Consolidation of Financial Data of Financing Companies
Consolidation of Financial Data of Financing Companies
r Schedule 1 FINANCING COMPANIES RANK BY TOTAL ASSETS as of December 31, 2010 (in Thousand) COMPANY NAME 1 Metrobank 23,987,289/ Card Corporation. 2 Toyota Financial Services Philippines 18,775,952 Corp. 17,694,328 3 BDO Leasing and Finance, Inc. 4 Orix Metro TOTAL ASSETS 9,661,906, Leasing & Finance Corp. 5 Social Housing Finance Corp. 8,982,350 6 Balikatan Housing Finance, Inc. 8,032,226 7 BPI Leasing Corporation 7,773,494, 8 NORKIS FINANCIALS CORPORATION 6,784,417 9 Peoples Credit & Finance (PCFC) Corp. 3,776,549 10 Asia Link Finance Corp. 11 Unistar Credit and Finance Corporationl]](Sultan 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3,336.144 Kudarat) 3,086,828/ L.B.P. Leasing Corp. 2,705,325 Japan-PNB Leasing and Finance Corp. 2,328,417 Finance Co., Inc. 2,245,565 UCPB Leasing & Finance Corp. 2,207,051 Fundline Finance Corp. 2,107,232 Radiowealth First malayan Leasing a~d Finance Corp. 1,906,452 Caterpillar 1,467,153 Financial Services Phils., Inc. 1,439,465 Advent Capital and Finance Corporation 1,127,064 20 DBP Leasing Corporation Corp. 1,082,041 Investors & Financing Co. Inc. 1,031,053 21 UCPB-C1IF Finance & Development 22 Innovetive 23 Universal 743,311 LMS Finance & Leasing Corp. 24 Bot Lease & Finance Phils., Inc. 716,930 3? 612,418 Makati Finance Corp. 26 PCCI Finance Corp. 589,999 27 First United Finance and Leasing Corp. 513,501 28 Asia United Leasing & Finance Corp. 503,818 29 Silver Finance Inc. 407,285 30 Global Dominion 406,054 Financing, Inc. 399,462 31 Central Visayas Finance Corp. 32 Alga Leasing and Finance Inc. (Formerly: Medilink and Finance Corporation) 398,40V 387,613 33 Des Financing Corp. 34 Filcredit Finance and Capital Development 338,998 Corp. 35 PLPI Finance Corp. 329,938 36 Nittan Capital Finance Inc. 327,331 37 FIRST STANDARD FINANCE CORPORATION - CONSOLIDATED 311,995 38 Capex Finance and Investment 310,453 39 Integrity Corp. 309,147 Financing Corporation 40 Allied Leasing and Finance Corp. 291,428 41 Rural Electrification 274,892 Corp. 259,602 42 World Partners Finance Corp. 254,357 43 Manila Credit Corp. 44 Starcredit 253,713 Phils., Inc. 45 Asian Cathay Finance 244,954 and Leasing Corp. 240,164 46 Yields Financial Corp. Page 1 of 7 / .. ,, r Schedule 1 FINANCING COMPANIES RANK BY TOTAL ASSETS as of December 31,2010 (in Thousand) COMPANY NAME • TOTAL ASSETS 47 E-Cash Paylite Financing, Inc. 232,737 48 BRIDGE AUXllLlARY 231,263 FINANCE CORP. 49 President Jose P. laurel 226,025 leasing & Finance, Inc, 224,971 50 Filipino Financial Corp. 51 Credit Solutions Resources Finance & Investment Corp. 216,722 52 F.T.C. Funds Inc. 193,934 53 Silver-WDC Finance, Inc. 180,218 54 MR YU FINANCE CORPORATION 166,311 55 V.1. FINANCE (ILOilO), 157,672 INC. 56 Puregold Finance, Inc. 156,832 57 Vantageone 155,161 Financing Corporation 58 AG Finance Inc. 150,860 59 COMMERCIAL CREDIT CORPORATION OF NEGROS-CONSOLIDATED 146,467 60 BUGLAS DEVELOPMENT FINANCE & INVESTMENT CORPORATION 139,565 61 The Golden Legacy Financing Corp. 136,582 62 United Financing Corporation 136,073 63 Five Star Finance, Inc. 135,676 64 Quicklend 135,314 Financing Co. Inc. 65 Prestige Fame Finance 131,430 Corporation 131,374 66 Solid Manila Finance Inc. Inc. 129,177 68 TEAM MICRO CREDIT CORPORATION 127,397 69 Esquire International 119,714 67 Majalco Finance and Investment Financing, Inc. 70 Buenavista Financing Corporation 118,892 71 SUPER CUB FINANCIAL CORPORATION 114,966 72 MAINLAND FINANCE CORPORATION 114,264 73 Pentacapital Finance Corp. 113,632 74 FG Financial Company Inc. 113,171 75 Centennial 111,756 Financing Corp. 76 St. Peter Finance Corp. 111,210 77 Finacor Finance Corp. 110,769 78 Comtrust Finance and Investment 108,304 Corporation 79 Peakhold Finance Corp. 106,781 80 Millenium 103,346 Cash Finance Company, Inc. 81 CCC FINANCE CORPORATION 95,802 82 Paragon Finance Corp. 95,799 93,314 83 Silver CDO Finance, Inc. 84 JMC Financing and Marketing 85 Primary Finance Company, 93,289 Corporation 86,992 Inc. 84,679 86 GOLDEN (ILOILO) FINANCE CORPORATION 80,568 87 Lloyd's Financing Corp. 74,889 88 Philacor Credit Corp. 74,777 89 VICSON FINANCE CORPORATION 73,862 90 RAMADA GOODWILL CREDIT CORPORATION 73,484 91 DYNA SOURCE FINANCE CORP. 92 Towncal Finance and Investment 72,187 Corp. Page 2 of 7 Schedule 1 FINANCING COMPANIES RANK BY TOTAL ASSETS as of December 31, 2010 (in Thousand) COMPANY 93 Bancasia Finance and Investment 94 Midland Finance Corporation • NAME TOTAL ASSETS Corp. 72,023 of Bacolod 67,487 95 Liberty Value Loan, Inc. 64,444 96 A-1 Financial Services, Inc. 64,024/ 97 GOLDEN SUN FINANCE CORPORATION 63,387 98 DYNA WEALTH FINANCE CORPORATION , 99 Rykom Financing Corp. 60,272 59,630 100 VISAYAS GOODWILL CREDIT CORPORATION 59,293 101 JEE FINANCE CORPORATION 59,265 102 Cash 4u Financing Corp. 55,741 103 PERMA CAPITAL FINANCE CORPORATION 55,466 104 CREDITLINE FINANCE INC. 55,447 105 MARS FINANCE CORPORATION 53,888 106 Borough Financing Corp. 51,728 107 RURAL_FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 51,420 108 Responsible Investment for Solidarity & Empowerment (RISE) Financing Co., Inc. Securities & Financing Corp. 109 Conglomerate 50,419 50,019 110 Kaakbay Finance Corporation 49,818 111 CLI FINANCE INC. 46,412 112 Rainbow Finance Inc. 45,644 113 Key Finance & Investment 45,626 Corp. 114 ULTIMATE FINANCING COMPANY INCORPORATED 44,909 115 People's Credit Network 44,119 Finance Co. Inc. 43,404 116 Parola Financing Corp. 117 Esna Financing and Investment 43,182 Corp. 118 St. Joseph Financing Corporation 42,862 119 DYNASTY FINANCE CORPORATION 39,647 120 Landwealth 39.544 Financing Co. Inc. 39,066 121 Peers Credit Resources, Inc. 122 FIRST PROVINCIAL FINANCE CORPORATION 37,748 123 Global Asia Finance & Leasing Corp. 37,544 124 Hexagon Finance & Investment 37,441 Corp. 37,383 125 CAPITAL LEVERAGE FINANCE CORPORATION 126 ICC Leasing and Finance Corp. 37,176 127 SCHILLINGS FINANCE CORPORATION 35,962 128 Argus Credit Corp. 35,243 129 Matrix Finance Corp. 35,112 130 Cash Management 34,311 Finance, Inc. 131 GEMSTAR FINANCING CO. INC. 33,983 132 Capital Hauz Financing Corp. 33,731 133 ZAMBOANGA 33,144 INDUSTRIAL FINANCE CORPORATION 134 Twins Lending Investor 32,390 Inc. 135 ALPESONS FINANCE CORPORATION 32,349 136 Maybridge 32,023 ( Asia) Finance and Leasing, Inc. 137 HMS Credit & Finance CO., Inc. 30,914 138 GOODWILL CREDIT CORPORATION 29,805 Page 3 of 7 Schedule 1 FINANCING COMPANIES RANK BY TOTAL ASSETS as of December 31, 2010 (in Thousand) COMPANY NAME • TOTAL ASSETS 139 JGM FINANCE CORPORATION 28,984 140 P.B. Com. Finance Corp. 28,810 141 RBO Group Financing Corp. 28,590 142 Carnelian Consumer Finance Corp. 27,827 143 ILOILO FINANCE CORPORATION 27,662 144 VIRGO FINANCING CORPORATION 27,572 145 Eagle Finance Corporation 27,212 146 Credit Pilipinas Inc. 25,232 147 R'WAY FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. 25,200 148 GMBT Financing Corp. 25,108 149 PMC Finance & Investment 25,094 Corp. 150 A-1 Micro Finance Inc. 24,954 151 Stanford Finance Corp. 24,543 152 New Horizon Finance Corporation 24,228 153 Metro Alabang Finnace and Loan Corp. 23,534 154 NEPTUNE FINANCE CORPORATION 23,293 155 Smart Inv. and Finance Corp. 22,558 156 RHE MILLENNIUM 22,352 157 Preferred FINANCE CORPORATION 22,318 Financing Corp. 158 Security Finance Inc. 22,066 159 MOELLER FINANCING INC. 21,979 160 Carcanmadcarlan 21,374 Financing Corporation 161 Magnifico Finance Corp. 20,221 162 Equitable Leasing Corp. 20,155 163 United Capital Resources Finance & Leasing Corp. 19,789 164 Fig Financing Company, Inc. 19,447 165 MONARCH FINANCE CORPORATION 19,337 166 Damar Financing Corp. 19,324 167 STO. NINO DE CEBU FINANCE CORP. 19,202 168 ORION INDUSTRIAL AND CONSUMER FINANCE CO. INC. 19,141 169 Jardine Pacific Finance Inc. 18,845 170 GSM CEBU INVESTORS FINANCE CORPORATION 18,559 171 Alps Finance Corp. 18,529 172 Ugnayan Financing Corp. 16,812 173 San Antonio Financing Corp. 16,777 174 Stonehenge Leasing Financial Corp. 16,530 175 Da Chan Financial Services, Inc. 16,454 176 LIBRA FINANCE & INVESTMENT CORPORATION 16,435 177 Basis Financial Services Inc, 16,002 178 Unicom Finance Corp. 15,895 179 Pilots Integrated Funding Corp. 15,238 180 Bataan financing Corp. 15,132 181 NEGRENSE FINANCE & CREDIT CORPORATION 14,860 182 CASHLINK FINANCIALS, INC. 14,853 183 Mindanao 14,812 Domestic Finance Corporation 14,768 184 NEO Asian Finance & Leasing Corp. Page 4 of 7 '.t' Schedule 1 FINANCING COMPANIES RANK BY TOTAL ASSETS as of December 31. 