As the oldest outdoor magazine in the country, Sports Afield has for


As the oldest outdoor magazine in the country, Sports Afield has for
The Premier Hunting Adventure Magazine
We Know
As the oldest outdoor magazine in the country, Sports
Afield has for 120 years been one of the most respected
names in the industry. Sports Afield is the leading authority
on big game and hunting travel, with a concentrated
readership of active, affluent hunters. Sports Afield is
ideally positioned to connect you with the world’s
wealthiest and most active sportsmen.
The upper end of the hunting market is the fastestgrowing segment of the hunting industry. The demand for
high-priced, high-quality
hunts, both in North
America and abroad, has
grown exponentially in
the last decade. In 2006,
nearly 20,000 hunters
visited Africa to hunt—
a 1,300 percent increase
from 1,500 in 1979!
Demand for the top
big-game hunts in North
America has shown similar
growth and Sports Afield
is at the center of
this expansion.
Sports Afield knows
adventure hunting and
serves the traveling hunter.
We will deliver your
message to the most
serious consumers in
the hunting market.
The Most
in Hunting
The world’s most active hunters rely on Sports Afield to provide the information and
inspiration they need to be successful. Each issue is packed with the information real hunters
need: firearms, travel, survival, conservation, new gear, and the latest news, along with
feature articles about exciting hunts that inspire and motivate hunters to get out in the field.
Sports Afield is written by the most trusted names in the hunting world. They include
the most experienced and respected hunters in the field today. These experts write detailed,
inspirational, how-to and what-to-consider articles, targeting the active hunter who is
investing in hunts and taking trophies.
This editorial package attracts the most active big-game and bird hunters in the
world. They represent your best prospects for increased sales and are the opinion leaders who
carry your message to the less active hunters. They are your customers and your sales force.
“I was motivated to go on my first African safari this summer with my father-in-law after discovering a new world of adventure through my SA subscription. Keep up the great work!”
—reader Jay Arnold, Huntsville, AL
Their Credibility Gives
YOU Credibility
Thomas McIntyre
Author of the popular back-page
“Backcountry” column, he has
hunted on six continents and has the
experience to back up his strong and
entertaining opinion pieces.
John M. Taylor
A champion duck caller
who hunts upland game
and waterfowl throughout
North and South America,
Europe, and Africa. His
column, “Shotguns,”highlights
shotguns, shotshells, and
techniques for wingshooters.
Craig Boddington
He keeps readers
informed about the
latest destinations and
insider knowledge. As
the most experienced
safari hunter in the field
today, Craig’s expertise
is unmatched.
Chub Eastman
Ron Spomer
A respected hunting travel
expert, he provides nuts-andbolts advice for traveling and
hunting through out North
America and the world every
month in his “Traveling
Hunter” column.
Dr. Kevin Robertson
This famed professional hunter
passes on his expertise on
practical shooting techniques,
ballistics, and African trophies
in his “Ask Doctari” column
every issue.
His “Rifles” column
spotlights the latest in
rifles and ammunition.
He grew up in a hunting
lodge, shot on the Marine
Corps Rifle Team, and
worked as a PR rep for
several companies that
supply the hunting market.
Walt Prothero
A trained wildlife biologist
who has hunted extensively
in North America, Africa,
and Asia, he writes
adventure-packed biggame hunting articles that
are some of the magazine’s
most popular features.
Time and money are the final determinants of someone’s ability to pursue an active
hunting lifestyle. The average age of Sports Afield readers is 56 years old, so they are at a point
in their lives where they have the time to hunt. They also have the wherewithal, with an average
household income of $150,540. Their time and money equals sales for you!
•Nearly half of all Sports Afield readers spent fifty days or more afield hunting every year.
•88% have taken a guided hunt in the past two years
•51% have taken three or more guided hunts in the past two years
•85% invested in taxidermy in the last two years, and 44% spent over $1,000.
