and that`s a wrap folks!


and that`s a wrap folks!
ISSN 1442-7400
Edition Number 193
October Edition 2013
IA 17368
Mitchell Creek Rock 'N' Blues Fest | 20-22 September, 2013
By: -- Tracey Hammell –
Billed as being “designed to get you out of dodge and take you on an adventure that connects you with
friends, music and likeminded people in an intimate and inspirational setting.”
So did it deliver on its promise? If the jubilant faces on artists and patrons alike are anything to go by,
then a resounding “yes” echoed through the 90 acre private bushland property. Nestled in the
picturesque Mary Valley just two hours north of Brisbane and 45 minutes west of Noosa, the festival
turned on a major show.
Australia plays host to many a fine festival promoting top acts and delighting audiences and there’s no
doubt that Jimmy and Karen Budgen put together a stellar program line-up that absolutely moved the
crowd to the music, yet also offered something quite special and just a little bit different from the
usual festival experience.
Now in its second year, being part of this festival’s early beginnings was like being let in on an exciting
little secret that is bound to become bigger and better as word spreads through the bush telegraph
and up and down the highways in years to come.
Graceful Australian trees became a natural bushland wall surrounding the property, which itself was
shaped like a huge amphitheatre creating clear, warm acoustics, cushioned by lush, soft grasses to
relax on.
Continued P4…..
The Groove – BASEQ Newsletter No.193 – October Edition 2013 Page 1
PO Box 1072,
Indooroopilly Centre, Q 4068
Follow us on Facebook
What does BASEQ do?
PO Box 1072,
Indooroopilly Centre, Q 4068
Est. 16-10-1996 (OFT)
IA 17368
Follow us on Facebook
Office holders 2013-2014
President: Desley Done
M| 0412 310 893
Vice President: Cath Butler
Secretary: Tracey Hammell
Assist Secretary: Stephen Done
Treasurer: Denise Causevic
General Committee Members:
Roslyn Johnson : Membership
Sylvia Zigenbien
Barry Beattie
Duncan Woolard
Paulette Steele
Groove Contributions
Contributions of material for
the Groove are sought each
month. Contributions can take
the form of articles of general
interest, reviews (live performances,
CD’s etc.), photographs,
advertisements, details
of upcoming events of interest
such as tours and festivals.
Contributions need to be in by
the 21st of the month for inclusion
in next month’s edition.
Contact the editor for more info.
Library copies: Copies of the Groove
are lodged with the State Library of
Queensland and the National Library
of Australia.
According to our Constitution BASEQ:
1) Promotes an appreciation of blues music in
2) Provides members with a blues music
information network; and
3) Fosters and encourages an increase in live
performances of blues music.
Please join us and help to do these things!
E-mail Groove: Our GrOOve is published for
electronic distribution to our members only.
Due to the costs of printed hard copies and
mail out distribution, the Blues Association of
South East Queensland formally announced in
August 2013 that this method of
communication was expensive and time
consuming for the not for profit organisation.
For further details you can contact our
membership co-ordinator in relation to
electronic distribution.
BASEQ Official Membership record:
August 2013
New Members: 128
Renewals: 173
Life Members: 10
Associated (Lapsed): 172
Total: Financial Members : 311
The BASEQ Sponsors
The Small Print:
E-mail distribution approximately: 320
Newsletter contributions: We encourage
contributions to the Groove. Contributions should
be received by the Newsletter Editor by the 21st of
the month.
Gig guide listings: Dates for the Gig Guide should be
submitted to the Gig Guide Editor by email as soon
as possible.
Download your Membership Here
We actively chase member gigs information, but the
responsibility for getting information into the Guide
rests with the musicians concerned. To submit your
own gigs you can access the website home page 'submit your
gig' section is added for ease.
Advertising: Advertisers are asked to contact the
Editor as early as possible concerning payment and
by preference to provide advertising copy in jpg or
PDF format.
Advertising Rates
Non Member: $50 per half page, $90 per full page
For Members: $45 per half page, $80 per full page.
