Volume 1


Volume 1
Volume I, 2014
The newsletter of the GLOCK Sport Shooting Foundation
mini gun for a mighty match
GLOCK 42: mini gun for a
mighty match
......................................cover Introduced at the 2014 SHOT Show, the revolutionary GLOCK 42 leapt into
national prominence and became a runaway best seller. There are still waiting
RangeMasters’ Corner
lists in gunshops across the country. The littlest GLOCK is another winner, to
....................................page 2 be sure.
International GLOCK Instruc- And not just in the marketplace, either. GSSF had instituted the GLOCK Girl
tors attend first GSSF match Side Match after its soaring popularity demanded that every GSSF venue in....................................page 3 clude a GGSM – and the response has been most gratifying. Knowing that
a new “mini” was on the way, GSSF staff considered just how to fit it into the
GSSF Membership Benefits GLOCK matches. The answer, in part due to the computer scoring program
....................................page 4 GSSF uses, was to put it in a Division of the GGSM – but all genders and
ages welcome! Using “Major Sub” scoring, competitors could test the newest
GLOCK in competition.
....................................page 5
The response has been positive from the outset: sixteen shooters stepped into
Love Perfection
shooting boxes in Orlando, FL, just a few weeks after the G42 shipped and a
...............................pages 6-7 new division was born. Since then, there have been over a dozen matches
where GLOCK 42 operators have demonstrated the G42’s reliability, accuracy
GSSF Indoor League
and speed.
.............................pages 9-16
Just a few highlights so far:
Award Certificate
• Average winning times
are in the 50 to 60 sec..................................page 17
ond range.
• First under-50 second
New Lifetime Members
run was recorded in
..................................page 18
southern California!
• Just a few days later,
Members’ Corner
someone broke the 40
...........................pages 19-26
second barrier with a
38.73 in Pryor, OK.
Staff Spotlight
• Biggest Division turn..................................page 26
out so far has been at
Morganton, NC, with 28
Photo Gallery
competitors and a win...........................pages 28-34
ning time of 47.56.
So come on out and enjoy another GLOCK shooting experience. Cash and
pistol prizes awarded according to turnout, so the more, the better!
RangeMasters’ Corner
Why RO a GSSF Match
You will gain a better understanding of the rules of
What is an RO? An RO, or Range Officer, is a vol- gun safety and GSSF, assisting you to be a better
unteer willing to assist competitors through courses official and competitor of the sport, and as an RO
of fire. Roles include providing range commands, you will also be entered into an RO-specific drawcontrolling sign-in procedures, scoring competitors’ ing for free GLOCK pistol certificate(s).
targets and enforcing firearms safety rules for both
GSSF and the host club organization. RO’s are the Nothing is more rewarding than being able to share
backbone of the body that is GSSF. Without the your knowledge and experience with fellow comgenerosity of RO’s, GSSF would not exist. Although petitors and receiving positive feedback. With 49
some experience is required for running the timer, outdoor matches in 2014 and more to come in
there are other duties where no experience is re- 2015, there are plenty of opportunities to get out
quired. All that’s needed is an individual with a will- and volunteer at a match near you. GSSF is looking
ingness to learn and a great attitude. Not only will for friendly, safety conscious people to assist shootyou be joining the greatest team on the planet, you ers. If this sounds like you please send an e-mail to
will have the opportunity to meet and interact with gssf@glock.us and include your name, match location and credentials.
the best competitors in the shooting community.
Among the more tangible benefits to volunteering
as an RO at a GSSF event, you will receive a free
hat, shirt and an additional reward item for each
match day you volunteer your time. Typical items
include field knives, backpacks, bench mats, gun
rugs, gun magazines, holsters, magazine pouches, water bottles, free division entry, or a one year
membership or renewal.
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©GLOCK, 2014
At your next match please remember to thank your
RO’s for all their hard work because without them
GSSF wouldn’t exist.
The GLOCK Report® / Volume I, 2014
Once per year, all the GLOCK firearms instructors
attend a week-long seminar to discuss various training issues, add new information to the lesson plans
and discuss ways to improve our class presentations. These guys not only teach GLOCK Armorer
and shooting classes for GLOCK, many of them are
heavily involved in Sales and other duties for the
company all around the world. For the past several
years, these conferences were held in Austria. But
for 2014, it was decided to have everyone meet at our
GSSF/Training facility in Smyrna, GA. Many of the
international group had never visited our U.S. factory
or had a chance to train in our indoor firing range and
classroom facility. Our group included GLOCK trainers from Australia, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore,
Uruguay, the United Kingdom, Belgium, United Arab
Emirates, the United States and of course, Austria.
For years now there has been some interest from
GLOCK representatives in other countries about
possibly having GSSF matches expand into other
areas around the globe. As you may know, GLOCK
has offices in many countries and since the GSSF
The GLOCK Report® / Volume I, 2014
has been such a great success here in America,
some believe we should also offer matches outside
the United States.
When we discovered that this year’s instructor seminar started just 2 days after the Montgomery, AL
GSSF match, we decided to invite all the trainers
to fly in early to attend the match. Three of them
managed to alter their travel plans and make it here
to shoot with us. Although it was their first GSSF
match, it certainly wasn’t their first time handling
GLOCK pistols. Matthew El Mouhaddab placed
highly in the Guardian Division with Luiz Horta, and
Sven DeSouter not far behind. As a 3-man team,
the Harley Brothers, they were also the Guardian
Team Champions.
Although it rained on them during the match, they
all shot very well and enjoyed a day on the range
with fellow GSSF members. They were warmly welcomed by the AL match host, GSSF staff and members and all said they hoped to visit again to shoot
another GSSF match soon.
©GLOCK, 2014
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GSSF Membership Benefits
A question we often hear is: “What do I get for the
$35 I paid for joining GSSF or the $25 I pay for
annual membership renewals?”
Initial Membership Package
Your initial membership package will include
a copy of the GLOCK Annual magazine, a range
bag, a copy of the GLOCK Report detailing the
GSSF program itself, and several other promotional items.
Matches Nationwide
The biggest single benefit is to allow you to
compete in the GSSF matches themselves. There
are over forty of these per year, nationwide, at outdoor venues. Prizes at an average outdoor match
amount to 18 firearms and $5,100 in cash awards.
The larger the match, the larger the number of and
greater the quality of the awards. With record-setting attendance, our Conyers, GA match in 2012
awarded a total of 57 firearms and $22,000 in cash
There are also over one hundred indoor
league match series nationwide each year. These
are held at GLOCK Stocking Dealers who also run
indoor ranges. Firearm and other GLOCK item
awards are also a feature of these matches.
Armorer’s Classes
As a GSSF member you are allowed access
to the basic GLOCK Armorer’s class. As a GLOCK
owner, this teaches you how to detail strip and
maintain your GLOCK collection.
CMP Affiliation
GSSF is affiliated with the Civilian Marksmanship Program. The CMP makes World-War
II-era military long guns and ammunition for them
available to those eligible to purchase at preferential prices.
Pistol Purchase Program
New members who join for two or more
years and all renewing GSSF members are eligible
to participate in the Pistol Purchase Program,
as allowable by local laws. Eligible members will
receive a coupon which can be used at participating
dealers. More information on this program can be
found in the GSSF FAQs on page 5.
