tga mediadata 2016
tga mediadata 2016
MEDIADATA 2016 TGA The professional journal for building services | ■ WIR FÜHREN DIE BRANCHE ZUSAMMEN 3 | 2015 ■ Interview Christian Rubin, VÖK P.b.b. | GZ 02Z030046 | WEKA-Verlag GmbH, Dresdner Straße 45, 1200 Wien | € 6,– TECHNISCHE GEBÄUDE AUSRÜSTUNG 58 | Die Zukunft aktiv gestalten Eine Lösung für viele Probleme 20 | Der elektronische, druckunabhängige Regelkugelhahn EPIV von Belimo TOPTHEMA 6 | Fachkongress „Energie im Krankenhaus“ FACHARTIKEL 30 | Explosionsschutz in Batterieräumen The austrian Journal for Bathroom, Wellness and sanitary Publication form: 10 issues Print run: 10.100 27th volume 2016 Profile in brief TGA is Austria’s only specialist journal concerned with any and every aspect of facility engineering: Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Technology (HVAC), Refrigeration Technology, Control Systems Engineering (CSE), Electrical Engineering, Lighting Engineering, Safety Technology, Sanitary Engineering, Bathroom and Wellness, Facility Management. TGA’s fundamental idea, as can be seen on any page of the magazine, is: “We bring the Industry together”. Target Groups: Decision Makers in Building Services and Facility Management Refrigeration Building Automation Trade Visitor Information 1 Energiesparmesse Trade Visitor Information 2 Energiesparmesse Pd 24.02.2016 Ed 12.02.2016 Pd 25.02.2016 Ed 12.02.2016 21.03.2016 29.02.2016 18.04.2016 29.03.2016 TGA 3/2016 Publication date Closing date/Editorial deadline TGA 4/2016 Publication date Closing date/Editorial deadline TGA 5/2016 Publication date Closing date/Editorial deadline TGA 6/2016 Publication date Closing date/Editorial deadline TGA 7-8/2016 Publication date Closing date/Editorial deadline PV Report Publication date Closing date/Editorial deadline TGA 9/2016 Publication date Closing date/Editorial deadline TGA 10/2016 Publication date Closing date/Editorial deadline TGA 11/2016 Publication date Closing date/Editorial deadline Brandschutz Report Publication date Closing date/Editorial deadline TGA 12/2016 Publication date Closing date/Editorial deadline Planerjahrbuch 2017 Publication date Closing date/Editorial deadline 23.05.2016 29.04.2016 20.06.2016 30.05.2016 22.08.2016 29.07.2016 22.08.2016 29.07.2016 21.09.2016 30.08.2016 24.10.2016 30.09.2016 21.11.2016 31.10.2016 Potable and Non-Potable Water, Heating Water, Fire Safety and Prevention Aquatherm follow-up report and review, Feuertrutz follow-up report and review Aquatherm follow-up report and review Water Pumps Special: Pumps in Domestic Engineering and Water Technology Preview Energie im Krankenhaus Kongress 2016, Energiesparmesse follow-up report and review, IFH follow-up report and review Preview Smart, Wien, 10. – 12.05.2016 Facility Management Building Restoration and Refurbishment – State of the Art Preview Security, Essen, 27.09. – 30.09.2016 Building Automation, Energie im Krankenhaus Kongress follow-up report and review Energy Efficiency and Resource Conservation Alternative Heating Systems, renewable Energies and Multivalent Systems Fire Prevention and Safety 21.11.2016 31.10.2016 Sanitary Engineering Ventilation Water Air Conditioning Car Equipment and Accessories Installation Technology Facility Management Environment & Solar Measurement, Control and Regulation Technology Energy Efficiency Fire Prevention and Safety Heating Technology 12.02.2016 25.01.2016 TGA 1–2/2016 TGA Focus Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration