5-4-16 Minutes - Public - Howell Township Public Schools
5-4-16 Minutes - Public - Howell Township Public Schools
POST OFFICE BOX 579 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 200 SQUANKUM/YELLOWBROOK ROAD HOWELL, N.J. 07731 Howell Township Public Schools PROUD OF OUR SCHOOLS – CONCERNED FOR OUR CHILDREN RONALD SANASAC Assistant Superintendent for Business Administration/Board Secretary MINUTES (732) 751-2480 ext. 3801 FAX (732) 938-3964 EMAIL: rsanasac@howell.k12.nj.us A Regular Meeting and 2016-2017 Public Budget Hearing of the Howell Township Board of Education was called to order at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, May 4, 2016 in the Cafetorium of Howell Township Middle School North, 501 Squankum-Yellowbrook Road, Farmingdale, New Jersey. AGENDA DISTRICT GOALS 2016 Student Achievement: To foster a learning environment that emphasizes personalized learning, student empowerment, and standards-aligned student growth. District Culture & Climate: Sustain a positive culture of learning within the current building structures. Community Interaction: Increase community outreach and district transparency through multiple mediums of communication. Technology: Transform educational settings through the use of technology to foster progressive learning environments. BOARD GOALS Governance: The Board will utilize the workshop model to improve the Board’s knowledge on educational issues in the district. Boardsmanship: The Board will develop and implement an in district orientation for new Board members. Student Achievement: The Board will use data to inform decision-making regarding student success. Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 A. Page 2 Roll Call- Salute to Flag: PRESENT: Suzanne M. Brennan Board Member (7:05 PM), Mark A Bonjavanni Board Vice President, Mary Cerretani Board Member, Denise M. Lowe Board Member, MaryRose Malley Board Member, Albert Miller Board Member, James A. Moretti Board Member, Timothy P. O'Brien Board President ABSENT: Jeanne DePompo Board Member OTHERS PRESENT: Joseph Isola, Superintendent, Patricia Callander, Assistant Superintendent of Pupil Services, Bruce Preston, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Personnel, Ronald Sanasac, Assistant Superintendent for Business Administration/Board Secretary, Jan L. Wouters, Esq., Board Attorney, Theresa George, Administrative Secretary and approximately 7 citizens, employees and reporters. Mr. Isola requested for the Board and public to remain standing to observe a moment of silence in honor of the passing of Dr. Steven Mayer, Superintendent of Robbinsville School District. Mr. Isola stated Dr. Mayer was formerly a teacher at Griebling Elementary School. Mr. Isola remarked on how he has heard such resounding love for Dr. Mayer and the fact that he always put children first. Mr. Robert Young and Ms. Jennifer Teller led students from Ramtown Elementary School in the performance to of the Pledge of Allegiance in American Sign Language. Mr. Young informed the Board students were studying a language arts unit about gorillas and specifically, Coco the Sign Language Gorilla. After seeing the amount of interest by students, Mr. Young and Ms. Teller requested for Mrs. Kelly Quinn, Teacher of the Deaf to visit the classroom and teach the students words in sign language. Mr. Young noted Mrs. Quinn used her prep time to come over from another school and assist in teaching the students the Pledge of Allegiance. The Ramtown students were presented with certificated from Board Members Mrs. Cerretani and Mr. Miller. B. Announcement by President: "Adequate notices of this meeting, as required by Chapter 231, PL 1975, were distributed by the Secretary on April 28, 2016." C. Board President's & Superintendent's Remarks Regarding Recognitions: 1. HTEF Annual Race to Educate T-Shirt Contest Mr. O’Brien announced members of the Howell Township Education Foundation, Mr. Larry Gurman, Ms. Suzanne Vietengruber, and Mr. Michael Fleming will present awards to students who participated in the HTEF T-Shirt Art Contest. Mr. Sanasac welcomed Mr. Gurman to address the Board. Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 Page 3 Mr. Larry Gurman thanked the Board on behalf of the HTEF for giving them the opportunity to present these awards this evening. Mr. Gurman informed the Board awards are presented to the top five finalist students who participated in the design contest for the 7th Annual Race to Educate which will take place on Saturday, May 14, 2016, Middle School South. Mr. Gurman remarked 300 students submitted designs and noted the winning design will be placed on gift bags and t-shirts to be distributed during the Race to Educate event. Mr. Gurman announced the names of the finalists while Ms. Vietengruber displayed the students’ artwork. Mr. Fleming presented each finalist with the student’s artwork placed in a frame, a $10.00 gift card, while Mr. O'Brien and Mr. Moretti presented each student with a certificate. Ms. Vietengruber stated the finalists’ artwork may be used on HTEF’s advertisements during the course of the year. Mr. Gurman announced the recipient of the winning design, Morgan Burger, who is a seventh grade student at Middle School North. He noted the artwork will be placed on the gift bags and t-shirts. Ms. Vietengruber described the difficulty in selecting the winner due to the numerous excellent designs submitted. Mr. Gurman informed the Board the winning designer is also a recipient of a $100.00 gift card. Ms. Vietengruber encouraged all to attend this fun event on May 14th. She explained the event will help raise money for grants which in turn are given back to the classrooms. Mr. O’Brien thanked the HTEF stating it is an incredible opportunity for students to receive grants inside and outside the classrooms. He maintained the Race to Educate is a terrific occasion and hopes all will participate. 2. 2016 Goetz Academic Bowl Mr. Isola reported each year students participate in the Goetz Academic Bowl. He requested for Mr. Preston provide further details. Mr. Preston informed the Board each year students from Project Plus and Project Goal programs participate in the Goetz Academic Bowl at the Carl W. Goetz Middle School in Jackson. They competed against 21 other schools from Monmouth and Ocean Counties. A team of six students per school competed against their grade level peers in a modified Jeopardy game. Questions were divided into six subject areas and graduated in difficulty throughout the competition. The top three teams in each grade level received trophies. Mr. Preston announced the names of the first place winners who participated in the Goetz Academic Bowl. Dr. Lowe and Ms. Malley presented each student with a certificate. Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 3. Page 4 Technology Student Association State Conference Mr. Isola welcomed Ms. Claire Engle to the floor to address the Board regarding the recent New Jersey Technology Student Associate Conference (TSA). Ms. Engle informed the Board participation continues to grow in New Jersey. Ms. Engle stated this year the conference hosted 675 students and increased the number of events offered to thirty-three. One of the new events this year includes Children’s Stories where participants would create and illustrate a children’s story which incorporates educational and social values. Ms. Engle announced one of the teams from Howell placed first in that category. Another event recently added is Forensic Technologies where participants take a written test of basic science theory to qualify as a semi-finalist. The semi-finalist would then demonstrate their ability to use forensic technology and skills by collecting evidence from and analyzing a mock crime scene. Ms. Engle announced the Howell Township TSA Chapter came home with 21 trophies and declared 30 students will go on to compete at the National Conference in Nashville, Tennessee. Ms. Engle thanked the Board of Education and Administration for supporting the TSA program each year. Ms. Engle requested for Ms. Debbie Sales, Middle School North TSA Advisor to recognize to students from Middle School North. Ms. Sales thanked the Board for their continued support. She stated this year Middle School North faced the challenge of combining two very successful TSA Chapters into one. Ms. Sales noted membership at Middle School North increased from fifty-two students to now reflect one hundred and ten participants this year. She noted with the support of Administration students accomplished a goal of continuing the high standard the district has come to know and expect. Ms. Sales stated the students were very successful this year, as will be revealed once the awards are distributed. Ms. Sales shared with the Board students also participated in a TEAMS (Tests of Engineering Aptitude Math and Science) event where a team of eight students work collaboratively to solve real life engineering problems. Ms. Sales stated there were two TEAMS from Middle School North this year. Ms. Sales congratulated all the winners on a fantastic job well done. She announced the names of the winners while Mr. Bonjavanni and Ms. Brennan presented students with medals and certificates. Ms. Engle introduced Ms. Josh Langenberger, TSA Advisor at Middle School South. Mr. Langenberger thanked the Board and Administration for their continued support. He stated the students recognized tonight are tomorrow’s leaders and expressed his pride in the number of students participating from Howell Township. He stated he is sure Howell will be represented very well at the National Conference in Tennessee. Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 Page 5 Mr. Langenberger announced names of the winners from Middle School South. Board Members Mr. Bonjavanni and Ms. Brennan presented students with medals and certificates. Mr. Bonjavanni stated he was fortunate to observe Mr. Langenberger’s class earlier in the year and had the opportunity to see students work with solar energy. Mr. Bonjavanni exclaimed student’s utilized equipment which came from a grant provided by the Howell Township Education Foundation. He affirmed this ties in perfectly with their presentation shown earlier this evening. Mr. Isola thanked Ms. Sales and Mr. Langenberger for their great effort with students and declared he concurs with Mr. Langenberger statement; these students are tomorrow’s leaders. Mr. Isola stated the he believes the new movement is to teach STEAM. He indicated careers for students are being geared toward the science, mathematics and technology world; adding as the education landscape continues to mature we will start to see STEAM integrated into every classroom. The Board took a brief recess at 7:40 PM, and reconvened at 7:43 PM with all Members of the Board previously present, present again. D. Board President’s Comments: Mr. O’Brien announced this week is Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week and commented an example of the staff’s dedication was evident with the students in attendance for the various programs awarded this evening. Mr. O’Brien stated he is grateful for the incorporation of presentations from students at every Board Meeting; noting it adds something invaluable to the proceedings. Mr. O’Brien stated on behalf of the Board he would like to extend his appreciation for the hard work and professionalism of the staff. He maintained the dedication given to the excellence exhibited every day and the commitment of continuing to seek and encourage the gift of critical thinking and creating lifelong learners. He thanked all staff members for the incredible work they do. Mr. O’Brien informed those present the budget will be discussed this evening. He listed some of the many significant investments made including: primary grade literacy adoptions, enhancing the grades three through five math curriculum, and additions and upgrades to the bus fleet. He stated the bottom line is that the district has been successful in building and continuing to support the Superintendent and his team in their mission to provide not only a through and efficient education but to also go beyond that and provide an excellent education. Mr. O’Brien maintained Howell has a reputation of being a top district which came out of years of commitment to the students and staff and added this district is not afraid to take risks and has taken on a leadership role. He noted due to the Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 Page 6 financial crisis situation in 2008-2009 there were significant cuts made in funding to schools. Mr. O’Brien stated we fought back as a Board, district and community using every opportunity to restore services in every way possible. Mr. O’Brien remarked it is critical to control the costs of education. He noted one of the commitments Mr. Isola has made is to operate with a greater operational efficiency in order to focus more on providing educational programming. Mr. O’Brien indicated along the way, the Board has exercised fiscal restraint. He noted during the last seven or eight years, the district has been operating under a Cap, during which time the district held the levy to be flat or down and the general funding spending overall has been kept to an average increase of 1.45 %. Mr. O’Brien noted if the district had gone to the Cap over the last seven years, the general tax levy would now be at $83,790,000.00, as opposed to where it is now at $71,000,000.00. He stated that is a difference of over twelve million dollars in spending that was not spent, although the district had the taxable authority to do so. That is because the Board recognized there had to be a balance. Mr. O’Brien indicated this year; the Board has to spend more to invest in the quality of education provided to the community. Mr. O’Brien indicated he celebrates this budget, adding no one wants to see increases however increases are inevitable with costs rising. He stated the district has been fiscally prudent over the years and noted the Superintendent has earned the confidence of this Board, stating in years passed he had the opportunity to go up to 3%3.5% but came in at 1.5%, because that what was needed and did not have to go higher. Mr. O’Brien stated this year Administration came back with a core budget which the Finance, Operations and Education Committees have carefully examined. He noted spending will not be a discretionary spending but based on mandatory spending to accomplish what is needed. He added as trustees of this district, the Board is supportive of that endeavor. Mr. O’Brien indicated the goal is to continue to be prudent while also continuing to be responsible in providing support to leadership team and staff with the best possible tools to get the job done. Mr. O’Brien announced a milestone has been reached with the HTEA and commended the Labor Committee and the HTEA for the process completed so far. He noted there are further negotiations on going. Mr. O’Brien requested for a Board Workshop to be scheduled on a Saturday in June. He stated is would be great to have a workshop format, where no business will be conducted. He noted possible topics will include assessing the reconfiguration and the role assessments. Mr. O’Brien requested for Mr. Bonjavanni and Mr. Moretti to reach out to Assemblyman David Rible to determine if he can attend the workshop to discuss the efficiency and frequency of statewide assessments. He added perhaps the Board can have legislation done to change the frequency of assessments due to the high performing scores obtained by this district. Mr. O’Brien stated this will create dialogue to enhance education especially regarding the frustration surrounding PARCC Assessment. Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 E. Page 7 Superintendent's & Board Secretary's Report: Mr. Isola stated the reconfiguration is doing just fine as evidenced by the opportunity for the Board to see how our youngsters grow, perform, and succeed as we celebrate them throughout the year. 1. PARCC Administration Mr. Isola reported aside from a limited number of make-ups the district has completed a very successful administration of PARCC testing. Mr. Isola described the amount of work, resources and effort done to maximize the experience for our students while in the testing window. Mr. Isola expressed kudos to the entire staff did a great job to ensure students were ready. Mr. Isola thanked Ms. Claire Engle and the Office of Information Technology for their efforts and also thanked Mrs. Jacqueline Moore, Supervisor State & Federal Programs for her leadership. Mr. Isola exclaimed it is a labor intensive process however it is a source of pride for a school district this size and administration of the assessments proceeded seamlessly. Mr. Isola indicated although the state had a problem with their server on a particular day during the testing window, it did not impact our testing since testing was not administered that day. 2. April Suspensions Mr. Isola distributed the suspension report to the Board and reported there were ten suspensions for the month of April. 3. Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week Mr. Isola announced this week marks Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week, he added we certainly have a staff to be appreciative of. Mr. Isola indicated the staff continues to do what is right for children and continuously puts that need ahead of all others. He informed the Board he had the opportunity to send out a video message to the staff yesterday to express his gratitude. Mr. Isola stated he would like to publicly thank the wonderful teachers and staff members in this district and thanked the Board for their support. Mr. Isola quoted “Not all Superheroes wear capes,” which he expressed is relevant for our teaching staff. Mr. Isola declared today is recognized as National School Nurse Day. He stated each school nurse received a note thanking them for their efforts and care they provide for our children and staff. 4. Race to Educate Mr. Isola announced May 14, 2016 is the date set for the Race to Educate event at Middle School South. He encouraged all to attend and to lend their support. Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 5. Page 8 HTEA Negotiations Mr. Isola thanked the members of the Negotiations Committee on the Board and members of the HTEA for their major step towards a settlement and the Memorandum of Agreement. Mr. Isola gave kudos to both parties for putting an agreement in place which hopefully gets ratified soon. Mr. Isola stated he truly appreciates everyone’s efforts involved in the process. 6. Arbor Day Mr. Isola informed the Board last week the district celebrated Arbor Day. He noted in partnership with the Municipality saplings were donated and planted at certain schools. Mr. Isola stated it was a wonderful and successful day throughout the community. 7. Grade Transitions Mr. Isola informed the Board orientation programs for students transitioning to higher grade level buildings have begun. Mr. Isola indicated he is excited to see the partnership between sister schools to make the transition a comfortable one for our youngsters. 8. Paint the Town Pink Mr. Isola stated he would like to celebrate the importance of Paint the Town Pink during the month of May. He noted in addition to the banners hanging behind the dais and Board Members and Administration are wearing pink in recognition of breast cancer awareness. Mr. Isola informed the Board this is the second year the district is partnering with the Township to raise awareness. Mr. Isola reported he received a letter on May 1st from an employee who recently returned to work. During last year’s Pink Out, she was inspired to go for a screening and subsequently discovered she had breast cancer. Mr. Isola stated the employee wrote she is convinced she would not be alive if it was not for the Paint the Town Pink awareness. Mr. Isola maintained raising awareness for these causes, including wearing blue for Autism in April, are very important gestures as educators or a body of governance for educational purposes adding it is critical to take our civic duties seriously to raise awareness for meaningful causes. Mr. Isola reported so many of our staff and families are faced with these challenges. Mr. Isola reported on Monday, May 16, 2016 the district will hold a Pink Out to support the cause and hopefully save a life. Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 F. Page 9 Public Budget Hearing: 2016-2017 Budget Presentation: Mr. Ronald Sanasac, Assistant Superintendent for Business Administration/Board Secretary Mr. Sanasac addressed the Board and thanked the Board, Administration and Committees for their input and discussions to come up with a needs based budget. Mr. Sanasac thanked the Board for their faith in Administration, and also thanked Mrs. Callander and Mr. Preston for their assistance and collaboration. Mr. Sanasac reported this is the public budget hearing and reported that this budget represents the educational goals through a financial perspective and it is a needs based budget. He maintained he has faith that when the needs based budget is presented, the Board and Administration will support it. Mr. Sanasac stated the money leads to the success of the students as evidenced this evening. Mr. Sanasac presented the Budget Presentation for the 2016 - 2017 Budget Hearing. A COPY OF THE BUDGET PRESENTATION IS AVAILABLE ON THE DSITRICT WEBSITE. Upon conclusion of the budget presentation, Mr. O’Brien opened the Board to questions. Mr. O’Brien stated this is a public hearing for the community to become familiar with the budget. He informed the public each Board Member had the opportunity to review the presented budget at length, as well as the opportunity to reach out through Committees or to Administration. He re-affirmed the Board’s faith in Administration and the process. Mr. O’Brien reported the bottom line is that the Board’s long term focus is staying with the core needs. Mr. O’Brien repeated, as Mr. Isola pointed out, this budget is what is needed this year in order to accomplish the mission of the district. Mr. Sanasac repeated that this is a public hearing and therefore requested permission from the Board President to open the floor to the public for questions. At 8:30 PM, Public Comments on the Budget were opened. 1. Mr. Ira Thor, Farmingdale requested clarification as to what the biggest expenditures in the budget are. Mr. Sanasac explained that many of the increases were inflationary. He stated the non-inflationary items were those mentioned earlier in the presentation such as expansion of the workshop model for primary literacy grades K-2, Fundations program for Pre-K - 2 early literacy program, expansion of the 3-5 grade math program Realize 2.0, in addition to supplies and training for the next generation of science standards. Mr. Thor inquired if there are any additional initiatives added to bring the cost up. Mr. Sanasac responded there are not except for those just repeated, however he noted each of the programs he listed also bring with it cost of supplies, training, professional development, substitutes, committees, etc. At 8:32 PM, Public Comments on the Budget were closed. Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 G. Page 10 Executive Session: WHEREAS, the Sen. Byron M. Baer Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq., (the “Act”) provides that the Howell Township Board of Education may hold an “Executive Session” from which the public is excluded to discuss matters that are confidential or are one of the nine (9) subject matters listed Section 12(b) of the Act; and WHEREAS, it is recommended by the Business Administrator that the Howell Township Board of Education go into Executive Session on May 4, 2016 at 8:32 PM to discuss matters that are permissible for discussion in Executive Session; and WHEREAS, that the Board hereby declares that its discussion of the following subject(s) will be made public at a time when the public’s interest in disclosure is greater than any privacy or governmental interest being protected from disclosure. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Howell Township Board of Education that the Board shall go into Executive Session to discuss the following items: 1. Discussion with Legal Counsel Regarding an Application 2. Personnel Matter 3. HIB Report 4. Update on HTEA Labor 5. Labor Update on Administrative Employees ITEMS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION MAY RESULT IN BOARD ACTION WHEN THE BOARD RECONVENES TO PUBLIC SESSION. Convene to Executive Session RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Albert Miller, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo The Board convened to Executive Session at 8:32 PM and reconvened to Public Session at 9:49 PM with all Members of the Board previously present, present again. Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 H. Page 11 Approval of Minutes: Regular Board of Education Meeting Minutes, April 13, 2016 Executive Session Meeting Minutes, April 13, 2016 MOTION TO APPROVE MINUTES RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: I. APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member Albert Miller, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Correspondence: 1. Memorandum to the Board from the Secretary to the Superintendent dated April 28, 2016 attaching recent local media articles pertaining to the district. 2. Parent Internet Safety Presentation Flyer presented by Barnabas Health Institute for Prevention, May 2, 2016 3. Notices of the following meetings: a. Finance Committee - April 12, 2016, 7:00 p.m. b. Labor Relations Committee - April 25, 2016, 7:00 p.m. c. Community Interaction - April 26, 2016, 6:00 p.m. d. Finance Committee - April 27, 2016, 7:00 p.m. e. Operations Committee - May 2, 2016, 5:00 p.m. f. Safety Committee - May 2, 2016, 7:00 p.m. g. Regular and 2016-2017 Public Budget Hearing Board of Education Meeting May 4, 2016, 7:00 p.m. J. Committee Briefs and Liaison Reports: 1. PTA/PTO President’s Council Mrs. Cerretani informed the Board the PTA/PTO President’s Council met on April 26th with Mr. Isola and Mr. Preston in attendance, along with many of the PTA/PTO Presidents. Mrs. Cerretani noted there were concerns raised about the headphones being used for PARCC testing. Mr. Isola informed the Council he is meeting with the principals the next day to discuss the matter. Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 Page 12 Mrs. Cerretani stated the issue of how to get information out to the district was raised. One suggestion was to use social media and possibly having the Board attend the first PTA/PTO meeting, or perhaps videotape events and put out on social media. The PTA/PTO Council requested for the district to put out a notice when report cards are available online. Mrs. Cerretani stated sometimes parents are unaware when the report cards are available online. Mrs. Cerretani stated there was concern raised regarding aides on school buses, not only for grades K-2 but also about incidents on the middle school buses. Mrs. Cerretani noted this issue has been addressed by the Operations and Safety Committees. 2. Operations Committee Mrs. Cerretani advised the Board the Operations Committee Meeting took place on May 2nd. She noted in attendance were Mrs. Clark, Supervisor Transportation, Mr. Jeffrey Sharp, Director Buildings-Grounds, Ms. Claire Engle, Director of Special Projects and Mr. Thomas Aquino, Manager Technologies. Mrs. Clark addressed the Committee regarding the budgeted items to be purchased, six vans and six buses. This purchase will replace four vans and four buses which have aged out and can no longer be put in service. Mrs. Cerretani noted the Kindergarten Orientations will begin on May 18th. She stated the trainings have begun regarding seat belts, color codes, etc. Mr. Sharp addressed the Committee regarding equipment update. Mrs. Cerretani informed the Board equipment was put up for auction and the district was able to get beyond what was estimated. Mr. Sharp spoke to the Committee about summer projects including roofs at the middle schools, asphalt replacements to parking lots at Griebling, Aldrich and possibly Ramtown, as well as concrete repairs. The Committee was reminded during the summer the Recreation Camp is housed at both middle schools. Mr. Sharp advised the Committee he would arrange for specific areas to be used so as not to interrupt summer camp while ensuring the work will be done to have students come back to safe buildings. Mrs. Cerretani informed the Board the grant was accepted for Sustainable New Jersey and will share the fellow with the Township. Mrs. Cerretani advised the Board that Ms. Engle spoke to the Committee regarding replacement of SIF (School Interoperability Framework) with the Level Data program. Mr. Sanasac informed the Board the program Level Data will allow the Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 Page 13 district share all information immediately with a high level of consistency in addition to match student information with State information. Mr. Sanasac reported this new system will do more than the old system at $15,000.00 less. He added this is one of the many operational efficiencies we strive for so that the district can dedicate the money to education. Mr. Sanasac informed the Board the program Level Data is an item on the agenda this evening for approval. 3. Policy Committee Mrs. Callander informed the Board the Policy Committee did not meet since the last Board Meeting. 4. Safety Committee Mr. Moretti informed the Board the Committee met on May 2nd. He reported to the Board Mr. Sanasac distributed documentation for the Committee regarding the State of New Jersey 217th Legislature. Mr. Moretti stated pending legislation was discussed and will be reviewed at future meetings for recommendation to the Advocacy Committee. Mr. Abline, Director of Security informed the Committee the Crisis Manual is in the process of being reviewed. Mr. Moretti informed the Board the deteriorating playground equipment at Land O’Pines was discussed. He noted Mr. Sanasac currently has a bid out for a replacement of the playground. Mr. Moretti remarked bus safety was discussed and shared procedures are in place for September. He noted it was determined by the Committee not to recommend aides for buses. Mr. Moretti stated the district will continue with past practices, while also adding training for parents on how to properly teach students the use of school bus seat belts and indicated the implementation of seating charts will be done. Mr. Moretti advised the Board the Committee discussed floor plans to assist with Emergency Personnel. Mr. Moretti stated the Howell Township Police Department has received the updated floor plans. Mr. Moretti noted Mr. Abline is coordinating with local Police Departments to discuss police and safety issues. 