2ème Congrès européen des gouvernements locaux à


2ème Congrès européen des gouvernements locaux à
Foundation Institute for Eastern Studies
ul. Solec 85
00-382 Warszawa
tel. + 48 22 583 11 00
fax. +48 22 583 11 50
e-mail: forum@isw.org.pl
Warsaw 2016
List of panelists
List of participants
April 5
8:30 - 11:00
Registration and Networking Coffee
12:15 - 13:40
Plenary Session Local Governments - In Search of Foundations to Build Upon
11:00 - 12:00 Discussion Panel The Role of the Financial Institutions in the Implementation of EU
12:15 - 13:40 Plenary Session
13:50 - 14:50 Discussion Panel Over 10 Years of EU Funds. What Was Successful and What Could
Have Been Done Better?
13:50 - 16:15 Lunch
15:00 - 16:15 Discussion Panel Challenges for Public Procurement – Innovation, Partnership,
16:25 - 17:25 Discussion Panel Leaders of the Future - the Presidents of Polish Cities
17:35 - 18:35 Thematic Block Transparent Public Procurement as a Catalyst of Regional
Development in CEE Coutries
18:45 - 20:05 Discussion Panel Managing the Institutions of Culture
11:00 - 12:00 Discussion Panel Cooperation Between Business and Academia. Can Local
Authorities be Its Facilitators?
12:15 - 13:40 Plenary Session
13:50 - 14:50 Discussion Panel Redevelop or Demolish? The Future of Brownfields
13:50 - 16:15 Lunch
15:00 - 16:15 Discussion Panel Services or Industry - Development Dilemmas of Polish Regions
16:25 - 17:25 Thematic Block Planning Regional Strategies in Healthcare
17:35 - 18:35 Discussion Panel Trail of Regional Specialties – Local Products and Promotion of the
18:45 - 20:05 Thematic Block Practical solutions for local governments and healthcare- workshops
with EY experts
18:45 - 20:05 Discussion Panel Cooperation Between Airports and Local Governments in
Developing Air Connections
April 5
11:00 - 12:00 Discussion Panel Internet of Things - How Does Technology Change the Face of the
12:15 - 13:40 Plenary Session
13:50 - 14:50 Discussion Panel How to Make External Action at a Local Level More Effective?
13:50 - 16:15 Lunch
15:00 - 16:15 Discussion Panel Migration Crisis. Will Local Governments Live up to the Challenge?
16:25 - 17:25 Discussion Panel “Time for Innovation”. Good Practices in Tackling Interregional
Cooperation Challenges
17:35 - 18:35 Discussion Panel The Role of Metropolises in Nurturing Innovations
18:45 - 20:05 Discussion Panel Innovations in the Region: Clusters, Technological Parks and Startups
12:15 - 13:40 Plenary Session
13:50 - 16:15 Lunch
14:00 - 15:20 Thematic Block Business interests or common goals? Economic self-government
and its role in contemporary Europe
15:40 - 17:30 Discussion Panel The Public Function of Economic Self-government in the
Circumstances of Changing Economy – Recommendations for Poland
15:40 - 17:30 Discussion Panel What Kind of Economic Self-Government Requires Polish
Economy? – Legal, Financial, Functional and Political aspects
15:40 - 17:30 Discussion Panel The Role of Economic Self-Government in Alternative Economic
Disputes Resolution
11:00 - 12:00 Discussion Panel The Polish Version of "Don Matteo" TV Series – Regional Brand of
the City of Sandomierz
12:15 - 13:40 Plenary Session
13:50 - 14:50 Discussion Panel Public Media - Between Quality and Profit
13:50 - 16:15 Lunch
15:00 - 16:15 Discussion Panel Ageing Societies – Are States and Local Governments Ready for
This Challenge?
April 5
16:25 - 17:25 Discussion Panel Creating a Local Brand. How to Become Recognisable in Europe?
17:35 - 18:35 Discussion Panel Sustainable Development: How to Improve People's Life Quality?
18:45 - 20:05 Discussion Panel The Benefits of Investing in Sports Infrastructure
11:00 - 12:00 Discussion Panel Sport as a Promotion Strategy
11:00 - 12:00 Discussion Panel Plasma Waste Disposal. Opportunities and Reality
12:15 - 13:40 Plenary Session
13:50 - 14:50 Discussion Panel Green Municipality and the Development of Eco-Friendly
13:50 - 16:15 Lunch
15:00 - 16:15 Discussion Panel Energy Efficient Public Utility Buildings
16:25 - 17:25 Discussion Panel Clean Cities: Common Responsibility of Local Governments,
Businesses and Residents
17:35 - 18:35 Discussion Panel Bright or Gloomy? The Future of Regional Airports in Europe
18:45 - 20:05 Discussion Panel Transport and Mobility for Modern Municipalities
20:15 - 21:30 Special Event The Local Self-Government Ledaer Gala
April 6
09:00 - 10:00 Discussion Panel A Recipe for Economic Success: Know-How or Industrial
10:10 - 11:10 Discussion Panel How to Put in Place an Effective Administration of Medical Units?
11:20 - 12:20 Thematic Block Financing of Education vs. Educational Reforms
12:30 - 13:30 Discussion Panel How to Attract Key Investments to the Region?
12:30 - 14:40 Lunch
13:40 - 14:40
Thematic Block Investments as a Driving Force Behind Economic Development of the Regions
14:50 - 15:20 Workshop The Significance of CJEU’s Judgment Regarding VAT for Taxes and Local
15:20 - 15:50 Workshop "Changing the Voting System at County (Poviat)Assemblies and Councils"
16:00 - 17:00 Thematic Block Financial Audit in Local Governments
17:15 - 18:15 Discussion Panel Regionalisation of Healthcare Services
09:00 - 10:00 Discussion Panel How Do Local Festivals and Trade Fairs Increase the Attractiveness
of the Region? Part 1
10:10 - 11:10 Discussion Panel How Do Local Festivals and Trade Fairs Increase the Attractiveness
of the Region? Part 2
11:20 - 12:20 Discussion Panel The Role of Local Governments in Reducing Energy Poverty
12:30 - 13:30 Discussion Panel Regional Brands on the Global Market – Ups and Downs of
12:30 - 14:40 Lunch
13:40 - 14:30 Discussion Panel The Conduct of Economic Activity by Local Government Units and
Municipal Utilities
13:40 - 14:40 Discussion Panel Cross-border and Interregional Cooperation
14:50 - 15:50 Discussion Panel Entrepreneurship, Agrotourism and PPP – Development
Opportunities for Rural Areas Part 1
14:50 - 15:50 Discussion Panel Transregional Cooperation
April 6
16:00 - 17:00 Discussion Panel Entrepreneurship, Agrotourism and PPP – Development
Opportunities for Rural Areas Part 2
17:15 - 18:45 Discussion Panel The Role of Local Governments in Shaping Polish Sport
09:00 - 10:00 Discussion Panel On the Way to the City of the Future - Smart City Between Vision
and Reality
10:10 - 11:10 Discussion Panel Urban Resilience, or How Do Cities Build Crisis Response and
Regeneration Capability?
11:20 - 12:20 Discussion Panel E-Administration – Local Government Closer to the Citizen
12:30 - 13:30 Discussion Panel Smart Commune - How to Build Intelligent Urban-rural Areas?
12:30 - 14:40 Lunch
13:40 - 14:40 Discussion Panel How to Bring Order and Harmony in Urban Areas?
14:50 - 15:50 Thematic Block Sustainable Urban Mobility as an Innovative Method of City
16:00 - 17:00 Presentations of European Regions
17:15 - 18:45 Debate Cities of the 21st Century. Can Mayors Make the World a Better Place
09:00 - 10:15 Discussion Panel Revitalisation an Instrument of the City Management Strategy.
Implication for Strategy of Development of City.
10:25 - 11:40 Discussion Panel “Man in the city” – Revitalisation as a Social Process. The New
Definition of Revitalisation.
11:50 - 13:05 Discussion Panel Revitalisation: a Local Phenomenon or a Global Fashion? Can Local
Governments Afford Revitalisation?
12:30 - 14:40 Lunch
09:00 - 10:00 Discussion Panel How Will Big Data Change the Local Government?
10:10 - 11:10 Discussion Panel Local Identity versus Political, Economic and Social Changes
11:20 - 12:20 Discussion Panel Extraordinary Hobbies of Ordinary Mayors
April 6
12:30 - 13:30 Discussion Panel The Influence of the Film Industry on the Local Society and
Regional Branding
12:30 - 14:40
13:40 - 14:40 Discussion Panel When EU funds run out... Strategies for the Future
14:50 - 15:50 Discussion Panel Involvement of the Local Government in Regional Audiovisual Policy
15:20 - 15:50 Workshop Changing the Voting System at County (Poviat) Assemblies and Councils
16:00 - 17:00 Discussion Panel Can Interregional Cooperation Mitigate International Conflicts?
16:00 - 17:00 Discussion Panel Neighbours in Europe: cooperation between partner regions
17:15 - 18:15 Discussion Panel The Role of Local Governments in Shaping the Elderly Policy
09:00 - 10:00 Discussion Panel How to Exploit the Tourism Potential of a Region in Creating its
Image? Part 1
10:10 - 11:10 Discussion Panel How to Exploit the Tourism Potential of the Region in Creating its
Image? Part 2
11:20 - 12:20 Discussion Panel How to Make the City More Bicycle-Friendly?
12:30 - 13:30 Discussion Panel The World Without Smog? Air Quality Improvement as a Challenge
of the 21st Century
12:30 - 14:40 Lunch
13:40 - 14:40 Discussion Panel Waste Management System in Hindsight – Success or Failure of the
Great Reform?
14:50 - 15:50 Discussion Panel How to Manage the Environment to Achieve Sustainable
16:00 - 17:00 Discussion Panel Is There an Optimal Model of Decentralisation?
09:45 - 11:15 Thematic Block Urbact III – Integrated and Sustainable Urban Development in
Europe and Poland
11:30 - 12:45 Thematic Block Achievements of Urbact II in Europe and Poland
13:00 - 14:30 Participation in Urbact III Implementation Networks
April 5
Finances – Mariacka Room Room
11:00 - 12:00
The Role of the Financial Institutions in the
Implementation of EU Funds
Poland is still a mayor beneficiary of EU funds in the EU financial perspective 2014-2020. The
money from the EU provides an opportunity for local governments to complete the ongoing
investments and start out new projects. Loans from the European financial institutions and
the issuance of bonds are the main forms of raising capital. Which financial instruments are
adequate for local governments in the next financial perspective? Do local governments reach
for non-standard solutions in terms of financial guarantee?
P a r t n e r : Fundusz Zarządzania Nieruchomościami Sp. z o.o.
• Marzena Suchan - Editor in Chief, Onet.pl Group, Poland
• Branko Grcic - Chairman of the Committee on Tourism, Croatian Parliament,
• Boguslaw Kosmider - Chairman, Krakow City Council, Poland
• Piotr Michalowski - Director of the Regional Office, European Investment Bank,
• Petr Osvald - First Vice Chairman of COTER Commission, European Committee of
the Regions
• Witold Slowik - Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Development, Poland
• Maciej Zabelski - Plenipotentiary of the Board, Fundusz Zarządzania Nieruchomościami Sp. z o.o., Poland
April 5
Plenary Session - Audytoryjna Room
12:15 - 13:40
Local Governments - In Search of Foundations
to Build Upon
In today's world of global challenges and growing competition a well-functioning local
government gives a sense of security. What is its value is that it belongs to a region’s common
cultural, historical and religious heritage and creates conditions for economic and social
activity of individuals. Enriched by the achievements of 25 years of development of local
governments in Poland and by the experience of the regions in Europe, we are looking for
new development opportunities, which will strengthen both the civic and community aspects
of the functioning of local communities in a globalised world.
• Marzena Suchan - Editor in Chief, Onet.pl Group, Poland
• Emil Boc - Prime Minister of Romania (2008-2012), Mayor, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
• Elzbieta Koterba - Deputy Mayor, City of Krakow, Poland
• Thomas Kralinski - Secretary of State/Commissioner to the German Federation for
International Relations and the Media, Government of the Land Brandenburg,
• Lilyana Pavlova - Minister, Regional Development and Public Works, Bulgaria
• Rey Carla, Secretary General, AICCRE, Italy
• Joakim Larsson, President of the Västra Götaland Parliament, West Götaland
Region, Sweden
April 5
Finances – Mariacka Room
13:50 -14:50
Over 10 Years of EU Funds. What Was Successful
and What Could Have Been Done Better?
