Big Boys` Toys - Institute for Governance and Policy Studies


Big Boys` Toys - Institute for Governance and Policy Studies
Presentation by Rod Oram to the
Institute of Policy Studies’ Seminar on
Transforming Transport in a Carbon Constrained World
Wellington, November 14th, 2007
Big Boys’ Toys
Economic, cultural, social & psychological
drivers of vehicle ownership
© 2007 Rod Oram / Email / Phone +64 21 444 839
• Story 1 - Drivers and their drivers
• Some stats
• Story 2 - Drivers and their choices
Big Boys’ Toys…
…I’m only here for the Segway
…for playing polo
Our addiction
• We love big cars, big engines
• Rational choice:
• Our roads are hilly, undulating, rippled, pot-holed, noisy
• …perfect for big, smooth-riding cars
• We buy lots of second hand cars
• Rational choice:
• Excellent value for money; long-lasting
• The $10,000 to $12,000 sweet-spot; eight years old
• 2nd hand imports out sell new imports
• But the downside:
• No fuel efficiency or emissions standards
• Oldest car fleet in the OECD, average age 12 years
• Wreaks havoc with fuel bills, emissions and health
• Story 1 - Drivers and their drivers
• Some stats
• Story 2 - Drivers and their choices
More big engines
…new and used
…so fuel efficiency is falling
Used imports are rising
…and getting older
NZ new ave. age falling; used imports’ age rising
Used imports bigger share of fleet
Our elderly fleet
Higher fuel prices
…have barely deterred driving
Source of data
• Story 1 - Drivers and their drivers
• Some stats
• Story 2 - Drivers and their choices
What if we tighten import rules?
• Covec’s study for MoT:
• Best case scenario:
• If everybody affected by new rules upgraded to a compliant
import (cost $14,000 to $20,000), fuel & emissions savings
would peak at 0.5% a year
• Worst case scenario:
• If nobody bought complaint imports but kept existing cars
running, fuel and emissions would rise by 2.5% a year
• But additional factors will change behaviour, gov’t says
• Carbon charge on fuel
: 10c litre?
• Public transport and road building levy
: 10c litre
• And fuel prices will probably go up
: 30c litre?
• And may be the NZ$ will go fall
: 30c litre?
• So petrol rises 50% to $2.50 a litre
• Then people will buy more fuel efficient, less polluting cars
Or will they?
• Me and my car:
• 1998 Honda Accord V6
• Done 140,000 km
• Drive 12,000 km year
• @ 12 litre / 100km
• = 1,440 litres
• @ $2.50 litre
• = $3,600
• + 3.4 tonnes of C02
• @ $39.70 tonne
• = $135
• Total: $3,735
• Car value: $8,000
vs. 2007 Honda Civic Hybrid
12,000 km year
@ 6 litres / 100 km
= 720 litres
@ $2.50 litre
= $1,800
+ Free trees!
@ $0
= $0
Total: $1,800
Car value: $35,000
• So petrol savings will take 14 years to recoup capital cost
So, do I…
• Keep my 1998 Accord?
• Or pay $27,000 to buy a new Civic Hybrid?
• Economic rationale:
• Keep the 1998 Accord
Forget the economics…
• I care about the environment…
• …so I will buy the Civic Hybrid
• But it’s a big investment
• And my bike won’t fit in the boot
Rear seat won’t fold down…the hybrid batteries are in the way
• And will I enjoy driving it?
• May be…but I’m still undecided
What about the Toyota Prius?
• Even better fuel economy and emissions than the Civic
5 litres / 100 km = 16% better than Civic; 60% better than my Accord
• The technology is more appealing
• But the investment is even bigger
$33,000 after a $5,000 trade-in
on my wife’s 1997 Camry V6
• And the ride is seriously problematic
• “The Prius is an easy sell to people who care about the
• …who treat their car as an appliance.”
OK, so I’ll buy a diesel
• Good fuel economy…and if fairly new, quite clean
• Yeah, right!
Technology Solutions to these issues
Euro 3 Diesel
EU 1996
NZ 2005 new models
Emission Regulations - Diesel
Diesels are not so clean
But are getting better
NZ Exhaust Emission
Rule 33001
New models from 1 Jan 04
Euro 2 1996
By injecting Urea Diesels can be made
to meet the petrol standards
The reason that US buyers do not buy
Due diesels
for 2009
( or
ll )and
is thatin
in EU
the US
But it diesel regulations are the same
Diesel can not meet US LEVll standards
• costs ( engines
( or EU4
petrol ) cost equal to hybrids )
• requires new infrastructure
( Urea filling at stations )
4 3 / ADR 79/1
Diesel Eu from 2000
2007 from 2006
ULEV Japan
Euro4 from 2005
NZ from Jan 08
Civic Hybrid
0.025 HC 0.025 NOx
0.025 HC 0.025 NOx
& Diesel
NOx ( g/km
So, what shall I do?…
…I haven’t a clue
An ad…
• Dairy Crest launched a
$20m UK ad campaign
in July 2006…
• …for Country Life butter
• …backed by the
National Farmers’ Union
Food miles - fact & fiction
• Vital to analyse energy consumption across
the entire production and distribution chain
NZ production is relatively low-energy
NZ transport to market is low-energy
We need to know far more about our energy consumption
• UK Government report, July 2005:
• Of all food miles:
0.1% come from air transport
0.04% come from sea transport to the UK
40% from truck transport in the UK
50% come from consumers driving to supermarkets
Carbon reduction: Theirs vs Ours
• Theirs: Tesco’s turbines:
• “Every little helps”
• Ours: MS Emma Maersk
• Launched 2006
• Huge efficiency gain
• Uses 1 kWh of energy to
move 1 tonne, 66 km
• (An electric fire uses
• Previous ‘S’ class
• Uses 30% more energy
• Truck:
• Uses 12x the energy
• Boeing 747:
• Uses 130x the energy
Oops, we helped ruin the planet
• Travel: 2nd thoughts by
Mark Ellingham, Rough Guides
Tony Wheeler, Lonely Planet
• Ellingham:
Binge flying…
…airlines pushing an addiction
…just like tobacco industry
• Tax flying:
£100 (NZ$270) within Europe
£250 (NZ$800) places beyond
• ‘Fly less, stay longer’
• Rough Guide to Climate Change
Excellent source
• Air New Zealand working on issues
Voluntary offsets coming
$150 per passenger?
Our “wingprint”
• NZ: 7th in the world by departures per 1,000 people per year
Responsible flying?
• launched offsets November 2006
• Add-on…only 10% bought
• (BA started in 2005…less than 0.5% take up)
• In June, 2007, built offsets into fares
• …with an opt-out function…alongside travel insurance
• Ave cost per flight £3.85; London-Sydney £39.24 (A$96.21)
• But heavy opt-out: only 14% bought credits
• 12% on short-haul; 4% on long-haul
Getting the message out…
…is tricky