LA VOCE - Sons of Italy
LA VOCE - Sons of Italy
Constantino Brumidi Lodge # 2211 LA VOCE Liberty Equality $45 Per Fraternity July/August July 11. . . 6:30 PM DINNER & SHOW Beer, Wine & Soda COFFEE & DESSERT person MATURE AUDIENCES, ONLY Chairman: Daniel Calise 631-231-5019 Tickets: Anita 422-6914 or Rose 254-3015 HAWAIIAN LUAU Saturday, August 29th 7:30 PM to 11:30 PM Buffet Dinner & Dancing Chairperson: Fran Barone Open Bar $40 per person TICKETS: Anita 422-6914 or Karen 539-9113 Gala Testimonial Dinner/Dance at Chateau La Mer, Lindenhurst, NY Sunday, August 9th Cocktail Hour 1:30 PM. Dinner & Dancing 2:30 PM—6:30 PM Donation: $85 per person. Chairperson, 1st VP Daniel Calise $500 in DEC 2015 $1,000 APR 2016 GET YOUR NUMBER(S) NOW! Contact: Karen Lorito 539-9113 Carol Nani - 242-4261 Numbers are still available $50 per number That’s $1 per week 50 Weekly Drawings 1st prize — $50 2nd prize — $25 3rd prize — $25 & you can win more than once VOLUME PAGE 2 6, ISSUE 4 JULY / AUGUST 2015 JULY/AUGUST 2015 LODGE OFFICERS Ciro Capano—President 20 Concord Drive Northport, NY 11768 631-793-8027 LODGE & CORPORATION OFFICERS: 1ST Vice President……………………………..Daniel Calise—231-5019 2nd Vice President…………………………….John T. Vigiano-242-7479 Immediate Past President …………………….Bob Savino—422-6934 Orator ..………………………………………Frank Montuori—422-6914 Recording Secretary .………………………..Laura Capano—757-8301 Financial Secretary .………………………….Jack Battaglia—427-3425 Treasurer ……………………………………….Fran Monaco—991-8738 LODGE OFFICERS: Corresponding Secretary …………………Sabrina Savino—422-6934 Principal Trustee …………………………….Anita Montuori—422-6914 Antoinette Masi—243-3988……………………..Carol Nani—242-4261 Fran Barone—667-1543….………………...Susan Soldano—586-0883 Carmine Soldano—586-0883…………………...Ed Valenti—665-6323 Joe Bilello - 553-0288…………………...Jim Caravella—516-794-7988 Rose Dispinseri—254-3015……………………………………………….. Masters of Ceremonies: Sal Pipia - 271-2755…………………………...Karen Lorito—539-9113 Sentinel ………….…………………………...Debra Prestano - 289-1872 Chaplain ……………………………………..Carmel Lamont - 669-4543 State Deputy to Brumidi Lodge ……………………..Rocco Loccisano CORPORATION DIRECTORS: Andy Filangeri—666-0413….…………………..Sal Picone - 586-0251 Bob Cava - 669-8896 ……………………...Paul Carosotto - 667-1779 Tony Bianco—243-0614 ……………………….Bill Lamont - 669-4543 Tom Tartaro -(516) 364-8879 ..……………...Arthur Spera – 669-7295 Chris Schiavo—254-3650……………………………………… STATE OFFICERS: State Treasurer & National Delegate…………Arthur Spera – 669-7295 STATE DEPUTIES: State Deputy to Marconi Lodge #2232…….Andy Filangeri - 666-0413 2015—2016 Lodge Queen—Antonella Curcio VOLUME 6, ISSUE 4 2 PAST PRESIDENTS Bob Savino 2013-2014 Andy Filangeri 2011-2013 John Vigiano 2009—2011 Sonny Marigliano 2007—2009 Roy Perticone 2005—2007 Bill Lamont 2003 - 2005 Clemente Oropallo 2001 – 2003 Arthur Spera 1999 – 2001 Paul Del Prete * 1997 – 1999 Nick Occhino 1995 – 1997 Frank Ferrante* 1993 – 1995 George Nappi 1991 – 1993 Ted Spera* 1989 – 1991 Stephen Pepe 1987 – 1989 Frank Giacalone 1985 – 1987 Joseph Sanfilippo* 1984 – 1985 Anthony Bianco 1982 – 1984 Rocco Sciarrone* 1979 – 1982 Joe Errico* 1976 – 1979 Rocco Castoro 1975 – 1976 Mike Bovino* 1973 – 1975 Paul Coniglio* 1970 – 1973 Mario Mesisco * 1969 – 1970 John Farina * Honorary AUXILIARY PAST PRESIDENTS: Sabrina Savino 2013-2015 Debra Prestano 2011-2013 Diana Grauer 2009—2011 Carmel Lamont 2007—2009 Mary Ann Perticone 2005 -2007 Joanne Spera 2003-2005 Ann Marie Nappi 2001 – 2003 Millie Misiano 1999 – 2001 Lucille Di Nardo 1997 – 1999 Lucille Romanello 1995 – 1997 Teena Spera * 1993 – 1995 Carol Nani 1991 – 1993 Rosemarie Manzo 1989 – 1991 Ann