Bulletin for April 17
Bulletin for April 17
ST. MARTIN OF TOURS PAGE 2 A Message from our Pastor Fr. Santos “Sunny” Castillo APPRECIATION, ENCOURAGEMENT, GRATITUDE One thing I know about being a priest is that we did not sign up for this just to get praised and honored all over the place. On the contrary, in walking the path of the priesthood, we should always prepare to be criticized, ridiculed, and maybe even rejected. Yet, in my experience of the priesthood and being with the people, I know that the people that we serve are generous in appreciation, encouragement and gratitude. Last week, I received this letter: “Dear Father Sunny, I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for the beautiful and spiritually inspiring services for Easter Week. Thank you for the efforts you put forth in planning and leading each of the services. I know it took great deal of time and hard work to put it all together. I also think that it was awesome to see so many parishioners from each of the parishes come together and participate. I know that happened as a result of your leadership. The entire week was truly spiritually enriching and beautiful. Thank you also for all your ongoing efforts to create a community among the three churches. I know there have been many obstacles but I see positive movement, once again, thanks to your leadership. I will continue to pray for you and for ongoing growth and unity in the Kankakee churches. Thank you, we are so grateful to have you. A joyful parishioner.” I am humbled by the many messages and words of affirmation and encouragement that I have been receiving over the past year, and I am especially delighted by those that are from our own parish families. Thank you to those that continue to lift up our spirits after mass, just giving feedback about our homilies, or the liturgy experience as a whole. There are also a number of parishioners that drop food by our door – pies, cookies, fruits, produce, fresh eggs – and we are grateful for these acts of thoughtfulness. The show of concern that many parishioners show to me and Fr. Roy make us feel welcomed and loved, as your priests. A number of you have sent us Christmas and Easter cards… I keep them and read them all, and pray for you. Thank you very much! The number of parishioners that joyfully feed us on Saturday evenings, thank you! A number of parishioners have seen me on various occasions in one of our local restaurants here in Kankakee, and I later discover that the bill has been paid, and I want to say thank you! Father Roy and I come from the other side of the world – India and the Philippines, respectively. By some divine plan, we believe, God brought us to Kankakee for a reason. We left our homes and friends, and our usual stomping grounds, because we felt called to do this – to spread the Good news of Jesus. So, we are here by our fundamental existential obligation, joyfully and faithfully. But in those moments that I feel a bit homesick, or unsure, or too tired, or overwhelmed by the demands of my priestly ministry, you have given me boxes of cards, encouragement, and memories of many kind deeds and generosity that I pull out gratefully. I am forever grateful to you, dear church, for loving us and accepting us, and encouraging us in our ministry. May the joy of the Lord return to you abundantly. In the joy of Easter, Fr. Sunny Castillo PAGE 3 ST. MARTIN OF TOURS A Message from Fr. Roy AM I A MERE SPECTATOR! When I was in my earlier parishes as the parochial vicar, people used to say after each mass, “Father that was a beautiful mass”, “that was a nice mass”. I was so happy but I often think, what fabricates a mass a beautiful one or nicer one. What is our concept of Holy Eucharist? According to the catechism of the Catholic Church 1324 The Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life.” It is fully a Christ-centered devotion and the highest form of