Press Review to 10/09/2015
Press Review to 10/09/2015
MEDIA COVERAGE Gennaio-Settembre 2015 GB NETWORK Marketing communication Progetto AW 16/17 C.L.A.S.S. TOUR SS16 Filatura C4 Launch Filpucci Launch Generic C.L.A.S.S. TOUR AW 16-17 Totale complessivo Numero Uscite Generic 28% Numero Uscite 2 4 24 18 19 1 68 Suddivisione per Continenti - Focus Europa Italy 37% Oceania 2% America 15% AW 16/17 C.L.A.S.S. TOUR 3% AW 16-17 2% Portugal 1% Europa 67% Suddivisione per Progetti Spain 6% C.L.A.S.S. TOUR SS16 6% Germany 3% Asia 16% Filatura C4 Launch 35% Filpucci Launch 26% Continent Asia America Oceania Bulgaria Germany Italy Portugal Spain Switzerland UK Totale Bulgaria 3% Switzerland 1% UK 16% Re.Verso(TM) - Media Coverage Complessiva Gennaio-Luglio 2015 Date Type of media Quantity 10/09/2015 Italy Online 1 08/09/2015 Filpucci Launch Fashion Magazine Italy Printed 1 Fashion Magazine Italy Printed 1 Revista Textilia Brazil Online 1 Bulgaria Online 1 Germania Printed 1 Spain Printed 1 UK Online 1 Italy Printed 1 Switzerland Online 1 Italy Online 1 Italy Printed 1 08/09/2015 08/09/2015 03/08/2015 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 28/07/2015 Project Filatura C4 Launch Filatura C4 Launch Publication Online magazine link Country C.L.A.S.S. TOUR AW 16- Fashion Magazine 17 Filpucci Launch Filatura C4 Launch Filatura C4 Launch Technische Textilien Protección Laboral Filpucci Launch 24/07/2015 Generic Il Messaggero 17/07/2015 Generic 10/07/2015 Generic 08/07/2015 Filpucci Launch fashionmagazì Articles 11 10 1 2 2 25 1 4 1 11 68 08/07/2015 Filpucci Launch Italy Online 1 02/07/2015 Filpucci Launch Italy Online 1 02/07/2015 Filpucci Launch Italy Printed 1 Spain Printed 1 01/07/2015 Filatura C4 Launch Protección Laboral 01/07/2015 Filpucci Launch Italy Online 1 01/07/2015 Filpucci Launch ilsole24ore Italy Online 1 01/07/2015 Filpucci Launch Italy Online 1 01/07/2015 Filpucci Launch WWD USA Printed 1 29/06/2015 Filpucci Launch UK Online 1 28/06/2015 Filpucci Launch Collezioni Trend Italy Printed 1 28/06/2015 Filpucci Launch Pakistan Online 1 26/06/2015 Filpucci Launch India Online 1 26/06/2015 Filpucci Launch UK Online 1 26/06/2015 Filpucci Launch India Online 1§or=®ion=&articletype=&author=&datefrom=&dateto =&resultset=10&pageindex=1&contenttype=1 26/06/2015 Filpucci Launch India Online 1 UK Online 1 by subscription by subscription 01/06/2015 Generic WGSN 01/06/2015 Generic Journal Textile Portugal Printed 1 Pakistan Online 1 UK Online 1 WGSN UK Online 1 by subscription Spain Online 1 Italy Online 1 Spain Online 1 Italy Online 1 India Online 1 UK Online 1 India Online 1 26/05/2015 22/05/2015 18/05/2015 11/05/2015 06/05/2015 04/05/2015 02/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 30/04/2015 Filatura C4 Launch Filatura C4 Launch Filatura C4 Launch Filatura C4 Launch Filatura C4 Launch Filatura C4 Launch Filatura C4 Launch Filatura C4 Launch Filatura C4 Launch Filatura C4 Launch 30/04/2015 29/04/2015 29/04/2015 29/04/2015 28/04/2015 28/04/2015 28/04/2015 28/04/2015 28/04/2015 09/04/2015 24/03/2015 Filatura C4 Launch Filatura C4 Launch Filatura C4 Launch Filatura C4 Launch Filatura C4 Launch Filatura C4 Launch Filatura C4 Launch Filatura C4 Launch Filatura C4 Launch Italy Online 1 Philippines Online 1 Italy Online 1 Canada Online 1 odlog=&-script=moreinfo&-find USA Online 1 Germany Online 1 UK Online 1 UK Online 1 Australia Online 1 UK Online 1 C.L.A.S.S. TOUR SS16 USA Online 1 Generic 23/03/2015 Generic USA Online 1 23/03/2015 Generic Italy Online 1 23/03/2015 Generic USA Online 1 23/03/2015 Generic WWD USA Online 1 23/03/2015 Generic Italy Online 1 23/03/2015 Generic Italy Online 1 16/03/2015 Generic India Online 1 28/02/2015 Generic Collezioni Trend Italy Printed 1 24/02/2015 Generic Fashion Italy Printed 1 24/02/2015 AW 16/17 Italy Online 1 17/02/2015 AW 16/17 Pakistan Online 1 Bulgaria Online 1 UK Online 1 Italy Online 1,462691.html#.VNnMjPmG9aA India Online 1 USA Online 1 12/02/2015 11/02/2015 08/02/2015 07/02/2015 03/02/2015 C.L.A.S.S. TOUR SS16 Generic C.L.A.S.S. TOUR SS16 Generic C.L.A.S.S. TOUR SS16 31/01/2015 Generic Zoom on Fashion Trend Italy Printed 1 10/01/2015 Generic USA Online 1 COUNTRY Italy PUBLICATION DATE 10-09-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION TESSUTI SOSTENIBILI giovedì 10 settembre 2015 La piattaforma C.L.A.S.S. si dà alla formazione: nasce C.L.A.S.S. Education È partito da Milano il tour di presentazioni delle collezioni di tessuti eco-smart che fanno capo alla piattaforma C.L.A.S.S. di Giusy Bettoni. Le altre tappe saranno Madrid, Copenhagen, Londra, New York, Parigi e per la prima volta Dubai. La eco-library lancia C.L.A.S.S. Education, unit che si occupa di formazione ai professionisti della moda sui materiali di ultima generazione: belli, innovativi e responsabili. Per Giusy Bettoni - che in questo progetto si avvale delle competenze di James Mendolia, docente alla Parsons School of Design di New York, con cui collabora da molti anni - si tratta di un’ulteriore occasione per condividere conoscenze, introdurre idee, presentare soluzioni ecologiche e smart. Sulla base della sua personale visione dell’eco-sostenibilità legata alla moda, imprescindibilmente legata alle qualità estetiche e innovative dei materiali. Si parte a gennaio 2016 con un ciclo intitolato “Soluzioni innovative nel tessile: workshop di eco-fashion”, rivolto a stilisti, rivenditori, fornitori, specialisti in product development e tecnici del settore tessile. Durante la press preview di ieri, 9 settembre, nella sede di C.L.A.S.S. di via Vittorio Veneto 8 a Milano, Giusy Bettoni ha fatto il punto su alcune realtà da lei seguite, come Re.Verso, piattaforma di re-ingegnerizzazione di tessuti in lana e chasmere, creata e realizzata totalmente in Italia, da un pool di aziende leader del settore. Sotto i riflettori anche Ecotec by Marchi & Fidi, nuovo marchio di filati 100% cotone, ottenuti grazie a un processo produttivo, totalmente tracciabile, che trasforma ritagli tessili pre-tinti, dimezzando consumi d’acqua ed energia. Numerose anche le novità dell’italianissima (a dispetto del nome) Okinawa di Michele Ruffin: l’azienda padovana presenta questa stagione alle più importanti fiere di settore materiali esclusivi come Jacroki e Microki, oltre ai processi di nobilitazione Hydroki, Washoki e Historia Tinctoria, ai quali si aggiunge la rivoluzionaria Denim Leather, una tecnica di tintura e rifinitura per pelle ed ecopelle ispirata al denim. Proseguono con successo anche le esperienze rappresentate da New Life e dai tessuti in cotone e tencel con tinture naturali, a base di fiori e frutti, della giapponese Shinnaigai Textile. COUNTRY Italy PUBLICATION Fashion Magazine DATE 08-09-2015 TYPE printed TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION COUNTRY Italy PUBLICATION Fashion Magazine DATE 08-09-2015 TYPE printed TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION COUNTRY Brazil PUBLICATION Revista Textilia DATE 01-09-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online CIRCULATION n.a READERSHIP n.a. COUNTRY Bulgaria PUBLICATION DATE 03-08-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online CIRCULATION n.a READERSHIP n.a. COUNTRY Germany PUBLICATION Technische Textilien DATE 01-08-2015 TYPE printed TYPE consumer online CIRCULATION n.a READERSHIP n.a. COUNTRY Spain PUBLICATION Protección Laboral DATE 01-08-2015 TYPE online FILATURA C4 (textiles inteligentes a partir de material reciclado) ·Hilatura eco-inteligente de lana Desde 1962, Filatura C4 S.r.l está reconocida por sus aportaciones en tejeduría para usos técnicos, habiendo creado recientemente una línea de negocio especializada en la recuperación de fibras naturales y técnicas. Ofrece una amplia gama de hilados por tipología y estilo en tres diferentes categorizaciones: técnica, clásica y natural. La filosofía es personalizar las innovaciones a las exigencias de cada aplicación, en un circuito completo que va desde el concepto hasta los productos acabados, e incluye la optimización de procesos TYPE consumer online READERSHIP n.a. como la tintura para mejorar el resultado final. CIRCULATION n.a Ha formado una joint-venture con Re.Verso™, dedicada también a producir nuevos materiales ‘inteligentes’ además de eco-responsables. Ambas compañías han colaborado, con el apoyo de C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle and Sustainable Synergy), para demostrar la viabilidad de la reingeniería de tejidos eco-inteligentes basados en la lana. C.L.A.S.S. es una plataforma que promueve el uso de textiles inteligentes a partir de tecnologías sostenibles. Entre los múltiples desarrollos presentados en la feria, destacamos Parigold, paramida 100% procedente de fibra reciclada. Comparada con las meta-aramidas, las principales ventajas de Parigold son mayor resistencia a la tracción (estabilidad dimensional) y resistencia a la abrasión, menor retracción a altas temperaturas y menor acumulación de humedad. Asimismo supera a las aramidas en las propiedades químicas y de resistencia a la elongación y la abrasión, junto a una menor retención de humedad. COUNTRY UK PUBLICATION DATE 28-07-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online CIRCULATION n.a READERSHIP n.a. COUNTRY Italy PUBLICATION Il Messaggero DATE 24-07-2015 TYPE printed TYPE consumer online CIRCULATION n.a READERSHIP n.a. COUNTRY Switzerland PUBLICATION DATE 17-07-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION First C.L.A.S.S. Service POSTED 17 JUL IN POSITIVE CURATORS Giusy Bettoni has worked within the fashion industry for over 30 years, and set up her own textile-marketing agency GBNetwork in 1993. With this amount of time spent working closely with textiles, she has also come across interesting new techniques and technologies in the field of fabric production. To her surprise she noticed that just a few in the fashion industry seemed to be aware of them. This fact was one of the two main reasons that she founded C.L.A.S.S. The second being that she wanted to challenge what people perceived to be sustainable fashion. C.L.A.S.S. is a unique international forum for textiles, fashion, lifestyle and home design that creates business opportunities through more innovative, responsible and eco-sensible products. C.L.A.S.S. stands for Creativity, Lifestyle And Sustainable Synergy. They provide information and opportunities around commercially available eco-textiles, yarns, processes, finished products and services. You will find their showrooms in Milan, London, Copenhagen and Madrid, where they offer a huge materials library that is open for businesses, designers, buyers and media, that makes researching and sourcing these materials much easier. Aside from that, they also offer a consulting service that specializes in “a new kind of luxury for fashion and fabrics, created through innovation and sustainable design solutions”. All in all, Giusy’s enthusiasm to distribute and enable easy access to these new techniques and eco-friendly materials is infectious. It is great to see someone promoting and providing information on how to reduce the ecological impact that this huge industry has on our environment. What are your criteria when it comes to selecting material producers and labelling them as sustainable? When we talk about C.L.A.S.S. partners, products, collections, materials we talk about something that has to be able to cover three dimensions, all at once: Creativity, Innovation and Responsibility. Creativity stands for style, a key element when we talk about fashion! Innovation is important, because products need to perform correctly according to their application, and quality because we need to keep up with contemporary consumer needs! Responsibility is a new key value dedicated to the consumer… now quality has a new, more complete meaning! How to be sure about these values? Creativity …is beauty. Innovation is proven through the presence of technical fact sheets for each fabric, and responsibility is present thanks to specific certifications, differentiated by material choices; it can be GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) for organic , GRS (Global Recycling Standard) for recycled, but more and more we are talking about LCA (Life Cycle Assessment). What inspires you most in your work? My main inspiration are people. People who have been working hard in the textile industry for many years and are still doing so with a lot of enthusiasm. Despite the complexity of the time, people that are just starting their journey into fashion textiles, are so passionate, and have such a new innovative way to look and develop it. It makes me feel so good to see that technology is linked to skilled people with unique abilities in the fields of creativity, innovation