in the Building Industry Preview Energiesparmesse Vorschau Energiesparmesse, Wels, 24.02. – 28.02.2016, Vorschau IFH, Nürnberg, 05. – 08.04.2016 HVAC Exhibition Information for Energiesparmesse Trade Visitors Exhibitions (TGA will available at the press booth) Preview FSE Tagung, St. Pölten, 07. – 08.09.2016 Preview Cersaie, Bologna, 22. – 26.09.2016 Preview Security, Essen, 27.09. – 30.09.2016 Special Edition Intersolar – Joint Project with PUNKTUM Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration in the Building Industry The Heating Edition – Newest Trends in the Heating Industry: Heat Distribution Systems Facility Management Heat Pumps and Photovoltaic Systems Drinking Water Hygiene, Professional Tools and Measuring Devices Domestic Ventilation, Healthy Indoor Air: Air-Handling Ceiling, Comfort Ventilation, Surface Cooling, Fans Preview Chillventa, Nürnberg 11. – 13.10.2016 Chillventa follow-up report and review, Security Essen follow-up report and review Special Edition Fire Prevention and Safety – Joint Project with PUNKTUM Hospital Special TGA in Hospitals 19.12.2016 28.11.2016 Business Directory 2017 07.12.2016 07.09.2016 Planerjahrbuch 2017 Topics and Dates Publication date Closing date/Editorial deadline TGA Special Special Sanitary Equipment, Bathroom and Wellness 3|2014 TECHNISCHE GEBÄUDEAUSRÜSTUNG GROHE F-DIGITAL DELUXE STIMULATION DER SINNE Bathroom and Sanitary Equipment Special Section Tauchen Sie ein in eine Welt der Entspannung und Erholung. Eine Welt in der Ihr ganzer Körper von perfekt temperiertem Wasser umschlossen wird, in der sich das Licht und die Musik genau Ihrer Stimmung anpassen und wohltuender Dampf jeden einzelnen Muskel lockert. Eine Wohlfühlwelt, in der Design und Komfort zu einer harmonischen Einheit verschmelzen - alles ganz einfach und intuitiv steuerbar über einen Apple iPod touch 4G. Erleben Sie die Welt der GROHE F-digital Deluxe, der einzigartigen Wellnessdusche für alle Sinne. GROHE.AT Bathroom and sanitary equipment is a permanent special section of TGA and covers all things bathroom. Erlebnis für alle Sinne 4 | GROHE SPA F-digital Deluxe: Entspannung pur im eigenen Dampfbad Artweger Conform 6 | Artlift wieder ausgezeichnet 8 | Riva, die Maßserie Baduscho 10 | Bodenebene Duschsysteme Editorial calendar and publication schedule Issue Main Topics Exhibitions TGA is available at the Press Booth TGA 1–2/2016 Publication date Closing date/Editorial deadline TGA 3/2016 Publication date Closing date/Editorial deadline TGA 4/2016 Publication date Closing date/Editorial deadline TGA 5/2016 Publication date Closing date/Editorial deadline TGA 6/2016 Publication date Closing date/Editorial deadline TGA 7–8/2016 Publication date Closing date/Editorial deadline TGA 9/2016 Publication date Closing date/Editorial deadline TGA 10/2016 Publication date Closing date/Editorial deadline TGA 11/2016 Publication date Closing date/Editorial deadline TGA 12/2016 Publication date Closing date/Editorial deadline 12.02.2016 25.01.2016 21.03.2016 29.02.2016 18.04.2016 29.03.2016 23.05.2016 29.04.2016 20.06.2016 30.05.2016 22.08.2016 29.07.2016 Novelties and Innovations: Bathroom fittings – Fashionable and Smart, Showers, Bathroom Furniture and Accessories Preview Energiesparmesse, Wels 24.02. – 28.02.2016, Preview IFH, Nürnberg 05. – 08.04.2016 Novelties and Innovations: Toilet – All things restroom, Design and Function – Sanitary Ceramics Aquatherm follow-up report and review Comfort