2010 (in Thousand) COMPANY NAME • TOTAL ASSETS 185 Zircon Finance Corp. 14,580 186 Ventures 14,221 187 PAR. Credit, Inc. Finance & Investment 14,217 Corp. 188 IMS Finance and Resource Corp. 13,933 189 TITAN FINANCE, INC. 13,785 190 Good Provider Financing and Leasing Corp. 13,519 191 Peterson Leasing and Finance Corp. 13,510 192 TRZ FINANCE CORPORATION 13,416 193 HITRUST FINANCE CORPORATION 13,221 194 MAD FINANCE CORPORATION 12,580 195 GOLDCHECK FINANCE & DEVELOPMENT CORP. 12,56/ 196 LOPEZ - TORRES FINANCE CORPORATION 12,517 197 Surefund Finance Corp. 12,098 198 Goldprime 12,098 Financial Services Inc. 199 Megaritz Financing Corp. 12,000 200 Headstart Finance Corp. 11,904 201 Road Express Carloan Corp. 11,832 202 TMGSI FINANCE CORPORATION 11,745 203 TPY CREDIT & FINANCE CORPORATION 11,566 204 Golden Harvest Finance Corporation 11,394 205 GLOBEWEST FINANCE CORPORATION 11,389 206 EMERALD FINANCE CORPORATION 11,372 207 CYM FINANCING INCORPORATED 10,976 208 Relar Financing Corporation 10.912 209 PANAAD CREDIT AND FINANCE CORPORATION 10,884 210 Jushin Fianncing & Leasing Corp. 10,853 211 CEBU SHEE NA FINANCE CO., INC. 10,805 212 MCC Money Shops Finance Company, Inc. 10,695 213 FTB FINANCE CORPORATION 10,636 214 First JCNR Financing and Marketing 10,594 Corporation 215 Rizal A+ Credit Corp. 10,537 216 Rota Creditline 10,522 Finance Corp. 217 Omega Finance Inc. 10,411 218 CEBU APC FINANCE CORPORATION 10,402 219 SOUTHSTAR FINANCING INC. 10,398 220 Dlil Leasing & Finance Corp. 10,395 221 Switch Finance Corporation 10,382 222 ZC CROWN LINK FINANCING CORPORATION 10,345 223 EVERGREEN FINANCE (ILOILOL INC. 10,213 224 ABG FINANCE CORPORATION 10,117 225 Profriends 10,000 Financing Corp. 9,926 226 JS FINANCE CORPORATION 227 Manuela 9,853 Finance Corp. 9,574 228 Orakei Financing Corp. 9,480 229 Financial World Corp. 9,461 230 GOlDEN ENDEAVOR MICRO FINANCE CORP. Page 5 of 7 " • .... Schedule 1 FINANCING COMPANIES RANK BY TOTAL ASSETS as of December 31, 2010 (in Thousand) COMPANY NAME 9,273 231 FAR EAST FINANCIALS ,INC. 9,072 232 Tagum United Finance Corporation 8,625 233 Solid Group Finance, Inc. 8,245 234 Lingkod Kabuhayan Finance Corp. 7,903 235 SONIC FINANCE CORPORATION 7,497 236 Staniel Finance Corp. 237 Northern 7,374 Credit, Inc. 7,316 238 Valehaus Finance Company, Inc. 7,264 239 CREDENCE FINANCING INC. 7,205 240 First Quadcor Corp. 7,174 241 Jetnic and Nash Financing Corporation 6,996 242 Lee Finance Corp. 6,809 243 24-25 Finance Corporation 6,578 244 First Finance Corp. of Cadizrn(Bacolod City) 6,477 245 CHARTERED LOAN FINANCING OF BOHOL INC. 6,367 246 DYNAWEST FINANCE CORPORATION 6,365 247 FAST WAY FINANCE & CREDIT CORPORATION 248 Great Educational 249 Macalintal 6,287 Financing Corp. 6,236 Financing Corp. 5,880 250 NYY MICRO FINANCE INC. 5,630 251 South Exchange Credit & Financing Corp. 5,618 252 KABAYAN FINANCING CORP. 5,583 253 ROLCIEN FINANCING AND CREDIT CORPORATION 5,562 254 EJSFinance Corporation 5,386 255 Lynmark Finance Corporation 256 Worldwidelink 5,381 Financing Corp. 5,341 257 Trium 888 Financing Corp. 5,325 258 Big 8 Finance Corporation 5,285 259 CF MENDOZA FINACE CORP. 5,272 260 FIVE (5) J FINANCING CO. INC. 5,267 261 OZAMIZ A+ CREDIT CORPORATION. 5,250 262 Marbel J-Four-K Finance. Corporation 5,176 263 RJQ Finance Corporation 5,137 264 PEACOCK FINANCING CORP. 5,042 265 HEATHER FINANCING CORPORATION 5,013 266 W MATIAO CREDIT SERVICES INC. 4,746 267 GTL Finance Corporation 4,624 268 Equity Financing Corporation 4,584 269 APC Laguna Corporation 4,524 270 Rosario (EPZA) Financing Co., Inc. 4,381 271 LLMQ FINANCE CORPORATION 4,342 272 Golden Tree Financing, Inc. 4,288 273 JANE FINANCIAL SERVICES CORPORATION 4,257 274 HIGHLITE FINANCE CORPORATION 4,243 275 WHITE MAGIC FINANCE CORPORATION 276 First Oriental TOTAL ASSETS Mindoro 4,226 Financing Company(FOMFC)lnc. Page 6 of 7 r Schedule 1 FINANCING COMPANIES RANK BY TOTAL ASSETS as of December 31,2010 (in Thousand) COMPANY NAME TOTAL ASSETS 277 ECLAIRE FINANCE CORPORATION 4,191 278 CEL FINANCIAL SERVICES CORPORATION 4,131 279 Maligaya 4,130 Financing Corp. 280 D FIRST JAM FINANCING INC. 4,124 281 CONCHITA FINANCIAL SERVICESCORPORATION 4,086 282 L1TA FINANCIAL SERVICES CORPORATION 4,078 283 Citicash Finance Corporation 4,001 284 JAMAICA FINANCIAL SERVICESCORPORATION 3,829 285 KALIBO FINANCE & INVESTMENTS CORPORATION 3,738 286 North Point Financing Corp. 3,716 287 UNLAD BUHAY FINANCE CORPORATION 3,578 288 Hercules Financing Corp. 3,361 289 FIRST UNITED FAMILY FINANCE CORPORATION 3,328 290 LGF Finance Company, Inc. 3,274 291 MS HILLPARK FINANCING CORPORATION 3,259 292 GLEH FINANCIAL SOLUTION CORPORATION 3,200 293 EMDEES FINANCING COMPANY, INC. 3,176 3,107 294 SGE Financing 3,093 295 BIG GREEN FINANCING CORPORATION 296 Sherwin Parker Finance and Credit Corporation 3,050 297 Alpine Finance & Investment 3,039 Corp. 3,021 298 NQ Finance Corp. 299 3H Finance and Investment 2,936 Corp. 2,889 300 JRK FINANCE CORPORATION 2,821 301 DU EK SAM CAPITAL CORPORATION 2,806 302 MEGAN CREDIT AND FINANCING CORPORATION 303 CONSOLIDATED CAPITAL AND FINANCIAL SERVICESCORPORATION 2,774 2,754 304 Batch 69 Financing Corp. 2,740 305 FONTAINE BLEAU & REALTY CORPORATION 2,705 306 Aljonie Finance Corporation 2,664 307 BRYE FINANCING INC. 2,653 308 Rite Choice Financing Corp. 309 Credit Assurance Service (CAS) Finance Corporation 2,651 2,607 310 RJ& A Finance Corporation 2,607 311 Argosy Finance Corp. 2,566 312 Palapag Financing Company Inc. 2,540 313 LOTUS FINANCING 2,318 314 Zoe & RST Financing Corp. 2,187 315 Golden Stream Financing Corp. 1,913 150,943,222 316 RMG Financial Investors Inc. TOTAL Page 7 of 7 r • 1 • Schedule 2 FINANCING COMPANIES RANK BY TOTAL PAID-UP as of December 31, 2010 (in Thousand) COMPANY • TOTAL PAID-UP NAME 2,225,169 1 BDO Leasing and Finance, Inc. 2 Metrobank 1,000,000 Card Corporation 3 Toyota Financial Services Philippines 1,000,000 Corp. 1,000,000 4 Peoples Credit & Finance (PCFC) Corp. 1,000,000 5 Fundline Finance Corp. 6 UCPB-C1IF Finance & Development 975,000 Corp. 710,000 7 Asia Link Finance Corp. 8 Orix Metro 702,644 Leasing & Finance Corp. 600,000 9 DBP Leasing Corporation 500,000 10 UCPB Leasing & Finance Corp. 485,553 11 L.B.P. Leasing Corp. 272,777 12 Advent Capital and Finance Corporation 13 Rural Electrification 14 Radiowealth 247,736 Corp. 233,891 Finance Co., Inc. 230,000 15 Philacor Credit Corp. 16 Caterpillar Financial 214,396 Services Phils., Inc .. 200,000 17 NORKIS FINANCIALS CORPORATION 18 Innovetive 200,000 Investors & Financing Co. Inc. 200,000 19 Silver Finance Inc. 200,000 20 Jardine Pacific Finance Inc. 193,475 21 Makati Finance Corp. 180,000 22 PCCI Fincmce Corp. 171,600 23 PLPI Finance Corp. 165,000 24 Bot Lease & Finance Phils., Inc. 152,500 25 Allied Leasing and Finance Corp. 150,330 26 Nittan Capital Finance Inc. 150,000 27 Japan-Pr-JB Leasing and Finance Corp. 148,128 28 Filipino Financial Corp. 29 Filcredit Finance and Capital Development 136,994 Corp. 128,375 30 Universal LMS Finance & Leasing Corp. 31 Capex Finance and Investment 125,612 Corp. 32 Unistar Credit and Finance Corporationl1l(Sultan.Kudarat) 33 Global Dominion 120,100 Financing, Inc. 109,393 34 BRIDGE AUXILLIARY FINANCE CORP. 100,000 35 Des Financing Corp. 36 Integrity 100,000 Financing Corporation 100,000 37 F.T.C. Funds Inc. 38 100,000 MR YU FINANCE CORPORATION 100,000 39 Silver-WDC Finance, Inc. 100,000 40 Asian Cathay Finance and Leasing Corp. 41 Centennial 100,000 Financing Corp. 42 World Partners Finance Corp. 43 Alga Leasing and Finance Inc. (Formerly: 98,000 Medilink and Finance Corporation) 44 Central Visayas Finance Corp. 95,000 91,875 90,000 45 Asia United Leasing & Finance Corp. 46 125,000 85,346 Preside:nt Jose P. Laurel Leasing & Finance, Inc. Page 1 of 7 • as of December 31, 2010 (in Thousand) COMPANY TOTAL PAID-UP NAME 47 United Financing Corporation 83,141 48 BPI Leasing Corporation 80,899 49 Pentacapital 80,000 50 Puregold Finance, Inc. Finance Corp. 75,000 51 First malayan Leasing and Finance Corp. 68,867 52 Balikatan Housing Finance, Inc. 68,000 53 Five Star Finance, Inc. 60,000 54 JEE FINANCE CORPORATION 55,000 55 E-Cash Paylite Financing, Inc. 51,200 56 First United Finance and Leasing Corp. 50,000 57 FIRST STANDARD FINANCE CORPORATION - CONSOLIDATED 50,000 58 Credit Solutions 50,000 59 Resources Finance & Investment Corp. 50,000 Paragon Finance Corp. 60 Silver CDO Finance, Inc. 50,000 61 Lloyd's Financing Corp. 50,000 62 RAMADA GOODWILL CREDIT CORPORATION 50,000 63 50,000 Equitable Leasing Corp. 64 Security Finance Inc. 65 Responsible Investment 50,000 for Solidarity & Empowerment (RISE) Financing Co., Inc. 49,885 48,726 66 Majalco Finance and Investment Inc. 67 BUG LAS DEVELOPMENT FINANCE & INVESTMENT CORPORATION 46,000 68 Liberty Value Loan, Inc. 42,000 69 ALPESONS FINANCE CORPORATION 40,900 70 40,000 A-1 Financial Services, Inc. 71 Conglomerate 34,863 Securities & Financing Corp. 34,500 72 St. Peter Finance Corp. 30,000 73 AG Finance Inc. 30,000 74 CCC FINANCE CORPORATION 75 Borough Financing Corp. 30,000 76 ICC Leasing and Finance Corp. 30,000 77 VISAYAS GOODWILL CREDIT CORPORATION 30,000 78 Bancasia Finance and Investment 28,972 79 People's Credit Network Corp. 28,000 Finance Co. Inc. 80 GOLDEN