GSSF Affiliates
with CMP
The Civilian Marksmanship Program
has graciously allowed GSSF to affiliate again this year.
This is a great program that makes
older military guns and ammunition
available to purchase for our members at preferential prices. Check it
page 4
©GLOCK, 2014
The GLOCK Report® / Volume I, 2014
GSSF Frequently Asked Questions
How do I receive a pistol purchase coupon?
If you are a renewing member you will
automatically receive a new member card and
coupon. If you are a new member you will need to
join for a minimum of 2 years. When you receive
your member packet you will receive a member
card and coupon. They are located on the bottom
of the welcome letter. You will receive one coupon
per year as long as you are a current member. If you
are a new member joining for one year, you will not
receive a coupon until you renew your membership.
If you don’t receive a coupon, you can email
us at gssf@glock.us with your name and member
number (if you know it) to request the coupon.
How do I use my pistol purchase coupon?
GSSF Pistol Purchase Coupons must be
used at a dealer that carries law enforcement
GLOCK models. If you have a dealer near you that
sells to Law Enforcement you can contact them to
see if they are participating in the program. If you
do not know of any dealers near you, call the GSSF
office for assistance.
I am new to GSSF and shooting competitions.
Everything can be found on our website,
www.gssfonline.com. For new shooters, it will help if
you read the sign in procedure, “GSSF made easy,”
and new competitor briefing. Those are located
under the “Hot Topics” link. You can only shoot each
division one time per match. If you want to shoot
more than one gun you need to shoot different
divisions. If you still have questions you can email
us or you can call 770-437-4718.
How do I join or renew my membership?
The forms are on our website under the registration link. The forms can be faxed, mailed or you
can PDF the form and email it to gssf@glock.us If
you are going to a match in the next few weeks you
may want to join and pre-register for that match at
the same time using the match registration form.
The GLOCK Report® / Volume I, 2014
How long will it take to receive a new member
We process memberships/renewals as
quickly as possible. There are times when we receive a very high volume of memberships and it can
take longer to receive a member pack or renewal
card. It is generally 2 to 4 weeks to receive a new
member pack.
Can I pre-register for an Indoor League Match?
You do not pre-register for an indoor match.
You will register at the match; you can also join and
renew at the match.
If I do not pre-register for an outdoor match can
I still shoot?
Yes, you can register at the match and join or
renew. If you pre-register it will save you time and
you won’t have to stand in registration lines at the
match. If you are pre-registering please note that
pre-registrations have to be into GSSF by noon,
Eastern time, the Wednesday before the match.
That gives staff time to get all paperwork packed
and ready to go to the match.
Can I bring a friend to watch the match?
Yes, they will need to stop by registration
and sign a liability form. They will also need to bring
hearing and eye protection with them.
When will the match results be posted?
The preliminary results will be posted soon
after the match. If there is an error in your results,
please email GSSF with your name and the match
name. Please let us know in which division and
which course of fire the error is located. The match
will be finalized in approximately 4 weeks. If we have
a heavy match schedule it will take longer to finalize
matches. Once the match is finalized you will see
the prizes for that match listed with the scores.
©GLOCK, 2014
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Photos by Joe Cappiello/JC Media
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©GLOCK, 2014
The GLOCK Report® / Volume I, 2014
“I think this weekend I’m either going to buy a shotgun or a rifle.” With that one phrase, Bryan entered
Allie’s life, setting into motion a high-capacity love story.
It took only a few conversations to get to know one another before Allie invited Bryan to join her in
friendly competition at their local range. The event: a monthly Indoor Combat Pistol league. The
challenge: win Allie’s heart. The results: happily ever after.
They quickly bonded over their love of the shooting sports and it didn’t take long for Allie and Bryan’s
friendship to move off the range. After a few dates, dozens of pistol matches and 6 months time, Allie
and Bryan agreed to take each other off the market. Each competition offered a new experience in
trust and in getting to know one another. They cheered each other on, celebrated each other’s wins,
and built a romance like the world had never known.
After 4-years of dating, Bryan knelt in front of Allie and presented her with a beautiful ring that he
assured her would not snag her holster. With tears in her eyes and a holster-safe ring on her hand,
she agreed to be his shooting partner for life.
As they began to plan their wedding, only one theme seemed to make sense; guns. In order to pay
tribute to their past and their future together, they decided to incorporate their sport tastefully into their
wedding. The ceremony included a wooden box that served as a romantic time capsule, engraved
with their wedding date and two back-to-back pistols. At the reception, the head table was decorated
with a three-gun ceramic vase. Each guest walked away with a GLOCK key chain attached to a thankyou note. An armed bride and groom cake topper stood watch over the cake.
With friends and family by their side and GLOCK decorating their reception, in April 2013, they
exchanged vows, cut their cake, and danced the night away knowing that they had just joined their
lives with the only shooting partner they would ever need.
The GLOCK Report® / Volume I, 2014
©GLOCK, 2014
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GSSF Indoor League Range of the Year 2013
AIMHI Shooting Range is pleased to receive the GSSF 2013 Indoor Range
of the Year Award.
We have been sponsoring GSSF Indoor Matches (IM) for over 12 years.
We started with 10-12 shooters at the first match and have grown to more
than 40 shooters at recent matches.
Participants come from all over Ohio and from Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky
and West Virginia. A while back we had a match with over 110 runs shot.
We publish the individual match results via email to the participants within
24 hours. GSSF prizes are awarded to the 3 Lewis Class (1st, 2nd and 3rd
place) winners, based upon their eligibility by using the same gun in 2 of
the 3 GSSF IMs in the series.
Thanks to the owners and staff of the AIMHI Shooting Range for their
interest and support of the GSSF IM matches all of these years. Also,
thanks to all the dedicated GSSF members that have participated in all of
these matches.
We have a dedicated group of individuals that put on each match, meeting
for breakfast at 0630 am on match days and putting in 5+ hours to present
the GSSF IM.
They are:
Vern W Match Director
Marc D
Range Master
Kevin J
Range Master
Dan G Range Master
The GLOCK Report® / Volume I, 2014
©GLOCK, 2014
page 9
GSSF Indoor League Match Series Results
Roanoke Range and Training
March 16, April 27, May 18, 2014
A Class
B Class
C Class
J. Crump
D. Gettier
J. Harris
A. Gifford
M. Henson
N. Claytor
J. Northern
D. Tueten
D. Tueten
The Shooter’s Club
February 9, March 9, April 6, 2014
A Class
B Class
C Class
B. Bagnell
S. Vittor
J. Bailey
B. Conde
V. St. Romain
B. Smith
T. Tran
M. Ruiz
M. Ruiz
Lynchburg Arms
February 9, March 9, April 13, 2014
A Class
B Class
C Class
K. Price
N. Hamlett
J. Dabareiner
J. Crump
W. Tyler
T. Scheffling
G. Gallion
J. Sharp
J. Sharp
Hi-Caliber Firearms
February 7, March 7, April 4, 2014
A Class
B Class
C Class
M. Sanders
E. Dunn
A. Fontaine
M. Green
D. Follmer
D. Dranzer
G. Cazier
C. Ellis
C. Ellis
Duncan Gun Shop
February 2, March 2, April 6, 2014
A Class
B Class
C Class
E. Colotta
R. Grubbs
M. Hohl
M. Dixon
J. Hartis
J. Richardson
J. Rutledge
C. Easter
C. Easter
The Arms Room
January 28, February 25, March 25, 2014
A Class
B Class
C Class
B. Parmer
J. Carpenter
L. Wheeler
B. Mobley
B. Bates
R. Anderson
G. Wright
R. McBride
R. McBride
The Bullet Stop
January 25, February 22, March 22, 2014
A Class
B Class
C Class
M. Yoder
B. Allen
T. Mitten
C. Hiebsch
D. Law
R. Hays
T. Lee
S. West
S. West
page 10
©GLOCK, 2014
New Albany Shooting Range
January 25, February 22, March 22, 2014
A Class
B Class
C Class
Steve L.