5. Legislative Issues Mr. Moretti informed the Board there are no additional issues aside from what was reported at the last Board Meeting. Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 Page 14 Mr. Moretti advised the Board the Special III legislation has passed the Senate and has been presented to the Assembly for review. Mr. Miller reported New Jersey School Boards Association sent out a text today for the Advocacy Department advising Bill S2099 bill was passed. He noted this Bill will take local control away from the tax payers and the Board of Educations if they decided to move School Board elections from November back to April. Mr. Miller noted NJSBA is requesting for all School Boards to oppose Bill S2099 by sending a resolution or email to Senator Joseph Vitale. Mr. Bonjavanni stated Bill S2099 is attempting to take away from districts and municipalities the option of moving should they want to. This instead will be mandated all elections in every district must be in November, thereby ensuring all districts are the same and taking away local control. Mr. Bonjavanni informed Board Members if they would like to receive alerts from NJSBA, they can text a code and then they will start to receive those texts. 6. Education Committee Dr. Lowe informed the Board the Committee did not meet last month. announced the next Committee date is scheduled for May 18th. She 7. Community Interaction Mr. Bonjavanni notified the Board the Committee met on April 26th. He noted much of meeting has been reported out by Mrs. Cerretani from the PTA/PTO President’s Council meeting which took place immediately after the Community Interaction meeting. He added the Committee discussed bus aides noted the issue was also being discussed at the Operations Committee. Mr. Bonjavanni reported he asked the Committee to spread the word if they know a Senator or representatives for the District to reach out to. 8. Finance Committee Mr. Miller expressed his gratitude for the hard work in preparing the budget as well as the other Committees who assisted. Mr. Miller thanked Barnabas Health Institute for Prevention and Sgt. Thomas Rich for the excellent Parent Internet Safety presentation held on May 2nd. Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 Page 15 9. Labor Committee Mrs. Brennan thanked the Committee, Administrators and members of the HTEA for their tremendous effort and hours of respectful dialogue. Mrs. Brennan stated she is pleased to announce a tentative Memorandum of Agreement has been signed. Mrs. Brennan informed the Board she is looking forward to working with the HTEA to come to a conclusion on this task. Mr. O’Brien congratulated the Committee and HTEA on such a successful collaboration. K. Comments from the Public: WHEREAS, the Howell Township Board of Education determines that the comments from the public portion of the Board Meetings will last 45 minutes, and WHEREAS, the Board determines that the public comments portion will be conducted in accordance with Board Bylaw 0164.1, and individuals may be limited to 3 minutes each, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Howell Township Board of Education will cease conducting business and the meeting will be open to the public at that time for a 45 minute period. None. L. Unfinished Business: None. M. Discussion Items: 1. Board Retreat Mr. O’Brien requested for a Board Retreat to take place on Saturday, June 4, 2016 beginning at 9:00a.m. and called for the Board Legislative Liaisons to invite Assemblyman Rible and Senator Singer to the attend retreat. Mr. Miller requested for the Board Self Evaluations to be completed within the next two weeks to allow Kathy Winecoff, Representative of New Jersey School Boards Association, to attend and review. Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 2. Page 16 Diplomas Mrs. Cerretani requested for diplomas to be presented during the graduation ceremonies by the building Principals or Vice Principals, rather than a Board Member for whom students cannot relate to. Mr. Isola stated historically the Board Members present and the Principal assist. However, if it is the direction of the Board he will reverse the order. 3. Delegate Assembly Resolutions Mr. Bonjavanni stated the resolutions Mr. Miller provided for review are up for consideration at the Assembly. He requested for the Board to give any specific comments or concerns they may have to present to the Assembly. Discussion ensued amongst Board Members regarding the procedure of Assembly Bills. DISCUSSION ITEMS MAY RESULT IN BOARD ACTION. N. New Business - Consent Agenda Items: 2000 SERIES - PROGRAMS: 2000-1. Participation in Howell Day 2016 Approve participation in Howell Day on Saturday, September 24, 2016. RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo 3000 SERIES - PROFESSIONAL STAFF: The following actions have been recommended by the Chief School Administrator. Note: A payroll deduction as a contribution towards health benefits per Chapter 78 P.L. 2011 will be withheld. Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 3000-1. Page 17 New Teacher Mentor(s) Appoint the following New Teacher Mentor(s) for the 2015-2016 school year: NEW TEACHER Amanda Ferraro RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 3000-2. MENTOR/SCHOOL Catherine Hendrickson/Aldrich PAYMENT $225.00 APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Tuition Reimbursement Approve the reimbursement of 50% of the tuition cost for the following graduate course(s) being taken during the 2015-2016 school year. The staff member shall be reimbursed consistent with contract upon successful completion of the course(s): SUMMER, 2016: ($849.00* average per credit - $1,274.00 maximum allowed for 3-credit course) *Based on 2015-2016 Tuition Averages. Tuition Cost Tuition 50% Betty Ferrigno, Newbury EDAM 27559 - Law and $1,995.00 $998.00 Ethics For School Leadership (3 credits) Rowan University Principal Certificate Stephen Rao, Ramtown EDUC 6131 - Curriculum Theory and Practice (3 Credits) Stockton University Supervisor Certificate Lorraine Mould, MSS EDL 660 - Human Resource Administration (3 Credits) $1,950.00 $975.00 $2,004.00 $1,002.00 Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 Page 18 Item #3000-2 Continued. Thomas Edison State University Supervisory Certificate Alexandra Zweig, Memorial ABA 513 - Verbal Behavior (3 credits) Georgian Court University M.A., Applied Behavior Analysis Lauren Cadott, LOP EDL 522 - Early Literacy and Language Development (3 Credits) Monmouth University P-3 Endorsement Lauren Cadott, LOP EDL 521 - Early Childhood Family, School and Community Collaboration in a Diverse Society RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 3000-3. $2,517.00 $1,259.00 $3,141.00 $1,274.00 $3,141.00 $1,274.00 APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo In-School Extra Help Advisor Appoint the following In-School Extra Help Advisor for the 2015 - 2016 school year, at a stipend of $800.00 per Advisor. NAME Rita Lyristis SCHOOL MSN SUBJECT/GRADE Math/Grade 6 Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 3000-4. Page 19 APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo LOA for Teacher Approve the following leave of absence for Christopher Collins, Grade 7 Social Studies Teacher at Middle School North: LEAVE Family Leave Without Pay With Benefits RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 3000-5. FROM April 26, 2016 (8 weeks as needed) THROUGH June 30, 2016 APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo LOA for School Nurse Approve the following leave of absence for Janet Martin, Itinerant School Nurse: LEAVE Medical Leave With Pay With Benefits FROM May 9, 2016 ( 2 personal days/ 20 sick days) THROUGH June 8, 2016 Ext. Medical Leave Without Pay With Benefits June 9, 2016 (12 weeks) June 30, 2016 Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 3000-6. Page 20 APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Resignation of Teacher Accept with regret, the resignation of Jennifer Fischer, Itinerant Music Teacher effective July 1, 2016. RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 3000-7. APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Resignation of Teacher Accept with regret, the resignation of Jeffery Small, Special Education Teacher at Middle School South effective July 1, 2016. RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 3000-8. APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Substitute Teacher(s) $85 Per Day Approve the following individual(s) to the position of Substitute Teacher(s) for the 2015-2016 school year, at the rate of $85.00 per day, as needed: Brianna Fox Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 3000-9. Page 21 APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Substitute Teacher(s) $100 Per Day Approve the following individual(s) to the position of Substitute Teacher(s) for the 2015-2016 school year at the rate of $100.00 per day, as needed: Christine Sanchez RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 3000-10. Danielle Steppat APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Substitute Home Instructor Appoint the following home instructor at the rate of $25.00 per hour, as needed, for eligible students: Danielle Steppat RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 3000-11. Page 22 Middlesex Regional Educational Services Commission Appoint Middlesex Regional Educational Services Commission, Piscataway, NJ, to provide the following service for the 2015-2016 school year, on an as needed basis. Home Instruction Services RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 3000-12. $45.00 per hour APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Teachers to Participate in IEP Meetings Approve the following teachers to participate in IEP meetings and assist child study team members in developing the IEPs (summer testing) at the rate of $25.00 per hour on an as needed basis (IDEA Basic/Preschool Grant Funded): Michele Clays Kelly Fyfe Eileen Levine Lauren Townsend RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 3000-13. Terri Cooney Wendy Halperin Lynn Sutphen Janet Wasserman Kristina Cruz Cathy Kuegler Sally Thompson Kristina Yutko APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Preschool Screenings Approve the following staff members to