SUN FINANCE CORPORATION 25,950 81 Quicklend 25,000 82 24,500 Manila Credit Corp. 83 Comtrust 84 Financing Co. Inc. Finance and Investment 22,500 Corporation RURAL FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 85 Esna Financing and Investment 20,317 Corp. 20,004 86 MAINLAND FINANCE CORPORATION 87 Yields Financial Corp. 88 COMMERCIAL CREDIT CORPORATION OF NEGROS-CONSOLIDATED 89 Millenium 92 Hexagon Finance & Investment 20,000 20,000 90 VICSON FINANCE CORPORATION DYNA SOURCE FINANCE CORP. 20,000 20,000 Cash Finance Company, Inc. 91 21,000 20,000 20,000 Corp. Page 2 of 7 Schedule 2 FINANCING COMPANIES RANK BY TOTAL PAID-UP as of December 31,2010 (in Thousand) COMPANY NAME • TOTAL PAID-UP 93 Capital Hauz Financing Corp. 20,000 94 Solid Manila Finance Inc. 20,000 95 Matrix Finance Corp. 20,000 96 GOODWILL CREDIT CORPORATION 20,000 97 HMS Credit & Finance CO., Inc. 20,000 98 GOLDEN (ILOILO) FINANCE CORPORATION 19,100 99 Parola Financing Corp. 18,750 100 Cash Management Finance, Inc. 18,750 101 SCHILLINGS FINANCE CORPORATION 18,700 102 New Horizon Finance Corporation 18,250 103 SUPER CUB FINANCIAL CORPORATION 18,000 104 Omega Finance Inc. 17,752 105 Towncal Finance and Investment Corp. 17,750 106 JGM FINANCE CORPORATION 107 Bataan financing 108 Buenavista 17,500 Corp. 17,000 Financing Corporation 16,188 109 Key Finance & Investment Corp. 16,000 110 Primary Finance Company, Inc. 15,979 111 United Capital Resources Finance & Leasing Corp. 112 V.1. FINANCE (ILOILO), INC. Finance Corporation 15,500 15,000 113 Midland of Bacolod 15,000 114 DYNA WEALTH FINANCE CORPORATION 15,000 115 ULTIMATE FINANCING COMPANY INCORPORATED 15,000 116 R'WAY FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. 15,000 117 Da Chan Financial Services, Inc. 15,000 118 RBO Group Financing Corp; 15,000 119 A-1 Micro Finance Inc. 120 Esquire International 15,000 Financing, Inc. 14,300 121 St. Joseph Financing Corporation 13,908 122 Metro Alabang Finnace and Loan Corp. 13,407 123 MOELLER FINANCING INC. 13,373 124 ILOILO FINANCE CORPORATION 13,105 125 FIRST PROVINCIAL FINANCE CORPORATION 12,810 126 DYNASTY FINANCE CORPORATION 12,600 127 Rykom Financing Corp. 12,500 128 Global Asia Finance & Leasing Corp. 12,500 129 TEAM MICRO CREDIT CORPORATION 12,232 130 131 VIRGO fiNANCING 132 12,166 Eagle Finance Corporation 12,000 CORPORATION 12,000 fAR EAST FINANCIALS ,INC. 133 CASHLINK FINANCIALS, INC. 12,000 134 12,000 Road Express Carloan Corp. 135 TITAN FINANCE, INC. 12,000 136 Goldprime 12,000 Financial Services Inc. 137 GMBT Financing Corp. 11,750 138 CREDITLINE FINANCE INC. 11,500 Page 3 of 7 Schedule 2 FINANCING COMPANIES RANK BY TOTAL PAID-UP as of December 31,2010 (in Thousand) COMPANY 139 NAME • TOTAL PAID-UP 11,500 P.B. Com. Finance Corp. Finance & Investment 11,264 140 PAR. 141 Finacor Finance Corp. Corp. 11,001 142 MONARCH FINANCE CORPORATION 11,000 143 CAPITAL LEVERAGE FINANCE CORPORATION 11,000 144 11,000 Manuela Finance Corp. 145 TRZ FINANCE CORPORATION 11,000 146 GLOBEWEST FINANCE CORPORATION 11,000 147 LOPEZ - TORRES FINANCE CORPORATION 11,000 148 Damar Financing Corp. 10,900 149 Peers Credit Resources, Inc. 10,700 150 Social Housing Finance Corp. 10,000 151 Starcredit 10,000 Phils., Inc. 152 Vantageone 153 10,000 Financing Corporation 10,000 Prestige Fame Finance Corporation 10,000 154 The Golden Legacy Financing Corp. Peakhold Finance Corp. 10,000 156 JMC Financing and Marketing 10,000 155 Corporation 157 Cash 4u Financing Corp. 10,000 158 PERMA CAPITAL FINANCE CORPORATION 10,000 159 Argus Credit Corp. 10,000 160 CLI FINANCE INC. 10,000 161 Maybridge 10,000 ( Asia) Finance and Leasing, Inc. 162 Twins Lending Investor Inc. 10,000 163 Stanford 10,000 Finance Corp. 164 ZAMBOANGA 165 INDUSTRIAL FINANCE CORPORATION 10,000 10,000 NEPTUNE FINANCE CORPORATION 10,000 166 Golden Tree Financing, Inc. 167 Smart Inv. and Finance Corp. 10,000 168 Magnifico Finance Corp. 10,000 169 Preferred Financing Corp. 10,000 170 Basis Financial Services Inc. 171 PMC Finance & Investment 172 Rizal A+ Credit Corp. 10,000 173 RHE MILLENNIUM 10,000 174 San Antonio 10,000 10,000 Corp. FINANCE CORPORATION 10,000 Financing Corp. 175 STO. NINO DE CEBU FINANCE CORP. 10,000 176 Stonehenge 10,000 Leasing Financial Corp. 177 Credit Pilipinas Inc. 10,000 178 Fig Financing Company, Inc. 10,000 179 IMS Finance and Resource Corp. 10,000 180 NEGRENSE FINANCE & CREDIT CORPORATION 10,000 181 Ventures 10,000 Credit, Inc. 182 Peterson Leasing and Finance Corp. 10,000 183 NEO Asian Finance & Leasing Corp. 10,000 184 Mindanao 10,000 Domestic Finance Corporation Page 4 of 7 Schedule 2 FINANCING COMPANIES RANK BY TOTAL PAID-UP as of December 31,2010 (in Thousand) COMPANY NAME • TOTAL PAID-UP 10,000 185 Good Provider Financing and Leasing Corp. 186 GOLDCHECK FINANCE & DEVELOPMENT CORP. 10,000 10,000 187 Unicom Finance Corp. 188 GSM CEBU INVESTORS FINANCE CORPORATION 10,000 189 MAD FINANCE CORPORATION 10,000 10,000 190 SOUTHSTAR FINANCING INC. 10,000 191 Orake; Financing Corp. 192 Pilots Integrated Funding Corp. 193 10,000 10,000 EVERGREEN FINANCE (ILOILO), INC. 10,000 194 TPY CREDIT & FINANCE CORPORATION 10,000 195 Surefund Finance Corp. 10,000 196 CEBU APC FINANCE CORPORATION 197 Rota Creditline 198 FTB FINANCE CORPORATION 199 Relar Financing Corporation 200 EMERALD FINANCE CORPORATION 201 Headstart 202 Worldwidelink 10,000 Finance Corp. 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Finance Corp. 10,000 Financing Corp. 10,000 203 JS FINANCE CORPORATION 10,000 204 TMGSI FINANCE CORPORATION 10,000 205 Zircon Finance Corp. 206 CEBU SHEE NA FINANCE CO./ INC. 207 ZC CROWN LINK FINANCING CORPORATION 208 DLiI Leasing & Finance Corp. 209 Megaritz 210 PANAAD CREDIT AND FINANCE CORPORATION 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Financing Corp. 211 First JCNR Financing and Marketing 10,000 10,000 Corporation 10,000 212 Jushin Fianncing & Leasing Corp. 213 10,000 CYM FINANCING INCORPORATED 10,000 214 Switch Finance Corporation 215 Lee Finance Corp. 216 Staniel Finance Corp. 10,000 10,000 10,000 217 Jetnic and Nash Financing Corporation 10,000 218 ABG FINANCE CORPORATION 219 MCC Money Shops Finance Company, Inc. 220 Profriends 221 GOLDEN ENDEAVOR MICRO FINANCE CORP. 222 HITRUST FINANCE CORPORATION 10,000 10,000 Financing Corp. 8,730 7,682 7,592 223 Tagum United Finance Corporation 224 Golden Harvest Finance Corporation 225 Rainbow Finance Inc. 226 Kaakbay Finance Corporation 227 Alps Finance Corp. 228 SONIC FINANCE CORPORATION 229 FAST WAY FINANCE & CREDIT CORPORATION 230 First Finance Corp. of Cadizl1l(Bacolod City) 7,500 6,356 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 5,900 Page 5 of 7 Schedule 2 FINANCING COMPANIES RANK BY TOTAL PAID-UP as of December 31,2010 (in Thousand) COMPANY 231 NAME LIBRA FINANCE & INVESTMENT CORPORATION • TOTAL PAID-UP 5,300 232 Solid Group Finance, Inc. 5,250 233 CHARTERED LOAN FINANCING OF BOHOL INC. 5,200 234 FG Financial Company Inc. 5,000 235 MARS FINANCE CORPORATION 5,000 236 GEMSTAR FINANCING CO. INC. 5,000 237 Ugnayan Financing Corp. 5,000 238 Financial World Corp. 5,000 239 First Quadcor Corp. 5,000 240 CREDENCE FINANCING INC. 5,000 241 Northern 5,000 Credit, Inc. 242 Valehaus Finance Company, Inc. 5,000 243 Great Educational Financing Corp. 244 APC Laguna Corporation 245 ROLCIEN FINANCING AND CREDIT CORPORATION 5,000 5,000 5,000 246 Trium 888 Financing Corp. 5,000 247 OZAMIZ A+ CREDIT CORPORATION. 5,000 248 KABAYAN FINANCING CORP. 5,000 249 RJQ Finance Corporation 5,000 250 EJSFinance Corporation 5,000 251 CF MENDOZA FINACE CORP. 5,000 252 Lynmark Finance Corporation 5,000 253 FIVE (5) J FINANCING CO. INC. 5,000 254 Marbel J-Four-K Finance Corporation 5,000 255 PEACOCK FINANCING CORP. 5,000 256 HEATHER FINANCING CORPORATION 5,000 257 W MATIAO CREDIT SERVICES INC. 5,000 258 GTL Finance Corporation 5,000 259 ORION INDUSTRIAL AND CONSUMER FINANCE CO. INC. 3,200 260 Carnelian Consumer 3,000 261 DYNAWEST FINANCE CORPORATION Finance Corp. 3,000 262 SGE Financing 3,000 263 FIRST UNITED FAMILY FINANCE CORPORATION 2,760 264 Macalintal 2,750 265 KALIBO FINANCE & INVESTMENTS CORPORATION Financing Corp. 266 Alpine Finance & Investment 2,750 2,750 Corp. 2,633 267 Batch 69 Financing Corp. 268 Palapag Financing Company Inc. 2,560 269 Landwealth 2,500 270 Carcanmadcarlan 271 Lingkod Kabuhayan 272 Maligaya Financing Corp. 2,500 273 NYY MICRO FINANCE INC. 2,500 274 RMG Financial Investors Inc. 2,500 275 South Exchange Credit & Financing Corp. 2,500 276 Hercules Financing Corp. 2,500 Financing Co. Inc. 2,500 Financing Corporation 2,500 Finance Corp. Page 6 of 7 .. Schedule 2 FINANCING COMPANIES RANK BY TOTAL PAID-UP as of December 31,2010 (in Thousand) COMPANY NAME TOTAL PAID-UP 277 D FIRST JAM FINANCING INC. 2,500 278 MS HILLPARK FINANCING CORPORATION 2,500 279 Rosario (EPZA) Financing Co., Inc. 2,500 280 First Oriental 2,500 281 3H Finance and Investment 282 UNLAD BUHAY