~ PRESENTEDBY (!J9I!~l§!! TRAVELERS J SOI,UTIO:'IJS ;# BIG ROCKBLUE MARLIN TOURNAMENT June 8 - 13, 2015 June 14 - 20, 2015 August 19 - 22, 2015 I , 2015 Entry Form BOAT NAME BOAT MAKE LOA OWNER CELL PHONE HOMEPORT STREET ADDRESS CAPTAIN EMAIL CITY CELL PHONE STREET ADDRESS ST ZIP ST ZIP EMAIL CITY Please make checks payable to Atlantic Billfish Championship Entry Fee: Checks and form may be mailed to: Atlantic Billfish Championship P.O. Box 323 Morehead City, NC 28557 Email $250.00 All entry fees will be donated to charity as designated by the winning Atlantic Billfish CHAMPION. Desired charities must be approved as qualifying entities by the Tournament Committee. I, as entrant do hereby RELEASE, DISCHARGE, and HOLD HARMLESS Atlantic Billfish Championship, Inc., its officers, directors, and sponsors, whether individual or corporate, from any claim for damages to my person or property incurred by my participation in the Atlantic Billfish Championship. This release applies to members of my crew and all parties fishing from my boat. By signing the entry form and paying my entry fee, I acknowledge that I have read this release and am bound by same. This release shall also be binding on my heir, executors, administrator, or assigns. I further do hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the rules of the tournament and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions contained therein . Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ BIG ROCK BLUE MARLIN TOURNAMENT HATTERAS MARLIN CLUB BLUE MARLIN TOURNAMENT VIRGINIA BEACH BILLFISH TOURNAMENT @ © Copyright 2015 ATLANTI CBlllFISH CHAM PI ONSHIP, INC. All Rights ReselVed. PRESENTED BY (!J 9I!~l§!! ~ TRAVELERS J SOI,UTIO:'IJS ~ BIG ROCK' June 8 • 13, 2015 June 14 • 20, 2015 August 19 • 22, 2015 2015 Atlantic Billfish Championship Rules I' 1.) Registration and participation in the Atlantic Billfish Championship (hereafter referred to as ABC or Championship) constitutes acceptance of and compliance with these rules . 2.) Championship points are earned subsequent to registration and in due course through participation and accumulation of valid points in qualifying tournaments . 3.) Qualifying tournaments include : The Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament (BR), The Hatteras Marlin Club Blue Ma rlin Release Tournament (HMC) and the Virginia Beach Billfish Tournament (VBBT). 4.) The ABC is considered a "boat" tournament; points will be awarded on this basis to duly registered ABC boats as they partici pate in qualifying tournaments . *Substitutions are not allowed but may be considered for reasons such as break·down, subject to Rules Committee determination . 5.) Registration must be completed no later than the Official Start time of the first qualifying tournament in which the participant registers and in which the participant intends to earn Championship points. Deadline to include BR : 9 :00 am Monday, 6/8/15; Deadline to include HMC: 9 :00 am Monday, 6/15/15 . Deadline to include VBBT: 8:30 am Thursday, 8/20/15 . 6.) Registration in the ABC requires participation in a minimum of one qualifying event. 7.) Official registration requires the fulfillment and submission of both the Atlantic Billfish Championship Registration form and payment of the $250 entry fee . Registration may be submitted via post to Atlantic Billfish Championship P.O. Box 323 More head City, NC 28557 or via email to . Emailed registrations will not be considered valid until a confirmation response is generated by ABC staff, which will include direction for delivery of entry fee . Official registration may be placed on hold subsequent to receipt of entry fee and validity is subject to ABC staff determination . Registration may also be done in person at each participating tournament's Registration . Duly registered participants will be posted on the official website . 8.) Bonus points will be awarded to registered ABC boats for each additional tournament fished (besides the first) : 2 tournaments : 100 points, 3 tournaments : 200 points. 9.) Championship points will be awarded subject to each qualifying tournament's determination of valid catch or valid catch and release according to the individual tournament's rules only. Points for ABC awarded as follows : a.) Qualifying blue marlin : 1 point per pound b.) Release : blue marlin : 400 points 125 points white marlin/sailfish/spearfish Disqualification as determined by a qualifying tournament will result in zero championship points accruing for that tournament. 10.) In the event of a points tie the winner will be determined based on earliest total point accumulation . 11 .) The Atlantic Billfish Champion will be awarded during the VBBT awards banquet on August 22,2015 . 12 .) VIOLATION OF RULES · Any boat violating any of these Tournament Rules or any boat containing a participant violating any of these Tournament Rules is subject to disqualification from the Tournament (unless another sanction for a particular violation is expressly set forth herein). By participating in the Tournament, all participants acknowledge that all Tournament Rules are mate rial and that disqualification is a permitted and appropriate sanction for any violation of any Tournament Rules . Decisions re garding the interpretation of Rules, violation of Rules, penalties, and the suspension of any Rules or penalties will be made by Rules Committee and/or Board of Directors in their sole and absolute discretion . All decisions by Rules Committee and/or Board of Directors are final and are not subject to further challenge by participants. BIG ROCK BLUE MARLIN TOURNAMENT HATTERAS MARLIN CLUB BLUE MARLIN TOURNAMENT VIRGINIA BEACH BILLFISH TOURNAMENT @ © Copyright 2015 ATLANTI C BlllFISH CHAM PI ONSHIP, INC. All Rights ReselVed.