For the last 10 years, Poland has been a beneficiary of EU funds. The effects of its use are visible
in many fields of public life, among others, infrastructure, labour market, education,
environmental protection, energy. What is the assessment of these ten years from the
perspective of Polish local governments? Did we make a good use of these funds? What could
have been done better? What is the experience with European funds of other EU members.
P a r t n e r : FASI.biz
• Andrea Gallo - Editor in Chief, FASI.biz, Italy
• Rudolf Bauer - Director, CESCI-Carpathia, Slovakia
• Sorin Maxim - State Secretary, Ministry of Regional Development and Public
Administration, Romania
• Carla Rey - Secretary General, AICCRE, Italy
• Wojciech Saluga - Marshal, Silesian Region's Marshal's Office, Poland
• Boguslaw Sonik - Member, Parliament, Poland
• Marek Wozniak - Marshal, Wielkopolska Region's Marshal's Office, Poland
April 5
Finances – Mariacka Room
15:00 - 16:15
Challenges for Public Procurement –
Innovation, Partnership, Sustainability
The new EU public procurement rules will take effect on 1 April 2016. It is not known yet when
the Polish law will get adapted to EU directives. However, the implementation of projects
financed from European funds will be mandatory.
P a r t n e r : Eurokreator T&C
• Rafal Kunaszyk - Vice-President, Eurokreator T&C, Poland
• Emma Burnell - Head of External Affairs, New Local Government Network, United
• Wladysław Grabowski - Expert, Institute for Civic Knowledge, Poland
• Marek Haber - Director, ZOZ Sucha Beskidzka, Poland
• Joanna Marczewska - Public Procurement Consultant, Public Procurement Consulting and Advisory, Poland
• Dominika Michalska - Partner, BSWW Legal & Tax, Poland
• Bartosz Mysiorski - Vice-Chairman of the Board, Foundation PPP Centre, Poland
April 5
Finances – Mariacka Room
16:25 - 17:25
Leaders of the Future - the Mayors of Polish
During the debate, the “Golden Keys” prize of the “Wprost” weekly will be awarded to
distinguished mayors of Polish cities who can boast special and innovative economic, social,
cultural and educational achievements relevant to the local community. The most interesting
projects currently implemented by the winners will also be presented.
P a r t n e r : Wprost Magazine
• Jacek Pochlopien - Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Wprost Magazine, Poland
• Krzysztof Kosinski - Mayor, Ciechanow City Council, Poland
• Sabina Nowosielska - Mayor, Kedzierzyn-Kozle, Poland
• Monika Piatkowska - Member of the Management Board, PMPG Polskie Media SA,
• Arkadiusz Wisniewski - Mayor, Opole City Council, Poland
April 5
Finances – Mariacka Room
17:35 - 18:35
Transparent Public Procurement as a Catalyst of
Regional Development in CEE Coutries
Every year, more than 250.000 EU public authorities spend roughly 18% of GDP on services
and products purchases. EU directives regarding public acquisitions based on the principles
of transparency, open competition and good procedural management strongholds the
likelihood of efficient biddings and the high quality of the end work. These directives were
designed to create an open and transparent market for public acquisitions. For the Eastern
European countries, the EU expertise in the field of public acquisitions can be of great
assistance in building strong national systems of public biddings. During the discussion panel,
the experts will try answering to a set of questions: Is it possible for state institutions that have
affiliation with the domain of public acquisition, to ensure transparency, predictability and
prerequisites for loyal competition? Is the current legislation harmonized enough with the
European regulations? Are public biddings efficiently monitored on the basis of progressive
solutions and methodologies? Are the illegal schemes and outlaw bidding practices efficiently
tackled and prosecuted?
Prospects for the Implementation of Local
Currencies in Poland
• Jan Fazlagić - Rector's Plenipotentiary for R&D, Academy of Finance and Business
Vistula, Poland
• Sergiu Gaibu - Economist, Institute for Development and Social Initiatives
“Viitorul”, Republic of Moldova
Oleksii Gavrylov - President, NGO 'Ukraine-Poland-Germany', Ukraine
Krzysztof Gawkowski - Vice-Chairman, Democratic Left Alliance , Poland
Dumitru-Tudor Jijie - Executive Director , Euroregion Siret-Prut-Nistru, Romania
Mihail Salvir - Executive Director, Center for Regional Initiatives, Gagauzia,
Republic of Moldova
Audytoryjna Room
The Local Self-Government Leader Gala
P a r t n e r : Rzeczpospolita
April 5
Economy – Barbakan Room
18:45 - 20:05
Practical Solutions for Local Governments and
P a r t n e r : EY
The Optimization of Therapeutic / Medical Entities
"Synergies resulting from the consolidation / restructuring of medical activityOptimization
of measurement costs – lean management"
• Jakub Szulc - Director, Helathcare Sector, EY, Poland
• Michal Majewski, Leader of Life Science and Healthcare Team, Business Advisory,
EY, Poland
Financing of Local Government Investments
"Possible sources of financing investments (EU funds, commercial debt, revenue bonds)Why
is it worth to consider using PPP? (case study: based on UK projects) "
• Maciej Ziomek - Senior Manager, Transaction Advisory Services, EY, Poland
Take Advantage of Opportunities, Adjust to the
"VAT recovery in local governments – safe and effectiveHow to properly adjust to changes in
regulations effective 1.1.2017?"
• Grzegorz Arczewski - Expert, Indirect Tax Team, EY, Poland
• Tomasz Dziadura - Manager in the Indirect Tax Team, Attorney-at-law, EY, Poland
April 5
Economy – Barbakan Room
The Optimization of ZUS / Social Security
Contributions – Occupational Injury Insurance.
The Chance to Reduce the Cost of Labor
"Conclusions of the EY report concerning occupational safety and ZUS / social security
contributions.Overview of ZUS / social security contributions and the possibility of applying
for reimbursement of overpayment."
• Grzegorz Piliszek - Manager, Advocate, EY, Poland
How to Conduct E-Health Activities – WHO / ITU
"Benchmarking HIMSS (EMRAM, Continuity of care)Analysis of IT environment and
recommendations to the development plan."
• Artur Pruszko - Senior Manager, Business Advisory, EY, Poland
The Solutions of Comprehensive Care of the
"Planning comprehensive senoir care - segmentation and the needs of the elderly people
Good international and coordinated care."
• Michal Majewski - Leader of Life Science and Healthcare Team, Business Advisory,
EY, Poland
April 5
Economy – Barbakan Room
11:00 - 12:00
Cooperation Between Business and Academia.
Can Local Authorities be Its Facilitators?
Local governments often play a major role in facilitating cooperation between science and
business. What legal and operational forms can it take? Who are the stakeholders? What are
the obstacles? And why is it important from the point of view of serving the interest of local
• Joanna Bensz - Vice President, American Chamber of Commerce in Poland, Poland
• Ramina Beradze - Chairwoman of Fraction Georgian Dream for Democratic
Georgia, Tbilisi City Municipal Assembly, Georgia
• Antoine Godbert - Municipal Councilor for European Affairs, City of Tours, France
• Stefan Schabernak - Co-Founder, ROCK YOUR LIFE, Germany
• David Seich - Chairman and Member of the Statutory, SME UNION Czech Republic,
Czech Republic
• Oleg Vostrykh - President, Foundation "High School of Professional Politics",
• Krzysztof Zuk - Mayor, City of Lublin, Poland
12:15 - 13:40
Audytoryjna Room
Local Governments - In Search of Foundations
to Build Upon
April 5
Economy – Barbakan
13:50 - 14:50
Redevelop or Demolish? The Future of
Economic changes and political transformation of the 1990s made many traditional industry
sectors cease to exist. As a result, the towns where the factories were located had to face a
new challenge: how to use the vast post-industrial areas in an effective way? Some towns
decided to demolish the dilapidated buildings, while others chose to give the brownfields a
second life. The dispute about which solution is better is still very heated.
P a r t n e r : Polskie Koleje Państwowe S.A.
• Richard Stephens - Founder & Editor, Poland Today, Poland
• Daniel Cerny - Mayor, City of Chomutov, Czech Republic
• Jaroslaw Kolodziejczyk - Member of the Board, PKP S.A., Poland
• Piotr Lorens - Vice President, International Society of City and Regional Planners
(ISOCARP), The Netherlands
• Robert Maciaszek - Director of the Department of Economic Development,
Malopolska Region, Poland
• Czesław Sobierajski - Memeber, Parliament, Poland
• Inese Sulzanoka - Head of the Representative Office in Poland, Investment and
Development Agency, Latvia
• Wojciech Rosicki, Deputy Mayor, City of Lodz, Poland
April 5
Economy – Barbakan Room
15:00 - 16:15
Services or Industry - Development Dilemmas
of Polish Regions
What kind of specializations should the Polish cities and regions look for? How, in practice,
the idea of re-industrialization of the country should look like? What kind of support from the
Polish government is essential for the regions to develop dynamically and in a complementary
way? Will the EU funds be the regions development’s flywheel also in the coming years? What
is the role of private investors in implementation of development strategies of local
P a r t n e r : Rzeczpospolita daily
• Boguslaw Chrabota - Editor-in-Chief, Rzeczpospolita daily, Poland
• Olgierd Geblewicz - Marshal, Zachodniopomorskie Region's Marshal's Office,
• Adam Hamryszczak - Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Development, Poland
• Jerzy Leszczynski - Marshal, Podlaskie Region’s Marshal’s Office, Poland
• Wladyslaw Ortyl - Marshal, Podkarpackie Region's Marshal's Office, Poland
• Slawomir Sosnowski - Marshal, Lubelskie Region’s Marshal’s Office, Poland
• Krzysztof Zuk - Mayor, City of Lublin, Poland
April 5
Economy – Barbakan Room
16:25 - 17:25
Planning Regional Strategies in Healthcare
Planning a regional healthcare strategy and health policy is a great challenge for local
governments that own healthcare entities, as it concerns a large group of recipients. The socalled “maps of health needs” are an essential tool for improving the use of health
expenditures, coming from the national budget as well as local government and EU funds.
The introduction of such maps is a prerequisite for an efficient use of EU funds in the financial
perspective for the years 2014-2020.
• Andrzej Fal - Head of the Department of Organization and Management in Health
Care, Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego, Państwowy Zakład Higieny, Poland
• Andrzej Fal - Head of the Department of Organization and Management in Health
Care, Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego, Państwowy Zakład Higieny, Poland
Lidia Gadek - Member, Parliament, Poland
Roman Kolek - Deputy Marshall, Opolskie Region's Marshal's Office, Poland
Andrzej Kosiniak-Kamysz - Director, Specialized Hospital Józefa Dietla, Poland
Andrzej Matyja, President, The Regional Chamber of Physicians and Dentists in
Cracow, Poland
• Jakub Banaszek, Minister Advisor, Ministry of Health, Poland
April 5
Economy – Barbakan Room
17:35 - 18:35
Trail of Regional Specialties – Local Products
and Promotion of the Region
Regional products are not only tourist attractions, but above all a starting point to learn about
the culture, history and customs of the region. The growing interest in culinary tourism,
culinary trails or food festivals demonstrates the potential and culinary wealth of regions.
What are the prospects for cuisine as ambassador of the region? How to effectively use the
potential of regional products in promoting regions?
• Inmaculada Valencia Bayon - Director-General for Economy and European Affairs
of the Government of Cantabria, Government of Cantabria, Spain
• Niclas Fjellstrom - European Coordinator, Regional Culinary Heritage Europe
Countries, Sweden
Elzbieta Polak - Marshal, Lubuskie Voivodeship, Poland
Jacek Protas - Member, Parliament, Poland
Gergely Somogyi - Owner/Editor, Tokaj Today, Hungary
Tatyana Solomonik - Writer, Scientific Editor, Culinary Publishig House Chernovik,
• Ruslan Rokhov - Deputy Mayor, Mykolayiv, Ukraine
April 5
Economy – Kraków Room
18:45 - 20:05
Cooperation Between Airports and Local
Governments in Developing Air Connections
Both airports and local governments are vitally interested in development of new air routes.
For airports it gives a chance for a better business and generates new sources of income. For
local authorities it gives an excellent opportunity for enhancing tourism, attracting new
investments and for creating chances for economic development. How local governments
and airports can cooperate efficiently in order to attract new airlines, to open new connections
and, what is equally important, to keep those that have been already opened?