FINANCE CORPORATION 2,500 283 CONSOLIDATED CAPITAL AND FINANCIAL SERVICESCORPORATION 2,500 284 24-25 Finance Corporation 2,500 285 Big 8 Finance Corporation 2,500 286 Citicash Finance Corporation 2,500 287 LGF Finance Company, Inc. 2,500 288 WHITE MAGIC FINANCE CORPORATION 2,500 Mindoro Financing Company(FOMFC)lnc. 2,500 Corp. 289 JANE FINANCIAL SERVICES CORPORATION 2,500 L1TA FINANCIAL SERVICES CORPORATION 2,500 291 LLMQ FINANCE CORPORATION 2,500 292 CEl FINANCIAL SERVICES CORPORATION 2,500 293 EClAIRE FINANCE CORPORATION 2,500 294 HIGHLITE FINANCE CORPORATION 2,500 295 JAMAICA FINANCIAL SERVICES CORPORATION 2,500 296 2,500 CONCHITA FINANCIAL SERVICES CORPORATION 297 Argosy Finance Corp. 2,500 298 NQ Finance Corp. 2,500 299 EMDEES FINANCING COMPANY, INC. 2,500 300 Golden Stream Financing Corp. 301 Sherwin 302 BIG GREEN FINANCING CORPORATION 303 Aljonie Finance Corporation 304 Zoe & RST Financing Corp. 305 DU EK SAM CAPITAL CORPORATION 306 FONTAINE BLEAU & REALTY CORPORATION 307 BRYE FINANCING INC. 308 North Point Financing Corp. 309 Credit Assurance Service (CAS) Finance Corporation 2,500 2,500 Parker Finance and Credit Corporation 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 310 JRK FINANCE CORPORATION 2,500 311 Equity Financing Corporation 312 RJ& A Finance Corporation 313 Rite Choice Financing Corp. 314 lOTUS FINANCING 315 GlEH FINANCIAL SOLUTION CORPORATION 316 MEGAN CREDIT AND FINANCING CORPORATION 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 TOTAL Page 7 of 7 2,500 19,200,766 r-- -Schedule 3 FINANCING COMPANIES RANK BY TOTAL GROSS INCOME as of December 31, 2010 (in Thousand) COMPANY 1 Metrobank NAME Card Corporation • GROSS INCOME 6,672,770 2 BDO Leasing and Finance, Inc. 2,038,673 3 Toyota Financial Services Philippines Corp. 1,720,926 4 Fundline Finance Corp. 1,313,556 5 Balikatan Housing Finance, Inc. 1,292,310 6 Orix Metro Leasing & Finance Corp. 1,202,138 7 Unistar Credit and Finance Corporationl1l(Sultan Kudarat) 884,257 8 BPI Leasing Corporation 574,134 9 Radiowealth 564,205 Finance Co., Inc. 10 L.B.P. Leasing Corp. 439,609 11 Asia Link Finance Corp. 401,353 12 NORKIS FINANCIALS CORPORATION 394,360 13 Peoples Credit & Finance (PCFC) Corp. 354,851 14 UCPB Leasing & Finance Corp. 261,316 15 Japan-PNB Leasing and Finance'Corp. 244,424 16 First malayan Leasing and Finance Corp. 226,453 17 Social Housing Finance Corp. 197,726 18 Global Dominion 151,069 Financing, Inc. 19 PCCI Finance Corp. 143,652 20 Silver Finance Inc. 134,458 21 Universal LMS Finance & Leasing Corp. 132,388 22 Nittan Capital Finance Inc. 130,731 23 E-Cash Paylite Financing, Inc. 128,046 24 FIRST STANDARD FINANCE CORPORATION - CONSOLIDATED 125,133 25 Des Financing Corp. 111,368 26 PLPI Finance Corp. 27 Caterpillar Financial 111,096 Services Phils., Inc. 105,856 99,412 28 Makati Finance Corp. 29 Innovetive Investors & Financing Co..Inc. 86,979 86,625 30 Central Visayas Finance Corp. 31 UCPB-CIIF Finance & Development 84,790 Corp. 77,112 32 First United Finance and Leasing Corp. 33 Integrity 68,604 Financing Corporation 34 Algo Leasing and Finance Inc. (Formerly: 35 Filcredit Finance and Capital Development Medilink and Finance Corporation) Corp. 61,507 58,639 36 Bot Lease & Finance Phils., Inc. 55,608 37 BRIDGE AUXILLIARY FINANCE CORP. 54,114 38 DBP Leasing Corporation 53,486 39 Capex Finance and Investment 40 47,045 Corp. 46,177 Puregold Finance, Inc. 41 AG Finance Inc. 43,702 42 CAPITAL LEVERAGE FINANCE CORPORATION 43,149 43 42,056 FTC. Funds Inc. 44 Asian Cathay Finance 45 41,941 and Leasing Corp. 37,644 Manila Credit Corp. 37,055 46 Asia United Leasing & Finance Corp. Page 1 of 7 .' Schedule 3 FINANCING COMPANIES RANK BY TOTAL GROSS INCOME as of December 31, 2010 (in Thousand) COMPANY NAME • GROSS INCOME 47 Five Star Finance, Inc. 35,808 48 World Partners Finance Corp. 35,421 49 33,646 People's Credit Network Finance Co. Inc. 50 FG Financial Company Inc. 51 Silver-WDC 52 Starcredit 53 33,354 Finance, Inc. 32,798 Phils., Inc. 32,163 Buenavista Financing Corporation 31,383 54 St. Peter Finance Corp. 30,498 55 Vantageone 27,833 Financing Corporation 56 Silver CDO Finance, Inc. 27,668 57 New Horizon Finance Corporation 26,321 58 Allied Leasing and Finance Corp. 26,310 59 Yields Financial Corp. 25,389 60 TEAM MICRO CREDIT CORPORATION 24,796 61 Esquire International 24,685 62 Financing, Inc. Lloyd's Financing Corp. 24,186 63 COMMERCIAL CREDIT CORPORATION OF NEGROS-CONSOLIDATED 24,175 64 The Golden Legacy Financing Corp. 23,423 65 23,094 Rural Electrification Corp. 66 United Financing Corporation 22,622 67 Primary Finance Company, 22,593 68 Inc. Majalco Finance and Investment 69 Credit Solutions Inc. 22,384 Resources Finance & Investment Corp. 2'1,710 70 CCC FINANCE CORPORATION 21,477 71 SUPER CUB FINANCIAL CORPORATION 20,969. 72 24-25 Finance Corporation 20,933 73 Filipino Financial Corp. 20,795 74 Advent Capital and Finance Corporation 20,537 75 19,477 Penta capital Finance Corp. 76 Millenium Cash Finance Company, Inc. 18,975 77 MAINLAND FINANCE CORPORATION 18,688 78 Liberty Value Loan, Inc. 18,241 79 CLI FINANCE INC. 17,344 80 MR YU FINANCE CORPORATION 17,174 16,856 81 JEE FINANCE CORPORATION 82 Towncal Finance and Investment 16,697 Corp. 83 Rykom Financing Corp. 16,476 84 Peers Credit Resources, Inc. 16,044 85 Finacor Finance Corp. 15,941 86 Quick/end 15,722 Financing Co. Inc. 87 President Jose P. Laurel Leasing & Finance, Inc. 15,306 88 Kaakbay Finance Corporation 14,516 89 ULTIMATE FINANCING COMPANY INCORPORATED 14,507 90 13,094 Peakhold Finance Corp, 91 DYNA SOURCE FINANCE CORP. 13,035 92 JMC Financing and Marketing 12,973 Corporation Page 2 of 7 • Schedule 3 FINANCING COMPANIES RANK BY TOTAL GROSS INCOME as of December 31, 2010 (in Thousand) COMPANY NAME 93 Solid Manila Finance Inc. • GROSS INCOME 12,849 94 Argus Credit Corp. 12,349 95 GOLDEN SUN FINANCE CORPORATION 12,050 96 DYNA WEALTH FINANCE CORPORATION 11,970 97 11,270 RURAL FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 98 MOELLER FINANCING INC. 99 Midland 11,219 Finance Corporation of Bacolod 11,208 100 St. Joseph Financing Corporation 10,900 101 VICSON FINANCE CORPORATION 102 Comtrust Finance and Investment 103 ZAMBOANGA 104 10,889 Corporation 10,217 INDUSTRIAL FINANCE CORPORATION Da Chan Financial Services, Inc. 9,933 9,792 105 V.1. FINANCE (ILOILO), INC. 9,696 106 Metro Alabang Finnace and Loan Corp. 9,604 107 MARS FINANCE CORPORATION 9,552 108 Centennial 109 Financing Corp. 9,479 PERMA CAPITAL FINANCE CORPORATION 9,397 110 GMBT Financing Corp. 9,355 111 PMC Finance & Investment Corp. 112 Esna Financing and Investment 9,295 Corp. 8,836 113 HMS Credit & Finance CO., Inc. 8,784 114 GEMSTAR FINANCING CO. INC. 8,681 115 VISAYAS GOODWILL CREDIT CORPORATION 8,504 116 CREDITLINE FINANCE INC. 8,233 117 GOLDEN (ILOILO) FINANCE CORPORATION 8,111 118 RAMADA GOODWILL CREDIT CORPORATION 8,038 119 DYNASTY FINANCE CORPORATION 7,930 120 Prestige Fame Finance 7,884 121 A-1 Financial Services, Inc. 122 Cash Management Corporation 7,655 Finance, Inc. 7,569 123 Big 8 Finance Corporation 124 Rainbow Finance Inc. 7,381 125 ILOILO FINANCE CORPORATION 6,978 7,556 126 VIRGO FINANCING CORPORATION 6,974 127 Tagum United Finance Corporation 6,948 128 6,701 FIRST PROVINCIAL FINANCE CORPORATION 129 Carcanmadcarlan Financing Corporation 6,589 130 Cash 4u Financing Corp. 6,513 131 JGM FINANCE CORPORATION 6,412 132 MONARCH FINANCE CORPORATION 6,326 133 Global Asia Finance & Leasing Corp. 5,966 134 Matrix Finance Corp. 5,607 135 ICC Leasing and Finance Corp. 5,519 136 GSM CEBU INVESTORS FINANCE CORPORATION 5,516 137 Damar Financing Corp. 5,417 138 RBO Group Financing Corp. 5,369 Page 3 of 7 Schedule 3 FINANCING COMPANIES RANK BY TOTAL GROSS INCOME as of December 31,2010 (in Thousand) • GROSS INCOME COMPANY NAME 139 Twins Lending Investor Inc. 5,342 140 Paragon Finance Corp. 141 Maybridge ( Asia) Finance and Leasing, Inc. 5,290 142 TRZ FINANCE CORPORATION 143 Citicash Finance Corporation 144 LIBRA FINANCE & INVESTMENT CORPORATION 5,055 5,071 4,984 4,960 145 Credit Pilipinas Inc. 146 Smart Inv. and Finance Corp. 147 Conglomerate Securities & Financing Corp. 4,910 148 Parola Financing Corp. 149 Pilots Integrated Funding Corp. 150 Responsible Investment for Solidarity & Empowerment 4,805 4,888 4,837 4,686 (RISE) Financing Co., Inc. 4,619 151 GOODWILL CREDIT CORPORATION 4,385 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 Stanford Finance Corp. 4,332 Megaritz 4,031 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 Financing Corp. 3,956 SCHILLINGS FINANCE CORPORATION Mindanao 3,941 Domestic Finance Corporation Bancasia Finance and Investment 3,925 Corp. Basis Financial Services Inc. 3,860 Ventures 3,494 Credit, Inc. Key Finance & Investment Carnelian Co~sumer 3,458 Corp. 3,417 Finance Corp. Rizal A+ Credit Corp. 3,319 Preferred Financing Corp .. 