Mastrocco 1987 – 1989 Phyllis Cipriano* 1985 – 1987 Fran Barone 1983 – 1985 Loretta Brocco* 1981 – 1983 Eleanor Cipriano* 1979 – 1981 Pat Sforza 1977 – 1979 Marge Errico* 1975 – 1977 Fay Cantone* 1971 – 1975 * Deceased *Deceased Our Lady of Mt Carmel Mass JULY 12th 11:00 am Mass Sts. Cyril & Methodius Church 3VOLUME 6, ISSUE 4 JULY/AUGUST JULY / AUGUST2015 2015 PAGE 3 President’s Message Brothers and Sisters: These past two months have been busy ones at the Lodge. We tried to hold our annual Scholarship Dance on May 9th, but were forced to cancel the event due to lack of interest and very poor ticket sales. We will try again at the Luau on August 29th. This dance will be used as our scholarship fund raiser. Please try and attend and support your Lodge. Our monthly socials in May and June also suffered from poor attendance. At $15 per person including a buffet dinner, desert, music, and beer, wine and soda you would think we would have to turn people away! We will stop the socials for July and August and try again in September. This is a great way to socialize with your friends, make new friends, or rekindle old friendships with some good food and music. Why not try one? You may like it! Our scholarship awards night on May 19th was a great success. My thanks to Chairlady Sue Soldano and her committee for reviewing all the applications and selecting the top students for the awards – a tough job by any account. Three of our winners also won State OSIA scholarships, a true testament to the quality of our scholarship winners. The Memorial Day Parade on May 25th was another great day for the Lodge. We had about 25 marchers to celebrate our veterans’ service to our great country. My thanks to all who marched and proudly represented the Lodge. With over 300 members, I would hope the attendance at such events would be stronger. Our next parade is Columbus Day in October – let’s all try and march proudly for our heritage and our Lodge. At the end of May your elected delegates attended the OSIA State Convention. For the first time Brumidi had three female delegates – another historic milestone for the Lodge! Our own Brother Arthur Spera was elected as State Treasurer – congrats Arthur! Our Queen crowning ceremony was on June 16 at the general meeting. Those who attended thanked Queen Brianna for her service this past year and welcomed our new queen for 2015-2016, Miss Antonella Curcio. Antonella will be representing the Lodge at the District competition in July and I know she will make us all proud. July and August are packed with great events for all members and family and friends. Comedy Night, the Lodge Picnic, Military Bridge, and the scholarship Luau Dance are just a few. See the complete listing in this issue. The picnic this year will be something new – for lodge members and family and friends. See the notice in this issue for details. On October 3rd we will have a yard sale at the Lodge. So start now and gather any and all items you would like to donate to the Lodge for this great fund raising event. More details will be in the next edition. On August 9th we will be having our Testimonial for Immediate Past Presidents Bob and Sabrina Savino. These are two very deserving Lodge members who have worked diligently for the Lodge and continue to do so. Let’s show our support and appreciation by attending this event and taking a Journal Ad. On another note, I want to congratulate Brother Bob Savino on his election to the post of Suffolk County Poet Laureate. A proud day for Bob and the Lodge! For those attending our in house events – thank you and please spread the word to your friends. For