Reader`s Spreads - Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center


Reader`s Spreads - Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center
Keystone Adaptive Center
By Kendal Oakleaf, KAC Manager
t is hard to believe, but 2014-2015
marks the ninth ski season for the
Keystone Adaptive Center (KAC). For
those who don’t know us, KAC is a
branch of BOEC’s Adaptive Ski
Program based at Keystone Ski Resort.
KAC began operating in the 2005-06
ski season. With just a handful of ski
lessons but great potential, the program
continued to develop. By 2007-2008, it
grew to over 350 lessons, gained a
small space at the base of the
mountain, participated in the SnoFest
Adaptive Military event and for the
first time hired a full time staff
member, Joe Kusumoto. Under Joe’s
skilled leadership, it soon outgrew the
space and was moved into a larger
office located in the Mountain House.
In 2012-13, KAC gained a second fulltime paid administrative staff member.
Last winter, the first Keystone winter
internship began. KAC is currently
conducting over 600 lessons a year and
has 2 interns, one full time instructor
and 2 full time administrative staff.
Throughout the year, Keystone
Adaptive Center works with a variety
of groups to bring kids and adults to
the Rocky Mountains for adaptive ski
and ride lessons. Students from the
special education classes at Summit
County Schools and the Joshua School,
a school for children with autism in
Denver, join KAC multiple times
throughout the season for extremely
fun days on the slopes. New this year,
KAC provided volunteer training to a
group of high school students from
Colorado Young Leaders. We’re
excited to tap into the willingness and
enthusiasm of these high school
A blue sky day for the STARS Camp to enjoy skiing at Keystone Adaptive Center.
Photo by Joe Kusumoto
students and hope to see them
volunteer throughout the season at
This year, the Denver Veteran’s
Administration joined us for three
great days of skiing in mid-December.
The group stayed at Scott Griffith
Lodge. This was the eighth year that
KAC hosted the adaptive component
of SnoFest, an annual Keystone
Resort-wide military ski event. At
Snofest, in collaboration with Adaptive
Adventures, adaptive ski and ride
lessons are provided to injured service
members and their families at little or
no cost. Another program is the
STARS of Tomorrow Camp, a three-
day teen ski and leadership camp for
youth with disabilities. This will be the
second year that the Colorado Young
Leaders are joining STARS Camp,
adding to a weekend of learning,
developing friendships and gaining
experiences that stay with them into
the future.
Last year, thanks to a generous
donation by longtime BOEC Ski
Program volunteer (and 2011-12
Volunteer of the Year) Jane Barber,
Keystone Adaptive Center was able to
hire its first two full-time interns. The
internship allowed KAC to provide
more lessons than ever before. The
interns were lead instructors on 30% of
Continued on page 4…
Update from the Director
Board of Directors
Tim Casey, Chairman
John Ebright, Vice-Chairman
Jon Sawvell, Secretary
Bill Gillilan, Treasurer
Ed Anderson, Harry Backas, Dennis Brown, Patricia Campbell,
John Cooley, Gene Dayton, Scott Downen, Mike Dudick,
Michelle Gempeler, Tim Keegan, Ted Lawson,
Hilary McDonald, Raule Nemer, Craig Simson,
Brian Smith, Dr. Aris Sophocles, Don Sullivan
BOEC Staff 2014-15
Jaime Benthin, Wilderness Program Director
Claire DiCola, Associate Wilderness Program Director
Bruce Fitch, Executive Director
Jodi Flickinger, Volunteer Coordinator/Wilderness Program Coordinator
Gene Gamber, Adaptive Ski Program Director
Ella Greene, A.P.D./ Operations Manager
Jeff Inouye, Associate Adaptive Ski Program Director
Haley Keller, Keystone Adaptive Center Events/Outreach Coordinator
Melissa Kuwahara, Office Manager
Hannah Lang, Internship Coordinator
Kendal Oakleaf, Keystone Adaptive Center Manager
Rachel Oswald, Adaptive Ski Program Office Coordinator
Marci Sloan, Development Director
Ski & Wilderness Program Staff 2014-15
Erin Anderson, Daniel Brown, Leslie Cancilla, Amanda Coale,
Chris Clark, Carly Davis, Jacquelyn Foote, Terrin Frey, Ella Greene,
Mike Geurink, Quintin Gray, Adrianne Hipsher, Katie Jack,
Lianne Jackson, Haley Keller, Sam Klinkner, Geoff Knechtel,
Chris Kuppens, Joe Kusumoto, Robby Laughlin, Lindsay Lesch,
Mya Magney, Bradley Martinez, Courtney Marvin, Calle McCartney,
Bill Moody, Alison Myers, Kendal Oakleaf, Jillian Palacio,
Jamie Pawlak, Jim Rae, Alex Ristorcelli, Jen Schappert, Nate Seivers,
Margie Sinton, Mary Stoer-Wenger, Blake Stretton,
Kevin Sundheim, John Waddick, Ryan Williams
Summer and Winter Interns
Winter 2014-15 – Mareya Becker, Drew Duff, Whitney Flynn,
Jessica Groom, Bobby Hillyer, Joey Lunger, Leah Marks, Clay
McGillvary, Emily Querna, Kevin Quinn, Candace Quint, Ellie
Stern, Kaitlyn Sullivan, Kait Yakaitis.
Summer 2014 – Brett Burns, Olivia Casey, Carly Davis,
Hank Evans, Melissa Lyster, Ahna Mitley, Sarah Robins,
Blake Stretton, Zach Tinker, Aryn Tuizing, Emily Waller
All or part of the BOEC’s programs are conducted on public lands
under special permit from the United States Bureau of Land Management
and the United States Forest Service.
This issue of Empowering News is made possible
by the Town of Breckenridge.
The mission of the Breckenridge Outdoor
Education Center is to expand the potential of
people with disabilities and special needs
through meaningful, educational and inspiring
outdoor experiences.
reetings and welcome to Breckenridge
Outdoor Education Center! I am
pleased to report great success last year,
since our previous Newsletter. BOEC served
2,275 individuals in our Adaptive Ski,
Wilderness and Internship Programs for a
total of 9,258 programming days. The
Adaptive Ski Program set new records for
lesson days and revenues, and Keystone
Adaptive Center continued to grow. The
Wilderness Program expanded adaptive
cycling and river rafting offerings, and
maintained partnerships with many returning
agencies and groups. Participants came from
41 states and 6 countries, including England,
Mexico, Canada, Scotland, Brazil and
Bruce Fitch on the Upper
Colorado River during an intern
training day.
Our retreats for wounded military veterans
and their families continued to gain ground.
Photo by Marci Sloan.