and quality, that are INTEGRATING the new dimension of innovation – called responsibility – as a competitive advantage! People at consumer level will finally have another interesting choice! It is a great feeling to be able to go from storytelling to storymaker! Integrating is an opportunity From the numerous designers working with C.L.A.S.S. can you mention one design or designer that impressed you the most and why? It is very difficult to name any, because I have to say that everyone from small startups to the most well-known brands and retailers are on their way to ‘integrate’ this new high value dimension of responsibility in their collection…. Off the top of my head I can remember the interesting exercise done by Weekend Max Mara, who introduced Newlife ™ in their S/S 2014, and are still running… or the latest launch of Gucci’s A/W 2015-2016 menswear, womenswear and childrenswear collection of Re.Verso ™ cashmere! I am mentioning them, because they are living proof of the fact that beauty, technology, quality, creativity and responsibility are not just a possibility but an opportunity! What makes education on sustainable fashion a challenge these days? I think today there is no real ‘challenge’, but for sure some things are still complex. I will mention the 2 ones that we are working hard on at the moment: 1. Perception of sustainability in terms of value: There is still some work to do here. The perception of ‘green’ is unhelpful due mainly to history, when sustainable should have been a single value , not linked to aesthetic and innovation … 2. The way of communicating sustainable values: We do not think that you can create a value just by communicating a generic material or technology (eg. recycled). We need to take GREAT care in creating a new way to do fashion that includes responsibility, so that we can be able to create something completely new and innovative. What is your favorite Textile to work with? This is a difficult one, as each one of the C.L.A.S.S. selected materials have fantastic, unique stories and people behind them… I would prefer to invite people to explore them! COUNTRY Italy PUBLICATION DATE 10-07-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION TESSUTI ECOSOSTENIBILI E DI CLASS(E) PER UNA MODA CHE GUARDA AL FUTURO by ilpuntosalute | 10 lug, 2015 | Moda | Immaginate abiti griffati dal design italiano, Armani, Versace, Max Mara, Valentino, realizzati con stoffe provenienti dal carapace del granchio, dalle proteine del latte, dalla soia e dal legno… Molti ‘tessuti eco’ vengono selezionati in uno showroom di Milano che si chiama C.L.A.S.S (Creativity Lifestyle and Sustainable Synergy) ed è una realtà italiana ideata da Giusy Bettoni. Si tratta di un network internazionale multi-piattaforma che presenta a designer, buyer, media e operatori del settore una vetrina di moda, e di materiali esclusivi e non convenzionali fabbricati con tecnologie smart e sostenibili. “C.L.A.S.S propone servizi di consulenza globali di comunicazione, marketing e sviluppo prodotto. È specializzata in un nuovo modo di intendere il lusso per la moda e il tessile che offre soluzioni innovative e su misura – afferma Giusy Bettoni –. I prodotti sono pensati per ridurre l’utilizzo di petrolio e promuovere, invece, risorse sostenibili e rinnovabili”. Negli ultimi anni è aumentata la convinzione che le scelte sostenibili aggiungano valore ed esclusività all’articolo moda, anziché toglierne. “Nell’immaginario comune, il binomio moda e sostenibilità è spesso sinonimo di un prodotto privo di stile, estetica, emozione, e talvolta anche di qualità – osserva Giusy Bettoni, CEO di C.L.A.S.S –. Negli ultimi anni fortunatamente si sono fatti molti passi avanti per sfatare questo mito”. NATURALI E ORGANICI, RIGENERATI E RICICLATI, RINNOVABILI INNOVATIVI sono le categorie di tessuti proposte da C.L.A.S.S. “I tessuti NATURALI E ORGANICI sono creati in lana, seta, cashmere, yak, cotone, lino, canapa e ortica – precisa la Bettoni –. Si tratta di tessuti pregiati e realizzati soprattutto in Italia”. Le stoffe RIGENERATE E RICICLATE sono rappresentate da poliestere riciclato (Newlife™), poliammide riciclata, cashmere, cotone, denim, seta, lana di nuova generazione come Re.Verso™ e prodotti per ridurre il carbon footprint. I tessuti RINNOVABILI INNOVATIVI sono ottenuti da nuovi biopolimeri (Ingeo™, di natura vegetale compostabili), carta, proteine del latte, soia, alghe, cellulosiche rigenerate, fibre del legno, bambù, Modal/Micromodal e fibra di carapace di granchio. NEWLIFE™ La vera rivoluzione tessile è rappresentata da Newlife™. “Newlife™ è il risultato di un progetto sviluppato da Sinterama, un’azienda di Biella specializzata nella produzione di fili e filati di poliestere colorati – riferisce la fondatrice di C.L.A.S.S –. Una piattaforma tecnologicamente innovativa che offre una vasta gamma di fili di poliestere riciclato d’alta qualità. I filati sono prodotti attraverso il riciclo di bottiglie di plastica raccolte nel Nord Italia”. Dopo le fasi di pulizia, taglio e granulazione, le bottiglie recuperate vengono trasformate attraverso un processo meccanico nel polimero Newlife™. “Si sono svolti studi specifici (Life cycle Assesment, a cura dell’ICEA) sull’impatto di questa fibra sull’ambiente – riferisce il CEO di C.L.A.S.S –. La realizzazione di Newlife™ consente il risparmio del 60% di energia, del 94% di acqua e del 32% di CO2”. Il polimero consente una grande versatilità nella funzionalità e nelle applicazioni. È inoltre easy care e easy wear. “Armani e Valentino l’hanno sperimentato per degli abiti esclusivi, realizzati rispettivamente per la serata dei Golden Globes e della notte degli Oscar. Mentre Weekend, linea di Max Mara, l’ha incluso nelle sue collezioni a partire dall’estate 2014. Questi solo alcuni prestigiosi brand della moda italiana che utilizzano i tessuti con la fibra Newlife™ – dichiara Giusy Bettoni –. Gli stilisti italiani sono sempre più sensibili al tema dell’ecosostenibilità”. Re.VerSo™ C.L.A.S.S propone anche tessuti della collezione Re.VerSo™. “Re.VerSo™ è il marchio identificativo di una catena d’approvvigionamento evoluta composta da Green Line, Nuova Fratelli Boretti che insieme a “trasformatori” selezionati e esclusivi come A. Stelloni Collection by Mapel per i tessuti moda, Filatura C4 per filati per il contract e Filpucci per filati da maglieria, danno vita a una collezione tessile di “re-engineered wool” che utilizza un nuovo approccio produttivo completamente integrato, tracciabile, 100% Made in Italy – afferma Giusy Bettoni –. I prodotti Re.VerSo™ sono innovativi ed esclusivi”. Le stoffe Re.VerSo™ si contraddistinguono per l’alto contenuto di materiali nobili, lane, cashmere, camel, e per la continua ricerca e innovazione su filati, disegni, colori, trattamenti speciali di finissaggio. Della collezione Re.VerSo™ fanno parte melton, tessuti a pelo, drap, loden, jersey, uniti, mélange, fantasia e stampati, con finissaggi infeltriti, lavati, calandrati, in una vasta gamma di pesi, tutti personalizzabili secondo le necessità dei clienti. Re.VerSo™ offre articoli sempre in linea con le più attuali tendenze moda. Primo esempio di utilizzo di questa piattaforma è Gucci con un cachemire Re.verso ™ per le collezioni uomo donna e bambino relative alla stagione a/i 2015 – 2016. Bacx™ by Centro Seta “Bacx™ by Centro Seta è la prima vera collezione di tessuti in seta di nuova generazione con composizioni innovative. I risultati sono il frutto di ricerca, processi e soluzioni eco – riferisce il CEO di C.L.A.S.S –. Centro Seta è un’azienda fiorentina che opera nell’ambito della produzione tessile, con forti connotazioni moda e creatività”. Alla proposta di seta certificata GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) si aggiungono due linee sempre firmate Bacx™ by Centro Seta. Tessuti in mischie di seta GreenFiber™: sviluppati con un nuovo filato di seta derivato dal riutilizzo dei cascami e firmato GreenFiber™. Tessuti con un’inedita mano naturale e con un look prezioso. Tessuti in mischie di seta eco-high tech Newlife™: soluzioni innovative che integrano la raffinatezza e i canoni della seta tradizionale con la praticità e la versatilità del filo di nuova generazione Newlife. Una proposta sportiva per le esigenze di un consumatore più moderno. Oggi, le aziende offrono bellezza, glamour, classe, strutture e qualità fisiche uniche a tessuti e a capi d’abbigliamento. L’innovazione è la scelta responsabile, vincente e competitiva per proporre al mercato articoli ecosostenibili e di qualità per una moda che guarda al futuro. Simone Lucci Giusy Bettoni è CEO e fondatore di C.L.A.S.S (Creativity lifestyle sustainable Sinergy, una piattaforma internazionale creata nel 2007, unica nel suo genere. C.L.A.S.S. mette in mostra le innovazioni e i materiali moda più esclusivi e d’eccellenza che utilizzano le tecnologie più smart e responsabili, pensati per i designer, l’industria e il business. La sua esperienza si consolida attraverso 30 anni di impegno nel sistema tessile internazionale, a partire dallo sviluppo del settore fibre–materie prime e con un approccio all’ingredient branding a 360 gradi per le più importanti organizzazioni internazionali. Negli ultimi 10 anni il target si è focalizzato sulla comunicazione di un messaggio forte e innovativo: l’innovazione responsabile nel tessile e nella moda come vantaggio competitivo chiave. Giusy Bettoni fa parte dell’advisory board di Eco-Age, è consulente per l’innovazione responsabile per Premiere Vision, l’organizzatore leader a livello internazionale di fiere per l’industria della moda. COUNTRY Italy PUBLICATION DATE 08-07-2015 TYPE printed TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION COUNTRY Italy PUBLICATION DATE 08-07-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online CIRCULATION n.a READERSHIP n.a. COUNTRY Italy PUBLICATION DATE 02-07-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online CIRCULATION n.a READERSHIP n.a. COUNTRY Spain PUBLICATION Protecciòn Laboral DATE 01-07-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online CIRCULATION n.a READERSHIP n.a. COUNTRY UK PUBLICATION DATE 29-06-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION COUNTRY Italy PUBLICATION Collezioni Trend DATE 28-06-2015 TYPE printed TYPE consumer online CIRCULATION n.a READERSHIP n.a. COUNTRY Pakistan PUBLICATION DATE 28-06-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION The New Ninetyfives Filpucci’s Innovative High-End, Low-Impact Yarns By Staff / June 28, 2015 Florence, Italy - The Ninetyfive family of yarns expands in the name of sustainable-cashmere knitwear. Now there are two sources of these “double life” yarns with an eco-friendly message. They are among the finest yarns by Filpucci, a company which combines its textile research expertise with a passion for exploring new sustainable alternatives. Excellence in accordance with science and conscience: after CO2-free, now available in Re.Verso™ re-engineered cashmere Consequently, a different sustainability value is introduced to integrate the Woollen Selection’s Ninetyfive collection with a product of equal ethical value. In addition to the low-impact, CO2-free regenerated (postconsumer) cashmere yarn widely appreciated as a vehicle of high qualities, there is now an exclusive reengineered (pre-consumer) cashmere yarn originating from sophisticated pure textile material selectively and transparently screened by the Re.Verso™ supply chain. Therefore, over and above the classic principle of post-industrial (CO2-free)reuse, this new development in the Tuscan spinning company’s ethical advancement consists in adding an even rarer and more virtuous step, i.e. reclaiming higher-quality pre-industrial surplus (re-engineered). This is exclusive, semi-processed material restored to its original state and then reconverted via the finest Italian textile know-how. This virtuous circle allows us to optimise and reuse even the finest material and ease the pressing problem of disposal and the excessive consumption of the rarest fibres. As a result, Ninetyfive yarns fall within the range of premium-quality, clean-soul products that are doubly appealing to the high-end fashion market and the elite of responsible consumers. This was made possible by an exclusive agreement with the Re.Verso™ textile platform focused on a responsible approach to high-value resources. The uniqueness of the quality material selection and gathering process is based on no-waste principles and a transparent, traceable chain. Source: C.L.A.S.S - See more at: COUNTRY India PUBLICATION DATE 26-06-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION COUNTRY UK PUBLICATION DATE 26-06-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online