• Jedrzej Puzyński, Project Manager, Zespół Doradców Gospodarczych TOR, Poland
Lea Bodossian - Secretary General, Airport Regions Conference (ARC), Belgium
Tomasz Kloskowski, President of the Board, Gdansk International Aiport, Poland
Jan Pamula - President of the Board, Krakow Airport, Poland
Mikko Saariaho - Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications, Finavia
Corporation, Finland
• Laszlo Tamas - Aviation Development Director, Debrecen Airport, Hungary
April 5
Finance – Mariacka Room
18:45 - 20:05
Managing the Institutions of Culture
Effective management of culture requires a well-developed public sector, as culture
institutions are part of this sector. By introducing organisational changes in individual
institutions, the management structure of the culture sector could be improved in general. Is
the knowledge on implementing effective management and development in the culture
sector sufficient to make significant change possible? How do institutions of culture react to
the current developments in the culture sector? What strategies and approaches are most
commonly used in culture management?
• Mateusz Matyszkowicz - Director, TVP Kultura, Poland
• Jerzy Hausner, Professor, Cracow University of Economics, Head of the
Department of Public Economy and Administration, Poland
• Marek Mutor - National Centre for Culture, Poland
• Diana Popova - Head of Department of Culture, Kiev City State Administration,
• Wioletta Slaska-Zysk - Vice-Marshal of the Voivodeship, Warminsko-Mazurskie
Region’s Marshal’s Office, Poland
• Leszek Zegzda - Member of the Board, Malopolska Region, Poland
Audytoryjna Room
The Local Self-Government Leader Gala
P a r t n e r : Rzeczpospolita
April 5
Innovations – Wawel Room
11:00 - 12:00
Internet of Things - How Does Technology
Change the Face of the City?
The Internet of Things can play an increasingly important role in smart cities. There are
numerous areas of application – from the organisation of pedestrian and road traffic (e.g.
traffic jam monitoring, parking spaces, smart roads informing the driver about pavement
conditions) to safety diagnostics (e.g. measuring the vibrations and durability of materials in
buildings or bridges, noise levels; or waste management such as level sensors for waste
• Michal Kolanko - Editor-in-Chief, 300polityka.pl, Poland
• Ansgar Baums - Head of Government Relations Europe, Middle East and Africa, HP
Inc., Germany
• Daniela Ferrara - ERDF Coordination, Region of Emilia-Romagna, Italy
• Marek Kapturkiewicz - Partner, Innovation Nest, Poland
• Tobias Szarowicz - Head of Legal and Political Communication, German Startups
Association, Germany
• Pawel Szefernaker, Secretary of State, The Chancellery of the Prime Minister,
12:15 - 13:40
Audytoryjna Room
Local Governments - In Search of Foundations
to Build Upon
April 5
Innovations – Wawel Room
13:50 - 14:50
How to Make External Action at a Local Level
More Effective?
What tools are available to local governments at European and national level to make their
external action more effective? This French-Polish panel will aim at assessing new perspectives
of cooperation between French and Polish local governments, particularly in regard to the
latest evolutions in the organization, financing and management systems of local authorities,
such as the development of intercommunalities or cross-border organizations, in particular
with Ukraine.
P a r t n e r : Embassy of France in Poland
• Sébastien Durrmeyer - Attaché for Cooperation, Embassy of France in Poland,
• Agata Czyrsznic-Dobrowolska - Head of Local Government Unit, Department of
Public and Cultural Diplomacy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Poland
• Bertrand Fort - General Delegate for the External Action of Local Governments,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, France
• Andrzej Porawski - Director, Association of Polish Cities, Poland
• Jean Rubio - Policy Officer, French Operational Cross-Border Mission (MOT), France
• Olena Tomnyuk - International Projects Manager, Association of Ukrainian Cities,
• Piotr Zientarski - Senator,President of the Committee on Local Government,
Senate of the Republic of Poland, Poland
April 5
Innovations – Wawel Room
15:00 - 16:15
Migration Crisis. Will Local Governments Live
up to the Challenge?
The migration crisis is one of the toughest challenges that the European community needs
to face currently. The flow of refugees is primarily the concern of regional and local
governments as they are in charge of accommodation and local integration. How can
regional and local authorities cope with these challenges?
• Hanna Nowicka - Communication Officer, School for Leaders Association, Poland
• Thomas Kralinski - Secretary of State/Commissioner to the German Federation for
International Relations and the Media, Government of the Land Brandenburg,
• Irena Krasnicka - Special Envoy on Migration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Czech
• Jan Schneider - Head of Research, The Expert Council of German Foundations on
Integration and Migration (SVR), Germany
• Szymon Szynkowski vel Sek - Member, Parliament, Poland
• Jana Valova - Mayor, City of Humenne, Member of the National Council of the
Slovak Republic, Slovakia
• Franz Wolf - Director, Austrian Integration Fund, Austria
April 5
Innovations – Wawel Room
16:25 - 17:25
“Time for Innovation”. Good Practices in
Tackling Interregional Cooperation Challenges
How do recent changes in their organization and management provide local governments
with new opportunities to develop and strengthen their external action? In this panel,
representatives from French and Polish local authorities will share their experiences and
solutions in dealing with these challenges, such as the work at intercommunal and/or crossborder level. The panel will offer concrete examples and good practices of cooperation at
regional and municipal level, both in France and in Poland.
P a r t n e r : Embassy of France in Poland
• Aldo Vargas-Tetmajer - Coordinator of the Polish National Dissemination Point,
URBACT, Poland
• Dounia Besson - Deputy Mayor for Social Economy, Solidarity and Sustainable
Development, Lyon, France
• Florence Forzy-Raffard - Municipal Councillor for European Affairs, Bordeaux,
• Halyna Lytvyn - CEO, Euroregion Carpathians-Ukraine, Ukraine
• Katarzyna Krol - Deputy Mayor for Education and Sport, Kraków, Poland
• Peter Wolkowinski - Plenipotentiary for Social Economy, Gdansk Metropolitan
Area, URBACT Lead Expert, Poland
April 5
Innovations – Wawel Room
17:35 - 18:35
The Role of Metropolises in Nurturing
Metropolises have a very wide range of possibilities when it comes to stimulating innovation.
Firstly, as academic centres, they drive scientific progress by supporting the creation of
technology parks and encouraging companies to set up R&D units. Secondly, with residents
and tourists in mind, they implement intelligent technological solutions, including mobile
applications. Finally, it is in metropolises that sharing economy was born, construed as a
global trend built upon the idea of sustainability and doing more with fewer resources.
• Eryk Mistewicz - President, The New Media Institute, Poland
• Jean-Michel Berlemont - Deputy Mayor for International, European and Crossborder Cooperation, City of Nancy, France
• Michal Kornasiewicz - Partner, Dziedzic Kowalski Kornasiewicz & Partners, Poland
• Miroslawa Nykiel - Member of Parliament, Poland
• Dag Slettemeas - Researcher, National Institute for Consumer Research(SIFO),
• Normunds Bergs - Member of Board, Mobilly, Latvia
• Victoriia Levchuk - CEO, Innovation Today, Ukraine
April 5
Innovations – Wawel Room
18:45 - 20:05
Innovations in the Region: Clusters,
Technological Parks and Start-ups
The increase innovativeness of regions is one of the main objectives of the EU regional policy.
This can be achieved through close cooperation with research centers and entrepreneurs.
Development of clusters, technology parks and start-ups increase the chances of making best
use of the specifics of regions and their potential. How to develop cooperation of local
authorities with representatives of science and business? How to support the creation of new
forms of implementation of innovation in local governments?
• Alina Popa - Executive Director, EURONEST Intercommunity Development
Association, Romania
• Fabrizio Conicella - General Manager, Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero, Italy
• Joanna Domanska - Deputy Director, Malopolska Region, Poland
• Andrzej Jajszczyk - President, Polish Academy of Sciences Branch in Krakow,
• Tatiana Malakhova - Editor in Chief, Journal "Region Development", Russia
• Malcolm Parry - Managing Director, The Surrey Research Park, University of Surrey,
United Kingdom
• Peter Wolfmeyer - CEO, Institute of Behavioural Economics Research, Germany
• Peter Strazovec - CEO, Strape, Slovakia
Audytoryjna Room
The Local Self-Government Leader Gala
P a r t n e r : Rzeczpospolita
April 5
Economic Self-Government – Kraków Room
14:00 - 15:20
Business Interests or Common Goals? Economic
Self-Government and its Role in Contemporary
P a r t n e r : Cracow Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Economic self-government in most European countries, especially in the so-called ‘Old EU’, is
an important partner for the European Union in the management of the regions and their
economy. The purpose of the plenary session is to present the experience of the EU countries
in cooperation between state administration, local government and economic selfgovernment as well as to demonstrate possible solutions, including changes in the law, which
Poland could implement in order to strengthen economic self-government and let it become
a real instrument for the support of regional economy with particular regard to its role in the
development of SMEs.
Economic Self-Government as a Partner of
Central and Local Administration in Economic
Growth of the Regions
• Ulrich Zellenberg - Deputy Head of Department/Organization and Internal Legal
Affairs, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Austria
Economic Self-Government and Local
Government – Partners in SME’s Support
• Tadeusz Donocik - President, Regional Chamber of Commerce in Katowice, Poland
Economic Self-Government in the Countries of
”Old” and ”New” European Union – Its Role and
• Richard Weber - Chairman, EUROCHAMBRES - Association of European Chambers
of Commerce and Industry, Germany
15:40 - 17:30
April 5
Economic Self-Government – Kraków Room
The Public Function of Economic Selfgovernment in the Circumstances of Changing
Economy – Recommendations for Poland
In actual, dynamically changing economy in Poland, the economic self-government should
be based on a following foundation:
- Affiliation of entrepreneurs to local self-government organisations should be common
and obligatory
- Economic self-government shall execute public policy in cooperation with the organs of
local and state government
P a r t n e r : Cracow Chamber of Commerce & Industry
• Andrzej Arendarski - President, Polish Chamber of Commerce, Poland
• Jerzy Bartnik - President, Polish Craft Association, Poland
• Tadeusz Donocik - President, Regional Chamber of Commerce in Katowice, Poland
• Tomasz Jedrzejewski - Deputy Chancellor, Nicolaus Copernicus University in
Torun, Poland
• Marek Pasztetnik - President of the Board, Zachodnia Izba Gospodarcza, Poland
April 5
Economic Self-Government – Kraków Room
15:40 - 17:30
What Kind of Economic Self-Government
Requires Polish Economy? – Legal, Financial,
Functional and Political Aspects
Restoration of economic self-government in Poland, in terms of the theory of administrative
law, is in the interest of Polish entrepreneurs. Thus, the economic self-government will gain a
public subjectivity and will become a real and equal partner in the relations with state and
local government.
P a r t n e r : Cracow Chamber of Commerce & Industry
• Andrzej Zdebski - President, Cracow Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Poland
• Kazimierz Bandarzewski - Assistant Professor, Jagiellonian University, Poland
• Janusz Kowalski - President, Malopolska Cratship and Enterpreneurship Chamber,
• Marek Kloczko, Vice President, Polish Chamber of Commerce, Poland
• Andrzej Tutajewski - Chairman, Malopolska’s Commercial Organisation
Agreement, Poland
April 5
Economic Self-Government – Kraków Room
15:40 - 17:30
The Role of Economic Self-Government in
Alternative Economic Disputes Resolution
Alternative disputes resolution is one of the tasks of economic self-government, in particular
chambers of commerce. It is a specific task of the chambers of commerce because they gather
the entrepreneurs. Thus, the entrepreneurs from various countries and various legal regimes,
may submit their dispute to be resolved before an independent and impartial institution
according to its Rules, in isolation from the national laws.