Curtis Y.
James K.
Ryan C.
Dave H.
James K.
Doug H.
Andrew F.
Andrew F.
Diamondback Shooters
January 25, February 22, March 22, 2014
A Class
B Class
C Class
W. Bryant
L. Evans
T. Binkley
L. Benner
J. Durnbaugh
A. Aring
A. Aring
J. Meadows
J. Meadows
Center Target Sports
January 18, February 15, March 15, 2014
A Class
B Class
C Class
T. Hogue
G. Alexander
J. Steciuk
R. Bass
J. Bass
G. Favre
B. Lynch
T. Caufield
T. Caufield
The Shooter’s Sport Center
January 18, February 15, March 15, 2014
A Class
B Class
C Class
M. Williams
B. Malloy
J. DeYoung
C. Harms
M. Brzeski
D. Mersfelder
B. Dorval
J. Bordeau
J. Bordeau
Sharp Shooting Indoor Range
January 11, February 8, March 8, 2014
A Class
B Class
C Class
T. Hogue
S. O’Leary
R. Ball
T. Martin
R. Grimes
B. Haney
J. Ball
J. Steciuk
J. Steciuk
Bayou Dragon Guns & Indoor Range
January 11, February 8, March 8, 2014
A Class
B Class
C Class
K. Gage
D. Wylie
C. Owens
J. Pita
J. Pita
W. Van Cleave
K. Gage
J. Bailey
J. Bailey
Bullseye Marksman
January 4, February 1, March 1, 2014
A Class
B Class
C Class
H. McClain
I. Harper
B. Morris
G. Kowalczyk
R. Morris
K. O’Grady
C. Fields
S. Testerman S. Testerman
The GLOCK Report® / Volume I, 2014
Total Firearms
January 4, February 1, March 1, 2014
A Class
B Class
C Class
R. Harrell
S. Meyer
D. Branthoover
O. Huff
A. Burgher
E. Brown
O. Huff
J. Kelly
J. Kelly
December 22, January 26, February 23, 2014
A Class
B Class
C Class
R. Waddell
S. McCarley
J. Renshaw
A. Carter
D. Humphries
C. Kelley
Tallahassee Indoor Shooting Range
December 21, January 11, February 8, 2014
A Class
B Class
C Class
A. Simpler
A. Sussman
S. Spraque
R. Larkins
R. Kornegay Sr.
A. Cole
K. Carr
D. Scott
D. Scott
Lynchburg Arms
November 17, December 15, January 12, 2014
A Class
B Class
C Class
S. Leray
J. Gallion
K. Knight
K. Price
M. Frazier
J. McCarthy
V. Dickerson
M. Sloan
M. Sloan
The Range at Lake Norman
November 9, December 7, January 11, 2014
A Class
B Class
C Class
L. Hilton
P. Overstreet
S. Branham &
M. Dixon
The Arms Room
October 29, November 26, December 17, 2013
A Class
B Class
C Class
B. Mobley
R. Gorski
W. Patty
M. Wilson
D. De Ore
T. Nowlin
C. Murdock
R. Robertson R. Robertson
The GLOCK Report® / Volume I, 2014
Diamondback Shooters
October 26, November 23, December 28, 2013
A Class
B Class
C Class
W. Bryant
J. Simmons
J. Long
W. Bryant
A. Aring
G. Kemp
J. Durnbaugh R. Hogaboam R. Hogaboam
Center Target Sports
October 19, November 16, December 21, 2013
A Class
B Class
C Class
R. Bass
J. Herbert
J. Bass
J. Smith
T. Hogue
K. Zimmer
C. Lynch
M. Maloof
M. Maloof
Bayou Dragon Guns & Indoor Range
October 12, November 9, December 7, 2013
A Class
B Class
C Class
J. Guidy
K. Bailey
C. Bass
J. Pipa
B. Toner
J. Bailey
K. Bailey
J. Daigle
J. Daigle
Bullseye Marksman
October 5, November 2, December 7, 2013
A Class
B Class
C Class
J. Smith
T. Kilpatrick
E. D’Amico
H. McClain
C. Fields
T. Dye
R. Lauer
R. Tan
R. Tan
©GLOCK, 2014
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500 Club
Match Date
February 9, March 9, April 6, 2014
February 7, March 7, April 4, 2014
February 2, March 2, April 6, 2014
January 25, February 22, March 22, 2014
January 25, February 22, March 22, 2014
January 25, February 22, March 22, 2014
January 25, February 22, March 22, 2014
January 25, February 22, March 22, 2014
January 18, February 15, March 15, 2014
January 11, February 8, March 8, 2014
January 4, February 1, March 1, 2014
October 5, November 2, December 7, 2013
Match Location
The Shooter’s Club
Hi-Caliber Firearms
Duncan Gun Shop
Diamondback Shooters
The Bullet Stop
The Bullet Stop
New Albany Shooting Range
New Albany Shooting Range
Center Target Sports
Bayou Dragon Guns & Indoor Range
Bullseye Marksman
Bullseye Marksman
Match Participant
Bryan Bagnell
Monte Sanders
Eli Colotta
Joe Durnbaugh
Jim Daily
Rusty Ulmer
Steve Leach
Ryan Cameron
Brandon Lynch
Michael Do
Hal McClain
Jason Smith
First Place Lady Shooters
Bullseye Marksman
Bayou Dragon
Lynchburg Arms
Tallahassee Indoor Range
Sharp Shooting Indoor Range
Diamondback Shooting Center
Total Firearms
The Arms Room
The Shooter’s Sport Center
Bullseye Marksman
The Bullet Stop
Bayou Dragon
Duncan Gun Shop
Lynchburg Arms
Hi –Caliber
Roanoke Range & Training
page 12
Lois Kaminski
Nancy Merrell-Robertson
Jane Bailey
Judith Gallion
Sharon Piepmeier
Robin Ball
Terri Binkley
Audrey Burgher
Leslie Wheeler
Julie Williams
Erica D’Amico
Teresa Lee
Madison Ratcliff
Jane Bailey
Jordan Harris
Julia Crump
Kayla Wilson
Julia Crump
©GLOCK, 2014
September, October, November 2013
October, November, December 2013
October, November, December 2013
November, December, January 2013-14
December, January, February 2013-14
January, February, March 2014
January, February, March 2014
January, February, March 2014
January, February, March 2014
January, February, March 2014
January, February, March 2014
January, February, March 2014
January, February, March 2014
January, February, March 2014
February, March, April 2014
February, March, April 2014
February, March, April 2014
March, April, May 2014
The GLOCK Report® / Volume I, 2014
GSSF Indoor League Match Series Schedule
New dates and locations added regularly.