those who are not attending – WHY NOT? These are fun times and a great chance to socialize with your fellow members and friends. Costs are reasonable and the venue is outstanding. So consider coming out to future events listed in the LaVoce – you won’t be sorry. The 300 club still has numbers available. This is a great way to support the Lodge and win some money as well. Pick your lucky number and win numerous times throughout the year – it’s a no-brainer! As always, we need help at lodge in-house events. Vegas, Wednesday Night Dance, Kickboxing, Western Dance – these are just a few of the events that raise money for the Lodge and help keep us afloat. We can use volunteers at all these events. Dealers, stackers, shufflers, bartenders, kitchen help are just a few. If you can help, please let me know. You will be helping the Lodge and working with some great people. For you newer members – it is a great way to meet people and get involved. In closing, I hope all you fathers and grandfathers in the lodge had a wonderful father’s day with your family. As always, keep in your prayers all our sick Brothers and Sisters; our deceased members; and all our service people protecting our shores . NEW YORK STATE OSIA CONVENTION God Bless, President Ciro VOLUME PAGE 4 6, ISSUE 4 JULY / AUGUST 2015 JULY/AUGUST 2015 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 4 4 2015 2016 Sunday, July 26th 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. $45 per person OSIA QUEENS’ PAGEANT at the Brumidi Lodge Contact President Ciro for tickets COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Bar Chair……..……………………………………Ann Arrigali—243-0104 Bell Jar Chairman……………………….………...Dan Cicale—586-9583 CSJ ………………………………………………Daniel Calise - 231-5019 Dark Horse …………………………………………Joe Bilello—553-0288 District 1 Parade Liaison……………………Rose Dispinseri—254-3015 Golf Outing………………………………………Fran Monaco—991-8738 Fashion Show..………………...……………Lucille Di Nardo – 667-1912 Food for the Needy..………………………….Laura Capano – 757-8301 Fund Raiser Chairman ………………… ................................................. Health & Welfare ……………………………...Pam Gagliano—242-2148 ………………………………………………….Carmel Lamont—669-4543 House Chairman ………………………………….Sal Picone - 586-0251 Kitchen / Assistant House Chairman……….Frank Montuori - 422-6914 La Voce Editor …………………………...……….Bob Savino—422-6934 La Voce co-Editor …………………………..Sabrina Savino—422-6934 Dinner Wine-Beer-Soda & Music Legal Advisor / Counselor...……………………Bob Cava - 669-8896 Membership Chairman ……………………..Daniel Calise—231-5019 ……………………………………………………Carol Nani – 242-4261 Office Manager…………………………………Dan Cicale—586-9583 Parade……………………………………...Anita .Montuori—422-6914 “Popeye” Number………… .................. ……..Joe Bilello—553-0288 Publicity…………………………………….Susan Soldano—586-0883 Photographer ......................................... .Anita Montuori - 422-6914 Queens Liaison…………………………Janet Dickert—917-519-7062 Scholarship………………………………...Susan Soldano - 586-0883 ……………………………………………….Jack Battaglia— 427-3425 Senior Citizen Affairs ...…..…………....Nunzio Diamante—669-4184 ………………………………………………...Sal Mangano—988-3000 Twirlers …………………………..Linda Mastrocco Boss—243-0168 Vegas:…………………………………………Sal Favarolo—321-1819 Vegas ……………………………………...Fran Barone—667-1543 Web Site/FaceBook………………………….Sal Favarolo—321-1819 Keep in Our Prayers Please keep in our prayers all members who are sick: Pete Mastrocco, Roy Perticone, Rose Castoro, Millie Misiano, Jack Messina, Dominic Prestano, Ann Marie Nappi & Robert Ilare Pray for the souls of the recently departed: Nick Baggio Also, pray for our men and women serving in the Armed Forces. 