appointee II, Directorate of Customs 23-26 ACTIVITIES OF THE MINISTER OF FINANCE FOR PERIOD APRIL – JUNE 2008 - Ivona Mihajlović, Assistant Spokesperson 27-30 INFO/OVERVIEW OTHER LATEST NEWS FROM THE MINISTRY OF FINANCE FOR THE PERIOD 1 April - 31 June 2008 - Ivona Mihajlović, Assistant Spokesperson Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 31-33 34-36 37 38-40 41-42 43-49 50-55 56-62 63-72 73-77 78-80 Information on foreign currency savings payment invested with the authorized banks with headquarters outside Montenegro - Dušan Perović, Assistant to Minister - Marina Popović, Independent Advisor I RULES AND PROCEDURES OF PROCUREMENT FINANCED BY EU FUNDS - Central unit for financing and contracting - Aleksandra Anđelić, Higher Appointee I - Bojana Kaluđerović, Higher Appointee I MINISTRY OF FINANCE AS A SIGNIFICANT CREDITOR IN BANKRUPTCY PROCEDURES OF ENTERPRISES - Nataša Novaković, Independent Appointee I - Dušan Zec, Appointee IV Types of EU aid in programming process - Olja Šuković, Central unit for financing and contracting Resolving internal debt registered with the Ministry of Finance - Milodarka Novosel, Associate - Ljiljana Krgović, Independent Advisor Amendments and appendixes to the Law on budget of Montenegro for the year 2008 - Slobodanka-Mila Popović, coordinator of Sector for budgetary operations - Radovan Živković, Independent Advisor I - Tamara Gačević, Independent Advisor I - Vladislav Karadžić, Independent Advisor I IMPLEMENTATION OF PUBLIC CONSUMPTION ON LOCAL LEVEL for the period January – March 2008 - Gordana Radović, Independent Advisor - Slobodanka Labus, Independent Advisor CAPITAL BUDGET REBALANCE FOR THE YEAR 2008, Section for public investments planning - Ljiljana Crnčević, Independent Advisor I - Snežana Mugoša, Independent Advisor II MIDTERM MACROECONOMIC AND FISCAL FRAMEWORK FOR MONTENEGRO 2009-2011 - Slobodanka Mila Popović, Coordinator of Section for budgetary operations - Radovan Živković, Independent Advisor I - Tamara Gačević, Independent Advisor I - Vladislav Karadžić, Independent Advisor I CONSOLIDATED PUBLIC CONSUMPTION IN MONTENEGRO IN PERIOD I-IV 2008 - Stanko Jeknić, Independent Advisor I - Radovan Živković, Independent Advisor I - Vladislav Karadžić, Independent Advisor I LEASING MARKET - REPORT FOR FIRST QUARTER 2008 - Bojana Bošković, Advisor Ministry of Finance of Montenegro Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance April-June 2008 NUMBER: 12 PUBLISHED: quartely PUBLISHER: Ministry of Finance FOR PUBLISHER: Igor Lukšić, PH.D. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Gordana Jovanović EDITORIAL BOARD: Koviljka Mihailović MA Milorad Katnić Krsto Racković TRANSLATOR: Aida Ramusović DESIGN: Adil Tuzović TeHnical ASSISTANT: Ivona Mihajlović CONTACT: PR Office of the Ministry of Finance TEL: +382 20 242 835 FAX: +382 20 224 450 E-MAIL: mf@mn.yu WEB: www.ministarstvo-finansija.vlada.cg.yu ADRESS: Stanka Dragojevića br 2, Podgorica PRINT: DPC - Grafotisak COPYES: 400 5 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 Minister of Finance IGOR LUKŠIĆ PhD CONTACT: PHONE: +382 20 242-835 FAX: +382 20 224 450 E-MAIL: mf@mn.yu WEB: www.ministarstvo-finansija.vlada.cg.yu Introduction Dear readers, In regard of the first half of year 2008, we may notice that no degradation had occurred in economic parameters in budgetary sense, having in mind the global world financial crisis, together with the significant increase in agricultural products’ prices and oil prices in world markets. Still, one may speak of decrease of liquidity in the financial market, as well as the consequential increase of the interest rates. Likewise, the problem of inflation, which was absent for several years now, had returned during past two years, although in less unfavorable form in comparison with some other Eastern European countries with the same monetary system, i.e. with the fixed or mostly fixed foreign currency exchange rate. The inflation issue determines an appropriate fiscal policy. Two approaches may be applied. Irresponsible, fiscally short term 6 approach, which in the long run severely damages the macroeconomic landscape; and a non-popular in short term, but the only acceptable in long term fiscally responsible approach. It is clear that the second option assumes non-rushed reaction in line with populists’ calls, which are no different than the ones in other European countries. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a full control over salaries’ and pensions’ levels, since the state still largely influences the aggregated demand, therefore an irresponsible reaction in that sense would further speed up the inflation spiral. With such revenue policy, it is necessary to continue with structural reforms with the objective to provide for the longterm sustainable economic growth and increase of competitiveness of the economy, in order to increase immunity against similar economic leaps. Structural reforms, in this sense, include adopting and application Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 of new working legislation, eliminating business barriers, especially in the area of civil engineering, but also other sectors. Afterwards, the full application of taxation reforms with the objective of cutting down taxation of work within the timeframe prescribed by the adopted laws (by the year 2010), including recent decrease of dividend tax down to 9%, making an additional step towards establishing the taxation system which treats all forms of revenues in the same and unique manner. The important reform structure is also adoption and application of new property rights law, which shall stimulate continuation of investment in different areas. Updated proposal by the Ministry of Finance had taken into account certain suggestions from public debate and therefore, hopefully, opened space for its adoption in the Parliament with necessary majority. Afterwards, production of new draft Law on state property shall be performed, regulating the relationship and act- ing of state regarding its property. Such context assumes that the state will continue with significant investments in infrastructure, thus contributing to remedying different sorts of bottlenecks holding off the economy growth. Therefore, directions of macro-fiscal policy for the upcoming three years prescribe gradual decrease of current public consumption from central budget and state funds down to 33% of GDP, with an appropriate increase of capital investment. In parallel, it is of crucial importance to continue investment in energy sector, since it is impossible to provide for the long-term growth without investments, both in new facilities and distributive system. Respectfully Minister of Finance Igor Lukšić, PhD 7 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 Inflation, problem or incentive? MSc Damir Šehović, Secretary of Ministry of Finance of Montenegro One of the basic preconditions for economic progress of Montenegro, being a small, open economy with full currency substitution is a macroeconomic stability, which is the reason that its establishing was of utmost importance several years ago, and yet more important is certainty of its future duration. Establishing of this “pillar for market economy”, Montenegro had opened some space for high economy growth rates, which are, by the way, in previous years almost two figured. Due to the fact that the mentioned macroeconomic stability means for citizens certainty in planning purchase of products and services several months in advance, and for the businessman the possibility to make long-term plans and different calculations, it is no wonder that the existing instability of prices is a concern for great number of people. What is indeed the phenomenon of inflation and which are its consequences? Is the increased inflation in past months specific for Montenegro only? What are the causes of inflation? Which anti-inflation measures do we have available? These are some of the questions receiving attention by both lame and professional public. The inflation phenomenon (lat. inflatio – amplify, expand), dating back from the antique period, had always meant continuous and rapid increase of price levels. Although the textbook definitions are often complicated and indicate its heterogeneous nature (inflation – process of selfsupported prices increase invoked by the different causes which gradually, sooner or later, after exploiting stimulating effects of the price growth, leads to decrease of standard for most of the citizens, exploiting the national foreign currency reserves, worsening foreign currency balance and exchange rate of domestic currency and, finally, disturbance of market obstructing the continuity of economy operations, invokes new disturbances in distribution and feeds itself 1), those can still bring up a conclusion that this is a negative event invoking the greater consequences as it goes further. Noted consequences have direct and indirect character, which appear stimulating to economy at the 1 - Definition of inflation given by dr Ivo Perišin, is considered to be one of the most comperhensive. 8 beginning, since the effect of “cash illusion” occurs, manifested through decrease of supplies and increase of production, and later negative influences get the spotlight such as prices growth, decrease of export and increase of import, drop of national currency exchange rate, decrease of competitive ability of national economy and similar. Still, we do not require textbook models to understand that the inflation mostly burdens the poorest segments of population, considering that the high collective awareness of inflation damages is with us back from the period of facing with hyperinflation in nineties, which was, after the one registered in Hungary, the greatest in the world, where the average monthly growth rate was near 800%. Although this issue was not much written and discussed up until recent period, due to the simple reason that there was a belief that the world economy had become immune against this problem, the events during 2007 and first half 2008 are opposing that opinion. The annual inflation rate in Euro zone had, according to Eurostat data, in May 2008 amounted 3.7%, which is 1.8% increase against the same period in previous year, representing the greatest price increase since Euro introduction. The greatest annual inflation rates amongst the European Union Member States are noted in Latvia (17.7%), Bulgaria (14%), Lithuania (12.3%), Estonia (11.4%) and Romania (8.5%), while the greatest Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 inflation rate in Eurozone was noted in Slovenia (6.1%). Increase of costs for food and energy did not pass by USA, where the greatest inflation rate in past 17 years was noted, amounting 4.1%, neither did it pass by Russia (14%) or China (8.5%). Neighboring states also note the increase of inflation rate – Serbia (11.8%), Macedonia (10%), Bosnia and Herzegovina (7.5%), Croatia (6.5%) 2. Based on everything stated, one can clearly see that the inflation had, after many years of stagnation, become the challenge against the economic stability of virtually all world economies, including the economy of Montenegro, considering that the average inflation rate, measured by the life cost indexes in first four months of this year, had reached the level of 8.2% 3 in comparison with the same period previous year. Therefore, the question logically arises what had caused this notable inflation growth from 2007? Theoretically, we differentiate three contemporary views on inflation causes – demand inflation theory, cost inflation theory and structural inflation theory. Monetarists may claim that the inflation is always and everywhere a monetary problem, meaning that they explain the inflation occurrence by the first theory, starting from the belief that with predefined price and salary level, there is always a surplus in aggregated monetary demand in comparison with quantity of goods, based on which, through price increase, a new balance is being establish. From mid-twentieth century, when the significant acceptance of Keynesian theory had occurred, the inflation began to be explained by the cost inflation theory, therefore the inflation does not have to occur as a consequence to surplus in aggregated demand or misbalance between goods offer and monetary demand; instead, it occurs as a consequence to production costs increase. Here, we must note that there are numerous factors that may cause the inflation, amongst which we should certainly note increase of salaries and incomes above the work productivity level, lack of perfect competition in the market and influence of the external prices of foreign goods (products for which the demand is not elastic). At the end, theory of structural inflation notes that when the full balance exists between aggregated supply and aggregated demand on total goods market, still the inflation may occur as a consequence of structural misbalance on the goods market, therefore this theory in a way represents the combination of previous two. When speaking about this theory, it is very important to note that in the development countries, agricultural sector may represent a significant source of instability in production and revenue trends, in such manner that the increase of agricultural products prices leads to the pressure to increase salaries, so the real income could be kept on the same level, which represents a possible factor generating the inflation. With the agricultural sector, the export sector of the economy may also cause the inflation trends, especially in the countries where the total revenues of export depend on one or several products. When speaking of the causes of inflation in Montenegro, we notice that they are in the most direct manner linked with the previously explained theories, especially cost inflation theory and structural inflation theory. Regarding that, it should also be noted that the inflation in our country is mostly the result of external factor, so it has the character of an imported inflation. 4 - Grand growth of oil and other material prices 5, present since the year 2004, is the main cause of the inflation world-wide, including Montenegro, having in mind our import orientation, so this event is an exogenous shock, which is beyond the control of economic policy creators. Prices of raw oil had nearly doubled in past twelve months, and the influence on increase of prices is not surprising, considering the importance of oil in the chain of economy in one country. - Increase of agricultural products prices has a vast influence on inflation, occurring after the dry season covering all agricultural producers, therefore the world reserves of wheat had dropped to the lowest level in past thirty or so years, and the prices of some types of cereals had doubled in past year. - Besides that, administrative alignment of prices of fuels 6 and telecommunications 7, increase of minimal wage from 50 to 55 EUR in 2007 together with the increase of work demands rate for 30% for all public sector employees in 2008, increase of real estate prices and great credit expansion 8 are also some of the factors influencing the increase of aggregated demand, carrying therefore a potential inflation character. Regardless of the fact that the inflation in Montenegro has mostly the imported character, there is a question which anti-inflation measures are available to the economic policy creators, which would result in significant control of inflation and its decrease to the level of several percentages which, according to Freedman, is favorable for an economy. Having in mind the fact that Montenegro is in the group of 16 countries in the world which had decided to de-monetize national currency; its space for mane- 2 - Data acquired from the websites of Central banks of listed states and represent the growth of price levels in current month in comparison with the same month previous year. 3 - Inflation had amounted 7.7% in 2007. 4 - Regarding the causes and effects, the following types of inflation may be differentiated: demand inflation, cost inflation, structural inflation, imported inflation, psychological inflation and inflation invoked by the socio-psychological factors. 5 - This is a typical example of so called imported inflation. 9 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 uvers is somewhat narrowed regarding use of the macroeconomic policy instruments. In that situation, fiscal policy gains its significance, considering that it has the leading role in managing the pressures of demand. Therefore, the fiscal policy should also in the next period have the restrictive character, in order to prevent the cycle. Besides that, modern theory of finance, influenced by the Keynes’ learning had discarded the request from classical theory on constant budgetary balance in each year; instead, the postulate of so called cyclic budgetary balance was adopted. That means that when we have the inflation present in the economy with high employment rate, the budgetary surplus policy is in order; while in the situation of recession and unemployment, the budgetary slack policy is being applied. Therefore, we should continue with the budgetary surplus policy, considering its stabilization character. Likewise, continuation of fiscal reforms, heading towards decrease of taxation shall additionally influence stimulating the economic environment, therefore increasing competitiveness of our economy and influencing the investments attracting, which would finally be reflected in increase of competition, therefore influencing the prices decrease. Besides that, participation of public consumption in gross domestic product is still high; therefore efforts towards its decrease should be made in the following period. Decrease of fiscal burden against the oil products would not give any tangible result. Some corrections in the sense of tax or VAT rate reduce would however invoke much more damage in the budget than the favors regarding the inflation rate would be. The reason for this is that these corrections would not induce significant decrease of retail prices; instead, they would swiftly be canceled by the prices trends in global market. Besides that, we should also note that there are no valid arguments for mentioned decreases, considering that the tax amount is established in absolute sense, and that its share in total retail price had decreased, but also the VAT rate for the oil products is 17%, which is by all means lower than rates in the region, and beyond. Likewise, growth of wages in public sector should be connected with the productivity growth, since otherwise a stronger inflation pressure would be made, which significantly increases the inflation expectations and opens space for psychological inflation acting, which leads towards establishing so called inflation spiral, which acts in such manner that the prices increase heats up requests for higher nominal salaries, and higher nominal salaries additionally influence increase of prices, closing the vicious circle. Continuance of structural reforms, in the sense of continuance of privatization process of remaining state ownership 9 , increase of energy efficiency and construction of new energy supply facilities having in mind the principles of sustainable development, traffic infrastructure improvement, further development of financial market, significant implementation of legislation in the area of competition and further improvement of business environment and continuance of administrative reforms implementation shall influence significant improvement of competitive ability, decrease of import dependency and elimination of fiscal risks, as well as the dependence of our economy of global demand, which would in total have the positive influence both on living standard and finally on decrease of prices in long term. Therefore, the inflation we are facing is not unsolvable problem, but it can also be a chance to change the mindset and break away from the rooted economy stereotypes, which is by no means easy considering that, as Keynes says, the difficulty is not in adopting new beliefs, but in discharging the old ones which are rooted “in all corners of our mind”. Mental transition should bring to braking of with mercantilist logic of closeness and self-sufficiency, since it leads to limiting competitiveness, withholds the innovation and productivity growth, therefore decreases the life standard. Keeping the clear, established property rights, strong institutions and courts which would enforce them is the prerequisite to provide so called counter-effect invoked by undisturbed acting of market laws. 10 In parallel, turbulences in global economy, manifested through additional pressures invoked by growing inflations, can also be viewed from another angle, in the manner that we would see them as an additional incentive to react swiftly, since in the modern global economy “big ones do not eat the small ones; fast ones eat the slow ones instead”. That would turn inflation trends in the world from the problem towards an incentive for faster resolving of our internal economic problems, i.e. the intensive implementation of structural reforms. Having in mind our traditional relaxed attitude, which is not such a bad thing. On contrary. 6 - Price growth in first half 2007 was predominantly influenced by growth of prices of liquid fuels and lubricants, increased 8.7%, with participation in total inflation of 32.8%. 7 - Price growth in first half 2007 was also significantly influenced by the increase of traffic and postal and telecommunication services, with increase of 4.1%, with participation in total inflation of 37.6%. 8 - Credit growth rate in 2007 in comparison with 2006 amounted 165%, which is much more than in any neighboring countries, which had caused the Central bank to take measures for the purpose of limiting credit arrangements, for the annual expansion to be limited to approximately 40%. 9 - So far, more than 85% of capital in Montenegro companies was privatized. 10 - See the results of research directed at reformulation of general balance theory, produced by Kenneth Arow (USA) 1972 and Gerard Debre (USA) 1983, bringing them the Nobel Prize for economy. 10 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 NEWS IN TAXATION OF JURIDICAL PERSONS The Parliament of Montenegro had, on the sixth meeting of first regular session, held on June, 20th 2008, legislated the Law on amendments and appendixes of the Law on juridical persons’ profit tax, published in the “Official Gazette CG”, no. 40/08, and being applied since June 27, 2008. Obligation of payment of tax on profit of juridical person was introduced by the Law on juridical persons profit tax (“Official Gazette RCG”, no. 65/01), with solutions being applied since January 1, 2002. According to the provisions of this law, tax payer is a resident or nonresident juridical person, doing its business for the objective of profit. Subject of profit taxation of resident juridical person is a profit this person achieves within or outside Montenegro, while subject of profit taxation for non-resident is profit this person achieves within Montenegro. Profit tax rate, according to the provisions of this law, was 15% for profit up to 100,000 EUR and for profit higher than 100,000 EUR – 15.000 EUR + 20%. In order to create better scenery for development of entrepreneurship, at the end of 2004 amendments were made to this law, therefore decreasing the profit tax rate to 9%, which is one of the lowest rates in the region. According to the provisions of Koviljka Mihajlović Gordana Balan this law, revenues of dividends and profit shares of juridical persons to be paid to resident and non-resident juridical and private persons shall be taxed on the source (tax is deducted when paying such revenues) with 15% rate. Revenues earned by nonresident juridical persons (persons without permanent business unit) according to the authors’ fees, capital income, real estates and movable assets, shall be taxed with 15% rate, and interest revenues with 5% rate. kers and investment in stocks and bonds). The Law prescribes the possibility to use numerous taxation favors (for doing business in insufficiently developed municipalities regarding economy, employment of new wor- The main reasons for amending this Law were conditioned by the need of alignment of the existing solutions with the Acquis communautaire, especially in the segment regarding taxation treatment of dividends from holding and subsidiary companies, transfer prices, connected persons and status change of tax payers. This obligation was confirmed by the National program for integration of Montenegro with EU (NPI), as a short-term measure, planned for implementation in 2008. Listed changes of the Law on juridical persons profit tax had induced 11 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 decrease of taxation rate on dividends and shares in profit (from 15 to 9%), which should contribute to creating more favourable scenery for development of entrepreneurship and attracting foreign investment. Likewise, this Law had remedied the possibility of double profit taxation, when subsidiary pays dividends to holding company, Montenegro resident. The possibility to use taxation favors is introduced when investing in permanent assets (facilities, equipment, and similar) used for production of energy from renewable sources (solar energy, wind, etc.) and energy efficiency (50% of such investments are resolved from profit tax payment). Partially, the taxation of capital revenues was also changed. According to new law solution, capital revenue incomes are included in taxation base for the year they are achieved, with 50% value. According to the previous law solution, capital revenue incomes were fully included in the taxation base, but there was an option to use taxation favors for investment in stocks and bonds. Capital revenues achieved by selling stocks and bonds, to be reinvested within 12 months to buy new stocks and bonds were excluded from taxation, as well as capital revenue obtained by selling stocks and bonds held in tax payer’s portfolio for more than two years. Also, the definition of purchase price used to determine capital revenue was changed, so according to new law it is evaluated or fair property value (land, buildings, property rights, shares in capital and stocks and bonds). The Law is predominantly aligned with the relevant legislation of European Union from this area: Directive of EU Council 90/435 EEC on common system of taxation for holding and subsidiary companies from different member states (last changed by the Council Directive 2003/123/EC); Directive of EU 12 Council 90/434 ECC on common system of taxation on mergers, subdivisions, transfer of property and exchange of shares amongst companies from different member states (last changed by the Council Directive 2005/19/EC); Directive of EU Council 2003/49/EC on joint system of interest and authors fees taxation amongst the connected companies from different EU member states. Further alignment of profit taxation regulations with Acquis communautaire shall be performed in line with the dynamics stated in National program for integration of Montenegro with EU (NPI), with dedication to align those activities with the economic interests of Montenegro and obligations derived from SPP. Since January 1, 2010, the majority of taxes in Montenegro shall be paid with single-figured taxation rate (taxation of juridical persons profit; income tax; taxation on deduction for dividends; shares in profit, authors’ fees and interests; payments for health insurance shall be paid with 9% rate). Koviljka Mihailović Assistant to Minister Gordana Balan Higher Adviser II for direct taxes Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 Decree on conversion of citizens’ foreign currency savings and Decision on emission of bonds of Montenegro for the citizens’ foreign currency savings invested with the banks outside Montenegro For the owners of foreign currency savings, who had achieved the right to get foreign currency savings reimbursement according to the Law on payment of foreign currency savings invested with the authorized banks with headquarters outside Montenegro, the Decree on conversion of citizens’ foreign currency savings provides for, when receiving the second payment, obtain the confirmation on foreign currency savings conversion in bonds per savings account. On that occasion, the bank shall align the total on foreign currency savings account, where the converted foreign currency savings shall be registered in the savings booklet, which would be cancelled after issuing the confirmation of converted foreign currency savings. Confirmation on converted foreign currency savings bonds shall contain the personal data on savings’ owner. The bonds may be traded on stock exchange, and after expiry of deadline established by the Law, the bonds may not be transferred or used for any other purposes. Funds for payment of obligations for funds shall be reserved within the Montenegro Budget. Rights based on bonds are enforced by Marina Popović Nataša Novaković the owner when submitting the evidence of ownership of bonds due for payment. property tax or capital profit tax. Owners of the foreign currency savings bonds may, before the due date of bonds, purchase shares of state owned companies, funds, use them for purchase of apartments, office space, land and other property owned by the state, determined by the Government of Montenegro in its special act; and pay for taxation obligations towards the Montenegro Budget. The bonds are not subject to Decision on emission of bonds had established the date of emission of DOB series bonds, which shall be issued with different market designations, depending on the due date of such bonds. Due date for the bonds shall be 1 July, , for the period from 2009 to 2017. Marina Popović Independent Advisor I Nataša Novaković Independent Appointee I 13 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 COOPERATION OF MONTENEGRO WITH EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK (EIB) ON IMPLEMENTATION OF INFRASTRUCTURAL CAPITAL PROJECTS Montenegro as a modern state, fully understanding the significance of large infrastructural projects as prerequisites for the sustainable development, dedicates a significant part of its funds to the investment in capital projects. By investing in such projects, we in fact invest in our future. Infrastructural projects provide the support for renewal and reconstruction of social and economic infrastructure. The problems Montenegro had faced in this area in previous period are numerous: quality of road and railway network was low, electro-energetic system had had major problems, water supply problem in Montenegro seaside region was not solved in quality manner, followed by always significant issue of regional development, set of environmental problems, etc. However, these problems are seen as the challenge, as something that actually needs to be done. Having in mind the quantity of funds needed for solving these problems, it is obvious that their solving could not have been started without quality credit support by the leading world financing institutions. For that purpose Montenegro had, first through the institutions of State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, and afterwards as an independent state, established an exceptional cooperation with major European and world banks, among the others with the European Investment Bank (EIB). The European Investment Bank is 14 Ivan Petrović the most significant financial institution in the EU, with the headquarters located in Luxemburg. The EIB role is to provide the funds for capital investments with the purpose of EU development and integrations. This bang grants the loans with minimal annual interest rates, primarily for development of insufficiently developed regions, modernization of traffic, communication and energy infrastructure, European industry competitiveness, development of small and medium-sized enterprises, environmental protection, and similar. Total value of loans granted by EIB amounts to approximately 20 billion EUR per year, having in mind that it does not participate in financing any particular project with more than 50%. EIB gathers its funds from the capital market, where its credit rating (AAA) provides it with the possibility to require more favorable loans, to be forwarded on. As the table shows, all credit arrangements were signed during the existence of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro. Termination of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro meant termination of the European Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 Considering the favorable credit conditions granted by the bank, Montenegro had in cooperation with EIB implemented numerous projects: No. Project name Date of signing Agreed amount in € 13.12.2001 16.000.000 2. Urgent repair of traffic in the Republic of Montenegro (Bar port - 6 mil. € and reconstruction of road infrastructure - 10 mil. €) Reconstruction of Montenegro railways 19.03.2002 15.000.000 3. Energy sector reconstruction 15.08.2002 11.000.000 4. 