¼ Page Members Advertising FREE (subject to
We have to say it: All material in this Newsletter is
protected by copyright and may not be reproduced
in any form without the permission of the copyright
owners, who may be contacted directly or through
BASEQ. Views and opinions expressed in articles or
reviews in this publication are not necessarily those
of BASEQ, the committee or the editors.
The Groove – BASEQ Newsletter No.193 October Edition 2013 Page 2
Presidents Report – September 2013
President’s Pen
The month of September has ended with a bang with
the Mitchell Creek Blues Festival blowing everyone’s
socks off. Jimmy Budgen and his team should be proud
of the turn out for the 2nd year of the festival. We at
BASEQ, would like to thank Jimmy for inviting us to
participate in spreading the word of the Blues at the
Festival. I couldn’t be there myself as I was overseas,
but will definitely put it in my calendar now, for next
Some very exciting things have been happening over
the past few months with the refurbishment of the old
Globe Theatre being undertaken by an interested
blues enthusiast and business man. This new venue in
the Valley, will be home to many festivals and gigs,
with the first festival being held on the 2nd November
(The 5th Queensland Festival of Blues), with a great
line up. Get out and enjoy some great music at the
New Globe Theatre.
A few years ago in January, 2011 a frightening flood
occurred here in Brisbane and surrounding areas. With
many people wanting to do something it was a guy
named ‘Beachy’ who approached artists throughout
Queensland and NSW asking them to donate an
original song for the cd compilation of Hard Rain. It
was always our goal to raise money from sales of the
cd. We have raised a little over $1300 and are in
discussion with a local state member to find a school
that was flooded in the area. The money we have
raised will be donated to their music program. We still
have Hard Rain CDs for sale and would like to continue
to raise funds, so if you haven’t got your CD, our next
jam is the time to buy one for $20.
It is the beginning of the year for BASEQ as the year
starts in October with our membership renewals due.
If you are happy with the progress of BASEQ thus far
and would like to continue in supporting the
association financially, then Membership is due. Over
the past twelve months BASEQ has seen an enormous
growth of New Memberships, taking our membership
numbers over 300 for the first time. With this
membership support BASEQ has been able to
introduce new projects and objectives. We have some
exciting plans for next year. Contact Roz to renew or at a BASEQ jam.
“the Road to Memphis”
You will be hearing us mention this event over the
next few months. We have had to postpone our
birthday bash and this event due to timing, venue
availability and bands. This will be held on the 23rd
February, 2014. This will be an exciting event and one
to put in your calendar. This is one of BASEQ’s
projects for 2014 to ensure the best possible outcome
to fundraise for the successful Solo/Duo/Band to
represent BASEQ in the 2015 Memphis International
Blues Challenge. The current committee believes it is
best to hold our Memphis Challenge every second
year as the financial burden to the Association and
artists yearly, is too costly. I would like to ask our
members if anyone would be interested in heading a
sub committee to approach businesses for
sponsorship for the Road to Memphis.
It is great to be part of a thriving blues community
with new venues and exciting festivals. Another
festival coming up on the 19th October is the Valley
Blues Stomp. Get out and enjoy your blues it is just a
short distance to have a groovy time....
Desley Done, President
~ BASEQ Raffle Promotion ~
Congratulations to Tony of Southbank, ticket number
D88 Orange that won the St. Blues 61 South Guitar.
Drawn 1st October 2013, Coorparoo RSL BASEQ
committee meeting. Tony has been advised and is
extremely excited about winning this Guitar. Thanks
to Guitar Brothers for assisting in raising funds for
“the Road to Memphis”
The Groove – BASEQ Newsletter No.193 – October Edition 2013 Page 3
There was no evidence of over trodden dusty
sawdust here and plenty of room to move about
freely without being jostled. The spring weather
displayed beautiful sunny blue skies by day and
sparkling stars in the clear black nights that shined so
much brighter in the clean country air. The fresh,
locally grown delicious meals, BYO drinks, and a
spectacularly huge bonfire crackling away in the
centre of the grounds created a relaxed campfire
feel that took many back to childhood memories
whilst catching up with old friends and making new
ones as easily as a family barbecue.