5VOLUME 6, ISSUE 4 JULY/AUGUST JULY / AUGUST2015 2015 PAGE 5 Brumidi Scholarship 2015 President Ciro Jessica Orelus Chairperson Harry Palacios Susan Soldano Scholarship Award Night Daniel Mastrocco Pam Gagliano accepting for Jacob Gagliano Scholarship Awards Night Alyssa Soldano Scholarship Committee Jack Battaglia, Karen Lorito, Sabrina Savino, Susan Soldano & Laura Capano are joined by President Ciro. Christina O’Toole Gabrielle Barone Brumidi Lodge Scholarship winners with Town Officials Ed Wiggins (far left) & Corrine DiSomma (far right). Scholarship winners unable to attend: Alana Chester & Keith Van Allen. A SPECIAL MEETING WILL BE HELD ON TUESDAY JULY 28TH AT 7:30 PM TO PRESENT OPTIONS TO THE MEMBERSHIP TO HIRE A REALTOR FOR THE PURPOSE OF LEASING THE BUILDING TO A PRIVATE COMPANY TO INCREASE REVENUE. A DISCUSSION WILL FOLLOW TO ADDRESS THE PROS AND CONS OF DOING SO. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU ATTEND AND BE HEARD BECAUSE IF THE BUILDING IS LEASED TO A PRIVATE COMPANY IT WILL DRAMATICALLY AFFECT OUR USE OF THE BUILDING. VOLUME PAGE 6 6, ISSUE 4 JULY / AUGUST 2015 JULY/AUGUST 2015 Milestones... July Birthdays Dottie Visconte Sal Piazzola Carmine Soldano Jr. Virginia Filangeri Rocco Germano Margaret Valenti George Nappi Sal Picone Ron Quartuccio Frances Monaco Maryann Carrigan August Birthdays 7/1 7/2 7/6 7/6 7/6 7/12 7/20 7/20 7/23 7/24 7/27 Debra Prestano Jeanette Vigiano Rosemarie Todaro Diana Grauer Susan Soldano Sal Mangano Dan Cicale Sal Russo Fran Barone Carol Virzi Frank Damis Gale Picone Carol Nani VOLUME 6, ISSUE 4 6 8/1 8/2 8/2 8/4 8/7 8/10 8/17 8/19 8/21 8/23 8/24 8/27 8/31 July Anniversaries Dom & Debra Prestano Andrew & Virginia Filangeri Carmel & Bill Lamont Rocca & John Nardine August Anniversaries Mary & Ben Lucchese Georgia & Bob Cava Ciro & Laura Capano Gloria & Joe Toscano 7/7 7/8 7/16 7/24 8/4 8/20 8/24 8/29 Night at the Races Saturday, September 26, 2015 - 7:00PM Post Time: 7:30PM $12.00-Adults $6.00-Children . . . $15.00 – Adults at the Door Includes Pasta, Meatballs, Chicken Fingers, Seasoned French Fries, Soda, Ice Cream Coffee, Tea, Dessert (Beer/Wine/Drinks available at an additional Cost). FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY - ALL AGES (Prepaid ticket holders will have assigned tables) Our six Italian Thoroughbreds are ready and excited to run our race track. Come and cast your bet on these vibrant wooden horses as they run eight exciting races including Hurdle Races, a Steeple Chase Race, & even a race of the Mysterious Horses. We will also hold a Horse Auction where you can buy and own a horse for our Lodge’s long race. The evening promises fun and excitement for you and your family. Committee Chairman-Carmine Soldano 586-0883. For Tickets contact Carol Nani 242-4261 or Susan Soldano 586-0883 at Phelps Lane Friday, August 14th 11 am to 4 pm $10 Adults Children under 10 FREE Heroes, Salads, Corn, Soda, Water, Coffee & Dessert Bring your own Tablecloth FOOD RAFFLES FUN Must Purchase TICKETS in Advance Jean 242-1006 or Karen 539-9113 Rain Date: Wednesday, August 19th MILITARY BRIDGE August 20th Doors open: 6:30 p.m. Games begin: 7:30 p.m. Donation: $10 per person ChairLady/Tickets: Rose Dispinseri 254-3015 Co-Chair/Tickets: Pam Gagliano 242-2148 Prizes Raffles Snacks Coffee Cake UPCOMING EVENTS...HERE IN OUR LODGE AND IN THE ORDER September 17—Social Night - San Gennaro theme September 26—Night at the Races October 3—Brumidi Yard Sale October 9—Social Night -Fall Fling October 11—Long Island Columbus Day Parade October 12– NYC Columbus Day Parade Important Notices In case of Illness or death of a Brother