5. Modernization of airports of Montenegro European roads A – Sozina tunnel 27.02.2004 17.05.2004 12.000.000 24.000.000 6. Comprehensive reform of flight control infrastructure (Loan for RCG amounts 8% of 34 mil. €, assigned for SiCG) 10.06.2005 2.720.000 7. Repair of roads and bridges 12.12.2005 9.000.000 8. Water and sewage in Montenegro (municipality Nikšić- for Project of waste water filtration) 03.04.2006 5.000.000 1. Investment Bank mandate to act on the territory of Montenegro, which meant suspension of credit arrangements with funds dedicated to implementation of projects in Montenegro. In order to re-establish cooperation with EIB, the Framework agreement between Montenegro and European investment bank regulating the EIB activities in Montenegro was signed with Bank representatives on May 22, 2007. Signing the Framework agreement between Montenegro and European investment bank had terminated the Framework agreement between the Republic of Yugoslavia and European investment bank, regulating the activities of EIB in Yugoslavia (“Official Gazette SRJ – International agreements”, no. 02/02), which had been previously regulating the EIB activities on Montenegro territory. The mentioned agreement represents the framework conditions under which the EIB shall finance projects on the Montenegro territory, in line with its Statute and valid legislation of Montenegro. The Agreement regulates the issues regarding activities and taxation of the bank, currency convertibility, public bidding, status and treatment of the bank in Montenegro, privileges and immunities, resolving disputes regarding the bank’s activities and the agreements, subrogation, coming into force, agreement expiry date, data confidentiality. Having in mind that all listed credit arrangements were signed during the existence of State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, but the funds dedicated for some of the projects were not withdrawn in full. Therefore, for the Airport modernization project, rema- ining funds amount 1 million EUR, for the Energy sector reconstruction project 2,976,910 EUR, for Roads and bridges repair project 4 million EUR and for Waste water filtration project 5 million EUR. In order to withdraw the listed funds, with the total amount of 12.976.910 EUR, negotiations with the EIB representatives were closed during 2008, and it is expected that the agreements providing for funds withdrawing to be signed mid-July 2008. In line with the Framework agreement, the Government of Montenegro had allowed signing a new five-year credit arrangement, with the funds amounting 34,000,000 EUR to be used for rehabilitation of railway infrastructure in Montenegro. From that amount, it is planned for the agreement to be signed in 2008 for the amount of 7,000,000 EUR, which would represent a first batch of this arrangement. Signing this arrangement determines the total funds dedicated for establishing modern railway network amount approximately 70,000,000 EUR. Simultaneously, with the purpose of continuation and intensifying cooperation with the European investment bank, it is planned that the Memorandum of understanding shall be signed during the year 2008, defining which capital projects shall be financed by EIB funds in the following period. Those projects shall be carefully selected in line with Montenegro development goals, having in mind the state debt amount. Besides the before mentioned, cooperation with EIB has another significant component. Each of the projects implemented in Montenegro is subject to monitoring and supervision by the Bank experts. In such manner, project implementation units established within the domestic enterprises, have the possibility to acquire necessary knowledge and experience, of utmost importance for the efficient implementation of both current and future projects. Likewise, leading experts from different areas, hired by the Bank, are participating in production of Feasibility studies for those projects, which contributes to quality of solutions contained in the very projects. With the same objective, the European bank for renewal and development (EBRD) had in the Annual meeting in Kiev 18 – 19 May 2008 had accepted the resolution reserving 25,000,000 EUR in the form of technical aid for the Western Balkans states. At last, but not the least, the significant interest of great banking groups for investment and aid should be mentioned, not only for Montenegro, but also for other states in the region. In that context, it is important to note the possibility of joint acting of European investment bank and European bank for renewal and development in the Western Balkans states, which would by all means represent a strong impulse to continue the investment cycle in the region. Ivan Petrović Advisor 15 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 FROM WORK OF COMMISSIONS FOR RESTITUTION AND REMUNERATION After somewhat more than three years of practical application of the Law on restitution and remuneration, in the meeting of the Parliament of Montenegro, which took place on July 25, 2008, the Law on amendments and expansions to this Law was legislated which, among the other things, changes the system of governmental institutions authorized for decision making on requests submitted by the former owners. By these amendments and expansions, the legislator had, for the purpose of more efficient and swift resolving submitted requests, replaced the previous gigantic system of first degree instances consisting of 21 municipal commissions five members each with the appropriate professional offices within each municipality with three regional commissions located in Podgorica (for territories of municipalities: Podgorica, Danilovgrad, Nikšić, Šavnik, Plužine and Cetinje), Bar (for territories of municipalities: Bar, Budva, Herceg Novi, Kotor, Tivat, Kotor and Ulcinj) and in Bijelo Polje (for territories of municipalities: Bijelo Polje, Berane, Kolašin, Andrijevica, Plav, Rožaje, Mojkovac, Pljevlja and Žabljak. Establishing of these commissions by the Ministry of Finance, which also provides all necessary conditions for their work, had primarily enabled that all conditions under which those commissions work are uniformed, i.e. that all commissions work under the same conditions. After establishing these commissions in October 2007 and providing appropriate spatial conditions for their work, communication with applicants and handling the administrative procedure, the commissions had taken over the documentation from previous municipal commissions and successfully completed vast workload on its arranging, signing and registering. At the beginning of this year, the commissions had proceeded with the cases processing – requests filed by the previous owners. A vast number of cases is under procedure in different, practically all phases of the procedure, from opening to closing, so it is realistic 16 Zoran Radulović to expect each month an increase in the number of processed – finished cases and produced decisions. The commission for equalizing the procedure is also a novelty introduced by the Law on amendments and expansions to the Law on restitution and remuneration. It has the obvious task to monitor, equalize, direct the work of the first degree regional commissions and to give its consent on their decisions which may be delivered to the parties in procedure only if this commission gives the consent on proposed decision. So far, this commission had received 184 decisions from regional commissions for alignment. As envisioned by the legislator and realistically expected, this commission should contribute to equalization and higher quality of work by the first degree commissions, as well as faster handling and closing of administrative procedure by decreasing the number of justifiable complaints by eliminating the reasons for canceling the first degree decisions in the complaint procedure. Considering that the first degree procedure is now under jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance, the provisions of the Law establish the second degree instance – Commission for com- plaints on restitution and remuneration with three members, appointed by the Government of Montenegro. This commission had, after establishing, received by this moment a total of 540 cases, of which 330 cases were left unfinished in the procedure with the previous second degree instance due to the change of jurisdiction and additional 210 cases arrived meanwhile. Due to the organizational changes occurred by legislating Law on amendments and expansions to the Law on restitution and remuneration and new solutions given by that law, both first degree commissions and this commission had assumed solving complaints stated against the first degree decisions and in very short period had resolved 249 cases, which is almost one half of seized cases. Having in mind the expected influx of new complaints and the cases left unsolved, it is realistic to expect that this commission shall, by the end of the current year become up-to-date, which will also contribute to shortening the administrative procedure and enable the previous owners to obtain the regular and legal decision on their requests within the law-prescribed deadline. Finally, it is necessary to state that the Government of Montenegro had, according to the authorities given by the Law on restitution and remuneration, in the meeting held on June 19, 2008, legislated a Decree on establishing of annual payment for remuneration of former owners in monetary funds for the year 2008. According to this Decree, as the result of previous work of commissions, on July 15, 2008, the amount of remuneration for the year 2008 shall be paid in favor of 4,115 accounts of former owners from 878 final decisions by the commissions for restitution and remuneration, delivered to the Remuneration fund by December 31, 2007. Zoran Radulović Independent Advisor I Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 PROPOSAL OF BUDGET FINAL ACCOUNT OF MONTENEGRO FOR THE YEAR 2007 Budget consumption policy was crafted in 2007 with the objective to increase source revenues and rationalize consumption, increase the capital disbursements for financing infrastructure and equipment procurement, decrease of share of disbursements for gross salaries and other personal revenues through employment scope rationalization, stable functioning of budget users, decrease of state debt through premature payment of credit obligations to the international financial institutions. The Ministry of Finance – State Treasury has, in line with the provisions of articles 49 and 54 of the Law on Budget (“Official Gazette RCG”, no. 40/01 … 71/05 and “Official Gazette CG”, no. 12/07), the obligation to by 1 June prepare and deliver to the Government the draft of State budget final account. In line with stated Law provisions, the Ministry of Finance – State Treasury had on 30 May 2008 submitted to the Government the Draft Law on Budget final account of Montenegro for the year 2007. The Government had, in the meeting held on 5 June 2008, established the Draft Law on Budget final account of Montenegro for the year 2007, which should by 1 July 2008 be delivered to the Parliament of Montenegro (Article 50 of the Law). Proposal of Budget final account of Montenegro for the year 2007 is published on the Ministry of finance website: www.ministarstvo-finansija. vlada.cg.yu, and the following text presents the basic contents of this act: Objectives of public consumption in 2007 are the continuation Dušan Perović Stanimirka Mijović of reforms implementation, in line with the requirements from process of EU integration, are protection of competition and upgrading competitiveness, increase of standard and citizens’ life quality, maintaining macroeconomic stability with decrease of public consumption share in GDP and development of open market economy, favorable for business In year 2007, positive macroeconomic trends were achieved. According to latest data by Monsat, nominal GDP for year 2007 amounts 2,540 million EUR. Real GDP is achieved with the rate of 10.3%, inflation rate is greater than designed, amounting 7.7%, total public debt constitutes only 29.0% of gross domestic product. Low unemployment rate of 11.8% was also achieved. Total consolidated public consumption in 2007 amounts 1,161.77 million EUR, which represents 45.74% of GDP. After consolidation of fees paid by the employer, public consumption (second level consolidation) amounts 1,119.98 million EUR, which represents 44.09% of GDP. Current public consumption (consolidated public consumption minus total capital disbursement) amounts 974.51 million EUR, which is 38.37% of GDP. In 2007, the capital budget was implemented for the first time, with the objective to clearly define the Government activities in the area of strategic projects implementation, which would be stated through capital budget ad project financing sources, more efficient control of project implementation and activities, as well as the continuity of information per implementation phases and years. The capital budget is implemented through the centralized system, which includes preparation and implementation of capital pro- 17 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 jects via two institutions, namely: Public works directorate and Traffic directorate. In 2007, budget revenues had been collected in the amount of 809.04 million EUR, which is 8% more against the plan and 37.74% more than previous year. Current revenues with incomes from granted credit payment in 2007 amount 796.14 million EUR, which is 39.18% more than in 2006 and 8.82% more than planned. Current revenue structure is as follows: • Tax revenues amounting 708.02 million EUR, comprising 88.93% of current revenues are 8.32% greater than planned and 41.78% greater than the previous year. Greater achievement against planned had been recorded for all types of tax except for the profit tax, where the achievement was 96.98%. • Tax-levies revenues of 18.38 mil. EUR represent 4.94% increase against the planned and 32.3% against 2006. • Fees revenues of 22.90 mil. EUR represent 5.58% increase against the planned and 28.13% against 2006. • Other revenues of 40.63 mil. EUR represent 20.26% increase against the planned and 29.83% against previous year. • Income from payment of granted loans of 5.88 mil. EUR, consisting of payments of credits granted from the State Budget as a financial support for companies from previous period and charging of taken-over claims in the privatization procedure of Montenegrobanka. Total disbursements from the Montenegro budget in 2007 are in the amount of 776.25 mil. EUR, or 3.63% higher than planned, as a result of premature payment of debt. Premature payment of obligations according to the consolidated loan from IBRD had contributed to significant budget savings (total savings amount approximately 35.00 mil. EUR by the end of amortization period in 2031), because those are the loans with highest interest rates and servicing costs. Consolidated budget expenditures for 2007 amount 623.20 mil. EUR, which is 97.13% of planned amount, with greatest savings in gross salaries and work taxes paid by the employer 18 30.96% or 192.95 mil. EUR; transfers to institutions, individuals, non-governmental and public sector 30.64% or 128.62 mil. EUR, transfer for social security 7.18% or 44.75 mil. EUR, capital expenditures 12.45% or 77.57 mil. EUR, expenditures for service material 12.14% or 75.67 mil. EUR, current maintenance 3.31% or 20.64 mil. EUR, interests 4.10% or 25.54 mil. EUR, other personal revenues 2.77% or 17.24 mil. EUR and expenditures for reserves 1.77% or 10.84 mil. EUR. Consolidated budget consumption makes up to 24.53% of GDP. It is of utmost importance to note that the capital expenditure level is in absolute amount 2.45 times bigger and their participation in consolidated expenditures almost twice as big against the previous year, which indicates that the budget consumption structure goes towards capital budget. Execution of the Montenegro budget for 2007 had been implemented in conditions of good liquidity; therefore all obligations of budget users, by the level of consumption planned by the Budget for year 2007, were settled within deadlines. Montenegro budget for year 2007 surplus amounts 172.94 mil. EUR, which is 6.81% of GDP, and comparing with surplus achieved in 2006 (85.08 mil. EUR) it is doubled. Surplus finances payment of debts on loans and credits amount 15.33 mil. EUR, old foreign currency savings 9.46 mil. EUR, obligations from previous years 44.10 mil. EUR and net debt payment for foreign loans amount 82.15 mil. EUR. Remaining funds with privatization revenues of 10.82 mil. EUR and donations of 0.08 mil. EUR constitute increase of state budget deposit of 32.79 mil. EUR. That shows that part of privatization revenues (21.90 mil. EUR) which was in 2006 used for financing budget expenditures covered in 2007 from current revenues and constitute one part of deposit at the end of year. One should also note that the tendency of state revenue growth exists and that on 31. December 2007 these amounted 161.53 mil. EUR, which is 34.90% more than the same period previous year. Unsettled obligations of the Montenegro budgets on 31 December 2007 amount 4.14 mil. EUR, which is 10.59 mil. EUR less than the starting situation (01.01.2007). State debt at the end of 2007 amounts 737.2 mil. EUR or 29.0% of gross domestic product (GDP). Internal debt amounts 275.1 mil. EUR or 10.8% GDP, while the external debt amounts 462.1 mil. EUR or 18.2% GDP. External state debt is decreased during 2007 both in nominal and percentage amount of BDP for 41.9 mil. EUR or for 4.6% GGDP. Decrease had occurred due to premature payment of three batches of consolidated loan of the International bank for renewal and development (IBRD) with total amount of 59 mil. EUR, as well as regular payments of capital amounting 12 mil. EUR. Funds used from the existing loans had increased debt for 27.6 mil. EUR namely with the International development agency (IDA), Credit bank for development (KfW), Hungarian and Polish goods loan, as well as the first withdrawal of funds from Societe Generale bank loan for IT equipment procurement for schools. Unlike the external debt, internal debt had increased in 2007 for 78.00 mil. EUR, primarily for increase of restitution obligation. Participation of internal debt in total debt had increased from 28.1% in previous year to 37.3% during 2007. Remaining budget obligations were fully paid, while the state bonds were bought-off. For old foreign currency savings, payment of fourth batch was made and debt is decreased by 8.70 mil. EUR, and payment of foreign currency savings deposited with authorized banks with headquarters outside Montenegro had started and so far 1.40 mil. EUR was paid. DuŠan Perović Assistant to the minister Stanimirka Mijović Independent Advisor I Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 Strategy and Action Plan for Financial Reporting Improvement in Montenegro Introduction What exactly does production of this type of documents include and what are the reasons for a country to embark in their production? What are the obligations and which is the role of the Ministry of Finance? Production of this document is a step forward, with the objective to create a better legislative and institutional framework for financial reporting, i.e. achieving the objective – correct framework for financial reporting, in line with the needs of economy; in line wit the acquis communautaire of the European Union, international standards and international best practice. Bases for work on Strategy and Action plan for Financial Reporting Improvement in Montenegro During the year 2006, the World Bank team had visited Montenegro, followed by preparation of the Report on Standards and Regulations Compliance (ROSC), regarding the accounting and auditing (A&A) in Montenegro. Recommendations Aleksandra Popović of ROSC policy are internationally correlated and inter-supported; produced with the objective to synergetic improve the financial reporting framework in Montenegro. Recommendations, holding the lead role in establishing of complete accounting and auditing culture and environment, had been agreed by the World Bank, Ministry of Finance and stakeholders in the state. Likewise, it was agreed for the detailed Strategy and Action Plan for the state to be developed by the stakeholders in the state and implemented under coordination of the Ministry of Finance, with the assistance of the development partners, according to these policy recommendations. Following the A&A ROSC report, the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro had established the National Council for accounting and auditing (NSC) for the purpo- 19 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 se of development of Strategy and Action Plan, to work with the policy recommendations stipulated in A&A ROSC report, with the objective to improve financial reporting quality. The National Council for Accounting and Auditing consists of the multi-disciplinary group of public sector, hosting representatives of the Ministry of Finance, Market Court, National Bank of Montenegro, Stocks and Bonds Committee and Agency for Insurance Supervision. The NSC role is to support preparation of Strategy and Action Plan, in order to harmonize requests of acquis communautaire regarding the accounting and auditing, as well as to provide advice for people creating policy, regulators and other stakeholders; creating the landscape for upgrading accounting and auditing legislation and practice in Montenegro, with the final objective of upgrading financial reporting quality. The following institutions are participating in production of Strategy and Action Plan for Upgrading Financial Reporting Quality: Ministry of Finance, National Bank of Montenegro, Stocks and Bonds Committee, Agency for Insurance Supervision, Market Court, Faculty of Economy and Institute of certified accountants of Montenegro. Strategy and Action Plan for Upgrading of Financial Reporting Quality Strategy and Action Plan for Upgrading of Financial Reporting Quality is a clear reform program for improvement of legislation, institutions and accounting profession, especially in the segment regarding the accounting, auditing and business culture, with the objective to achieve high-quality financial reporting. The basic sense of financial re- 20 porting is for the reports to present an economic essence of transactions and events in the manner as those had actually occurred, but also to show consequences of such events which are in accounting sense encompassed. For those reasons, situations reflected from achieved transactions and other events are consequently, by application of standards, expressing the interest for the issues presented in financial reports to truly and objectively depict in which manner the transactions and events influence the entire operation of the subject. This manner of presenting the situation, measuring the value of an entire market system is of utmost importance and interest for all entities depending on achieved economic results of the company subject to reporting. Strategy and Action Plan development objective The Strategy and Action plan for Upgrading of Financial Reporting Quality objective is to enhance and harmonize financial reporting quality, as well as to increase public confidence in financial reports. Likewise, the Strategy has the objective to align the financial reporting framework with the acquis, including preparation of consolidated financial statements, list of auditing companies and electronic publishing of financial statements, as well as to define proportional requirements for financial reporting of small and medium-sized enterprises and to enhance financial statements’ publishing. companies to better evaluate company perspectives and to make investment decisions and vote being well informed; • development of private and financial sector; • upgrade of political unifying and economic integrations of Montenegro in EU. Likewise, a correct financial reporting would: • increase confidence in financial markets’ operation; • strengthen corporative management, by enabling shareholders and public the supervision over management’s work; • help transparent and correct privatization process of state owned companies. Conclusion Production of this document represents a specific challenge for our economy, especially having in mind the fact that the International standards for financial reporting (MSFI) represent the most prestigious and the most respectable system of reporting, which is adopted and implemented by global companies. By its conception, MSFI is primarily focused to show the public its framework for producing and presentation of the financial reports. As such, it is meant to serve the entire public, which is interested in reliable market information, and it should provide the balance between two fundamental categories constituting the reporting foundation, namely its users on one hand and the contents of information subject to presentation on the other. Financial reporting enhancement would be of assistance in: • activation of domestic savings and attracting more foreign direct and portfolio investments; • facilitating availability of loans for smaller enterprises; • enabling investors in larger Aleksandra Popović Higher Advisor III Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 Activities of Directorate of Customs during the main tourism season As each year, the Directorate of Customs takes all necessary measures during the main tourism season in the sense of the best possible organization on border crossings and customs terminals. Having in mind that the main tasks of the Directorate of Customs are collecting revenues, protection of the customs area of Montenegro, repressing smuggling and corruption, customs officers are paying significant efforts to reach listed goals. Besides the fact that the customs participate in the work on the international meetings and teams within the Government regarding the main tourism season, and according to these agreements, together with the directions of Government, performs the activities from its jurisdiction, at the same time intensively enforcing all measures for assurance of stable operation of customs information system. In connection to that, officers with the Customs security sector, Internal control, auditing and external auditing department, as well as the control teams on the Directorate level perform intensified controls for the purpose of customs area protection. Regarding the main tourism season, Director, Mr Miodrag Radusinović had, with the associates in local offices held the objective-oriented meetings. On that occasion, representatives of Directorate of Customs of Montenegro and Directorate of Customs of Serbia had held meetings on local level and Directorate level, where it was established that during the main tourism season, all necessary measures should be taken for the customs procedures to flow more efficient and therefore Directorate of Customs contribute to facilitating easier trade and speed-up passenger’s and goods’ transition over the border crossings. It was noted that the border crossing Dobrakovo, being the most frequently used crossing towards Serbia, is being established as the Government of Montenegro priority for reconstruction. Reconstruction is planned for the next year. Directorate of customs gives its best for passengers, goods and vehicles transit to be performed with minimal delays. At this moment, transition is being permitted slower, due to the bad infrastructure, causing certain delays. Towards the main tourism season, the increased workload is expected. Having in mind that the Rulebook on limited food carrying and the Decree on environmental fee charging are being implemented, significantly influencing the passenger’s transition, during June, i.e. at the beginning of their application, certain difficulties had occurred. However, the border crossings did not witness significant delays. Border crossings are equipped with boards with information on types and quantity of food products to be used during traveling, which may be carried in the territory of Montenegro. It is expected that the authorized Ministry of the Internal Affairs shall soon provide for border crossings special containers for disposing the food which does not fulfill the conditions. Information resources – electronic and printed media had done a lot in that regard, by informing citizens. Directorate of Customs had also produced and published on its website in electronic form and on information board of CIS the following brochures: “Rules on origin of goods and preferential”, “Customs tariff applica- 21 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 Border crossing “Debeli brijeg” tion”, “Establishing goods’ customs value”, “Simplified procedures”. The brochures “How to import and export goods”, “How to complain to the customs” and “Citizens’ guide” were also produced and made available for passengers and businessmen on the border crossings. After overview of situation on border crossings, Heads of four Regional units – Customs Podgorica, Bar, Kotor and Bijelo Polje, from their field of work, take organizational and other measures with the objective to protect customs area, achieve the planned revenue collection, timely finishing customs procedures, uninterrupted passenger and goods transit and other task during the tourism season. That primarily relates to intensified engagement of all officers, intensifying control function of the Heads of organizational units, redistribution of officers to organizational units with greater workload and others. Head of Customs Office Podgorica, Mr Radivoje Pejović, had stressed that the workload increases during the tourism season, mostly in segment of import of all sorts of goods and export of agricultural products. In that direction, the customs officers of that Customs Office pay their maximal efforts for the works from their domain to be performed in line with regulations, in a fast and efficient manner. Likewise, he had stated that reconstruction of Border crossing Bozaj is ongoing. Traffic over this crossing is difficult, so the additional effort is needed from the customs officers. Active role during the main tourism season belongs also to the Customs 22 Border crossing “Dobrakovo” Office Bar, headed by Mrs Nataša Zec. Head had stated that the Customs Office she is managing had taken all measures for the tourism season to finish successfully. She had noted that, according to the sail plan of line transporters “Barska plovidba” and “Azura line”, from the beginning of July, increased number of ferryboat departures and arrivals starts, therefore it is planned that at the season peak for lines Bar-Bari-Bar and Bar-Ancona-Bar ships sail 12 times a week, to return to three departures and arrivals for Bari in mid-September, which is usual for the rest of the year. Head also said that number of passengers and vehicles is slightly rising on border crossing Sukobin, while greater frequency is expected from mid-July until the end of August. Head of Customs Office Kotor, Mr Jovo Suđić, with his associates notes that traffic is flowing uninterrupted on border crossings covered by that Customs office; therefore all crossings are opened for the international tourist traffic, except for the Port in Bjela. He had noted that newly constructed part of road from Herceg Novi to border crossing Sitnica is being officially opened on July, 1st; therefore a significantly more frequent traffic is expected on this border crossing. Head of Customs Office Bijelo Polje, Mr Vesko Drobnjak, had stated that in that area, the heaviest traffic is on border crossing Dobrakovo. That is an I category crossing, for which certain standards were prescribed, both in exterior appearance and in the functioning method. He had confirmed that this crossing, due to the unfavorable geographic location and poor infrastructure, is established as the priority of the Government of Montenegro for reconstruction. He had stated that the problem of infrastructural deficiencies would be solved by construction of additional traffic lanes, therefore separating passenger from goods traffic. Heads had noted that frequency of passengers and vehicles had increased on all border crossings, and such trend is being expected to continue during July and August. Likewise, they had confirmed that the customs office is ready to successfully satisfy the entire workload announced by transport companies. During the next period, the Directorate of Customs and Customs offices shall have the significant tasks in revenues collection as well, since their significant increase was planned in comparison with previous months. Since achieving the planned collection is a permanent task, therefore some necessary measures are being taken on its completion. Everything stated brings up a conclusion that, during the main tourism season, the customs office is prepared to, in cooperation with other state institutions on the border, in spite of the increased workload, perform planned activities in quality manner, both in revenue collection and in protection of the customs area of Montenegro, with adhering to the regulations. Directorate of Customs Edina Osmanagić Independent Appointee II Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 ACTIVITIES OF THE MINISTER OF FINANCE FOR PERIOD APRIL – JUNE 2008 June 26, 2008 - Statement by the Minister of Finance, dr Igor Lukšić, on occasion of establishing Draft law on amendments and appendixes to the Law on Budget of Montenegro for year 2008 The Government had review, accepted and established Draft of amendments and appendixes to the Law on Budget and it shall be, after certain technical processing, forwarded to the Parliament, and the amendments are, predominantly, consequence of recently adopted Law on retired persons’ remuneration, which is a consequence or a result of the non-court settlement recently made. Amendments and appendixes to the Law on Budget include granting additional funds, regarding the current segment of Retirement fund, as well as positioning certain funds with the objective to increase the item for debt settling, since the bonds are due as soon as October 2008. and shall be appropriate to the dynamics in line with the adopted law. Likewise, the debt settling item should include additional disbursements; regarding servicing old foreign currency savings based on two laws legislated in previous and current year, and is related to expanding the group of old foreign currency investors included in our legislation. The second reasons for making certain amendments and appendixes to the law is certain increase in capital budget, both in section for individual projects needing to be finished faster and for alignment of the things that were included in bidding procedures and therefore providing for those projects to be finished by the end of this year. A logical reason for correction of the budget is also our decision to increase the rates for wages in courts, as well as the need to intensify the court institutions’ work – prosecution offices and any other institutions of utmost importance for eliminating some delays, so in this manner it is necessary to provide the additional funds for their work on Saturdays. The important item, which is also going to be included in the budget and implemented in following months, is a Memorandum of Understanding, which will be signed by the Government with the Association of Unions, therefore implementing the agreements on solving the issues of certain number of employees as a consequence of transitional process implementation. This is a measure of remedying economic and social consequence of a very difficult process of transition from centralized planning to market economy. It is evaluated that the revenues of budget and funds should at the end of the year amount 1 billion 260 million euro, and disbursements approximately 1 billion 230 million euro, which leaves surplus of approximately 0.8%, which shows that the budget is wellbalanced and that its further implementation shall contribute to decrease of debt. June 19, 2008 – Statement by the Minister of Finance, dr Igor Lukšić, on occasion of adopting the Information on planned activities for creating conditions for employment incentives in Montenegro, with special attention paid to the Northern region and underprivileged categories of citizens This is a topic which was also present in all activities of the Government in previous period, representing the view on the social dimension of the transition process, as well as creating stimulating framework for new employment, predominantly, for those people registered with the Employment Agency, reflecting the structural unemployment at this moment. We believe that we are already entering the stage when our economic reality is such that we can announce the end of transition process. Transition process is transfer from centralized planning to market economy, and in our circumstances with some 85% of privatized and restructured economy, which is in some degree even greater than in some Western-European countries. We must start facing the issues of post-transitional challenges, such as the reform of social security system, strengthening the institutional rule of law, and in this particular case, decrease of unemployment. This information is divided into two sections; the first one deals with the issue how to adequately solve the problem of transition consequences in enterprises which did not have a positive market fortune and manifestation. Such situation exists in a certain number of enterprises in Niksić municipality, while the second issue is related to the additional proactive measures for employment and creating conditions for employment. For the purpose of solving transition consequences and solving the social issues arising as consequence to transition, based on the fact that the union had multiple times advocated previously, in communication with the Association of unions the agreement will be promoted on the method for the Government to contribute certain funds in favor of the Union. This agreement should provide certain funds up until esta- 23 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 blishing the institutional response to these issues, which would be a Labor fund, to be established after adopting the Labor Law. This information shows that there is a room for a certain number of enterprises and a significant number of workers to make a decision of buy-off of security period with approximately 2 million 200 thousand euro, which is a continuation of the activities implemented in several municipalities few months ago. Likewise, we had defined a certain number of activities for which the project owners – Employment agency, Directorate for Development of Small and Medium sized companies, Development fund, and in the segment of special support for the agriculture, where