P a r t n e r : Cracow Chamber of Commerce & Industry
• Andrzej Szumanski - Head of Department of Commercial Law, Jagiellonian
University, Poland
• Dmytro Aftanas - President, Lviv Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ukraine
• Tomasz Jedrzejewski - Deputy Chancellor, Nicolaus Copernicus University in
Torun, Poland
• Zbigniew Sebastian - President, Lower Silesia Economy Chamber, Poland
Audytoryjna Room
The Local Self-Government Leader Gala
P a r t n e r : Rzeczpospolita
April 5
Society - Sukiennice Room
11:00 - 12:00
The Polish Version of "Don Matteo" TV Series –
Regional Brand of the City of Sandomierz
“Ojciec Mateusz" is a popular TV series aired on Polish Television (TVP 1) for many years, based
on the Italian Rai Uno’s successful format “Don Matteo”. The plot is set in Sandomierz. Based
on this example, we will discuss how the popularity of the series influences the development
of Sandomierz and the Swietokrzyskie region. The filming takes place on the streets of this
town, the filming crew and popular actors have become present in the regional landscape –
is this affecting the life of Sandomierz and its residents? Does organizational experience
associated with the series enhance the attractiveness of the town as a film set for other
• Juliusz Braun - Expert, BRAUN - Kultura i Media, Poland
Marek Bronkowski - Mayor, City of Sandomierz, Poland
Anna Drozd - Studio Rewers, Poland
Krzysztof Grabowski - President of the Board, Profilm Sp z o.o., Poland
Jacek Kowalczyk, Director of the Promotion, Education, Culture, Sports and
Tourism, Swietokrzyskie Region’s Marshal’s Office - Department, Poland
• Michal Piela - Actor, Profilm Sp z o.o., Poland
• Wolfgang Fandrich - Head of International Affairs and Content Innovation
Management, MDR/ARD German Television, Germany
12:15 - 13:40
Audytoryjna Room
Local Governments - In Search of Foundations
to Build Upon
April 5
Society - Sukiennice Room
13:50 - 14:50
Public Media - Between Quality and Profit
In most European countries, public media are represented by the institutions that serve public
mission. They are different from commercial entities since while making up high quality
programs they do not rely exclusively on audience criterion. Considering the notion of
missionary, the panelists will discuss the challenges of public media pertaining to reporting
and translating the economic, social and political transformation that Europe is currently
• Sergiusz Trzeciak, Consultant in Political Communication, Trzeciak Consulting,
• Krzysztof Czabanski - Secretary of State, Ministry of Culture and National Heritage,
• Petr Dvorak - General Director, Czech Television, Czech Republic
• Jacek Kurski - President, Polish Television TVP S.A., Poland
• Irakli Lekvinadze, Deputy Mayor, Tbilisi City Hall, Georgia
April 5
Society - Sukiennice Room
15:00 - 16:15
Municipal Rental Housing - REIT
P a r t n e r : Polish Bank Association
• Krzysztof Pietraszkiewicz, President, Polish Bank Association, Poland
Ageing Societies – Are States and Local
Governments Ready for This Challenge?
The aging of the Polish society is a fact which must be faced by both the state government
and regional authorities. According to population projections for 2030- 25 per cent of Europe’s
citizens by then will be over 65 years old. There are different kinds of retirement and pensions
systems in Europe. Should Poland model its on German system or Scandinavian? Do
government programs such as the Senior-WIGOR in Poland have satisfactory outcomes?
Digital inclusion of the senior citizens and their education in this are field are also very
important. Local governments must be open for new technologies.
• Janusz Krol - Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Territorial Self-government 'Wspólnota',
• Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz - Polish People’s Party, Poland
• Wojciech Kozak - Vice Marshal, Malopolska Region, Poland
• Agnieszka Zaborowska - Counsel At Law/ Partner, Counselors At Law Zaborowska
Laprus-Baluka LLP, Poland
• Ilona Molnar Gyorffyne - Citizens' Services Director, Ujbuda City Hall, Hungary
April 5
Society - Sukiennice Room
16:25 - 17:25
Creating a Local Brand. How to Become
Recognisable in Europe?
Efficient promotion of a city and a region is significant while promoting and building up their
recognition. Adequate presentation of the region's characteristics e.i. place to live, visit and
invest in is crucial to increase the attractiveness and to build the brand of a region. What are
successful promotion strategies? Can local leaders contribute to promote their city? What
might be the role of citizens in developing region's brand?
P a r t n e r : Best Place - European Place Marketing Institute
• Adam Mikolajczyk - President of the Board, Best Place - European Place Marketing
Institute, Poland
• Martin Horvath - CEO, Branding Slovakia Consultancy, Slovakia
• Kieran McCarthy - Member, EU Committee of the Regions, Ireland
• Sergiusz Trzeciak - Consultant in Political Communication, Trzeciak Consulting,
• Bartlomiej Walas - Vice-President of the Board, Polish Tourist Organisation, Poland
• Lukasz Wilczynski - President of the Board, Planet PR, Poland
• Tomasz Andrukiewicz, Mayor, City of Elk, Poland
April 5
Society - Sukiennice Room
17:35 - 18:35
Sustainable Development: How to Improve
People's Life Quality?
The key factor of sustainable development is permanent increase of life quality of
contemporary and future generations. It is achievable through shaping appropriate
proportions in managing three types of capital: economic, social and natural. That is why the
concept of sustainable development should be introduced at all levels of administration, both
international and domestic, as well as regional and local. The state of natural environment,
access to education and culture, health safety and the impact on decisions affecting the group
life of a local society - these are all the elements composing the quality of life. They are created
principally at the local government level. Hence, the appropriate balancing of local level
actions is crucial for the quality of life in a society.
• Mika Pyykko - Head of Focus Area, Finnish Innovation Fund (SITRA), Finland
• Dominik Jaskowiec - Vice-Chairmann of City Council, Krakow City Council, Poland
• Arnoldas Abramavicius - Member, European Committee of the Regions, Lithuania
• Dounia Besson - Deputy Mayor for Social Economy, Solidarity and Sustainable
Development, Lyon, France
• Grzegorz Gauden - Director, The Book Institute, Poland
• Joakim Larsson - President of the Västra Götaland Parliament, West Götaland
Region, Sweden
• Robert Moritz - President of the Board, ALTA SA, Poland
April 5
Society - Sukiennice Room
18:45 - 20:05
The Benefits of Investing in Sports
The promotion of sport among kids and young people as a way of spending time,
construction of sports facilities: swimming pools, courts, skateparks, promotion of the city
and the region through international sports events - these are only sime of the benefits of
investing in sports infrastructure. What else can we gain by investing in sport?
• Michal Pol - Editor-in-Chief, Przegląd Sportowy, Poland
Marcin Animucki - Vice-President of the Board, EKSTRAKLASA S.A., Poland
Krzysztof Kowal - Director, Management of Sports Infrastructure, Poland
Malgorzata Marcinska - President, City Development Agency S.A., Poland
Jozef Pilch - Voivode of Malopolska Region, Malopolska Provincial Office, Poland
Francesco Tufarelli - Director General of the Sport Office, Presidency of the Council
of Ministers, Italy
• Katarzyna Legiewicz - District Mayor, Ochota District, City of Warsaw, Poland
Audytoryjna Room
The Local Self-Government Leader Gala
P a r t n e r : Rzeczpospolita
April 5
Environment – Wisła Room
11:00 - 12:00
Sport as a Promotion Strategy
More and more cities focus on sport in their promotion strategies. Sport - due to its versatility,
media interest, message simplicity and inherent emotions - is an easy and effective
communication tool. How to professionally take advantage of its potential? How to build
competitive advantage by using promotion tools in sport?
• Przemysław Babiarz - Journalist, Polish Television, Poland
• Ioseb Manjavidze - Member, Tbilisi City Municipal Assembly, Georgia
• Ireneusz Ras - Member, Chairman of the Physical Education, Sport and Tourism
Committee, Parliament, Poland
• Tomasz Urynowicz - Deputy Director, Malopolska Region, Poland
• Anna Watza, Planet PR - Managing Partner, Poland
12:15 - 13:40
Audytoryjna Room
Local Governments - In Search of Foundations
to Build Upon
April 5
Environment – Kraków Room
11:00 - 12:00
Plasma Waste Disposal. Opportunities and
The common methods of waste treatment such as recycling, landfill or incineration arouse
controversy and protests due to their relatively low efficiency and negative impact on the
environment. The process of plasma gasification is very efficient and enables the release of large
quantities of syngas, which can be used to produce electricity. It is the technology of the future.
• Bogdan Sedler - President of the Board, Science-Technology Foundation "Gdansk",
• Tomasz Kotowski - Chairman of the Board, General Plasma Sp. z o.o., Poland
• Irina Kumkova - Scientific Secretary, Institute of Electro Physics and Power
Engineering RAS, Russia
• Jerzy Mizeraczyk - Professor, Electric Department, Maritime Academy in Gdynia,
• David Utmelidze - Chairman of the Fraction Georgian Dream - Conservatives,
Tbilisi City Municipal Assembly, Georgia
12:15 - 13:40
Audytoryjna Room
Local Governments - In Search of Foundations
to Build Upon
April 5
Environment – Wisła Room
13:50 - 14:50
Green Municipality and the Development of
Eco-Friendly Investments
The RES production grows annually. Local governments are also among those institutions
which decide to opt for alternative energy sources. Conscious investments in ecological
projects are becoming not only a method of caring for the natural environment, but even a
new trend. What actions should be undertaken to support the development of renewable
energy sources? What is there to gain for municipalities engaging in pro-ecological
investments? What chances for the development of green energy industry are created by new
legislation set against the background of European solutions?
• Piotr Pająk - Editor in Chief, GramwZielone.pl, Poland
• Magnus Berntsson - Vice President, West Götaland Region, Sweden
• Olgierd Geblewicz - Marshal, Zachodniopomorskie Region's Marshal's Office,
• Pawel Guzinski - President of the Board, Small Wind Energy Association, Poland
• Alexander Korkin - Deputy Chairman of the Public Advisory Council, Parliament of
Kaliningrad Region, Russia
• Leszek Kulinski - Mayor, Kobylnica Commune Council, Poland
• Michal Skorupa - Chief of Photovoltaics Project at RWE Poland Steering
Committee Member, RWE Polska S.A., Poland
• Marta Szigeti Bonifert - Executive Director, Regional Environmental Center for
Central & Eastern Europe (REC), Hungary
April 5
Environment – Wawel Room
15:00 - 16:15
Energy Efficient Public Utility Buildings
The discussion will focus on Energy Performance of Buildings Directive and its impact on
public sector. Is energy performance of buildings becoming a new right of individuals or is it
sliding towards a burdensome requirement for local and central governments? Will the idea
of energy performance of buildings become as politically, economically and socially
controversial and complex as wind and solar energy? 2019 will become the day of reckoning
for public utility buildings. Immense challenges, as well as opportunities, await public
authorities and construction industry. All the more that the nearest financial framework of
2014-2020 contains numerous incentives for improvements of energy performance of nonresidential buildings.
P a r t n e r : Polish Green Building Council
• Radoslaw Skowron - Partner, Kaczor Klimczyk Pucher Wypiór - Lawfirm, Poland
• Szymon Firlag - Senior Advisor, Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE),
• Orsolya Fulop - Policy Director, Energiaklub Climate Policy Institute, Hungary
• Piotr Grubek - Deputy Mayor, City Hall of Kobylka, Poland
• Petr Holub - Director, Chance for Buildings, Czech Republic
• Katarzyna Wojda - Business Development and Communication Manager, Bjerg
Arkitektur, Denmark
April 5
Environment – Wisła Room
16:25 - 17:25
Clean Cities: Common Responsibility of Local
Governments, Businesses and Residents
Environmental pollution is one of the main concerns of large cities. Continued economic
growth as well as the well-being of the residents - including their health care – require constant
attention and care to the environment and all possible measures to be taken to protect them
from degradation. Will the representatives of companies and governments in consultation
with residents be able to provide municipal services at the appropriate level, remaining
environmentally conscious?
P a r t n e r : ENERIS Ochrona Środowiska S.A.
• Katarina Hazuchova, Independent Environmental Analyst, Slovakia
• Eva Britt Isager - Head of Climate Section, Municipality of Bergen, Norway
• Agnieszka Griffin - Senior Policy and Programme Officer (Environment), Greater
London Authority, United Kingdom
• Magdalena Markiewicz - Board Member, ENERIS Surowce S.A., Poland
• Jozef Nowicki - Mayor, City Council in Konin, Poland
• Andrii Reka - Head of Subcommittee for Regional Policy, Supreme Council, Ukraine
April 5
Environment – Wisła Room
17:35 - 18:35
Bright or Gloomy? The Future of Regional
Airports in Europe
Investments in infrastructure of regional airports have witnessed un unprecedented
dynamism in recent years. Airports can stimulate regional economic development, grow the
economic and touristic attractiveness of regions, but they also may become a complete
washout and a costly whim of local authorities, who are usually the first ones to lobby for
such investments. How to make the airport a profitable businesses and not a bottomless pit
for public money? How to make a reasonable use of the experience of Western Europe in this
regard? How, last but not least, to attract new airlines?