or Sister Member Please Call: Pam Gagliano—242-2148 or Carmel Lamont—669-4543 October 15—Fashion Show October 31– Halloween Dinner/Dance November 5– Mass for Deceased Members November 7—Hope 4 the Warriors Event November 19—Soup Night Monthly Newsletter Bob Savino, Editor — Sabrina Savino, co-Editor 422-6934 E-Mail: 7VOLUME 6, ISSUE 4 JULY/AUGUST JULY / AUGUST2015 2015 PAGE 7 Gala Testimonial Dinner Dance Honoring IPP Bob Savino & Ladies Auxiliary IPP Sabrina Savino Journal Name: ______________________________ Contact #: ________________________ Date: _____________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________ Signature: ___________________________ Solicited by: _____________________________ ( ) Back Cover…….. …………..$350.00* ( ) Full Page…………..$150.00* ( ) Inside Front Cover…………..$250.00* ( ) Half page…………….$75.00 - 5 ½ by 8 ½ ( ) Inside Back Cover…………..$250.00* ( ) Quarter Page………..$40.00 - 4 ¼ by 5 ½ ( ) Gold Page……………………$300.00* ( ) Eighth page………….$20.00 - 2 ¾ by 4 ¼ ( ) Silver Page…………………..$200.00* ( ) Booster - line only- (name of Company or individual).......... $10.00 *Size of full page 8 ½ by 11 The above hereby agrees to take a _____________page advertisement in the Souvenir Journal and encloses a check for the same in the sum of $______ Please make your check payable to: Constantino Brumidi Lodge #2211 Check should be mailed directly to: Constantino Brumidi Lodge c/o Daniel Calise 2075 Deer Park Avenue Deer Park, NY 11729 Advertisement instructions: Please print clearly your message on a separate page or attach your business card. If you have an existing ad and it is not in an electronic file, please provide us with the hard copy. All ads/messages should be mailed together with your check to the above address. If you’re sending an existing ad or logo and have it in an electronic file, please e-mail a high resolution PDF file to:, write 'Testimonial' in the subject line and mail your check to the above address. Journal ads for Members are discounted to half of the above listed prices, EXCEPT if the ad is a commercial/business ad, then the full prices apply. Important: Printer’s Deadline – ALL ADS/MESSAGES MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN July 13, 2015. NYS Grand Lodge 2015 Annual Bowling Tournament HIGH GAME: Michael Buffolino 198 HIGH SERIES: Matthew Accardi 541 2014 Week 49 264 Week 50 228 70 282 Week 51 15 8 134 2014 Week 52 1 113 13 FINAL NUMBERS for 2014 NUMBERS are still AVAILABLE for 2015 113 $500 WINNER 198 239 $1,000 WINNER WINNERS 151 VOLUME PAGE 8 6, ISSUE 4 JULY/AUGUST 2015 JULY / AUGUST 2015 ELECTED OSIA NEW YORK STATE TREASURER Family Fun Day Past President Arthur Spera 8 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 4 ELECTED SUFFOLK COUNTY POET LAUREATE Congratulations IPP Bob Savino 9 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 4 JULY/AUGUST 2015 JULY / AUGUST 2015 PAGE 9 50’s-60’s-70’s DANCE Thursday September 17th Celebrate La Festa di San Gennaro Friday October 9th Celebrate The Fall Season If you’re interested in being on the committee . . . BRUMIDI FASHION SHOW Thursday, October 15th Chairperson: Lucille DiNardo Saturday, October 3rd 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Contact: Danny for info 631-514-9772 7th Contact: John Vigiano 631-242-7479 VOLUME PAGE 106, ISSUE 4 JULY/AUGUST 2015 JULY / AUGUST 2015 VOLUME 6, 10 ISSUE 4 July 2015 SUN MON TUE WED 1 5 6 7 12 LADY of 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 TRUSTEE MEETING DIST ONE PRESIDENTS MT. CARMEL MASS GENERAL MEMBERSHIP 8 (Casual Dress) 26 27 QUEENS’ PAGEANT 28 CATERERS MTG. 29 Ballroom Dancing Ballroom