The music reached out to you wherever you were,
whether dancing in the mosh pit, chilling out in the
campsites, or at the friendly food stalls and
marquees in between. Every part of the property
delivered a prime vantage point to enjoy the festival.
With over 80 of Australia's amazing rock and blues
artists performing for three days the calibre of the
music was nothing short of incredible! Engineers
paid close attention to detail with high quality sound
emanating from the two stages that rotated
seamlessly from one act to the next keeping
everyone thoroughly entertained. With no waiting in
between acts and no decisions about which to see –
everyone could see them all!
Lighting effects shot out from the stages in a blaze of
colour and excitement reaching into the crowd
below. Everyone seemed to be swept up in the
surreal carnival vibe of the moment. The artists
soaked up the atmosphere like fuel as they
interacted so closely with the crowd. It was as
intimate and moving as a house concert, yet as
powerful and raunchy as a huge stadium event.
The smiles and laughter in the pics speak volumes. I
can’t wait until next year to do it all again!
More photos at Mitchell Creek website …
Images by: knightphotography
The Groove – BASEQ Newsletter No.193 October Edition 2013 Page 4
The Fledgling Festival on the Rise
By: Paulette Steele
This was the 2nd year for the Mitchell Creek Rock &
Blues Festival and it went from 350 people attending
in 2012 to just under 2500, a couple of weeks ago in
September. Who knows what next year’s numbers will
be like, however from word around the place I reckon
add another 1000 – 2000 to this year’s attendance.
Why? Everyone I know enjoyed themselves. It was a
super friendly get together of people who all enjoy
music. With no distractions from communications
technology (mobile phones were out of range) and a
good distance from the hustle and bustle of
civilization, people relaxed, ate, drank and listened or
danced to the music during the days and nights.
The music was great and so was the sound! Even in
the campsites, it was clear to hear. The two stages
worked well as generally there was someone on while
the next musician/musicians set up on the other stage.
There were a couple of ‘no shows’ by bands and I’m
sure they’ll regret missing out on this memorable
The music started well on the Friday evening with
bands like Janice & the Violets, T Bone Turners Bone
Yard, Phil Barlow Band and RadioutKast getting
everyone into the swing of the festival.
Saturday saw a variety of music during the day from
The Soul Men Blue Brothers Tribute Band to the ZZ
Top Tribute Band. As the full moon rose and a laser
light show flickered over the hills surrounding the
valley, the music came into its own with a variety of
great bands and artists entertaining the crowds of
people in front of the stages. With great performances
from the likes of Ali Penney, Kniki & Mike Beale, Devils
Kiosk and The Walters with Mojo Webb, the
penultimate performance of the night was by Dallas
Frasca, who always knows how to entertain her loving
Sunday saw a number of people leave as the
weekend was coming to an end however the music
continued with some great new artists playing and
others from Friday night playing again. The evening
finished with a Jam and from photographic evidence
seen some were still jamming Monday morning.
Due probably to the drastic increase in size from the
previous year, there were a few niggly logistical
issues. Not enough showers and toilets and long
queues for the food if you’d paid for the upgrade to
have all your meals supplied. A big thanks has to go
to the Blue Skillet Rovers who entertained the long
snaking queue of people lining up for breakfast on
the Saturday morning. However, most people I think
got over the issues as the feel of the festival was too
good to let this get anyone down too much. You just
laughed it off and enjoyed the music and the
camaraderie of the people around you!
Personally, I can’t wait until next year for the 2014
Mitchell Creek Rock & Blues Festival. Along with a lot
of others I’m sure! I see the 2014 early bird tickets
are on sale already so get yourself a ticket now
before they sell out. Once word gets around about
just how great this up and coming festival is, you
could miss out. And you wouldn’t want that to
happen would you!!
Images by: knightphotography
The Groove – BASEQ Newsletter No.193 October Edition 2013 Page 5
Support your Club..?
I am a member, but how does this help?