For the most current schedule, visit
Norpoint Shooting and Tactical
Arlington, WA
Stone Hart’s Gun Club
Miami, FL
Bullseye Marksman
Cumming, GA
Guns & Gear - NEW
Lavonia, GA
Atlanta Range & Ordnance - NEW
Newnan, GA
Illinois State Rifle Association
Chatsworth, IL
Shooter’s Station
Conroe, TX
American Heritage Gun Range - NEW - TENTATIVE
McDonough, GA
Nashville Armory - NEW
Nashville, TN
Tallahassee Indoor Shooting Range
Tallahassee, FL
Sharp Shooting Indoor Range
Spokane, WA
Miami Valley Shooting Grounds
Vandalia, OH
Bayou Dragon Guns & Indoor Range
Marrero, LA
The GLOCK Report® / Volume I, 2014
©GLOCK, 2014
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Lynchburg Arms
Lynchburg, VA
Shooter’s Station
Conroe, TX
Center Target Sports
Post Falls, ID
Guns, Fishing and Other Stuff
Vacaville, CA
Sharp Shooters USA
Roswell, GA
Diamondback Shooters
Lewiston, ID
The Arms Room
Dickinson, TX
LAX Firing Range Inc
Inglewood, CA
Douglasville, GA
New Albany Shooting Range
New Albany, OH
Shooter’s Station
Conroe, TX
Bullseye Marksman
Cumming, GA
Sharp Shooting Indoor Range
Spokane, WA
Miami Valley Shooting Grounds
Vandalia, OH
Bayou Dragon Guns & Indoor Range
Marrero, LA
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©GLOCK, 2014
The GLOCK Report® / Volume I, 2014
Lynchburg Arms
Lynchburg, VA
Shooter’s Station
Conroe, TX
Center Target Sports
Post Falls, ID
Norpoint Shooting and Tactical
Arlington, WA
Diamondback Shooters
Lewiston, ID
The Arms Room
Dickinson, TX
Douglasville, GA
Bullseye Marksman
Cumming, GA
Total Firearms
Mason, MI
Shooter’s Station
Conroe, TX
Sharp Shooting Indoor Range
Spokane, WA
Miami Valley Shooting Grounds
Vandalia, OH
Lynchburg Arms
Lynchburg, VA
Center Target Sports
Post Falls, ID
The Shooter’s Sport Center
Racine, WI
The GLOCK Report® / Volume I, 2014
©GLOCK, 2014
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Shooter’s Station
Conroe, TX
Sandy Springs Gun Club & Range
Sandy Springs, GA
New Albany Shooting Range
New Albany, OH
Diamondback Shooters
Lewiston, ID
The Arms Room
Dickinson, TX
The Shooter’s Club
Harahan, LA
The Bullet Stop
Wichita, KS
Duncan’s Outdoor Shop
Bay City, MI
GSSF Indoor League Range of the Year 2014 fully considered and is greatly appreciated. Make
The award for GSSF Indoor League Range of the
Year will be given to our top participating range.
The Range receiving the award will be featured as
the Top Indoor GSSF Range in an article in the Vol.
1 GLOCK Report 2015. Also, the Range will receive a beautiful award plaque to proudly display
their accomplishment.
sure that your favorite Range gets the recognition
that they deserve. All of them work very hard to provide a terrific, safe and fun event for all who attend.
Thank you to all of you who host GSSF Indoor
League Series, your hard work and time spent is
so valued by all of us here at the GSSF, I wish that
I could award each and every one of you. We are
having such a great year and I enjoy working with
all of you. Keep up the good work, you never know
who may be GSSF Range of the Year.
This award will be determined by GSSF Member
attendance, recruiting of new and renewal memberships and by Member nominations. Nominating Members must have participated in a Series at
the Range they are nominating for this prestigious Shoot well!
award from January 2014 to December 2014. Nominations will not be counted beyond January 31,
2015. Only one nomination per GSSF Member will Melanie C. Maness
be accepted. Please email your choice for Range GSSF Indoor League Coordinator
of the Year to melanie.maness@glock.us stating all
reasons you feel that your Range is especially deserving of this award. All Member input will be carepage 16
©GLOCK, 2014
The GLOCK Report® / Volume I, 2014
Award Certificate Redemption
“The match results were just posted and I won a pistol. What do I do now?” This is an excellent question.
Plus, with the increase in pistol certificates awarded
at GSSF events, it has also become a very common
The first step is obtaining your award certificate. Certificates are usually mailed shortly after match results
are finalized and posted. Since these awards are
mailed, it is very important to make sure that the address that GSSF has on record for you is up to date.
Once you receive your award certificate, go ahead
and read over everything that is included with it.
After reading over everything, fill in the space for your
phone number on the front of the certificate. This is
the phone number that will be included on the paperwork that is shipped with your firearm to your dealer.
Please make sure that this number is correct so that
the dealer can contact you when your firearm arrives.
Next, flip to the back of the certificate. This is where
you select what model you want. Please make your
selection carefully. Your selection cannot be changed
once the order for your award has been processed.
This is also where upgrade fees for certain models
are listed. Not all models require upgrade fees. If
the model you want has an upgrade fee, you’ll need
to fill in the bottom section. You will also need to include sales tax for your area if you live in one of the
listed taxable states at the very bottom of the page.
If your state is not listed as a taxable state or your
selected model does not have an upgrade fee, you
do not need to include any sales tax with your payment. For payment of any fees using a credit card,
please complete the payment section on the front of
the certificate. Checks for upgrade payments can be
made payable to GSSF.
The GLOCK Report® / Volume I, 2014
Now, you just need one more thing before mailing
your certificate back to the GSSF office. A dealer
to receive your firearm. A copy of the dealer’s Federal Firearms License (FFL) must be included with
your certificate, even if the FFL is already on file with
GLOCK. It is important that your dealer’s FFL be
valid for a minimum of six months. Your dealer may
require you to give them your certificate paperwork
and a stamped, addressed envelope so they can
mail everything in for processing. If you live in California, you will also need to include a copy of your
dealer’s Department of Justice letter that includes
their California Firearms Dealer number.
Once your certificate paperwork has been mailed
back to the GSSF office, it can take up to six months
for your firearm to be shipped. This is based on demand and production schedules for each model.
Your dealer should call to inform you when they receive your firearm. If you would like to check on your
award at any point, you can request a status update
by sending an email to gssf@glock.us.
If you happen to be lucky enough to win enough
awards in a single calendar year, GSSF will require
your Social Security Number. This is so that your winnings can be properly reported to the IRS as required
by law. It will be used strictly for tax purposes and will
be kept confidential and GLOCK, Inc will supply you
with a 1099 tax form at the end of the year.
During the 2013 match year, GSSF issued over 1100
firearm award certificates. With increasing match
attendance and the addition of new matches each
year, the number of awards is sure to increase, so
good luck!