the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Waters shall also take participation. During the following months, we shall start an intensive campaign, presentation of the stimulating framework of employment, which will be directed towards the least developed municipalities in the North of country and Cetinje. From July 1, the more active campaign and presence of the Government in these municipalities shall be started, in order to enable discussion on these topics. This is a whole set of measures to be applied, depending on the owner of mobile project, measurements taken by the Employment Agency shall be better defined or appended in the following period when employing trainees, intensifying public works projects, employment and a more stimulating framework for employing the persons registered in our agency, instead of nonresidents. The Directorate for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises shall intensify its projects regarding entrepreneurship, start-up projects with somewhat wider trajectory lines, more favorable funds than presently available, and we can also expect establishing a special credit warranty fund in the next year, in line with the new Law on Banks and the appropriate by-laws, to be adopted by the Central bank. June 19, 2008 - Signed Contract on purchase and investment in the military complex Center of military-medical institutions Meljine This is a significant investment project, where the partner is reputable con- 24 sortium, headed by the Atlas shares group, consisting of highly reputable investors from the United Arab Emirates. This is an investment of great importance for Montenegro because, besides the medical services, this project shall expand to tourism activities, which would position Montenegro as a prestigious destination for such business. Expected investment is approximately 120 million euro, while in the following 5 approximately 100 million regarding new medical contents in that area – exclusive hotel, tourism contents and other. Social component of this arrangement includes obligation of the investor to keep all employees for several years, as well as that their gross wage during that period shall not be lower than 860 euro. With the support of Herceg-Novi municipality, which had already started preparation of an appropriate planning documentation, a prestigious offer shall be obtained for that area. June 12, 2008 - Statement by the Minister of Finance, dr Igor Lukšić, on occasion of adopting the Draft Law on Property Rights Relations Draft Law on Property Rights Relation was established by the Government at the end of previous year, and the parliamentary procedure had determined that it is necessary to perform the additional public debate, which was done and the public debate had been finished end-April. According to the notes stated during the public debate, Draft law on Property Rights Relations was prepared, to once again enter the Parliament procedure. This law had offered the solutions to provide an additional impulse for the investments, as well as for Montenegro to be presented as a very attractive destination for continuation of investment in tourism, real estates and other, and on the other had to satisfy the primary interest of rational use of space, as a valuable resource. For that reason, the rights of foreign persons are under special attention and, after comprehensive consultations made, in that sense, the key shall be Article 415 of the law, which stipulates that private and juridical persons cannot hold ownership rights in following situations – on the natural wealth and goods for common use, agricultural land, forest, forest land, cultural monument of great and special importance, real estates located in the area which was, for the purpose of state protection and security, prescribed by the law as such that the foreign person cannot have property rights on it. In this manner, we shall keep a certain type of individual demand in certain areas, especially mountain – Zabljak, Kolasin, Plav etc. We had also proposed that the foreign person can acquire property rights on agricultural land, forests and forest land, providing that the area is not larger than 5 thousand m2, if the subject of contract on sale, purchase, gift, exchange and other is a dwelling located on such land. June 10, 2008 - Statement by the Minister of Finance, dr Igor Lukšić, for Radio Antena M: Personal opinion of an individual cannot have sway-over The Ministry of Finance had cancelled the decision by the Real Estate authority Local Office in Cetinje and returned the Mitropolija of Montenegro-seaside of the Serbian Orthodox Church status of holder for the church land and temples in that municipality. The Minister of Finance, dr Igor Lukšić, had, explaining for Antena M such decision, noted that the issue of ownership cannot be solved in administrative procedure; instead, it is to be solved in property procedure, in an authorized court. In the system of institutions building, personal opinion of an individual cannot have sway-over; therefore, in such system everyone does his job. The Ministry of Finance had reviewed a complaint by Serbian Orthodox Church and decided that it is not possible to correct errors in administrative procedure in such manner, ordering to repeat procedure. In our opinion, the only thing possible to do is to start an appropriate property dispute in an appropriate instance and therefore finally solve this problem, since it is not possible to mix two different procedures. The Minister of Finance had commented on claim of the Real Estate Authority director, Mr. Mićo Orlandić, that this instance had previously made a legal decision. “Opinion of the Real Estate Authority is an opinion of first degree instance, and opinion of the Ministry of Finance is an opinion of second degree instance; therefore if somebody believes that the Ministry of Finance did wrongly, the same procedure may be started with the Administrative Court. Since this is a property issue, it is not possible Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 to correct the error without consent of the other party, which is elementary, and therefore it was not possible to accept the explanation by the Real estate authority”. May 30, 2008 - Signing the Agreement between the Government of Montenegro and the Government of Switzerland within the Paris Club of Creditors Agreement between the Government of Montenegro and the Government of Swiss Confederation takes over the existing bilateral Agreement between Governments of Swiss Confederation and Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, signed on October 3, 2002, where the main provisions remain in force for Montenegro. The Agreement prescribes that debt of Montenegro to the Swiss Confederation consists of debt of former SFRJ to Switzerland, which was used or warranted by the users located on the territory of Montenegro. Total amount of Montenegro debt to Swiss Confederation is 2.4 million Swiss Franks (CHF). Of the total amount of debt, more than 98% was allocated and the users were companies from Montenegro (KAP, Radoje Dakić, Primorka – Bar, Vukman Krušćić – Mojkovac), and the non-allocated part of debt, after sign-off of 66%, had fallen onto Montenegro as a special type of non-allocated debt or exchange, according to the Law on appendixes to the Law on Credit Relations with foreign creditors of former SFRJ (Article 49c). The debt to Switzerland is to be paid until 2024, and the interest rate is six month CHF LIBOR increased for 0.5% fee. Agreement with Swiss Confederation is the fifth agreement signed within the Paris club of creditors since Montenegro acquired its independence. May 19, 2008 - Final statement by the Presiding to EBRD Board of Governors, Minister of Finance, dr Igor Lukšić Annual Meeting of the European Bank for Renewal and Development, covering participation of high representatives of governments, states, leading financial organizations, entrepreneurs for small, medium and large enterprises from the region, as well as the representatives of civil society, had been held in Kiev, on May 19, 2008. After presiding to the official opening ceremony, with speeches given by President of Ukraine, Mr. Viktor Jushchenko, Prime Minister, Mr. Julija Timoshenko and EBRD President, Mr. Jan Lemieur, dr Igor Lukšić, Minister of Finance, had had the final presentation, summing up the contents of adopted resolutions, among the others the Resolution on distribution of bank net profit achieved in previous years, of which 25 million euro is directed for technical assistance in Western Balkans. Minister Lukšić with his associates had bilateral meetings with management of European Council Development Bank, European Investment Bank and EBRD, where the agreed investment projects and current progress were discussed. It was jointly concluded that the major advancement in project implementation was achieved, and the progress was evaluated as very satisfactory. During the bilateral meetings held with the investors and financial institutions, potential investment opportunities in Montenegro were discussed. The Minister of Finance, dr Lukšić, during his stay in Kiev for the EBRS Meeting, also had a set of individual meetings with colleagues ministers of finance from other states and high representatives from region and beyond, for the purpose of exchange of opinions and experiences in the areas of common interest. May 16, 2008 - Signed Contract on warranty for the second payment for the Project “Regional water supply in Montenegro” Minister of Finance, dr Igor Lukšić, and Head of European bank for renewal and development (EBRD) office, Mr. Marek Lorinc, had signed the Contract of warranty for the second payment for the Project “Regional water supply in Montenegro” with the amount of 7 million euro, for construction of water supply system for municipalities Budva, Tivat, Kotor and Herceg Novi. Executive director of JP Regionalni vodovod (public enterprise Regional water supply), Mr. Zoran Bošnjak, had also signed the Contract on credit with Head of EBRD office, Mr. Lorinc. The European bank for renewal and development had granted Montenegrin enterprise for regional water supply 15 million euro loan (in 2007 – 8 million euro, effective in 2008; in 2007 – 7 million euro, effective in 2009), with the purpose to support rehabilitation and construction of regional water supply system, which would provide drinking water from Skadar lake for the municipalities on Montenegrin seaside. The European bank for renewal and development shall finance rehabilitation and construction of northern part of the system, which will provide water supply for Budva, Tivat, Kotor and Herceg Novi, while the World Bank shall finance extraction of water from Skadar lake, its processing and construction of main, continental and Southern part of the network, to provide water supply for Bar and Ulcinj. “Project “Regional water supply” is of multiple importances for Montenegro and a significant prerequisite for economic development, especially having in mind that the tourism is leading growth sector in our country. Providing the safe and uninterrupted water supply at the seaside is of strategic importance for the country, and the Government of Montenegro had given it the highest priority”, said the Minister of Finance, dr Igor Lukšić, when signing the contract on warranty. Mr. Marek Lorinc, Head of EBRD office in Podgorica said that the project shall help implementation of the main water supply system construction in Montenegro seaside implementation. “By this program, the Bank supports to the main infrastructural needs in the state, which provides good chances for continuous growth in the sector of tourism, providing therefore the high class tourism opportunity”, said Mr. Lorinc. April 24, 2008 - Minister of Finance, dr Igor Lukšić, met delegation of heads of Financial Intelligence Offices (FOS) The Minister of Finance met in Podgorica delegation of heads of financial intelligence offices (FOS) within the Second 25 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 regional conference, organized by the Authority for money laundering prevention of Montenegro. The minister had stated his satisfaction on signing joint Protocol on fighting money laundering and terrorism financing by the heads of Financial intelligence offices (FOS) of Montenegro, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and stressed that such regional cooperation is a positive example for all institutions and offices, especially in the sense of progress achieved in aligning national legislation frameworks. Heads of financial intelligence offices had agreed in their evaluation of a very firm cooperation and further intensified development of an efficient data and information exchange. They had noted that the archive of exchanged data and actual procedure speak the best on the exceptional cooperation and shown their belief that all conclusions from the Second conference shall be implemented in upcoming period, regarding exchange of staff and communication channels efficiency. It was mutually stated that a significant step forward was made, especially in completing the legislation and evaluated that the future cooperation of regional offices shall certainly aid the joint fighting against the organized crime. April 18, 2008 - Statement by the Minister of Finance, dr Igor Lukšić, on the occasion of establishing Draft Law on Management of Temporary and Permanently Confiscated Assets Draft Law on Management on Temporary and Permanently Confiscated Assets was adopted by the Government today; the law which follows up the obligations from the Action plan for enforcing fight against the corruption and organized crime. In this area, the EU experiences were applied. The assets, in this segment, are money, movable items, real estates, valuables, valuable items and other real rights… Management of these assets includes their evaluation, storage, safekeeping, return, sale, investing the funds acquired by its sales. The funds acquired by selling permanently confiscated assets shall be, after covering expenses, be paid to the budget 26 and used for capacity strengthening of court and prosecution organs and internal affairs forces. April 14, 2008 - Meeting Lukšić – Mayer Minister of Finance, dr Igor Lukšić, had received the visit from the Ambassador of Switzerland, Mr. Wilhelm Mayer. In the meeting, they had exchanged opinions on general political and economic situation in the state, regional relations and functioning of trade links, as well as global trends of inflation in past period. Ambassador Mayer had noted his interest in main trends in economy during the first quarter and foreign investment in different areas. Minister Lukšić had noted that the economy of Montenegro is stable and that almost all segments show positive effects, as well as that fulfilling of obligations from the Agreement on Association and Accession goes according to the plan and that Montenegro, due to the numerous public and private investments in first quarter 2008 expects even more stable opportunities and stronger economic growth. Minister Lukšić and Ambassador Mayer had noted their satisfaction regarding finalization of preparations for upcoming signing of the Agreement on settling the debt between Montenegro and Switzerland within the Paris club of creditors. April 3, 2008 – Minister of Finance of Montenegro, dr Igor Lukšić, had received the delegation from the European Council Development Bank Minister of Finance, dr Igor Lukšić with his associates, had received the delegation from the European Council Development Bank – Project Division Director, Mr. Theodor Ivanov and Regional Manager, Mr. Vitomir Miles Raguz. It was the first official meeting with the World Bank representatives after accepting the Montenegro membership on November 19, 2007. Minister Lukšić had noted his pleasure for the first formal meeting and noted readiness of the Government of Montenegro for an intensive cooperation, with the objective of implementation of Project for financing and construction of solidarity apartments, including the activities of the Ministry of Finance, Ministry for the Economic Development and Directorate for Public Works. He had informed the participants on the position of the Ministry of Finance and noted that the debt limit for this Project was already reserved in the Budget for year 2008, therefore there are no obstacles to define further elements, up to final signing which should realistically be expected by the end of current year. Director of the project division of the World Bank, Mr. Ivanov, had noted the multiple significance of acceptance of Montenegro in the World Bank membership, stating that the main objective of the visit is to introduce the partner with plan of further activities and procedures that should contribute an efficient coordination ad successful implementation of the Project. He had noted his belief that in the upcoming period, besides financing and construction of the solidarity apartments, other numerous projects in other areas shall also be defined. PR OFFICE Ivona Mihajlović assistant spokesperson Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 INFO/OVERVIEW OTHER LATEST NEWS FROM THE MINISTRY OF FINANCE FOR THE PERIOD 1 April – 31 June 2008 Ministry of Finance 07 April 2008 Published Analysis on taxation policy implementation for year 2007 Taxation system and taxation policy are one of the significant leverages for establishing market economy system in any country. With that purpose, within total reform processes being implemented in Montenegro, great attention was paid to the activities regarding the taxation system and taxation policy reform. Comprehensive taxation reform was initiated mid-2001, and the most significant results of current reform processes are following: introduction of value added tax in our taxation system (instead of previous retail tax in retail business); introduction of synthetic taxation of private persons’ income (taxation of revenues from all sources instead of previous cedular approach); significant decrease of taxation rates with expansion of taxable base; equalization of taxation status of domestic and foreign juridical persons, equalization of taxation status of imported and domestic special taxation products; introduction of mechanism for remedying double taxation of revenue and dividend; introduction of self-taxation principle for calculation and payment of taxation obligation (almost all taxation obligations in regular procedure are being calculated by tax payer and pays them in law-prescribed deadline); introduction of taxation identification number (PIB) for all juridical and private persons – tax payers and legislation of modern Law on taxation administration, clearly defining the rights and obligations of tax payers and taxation authority. Taxation legislation in Montenegro, especially regarding the indirect taxes, is mostly in line with the European Union legislation. Ministry of Finance 07 April 2008 According to the Decision on conditions and procedure of claims buy-off using the citizens’ foreign currency savings bonds and former owners bonds for remuneration on confiscated property rights, on 20 March 2008, the public call was advertised to buy-off claims of Montenegro registered with the Ministry of Finance, therefore enabling all juridical and private persons to buy-off their debt under favorable conditions According to the CDA’s data, by 4 Appril 2008, the juridical persons had bought of total of 2,951,846 EUR: HTP “Korali”AD – Bar had fully bought-off its debt of 235,481 EUR, regarding the obligations towards the London club of creditors and the International financing corporation, as well as HTP “Budvanska rivijera” which had bought-off debt of 1,946,365 EUR with the same foreign creditors. HTP “Onogošt” AD-Nikšić had, of total debt amounting 831,391 EUR, bought-off770.000 EUR or 92.6%, and considering that the public call is opened until 20 June 2008, it is expected that some other debtors will apply with a significant amount of debt. Amongst the private persons, whose debt is predominantly based on credits used for self-employment via Montenegrobanka and Employment Service, taken over by the Government on 24 December 2003, two debtors had bought-off their debts with the total amount of 45,017 EUR, and the procedure of court disputes’ and encumbrances against their property canceling is underway. The stated facts indicate that the financial effects for the Government are significant, since the amount of sold bonds shall decrease budget obligations to reserve the funds for taken legal obligations based on citizens’ foreign currency savings and restitution. Example would be that the budget for year 2008 had reserved 10 million for restitution obligations, and just in ten days the Government claims sold had the amount of almost 3 million EUR. Positive effects for debtors are also multiply significant, since the juridical persons release their balance sheets from old debts, which is of utmost importance for liquidity of these enterprises and more successful business activities with the possibility of new credit arrangements. For private persons, this activity has a special significance, since these debts are under executive court procedures and verdicts for selling collateral property. For this category of debtors, a significant interest is noted and we can expect major effects. Ministry of Finance 07 April 2008 Round table held on the subject “Draft law on property rights relations and Draft law on state property” on Friday, 11 April 2008, from 10:00 to 14:00 in Hotel “Crna Gora” (Green Room), organized by the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro. 27 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 Ministry of Finance 10 April 2008 Spring meeting of IMF and World Bank On the occasion of spring meeting of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, Assistant Minister of Finance for budget sector, MSc Nikola Vukićević had stayed in Washington from 11 to 14 April 2008. On that occasion, besides the Constituence meeting, Mr. Vukićević had had the meetings with the Chief Executive Officer of Netherlands Constituence in the World Bank Mr. Herman Wijffels, director of IFC for Europe and Central Asia Region Mr. Shahbaz Movaddat and Unit Director for South-Eastern Europe Jane Armitrage. He also met with Head of IMF mission in Montenegro Robert Hagemann, as well as with the Chief Executive Officer of Netherlands Constituence in the International Monetary Fund Age Bakker. Ministry of Finance 11 April 2008 Presentation by Assistant Minister of Finance Mr. Krsto Racković at round table “Draft law on property rights relations and Draft law on state property” I believe that, as interested parties, you had the opportunity to acquaint yourself with contents of two laws discussed here via the Ministry of Finance website. Due to that fact, and especially their volume and lack of time to interpret individual norms, I shall note some of the aspects and parts of the Laws which I believe are of special importance. The Ministry of Finance had, via an appropriate Workgroup consisting of representatives of Law school, Ministry of Finance, and Ministry of Justice, headed by Prof. Zoran Rašović PhD, prepared the Draft law on property rights relations. The Government of Montenegro had, in the meeting held on 27 December 2007, established this Draft law and forwarded it to the Parliament to adopt. The text of this Law was discussed in the Parliament board and accepted. The boards had also accepted several amendments, which were integrated in the Law, afterwards opening the public debate lasting for one month. Property rights relations in Montenegro are still not fully regulated by the law. Property, as a totality of economic relations in the society and a social con- 28 dition for the existence, is the foundation for the total reform of society. Complete and detailed normative regulation of property rights relations is necessary for implementation of changes started in economic and legal system of the Republic and necessary preconditions for faster establishing of constitutional conception of private property and liberty of entrepreneurship. Ministry of Finance 20 April 2008 Nikola Vukićević had presented actual results in the area of economic and fiscal policy, together with the mid-term plans. The meeting was also an opportunity to exchange experiences with other states, both regarding the problems they had faced during the EFP production and in the area of economic and fiscal policies creation. After this meeting, the representatives of Directorate General for economic and financial issues of the European Commission shall produce the final evaluation of EFP 2007, which would be forwarded to governments of states participating in its production. The Ministry of Finance shall, with other institutions relevant to this area, starting from June 2008, begin the activities on production of Economic and fiscal program for year 2008. Ministry of Finance 20 April 2008 Assistant Minister of Finance, Nikola Vukićević with his associates, in Brussels on Monday, 21 April 2008, participated in the experts meeting dedicated to discussion and preliminary evaluation of Economic and fiscal program for 2007 Assistant Minister of Finance, Nikola Vukićević with his associates had participated today in experts meeting dedicated to discussion and preliminary evaluation of Economic and fiscal program forwarded by Montenegro to the European Commission in November 2007. Besides Montenegro, representatives of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia had also attended the meeting. Economic and fiscal program 2007 – 2010 is a document produced by Montenegro for the second time, since after 2006, the EFP had been established as a new “instrument” with the purpose of upgrading negotiations between the European Commission and potential member states. In today’s meeting, the representatives of the European Commission had noted preliminary evaluation of delivered Economic and fiscal programs, after which the representatives of states had commented on stated evaluation. Significant progress was noted for Montenegro EFP in comparison with the previous year, regarding the form and contents, in the sense of given projections and provided alternative scenarios. Assistant Minister of Finance Published Volume 11 of the Bulletin covering key indicators of public finances and general trends for the period 1 January – 31 March 2008, together with numerous latest topics characterizing first quarter 2008 Ministry of Finance 7 May 2008 Premature buy-off of the foreign currency savings bonds OB16 and OB17 According to provisions of the Law on settling obligations and claims based on foreign debt and citizens’ foreign currency savings (“Official Gazette RCG”, no. 55/03 and 11/04), the Government of Montenegro had in 2004 issued bonds with total amount of 137,237,341.04 EUR, with due date from 2004 to 2017, out of which, according to law solution, 40,735,016.67 EUR was settled. According to the amortization plan, the bonds due in 2016 (OB16) amount Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 10,223,735.00 EUR, and in 2017 (OB17) amount 11,543,193.00 EUR. According to the Law on payment of citizens’ foreign currency savings invested with the authorized bank with headquarters outside Republic of Montenegro (“Official Gazette RCG”, no. 81/06), and in line with the valid documentation, a total obligation for reimbursement of foreign currency savings invested with authorized banks with headquarters outside Montenegro was established in the amount of 28,075,127.70 EUR. By this moment, the total amount of 1,420,388.01 EUR was paid (first payment of 380 EUR per investor), therefore from the remaining amount of 26,654,739.69 EUR the bonds shall be issued by the 1 July 2008, when the second payment of 530.00 EUR per account shall start. The Government of Montenegro had, under conditions of Budget high liquidity, and for the purpose of protection of interest of owners of the citizens’ foreign currency savings bonds in line with mentioned laws, as suggested by the Ministry of Finance, legislated the Decision of buyoff of citizens’ foreign currency savings bonds due in 2016 and 2017 (“Official Gazette CG”, no. 22/08). Implementation of this decision shall influence decrease of domestic debt, which had, on 31 December 2007, amounted 275.10 million EUR. In line with the Article 3 of the Decision of buy-off of citizens’ foreign currency savings bonds due in 2016 and 2017, the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro had, on 22 April 2008, selected the authorized participant in the stocks and bonds market by direct collection of bids (shopping method). According to the Journal number 061049 dated 24 April 2008, from the public opening of closed bids on costs of implementation of premature buy-off of bonds OB16 and OB17, the Ministry of Finance had, from the pool of fifteen bids delivered by stock brokers, selected the broker company Basileus broker a.d. Podgorica, offering the most favorable conditions for buy-off of the citizens’ foreign currency savings bonds in the name and in favor of the Government of Montenegro. Ministry of Finance 9 May 2008 On occasion of the Draft law on amendments and appendixes to the Law on juridical persons’ profit tax, published on the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro website (www.ministarstvo-finansija.vla- da.cg.yu), the public debate shall last until 16 May 2008. Ministry of Finance 27 May 2008 Public announcement by the Assistant Minister of Finance for treasury sector Dušan Perović on occasion of premature payment of foreign currency savings bonds After evaluating the interests of foreign currency savings bonds’ owners, interested in collecting their bonds before deadline, the Government of Montenegro had, as proposed by the Ministry of Finance, legislated the Decision of buy-off of citizens’ foreign currency savings bonds due in 2016 and 2017, for the maximal price of 0.50 EUR per bond with nominal value of 1.00 EUR. This decision had enabled the interested owners of bonds to, under the most favorable conditions, sell their bonds before due date, which cannot be cashed in the stocks and bonds market due to the lack of demand and low prices of bonds. This decision, on one hand, provides the owners of bonds for the foreign currency savings invested with the authorized banks on the territory of Montenegro, as well as with the authorized banks with headquarters outside Montenegro the shorter deadline of bonds due for two years, and on the other hand its implementation influences decrease of domestic debt. According to the provisions of the Law on settling obligations and claims regarding foreign debt and citizens’ foreign currency savings (“Official Gazette RCG”, no. 55/04 and 11/04), the Government of Montenegro had, in 2004, issued the bonds with total amount of 137,237,341.04 EUR with due date from 2004 to 2017, out of which 40,735,016.67 EUR was paid according to the lawprescribed solutions. According to the amortization plan, bonds due in 2016 (OB16) amount 10,223,735.00 EUR and in 2017 (OB17) 11,534,193.00 EUR. Likewise, according to the Law on payment of citizens’ foreign currency savings invested with the authorized banks with headquarters outside the Republic of Montenegro (“Official Ga- zette RCG”, no. 81/06), in line with the valid documentation, a total amount of invested foreign currency savings was established, invested by the authorized banks with headquarters outside Montenegro with former National bank of Yugoslavia, 28,173,950.00 EUR. By this time, total paid amount is 1,435,500.00 EUR (first payment of 380.00 EUR per individual account), so for the remaining amount of 26,738,450.00 EUR the bonds shall be issued from 1 July 2008, when the second payment of 530.00 EUR per savings account starts. The Ministry of Finance had, for the purpose of selection of participants in stocks and bonds market – brokers, by direct gathering of bids (shopping method) had invited all participants in stocks and bonds market to deliver their bids on costs of implementation of premature buy-off of bonds OB16 and OB17. Fifteen broker companies had delivered their bids, and three of those were present on opening of sealed bids. The most favorable conditions for bonds buy-off was delivered by Basileus broker a.d. Podgorica, which was granted a contract on citizens’ foreign currency savings bonds buy-off by the Ministry of Finance. It is necessary for the foreign currency savings bonds owners, interested in selling their bonds for years 2016 and 2017 before due date for the price of 0.50 EUR per bond, go with the proof of ownership over bonds (extract from Central depository agency) to broker and sign a sales contract, who will then offer them in the stocks and bonds market. Premature buy-off of the citizens’ foreign currency savings bonds was started mid-May, and so far 77,980 bonds with nominal value of 1.00 EUR was bought, i.e. the amount of 77,980.00 EUR, where 37,820 bonds due in 2016 with nominal amount 1.00 EUR or total amount 37,820.00 EUR and 40,160 bonds due in 2017 with nominal amount 1 EUR or total amount 40,160.00 EUR were bought. Ministry of Finance 3 June 2008 Information on implementation of citizens’ foreign currency savings payment, invested with Dafiment banka AD Belgrade and Banka privatne privrede DD Podgorica via enterprise Jugoskandik DD Belgrade The Parliament of Montenegro had, on 18 March 2008, legislated the Law on payment of citizens’ foreign currency 29 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 funds invested with Dafiment banka AD Belgrade and Banka privatne privrede DD Podgorica via enterprise Jugoskandik DD Belgrade (“Official Gazette RCG”, no. 21/08), which came into force on 4 April 2008. Payment of funds invested with Dafiment banka AD Belgrade and Banka privatne privrede DD Podgorica via enterprise Jugoskandik DD Belgrade shall be performed, according to this Law, in favor of citizens – investors, who on the day of this Law coming into force – 4 April 2008, have the residence in Montenegro, can present the contract on investing of foreign currency funds with Dafiment banka AD Belgrade and contracts on investing of funds for foreign currency savings and savings booklet with Banka privatne privrede DD Podgorica invested via enterprise Jugoskandik DD Belgrade, and for whom the payment was not made in line with the laws of the state where bank headquarters is located… Ministry of Finance 5 June 2008 Statement by the Assistant Minister of Finance for treasury sector Dušan Perović after the Government of Montenegro meeting Draft law on budget final account for previous year was adopted today by the Government. The gross domestic product in previous year amounted 2.54 billion EUR, which is real growth of 10.3 percent. Inflation was 7.7 percent greater than projected, public debt 29 percent of gross domestic product or 737.2 million EUR. From that figure, internal debt is 275 and the external 462 million EUR. Budget surplus in previous year is 6.8 percent of gross domestic product, or 172.9 million EUR. Previous year is characterized by positive macroeconomic trends. Current public consumption amounted 974.4 million EUR or 38.37 percent of gross domestic product. Budget incomes amounted 809 million EUR. Total taxation incomes were increased except for the profit tax, 96.98 percent of planned amount was collected. Total Budget disbursements were 776.25 million EUR or 3.6 percent higher than planned. State deposits had, at the end of previous year, amounted 161.53 million EUR and are approximately 35 percent higher then one year ago. Unpaid budget obligations were 4.11 million EUR, which is almost 11 million less than in January previous year. 30 Ministry of Finance 30 June 2008 Information on second paym ent of bonds for converted citizens’ foreign currency savings invested with banks with headquarters outside Montenegro According to the Law on payment of citizens’ foreign currency savings invested with the authorized banks with headquarters outside the Republic of Montenegro (“Official Gazette RCG”, no. 81/06) and the Decree on conversion of citizens’ foreign currency savings in bonds (“Official Gazette CG”, no. 40/08), the owners of converted foreign currency savings bonds shall receive the second payment of 530.00 EUR per savings account, due on 1 July 2008 in business units of Crnogorska komercijalna banka AD Podgorica (CKB). It is necessary for the owner of foreign currency savings account to go to the CKB organizational unit where he/she had filed a request for foreign currency savings reimbursement, where he/ she will receive the confirmation on transformation of savings into bonds. The bank shall first align the situation on the account and register in the savings booklet the amount of savings converted into bonds. The confirmation shall always contain personal information on foreign currency savings owner, as well as the annual payments due on every 1 July in period from 2009 to 2017. Annual payments are calculated by multiplying the savings investment with the rate, which contains pre-calculated interest rate until due dates, with 2% annual rate. Annual rate amount minimum is fixed to 500 EUR, having that the last payment is made for the remaining amount… Central depository agency AD Podgorica as owners for converted foreign currency savings may withdraw their fifth payment at regional centers of the Central bank of Montenegro and Atlasmont banka AD Office Pljevlja, depending on their residence, according to the identification document (personal ID, passport). Owners of the foreign currency savings, who did not withdraw the first payment or are not registered with the Central depository agency, should go to the bank where they have foreign currency savings. Former investors with Montenegrobanka AD Podgorica and Jugobanka AD podgorica which are under bankruptcy procedure should register at an appropriate desk of the Central bank of Montenegro. Owners of bonds, acquiring them according to the deed of gift, heritage or purchase on the market, have also established distribution of desks where they can withdraw OB08 (fifth payment), depending on residence or place of issue of personal ID. Juridical persons acquiring the foreign currency savings bonds by purchase in the market can withdraw OB08 payment on the desk of PRVA BANKA CRNE GORE AD NIKŠIĆ. Foreign currency savings bonds can be withdrawn on each working day, from Monday to Friday, with working hours noted on each payment site… Ministry of Finance 30 June 2008 Information on fifth payment of foreign currency savings bonds According to the Law on settling obligations and claims regarding the foreign debt and citizens’ foreign currency savings (“Official Gazette RCG”, no. 55/03 an 11/04), the owners of bonds of converted foreign currency savings are to receive fifth payment due on 1 July 2008, with the amounts defined by the confirmation (amortization plan), to be paid in business banks, i.e. regional centers of the Central bank of Montenegro. Investors, i.e. citizens who had after 1 July 2004 registered with their bank and therefore registered with ASSISTANT SPOKESPERSON Ivona Mihajlović Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 Information on foreign currency savings payment invested with the authorized banks with headquarters outside Montenegro According to the Law on citizens’ foreign currency savings payment invested with the authorized banks with headquarters outside Montenegro (“Official Gazette RCG”, no. 81/06) and the Instruction on the citizens’ foreign currency savings payment invested with the authorized banks with headquarters outside Montenegro method (“Official Gazette RCG”, no. 20/07), the Ministry of Finance had finished the first payment of citizens’ foreign currency savings via the Commercial bank of Montenegro AD Podgorica (CKB). The owners of foreign currency savings had the opportunity to, by 6 January 2008 submit the requests with necessary valid documentation based on which the citizens’ foreign currency savings was registered and first payment with the amount of 380.00 EUR was made. Based on the acquired data, invested citizens’ foreign currency savings, deposited by the authorized bank at former National bank of Yugoslavia amounts 28,200,340.97 EUR, with the number of savings accounts of 4100. 