CIRCULATION n.a READERSHIP n.a. COUNTRY India PUBLICATION DATE 26-06-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online CIRCULATION n.a READERSHIP n.a. COUNTRY UK PUBLICATION DATE 26-06-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION June 26, 2015 No Comments Eco friendly cashmere yarn by Filpucci to debut at Pitti Filati Image Courtesy: Italian producer of creative high-end knitting yarns, Filpucci is set to debut an eco friendly range of cashmere yarns, named Ninetyfive yarns, made using Re.Verso recycled fibres at Pitti Flati show, being held from July 1-3, 2015. Re.Verso fibres are produced from preconsumer waste and also cuts and pieces of fabrics procured from fashion houses and apparel factories. Based on a no-waste principle, the material selection and gathering process at Re.Verso is a transparent and traceable chain. COUNTRY UK PUBLICATION WGSN DATE 01-06-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online CIRCULATION n.a READERSHIP n.a. COUNTRY Portugal PUBLICATION Journal Textil Portugal DATE 01-06-2015 TYPE printed TYPE consumer online CIRCULATION n.a READERSHIP n.a. COUNTRY Pakistan PUBLICATION DATE 26-05-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online CIRCULATION n.a READERSHIP n.a. Re.Verso™ & Filatura C4 at Techtextil 2015 By Staff / May 26, 2015 Pistoia, Italy - Re.Verso™ opens the door to reveal a more complete and varied supply chain option, as well as a new product application through its latest selected partnership with the excellent Filatura C4 at Techtextil in Frankfurt, 4th -7 th May 2015. Thanks to a shared philosophy and dedication to sustainable manufacturing and business, both companies have collaborated, with the support of C.L.A.S.S., to present a new dimension in eco-smart re-engeneerd wool based yarns now especially targeted for the contract market. This clearly confirms that the Re.Verso™ concept, after the successful introduction in the fashion market last September 2014, is gaining real traction, step by step, leading the field with their unique system in eco-recuperated fibre sciences and partnerships. This joint venture began when Filatura C4 realized the unique added value the Re.Verso™ concept can offer, neatly matching their own business profile and philosophy. Re.Verso™ collects sorts and reprocesses pre-consumer textile waste in a new way that is accredited, fully transparent and fully traceable at every stage. This means it completely matches a Filatura C4 creative dedication to be 100% Made in Italy, while making the best quality recuperated yarns that perform without compromise, and can replace virgin yarns use, saving on raw materials, costs and environmental impacts. The first qualities to be developed will be in the Natural Collection from Filatura C4. This will use the Re.Verso™ mechanically derived wools exclusively and start with blends of Re.Verso™ wool and polyamide, specifically for the furnishings market, although future finer Re.Verso™ wool micron and yarn counts will also focus on apparel . A second development stream will mix Re.Verso™ wool with highly technical regenerated para-aramid fibers for extra flame and abrasion resistance, as well as creating a vintage mélange optic in dyeing. Source: C.L.A.S.S COUNTRY UK PUBLICATION DATE 22-05-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online CIRCULATION n.a READERSHIP n.a. COUNTRY UK PUBLICATION WGSN DATE 18-05-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online CIRCULATION n.a READERSHIP n.a. COUNTRY Spain PUBLICATION DATE 11-05-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION n.a Filatura C4 lanza al mercado un hilado ecológico para el sector del contract 11/5/2015 Re.Verso y Filatura C4 han formado una joint venture, mediante la cual, han creado una nueva dimensión en hilados de lana eco-inteligentes dirigida especialmente al mercado del contract. Se trata de un nuevo paso dado por Re.Verso, después de que en septiembre de 2014 entrará en el mundo de la moda. La joint venture entre ambas empresas nació cuando Filatura C4 se dio cuenta que la aplicación del concepto de Re.Verso se adecuaba a su filosofía y modo de hacer negocio. Re.Verso recoge todo tipo de residuos textiles de preconsumo y los vuelve a procesar. De este modo, Filatura C4 utiliza este material reciclado en la elaboración de hilados, reduciendo en todo este proceso el impacto ambiental. En esta contexto, la nueva colección de Filatura C4 derivada de esta joint venture está dirigida al mercado del mueble, pero en un futuro, se creará una línea para la moda. En otra etapa, se mezclará la lana Re.Verso con fibras muy técnicas, que sean resistentes a las llamas y a la abrasión. COUNTRY Italy PUBLICATION DATE 06-05-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online CIRCULATION n.a READERSHIP n.a. COUNTRY Spain PUBLICATION DATE 11-05-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online CIRCULATION n.a READERSHIP n.a. Filatura C4 lanza al mercado un hilado ecológico para el sector del contract 11/5/2015 Re.Verso y Filatura C4 han formado una joint venture, mediante la cual, han creado una nueva dimensión en hilados de lana eco-inteligentes dirigida especialmente al mercado del contract. Se trata de un nuevo paso dado por Re.Verso, después de que en septiembre de 2014 entrará en el mundo de la moda. La joint venture entre ambas empresas nació cuando Filatura C4 se dio cuenta que la aplicación del concepto de Re.Verso se adecuaba a su filosofía y modo de hacer negocio. Re.Verso recoge todo tipo de residuos textiles de preconsumo y los vuelve a procesar. De este modo, Filatura C4 utiliza este material reciclado en la elaboración de hilados, reduciendo en todo este proceso el impacto ambiental. En esta contexto, la nueva colección de Filatura C4 derivada de esta joint venture está dirigida al mercado del mueble, pero en un futuro, se creará una línea para la moda. En otra etapa, se mezclará la lana Re.Verso con fibras muy técnicas, que sean resistentes a las llamas y a la abrasión. COUNTRY Italy PUBLICATION DATE 02-05-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online CIRCULATION n.a READERSHIP n.a. 02 mag 2015 A Techtextil l’ultima novità Re.Verso Re.Verso™ svela una più completa, variegata e innovativa supply chain, e nuovi prodotti grazie all’ultima partnership d’eccellenza siglata con Filatura C4. La novità sarà presentata al Techtextil a Francoforte il 4 maggio: una gamma di filati Re.Verso per il contract e tessuti a navetta. La nuova dimensione di filati di lane eco-smart re-engeneered firmate Re.Verso nasce dall’apporto unico di Filatura C4, la nota azienda di Serravalle Pistoiese, che presenta nel Hall 3.1, stand H55 i risultati del suo processo tecnologico di re-engineering. Re.Verso™ è una piattaforma tessile innovativa che raccoglie, seleziona e processa ritagli di tessuti di confezione pre-consumer in un modo del tutto nuovo e accreditato, totalmente trasparente tracciabile in ogni sua fase. COUNTRY UK PUBLICATION DATE 01-05-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online CIRCULATION n.a READERSHIP n.a. Filatura to show yarn from Reverso fibres at Techtextil May 01, 2015 (Italy) Italian producer of sustainable yarns for the contract furnishings market, Filatura C4 will show yarns produced using Reverso re-engineered fibres at the upcoming trade fair, Techtextil in Germany in hall 3.1, booth H-55. “Both companies have collaborated, to present a new dimension in eco-smart re-engineered wool based yarns now especially targeted for the contract market,” a press release from CLASS informed. “This joint venture began when Filatura C4 realised the unique added value the Reverso concept offers, nearly matching their own business profile and philosophy,” CLASS said. Reverso collects sorts and reprocesses pre-consumer textile waste in a new way that is accredited, fully transparent and fully traceable at every stage. It is 100 per cent made in Italy, while making the best quality recuperated yarns that perform without compromise and can replace virgin yarns use, saving on raw materials, costs and environmental impacts. The first qualities to be developed will be in the Natural Collection from Filatura C4, will start with blends of Reverso wool and polyamide, specifically for the furnishings market. A second development stream will mix Reverso wool with highly technical regenerated para-aramid fibres for extra flame and abrasion resistance, as well as creating a vintage mélange optic in dyeing. Reverso is a new textile platform that works together with its textile partners to produce a fully integrated, 100 per cent made in Italy textile collection with a dynamic brand new approach. Filatura C4 is a developer of smart innovations in the contract furnishing markets, specialising in and use of both, recuperated natural and technical fibres. The company offers a wide range of style and types of yarns in technical, classic and natural categories. (AR) Fibre2fashion News Desk - India COUNTRY UK PUBLICATION DATE 01-05-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online CIRCULATION n.a READERSHIP n.a. Filatura to show yarn from Reverso fibres at Techtextil 01 May 2015 Italian producer of sustainable yarns for the contract furnishings market, Filatura C4 will show yarns produced using Reverso re-engineered fibres at the upcoming trade fair, Techtextil in Germany in hall 3.1, booth H-55. “Both companies have collaborated, to present a new dimension in eco-smart re-engineered wool based yarns now especially targeted for the contract market,” a press release from CLASS informed. “This joint venture began when Filatura C4 realised the unique added value the Reverso concept offers, nearly matching their own business profile and philosophy,” CLASS said. Reverso collects sorts and reprocesses pre-consumer textile waste in a new way that is accredited, fully transparent and fully traceable at every stage. It is 100 per cent made in Italy, while making the best quality recuperated yarns that perform without compromise and can replace virgin yarns use, saving on raw materials, costs and environmental impacts. The first qualities to be developed will be in the Natural Collection from Filatura C4, will start with blends of Reverso wool and polyamide, specifically for the furnishings market. A second development stream will mix Reverso wool with highly technical regenerated para-aramid fibres for extra flame and abrasion resistance, as well as creating a vintage mélange optic in dyeing. Reverso is a new textile platform that works together with its textile partners to produce a fully integrated, 100 per cent made in Italy textile collection with a dynamic brand new approach. Filatura C4 is a developer of smart innovations in the contract furnishing markets, specialising in and use of both, recuperated natural and technical fibres. The company offers a wide range of style and types of yarns in technical, classic and natural categories. (AR) COUNTRY India PUBLICATION DATE 30-04-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION Filatura C4 first collection from partnership with Re.Verso to be showcased at Techtextil YarnsandFibers News Bureau, 2015-04-30 14:00:00 - FRANKFURT FRANKFURT Re.Verso is a new textile platform made of a group of three top Italian mills, Nuova Fratelli Boretti, Green Line and Lanificio Stelloni has collaborated with Italian spinning company Filatura C4. The first collection from the partnership will be showcased at Techtextil in Frankfurt next week. The collection is combination of Re.Verso wool and polyamide blended with Filatura’s ‘100 percent made in Italy’ fabrics. The Re.Verso supply chain platform incorporates pre-consumer waste yarns, mainly wool but not limited to it, is converted into fiber through a mechanical process, and then spin into yarns from which knitted, woven and knitwear fashion fabrics can be made, and then into finished garments in a fully traceable, transparent line of production that has garnered recognition as a best-practice model for eco-responsible manufacture. Re.Verso initially launched in September 2014, after sustainable textiles platform CLASS (Creativity Lifestyle and Sustainable Synergy) teamed up with luxury fashion brand Gucci. The joint venture began when Filatura C4 realised Re.Verso’s added value. While Filatura C4 can still boast its ‘made in Italy’ tagline, Re.Verso yarns can replace the use of virgin yarns – saving on raw materials, costs and environmental impacts, a statement from CLASS said. Of the three companies involved in Re.Verso, Green Line is responsible for sourcing and sorting the pre-consumer waste yarns and fabrics, Nuova Fratelli Boretti mechanically transforms the waste textiles into fibres ready for spinning, and