©GLOCK, 2014
page 17
New Lifetime Members
Abigail Bouffard
Adam Verrett
Addison Braswell
Adriana Tyrrell
Allan Carter
Andrew DiAlberto
Andrew Garofalo
Andrew Lee Cheng
Anthony Mitchell
Barbara Young
Benjamin Schade
Bradley Martin
Brandon Navarro
Brian Shariat
Brian Sokolowski
Casey Noel
Casey Schade
Charles Hasty
Chris Pope
Chris Prideaux
Curtis Campbell
Dale Hudson
Dan Wehner
Daniel Ha
Darren Lian
Darrin Steele
David Gardner
David Schade
Debra Schade
Dennis Kerce
Dennis Ta
Denver Braswell
Donald Tidwell
Douglas Shigematsu
Edward Dzel Grosso
Emily Robinson
Eric Myers
Eric Tamashunas
Fernando J. Fernandez
Frank P. Butka Jr.
Frederick Abrams
Garrett Jones
Gayla Elliott
George Kevanian
Gerald Williams
Griffin Ordway
Harvey Harrigan
page 18
Hugh Gerhardt
Ian Rice
Jacob Delaney
Jaime Cabrera
James Reveal
James Rice
James Ryan Hammerli
James Tyrrell
Janet Gardner
Jason Farhat
Jeff Benson
Jeffrey Woodward
Jennifer Bouffard
Jennifer Tyrrell
Jessica Braswell
Jim Cabrera
John DeGhetto
John Paul Jones
John Ramirez Jr.
John Rhee
Joseph Buchino
Joseph Lusczek
Joseph McCord
Joshua Scalf
Juan Mattei
Julie Jones
Katherine Bouffard
Ken Steinbacher
Kim Nguyen
Kristine Guevarra
Krystal Shelton
Laney Braswell
Lawrence Daniel
Leonard Filipkowski
Linda Nguyen
Luke Yoo
Mabre Braswell
Malina Nicoara
Marc Gagnon
Mark Bouffard
Mark McCensky
Michael James Adams
Michael Montesano
Michael Sekela
Michael Thomann
Michelle Florio
Mike Feduchak
©GLOCK, 2014
Monica Ramirez-Noel
Natalie Jones Storch
Nicholas Greco IV
Noel Guevarra
Oleg Pobereyko
Pamela Tyrrell
Patrick Fagnan
Patrick Mines
Paul Dermody
Pete Paxton
Peter Thornton
Randy Lauer
Raphael Sydnor
Rbert DiAlberto
Richard Elliott
Richard Maryanski
Robert Cocciarella
Robert MJ Moritsugu
Robert Sterling
Ron Shifflett
Scott Fields
Sean Flint
Shawn Howerton
Shelby Lindsey
Sienna Noel
Steven Noel
Stuart Goldberg
Tawney Jones
Thao Nguyen
Thomas Kerned
Thomas King
Thomas Manning
Timothy Skillings
Timothy Tyrell Sr.
Timothy Tyrrell
Tracy Gruber
Tucker Berry
Tyler Jones
Vada Oberlin
Valente Villarreal Jr.
Victoria Bouffard
Walter Schmidtke
Warren Scott Cope
Wayne Remner
William Bouffard
Zach Peters
The GLOCK Report® / Volume I, 2014
Member’s Corner
Pistol Giveaway Winner
fast. Lastly do what the RO tells you and be safe.
He shot and did really well, fast but was accurate.
First, I would like to thank GSSF. Having been a So on the way home I asked him if he wanted to
member for a couple of years now, I have learned do this again. Now, we will be attending the Beckto appreciate being a member more than you could ley, WV match. I reviewed the preliminary results
imagine. Being disabled is really tough sometimes. called him in and told him that he did really well; 49
I have a Gen 3 G23, which I saved quite a long time out of 149. Not too bad for an unplanned surprise.
to purchase. I have done almost everything pos- We now have a G30 so we can give the compact
classes a go. I’ve also been to Prospect Hill twice,
sible to my pistol. This is for personal protection.
very good, staff and RO very good and helpful.
GSSF helps me to feel connected. Since I spend
a lot of time off my feet, reading all the articles PJ
and learning about competitions, as well as hear- Virginia
ing from other members is great therapy for me. I
hope someday I will have a good day and can enter Although this was not my first GSSF event, it was
one of the competitions. Until then, I have GSSF to my first time assisting RO’s.
help me feel connected with other GLOCK owners
I’ve always appreciated the great events that I shoot
and shooters.
at and the work the volunteers do. I have made an
I read my GLOCK report cover to cover several effort to thank them every time I shoot, but I found a
times. I hope that someday with my coupon provid- new dimension to the competitions as a volunteer.
ed by GSSF I can save enough money to purchase
another GLOCK for target shooting. Money is tight By watching from one station, I was able to observe
being on disability, but regardless of whether I can a wide variety of shooters and learned a lot I could
use my coupon or not I am truly glad to know that use myself.
you allow other disabled people to shoot. Once
I strongly encourage everyone to do the same. Volagain, I would like to thank GSSF for all they do.
unteer, even if you have bad knees.
It makes me feel good to be a member, and who
knows some day, I might be there on the range GK
competing with other disabled members. Thanks California
so much for all you guys do. As I said, reading the
Report makes me feel good to be a part of a great At my first GSSF event, my gen 3 G26 worked
organization that does so much for other shooters. flawlessly in all three stages of the three divisions
I entered. No surprise there. When I went to field
strip my GLOCK at the end of the day after shootJL
ing about three hundred rounds, I could not get the
slide off. I could rack it without any problems, but
I was off this weekend and asked my 16-year-old the slide would not go forward. The GLOCK Arson to the match with me. I had bought enough morer at the event confirmed what I thought even
ammo for my G31 to surprise him. About 2 hours though my recoil spring was binding (after about
into the 3-hour trip, I asked him if he wanted to 5000 rounds), the gun could continue to feed and
shoot. He said okay. So we got there, I got him reg- fire. To add to my amazement, the Armorer then
istered and we signed in. He had shot with me be- skillfully opened the slide plate to remove the slide
fore, but never in any sort of competition. I told him from the receiver and replaced my recoil spring and
to take his time, get his sights aligned, and hit the checked my other internals, which he confirmed
target. Accuracy is just as important as trying to be were in great condition. What an excellent experiThe GLOCK Report® / Volume I, 2014
©GLOCK, 2014
page 19
ence summed up in a few critical observations that
I know others share. Even when my GLOCK broke
down, it could still fire as good as new. When I needed help, a highly skilled GLOCK Professional was
there. GLOCK takes care of its own.
I have been a passionate GLOCK owner for a year
now, and that experience in Norco just confirmed
everything I had heard about GLOCK. Now I have
my own GLOCK story.
I just went to my first GSSF event in Norco, CA and
had a blast. A few days before the start I got an email
about a shortage of Range Officers, so I emailed the
organizer and said I was new to GSSF, but I’d be
happy to help if they thought they could use me. I’m
so glad I did! Volunteering as an RO was a great
way for me to get familiar with how GSSF events
operate and to get close to the action and learn all
the stages before shooting them myself. I got to talk
with many of the shooters and even got some great
tips from a few of the members who shot fast and
accurately. I definitely got a lot more out of the event
than I would have experienced otherwise - not to
mention a few extra rewards for volunteering. So
next time you sign up for an event, I’d recommend
offering your services. You’ll be glad you did!