January’s annual Snofest at Keystone Resort
introduced newly-injured members of the U.S. Army, Air Force and National
Guard to alpine skiing and snowboarding. Also in January, bomb techs disabled
during duty and their families participated in a 7-day site-based program which
included an exciting array of winter activities. We conducted three summer
multi-day Heroic Families Retreats—two site-based programs and a trip down
the Ruby-Horsethief section of the Colorado River. Military participants got a
chance to reconnect with their families, share their experiences and challenges
with other veterans, and feel confident in their abilities once again.
Financially, we ended up firmly in the black. With a somewhat ambitious
budget, we pushed for increased revenues due to higher costs, namely healthcare
and insurance. We met both budgeted participant days and unrestricted
fundraising goals to come out ahead.
We had a banner year in fundraising and special events. Our four major special
events showed increases in net revenues, bringing in almost $100,000 to support
our programs. See Marci’s summary in this Newsletter.
Exciting news for 2015, we will be launching a capital campaign to “Secure the
Future” of BOEC. The campaign will seek to raise money for staff housing,
upgrades of the admin office, Griffith Lodge and activity improvements at the
Wilderness Campus and growing our scholarship endowment, all critical needs
to continuing the success of the BOEC. Stay tuned for more information later.
Many thanks to all of you in the BOEC community who are the foundation of
our success in serving those with disabilities and special needs, to our donors
and supporters who make it all possible and to our students who chose the path
of adventure and joined us for a program experience. We hope to see you again!
Charlie Hatch 1944-2014
Jodi Flickinger, BOEC Volunteer
Coordinator and Charlie Hatch celebrate at
one of BOEC’s Intern Potluck Dinners.
he BOEC has lost a part of our family.
Charlie Hatch worked and
volunteered for the BOEC for almost 20
years. He was hired as our contract IT
guy, and started volunteering for the
Adaptive Ski Program. Or it may have
been the other way around. In any case,
Charlie was a fixture here. While we all
knew Charlie as a very unique individual
By Melissa Kuwahara
(with some strong opinions), he gave
generously to the BOEC. He had a huge
heart and was willing to drop whatever he
was doing to help out. Not only was he an
adaptive ski instructor, he volunteered for
the BOEC adaptive cycling program,
helped with special events, donated
photographs, flipped burgers for volunteer
parties and of course helped with our
many computer problems. Charlie
considered the BOEC as part of his family
and I know we felt the same for him.
Charlie was an entrepreneur, owning a
restaurant, working on phone and
computer systems, judging water-skiing
contests, and doing accounting. When he
“retired” in November 2013, he traveled
in his motor home and on his Harley,
visiting many of his friends in Ecuador,
New Mexico, Arizona, California and
Montana. Charlie died of heart failure on
November 10. He lived a full and
complete life on his own terms. We will
miss him greatly.
Charlie volunteering during an adaptive
cycling day at BOEC.
Staff Recognition
The BOEC thanks our wonderful, committed, hard
working staff who reached the following milestones
in their employment. We congratulate them and thank
them for their work and dedication.
3 Years
Lindsay Lesch, Kevin Bruno,
Hannah Lang, Jamie Pawlak,
Natalie Burns
5 Years
Jodi Flickinger
8 Years
Leslie Cancilla, Bruce Fitch
10 Years
Jennifer Schappert
15 Years
Joe Kusumoto
20 Years
Gene Gamber
Gene Gamber instructing a participant for a day of
adaptive fly fishing with BOEC.
*as of last fiscal year, September 30, 2014
Keystone Adaptive Center
…Continued from page 1
The game was a Hail Mary. Something
needed to be more fun than going straight
down the hill. You see, Chris loves to ski,
but isn’t as fond of turning (largely
because it slows him as he hurtles down
the snow).
“Chris! Ski to me for a high five! Each
high five is worth 10 points. You win at
1,000 points!”
linking turns and seeing her well up with
pride and delight. We won getting to
watch Chris’s smile and confidence grow
as he went down the hill, knowing that
for all the myriad of things he may not
have been able to do because of his
disability, skiing wasn’t one of them.
Emily Querna, KAC Intern
“Win what?” he asked.
“An awesome surprise,” that I would
have to think up as we continued down
the hill.
Kate Strachan snowcat skiing with
Keystone Adaptive Center.
all lessons that ran out of the Keystone
office and were a vital part of the success
and continued growth of KAC. Interns go
through a month long training, during
which they are introduced to adaptive
equipment and techniques, obtain a PSIA
Level 1 certification and work as
assistants on lessons. As interns develop
skills and become more comfortable with
teaching, they become leads on lessons.
Interns also gain experience working in
the office and assist with overnight ski
camps with groups such as the Denver
VA and STARS Camp. Both of last year’s
interns—Haley Keller and Jackie Foote—
returned to work at KAC and BOEC. Two
additional full-time interns—Emily
Querna and Mareya Becker—were hired
and are working hard in the office and on
the hill.
And so Chris turned towards me and gave
me a high five. Then he turned to Woody,
a loyal and hardworking volunteer, and
gave him an equally enthusiastic high
five. We were cruising now. Back and
forth Chris turned between the two of us,
the points adding up quickly. We reached
1,310 points by the end of the run. Chris’s
grin was ear to ear. So were ours. Chris
won some stickers. We won by just
getting to be a part of it clicking for
Chris. He skied new terrain, all by
himself, and with style. We won in
getting to show his mom the video of him
Keystone Adaptive Center is excited for
what the future will bring. We thank those
who have given us invaluable support
over the past 9 years—Keystone Resort,
the community, volunteers and local
businesses. Without this, KAC would
cease to exist. Thank YOU!
Mono-skiers enjoy a day at Keystone
Adaptive Center.
Photos by Kendal Oakleaf
Snofest Event at Keystone.
Wintern Life
By Clay McGillvary
ntense, demanding, draining…all
words which can describe intern
training. Then Ski Spectacular hits and it
starts to come together. A huge week long
event right at the beginning of December
may seem as daunting as training but
t'was not the case. It was the beginning of
the understanding. The figuring out of all
the processes and procedures by being
thrown on lessons right away, often with
instructors not from the BOEC. By the
end of the week, it had dawned on the self
proclaimed Winterns that training may
have had a point. The exhausting days
and pounding of information had actually
prepared them for the responsibility of
getting an individual of any ability
through a lesson safely, helping them
learn, and providing an atmosphere of
fun. When Ski Spec was finished, normal
lessons did not seem nearly as
intimidating. We had all become familiar
with what successful lessons looked like
and being responsible for making that
happen. Now, living in a house with 12
other people doesn't even intimidate us.
We may not all love each other but we
have certainly learned how to interact in
positive manners and bring that to the
office. We even choose to spend our days
off going down to the ski office and
practicing disciplines in which we are
lacking. This may sound like a crazy way
to spend days off when surrounded by a
winter wonderland in Summit County.
However, nothing in the world beats the
joy one gets when a student who has been
struggling succeeds at a particular skill or
even just has a smile at the end of a run.