3,291 GLOBEWEST FINANCE CORPORATION 3,263 United Capital Resources Finance & Leasing Corp. 3,178 HITRUST FINANCE CORPORATION 3,169 P.B. Com. Finance Corp. 3,150 CEBU APC FINANCE CORPORATION 3,088 STO. NINO DE CEBU FINANCE CORP. 2,871 PANAAD CREDIT AND FINANCE CORPORATION 2,849 LLMQ FINANCE CORPORATION 2,813 CEL FINANCIAL SERVICES CORPORATION 2,796 ECLAIRE FINANCE CORPORATION 2,757 Peterson Leasing and Finance Corp. 2,721 Zircon Finance Corp. 2,714 Unicom Finance Corp. 2,684 Equity Financing Corporation 2,626 JANE FINANCIAL SERVICES CORPORATION 2,625 Northern 2,618 Credit, Inc. L1TA FINANCIAL SERVICES CORPORATION 2,618 CONCHITA FINANCIAL SERVICES CORPORATION 2,613 HIGHLITE FINANCE CORPORATION 2,589 Golden Harvest Finance Corporation 2,543 NEO Asian Finance & Leasing Corp. 2,527 WHITE MAGIC FINANCE CORPORATION 2,512 Page 4 of 7 • Schedule 3 FINANCING • COMPANIES RANK BY TOTAL GROSS INCOME as of December 31,2010 (in Thousand) COMPANY 185 NAME 2,414 NEPTUNE FINANCE CORPORATION 2,409 186 Alps Finance Corp. 2,356 187 JAMAICA FINANCIAL SERVICES CORPORATION 188 2,355 Fig Financing Company, Inc. 2,337 189 Capital Hauz Financing Corp. 190 San Antonio 2,305 Financing Corp. 2,287 191 Financial World Corp. 192 Magnifico 193 EMERALD FINANCE CORPORATION 194 P.A. R. Finance & Investment 195 EVERGREEN FINANCE (ILOILO), INC 2,122 Finance Corp. 2,079 2,069 Corp. 2,013 2,011 196 CEBU SHEE NA FINANCE CO., INC 197 BUGLAS DEVELOPMENT FINANCE & INVESTMENT CORPORATION 198 Headstart 1,989 Corp. 1,986 200 SOUTHSTAR FINANCING INC 201 Rosario (EPZA) Financing Co., Inc. 202 FAR EAST FINANCIALS ,INC 203 DYNAWEST FINANCE CORPORATION 204 Lingkod Kabuhayan Finance Corp. 205 GLEH FINANCIAL SOLUTION CORPORATION 1,776 1,747 1,747 1,725 1,679 1,626 206 A-1 Micro Finance Inc. 1,624 Good Provider Financing and Leasing Corp. 1,616 208 TITAN FINANCE, INC 1,607 209 ALPESONS FINANCE CORPORATION 210 Landwealth 211 North Point Financing Corp. 212 Eagle Finance Corporation 213 MAD FINANCE CORPORATION 214 KABAYAN FINANCING CORP. 215 Orakei Financing Corp. 216 NEGRENSE FINANCE & CREDIT CORPORATION 217 SONIC FINANCE CORPORATION 218 CREDENCE FINANCING INC 219 LOPEZ - TORRES FINANCE CORPORATION 220 D FIRST JAM FINANCING INC. 221 Relar Financing Corporation 1,570 Financing Co. Inc. 1,544 1,528 1,514 1,467 1,466 1,441 1,429 1,400 1,377 1,361 1,326 1,318 222 TPY CREDIT & FINANCE CORPORATION 223 First Oriental Mindoro 2,000 1,991 Finance Corp. 199 Hexagon Finance & Investment 207 GROSS INCOME Financing Company(FOMFC)lnc. 1,316 224 Valehaus Finance Company, Inc. 225 Solid Group Finance, Inc. 226 Zoe & RST Financing Corp. 1,311 1,289 1,262 227 Sherwin Parker Finance and Credit Corporation 228 NYY MICRO FINANCE INC. 229 Hercules Financing Corp. 230 Road Express Carloan Corp. 1,318 1,250 1,249 1,231 Page 5 of 7 • " Schedule 3 FINANCING COMPANIES RANK BY TOTAL GROSS INCOME as of December 31,2010 (in Thousand) COMPANY NAME 231 Jetnic and Nash Financing Corporation 232 ZC CROWN LINK FINANCING CORPORATION 233 RHE MillENNIUM 234 Goldprime 235 FTB FINANCE CORPORATION 236 UNLAD BUHAY FINANCE CORPORATION 237 Worldwidelink 238 MEGAN CREDIT AND FINANCING CORPORATION 239 South Exchange Credit & Financing Corp. 240 lynmark 241 RJQ Finance Corporation 242 OZAMIZ A+ CREDIT CORPORATION. 243 First JCNR Financing and Marketing 1,226 1.223 1.221 FINANCE CORPORATION 1,179 Financial Services Inc. 1.176 1,176' 1,175 Financing Corp. 1,153 1,132 1,123 Finance Corporation 1,077 1,070 1,052 Corporation 1,038 244 Aljonie Finance Corporation 245 CF MENDOZA FINACE CORP. 246 KALIBO FINANCE & INVESTMENTS CORPORATION 247 Maligaya Financing Corp. 1.030 1,026 1,024/ 1,011 248 Trium 888 Financing Corp. 249 Golden Stream Financing Corp. 250 IMS Finance and Resource Corp. 251 FIRST UNITED FAMilY FINANCE CORPORATION 252 Equitable leasing Corp. 253 Surefund Finance Corp. 254 Macalintal 255 Manuela 256 Rota Creditline 257 EJSFinance Corporation 258 EMDEES FINANCING COMPANY, INC. 259 PEACOCK FINANCING CORP. 260 SGE Financing 261 First Quadcor Corp. 1,003 997 977 976 974 963 953 947 946 941 940 920 853 Financing Corp. Finance Corp. Finance Corp. 851 262 TMGSI FINANCE CORPORATION 263 Ugnayan Financing Corp. 264 ROLCIEN FINANCING AND CREDIT CORPORATION 265 CASHLINK FINANCIAlS, INC. 266 CYM FINANCING INCORPORATED 267 Borough Financing Corp. 268 Golden Tree Financing, Inc. 269 Credit Assurance Service (CAS) Finance Corporation 270 Batch 69 Financing Corp. 271 W MATIAO CREDIT SERVICES INC. 272 ABG FINANCE CORPORATION 273 FIVE (5) J FINANCING CO. INC. 274 Switch Finance Corporation 847 846 829 818 782 701 698 667 649 '23 614 603 595 275 CHARTERED lOAN FINANCING OF BOHOl INC. 276 GROSS INCOME 590 BIG GREEN FINANCING CORPORATION Page 6 of I '. ' Schedule 3 FINANCING COMPANIES RANK BY TOTAL GROSS INCOME as of December 31, 2010 (in Thousand) COMPANY NAME 277 GROSS INCOME 580 R'WAY FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. 278 ORION INDUSTRIAL AND CONSUMER FINANCE CO. INC. 279 • 573 562 FAST WAY FINANCE & CREDIT CORPORATION 280 NQ Finance Corp. 549 281 Jushin Fianncing & Leasing Corp. 548 543 282 3H Finance and Investment 283 RJ& A Finance Corporation 512 284 GOLDEN ENDEAVOR MICRO FINANCE CORP. 497 285 Palapag Financing Company Inc. 490 286 DLiI Leasing & Finance Corp. 471 287 GTL Finance Corporation 288 Great Educational Corp. 453 Financing Corp. 289 Alpine Finance & Investment 290 291 449 LGF Finance Company, 404 Corp. 400 Inc. CONSOLIDATED CAPITAL AND FINANCIAL SERVICESCORPORATION 366 292 JS FINANCE CORPORATION 346 293 Rite Choice Financing Corp. 337 294 FONTAINE BLEAU & REALTY CORPORATION 325 295 BRYE FINANCING INC. 295 296 First Finance Corp. of Cadizl1l(Bacolod City) 289 297 Lee Finance Corp. 279 298 MS HILLPARK FINANCING CORPORATION 264 262 299 JRK FINANCE CORPORATION 300 Omega Finance Inc. 301 HEATHER FINANCING CORPORATION 302 LOTUS FINANCING 303 DU EK SAM CAPITAL CORPORATION 259 211 183 157 127 304 Argosy Finance Corp. 305 GOLDCHECK FINANCE & DEVELOPMENT CORP. 306 Marbel J-Four-K Finance Corporation 56 307 Bataan financing 49 308 MCC Money Shops Finance Company, Inc. 86 Corp. 309 Security Finance Inc. 310 Staniel Finance Corp. 311 Philacor Credit Corp. 45 22 12 1 312 Jardine Pacific Finance Inc. Stonehenge Leasing Financial Corp. 313 314 Profriends Financing Corp. 315 APC Laguna Corporation 316 RMG Financial Investors Inc. 22,902,795 TOTAL Page 7 of 7 .. Schedule 4 FINANCING COMPANIES RANK BY TOTAL NET INCOME as of December 31, 2010 . (in Thousand) COMPANY 1 Metrobank /l. ~dline NAME 853,891 Card Corporation 348,250 Finance Corp. YBalikatan 329,450 Housing Finance, Inc. 4 Orix Metro 323,017 Leasing & Finance Corp. 308,655 5 BDO Leasing and Finance, Inc. Toyota Financial Services Philippines NET INCOME 262,826 Corp. 7 Unistar Credit and Finance Corporationl1l(Sultan Kudarat) 153,470 8 UCPB Leasing & Finance Corp. 136,820 9 BPI Leasing Corporation 133,867 107,412 10 L.B.P. Leasing Corp. 11 Social Housing Finance Corp. 78,285 12 Peoples Credit & Finance (PCFC) Corp. 55,267 13 Japan-PNB Leasing and Finance Corp. 51,382 Radiowealth 46,953 Finance Co., Inc. 46,521 15 PCCI Finance Corp. 34,831 16 Asia Link Finance Corp. 17 Caterpillar Financial 33,525 Services Phils., Inc. 18 Nittan Capital Finance Inc. 31,873 19 Des Financing Corp. 31,539 20 First malayan Leasing and Finance Corp. 27,779 21 NORKIS FINANCIALS CORPORATION 27,215 23,636 22 Silver Finance Inc. 23 FIRST STANDARD FINANCE CORPORATION - CONSOLIDATED 17,513 24 DBP Leasing Corporation 25 2~G /! Integrity 16,871 Financing Corporation 16,000 Finance Inc. Global Dominion Financing, Inc. 28 Algo Leasing and Finance Inc. (Formerly: 29 Innovetive 19,862 14,844 Medilink and Finance Corporation) 14,356 13,582 Investors & Financing Co. Inc. 13,028 30 Makati Finance Corp. 31 Asia United Leasing & Finance Corp. 12,852 32 Asian Cathay Finance and Leasing Corp. 12,596 11,810 33 PLPI Finance Corp. 10,083 34 United Financing Corporation 9,019 35 SUPER CUB FINANCIAL CORPORATION 8,210 36 Allied Leasing and Finance Corp. 8,015 37 St. Peter Finance Corp. 7,798 38 Silver CDO Finance, Inc. 39 Rural Electrification 40 7,744 Corp. 7,720 First United Finance and Leasing Corp. 6,268 41 Universal LMS Finance & Leasing Corp. 42 Pentacapital 43 Bot Lease & Finance Phils., Inc. 6,265 Finance Corp. 5,992 5,863 44 Five Star Finance, Inc. 5,799 45 Puregold Finance, Inc. 46 Starcredit 5,518 Phils., Inc. Page 1 of 7 / Schedule 4 FINANCING COMPANIES RANK BY TOTAL NET INCOME as of December 31, 2010 (in Thousand) COMPANY 47 Vantageone 48 NAME Majalco Finance and Investment NET INCOME 4,904 Financing Corporation 4,544 Inc. 49 The Golden Legacy Financing Corp. 4,535 50 Centennial 4,323 Financing Corp. 51 Finacor Finance Corp. 3,909 52 COMMERCIAL CREDIT CORPORATION OF NEGROS-CONSOLIDATED 3,806 53 World Partners Finance Corp. 3,725 54 V.1. FINANCE (ILOILO), INC. 3,501 55 Central Visayas Finance Corp. 3,435 56 E-Cash Paylite Financing, Inc. 3,398 57 MAINLAND FINANCE CORPORATION 