Dancing Ballroom Dancing Ballroom Dancing Ballroom Dancing THU FRI 2 9 SAT 3 10 DIRECTORS/ FOUNDATION MEETING 11 VEGAS COMEDY NIGHT 16 17 18 23 24 25 VEGAS 30 31 DEADLINE FOR NEXT “La Voce” - Friday, August 21, 2015 Casual dress at General Membership meetings will begin in July. August 2015 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 5 4 TRUSTEE MEETING DIST ONE PRESIDENTS 9 10 11 12 16 17 18 19 Past Presidents’ SAVINO Testimonial GENERAL MEMBERSHIP (Casual Dress) 23 24 CATERERS MTG 30 31 25 26 Ballroom Dancing Ballroom Dancing Ballroom Dancing Ballroom Dancing 6 7 8 VEGAS 13 DIRECTORS MTG 20 27. MILITARY BRIDGE 14 BRUMIDI PICNIC 21 15 22 VEGAS 28 29 LUAU DINNER/DANCE VOLUME 6, ISSUE 4 JULY / AUGUST 2015 Brumidi Catering Company, Inc. FOR INFORMATION AND APPOINTMENTS: CALL OR FAX TARA AT: 631-338-6357 MEMBERS RECEIVE DISCOUNTS visit us at: Senator Phil Boyle 4th District, NYS Senate 69 W. Main Street, Suite B Bay Shore, NY 11706 District Office (631) 665-2311 e-mail: Website: Senator Phil Boyle 4th District, NYS Senate 69 W. Main Street, Suite B Bay Shore, NY 11706 District Office (631) 665-2311 e-mail: Website: PAGE 11 PAGE 12 JULY / AUGUST 2015 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 4 NICE PLUMBING & HEATING, INC ** LLiicceennsseedd,, BBoonnddeedd,, IInnssuurreedd ** SSeenniioorr CCiittiizzeenn DDiissccoouunnttss ** AAnnyy && AAllll PPlluummbbiinngg && HHeeaattiinngg NNeeeeddss P CEE NIIC Caallll N …..C Prriiccee… htt P Riiggh hee R y tth Paay C P 3 13 81 28 5--2 95 49 1)) 4 31 63 Ceellll:: ((6 3)) 23 42 64 Niiccee ((6 2--N 42 24 1)) 2 31 63 nee:: ((6 on ho Ph THIS SPACE AVAILABLE Contact Bob Savino for Advertising 631-422-6934 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 4 JULY / AUGUST 2015 5012 Veterans Highway • Holbrook, NY 11741 Serving the Community for over 45 years THIS SPACE AVAILABLE Contact Bob Savino for Advertising 631-422-6934 PAGE 13 PAGE 14 JULY / AUGUST 2015 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 4 CAROL QUIRK TOWN OF BABYLON 200 EAST SUNRISE HIGHWAY LINDENHURST, NY 11757 (631) 957-3005 Fax: (631) 957-7490 E-Mail: THIS SPACE AVAILABLE Driveways Parking Lots Stoops Patios Walks Pool Patios Asphalt Concrete Brick Pavers Stone Seal Coating 10% off For Members & Family LOUIS LABRIOLA, President Member Constantino Brumidi Lodge #2211 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 4 JULY / AUGUST 2015 PAGE 15 SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR BUSINESS A LEGAL PLAN FOR SMALL BUSINESSES Help with debt collection Contract review Protection against identity theft A web site CALL JOHN TURNER OFFICE: 631-698-2565 CELL: 631-949-6362 THIS SPACE AVAILABLE District Office 130 West Jericho Turnpike, Huntington Sta. NY 11746 Tel: 631-854-4433 Fax: 631-854-4415 THIS SPACE AVAILABLE THIS SPACE AVAILABLE Founded February 28, 1969 2075 Deer Park Avenue • Deer Park, New York 11729 Kitchen / Fax: 631-586-3928 • Catering: 631-338-6357 Lodge Office Only: 631-940-2006 * Lodge Office Fax: 631-586-5429 Website: • Email: lodge@ To: 631-274-5510 Fax: 631-274-5527 Visit us next door to the Mangano Funeral Home. excellence. value. a reputation for a commitment to When it comes to choosing a funeral home, you want to take your loved one to a place you can trust, but in economic times like these, you may be facing a budget. At Mangano Funeral Home, with our always-affordable prices, we offer you both excellence and value all in one place. DEER PARK MIDDLE ISLAND (631) 345-6700 © adfinity (631) 586-3600 Sister Barbara A. Mangano - President • Brother Joseph S. Mari - Manager • Brother Sal F. Mangano - Vice President