Finding Harvard Business Review Articles


Finding Harvard Business Review Articles
Finding Harvard Business Review
Albert S. Cook Library
Research & Instruction
Did You Know?
Cook Library provides historical and current access to Harvard Business Review (HBR) articles in
various formats: paper, microform, and online. This guide gives you several options for locating
specific articles/articles or browsing issues.
Accessing HBR in Paper & Microform Formats
Request the latest issues (current year only) at the Periodicals desk, 2nd floor of Cook Library
Microform issues (1922-1954; 1960-1993) are also on the 2nd floor (with viewing equipment)
Paper back issues (bound volumes) back to 1955 are shelved on the 5th floor with the business
books, at call number HF5001 .H3
Accessing HBR (1922 – current issues) online in the Business Source Complete
Step 1: Go to Business Source Complete Database
 Library website,
 Research databases →”B” → Business
Source Complete
 Or: Subject Gateways → Business→
Business Source Complete
If Off-Campus: You’ll need to log in with your
NetID & password after you click on the database
Step 2: Go to Advanced Search
 Select the “Advanced Search” link underneath the search
boxes in the Business Source Complete Database
Step 3: Search for Your Article
The following screenshot illustrates a search for this sample
Levitt, T. (1960). Marketing Myopia. Harvard Business Review, 38(4), 45-56.
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Step 4: Locate the Full-Text of Your Article
Note: Selected articles in HBR are “read-only”: they must be read on the screen and cannot be saved,
printed, emailed, or linked to.
Alternative: Browse by Issue in Business Source Complete Database
You can also browse by issue within Business Source Complete to find a particular Harvard Business
Review article.
You’ll need to know the year and/or volume AND the issue/month, as well as the author and/or article
1. Go to Business Source Complete
2. Click “Publications” at the top left of the Business
Source Complete screen
3. Do an “Alphabetical” search for Harvard Business
Review (“Browsing – Business Source Complete –
4. Click “Harvard Business Review”
5. On the far right side of the screen for HBR, drill down by year, then issue/month, to locate
Prepared by Shana Gass, Revised: 8/23/2014
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