The Blues Association of South East Queensland has ONE
monthly Jam session during the month. This enables us to
raise funds and memberships to continue promoting the
awareness of Blues Music, locally and nationally. Our major
sponsor “The Coorparoo RSL” provides a venue that
promotes “Live Music” and gives supporters the
opportunity to enjoy, socialise and be entertained by some
of Brisbane's best…in the end, this contributes to our
Blues/Gospel singing workshop from 11am 1.30pm with non other than choir mistress Yani.
Royal Mail Hotel, Goodna. Free for BASEQ
members, $10 for non members.
The Coorparoo RSL provides an outstanding environment
for musicians to perform and provides “paid gig”
opportunities. THAT’s RIGHT Folks! this financial year the
Coorparoo RSL will have paid out well over $50,000 to
Bands and Sponsorship support to the music industry. So
ask yourself…is one day a month going to assist the
continued growth of Live Music…YOU BET IT WILL!
Get yours at the next
BASEQ Jam Session.
Monies raise donated to
flood affected school
SUNDAY 27TH October
Devil’s Kiosk conjures up images of temptation and
hedonism, Blues music deep from the soul that
drives us and fuels our emotions.
BASEQ’s monthly jam continues on the last Sunday of
each month. The jams now have a permanent monthly
home at the Coorparoo RSL. Host band set from 1pm,
jamming from 2.15pm.
Sunday 27th October – Devils Kiosk
Dynamic, emotionally charged, fused with tension
and deeply steeped in the blues. With rave
performances at Blues on Broadbeach, Bellingen Jazz
and Blues Fest and the Sydney Blues & Roots
Festival, Devil’s Kiosk is rapidly morphing into one of
Australia’s top blues acts.
Devil’s Kiosk – Purveyors of the finest Blues music.
Back line (PA, amps and drum kit) are provided. You are
welcome to bring your own amplifier (of an appropriate
size!). Jammers MUST bring their own instrument or
drum sticks (as the case may be) unless arrangements
are made PRIOR to the day you seek to borrow
another’s instrument or sticks for your set. Note: Dba
levels are monitored at venues (95Dba Max).
The Groove – BASEQ Newsletter No.193 – October Edition 2013 Page 6
BASEQ Up Close and Personal
With Lil Fi
DD: Who first inspired you to be a musician?
At this year’s 2013 Blues on Broadbeach Festival,
BASEQ President Dez Done interviewed all the artists
who appeared at the BASEQ Marquee. This series of
interviews will be presented in coming issues of
Up Close and Personal with Lil Fi. Interviewed by
Desley Done at Blues on Broadbeach, May , 2013.
LF: Well my big brother always played guitar. And
when I was 13 I got a Sunny Terry Burnie McGee
record and started playing harmonica.. outside the
picture enough money to go
Bundaberg..I was a bit controversial but I found these
three albums, seminal albums when I was 19.. I got
the super sisters which was all the old women’s blues
from the 1920’s. Ida Cox, Al Benny Jones, Victoria
Speevy, Bessie Smith. I went on the exploration of
who they were and found their albums. I had an Etta
James album, Best of Etta James and Dinah
Washington and not long after that I teamed up with
the Delta Rhythm Kings with Blind Dog Donnie and I
discovered Louie Jordan and Clarence Gate Mouth
Brown, John Lee Hooker, all the Kings…BB King,
Freddie King, Albert King, all the family. Koko Taylor
rocked my world.
DD: So can you describe for us what type of music
you play?
DD: What’s your name and where were you born?
LF: Miss Piggy.. in a little swamp… LOL…..I was
raised by Mary and Joseph in a little place called
Bethlehem….no Bigeden… sorry….My mother’s name
is Mary and my father’s name is Ian, funnily enough. I
was raised in this fantastic place right on the beach at
Beggara, there was a dancehall in the late 1800’s with
a sprung dance floor. It got knocked down in the days
of Jo. The Dean Brothers came in and knocked it down.
Fantastic place but, with lots of dancing and live music,
my parents had an art gallery there and a restaurant
and I was raised on the first dune at Beggara Beach.