4100 savings accounts were paid with the amount of 1,433,951.77 EUR, making the total of foreign currency saving amount 26,766,389.20 EUR. Number of requests received Number of requests paid Deposed foreign currency savings Paid New situation of foreign currency savings 4100 4100 28.200.340,97 1.433.951,77 26.766.389,20 The citizens with residence in Montenegro had invested their foreign currency savings both with the banks with organizational units in Montenegro without the juridical person property (subsidiaries, affiliations, business units) and with the bank and their organizational units with business outside Montenegro. Banks with headquarters in the Republic of Serbia with organizational units in Montenegro are: - Jugobanka AD Belgrade, with affiliations in Herceg Novi, Kotor and Tivat; - Invest banka, with business units in Podgorica, Bar, Ulcinj, Virpazar and Golubovci; - JIK banka Belgrade, with subsidiary in Bar; and - Sabacka banka AD Sabac, with front desks in Budva and Kotor. The deposit invested with these organizational parts was in the amount of 10,176,550.17 EUR, with 1904 savings accounts. With the Beogradska banka Temeljna banka Ljubljana (bank headquarters in the Republic of Slovenia) with business units in Podgorica and Bar, 1,378,710.26 EUR was invested with 290 savings accounts. The majority of citizens’ foreign currency savings invested with the banks with business outside Montenegro is in the banks with headquarters in the Republic of Serbia. Savings invested with these banks amounts 14,955.751.44 EUR with 1604 savings accounts. In banks with headquarters in Bosnia and Herzegovina, savings were invested with the amount of 889,988.95 EUR with 142 savings accounts, while the savings invested in Croatian bank amounts 9,079.00 EUR with 7 savings accounts. Minor amounts of foreign currency savings were invested with banks in the Republic of Macedonia with 2 savings accounts and the amount of 972.06 EUR and the Republic of Slovenia with one savings account and the amount of 75.92 EUR. 31 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 Citizens with residency in Montenegro had also invested their foreign savings in the organizational units of banks outside Montenegro. The majority of saving was invested with the organizational unit of Ljubljanska banka AD in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (bank headquarters located in the Republic of Slovenia), with the savings amounting 350,937.11 EUR with 74 savings accounts. With the banks from the Republic of Serbia, having organizational units in Bosnia and Herzegovina, amount of 89,182.84 EUR was invested with 33 savings accounts. In the Republic of Croatia, savings were invested with the organizational units of banks from the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Slovenia. In departments of banks from the Republic of Serbia, amount of invested savings is 224,268.89 EUR and 25 savings accounts, while in departments of banks from the Republic of Slovenia, amount invested in savings is 124,824.26 and 18 savings accounts. Overview of citizens’ foreign currency savings per organizational units and banks’ headquarters is presented in the following tables: I ORGANIZATIONAL UNITS OF BANKS ON TERRITORY OF MONTENEGRO bank headquarters number of accounts initial situation in € paid in € new situation € Slovenia 290 1.378.710,26 89.700,21 1.289.010,05 Serbia 1904 10.176.550,17 674.083,67 9.502.466,50 I TOTAL: 2194 11.555.260,43 763.783,88 10.791.476.55 II ORGANIZATIONAL UNITS OF BANKS ON TERRITORY OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA bank headquarters number of accounts initial situation in € paid in € new situation € Slovenia 74 350.937,11 25.511,80 325.425,31 Serbia 33 89.182,84 10.562,88 78.619,96 II TOTAL: 107 440.119,95 36.074,68 404.045,27 III ORGANIZATIONAL UNITS OF BANKS ON TERRITORY OF CROATIA bank headquarters number of accounts initial situation in € paid in € new situation € Slovenia 18 124.824,26 5.869,88 118.954,38 Serbia 25 224.268,89 8.641,64 215.627,25 III TOTAL: 43 349.093,15 14.511,52 334.581,63 IV BANK HEADQUARTERS bank headquarters number of accounts initial situation in € paid in € new situation € Serbia 1604 14.955.751,44 567.178,67 14.388.572,77 Bosnia and Herzegovina 142 889.988,95 49.866,04 840.122,91 Croatia 7 9.079,08 1.944,32 7.134,76 Slovenia 1 75,92 75,92 Macedonija 2 972,06 516,74 455,32 IV TOTAL: 1756 15.855.867,45 619.581,69 15.236.285,75 TOTAL I+II+III+IV 4100 28.200.340,97 1.433.951,77 26.766.389,20 Owners of foreign currency savings were investing their savings both in the original currencies that do not belong to Euro zone and in currencies belonging to the Euro zone. Foreign savings conversion in Euro, for the currencies not belonging to Euro zone had been performed according to the exchange rate on 6 January, 2007 (day of enforceability of the Law), and for the currencies belonging to Euro zone, conversion had been performed on 1 January 2002 (according to the exchange rates defined by the Central bank of Europe). The major part of foreign currency savings, in currencies not belonging to Euro zone, was invested in US Dollars 8,285,496.78 USD, in Danish Crowns 2,128,588.07 DKK, Swiss Francs 2,714,520.52 CHF, Swedish Crowns 1,546,367.43 SEK, as well as in Canadian Dollars, Sterling Pounds, Australian Dollars, Norwegian Crowns, and the least amount in Japanese Yen. 32 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 The major part of foreign currency savings, in currencies belonging to Euro zone, was invested in Deutche Mark 13,619.893.61 DEM, French Franks 2,905,122.64 FRF, Austrian Schillings 982,705.30 ATS, as well as in Belgian Francs, Finland Marks, Italian Lira, Netherlands Guldens, while the leas amounts in Portuguese Escudo and Spanish Peseta. Majority of foreign currency savings is already converted to Euro and amounts 7,973,311.40 €. Overview of the foreign currency savings per currency is shown in the following table: FOREIGN CURRENCY SAVINGS FOR CURRENCIES OUTSIDE EURO ZONE Currency code Currency mark Capital in original currency Interest by 2006 in original currency Capital in € Total in € 036 AUD 108.058,82 16.985,27 64.716,43 74.888,92 124 CAD 172.547,11 28.470,92 112.224,63 130.742,11 208 DKK 2.128.588,07 185.590,23 273.553,57 298.459,80 392 JPY 414,05 50,00 2,68 3,00 578 NOK 42.240,97 5363,20 5.098,47 5.745.79 752 SEK 1.546.367,43 284.410,53 170.405,81 201.747,85 756 CHF 2.714.520,52 360.850,27 1.686.246,04 1.910.556,78 826 GBP 117.379,27 18.120,05 173.963,80 200.785,24 840 USD 8.285.496,78 1.217.447,30 6.333.647,95 7.264.260,66 I TOTAL: 10.087.190,14 FOREIGN CURRENCY SAVINGS FOR CURRENCIES IN EURO ZONE Currency code Currency mark Capital in original currency interest in original currency, by 2002 Capital + interest for 2002, in € interest by 2006, in € Total in € 040 ATS 982.705,30 103.401,50 81.914,72 9.105,78 91.020,50 056 BEF 432.356,56 42.177,10 11.763,21 1.180,55 12.943,76 246 FIN 425,87 7,61 72,91 7,32 80,23 250 FRF 2.905.122,64 240.951,19 479.466,69 48.262,37 280 DEM 13.619.893,61 1.402.299,44 7.696.037,80 784.059,30 527.729,06 8.480.097,10 380 ITL 189.506.826,33 10.011.537,05 102.951,46 10.341,54 113.293,00 528 NLG 337.082,87 27.312,06 165.362,41 16.598,15 181.960,56 620 PTE 2,34 0,33 0,01 - 0,01 724 ESP 260,13 5,22 1,59 0,16 1,75 II TOTAL: 978 9.407.125,97 € 7.973.311,40 732.713,45 8.706.024,85 III TOTAL: 8.706.024,85 IV GRAND TOTAL ( I+II+III ) : 28.200.340,96 Based on the previously stated, and in line with the legislation, the first payment of 380.00 EUR (per savings account) was made with total amount of 1,433,951.77 EUR, while the remaining savings, to be converted in bonds, amounts 26,766,389.20 EUR. Converted foreign currency savings bonds, to be paid in 9 (nine) annual payments, are due on each 1 July in the period from 2009 to 2017. Annual payments are calculated by multiplying foreign currency savings investment with index which contains pre-calculated interest rate by the due payment moment, with the annual rate of 2%. Annual payment amount cannot be lower than 500 EUR, having in mind that the last payment shall be made with remaining amount. When paying second batch amount 530.00 EUR, the owners shall receive the Confirmation on conversion of foreign currency savings into bonds of Montenegro, which shall be registered in the individual owner’s account with the Central deposit agency. Dušan Perović, Assistant to Minister Popović Marina Independent Advisor I 33 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 RULES AND PROCEDURES OF PROCUREMENT FINANCED BY EU FUNDS INTRODUCTION After becoming a potential candidate for the European Union membership, Montenegro had acquired the right to use EU pre-accession funds (IPA). This unique financial instrument has the objective to provide aid for the potential candidate and candidate states in their way towards the European Union membership. In that manner, among the others, those states are provided with the opportunity to get prepared for managing future financial instruments of EU member states. One of the criteria to be satisfied for the potential funds users to have money at their disposal is a strict adherence to the pre-defined rules and procedures of procurement and negotiating. These rules and procedures were first published on 1 February 2006, and revised on 22 August 2007, in the form of Practical Guide to contract procedures for EC external actions (hereinafter: the PRAG), elaborating contracting procedures to be applied on all aid agreements with EU, financed by the European Union general budget. PRAG defines the method for public procurement procedure performing, from the initial steps to granting contracts. Besides that, annexes of this document contain standard forms to be used in all stages of procurement and contract implementation. Depending on who makes the decisions regarding procurement and granting contract (i.e. who is client or the negotiating organ), there are tri possible approaches for procurement procedures management for projects financed by the programs of European Union external aid: centralized, where the European Commission (hereinafter: the Commission) ma- 34 Aleksandra Anđelić i Bojana Kaluđerović kes decision for and in the name of beneficiary state; decentralized with ex-ante control, where the client (in our system that shall be Central unit for financing and procurement) makes all relevant decisions submitting them afterwards to the Commission for verification, and decentralized with ex-post control, where the client makes decisions without sending them to the Commission for verification. Considering that one of the conditions for obtaining accreditation for Montenegro’s membership in the European Union is, among the others, introduction of decentralized system with ex-ante control, the remaining text gives a short presentation of procedures applicable in such systems. Granting contract method is defined by numerous strict rules, with the objective to insure selection of an appropriate qualified contractor without prejudice and to obtain “the best value for money” with full transparency, which is the main prerequi- site for use of public funds. Before starting any tendering procedure, services, goods or works must be verified by the financial agreement and funds must be provided. Rule of nationality and origin Participation in procurement procedure is permitted for each juridical person founded in one of the European Union member states or one of the states defined by such program as acceptable. Direct participation of private persons is defined by the specific instruments applicable on the program according to which the contract is being financed. Participation is opened for all international organizations. All goods and materials to be procured within the contracts financed by the instruments of the Union must have the origin from the Union or a state which satisfies the nationality criteria (except for the states excluded from nationality and origin rules). The origin includes origination Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 from the state in which the last economically justified significant change on the product had occurred. Therefore, the state of origin is not necessary the state from which the goods were transported. If the product had undergone economic changes in one state only, origin is easy to establish. In the cases when more than one country is participating in the production, it is necessary to establish which of those states defines the final product origin. If the last significant transformation did not occur in the European Union member state or some of the acceptable states, such goods cannot be offered for the project purposes. Publicity Service providers, equipment vendors and works performers must provide publicity of financing or co-financing by the European Union. For all contract grants partially or fully financed by the Union, the employer is obligated to provide for respecting the principles of protection against conflict of interest, transparency, proportionality, equal treatment of all participants and non-discrimination. Procurement procedures In PRAG contents, three types of procurement exist: services (e.g. technical assistance, studies, know-how and training), delivery of goods (e.g. equipment and material) and works (e.g. infrastructural and construction works). The following table summarizes which procurement procedure is applied for each of listed procurements. Services up to 5,000 € Single offer 5,000 - 200,000 € 1.Framework agreements 2.Calls without publishing Procurement of goods up to 5,000 € Single offer 5,000 - 30,000 € Calls without publishing 30,000 - 150,000 Local open bidding procedure over 150,000 International open bidding procedure 5,000 - 300,000 € Calls without publishing 300,000 - 5,000,000 € Local open bidding procedure over 5,000,000 € 1. International open bidding procedure 2. International restrictive bidding procedure (exceptionally) Radovi up to 5,000 € Single offer over 200,000 € International restrictive bidding procedure Open procedure Open procedure provides the opportunity for all interested participants to submit their offers. Each private and juridical person wanting to submit the offer may, on its own request, acquire the tender file and submit an offer. After overview of submitted offers, the contract is being granted after the evaluation procedure (i.e. the check of suitability and financial, economic, technical and professional situation of bidder) and procurement procedure (i.e. comparing offers). No negotiation is allowed in any sense. This procedure is given maximal publicity by publishing in the official gazette of the European Union, on the official website (EuropeAid) and in any other appropriate media. Restrictive procedure In this procedure, all interested economic subjects may request participation, but offers may be submitted only by the candidates satisfying the selection criteria. The employer calls limited number of candidates satisfying such conditions to deliver their offers and, before starting bidding procedure, produces the narrow selection of candidates. Afterwards, he invites the short-listed candidates to deliver their offers by sending them tender documents. Successful bidder shall be selected in tendering procedure, after analysis of bids. This procedure also prohibits negotiating with bidders. Calling without publishing In this case, the employer calls candidates of its own choice to deliver the offer within the deadline given on the call for offers, and afterwards selects the most successful bidder according to the procurement procedure performed. Framework agreement Framework agreement is a contract between the employer and economic participant, which defines significant conditions to be applied on the individual contracts granted during the period of validity of the framework agreement (subject, price, conditions of execution, quantity, etc.). Those agreements are signed for the period of maximum 4 years. Based on the framework agreement, individual contracts are being granted in such manner that the employer calls contractors from the list to deliver their offer within the boundaries of framework agreement, and afterwards selects the economically most favorable offer. 35 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 Procedure with direct negotiations with several candidates In certain situation, when the employer believes that use of open procedure or framework contracts shall not result in procurement which satisfies the best value for money principle, the procedure with direct negotiations with several candidates may be applied. Employer publishes a public call for contracts granting, defining requirements and requests the participant must fulfill, and afterwards invites candidates fulfilling criteria published in the public call to negotiations. After negotiation phase, employer informs participants that the negotiation procedure is closed and asks the candidates to deliver their final offers. As required by the employer, the bidder identified as delivering the offer which provides the best value for money may be required to clarify some aspects of the offer or to confirm the obligations taken by the offer. It should also be noted that the application of procedure with direct negotiations with several candidates requires previous consent from the appropriate offices of the Commission. Procedure with direct negotiations Procedure with direct negotiations is permitted only after Commission’s approval and in the following situations: •extreme urgency of procurement; •when services provision is being granted to the public sector institutions or non-profit organizations; •expansion of already opened activities, such as complementary services or additional services; •when bidding procedure was unsuccessful; •when, due to technical reasons or reasons of exclusive rights protection, only one candidate providing subject services exists, etc. The employer is obligated to prepare the Report on negotiation, where the method of negotiating are justified and the bases for decision on granting contract presented. 36 Commission for bids evaluation (tendering commission) Tendering commission is in charge of bids opening and evaluation. The commission consists of president without the right to vote, secretary without the right to vote and odd number of members with the decision making right (the minimum of three for contracts on services and goods delivery and the minimum of five for contracts on works). The commission members are appointed by the employer, with the confirmation by the Commission. The Commission may also appoint an observer. Each member of commission and observer must sign a statement on confidentiality and neutrality. Validity period for offers is 90 days from the end of deadline for bids submitting. In the exceptional situation, before expiry of offers validity period, the employer may ask the bidders to extend the offer validity period for no more than 40 days. The commission for bids evaluation should be formed early enough, to insure availability of the appointed members, as well as to provide for the evaluation to be finished within the offers validity period stated in tender files. Granting contract The employer informs the successful bidder on tendering procedure results. The information must be preceded by the formal verification by the Commission. The employer shall require the successful bidder to deliver evidence required by the bidding document and after successful confirmation of evidence; it prepares the contract for signing. Within the decentralized ex-ante procedure, the employer sends the contract file to the Commission Delegation for validation. The Commission shall: a) validate all originals of contract thus confirming financing by the Union and sends them back to the employer; b) sign and date all originals of contract; c) send three signed originals of contract to the successful bidder; and d) returns two originals to the employer. After receiving two signed originals by the successful bidder, the employer sends one signed copy to the Commissi- on and informs all candidates and bidders on decisions regarding granting the contract using the prescribed form, as well as for delivery of that information to the Commission for publishing in the Official Gazette, on EuropeAid website and in other appropriate media. Canceling the procurement procedure The employer may decide to abandon procurement or to cancel the contract granting procedure, without the right of candidates or bidders for reimbursement in the following situations: - bidding procedure was unsuccessful; - economic or technical data from the project are significantly altered; - exceptional circumstances or force major make the regular execution of the contract impossible; - all technically acceptable offers exceed available financial resources; - irregularities in the procedure had occurred. After canceling the bidding procedure the employer may, with the previous consent of the Commission, decide to start a new bidding procedure, start negotiations with one or several bidders fulfilling the selection criteria, who had submitted technically acceptable offers or not no grant a contract. Finally, it is important to note that the procedures described within PRAG are dedicated to ensure efficiency and effectiveness of the public procurement processes with satisfying the basic principles of transparency, non-discrimination of participants and equal treatment, with simultaneous maintenance of fair competition, which is of crucial importance for transitional markets. Central unit for financing and contracting Aleksandra Anđelić Higher Appointee I Bojana Kaluđerović Higher Appointee I Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 MINISTRY OF FINANCE AS A SIGNIFICANT CREDITOR IN BANKRUPTCY PROCEDURES OF ENTERPRISES The Ministry of Finance, as a significant creditor in bankruptcy procedures of enterprises, according to the Law on enterprise insolvency, had taken a role in resolving its claims with 76 enterprises. Claims are mostly related to the credits from the Montenegro Budget and credits taken over from Montenegrobanka AD Podgorica during its privatization, mostly granted for restarting production and economy healing. For the most enterprises the bankruptcy procedure had been finalized, and 20 of those are still under procedure. 12,370.238 EUR or 14.34% of total registered claims were charged. The majority of claims were with the enterprises in the area of tourism, where the good cooperation was established with authorized ministry. These were mostly secured claims against HTP ‘’Ulcinjsksa rivijera’’, SKI Centar ‘’Bjelasica’’ Kolašin, SKI centar ‘’Durmitor’’ Žabljak and HTP “ Fjord” Kotor, which were fully collected. The majority of Government claim consist of foreign debt, registered with the group of non-secured claims and most of the enterprises, final uses, did not register them in their business records, therefore these claims were mostly dispu- ted. In the case when the court had accepted claims, and considering their legal sorting, there were rarely enough funds for collecting, except in the case of enterprises with significant property. The ability to collect the foreign debt in currency is 959,043 EUR and 3,806,326 EUR by replacement of debt for obligation of new owner to maintain the road infrastructure Kolašin – Jezerine. The effect of collecting these claims shall increase by selling shares of enterprise ‘’Prvoborac’’ Herceg Novi, lended property from ‘’Velimir Jakić’’ Pljevlja, ‘’Veletrgovina komerc’’ Kolašin and Gradskog saobraćaja (public transport) Podgorica. One part of lended property was given to solve certain needs of municipality and governmental institutions and is not included in collection effects, mostly regarding the areas in Žabljak, Kolašin, Mojkovac, Danilovgrad, i Podgorica, with value of 2.309,626 EUR. It is important to note that, when solving claims in bankruptcy procedures of enterprises, the Ministry of Finance and the Government do not act in any sense as a standard creditor, having the only objective to collect the claim. All of the aspects of successful privatization are here taken into account, weather it is programmed or classic bankrupt- cy procedure, as well as resolving the social program for employees, in such manner that the Government cancels its claims in their favor, having the circumstantial effects on the budget of Montenegro, therefore excluding the social and welfare from the budget and resolving them with the debtor. Presence of the Ministry of Finance in the bankruptcy procedures, i.e. bankruptcy management had recognized this Ministry as a cooperative partner in resolving the problems of debts. The Ministry of Finance had strived to, as the creditor in the bankruptcy procedures, privatization and other types of collecting, have positive influence and guide the processes in the rational direction, in order to achieve multiple effects both for bankrupt enterprises and other creditors. Nataša Novaković Independent Advisor I Dušan Zec Appointee IV 37 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 Types of EU aid in programming process Main objectives of national, regional and horizontal programs within the first component of the Instruments for pre-accession aid (IPA) relate to aid to states potential candidates for membership in the European Union in aligning their national legislation with the legal framework of the European Union (EU). Pre-accession aid is meant to be used in all key areas of the acquis, which require aligning with the priorities of the European partnership. Since the area of the European integrations in the states with the mentioned status, such as Montenegro itself, is very complicated and not well researched area, use of these sources of funds shall provide for preparations for use of the Structural funds, Coherent funds and Funds for agricultural development after accession to the European Union. Forms of the pre-accession aid in the process of first component programming, Aid for transition and institutions building, for the potential candidate states are as follows: - Twinning/Twinning light, - TAIEX, - Technical assistance (TA), - Investments in acquis, - Grant schemes, - Project preparation facilitating, - Financial favors in cooperation with the international institutions, - Financial contribution for participation in the Union programs, as well as in the Union agencies, - Aid in the form of budgetary support, - Technical assistance favors for building of administrative capacity for state administration and services, - Aid with the objective to cover the expenses of Union contribution in the international missions, initiatives or organizations acting on behalf of the beneficiary state, - Support for the economic and so- 38 Olja Šuković cial cohesion, regional development, as well as the development of agriculture and human resources. Twinning/Twinning light programs– are considered to be the leading aid instruments for institutions building in the accession process, with the objective to develop the modern and efficient administration for the beneficiary state. These programs have the objective to establish structures, human resource utilization and administrative capabilities needed for the acquis implementation, with the same standards as in the EU member states. These programs represent creation of state administration and public organizations framework, for the purpose of establishing the conditions for the adequate cooperation with member states in the process of establishing and implementation of project in the area of traffic, as well as upgrading and implementation of certain segments of acquis. These programs include providing expertise for state officers only. Before the project start, it is necessary to define a detailed Twinning plan of work with the appropriate budget, in line with the manual on rules of financing and contracting. Standard Twinning program includes the phase of joint contracting of the project for the minimal duration of 12 months with permanent residence of consultant(s) in the beneficiary state. The consultant has the objective to both implement short-term missions and training. Twinning light program has the objective to prepare the beneficiary state for providing the mandatory, predefined results. In line with the program objective, the beneficiary state must, as soon as in the Terms of Reference (ToR) note that is has the necessary capacity and responsibilities for achieving the results prescribed by ToR. Therefore, the consultant is not Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 obligated to spend the usual 12 months in the beneficiary state. Projects of this type are usually determined for the duration of eight months with prescribed budget amounting 250,000 EUR. Twinning light is meant for the specific areas of implementation for certain reform, and not implementation of institutionally characterized reforms in the area of harmonization with acquis. TAIEX– is the assistance program, predominantly dedicated to align the national legislation with the European legislation, its implementation and regular application. Likewise, this program has focus on supervision and evaluation of progress of the administrative capacity in line with the needs of alignment. TAIEX activities include support for the state administration, courts, parliament, local governments, as well as the social partners and private sector on the way towards completion of numerous requirements by the European Union. Activities are being implemented through a set of different forms of assistance, such as: seminars, workshops, expert mobility, study visits, providing assets and information products, translation and interpretation of activities, as well as the coordination and supervision in cooperation with member states and the European Commission Directorates. However, it is necessary to note that the activities must be aligned with the national IPA programs. The final objective of the expert teams of the member states leading the missions in the beneficiary states is to provide the continuity and complementarities of the short-term advising possibilities with the long-term initiatives. Therefore, TAIEX has the role of catalyst and is directed towards solving the actual problems of the beneficiary state for all areas of acquis. Technical Assistance (TA) – includes consultants, universities and non-governmental organizations with the objective to build the administrative capacity. The assistance program activities assume the support for the process of preparation for implementation of cohesion policies of the Union. Although the Twinning, by using the measures of transfer of experts’ actual experience from the member states has the predominance against the technical assistance, TA is being used only in the situations when the Twinning does not include in its aid program the objectives of certain project within the member state. As an example for the technical assistance use, we can present a project of beneficiary state where the member state is often the unofficial carrier of the activities through a certain contractor from member state on its territory, or where the objective is not aligning the legislation, since the profile of the most of the experts requires the experience of private, instead of the public sector of the society. Investments in acquis – including the investments regarding the regulatory framework, are related to the significant support in the form of equipment procurement, which is directly related with a certain institution and its further performance of activities. Support of this type, considered as an investment, takes only into account institutions building and production of the reform strategies, which can be supervised in line with the acquis areas. These areas include norms and standards of crucial importance for organization, projects of judiciary and the internal affairs, food safety, public health, veterinary control and information system for customs and taxation directorates. Aid program is mostly focused on upgrading the actual activities of the institution, regarding supervision of alignment between the activities and the objectives within the entire process. One of the significant notes regarding this type of EU aid is that the equipment of informational technology in the sense of software production is considered a technical assistance, while the procurement of software packages, licenses or hardware is considered an investment. Both case include necessary minimal participation in the investment financing by the beneficiary state budget. Grant schemes of civil society – is a program of non-refundable aid with the objective to contribute consolidation and strengthening political reforms, alignment with the European Union administration, as well as strengthening mutual communication and exchange of experiences between the member states and the beneficiary state. Among the priorities of this program are: functioning of democratic system, establishing of the rule of law, human rights, social inclusion, protection of minority rights, protection of consumers, environmental protection and upgrading of social-economic development of the beneficiary state. The primary end users of the grant within these grant schemes are the non-governmental sector, social partners, organizations representing complete social and economic interested parties, local governments, organizations advocating citizens’ participation on the municipality level, universities, religion communities and media. Grant schemes do not include political parties in their funds and are not related to financing the governmental institutions. Usual minimal value of the grant schemes from the IPA fund amounts 2 million EUR, while the usual minimal value of an individual grant is 50,000 EUR. However, it is assumed that the end users must define a certain amount of funds in their own budget, as a contribution to the operating costs for complete implementation of the project. Project preparation facilitating (PPF) – is a flexible instrument of aid for the state administration in the process of building its capacities, in the sense of independent preparation of project, for which the financing would be granted by the European Commission or certain international financial institution, as well as to fulfill the criteria of the European partnership. This facilitation can be used ad-hoc, shortterm or long-term, with the objective to provide assistance in the area of establishing efficient strategic plan in different sectors, support for the National IPA coordinator in planning and programming of the component I projects, as well as the experts’ support for drafting bidding documents or technical specifications for implementation of projects. The PPF support also includes building of the necessary administrative and institutional capacities for establishing decentralized implementation system (DIS). In line with the terms of use for this type of assistance, investments such as goods and works are not included in the scope of available financing. Allocated funds dedicated for financing of short-term and long-term expertise amount 50,000 to 200,000 EUR per individual project. 