Where Sports Afield Readers
Spend Their Money:
Destination Hunts
Sports Afield readers buy
“destination” hunts. 94% hunt
in the continental United States
and, in the next year:
•33% will hunt Africa
•40% will hunt Canada
•14% will hunt Mexico
•33% will hunt Alaska
Readers to
Buy Your
Big Game
Sports Afield readers are
hunters of big game:
•89% hunt white-tailed deer
•53% hunt mule deer
•57% hunt elk
•54% hunt other big game
Optics and Gear
Sports Afield readers spare no
expense when they prepare for
their hunts. In the last year:
•70% bought optics
•88% bought hunting apparel
•59% bought knives
•61% bought boots
•85% bought taxidermy
Sports Afield readers
invest in firearms:
•They will buy an average
of three guns in the next
two years
•The average value of the
guns they purchase is
$2,091 per firearm
Many Sports Afield readers
are also avid reloaders:
•They have invested an
average of $1,305 in reloading
•Accuracy and knockdown
power are important to them.
When they don’t reload, 22%
buy custom-loaded ammo.
Sports Afield readers are avid
shotgun shooters:
•64% hunt upland game
•39% hunt waterfowl
•45% hunt turkeys
Sports Afield
Works at
Many Levels
to Bring
You Customers!
E-Newsletter: Notes from Afield
24,000 readers strong and growing, our e-mail
newsletter, “Notes from Afield,” goes out
to hunters who have subscribed to stay
informed about their favorite activity.
Each newsletter features an item of
interest to hunters who want to stay connected to what’s happening in the hunting world. You can sponsor a newsletter
and have your message broadcast to this
highly qualified audience. As a sponsor,
you will receive:
•A banner ad or skyscraper on the opening page.
•A second page with a press release on
your products
•A third page featuring news about your
company and a link to your site
Web Site:
Build a campaign that runs for a month or
for the year. Call your representative today
and create a targeted campaign that reaches
your best prospects.
Sports Afield’s Web site attracts thousands
of additional hunters every month. It is your
opportunity to connect with readers through
banners and links to bring more hunters to
your site. Sections of our Web site include:
Craig Boddington’s Adventure Blog: The only
blog by the nation’s most popular hunter.
Traveling Hunter: The latest information about
traveling with firearms to destinations
around the world, with an archive of past
articles that provides a resource for hunters
preparing for their next trip. The perfect
opportunity for booking agents, outfitters,
and companies that make products to support the traveling hunter.
Featured Outfitter: In-depth focus on a different outfitter every month; includes an
archive of past features along with a link
to a listing of outfitters.
For the Record: A report on new world records as
they are taken, with information about the trophy and the adventure.
Reports Afield: News items of interest to hunters, as well as events
and conservation issues around
the world.
When you purchase a banner
or tower ad, your ad will rotate
throughout the whole site, ensuring
Web viewers see it over and over.
Talk to your representative to learn
how to turn our readers into buyers
of your products.
Round out your
Sports Afield package
with Safari Press
Sports Afield’s sister company, Safari
Press, has served the hunting community
for more than 25 years. Safari Press is the
world’s largest publisher of hunting and
firearms books—over one million books
in print! When you become a Sports Afield
advertiser, we can develop additional ways
for you to reach hunters when they are
buying books that prepare them for the
hunt. Some of the resources include:
•Your ad in the Safari Press catalog—
over 200,000 mailed annually
•Package inserts in packages sent to
book buyers
•Ads in special publications such as
Safari Guide
We are here to help you succeed in this
market. Call today and talk to your representative about all the ways Sports Afield
delivers your message and helps you build
sales. We serve more premium hunters
than any other company, and no other magazine has the legacy or the
packages that Sports Afield can offer.
15621 Chemical Lane
Huntington Beach, CA 92649 The Premier Hunting Adventure Magazine
Fax: 714/894-4949
Printing: Web offset • Binding: Perfect-bound
Trim size: 81/4" wide x 107/8" high (210mm x 276mm)
Live area: 3/8" (9mm) in from edge
Bleed area: Add 1/8" (3mm) to edge for all bleed ads
Unit sizes:
Editor in Chief
mm (wxh)
spread (2 pages)
161/2 x 107/8
420 x 276
full page
81/4 x 107/8
210 x 276
161/2 x 5
420 x 127
2/3 page
45/8 x 103/16
118 x 259
1/2 vertical
47/8 x 615/16
124 x 176
178 x 127
1/3 vertical
21/4 x 103/16
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45/8 x 5
118 x 127
1/4 page
45/8 x 33/4
118 x 95
1/6 vertical
21/4 x 5
57 x 127
45/8 x 21/2
118 x 64
1/2 page spread
Editorial Profile
Sports Afield is America’s premier big game hunting adventure
magazine, founded in 1887. It is devoted to people who share a
passion for high-end sporting pursuits, especially big-game hunting
in North America and Africa. The magazine focuses primarily on
hunting trophy whitetails and mule deer, bighorn sheep, elk, caribou,
moose, bears, African plains game, and dangerous game such as Cape
buffalo, lion, and leopard. Sports Afield also features upland game
and international wingshooting stories. Coverage of fine guns, optics,
clothing, and equipment is an essential part of the magazine.