Simply put, being an intern is the best
way to live for free, eat for free, provide
tons of great experiences, and ski or ride
every single day that this author has yet
come across. Thanks for reading and
hope to see you around the Intern Cabin!
Thanks to all our generous donors who made end of year gifts to BOEC’s
Scholarship Fund from our winter appeal! A new record of over $30,000 was
raised to enable those with special needs to get outdoors!
Photo by Joe Kusumoto
2014 BOEC Summer Interns celebrate their graduation at Carter Park.
BOEC is excited for the new
addition of ski bikes! Thanks to
Davignon Charitable Fund and
other generous donors for this
adaptive equipment.
Photo by Kendal Oakleaf
Leadership Changes in BOEC’s
Wilderness Program
By Bruce Fitch
n August 15, Doug Sandok left his
position as the Wilderness
Program Director after 3 ½ years of
dedicated service. Doug focused on
improving our risk management
systems, permitting, supervision and
general professionalism in our
coursework, and made great strides in
all areas. BOEC is a better organization
as a result of his work and leadership.
On January 1, Jaime Benthin was
promoted to the new Wilderness Program
Director. Jaime brings a wealth of
knowledge and experience gained from
her time here in a variety of roles. She
was a summer intern in 2003, served as a
course director for three seasons, then as
Operations Manager and Associate
Program Director for Operations over the
past eight years. Jaime has been
instrumental in bringing our operations to
a professional and efficient level,
expanding and improving river
operations, guiding improvements to our
facilities and generally serves with
Director and Logistics Manager at the
BOEC, worked for 2 seasons as the
Assistant Manager of the Keystone
Adaptive Center. She is well seasoned
in Wilderness and Ski Program
operations and is also a Certified
Therapeutic Recreation Specialist. Ella
will be a tremendous asset to the
program and expect her to contribute to
all aspects of program delivery.
Jaime Benthin,
BOEC’s Wilderness Program Director.
distinction wherever needed. We know
she will continue the excellence we
expect in the Wilderness Program—
delivering high quality courses,
supporting our clients and our students,
bringing in new clients and above all
supporting the staff in the stellar work
they do.
One of Jaime’s first actions was to hire
Ella Greene as the Associate Program
Director for Operations, her previous
role. Ella, a 2008 summer intern, Course
Jaime in the middle of Lava Rapid on the Grand Canyon.
Ella Greene receives her
“Ella to the Rescue” Award at
BOEC’s Dutch Oven Party.
BOEC’s Wilderness Program Offers A Wide Range
of Summer Adventures
By Jaime Benthin
any people know BOEC as an
adaptive ski program, but every
summer nearly 1,300 students come to
Breckenridge for outdoor adventures. As
the snow melts, many of our talented staff
hang up their iconic blue jacket and skis
and grab PFD’s (a.k.a. life jackets) and
climbing harnesses to take our students to
the rivers and wilderness for an amazing
experience. The BOEC offers rafting,
canoeing, kayaking, rock climbing, high
ropes challenge courses, zip lining,
hiking, backpacking, camping, and many
other high adventure activities through
our Wilderness Program. Many of the
activities are multiple days which allows
our clients to camp under the stars.
Our calendar is full with many groups from
all over the country coming to experience
all that the high country has to offer. If you
aren’t part of a group, you should consider
open enrollment programs that allow you
to sign up as an individual if you fit within
the program criteria. Some of the open
enrollment programs that we are offering
this summer include:
• Camp Little Tree (Children’s Hospital)
for kids with sensory integration
disorders – June 8-12
• CamPossible (Children’s Hospital) for
kids with cerebral palsy – June 19-21
• Heroic Families Weekend Retreats for
Wounded Warriors and their families –
June 26-29 and August 7-10
• Camp Big Tree for youths with spectrum
disorders – June 28-July 2
• Wilderness Camp for youths with
developmental disabilities – July 6-10
• Camp Zenith (Children’s Hospital) for
kids living with traumatic brain injuries –
July 19-23
• Adventures Within Family Retreat for
families living with MS – July 17-19
• Heroic Families River Trips for Wounded
Warriors and their families – June 28-July
3 and July 22-27
• Herioc Family Ruby Horsethief for
wound warriors and their families –
August 2-8
• Wilderness Quest for young adults with
developmental disabilities – Aug. 16-19
• Adventures Within for adults living with
MS – August 28-September 1
• Outdoor Active Retreat for adults living
with Parkinson’s Disease – Sept. 17-21
BOEC on the San Juan River for a
rehabilitative retreat for military families.
Photo by Kendal Oakleaf
Boating, which can include rafting,
canoeing or kayaking, is one of our most
requested activities and one of the most
accessible forms of recreation. For
example, if you lined up five people in
boats, you wouldn’t be able to tell one of
those paddlers uses a
We are regulars on the
Upper Colorado
River, the Ruby
Horsethief section of
the Colorado River,
and the Labyrinth
Canyon section of the
Green River and this
year we have been
awarded two permits
on the Green River
Gates of Lodore that
we hope to use for
Disabled Veterans and
their families. We are
proud to offer several overnight canoeing
and rafting trips that allow for participants
to really get away from it all and enjoy the
magic of the canyons of the west. The
following is a letter from a man who
ventured with us on a Ruby Horsethief
Canyon canoe trip.
”In my trip with the BOEC, I could tell
your people really knew how to restore
confidence in an individual by allowing
that person to do things on his own, up to
his ability, but with staff always ready to
lend a hand if needed. What I appreciated
the most is the staff would always ask
permission to help first. They would
always say “Can I help you”? This
restored confidence in that individual’s
ability. I thought that was an awesome
thing to see the expressions on the persons
face when they did something for
I also saw your people (BOEC) make
every individual on this trip feel important.
They treated us with the utmost respect
and as they would any other individual. It
was very neat to be treated on the same
level as anyone else. No one person was
better than anyone else. I also saw that
Continued on page 10…
The Brain Injury Alliance of Colorado on the
ropes course at BOEC.
Photo by Eric Larsen
Special Events Benefit BOEC’s Adaptive Programs
Through the Year
by Marci Sloan
very year BOEC receives generous individual
donations and grants for support of our adaptive
programs. However, special events and fundraisers play a
huge part in raising awareness of our mission and raising
funds for general operating and scholarship support.
Annually, special events net over $100,000 including
those hosted by BOEC and other events put on by
generous donors. The following major fundraisers in
2014-2015 provided crucial support for our programs and
we thank our partners and the community leaders behind
these initiatives.
The Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour
2015 – Hosted by BOEC in February at the Riverwalk
Center, this high adrenaline event netted over $26,000
and sold out the Riverwalk at over 750 seats. A variety of
the best sports, adventure and cultural films in the world
were hot off the heels of the Banff Festival. Thanks to our
sponsors: Breckenridge Grand Vacations, Town of
Breckenridge, FirstBank, Unity Snowboards,
Breckenridge Dental Group/Drs. Warner, Rehn & Poulos,
Cornerstone Real Estate Company, LLC, Kicking Horse
Coffee, Always Mountain Time/KSMT, The Hermitage
Bookshop and Summit Daily News.
Breckebeiner 60K Ski-A-Thon & Snowshoe Bash
2014 – The 12th Annual
Breckebeiner 60K brought
in a new record high of
over $30,000 to benefit
BOEC’s General
Scholarship Fund. Thanks
to our major sponsors:
Gene and Therese Dayton,
The Breckenridge Nordic
Center Staff, Breckenridge
Grand Vacations, Town of
EpicPromise, Boston Beer
Company, KSMT, Summit
Daily News, and the
hundreds of skiers and
snow enthusiasts who
came out to support this
great event! The
60K is also an
end of the
celebration. The
60K is made
possible through
the generosity of
Therese and Gene Dayton, owners of
Gene and
Therese Dayton Breckenridge and Frisco Nordic Center and
wonderful hosts of the
and the staff of
Breckebeiner 60K!
the Breckenridge
Nordic Center.
North Pole Adventurer Ryan Waters Speaker
Event – Ryan Waters generously donated his time to
speak about his explorations at Colorado Mountain
College and proceeds supported BOEC. The highlight
was his talk about a 53-day full unsupported ski trip to the
North Pole from Cape Discovery Canada.
Cinco de Mayo – This annual event in memory of
Willie Whalen, former adaptive ski instructor for BOEC,
hosted by Mi Casa Restaurant & Cantina and Storm
drew hundreds
of attendees and
raised $20,000
for BOEC. Over
the years, this
event has added
up to a total of
over $385,000
for BOEC!
BOEC Board Members Tim Casey and Pat
Campbell check out the silent auction at
Cinco de Mayo Celebration at Mi Casa
Restaurant and Cantina.
The Breckebeiner 60K
is a time to get those great
costumes out and ski for those
with special needs!
“Tee It Up for Wounded Warriors & Keystone
Adaptive Center” Golf Scramble – A new record of
over $18,000 was
raised to benefit
Keystone Adaptive
Center (KAC) and
our Wounded
Warriors Fund. Tee
It Up also sold out
at 144 golfers!
KAC opened in
2005 to serve
people with
Mountain Pride Cleaning and Restoration
Team at Keystone Ranch Golf Course.
disabilities and
special needs
through outdoor
recreation including
adaptive skiing,
snowboarding and
adaptive cycling. The
Scotty McFadden
Foundation was inspired
to support this
fundraiser in
honor/memory of Scotty
Steve Cornellier, Manager of
McFadden, a passionate Keystone Golf and Recreation and
Marci Sloan, BOEC Development
Army Helicopter Pilot
Director celebrate a sold out golf
and adaptive ski
instructor who was
always helping others. The Keystone Adaptive Center and
Scotty McFadden Foundation thank our major sponsors:
Mountain Pride Cleaning & Restoration, Breckenridge
Grand Vacations, Joseph Wilson, Briar Rose ChopHouse,
Peak Provisions/Locals Liquors, EpicPromise, Keystone
Ranch Golf Course, KSMT, Summit Daily News, and
Bryan and Jo Ann Hartwig. Thanks to all the team and
individual golfers for coming out to support our adaptive
programs to help those with special needs.
3rd Annual Patrick J. Savino Cocktail Party &
Fundraiser – Hosted by Mary Jo Savino in memory of
Patrick J. Savino, this event last fall in Chicago raised over
$15,000 for BOEC! BOEC is honored to be the recipient of
the funds and an event that raises much awareness of the
great work we do to help those with special needs. Thanks
to all the guests of the fundraiser and all who made
donations in memory of Patrick J. Savino.
We’re Open Open – Hosted by PGA Pro Philip Tobias
of Keystone Ranch Golf Course. Tobias generously
donated over $1,800 in raffle proceeds to Keystone
Adaptive Center.
Peter Clarke Bike Ride - Peter Clarke of Breckenridge
completed an epic road bike ride across the most beautiful
parts of the American West in the summer of 2014. Starting
in Breckenridge on July 10, he worked his way out west
and crossed the border into Vancouver, British Columbia,
on July 21. In addition to accomplishing personal goals, he
also kept a blog and sought to raise money for BOEC.
Peter, his crew daughter Devon and friend Jo, and their
friends and supporters raised almost $1,500. Thank you,
Peter, for your efforts on our behalf!
ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) Vertical Challenge – A
local’s effort to raise money for the BOEC ALS programs,
led by Tim Casey and Larry Crispell and involving a
number of local ski mountaineers, pledges funds based on
the number of vertical feet they have skinned up Peak 8.
Over $30,000 has been raised as a result of their efforts.
The North Face Never Stop Exploring Speaker Series—
Breckenridge – Skier
Sage Cattabriga-Alosa
told the story to over
500 attendees at The
Riverwalk on October
4, 2014 of his
adventures in the film
“A Light Dose” by
Adam Clark. Sage is
Steve Lapinsohn, Gene Gamber and
one of the best known
Susan Lapinsohn mingle at the North
Face reception.
skiers in the ski film
industry. All
proceeds from the
private reception
and raffle sales
went to BOEC.
Thanks to Steve
and Susan
Lapinsohn and The
North Face, over
$4,700 was raised
Skier Sage Cattabriga-Alosa with friends
for BOEC!
during the reception at The North Face
Continued on page 10…
Annual Milhouse Memorial Run/Walk – In memory of
Luke “Milhouse” Oldenburg, this event has raised over
$14,700 to benefit BOEC’s programs for people with
visual impairments. To learn more check out on the Firstgiving website.
Copper Pin Program – Thanks to Copper Mountain
Resort for their support of the BOEC through allowing us
to sell several transferable ski passes! Thousands of
dollars have been raised for the BOEC through this
program over many years.
Don’t miss these great future events that support the BOEC.
Mark your calendars now…
32nd Annual Cinco de Mayo Celebration hosted by Mi
Casa Mexican Restaurant & Cantina in Breckenridge on
Tuesday, May 5, 2015. The staff of Mi Casa will once
again pull out all the stops to create a fantastic,
entertaining evening of amazing gourmet Mexican food
and a large silent auction that benefits the programs of
BOEC! Donations towards the Cinco de Mayo silent
auction to benefit our organization are greatly
We’re Open OPEN – On June 14th, swing into summer
with your favorite playing partner in this 2-player
scramble at Keystone Ranch Golf Course. Hosted by
PGA Pro, Philip Tobias, who generously donates the
raffle proceeds to BOEC’s Keystone Adaptive Center
Programs. Details at
“Tee It Up For Wounded Warriors and Keystone
Adaptive Center” Golf Scramble will be on Tuesday,
August 25, 2015 at Keystone Ranch Golf Course. Lunch,
door prizes, a scenic course, and contests all to benefit
our military and adaptive
programs make this a
great day to tee it up!