conduct preschool screenings during the summer months at the rate of $25.00 per hour, on an as needed basis (IDEA Preschool Grant Funded): Teresa Dowling Elaine Mack Lauren Townsend Lee Dugar Michele Martins Nicole Hanrahan Heather Matvienko Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 3000-14. Page 23 APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Child Study Team Evaluations Approve the following child study team members to conduct child study team evaluations at the casework rate of $250.00 per assessment, $50.00 per IEP development for case manager, on an as needed basis (IDEA Basic/Preschool Grant Funded): Learning Consultants Laura Carolan Nicole Hanrahan Susan Liggett School Psychologists Scott Aidlen Michele Martins Susan Stoia Speech Therapists Laya Fisher Elaine Mack Occupational Therapists Shana Kopciel RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 3000-15. Social Workers Heather Matvienko APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo One-to-One Nursing Services Appoint Maxim Healthcare Services, Inc. to provide one-to-one nursing services for a special education student for the 2015-2016 school year at the rate of $39.00 per hour for a LPN and $46.00 per hour for a RN. (IDEA Grant Funded) Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 3000-16. Page 24 APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Workshop Registration and Mileage Authorize the registration and/or approval of applicable mileage for travel to the attached workshops in accordance with P.L. 2007c53 and Federal Office of Management and Budget Guidelines. RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo 4000 SERIES - SUPPORT STAFF: The following actions have been recommended by the Chief School Administrator. Note: A payroll deduction as a contribution towards health benefits per Chapter 78 P.L. 2011 will be withheld. 4000-1. LOA for Special Education Teacher Assistant Approve the following leave of absence for Susan Ryan, Special Education Teacher Assistant at Land O’Pines School: LEAVE Medical Leave Without Pay Without Benefits FROM April 18, 2016 (2 weeks) THROUGH April 29, 2016 Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 4000-2. Page 25 APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo LOA for Special Education Teacher Assistant Approve the following leave of absence for Laurie Pietropollo, Special Education Teacher Assistant at Griebling School: LEAVE Medical Leave With Pay With Benefits RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 4000-3. FROM April 18, 2016 (20 sick days) THROUGH May 13, 2016 APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo LOA Extension for Help Desk Specialist Approve the following leave of absence extension for Shannon Cutaneo, Help Desk Specialist at Middle School North: LEAVE Medical Leave Without Pay With Benefits RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: FROM April 21, 2016 (2 weeks) THROUGH May 9, 2016 APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 4000-4. Page 26 Extend Substitute Limited Employment Extend the contract of Angela Weeks, Help Desk Specialist at Middle School North, from April 21, 2016 through May 9, 2016, at Step 1, $17,550.00, prorated. (Replacing Shannon Cutaneo - Medical Leave) RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 4000-5. APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Bus Driver Leave of Absence Approve the following leave of absence for Ruby Kent, Bus Driver. LEAVE Medical Leave Without Pay With Benefits RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 4000-6. FROM April 25, 2016 (18 days) THROUGH May 18, 2016 APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo LOA for Maintenance Approve the following leave of absence for Clemente Martinez, Buildings & Grounds Maintenance Department: LEAVE Personal Leave Without Pay With Benefits FROM April 12, 2016 (19 days) THROUGH May 6, 2016 Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 4000-7. Page 27 APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo LOA for Custodian Approve the following leave of absence for Dedita Trappe, Night Head Custodian at Ramtown School: LEAVE Personal Leave Without Pay With Benefits RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 4000-8. FROM April 22, 2016 (11 days) THROUGH May 6, 2016 APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Retirement of Mechanic Accept with regret the retirement of Addison Clark, Mechanic in the Transportation Department, effective May 1, 2016. RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 4000-9. Page 28 Transfer Fulltime Custodian Approve the transfer of Sherene Olden, Fulltime Custodian at Griebling School to Fulltime Custodian at Memorial School, effective April 25, 2016. PC# CUS-GRI-CUS-NA-05 to PC# CUS-MEM-CUS-NA-03 RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 4000-10. APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Resignation of Hourly Custodian Accept the resignation of Mark McCloud, Hourly Evening Custodian, effective April 8, 2016. RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 4000-11. APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Summer Hourly Custodians Approve the following individuals for the position of Hourly Custodian for the 2016 Summer from July 5, 2016 - August 25, 2016 at the rate of $12.66 per hour. (Existing BOE 10-Month Employees) Mary Ellen Motto Karin Musinski RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: Robert Patetta Michael Stevenson APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 Page 29 5000 SERIES - PUPILS: 5000-1. Tuition Student - Freehold Boro Accept a special education tuition student from Freehold Boro School District to attend our Behavioral Disabled Class at Middle School South for the 2015-2016 school year at a tuition rate of $48,408.00, prorated effective April 8, 2016. (Student was previously attending the program as a tuition student from Freehold Township) RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 5000-2. APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Affirm HIB Report Affirm Superintendent's recommendation on Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying findings reported at the April 13, 2016 Board Meeting. RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo 6000 SERIES - FINANCES: 6000-1. Award Bid for Custodial Supplies Budgeted Item Award Bid #1-16 Custodial Supplies for the 2016-2017 school year to the lowest qualified vendor on a per line item basis in the amount of $232,063.62. (See attached Bid Breakdown) Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 6000-2. Page 30 APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo NJ Schools Insurance Group (NJSIG) Safety Grant Approve the submission of the 2016 NJSIG Safety Grant Program through the New Jersey Schools Insurance Group’s MOCSSIF Subfund in the amount of $9,637 for Safety Evacuation Chairs. RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 6000-3. APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Level Data Managed Solutions Approve Level Data as the Schools Interoperability Framework (SIF) vendor for the 2016-2017 school year, in the amount $ 34,870.35, replacing Kimono and Pearson SIF products. RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 6000-4. APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Extend Agreement for Tires and Recapping Budgeted Item Extend Bid #4-13 Tires and Recapping Service, to Custom Bandag, Inc., Keyport, NJ, from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 at no price increase. (Same rates as previous contract) Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 6000-5. Page 31 APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Extend Agreement for Fire/Burg Alarm Monitoring Budgeted Item Extend Bid #7-12 Fire/Burg Alarm Monitoring, to Union Alarmtronic, Roselle, NJ, from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 at no price increase. (Same rates as previous contract) RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 6000-6. APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Software System Integration and Compliance Approve William E. Antonides and Company to provide Integration and Compliance Services at a rate of $125.00 per hour for the 2015/2016 school year. RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 6000-7. APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Rescind Quote from HiTech Assets Inc. Rescind the quote from HiTech Assets, Inc. Previously approved on March 16, 2016. Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 6000-8. Page 32 APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Quote from Sycamore International Inc. Approve quote from Sycamore International Inc. to purchase obsolete technology equipment and recycle additional non-operable or non-repairable in accordance with list provided. Item Dell D630 MacBook White 2008/MB403LLA Dell Inspiron Mini 10 iMac 2008 A1224 RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 6000-9. Price per working unit $5.00 $10.00 $5.00 $60.00 APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Approve and Submit the 2016-2017 School Budget BE IT RESOLVED to approve a 2016-2017 school district budget for submission to the Department of Education as follows: 1. Approval of the Base Budget General Fund Special Revenue Fund Debt Service Fund Total Base Budget Budget $111,378,206 $2,047,751 $5,997,167 $119,423,124 Local Tax Levy $71,157,372 $5,465,795 $76,623,167 Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 Page 33 Item #6000-9 Continued. 2. Approval of Health Benefit Adjustment BE IT RESOLVED that the proposed budget includes the adjustment for increased costs of health benefits in the amount of $915,483. The additional funds are included in the base budget and will be used to pay for the additional increases in health benefits. 