worship of every single catholic.” But does it create that feeling in us, or does pass without being a moving experience? In 1997, the megahit movie Titanic captured and attracted the attention of millions of people around the world. Upon its release Titanic achieved critical and commercial success. Nominated for fourteen Academy Awards, and for the most Oscar nominations, and won eleven. The success of this movie is not solely on the shoulders of the main actors; each and every character in the movie was outstanding, along with the characters, the direction, music, photography etc., excelled in themselves better than the other. Each single person who was involved in it was important and thereby it became a mega-hit movie. In the same way, to make the Holy Eucharist a mega-hit experience, all the characters should perform better than the other. In this heavenly banquet are all actors or are they participants? The Catechism of the Catholic church says “Of course Christ is the head and He Himself presides invisibly over every Eucharistic celebration. It is in representing Him that the bishop or priest, acting in the person of Christ the head (in persona Christi capitis), presides over the assembly, speaks after the readings, receives the offerings, and says the Eucharistic Prayer. All have their own active parts to play in the celebration, each in his own way: The choir, readers, those who bring up the offerings, those who give communion, and the whole people, the entire congregation whose “Amen” manifests their participation.”(CCC 1348) When each one does his or her part exceptionally well with one mind and heart that becomes a channel of grace for him or her, when the person brings up the offertory he needs to think that through this visible sign I offer myself, my whole being and that will fill him/her with a rich heavenly experience. The whole crowd is an unavoidable part of the Holy Eucharist. Their duty and obligation is sometimes to say an Amen, or respond to the prayers. When we do our part wonderfully well we are all actually filling our empty mind. If the Eucharistic celebration becomes ineffective, it is only because we turn to be a mere spectator or we just remain as if watching a stage show, sometimes not wanting even to open my mouth to say an Amen. Often we look at others and we try to satisfy ourselves with what others are doing. The grace of God is overflowing throughout the mass. I have to feed myself; I have to work to channelize the grace in to my heart. Never forget that we are all participants, it is not important what role I play, each one will receive the grace of God according to his or her disposition and participation. So, we are not spectators or Sunday visitors but we are very much part of the Holy Sacrifice. Let us feel that oneness and union in the risen Jesus Christ. Have a grace-full week! Rev. Roy Jacob CMI PAGE 4 ST. MARTIN OF TOURS Pastor Rev. Santos (Sunny) Castillo Pastor Emeritus Fr. Dennis Settles Parochial Vicar Fr. Roy Jacob frroy@stmartinkankakee.com Deacon Gregory Clodi Parish Secretaries Mrs. Betty Clodi Margaret Sula Carolyn Levy Music Director Michael Berger DJBerger@mail.com Kankakee Hearts of Hope Youth Group Ken & Michelle Barrie (815) 382-8130 barrieacres@yahoo.com Rectory Office 953 S. Ninth Ave., Kankakee, IL 60901 (815) 933-7177 - Fax (815) 304-4438 rectory@stmartinkankakee.com www.stmartinkankakee.com FIND US ON FACEBOOK Masses Sunday - 8 a.m. & 11 a.m. Daily - 7 a.m. Monday - Friday Community Mass 4 p.m. at St. Rose - Saturday Faith Formation Office Sister Rose Urbanczyk roseumsf@gmail.com 907 S. Ninth Ave.. Kankakee, IL 60901 (815) 932-7911 Baptism: Family must be active, registered parishioners. A preparation class is required. This may be completed prior to the child’s birth. Please call to make an appointment. Reconciliation: 1st Friday of month after 7:00 a.m. Mass. Communal Celebration. 