Details and registration at We are
looking for Hole and
Corporate Sponsors!
Please contact Marci at if
interested. This event sells out! Registration will open
July 1st!
Please contact if you are interested in
learning more about any of these special events. We
are looking for corporate sponsors, committee
members, food donations, door prizes, silent auction
items and volunteers. To learn more about BOEC
events visit and/or “like” our page on
Facebook under Breckenridge Outdoor Education
“Like” the Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center on facebook
to keep current and view photos on our special events.
BOEC’s Wilderness Program
…Continued from page 7
they made each individual feel just as
needed and as important as anyone on the
trip. They had participants helping set up
camp and break it down. They had
participants help load and unload boats.
To me this really builds the self
confidence. It gives the person a different
view of themselves. But what really stands
out the most is how your interns, staff, and
volunteers worked with sincerity and
passion. Without doing things sincerely
and not having your heart in it you might
as well throw the whole program out the
door. Because I feel you must have those
two factors when you’re dealing with
disability to run a successful program. I
feel this is very important because to me
there is a natural distrust that a person
with disability has. Your people instantly
got rid of the distrust factor. They built
bridges with individuals and allowed those
individuals to feel like they were very
important and very independent. Your
people made me feel good about me. This
is a trip that I will never forget.”
For people who are interested in more
information about our summer programs or
who can participate, please contact the
BOEC Wilderness Office at 970-453-6422
x105 or email or Please visit our website
to see our calendar at We
look forward to seeing you outside!
Helping Veterans Heal —
Disabled Warrior Program
By Lisa Gamber
OEC has worked with disabled
military service members and
veterans throughout our history. As the
number of wounded military returning
from the recent conflicts in Iraq and
Afghanistan increased, the BOEC began
to experience a greater demand for our
programs. Donors began earmarking
funds for military veterans around 2007.
A notable expansion of our military
programs occurred in 2010, with a
$35,000 award from the U.S. Olympic
Committee’s Paralympic Division for our
Warrior Athlete Program. Other
significant, ongoing contributors have
included Disabled Sports, USA and the
DiCola Family Foundation.
The generosity of our donors has greatly
enhanced our Disabled Warrior Program.
Last year, we conducted seven multipleday Wilderness Programs for 35
wounded military and 76 of their family
members. Activities included adaptive
cycling, whitewater rafting, ropes course,
rock climbing, canoeing and other group
activities. The Adaptive Ski Program,
through individual lessons and special
events, served 92 veterans and 66 family
members. They learned to alpine and
Nordic ski, snowboard and even
participated in a biathlon.
Military participants come with a wide
array of disabilities—spinal cord injuries,
traumatic brain injuries, visual
impairments, Post-Traumatic Stress
Syndrome, amputations, fibromyalgia
and mental illness. Participants include:
bomb techs from Explosives Ordnance
Disposal, Denver Veterans
Administration, Mt. Carmel Wellness in
Trinidad, CO; Ft. Carson Warrior
Transition Unit, U.S. Association of
Blind Athletes and others from around
the state, the country and the world.
A military family enjoys their day on
BOEC’s ropes course.
A veteran and BOEC instructor on a ski
day during Snofest.
Photo by Kendal Oakleaf
BOEC’s brand of therapeutic outdoor
recreation helps vets work toward their
goals-learning new sports and skills,
challenging themselves and pushing their
limits on what they can do physically and
emotionally since their injury. Some
courses include family members, to
support one another and aid in the
healing process since the disability
occurred. Families share common
experiences and discover that they are
not alone, forming lasting bonds.
In October, BOEC was thrilled to receive
a grant of $50,000 from the Department
of Veterans Affairs Veterans Adaptive
Sports Grants Program. The intent of the
award was to increase and expand the
number and quality of adaptive sports
opportunities for disabled veterans and
active members of the Armed Forces.
BOEC was a natural fit because of our
established program and expertise in
this area.
Through community, individual and
business support we are able to bring
soldiers to BOEC to experience the joy
and therapy of the outdoors, improve
their well-being and quality of life and
thank them for the sacrifice they have
made to our country.
A Heroic Families River Rafting Retreat in
Summer 2014.
Photo by Eric Larsen
“I realized during this trip that people
really do care about me and other
veterans, people who are willing to help
us heal. I came home a different person. I
finally realized that life is too short to
continue to dwell on all the bad things
that happened to me in Vietnam. What is
important now is how I choose to live the
rest of my life. I thank you and your staff
at the BOEC for all the help and support
you gave me and the other veterans.”
Thanks to all our contributors for the fiscal year to date October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2014. Please notify us of any errors or
omissions. In-kind donations are indicated by (*) and cash plus in-kind is indicated by (**).