DD: Where do you reside now?
LF: Northern NSW…, but I think of myself as an
Australian and my stuff has to live somewhere. So I
have lived in Queensland and Victoria…. I was down in
the fires in Victoria and decided I didn’t want to be
there anymore so so I looked at the chart and thought
where is there a lot of rainfall I looked at Ukie and
Atherton Tablelands. James T is up this way and my
family is up this way and that’s why we ended up here
in Northern NSW.
LF: I am a Australian Blues Singer.. and very proudly
so, fiercely independent I put out 12 albums all
independently. I have written most of the songs on all
those albums and is a collaboration of all the music I
have listened to over the years I think of myself as
part blues, part jazz, part rockabilly, part punk and a
little bit of glam rock in there, by the way, that’s just
blues in glittery tights it’s all just 12 bar blues. I set
out early in my career to have my own sound, I didn’t
want to sound like anyone else and I wanted to sing
with an Australian accent. No one else was doing that
in the 90’s when I started. Most singers sing with an
American accent still to this day because the music
that we listen to is American. If anyone ever asks me
what advice I have for any singer I would say,’ get
your sound, don’t try to sound like anyone else, get
your sound’… like Ali Penny, great singer and she was
the side person playing the piano. I mentored her to
sing and I said to Ali, ‘you have got to sing girl…cause
you play piano like that you have gotta sing’. I gave
her the name Ali Penny and the Moneymakers and
she is awesome…. and I drilled that into her… no one
else sounds like her. She has this real gravelly, sexy
voice. It’s an honour to see her doing so well.
The Groove – BASEQ Newsletter No.193 – October Edition 2013 Page 7
BASEQ Up Close and
With Lil Fi (Continued)
DD: What do you think makes your live performances a
LF: Everyone is in my lounge room. There is a thing
called kindness. And I think that that’s important
because people don’t have that much time so you
have to honour people’s time and entertain. It’s very
important to be entertaining and not self indulgent to
have a duty of share and a duty of care.
DD: Do you get nervous before you perform? And
what do you do to combat that?
LF: I turn it into excitement, but I think if you don’t get
nervous then you don’t care enough. Nervousness if
just a part of the process.
DD: Who are your musical inspirations? I think you
might have mentioned a few before.
LF: Well you know … Etta James, Dinah Washington. As
far as being inspired for my performance, I have to say
Mick Hadley was a really major influence on me as a
young musician. He taught me how to turn on a
crowd… ‘ Say HEAH’..fantastic and Wiley Reid. And
Coojee my old drummer. He had a band called the 5
Hanks and he used to play with Donnie in a band called
the Howlin Moon Doggies. Fantastic old band, cause
that was very important. We used to rock that pub to
the sides were just about splitting and they say if you
can turn on your local pub you can turn on the festival,
if you know what I mean. I think you can learn from
just about anywhere. I listened a lot to Dolly Parton,
I’ve got to say, I love her. I recently got a DVD of Dolly
Parton, she is so generous. She is a great lyricist, great
guitarist and a generous soul. And It’s that kindness
that just spills out. You can’t help but love Dolly and
Liza Minnelli .. I saw Liza Minnelli perform and it’s like
Aunty Liza up on stage. I was so impressed, 20 000
people in the audience and you feel like they are
talking to you personally. Same with BB King it’s that
connection that is very important to me. You can learn
from the local artist down the pub If they are good It
doesn’t matter who you are inspired by as long as you
are doing it. If you have a good voice you have to be
brave and share it.
The glass is half full or half empty and with me, I got a
half full. I am an optimist. Yes, you have to live life to
experience and to sing authentically. When I sing, I
sing about stuff I have gone through. Janis Joplin has
been a big influence on me, I’ve got to say. I read a
book about her and I thought if I don’t fix my life up I
might end up like her, I’ll end up dead. That was the
defining moment for me. That’s why I do this show
called the Haight Ashbury Show, I sing Janice Joplin
it’s more like a respect thing. I think she was very
much misunderstood. I think she was a great singer
with a terrible technique, but a great singer and a
great spirit. I think every generation has someone
who dies too young. Like Amy Winehouse, what a
shame. I would have loved to have seen her in her
50’s or 60’s would have been terrific. But forever
DD: What do you think is the hardest part about
being a musician?