• Jozef Lassota - Member, Parliament, Poland
David Ciceo - Managing Director, International Airport Cluj, Romania
Wladyslaw Ortyl - Marshal, Podkarpackie Region's Marshal's Office, Poland
Neil Pakey - CEO, Shannon Airport, United Kingdom
Gisle Skansen - CEO, Torp Sandefjord Airport, Norway
Michael Tmej - CEO, Kosice International Airport, Slovakia
April 5
Environment – Wisła Room
18:45 - 20:05
Transport and Mobility for Modern
The quality of life in large urban centers largely depends on the effectiveness and the usage
of the both private and public urban mobility systems. Diversified forms of urban mobility
enable to reduce the severity level of movement and limit the negative consequences of the
pollution of environment. They can also increase the safety of drivers, cyclists and pedestrians,
as well as save time and costs of movement.
• Tomasz Wroblewski - Editor in Chief, Wprost Weekly, Poland
Mark Finer - Senior Project Manager, Mott Macdonald, United Kingdom
Wojciech Grzonka - Director, Skoda Transportation a.s., Czech Republic
Girts Slavins - CEO, Mobilly, Latvia
Marek Stepa - Deputy Mayor, City of Gdynia, Poland
Kacper Winiarczyk - General Manager, Uber Poland, Poland
Participation in discussion:
• Shalva Ogbaidze - Member, Tbilisi City Municipal Assembly, Georgia
Audytoryjna Room
The Local Self-Government Leader Gala
P a r t n e r : Rzeczpospolita
April 6
Finances – Mariacka Room
09:00 - 10:00
A Recipe for Economic Success: Know-How or
Industrial Manufacturing?
The era of the knowledge-based economy has brought about tremendous macroeconomic
changes in highly developed countries: demand increased for what is called know-how, that
is, creative services and high technologies. Industrial production has shifted to rising
economies whose advantage was low labor costs. The outflow of production from Europe to
third countries caused its share in GDP to decline sharply thus increasing unemployment. This
coincided with the financial crisis and austerity measures before eventually giving way to
growth stimulation and a paradigm of re-industrialization, which was reflected in the
adoption by the European Commission of the RISE (Renaissance of Industry for a Sustainable
Europe) Strategy. How do regions cope with the implementation of this strategy? Are they up
to the task to create conditions to restore sustainable industry and encourage manufacturers
to return? Which of the two - know-how or production - is more conducive to sustainable
development of the region? What factors does it depend on?
• Zbigniew Bartus - Journalist, Newspaper Dziennik Polski, Poland
• Tomas Fiedler - Head of the International Relations Department, Moravian-Silesian
Region, Czech Republic
• Raluca Filip - Projects&Grants Consultant, International Airport Iasi, Romania
• Kazimierz Karolczak - Member of the Board, Silesian Region's Marshal's Office,
• Dionizy Smolen - Leader of the Public Sector Group, PwC, Poland
• Beata Superson-Polowiec - Partner, Polowiec i Wspólnicy Law Firm, Poland
April 6
Finances – Mariacka Room
10:10 - 11:10
How to Put in Place an Effective Administration
of Medical Units?
State hospitals face severe financial constraints and most of their funds come from local
governments’ budgets. The ownership body covers only the primary functional costs of a
medical facility. Necessary investment, development and recovery funds are unfortunately
lacking. As a result, hospitals facing such restrains get into financial troubles forcing them to
seek more effective management. The proposed changes in medical administration involve
coordinated investment and staffing policies for Polish hospitals. A network of facilities,
providing appropriate access to all medical services based on local conditions, epidemiology
and geography, is planned as part of this reform.
• Michal Czarnuch - Senior Associate, Domański Zakrzewski Palinka Law Firm, Poland
Anna Czech - Director, St. Lucas Hospital in Tarnów, Poland
Johan Edstav - Chairman of the Board, Uppsala Regional Council, Sweden
Krzysztof Inglot - Proxy, Business Development Director, Work Service S.A., Poland
Tomasz Kopiec - President of the Board, A.M.G. Finanse Sp. z o.o, Poland
Jozefa Szczurek-Zelazko - Member, Parliament, Poland
Malgorzata Zalawa-Dabrowska - Director, SPZZLO Warszawa - Zoliborz, Poland
April 6
Finances – Mariacka Room
11:20 - 12:20
Financing of Education vs. Educational Reforms
Does Implantation of Trends in Education Have
a Positive Impact on the Development of an
Aware Student, Employee, Citizen?
There are many doubts about using technology in schools and what impact it might have
on shaping modern citizen. Technology itself will not protect itself confronted with traditional
approach to education. Studies show that young people need some support for using
technology. Many of the trends take these factors into account. Their implementation gives
an opportunity to educate conscious citizen who will able to use of the goods of the modern
world appropriately as well as create added value for improving this world.
P a r t n e r : Young Digital Planet S.A.
• Jolanta Galecka - Expert on Education, Young Digital Planet S.A., Poland
Financing of Education vs. Educational Reforms
The reforms of the education system and public administration initiated in 1999 have obliged
local governments to carry out the majority of educational tasks. Financing of education
becomes today one of the main items on the budget lists of local governments. All this, along
with the promised reform of the educational system and demographic changes, forces local
decision-makers to plan the long-term financing for education.
Special guest:
• Anna Zalewska - Minister of National Education, Poland
• Paweł Milcarek, Dziennikarz, Gość Niedzielny, Poland
• Marcin Kempka - Chairman of the Board, Librus Sp. z o.o., Poland
• Slawomir Kopysc - Member of the Board, Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region's Marshal's
Office, Poland
• Jerzy Malec - Rector, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University (AFMKU), Poland
April 6
Finances – Mariacka Room
12:30 - 13:30
How to Attract Key Investments to a Region?
There are many factors that have an impact on attracting investment to the region. Investors
take the business environment into account– the quality and cost of investment areas,
availability of qualified employees, labour costs, bureaucratic barriers and the general
business climate in a particular city or region. The “quality of life” is an equally important issue
for foreign investors. The awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of one’s own region and
the potential competitors makes it easier for local governments to choose the best investor.
P a r t n e r : European Institute of Romania
• Gabriela Dragan - General Manager, European Institute of Romania, Romania
• Emil Boc - Prime Minister of Romania (2008-2012), Mayor, City Hall Cluj-Napoca,
• Ruslan Martsinkiv - Mayor, Ivano-Frankivsk City Council, Ukraine
• Marek Sowa - Member, Parliament, Poland
• Witold Stepien - Marshal, Lodz Region’s Marshal’s Office, Poland
• Anders Wangby - Director, Västerbotten Investment Agency (VIA), Sweden
April 6
Finances – Mariacka Room
13:40 - 14:40
Investments as a Driving Force Behind
Economic Development of the Regions
The interest manifested by local, national or international investors is a visible sign of regional
economy’s attractiveness and shows a region’s growth potential. The success of local
investments depends on many factors, but one of the key issue has to be a good
understanding of business by the local authorities and the local communities. How to attract
new investments and to make the most of the presence of investors for the development of
the local economies?
• Oleg Pochinok - Deputy Chairman of the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee,
Administration of the Region of Homel, Belarus
• Aleksandra Ptak - Journalist, INN Poland, Poland
• Wieslaw Bury - President of the Board, Malopolska Regional Development Agency
(MARR SA), Poland
• Sandra Ezmale - Chief Executive Officer, Joint Municipal Institution "Rezekne Special
Economic Zone Authority", LatviaGalina Manzanova - Advisor to Senator, The Council
of Federation, Russia
• Kristjan Verbic - President, VZMD - PanSlovenian Shareholders`& Investors`
Association, Slovenia
April 6
Finances – Mariacka Room
14:50 - 15:20
The Significance of CJEU’s Judgment Regarding
VAT for Taxes and Local Contributions
In 29 September 2015, the Court of Justice of the European Union pronounced the judgement
on the so-called "one and the same taxable VAT person." The Court ruled that the municipal
budgetary entities cannot be regarded as taxable persons for the purposes of value added
tax in so far as they do not satisfy the criterion of independence set out in that provision.
Consequently, all the transactions carried out by these entities should be accounted for by
the local government unit that created them. What is the real meaning of the published
judgment? Will municipalities gain or will they lose on it?
• Mariusz Orlinski - Advocate, Ślęzak Zapiór & Partners, Poland
• Danuta Kaminska - Treasurer, Katowice City Council, Poland
• Marcin Urban - Treasurer, Wroclaw City Council, Poland
15:20 - 15:50
Changing the Voting System at County (Poviat)
Assemblies and Councils
Proposals to change the election system to local councils usually pop up just before local
elections. The one who are in charge see it as an opportunity to consolidate their power; the
opposition perceives it as a way to boost its chances to win elections. Local communities
would like to have more influence on policy by choosing leaders who are not associated with
major political parties. How to formulate election acts in order to make sure the citizens are
represented properly? Is it possible to meet interests of all groups by choosing the most
competent leaders?
• Jaroslaw Flis - Assistant Professor, Jagiellonian University, Poland
• Marek Jurek - Member European Parliament, Poland
• Marcin Kierwinski, Member of Parliament, Poland
• Ludwik Wegrzyn - President of the Board, Association of Polish Counties, Poland
April 6
Finances – Mariacka Room
16:00 - 17:00
Financial Audit in Local Governments
Regional Accounting Chambers are state bodies supervising and auditing the financial
management of local government units. Local government units are obliged to implement
the audit recommendations and provide information on how to implement them. However,
this is often quite complicated. What are the most common financial management mistakes
made by local governments? What are they caused by? How to avoid them?
Local Government and Reports by the National
Council of Regional Accounting Chambers
• Grazyna Wroblewska - Chairwomen, National Council of the Regional Chambers
of Audit , Poland
• Paweł Czuryło - Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Interia.pl SA, Poland
• Janusz Kot - President, Regional Chamber of Audit in Krakow, Poland
• Krzysztof Kwiatkowski - President, Supreme Audit Office (NIK), Poland
• Jakub Szymanski, Director of the Department of Management Operational
Programmes, Malopolska Region, Poland
Participation in discussion:
• Volodymyr Mykolaienko - Mayor, Kherson City Council, Ukraine
April 6
Finances – Mariacka Room
17:15 - 18:15
Regionalisation of Healthcare Policy
Panelists will discuss the regional diversity of the healthcare services in Poland based on the
health needs of the Łódź region’s population, infrastructure planning based on the map of
healthcare needs, financial evaluation of the healthcare system and quality management of
health services in hospitals.
Introductory Presentation:
• Romuald Holly - Head of Department of Healthcare Policy, Medical University in
Lodz, Poland
• Urszula Nowogorska, President, Malopolska Regional Assembly, Poland
• Elzbieta Fryzlewicz-Chrapisinska - Director, National Healt Fund, Branch in
Malopolskie Voivodeship, Poland
• Anna Prokop-Staszecka - Director, The John Paul II Hospital in Krakow, Poland
• Andrzej Wojtyla - Senator, Senate of the Republic of Poland, Poland
• Barbara Bulanowska - Director, University Hospital in Krakow, Poland
• Dariusz Madera - Director, PS ZOZ of Voivodeship Medical Centre, Poland
• Piotr Laidler - Vice-Rector, Jagiellonian University, Medical Collage, Poland
April 6
Economy – Barbakan Room
09:00 - 10:00
How Do Local Festivals and Trade Fairs Increase
the Attractiveness of the Region? Part 1
In recent times the local festivals and trade fairs attract more and more people becoming
regional points of interest. Very often we choose a particular destination because of its cultural
or trade offer. How do festivals and trade fairs influence regional development? How can we
use the potential of such events?
• Wojciech Wroblewski, Poland
• Marina Filonova - General Director, Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry,
• Oksana Prishchepova - President, KROO "World of Woman", Russia
• Janusz Stefanski - Member of the Management Board, Prestige MJM, Poland
• Tomasz Wolowiec - Deputy Mayor of Krynica-Zdrój, Municipality of Krynica–Zdroj,
April 6
Economy – Barbakan Room
10:10 - 11:10
How Do Local Festivals and Trade Fairs Increase
the Attractiveness of the Region? Part 2
In recent times the local festivals and trade fairs attract more and more people becoming
regional points of interest. Very often we choose a particular destination because of its cultural
or trade offer. How do festivals and trade fairs influence regional development? How can we
use the potential of such events?