Carl and Caroline Swanson Foundation
Town of Breckenridge**
Breckenridge Ski Resort*
Department of Veterans Affairs
Vail Resorts*
Blue River Sports*
Charina Endowment Fund
Copper Mountain Resort*
Daniels Fund
Denver Active 20-30 Children’s
The Denver Foundation
Jon Gunson/Custom Mountain
Keystone Ski Resort*
MaggieGeorge Foundation
Mi Casa Restaurant and Cantina/Storm
The Summit Foundation
Anschutz Family Foundation
A.V. Hunter Trust
Jane Barber
Kim and Rosie Batcheller
Breckenridge Grand Vacations**
Gene and Therese
Dayton/Breckenridge Nordic
DiCola Family Foundation
Disabled Sports, USA
Dragonfly Fund
El Pomar Foundation
James and Ann Foil
Phil and Barbara Gibbs
Kneller Family Foundation
Patrick and Hilary McDonald
Mountain Wave Snowboards*
RLC Foundation, a donor-advised fund
of Rose Community Foundation
Roy A. Hunt Foundation
Patrick J. Savino Family Memorial
Epic Promise*
Kelly Vowel/Vowel Plumbing*
18th Judicial District
Ed Anderson
JP and Kristen Bennett**
Tim and Patti Casey**
Combined Federal Campaign
John and Neide Cooley
D’Augustine Foundation
Dwyer Charitable Foundation Trust
FirstBank of Summit County
The Virginia Hill Charitable Foundation
Keystone Ranch Golf Course*
The Jacqueline F. Kilcoyne Trust
Chuck Lenzmeier and Valerie Williams
Scotty McFadden Trust
The Moniker Foundation
Raule Nemer and Bob Topp
Quilt Fund of the San Antonio Area
The Rossetter Foundation
Aris and Suzanne Sophocles**
Rob Andrews*
Arts Alive**
Black Diamond Equipment*
Breckenridge Building CenterBrownson Family
Doug and Peggy Brown
Patricia Campbell
Laura Casey
Combined Federal Campaign
Chevron Humankind Matching Gift
Colorado Police and Fire Athletic
Peter Clarke Bike Challenge
Larry and Janet Crispell
Columbine Hills Concrete/Scott
Don and Marilyn Cook*
CTL Thompson
Daniel and Julie Dobler
Davignon Charitable Fund
Drake Family Foundation
Eagle Summit Foot and Ankle P.C.*
John and Linda Ebright
Kathryn Emrich
Rhonda Faciane/Summit Consulting &
Gary Soles Gallery*
GF Rutkey Distributing**
Jonathan and Robin Gear
The Gelb Family Foundation
Bill and Susy Gillilan
Lance Glaser*
The Sherman and Alana Glass Family
Katherine Hamilton
Linda Hammond**
Bryan and Jo Ann Hartwig**
Charlie Hatch**
Barbara Hays
HP Foundation, as requested by JP
Intermodal Container Logistics
Paul and Katie Jones
KI Wheelchair Company*
Lake Dillon Fire Rescue*
Ted and Jean Lawson
Local’s Liquors/Peak Provisions**
Lowe’s Silverthorne*
Bernard-Dean and Julie Marucci
Louis and Dorothy Meister Foundation
Margaret T. Morris Foundation
Christopher McShea Family
Microsoft Giving Campaign
Rob and Amy Millisor
John and Sandy Mortensen
Mountain Pride Cleaning and
Dave Newkirk and Susan Lazo
The North Face**
Peak Performance Copier and Supply*
Craig “Doc PJ” Perrinjaquet**
Steven and Margaret Ristorcelli
Recycle Sports
Jon and Nancy Sawvell
Margie Sinton**
Scott and Deborah Sodergren
Brian Solganick
Stratagem Construction
Town of Silverthorne
Jim and Marty Trisler
Janet Ulrey and Carl Richter
Unity Snowboards**
Jacob Warner*
John and Sheila Walker
Ryan Waters*
We’re Open Open/Phillip Tobias
Joe Wilson
Hans and Mary Jane Wurster**
Adventures Within
AMR Ski Shop*
Jim and Amy Anderson
William H. Anderson Foundation
Harry and Lindsay Backas
Brownell Bailey
Benchmark Mortgage*
Breckenridge Dental Group**
Briar Rose Chophouse and Saloon**
Thomas and Margaret Briggs
The Broadmoor*
Phillip and Janelle Brown
Ray Bush*
Donna Callejon and Deborah Whiteside
Charles Cannon
Colorado Mountain Express
Christy Sports*
Liz Cunningham
Charles Dayton
Shawn Doherty
Einstein Bagels*
Empire Burger
Gary and Genia Gallagher
Wayne and Peggy Galvani
Katherine Hamilton
Clark and Ruth Hawksworth
James and Alicia Hays
Lee and Peg Henry
The Hermitage Bookshop
Tod Hunt
Peter and Patti Janes
Tim and Lori Keegan
Thomas and Joanne Kennard
Kenosha Steakhouse
Vincent King
Steve and Pat Larson
Bill and Ann Levis
Larry Lewarton/Nature’s Own**
Jennifer Lim
Judith and Gordon Lundquist
Mark Yeager Photo*
Lee and Kim McGahey
Steve and Bernita Moul
Mountain Outfitters
The Murphy Charitable Fund
John and Pamela O’Neil
Scott Paulick
Rotary Foundation of Summit County
David Schmitt
Marte Singerman
Peter and Susan Smerud
Howard and Cindy Solganick
Mark and Deb Spiers
Summit County Ambulance
Philip and Leah Tome
Town of Frisco
John and Carre Warner/John Warner,
1st Judicial District VALE
Abbett Placer Inn**
Mary Barry
James Berger
Dennis Brown
William and Connie Brown
Bruce Fitch and Gini Bradley
Breckenridge Alpine Limo*
Jeffrey Cain
Chris and Eleanor Cares
Centura Health
Daniel and Barbara Corwin
James and Margaret Cox
Ed Crane
Robert Davis
Wally and Maggie Ducayet
Eisenhower Golf Course*
Ron Fee
Woody and Georgia Garnsey
Jerry and Marge Gavenda
Sherman Glass
Thomas Griesser
Beth Gunnufson
Brian Hall
George and Pati Hammer
Gary Haseloh
Jesse Hausler
Tim and Grace Keeling
Jim Kemeny
Kenosha Steakhouse
Angela Knightley*
Knights of Columbus Council 14045
Kupperman Family
Anne Wachtel Lacelle
Steve and Susan Lapinsohn/The North
Face Breckenridge
Lisa Leach
Andy Lewis
Lundquist Associates
McCrerey Construction
Nancy McKenzie
Scott Nixon
Ian Novos
William and Karin O’Halloran
Rick Olson
Peak 9 Scan Team
PepsiCo Foundation
PintoBarn Inc.