Zone Bathroom – Newest Trends Energiesparmesse follow-up report and review; IFH follow-up report and review; Bathroom Sanitation and Restoration – The Road to an Oasis of Wellbeing; Wall Design, Bathroom Planning First-Class Bathroom Comfort for Everybody Small Bathrooms – Comfort and Functionality for Confined Spaces 21.09.2016 30.08.2016 Hot and Beautiful – Design Radiators Preview Aqualife Innsbruck 24.10.2016 30.09.2016 Hotel Spas and Wellness at Home Aqualife follow-up report and review 21.11.2016 31.10.2016 19.12.2016 28.11.2016 Technology Inside: Prefabricated Sanitary System, Sustainable and Water-Saving Sanitary Solutions Sanitary Systems for Hospitals Ad Rates and Formats Cover and Luxury Placement Cover Format 5|2014 7-8 |2014 TECHNISCHE GEBÄUDEAUSRÜSTUNG TECHNISCHE GEBÄUDEAUSRÜSTUNG Bled-off plus 3mm ACO ShowerDrain X Die Wärmetauscherduschrinne ACO ShowerDrain X 4 | Beim Duschen Geld & Energie sparen Laufen 6 | Interview mit Mag. Michael Bauer landscape 210 x 156 mm € 4.120,– Sicherheit für Dichtigkeit 4 | Seal System von Tece: Versicherungspolice für Verbundabdichtungen Kaldewei 6 | In Luxus baden U4_Cover_Sanitär.indd 1 1a Installateure 8 | 32. Vollversammlung Poresta 11 | Verfliesbare Duschplatzlösung Kermi 14 | HalbkreisDuschkabine 20.05.14 14:07 portrait 135 x 230 mm € 4.120,– Luxury Placement (Page 3, Table of Contents) Bled-Off + 3mm 1/3 Page 210 x 95 mm € 2.370,– 1/2 Page 210 x 143 mm € 2.870,– Geberit 8 | Ausbau des Standortes Pottenbrunn Holter 9 |Gute Resonanz auf die neue Bäderausstellung Generationenbad 10 | Statements aus der Branche U4_Cover_Sanitär.indd 1 21.08.14 13:07 Poresta Systems 12 | 3D WannenrandDichtset Ad Rate and Formats Format Type/Print Space Width x Height Bled-off + 3mm Width x Height Price TITEL 1x1 Title Page € 6.050,– 184 x 262 mm 200 x 174,5 mm 210 x 297 mm € 4.870,– Junior Page 141 x 201 mm 152 x 219 mm € 3.970,– 1/2 Landscape 1/2 Portrait 184 x 132 mm 93 x 262 mm 210 x 143 mm 100 x 297 mm € 2.870,– 1/3 Landscape 1/3 Portrait 184 x 86 mm 60 x 262 mm 210 x 95 mm 71 x 297 mm € 2.370,– 1/4 Landscape 1/4 Single Column 1/4 Portrait 184 x 63 mm 44 x 262 mm 93 x 132 mm 210 x 72 mm 55 x 297 mm 100 x 143 mm € 1.840,– 1/8 Landscape 1/8 Single Column 1/8 Portrait 184 x 29 mm 44 x 132 mm 93 x 63 mm 1x1 € 1.340,– B/W and special colors/additional colors upon request. All prices exclude advertising tax and VAT. The general terms and conditions of the Austrian Newspaper and Magazine Association (Österreichischer Zeitschriftenverband) apply. These can be downloaded from our web portal or ordered directly from Weka. Changes, errors and omissions excepted. Magazine format/Print space Supplements 210 mm wide, 297 mm high / 184 mm wide, 262 mm high Up to 10 grams Up to 20 grams Euro 300.00/thousand Euro 320.00/thousand Additional charges for special formats and positions Inserts Front page, 4c: Euro 6.050,– 2nd cover page: Euro 5.200,– Other preferred positions: on request Surcharge for bled off formats: Euro 250,– Printing process/Documents Reel-fed offset printing, 60 screen, colours: Euroscale (cyan, magenta, yellow, black). We do not assume responsibility for the correctness and completeness of any conveyed electronic data/documents/ advertisements. 