textile mill Lanificio Stelloni uses the materials to manufacture knitted and woven fabrics. Filatura C4 established in 1962 in Pistoia, for three generations has been producing “Made in Italy “carded yarns, combining the innovations of a young and dynamic Management team, with tradition, technical knowhow, and experience. Filatura C4’s natural collection are manufactured from a combination of natural fibers, with viscose, and in conjunction with the so-called “green fibers”, which are ecological and environment friendly ones, like Soya and natural Bamboo. Filatura C4’s ‘Natural Collection’ of Re.Verso blended fabrics will be on show at Techtextil, Frankfurt on 4 – 7 May, at booth H55, hall 3.1. COUNTRY Italy PUBLICATION DATE 30-04-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION Techtextil e Texprocess: l'innovazione tessile protagonista dal 4 al 7 maggio Saranno 1.662 gli espositori, da 54 Paesi, presenti a Techtextil e Texprocess, saloni internazionali sui tessili tecnici, i non tessuti e le tecnologie legate a questi settori, in programma a Francoforte dal 4 al 7 maggio. L'innovazione è il filo conduttore delle manifestazioni (dove non a caso viene allestito un "Innovative Apparel Show"), che esplorano non solo insieme alle aziende, ma anche ai centri studi e alle università, utilizzi anche insoliti dei tessuti, ad esempio per creare biomasse o neve artificiale. Ma il focus è soprattutto sulle ultime novità in fatto di wearable technology in tutte le sue declinazioni e di "smart textile". Significativi pure i passi avanti che si sono fatti nei processi di taglio, cucito e stiratura, grazie alla digitalizzazione. Senza contare le prospettive aperte dal tracking online, per consentire alle aziende della filiera di interagire tra loro e con il mercato in modo rigoroso e trasparente. Secondo uno studio di Commerzbank, si prevede che le vendite globali di tessili tecnici e non tessuti cresceranno dagli attuali 160 miliardi di dollari a oltre 200 miliardi entro il 2018. La confederazione europea Euratex aggiunge che nel 2014 l'import di tessili tecnici da nazioni non-EU ha messo a segno un +8,6%, mentre le esportazioni sono aumentate del 6,3%. In Germania il comparto ha seguito un doppio binario: segno più nelle vendite di non tessuti, segno meno per quanto riguarda i tessili tecnici, a causa dell'euro debole e del prezzo basso del petrolio. Tuttavia, come tiene a precisare Elgar Straub (managing director di Vdma-Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau Garment and Leather Technology), «nel 2014 il fatturato del settore delle tecnologie per l'abbigliamento e la confezione è cresciuto sul territorio tedesco del 20%, con la prospettiva di un ulteriore rialzo a doppia cifra». La buona salute del salone Techtextil è attestata dai numeri: le realtà partecipanti sono 1.389 da 52 Paesi, contro le 1.330 da 48 Paesi del 2013. Anche per questo la kermesse può contare su un giorno in più rispetto al passato, oltre che su una superficie ampliata alla Hall 6.1. Analogamente, Texprocess è in fase di costante sviluppo, con 273 exhibitor (erano 270 nel 2013, esclusa la sezione "Source It", ora sostituita da un altro format) e con new entry del calibro di Epson Deutschland. «Lo spazio prenotato per le due fiere - sottolinea Detlef Braun, membro dell'executive board di Messe Frankfurt - ha registrato un incremento rispetto allo scorso appuntamento». Entrambe le rassegne costruiscono intorno al momento espositivo propriamente detto una serie di eventi collaterali. Del programma fa parte, tra gli altri, gli Innovation Award di Techtextil e Texprocess, la cui consegna è fissata il 4 maggio nella Hall 4.2 (nella foto, proposte di Filatura C4). COUNTRY Philippines PUBLICATION DATE 29-04-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION Italian spinner partners with Re.Verso Written by Tommy Lee Filatura C4 FRANKFURT – Re.verso, a supply chain platform which incorporates pre-consumer waste yarns into fabrics and clothing, has collaborated with Italian spinning company Filatura C4. The first collection from the partnership – set to be showcased at Techtextil in Frankfurt next week – sees Re.Verso wool and polyamide blended with Filatura’s ‘100 per cent made in Italy’ fabrics. Re.Verso initially launched in September 2014, after sustainable textiles platform CLASS (Creativity Lifestyle and Sustainable Synergy) teamed up with luxury fashion brand Gucci. “The joint venture began when Filatura C4 realised Re.Verso’s added value. While Filatura C4 can still boast its ‘made in Italy’ tagline, Re.Verso yarns can replace the use of virgin yarns – saving on raw materials, costs and environmental impacts,” a statement from CLASS said. Of the three companies involved in Re.Verso, Green Line is responsible for sourcing and sorting the preconsumer waste yarns and fabrics, Nuova Fratelli Boretti mechanically transforms the waste textiles into fibres ready for spinning, and textile mill Lanificio Stelloni uses the materials to manufacture knitted and woven fabrics. Filatura C4’s ‘Natural Collection’ of Re.Verso blended fabrics will be on show at Techtextil, Frankfurt on 4 – 7 May, at booth H55, hall 3.1. Web: COUNTRY Italy PUBLICATION DATE 29-04-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION Re.Verso™ & Filatura C4 @ Techtextil 2015 Pianeta Impresa news. Torino, 29 aprile 2015 – Re.Verso™ apre le porte e svela una piu completa, variegata e innovativa supply chain, cosi come una nuova applicazione di prodotto grazie all’ultima partnership d’eccellenza siglata con Filatura C4 che in occasione di Techtextil a Francoforte dal 4 al 7 maggio 2015 presenterа una gamma di filati Re.Verso ™ per il contract e tessuti a navetta. Grazie ad una condivisione di fondo rispetto ad una filosofia ed impegno nell’ambito del business e dell’Industria responsabile e con il supporto di C.L.A.S.S., siamo oggi testimoni della presentazione di una nuova dimensione di filati di lane eco-smart re-engeneered firmate Re.Verso ™ che oggi grazie all’apporto unico di Filatura C4 possono essere utilizzate anche per il mercato contract. Questo conferma che il concept Re.Verso™, dopo il suo debutto lo scorso settembre nel mercato fashion con riscontri molto positivi, sta ottenendo, passo dopo passo, un reale riscontro come leader di settore grazie a diversi fattori di rilievo: il suo Sistema e processo unico, tecnologico di re-engineering oltre alla definizione di partnership selezionate. Visitate lo spazio Filatura C4 nella Hall 3.1, booth H55 per apprezzare a pieno le incredibili opportunitа offerte da questa nuova collaborazione. La joint venture и cominciata nel momento in cui Filatura C4 ha potuto toccare con mano il valore aggiunto che il concept Re.Verso™ puт offrire, completando in maniera perfetta quello che и il business profile e la mission aziendale. Re.Verso™ raccoglie, seleziona e processa ritagli di tessuti di confezione pre-consumer in un modo del tutto nuovo ed accreditato, totalmente trasparente tracciabile in ogni sua fase. Tutto questo si allinea perfettamente con la scelta “tecnologica e creativa” 100% made in italy di Filatura C4, che и in grado di offrire filati Re.Verso ™ re-engineered della miglior qualitа, altamente performanti, senza alcun compromesso, sostituendo filati vergini e permettendo un risparmio in termini di materie prime, costi di produzione ed impatto ambientale. I primi filati che verranno presentati fanno parte della Natural Collection di Filatura C4. Questa collezione vedrа l’uso di filati di lane Re.Verso ™ re-engineered puri o in mischia con il poliammide pensati per il settore arredamento, fino ad arrivare a filati di lane Re.Verso ™ piщ fini e dai titoli piщ sottili con un occhio specifico all’abbigliamento. La seconda parte dello sviluppo Filatura C4 mixerа i filati di lana Re.Verso™ con fibre high tech para-aramidiche rigenerate, per una maggiore resistenza alla fiamma ed all’abrasione, creando inoltre un piacevole effetto ottico melange. Techtextil 2015 per Filatura C4 & Re.Verso ™ non и un punto d’arrivo ma una nuova partenza! Per ulteriori informazioni: C.L.A.S.S. Tel. +39 02 76018402 Re.Verso™ Re.Verso™ и una nuova piattaforma tessile, il risultato nato dalla collaborazione tra diversi partner tessili che insieme danno vita ad una tessile completamente integrata, 100% ‘Made in Italy grazie ad un nuovo e dinamico approccio alla produzione che rende i prodotti Re.Verso ™ unici sia nel look, nelle prestazioni e nella responsabilitа d’impresa ; materiali totalmente tracciabili e processi che coinvolgono l’intera catena di fornitura anch’essi 100% ‘Made in Italy’. Re.Verso™ lavora fianco a fianco con i vari partner selezionati della supply chain per offrire al mercato materiali innovativi, eco-responsabili ed intelligenti per Il Fashion e il Lifestyle. Questa la catena di fornitura Re.Verso ™: Green Line и l’azienda che si occupa della raccolta e la selezione dei ritagli tessili pre-consumer selezionati (filati o tessuti) raccolti provenienti da tutta l’Italia e da Paesi europei selezionati. Nuova Fratelli Boretti и un’azienda dove l’eccellenza e l’unicitа risiedono nella selezione fatta a mano e nella trasformazione meccanica di materiali-sfridi tessili pre-consumer soprattutto di fibre di lana di alta qualitа, pronte per la filatura. Lanificio Stelloni Andrea S.r.l. и una rinomata azienda tessile che vanta una lunga e grande esperienza nella produzione di tessuti moda di alta qualitа, e al momento impegnata ad utilizzare la sua grande cultura nel tessile per trasformare materie prime di recupero in tessuti e maglie Re.Verso ™ di alta qualitа, stile e performance per il mondo della moda. Ora con Filatura C4 sarа possibile avere filati Re.Verso ™ altamente innovativi per il contract, l’arredamento e tessuti a navetta in genere. Filatura C4 Dal 1962, Filatura C4 и conosciuta per l’innovazione Smart nei mercati contract arredamento e si sta specializzando nel recupero sia delle fibre tecniche che di quelle naturali. L’azienda offre una vasta gamma di stili e tipologie di filati i per le categoria Tecnica, Naturale e Classica. La filosofia и il lavoro customizzato con i propri clienti, personalizzando le innovazioni al fine di creare delle applicazioni ad hoc. Dal concept al prodotto finito ottimizzando processi, tintura e test per giungere ai migliori risultati C. L.A.S.S. C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity, Lifestyle and Sustainable) и una piattaforma di Lifestyle internazionale con base a Milano che si occupa di comunicazione, marketing e consulenza di prodotto globale. Re.Verso ™ и un partner della piattaforma C.L.A.S.S. e insieme hanno sviluppato un piano integrato che promuove l’utilizzo dei prodotti Re.Verso ™ avvalendosi di processi e sistemi unici. Con l’arrivo di questa ultima eccellenza di settore, Filatura C4, и facile comprendere come attraverso esperienza, strategia ed impegno sia possibile raggiungere il mercato in maniera trasparente, tracciabile e integrata И un vero e proprio testamento di competenze tradizionali sviluppate attraverso le nuove tecnologie, ed con una particolare attenzione alle eco- metriche che oggi puт fare la differenza. Ma soprattutto, si sviluppa un occhio acuto per anticipare le esigenze del mercato con innovazioni naturalmente intelligenti che si renderanno disponibili per il consumatore contemporaneo. FILATORI PER PASSIONE DAL 1962 SPINNERS WITH PASSION SINCE 1962 FILATURA C4 s.r.l. - Via Montalbano 26/A - Localitа Ponte Stella 51034 Serravalle Pistoiese (Pistoia) Italy - Tel. +39 0573 527698 - Fax +39 0573 528102 e-mail: C.F. / P.IVA: 01304730474 COUNTRY Canada PUBLICATION DATE 29-04-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online n.a Italian spinner Re.Verso READERSHIP n.a. partners CIRCULATION with Ecotextile News Wednesday 29th April, 2015 FRANKFURT - Re.verso, a supply chain platform which incorporates pre-consumer waste yarns into fabrics and clothing, has collaborated with Italian spinning company Filatura C4. The first collection from the partnership - set to be showcased at Techtextil in Frankfurt next week – sees Re.Verso wool and polyamide blended with Filatura’s ‘100 per cent made in Italy’ fabrics. Re.Verso initially launched in September 2014, after sustainable textiles platform CLASS (Creativity Lifestyle and Sustainable Synergy) teamed up with luxury fashion brand Gucci. “The joint venture began when Filatura C4 realised Re.Verso’s added value. While Filatura C4 can still boast its ‘made in Italy’ tagline, Re.Verso yarns can replace the use of virgin yarns – saving on raw materials, costs and environmental impacts,” a statement from CLASS said. Of the three companies involved in Re.Verso, Green Line is responsible for sourcing and sorting the pre-consumer