LF: I don’t think it is hard. That is a crock of … we are
very lucky in Australia. We don’t have to live without
food in war torn country . I feel very blessed. I think
this old , ‘I’m struggling’, is a perception thing
DD: What do you think is the hardest part about
being a musician?
LF: I don’t think it is hard. That is a crock of … we are
very lucky in Australia. We don’t have to live without
food in war torn country . I feel very blessed. I think
this old , ‘I’m struggling’, is a perception thing.
DD: Thanks Lil Fi. What a great girl.
The Groove – BASEQ Newsletter No.193 – October Edition 2013 Page 8
Radio Shows
Blues, Blues, Blues
With John Fleming
Fraser Coast Community
Radio FM107.5FM
9pm - 12 midnight
Brian’s Monday Blues
94.1 Gold Coast Radio
With Brian Elliott
6pm to 9pm
Noosa Community Radio
101.3 FM
Blue Monday
With Al Hensley
11am - 2pm
Boppin’ The Blues with
Wayne Carlson 2pm to 4pm
Chillblain Blues
With Chillblain
6pm to 9pm
Blues With A Feeling
With Shaun Bindley
4AAA 98.9FM
Mon 8pm - 12 midnight
Graz’s Blues Den
With Graz Coral Coast
Community Radio
Tuesday Bluesday
With Susan Mitchell
Fraser Coast
Community Radio
Tues 9pm - 12am
Blues By The Bay
With John “Klosey”
Klose Bay FM 100.3
Brisbane Tuesdays
Nothin’ But The
With Mark Doherty
4ZZZ 102.1FM
Tuesdays 10-11pm
Blues Show
With Neil Williams 4TTT 103.9FM
Townsville Tuesdays 10pm - 12am
“King Street Blues” with Steve
Hughes 4OUR 101.5FM 6pm— 8pm
Blues in the Night
With Kay Howard Bay FM 100.3 Wednesdays 10pm - 12am
Railway Blues
With Steve Morgan 101FM Logan City
9pm - 12pm
Roots and All
Sarah Howells Triple J 107.7 FM 10pm
- 1am
Cruisin’ for a Bluesin’
With The Honeydripper BAY FM 99.9
Byron Bay 8pm - 10pm
Night Groove
94.1 Gold Coast Radio
With Brian Elliott 6pm to 9pm
Blues From The Bay
With Anthony Moulay and Ken
Hughes BayFM 99.9 Byron Bay
12 Noon – 2pm
Blues Friendly Music Stores
Atlantis Music
76A Scarborough Street, Southport
Contact - Bill Stewart - (07) 5527 1816
Caneland Music Caneland
Shoppingtown, Mackay -Contact –
Joanne Dunn - 4951 2635
Music Machine
Mail order specialists- Contact
- Bruce Anton (07) 3848 8922
Neale Kunde (07) 3314 7203
Rockaway Records
Carindale Shopping Centre,
L1 Shop 2064A, 1151 Creek Rd
07 3395 4707
Skinny’s Records and Tapes
85 Elizabeth Street, Brisbane
(07) 3229 2389
18 Mary Street, Gympie Q
4570 (07) 5482 7572
Discount entitlements for BASEQ
members on presentation of
current membership card.
Discounts not usually available on
sale items.
Guitar Brothers
15% discount on non-sale items.
Red Hill, Brisbane. (07) 3367 3558
Sarina: $5 off self-awareness and
meditation tuition (07) 3354 2470
Deb Warburton: 10% discount on
colour consultancy (07) 3857 7207
Rick Veneer:10% discount on web
site design. (07) 3711 9191
Music lessons
We encourage music teachers to
advertise discounted rates for
BASEQ members here. Please let
us know if you’d like to be
Greg Baker - harmonica, Delta-style
guitar, fingerpicking, open tunings
and slide. (07) 3219 1201
Tim Gaze - guitar technique—
aspects and styles, recording and
mixing: one on one Protools
Cameron MacDonnell - guitar.