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Through “TGA ” you can reach over 27.000 decision-makers from all fields of the technical building installation sector. Function Company size 1 Construction management 32% 2 Research & development 9% 3 Business management 59% 7 8 1 1–10 employees 43% 2 11–50 employees 11% 3 51–100 employees 3% 4 101–200 employees 15% 5 201–500 employees 11% 6 ab 501 employees 8% 7 Non-economic unit, such as public authorities, scientific institutes, vocational schools, etc. 6% 8 No information 3% 6 1 5 1 3 4 2 3 11 12 9 Region 10 1 Vienna 2 Lower Austria 1 3 Burgenland 8 4 Upper Austria 7 2 6 5 4 16% 6 Tyrol 7% 9 Carinthia 4% 5% 10 Germany 6% 1% You’ll find more information about our online advertising solutions (banner, newsletter sponsoring etc.) on our website at Contact: Ing. Marianne Schmidt, +43.1.97000-256 Information on the internet Media data available as a PDF download: Sector 1 2 7 3 6 4 11% 11 Switzerland Online rates 10 8 2% 8% 8 Styria 3 15% 5 Salzburg 7 Vorarlberg 9 24% 2 5 1 Bauherren 2 Architects 3 Technical offices + planners for installations technology, electronic engineering, measuring, closed- and open-loop controlling, machine production 4 Construction enterprises 5 Heating, ventilation, air conditioning and sanitation specialists 6 Electricians 7 Chimney-sweepers 8 Industry 9 Trade and commerce 10 Public authorities 13% 2% 18% 5% 25% 10% 7% 11% 6% 3% Print Run Monitoring The TGA is subject to regular print run monitoring by the ÖAK. Print run (1st half-year 2015) Trade fair and special issue print runs will be increased as necessary. 10.100 Publication form, year 10 issues, 27th volume, 2016 Newsletter subscription: Purchase price inland Publishing house data and media titles: One-year subscription Unit sales price incl. 10% MwSt, free of shipping costs Euro 51,70 Euro 6,– Team Editor in Chief Barbara Fürst-Jaklitsch Tel +43.1.97000-233, Fax -5233 Production Gerhard Schartmüller Tel +43.1.97000-226, Fax -5226 Sales Manager Ing. Marianne Schmidt Tel +43.1.97000-256, Fax -5256 Marketing and Events Manuela Neißl Tel +43.1.97000-183, Fax -5183 Editor DI Ulrich Baron Tel +43.664.250 42 12 Order Management Sandra List Tel +43.1.97000-265, Fax -5265 Editor Online/ Editor Bathroom and Wellness Sabine Weber Tel +43.1.97000-163, Fax -5163 Art Direction Karl Peherstorfer Tel +43.1.97000-126, Fax -5126 Editor Online Mag. Sabine Gruber Tel +43.1.97000-232, Fax -5232 WEKA Publishing House Management Publishing Manager, authorized representative Manfred Krejci Tel +43.1.97000-235, Fax -5235 Publisher/Publishing house WEKA FACHMEDIEN ÖSTERREICH WEKA-Verlag Gesellschaft m.b.H | 1200 Wien | Dresdner Straße 45 | Tel +43.1.97000-200 | Internet Management Dipl.-Bw.(FH) Kurt Skupin, MBA, Best of Crossmedia B2B WEKA FACHMEDIEN ÖSTERREICH is a renowned specialized publisher for print and online media as well as event publications. Offering 10 professional journals, 8 web portals and organizing a number of conventions and exhibitions, we are one of Austria‘s leading suppliers of cross-media expert information within the fields of building technology, automotive engineering, industrial technology and commerce. For further details concerning publisher, media and publications please visit our website GEBÄUDE PRINT ONLINE | | Zweiter Fachkongress INDUSTRIE EVENTS Fachkongress Energie im Krankenhaus Licht für Industrieobjekte BRANCHENGUIDE LOGISTIK PRINT ONLINE BRANCHENGUIDE TECHNIK Fachkongress EVENTS Industrie 4.O Fachkongress Digitale Logistik HANDEL AUTOMOTIVE I PRINT ONLINE | | Fachkongress E-Mobilität EVENTS PRINT ONLINE WEKA FACHMEDIEN ÖSTERREICH WEKA-Verlag GmbH | Dresdner Straße 45 | 1200 Wien | Tel +43.1.97000-200 |