3. Travel and Related Expense Reimbursement WHEREAS, the Howell Township Board of Education recognizes school staff and board members will incur travel expenses related to and within the scope of their current responsibilities and for travel that promotes the delivery of instruction or furthers the efficient operation of the school district; and WHEREAS, N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-7.2 et seq. requires Board members to receive approval of these expenses by a majority of the full voting membership of the Board and staff members to receive prior approval of these expenses by the Superintendent of Schools and a majority of the full voting membership of the Board; and WHEREAS, a Board of Education may establish, for regular district business travel only as defined in NJAC 6A:23A-1.2, an annual school year threshold of $1,500 per staff member where prior Board approval shall not be required unless this annual threshold for a staff member is exceeded in a given school year (July 1 through June 30); and WHEREAS, the maximum travel amount in the current school year is $100,000. The amount expended through February 2016 is $23,500.00; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Board of Education approves travel and related expense reimbursements in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-7.3 et seq., to a maximum expenditure of $100,000 for all staff and board members. RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Albert Miller, James A. Moretti Mark A Bonjavanni, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 6000-10. Page 34 Treasurer and Secretary Reports Approve the February 2016 Report of the Treasurer and the February 2016 Secretary's Report as being in balance for the month. RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: 6000-11. APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Bills and Claims Submitted by Board Secretary Approve the payment of all bills and claims as shown for the periods 04/14/2016 04/30/2016 that have been certified by the Board Secretary and filed in the Board Office. Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2:13, I certify that as of May 4, 2016 no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments, (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the district board of education pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:22-8 and 18A:22-8.1. Note: Each Board Member will recuse themselves from voting on any payment or portion of payment for reimbursement of expenses for routine, mandated or workshop related items. RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo 7000 SERIES - PROPERTY: 7000-1. Grant to Ardena School Accept a grant to Ardena School from the Monmouth County Curriculum Consortium to purchase a kit of Ozobot programmable robots for a total of $500.00. Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: O. Page 35 APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo New Business: Non-Consent Agenda Items: None. P. New Business: Addenda to the Agenda: A-1. Purchase School Buses Approve the purchase of 6 Type C - 54 School Buses in the amount of $515,129.70 to Robert H. Hoover & Sons Inc., Flanders, NJ under the Middlesex Regional Educational Services Commission Cooperative Pricing System 65MCESCCPS School Bus Bid #15/16-37, as recommended by the Operations Committee at its May 2, 2016 meeting. RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: A-2. APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Purchase School Vans Approve the purchase of 6 Type B - 20 School Vans in the amount of $344,262.00 to Van-Con Inc., Middlesex, NJ under the Middlesex Regional Educational Services Commission Cooperative Pricing System 65MCESCCPS School Bus Bid #15/16-37, as recommended by the Operations Committee at its May 2, 2016 meeting. Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: A-3. APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo LOA Extension for Special Education Teacher Assistant Approve the following leave of absence extension for Michelle Fulton, Special Education Teacher Assistant at Taunton School: LEAVE Medical Leave Without Pay With Benefits FROM April 1, 2016 (6 weeks) THROUGH May 13, 2016 Ext. Medical Leave Without Pay Without Benefits May 14, 2016 June 1, 2016 RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: A-4. Page 36 APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Increment Withholding Approve the withholding of adjustment and experience increments for Denise Hreha for the 2016/2017 school year. RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Mary Cerretani, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo Regular BOE Meeting & Public Hearing May 4, 2016 Q. Page 37 Comments from the Public: WHEREAS, the Howell Township Board of Education determines that the comments from the public portion of the Board Meetings will last 45 minutes, and WHEREAS, the Board determines that the public comments portion will be conducted in accordance with Board Bylaw 0164.1, and individuals may be limited to 3 minutes each, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Howell Township Board of Education will cease conducting business and the meeting will be open to the public at that time for a 45 minute period. None. R. Additional Addenda Items: None. S. Adjournment: The meeting was closed at 10:39 PM MOTION TO ADJOURN RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ABSENT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Albert Miller, Board Member James A. Moretti, Board Member Suzanne M. Brennan, Mark A Bonjavanni, Mary Cerretani, Denise M. Lowe, MaryRose Malley, Albert Miller, James A. Moretti, Timothy P. O'Brien Jeanne DePompo ______________________________________ RONALD SANASAC Assistant Superintendent for Business Administration/Board Secretary RS/tg 05/19/2016 Packet Pg. 38 # N.A.1.a: Item #2000-1 Howell Schools Howell Day Application 2016 (4256 : Participation in Howell Day 2016) 2015-2016 WORKSHOPS/SEMINARS Position/School Workshop/Seminar Title Location Date(s) Reg. Fee Engle, Claire Director A Day of Learning and Leadership West Long Branch, NJ 5/20/16 $0.00 Page 1 of 1 Revised/Updated 4/26/2016 $8.80 Other Agenda Approval Date No 5/4/16 Printed: 4/26/2016 12:26 PM Packet Pg. 39 # N.B.16.a: Item #3000-16 May 4 (4248 : Workshop Registration and Mileage) Employee Name Estimated Mileage Sub. Expenses Required CUSTODIAL BID BREAKDOWN - 2016-2017 $16,122.60 Central Poly-Bag Corp $8,925.00 Interboro Packaging Corporation $3,682.60 Imperial Bag & Paper Co. $280.15 East Coast Salt Dist., Inc. $13,180.00 Philip Rosenau Co., Inc. $10,137.30 Jersey Paper Plus $45,802.83 Joseph Gartland, Inc. Beautiful Rags $3,375.00 Office Basics, Inc. $2,873.76 Unipak Corp. Spruce Industries American Poly Corp. Calico Industries, Inc. Indco Inc. Cooper Electric Supply Co. JGR Enterprises WB Mason # N.E.1.a: Item #6000-1 2016-2017- Custodial Bid Breakdown (4253 : Award Bid for Custodial Supplies) Chem-Tek Industries, Inc. $0.00 $2,149.42 $0.00 $956.84 $69,819.26 $522.24 $1,308.04 $52,928.58 $232,063.62 Packet Pg. 40 Functionality / Service Category Current SIF Agents Level Data Google Classroom $1,836.90 GoogleApps - Staff $1,530.75 GoogleApps - Student $1,836.90 Power Productivityy Bundle Level Data Savings over Current SIF Agents $18,369.00 Connnectivity Setup Fee $1,500.00 Active Directory- Staff $4,898.40 Systems 3000 Synching ( # N.E.3.a: Item #6000-3 Level Data Managed Solutions (4292 : Level Data Managed Solutions) Cost Comparision Kimono & Pearson SIF Agents vs. Level Data $3,061.50 p fee) $1,836.90 (Active Directory) $36,000.00 Lunchbox SIF Agents $300.00 Follett SIF Agents $12,200.00 CloudConnect (Google) SIF Agent Total Cost: $1,625.00 $50,125.00 $34,870.35 $15,254.65 Packet Pg. 41 Level Data Inc. www.leveldata.com # N.E.3.a: Item #6000-3 Level Data Managed Solutions (4292 : Level Data Managed Solutions) Data Integration Concepts For Howell Township Public Schools Thomas Aquino Manager of Infrastructure & Digital Environment 200 Squankum-Yellowbrook Rd Howell, NJ 07731-0579 Ph: (732) 751-2480 taquino@howell.k12.nj.us March 11, 2016 Quote for Howell Township Public Schools – Mar 11, 2016 Prepared by: aoliv / Owner: aoliv Page 1 of 4 Packet Pg. 42 Howell Township Level Data Inc. Mar, 2016 Public Schools 2 DISTRICT APPLICATIONS Application Name Direction Locale Google Classroom One-Way Hosted GoogleApps - Staff One-Way Hosted GoogleApps - Student One-Way Hosted Power Productivity Bundle - Local Power Productivity Bundle Annual Connectivity Setup Fee - Local The degree of functionality will depend on the applications themselves. There is a brief description of a typical implementation listed below each application name and the direction of connectivity with the Student Information System – PowerSchool. The actual implementation at Howell Township Public Schools may vary depending on district processes and applications involved. 1. Google Classroom One-way Connector Requires GoogleApps Student and GoogleApps Staff connectors The Level Data Managed Service keeps your classroom enrollment records synchronized to GoogleAppsTM classroom groups. Users are added to these groups based on their enrollment in classes in the current term. 2. GoogleApps - Staff This managed service keeps your staff information synchronized to GoogleApps 3. GoogleApps - Student This managed service keeps your student information synchronized to GoogleApps 4. Power Productivity Bundle Combining the best of the essential connector services in a cost-effective bundle with the elements of Student Sync for provisioning in Active Directory, Destiny Library Manager to assist in patron management, your Nutrition Management System to assist food service record keeping, and the Level Data State Validation Suite to help ensure your data meets with State reporting requirements. (Destiny Library Mgr. (Hosted), Food Service: LunchBox) 5. Power Productivity Bundle Annual Connectivity Setup Fee Initial setup and first year connectivity fee for Power Productivity Bundle. Quote for Howell Township Public Schools – Mar 11, 2016 Prepared by: aoliv / Owner: aoliv Page 2 of 4 Packet Pg. 43 # N.E.3.a: Item #6000-3 Level Data Managed Solutions (4292 : Level Data Managed Solutions) The following applications have been identified as “high impact”. Howell Township Level Data Inc. Mar, 2016 Public Schools 3 PROJECT WORK PLAN STAGES 1. Project Setup - Review SOW (Scope of Work) internally and set up all communication and Project Management infrastructure and documentation. 