waste yarns and fabrics, Nuova Fratelli Boretti mechanically transforms the waste textiles into fibres ready for spinning, and textile mill Lanificio Stelloni uses the materials to manufacture knitted and woven fabrics. Filatura C4’s ‘Natural Collection’ of Re.Verso blended fabrics will be on show at Techtextil, Frankfurt on 4 – 7 May, at booth H55, hall 3.1. Web: COUNTRY USA PUBLICATION DATE 28-04-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION n.a Techtextil 2015 Exhibitor Preview: Filatura C4/ReVerso™ PISTOIA, Italy — April 27, 2015 — ReVerso™ opens the door to reveal a more complete and varied supply chain option, as well as a new product application through its latest selected partnership with the excellent Filatura C4 at Techtextil in Frankfurt, May 4-7, 2015. Thanks to a shared philosophy and dedication to sustainable manufacturing and business, both companies have collaborated, with the support of C.L.A.S.S., to present a new dimension in eco-smart re-engeneerd wool based yarns now especially targeted for the contract market. This clearly confirms that the ReVerSo™ concept, after the successful introduction in the fashion market last September 2014, is gaining real traction, step by step, leading the field with their unique system in eco-recuperated fibre sciences and partnerships. You can visit Filatura C4 in Halle 3.1, booth H55 to fully appreciate the possibilities of this new collaboration. This joint venture began when Filatura C4 realized the unique added value the Re.Verso™ concept can offer, nearly matching their own business profile and philosophy. Re.Verso™ collects sorts and reprocesses preconsumer textile waste in a new way that is accredited, fully transparent and fully traceable at every stage. This means it completely matches a Filatura C4 creative dedication to be 100% Made in Italy, while making the best quality recuperated yarns that perform without compromise, and can replace virgin yarns use, saving on raw materials, costs and environmental impacts. The first qualities to be developed will be in the Natural Collection from Filatura C4. This will use the Re.Verso™ mechanically derived wools exclusively and start with blends of Re.Verso™ wool and polyamide, specifically for the furnishings market, although future finer Re.Verso™ wool micron and yarn counts will also focus on apparel . A second development stream will mix Re.Verso™ wool with highly technical regenerated para-aramid fibers for extra flame and abrasion resistance, as well as creating a vintage mélange optic in dyeing. Posted April 28, 2015 Source: Filatura C4 COUNTRY Germany PUBLICATION DATE 28-04-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION 28/04/2015 ITALIAN FILATURA C4 @ TECHTEXTIL TO INTRODUCE FIRST RE.VERSO ™ RE-ENGINEERED WOOL SYSTEM FOR CONTRACT: 100%MADE IN ITALY SUPPLY CHAIN EVOLVED AND INTEGRATED FOR A CIRCULAR ECONOMY BASED ON NEW PRODUCTION SYSTEM Re.Verso™ is an exclusive traceable, certified and 100% made in Italy re-engineered woolfibre, yarn, fabrics based on a fully integrated and selected sourcing system based on traceable pre-consumer textile waste. Re.Verso ™ platform is performing for many end uses including apparel, homeware textile, accessories and packaging. Filatura C4 is presenting for the first time ever at Techtextil a range of breakthrough Re.Verso ™ yarns dedicated to contract and woven fabrics inside its “Natural Collection “ . The first qualities to be developed and shown at Techtextil will use the Re.Verso™ re-engineered wools exclusively and start with blends of Re.Verso™ wool and polyamide, specifically for the furnishings market, although future finer Re.Verso™ wool micron and yarn counts will also focus on apparel . A second development stream will mix Re.Verso™ wool with highly technical regenerated para-aramid fibers for extra flame and abrasion resistance, as well as creating a vintage mélange optic in dyeing This introduction is following the successful presentation of Re.Verso™ in Paris in occasion of Premiere Vision, as the result of two years dedication in the development of the concept and processes by three protagonists: Gucci, C.L.A.S.S. and Re.Verso™ itself. Together they have worked diligently to leverage the advantage that a new and unique supply chain could achieve in delivering more innovative yet responsible fashion materials. Filatura c4 has become renowned for smart innovations in the contract furnishing markets , specializing over the years in the recuperation of natural and aramid fibres alike, (Source: Filatura C4) playing now a protagonist role in the world of technical yarns. COUNTRY UK PUBLICATION DATE 28-04-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION Published on Tuesday, 28 April 2015 Italian spinner partners with Re.Verso Written by Tommy Lee Filatura C4 FRANKFURT – Re.verso, a supply chain platform which incorporates pre-consumer waste yarns into fabrics and clothing, has collaborated with Italian spinning company Filatura C4. The first collection from the partnership – set to be showcased at Techtextil in Frankfurt next week – sees Re.Verso wool and polyamide blended with Filatura’s ‘100 per cent made in Italy’ fabrics. Re.Verso initially launched in September 2014, after sustainable textiles platform CLASS (Creativity Lifestyle and Sustainable Synergy) teamed up with luxury fashion brand Gucci. “The joint venture began when Filatura C4 realised Re.Verso’s added value. While Filatura C4 can still boast its ‘made in Italy’ tagline, Re.Verso yarns can replace the use of virgin yarns – saving on raw materials, costs and environmental impacts,” a statement from CLASS said. Of the three companies involved in Re.Verso, Green Line is responsible for sourcing and sorting the preconsumer waste yarns and fabrics, Nuova Fratelli Boretti mechanically transforms the waste textiles into fibres ready for spinning, and textile mill Lanificio Stelloni uses the materials to manufacture knitted and woven fabrics. Filatura C4’s ‘Natural Collection’ of Re.Verso blended fabrics will be on show at Techtextil, Frankfurt on 4 – 7 May, at booth H55, hall 3.1. Web: COUNTRY UK PUBLICATION DATE 28-04-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION Italian spinner partners with Re.Verso Written by Tommy Lee Filatura C4 FRANKFURT – Re.verso, a supply chain platform which incorporates pre-consumer waste yarns into fabrics and clothing, has collaborated with Italian spinning company Filatura C4. The first collection from the partnership – set to be showcased at Techtextil in Frankfurt next week – sees Re.Verso wool and polyamide blended with Filatura’s ‘100 per cent made in Italy’ fabrics. Re.Verso initially launched in September 2014, after sustainable textiles platform CLASS (Creativity Lifestyle and Sustainable Synergy) teamed up with luxury fashion brand Gucci. “The joint venture began when Filatura C4 realised Re.Verso’s added value. While Filatura C4 can still boast its ‘made in Italy’ tagline, Re.Verso yarns can replace the use of virgin yarns – saving on raw materials, costs and environmental impacts,” a statement from CLASS said. Of the three companies involved in Re.Verso, Green Line is responsible for sourcing and sorting the preconsumer waste yarns and fabrics, Nuova Fratelli Boretti mechanically transforms the waste textiles into fibres ready for spinning, and textile mill Lanificio Stelloni uses the materials to manufacture knitted and woven fabrics. Filatura C4’s ‘Natural Collection’ of Re.Verso blended fabrics will be on show at Techtextil, Frankfurt on 4 – 7 May, at booth H55, hall 3.1. Web: COUNTRY UK PUBLICATION DATE 09-04-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION 09 Apr 2015 / by Vanessa Burrows / in Fashion Innovation Innovative Fabrics for Sustainable Fashion Organic is now associated with more than food. Terms such as recycling, cruelty free and zero waste are becoming progressively more common in the Fashion Industry. Eco-friendly fabrics and materials, and innovative methods and techniques for recycling are what designers are increasingly looking for. Today we are looking at two examples for Eco Fashion and the positive impact they have on the environment. So…, let’s now see how fashion can be bought beautiful and sustainable. Please, share any thought you have about this article. H&M,Kering and Worn Again Recently, the Swedish retailer H&M and Kering, in cooperation with the start-up Worn Again, have launched the fibre-recycling technology project they have been working on. Their mission for sustainable fashion is to satisfy the increasing demand for cotton and polyester and, amazingly, they are doing this in an innovative and eco-friendly way. The technology, which is still at its early stage, works by separating and extracting the materials from old textiles. Once this is done, the polyester and the cotton cellulose are turned into new fabric. The process offers a much greener approach for sourcing raw materials for fabrics and also, solves the problem of removing dyes from the materials. Remarkably, recycled fashion is not only able to transform “trash” into clothing treasures, but helps eliminating the throwing out of materials. “In the long run this can change the way fashion is made and massively reduce the need for extracting virgin resources from our planet,” said Anna Gedda, head of sustainability at H&M. H&M and Olivia Wilde, in the picture, are a great example of how sustainable fashion can create beautiful designs. Re.Verso Re.Verso is a new green textile platform, a consequence of the collaboration between Green Line, Nuova Fratelli Boretti and Lanificio Stelloni. Re.Verso is a dynamic approach to the production of wool. The process is consisted of collecting textile pre-consumer waste fabric, which later on is re-engineered into new material. The waste fabric is carefully examined by hand and transformed back into fiber with the help of a machine. The material is collected mainly from Italy, where it goes through different stages of processing, each one performed by one of the three companies. Re.Verso is unique in regards to its eco-responsible techniques, which contribute to environmental and energy savings. Importantly, the outcome is high quality woollen textiles which are as beautiful and reliable as the ones that are brand new. Additionally, Re.Verso platform can be very easily adopted by brands and retailers. In Fact, the world famous brand Gucci developed an integrated plan for the creation of cashmere products for its AW15/16 men, women and children collections. COUNTRY International PUBLICATION DATE 24/03/2015 TYPE Online C.L.A.S.S. Tours SS16 Trends For Eco-Fabrics Benjamin Fitzgerald, Mar 24, 2015 Milanese textiles agency C.L.A.S.S. wrapped up its world tour in New York this month, bringing to the US fashion capital the eco-fabric innovations and trends for SS16, following successful exhibits at Copenhagen, Madrid, London and Milan. For two days, at the Italian Trade Commission offices in New York, a series of presentations saw C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle And Sustainable Synergy) showcase an array of fashion, textiles and materials created by firms using smarter sustainable technology. C.L.A.S.S. divides itself up into five separate categories: naturals and organics (textiles made from wool, silk cashmere, cotton, linen, hemp, vegetable tanned and dyed leather); repurposed and recycled (re-used polyester, recycled polyamide, cashmere, cotton, denim or wool); innovative renewables (cloth made from new biopolymers, paper, milk protein, soy, seaweed, wood pulp fiber, bamboo, and crab’s carapace fiber); processes (natural and metal free chemical dying, minimizing effluents, good water management systems and chrome-free tanned leathers; and products (finished fashion garments, products for the home, and eco-relevant lifestyle products). According to C.L.A.S.S, SS16 fabrics will be characterized by two major themes: Unconventional Mellow and Emotional Resonance. Unconventional Mellow features chromatic and multi -colored patterns, and fabrics with shiny effects, geometric prints, drawn lines, irregular jacquards and light embossing. Meanwhile, Emotional Resonance boasts fabrics that blend comfort with intense, powdered effects. Reliefs, circular knits, striped fabrics and denim looks are als o key. Best on show included Italian brand Green Fiber, for the repurposed and recycled fabrics section - offering yarns, fabrics and knitwear made from scraps up -cycled from waste left behind during the spinning process. Its spring collection has been Eco label certified and boasts wool, cashmere, mohair and silk thread sourced from Biella, Italy. Re.Verso, a collection produced in the Prato region, featured