• Wojciech Wroblewski, Poland
• Żaneta Berus - President of the Board, EXPO XXI Warsaw, Poland
• Yurii Bublyk - Head of Subcommittee on Local Governments, Supreme Council,
• Janusz Kubicki - Mayor, Zielona Gora City Council, Poland
• Anna Paluch - Member, Parliament, Poland
• Antanas Vagonis - Mayor, Town of Rokiškis, Lithuania
April 6
Economy – Barbakan Room
11:20 - 12:20
The Role of Local Governments in Reducing
Energy Poverty
According to recent studies, up to 17% of Poles cannot afford to pay heat and electricity bills.
This phenomenon, called energy poverty, is associated with low income, waste of energy and
energy inefficient buildings. From the government’s point of view, this phenomenon
contributes to increased healthcare costs and a deterioration in air quality. It can also be a
problem for the energy sector. What are the most effective ways to reduce energy poverty at
the local level?
P a r t n e r : Structural Studies Institute
• Jakub Janiszewski - Journalist, Radio TOK FM, Poland
• Julije Domac - Managing Director, North - West Croatia Regional Energy Agency,
• Antoni Falkowski - Business Development, Energy Data Lab, Poland
• Melville Kendal - Chairman, Working Group on Energy and Climate Change, The
Assembly of European Regions, United Kingdom
• Neil Simcock - Research Associate, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
• Aleksander Szpor - Reducing Energy Poverty Project Coordinator, Structural Studies
Institute, Poland
• Radoslaw Witkowski - Mayor, City Hall in Radom, Poland
April 6
Economy – Barbakan Room
12:30 - 13:30
Regional Brands on the Global Market – Ups
and Downs of Internationalisation
The development of globalisation and new technologies make more and more companies
expand their activity abroad. Moreover, the internationalisation is often a response to
unfavourable conditions on local markets, especially in the countries that suffered most of
the recent economic crisis. How to undertake a successful expansion into foreign markets?
How can local enterprises develop their competitiveness in order to strengthen their position
on European and global markets?
P a r t n e r : Trinita dei Monti
• Pierluigi Testa - Chairman, Trinita dei Monti, Italy
• Andrea Bandirali - General Director, Italdesk Sp. z o.o., Poland
• Ryszard Florek, President of the Board, FAKRO Sp. z o.o., Poland
• Solomon Ginzburg - Deputy Head of the Committee for International and
Interregional Relations and Regulations, Parliament of Kaliningrad Region, Russia
• Martin Horvath - CEO, Branding Slovakia Consultancy, Slovakia
• Dominik Wagner - Attorney-at-Law/Partner, TIGGES Rechtsanwaelte, Germany
April 6
Economy – Barbakan Room
13:40 - 14:40
The Conduct of Economic Activity by Local
Government Units and Municipal Utilities
Economic activity conducted by local self-government units constitutes a substantial element
of their tasks, and can act as a source of funds indispensable to achievement of planned
enterprises. Legal regulations related with creating and functioning of municipal companies
need to be considered along with their specific nature and the need to fulfill necessities of
certain communities, as well as with the frequently changing views of the supervisory and
control bodies. The proper selection of legal and financial instruments should be conducted
in terms of their effectiveness in use of the municipal property.
P a r t n e r : Prof. Marek Wierzbowski and Partners - Advocates and Legal Counselors
• Marek Wierzbowski - Partner, Prof. Marek Wierzbowski and Partners - Advocates and
Legal Counselors, Poland
Filip Grzegorczyk - Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Treasury, Poland
Wojciech Lubawski - Mayor, City of Kielce, Poland
Witold Stepien - Marshal, Lodz Region’s Marshal’s Office, Poland
Katarzyna Zapal - Director, The Board of Municipal Buildings in Krakow, Poland
April 6
Economy – Kraków Room
13:40 - 14:40
Cross-border and Interregional Cooperation
Cross-border cooperation provides an opportunity to exchange experiences and good
practices between regions in the country and abroad. The ongoing process of decentralisation
as well as the increasing awareness of local governments (which are more and more active
in international relations) have contributed to the growth of the importance of regions in
Europe. Therefore, cross-border cooperation is aimed to support the efforts to improve the
quality of local government institutions in the social, economic and cultural areas. This
cooperation is also stimulating for local governments to take measures to improve safety in
the region. How to increase the number of joint initiatives between border regions?
• Roman Imielski - Managing Editor, Gazeta Wyborcza daily, Poland
• Boris Guseletov - Senior Researcher, Institute of Europe RAS, Russia
• Lukas Melecky - Assistant Head of Department of European Integration, VŠB Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
• Wioletta Sokol - Director, Institute of Regional and Cross-Border Cooperation of the
Baltic Sea Region, Poland
• Ruth Taillon - Director, The Centre for Cross Border Studies, United Kingdom
April 6
Economy – Barbakan Room
14:50 - 15:50
Entrepreneurship, Agrotourism and PPP –
Development Opportunities for Rural Areas
Part 1
In many countries we can observe the process of degradation of rural areas. Employment in
agriculture is falling, young people interested in attractive jobs migrate to cities. In order to
provide rural people with comparable living and working conditions to those in cities, new
jobs should be created, mainly outside of the agriculture sector, tourism attractiveness should
be increased, social and cultural life should be revitalized. Regional planning as well as
subsidies for agriculture, diversification of rural economy are the tasks for the central
authorities as well as for regional ones. What can local communities and local governments
do to stop and reverse these negative processes and to enhance the regional policy?
• Maryna Bryl, National Policy Development Expert, DESPRO - Swiss-Ukrainian
Decentralisation Support Project, Ukraine
• Valerie Carter - President, European Council for the Village and Small Towns
(ECOVAST), United Kingdom
• Ludmila Guzun - President, Ungheni County Council, Republic of Moldova
• Artur Habza - Director, Lubelskie Region’s Marshal’s Office, Poland
• Arkadiusz Mularczyk - Member, Parliament, Poland
• Viktor Ovcharuk, Head, Ternopil Regional Council, Ukraine
April 6
Economy – Kraków Room
14:50 - 15:50
Transregional Cooperation
Transregional cooperation creates opportunities to exchange experience and good practices
between regions both domestically and internationally. Decentralization and greater
awareness of the role of local authorities in international relations highlighted the importance
of regions in Europe. Therefore, transregional cooperation aims at fostering the quality of
local authorities actions if fields such as society, economy and culture.
• Dumitru-Tudor Jijie - Executive Director, Euroregion Siret-Prut-Nistru, Romania
• Oleksandr Bilak - Deputy Mayor, Uzhgorod City Council, Ukraine
• Branislav Bugarski - Provincial Secretary for International Cooperation and Local
Government, Government of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Serbia
• Dmitry Chemakin - First Deputy District Administration of Bagrationovsk,
Administration of the Kaliningrad Region, Russia
• Michaela Janyska - Manager for International Cooperation, City Hall Zittau, Germany
• Rudolf Bauer - Director, CESCI-Carpathia, Slovakia
April 6
Economy – Barbakan Room
16:00 - 17:00
Entrepreneurship, Agrotourism and PPP –
Development Opportunities for Rural Areas
Part 2
The development of rural areas is one of the main priorities of the European economic
development policy. In order to provide the residents of rural areas with comparable living
and working conditions as those in cities, new jobs should be created, mainly outside of the
agriculture sector, and additional income should be acquired. Strategic regional planning as
well as subsidies for agriculture, diversification of rural economy and public-private
partnerships are some of the instruments to help the development of rural areas.
• Robert Jedrzejczyk - Legal Counsel, Partner, Robert Jędrzejczyk & Partners Law Firm,
• Lukasz Dziekonski - Member of the Managment of the Board, Fundusz Marguerite,
• Beat Roosli - Head International Affairs and Rural Development, Swiss Farmer’s
Union SFU, Switzerland
• Stanislaw Sorys - Vice Marshal, Malopolska Region, Poland
• Johannes Vallivaara - Cluster Manager, Arctic Smart Rural Communities, Finland
April 6
Innovations – Wawel Room
09:00 - 10:00
On the Way to the City of the Future - Smart City
Between Vision and Reality
The cities of the future will have to deal in an innovative and multi-dimensional way with
issues such as the growing levels of pollution, increasing energy costs or the need to provide
safe, fast and open access to information. Additionally, they will also have to adopt the idea
of the “school of the future” – a school that uses the full potential of technology. Providing a
friendly and supportive environment for learning, living and leisure activities will be necessary
to improve the quality of life in the cities. How to effectively care for the needs of the citizens,
while facing the challenges of tomorrow at the same time?
P a r t n e r : Foundation Institute for Local Government
• Artur Fojud - Expert, Foundation Institute for Local Government, Poland
• Roman Galar - Professor, Uczelnia Jana Wyżykowskiego, Poland
• Drazen Lucic - President of the Council, Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network
Industries - HAKOM, Croatia
• Michal Postranecky - Director, Postranecky - Urbanism, Architecture & Design, Czech
• Wojciech Rustecki - Director of Programs and Operations, TechSoup Poland, Poland
• Roman Pawlina, Sales Director of Huawei Enterprise Group, HUAWEI Poland, Poland
Participation in discussion:
• Sebastian Kawałko, Lublin City Council - Adviser to the Mayor, Poland
April 6
Innovations – Wawel Room
10:10 - 11:10
Urban Resilience, or How Do Cities Build Crisis
Response and Regeneration Capability?
Cities and regions are subject to continuous changes. They keep facing a number of internal
and external problems like poverty, pollution, terrorism, natural disasters, social exclusion.
The concept of "urban resilience" helps understand these processes and plan urban
development accordingly, namely using smart technologies. "Urban Resilience" is the capacity
to prepare for, respond to, and recover from significant multi-hazard threats with minimum
damage to public safety and health, the economy, and security. It is a measure of how far
urban ecosystems are able to return to their original condition after experiencing interference.
• Bartosz Pilat - Editor, Gazeta Wyborcza daily, Poland
• Bruno Barroca - Professor, Urban Engineering Department, Université Paris-Est
Marne-la-Vallée, France
• Florence Forzy-Raffard - Municipal Councillor for European Affairs, Bordeaux, France
• Harald Kegler - Professor for Sustainable Urban Planning, University of Kassel,
• Agnieszka Scigaj - Member of Parliament, Poland
• Yevhen Udod - Head, Association of Local Authorities of Dnipropetrovsk Region,
• Hans Christian Christiansen, Senior Adviser at the Environmental Protection, City of
Copenhagen, Denmark
April 6
Innovations – Wawel Room
11:20 - 12:20
E-Administration – Local Government Closer to
the Citizen
Increased efficiency and cost reduction in public administration, greater transparency,
increased public trust, easier communication with citizens - these are just few of the many
benefits that the availability of data produces. And yet much more space for a transformation
of public services exists. How can data enhance cities to drastically change the channels
through which they produce and deliver public services? How can they support the design
and implementation of innovation strategies and cities and regions to find their smart
specializations? What factors support the transformation and which are the constraints?
Which are the risks of the information flood and how can we manage it?
P a r t n e r : Vision
Special guest:
• Tomasz Zdzikot - Undersecretary of State, Ministry of the Interior and
Administration, Poland
• Francesco Grillo - Director, Vision, Italy
• Grzegorz Czapla - President of the Board, InData S.A., Poland
• Maciej Dopierala - President of the Board, XENTIVO, Poland
• Pierrick Hamon - President, FERAM - Worldwide Administrative Exchange and
Meeting Forum, France
• Elena Kucheryavaya - Vice-Director on International Relations, NGO Support Centre
for Public Initiatives, Russia
• Yuliia Vusenko - Secretary, Lutsk City Council, Ukraine
Participation in discussion:
• Gianfilippo Emma - Consultant, Vision, Italy
April 6
Innovations – Wawel Room
12:30 - 13:30
Smart Commune - How to Build Intelligent
Urban-rural Areas?
The main challenge for local governments is not the development of IT infrastructure, but the
creation of inclusive solutions aimed at increasing the quality of services for residents. When
seeking for effective and long-lasting solutions, we should opt for productive cooperation of
local governments and research centres, innovative entrepreneurs, as well as NGOs. How to
build intelligent areas connecting small towns with the surrounding rural municipalities?
How to successfully manage energy and waste? How to inform the residents about the
changing realities, when using IT instruments? How to create common services centres based
on such tools?
P a r t n e r : PIITT S.A.