(07) 3359 9564
Greg Wilby (aka Phil Harmonic) electric slide guitar, open and
standard tunings.(07) 3844 2540
Morningside Fats blues guitar
lessons. Paul on 0409 023 068 or
The Groove – BASEQ Newsletter No.193 – October Edition 2013 Page 9
- Lions Park, Noosa, 10am – Bamboo Rockets
- Noosa Harbour Markets, Tewantin, 10am – the
Chardonnay Sippers
- The Joynt, Sth Brisbane, 4pm – John Malcolm ($5)
- Harrigan’s Drift Inn, Jacobs Well, 1pm – 8 Ball Aitken
Submit your GIGs to:
Gig guide listings: Dates for the Gig Guide should be
submitted to the Gig Guide Editor by email as soon as
We actively chase member gigs information, but the responsibility for
getting information into the Guide rests with the musicians concerned. To
submit your own gigs you can access the website home page 'submit your gig' section is added
for ease. BASEQ can not be held responsible for cancelations or rescheduled gig dates.
- The next BASEQ Jam will be held on: Sunday 27th
October - 1.00pm to 7pm - Coorparoo RSL
- The Morrison Blues Jam every Sunday of each
month Mark D's Big 3, featuring Mike Frost on guitar,
will host a jam at The Morrison Hotel, 640 Stanley St,
and Woolloongabba. 2pm-5pm.
- The Joynt, Sth Brisbane, 8pm – Switch ($5)
- Red Bridge Motor Inn, Woombye, 7pm – Sunshine
Coast Blues Club
- Royal Mail, Brisbane Tce Goodna, 6.30pm – Kate
Meehan & the Wise Fools
- Currumbin Creek Tavern, “House of Blues” launch,
9pm – The Rectifiers, Andrew Baxter Band, Belle
Hendrik ($15)
- The Joynt, Sth Brisbane, 8pm – Perch Creek Family
Jug Band + The Mouldy Lovers ($10)
- Boundary Hotel, West End, 8.30pm – The Walters
- Royal Mail, Brisbane Tce Goodna, 12.30 – Eddie
Boyd & the Phatapillers, 4pm – Kate Meehan & the
Wise Fools
- Middle Pub, Mullumbimby, 7.30pm – A Whole Mess
of Blues with DeeDee Lavell, Liza Ohlback, Andrew
Baxter, Greg Ohlback, Dirk Dubois
- Royal Mail, Brisbane Tce Goodna, 2pm – The Wiley
Reed Memorial Jam Session
- Royal Mail, Brisbane Tce Goodna, 6.30pm – Phil
Edgely Duo
- Lock N Load, West End, 10pm – Dezzie D & the
- Coorparoo RSL, Coorparoo, 7pm – The Rectifiers
- Redlands Multi Sports Club, Birkdale, 8pm – 8 Ball
- Brew Bar, Lower Burnett Lane, City, 8pm – Mojo
Webb (Solo)
- Royal Mail, Brisbane Tce Goodna, 12.30pm – Swamp
Stompers: 4pm – The Lachy Doley Group
- Boundary Hotel, West End, 8.30pm – The Walters
- Miami Marketta, Miami Gold Coast, 5pm – The
J- effers Market, Maroochydore, 10am – Bamboo
- 4017 Bar & Grill, Sandgate, 3pm – The Baton Jukes
- The Joynt, Sth Brisbane, 4pm – Karl S. Williams ($5)
- The Joynt, South Brisbane, 8pm – Mojo Webb (Solo)
- Bird Gallery & Studio, Laneway George St CBD, 6pm –
Transvaal Diamond Syndicate ($5)
- Royal Mail, Brisbane Tce Goodna, 6.30pm – Bo
- The Joynt, Sth Brisbane, 8pm – The Bon Scotts + Cash
Savage & the Last Drinks ($10)
- Coolum Bowls Club, Coolum, 7.30pm – Dezzie D &
the Stingrayz
The Groove – BASEQ Newsletter No.193 – October Edition 2013 Page 10
Monthly Chart #44 August 2013
- Valley Blues Stomp at Numinbah Valley Hall, 2pm –
Devil’s Kiosk, Shaun Kirk, Blueskillet Rovers, Blind