Monthly columns include Survival, Rifles, Shotguns, The Traveling
Hunter, Backcountry, Reports Afield, and New Gear Review.
Sports Afield features the finest and most knowledgeable hunting and
gun writers in the business. Among the easily recognizable names
that readers will see on a regular basis are Thomas McIntyre, Craig
Boddington, John Barsness, Kevin Robertson, Ron Spomer, John M.
Taylor, and Chub Eastman. This diverse group of hunting and shooting
experts provides the depth and breadth of knowledge that Sports Afield
readers have come to expect over the magazine’s rich 120-year history.
BC_SA_4C_NEW_2008_DR.pdf 9/12/2008 4:27:11 PM
1/2 horizonal
1/6 horizontal
Full page
2/3 page
1/2 page
1/2 page
1/3 page
1/3 page
(Allow 1/4" [6mm] safety along each side of gutter)
Materials: Materials must be to SWOP standard and supplied as
a PDF/X 1-A. We do not accept application files. We recommend
that a high quality postscript matchprint be provided to ensure
proper reproduction.
Production charges: Use of special inks, including the PMS
800 series, will incur extra cost. If material does not conform to
Publisher’s mechanical specifications, advertiser will be billed at
actual cost for any additional handling charges incurred.
Invoices/terms: Invoices are sent and dated upon publication.
Terms are net 30. Past due accounts are charged 1.5% interest per
month (18% per year). Agency commissions and discounts are forfeited on accounts due past 60 days from billing date. All terms and
conditions of the rate card in effect for the issue containing the first
insertion apply. In the absence of material instructions prior to ad
close, ad will be picked up from a previous issue.
1/4 page
1/6 page
1/6 page
Cancellations: Cancellations must be received from advertisers in
writing; all orders noncancellable after closing date.
Editor in Chief
621 Chemical L ane
untington Beach, CA 92649
inches (wxh)
Advertising Material Extensions: Publisher cannot accept responsibility for the reproductive quality of advertising materials granted
714/373-4910 late extensions.
Fax: 714/894-4949
1/2 page spread
2010-2011 Editorial Calendar (subject to change)
On-sale dates are approximate and are designed to be the best possible estimate of when the
magazine will be on sale at newsstands nationwide. Actual dates may vary.
Signed insertion orders are due at ad close. Materials are due one week later.
November/December 2010
Ad close: 1 September 2010
On sale: 26 October 2010
Adventures with brown bears; dealing with buck fever; Berit Aagard’s buffalo hunt; late-season
hunts; Coues in Mexico; holiday gift guide
January/February 2011 Convention Issue!
Ad close: 3 November 2010
On sale:29 December 2010
The story of Hemingway’s favorite rifle; desert sheep adventure; adventures with Australian
buffalo; wilderness elk; backpacking for leopard
March/April 2011 Africa Issue!
Ad close: 23 December 2010 (approx)
On sale: 23 February 2011 (approx)
Tanzania Cape buffalo; safari in Namibia; in pursuit of the Big Five; overlooked plains game
adventures; what your PH won’t tell you
May/June 2011 Hunting Rifles Issue!
Ad close: 3 March 2011 (approx)
On sale: 27 April 2011 (approx)
Review of 2011 new rifles; mythbusting the .600 NE; a look at today’s double rifles; adventures
with brown bears
July/August 2011 Mountain Hunting Issue!
Ad close: 5 May 2011 (approx)
On sale: 29 June 2011 (approx)
Exotic Asian sheep; drop-camp mule deer in the Rockies; mountain goat in BC; Alaska
Dall sheep; gearing up and getting ready for a mountain hunt
September/October 2011
Ad close: 7 July 2011 (approx)
On sale: 31 August 2011 (approx)
Stranded in Alaska; Mongolia mixed bag; elk the hard way
November/December 2011
Ad close: 1 September 2011 (approx)
On sale: 26 October 2011 (approx)
The world’s most dangerous hunts; adventures with mountain lions; holiday gift guide