They took their time explaining the course and answering my questions. The ROs didn’t mind at all
that I shot all three mags without ever hearing the
‘ding’ of a plate going down nor that apparently I
have a thing for ‘Mike’ since his name was called
repeatedly when scoring my rounds. Instead, the
ROs made suggestions and were encouraging. So
much so that I signed up for a second division and
returned on Sunday to shoot yet another two only to
find out that I would be competing in the ‘masters’
division! Glad to report that on Sunday, I knocked
down four plates in one of my strings and Mike and
I were not hanging out as much.
I know my name will be at the bottom of the list, but I
improved in one way or another each time I shot and
I had a blast. So therefore, I won!
I hope to see more beginners at St. Augustine. I’m
more than willing to share ‘Mike’.
Happy GLOCKing!
I always accompanied my husband when he competed. Those of you who tag along, you know shooting
competitions make for a long day and we are thankful for technology or a good book to keep us company. Recently my husband bought me a GLOCK
17 Gen 4. I have very little grip strength and after
trying what seems like 100 guns, the GLOCK 17
was the first gun I’ve been able to rack. We shoot at
Okeechobee and reluctantly, I agreed to sign up for
the ladies’ side match at the GSSF match this past
month. Having no clue on procedure, I set my mind
to shooting the course and going home.
I am writing to thank GSSF and GLOCK. I have
been a handgun owner for about 20 years. My sister asked me four years ago to teach her to shoot.
Unfortunately, I was extremely busy at work, so I
suggested she go to a local range for lessons. After
awhile, work settled down, and we started going to
the range together. My sister is a natural and the
training she received was top notch. As we continued to train, we met the nicest group of people at
the ranges, the GSSF team. They soon recruited
my sister to compete (I didn’t own a GLOCK at the
time). Of course I soon traded for my first GLOCK
(I now have 3), and was welcomed to the team. We
are starting our third competition season now, and
we can’t wait to get out there! We have both won
random pistols, and are training hard to win some
on merit! My family has always been close, but
GSSF and the wonderful folks at Pistol People here
in Philadelphia have made us closer. Thank you
for the opportunity to compete and meet new and
friendly people.
However, the GSSF staff and ROs were outstanding! They were kind, patient and extremely helpful.
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The GLOCK Report® / Volume I, 2014
I have only been shooting GLOCKs for 18 months.
I will be shooting them the rest of my life now. My
shooting buddy has been shooting them since the
80’s. We attended a concealed carry class together
and made quick friends with our instructor who was
also a GLOCK Armorer. He informed us about the
GSSF shoot at our local range. We began meeting
and practicing the courses of fire. We participated
in last spring’s shoot and had a great time. We all
learned a great deal and were not treated as outsiders. In fact, we were welcomed, asked to spread
the word and bring a friend to the next shoot. We
affectionately call our group “TEAM MONK”, and it
has grown to eight shooters. All eight of us participated in this spring’s GSSF shoot and again, all
had a great time. The GSSF officers run a smooth
program and safety is the center of it all. Thank
you for all you do, GSSF. Looking forward to the
upcoming GSSF match and socializing with the
members of our GLOCK community.
9am crowd I’ve ever witnessed. There were long
lines at the stage sign-up desks. We signed in at all
three stages by 9:30am and began our wait. Even
though we waited two hours to shoot our first stage,
there was no reason for complaints. The number of
competitors was overwhelming, even for the army
of ROs. All one can do is wait their turn and help
paste targets. Yes, there were a few minor glitches,
but there always will be, no matter where a match
may be held. Glitches were resolved quickly, and
that is what counts.
The GSSF Director and an armorer instructor were
busy all day long inspecting and upgrading pistols.
The match coordination team performed at their
usual excellence. I met two new GSSF employees,
Patti and Cheri. Patti is a match coordinator and
she was just everywhere during the match, keeping the stages moving smoothly. Cheri handled
walk-in registrations and at times the line extended
several competitors deep outside the admin trailer.
She stayed positive and perky despite being in that
small, hot trailer all day long. My teammate and I
arrived at 9:05 am on Saturday and were stunned
by the number of people already there. In my 15
years of shooting GSSF matches, it was the largest
I participated in the “GLOCK the Lake” GSSF
match at the Okeechobee Shooting Sports range in
Okeechobee Florida on March 29, 2014. I wanted
to attend a GLOCK match for a while, but was reluctant to do so because the instructions seemed
complicated and there wasn’t a nearby match.
When it came to Okeechobee, only an hour away,
I decided to go for it. I had the most fantastic time.
Another reason that I came to the match was to
have the GLOCK armorer look at and upgrade my
older GLOCKs. The armorer was outstanding. I
had brought along a Gen1 G17 and a G30 for the
match. He completely overhauled my old G17. I
shot with it in two divisions and it ran perfectly. I
The fantastic BBQ vendor was back and there was
one merchandise vendor. We took a lunch break at
noon, enjoying food with good friends. I just had to
have a second BBQ sandwich. I finally met many
GLOCKTalkers and GLOCKID members.
After lunch, we shot the M and then the Plates,
packed up our gear, said our goodbyes and headed
home, four hours away. Neither of us shot our best,
but we did not do badly. I still need more practice
time on our plate rack. I got my stage scores back
under 40.00, but I’m still a long way from my 20.50
Table Rock Challenge VII lived up to the title “GSSF of 10 years ago. I did terrible with the new G42--too
Match of the Year” that it earned several years ago. many flat out misses. I wish there were a way to
I’ve been to five of the seven events, and they just lighten its trigger.
keep getting bigger and better. The Burke County
Narcotics Task Force obviously prepares all year In closing, I again thank every RO for giving up their
long for this now colossal event. Every RO de- weekend so that we could play in the sun. See y’all
serves your heartfelt thanks for their service and in 2015.
dedication. Unofficial number of entries stands at
785. This year’s challenge was to shoot well with- DR
out wearing rain gear.
The GLOCK Report® / Volume I, 2014
©GLOCK, 2014
page 21
love the smooth feel and the perfect fit of that first
generation G17 in my hand. I wish I could say that
I performed as well as the gun. He also replaced
the recoil spring and slide stop in my G30 and it ran
perfectly in the subcompact division.
I could sense the camaraderie in the air. We all
had GLOCKs in common. We were GLOCKophiles.
All of the other shooters were having fun and talking as if we were all teammates, not competitors.
Three different strangers offered to reload my G30
magazines, because I only have two and you need
more than that for each stage. Men and women
performed at all levels, and I was impressed with the
gun skills of many of the women. All of the range officers were friendly and offered suggestions and encouragement. Everyone there was helpful and having a good time. The whole day was spectacular,
and I cannot wait until the next match. Thank you.
During 2013, we were able to shoot GSSF matches
from coast to coast. While the geography changed
a lot from South Carolina to Oregon, one thing that
didn’t change was the kindness shown by the GSSF
Range Officers. Wherever we went, we found men
and women with a passion for the shooting sports.
These friendly folks not only kept us all safe while
we were on the firing line but they also generously
shared their local tourism knowledge for us out-oftowners. Everywhere we went we felt like we were
part of the host club’s family!
hours, shooting two classes, I was done. This is
excellent. Who wants to wait to shoot? The only fly
in the ointment was the weather. Unusual for Texas, it was actually cold. The thoughtful GSSF staff
however, set fires in 55 gallon steel drums. These
served as a poor man’s outdoor heater. Between
stages, this worked well.