re -produced wool and cashmere yarn and full fabric cuts . In the same section, Bacx by Centro Seta used GOTScertified organic silk and silk blended with New Life - a type of recycled polyester made from repurposed plastic bottles - for its jersey silk blends mixed with Greenfiber insulation for outerwear. Representing organic and nat ural material makers were Lanificio Zignone and its GOTS certified organic wool fabrics. Next to the Italians were Switzerland’s Hausammann & Moos – maker of organic cotton knits and weaves that are also certified by GOTS and the Oeko Tex Standard; the certifications pinpointing both transparent and responsible production methods in fabric. Japan’s Shinnaigai Textile used fruits and leaves to form Tencel created from natural materials such as plants and their flowers. The Asian firm also gave back its coll ection of organic cotton to C.L.A.S.S. attendees. Finallly, under the products category, E.Volution by Miroglio Textile offered responsiblysmarter certified printing methodologies engineered specific to customer’s needs and budgets - and eco, of course. Giusy Bettoni, chief executive officer and cofounder of C.L.A.S.S., opened her agency in 2007, feeling frustrated by the lack of sustainable fabrics being promoted on the market at the time. “Up to this point, generally speaking, the [sustainable fashion ] sector was quite poor and uninspiring, with little appeal for designers. From [textile] producers and manufacturers, I was seeing cutting edge innovation, backed up with in -depth research and the most incredible and inspiring approach to sustainability. C.L.A.S.S. has all come from there really." Aware of the issue since 1993, Bettoni now works globally to connect individuals throughout all elements of fabric production and sale, creating important links between weavers, spinners, fashion brands, retaile rs, and consumers. "We are now working to help develop and promote the most innovative sustainable fabrics possible, and loving working with brands and designers to 'always surprise and delight', showing designers the future and what's possible with expert know-how.” COUNTRY USA PUBLICATION DATE 23-03-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION C.L.A.S.S. Brings Sustainable Act to U.S. CLASS completed its “World Class Tour” here this month with two days of presentations at the Italian Trade Commission offices. CLASS, or Creativity Lifestyle and Sustainable Synergy, is a multiplatform global network that showcases fashion, textiles and materials created using smarter sustain-able technology. Giusy Bettoni, chief executive officer and cofounder of Milan-based CLASS, said, “The objective is to provide a platform for inspirational materials that are fashionable and have a low environmental impact. We work with companies and fabrics and yarns that add value by having some special quality that’s good for the environment, but still have the highest degree of fashion be-cause without that, the customers — whether it’s a brand, a retailer or a consumer — won’t be interested. Bettoni said CLASS and the sector of sustainable materials have grown and evolved since the organization was formed in 2007, thanks in large part to technological advancements, such as machinery that can repurpose scrap yarns and fabrics. The tour included similar presentations in Milan, Copenhagen, London and Madrid featuring the latest in sustainable fabrics for spring 2016.In the area of recycled and re-purposed fabrics, Italian brand Green Fiber has created a range of yarns, fabrics and knitwear made from material that has been upcycled from waste product from the spinning process. The spring collection is Ecolabel certified and comes from wool, cashmere, mohair and silk yarns found in Italy’s Biella region. Similarly, the Reverso group of companies from Italy’s Prato region features reengineered wool and cashmere yarn and fabric remnants. Bacx by Centro Seta uses GOTScertified organic silk and silk blended with New Life recycled polyester for jersey fabric and silk blended with Greenfiber insulation for outerwear. Among a group representing organic and natural material makers were Lanificio Zignone’s selection of GOTS-certified organic wool fabrics and Swiss company Hausammann & Moos’ organic cotton knits and wovens that are certified by GOTS and Oeko-Tex Standard, which signifies transparent and responsible production methods. Also in this area was Japan’s Shinnaigai Textile, which has a collection of organic cotton and Tencel in mélange dyes created from natural materials such as flowers, fruits and tea leaves. There were also fabrics made from biopolymers such as Ingeo, as well as milk protein, soy, sea-weed, regenerated cellulosics and Crabyon’s crab’s carapace fi ber.“Step by step, sustainable materials are becoming part of the supply chain,” Bettoni added. COUNTRY Italy PUBLICATION DATE 23-03-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION COUNTRY France PUBLICATION DATE 23-03-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION C.L.A.S.S. Brings Sustainable Act to U.S. CLASS completed its “World Class Tour” here this month with two days of presentations at the Italian Trade Commission offices. CLASS, or Creativity Lifestyle and Sustainable Synergy, is a multiplatform global network that showcases fashion, textiles and materials created using smarter sustain-able technology. Giusy Bettoni, chief executive officer and cofounder of Milan-based CLASS, said, “The objective is to provide a platform for inspirational materials that are fashionable and have a low environmental impact. We work with companies and fabrics and yarns that add value by having some special quality that’s good for the environment, but still have the highest degree of fashion be-cause without that, the customers — whether it’s a brand, a retailer or a consumer — won’t be interested. Bettoni said CLASS and the sector of sustainable materials have grown and evolved since the organization was formed in 2007, thanks in large part to technological advancements, such as machinery that can repurpose scrap yarns and fabrics. The tour included similar presentations in Milan, Copenhagen, London and Madrid featuring the latest in sustainable fabrics for spring 2016.In the area of recycled and re-purposed fabrics, Italian brand Green Fiber has created a range of yarns, fabrics and knitwear made from material that has been upcycled from waste product from the spinning process. The spring collection is Ecolabel certified and comes from wool, cashmere, mohair and silk yarns found in Italy’s Biella region. Similarly, the Reverso group of companies from Italy’s Prato region features reengineered wool and cashmere yarn and fabric remnants. Bacx by Centro Seta uses GOTS-certified organic silk and silk blended with New Life recycled polyester for jersey fabric and silk blended with Greenfiber insulation for outerwear. Among a group representing organic and natural material makers were Lanificio Zignone’s selection of GOTS-certified organic wool fabrics and Swiss company Hausammann & Moos’ organic cotton knits and wovens that are certified by GOTS and Oeko-Tex Standard, which signifies transparent and responsible production methods. Also in this area was Japan’s Shinnaigai Textile, which has a collection of organic cotton and Tencel in mélange dyes created from natural materials such as flowers, fruits and tea leaves. There were also fabrics made from biopolymers such as Ingeo, as well as milk protein, soy, sea-weed, regenerated cellulosics and Crabyon’s crab’s carapace fi ber.“Step by step, sustainable materials are becoming part of the supply chain,” Bettoni added. COUNTRY International PUBLICATION WWD DATE 23-03-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION n.a COUNTRY Italy PUBLICATION DATE 23-03-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION C.L.A.S.S. Brings Sustainable Act to U.S. CLASS completed its “World Class Tour” here this month with two days of presentations at the Italian Trade Commission offices. CLASS, or Creativity Lifestyle and Sustainable Synergy, is a multiplatform global network that showcases fashion, textiles and materials created using smarter sustain-able technology. Giusy Bettoni, chief executive officer and cofounder of Milan-based CLASS, said, “The objective is to provide a platform for inspirational materials that are fashionable and have a low environmental impact. We work with companies and fabrics and yarns that add value by having some special quality that’s good for the environment, but still have the highest degree of fashion be-cause without that, the customers — whether it’s a brand, a retailer or a consumer — won’t be interested. Bettoni said CLASS and the sector of sustainable materials have grown and evolved since the organization was formed in 2007, thanks in large part to technological advancements, such as machinery that can repurpose scrap yarns and fabrics. The tour included similar presentations in Milan, Copenhagen, London and Madrid featuring the latest in sustainable fabrics for spring 2016.In the area of recycled and re-purposed fabrics, Italian brand Green Fiber has created a range of yarns, fabrics and knitwear made from material that has been upcycled from waste product from the spinning process. The spring collection is Ecolabel certified and comes from wool, cashmere, mohair and silk yarns found in Italy’s Biella region. Similarly, the Reverso group of companies from Italy’s Prato region features reengineered wool and cashmere yarn and fabric remnants. Bacx by Centro Seta uses GOTS-certified organic silk and silk blended with New Life recycled polyester for jersey fabric and silk blended with Greenfiber insulation for outerwear. Among a group representing organic and natural material makers were Lanificio Zignone’s selection of GOTS-certified organic wool fabrics and Swiss company Hausammann & Moos’ organic cotton knits and wovens that are certified by GOTS and Oeko-Tex Standard, which signifies transparent and responsible production methods. Also in this area was Japan’s Shinnaigai Textile, which has a collection of organic cotton and Tencel in mélange dyes created from natural materials such as flowers, fruits and tea leaves. There were also fabrics made from biopolymers such as Ingeo, as well as milk protein, soy, sea-weed, regenerated cellulosics and Crabyon’s crab’s carapace fi ber.“Step by step, sustainable materials are becoming part of the supply chain,” Bettoni added. COUNTRY Italy PUBLICATION DATE 23-03-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION C.L.A.S.S. Brings Sustainable Act to U.S. CLASS completed its “World Class Tour” here this month with two days of presentations at the Italian Trade Commission offices. CLASS, or Creativity Lifestyle and Sustainable Synergy, is a multiplatform global network that showcases fashion, textiles and materials created using smarter sustain-able technology. Giusy Bettoni, chief executive officer and cofounder of Milan-based CLASS, said, “The objective is to provide a platform for inspirational materials that are fashionable and have a low environmental impact. We work with companies and fabrics and yarns that add value by having some special quality that’s good for the environment, but still have the highest degree of fashion be-cause without that, the customers — whether it’s a brand, a retailer or a consumer — won’t be interested. Bettoni said CLASS and the sector of sustainable materials have grown and evolved since the organization was formed in 2007, thanks in large part to technological advancements, such as machinery that can repurpose scrap yarns and fabrics. The tour included similar presentations in Milan, Copenhagen, London and Madrid featuring the latest in sustainable fabrics for spring 2016.In the area of recycled and re-purposed fabrics, Italian brand Green Fiber has created a range of yarns, fabrics and knitwear made from material that has been upcycled from waste product from the spinning process. The spring collection is Ecolabel certified and comes from wool, cashmere, mohair and silk yarns found in Italy’s Biella region. Similarly, the Reverso group of companies from Italy’s Prato region features reengineered wool and cashmere yarn and fabric remnants. Bacx by Centro Seta uses GOTS-certified organic silk and silk blended with New Life recycled polyester for jersey fabric and silk blended with Greenfiber insulation for outerwear. Among a group representing organic and natural material makers were Lanificio Zignone’s selection of GOTS-certified organic wool fabrics and Swiss company Hausammann & Moos’ organic cotton knits and wovens that are certified by GOTS and Oeko-Tex Standard, which signifies transparent and responsible