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 - 3:30 at St. Rose Marriage: Arrangements must be made well in advance (six months minimum). At least one of the couple must be an active registered member of St. Martin of Tours. Eucharist for Shut-ins: Emergency calls are handled at any time. We are happy to visit the sick. Please notify the Rectory. Parish Registration: Stop by or call the Rectory at your earliest possible convenience. Bulletin Deadline: All articles must be submitted by noon Monday. MASS Intentions SATURDAY – APRIL 16 – EASTER WEEKDAY/VIGIL: FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 4:00 p.m. COMMUNITY MASS AT ST. ROSE In Memory of Carolyn “Carrie “ Walker, req. by Merle and June Raymond SUNDAY – APRIL 17 – FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 8:00 a.m. In Memory of George and Mary Bobalik, req. by Betty Azzarelli In Memory of Jeanne Hansen, req. by Janet Coy In Memory of Jim Ramien, req. by His Wife Alice 11:00 a.m. In Memory of Valentin Quejadas, req. by Father Sunny, Father Roy and The Parishioners of St. Martin of Tours In Memory of Robert “Bob” Smith, req. by Friends of the Family MONDAY – APRIL 18 – EASTER WEEKDAY 7:00 a.m. In Memory of Josephine Merten, req. by Mr. & Mrs. G.L. Pietraszewski TUESDAY – APRIL 19 – EASTER WEEKDAY 7:00 a.m. In Memory of James and Joan Scanlon, Wedding Anniversary Remembrance, req., by Betty Azzarelli WEDNESDAY – APRIL 20 – EASTER WEEKDAY 7:00 a.m. In Memory of Clemens Kosakowski, req. by St. Mary’s 2 West Co-Workers THURSDAY – APRIL 21 – EASTER WEEKDAY/ST. ANSELM 7:00 a.m. In Memory of Bartle and Vivian Azzarelli, req. by Steve and Diane Devine FRIDAY – APRIL 22 – EASTER WEEKDAY 7:00 a.m. In Memory of Leland Milk, req. by Romeo LeBeau SATURDAY – APRIL 23 – EASTER WEEKDAY/ST. GEORGE/ST. ADALBERT/VIGIL: FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 4:00 p.m. COMMUNITY MASS AT ST. ROSE SUNDAY – APRIL 24 – FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 8:00 a.m. In Memory of Joe Azzarelli, req. by His Sister-in-law Betty Azzarelli In Memory of Dolores Dupuis, req. by Alice Ramien 11:00 a.m. In Memory of Wilbert and Genevieve Rice, Wedding Anniversary Remembrance, req. by John and Mary Dmitrasz In Memory of Oscar “Duff” Carlson, Birthday and Wedding Anniversary Remembrance, req. by Kathy and Troy In Memory of Clemens Kosakowski, req. by Father Sunny, Father Roy and the Parishioners of St. Martin of Tours THE SANCTUARY CANDLE THE SANCTUARY CANDLE IS BURNING THIS WEEK IN MEMORY OF BRAD LIGGETT, REQUESTED BY WAYNE AND BETTY CLODI. REST IN PEACE We pray for the repose of the soul of George “Alan” Nanos, brother of Rose Faber of our Parish. May God welcome him home and comfort his family in this time of sorrow. PAGE 5 ST. MARTIN OF TOURS LITURGICAL Schedule Please check the schedule and find a replacement if you cannot make your appointed time. Thank You! DAY & TIME EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS READERS Sr. Krystyna, Sr. Kasia Desiree Grant ALTAR SERVERS April 18 - 22 Sun., April 24 8:00 a.m. Ana Darr, Maddie Russell Zane Coy Stephanie Grosso, Debbie Groth, Steven Ortman, Tara White, Rick White Cheryl Walsh Sun., April 24 11:00 a.m. Jessica Perez, Joselyne Perez Ximena Molina Cindy Curtis, Alex Ewers, Sandra Girard David Hegg, Chuck Juarez Jacob Levy Sr. Rose, Desiree Grant Cheryl Heldt April 25 - 29 BLESS OUR SICK RIVERSIDE: Donald Link, James Beyerlein OTHERS: Benjamin Worham, Sheila Somers, Preston Wilcox, Bill Johnson, Kay Harris, Chris Harris, Alesia Hartman, William Veronda, Mia Martin, Kathy Call, Carol Veronda, Kenneth Emling, Ed Menigoz, Craig Robison, Yvonne Borem, Judy Buchholz, Arthur Licon, Diane Sheehan, Margaret Guimond, Bud Bates, Abraham Daily, Joyce Mayo, Gary Paruszkiewicz, Eleanor Leriger, Francis Raut, Donna Valex, Andy Summers, Rosemary Miller, Elizabeth Hitzen, Cheryl Heldt, Michael Garcia, Father Dennis Settles, Delmar