3,140 58 CAPITAL LEVERAGE FINANCE CORPORATION 3,099 59 Rykom Financing Corp. 3,028 60 2,880 Buenavista Financing Corporation 2,796 61 CREDITLINE FINANCE INC. 62 Comtrust Finance and Investment 2,731 Corporation 63 Silver-WDC Finance, Inc. 2,645 64 DYNA SOURCE FINANCE CORP. 2,543 65 66 CCC FINANCE CORPORATION 2,502 Filcredit 2,403 Finance and Capital Development Corp. 2,360 67 CLI FINANCE INC. 2,302 68 Manila Credit Corp. 69 UCPB-CIIF Finance & Development 70 2,032 Corp. RURAL FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 71 ZAMBOANGA INDUSTRIAL FINANCE CORPORATION 1,873 73 Solid Manila Finance Inc. 1,842 74 New Horizon Finance Corporation 1,667 75 Peers Credit Resources, Inc. 76 Esna Financing and Investment 1,666 Corp. 1,665 77 24-25 Finance Corporation 1,660 78 Primary Finance Company, Inc. 1,579 Securities & Financing Corp. 1,475 80 JEE FINANCE CORPORATION 1,370 81 MONARCH FINANCE CORPORATION 1,304 82 BRIDGE AUXILLIARY FINANCE CORP. 83 Capex Finance and Investment 1,300 Corp. 1,284 84 F.T.C. Funds Inc. 1,277 85 HMS Credit & Finance CO., Inc. 86 HITRUST FINANCE CORPORATION 87 DYNASTY FINANCE CORPORATION 1,266 1,260 88 ULTIMATE FINANCING COMPANY INCORPORATED 1,226 1,105 89 Equity Financing Corporation 1,043 90 Yields Financial Corp. 91 JMC Financing and Marketing 1,947 1,921 72 DYNA WEALTH FINANCE CORPORATION 79 Conglomerate 2,030 1,035 Corporation 1,033 92 VIRGO FINANCING CORPORATION Page 2 of 7 • .. Schedule 4 FINANCING COMPANIES RANK BY TOTAL NET INCOME as of December 31,2010 (in Thousand) COMPANY NET INCOME NAME 93 Global Asia Finance & Leasing Corp. 95 TEAM MICRO CREDIT CORPORATION 994 986 949 96 VISAYAS GOODWILL CREDIT CORPORATION 921 97 Credit Pilipinas Inc. 913 98 ICC Leasing and Finance Corp. 847 832 790 94 RAMADA GOODWILL CREDIT CORPORATION 99 Carcanmadcarlan Financing Corporation 100 Responsible Investment 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 for Solidarity & Empowerment (RISE) Financing Co., Inc. Zircon Finance Corp. 781 Metro Alabang Finnace and Loan Corp. 771 GSM CEBU INVESTORS FINANCE CORPORATION 763 ILOILO FINANCE CORPORATION 757 Towncal Finance and Investment 110 SCHILLINGS FINANCE CORPORATION 669 669 657 657 657 656 111 P.B. Com. Finance Corp. 643 112 Mindanao 616 Corp. Damar Financing Corp. PMC Finance & Investment 108 Twins Lending Investor Corp. Inc. 109 GOODWILL CREDIT CORPORATION Domestic Finance Corporation 113 MOELLER FINANCING INC. 114 PERMA CAPITAL FINANCE CORPORATION 570 115 116 117 118 119 120 545 550 RBO Group Financing Corp. Esquire International Megaritz 543 Financing, Inc. 532 Financing Corp. Prestige Fame Finance 530 Corporation LLMQ FINANCE CORPORATION 530 Tagum United Finance Corporation 121 TRZ FINANCE CORPORATION 122 LIBRA FINANCE & INVESTMENT CORPORATION 528 504 498 123 Good Provider 494 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 Financing and leasing Corp. L1TA FINANCIAL SERVICES CORPORATION 477 JANE FINANCIAL SERVICES CORPORATION 470 North Point Financing Corp. WHITE MAGIC FINANCE CORPORATION 468 467 459 Pilots Integrated 455 Citicash Finance Corporation Quicklend Funding Corp. 438 Financing Co. Inc. Liberty Value Loan, Inc. 433 CEL FINANCIAL SERVICES CORPORATION 431 EClAtRE FINANCE CORPORATION 427 426 401 390 HIGHLITE FINANCE CORPORATION 135 CONCHITA FINANCIAL SERVICES CORPORATION 136 Matrix Finance Corp. 137 Credit Solutions Resources Finance & Investment 138 Maybridge ( Asia) Finance and leasing, Inc. Corp. Page 3 of 7 379 375 Schedule 4 FINANCING COMPANIES RANK BY TOTAL NET INCOME as of December 31,2010 (in Thousand) COMPANY NAME 139 • NET INCOME 370 Kaakbay Finance Corporation 140 JAMAICA FINANCIAL SERVICESCORPORATION 355 141 People's Credit Network 353 142 MARS FINANCE CORPORATION 349 143 Big 8 Finance Corporation 308 144 NEO Asian Finance & Leasing Corp. Finance Co. Inc. 301 145 GEMSTAR FINANCING CO. INC. 299 146 Unicom Finance Corp. 279 147 Northern 270 265 253 Credit, Inc. 148 Cash 4u Financing Corp. 149 CYM FINANCING INCORPORATED 150 FIRST PROVINCIAL FINANCE CORPORATION 238 151 Rosario (EPZA) Financing Co., Inc. 233 152 First Oriental 231 153 GOLDEN (ILOILO) FINANCE CORPORATION Mindoro Financing Company(FOMFC)lnc. 230 222 154 JGM FINANCE CORPORATION 155 Bancasia Finance and Investment 187 Corp. 156 Argus Credit Corp. 181 157 CEBU APC FINANCE CORPORATION 174 158 Parola Financing Corp. 169 159 GLEH FINANCIAL SOLUTION CORPORATION 169 160 Fig Financing Company, Inc. 167 161 Preferred 166 162 Sherwin 163 Headstart Financing Corp. 166 Parker Finance and Credit Corporation 165 Finance Corp. 164 164 CEBU SHEE NA FINANCE CO., INC. 164 165 SONIC FINANCE CORPORATION 166 STO. NINO DE CEBU FINANCE CORP. 156 167 South Exchange Credit & Financing Corp. 154 168 Cash Management 151 169 Finance, Inc. 150 PANAAD CREDIT AND FINANCE CORPORATION 145 170 TPY CREDIT & FINANCE CORPORATION 171 138 EMDEES FINANCING COMPANY, INC. 135 172 CREDENCE FINANCING INC. 173 MEGAN CREDIT AND FINANCING CORPORATION 128 174 Alps Finance Corp. 125 175 GTL Finance Corporation 117 176 FIRST UNITED FAMILY FINANCE CORPORATION 177 Magnifico 178 EJSFinance Corporation 116 Finance Corp. 116 111 179 Jushin Fianncing & Leasing Corp. 105 180 CF MENDOZA FINACE CORP. 181 Peakhold Finance Corp. 182 Rainbow Finance Inc. 183 Ventures 132 100 97 97 Credit, Inc. 97 184 Golden Harvest Finance Corporation Page 4 of 7 Schedule 4 FINANCING COMPANIES RANK BY TOTAL NET INCOME as of December 31,2010 (in Thousand) COMPANY NAME 185 GLDBEWEST FINANCE CORPORATION 186 DYNAWEST FINANCE CORPORATION 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 Surefund Finance Corp. MAD FINANCE CORPORATION KABAYAN FINANCING CORP. NQ Finance Corp. NEPTUNE FINANCE CORPORATION Basis Financial Services Inc. Batch 69 Financing Corp. RJQ Finance Corporation GOLDEN SUN FINANCE CORPORATION UNLAD BUHAY FINANCE CORPORATION KALIBO FINANCE & INVESTMENTS CORPORATION 198 [andwealth 199 200 201 202 BIG GREEN FINANCING CORPORATION Smart Inv. and Finance Corp. 63 GOLDEN ENDEAVOR MICRO FINANCE CORP. 63 204 Rota Creditline Finance Corp. 205 DU EK SAM CAPITAL CORPORATION 206 Aljonie Finance Corporation ORION INDUSTRIAL AND CONSUMER FINANCE CO. INC. Financing Corp. 209 TMGSI FINANCE CORPORATION 210 Trium 888 Financing Corp. 211 PAR. Finance & Investment 212 Eagle Finance Corporation Corp. 213 VICSON FINANCE CORPORATION 214 FONTAINE BLEAU & REALTY CORPORATION 47 46 46 45 EMERALD FINANCE CORPORATION 217 JRK FINANCE CORPORATION 218 CASHLINK FINANCIALS, INC. 43 219 Zoe & RST Financing Corp. 41 220 FIVE (5) J FINANCING CO. INC. 221 Alpine Finance & Investment Corp. 41 40 222 D FIRSTJAM FINANCING INC. 223 Valehaus Finance Company, Inc. 224 Credit Assurance Service (CAS) Finance Corporation 36 EVERGREEN FINANCE (ILOILO), INC. 227 PEACOCK FINANCING CORP. 228 Relar Financing Corporation 229 RHE MILLENNIUM 230 Carnelian Consumer Finance Corp. 35 34 225 FTB FINANCE CORPORATION' 226 62 61 60 59 56 53 52 51 51 49 48 215 NEGRENSE FINANCE & CREDIT CORPORATION 216 95 90 90 87 87 87 85 83 76 74 70 68 68 67 67 64 Lynmark Finance Corporation 208 San Antonio NET INCOME 67 Financing Co. Inc. 203 LGF Finance Company, Inc. 207 • 33 32 31 28 FINANCE CORPORATION. 26 Page 5 of 7 ... Schedule 4 FINANCING • COMPANIES RANK BY TOTAL NET INCOME as of December 31, 2010 (in Thousand) COMPANY NAME • NET INCOME 232 RJ& A Finance Corporation 26 24 233 NVY MICRO FINANCE INC. 20 234 Rite Choice Financing Corp. 20 235 OZAMIZ A+ CREDIT CORPORATION. 19 236 DLiI Leasing & Finance Corp. 19 237 Great Educational Financing Corp. 19 238 W MATIAO CREDIT SERVICES INC. 17 239 Midland 14 240 BRYE FINANCING INC. 14 241 Hercules Financing Corp. 242 CHARTERED LOAN FINANCING OF BOHOL INC. 12 11 243 LOPEZ - TORRES FINANCE CORPORATION 9 244 HEATHER FINANCING CORPORATION 9 245 SGE Financing 246 Palapag Financing Company Inc. 247 LOTUS FINANCING 231 Ugnayan Financing Corp. Finance Corporation of Bacolod 248 MS HILLPARK FINANCING CORPORATION 8 8 8 7 249 3H Finance and Investment 3 250 IMS Finance and Resource Corp. 251 Rizal A+ Credit Corp. Corp. 1 252 Switch Finance Corporation 253 Profriends Financing Corp. 254 APC Laguna Corporation 255 Argosy Finance Corp. (21 ) 256 Marbel J-Four-K Finance Corporation (26) 257 Filipino Financial Corp. (33) 258 Peterson Leasing and Finance Corp. (33) 259 CONSOLIDATED CAPITAL AND FINANCIAL SERVICES CORPORATION (59) (83) 260 Jetnic and Nash Financing Corporation (91 ) 261 Solid Group Finance, Inc. 262 MCC Money Shops Finance Company, Inc. (102) 263 Goldprime (127) 264 ROLCIEN FINANCING AND CREDIT CORPORATION 265 Road Express Carloan Corp. 266 Maligaya Financing Corp. 267 FAR EAST FINANCIALS ,INe. 268 ABG FINANCE CORPORATION Financial Services Inc. 269 FAST WAY FINANCE & CREDIT CORPORATION 270 Golden Stream Financing Corp. 271 Finunciai World Corp. (141 ) ( 147) (151 ) (163) ( 167) (183) (185) (221 ) 272 ZC CROWN LINK FINANCING CORPORATION 273 GOLDCHECK FINANCE & D[VELOr~J]ENT