39 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 Financial favors in cooperation with the international institutions – are dedicated to small and medium enterprises and households, in order to insure strengthening of the financial sector within the financial transactions, stimulate investments in individual sectors or prepare for the infrastructural investments. An example of this type of aid program may be motivating financial mediators such as banks and leasing companies in order to extend the duration of financial transaction or to motivate investment companies with the objective to provide the loans for local commercial banks and micro-financing institutions further directed towards small and medium enterprises and households. This type of cooperation with the international institutions also contributes to stimulating investments in the sectors which require achieving the defined political objectives. Technical assistance may be included in some levels of the infrastructural project cycle, with the objective of higher quality of project preparation in the area of traffic network, environmental protection investments, energy efficiency and use of the alternative energy sources, as well as the participation in the feasibility studies production for the projects from healthcare sector, education and urban development. Financial contribution for participation in the Union programs, as well as in the Union agencies – must be defined within the National IPA programs of the beneficiary state and it is not possible to exceed the defined contribution budget. The Government of Montenegro is, according to the requests by the authorized ministries, interested in participating in the Union programs such as FP7, CIP, Youth, TEMPUS and Erasmus Mundus. The participation is based on the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by the beneficiary state and the European Commission, in line with the agreements establishing the general principles and defined conditions for participation in the listed programs. Of course, the MoU assumes clear definition of the amount of contribution by both contractual parties of the Memorandum. The beneficiary state is also invited to participate in work of different agencies of the Union on 40 the ad-hoc bases, in line with the IPA regulations. Aid in the form of budgetary support – is primarily focused on support on change of structural problems of key significance for successful accomplishing of the European Commission (EC) aid goals and clear defined society sector. Pension system reform would be one of the examples on which this type of support is based. Payment of EC in favor of beneficiary country treasury is being performed in several batches, depending on achievement of defined goals and tasks and therefore contributing to the total national budget and public financing management of the procedures of the beneficiary state, which becomes transparent, reliable and efficient. A great advantage of this type of support is firstly a stronger potential influence on the structural reform, as well as the self-awareness of the beneficiary state on taking over the activities regarding the public financial management of funds. Technical assistance favors for building of administrative capacity for state administration and services – are based on the significant support for the administrative capacity in the process of preparation for managing structural funds and agricultural development funds at all levels. However, in line with the terms of use for this aid program, as well as the use of Project preparation facilitation program, investments such as goods and works are not including in the available financing scope. The program funds consist of non-allocated amount dedicated for financing of the shortterm technical aid and the Twinning light programs with value of 50,000 to 200,000 EUR per single activity. Aid with the objective to cover the expenses of Union contribution in the international missions, initiatives or organizations acting on behalf of beneficiary state – relates to the contribution of the European Union in the form of administrative costs for support of temporary civic administrations, such as United Nations mission in Kosovo or other regional cooperation political structures (Stability pact for South-Eastern Europe, to become the Regional Secretariat). Support for the economic and social cohesion, regional development, as well as the development of agriculture and human resources – relates to the support investments regarding the contracts for goods and works, similar to the grant scheme. Program is dedicated exclusively for the states potential candidates for the EU membership, with the objective to support policy and investments development, in order to provide their prosperity and candidate state status in an easier and faster manner. Special focus of this type of support is enhancing the infrastructure on the local and regional level, standards of environmental protection, strengthening agricultural development with upgrading of conceptual and strategic programming and the capacity to implement through measures of strengthening production, processing and distribution and strengthening the human resources development. However, the base for the support for creating policies and building of administrative capacities is a clearly and precisely defined Government strategy. Likewise, measures resulting from the European partnership priority and clear government strategy for programming of each individual sector are focused on the proper use of the limited funds. Olja Šuković Ministry of Finance Central Unit for Contracting and Financing Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 Resolving internal debt registered with the Ministry of Finance The Government of Montenegro had, in the meeting held on 29 May 2008, adopted the Information on resolving internal debt according to the claims registered with the Ministry of Finance. This information includes the amount of internal debt of 1,084 mil. EUR and presents the method for its resolving in the period from year 2001 until 30 May 2008. Structure of the presented debt unified with the Ministry of Finance consists of the claims of Montenegrobanka, Jugobanka, Bank for Development, Republic and Federal goods reserves taken over by the Government in the procedure of transformation and privatization of these subjects; part of old taxation debt and credits granted from the budget of Montenegro during the period from year 1992 until the April 2008. Bases for debt occurrence The major amount of registered claims of 618.4 mil. EUR consists of the credits taken over from Montenegrobanka in 2002 and 2003, for the purpose of establishing conditions for its privatization. Regarding the structure of claims, the major amount goes to the obligations on credits the companies with headquarters in Montenegro had been using by 1992 – so called pre-sanction credits from the states from Paris and London club of creditors, International bank for renewal and development, European investment bank and the International financing company (IFC). The minor share of 42.8 mil. EUR of claims is related to the credits granted from the credit potential of this bank and credits granted by this bank for the private persons for self-employment in the area of agriculture. Also, the claims taken over from Jugobanka Podgorica with the amount of 61.9 mil. EUR consisting of pre-sanction foreign credits and warranties given to some enterprises, while the credits taken for the Bank for development (132,000 EUR) are related to forwarding to smaller private entrepreneurs. Claims taken over from the Federal and Republic direction for goods reserves are related to the credits based on Ljiljana Krgović i Milodarka Novosel issued goods and are all under the court procedure. Claims exceed the amount of 3 mil. EUR. After the sanctions were forced by UN, the Government of Montenegro had established a Coordinating body making decisions on granting the financial support for the economy from Montenegro budget, which was later implemented through economy restructuring program. Based on that, registered claims of Government amount 141.5 mil. EUR. Funds were granted mostly for creating conditions for maintaining the production process, import of raw materials and reproduction material and other minor capital investment. The major users of these credits are “Obod” Cetinje, KAP, Power supply of Montenegro, Steelworks, companies in the area of forestry and wood processing, mining, individual smaller enterprises in the area of industry, etc. Since 1995, for the known reason, the significant support was necessary for the enterprises in the area of tourism, continuously given until the year 2002. Special problems were also two naval companies, where the state had been giving significant funds for maintaining naval fleet, payments for sailors, etc. For the same reasons and mostly with the same procedure, Montenegrobanka had been granting financial funds, therefore in the registry with the Ministry of Finance, within so called Special Balance Sheet, the register of all claims of end-user – debtor was established. On that base, the register contains as shown in previously noted Information, more than 400 juridical and 100 private persons. Presented amount of claim and number of users of those credits notes the fact that the Government was certainly a significant creditor in Montenegro, which had in the transition and enterprises restructuring process represented a special burden, both for creditor and for debtors. The period of sanctions, lasting for exceptionally long time and burdening economic activities in Montenegro with the heritage of socialistic models of economy management in which ever-present state was managing the economic processes, therefore influencing the business policy of the banks when making decisions on granting credit funds, had left unsolved debtor-creditor relations, which significantly burden the transition process and economy restructuring and its healing. The old debts with the majori- 41 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 ty of societies had “blocked” the property given as the collateral for credits and therefore disabled starting new economic activities. Besides that, granted credits were, in the majority of situation, not purposely used, i.e. they were not directed to start the production, instead, the conditions the Montenegro was in, had pushed forwards solving of social problems as a priority. For the listed reasons, the need had occurred for the debtorcreditor relations created during this period to be solved as soon as possible, in an appropriate manner. Method for debt resolving Unifying of the internal debt and appointing of the Ministry of Finance to manage it, we consider very important, as shown by the analysis of the achieved results and evaluations by the government on adopting this Information. The Ministry had, as the participant in all processes of transition, in cooperation with other organs, by proposing and making adequate decisions, contributed for this state property to be managed in rational manner and contributing to resolving the debtor-creditor relations in a legal manner, with respecting interest of all participants in the process. Here, it is important to notice that the Ministry and the Government did not take the stance of regular creditor, with sole objective to collect the claim and profit, instead, the social and development component of debtor was predominant, including creation of conditions for healing and continuation of economic activities. Resolving debtor-creditor relations was performed through all possible methods of collection, starting from the possibilities and interests of the state and debtors, with the exception of cases being resolved in the court procedures. Analysis and effects of all procedures are comprehensively presented in the Information on resolving internal debt according to claims of the Government of Montenegro registered with Ministry of Finance, adopted by the Government of Montenegro on 29 May 2008. This text presents a short review of all types of collection of claims applied in the period from year 2001 until 30 May 2008. 1. Restructuring processes had included 76 enterprises with the total amount of registered claims of 102.9 mil. EUR or 9.49% of total claims registered with Ministry of Finance. 2. Resolving claims through agreement between debtor and creditor by signing the contract on debt reprogramming to deadline of one to three years, suing the debtor in front of the authorized courts, selling the collateral property, etc., had included 45 debtors, whose debt had the total amount of 37.9 mil. 42 EUR or 3.5% of total registered debt. 3.With 22 debtors, the mutual interest was stated and appropriate decisions were made to resolve the relations and claims by settling. In this manner, the amount of 30.5 mil. EUR or 2.8% of debt was resolved. 4. In the procedure of resolving debtor-creditor relations, also starting from the interests of participants in this process, for 25 enterprises the claims were exchanged for the state shares in these enterprises, therefore increasing the state capital for 169.6 mil. EUR or 15.6% of registered debt. 5. For 24 enterprises, the debt was fully or partially transferred to the state property, mostly for the needs of state institutions in the municipality where the property is located. Value of replaced property is 135.9 mil. EUR or 12.5% of registered claims. 6. The great significance for the budget of Montenegro and debtors’ has the option of claim buy-off with the citizens’ foreign currency savings bonds, which will be elaborated further in this text. 7. In the privatization procedure of individual enterprises, the decision was made regarding claims amounting 332.5 mil. EUR or 30.6% of registered amount. These are 7 enterprises holding great debts towards state, mostly regarding the foreign debts (KAP, Steelworks, Bauxite mines, etc.). 8. Due to the lack of possibility to collect claims from 49 enterprises and institutions with the total debt amounting 94.2 mil. EUR or 8.7% of registered claims, it was proposed that the Government makes a decision on abolishment, in line with the law. These are mostly the enterprises deleted from the register of Business court or merging obligations. 9. For all of those processes, it is significantly to note that through the listed procedures, 89.8% of registered claims were resolved, i.e. the remaining amount of 110.9 mil. EUR of registered claims was left unresolved for 39 enterprises, which can be considered a significant effect for such a short period. All previously listed models for debt resolving and their effects individually deserve detailed elaboration. However, in this text we had chosen to provide special overview of the model applied recently, namely Buy-off of claims using the citizens’ foreign currency savings bonds and former owners bonds for remuneration of canceled property rights with the achieved effects Based on the Decision on conditions and procedure for buy-off of claims of Montenegro using the citizens’ foreign currency savings bonds and former owners bonds for remuneration of canceled property rights (“Official Gazette CG”, no. 17/2008), the Ministry of Finance had published a Public call (in the daily journal Pobjeda no 20 March 2008, closed on 20 May 2008), informing all juridical and private persons whose debt was registered with the Ministry of Finance and due by 31 December 2008 about the possibilities and methods for debt settling using the citizens’ foreign currency savings bonds and former owners bonds for remuneration of canceled property rights. The call had covered 96 juridical and 95 private persons, whose total debt amounted 55.0 mil. EUR or 5.1% of total registered claim. During the period of three months while the call was opened, 14 juridical persons had answered and fully boughtoff their claims registered with the Ministry of Finance. Among these enterprises, it is important to note HTP “Budvanska rivijera”, which had bought-off 1.946.365 EUR, DOO “Merkur” – 1.952.839 EUR, HTP “Onogošt” – 831.391 EUR etc. Regarding the private persons, 12 of them had answered the public call and bought-off 155,498 EUR of debt, which in total with juridical persons amounts 6.755.897 EUR. Effects of previously named Decision and Public call are very significant for the budget of Montenegro. If we start from the fact that the budged for the year 2008 includes 8.0 mil. EUR for restitution and that only this activity of the Ministry of Finance had released 6.7 mil. EUR gives the scope of the effects and importance of the listed activities. Except for the importance for the budget, this activity has other circumstantial effects, manifesting in settling debtors’ balance sheet, lightening workload in courts for a significant number of court disputes for claims collection, as well as returning to function the property given as collateral for debt securing, etc. Regarding that, the Ministry of Finance considers that it is realistic and logical that the credits granted during the previous period are put in the function of inherited problems of state, which significantly contributes to departure from the transition problems and creation of conditions for adopting realistic budget of Montenegro, without the burden of past, and the economy and banks to be released from protectionism an work under market bases. Milodarka Novosel Associate Ljiljana Krgović, Independent Advisor Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 Amendments and appendixes to the Law on budget of Montenegro for the year 2008 Estimation of budget and public consumption in Montenegro by the end of 2008 is based on estimated data on GDP trend and other macroeconomic aggregates, as well as the achievement of budget consumption for the first six months of 2008. Public consumption policy in 2008 is based on main objectives of the economic program of the Government of Montenegro, evaluation of Montenegro fiscal potentials, and evaluated macroeconomic trends for the current period. Likewise, it is aligned with the strategic documents prepared by Montenegro within the European Union accession process – National program for integration from 2008 to 2012 and Economic and fiscal program for Montenegro 2008 – 2010. According to data for first five months in 2008, the budget revenues are collected in a much greater amount than planned. Positive trends of collection of current revenues shall continue throughout 2008, and the estimated result is increase of current budget revenues of 4.49% of GDP. Amendments and appendixes to the Law on budget for the year 2008 determines total income of budget and state funds with the amount of 1,351.03 million EUR, which is 130.07 million EUR more than planned in the Law on budget for the year 2008. The following table shows overview of total income planned by the Amendments and appendixes to the Law on budget for the year 2008. Classification DESCRIPTION Planned 2008 Rebalanced 2008 Discrepancy 7 71 711 7111 7112 7113 7114 7115 INCOME Current income Taxes Private persons’ revenue tax Juridical persons’ profit tax Property tax Value added tax Fixed amount taxes Tax on international trade and transactions Other republic taxes Contributions Contributions for retirement and disability security Contributions for health insurance Contributions for social security Tax fees Administrative fees Court fees Residence fees Other fees Fees – remunerations Fees for use of common interest goods Fees for use of natural goods Environmental fees Fees for organizing fortune games Road fees Other fees Other income 1,220,965,361.24 1,139,681,361.24 755,564,841.32 83,784,984.22 47,402,228.10 11,980,308.74 432,519,428.96 99,516,451.66 1,351,031,985.81 1,273,705,934.15 846,916,558.55 99,425,899.47 53,595,611.56 14,450,764.83 470,072,328.79 118,164,357.72 130,066,624.57 134,024,572.91 91,351,717.23 15,640,915.25 6,193,383.46 2,470,456.09 37,552,899.83 18,647,906.06 72,893,300.83 82,650,481.09 9,757,180.26 7,468,138.81 296,953,288.89 8,557,115.10 324,314,411.19 1,088,976.29 27,361,122.30 172,000,000.00 194,167,684.10 22,167,684.10 7116 7118 712 7121 7122 7123 713 7131 7132 7133 7136 714 7141 7142 7143 7144 7148 7149 715 117,468,888.89 122,538,648.52 5,069,759.63 7,484,400.00 28,859,739.20 14,964,159.73 8,925,633.56 947,545.91 4,022,400.00 26,562,351.42 7,608,078.57 26,740,713.55 13,538,910.30 8,335,936.27 842,125.91 4,023,741.06 43,240,628.59 123,678.57 -2,119,025.65 -1,425,249.43 -589,697.29 -105,419.99 1,341.06 16,678,277.17 5,746,368.34 5,357,161.12 -389,207.21 3,697,774.10 2,769,488.07 3,825,794.73 17,985,951.80 128,020.63 15,216,463.72 4,830,000.00 5,277,693.44 447,693.44 6,637,061.26 2,881,659.64 31,741,140.40 7,450,293.15 3,343,734.35 32,493,622.26 813,231.89 462,074.71 752,481.86 43 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 7151 7152 7153 7155 72 73 731 7311 74 741 7411 75 751 7512 7513 Capital income Fines and confiscated property benefits Incomes achieved by institutions’ activities Other income Property sales income Credit payment income Credit payment income Credit payment income Donations and transfers Donations and transfers Current donations Loans and credits Loans and credits Loans and credits from foreign sources Project loans 4,102,000.00 6,477,140.00 2,375,140.00 11,717,212.48 11,032,526.21 -684,686.26 6,572,940.00 6,476,017.16 -96,922.84 9,348,987.93 35,000,000.00 15,784,000.00 15,784,000.00 15,784,000.00 800,000.00 800,000.00 800,000.00 29,700,000.00 29,700,000.00 8,507,938.89 35,000,000.00 11,826,051.66 11,826,051.66 11,826,051.66 800,000.00 800,000.00 800,000.00 29,700,000.00 29,700,000.00 -841,049.04 0.00 -3,957,948.34 -3,957,948.34 -3,957,948.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21,700,000.00 21,700,000.00 0.00 8,000,000.00 8,000,000.00 0.00 SOURCE REVENUES OF BUDGET AND STATE FUNDS Source budget revenues, according to rebalance, are planned on the level of 1,258.53 million EUR which is 130.07 million EUR more than the funds planned in the Law on budget of Montenegro for the year 2008. Increase of the source budget revenue is a result of much better collection of source budget revenues for the period January-May 2008 against the plan for the same period, together with the estimation of the Ministry of finance on collection of source revenues of the budget of Montenegro until the end of 2008. Better collection of source revenues in 2008 in comparison with the planned one is a result of intensified economic activity in the area of civil engineering, traffic, tourism, trade and high level of net foreign direct investments, which had resulted in increase of import and total economic activity. It is estimated that the positive trends of collection of current revenues of the budget of Montenegro shall continue until the end of 2008, therefore the current revenues shall reach 43.40% of GDP, which is 4.49% GDP more than planned for the year 2008. Amendments and appendixes to the Law on budget had planned increase in consolidated expenditures for 3.80% GDP. Instead of planned 0.22% of GDP, the budget surplus is estimated to 0.91% of GDP, which shall, with planned regular servicing of obligations and expected incomes from privatization and sales of property produce an increase of deposit in the amount of 1.01% of GDP. The following tables show Current revenues of the budget and state funds, as planned by the amendments and appendixes to the Law on budget for the year 2008, as well as the consolidated balance sheet of budget and state funds after budget rebalance: Consolidated balance sheet of budget and state funds – Rebalance 2008 Description CURRENT INCOME Taxes Contributions Tax fees Fees – remunerations Other income Income from credit payment EXPENDITURES - I level consolidation EXPENDITURES – II level consolidation CURRENT BUDGET CONSUMPTION Current expenditures Gross wages and contributions paid by employer Other personal income Expenditures for material and services Current maintenance Interests Rent Subventions Other expenditures Transfers for social security 44 mil. € 1128.47 755.56 269.95 28.86 26.56 31.74 15.78 1121.97 1086.81 984.55 471.51 % GDP 38.91 26.05 9.31 1.00 0.92 1.09 0.54 38.69 37.48 33.95 16.26 mil. € 1258.53 846.92 297.31 26.74 43.24 32.49 11.83 1232.19 1190.61 1064.96 502.27 % GDP 43.40 29.20 10.25 0.92 1.49 1.12 0.41 42.49 41.06 36.72 17.32 Discrepancy Rebalance/Plan mil. € % 130.07 11.53 91.35 12.09 27.36 10.14 -2.12 -7.34 16.68 62.79 0.75 2.37 -3.96 -25.08 110.23 9.82 103.80 9.55 80.42 8.17 30.77 6.53 263.30 9.08 279.46 9.64 16.15 6.13 21.85 0.75 23.25 0.80 1.40 6.40 112.22 3.87 125.05 4.31 12.83 11.43 22.50 19.76 9.65 16.02 6.21 284.60 0.78 0.68 0.33 0.55 0.21 9.81 22.50 19.76 9.65 16.38 6.23 327.97 0.78 0.68 0.33 0.56 0.21 11.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.02 43.37 0.01 0.00 0.02 2.25 0.35 15.24 Planned 2008 Rebalance 2008 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 Transfers to individual NGO and public sector Total capital expenditures Capital expenditures Capital budget of Montenegro Loans and credits Warranties payment Reserves SLACK / SURPLUS FINANCING Domestic financing Payment of debts to residents Payment of previous years obligations Foreign financing Credits and stocks and bonds Loans and credits from foreign sources Payment of debts to non-residents Donations Project loans Income from privatization and sales of property DEPOSIT INCREASE/DECREASE 196.59 137.42 69.99 67.43 21.84 0.60 9.41 6.50 -6.50 -24.34 3.74 20.60 17.83 9.03 21.70 12.67 0.80 8.00 6.78 4.74 2.41 2.33 0.75 0.02 0.32 0.22 -0.22 -0.84 0.13 0.71 0.61 0.31 0.75 0.44 0.03 0.28 198.12 167.23 81.56 85.67 21.84 0.60 14.16 26.34 -26.34 -49.83 3.73 46.10 17.83 9.03 21.70 12.67 0.80 8.00 6.83 5.77 2.81 2.95 0.75 0.02 0.49 0.91 -0.91 -1.72 0.13 1.59 0.61 0.31 0.75 0.44 0.03 0.28 1.53 29.81 11.57 18.23 0.00 0.00 4.75 19.84 -19.84 -25.49 -0.01 25.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.78 21.69 16.54 27.04 0.00 0.00 50.49 305.24 305.24 104.72 -0.32 123.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35.00 1.21 35.00 1.21 0.00 0.00 34.99 1.21 29.34 1.01 -5.65 -16.14 CURRENT BUDGET Structure of the Current expenditures participating in total Current budget with 64.1% per individual type of expenditure. Distribution of excessive funds in the Current budget with the amount of 89.61 million EUR is shown on the following chart: Amendments and appendixes to the Law on budget of Montenegro for the year 2008, as well as distribution of excessive funds per type of expenditures are shown in the following table: Classification Description 4 Expenditures Current expenditures Gross wages and contributions paid by employer Net wages Wage tax Contributions paid by employee Contribution paid by employer Municipal fee Other personal income Meal remuneration Vacation remuneration Dwelling and separate living remuneration Transport remuneration Annual prizes Settlement Remunerations for Parliament members Other remunerations Expenditures for material and services Expenditures for material Expenditures for official travels Expenditures for presentation Expenditures for energy Expenditures for telephone services Expenditures for postal services Banking serv. and negative exch. rate differences Transport services 41 411 4111 4112 4113 4114 4115 4121 4122 4124 4125 4126 4127 4128 4129 4131 4132 4133 4134 4135 4136 412 413 4137 4138 4139 414 4141 Contracted services Current maintenance Current maintenance of public infrastructure 662,976,208.00 453,231,111.30 Budget amendments and appendixes for 2008 752,584,876.20 482,678,976.49 254,920,429.56 269,881,949.41 14,961,519.85 146,200,580.73 29,163,102.81 41,399,076.77 34,078,465.82 4,079,203.43 20,450,257.88 8,659,406.00 5,047,118.00 1,888,229.60 223,600.00 1,355.00 851,560.00 450,000.00 3,328,989.28 105,371,295.56 19,115,588.52 6,596,769.54 721,416.00 17,142,996.59 5,040,816.41 1,429,532.89 153,814,758.96 29,511,902.84 42,085,406.93 40,345,083.82 4,124,796.86 21,804,448.72 8,673,614.10 5,054,550.77 1,909,229.57 223,600.00 1,355.00 851,560.00 450,000.00 4,640,539.28 118,141,050.06 19,889,488.57 6,985,769.63 732,915.89 17,850,996.66 4,941,816.49 1,434,832.89 7,614,178.23 348,800.03 686,330.16 6,266,618.00 45,593.43 1,354,190.84 14,208.10 7,432.77 20,999.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,311,550.00 12,769,754.50 773,900.05 389,000.09 11,499.89 708,000.07 -98,999.92 5,300.00 364,006.00 364,006.00 0.00 1,088,654.00 1,088,654.00 0.00 53,871,515.61 22,100,620.00 16,337,200.00 64,852,569.93 22,100,620.00 16,337,200.00 10,981,054.32 0.00 0.00 Current budget for 2008 Difference 89,608,668.20 29,447,865.19 45 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 4142 4143 415 4151 4152 416 4161 4162 4163 417 4171 418 4181 4182 4183 4184 42 421 4211 4212 4213 4214 4215 4216 4217 4218 422 4222 43 431 4311 4312 4313 4317 4319 44 441 4411 4412 4413 4414 4415 4416 4417 45 451 4511 4513 4515 46 461 4611 4612 462 4622 463 4630 47 471 4710 472 4720 46 Current maintenance of buildings Current maintenance of equipment Interests Interests paid to residents Interests paid to non-residents Rent Building lease Equipment lease Land lease Subventions Subventions for production and service providing Other expenditures Communal fees Fines Tax fees Other Transfers for social security Rights in social security Child care War-disability security Family material security Maternity leaves Other persons’ care and assistance Children meals in pre-school facilities Support for protégées’ in homes Other rights in social security Funds for technological surplus workforce Settlement for technological surplus Transfers for institutions, individuals, nongovernmental and public sector Transfers for institutions, individuals, nongovernmental and public sector Transfers for public institutions Transfers for non-governmental organizations, political parties and associations Transfers for individuals Transfers for municipalities Transfers for public enterprises Capital expenditures Capital expenditures Expenditures for infrastructure of common sign. Expenditures for local infrastructure Expenditures for buildings Expenditures for land arrangement Expenditures for equipment Expenditures for investment maintenance Expenditures for reserves Loans and credits Loans and credits Loans and credits to non-financial institutions Loans and credits to individuals Other loans and credits Debt payment Debt payment Payment of bonds and credits to residents Payment of bonds and credits to non-residents Warranties payment Foreign warranties payment Payment of previous years obligations Payment of previous years obligations Reserves Current budget reserve Current budget reserve Permanent budget reserve Permanent budget reserve 2,843,492.00 2,919,928.00 18,888,600.00 508,600.00 18,380,000.00 9,559,116.08 9,137,120.08 400,220.00 21,776.00 16,015,000.00 16,015,000.00 5,925,792.22 4,434,820.26 2,600.00 62,920.00 1,425,451.96 45,973,400.00 41,323,400.00 4,020,000.00 8,900,000.00 13,323,040.00 6,850,000.00 4,884,960.00 345,400.00 2,800,000.00 200,000.00 4,650,000.00 4,650,000.00 2,843,492.00 2,919,928.00 18,888,600.00 508,600.00 18,380,000.00 9,561,516.08 9,139,520.08 400,220.00 21,776.00 16,375,000.00 16,375,000.00 5,925,792.22 4,434,820.26 2,600.00 62,920.00 1,425,451.96 64,553,400.00 43,153,400.00 3,990,000.00 9,050,000.00 13,346,080.00 7,850,000.00 5,491,920.00 525,400.00 2,700,000.00 200,000.00 21,400,000.00 21,400,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 0.00 0.00 360,000.00 360,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18,580,000.00 1,830,000.00 -30,000.00 150,000.00 23,040.00 1,000,000.00 606,960.00 180,000.00 -100,000.00 0.00 16,750,000.00 16,750,000.00 54,463,357.18 55,974,917.10 1,511,559.92 54,463,357.18 55,974,917.10 1,511,559.92 34,949,796.06 35,879,796.06 930,000.00 7,679,852.72 8,111,412.64 431,559.92 8,813,708.40 2,735,000.00 285,000.00 67,175,387.96 67,175,387.96 2,137,600.00 11,148,000.00 12,034,537.62 921,500.00 26,381,190.34 14,297,560.00 255,000.00 3,985,003.28 3,985,003.28 5,003.28 1,830,000.00 2,150,000.00 28,790,000.00 15,690,000.00 3,020,000.00 12,670,000.00 600,000.00 600,000.00 12,500,000.00 12,500,000.00 9,357,948.28 7,857,948.28 7,857,948.28 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 8,963,708.40 2,735,000.00 285,000.00 77,144,631.05 77,144,631.05 2,287,600.00 13,388,999.95 13,334,537.62 921,500.00 31,462,834.08 15,494,159.40 255,000.00 3,985,003.28 3,985,003.28 5,003.28 1,830,000.00 2,150,000.00 54,290,000.00 15,690,000.00 3,020,000.00 12,670,000.00 600,000.00 600,000.00 38,000,000.00 38,000,000.00 13,957,948.28 12,457,948.28 12,457,948.28 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 150,000.00 0.00 0.00 9,969,243.09 9,969,243.09 150,000.00 2,240,999.95 1,300,000.00 0.00 5,081,643.74 1,196,599.