Skeen, Kathy Lenzi, Mary Lou Murphy, Dan Jacobs, Ruth Lochner, Richard Veronda, Lucille Marcotte, Ron Fenton. WE ARE GOOD STEWARDS Last Sunday, April 10th, 129 families returned $4,396.75. There was $36.00 Building Fund, $2.00 Flowers, $300.00 Easter, $10.00 Home Mission for a total collection of $4,744.75. For those who participate, thank you for your continued generosity. PRAYER BREAKFAST Join us as we begin our day in prayerful reflection on relevant topics to our lives. WHEN: Thursday, May 5, 2016, from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. WHERE: One Heart, One Soul Spirituality Center, 2041 W. State Route 113, Kankakee SPONSORED BY: Servants of the Holy Heart of Mary TOPIC: Human Trafficking PRESENTER: Sister Peggy Quinn graduated from the College of St. Catherine in St. Paul, MN with a BA in Theology and received an MA in theology from Notre Dame. Training in the areas of Social Justice continued throughout years of teaching and Campus Ministry in two High Schools and years of service in the Appalachian mountains of Kentucky in mission work. As Councilor for Franciscan Spirituality with the Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate in Joliet, IL., issues of Social Justice led me to workshops, and organizations working for Justice and numerous opportunities. I am involved with the Illinois Women Religious Against Human Trafficking and Women of Faith for Justice. COST: Free Will Donation – Continental Breakfast will be available. To register or for more information: Please call Sister Mary Stella at 815-935-0800. PILGRIMAGE CHURCH FOR THE KANKAKEE DEANERY: ST. PATRICK PARISH 428 S. INDIANA AVENUE KANKAKEE, ILLINOIS Holy Year of Mercy Evening Reflection Thursday, April 21 4:30 P.M. Silent entry through Holy Door 5:00 P.M. Vespers and Benediction 6:00 P.M. Mass of Mercy Followed by light refreshments Presentation: “Anno Santo” The meaning, history and opportunity of the “Holy Year” Presenter: Fr. Michael Powell Hosted by the Lay Carmelites PAGE 6 ST. MARTIN OF TOURS THIS WEEK AT St. Martin’s Monday 7:00 p.m. CHOIR PRACTICE in the church Tuesday 10:00 a.m. ROSARY GROUP meets in the church 11:00 a.m. LIVING WORD BIBLE STUDY meets in the Faith Formation Center Conference Room 7:00 p.m. LIVING WORD BIBLE STUDY meets in the Faith Formation Center Conference Room Wednesday 6:15 p.m. FFP CLASSES 6:30 p.m. GROWING IN FAITH TOGETHER meets in the Faith Formation Center Conference Room USED BOOK SALE Place: St. Martin of Tours Faith Formation Building When: TODAY!! Sunday, April 17th after the Masses VHS Tapes, Children’s Books (Disney, Holiday, Fiction, Non-fiction, Religious, and Educational Books) Price: .50, $1.00 and up Proceeds: To Benefit The Faith Formation Program. THE BURNING OF THE SANCTUARY CANDLE If you would like the Sanctuary Candle to burn for a week in Memory of a Loved One or for a Special Intention please contact the rectory 815-933-7177. There are many dates available from June until the end of the year. ST. MARTINS DRAW DOWN EXTRAVAGANZA APRIL 30 SILENT AUCTION BASKET DONATIONS PLEASE help us with a donation from you or your business to be used for silent auction baskets to support our St. Martins Draw Down Extravaganza. This donation could be goods, services or a monetary donation (used to buy items for the auction.) Donations from friends like you lead to a successful event!! Contact me to pick up the items or drop them at the St. Martin of Tours Rectory at 953 So. 9th Ave. We appreciate your help. Thank You! Sincerely Karen Barker, 815-530-9467. DRAW DOWN EXTRAVAGANZA EARLY BIRD WINNERS The winner of the 1st Early Bird Drawing on March 18th was Fred Klipp and The winner of the 2nd Early Bird Drawing on April 8th was Rod Kahl. Congratulations to both of you! ALSO A REMINDER: Tickets are on sale after the Masses, in the school lobby. They are $30 per person and include all you can eat Buffet Dinner, Drinks, Entertainment