• Lukasz Bilski - Vice-President of the Board, PIITT S.A., Poland
• Boryslaw Czarakcziew - Plenipotentiary for International Affairs, The Poland's
Chamber of Architects, Poland
• Wieslaw Krajewski - Member, Parliament, Poland
• Krzysztof Kurowski - Head of Department, Poznan Supercomputing and
Networking Center, Poland
• Tomasz Kurzatkowski - President, Development of "Open Innovations" Foundation,
• Wojciech Muras - Chairman of the Board, net-o-logy Sp. z o.o., Poland
• Abdurashid Yafasov - Head of Management of Innovation Department, Kaliningrad
State Technical University, Russia
April 6
Innovations – Wawel Room
13:40 - 14:40
How to Bring Order and Harmony in Urban
City centre is not only a city’s showcase, but it also serves as a meeting place for residents and
investors as well as a must-see in tourist guidebooks. How far can instruments of spatial policy
reconcile the interests of different groups of people? How far should revitalisation of city
centers take into account the needs of businesses, residents and tourists? What tools are
appropriate to control and shape the public space of the city centre in terms of promoting
the interests of entrepreneurs?
Society of Polish Town Planners
• Grzegorz A. Buczek - Member of the Council, Society of Polish Town Planners,
• Hans Christian Christiansen - Senior Adviser at the Environmental Protection
Agency, City of Copenhagen, Denmark
• Roman Ciepiela - Mayor, City of Tarnow, Poland
• Emilio D'Alessio - Urban Issues Expert, Honorary President, Italian Local Agenda 21
Association, Italy
• Marek Kuzaka - President of the Board, AMS, Poland
• Pierre Mansat - Special Advisor to the Mayor for Paris Métropole, City of Paris, France
April 6
Innovations – Wawel Room
14:50 - 15:50
Sustainable Urban Mobility as an Innovative
Method of City Management
Too many utopian projects on Smart City as a catchy slogan have been already discussed at
various conferences. It is a human, not technology that we shall focus on in order to effectively
improve the quality of live in the cities. Improving of mobility in the cities is not about
engineering or urban activities, it is about change of communication habits and adjust to
the real communication needs. Only having this kind of information a fair share of public
space among pedestrians, cyclists and car drivers can be created. These are long term and
multidisciplinary activities which brings a real improvement of life quality.
Public Private Partnership for Sustainability in
the Venice Lagoon
• Alessandro Costa - Head of Strategic Development and International Cooperation,
Venice International University, Italy
Sustainable Urban Mobility as an Innovative
Method of City Management
P a r t n e r : Rzeczpospolita daily
• Michal Duszczyk - Journalist, Rzeczpospolita daily, Poland
• Michal Beim - Assistant, Poznan, University of Life Science, Poland
• Maciej Bluj - Deputy Mayor, Wroclaw City Council, Poland
• Alessandro Costa - Head of Strategic Development and International Cooperation,
Venice International University, Italy
• Artur Fojud - Expert, Foundation Institute for Local Government, Poland
• Piotr Grzelak - Deputy Mayor, Gdansk City Council, Poland
April 6
Innovations – Wawel Room
16:00 - 17:00
Presentations of European Regions
European regions are very diverse. From Spain to Georgia, regional tourist attractions offer
reflect assorted culture, for example local festivals. They also create diverse economic and
investment opportunities – some of them promote innovation and know-how, others modern
industry. What are the most interesting spots on the map of European regions? What is their
biggest potential?
• Adam Casals, Head, Delegation of the Government of Catalonia in Austria, Spain
• Adam Casals - Head, Delegation of the Government of Catalonia in Austria, Spain
• Oleg Goncharuk - Head of adminitration, Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State
Administration, Ukraine
• Kakhaber Gvantseladze - Head of Technology Development Found, Tbilisi City Hall,
• Lucian Sandu - Head of Business Development Office, North-East Regional
Development Agency, Romania
• Janis Sijats - International Projects Manager, Vidzeme Tourism Association, Latvia
April 6
Innovations – Barbakan Room
17:15 - 18:45
Cities of the 21st Century. Can Mayors Make the
World a Better Place
Are cities in a better position than countries to meet challenges of globalisation in Europe?
How does urban democracy work nowadays? Can innovative cities, which are managed
efficiently and open for cooperation, solve transnational problems?
• Jan Rokita, Columnist, Poland
Decebal Fagadau - Acting Mayor, Constanta City Hall, Romania
Mykhaylo Fateyev - Deputy Mayor, Kharkiv City Council, Ukraine
Zygmunt Frankiewicz - Mayor, City of Gliwice, Poland
Irakli Lekvinadze - Deputy Mayor, Tbilisi City Hall, Georgia
April 6
Revitalisation – Kraków Room
9:00 - 10:15
Revitalisation an Instrument of the City
Management Strategy. Implication for Strategy
of Development of City.
Revitalization ceases to be understood as a separate field of activity of public authorities. It
becomes a complex, multidimensional, integrated management process of degraded urban
P a r t n e r : City of Krakow
• Beata Chomatowska, Journalist, Tygodnik Powszechny, Poland
• Marek Bryx - Deputy Rector for Management, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
• Rafal Kulczycki - Director of the City Development Department, City of Krakow,
• Aleksander Noworol - Director of the Institute of Public Affairs, Jagiellonian
University, Poland
• Tomasz Ossowicz - Professor, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
• Joanna Urbanowicz - Director of the Department of Regional Policy, Malopolska
Region, Poland
• Jacek Purchla, Director, International Cultural Centre, Poland
April 6
Revitalisation – Kraków Room
10:25 - 11:40
“Man in the City” – Revitalisation as a Social
Process. The New Definition of Revitalisation.
The law on revitalisation perturbs the previous vision of revitalization as an instrument of
reconstruction of the city space only. The new integrated perspective of revitalisation is
focused on the independence of this space, the quality of life of inhabitants becomes the main
axis of intervention in the areas affected by the crisis phenomena.
P a r t n e r : City of Krakow
• Beata Chomatowska, Journalist, Tygodnik Powszechny, Poland
Jaroslaw Gorniak - Dean of UJ Faculty of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University, Poland
Krzysztof Mazur - President of the Board, Klub Jagiellonski, Poland
Bohdan Skrzypczak - President of the Board, CAL Association, Poland
Marta Smagacz-Poziemska - Assistant Professor, Jagiellonian University, Poland
Jacek Wozniak - Deputy Director of the City Development Department, City of
Krakow, Poland
• Boleslaw Domanski - Head, Department of Regional Development, Institute of
Geography and Spatial Managment, Jagiellonian Univetsity, Poland
April 6
Revitalisation – Kraków Room
11:50 - 13:05
Revitalisation: a Local Phenomenon or a Global
Fashion? Can Local Governments Afford
Is revitalisation a process of a local nature, based on the instruments tightly adjusted to the
local specific, or rather a universal answer for the urban development issues? Can local
governments in Poland implement revitalisation projects alone, without external support?
P a r t n e r : City of Krakow
• Dawid Hajok, Journalist, Gazeta Wyborcza daily, Poland
Adam Grehl - Deputy Mayor of Wroclaw, City of Wroclaw, Poland
Marek Janiak - City Architect, City of Łodź, Poland
Elzbieta Koterba - Deputy Mayor of Krakow, City of Krakow, Poland
Frederik Vermeesch - Architect, Director, Rijnboutt, The Netherlands
Mariusz Wisniewski - Deputy Mayor of Poznan, City of Poznan, Poland
Zygmunt Ziobrowski, Professor, Institute of Urban Development, Poland
April 6
Society – Sukiennice Room
09:00 - 10:00
How Will Big Data Change the Local
Data integration and analysis have become the most important areas of interest not only for
big companies, but also for local governments. Organisations which can integrate all of the
available data have the biggest chance for development. So far, this trend was driven by the
need to integrate internal data. Today, these data come mainly from external sources and
often have a completely different structure. Their proper integration and management will
allow local governments to respond to the needs of local communities more effectively.
• Lukasz Cioch - Public Affairs Director, Aspire, Poland
• Katarzyna Mikolajczyk - Coordinator of the Open City, Fundament Społeczeństwa
Informacyjnego, Poland
• Mariusz Rzepka - Territory Manager, Fortinet, Poland
• Jan Schneider - Deputy Mayor, City of Frankfurt am Main, Germany
• Frane Sesnic - Director, Zagreb Development Agency, Croatia
April 6
Society – Sukiennice Room
10:10 - 11:10
Local Identity versus Political, Economic and
Social Changes
The concept of the state, the constitutional principles and the ongoing political, economic
and social changes often result in disappearance of regional differences. Cohesion and
regional policy of the European Union, the growth of economic transformation, initiating the
competitiveness of regions and migration may weaken or change local identity. Although
the change in values and social norms is slower than the political and economic changes, it
may result in irreversible losses in the social fabric of the region. How to counteract them?
Why should we cultivate local identity?
• Marek Lasota - Director, Institute of National Remembrance, Poland
• Maryna Bryl - National Policy Development Expert, DESPRO - Swiss-Ukrainian
Decentralisation Support Project, Ukraine
• Jonathan Carr-West - Chief Executive, LGiU, United Kingdom
• Dmitry Karnaukhov - Professor, Department of International Relations, Novosibirsk
State Technical University, Russia
• Tadeusz Pieronek - Member, Programme Council of the Economic Forum, Poland
Introductory presentation:
• Pawel Kubicki - Expert, Institute of European Studies of the Jagiellonian University,
April 6
Society – Sukiennice Room
11:20 - 12:20
Extraordinary Hobbies of Ordinary Mayors
Mayors are usually perceived through the prism of their political views and positions held,
while they are often people for whom real life is about their passions. They are enthusiasts of
history, culture, art, professional collectors, or practitioners of extreme sports. It is worth
knowing the profiles of such ordinary-extraordinary mayors whose true interests and passions
positively influence the style of work and management of the city.
Association of Polish Cities
• Jan Krzysztof Bielecki - Chairman of the Partners Board, EY, Poland
Krzysztof Hildebrandt - Mayor, City Hall of Wejherowo, Poland
Marek Janczak - Mayor, Labowa Commune Council, Poland
Adam Lewandowski - Mayor, Municipal Office in Srem, Poland
Wojciech Lubawski - Mayor, City of Kielce, Poland
April 6
Society – Sukiennice Room
12:30 - 13:30
The Influence of Film on the Local Society and
Regional Branding
The turnout in Polish cinemas continues to grow and in 2015 it reached 45 million viewers.
Local digital cinemas bringing in mind an intimate community and the idea of cinema for
friends, are a new phenomenon that seems to gain popularity. What provides an opportunity
to watch important movies and meet cinema makers are also film festivals. The discussion
will seek answers to the following questions: What is the place of film festivals in the cultural
calendar of the venue: are they a one-time events or rather an expression of a consistent
cultural policy? Can film festivals be treated as an investment in the image of the city and the
region? Are local cinemas able to activate the local environment and to arouse interest in
• Marta Manowska - Journalist, Polish Television S.A., Poland
Grzegorz Molewski - President, Kino za Rogiem Sp. z o.o., Poland
Witold Morawiec - Mayor, Olesno Commune Council, Poland
Peter Pfliegler - Deputy Mayor, City of Miskolc, Hungary
Andrzej Pisula - Mayor, City Hall of Kazimierz Dolny, Poland
Grażyna Torbicka - "Two Shores" Film and Art Festival in Kazimierz Dolny/Janowiec,
• Bozena Wisniewska - Mayor, Kowary City Council, Poland
April 6
Society – Sukiennice Room
13:40 - 14:40
When EU funds run out... Strategies for the
Preparations for 2020 should begin today. It is not enough only to spend well EU funds – we
should gradually reduce the dependence on these funds and we should build the
development potential based on our own resources.
• Robert Gwiazdowski - Professor, Attorney, Gwiazdowski Tax & Legal, Poland
Jan Krzysztof Bielecki - Chairman of the Partners Board, EY, Poland
Dumitru Buzatu - President, Vaslui County Council, Romania
Jacek Krupa - Marshal, Malopolska Region, Poland
Jasna Matulic - Chair of the Committee on Regional Development and EU Funds,
Croatian Parliament, Croatia
• Rafal Trzaskowski - Member, Parliament, Poland
April 6
Society – Sukiennice Room
14:50 - 15:50
Involvement of the Local Government in
Regional Audiovisual Policy
In many countries local authorities use incentives to attract audiovisual production. In Poland,
too, cities and regions support the production of films and TV series; regional funds are created
to finance such productions. Is it reasonable to made local governments responsible for
creating a regional policy of audiovisual production? Is the involvement in audiovisual
production a patronage, a way to promote or an investment in the region? Is the economic
effect of investments in film production noticeable?