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,500,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,500,000.00 25,500,000.00 4,600,000.00 4,600,000.00 4,600,000.00 0.00 0.00 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 GROSS WAGES OF EMPLOYEES AND OTHER PERSONAL INCOME AND REIMBURSEMENTS FOR EMPLOYEES Funds for gross wages of employees had been increased for 14.96 million EUR by the Amendments and appendixes to the Law on budget of Montenegro for the year 2008. Greater reserving of funds for gross wages is a consequence of application of new legislation regulating this area, namely: Decision on establishing the value of rate for calculation of fixed wage segment for the holders of judicial and constitutional-judicial functions (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, no. 33/08), where the value of rate for calculation of fixed wage segment is established to the amount of 75.00 EUR, according to the Article 6 Paragraph 1 of the Law on wages and other income of judicial and constitutional-judicial functions (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro”, no. 36/07, 53/07), Application of the Law on wages and other income of state and public officers (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, no. 33/08), which regulates in a different manner than previous the right on wage, wage reimbursement and other remunerations for state and public officers, according to their function performing, as well as the retirement settlements for state officers. Application of the Decision on establishing of rate value for calculation of fixed wage segment of officials (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, no. 15/08) where the value of rate for calculation of fixed wage segment is established to the amount of 75.00 EUR, according to the Article 59 of the Rulebook of the Montenegro Parliament (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro”, no. 51/06 and 66/06). EXPENDITURES FOR MATERIAL AND SERVICES Expenditures for material and services had been increased for 12.77 million EUR. A significant increase of 10.98 million EUR relates to contracted services (implementation of projects in the area of environmental protection, cost of helicopter lease for fire extinguishing, for support of IPA (Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance) programs implementation, for implementation of Central citizens’ register project and other). Expenditures for procurement of office supplies, spare parts and consumables were increased for 0.77 million EUR. Remaining funds are related to increase of expenditures for energy 0.71 million EUR, caused by increase of electric power and fuel price increase, expenditures for official travels 0.39 million EUR, etc. SUBVENTIONS Funds for subventions in agriculture are increased for 0.36 million EUR, for the purpose of intervention measures for milk industry support, according to the program of intervention measures for remedying consequences of 2007 dry period. This Program defines additional support for milk producers and participation in procurement of concentrated cattle food, and are paid from the funds of Agro budget for 2008. TRANSFERS FOR SOCIAL SECURITY Transfers for social security had been increased for 18.58 million EUR by the Law on amendments and appendixes to the law on budget of Montenegro. The reason for increasing these funds is increase of rights and users for payment of wardisability protection, maternity leave, other persons’ care and nutrition of children in pre-school facilities. For the item Settlement for technological surplus the additional funds of 16.50 million EUR dedicated to solving unpaid obligations according to the Enterprises restructuring programs and for the enterprises in the privatization procedure or which had been privatized. Significant funds of 1.00 million EUR had been increased for the expenditures for maternity leaves, due to the tendency of growth and increase of wages which represent the base for remuneration, increase of number of users, as well as great influx of documents for maternity leave payment from enterprises, banks and mobile network providers. Regarding the expenditures for other persons’ care and assistance, the funds were increased for 0.61 million EUR, since increase of number of users is expected due to the reason that medical boards establish this right twice a year. TRANSFERS FOR INSTITUTIONS, INDIVIDUALS, NON-GOVERNMENTAL AND PUBLIC SECTOR Transfers for institutions, individuals, non-governmental and public sector had been increased for 1.51 million EUR, and are related to increase of funds for 0.43 million EUR for Funds for parliamentary parties operation, work of Court committee with planned amount of 0.23 million EUR, due to the obligation to establish the Court committee given by the Constitution of Montenegro. Remaining funds are reserved for the purposes of financing of the clubs achieving top sports results, as well as for the implementation of National plan for youth and work of Council for youth, while the amount of 0.10 million EUR is planned for reconstruction and construction of premises of the Public health institute. 47 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital expenditures had been increased for 9.97 million EUR. Expenditures for equipment had been increased for 5.08 million EUR, increase of 2.24 million EUR is related to the expenditures for local infrastructure, and additional 1.20 million EUR for expenditures for investment maintenance. The major amount of 2.75 million EUR is dedicated for the needs of Police authority, for the purpose of unifying the vehicle fleet. Remaining funds are planned for purchase of furniture, auxiliary power, mobile platform for disabled persons, equipment for acquisition of biometric data for diplomatic-consular offices, for procurement of mobile scanner for Bar port and similar. Part of the funds are dedicated for the investment maintenance, and are related to: finishing of border crossing Božaj reconstruction, production of designs for border crossings towards Serbia, production of design for the Ministry of internal affairs office building, as well as other affairs of the investment maintenance. DEBT PAYMENT The Law on amendments and appendixes of the law on budget of Montenegro for the year 2008 significantly increases the funds for payment of previous years’ obligations, to the amount of 25.50 million EUR. The major segment of these funds of 14.50 million EUR covers paying second additional retirement payment for the retirement and disability security users. The decision on buy-off of the citizens’ foreign currency savings bonds due in 2016 and 2017 defines increase of 10.0 million EUR, while the remaining funds are reserved for obligations prescribed by the Law on payment of citizens’ foreign currency funds invested via the enterprise Jugoskandik dd Belgrade. CURRENT BUDGET RESERVE Funds of current budget reserve had been increased for 4.60 million EUR by the Law on amendments and appendixes of the law on budget of Montenegro for the year 2008. These funds shall be used for non-predicted expenditures by the end of 2008. BUDGET OF STATE FUNDS Amendments and appendixes to the expenditures per economic classification of state funds, according to the Law on amendments and appendixes of the law on budget of Montenegro for the year 2008 are shown in the following table: CONSUMPTION UNIT Funds’ budget for 2008 1 6 60101 60201 60301 60401 60501 TOTAL; 2 455,566,192.41 250,000,000.00 144,554,999.99 30,169,300.00 22,312,301.42 8,529,591.00 455,566,192.41 STATE FUNDS RETIREMENT AND DISABILITY SECURITY FUND HEALTH INSURANCE FUND EMPLOYMENT AGENCY DEVELOPMENT FUND REMUNERATION FUND Amendments and appendixes of budget for 2008 (rebalance) 3 483,437,605.41 272,000,000.00 144,554,999.99 36,040,713.00 22,312,301.42 8,529,591.00 483,437,605.41 Difference 4(3-2) 27,871,413.00 22,000,000.00 0.00 5,871,413.00 0.00 0.00 27,871,413.00 EVALUATION OF CONSOLIDATED PUBLIC CONSUMPTION FOR 2008 According to the estimations by Ministry of Finance, positive trends of current income collection shall continue until the end of 2008 and as a result, increase of current income for 5.49% of GDP had been estimated. The greatest increase is expected in collection of taxes and contributions, while collection of other income shall mostly be in line with the plan for 2008. At the same time, it is estimated that consolidated expenditures shall increase for 3.85% of GDP, due to increase for pension expenditures for PIO fund, increase of expenditures for gross salaries, increase of capital expenditures, as well as the increase of transfers for social security with the budget of Montenegro, including the funds for technological surplus workers. Public sector surplus is estimated to 1.65% of GDP. Better collection of public income and public consumption surplus shall enable settling debts and unpaid obligations with the amounts higher then planned for 2008, with increase of deposit for 1.69% of GDP. 48 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 Fiscal indicators Macroeconomic indicators Macroeconomic and fiscal framework (% GDP) 2008 Projection Nominal GDP increase Real GDP increase Inflation Import Export Current account slack Net foreign direct investment Domestic credits Bank deposits Public revenue Consolidated public consumption Slack/Surplus Interests Primary slack/surplus Public debt level Increase of deposit DESCRIPTION CURRENT INCOME Taxes Contributions Tax fees Fees – remuneration Other income Income from credit payments CONSOLIDATED EXPENDITURES CURRENT PUBLIC CONSUMPTION Current expenditures Transfers for social security Transfers for instit., individuals, NGO’s and public sector Total capital expenditures Loans and credits Warranties payment Reserves SLACK/SURPLUS FINANCING Domestic financing Foreign financing Revenues from privatization and deposits DEPOSIT INCREASE/DECREASE Projection 2008 million € 1533.11 944.77 297.31 35.51 192.09 51.60 11.83 1485.35 1178.18 586.52 328.42 220.71 307.16 22.09 0.60 19.84 47.76 -47.76 -108.01 27.56 81.78 49.09 14,6 % 7.0% 7,1% 88.0% 55.0% 36.4% 28.9% 105.6% 76.7% 52.87 51.22 1.65 0.72 2.37 32.31 1.69 % of GDP 52.87 32.58 10.25 1.22 6.62 1.78 0.41 51.22 40.63 20.22 11.32 7.61 10.59 0.76 0.02 0.68 1.65 -1.65 -3.72 0.95 2.82 1.69 Prepared by: Slobodanka – Mila Popović coordinator of the sector for budget operations Radovan Živković Independent adviser I Tamara Gačević Independent adviser I Vladislav Karadžić Independent adviser I 49 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 IMPLEMENTATION OF PUBLIC CONSUMPTION ON LOCAL LEVEL FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY-MARCH 2008 I - INCOME COLLECTED Total budget income collected by municipalities (21) for the period January-March 2008 are 116.0 million EUR (average 38.7 million EUR monthly) and in comparison with the same period previous year (60.8 million EUR) had increased for 90.8%. In the structure of collected income, the local income (taxes, tax fees and other local income) participate with 28.31%, forwarded state income (private persons’ income tax, real estate transfer tax, concession and other fees for natural resources use and annual fee on motor vehicle registration) 7.57%, Equalization fund 3.45% and other income (income of property sales, funds transferred from previous year, donations, subventions of budget users and other transfers from central level, loans and credits) with 60.67%. The following table shows overview of collected budget incomes in municipalities for the period January-March 2008, per sources: in € 50 No Municipality Local income Forwarded income Equalization fund Other income Total (3 to 6) % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Andrijevica 50.312 6.779 143.853 150.274 351.218 0,30 2. Bar 3.547.701 713.993 28.790 33.599.104 37.889.588 32,66 3. Berane 225.803 114.797 777.608 610.820 1.729.028 1,49 4. Bijelo Polje 752.247 121.707 578.015 172.288 1.624.257 1,40 5. Budva 3.237.469 1.678.241 25.720 5.854.501 10.795.931 9,31 6. Danilovgrad 241.149 141.738 315.487 2.181.448 2.879.822 2,48 7. Žabljak 169.887 127.498 99.005 1.409.772 1.806.162 1,56 8. Kolašin 497.063 101.901 129.599 93.929 822.492 0,71 9. Kotor 977.651 567.615 18.200 8.830.340 10.393.806 8,96 10. Mojkovac 143.728 20.623 341.156 95.509 601.016 0,52 11. Nikšić 1.732.826 557.541 329.447 516.861 3.136.675 2,70 12. Plav 92.062 19.458 254.356 219.084 584.960 0,50 13. Plužine 74.100 168.439 9.350 61.166 313.055 0,27 14. Pljevlja 1.312.926 289.490 145.339 324.065 2.071.820 1,79 15. Podgorica 11.734.260 2.900.944 22.880 12.705.802 27.363.886 23,59 16. Rožaje 279.593 6.415 308.785 47.683 642.476 0,55 17. Tivat 967.749 269.974 3.840 2.894.371 4.135.934 3,57 18. Ulcinj 521.244 213.073 156.287 14.740 905.344 0,78 19. Herceg Novi 5.251.410 626.580 8.950 39.068 5.926.008 5,11 20. Cetinje 816.469 134.896 186.375 85.258 1.222.998 1,05 21. Šavnik 210.384 6.063 115.314 475.011 806.772 0,70 TOTAL 32.836.033 8.787.765 3.998.356 70.381.094 116.003.248 100,00 % 28,31 7,57 3,45 60,67 100,00 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 1. Local revenues of municipal budgets Total collected local budget revenues of municipalities for the period January-March 2008 amount 32.8 million EUR, where fiscal revenues (taxes, tax fees and fees – remunerations) cover 80.99%, while the other local revenues (cash penalties and interests, concession fees for communal goods use, revenues achieved by local institutions and offices in their work and other income) cover 19.01%. Collected local fiscal income of the municipalities for reporting period amount 26.6 million EUR (average 8.9 million EUR monthly). In the structure of income on this base, the greatest share is related to the fee for urban land arrangement (54.33%), share of private persons’ income tax (12.80%) and fee for urban construction land use (10.13%), adding up to total of 77.26% of local income with fiscal character. Municipalities had, for the reporting period, collected 6.2 million EUR (average 2.1 million EUR monthly) for remaining local income. Following table shows an overview of collected local income of the municipal budgets for the period January-March 2008, per sources: in € No. Municipality Fiscal income Other local income Total (2+3) % 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 Andrijevica 46.546 3.766 50.312 0,15 2 Bar 2.966.635 581.066 3.547.701 10,80 3 Berane 183.860 41.943 225.803 0,69 4 Bijelo Polje 695.456 56.791 752.247 2,29 5 Budva 3.119.444 118.025 3.237.469 9,86 6 Danilovgrad 181.798 59.351 241.149 0,73 7 Žabljak 149.677 20.210 169.887 0,52 8 Kolašin 487.816 9.247 497.063 1,51 9 Kotor 705.389 272.262 977.651 2,98 10 Mojkovac 137.128 6.600 143.728 0,44 11 Nikšić 1699.412 33.414 1.732.826 5,28 12 Plav 85.207 6.855 92.062 0,28 13 Plužine 62.353 11.747 74.100 0,22 14 Pljevlja 1.228.618 84.308 1.312.926 4,00 15 Podgorica 10.328.415 1.405.845 11.734.260 35,74 16 Rožaje 212.827 66.766 279.593 0,85 17 Tivat 886.350 81.399 967.749 2,95 18 Ulcinj 505.207 16.037 521.244 1,59 19 Herceg Novi 2.425.719 2.825.691 5.251.410 15,99 20 Cetinje 285718 530.751 816.469 2,49 21 Šavnik 200.454 9.930 210.384 0,64 TOTAL 26.594.029 6.242.004 32.836.033 100,00 % 80,99 19,01 100,00 2. Income forwarded to municipal budgets from central level Municipal budgets (21) had been forwarded 8.8 million EUR (average 2.9 million EUR monthly) from joint income for the period January-March 2008, which is in comparison with the same period previous year (6.1 million EUR) an increase of 44.3%. In the structure of forwarded income, private persons’ income tax has 30.78% share, real estate transfer tax 58.73% share, concession and other remunerations for natural goods use 6.97% and annual fee for registration of road motor vehicles, tractors and trailors with 3.52% share. 51 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 The following table shows an overview of forwarded republic income to the municipal budgets for the period JanuaryMarch 2008, per type of income: in € No Municipality PP’s income tax RE transfer tax Concession fee Annual m. vehicle reg. fee Total (3 to 6) % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Andrijevica 5.049 80 251 1.399 6.779 0,08 2 Bar 144.975 513.075 23.415 32.528 713.993 8,13 3 Berane 52.106 37.048 7.807 17.836 114.797 1,31 4 Bijelo Polje 67.863 19.806 6.505 27.533 121.707 1,39 5 Budva 150.992 1.517.554 9.695 1.678.241 19,10 6 Danilovgrad 34.251 70.204 28.420 141.738 1,61 7 Žabljak 6.837 111.088 9.573 127.498 1,45 8 Kolašin 48.580 44.283 4.990 101.901 1,16 9 Kotor 134.602 414.774 18.239 567.615 6,46 10 Mojkovac 16.182 476 1.278 2.687 20.623 0,23 101.027 118.992 34.096 11 Nikšić 303.426 12 Plav 19.458 13 Plužine 104.949 14 Pljevlja 125.390 15 Podgorica 1.178.682 16 Rožaje 6.415 17 Tivat 53.369 215.199 1.406 18 Ulcinj 36.553 161.366 5.511 19 Herceg Novi 144.456 460.416 20 Cetinje 64.559 48.477 21 Šavnik 6.013 8.863 4.048 557.541 6,35 19.458 0,22 62.059 1.431 168.439 1,92 28.594 117.277 18.229 289.490 3,29 1.417.913 186.111 118.238 2.900.944 33,01 6.415 0,07 269.974 3,07 9.643 213.073 2,42 1.793 19.915 626.580 7,13 9.293 12.567 134.896 1,53 50 6.063 0,07 100,00 TOTAL 2.704.707 5.161.380 612.615 309.063 8.787.765 % 30,78 58,73 6,97 3,52 100,00 3. Equalization fund From the Equalization fund, the municipalities were forwarded 4.0 million EUR (average 1.3 million EUR monthly) for the period January-March 2008. The greatest share in distributed funds is related to the municipalities: Berane, Bijelo Polje, Mojkovac, Nikšić, Danilovgrad and Rožaje. 4. Other income of municipalities’ budgets The municipalities had, for other income (sold property income, funds transferred from previous year, donations, subventions and other transfers, loans and credits), for the period January-March 2008, achieved 70.4 million EUR. In the structure of income per this item, forwarded funds participate with 93.58%, sold property income 3.97%, loans and credits 1.38%, subventions and other transfers 0.85% and donations 0.22% share. The following table shows overview of collected other income of the municipalities’ budgets for the period January-March 2008. 52 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 in € No. Municipality 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. TOTAL % 2 Andrijevica Bar Berane Bijelo Polje Budva Danilovgrad Žabljak Kolašin Kotor Mojkovac Nikšić Plav Plužine Pljevlja Podgorica Rožaje Tivat Ulcinj Herceg Novi Cetinje Šavnik Sold property income 3 77.407 Donations Loans 4 5.000 5 5.386 13.415 265.300 371.422 5.622 73 3.046 44.942 250.000 20.000 30.000 224.065 387.658 13.010 1.385.600 500.000 150.000 100.000 30.000 39.068 1.100 2.792.172 3,97 155.000 0,22 974.942 1,38 F. transf. from prev. years Subven tions 6 67.867 33.599.104 218.481 113.931 5.339.201 1.810.026 1.409.772 88.307 8.715.282 72.463 16.861 31.340 61.166 7 386.953 114.985 7.744 12.318.144 4.673 1.508.771 11.421 3.319 33.937 442.011 65.862.758 93,58 50.221 33.000 596.222 0,85 Total % 8 150.274 33.599.104 610.820 172.288 5.854.501 2.181.448 1.409.772 93.929 8.830.340 95.509 516.861 219.084 61.166 324.065 12.705.802 47.683 2.894.371 14.740 39.068 85.258 475.011 70.381.094 100,00 9 0,21 47,74 0,87 0,24 8,32 3,10 2,00 0,13 12,55 0,14 0,74 0,31 0,09 0,46 18,05 0,07 4,11 0,02 0,06 0,12 0,67 100,00 II - DISBURSEMENT Total disbursement of municipal budgets for the period January-March 2008 is 44.88 million EUR, which is 11.40% of planned for year 2008. The greatest disbursement is in municipality Danilovgrad – 31.33%, Plužina – 25.14%, Berane – 24.26% and Bijelo Polje – 19.01% in comparison with planed for year 2008. The lowest disbursement is in municipality Žabljak – 3.40%. Expenditures of municipalities January-March 2008 Municipality Andrijevica Bar Berane Bijelo Polje Budva Danilovgrad Herceg Novi Kolašin Kotor Mojkovac Nikšić Plav Plužine Pljevlja Podgorica Rožaje Tivat Ulcinj Cetinje Šavnik Žabljak TOTAL Plan 2008 Execution Jan-Mar 2008 % execution 1,10 45,38 6,10 8,36 78,17 6,10 26,29 5,20 28,34 2,95 37,06 3,05 1,79 13,05 92,08 3,58 10,48 11,04 8,02 1,20 5,30 394,62 0,16 2,30 1,48 1,59 10,77 1,91 2,99 0,78 2,85 0,34 3,09 0,42 0,45 1,82 10,14 0,58 1,10 0,88 0,98 0,17 0,18 44,98 14,55 5,06 24,26 19,01 13,77 31,33 11,39 15,00 10,06 11,66 8,33 13,70 25,14 13,93 11,01 16,22 10,54 7,93 12,24 14,33 3,40 11,40 53 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 Consolidated expenditures of municipalities for period January-March 2008 were 36.98 million EUR, which is 1.28% of estimated GDP for 2008. In the structure of expenditures, the greatest participation is shown for capital expenditures – 16.58 million EUR or 36.86% of total expenditures, followed by current expenditures (gross wages, other income, expenditures for material and services, interest, rent, subventions and current maintenance) of 12.16 million EUR or 27.03% of total expenditures. Transfers (transfer for social security and transfers for institutions, individuals, NGO’s and public sector) were 5.97 million EUR or 13.27% of total expenditures; debt payment with 7.94 million EUR or 17.66% of total expenditures, while other expenditures were 2.27 million EUR or 5.05% of total expenditures The following table shows overview of consolidated and total expenditures for the period January-March 2008 (in million EUR) per municipalities and types of expenditures: Municipality Consolidated expenditures for January-March 2008 Current exp Andrijevica Bar Berane Bijelo Polje Budva Danilovgrad Herceg Novi Kolašin Kotor Mojkovac Nikšić Plav Plužine Pljevlja Podgorica Rožaje Tivat Ulcinj Cetinje Šavnik Žabljak TOTAL % 0,08 0,64 0,38 0,17 1,46 0,41 1,27 0,29 0,95 0,22 0,97 0,16 0,15 1,10 2,36 0,16 0,54 0,38 0,22 0,08 0,14 12,16 27,03 Capital exp 0,02 1,03 0,44 0,59 4,92 0,22 0,94 0,09 1,34 0,05 0,15 0,01 0,05 0,24 5,85 0,19 0,27 0,13 0,02 0,01 0,00 16,58 36,86 Transfers 0,06 0,42 0,25 0,33 0,58 0,26 0,34 0,08 0,18 0,03 0,66 0,29 0,04 0,20 1,46 0,19 0,28 0,12 0,13 0,03 0,03 5,97 13,27 Other exp 0,00 0,03 0,02 0,27 0,00 1,00 0,14 0,00 0,13 0,02 0,28 0,00 0,00 0,02 0,33 0,01 0,01 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 2,27 5,05 Cons. exp. % GDP Debt payment Total expendi tures 0,16 2,13 1,09 1,37 6,97 1,89 2,69 0,46 2,61 0,33 2,06 0,46 0,24 1,57 10,00 0,55 1,10 0,64 0,38 0,12 0,17 36,98 82,21 0,01 0,07 0,04 0,05 0,24 0,07 0,09 0,02 0,09 0,01 0,07 0,02 0,01 0,05 0,34 0,02 0,04 0,02 0,01 0,00 0,01 1,28 0,00 0,17 0,31 0,47 3,53 0,02 0,31 0,31 0,24 0,02 1,03 0,19 0,02 0,25 0,14 0,03 0,00 0,24 0,61 0,04 0,00 7,94 17.66 0,18 2,30 1,40 1,84 10,49 1,90 3,00 0,78 2,85 0,35 3,09 0,67 0,26 1,82 10,14 0,58 1,10 0,88 0,98 0,16 0,20 44,98 100,00 III - BUDGET DEBT Total budget debt of the local government for the period January-March 2008 was 20.86 million EUR, which is 0,72% of estimated GDP for 2008. In the debt structure, domestic debt amounts 13.17 million EUR, which is 63.13% of total debt, while foreign debt amounts 7.69 million EUR, which is 36.86% of total debt. 54 No. Type of debt I 1 a b 2 3 II 1 a Domestic debt Credits Short-term Capital Interest Long-term Capital Interest Bonds Warranties Foreign debt Credits Short-term Capital TOTAL in mil € 13,17 11,23 4,01 3,44 0,57 6,89 6,20 0,69 2,92 0,01 7,69 7,69 0,00 0,00 % GDP 0,45 0,39 0,14 0,12 0,02 0,24 0,21 0,02 0,10 0,00 0,27 0,27 0,00 0,00 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 b 2 3 I+II Interest Long-term Capital Interest Bonds Warranties BUDGET DEBT 0,00 7,69 6,65 1,04 0,00 0,00 20,86 0,00 0,27 0,23 0,04 0,00 0,00 0,72 IV - UNSETTLED OBLIGATIONS Total unsettled obligations of local government for the period January-March 2008 are 20.53 million EUR. In the structure of unsettled obligations, the biggest item, are unsettled obligations for capital expenditures – 6.39 million EUR, which is approximately one-third of total unsettled obligations. Obligations for current expenditures were 6.23 million EUR, while for debt payment the amount was 3.42 million EUR and loans and credits 2.78 million EUR. No. Type of unsettled obligations TOTAL mil. € % of GDP I Obligations for current disbursements 6,23 0,21 Obligations for gross wages and contributions paid by employer 3,36 0,12 Obligations for other personal income 0,26 0,01 Obligations for other current disbursements 2,61 0,09 II Obligations for transfers for social security 0,02 0,00 III Obligations for transfers for institutions, individual, NGO 1,58 0,05 IV Obligations for capital disbursements 6,39 0,22 V Obligations for loans and credits 2,78 0,10 VI Obligations for debt payment 3,42 0,12 VII Obligations from reserves 0,11 0,00 20,53 0,71 TOTAL UNSETTLED OBLIGATIONS ( I+II III+IV+V+VI+VII ) Gordana Radović Slobodanka Burić Prepared by: Gordana Radović Independent advisor I Slobodanka Burić Independent advisor I 55 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 CAPITAL BUDGET The Law on capital budget of Montenegro for the year 2008 plans the funds for capital budget in total amount of 67,432,973.00 EUR. Draft law on amendments and appendixes to the law on capital budget of Montenegro for the year 2008 increases the funds for capital budget for 18,233,800.00 EUR. Capital budget summary table Economic classification Description Plan 2008 Difference Rebalance 4 Expenditures 67.432.973,00 18.233.800,00 85.666.773,00 41 Current expend. 10.434.925,00 130.000,00 10.564.925,00 44 Capital expend. 56.998.048,00 18.103.800,00 75.101.848,00 For the Directorate for public works, the funds for capital projects within the capital budget for the year 2008 are planned in the amount of 35,642,973.00 EUR. Amendments and appendixes of the law on capital budget for the year 2008 increase the funds for capital projects for 15,133,800.00 EUR. Directorate for public works Functional classification Economic classification 40902 Description Plan 2008 Difference Rebalance Directorate for public works 35.642.973,00 15.133.800,00 50.776.773,00 New building of Government of Montenegro – Podgorica Functional classification Economic classification Description New building of Government of Montenegro - Podgorica Construction phase 700 7002 0111 0111 0111 0111 4 41 413 4131 4134 4135 4139 44 441 0111 4413 Expenditures Current expenditures Disbursement for material and services Disbursement for material Disbursement for energy Disbursement for telephone services Contracted services Capital expenditures Capital expenditures Expenditures for construction buildings Plan 2008 Difference Rebalance 2.000.000,00 3.000.000,00 5.000.000,00 2.000.000,00 3.000.000,00 5.000.000,00 2.000.000,00 44.700,00 44.700,00 480,00 360,00 360,00 43.500,00 1.955.300,00 1.955.300,00 3.000.000,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 3.000.000,00 3.000.000,00 5.000.000,00 44.700,00 44.700,00 480,00 360,00 360,00 43.500,00 4.955.300,00 4.955.300,00 1.955.300,00 3.000.000,00 4.955.300,00 For the capital project New building of Government of Montenegro – Podgorica, funds were planned in capital budget for the year 2008 in the amount of 2,000,000.00 EUR for the construction phase. Considering that the funds for implementation of this project planned in 2008 are not sufficient, the amendments and appendixes to the law on capital budget of Montenegro for the year 2008 increases the funds in the construction phase – Expenditures for construction buildings with the amount of 3,000,000.00 EUR. These funds are necessary for accelerated dynamics of works, in order for the project to be finished in the first quarter next year. 56 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 Rector office building in Podgorica Functional classification Economic classification 703 7032 4 41 413 0942 0942 0942 0942 4131 4134 4135 4139 44 441 0942 4413 Description Plan 2008 Difference Rebalance Rector office building in Podgorica Construction phase Expenditures Current expenditures Disbursement for material and services Disbursement for material Disbursement for energy Disbursement for telephone services Contracted services Capital expenditures Capital expenditures Expenditures for construction buildings 2.365.687,00 2.365.687,00 2.365.687,00 29.170,00 200.000,00 200.000,00 200.000,00 0,00 2.565.687,00 2.565.687,00 2.565.687,00 29.170,00 29.170,00 0,00 29.170,00 360,00 360,00 450,00 28.000,00 2.336.517,00 2.336.517,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 200.000,00 200.000,00 360,00 360,00 450,00 28.000,00 2.536.517,00 2.536.517,00 2.336.517,00 200.000,00 2.536.517,00 For the capital project Rector office building in Podgorica, funds were planned in capital budget for the year 2008 in the amount of 2,365,687.00 EUR. During execution of works, some surpluses and additional works had occurred, requiring to be performed in order to start functional use of building. Amendments and appendixes to the law on capital budget of Montenegro for the year 2008 increases the funds in the construction phase – Expenditures for construction buildings with the amount of 200,000.00 EUR. Institute for public health in Podgorica Functional classification 705 7052 0740 0740 0740 0740 0740 Economic classification 4 41 413 4131 4134 4135 4139 44 441 4413 Description Plan 2008 Difference Rebalance Institute for public health in Podgorica Construction phase Expenditures Current expenditures Disbursement for material and services Disbursement for material Disbursement for energy Disbursement for telephone services Contracted services Capital expenditures Capital expenditures Expenditures for construction buildings 1.748.000,00 1.748.000,00 1.748.000,00 25.000,00 25.000,00 600,00 400,00 500,00 23.500,00 1.723.000,00 1.723.000,00 1.723.000,00 140.000,00 140.000,00 140.000,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 140.000,00 140.000,00 140.000,00 1.888.000,00 1.888.000,00 1.888.000,00 25.000,00 25.000,00 600,00 400,00 500,00 23.500,00 1.863.000,00 1.863.000,00 1.863.000,00 For the capital project Institute for public health Podgorica, funds were planned in capital budget for the year 2008 in the amount of 1,748,000.00 EUR for the construction phase. Funds for implementation of this project planned in year 2008 are not sufficient, since during the works implementation some surpluses and additional works had occurred, requiring to be performed in order to start functional use of building. Amendments and appendixes to the law on capital budget of Montenegro for the year 2008 increase the funds in the construction phase – Expenditures for construction buildings with the amount of 140,000.00 EUR. Building of state agencies in Podgorica Functional classification Economic classification 707 7071 4 41 418 Description Building of state agencies in Podgorica Preparation phase Expenditures Current expenditures Other expenditures Plan 2008 Difference Rebalance 2.603.286,00 0,00 2.603.286,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 300.000,00 300.000,00 300.000,00 300.000,00 300.000,00 300.000,00 300.000,00 300.000,00 57 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 0560 7072 4181 413 0560 0560 0560 0560 4131 4134 4135 4139 44 441 0560 4413 4 41 Communal fees Construction phase Expenditures Current expenditures Disbursement for material and services Disbursement for material Disbursement for energy Disbursement for telephone services Contracted services Capital expenditures Capital expenditures Expenditures for construction buildings 0,00 2.603.286,00 2.603.286,00 27.500,00 300.000,00 -300.000,00 -300.000,00 0,00 300.000,00 2.303.286,00 2.303.286,00 27.500,00 27.500,00 0,00 27.500,00 360,00 360,00 360,00 26.420,00 2.575.786,00 2.575.786,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 -300.000,00 -300.000,00 360,00 360,00 360,00 26.420,00 2.275.786,00 2.275.786,00 2.575.786,00 -300.000,00 2.275.786,00 For the capital project Building of state agencies Podgorica, funds were planned in capital budget for the year 2008 in the amount of 2,603,286.00 EUR for the construction phase. The capital budget for the year 2008 does not include funds for covering communal fee for the urban construction land, which is necessary to be settled in order to obtain the construction permit. Therefore, it is necessary to perform rerouting of the funds from construction phase, expenditure 4413 – Expenditures for construction buildings with the amount of 300,000.00 EUR to the preparation phase, expenditure 4181 – Communal fees with the amount of 300,000.00 EUR. Customs office headquarters in Podgorica Functional classification Economic classification 710 7101 4 41 413 0112 0112 0112 4131 4135 4139 Description Customs office headquarters in Podgorica Preparation phase Expenditures Current expenditures Disbursement for material and services Disbursement for material Disbursement for telephone services Contracted services Plan 2008 Difference Rebalance 90.000,00 30.000,00 120.000,00 90.000,00 90.000,00 90.000,00 30.000,00 30.000,00 30.000,00 120.000,00 120.000,00 120.000,00 90.000,00 30.000,00 120.000,00 80,00 80,00 89.840,00 0,00 0,00 30.000,00 80,00 80,00 119.840,00 For the capital project Customs office headquarters Podgorica, funds were planned in capital budget for the year 2008 in the amount of 90,000.00 EUR for the preparation phase. Amendments and appendixes to the law on capital budget of Montenegro for the year 2008 increase the funds in the preparation phase – Contracted services for the amount of 30,000.00 EUR. Noted funds are necessary due to the increased user requirements for necessary area against the initially planned area. Home for palliative care for elderly “Grabovac” – Risan Functional classification Economic classification 714 7142 1091 4 44 441 4413 Description Home for palliative care for elderly “Grabovac” – Risan Construction phase Expenditures Capital expenditures Capital expenditures Expenditures for construction buildings Plan 2008 Difference Rebalance 1.140.000,00 193.800,00 1.333.800,00 1.140.000,00 1.140.000,00 1.140.000,00 1.140.000,00 1.140.000,00 193.800,00 193.800,00 193.800,00 193.800,00 193.800,00 1.333.800,00 1.333.800,00 1.333.800,00 1.333.800,00 1.333.800,00 For the capital project Home for palliative care for elderly “Grabovac” – Risan, funds were planned in capital budget for the year 2008 in the amount of 1,140,000.00 EUR for the construction phase. Amendments and appendixes to the law on capital budget of Montenegro for the year 2008 increase the funds in the construction phase – Expenditures for construction buildings for the amount of 193,800.00 EUR. Noted funds are necessary 58 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 for payment of the value added tax on the amount of 1,140,000.00 EUR, which is participation of the Government of Montenegro in this project. Musical center – Reconstruction and adaptation of the Army home building in Podgorica Functional classification Economic classification 721 7211 4 41 413 0820 7212 4139 4 41 413 0820 0820 0820 0820 4131 4135 4139 44 441 4413 Description Musical center – Reconstruction and adaptation of the Army home building in Podgorica Preparation phase Expenditures Current expenditures Disbursement for material and services Contracted services Construction phase Expenditures Current expenditures Disbursement for material and services Disbursement for material Disbursement for energy Disbursement for telephone services Contracted services Capital expenditures Capital expenditures Plan 2008 Difference Rebalance 1.500.000,00 0,00 1.500.000,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 84.240,00 84.240,00 84.240,00 84.240,00 84.240,00 84.240,00 0,00 84.240,00 84.240,00 0,00 1.500.000,00 1.500.000,00 22.500,00 84.240,00 -84.240,00 -84.240,00 0,00 84.240,00 1.415.760,00 1.415.760,00 22.500,00 22.500,00 0,00 22.500,00 360,00 360,00 21.780,00 1.477.500,00 1.477.500,00 1.477.500,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 -84.240,00 -84.240,00 -84.240,00 360,00 360,00 21.780,00 1.393.260,00 1.393.260,00 1.393.260,00 For the capital project Musical center – Reconstruction and adaptation of the Army home building in Podgorica, funds were planned in capital budget for the year 2008 in the amount of 1,500,000.00 