2. Project Kick off - Facilitate kick off meeting with customer identifying stakeholders, vendor contacts, key dates, servers/systems and schedule the Process Workshop 3. Network Connectivity - Complete configuration, documentation, deployment and testing of secure network connectivity between the district and LD Data Center Project steps to follow for each Source & Destination Application 1. Application Access Requirements - Review, test and troubleshoot access to all applications 2. Obtain Business Requirements - Requirements interviews, completion of Connector Profile Documentation create test case profiles, compile impact analysis report and review requirements meeting. 3. Existing Data Review and Assessment of Clean-up - Analyze and cleanse source data, analyze and cleanse target system data and perform key ID injection/update 4. Implementation - Prepare development environment, Develop process to export data from source system(s), write logic for business rules, review impact with stakeholders (if test output is different from impact analysis report), develop process to import into target system(s), deploy processes, End-to-End Testing 5. User Acceptance Testing (UAT) - Review testing results, review and finalize scheduling requirements, sign-off 6. Deploy and Support - Schedule (Go Live), and formally transition to support Quote for Howell Township Public Schools – Mar 11, 2016 Prepared by: aoliv / Owner: aoliv Page 3 of 4 Packet Pg. 44 # N.E.3.a: Item #6000-3 Level Data Managed Solutions (4292 : Level Data Managed Solutions) New Client Preparation Howell Township Level Data Inc. Mar, 2016 Public Schools 4 BENEFITS SERVICES Service Name Quantity Price Total Price Google Classroom 6123 $0.30 $1,836.90 GoogleApps - Staff 6123 $0.25 $1,530.75 GoogleApps - Student 6123 $0.30 $1,836.90 Power Productivity Bundle 6123 $3.00 $18,369.00 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 Total $25,073.55 Power Productivity Bundle Annual Connectivity Setup Fee First Year Service Total Plus Annual License Subscription Fees: $25,073.55 Our terms of payment are a one-time fee of $1,500 plus 75% of the first year service cost is due before work begins. The balance of the first year service cost (25%) is due after successful installation, testing AND client acceptance or six months from the Project Kick-off, whichever comes first. The pricing for this base package in years two and beyond is $3.85/student plus the annual $1,500 connectivity fee. Additional applications can be added to the package at any time. Each individual application has a cost and an implementation process that will be evaluated along with the integration process prior to placing an order. Additional discounts are available for pre-payment of multiple years of service. "Pricing Valid for 30 days from date of this quotation" Thank you for the opportunity to present this quotation. Please let me know how I can be of service. Sincerely, Albert Oliver Customer Experience Manager Office: (269) 488-2050 Quote for Howell Township Public Schools – Mar 11, 2016 Prepared by: aoliv / Owner: aoliv Page 4 of 4 Packet Pg. 45 # N.E.3.a: Item #6000-3 Level Data Managed Solutions (4292 : Level Data Managed Solutions) When the project is complete, Howell Township Public Schools will have the base foundation for a sustainable and scalable model for clean and uniform data. Benefits include timely data exchange, accurate data, ease of data entry, and reduced labor in all key departments. Level Data Inc. www.leveldata.com # N.E.3.a: Item #6000-3 Level Data Managed Solutions (4292 : Level Data Managed Solutions) Data Integration Concepts For Howell Township Public Schools Thomas Aquino Manager of Infrastructure & Digital Environment 200 Squankum-Yellowbrook Rd Howell, NJ 07731-0579 Ph: (732) 751-2480 taquino@howell.k12.nj.us April 7, 2016 Quote for Howell Township Public Schools – Apr 7, 2016 Prepared by: aoliv / Owner: aoliv Page 1 of 7 Packet Pg. 46 Howell Township Level Data Inc. Apr, 2016 Public Schools 2 DISTRICT APPLICATIONS Application Name Direction Locale Address Validation - Local Google Classroom One-Way Hosted GoogleApps - Staff One-Way Hosted GoogleApps - Student One-Way Hosted Power Productivity Bundle - Local Power Productivity Bundle Annual Connectivity Setup Fee - Local The degree of functionality will depend on the applications themselves. There is a brief description of a typical implementation listed below each application name and the direction of connectivity with the Student Information System – PowerSchool. The actual implementation at Howell Township Public Schools may vary depending on district processes and applications involved. Quote for Howell Township Public Schools – Apr 7, 2016 Prepared by: aoliv / Owner: aoliv Page 2 of 7 Packet Pg. 47 # N.E.3.a: Item #6000-3 Level Data Managed Solutions (4292 : Level Data Managed Solutions) The following applications have been identified as “high impact”. Howell Township Level Data Inc. Apr, 2016 Public Schools 3 1. Address Validation This managed service provides the district with an address lookup comparing data entered with USPS addresses. One-way Connector Requires GoogleApps Student and GoogleApps Staff connectors The Level Data Managed Service keeps your classroom enrollment records synchronized to GoogleAppsTM classroom groups. Users are added to these groups based on their enrollment in classes in the current term. 3. GoogleApps - Staff This managed service keeps your staff information synchronized to GoogleApps 4. GoogleApps - Student This managed service keeps your student information synchronized to GoogleApps 5. Power Productivity Bundle Combining the best of the essential connector services in a cost-effective bundle with the elements of Student Sync for provisioning in Active Directory, Destiny Library Manager to assist in patron management, your Nutrition Management System* to assist food service record keeping, and the Level Data State Validation Suite to help ensure your data meets with State reporting requirements. StudentSync to Active Directory® - Level Data Inc® (Student Information) Two-Way Service (Directory Services) StudentSyncTM keeps Active Directory™ synchronized with your student information system. This is done by creating new directory accounts as students are enrolled, updating existing student directory accounts with demographic or building changes, and disabling student directory accounts as they graduate or transfer out of district. Also included is the ability to manage student group memberships and restrict Internet access. The district will receive a Directory Activity Report that outlines directory changes that occurred as a result of the StudentSync™ service for that calendar date. Additionally, Active Directory™ serves as the authoritative source for student network username, password and email address. These items can be returned to the student information system as reference information. Quote for Howell Township Public Schools – Apr 7, 2016 Prepared by: aoliv / Owner: aoliv Page 3 of 7 Packet Pg. 48 # N.E.3.a: Item #6000-3 Level Data Managed Solutions (4292 : Level Data Managed Solutions) 2. Google Classroom Howell Township Level Data Inc. Apr, 2016 Public Schools 4 Destiny Library Manager™ - Follett Software Corporation® (Student Information) One-way Connector (Library) Two-way Connector option (Library) Requires a local instance of Destiny Library ManagerTM with access to the DestinyTM database. Not available to customers who have DestinyTM hosted at Follett®. The Level Data Managed Service can update the Student Information System by providing a list of currently checked out items to students keeping the Student Information System synchronized with Destiny. *LunchBox™ - Heartland Payment Systems Inc® Two-way Connector (Food Service) The Level Data Managed Service keeps your student information synchronized with your LunchBox™ Food Service management system by delivering a specially formatted student file directly to the LunchBox™ server for automatic import. Additionally, LunchBox™ serves as the authoritative source for student meal account balance and meal eligibility status. These fields are delivered back to the student information system as reference info and for state reporting purposes. The district will receive the Lunch Status Exception report, helping districts maximize F/R counts. This report is provided daily. Due to the sensitive nature of student information, the report is delivered exclusively to authorized personnel specified by the Director of Food Services. State Data Validation Suite for PowerSchool™ - Level Data, Inc. (Student Information) Custom Page for PowerSchool™ The Level Data Managed Service provides the district with a critical Student State Data Validation embedded within PowerSchool. This State Data Validation Suite gives designated school personnel the ability to verify and correct data from a single location. Periodic validation will ensure that your critical state student data submission requirements are met on time and with minimal effort. 6. Power Productivity Bundle Annual Connectivity Setup Fee Initial setup and first year connectivity fee for Power Productivity Bundle. Quote for Howell Township Public Schools – Apr 7, 2016 Prepared by: aoliv / Owner: aoliv Page 4 of 7 Packet Pg. 49 # N.E.3.a: Item #6000-3 Level Data Managed Solutions (4292 : Level Data Managed Solutions) The Level Data Managed Service keeps your student information synchronized with your Destiny™ Library management system by delivering a specially formatted student file directly to the Destiny™ server for automatic import. This information can then be accessed by the Media Services Department to assist in patron management. Howell Township Level Data Inc. Apr, 2016 Public Schools 5 PROJECT WORK PLAN STAGES 1. Project Setup - Review SOW (Scope of Work) internally and set up all communication and Project Management infrastructure and documentation. 2. Project Kick off - Facilitate kick off meeting with customer identifying stakeholders, vendor contacts, key dates, servers/systems and schedule the Process Workshop 3. Network Connectivity - Complete configuration, documentation, deployment and testing of secure network connectivity between the district and LD Data Center Project steps to follow for each Source & Destination Application 1. Application Access Requirements - Review, test and troubleshoot access to all applications 2. Obtain Business Requirements - Requirements interviews, completion of Connector Profile Documentation create test case profiles, compile impact analysis report and review requirements meeting. 