production methods. Also in this area was Japan’s Shinnaigai Textile, which has a collection of organic cotton and Tencel in mélange dyes created from natural materials such as flowers, fruits and tea leaves. There were also fabrics made from biopolymers such as Ingeo, as well as milk protein, soy, sea-weed, regenerated cellulosics and Crabyon’s crab’s carapace fiber. “Step by step, sustainable materials are becoming part of the supply chain,” Bettoni added. COUNTRY India PUBLICATION DATE 16-03-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION COUNTRY Italy PUBLICATION Collezioni Trend DATE 28-02-2015 TYPE printed TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION COUNTRY Italy PUBLICATION Fashion Magazine DATE 24-02-2015 TYPE printed TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION COUNTRY Italy PUBLICATION DATE 24-02-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION COUNTRY Pakistan PUBLICATION DATE 17-02-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION Re.Verso™: From High-Tech, Re-Engineered Material to Cutting-Edge Exclusive Fashion Collections February 17, 2015 / No Comments Milan, Italy - Re.Verso™ is a new textile platform, the result of a collaboration between three top Italian mills, Nuova Fratelli Boretti, Green Line and Lanificio Stelloni, who together produce a fully integrated, 100% ‘Made in Italy’, textile collection. This dynamic new approach to production is what makes Re.Verso™ products unique in both look and feel, fully traceable throughout the supply chain and, last but not least, 100% ‘Made in Italy’. The Re.Verso™ program begins with the collection of pre-consumer textile waste, mainly, but not only, wool based,, this is converted back into fibre using a mechanical process, then spun into yarns from which knitted and woven fashion fabrics can be made. The fabrics are then made into finished garments in a traceable, transparent line of production that has garnered recognition as a best-practice model for eco-responsible manufacture. Re.Verso-Wool-Fabrics Re.Verso™ is a unique “smart” process for top-level designer fashion, a fact confirmed by the presence of Re.Verso™ cachemire garments in the Gucci womenswear, menswear and childrenswear collections for A/W 2015/2016, which will be in store from May 2015. We will be in touch soon to talk more about this! Re.Verso Baby Camel To give you a complete overview of “smart” innovation at Stelloni, company has announced that alongside Re.Verso™ Stelloni is introducing a new collection of fabrics based on blends of Newlife™ with cotton. These fabrics are able to enhance the key characteristics of cotton, such as freshness, softness and breathability and add to these the technical performance qualities of Newlife™ such as easy care, easy wear, resilience, and crease resistance, in order to get a denim-inspired fashion look that also offers the best in terms of environmental impact! Lanificio Stelloni, Nuova Fratelli Boretti and Green Line with Re.Verso™ are C.L.A.S.S. eco-hub enterprise partners. Their collection will be showcased in the World Class Tour to the trend-setting centres of the fashion planet; from Milan to London, Copenhagen to Madrid and New York. These are the three companies that make Re.Verso™ possible: Green Line – a company responsible for sourcing and sorting all the pre-consumer waste yarn and fabrics from sources all over Italy and selected European countries. Nuova Fratelli Boretti – a company that offers the excellence of handmade selection and mechanically transforms a mixed pre-consumer textile material into a high quality, wool-centric fibre, base ready for spinning. Lanificio Stelloni Andrea S.r.l. – a well-known textile mill that has the long established expertise in high fashion fabric, now committed to use this culture to transform this new re-made raw material into high quality stylish, performing knitted and woven fabrics for fashion market. Newlife™: Newlife™ is the result of the High Tech Conversion Model that transforms exclusively from post-consumer plastic bottles , whose origin is entirely traceable , in a hi tech polymer with unique and exceptional quality , through a mechanical , not chemical all Made in Italy process.. The savings generated are substantial: -94 % water, 60% in energy consumption, 32% of carbon dioxide emissions as stated by the study of Life Cycle Assessment done by ICEA. COUNTRY Bulgaria PUBLICATION DATE 12-02-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION The collections during CLASS World Tour By +Boyana Ivanova Published: 12/02/2015 Bacx™ by Centro Seta S.p.a research, processes and solutions that are eco-innovative are the basic ingredients for this first, exclusive collection of new-generation silk - 100% traceable and 100% Made in Italy. The new collections include classic looks “for elegance and style” that are certified GOTS, but also encompass eco high-tech silk blends with Newlife™ and fabrics with an unexpected feel and look made using Greenfiber™. Shinnaigai Textile Ltd presents a collection of yarns and fabrics in organic cotton, Tencel™ and organic bamboo. For Spring/Summer 2016 they focus on mélange effects dyed with natural dyes created from flowers, fruit and tealeaves. These natural solutions, with vivid and energizing nuances, do not sacrifice their colourfastness thanks to a new technology developed by Shinnaigai Textile in cooperation with Cihon Tec. Fox Fiber presents one of the widest ranges of fabrics available in 100% organic cotton. The exclusive collections of S/S 2016 range from yarn to finished product and include fabrics dyed using natural dyestuffs in a vast range of colours for both fashion and home furnishings. E.Volution ™ by Miroglio Textile: a new choice in smarter printing! A one stop shop, customized design service and production solution using unique responsible smarter certified printing metholodlogies engineered specific to customer’s needs and budgets. The Swiss company Hausammann + Moos AG presents a wide range of top quality organic cotton fabrics, knits and stretch wovens for the fashion industry. The S/S 2016 collections are produced using transparent and responsible methods, certified by the Oeko-tex Standard 100 and GOTS. Borgini Jersey S.p.a. is a new partner of C.L.A.S.S. and has been producing innovative and high quality fabrics for the sport, fashion and lingerie markets since 1973. Technical expertise and creative flair allow them to capture the latest market trends. The S/S 2016 collections of Borgini have used Newlife™ yarn widely for aesthetics, structure and technical characteristics that are reinforced by the ethical-responsible profile of the yarn. Gruppocinque is an Italian company that is evolving fast, offering a new textile “alchemy” that “mixes” emotions, designs and colours. The two collections Gruppocinque and Swing combine innovation with a responsible approach and the technical, contemporary aesthetics of high quality yarns. The S/S collections stand out for their high quality with added value beginning with the fabrics produced using Newlife™. E.Boselli presents a collection of fabrics made using high-tech yarns and fibres processed using the highest quality standards together with in-house technical expertise and machinery. New for S/S 2016 are the fabrics made from Ingeo™ and Newlife™. The fabrics are certified Oekotex e GRS. Lanificio Zignone brings to the World Class Tour a wide range of exclusive organic wool fabrics, ideal for menswear, their S/S 2016 collections are certified internationally GOTS. Lanificio Stelloni Andrea S.r.l., Nuova F.lli Boretti e Green Line S.r.l presents Re.Verso™, a collection of exclusive fabrics that includes a wide range of different wools and reengineered cashmere, all traceable, certified and 100% Made in Italy. The S/S 2016 collections include fabrics made from Newlife™ blended with cotton. Lanfranchi S.p.a., a leading Italian company, is the only one to offer the first zips made from Newlife™ and certified GRS. For the World Class Tour 2016 they will present a range of zips in certified biological cotton, natural cotton and dyeable Milkofil – dyed using natural dyestuffs and certified GOTS. The rich collection of fabrics from Ipeker includes a wide range of prints - with up to 100 different designs - made using cutting-edge techniques and technologies. Among the most innovative fabrics offered by the Turkish company are fashion plains for womenswear and printed fabrics made from Newlife™ and Cupro™. Euromaglia S.r.l. is an Italian company specialized in refined textiles created thanks to performing processes and to the workmanship of highly-qualified professionals. The quality of Euromaglia products is granted by a strict production control from the raw materials up to finished textiles. S/S 2016 collections make use of sustainable materials such as wool, organic and recycled cotton, milk fibres, recycled polyester and regenerated wool. The Italian brand Green Fiber launches a wide range of products from yarn to fabric to knitwear made starting from material that has been up-cycled from waste product from the spinning process. The new collections for S/S 2016 are certified Ecolabel and come from the best noble yarns spun in the Biella area, such as wool, cashmere, mohair and silk. ROICA™ EF by Asahi kasei Fiber Corporation is an innovative range of high-tech stretch-textiles for the fashion industry. Created thanks to a responsible system with GRS and Oeko-tex Standard 100 certifications, Asahi kasei Fiber Corporation grants products with enviromentally compatible without renouncing to the properties that a stertch fibre should have. In 2015, ROICA™ will be protagonist if a high-tech, responsible and innovative project. Selected for some productsof the denim stretch collection of Lanificio Europa, ROICA™ will give life to a product innovation: the launch of ES, the first stretch and ecosmart denim textile with the highest performing technology. COUNTRY Turkey PUBLICATION DATE 11-02-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION RE.VERSO: AN ITALIAN LUXURY TEXTILE MADE FROM RECYCLED WOOL WASTE By Lea Stewart / Source: Ecouterre RE.VERSO \ri-ˈvərs-ō\ n. 1: A traceable, Italian-made luxury textile derived from pre-consumer recycled fibers, primarily wool, and other factory surplus. 2: Part of a collaborative “textile platform” midwifed by sustainable-textile firm and established by a group of three Italian mills: Green Line, which sources waste yarn across Italy and selected European countries; , which prepares the material for spinning; and , which converts the fiber into yarn and knitted and woven fabrics. 3: Set to appear in Gucci’s Autumn/Winter 2015 collection. 4: An example of excellence in sustainable production techniques, according to C.L.A.S.S. COUNTRY Italy PUBLICATION DATE 08-02-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION C.L.A.S.S. presenta la seconda edizione del "World Class Tour" C.L.A.S.S., la piattaforma di stile e network internazionale che promuove l’avanguardia tessile sostenibile per le collezioni moda di domani, dà appuntamento a brand, designer e giornalisti delle capitali dello stile per presentare le collezioni S/S 2016 di esclusivi eco-materiali certificati e selezionati. Dal 3 febbraio, in occasione della seconda edizione del "World Class Tour", gli showroom di Milano, Madrid, Copenhagen, Londra e New York accoglieranno su appuntamento professionisti, stilisti e aziende, anche per svelare le tendenze S/S 2016. C.L.A.S.S.: 'Emotional Resonance' ed 'Unconventional Mellow' Secondo i trend-watcher, C.L.A.S.S. la primavera-estate 2016 sarà caratterizzata da due tendenze dominanti: 'Unconventional Mellow' - Dinamismo cromatico e motivi multicolor. Un viaggio avventuroso alla ricerca di nuove idee ed emozioni. Tessuti con effetti lucidi, stampe geometriche, grafismi, jacquard irregolari e leggere goffrature, ed 'Emotional Resonance' - Sonorità tattile, l’essenza armoniosa di tessuti che mescolano praticità e comfort con tonalità intense dall’aspetto polveroso.Tessuti in rilievo, tessuti a maglia, tessuti rigati e aspetti denim. Le aziende di eco-textile certificate che C.L.A.S.S. ha selezionato per il "World Class Tour SS 2016" proporranno nuove collezioni per la moda che offrono un ricco assortimento di soluzioni esclusive che incontrano ogni creazione di stile. I nuovi prodotti presentati negli showroom C.L.A.S.S. proporranno infatti fili e filati ad alto tasso tecnologico intessuti di sete pregiate, cotone 100% bio, jersey e lane di altissima qualità. “Con il "World Class Tour" SS 2016 i protagonisti dello stile potranno scoprire in anteprima prodotti che intessono le tendenze più esclusive, nuove tecnologie altamente performanti