I urge any pistol shooter to take in a GSSF match.
You will have a good time.
New Mexico
I grew up hunting and shooting for most of my life,
but I never really got into competitive shooting. I
own several GLOCKs and joined GSSF for two reasons. The first reason was to dip my toe in the competitive shooting waters. The second reason was
that I wanted to take the GLOCK Armorers course to
better understand the firearms that I carry on a regular basis and make sure I was doing my part to properly maintain them.I’ve since been able to do both,
and I couldn’t be more pleased with my experience!
I was able to sign up for my first GSSF competition
in October of 2013 at the Kentucky event. I guess
my excitement about participating was contagious
as my best friend joined GSSF so that he could participate in the match with me. My wife, brother, and
another friend asked if they could come along to observe, but wanted to see how the event operated
before competing.
The experience was fantastic. As a new shooter in
Thanks again RO’s!
the event, I showed up with lots of questions. From
the moment I arrived, I was treated like a member of
the family. The sign-in was very easy and the staff
answered all of my questions to make sure that I
signed in properly and knew where to go. They also
I am always impressed with the range officers at took the time to welcome my family and friends and
the Remember the Alamo Ballistic Challenge GSSF showed appreciation for their attendance as observmatch near San Antonio Texas. This year was no ers.
different. Spending perhaps 15 minutes with stage
officers once a year, they still remember you! The As I went to each stage, the staff took the time to go
Range Officer at the 5 to GLOCK berm instantly over the stages and even offered advice to make
called out to us New Mexico shooters. We had a sure I competed at my best. I never felt rushed or
cheerful reunion. The friendly and experienced pushed through. As I shot each string, they encourstaff helped the match run smoother than any oth- aged me by pointing out the things I did well.
er GSSF match I can remember. In less than two
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©GLOCK, 2014
The GLOCK Report® / Volume I, 2014
While interacting with other competitors, the more
experienced shooters all took the time to lend the
benefit of their experience. Although it is technically
a competition, the environment was very relaxed
and I was impressed with how the more experienced
shooters welcomed new people.
I left the event knowing I would definitely go back
next year and I plan to sign up for the Park City, KY
and Dickson, TN events. I’ll also be joined by my
wife, brother, and friends as new GSSF members
and competitors.
As for the second reason for joining, I was able to
take the Armorer’s course at the facility in Smyrna,
GA. The class was great. The instructor was a very
experienced professional and took the time to answer all questions from the class thoroughly. The
material was easy to follow and the pace allowed
time for the student to practice what they learned
several times to make sure they understood, and
could apply, the knowledge they gained.
As an engineer, I’ve always had a fascination with
the simplicity of the GLOCK design and the class
just reinforced my appreciation.
the end, I shot a lot of ammo (most more on target
than anticipated), got my belly full, maybe sparked
a firearm interest in my wife, and walked out with
a greater confidence in my abilities than when I
walked in.
I started competing in different shooting disciplines
in 1990. In 2001, I went to my first GSSF match
in Conyers, GA. I have to admit that I did not own
a GLOCK at the time. I borrowed a G17 from a
friend and the rest is history. I enjoyed the Conyers
match so much that I was able to get my dad and
a friend to go with me to Anderson, SC the same
year. Since then, my dad and I have had several
other friends and relatives go with us. My dad lives
in North Carolina and I live in central Georgia. Going to GSSF matches gives my dad and I a chance
to hang out and an opportunity to do some shooting.
My dad and I have traveled to matches throughout
the southeast from Kentucky to Florida and Las Vegas. GSSF has put on some great matches and this
discipline continues to grow. Those results come
from good leadership. Today, I always have people
ask me what pistol they should buy and the answer
is simple, GLOCK. When they ask why, the answer
is also simple; GLOCK’s always work!
My experience with GSSF has far exceeded my expectations. That does not happen by accident. I
know it’s the efforts of the GSSF team and the hosts
of the shooting events that result in this type of ex- DK
perience. Thank you again for creating an environ- Georgia
ment that encourages people to get involved with
the shooting sports.
This will be the fifth year that my family has participated in GSSF matches. From the first match we
attended in 2009, we were hooked. My kids have
grown up shooting and having opportunities to compete thanks to GSSF. Since then we’ve also parI would like to thank you for the great experience ticipated in other shooting competition organizations
you provided at the 2014 GSSF match held at the with our GLOCKs, but GSSF will always be our faGriffin Gun Club. This being my very first shooting vorite.
event, I was quite apprehensive; but these thoughts
were dismissed soon after arrival. Everyone at reg- We are always trying to get shooters who haven’t
istration was very helpful. The armorers even gave experienced a GLOCK match to try one. Since one
me a new magazine and, after a thorough cleaning, of the great things about GSSF is that it can be enreplaced a guide rod on my pistol. At the range, the joyed by beginners and experienced shooters alike,
RO’s were great; giving pointers, cracking jokes and it’s usually pretty easy to encourage people to atcheering on. Lunch was delicious, as a local BBQ tend. One of my daughter’s favorite things to do is
joint brought in plenty of pulled pork. Even my wife, find a new shooter in need of a little help at a GSSF
who is not a “gun person”, had a really good time. In match and coach them through each stage. Another
The GLOCK Report® / Volume I, 2014
©GLOCK, 2014
page 23
great thing about GSSF is the people. Help for a
new shooter is not hard to find. At a match, whether
it is a GLOCK employee, Range Officer, or just another member willing to assist, help is not hard to
My family and I are extremely grateful for GSSF and
plan to continue attending our usual eight or nine
matches a year and may even add a few this year. I
would like to thank GLOCK Sport Shooting Foundation, all the employees that make it happen, and the
RO’s that volunteer their time so we can play. I also
appreciate the friends we’ve made from all over the
country that share the love for our sport.
that I go to the practice bay for some additional instruction. Practice bay? What is this practice thing
they speak of? They might as well have been speaking a foreign language. Later, it became abundantly
clear practice was something I was going to have to
become very familiar with.
The RO who was running the practice bay was extremely helpful and gave me lots of tips and tricks.
Surely, I was ready now! I wandered to the first bay
where nobody else was shooting. I thought this way
there would be less people to laugh at my feeble attempt.
They were shooting a course of fire called 5 to
GLOCK. The ROs explained to me the procedure
North Carolina
and I retrieved my GLOCK 34 and prepared to shoot
the stage. 25 yard targets? In cowboy action shootRecently, I had the privilege of attending my first ing we seldom even shoot a rifle that far. Did anyever GLOCK match in Sparta, Illinois. This match body have an extra pair of binoculars they could
was held at the Illinois Department of Natural Re- lend me? The timer went off and so did I. My very
source’s World Shooting Complex. For those of you first string I had nearly all the shots in the A & B ring
who have never been there, I heartily recommend it. with only one in the C. No D’s and no misses! My
It truly is an awesome place.
time was terrible but no misses! On my next string,
I had all shots in the A & B! Ha! This was going to
I have only been a GLOCK owner for three months. easy…right? Wrong. I didn’t fare so well on the last
I decided to get a GLOCK after I completed my con- string. Overall, I had twenty-one shots in the A & B,
cealed carry class and realized I needed something five in the C, four in the D and no misses. My raw
easier to carry. I had always resisted GLOCKs be- time was terrible, but no misses!
cause I thought they were ugly, but I came to the
realization they had several advantages over other I actually did pretty well with the GLOCK 34. I only
makes and models.
had three misses for the entire day. I felt encouraged enough to come back the next day to shoot my
I have been a cowboy action shooter for the past GLOCK 19 and GLOCK 26.
fifteen years with modest success, but I had no experience with semi-automatic pistols. I anticipated I spent the biggest part of the night in my hotel room
my first match was likely to be rough and I was not “dry-firing” the pistols. After replaying the first day’s
disappointed in myself in that respect. It was indeed event in my head and with the added dry fire pracrough. Going into the match I had three goals. I tice, I was ready for day two! At least, that’s what I
didn’t want to shoot anybody. I didn’t want to shoot told myself.
myself. I didn’t want to finish last (next to last would
be fine but just not last).