EUR for the construction phase. Amendments and appendixes to the law on capital budget of Montenegro for the year 2008 perform rerouting of the funds from construction phase, expenditure 4413 – Expenditures for construction buildings with the amount of 84,240.00 EUR to the preparation phase, expenditure 4139 – Contracted services with the amount of 84,240.00 EUR. These funds are required for settling obligations regarding the project documentation production. Reconstruction of educational center “Tvrtko Bijelić” building in Nikšić Functional classification Economic classification 723 7232 0922 0922 0922 0922 0922 4 41 413 4131 4132 4134 4135 4139 44 441 0922 4413 Description Plan 2008 Difference Rebalance Reconstruction of educational center “Tvrtko Bijelić” building in Nikšić 1.250.000,00 100.000,00 1.350.000,00 1.250.000,00 1.250.000,00 15.000,00 15.000,00 160,00 480,00 160,00 160,00 14.040,00 1.235.000,00 1.235.000,00 100.000,00 100.000,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 100.000,00 100.000,00 1.350.000,00 1.350.000,00 15.000,00 15.000,00 160,00 480,00 160,00 160,00 14.040,00 1.335.000,00 1.335.000,00 1.235.000,00 100.000,00 1.335.000,00 Construction phase Expenditures Current expenditures Disbursement for material and services Disbursement for material Expenditures for official travels Disbursement for energy Disbursement for telephone services Contracted services Capital expenditures Capital expenditures Expenditures for construction buildings For the capital project Building Reconstruction of educational center “Tvrtko Bijelić” building in Nikšić, funds were planned in capital budget for the year 2008 in the amount of 1,250,000.00 EUR for the construction phase. During execution of works, some surpluses and additional works had occurred, requiring to be performed in order to start 59 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 functional use of building. Amendments and appendixes to the law on capital budget of Montenegro for the year 2008 increases the funds in the construction phase – Expenditures for construction buildings with the amount of 100,000.00 EUR. Building of administrative affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Public administration in Pljevlja Functional classification Economic classification 725 7252 4 41 413 0360 0360 0360 0360 0360 4131 4132 4134 4135 4139 44 441 0360 4413 Description Building of administrative affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Public administration in Pljevlja Construction phase Expenditures Current expenditures Disbursement for material and services Disbursement for material Expenditures for official travels Disbursement for energy Disbursement for telephone services Contracted services Capital expenditures Capital expenditures Expenditures for construction buildings Plan 2008 Difference Rebalance 406.000,00 70.000,00 476.000,00 406.000,00 406.000,00 14.000,00 70.000,00 70.000,00 0,00 476.000,00 476.000,00 14.000,00 14.000,00 0,00 14.000,00 180,00 490,00 360,00 180,00 12.790,00 392.000,00 392.000,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 70.000,00 70.000,00 180,00 490,00 360,00 180,00 12.790,00 462.000,00 462.000,00 392.000,00 70.000,00 462.000,00 For the capital project Building of administrative affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Public administration in Pljevlja, funds were planned in capital budget for the year 2008 in the amount of 406,000.00 EUR in the construction phase. After production of project documentation, the increase of workload had occurred against the planned. Therefore, amendments and appendixes of the law on budget of Montenegro for the year 2008 increase the funds for the construction phase – Expenditures for construction buildings for the amount of 70,000.00 EUR. Primary school “Risto Manojlović” and Primary music school in Kolašin Functional classification Economic classification 727 7271 0912 0912 0912 0912 7272 0912 0912 0912 0912 0912 0912 60 4 41 413 4131 4134 4135 4139 4 41 413 4131 4132 4134 4135 4139 44 441 4413 Description Primary school “Risto Manojlović” and Primary music school in Kolašin Preparation phase Expenditures Current expenditures Disbursement for material and services Disbursement for material Disbursement for energy Disbursement for telephone services Contracted services Construction phase Expenditures Current expenditures Disbursement for material and services Disbursement for material Expenditures for official travels Disbursement for energy Disbursement for telephone services Contracted services Capital expenditures Capital expenditures Expenditures for construction buildings Plan 2008 Difference Rebalance 500.000,00 600.000,00 1.100.000,00 100.000,00 100.000,00 100.000,00 100.000,00 80,00 120,00 80,00 99.720,00 400.000,00 400.000,00 4.500,00 4.500,00 100,00 300,00 200,00 100,00 3.800,00 395.500,00 395.500,00 395.500,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 600.000,00 600.000,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 600.000,00 600.000,00 600.000,00 100.000,00 100.000,00 100.000,00 100.000,00 80,00 120,00 80,00 99.720,00 1.000.000,00 1.000.000,00 4.500,00 4.500,00 100,00 300,00 200,00 100,00 3.800,00 995.500,00 995.500,00 995.500,00 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 For the capital project Primary school “Risto Manojlović” and Primary music school in Kolašin, funds were planned in capital budget for the year 2008 in the amount of 100,000.00 EUR for the preparation phase and 400,000.00 EUR for the construction phase. Amendments and appendixes to the law on capital budget of Montenegro for the year 2008 increase the funds in the construction phase – Expenditures for construction buildings for the amount of 600,000.00 EUR. Noted funds are necessary since in this year, the conditions will be provided for accelerated dynamics of works. Administrative building of the Criminal sanctions execution authority Functional classification Economic classification 735 7352 0360 0360 0360 0360 0360 4 41 413 4131 4134 4135 4139 44 441 4413 Description Administrative building of the Criminal sanctions execution authority Construction phase Expenditures Current expenditures Disbursement for material and services Disbursement for material Disbursement for energy Disbursement for telephone services Contracted services Capital expenditures Capital expenditures Expenditures for construction buildings Plan 2008 Difference Rebalance 295.000,00 100.000,00 395.000,00 295.000,00 295.000,00 5.000,00 5.000,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 4.640,00 290.000,00 290.000,00 290.000,00 100.000,00 100.000,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 100.000,00 100.000,00 100.000,00 395.000,00 395.000,00 5.000,00 5.000,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 4.640,00 390.000,00 390.000,00 390.000,00 For the capital project Administrative building of the Criminal sanctions execution authority, funds were planned in capital budget for the year 2008 in the amount of 295,000.00 EUR for the construction phase. After production of project documentation, the increase of workload had occurred against the planned. Therefore, amendments and appendixes of the law on budget of Montenegro for the year 2008 increase the funds for the construction phase – Expenditures for construction buildings for the amount of 100,000.00 EUR. Office building for the regional police office in Podgorica Functional classification Economic classification 742 7422 0310 4 44 441 4413 Description Office building for the regional police office in Podgorica Construction phase Expenditures Capital expenditures Capital expenditures Expenditures for construction buildings Plan 2008 Difference Rebalance 3.000.000,00 3.300.000,00 6.300.000,00 3.000.000,00 3.000.000,00 3.000.000,00 3.000.000,00 3.000.000,00 3.300.000,00 3.300.000,00 3.300.000,00 3.300.000,00 3.300.000,00 6.300.000,00 6.300.000,00 6.300.000,00 6.300.000,00 6.300.000,00 For the capital project Office building for the regional police office in Podgorica, funds were planned in capital budget for the year 2008 in the amount of 3,000,000.00 EUR for the construction phase. Considering that the funds for implementation of this project planned in 2008 are not sufficient, the amendments and appendixes to the law on capital budget of Montenegro for the year 2008 increase the funds in the construction phase – Expenditures for construction buildings with the amount of 3,300,000.00 EUR, for settling the obligations to the contractor for the works to be performed during this year. Regional water supply Functional classification 752 7522 0720 Economic classification 4 44 441 4413 Description Plan 2008 Regional water supply Construction phase Expenditures Capital expenditures Capital expenditures Expenditures for construction buildings 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Difference 7.400.000,00 7.400.000,00 7.400.000,00 7.400.000,00 7.400.000,00 0.00 7.400.000,00 Rebalance 7.400.000,00 7.400.000,00 7.400.000,00 7.400.000,00 7.400.000,00 7.400.000,00 61 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 For the capital project Regional water supply, no funds were planned in capital budget for the year 2008. Amendments and appendixes to the law on capital budget of Montenegro for the year 2008 plan the funds in the amount of 7,400,000.00 EUR. Necessary funds are dedicated for participation of the Government of Montenegro. For the Directorate of traffic, funds for capital projects were planned in the capital budget for the year 2008 in the amount of 31,790,000.00 EUR. Amendments and appendixes to the law on capital budget of Montenegro for the year 2008 increase amount for capital projects for 3,100,000.00 EUR. Directorate of traffic Functional classification 41003 Economic classification Description Plan 2008 Difference Rebalance Directorate of traffic 31.790.000,00 3.100.000,00 34.890.000,00 Road Risan – Grahovo - Žabljak Functional classification 715 7152 Economic classification Description Plan 2008 Difference Rebalance 4 44 441 7.000.000,00 7.000.000,00 7.000.000,00 7.000.000,00 7.000.000,00 3.000.000,00 3.000.000,00 3.000.000,00 3.000.000,00 3.000.000,00 10.000.000,00 10.000.000,00 10.000.000,00 10.000.000,00 10.000.000,00 0451 4411 Road Risan - Grahovo - Žabljak Construction phase Expenditures Capital expenditures Capital expenditures Expenditures for infrastructure of common importance 7.000.000,00 3.000.000,00 10.000.000,00 For the capital project Road Risan - Grahovo - Žabljak, funds were planned in capital budget for the year 2008 in the amount of 7,000,000.00 EUR. Construction plan for the road Risan–Grahovo–Žabljak determine finishing the segment to Nikšić by mid-2009, and an entire road by the year 2010. Works are being performed or shall start by the end of this year, on total 5 segments, where the majority of land is private owned. Estimated value of the land to be expropriated is approximately 8,000,000.00 EUR. Part of the funds is provided within the Budget of Montenegro for the year 2008, part is planned in the Projection of capital budget for the year 2009, and missing funds in the amount of 3,000,000.00 EUR are to be provided by the amendments and appendixes to the law on capital budget of Montenegro for the year 2008. Amendments and appendixes to the law on capital budget of Montenegro for the year 2008 increase the funds for construction phase – Expenditures for infrastructure of common importance for the amount of 3,000,000.00 EUR, in order to provide the missing funds for land expropriation. Designing highway segment from Smokovac to Veruša Functional classification Economic classification Description Designing highway segment from Smokovac to Veruša Preparation phase 724 7241 Plan 2008 Difference Rebalance 1.300.000,00 100.000,00 1.400.000,00 1.300.000,00 100.000,00 1.400.000,00 4 Expenditures 1.300.000,00 100.000,00 1.400.000,00 41 Current expenditures 1.300.000,00 100.000,00 1.400.000,00 413 Disbursement for material and services 1.300.000,00 100.000,00 1.400.000,00 0451 4139 Contracted services 1.300.000,00 100.000,00 1.400.000,00 For the capital project Designing highway segment from Smokovac to Veruša, funds were planned in capital budget for the year 2008 in the amount of 1,300,000.00 EUR. The Government of Montenegro had accepted the proposal by the Directorate of traffic to hire an international financial corporation as a part of World Bank group for advisory services for finding a partner for private-public partnership for financing and construction of highway from Bar to Boljare. Obligation of the Directorate of traffic, as concluded by the Government of Montenegro amounts 100,000.00 EUR in 2008. Amendments and appendixes to the law on capital budget of Montenegro for the year 2008 increase the funds for preparation phase – Contracted services for the amount of 100,000.00 EUR. Section for public investment planning Ljiljana Crnčević, Independent Advisor I Snežana Mugoša, Independent Advisor II 62 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 MID-TERM MACROECONOMIC AND FISCAL FRAME FOR MONTENEGRO, 2009-2001 Economic growth and development in Montenegro, during the last couple of years has been caused by extremely high levels of direct foreign investments and rapid loan development within domestic banking systems, facilitated by deposit growth and also by loans received from foreign banks. As a result, domestic aggregate demand quickly increased. It is estimated that household expenditures and investments contributed to economic growth of 20% and 15% respectively in 2007, causing current account deficit to rise to 46% of GDP in 2007, from 25% in 2006. Domestic production vigorously satisfied demand increase and it is estimated it increased for approx. 10% in 2007. All of the above mentioned factors lead to a more significant raise of inflation – 7.7% in 2007, as compared to 2% in 2006. During the production of a mid-term macroeconomic scenario, Montenegro should plan for a swift development connected with large capital influx (which will disappear once the gap in potential is closed), and with temporary current account deficits (which will also vanish if capital influx is reduced and domestic production increased). Creation of mid-term macroeconomic and fiscal frame for 2009-2011 period must be done extremely carefully, bearing in mind the following: • Non-sustainability of high current account deficit for longer periods of time • Non-sustainability of high levels of direct foreign investments for longer periods of time • Temporary character of fiscal income’s rapid growth • Risk of expenditure increase based on expectations of rapid income increase • Susceptibility of Montenegro’s economy to external shocks • Inflation tendencies in the situation of overheated economy • Experiences of other transitional countries BASIC MACROECONOMIC AND FISCAL INDICATORS IN 2009-2001 During the 2009-2011 period, an average nominal growth of 11% of GDP is expected, with average realistic growth of 6.3% per annum. Expected level of inflation will be, on average, 4% per annum. Public expenditure surplus will gradually decrease, from 1.59% of GDP in 2009, to 0.69% of GDP in 2001. The extent of public expenditure in GDP during the 2009-2011 period will gradually decrease to approx. 4^6% of GDP in 2011. Further decrease of public debt in GPD has been estimated, together with trade deficit decrease. Macroeconomic indicators Macroeconomic and fiscal frame of GDP) Nominal growth of GDP Realistic growth of GDP Inflation Import Export Current account deficit Net direct foreign investments Domestic loans Banking deposits (% 2009. Projection 2010. Projection 2011. Projection 12.50% 7.0% 4.5% 84.0% 56.0% 31.8% 26.4% 110.2% 74.1% 11,0 % 6.5% 4.0% 82.0% 58.0% 27.3% 26.1% 109.9% 73.5% 9,5 % 5.5% 3.5% 80.0% 60.0% 22.7% 21.6% 110.8% 72.7% 63 Fiscal indicators Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 Public revenues Consolidated public expenditure Deficit / surplus Interests Primary deficit / surplus Public debt level Deposit increase 52.43 50.84 1.59 0.67 2.26 28.99 5.31 49.61 48.23 1.39 0.62 2.01 25.61 4.18 47.09 46.40 0.69 0.59 1.28 23.41 2.89 Fiscal projections are based on macroeconomic scenario, entailing moderate growth of economic activities and stable and low inflation levels. It is expected that levels of foreign investments will slowly decline, in comparison to record levels in 2007. During the 2009-2011 period, a gradual decline of banking investments is expected. This will lead to a moderate decline of household expenditures and stabilization of investment activities. Private expenditure decrease, combined with the planned reductions of current public expenditure will secure an improvement of payment balance sheet and also cause reduction of current account deficits. It is expected that import of goods will also be reduced, together with an increase of revenues generated from exporting goods and services, which should result in significant improvements of the trade balance. INITIAL PRESUMPTIONS FOR PRODUCING A MID-TERM PUBLIC EXPENDITURE FRAME FOR 2009-2011 PERIOD Fiscal and structural reforms of the public expenditure system, during the 2009-2011 period are aimed towards creating a stimulating economic environment, continuing to reduce tax expenditures, facilitating competitiveness of the economy and an additional attraction of direct foreign investments. By integrating non-budget funds into a national budget, sustainable functioning of healthcare and pension systems has been secured – since 2008, revenues and expenditures of 3 non-budget funds have been consolidated into a Treasury account, while planning for pension and disability fund and healthcare fund is conducted as part of the State fund. In this manner, budget transparency and control of budget resource expenditure has been improved, simultaneously improving its liquidity. Bearing in mind that we are an eurised economy, special attention must be given to fiscal policy measures, as basic economic policy instruments. Main mid-term goals of the fiscal policy are as follows: • Improving transparency and public resource expenditure control • Reducing fiscal burdens upon the economy and households • Continuing to reduce the existence of the „gray“ economy • Attracting foreign investors • Functionality of a sustainable public finance system. For the mid-term public expenditure frame, initial presumptions are as follows: • Continuous reduction of taxation burden – reducing taxation rate for physical persons’ income, from 15% in 2008, to 12% in 2009 and 9% in 2010. This measure will be of particular influence for creating a more stimulating frame for developing private businesses and competitiveness increase. • Continuous reduction of contribution rate – decreasing the rate for health insurance, from 12% in 2008 to 10,5% in 2009 and 9% in 2010. • Continuous reduction of contribution rate – decreasing the rate for pension insurance, from 21% in 2008, to 20.5% in 2009 and 20% in 2010. • Limiting public expenditure levels has been designated by reducing its part in GDP, from approx. 40% in 2008 to 36.50% in 2011. The end goal is to reduce the involvement of the state in country’s economic life, enabling greater competitiveness of the private sector, with an increase of the total number of the persons employed, also causing higher realistic wages. • Reduction of the levels of public and budgetary expenditure, during the mid-term 2009-2011, providing the resources for the continuation of the implementation of Montenegro’s capital budget, amounting to 3,5% of GDP. Additional resources planned for these purposes, through investments in infrastructure will enable creation of conditions for faster economic growth and development. • Continuation of settling obligations based on old foreign currency savings and restitution, where settlement repayment is limited to 0.5% of GDP per annum, in order to secure fiscal sustainability of Montenegro’s budget. • Use of pre-accession EU – IPA funds, during the period 2008 – 2013, where Montenegro, as a potential candidate, may use resources from the first two components – Supporting transition and strengthening institutions and Regional and international cooperation. During the 2009-2011 period, fund of around 33 mil. € will be used annually. • Realization of budgetary surplus of around 1% of GDP per annum, during the period 2009-2011. Deposit increase will enable accumulation of reserves for capital investments, remedying the consequences of potential external shocks, and early repayment of loan obligations towards international financial institutions. Accumulated deposits will not be used to increase current budgetary expenditure. MID-TERM BUDGETARY POLICIES During the mid-term frame 2009-2011, the following budgetary policies will be implemented: 64 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 Mid-term budgetary frame implementation Presumption for conceiving and application of a mid-term budgetary frame is a reform of the budgetary preparation and planning processes, and implementation of financial limits for budget users during periods of several years. Budgetary appropriations for the periods of several years would be based on strategic documentation of the Government and certain resource ministries, in accordance with the fiscal frame of the overall public expenditure. In this manner, the method „from up to below“ would be implemented during budget preparation and planning process (differing from the current method, „upwards from below“). Implementation entails establishment of a limit within a mid-term period in a cumulative amount, according to economic classification, and in accordance to budgetary users, while a detailed expense overview would be specified in accordance to the annual budgetary laws. Continuing the implementation of Montenegro’s capital budget Continuing the implementation of Montenegro’s capital budget, amounting to 3,5% of GDP per annum, during the 20092011 period. Establishment of a database with information on all projects connected to the budget is planned. This would enable adequate analysis of financial risks, while also improving the process of decision making when selecting priorities. Adoption of a new Law on concessions and private and public partnerships will represent a significant regulatory frame for managing part of investments. Continuing program budget implementation With program budget implementation in Montenegro, a budgetary program model is present representing main activity (program) or a group of activities (sub-programs) that are realized through consumer units. Two levels for applying program budget have been implemented, enacted through programs and sub-programs. Reforms of a budgetary program plan implementation of a logical program classification for the overall budget, together with preparing an IT system for monitoring and budget execution according to the program structure. Gradual transfer from a line to a program budget is being implemented from 2005. Complete budgetary program implementation, including indicators and a total application of „upwards from below“ method, during budget preparation and planning process is envisaged during mid-term. Montenegro’s Government adopted a Decision on production methods and contents of a budgetary program, prepared by consumer units, in order to be able to plan the annual Law on budgets and the manner in which the Reports on budgetary program will be delivered. Public debt management strategy Montenegro’s public debt has been, thanks to successful reprogramming of the inherited debt, significantly faster growth of GDP than that of a national debt, and thanks to privatization revenues, significantly reduced during the recent years. At the end of 2007, public debt has been reduced to 753.4 mil. € or 29.7% of GDP, with high national deposits with banks and with the Central Bank of Montenegro. In the environment of favorable liquidity, Government reduced national bond emissions to a minimum. New debts are mainly achieved in order to finance projects originating from international financial institutions, mostly European ones. Non-settled obligations have been largely buffered, until new obligations are accumulated. It is important to mention that interest and monetary structure of Montenegro’s debt appears favorable. Complete internal debt is in EUR, with an interest rate of 2% regarding restitution and old foreign currency savings. Of a total amount of foreign debt only one part is obligation to the Paris Club (26% of the debt is USD, with remaining 3% in other currencies), debt towards the Anglo-Yugoslav Bank (in USD) and IDA loans (in SDR) are not being serviced in Euros. To summarize, 89% of the international debt is in Euros. According to the fiscal interest rate, 77% of the international debt is being serviced, with an interest rate between 2% and 5,8%. Bilateral goods loans have interest rates even less than 2%. Apart from a favorable monetary and interest structure of the loans, credits that compose Montenegro’s public debt have long repayment deadlines and grace periods. For instance, with IBRD, repayment should be made until 2031, and until 2041 with creditors from the Paris Club, while »new« debts have grace periods from 2 to ten years, and a repayment period ranging from 10 to 20 years. MIDTERM PUBLIC EXPENDITURE FRAME, 2009-2011 During the 2009-2011 period, gradual decrease of current public revenues has been designated, from 52,43% of GDP in 2009, to 47% of GDP in 2011. This decrease is a direct consequence of taxation reduction – lower tax rates to physical persons’ revenues. Also, this decrease is also influenced by the gradual decrease of contribution rates for pension and health insurance. Slower tax growth for international trade and transactions is influenced by synchronization of customs and duties with the World trade organization and the European Union. For other revenues, projected growth is in accordance with the nominal GDP growth. Total expenditures for gross incomes of the employees will be reduced from 10,02 of GDP in 2009 to 9.38% of GDP in 2010 and to 8.88% of GDP in 2011. Also, other incomes made by the employees will be reduced from 0.93% of GDP in 2009 to 0.84% of GDP in 2011. Reasons for this are reduction is rationalization of the number of employees and greater growth of GDP than the growth of expenditures for gross incomes. Gross income growth will depend on the possibilities of the budget. Public revenue surplus over expenditures in 2009 is projected at 51.72 mil. € which makes 1,59% of GDP. In 2010, surplus of public revenues over expenditures is projected at 50.15 mil. € or 1,39% of GDP for that year, while in 2011 public revenue 65 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 surplus surpasses expenditures for 27,37 mil. € which is 0,69% of GDP. Generated surplus will be used to finance debt repayments, capital projects and deposit increase. Deposit resources will not be used for current expenditure financing. The following table details the mid-term public expenditure frame for the 2009-2011 period: DESCRIPTION TEKUĆI PRIHODI Taxes Physical persons income tax Judicial persons income tax Property tax Value added tax (VAT) Customs and duties International trade and transaction tax Local taxes Other republic revenues Contributions Contributions for retirement and disability insurance Contributions for health insurance Unemployment insurance contributions Fees Compensations Other incomes Revenues from tax repayments EXPENDITURES- I consolidation level EXPENDITURES- II consolidation level CURRENT PUBLIC EXPENDITURES Current expenditures Gross incomes and contributions paid by employers Other personal incomes Expenditures for materials and services Expenditures for materials and services - IPA fund1 Current maintenance Interests Rent Subventions Other expenditures Social protection transfers Transfers to institutions, individuals, NGOs and public sector Total capital expenditures Capital expenditures Montenegro’s capital budget Loans and credit Guarantee repayment Reserves DEFICIT/SURPLUS FINANCING Domestic financing Loans and credits from domestic sources Debt repayments to residents Capital repayment Previous period obligation repayments Old foreign currency savings repayment Restitution repayments Previous period obligation repayment International financing Loans and credit from international sources Debt repayment to non-residents Donations Incomes from privatization or deposits DEPOSIT INCREASE/REDUCTION 66 Projection 2009. Projection 2010. Projection 2011. mil. € % of GDP mil. € % of GDP mil. € % of GDP 1709.20 1063.00 133.91 58.54 54.50 538.41 132.83 92.91 39.40 12.50 335.13 215.05 110.66 9.41 38.22 203.30 56.27 13.29 1657.48 1613.74 1319.01 629.74 326.65 30.36 141.61 33.30 30.90 21.68 10.85 22.67 11.70 405.60 52.43 32.61 4.11 1.80 1.67 16.52 4.07 2.85 1.21 0.38 10.28 6.60 3.39 0.29 1.17 6.24 1.73 0.41 50.84 49.50 40.46 19.32 10.02 0.93 4.34 1.02 0.95 0.67 0.33 0.70 0.36 12.44 1795.95 1128.69 137.40 63.92 56.68 569.94 143.14 100.62 43.98 13.00 341.74 221.30 110.65 9.79 39.75 211.43 58.52 15.83 1745.80 1700.31 1380.76 657.29 339.72 31.58 150.28 34.00 32.14 22.55 11.28 23.58 12.17 428.44 49.61 31.18 3.80 1.77 1.57 15.74 3.95 2.78 1.21 0.36 9.44 6.11 3.06 0.27 1.10 5.84 1.62 0.44 48.23 46.97 38.14 18.16 9.38 0.87 4.15 0.94 0.89 0.62 0.31 0.65 0.34 11.84 1864.81 1170.20 142.21 66.16 58.66 589.89 148.15 104.15 47.52 13.46 357.70 231.05 116.52 10.13 41.14 218.83 60.57 16.38 1837.44 1790.36 1448.16 685.11 351.61 33.18 158.54 34.00 34.76 23.34 11.68 24.41 13.59 452.20 47.09 29.55 3.59 1.67 1.48 14.90 3.74 2.63 1.20 0.34 9.03 5.83 2.94 0.26 1.04 5.53 1.53 0.41 46.40 45.21 36.57 17.30 8.88 0.84 4.00 0.86 0.88 0.59 0.29 0.62 0.34 11.42 229.57 7.04 238.75 6.60 251.10 6.34 338.47 224.37 114.10 23.08 0.63 30.40 51.72 -51.72 -7.09 13.09 7.12 7.12 76.74 13.06 16.30 47.38 55.99 36.04 15.76 35.70 72.44 173.07 10.38 6.88 3.50 0.71 0.02 0.93 1.59 -1.59 -0.22 0.40 0.22 0.22 2.35 0.40 0.50 1.45 1.72 1.11 0.48 1.10 2.22 5.31 365.04 238.34 126.70 24.01 0.65 31.62 50.15 -50.15 -7.61 13.09 7.12 7.12 77.67 13.59 18.10 45.99 47.04 27.25 15.88 35.67 61.58 151.17 10.08 6.58 3.50 0.66 0.02 0.87 1.39 -1.39 -0.21 0.36 0.20 0.20 2.15 0.38 0.50 1.27 1.30 0.75 0.44 0.99 1.70 4.18 389.28 250.68 138.60 24.85 0.67 34.22 27.37 -27.37 -8.81 12.44 7.12 7.12 45.18 14.13 19.80 11.25 40.68 21.37 16.15 35.46 55.21 114.46 9.83 6.33 3.50 0.63 0.02 0.86 0.69 -0.69 -0.22 0.31 0.18 0.18 1.14 0.36 0.50 0.28 1.03 0.54 0.41 0.90 1.39 2.89 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 FINANCIAL LIMITATIONS AND MID-TERM BUDGETARY FRAMEWORK 2009-2011 Mid-term budgetary framework covers planning and budgeting related to the period of three to five years, and it serves as the base for the annual budget preparation process. The key component of the mid-term budgetary framework relates to the precise estimation of expenditures resulting from the mid-term strategic policies. Total available fiscal funds in mid-term timeframe are determined according to the macroeconomic projections. According to that, the budgetary disbursement plan for a certain fiscal year must be aligned with the macroeconomic framework. The Government of Montenegro had decided to, since the year 2009; introduce the Mid-term budgetary framework because of advantages of this planning model, reflected in: • Aligning budget planning with the international standards; • Establishing macro-fiscal discipline and stability; • Possibility of public consumption control and management; • Establishing and implementation of Government’s priorities in long term; • Avoiding public finance crises; and • Supporting the economic growth and stability. The mid-term budgetary framework is being prepared using the “top-down” principle and it introduces financial limits (ceiling) for budget users in multi-annual period. Implementation presumes establishing limits in the mid-term period in cumulative amount, per economic classification and per budget users, while the detailed overview of costs would be defined in the annual laws on budget. The key advantage of introducing a mid-term budgetary framework is also reflected in enhanced possibility for the Government to allocate funds within the programs and organizational units, in line with its policy and priorities. MID-TERM FRAMEWORK FOR THE PERIOD 2009-2011 According to the macro-fiscal indicators for the period 2009 – 2011, the mid term framework of the State was produced, containing Current budget, Capital budget, and Funds budget. Share of State budget (Current budget, Capital budget, and Funds budget) in GDP for the year 2009 is 45.06%, for the year 2010 42.52%, and for the year 2011 40.59%, showing that the share of the State budget in GDP is decreasing, which is in line with the Economic policy of the Government. The noted data are related to the total non-consolidated expenditures of the State budget and therefore are not compatible with data shown in consolidated tables in Part One. During the period 2009 – 2011, significant decrease of the State budget growth rate is predicted; from 16.4% in 2009, to 4.8% in 2010 and 4.4% in 2011. The Current budget also shows tendency of a slower growth in this period, therefore the growth rate in 2009 in comparison with 2008 is 9.1%, in 2010 3.8%, and in 2011 3.3%. Reserving for the Capital budget in this period are more significant, with 15.2% for 2009 against 2008, for 2010 11.0%, and for 2011 9.4%. Funds budget, in this period, shows the growth tendency, therefore the rate of growth in 2009 against 2008 is 21.6%, in 2010 4.8%, and in 2011 4.7%. Structure of the State budget funds for the period 2009 – 2011 and reservations for Current budget, Capital budget and Funds budget is given in the following table and chart: BUDGET TOTAL ( I+II+III) I CURRENT BUDGET II CAPITAL BUDGET III FUNDS Projection 2009 1,469,162,446.02 774,402,637.36 114,107,931.28 580,651,877.38 Projection 2010 1,539,285,451.36 804,058,742.86 126,708,756.03 608,517,952.47 Projection 2011 1,607,238,587.89 831,045,798.86 138,606,708.22 637,586,080.81 2. BUDGET OF MONTENEGRO FOR THE YEAR 2009 Budget of Montenegro for the year 2009 amounts 1,469.1 million EUR and is greater than projected budget for the year 2008 for 16.4%. CURENT BUDGET, within the Budget of Montenegro, has the great share of 52.71% and the amount of 774.4 million EUR and is greater than projected Current budget for the year 2008 for 9.1%. 67 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 I 4 CURRENT BUDGET Expenditures 41 Current expenditures (wages, mat&serv, curr.maint.,subv. Etc.) 42 Transfers for social security 43 Transfers for institutions, individuals, NGO and public sector 44 Capital expenditures 45 Loans and credits 46 Debt payment 47 Reserves 774,402,637.36 774,402,637.36 520,291,531.14 51,177,203.00 57,447,158.25 70,264,559.54 4,164,328.43 46,805,550.00 24,252,307.00 CAPITAL BUDGET, participates in the Budget of Montenegro with 7.7% and the amount 114.1 million EUR. Funds of the capital budget in 2009 had increased for 52.3% noting the greatest increase in the structure of total State budget. FUNDS BUDGET participates with 39.5% and the amount 580.6 million EUR. Funds budget in 2009 is 21.6% greater than the projected Funds budget in 2008. 3. BUDGET OF MONTENEGRO FOR THE YEAR 2010 Budget of Montenegro for the year 2010 amounts 1,539.3 million EUR and is greater than projected budget for the year 2009 for 9.1%. CURENT BUDGET, within the Budget of Montenegro, has the great share of 52.2% and the amount of 804.0 million EUR and is greater than projected Current budget for the year 2009 for 3.8%. I 4 CURRENT BUDGET FOR YEAR 2010 Expenditures 41 Current expenditures (wages, mat&serv, curr.maint.,subv. Etc.) 42 Transfers for social security 43 Transfers for institutions, individuals, NGO and public sector 44 Capital expenditures 45 Loans and credits 46 Debt payment 47 Reserves 804,058,742.86 804,058,742.86 539,783,192.39 53,224,291.12 59,745,044.58 73,075,141.92 4,330,901.56 48,677,772.00 25,222,399.28 CAPITAL BUDGET, participates in the Budget of Montenegro with 8.2% and the amount 126.7 million EUR. Funds of the capital budget in 2010 had increased for 11% noting the increase in the structure of total State budget. FUNDS BUDGET participates with 39.5% and the amount 608.5 million EUR. Funds budget in 2010 is 4.8% greater than the projected Funds budget in 2009. 