e un forte imprinting sostenibile. Tre valori importanti ricercati non solo dagli addetti ai lavori, ma sempre più richiesti dagli stessi consumatori finali e dal pubblico più esigente e consapevole”, commenta Giusi Bettoni, fondatrice e presidente di C.L.A.S.S. “Il calendario internazionale del 2015 ci vedrà quindi impegnati in prima persona per offrire una consulenza professionale a chi ha bisogno di orientarsi a partire da prodotti certificati e in linea con le tendenze di domani”. La seconda edizione del "World Class Tour" è partita da Milano il 3-5 febbraio per fare quindi tappa a Madrid (17-18 febbraio), Copenhagen (23-24 febbraio), Londra (25 febbraio) e per finire a New York dal 10-13 marzo. C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle and Sustainable Synergy) è un progetto di GB Network Marketing Communication S.r.l., ed è un network internazionale multi-piattaforma unico nel suo genere, che offre a designer, buyer, media e operatori del settore una vetrina di moda, di tessuti e di materiali esclusivi creati utilizzando le tecnologie più smart e sostenibili. C.L.A.S.S. è un’iniziativa a 360° che offre servizi di consulenza globali di comunicazione, marketing e sviluppo prodotto, specializzata in un nuovo modo di intendere il lusso per la moda e il tessile attraverso la creazione di soluzioni progettuali innovative, sostenibili e su misura. Le collezioni del progetto C.L.A.S.S. sono di: Bacx by Centro Seta S.p.A. Ricerca, processi e soluzioni ecoinnovative sono gli ingredienti base della prima collezione seta di nuova generazione 100% tracciabile e 100% Made in Italy. Le nuove linee comprendono soluzioni più classiche “per uno stile perfetto” e certificato GOTS ma anche seta eco high-tech con Newlife e proposte di mano ed aspetto inediti realizzati con seta Greenfiber. Seguono poi Shinnaigai Textile Ltd, che presenta 'Botanicaldye', una linea di filati e tessuti in cotone organico, Tencel e Bamboo organico. Per la S/S 2016 prevalgono tinture melange vegetali a base di fiori, frutti e foglie di thè. Soluzioni naturali dalle sfumature vivide ed energizzanti che non rinunciano alla solidità dei colori grazie ad una nuova tecnologia sviluppata da ShinnaigaiTextile in cooperazione con CihonTec. Fox Fiber presenta uno dei più ampi range di prodotti in cotone 100% organico. Le eclusive collezioni S/S 2016 spaziano da filo al prodotto finito ma anche tinture naturali in una vastissima cartella colori per il settore dell’abbigliamento, del tessile per la casa e dell’arredamento. L’azienda Svizzera Hausammann + Moos AG presenta un’ampia collezione in cotone organico, jersey e tessuti stretch di altissima qualità per il settore abbigliamento. Le proposte S/S 2015 sono realizzate con un sistema di produzione trasparente e responsabile e vantano la certificazione 'Oeko-tex Standard 100' e 'GOTS'. Sopra da sinistra: Bacx by Centro Seta S.p.A., Hausammann + Moos AG, 'Botanicaldye' by Shinnaigai Textile Ltd. Sotto da sinistra: Gruppocinque, Re.Verso by Lanificio Stelloni Andrea S.r.l., Nuova F.lli Boretti e Green Line S.r.l. Borgini Jersey S.p.A. è una new entry nella gallery di tessuti C.L.A.S.S. che si impegna dal 1973 per offrire al mercato dello sport, moda e intimo prodotti innovativi e di altissima qualità. Expertise tecnologico e ricerca creativa permettono di cogliere i trend del mercato. La collezione S/S 2016 di Borgini impiega il filo Newlife e propone una selezione di tessuti con caratteristiche, struttura e proprietà tecniche rafforzati dal valore etico-responsabile. Gruppocinque è un’azienda italiana in grande in evoluzione che propone una nuova “alchimia” tessile “miscelando” emozioni, disegni e colori. Le due linee "Gruppocinque" e "Swing" combinano innovazione e approccio responsabile con l’estetica tecnica e contemporanea di filati di pregio. Le collezioni S/S 2016 si distinguono per l’altissima qualità a valore aggiunto a partire dalle 'Proposte Newlife'. E.Boselli presenta una collezione di tessuti realizzati con fibre high-tech elaborate secondo i più alti standard qualitativi e utilizzando know know e tecnologie interne all’azienda. Tra le novità S/S 2016 più innovative, i tessuti realizzati con Ingeo e Newlife. I prodotti sono certificati 'Oekotex' e 'GRS'. Lanificio Zignone porta al "World Class Tour" la più ampia gamma di tessuti in esclusiva lana organica. Ideali per la creazione di abbigliamento maschile, le collezioni S/S 2016 sono certificate 'GOTS' a livello internazionale. Lanificio Stelloni Andrea S.r.l., Nuova F.lli Boretti e Green Line S.r.l presentano Re.Verso, la collezione di esclusivi tessuti in ampie gamme di lana e cachemire re-engineered, tracciabili, certificati e 100% Made in Italy. Le collezioni S/S 2015 di Stelloni includono anche proposte Newlife abbinate al cotone. Lanfranchi S.p.A., è un’azienda di punta italiana, che è l'unica ad offrire le prime zip realizzate in Newlife e certificate 'GRS'. In occasione del "World Class Tour" 2016 sarà presentata anche la gamma di chiusure lampo in cotone biologico certificato, cotone naturale e Milkofil tingibili con coloranti naturali certificati 'GOTS'. La ricchissima collezione di tessuti di Ipeker propone un’ampia gamma di stampe (fino a 100 disegni differenti) realizzate con tecniche e tecnologie all’avanguardia. Tra i tessuti più innovativi l’azienda turca propone tessuti moda donna uniti e stampati realizzati in Newlife e Cupro. Euromaglia S.r.l. è un’azienda italiana specializzata in raffinati prodotti tessuti creati grazie a processi di lavorazione performanti e al lavoro di professionisti altamente qualificati. La qualita dei prodotti Euromaglia è garantita da uno stretto controllo produttivo dai materiali grezzi fino al lavoro finito. Le collezioni S/S 2016 utilizzano materiali sostenibili come lana, cotone organico e riciclato, fibre di latte, poliestere riciclato e lana rigenerata. ll brand italiano Green Fibers dà nuova vita a materiali esclusivi provenienti da processi di filatura e propone un’ampia gamma di prodotti dal filo, al tessuto al capo di maglieria. Le nuove collezioni S/S 2016 sono certificate 'Ecolabel' e derivate da filati nobili dell’area di Biella come le lane, il cachemire, il mohair e la seta. ROICA EF by Asahi kasei Fiber Corporation: un’innovativa gamma di filati stretch ad alta tecnologia dedicati al settore moda. Prodotti grazie a un sistema responsabile certificato 'GRS' e 'Oeko-tex Standard 100', Asahi kasei Fiber Corporation garantisce un prodotto con una piena compatibilità ambientale senza rinunciare alla qualità e alle performance che un filo stretch deve offrire. Nel 2015, ROICA sarà protagonista di un progetto di tecnologia ed innovazione responsabile. Selezionato per alcuni articoli della collezione denim stretch di Lanificio Europa, ROICA darà vita ad una vera innovazione di prodotto: il lancio di ES, il primo tessuto denim stretch eco-smart di altissima tecnologia. COUNTRY India PUBLICATION DATE 07-02-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION COUNTRY USA PUBLICATION DATE 03-02-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION Class to Present New Sustainable Material Trends Posted on February 3, 2015 by Shara Beitch Class, a style and international network platform that endorses the latest sustainable fabrics for the designer collections of tomorrow, will showcase its Spring/Summer 2016 collections on its World Class Tour. The collections include exclusive eco-materials, certified and selected for their unique innovations. The World Class Tour begins in Milan, from Feb. 3-5, and then moves to Madrid, Feb. 17-18; Copenhagen, Feb. 23-24; London on Feb. 25; ending in New York, March 10-13. The showrooms will welcome all designers and fashion companies by appointment. Trend-watchers at Class Spring/Summer 2016 say it will be characterized by a contrast of strong emotions and softer contradictions, similar to an emotional journey. These trends are split into two key terminologies. The first trend, Unconventional Mellow, highlights chromatic dynamism and multi-colored patterns. According to the company, it is an adventurous trip to seek out new emotions and ideas, using fabrics with shiny effects, geometric prints, drawn lines, irregular jacquards and light embossing. The second trend, Emotional Resonance, embodies “the harmonious essence of fabrics that blend practicality and comfort with intense tonalities in powdered effects.” It uses reliefs, circular knits, striped fabrics and denim looks. “With the World Class Tour of S/S 2016 style leaders will be able to preview products that embody the very latest trends; new, high-performing technologies; and the added quality that is their sustainability. These three values are sought not only by those who work in the industry but also increasingly by the final consumer and by a public that is aware and demanding.” Class founder and president Giusy Bettoni said. “The international schedule of 2015 will see us working hard to offer professional advice to those who wish to re-orientate themselves towards the future and use certified products that meet the fashion trends of tomorrow.” Class chose companies with eco-textile credentials for the S/S 2016 World Class Tour to present new fashion collections that provide an array of exclusive solutions. The products presented in the showrooms use yarns and fibers of the finest silk, 100 percent bio-cotton, knits and woolen fabrics. Among the collections is Shinnaigai Textile Ltd., which presents a collection of yarns and fabrics in organic cotton, Tencel and organic bamboo. For S/S 2016, the company is focusing on mélange effects with natural dyes created from flowers, fruit and tea leaves. Another collection, Fox Fibers, provides one of the widest ranges of fabrics available in 100 percent organic cotton, with its S/S 2016 collections ranging from yarn to finished product, and include natural dyed fabrics. Italian company Euromaglia Srl specializes in refined textiles created from performing processes and the workmanship of high-qualified professionals. The product quality is due to strict production control, from the raw materials up to finished textiles. Its S/S 2016 collections use sustainable materials including wool, organic and recycled cotton, milk fibers, recycled polyester and regenerate wool. Other collections include Bacx by Centro Seta, Hausammann + Moos AG, Borgini Jersey, Gruppocinque, E.Boselli, Lanificio Zignone, Re.Verso, Lanfranchi, lpeker, Green Fiber and ROIKA EF. COUNTRY USA PUBLICATION Zoom on Fashion Trend DATE 31-01-2015 TYPE printed TYPE consumer online n.a READERSHIP n.a. CIRCULATION COUNTRY USA PUBLICATION DATE 10-01-2015 TYPE online TYPE consumer online CIRCULATION n.a READERSHIP n.a. Re.Verso: Wool Waste Fibers Recycled Into New Material Posted by: Jessica Bucci in Fashion Fabric Sourcing January 10, 2015 0 If wool is on your shopping list for sustainable materials to source for your next collection, then you should check out Re.Verso. This new textile platform puts a more eco-friendly spin on this already versatile fiber. Using a 100% transparent method of production, pre-consumer waste fabric and fibers (mostly wool) are collected and recycled into an entirely new material. Produced in Italy, Re.Verso fabric is a multi-step collaboration between three mills: Green Line, Nuova Fratelli Boretti and Lanifico Stelloni. The companies are working together to create a supply chain for fashion, specializing in Italian-made, sustainable fabrics. The raw material to be recycled is sourced from all over Italy, as well as a few other European countries, courtesy of Green Line. Once the waste fiber is collected, this raw material is prepped for spinning at Nuova Fratelli Boretti. These fibers are blended with a high-quality wool base. Finally, it is made into yarns, knits, and woven fabrics at Lanifico Stelloni. The result is beautiful woolen textiles that are of the same quality as fabrics that are brand newbut with a much smaller carbon footprint. In fact, if you’re a designer who wants to take recycling a step further, Re.Verso can help with that. Brands and retailers interested in integrating this system into their business model can re-use their own textile waste as a raw material. This has the potential to create a nearly no-waste cycle of sourcing for brands that use it. Want to see some credentials? Re.Verso recently partnered with Gucci to collaborate on cashmere for the luxury brand’s AW 15 men’s, women’s and children’s wear collections. We love seeing such high-profile design houses set a good example by adopting sustainable practices. Perhaps it will inspire more labels to follow suit. What do you think of the Re.Verso system? Would you be interested in incorporating it into your brand?