John and Janice Quigley
Jeffrey and Pamela Rish Foundation
Larry and Pat Schmidt
SCR Medical Transportation
Silverheels Bar and Grill
David Simmons
Herb and Anne Sirowitz
Kimberly Smith
James and Maree Sneed
South Park Shell
Marilyn Spence
Don and Mary Spitzer
Stan Miller, Inc.*
Robert Stork
Summit Huts Association*
Taddeo’s Ristorante*
W&M Krug Family Foundation
Robert and Molly Walsh
Michael Walzak
Jay Warwick
Paul and Patty Watson
Scott and Ruth Weirich
Skip and Suzanne Wells
Michael Welles
Steve and Karen West
Richard and Sarah Wrenn
Joe Yob
Chris Zajchowski
10th Mountain Division*
John and Penny Albertine
Bill and Mary Anderson
Art on a Whim*
Backcountry Access*
Erin Baird
Richard and Amy Baird
Frank Barry
Benevity Community Impact Fund
Blue River Anglers*
Michael Bogachek and Valerie
Breckenridge Golf Club*
Breckenridge Spice Merchants*
Kate Brewer
James and Mary Burkhart
Dr. Nancy Burnham
Chad Bush
Harvey and Francine Cantor
Mark and Sharon Chertok
Cole Holdings
Barbara Cole
Marti Colpitts
Anna Conwell
Cowboy Stuff Gallery**
Jim Cunning and Lisa Stone
Sean Daily
Daniels-Houlton Family Foundation
Doug and Heather Davis
Jim Davis
Raymond and Alice Del Savio
Vickie Dempsey
Dillon Dam Brewery*
Dillon Marina*
Mike Dressler
David and Mary Durham
Craig Dwyer
David and Julie Falkenstern
Gregory and Colleen Finnoff
John and Jean Fitzgerald
Flatirons Golf Course*
Jeffrey Flynn
Gary and Janet Freese
Fresh Soap Company*
General Palmer Hotel*
Gerry and Annette Fricke
Thomas and Sally Fry
Cathy Fulton
Tim and Ann Gagen
Bradley Gelhar
Dan Gibbs
Scott Gilchrist
Gilchrist Catering*
Nicole Gill
Bob and Ellie Gordman
Glenn Graber
Greater Horizons
Larry Griffin
Leona Hagedorn
Bob Halstead
Roy Hammock
Harris Construction/ Tony Harris
Jon Heckman
Emma Hirsch/Hair Harmonies*
David Hodgeson
Melinda Hunter
Darryl and Kathy Hurst
Martyn James
Connie Johnson*
Erik Johnson
Jeff Jones
Andy Jordan
Mike and Kay Kullas
Sandra Kuller
Justin and Dani Kupperman
Connie Lewis
Bruch and Alisha Lindsay
Jim Link
Lukacs and Associates
Scott and Jan Magnuson
Michael and Daria Mahoney
Manicures and Pedicures by Mary Jo*
Gayle and Howard Mayson
Molly McCann
Sam and Elizabeth McCraw
Janet McDavid
Kyle McGinnis
Jan and John Meck
Edward and Marilyn Metzler
Jana Miller
Lori Miller
Mistler Family Foundation
Michael and Elizabeth Moore
Mountain Angler*
Murdoch’s Ranch and Home Supply*
Bill and Karen Musolf
National Hemophilia Foundation
Danny NcGuckin
David Neff
Matt Neubauer
Maureen Nicholls
Greg Norwick
Ralph and Shellie Nowicki
Catherine Oakleaf
Robert and Linda O’Brien
Mark and Gretchen Olmstead
Rick Olson
Adriann Palumbo
Larry and Barbara Patterson
Joanne Pearson
Butch and Sally Peel
John and Catherine Pershing
Yves and Cary Piecoup
Stewart and Evelyn Pinsof
Bob Ratcliffe and Sharon Timko
Scott Reiser
Charlene Ridgeway
Rivers Clothing Company/KODI
Rich and Maryann Rowley
Ruby Jane*
John and Kathleen Schnobrich*
Skimore Tours
Betty Sloan
Marci Sloan**
Brian and Jerrelyn Smith
Jay Sower
Spanish Bible Fellowship
Pat Spitzmiller
Nancy Stoudt
Wilson and Sherry Strong
Alisa Stucky
Justin Suhn
Doug Sullivan
Summit County Arts Council
Brick and Diane Sweet
Barbara Swider
Kendall Tang
John and Patricia Taylor
John Tepley
Mark and Janice Thomas
Bill and Stephanie Tinker
Russell Trowbridge
Willie and Sheila Trowbridge
Woody and Melinda Van Gundy
Loren and Wendy Vawser
Bryan Whitcomb
Henry Wiethake
Stephen Wilkins
Bob Winsett*
Cap and Suzanne Witzler
Mary and Norbert Wojcik
Brad and Jenny Wolfe
Steve and Gaye Wormington Family
Xcel Energy
A Balanced Crane Acupuncture*
Alpine Bank*
Beth Anderson
Angel’s Hollow*
Allen Bacher*
John and Robyn Baird
Robert and Bonnie Baird
Penny Banks
Polly Bauer
Jennie Bilhartz
Betty Brown
Clifton Birchman
Blue River Bistro*
Blue Sage Spa*
The Boatyard Pizzeria and Grill*
Breckenridge Brewery*
Breckenridge Building Center*
Breckenridge Distillery*
Steve Brown
Dale and Pat Butler
Continued on next page…
Tim Campbell
Stephen Lea and Jeanne Colsanti
Cannon Construction
Mary Leland
Hurricane Carter
Corby Leschber
Dennis and Angelina Chambers
Eric and Judith Lindblad
City Market*
Jon and Elizabeth Lowe
Cole Chandler
Roland Malknect
Ann Marie and Chapin Dayton
Ralph and Michele Chapman
Ronnie Mathews
Carl Chrisbacher
Bonnie and Lowell McCoy
Fern Clark
Sally McCracken
Walter and Kris Clark
Alex McPeek
Christopher and Deborah Coles
Mike Miller
Colorado Mountain College*
Richard and Carolyn Miller
Len Connell
Vern and Judy Morgan
Cool River Coffee House*
National Repertory Orchestra*
Paul Davis
Kathy Neel
Phillip and Sandra Davis
Network for Good
Tom and Annadane Dayton
Scott Nixon
Diane DeMallie
John and Anne Ojennes
Nancy Lin Denham
Terry Owen
Denver Art Museum*
Peek-A-Boo Toys*
Robert and Christine Dickemper
Peppino’s Pizza and Subs*
Downstairs at Eric’s*
John Dubinsky
James Phelps and Amy CarlsonPhelps
E & R Dupuis
Mary Pollack*
Paul Eckles
Terry and Diane Power
Michael Fallaw
Press Breckenridge*
Amy Foster
Frances Rambo
Alan and Jean Friedberg
Donald and Kimberly Ramey
Michelle Gempeler
Heidi Ramirez
Geoff George
George and Phyllis Raynor
William and Marianna Goslau
Martha Reynolds
David Gross
Mark and Colleen Richmond
Steve Adlard
Leslie Aimone
Jennifer Alford
Jonathan Baker
Simon Bishop
In honor of Brian Stack and Sarah Flint
Henry and Anne Flint
Friends celebrating their wedding
Dean Clarke
Gavin Cook
Greg Cook
In honor of Janet Ulrey and Carl
Richter’s wedding
Bernie Decker
Garrett and Alana Bales
David Edwards
Diana Dettmering
Lucy Finch
Wally and Maggie Ducayet
Terry Galpin
Colleen Fillion
Ken Halliday
Woody and Georgia Garnsey
Dan Heap
Wendy Herbert
Guy Hudson
Tim and Grace Keeling
Jim Kassel
Ginny Laadt and Jerry Wulff
Sam Perman
Jeffrey and Giovanna McGrath
Steve Petri
Joan Richter
Dennis Taylor
Thomas Ripley
Stephanie Thurston
Marte Singerman
Steven Tuggle
Julie Tedder
Huib Vriesendorp
Christopher and Nancy Wackman
Thomas Vyles
Jonathon Wood
In memory of Spencer Bacon-Schantz
Clarice Sage
In honor of Ben Rossman
Louis & Val Rossman
John and Anne Hedberg
Stephen and Nancy Shockey
Jim Heil
A.A. and K.L. Smiley
Pamela Herring
Snake River Saloon*
Jeff Hill and Barb Ellis
Daniel and Denise Snow
David Hodgson
Don and Mary Spitzer
In honor of the BOEC staff
Jerry and Debbie Hightower
In honor of the BOEC interns past,
present and future
Mark Hurlbert
Norman and Andrea Stein
Brian Hyde
Mike Streicher
Steve Immer
Chris and Jennifer Sutton
Sam Thompson/Hair Harmonies*
Wendy Taylor
In honor of Tim Casey’s 60th Birthday
Lindsay Vitalis
Inxpot Café*
Treasure Junction*
Interiors by Design*
Harold and Debra Tyber
J&M Jewelry*
Cheryl Van Arkel
Jeon Jaehyeong
Wandering Daisy*
Kendall Johnson
Kyle Webb
Theron Johnson
Jeremy Wells
Andy and Christopher Jordan
Maureen Westerland
Fred Kinat and Diane Jaynes
Thane Wright
Polly Baur
Jon and Claudia Kreamelmeyer
Deborah Zimmerman
Cheryl Van Arkel
In honor of Gene Gamber
Al Kaye
In honor of the Hull “Summer Hullstice”
William Schantz and Carol BaconSchantz
In memory of Bob Ball
Bob and Debbie Anderson
Carlene Anselmi
Richard and Leata Dangler
Gordon and Joyce Erickson
Leona Hagedorn
David Hannum
Richard and Therese Hannum
Joy Mlady
Margaret Onken
Glenn and Francene Shaffer
Marte Singerman
Cullen and Janice Wall
William and Loretta Way
In memory of Bob Boris
Judith Petrillo
In memory of Andy Dicembrino
Virgil Krenzer
La Francaise Bakery*
Robert McDonald
Paul Bulford
Doug Sandok
Joseph Kuzel
In honor of Jason McDonald & Amy Hill
Anthony Bulfin
Health Massage Center*
Mike and Kay Kullas
James and Alicia Hays
Robert Bielfeldt
Peter and Shannon Haynes
Dawn Kruger
In honor of Margie Sinton & Keystone
Thank you to all our donors
who gave donations less
than $40.