• Juliusz Braun - Expert, BRAUN - Kultura i Media, Poland
• Wolfgang Fandrich - Head of International Affairs and Content Innovation
Management, MDR/ARD German Television, Germany
• Jerzy Fedorowicz - Senator, Senate of the Republic of Poland, Poland
• Magdalena Sroka - Director, Polish Cinema Institute, Poland
• Maciej Strzembosz - President, Krajowa Izba Producentów Audiowizualnych, Poland
• Marek Szczepanik, Swietokrzyskie Region’s Marshal’s Office - Member of the Board
of the Voivodeship, Poland
• Mariusz Wrobel - Dyrektor, Instytucja Filmowa SILESIA FILM, Poland
April 6
Society – Kraków Room
16:00 - 17:00
Can Interregional Cooperation Mitigate
International Conflicts?
Interregional cooperation promotes economic and social relations. Not infrequently, however,
especially in countries where high-level dialogue has been frozen, it also has a political
significance. Prosperous cooperation between regions helps alleviate tensions in border areas,
facilitates resumption of political dialogue whenever necessary and makes the international
climate more constructive. Can - and how - regional cooperation in the eastern neighborhood
of the European Union enhance political relations?
• Grzegorz Gauden - Director, The Book Institute, Poland
Kostiantyn Bondarenko - Director, Ukrainian Politics Foundation, Ukraine
Daria Grevtsova - Deputy Director, Institute of Political Research, Russia
Boris Guseletov, Senior Researcher, Institute of Europe RAS, Russia
Pavlo Zhovnirenko - Chairman of the Board, Center for Strategic Studies in Kiev,
April 6
Society – Sukiennice Room
16:00 - 17:00
Neighbours in Europe: Cooperation Between
Partner Regions
Partnership relations between the regions are an important element of cooperation between
countries. Such relations open up the possibility of active communication and enable to
establish many contacts. They develop especially dynamically when originating at the grassroots. What is the role of local governments in the development of relations between the
regions? What are good examples of such cooperation? What problems might occur and how
can we eliminate them?
• Serhii Tatusiak - Chairman, NGO "Ukraine-Poland-Germany", Ukraine
• Giorgi Alibegashvili - Chairman, Tbilisi City Municipal Assembly, Georgia
• Grzegorz Biedron - Chairman of the Regional Development Committee, Malopolska
Regional Assembly, Poland
• Oleksandr Fyshchuk - Head, Chernivtsi Regional State Administration, Ukraine
• Vladimir Solovyov - President, The Non-profit Foundation for Knowledge and
Technology "Agroresurs", Russia
• Zeljko Turk - Mayor, President of the Croatian Association of Cities, City of Zapresic,
• Radek Kana - Mayor, Municipality of Silherovice, Czech Republic
April 6
Society – Sukiennice Room
17:15 - 18:15
The Role of Local Governments in Shaping
Polish Sport
Presentation of the report: Cities rely on sport and reward the best of local governments.
Geography sporting events in Poland. Who organizes the most prestigious sporting events.
Summary of events taking into account the popularity and size of the organizing cities. Is it
worth it to local governments? What is the role of big events in local politics?
Rzeczpospolita daily
• Marek Jozwik - Journalist, TVP Sport, Poland
Witold Banka - Minister, Ministry of Sport and Tourism, Poland
Czeslaw Lang - General Director, Lang Team, Poland
Ryszard Niemiec - President, Football Association of Malopolska, Poland
Artur Siódmiak - Owner, APR Artur Siódmiak, Poland
Jacek Sutryk - Director of the Department of Social Affairs, Wroclaw City Council,
April 6
Society – Sukiennice Room
17:15 - 18:15
The Role of Local Governments in Shaping the
Elderly Policy
It is the role of local governments to organize “little homelands” so as the twilight years of
their populations be bright. Local decision-makers should also create investment-friendly
climate with incentives for elderly people.
• Anna Okonska-Walkowicz, Advisor to the President, City of Krakow, Poland
• Igor Kulin - Public expert. Team leader, public assistants, the Deputy Dr. Solomon
Ginzburg, Kaliningrad Regional Duma, Russia
• Michael Lee - Consultant Urban Economist, United Kingdom
• Tomasz Wachnicki - Member of the Board, Air Liquide Polska sp. z o.o., Poland
• Monica Ulfhielm - President of the Stockholm District, Swedish Association of
Senior Citizens, Sweden
• Monica Ulfhielm - President of the Stockholm District, Swedish Association of
Senior Citizens, Sweden
April 6
Environment – Wisła Room
09:00 - 10:00
How to Exploit the Tourism Potential of a
Region in Creating its Image? Part 1
The tourism potential of the region consists of various factors, e.g. natural values of the region,
tourist attractions, infrastructure, accommodation and availability of products and services.
During the discussion we will try to answer the questions on how to use that potential for the
region development and creation of the positive image not only internally but abroad as well.
What role of the marketing of tourists destinations plays the cooperation between local
government and business?
• Radoslaw Jecek - Mayor, Karpacz City Council, Poland
Manu Broccard - Professor, Institute of Tourism (ITO), Switzerland
Jerzy Gajewski - Chairman, Mountain Tourism Commission of PTTK, Poland
Anatoly Kalina - Director, FGBU "National Park" Curonian Spit, Russia
Sergey Markov - Member of the Committee for Public Associations and Religious
Organisations, Civic Chamber of Russian Federation, Russia
• Przemyslaw Trawa - Chairman of the Board, Miedzynarodowe Targi Poznanskie Sp. z
o.o., Poland
April 6
Environment – Wisła Room
10:10 - 11:10
How to Exploit the Tourism Potential of the
Region in Creating its Image? Part 2
The tourism potential of the region consists of various factors, e.g. natural values of the region,
tourist attractions, infrastructure, accommodation and availability of products and services.
During the discussion we will try to answer the questions on how to use that potential for the
region development and creation of the positive image not only internally but abroad as well.
What role of the marketing of tourists destinations plays the cooperation between local
government and business?
• Blazej Grabowski - Vice-President of the Board, Polish Market, Poland
• Gustaw Marek Brzezin - Marshal, Warminsko-Mazurskie Region’s Marshal’s Office,
• Roman Polikrovskyi - Mayor, Zbarazh City Council, Ukraine
• Ignacio Ruiz - Professor, Complutense University, Spain
• Sergey Sinelnikov - Author, Scientific Editor, Culinary Publishig House Chernovik,
• Wlodzimierz Lecki - Ph.D., Poznan School of Logistics, Poland
April 6
Environment – Wisła Room
11:20 - 12:20
How to Make the City More Bicycle-Friendly?
Biking has been very popular recently and each year it gets new fans and followers. Bike
cycling is considered good for health. It increases quality of life and moreover is the synonym
with environmental consciousness. Cities more gladly invest in adequate infrastructure – bike
lanes and parking areas – allowing comfortable, fast and safe mean of moving on short
distances. How long will bike revolution last? What risks to effective sustainable transport
politics development should be considered?
P a r t n e r : Institute for Social Cases
• Rafal Gorski - President of the Board, Institute for Social Cases, Poland
Marcin Dumnicki - Member of Board, "Krakow City of Bicycle" Association, Poland
Antoine Godbert - Municipal Councilor for European Affairs, City of Tours, France
Piotr Grzymowicz - Mayor, City of Olsztyn, Poland
Wojciech Makowski - Cycling Officer, City of Poznan, Poland
Zygmunt Zmuda Trzebiatowski - Chairman of the City Council, City of Gdynia,
April 6
Environment – Wisła Room
12:30 - 13:30
The World Without Smog? Air Quality
Improvement as a Challenge of the 21st
Air pollution is a serious problem in Poland caused by low emissions from heating buildings
using technologically obsolete solid fuel boilers. The Supreme Chamber of Audit has long
denounced the lack of basic regulations and quality standards in terms of carbon emission
for boilers. In 2015 the voivodship-level local government passed the Anti-Smog Law. It is not
known if and when local assemblies will decide to implement this instrument. Without
regulations, even programmes worth billions will not lead to the desired improvement in air
P a r t n e r : Institute of Environmental Economics
• Andrzej Gula - Chairman of the Board, Institute of Environmental Economics, Poland
Jadwiga Emilewicz - Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Development, Poland
Patrick Goodman - Professor, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland
Mateusz Klinowski - Mayor, City of Wadowice, Poland
Cezary Przybylski - Marshal, Dolnoslaskie Region's Marshal's Office, Poland
April 6
Environment – Wisła Room
13:40 - 14:40
Waste Management System in Hindsight –
Success or Failure of the Great Reform?
Municipal waste and the lack of a unified system of segregation has had a negative effect on
the environment. The situation was supposed to be improved long with the adjustment of
Polish law to EU regulations, and the new law was to completely revolutionize the approach
to the ways of proper waste management. New solutions come into force in July 2013. As a
result of the changes, the level of recycling was to be increased, illegal dumping were to be
eliminated, and separate waste collection system was supposed to be easily accessible to all
residents. Have the objectives of the reform been achieved? What are the things we can be
satisfied with, and what are the things we still need to work on?
• Maciej Kielbus - Columnist, "Wspólnota", Poland
Mirosław Basciuk - Managing Director, Remondis Electrorecycling Sp. z o.o., Poland
Yurii Chyzhmar - Deputy, Supreme Council, Ukraine
Anna Larsson - Deputy Director, Green Business Norway, Norway
Aleksandr Solovianov - Deputy Director, Institute of Environmental Protection,
• Marek Wojtkowski - Mayor, Wloclawek City Council, Poland
Participation in discussion:
• Oleksandr Bublyk - Head, Kovalivka Village Council, Ukraine
April 6
Environment – Wisła Room
14:50 - 15:50
How to Manage the Environment to Achieve
Sustainable Development?
The concept of sustainable development leads to a discussion on the future of cities, their
inhabitants, and the natural environment, whose condition has a significant impact on
decisions concerning the collective life of the local community. For sustainable development
to be achieved, environmental protection must be an integral part of regional development
processes. Hence the importance for urban communities of ensuring a balance of activities
in the environmental management at the local level.
• Katarina Hazuchova - Independent Environmental Analyst, Slovakia
• Samuel Ibbott - Deputy Public Affairs Director, Environmental Industries
Commission, United Kingdom
• Anna Magyar - Vice-President of Csongrád County Regional Government, Member
of the Committe of Regions, Member of the Congress of Local and Regional
Authorities of the Council of Europe, Csongrád County Regional Government,
• Malgorzata Mrugala - President of the Board, The Regional Fund for Environmental
Protection & Water Management in Krakow, Poland
• Pawel Sliwa - Member, Malopolska Regional Assembly, Poland
• Helena Titheridge - Senior Lecturer, University College London, United Kingdom
Participation in discussion:
• Krzysztof Mroz - President, Park M Sp. z o.o., Poland
April 6
Environment – Wisła Room
16:00 - 17:00
Is There an Optimal Model of Decentralisation?
Democracy does not end nor does it start with free elections. Questions about the form of the
state, about the powers of the central government and local governments do not cease to be
at the heart of public debate. Such debates were commonplace in all countries undergoing
democratic transition. Polish experience shows the complexity of the issue, including its
benefits and risks.
• Markiyan Zheliak - Head ok Kyiv office, Solidarity Fund PL, Ukraine
• Kazimierz Barczyk - Deputy Chairman, Malopolska Regional Assembly, Poland
• Oleksandr Bilenkyi - The Head of the Poltava Regional Council, Poltava Regional
Council, Ukraine
• Viorel Chivriga - Director of Functional Market Economy Department, Institute for
Development and Social Initiatives “Viitorul”, Republic of Moldova
• Stanislaw Kowalski - Rector, Higher School of Economics and Computer Science in
Cracow, Poland
• Andrzej Maciejewski - Memeber, Parliament, Poland
• Roman Savenkov - Associate Professor of Sociology and Political Science
Department, Voronezh State University, Russia
April 6
Accompanying Event – Hotel Best Western Plus Q
09:45 - 11:15
Urbact III – Integrated and Sustainable Urban
Development in Europe and Poland
Urban Policies and Their Implementation
The Role of Intercommunal Partnerships in the
Integrated Development of Cities
URBACT as an Instrument for Integrated and
Sustainable Development of Cities
11:30 - 12:45
Achievements of Urbact II in Europe and Poland
Experiences of URBACT II in Poland
URBACT III – Implementation Networks
13:00 - 14:30
Participation in Urbact III Implementation