4. BUDGET OF MONTENEGRO FOR THE YEAR 2011 Budget of Montenegro for the year 2011 amounts 1,607.2 million EUR and is greater than projected budget for the year 2010 for 4.4%. CURENT BUDGET, within the Budget of Montenegro, has the great share of 51.7% and the amount of 831.0 million EUR and is greater than projected Current budget for the year 2010 for 3.3%. I 4 CURRENT BUDGET FOR YEAR 2010 Expenditures 41 Current expenditures (wages, mat&serv, curr.maint.,subv. Etc.) 42 Transfers for social security 43 Transfers for institutions, individuals, NGO and public sector 44 Capital expenditures 45 Loans and credits 46 Debt payment 47 Reserves 831,045,798.86 831,045,798.86 557,520,604.12 55,087,141.31 61,836,121.14 75,632,771.89 4,482,483.12 50,381,494.02 26,105,183.25 CAPITAL BUDGET, participates in the Budget of Montenegro with 8.6% and the amount 138.6 million EUR. Funds of the capital budget in 2011 had increased for 9.4% noting the increase in the structure of total State budget. Funds budget participates with 39.7% and the amount 637.6 million EUR. Funds budget in 2011 is 4.8% greater than the projected Funds budget in 2010. 68 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 2. MID-TERM FRAMEWORK PER ORGANIZATIONAL CLASSIFICATION Aligning of the budget planning process with the international standards also includes and introduction of the mid-term planning framework. Implementation of the mid-term budgetary framework presumes establishing of limits in mid-term timeframe in cumulative amount, per economic classification and authorized ministries and “first level” institutions. Detailed plan of funds consumption per consumption units shall be defined by the annual laws on budget. The mid-term fiscal framework for the period 2009 – 2011 determines a total limit of state expenditures, whereas the sum of individual expenditures per consumption units must not exceed the set limit. CURRENT BUDGET for the year 2009 amounts 774.4 million EUR and greatest reservations of 94.7% are for executive organs’ financing, followed by 3.4% for judicial organs’ financing, while the remaining 1.9% is dedicated for financing expenditures of operation of President, legislative and special organs. No. 1 2 3 4 5 NAME PRESIDENT LEGISLATIVE ORGANS JUDICIAL ORGANS EXECUTIVE ORGANS SPECIAL ORGANS CURRENT BUDGET (1 to 5): Projection 2009 626,508.74 8,930,333.72 26,102,318.36 733,807,858.37 4,935,618.18 774,402,637.36 CURRENT BUDGET for the year 2010 amounts 804.0 million EUR and greatest reservations of 94.7% are for executive organs’ financing, followed by 3.4% for judicial organs’ financing, while the remaining 1.9% is dedicated for financing expenditures of operation of President, legislative and special organs. No. 1 2 3 4 5 NAME PRESIDENT LEGISLATIVE ORGANS JUDICIAL ORGANS EXECUTIVE ORGANS SPECIAL ORGANS CURRENT BUDGET (1 to 5): Projection 2010 651,569.08 9,287,547.06 27,146,411.09 761,840,172.71 5,133,042.91 804,058,742.86 CURRENT BUDGET for the year 201 amounts 831.0 million EUR and greatest reservations of 94.7% are for executive organs’ financing, followed by 3.4% for judicial organs’ financing, while the remaining 1.9% is dedicated for financing expenditures of operation of President, legislative and special organs. No. 1 2 3 4 5 NAME PRESIDENT LEGISLATIVE ORGANS JUDICIAL ORGANS EXECUTIVE ORGANS SPECIAL ORGANS CURRENT BUDGET (1 to 5): Projection 2011 674,374.00 9,612,611.21 28,096,535.48 787,349,578.75 5,312,699.41 831,045,798.86 BUDGET for the year 2009 amounts 580.6 million EUR and the greatest reservations of 63% are for financing of expenditures of the Retirement and disability security fund, followed by Health insurance fund 26.0%, Employment agency 5.4%, Development fund 4.0% and Remuneration fund 1.5%. No. 1 2 3 4 5 NAME RETIREMENT AND DISABILITY SECURITY FUND HEALTH INSURANCE FUND EMPLOYMENT AGENCY DEVELOPMENT FUND REMUNERATION FUND FUNDS (1 to 5): Projection 2009 365,835,206.33 151,059,975.00 31,526,918.50 23,316,354.95 8,913,422.60 580,651,877.38 Funds budget for the year 2010 amounts 608.5 million EUR and the greatest reservations of 63.3% are for financing of expenditures of the Retirement and disability security fund, followed by Health insurance fund 25.8%, Employment agency 5.4%, Development fund 4.0% and Remuneration fund 1.5%. 69 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 No. 1 2 3 4 5 NAME RETIREMENT AND DISABILITY SECURITY FUND HEALTH INSURANCE FUND EMPLOYMENT AGENCY DEVELOPMENT FUND REMUNERATION FUND FUNDS (1 to 5): Projection 2010 385,108,614.58 157,102,374.00 32,787,995.24 24,249,009.15 9,269,959.50 608,517,952.47 Funds budget for the year 2011 amounts 637.6 million EUR and the greatest reservations of 63.7% are for financing of expenditures of the Retirement and disability security fund, followed by Health insurance fund 25.5%, Employment agency 5.3%, Development fund 3.9% and Remuneration fund 1.5%. No. 1 2 3 4 5 NAME RETIREMENT AND DISABILITY SECURITY FUND HEALTH INSURANCE FUND EMPLOYMENT AGENCY DEVELOPMENT FUND REMUNERATION FUND FUNDS (1 to 5): Projection 2011 406,357,416.09 162,600,957.09 33,935,575.07 25,097,724.47 9,594,408.08 637,586,080.81 Mid-term fiscal framework for the period 2009 – 2011 prescribes the total limit of state expenditures, where the sum of individual expenditures per consumption units must not exceed the prescribed limit. This mid-term framework shall be shifted one year ahead each year to come. The following table shows limits per authorized ministries and “first level” organs, which will be used as a base for annual budget production. NAME I 1 2 3 4 70 CURRENT BUDGET PRESIDENT PRESIDENT OF MONTENEGRO LEGISLATIVE ORGANS PARLIAMENT OF MONTENEGRO PARLIAMENT OF MONTENEGRO REPUBLIC ELLECTION COMMISSION FUDS FOR OPERATION OF PARLIAMENTAR PARTIES NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANZATION COUNSIL FOOR CITIZENS’ CONTROL OF POLICE WORK JUDICIAL ORGANS COURTS SUPREME COURT COURTS PROSECUTION EXECUTIVE ORGANS GOVERNMENT OF MONTENEGRO GOVERNMENT OF MONTENEGRO ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNSIL PRIVATIZATION COUNSIL SECRETARIAT FOR DEVELOPMENT SECRETARIAT FOR LEGISLATION SECRETARIAT FOR EUROPEAN INTEGRATIONS STATE PROTOCOL MONTENEGRO AGENCY FOR PROMOTING FOREIGN INVESTMENT ADMINISTRATION FOR COMMON AFFAIRS OF STATE ORGANS FUNDS FOR SOLVING DWELLING NEEDS AGENCY FOR ECONOMY RESTRUCTURING AND FOREIGN INVESTMENTS OFFICE FOR SEX EQUALITY NATIONAL COORDINATOR FOR FIGHTING AGAINST TRAFFICKING Projection 2009. Projection 2010. Projection 2011. 774,402,637.36 626,508.74 626,508.74 8,930,333.72 8,930,333.72 26,102,318.36 26,102,318.36 733,807,858.37 26,492,972.47 804,058,742.86 651,569.08 651,569.08 9,287,547.06 9,287,547.06 27,146,411.09 27,146,411.09 761,840,172.71 27,552,691.38 831,045,798.86 674,374.00 674,374.00 9,612,611.21 9,612,611.21 28,096,535.48 28,096,535.48 787,349,578.75 28,517,035.58 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 OFFICE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION FOR PUBLIC PROCUREMENT PROCEDURES CONTROL CONCESSION COMMISSION 441 Capital expenditures MINISTRY OF JUSTICE MINISTRY OF JUSTICE CRIMINAL SANCTIONS EXECUTION AUTHORITY PENALTY ORGANS MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION POLICE ACADEMY POLICE ADMINISTRATION NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY REGIONAL CENTER FOR DIVERS TRAINING STAFFING DIRECTORATE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE MINISTRY OF FINANCE MINISTRY OF FINANCE RESERVES TAXATION AUTHORITY CUSTOMS DIRECTORATE REAL ESTATE AUTHORITY ANTI-CORRUPTION AUTHORITY MONEY LAUNDRING PREVENTION AUTHORITY STATE PROPERTY AUTHORITY PUBLIC PROCUREMENT DIRECTORATE STATISTICS AUTHORITY COMMISSION FOR DISTRIBUTION OF FORTUNE GAMES REVENUES COMMISSION FOR STATE AID CONTROL PROJECT OF RETIREMENT SYSTEM UPGRADING MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS REPRESENTATIVE OFFICES ABBROAD EMIGRATION CENTER MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF MONTENEGRO INSTITUTION FOR INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE, EDUCATIONCULTURAL AND TECHNICAL COOPERATION SCHOOLS AUTHORITY MINISTRY OF CULTURE, SPORTS AND MEDIA MINISTRY OF CULTURE, SPORTS AND MEDIA STATE ARCHIVE NATIONAL THEATER OF MONTENEGRO ROYAL THEATER ZETSKI DOM OLYMPIC COMMITTEE OF MONTENEGRO MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTORATE DIRECTORATE FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES DEVELOPMENT METROLOGY AUTHORITY SEIZMOLOGY AUTHORITY INSTITUTE FOR STANDARDIZATION QUALITY BOARD ENERGY EFFICIENCY FUND REPUBLIC MARKET INSPECTION INTELECTUAL PROPERTY AUTHORITY 7,262,750.00 12,906,918.60 107,974,845.90 7,553,260.00 13,423,195.35 112,293,839.74 7,817,624.10 13,893,007.18 116,224,124.13 50,819,107.63 165,319,227.32 52,851,871.93 170,611,996.41 54,701,687.45 175,428,416.28 15,438,972.42 150,053,560.92 16,056,531.32 156,055,703.36 16,618,509.92 161,517,652.98 21,835,215.70 37,644,587.27 22,708,624.32 39,150,370.76 23,503,426.18 40,520,633.74 71 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 5 DIRECTORATE FOR COMPETITION PROTECTION MONTENEGRO ACREDITATION BODY MINISTRY OF TRAFFIC, NAVY AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS MINISTRY OF TRAFFIC, NAVY AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS DIRECTORATE FOR MARITIME SECURITY TRAFFIC DIRECTORATE CIVIL AIRFORCE DIRECTORATE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND WATERS MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND WATERS VETERINARIAN AUTHORITY FOREST AUTHORITY WATERS AUTHORITY TOBACCO AGENCY MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION NATIONAL TOURISM ORGANIZATION OF MONTENEGRO WEATHER FORCASTING AUTHORITY CENTER FOR ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY RESEARCH PUBLIC ENTERPRISE FOR NATIONAL PARKS OF MONTENEGRO INTEGRAL MANAGEMENT OF SKADARSKO LAKE EKOSYSTEM MINISTRY OF HEALTH, LABOR AND SOCIAL CARE MINISTRY OF HEALTH, LABOR AND SOCIAL CASE CENTERS FOR SOCIAL SERVICES AUTHORITY FOR MEDICATIONS AND MEDICAL ACCESSORIES AUTHORITY FOR REFUGIES PROJECT OF HEALTH SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT RED CROSS MINISTRY OF HUMAN AND MINORITY RIGHTS PROTECTION MINISTRY OF HUMAN AND MINORITY RIGHTS PROTECTION SPECIAL ORGANS COMMISSION FOR ESTABLISHING CONFLICT OF INTEREST 34,889,110.89 28,976,149.03 10,310,543.63 70,140,351.53 1,006,295.04 4,935,618.18 247,846.06 36,284,675.33 30,135,194.99 10,722,965.38 72,945,965.59 1,046,546.84 5,133,042.91 257,759.90 37,554,638.97 31,189,926.82 11,098,269.17 75,499,074.39 1,083,175.98 5,312,699.41 266,781.50 II 1 2 3 4 5 PROTECTOR OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS STATE AUDITING INSTITUTION ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND ARTS OF MONTENEGRO TRANSFERS FOR MUNICIPALITIES NOR FIGHTERS UNION STATE FUNDS RETIREMENT AND DISABILITY SECURITY FUND HEALTH INSURANCE FUND EMPLOYMENT AGENCY DEVELOPMENT FUND REMUNERATION FUND 383,760.85 1,056,138.74 1,262,372.54 1,901,900.00 83,600.00 580,651,877.38 365,835,206.33 151,059,975.00 31,526,918.50 23,316,354.95 8,913,422.60 399,111.28 1,098,384.29 1,312,867.44 1,977,976.00 86,944.00 608,517,952.47 385,108,614.58 157,102,374.00 32,787,995.24 24,249,009.15 9,269,959.50 413,080.18 1,136,827.74 1,358,817.80 2,047,205.16 89,987.04 637,586,080.81 406,357,416.09 162,600,957.09 33,935,575.07 25,097,724.47 9,594,408.08 Prepared by: Slobodanka - Mila Popović, Coordinator of section for budgetary operations Radovan Živković - Independent Advisor I Tamara Gačević - Independent Advisor I Vladislav Karadžić - Independent Advisor I 72 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 CONSOLIDATED PUBLIC EXPENDITURE IN MONTENEGRO, DURING JANUARY – JUNE 2008 PERIOD Consolidated public expenditure during the period January – June 2008 has been estimated at 610,98 mil. €. The estimated level of public expenditure has been financed from taxes, amounting to 431,89 mil. €, fees - 21,83 mil. €, contributions - 147,21 mil. €, compensations - 57,49 mil. € and other current revenues - 33,95 mil. €. Ministry of Finance estimated implementation of local governments’ budgets for the first six months of 2008, based on municipal plans for 2008, budgets during previous years and during the 1st quarter of 2008. Further more, transfers between PIO (retirement and disability security) Fund and Healthcare insurance Fund, amounting to 11,66 mil. € have been excluded, relating to contributions aimed at health insurance of retired persons. Current public revenues have been estimated at 692,37 mil. € or 23,87% of the estimated GDP for 2008 (2.900,00 mil. €). With regards to public revenue structure, taxes play the most prominent role – accounting for 14,89 % of GDP, followed by contributions - 5,08 % of GDP. The following table details current public revenue generation, for the first six months in 2008, according to millions of Euros and GDP: Consolidated public expenditure DESCRIPTION I-VI 2008 mil. € % of GDP CURRENT REVENUES 692.37 23.87 Taxes Physical persons income tax Judicial persons income tax Real estate transfer tax Value added tax (VAT) Local taxes Customs and duties International trade and transaction tax Other republic taxes Contributions Retirement and disability security contribution Healthcare insurance contribution Unemployment security contribution Fees Administrative fees Court fees Residential fees Local utility fees Other fees Compensations Compensation for using common interest goods Compensation for using natural wealth Construction land use compensation Compensations for ecology Compensation for gambling Public road use compensation 431.89 62.35 38.04 20.33 199.62 18.05 53.55 35.91 4.03 147.21 91.69 51.43 4.10 21.83 8.24 4.52 0.19 6.29 2.59 57.49 4.59 1.25 8.86 1.68 2.59 2.12 14.89 2.15 1.31 0.70 6.88 0.62 1.85 1.24 0.14 5.08 3.16 1.77 0.14 0.75 0.28 0.16 0.01 0.22 0.09 1.98 0.16 0.04 0.31 0.06 0.09 0.07 73 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 Road use compensation Other compensations Other revenues Capital revenues Fines and confiscated property Revenues generated by authorities’ activities Other revenues Loan repayment revenues 3.33 33.07 27.14 3.63 4.73 10.36 8.41 6.81 0.11 1.14 0.94 0.13 0.16 0.36 0.29 0.23 Consolidated public expenditure for the first six months in 2008 have been estimated at 21,07% of GDP, while after the second consolidation level (when contributions paid by employers are excluded), this figure amounts to 20,29% of GDP. Current public expenditure (consolidated expenditures reduced for capital expenditures of the current budget, Montenegro’s capital budget, state funds and funds of the local governments) during the first six months amounted to 525,04 mil. € or 18,10% of GDP. The following table displays implementation of consolidated public expenditures for the first six months of 2008, according to millions of € and GDP. Consolidated public expenditure DESCRIPTION EXPENDITURES - I consolidation level EXPENDITURES- II consolidation level CURRENT PUBLIC EXPENDITURES Current expenditures Gross incomes and contributions paid by the employers Net incomes Income tax Contributions paid by employees Contributions paid by employers Taxation fee Other personal incomes Expenditures for materials and services Current maintenance Interests Rent Subventions Other expenditures Social insurance transfers Social protection rights Surplus staff funds Retirement and disability insurance funds Other health protection rights Other health insurance rights Transfers to institutions, individuals, NGOs and public sector Transfers to public institutions Transfers to non-governmental organizations Transfers to individuals Transfers to municipalities Transfers to public institutions Capital expenditures Montenegro’s capital budget Loans and credits Guarantee repayments Reserves MONTENEGRO’S BUDGET I-VI 2008 mil. € % of GDP 610.98 588.55 525.04 306.27 172.90 101.47 19.43 26.93 22.42 2.64 13.07 81.12 11.89 10.53 3.30 8.60 4.85 154.17 20.83 4.98 116.95 7.66 3.75 50.80 33.52 3.31 8.69 0.00 5.28 69.26 16.67 6.97 0.02 6.81 21.07 20.29 18.10 10.56 5.96 3.50 0.67 0.93 0.77 0.09 0.45 2.80 0.41 0.36 0.11 0.30 0.17 5.32 0.72 0.17 4.03 0.26 0.13 1.75 1.16 0.11 0.30 0.00 0.18 2.39 0.57 0.24 0.00 0.23 Budgetary source incomes for the period January – June 2008. amount to 583,61 mil. € or 20,12% of the GDP. Montenegro’s source income structure during this period is as follows: 74 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 Montenegro’s and state funds’ consolidated budgetary balance DESCRIPTION CURRENT REVENUS Taxes Physical persons income tax Judicial persons income tax Real estate transfer tax Value added tax (VAT) Customs and duties International trade and transaction tax Other republic taxes Contributions Retirement and disability insurance contribution Health insurance contribution Unemployment insurance contribution Fees Administrative fees Court fees Residential fees Other fees Compensations Compensation for using common interest goods Compensation for using natural wealth Compensation for ecology Compensation for organizing gambling games Road use compensation Other compensations Other revenues Capital revenues Fines and confiscated property Revenues generated by authorities’ activities Other revenues Revenues from load repayments I-VI 2008 mil € % of GDP 583.61 386.51 49.26 38.04 6.10 199.62 53.55 35.91 4.03 147.21 91.69 51.43 4.10 13.94 6.77 4.52 0.06 2.59 13.25 2.30 1.25 1.68 2.59 3.33 2.09 20.65 3.63 4.30 7.65 5.06 2.05 20.12 13.33 1.70 1.31 0.21 6.88 1.85 1.24 0.14 5.08 3.16 1.77 0.14 0.48 0.23 0.16 0.00 0.09 0.46 0.08 0.04 0.06 0.09 0.11 0.07 0.71 0.13 0.15 0.26 0.17 0.07 Incomes generated from taxation amount to 386,51 mil. € or 13,33% of GDP. Incomes generated from fees amount to 13,94 mil. €, compensation incomes are 13,25 €. Incomes from various contributions account for 147,21 mil. € or 5,08% of GDP. Other current budgetary revenues amount to 22,70 mil. €. Consolidated budgetary and state funds’ expenditures for the first six months of the current year amount to 505,49 mil. € or 17,43% of GDP. Montenegro’s and state funds’ consolidated budgetary balance DESCRIPTION EXPENDITURES - I consolidation level EXPENDITURES - II consolidation level TEKUĆA BUDŽETSKA POTROŠNJA Current expenditures Gross incomes and contributions paid by employers Net incomes Income tax Contributions paid by employees Contributions paid by employers Taxation fee Other personal incomes I-VI 2008 mil. € % of GDP 505.49 485.23 474.62 270.83 156.86 92.33 17.68 24.20 20.26 2.40 10.68 17.43 16.73 16.37 9.34 5.41 3.18 0.61 0.83 0.70 0.08 0.37 75 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 Expenditures for materials and services Current maintenance Interests Rent Subventions Other expenditures Social protection transfers Social protection rights Surplus staff funds Retirement and disability insurance rights Health protection rights Other rights relating to health insurance Transfers to institutions, individuals, NGOs and public sector Transfers to public institutions Transfers to non-governmental institutions Transfers to individuals Capital expenditures Montenegro’s capital budget Loans and credits Guarantee repayment Reserves 69.47 9.56 10.21 3.06 8.01 2.96 154.01 20.74 4.92 116.95 7.66 3.75 38.94 29.68 1.88 7.39 14.19 16.67 6.19 0.02 4.63 2.40 0.33 0.35 0.11 0.28 0.10 5.31 0.72 0.17 4.03 0.26 0.13 1.34 1.02 0.06 0.25 0.49 0.57 0.21 0.00 0.16 LOCAL GOVERNMENTS Estimated consolidated expenditures of local governments for the first six months of 2008 amount to 105,49 mil. or 3,64% of GDP. Expenditures has been financed from taxes, accounting for 5,38 mil. €, fees – 7,89 mil. €, compensations – 44,24 mil € and other current revenues – 11,25 mil. €. The total current revenues during the first two quarters in 2008 have been estimated at 108,76 mil. € or 3,75% of GDP. Local governments’ consolidated balance DESCRIPTION CURRENT REVENUES Taxes Physical persons income tax Real estate transfer tax Local taxes Fees Administrative fees Residential fees Local utility fees Compensations Compensation for using common interest goods Compensation for construction land use Local road use compensation Other compensations Other incomes Fines and confiscated property Revenues generated by authorities’ activities Other incomes Revenues from loan repayments EXPENDITURES - I consolidation level EXPENDITURES - II consolidation level LOCAL GOVERNMENTS’ CURRENT EXPENDITURES Current expenditures Gross incomes and compensations paid by employers 76 I-VI 2008 mil. € 108.76 45.38 13.10 14.23 18.05 7.89 1.47 0.14 6.29 44.24 2.28 8.86 2.12 30.98 6.49 0.43 2.71 3.35 4.76 105.49 103.32 50.42 35.44 16.03 % of GDP 3.75 1.56 0.45 0.49 0.62 0.27 0.05 0.00 0.22 1.53 0.08 0.31 0.07 1.07 0.22 0.01 0.09 0.12 0.16 3.64 3.56 1.74 1.22 0.55 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 Net incomes Income tax Contributions paid by employees Contributions paid by employers Taxation fee Other personal incomes Expenditures for materials and services Current maintenance Interest Rent Subventions Other expenditures Social protection transfers Social protection rights Surplus staff funds Transfers to institutions, individuals, NGOs and public sector Transfers to public institutions Transfers to non-governmental organizations Transfers to individuals Transfers to public companies Capital expenditures Loans and credits Reserves Stanko Jeknić Radovan Živković 9.14 1.75 2.73 2.17 0.24 2.39 11.65 2.33 0.32 0.24 0.59 1.89 0.16 0.09 0.07 11.86 3.85 1.43 1.30 5.28 55.07 0.78 2.18 0.32 0.06 0.09 0.07 0.01 0.08 0.40 0.08 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.07 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.13 0.05 0.04 0.18 1.90 0.03 0.08 Vladislav Karadžić Prepared by: Dr. Stanko Jeknić – Independent adviser I Radovan Živković – Independent adviser I Vladislav Karadžić – Independent adviser I 77 Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 LEASING MARKET - REPORT FOR FIRST QUARTER 2008 1. Leasing – specific features in comparison with other financing forms Both theory and practice list numerous advantages of leasing over the other financing forms, embodied in the fact that the leasing enables procurement of necessary equipment without employing current assets, which opens the possibility for the subject to use the cash for procurement of supplies, salaries, advertising and other business costs, as well as for the new business opportunities. At the same time, this financing form is appropriate for newly founded small and medium-sized companies and entrepreneurs and any other users with weak credit capacity, i.e. the users without disposal of assets to be offered as the collateral for the credit. The leaser makes the decision on granting financing not only according to the leaseholder’s credit capacity (which is a dominant factor when deciding upon granting bank loan and securing the funds required by the banks), but also according to the evaluated degree of marketability of the leasing subject, i.e. the possibility for the item to be sold in the market, for the real price and without difficulties. At the same time, leasing provides for payment of the product as it produces – in time. Namely, cash payment of the equipment to be used by the subject in its business is similar to payment for the employee in advance, for the time he/she would be working for the company. In that sense, leasing enables payment of monthly rate for the equipment to be used in business activities. The previously stated facts can be characterized as the financial reasons, determining the leasing against other financing forms. Procedure of financing granting is in the case of financial leasing usually shorter than the one for the traditional financing forms. One of the reasons for this is that the additional loan securing (e.g. mortgage) are usually not required, and leasers often have the established business cooperation with the vendors for leasing subjects. Everything listed brings up total decrease in transaction costs. Additional advantage of the financial leasing, especially in the case of newly founded enterprises, is the option that the leaser can procure the leasing subject under favorable conditions, based on cooperation with leasing subject vendor and turnover the vendor achieves over it. Besides that, both leaser and leasing user may, within their arrangement, agree for the services of maintenance, servicing, parts replacing, technical and technological upgrading, and training for the leasing user’s staff to use the leasing subject. 2. Market participants There are four leasing companies in the leasing market of Montenegro: Hypo Alpe Adria Leasing, S-Lesing, Porsche Leasing and NLB Leasing. Simultaneously, two banks, within their business activities, through special departments established within their systems, offer the services of leasing: Prva banka Crne Gore and Opportunity banka. Private and juridical persons in Montenegro are being offered the financial and operative leasing. Services of financial and operative leasing are being offered by Hypo Alpe Adria leasing, S- leasing and NLB leasing, while other leasers are dealing with the financial leasing. Here it should be noted that three leasing companies also offer real estate leasing - Hypo Alpe Adria Leasing, NLB leasing and Opportunity banka, while remaining three leasing companies offer only movable assets leasing. Ownership structure of the leasers in Montenegro is such that all leasing companies are, directly or indirectly, in foreign ownership, except for the Prva banka Crne Gore, which is predominantly locally owned. 3.1. Leasing users Leasing users in Montenegro can be private persons, juridical persons and entrepreneurs. Chart 1 shows the number of signed contracts for the period from 2006 to first quarter 2008, per leasing users. 78 3. Placement structure 3.1. Leasing users Leasing users in Montenegro can be private juridical persons and entrepreneurs. Bulletinpersons, of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 Chart 1 shows the number of signed contracts for the period from 2006 to first quarter 2008, per leasing users. Grafik 1: Primaoci lizinga Chart 1: Leasing users 750 Broj ugovora Number of contracts 500 527 288 250 0 129 45 1 115 0 I Q 2006 I Q 2007 Juridical Pravna lica Private Fiziþka lica 173 1 I Q 2008 Preduzetnici Entrepreneurs persons a total of 4339 leasing contracts were During the period from 2006 topersons first quarter 2008, signed in Montenegro. At the end of first quarter 2008, the total of 701 contracts on leasing were signed, with 75% going to the contracts signed with the juridical persons, and 24.6% going to the contracts signed with the private persons. Minor percentage of the contracts was signed wit the entrepreneurs. In comparison with the first quarter 2007, the number of signed contracts notes an increase 3.2. Value number of leasing contracts type At the endand of first quarter 2008, the total ofper 701leasing contracts on leasing were signed, with of 74%. 75% going to the contracts signed with the juridical persons, and 24.6% going to the The latest data on with number value of contracts to of leasing type, i.e.was operative contracts signed the and private persons. Minoraccording percentage the contracts signed or financial leasing are still noting the trend that the financial leasing is much more wit number the entrepreneurs. In comparison with thetype first quarter 2007, the number of signed 3.2. Value and of leasing contracts per leasing present in notes Montenegro. These contracts an increase of data 74%.are also influenced by the fact that of six providers of The latest data on number and value according to leasing of type, i.e. operative or financial leasing are still the noting leasing services, onlyof contracts three offer the services operative leasing. Chart 2 shows the trend that the financial leasing is much more present in Montenegro. These data are also influenced by the fact that of six overview of number and value of signed contracts per leasing type for the period from providers of leasing services, only three offer the services of operative leasing. Chart 2 shows the overview of number and value 2006 toleasing first quarter of signed contracts per type for 2008. the period from 2006 to first quarter 2008. During the period from 2006 to first quarter 2008, a total of 4339 leasing contracts were signed in Montenegro. Chart 2: Leasing types Grafik 2: Tip lizinga Milioni 600 Broj ugovora Number of 500 contracts 400 300 200 100 0 I Q 2006 Operative leasing Operativni lizing I Q 2007 Financial leasing Finansijski lizing Vrijednost ugovora 45Million 40 35 30Contract 25value 20 15 10 5 0 700 I Q 2008 Contract valueugovora Vrijednost At the end of first quarter 2008, 90% of total number of contracts signed were the contracts on financial leasing, while the remaining 10% At werethe the end contracts on operative of first quarterleasing. 2008, 90% of total number of contracts signed were the contracts on financial leasing, while the remaining 10% were the contracts on operative Regarding the number of contracts, the operative leasing had in the first quarter 2008 noted an increase of 20% in regard to leasing. the first quarter 2007. Increase of number of contracts on financial leasing had in the first quarter 2008 registered an increase rate of 82%. Regarding the number of contracts, the operative leasing had in the first quarter 2008 noted an increase of 20% in regard to the first quarter 2007. Increase of number of contracts on financial leasing had in the first quarter 2008 registered an increase rate of 79 82%. Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro/April - June 2008 Value of the contracts on financial leasing had, at the end of first quarter 2008, exceeded the value of 38 million EUR, which is in comparison with the same period in 2007, an increase of 209%, while value the contracts of operative leasing amounted 4 million EUR, which is an increase of 96% in comparison with the same period previous year. 3.3. Leasing subject Total value of contracts on leasing for the period 2006 to first quarter 2008 amounts 223.8 million EUR, or 7.72% of projected GDP for year 2008. The Law on financial leasing in Montenegro defines the subjects of the financial leasing contract the movable non-consumable items and real estates. Chart 3 shows overview of number of contracts in financial leasing subject for the the period from 2006 to The Law on financial leasing in Montenegro defines theleasing subjectsper of the financial leasing contract movable non-consumable items and realfirst estates. Chart 3 shows overview of number of contracts in financial leasing per leasing subject for the period quarter 2008. 3.3. Leasing subject from 2006 to first quarter 2008. Grafik Predmet lizinga Chart 3: 3: Leasing subject 300 Broj ugovora Number of contracts 250 200 150 100 50 0 I Q 2006 Putniþki automobili Cars Graÿevinske mašine i oprema Construction equipment Nekretnine Real estates I Q 2007 I Q 2008 Privredna vozila (kamioni,(trucks, autobusibusses i dostavna Commercial vehicles andvozila) delivery) Brodovi Ships Structure of placement subjectper at the end ofsubject first quarter 2008 shows that the leasing2008 of cars was the most doStructureper ofleasing placement leasing at the end of first quarter shows that the minant in the previous period with 66.5% share in the total number of placements, while the leasing of commercial vehicles leasing of cars the most dominant inReal the estate previous period 66.5% share shareinintotal thenumber total had a share of approximately 20%, was construction equipment 11%. leasing showswith the smallest number of placements, while the leasing of commercial vehicles had a share of of placements with as little as 2.71%. However, if weapproximately analyze the value20%, of signed contracts perequipment leasing subject, than the real estate leasing shows shows the share construction 11%. Real estate leasing thegreatest smallest with approximately 44%in in total the first quarterof 2008, followed by the car leasingaswith share of 22% of total structure, commercial share number placements with as little 2.71%. vehicles with share of 17.5%, and the construction equipment leasing share 15.8%. Regarding the significant conditions from the leasing contract, predominantly interest rate and average leasing duration – However, if we the analyze offirst signed contracts leasing subject,8 and than9%,the realthe the average interest rates had, during periodthe fromvalue 2006 to quarter 2008 beenper on the level between while average leasing duration was between 50 and 60 months for movables and 130 and more months for the real estates. estate leasing shows the greatest share with approximately 44% in the first quarter 2008, followed by the car leasing with share of 22% of total structure, commercial vehicles with 4. Instead of conclusion share of 17.5%, and the construction equipment leasing share 15.8%. Presented data indicate that the leasing is becoming very common financing form, both for juridical and private persons Regarding the significant conditions from the leasing contract, predominantly interest rate in Montenegro. Financial leasing is one of the ways to finance investment in assets; therefore it appears to be an alternative to average thebonds. average rates had, during thecompared period from 2006 company’s funds,and banking loans leasing and debtsduration by issuing–the Thisinterest form of financing is often being with banking loans, since thoseto have some similar characteristics (payment per predefined interest However, significant characfirst quarter 2008 been on the level between rates, 8 and 9%,…).while the the average leasing teristics, essentially separating leasing from other types of financing are: financing is always granted for the specific item, produration was between 50 and 60 months for movables and 130 and more months for the curement of the item is being performed by the leaser instead of leasing user; leaser is the owner of the item during the entire real estates. period of the contract on leasing duration; leasing subject can simultaneously be a collateral, therefore the leasers usually do not require any other forms of security. Analyzed data for the leasing market in Montenegro indicate that the cars and real estates are the most common leasing subjects – first by the4.number of contracts, and later by the value of contracts signed. Users of leasing are still the juridical persons, Instead of conclusion indicating that the leasing is still a very favorable form of financing for the newly founded small and medium-sized companies and entrepreneurs, as well as that the economy of Montenegro, with the growth based in fact on SME sector, it is beyond doPresented indicate thatbethe leasing becoming very common financing form, both ubt that the leasing shall in thedata upcoming period very popularissource for providing funds for business. At the same time, for juridical andmarket private persons insoMontenegro. Financial leasing the ways to the legislative framework for leasing is established, the leasing providers have the libertyisofone theirof business activities, in the sense of lack of introducing measures for mandatory reserving funds to and limiting the growth of placements. finance investment in assets; therefore it appears bemeasures an alternative to company’s funds, Therefore, in suchbanking situation, loans leasing and companies to offerthe theirbonds. servicesThis for lower prices, more efficient or expand debtsare byable issuing form of be financing is often beingthe offer. In that sense, we can here conclude that the favorable business environment exists in Montenegro for further growth and compared development of this market. with banking loans, since those have some similar characteristics (payment per predefined rates, interest …). However, the significant characteristics, essentially Bojana Bošković, Senior Advisor 80