In honor of Bill and Helen Hurt
In honor of Ava Stephanie Oliver
Raymond and Susan Oliver
David and Janice Laceshamus Lahman
Lake Dillon Theater Company*
In honor of Bradley Savage
Tom and Angela Lay
Brittany McKone
Ruthann Decembrino
Kirk and Deborah Shoop
In memory of Richard J. and Mary B.
Dwyer Charitable Foundation Trust
In memory of Hames Hickerson
Karen Bartman
Randal and Julie Richardson
Chelsey Jo Wilz
Lorna Hickerson and Family**
Mark Bischoff
Jeffrey and Kathy Rogers
Robert and Sandra Wysocki
Virginia Benvenuti
David and Susan Blaydes
Brian and Marcia Savage
Chuck and Sandy Youngstrom
Kathleen Brock
Paul and Shelly Bohn
William Savage
Gary and Janice Zoet
Kathy Clark
Mark and Susan Boone
Mary Jo Savino*
Charleen Clinton
Annie Boyce
Anthony and Patrice Savino
Frank and Jo-El Freyer
Kelly Brenno Carpenter
Mario and Eileen Savino
Julie Allen
Elizabeth Ham
Elizabeth Brownson
Carl Scheumann
Richard and Linda Finger
Charles Haskell
Michael Bryan
Phillip and Jaqueline Schutt
Robert and Sandra Heacock
Paul and Mary Holleman
Stuart and Karen Buck
Michael Searight
Heather Lowe
Barbara Rumsey
Chicago Property Professionals
Michael and Teri Shaughnessy
Sheila Stogsdill
Bradley Clerkin
Robert and Pamela Springborn
Margaret Jill Whitley
James Cmunt
Taglia and Associates
Susan Winter
Clare Conniff
James Taylor
Fleda Ann Yost
Jane David
Derrick and Janet Thron
In memory of Edward Kearns
Howard and Cindy Solganick
In memory of John Macaluso
In memory of Charles Weinaug
Kathleen Dillenschneider
Elliot Thron
Jim and Betty Bienash
James and Denise Doody
Georgie Tracy
Gene and Linda Drebus
Gilbert and Rosalie Ducato
Casey Joan Vanswearingen
Shawn Macaluso
Tim and Rebecca Flatley
T. Vasak
David and Mary Morgan
Douglas and Charlene Fumagalli
Susan Vaughan
Michael and Gloria Morgan
Robert and Donna Gatto
Daniel and Jodi Wabiszewski
Mi Casa Restaurant and Cantina*
Ruth Morgan
Richard and Judith Green
Frank and Mary Wabiszewski
Glenn and Nicole Whalen
David Neff
M.E. Griesemer
James and Colleen Walter
John and Carolyn Griffin
George and Collette Weikum
Lisa Heidkamp
John and Tammy Whelan
In memory of Abelino Jose Montoya Sr.
Clark and Ruth Hawksworth
In memory of Neal Van Wieringen
Recycle Ski and Sport
In memory of Willie Whalen
Charles and Dara Gall
In memory of Briana Wilken
Debra Wilken
Laurie Hodgman
Patrick Idstein
In memory of Florence Mosher
Michael Joyce
Florence’s Hat Project
Leslie Kawar
John and Pamela Ozaluk
Cheryl Kenny
Allison Keuthen
In memory of Luke “Milhouse”
Douglas and Cynthia Krage
Elizabeth Kubik
Naomi Black
Kelsey Lauren
Kelly Brenno Carpenter
Wayne and Barbara L’Heureux
Holly Giese
Rick and Ruby Lowes
Todd and Lynn Kroening
John and Mary Maginot
Glenn Oldenburg
Louis Marach
Megan Oldenburg
James and Debra Marten
Deborah Vaagen
Kevin and Stephanie McGann
Robert and Susan McGeeney
In memory of Patrick J. Savino
Frank and Sandra McGovern
Amato Family Foundation
John and Elizabeth McLaughlin
Deborah Anderson
Anne Munaretto
Brenda Barnes
Kristi Nelson
Benjamin Barnett
Thomas O’Brien
Chris Barron
William and Diana Radek
Patrick Barron
A memorial bench for James Hickerson, a BOEC participant,
placed up at our Wilderness Site. Thanks to his family for donating
this memorial bench where people can relax and enjoy the views.
Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center
P.O. Box 697
Breckenridge, CO 80424
32nd Annual
Hosted by Mi Casa Restaurant & Cantina
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Mexican Buffet 5 to 9pm
$25 Adults / $12 Kids (under 12)
All proceeds benefit BOEC’s Willie Whalen Memorial Fund
Live music, silent auction, giveaways & happy hour drink prices all night long!
600 South Park Avenue, Breckenridge, CO
Please contact Marci at if you would like to donate an
item or certificate to the silent auction or for giveaways. Thanks!