CORP. 274 Bataan financing 275 Capital Hauz Financing Corp. 276 Stonehenge (135) (226) (227) Corp. (243) (260) Leasing Financial Corp. Page 6 of 7 , . .. . Schedule 4 FINANCING COMPANIES RANK BY TOTAL NET INCOME as of December 31, 2010 (in Thousand) COMPANY NAME • NET INCOME 277 Equitable Leasing Corp. (268) 278 Lee Finance Corp. (274) 279 Staniel Finance Corp. (290) 280 RMG Financial Investors Inc. (304) 281 St. Joseph Financing Corporation (337) 282 First Finance Corp. of Cadizlll(Bacolod 283 Milfenium City) (363) Cash Finance Company, Inc. 284 First JCNR Financing and Marketing 285 Omega Finance Inc. (436) Corporation (453) (475) 286 TITAN FINANCE, INC. (4B4) 287 SOUTHSTAR FINANCING INC. (490) 288 GMBT Financing Corp. (50B) 289 Orakei Financing Corp. (560) 290 United Capital Resources Finance & Leasing Corp. (63B) 291 Lingkod Kabuhayan Finance Corp. (658) 292 Macalintal (692) 293 Hexagon Finance & Investment 294 First Quadcor Corp. Financing Corp. Corp. (738) (851) 295 Jardine Pacific Finance Inc. 296 (B8B) Paragon Finance Corp. (987) 297 JS FINANCE CORPORATION (1,064) 298 (1,417) Da Chan Financial Services, Inc. 299 Stanford Finance Corp. (1,441 ) 300 Manuela Finance Corp. (1,681 ) 301 A-1 Micro Finance Inc. (1,851 ) 302 Key Finance & Investment 303 R'WAY FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. Corp. (2,179) 304 BUG LAS DEVELOPMENT FINANCE & INVESTMENT CORPORATION (2,356) (1,893) 305 ALPESONS FINANCE CORPORATION (2,373) 306 Golden Tree Financing, Inc. (2,425) (2,440) 307 Worldwidelink 308 Borough Financing Corp. Financing Corp. (2,598) 309 A-1 Financial Services, Inc. (3,649) 310 MR YU FINANCE CORPORATION (4,823) 311 Advent Capital and Finance Corporation (4,986) 312 President Jose P. Laurel Leasing & Finance, Inc. 313 Lloyd's Financing Corp. ,(7,193) 314 FG Financial Company Inc. ( 13,B02) 315 Philacor Credit Corp. (17,122) 316 Security Finance Inc. (19,236) 3,737,122 (6,643) TOTAL Page 7 of 7 • .- ~ Schedule 5 SCHEDULE OF GROSS LOANS, NET LOANS, PAST DUE AND ITEMS IN LITIGATION as of December 31,2010 (in Thousand) COMPANY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 GROSS LOANS NAME ITEMS IN LITIGATION 19,482,266.00 18,725,131.00 535,299.00 BDO Leasing and Finance, Inc. 14,454,389.00 14,220,867.00 605,638.00 62,426.00 14,048,834.00 13,981,885.00 367,956.00 139,413.00 8,254,976.00 6,118,211.00 73,462.00 Toyota Financial Services Philippines NORKIS FINANCIALS Corp. CORPORATION Orix Metro Leasing & Finance Corp. 7,982,162.00 7,841,229.00 97,749.00 BPI Leasing Corporation 6,437,084.00 6,374,185.00 11,538.00 Balikatan Housing Finance, Inc. 5,655,778.00 5,655,778.00 803,246.00 Peoples Credit & Finance (PCFC) Corp. 3,610,859.00 3,320,356.00 70,206.00 3,271,754.00 3,234,411.00 754,287.00 2,636,918.00 2,528,584.00 22,690.00 406,669.00 Unistar Credit and Finance Corporation (Sultan Kudarat) 2,579,616.00 2,451,928.00 788,088.00 17,488.00 Japan-PNB 2,294,994.00 2,233,828.00 Fundline Finance Corp. 1,965,033.00 1,926,422.00 Radiowealth 1,867,037.00 1,796,639.00 Advent Capital and Finance Corporation 1,817,245.00 90,639.00 1,256,434.00 UCPB Leasing & Finance Corp. 1,687,699.00 1,613,212.00 94,018.00 Caterpillar 8,319.00 9 Asia Link Finance Corp. Leasing and Finance Corp. Finance Co., Inc. 166,904.00 7,294.00 21,957.00 Services Phils., Inc. 1,433,863.00 1,412,060.00 Innovetive Investors & Financing Co. Inc. 751,480.00 744,026.00 DBP Leasing Corporation 694,581.00 694,581.00 390.00 Universal LMS Finance & Leasing Corp. 663,633.00 660,509.00 6,828.00 UCPB-CIIF 658,662.00 658,662.00 522,119.00 520,838.00 5,382.00 495,693.00 490,006.00 24,590.00 7,773.00 2,016.00 Financial Finance & Development Corp. PCCI Finance Corp. Makati Finance Corp. 4,163.00 First United Finance and Leasing Corp. 473,900.00 467,431.00 4,652.00 Asia United Leasing & Finance Corp. 380,835.00 365,484.00 76,254.00 5,927.00 First malayan Leasing and Finance Corp. 373,292.00 341,393.00 58,965.00 16,456.00 Global Dominion Financing, 367,418.00 358,699.00 92,710.00 Central Visayas Finance Corp. 350,943.00 349,514.00 533.00 Des Financing Corp. 330,931.00 328,378.00 416.00 294,504.00 292,346.00 4,915.00 Bot Lease & Finance Phils., Inc. 288,861.00 288,861.00 E-Cash Paylite Financing, 288,650.00 218,436.00 260,481.00 231,968.00 23,368.00 259,951.00 243,600.00 4,109.00 258,224.00 258,224.00 248,391.00 248,338.00 225,933.00 225,890.00 244,234.00 233,272.00 Inc. Capex Finance and Investment Corp. Inc. World Partners Finance Corp. Filcredit Finance and Capital Development Rural Electrification Corp. Corp. Nittan Capital Finance Inc. Allied Leasing and Finance Corp. Algo Leasing and Finance Inc. 38 (Formerly: Medilink and Finance Corporation) 39 Yields Financial Corp. 40 41 42 43 44 45 PAST DUE LOANS Metrobank Card Corporation 10 L.B.P. Leasing Corp. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 NET LOANS 238,127.00 238,127.00 Integrity Financing Corporation 235,124.00 235,124.00 Starcredit 177,269.00 1,859.00 9,640.00 228,852.00 228,852.00 Silver Finance Inc. BRIDGE AUXILLIARY FINANCE CORP. Credit Solutions Resources Finance & Investment Corp. 219,294.00 219,294.00 5,962.00 218,923.00 218,923.00 4,643.00 210,533.00 210,533.00 Asian Cathay Finance 195,693.00 195,693.00 Phils., Inc. and Leasing Corp. Page 1 of 7 1,640.00 821.00 ~ . • COMPANY GROSS LOANS NAME NET LOANS 1 PAST DUE LOANS ITEMS IN LITIGATION 46 FG Financial Company Inc. 47 Silver-WDC Finance, Inc. 190,558.00 104,634.00 179,869.00 168,919.00 168,919.00 4,329.00 48 FTC. 167,535.00 167,535.00 7,120.00 166,448.00 166,448.00 50 Filipino Financial Corp. 164,618.00 164,618.00 18,240.00 2,618.00 51 Manila Credit Corp. 52 Vantageone Financing Corporation 53 Puregold Finance, Inc. 152,457.00 148,734.00 8,030.00 12,044.00 149,593.00 146,607.00 149,593.00 139,295.00 131,621.00 15,954.00 54 The Golden Legacy Financing Corp. 132,614.00 131,245.00 108,691.00 55 AG Finance Inc. 56 V.1. FINANCE (ILOILO), 132,604.00 129,606.00 132,162.00 132,162.00 131,105.00 118,522.00 126,673.00 126,673.00 59 Five Star Finance, Inc. 122,624.00 122,624.00 6,103.00 60 Philacor Credit Corp. 120,335.00 46,277.00 209,971.00 61 Solid Manila Finance Inc. 62 COMMERCIAL CREDIT CORPORATION 119,479.00 115,874.00 Funds Inc. 49 FIRST STANDARD FINANCE CORPORATION 57 PLPI Finance Corp. 58 Prestige Fame Finance INC. Corporation 115,413.00 115,413.00 63 President Jose P. Laurel Leasing & Finance, Inc. 64 Majalco Finance and Investment Inc. 110,756.00 108,882.00 108,024.00 106,940.00 65 Comtrust 107,335.00 105,750.00 106,612.00 103,997.00 106,342.00 106,342.00 Finance and Investment 66 MAINLAND OF NEGROS Corporation FINANCE CORPORATION 67 SUPER CUB FINANCIAL CORPORATION 1,345.00 111.00 97,842.00 102,173.00 101,489.00 101,829.00 101,409.00 72 Social Housing Finance Corp. 95,046.00 95,046.00 73 TEAM MICRO CREDIT CORPORATION 74 Peakhold Finance Corp. 92,314.00 92,314.00 89,760.00 89,760.00 44,044.00 75 Buenavista Financing Corporation 87,872.00 87,872.00 2,829.00 76 Pentacapital Finance Corp. 77 Centennial Financing Corp. 87,167.00 84,306.00 8,425.00 84,821.00 58,365.00 6,001.00 78 Primary Finance Company, Inc. 79 VICSON FINANCE CORPORATION 81,948.00 81,948.00 71,350.00 68,555.00 80 Silver COO Finance, Inc. 81 DYNA SOURCE FINANCE CORP. 71,323.00 71,323.00 70,584.00 70,584.00 82 MR YU FINANCE CORPORATION 83 Midland Finance Corporation of Bacolod 67,132.00 67,096.00 59,315.00 58,678.00 84 DYNA WEALTH FINANCE CORPORATION 85 Towncal Finance and Investment Corp. 59,149.00 59,149.00 58,219.00 57,994.00 86 Paragon Finance Corp. 87 Liberty Value Loan, Inc. 55,485.00 55,485.00 53,619.00 53,325.00 88 Cash 4u Financing Corp. 89 A-1 Financial Services, Inc. 53,324.00 53,324.00 Financing, Inc. 71 S1. Peter Finance Corp. 4,854.00 595.00 1,554.00 1,733.00 6,359.00 5,879.00 15,284.00 46,792.00 49,223.00 48,646.00 47,841.00 805.00 92 Preferred Financing Corp. 93 CREDITLINE FINANCE INC. 46,136.00 7,836.00 7,874.00 45,525.00 45,525.00 94 Lloyd's Financing Corp. 95 GOLDEN SUN FINANCE CORPORATION 43,766.00 43,766.00 39,922.00 39,922.00 39,397.00 31,504.00 Page 2 of 7 8,845.00 714.00 49,223.00 39,397.00 2,657.00 1,994.00 49,315.00 37,518.00 3,000.00 23,669.00 90 PERMA CAPITAL FINANCE CORPORATION 91 Kaakbay Finance Corporation 96 RAMADA GOODWILL CREDIT CORPORATION 97 Hexagon Finance & Investment Corp. 38,391.00 831.00 102,912.00 70 Esquire International 3,859.00 3,729.00 102,912.00 Inc. 69 Finacor Finance Corp. 1,257.00 67,159.00 104,122.00 68 Millenium Cash Finance Company, 10,500.00 46,970.00 • COMPANY GROSS LOANS NAME 98 JEE FINANCE CORPORATION 99 RURAL FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT 37,051.00 NET LOANS PAST DUE LOANS ITEMS IN LITIGATION 37,051.00 36,400.00 36,400.00 7,414.00 845.00 100 Matrix Finance Corp. 36,122.00 32,593.00 1,748.00 419.00 101 GOLDEN (ILOILO) FINANCE CORPORATION 35,685.00 35,685.00 102 Peers Credit Resources, Inc. 103 Global Asia Finance & Leasing Corp. 33,094.00 33,094.00 32,981.00 26,158.00 104 HMS Credit & Finance CO., Inc. 105 Borough Financing Corp. 31,741.00 26,112.00 31,568.00 9,341.00 24,056.00 8,817.00 106 Landwealth Financing Co. Inc. 31,255.00 31,255.00 11,720.00 107 Rykom Financing Corp. 108 VISAYAS GOODWILL CREDIT CORPORATION 31,149.00 31,149.00 30,950.00 30,950.00 109 CAPITAL LEVERAGE 30,572.00 30,572.00 CORP. FINANCE CORPORATION 9,378.00 Responsible Investment for Solidarity & Empowerment 110 (RISE) Financing Co., Inc. 111 Cash Management Finance, Inc. 30,439.00 30,439.00 29,159.00 29,136.00 303.00 112 Argus Credit Corp. 113 ZAMBOANGA INDUSTRIAL 28,409.00 28,294.00 215.00 28,170.00 28,170.00 114 Maybridge ( Asia) 115 SCHILLINGS FINANCE CORP. Finance and Leasing, Inc. FINANCE CORPORATION 27,835.00 27,835.00 27,823.00 27,823.00 5,000.00 7,000.00 8,540.00 6,322.00 1,012.00 116 St. Joseph Financing Corporation 27,599.00 27,599.00 117 CLI FINANCE INC. 26,925.00 26,925.00 26,319.00 26,319.00 26,063.00 26,063.00 25,866.00 25,713.00 27,273.00 25,535.00 25,535.00 10,193.00 5,631.00 25,525.00 25,525.00 24,861.00 24,861.00 124 RBO Group Financing Corp. 24,180.00 24,180.00 125 Parola Financing Corp. 24,099.00 24,054.00 126 P.B. Com. Finance Corp. 23,171.00 16,704.00 6,060.00 33.00 127 Carnelian Consumer 22,434.00 22,434.00 452.00 128 DYNASTY FINANCE CORPORATION 21,353.00 21,353.00 129 Stanford Finance Corp. 20,595.00 20,595.00 130 JGM FINANCE CORPORATION 20,582.00 20,582.00 131 PMC Finance & Investment Corp. ORION INDUSTRIAL AND CONSUMER 132 FINANCE CO. INC. 20,087.00 18,516.00 19,659.00 16,932.00 133 GMBT Financing Corp. 134 ILOILO FINANCE CORPORATION 19,066.00 19,066.00 18,738.00 18,738.00 135 NEPTUNE FINANCE CORPORATION 136 Credit Pilipinas Inc. 18,733.00 18,733.00 18,371.00 18,371.00 137 VIRGO FINANCING CORPORATION 138 Rainbow Finance Inc. 139 RHE MILLENNIUM FINANCE CORPORATION. 18,088.00 18,088.00 17,886.00 17,886.00 17,835.00 17,835.00 140 GOODWILL CREDIT CORPORATION Financing Corporation 141 Carcanmadcarlan 17,590.00 17,590.00 17,548.00 17,548.00 142 United Capital Resources Finance & Leasing Corp. 143 Eagle Finance Corporation 144 Metro Alabang Finnace and Loan Corp. 17,383.00 17,383.00 17,305.00 17,305.00 16,886.00 145 New Horizon Finance Corporation 16,801.00 118 Key Finance & Investment 119 Buglas Development Corp. Finance & Invest. Corp. 120 Esna Financing and Investment 121 GEMSTAR 122 ALPESONS FINANCING Corp. CO. INC. FINANCE CORPORATION 123 FIRST PROVINCIAL FINANCE CORPORATION Finance Corp. 146 A-1 Micro Finance Inc. 147 LIBRA FINANCE & INVESTMENT CORPORATION 560.00 7,876.00 2,281.00 2,269.00 6,876.00 522.00 1,332.00 15,868.00 3,175.00 998.00 5,778.00 15,961.00 11,023.00 13,926.00 15,844.00 10,580.00 4,437.00 Page 3 of 7 3,212.00 1,287.00 • • COMPANY 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 NAME Twins Lending Investor Inc. Conglomerate Securities & Financing Corp. Fig Financing Company, Inc. Bancasia Finance and Investment Corp. NEO Asian Finance & Leasing Corp. Zircon Finance Corp. Da Chan Financial Services, Inc. Ventures Credit, Inc. Peterson Leasing and Finance Corp. STO. NINO DE CEBU FINANCE CORP. Damar Financing Corp. IMS Finance and Resource Corp. Basis Financial Services Inc. Bataan financing Corp. Mindanao Domestic Finance Corporation Smart Inv. and Finance Corp. Surefund Finance Corp. Good Provider Financing and Leasing Corp. MOELLER FINANCING MONARCH INC. FINANCE CORPORATION Magnifico Finance Corp. Unicom Finance Corp. Megaritz Financing Corp. Road Express Carloan Corp. HITRUST FINANCE CORPORATION Golden Harvest Finance Corporation PANAAD CREDIT AND FINANCE CORPORATION TRZ FINANCE CORPORATION ZC CROWN LINK FINANCING CORPORATION CEBU APC FINANCE CORPORATION Headstart Finance Corp. San Antonio Financing Corp. CASHLINK FINANCIALS, INC. Orakei Financing Corp. TITAN FINANCE, INC. EVERGREEN FINANCE (ILOILO), INC. Ugnayan Financing Corp. TMGSI FINANCE CORPORATION Capital Hauz Financing Corp. Lingkod Kabuhayan Finance Corp. GOLDEN ENDEAVOR MICRO FINANCE CORP. Pilots Integrated Funding Corp. Goldprime Financial Services Inc. GLOBEWEST FINANCE CORPORATION Alps Finance Corp. SOUTHSTAR FINANCING INC. Staniel Finance Corp. Golden Tree Financing, Inc. ABG FINANCE CORPORATION First Quadcor Corp. Valehaus Finance Company, Inc. GSM CEBU INVESTORS FINANCE CORP. GROSS LOANS 15,766.00 15,637.00 15,449.00 14,478.00 14,111.00 14,022.00 13,782.00 13,757.00 13,382.00 13,358.00 13,263.00 13,121.00 13,103.00 13,067.00 12,997.00 12,737.00 12,679.00 12,558.00 12,150.00 11,906.00 11,737.00 11,387.00 11,017.00 10,838.00 10,451.00 10,398.00 10,198.00 9,862.00 9,606.00 9,317.00 9,290.00 9,203.00 9,035.00 8,962.00 8,953.00 8,802.00 8,591.00 8,566.00 8,239.00 8,053.00 7,962.00 7,874.00 7,858.00 7,834.00 7,690.00 7,547.00 7,427.00 7,324.00 7,033.00 6,946.00 6,867.00 6,780.00 Page 4 of 7 NET LOANS 15,678.00 1,560.00 15,449.00 13,540.00 14,111.00 14,022.00 13,580.00 13,757.00 12,825.00 10,925.00 9,917.00 13,121.00 13,103.00 13,067.00 12,997.00 12,601.00 11,639.00 12,558.00 11,983.00 11,906.00 11,737.00 10,913.00 11,017.00 10,838.00 10,051.00 10,190.00 10,198.00 9,862.00 9,606.00 9,317.00 9,290.00 8,066.00 9,035.00 8,962.00 8,953.00 8,802.00 8,073.00 8,566.00 8,239.00 8,053.00 7,962.00 7,224.00 7,858.00 7,834.00 7,053.00 7,362.00 7,427.00 5,465.00 7,033.00 5,767.00 6,613.00 6,630.00 PAST DUE LOANS 88.00 51,864.00 601.00 6,340.00 1,123.00 660.00 6,541.00 ITEMS IN LITIGATION 493.00 1,924.00 5,942.00 10,825.00 3,758.00 2,124.00 464.00 875.00 105.00 2,300.00 203.00 600.00 2,850.00 3,247.00 3,048.00 2,482.00 1,504.00 1,588.00 - COMPANY 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 l • < GROSS LOANS NAME NET LOANS 2,677.00 LOPEZ - TORRES FINANCE CORP. 2,602.00 2,434.00 FIRST UNITED FAMILY FINANCE CORP. 2,487.00 2,487.00 BIG GREEN FINANCING 2,367.00 2,367.00 2,307.00 2,207.00 2,287.00 2,287.00 Golden Stream Financing Corp. 2,229.00 2,229.00 Rite Choice Financing Corp. 2,167.00 2,167.00 CORPORATION CYM FINANCING INCORPORATED 2,132.00 2,132.00 165.00 Batch 69 Financing Corp. 2,120.00 2,120.00 397.00 Consolidated 2,074.00 2,074.00 MEGAN CREDIT AND FINANCING CORP. Capital and Financial SeNices Corp. RJQ Finance Corporation 2,030.00 2,030.00 First Oriental Mindoro Financing Company(FOMFC)lnc. 2,020.00 2,020.00 HEATHER FINANCING 2,001.00 2,001.00 1,995.00 1,969.00 1,911.00 1,911.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 Hercules Financing Corp. 1,792.00 1,792.00 SGE Financing 1,785.00 1,785.00 1,749.00 1,867.00 1,683.00 1,683.00 1,679.00 1,679.00 Great Educational CORPORATION Financing Corp. EMDEES FINANCING COMPANY, INC. RJ& A Finance Corporation CHARTERED LOAN FINANCING Marbel J-Four-K Finance Corporation GLEH FINANCIAL SOLUTION D FIRST JAM FINANCING Credit Assurance CORPORATION INC. SeNice (CAS) Finance Corp. BRYE FINANCING GOLDCHECK OF BOHOL INC. INC. FINANCE & DEVELOPMENT CORP. DU EK SAM CAPITAL CORPORATION 1,674.00 1,674.00 1,649.50 1,659.50 1,632.00 1,632.00 1,497.00 1,497.00 1,420.00 1,420.00 1,410.00 1,410.00 UNLAD BUHAY FINANCE CORPORATION 1,293.00 1,293.00 Manuela Finance Corp. 1,216.00 1,216.00 Worldwidelink 1,176.00 1,176.00 1,167.00 1,167.00 1,130.00 1,130.00 1,107.00 1,107.00 LOTUS FINANCING 951.00 951.00 Aljonie Finance Corporation CEBU SHEE NA FINANCE CO., INC. 945.00 945.00 832.00 Equitable Leasing Corp. 832.00 794.00 JRK FINANCE CORPORATION 771.00 771.00 LGF Finance Company, 509.00 490.00 509.00 490.00 MS HILLPARK FINANCING CORPORATION Financing Corp. W MATIAO CREDIT SERVICES PEACOCK FINANCING INC. CORP. Palapag Financing Company Inc. Inc. GTL Finance Corporation 477.00 477.00 405.00 405.00 FONTAINE 364.00 364.00 Switch Finance Corporation 68.00 68.00 PAR. Finance & Investment Corp. ROLCIEN FINANCING AND CREDIT CORP. 28.00 28.00 22.00 22.00 Security Finance Inc. 14.00 Quicklend Corp. BLEAU & REALTY CORP. 14.00 105,587.00 Financing Co. Inc. Argosy Finance Corp. Rosario (EPZA) Financing Co., Inc. Zoe & RST Financing Corp. Page 6 of 7 180.00 257.00 96.00 10.00 794.00 RMG Financial Investors Inc. Alpine Finance & Investment ITEMS IN LITIGATION 2,677.00 Rizal A+ Credit Corp. JVQ Finance Corp. PAST DUE LOANS 144.00 300.00 24.00 -~ . • COMPANY NAME GROSS LOANS NET LOANS l PAST DUE LOANS ITEMS IN LITIGATION 304 MARS FINANCE CORPORATION 305 CCC FINANCE CORPORATION 306 First JCNR Financing and Marketing Corp. 307 Jardine Pacific Finance Inc. 308 Jetnic and Nash Financing Corporation 309 JMC Financing and Marketing Corporation 310 MCC Money Shops Finance Company, Inc. 13,108.00 36,180.00 311 People's Credit Network Finance Co. Inc. 312 Profriends Financing Corp. 313 South Exchange Credit & Financing Corp. 314 Stonehenge Leasing Financial Corp. 315 ULTIMATE FINANCING COMPANY 316 ICC Leasing and Finance Corp. TOTAL INC. (8,331.00) 860.00 116,583,602.50 110,096,170.50 Page 7 of 7 7,201,826.00 1,089,662.00
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