3. Existing Data Review and Assessment of Clean-up - Analyze and cleanse source data, analyze and cleanse target system data and perform key ID injection/update 4. Implementation - Prepare development environment, Develop process to export data from source system(s), write logic for business rules, review impact with stakeholders (if test output is different from impact analysis report), develop process to import into target system(s), deploy processes, End-to-End Testing 5. User Acceptance Testing (UAT) - Review testing results, review and finalize scheduling requirements, sign-off 6. Deploy and Support - Schedule (Go Live), and formally transition to support Quote for Howell Township Public Schools – Apr 7, 2016 Prepared by: aoliv / Owner: aoliv Page 5 of 7 Packet Pg. 50 # N.E.3.a: Item #6000-3 Level Data Managed Solutions (4292 : Level Data Managed Solutions) New Client Preparation Howell Township Level Data Inc. Apr, 2016 Public Schools 6 BENEFITS SERVICES Service Name Quantity Price Total Price Address Validation (One Time Service Fee) 6123 $0.30 $1,836.90 Google Classroom 6123 $0.30 $1,836.90 GoogleApps - Staff 6123 $0.25 $1,530.75 GoogleApps - Student 6123 $0.30 $1,836.90 Power Productivity Bundle 6123 $3.00 $18,369.00 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 Total $26,910.45 Power Productivity Bundle Annual Connectivity Setup Fee First Year Service Total Plus Annual License Subscription Fees: $26,910.45 Level Data’s standard Annual Service period is from July 1 through June 30. Our terms of payment are a one-time fee of $1,500 plus 75% of the first year service cost is due before work begins. The balance of the first year service cost (25%) is due after successful installation, testing AND client acceptance or six months from the Project Kick-off, whichever comes first. The pricing for this base package in years two and beyond is $3.85/student plus the annual $1,500 connectivity fee. Additional applications can be added to the package at any time. Each individual application has a cost and an implementation process that will be evaluated along with the integration process prior to placing an order. Additional discounts are available for pre-payment of multiple years of service. Quote for Howell Township Public Schools – Apr 7, 2016 Prepared by: aoliv / Owner: aoliv Page 6 of 7 Packet Pg. 51 # N.E.3.a: Item #6000-3 Level Data Managed Solutions (4292 : Level Data Managed Solutions) When the project is complete, Howell Township Public Schools will have the base foundation for a sustainable and scalable model for clean and uniform data. Benefits include timely data exchange, accurate data, ease of data entry, and reduced labor in all key departments. Howell Township Level Data Inc. Apr, 2016 Public Schools 7 The Level Data’s Managed Integration Service is based on an annual service fee. Level Data’s standard Annual Service Period is from July 1 through June 30. With new project starts, and Add-on Connector Services, we will prorate a new project to align with the annual July renewals along with state and federal funding. As we work to build for new project starts and the coming years renewal. Without knowing how many students will be walking through the door at the start of a new school year it only makes sense to use the previous fall counts for the July billing. Renewals will vary from year to year based on the increase or decrease of the student count in a district or service agency. Service Changes: All Service Change Request Orders from existing clients that are identified as 16 hours or less of development time will be completed at no cost (these changes are covered under the existing contract). If the Service Change Request Order is identified as greater than 16 hours of development time, it will be considered a new project and a chargeable event. Changes due to a new SIS, Directory Services or change of like application (Food Service to Food Service application change) are chargeable events. Service Change Request Orders and Applications Change Orders will be based on identifying the scope, work effort of development time and quoted to the client for approval. "Pricing Valid for 30 days from date of this quotation" Thank you for the opportunity to present this quotation. Please let me know how I can be of service. Sincerely, Albert Oliver Customer Experience Manager Office: (269) 488-2050 Quote for Howell Township Public Schools – Apr 7, 2016 Prepared by: aoliv / Owner: aoliv Page 7 of 7 Packet Pg. 52 # N.E.3.a: Item #6000-3 Level Data Managed Solutions (4292 : Level Data Managed Solutions) relationships with districts on an on-going year to year bases we use the previous years fall reported student count Level Data Inc. www.leveldata.com Data Integration Concepts For # N.E.3.a: Item #6000-3 Level Data Managed Solutions (4292 : Level Data Managed Solutions) Howell Township Public Schools Thomas Aquino Manager of Infrastructure & Digital Environment 200 Squankum-Yellowbrook Rd Howell, NJ 07731-0579 Ph: (732) 751-2480 taquino@howell.k12.nj.us April 8, 2016 Quote for Howell Township Public Schools – Apr 8, 2016 Prepared by: aoliv / Owner: aoliv Page 1 of 4 Packet Pg. 53 Howell Township Public Schools t Level Data Inc. Apr, 2016 2One DISTRICT APPLICATIONS Application Name Direction Locale Active Directory - Staff One-Way Local Systems3000 - Local The degree of functionality will depend on the applications themselves. There is a brief description of a typical implementation listed below each application name and the direction of connectivity with the Student Information System – PowerSchool. The actual implementation at Howell Township Public Schools may vary depending on district processes and applications involved. 1. Active Directory - Staff The Level Data Managed Service keeps Active Directory™ synchronized with your staff Human Resources system. This is done by creating new directory accounts as they are hired, updating existing directory accounts with demographic or building changes and disabling directory accounts as they leave or become inactive in HRIS. Also included is the ability thru use of your HRIS to manage group memberships and manage Internet access. The district will receive a Staff Directory Activity Report that outlines activity that has occurred as a result of the Active Directory™ connector services for that calendar date. 2. Systems3000 The Finance/Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is the authoritative source for staff demographic information. Quote for Howell Township Public Schools – Apr 8, 2016 Prepared by: aoliv / Owner: aoliv Page 2 of 4 Packet Pg. 54 # N.E.3.a: Item #6000-3 Level Data Managed Solutions (4292 : Level Data Managed Solutions) The following applications have been identified as “high impact”. Howell Township Public Schools t Level Data Inc. Apr, 2016 3One PROJECT WORK PLAN STAGES 1. Project Setup - Review SOW (Scope of Work) internally and set up all communication and Project Management infrastructure and documentation. 2. Project Kick off - Facilitate kick off meeting with customer identifying stakeholders, vendor contacts, key dates, servers/systems and schedule the Process Workshop 3. Network Connectivity - Complete configuration, documentation, deployment and testing of secure network connectivity between the district and LD Data Center Project steps to follow for each Source & Destination Application 1. Application Access Requirements - Review, test and troubleshoot access to all applications 2. Obtain Business Requirements - Requirements interviews, completion of Connector Profile Documentation create test case profiles, compile impact analysis report and review requirements meeting. 3. Existing Data Review and Assessment of Clean-up - Analyze and cleanse source data, analyze and cleanse target system data and perform key ID injection/update 4. Implementation - Prepare development environment, Develop process to export data from source system(s), write logic for business rules, review impact with stakeholders (if test output is different from impact analysis report), develop process to import into target system(s), deploy processes, End-to-End Testing 5. User Acceptance Testing (UAT) - Review testing results, review and finalize scheduling requirements, sign-off 6. Deploy and Support - Schedule (Go Live), and formally transition to support Quote for Howell Township Public Schools – Apr 8, 2016 Prepared by: aoliv / Owner: aoliv Page 3 of 4 Packet Pg. 55 # N.E.3.a: Item #6000-3 Level Data Managed Solutions (4292 : Level Data Managed Solutions) New Client Preparation Howell Township Public Schools t Level Data Inc. Apr, 2016 4One BENEFITS SERVICES Service Name Quantity Price Total Price Active Directory - Staff 6123 $0.80 $4,898.40 Systems3000 6123 $0.50 $3,061.50 Total $7,959.90 First Year Service Total Plus Annual License Subscription Fees: $7,959.90 Level Data’s standard Annual Service period is from July 1 through June 30. Our terms of payment are 75% of the first year service cost is due before work begins. The balance of the first year service cost (25%) is due after successful installation, testing AND client acceptance or six months from the Project Kick-off, whichever comes first. The pricing for this base package in years two and beyond is $1.30/student. Additional applications can be added to the package at any time. Each individual application has a cost and an implementation process that will be evaluated along with the integration process prior to placing an order. Additional discounts are available for pre-payment of multiple years of service. "Pricing Valid for 30 days from date of this quotation" Thank you for the opportunity to present this quotation. Please let me know how I can be of service. Sincerely, Albert Oliver Customer Experience Manager Office: (269) 488-2050 Quote for Howell Township Public Schools – Apr 8, 2016 Prepared by: aoliv / Owner: aoliv Page 4 of 4 Packet Pg. 56 # N.E.3.a: Item #6000-3 Level Data Managed Solutions (4292 : Level Data Managed Solutions) When the project is complete, Howell Township Public Schools will have the base foundation for a sustainable and scalable model for clean and uniform data. Benefits include timely data exchange, accurate data, ease of data entry, and reduced labor in all key departments.