I was not nearly as successful with the shorter barreled pistols and had a lot more misses. My times
I arrived at the match in the morning to find a gloomy were faster though. I wonder if there might be a corand misty day with temperatures about 20 degrees relation? Naw, can’t be.
below what had been predicted. I found my way to
the registration area and got myself squared away. My first experience with the GLOCK matches was
great! I managed to meet all three of my goals
After a little bit of discussion with how the match and though it was close in the Subcompact category as
various scenarios operated, it was recommended I came in 27th out of 29 shooters. It wasn’t last!
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The GLOCK Report® / Volume I, 2014
I’m really looking forward to my next match and I’m dad had to show me how to load the magazine,
sure this summer I will actually do some of that… charge the weapon, find my site picture, and slowly
what did they call it? Oh yeah, practice.
squeeze the trigger, all while standing on the line of
the first course.
The three courses went by quickly, and I was wishing that I could have registered in more than one
I’m a new GSSF member, and a relatively new division. I had such a great time! Now my dad and I
GLOCK pistol owner. I used to hunt, fish, and tar- are working to prepare for next year’s competition,
get practice when I was younger, then left home to on top of potentially shooting in a steel challenge,
start my own life. I neglected these activities of my and of course, the vintage military rifle competiyouth, and started a career in the software industry. tions.
After about 30 years, I’m older and hopefully wiser.
Two years ago, thanks to the recommendation of a I can’t thank the GSSF and the ROs enough for
good friend who is a GSSF member, I purchased a helping me have such a great time! Thank you!
G23 and G27 for target practice and self-defense.
I’m really enjoying my pistols. I’ve joined GSSF, LW
have become a GLOCK Certified Armorer, and got- Louisiana
ten my Concealed Handgun License. Both of my
daughters have fired my pistols and done quite well. My friend and I entered our first GSSF match on
I plan to participate in the upcoming GSSF match November 8th and 9th, 2013, at the Ancient City,
in Dallas in May. Thank you GLOCK and GSSF for Classic in St Augustine, Florida. We were very exrenewing a youthful passion for firearms, and pro- cited about the match since it was going to be our
viding a superb product to me and thousands of very first GSSF Match. The First Coast IDPA branch
others worldwide.
in Jacksonville, which we recently joined, recommended the match to us. They told us it would be
a place to try out our skills and have fun shooting
our GLOCKs it also gave us an opportunity to win
prizes in random drawings. We joined GSSF for
March 21 my dad came home and told me that he one year but after participating in the event we dewas going to be an RO at a competition the next cided to add another year to our membership. The
two days. As always, I enjoy spending time with my event was so well organized it impressed us. My
dad, and he and I have been having a great time friend is physically challenged from birth and uses
shooting rifles. So I decided to come out on Satur- a wheelchair as his main transportation. That does
day and watch. I spent the entire day walking be- not stop him from enjoying life to the fullest. He is
tween the three courses, making new friends, sim- very competitive and enjoys leading a very active
ply enjoying a beautiful day with beautiful people. life style. If he is not sky diving, water tubing, or
Halfway through Saturday, my dad told me, “If you playing tennis, he is out at the range shooting his
want to shoot let me know, and I’ll sign you up.” GLOCK. When we arrived at the Ancient City ClasThough in order to do it, we would have to borrow sic event, we decided to participate in two events,
a gun, find bullets, and come up with $60, but I de- which required more ammo than what we brought.
cided to give it a shot.
We didn’t let that stop us. Our friends from the First
Coast IDPA quickly came to our rescue and proThe next day, I came prepared to do something I’d vided us with additional ammo. It was the best
never done. I borrowed a GLOCK 17, because we time of our lives. My friend and I enjoyed the event
didn’t own one. Prior to this, I’d never fired one. I’d tremendously. To our surprise, we later found out
never competed in any competition either. I’d only we won random cash awards and he had won a
ever seen one competition, and that was a vin- GLOCK! I cannot express the excitement we extage military rifle competition, nothing like this. My perienced along with our team members from the
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Jacksonville IDPA club when we heard that he had
won that random GLOCK pistol giveaway. I want
to thank the range in St Augustine for hosting that
GSSF match and accommodating our needs. Our
IDPA club JAX and GSSF introduced us to the fun
of GLOCK sport shooting and provided us with awesome experience.
Would you like your experiences to
appear in the GLOCK Report? Send in
your photos and letters and you could
win a GLOCK pistol! All submissions
will be entered in a drawing to win a
GLOCK pistol.
Don’t miss your chance! Send your letters to:
The GLOCK Report
6000 Highlands Parkway
Smyrna, GA 30082
or gssf@glock.us
Staff Spotlight
Patti Norton is the newest member to the Range Master Team at GSSF. Patti has been shooting GSSF
matches for 3 years and volunteered as a Range Officer at matches. Patti comes to GLOCK Professional
from the transportation industry after 17 years in that
field. Patti is very excited with the career change and
has the passion to succeed at the job. She married
just recently, has two grown daughters and one granddaughter. Patti is very involved in her local gun club
in Griffin, GA. and promotes the involvement of the
youth in all shooting events. She enjoys being a part
of the accomplishments that are made by all of them
at matches they compete in.
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©GLOCK, 2014
The GLOCK Report® / Volume I, 2014
GLOCK Sport Shooting Foundation®
P.O. Box 1254
Smyrna, GA 30081
Don’t miss a single issue of The GLOCK Report! Send
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P.O. Box 1254
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Volume I, 2014
The GLOCK Report is a newsletter published by GLOCK
Professional and the GLOCK Sport Shooting Foundation
for GLOCK dealers, distributors, and GSSF members. For
questions about GSSF, please call (770) 437-4718.
Suggestions for article topics and submissions of art are
always welcome and each one will receive our serious
consideration. Requests for permission to reprint should be
submitted to the address below:
The GLOCK Report
6000 Highlands Parkway
Smyrna, Ga 30082
Gaston Glock
GLOCK, Inc. Management
Dr. Michael Jacquorie, SEVP
Josh Dorsey, VP
Chad Mathis, VP
Carlos Guevara, VP
Director of GSSF,
Editor of GLOCK Report
Alan Ramsey
GSSF Indoor League/
Range Program
Melanie Maness
GSSF Administration
Jessica Clower
Erin Ramsdell
Stephanie Stone
Cheri Brown
Match Coordinators
Scott Gilbertson
Chris Edwards
Cindy Noyes
Mark Ramsey
Justin Hixon
Mark Leeber
Patti Norton