and 36 chances to win $50 or more and a chance to win $2,000 Grand Prize. PAGE 7 ST. MARTIN OF TOURS SPACE AVAILABLE Full color and Black and White ads available Call 815-932-6432 for more information! Painting Company Residential & Commerical (815) 370-8829 • (815) 823-2607 KANKAKEE SPRING & ALIGNMENT AUTO-TRUCK-TRAILER SPRINGS & SUSPENSION PARTS & SERVICE 88 W. ISSERT DRIVE • KANKAKEE, IL 60901 815-932-6718 FAX 815-932-3492 BARTLE AZZARELLI • NORMA J. VAUGHN, President “Kankakee’s Complete Music Store” 815-935-1030 Over 40 Years of Experience HOME REPAIR & SERVICES Offered By Hemza Enterprises 1030 Kennedy Dr., Kankakee Cuts&Color by Patti 3rd Generation of Master Carpentry & Remodeling 288 W. Jeffery St. Rose Parishioner - ask for Richard Sr. Kankakee, IL Cell 815-935-8897 • Cell 815-383-3243 (815) 935-5940 (815) 685-4064 SPACE AVAILABLE ake It Happen… Let’s Make ItIt Happen… Happen… Let’s Make Call 815-932-6432 for more information! PeoplesBankDirect.com PeoplesBankDirect.com PeoplesBankDirect.com 936-7600 (815) 936-7600 936-7600 (815) ROY BROTHERS SPACE AVAILABLE BVM, Illinois Maternity BVM, Bourbonnais, Bourbonnais, Illinois AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR oplesBankDirect.com Complete Automotive Repair from Oil Call 815-932-6432 Change to Overhaul - Foreign & Domestic 5) 936-7600 855 S. Schuyler, Kankakee Maternity BVM, Bourbonnais, Illinois for more information! 815-933-5353 SANDY GIRARD, Broker KNIGHTS VM, Bourbonnais, Illinois OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 745 Mobile (815) 592-0567 • Home (815) 933-7943 www.sandygirard.com Rosenboom Realty DISCOVER THE CATHOLIC DIFFERENCE Contact me today: Rivers Area Credit Union www.adcraftprinters.com Rely on the Knights of Columbus to protect your family’s future. LIFE INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE LONG-TERM CARE RETIREMENT ANNUITIES JOIN TODAY All people living in or working in Kankakee County SPACE AVAILABLE Full color and Black and White ads available Call 815-932-6432 for more information! can now join our credit union! 1355 W. Jeffery • Kankakee, IL KEEP IT LOCAL! Why shop out of town? Patronizing local businesses benefits the entire community. Dr. Bernard Ryan DDS Dr. Mark Ryan, DDS RYAN FAMILY DENTISTRY 9 Briarcliff Professional Center Bourbonnais, Illinois 60914 815-932-9695 Clancy - Gernon Funeral Homes, Inc. Kankakee - Bourbonnais Manteno - St. Anne PHONE: 815-932-1214 HOLOHAN HEATING & SHEET METAL, INC. Air Conditioning Sales & Service 575 W. Seneca Ave., Kankakee (815) 932-7711 St. Martin of Tours John Blazevich Office: 708-328-4703 Cell: 708-646-6705 john.blazevich@kofc.org 2 Rivers Area Credit Union 296 W. Jeffery St. Kankakee, Illinois 60901 815-935-2270 www.2riversacu.com BILINGUAL SERVICES AVAILABLE JEFF CHIERO Parishioner Rt. 50 at Brookmont Blvd. Kankakee, IL 815-933-2201 PASSENGER TRUCK • RV www.marquieandlambert.com Exten New d 7am- ed Hou 7p r No nt ntme Appoi ssary Nece m Mo n 5pm -Fri Sat 8am- Rivers AreaOil & Filter Change Credit Union s $26.95 & Free Tire Rotation Offer Includes: Motorcraft Oil & Filter Change • Free Tire Rotation Up to 5 quarts of Motorcraft oil. Offer valid on most vehicles. Taxes and disposal fee extra. See Service Advisor for details. Offer valid with coupon. Court Street Ford 558 Latham Dr., Bourbonnais, IL 815-802-2100 815-932-5326 Visit us at www.trycleancut.com cleancut1@hotmail.com JOE’S AUTOMOTIVE Big & Small We Do Them All! 560 S. Washington Ave. Kankakee, IL 60901 815-937-9281 Make your ad stand out with color! SCANLON COLLISION SPECIALISTS, INC. Sandblasting - Frame Straightening Semi-Tractor Repairs Complete Auto Body Repair 815/426-2178 9392 W. Rte. 115 Herscher, IL 60941 Full color ads are now available Call 815-932-6432 for more information! 4312 W. Rt. 17 - Kankakee, IL 60901 815.939.7475 Fax 815.939.7536
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