Willie Wagtail, The Brodie Graham Band, Dillion
James Band, Andrew Baxter, Big Erle, Blues Stomp
Holding Company (Camping only tickets $25 BYO)
- Brew Bar, Lower Burnett lane, City, 8pm – Mojo
Webb (Solo)
- Royal Mail, Brisbane Tce Goodna, 12.30pm –
Method; 4pm – the Bonn Scotts
- The Morrison Hotel, W’Gabba, 7.30pm – The Hemi
Kingi Trio
- Boundary Hotel, West End, 8.30pm – The Walters
- Irish Murphy’s, George St CBD, 7pm – Transvaal
Diamond Syndicate
- The Joynt, Sth Brisbane, 4pm – Pete Cornelius ($5)
- Twin Towns Club, Tweed Heads, 7.30 – DeeDee
Lavell & Andrew Baxter
- Grand Central Hotel, Ann Street, City, 9.30pm –
Mojo Webb (Solo)
- Royal Mail, Brisbane Tce Goodna, 12.30 – Mason
Rack Band: 3.30pm – Devil’s Kiosk
- The Joynt, Sth Brisbane, 4pm – Drunken Moon
Festival ($40)
- Boundary Hotel, West End, 8.30pm – The Walters
- Mooloolah Recreation Reserve, 2-9pm – the
Bamboo Rockets
- The Joynt, Sth Brisbane, 4pm – Angela Fabian Band
- The Joynt, Sth Brisbane, 8pm – Captain Dreamboat
New contributor enquiries
for Australian Blues and
Roots Chart should be
emailed to:
Anthony Moulay
Month Month
Outa Cash, Outa Luck & Outa Booze
Last Thing On My Mind
Introducing Illya Szwec
NICK CHARLES & All About Sonny Terry & Brownie
And On It Goes
Blow These Tracks: Live on the
Blues Train
BLUE EYES CRY Sleeping alone
Tombstone Bullets
JONNO ZILBER Winter Blues: Live
Move Me
JACK DERWIN Covered All In Blue
Singer Organ Soul (S.O.S.)
The Wick sessions
AND THE LAST The Hypnotiser
Don't Wanna Be Famous
DAVE BREWER Night Walkin'
The Songs John West Rejected
Blues Hall
Downunder The Blues
ISAIAH B. BRUNT Nursery Rhyme Blues
- Rails Hotel, Byron Bay, 7pm – 8 Ball Aitken
The Groove – BASEQ Newsletter No.193 – October Edition 2013 Page 11
The Rectifiers
Friday 11th October – 7pm
So has everyone bought their tickets for this years
festival yet? If you buy your tickets for the festival
on 2nd November on or before 7th October we’ll
also give you a ticket to our opening night on the
1st November. You’ll get to see great acts all night
long. Gracing our two stages will be Bertie Page
Clinic, Die Rude, the Sugar Shakers, the
Phonecurves and Cleveland Blues. There is
something for everyone and you will be able to be
there for the big opening of the New Globe
Theatre to boot.
To get tickets go to: >
To advertise your special event, contact us at
Advertising Rates: Non Member: $50 per half page, $90 per full page . For Members: $45 per half page, $80 per full page.
¼ Page Members/Sponsor Advertising FREE (subject to availability)
The Groove – BASEQ Newsletter No.193 – October Edition 2013 Page 12
We have to say it: All material in this Newsletter is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced in any form without
the permission of the copyright owners, who may be contacted directly or through BASEQ. Views and opinions expressed in
articles or reviews in this publication are not necessarily those of BASEQ, the committee or the editors.
The Groove – BASEQ Newsletter No.193 – October Edition 2013 Page 13