NSW Houses - Property News
NSW Houses - Property News
State Market Report New South Wales Australian Capital Territory Market Commentary Data for the Quarter Ending December 2013 Residex Pty Limited | ACN 003 000 119 9/46-56 Kippax Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 | www.residex.com.au 02 9409 0333 | info@residex.com.au Residex is a division of Onthehouse Holdings Powered by Contents MARKET UPDATE WITH JOHN EDWARDS 3 ECONOMIC REPORT 7 International 7 European Union 7 The United States 8 China 10 Australia 10 NEW SOUTH WALES COMMENT 12 Important State Statistics for NSW 16 The State Housing Market at a Glance 19 Sydney Growth Cycle Identifier 24 AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY COMMENT 27 Important State Statistics for ACT 29 The State Housing Market at a Glance 32 Canberra Growth Cycle Identifier 36 NSW SUMMARY 39 RESIDEX REGIONS AND LGA ANALYSIS 43 REGION SUMMARY 48 SUBURB LIST 67 NSW Houses 68 NSW Units 103 ACT Houses 120 ACT Units 123 ABOUT RESIDEX 126 HOW TO USE THIS REPORT 127 WHERE RESIDEX GETS ITS FIGURES 128 RESIDEX PRODUCT RANGE 130 www.residex.com.au ©2014 Page | 1 State Market Report Disclaimer: Neither Residex Pty Limited nor any of their employees gives any warranty that any value you determine from our data or investment area selected will be correct. Residex Pty Limited believes the statements, recommendations, calculations, data and graphs contained herein to be correct and not misleading but we give no warranty in relation thereto and we expressly disclaim any liability for any loss or damage which may arise from any person acting or deciding not to act partly or wholly on the basis of any such statements, recommendations, calculations, data or graphs. All information contained in this pack is subject to normal Copyright laws in favour of Residex Pty Limited. No information contained in this report can be copied or used for any purpose other than for the purpose for which it has been provided: namely, to assist the purchaser in establishing an appropriate investment area in New South Wales and the ACT. Photostat copying of any part of this report without the consent of Residex Pty Limited is specifically prohibited. NSW Data: Property Sales Information provided by Department of Lands NSW. Data issued up until December 2013. Residex is authorised as a Sales Information Provider by the Department of Lands. ACT Data: The information in this report is based on data supplied by the ACT Planning and Land Authority, and while every effort is made in its compilation, the institute does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information or its suitability for any purpose. The economic section in this Report was prepared in conjunction with DATATRENDS WORLDWIDE PTY LIMITED. Page | 2 ©2014 www.residex.com.au Powered by Market Update with John Edwards House price growth for the year to December 2013 turned out a little better than I predicted this time one year ago. My expectation was for all dwellings to be a couple of percentage points above inflation. The reality is that dwellings achieved about 3% real growth for the year ending December 2013 on an Australia wide basis. Graph 1 presents the rolling annual return for Australia wide houses and units. The result was not consistent across all states. New South Wales was the standout performer with house price growth of approximately 12% while units achieved 10.5% growth for the year. The poorest outcome was produced in the Australian Capital Territory, where houses grew by a mere 1% and unit growth was about 1.4% in the same time period. Therefore, housing in the Australian Capital Territory fell in value in real terms by more than 1%. G1: Australia-wide Dwellings G2: Consumer Sentiment Table 1 presents the results for capital cities across Australia for the year ending December 31, 2013. Table 2 provides information about affordability to assist in understanding what is happening in the markets. In most capital cities, the performance in the last quarter was stronger than any other period of 2013. In my opinion, this was generally a consequence of improving sentiment, particularly amongst the older generation. Equally, low interest rates are causing the older generation to seek out low risk, higher yielding assets for their superannuation funds. Many people in this group are now structuring their self managed super funds in such a way that allows a form of negative gearing in residential property so monthly super fund contributions from their salary provides for any rental income shortfall. Inflation has been modest in the last 12 months, as has wage growth. In essence, house price growth in most cities has exceeded wage growth, which has resulted in housing becoming even more unaffordable. Table 2 shows that housing is basically unaffordable for first home buyers in many capital city markets. The general improvement in consumer sentiment is evident in Graph 2. While consumer sentiment is stronger than it was this time last year, it is not robust. Consumer sentiment continues to be held back by public discussion about an expected slowing of the economy as the mining industry development phase passes its peak and the restructuring of manufacturing industries such as the automobile industry takes place. Given the above, it is expected that investors will be increasing their predominance in the market. This group has the funds and capacity to borrow and be involved in negative gearing. www.residex.com.au ©2014 Page | 3 State Market Report T1: Quarterly Market Update T2: Affordability Page | 4 ©2014 www.residex.com.au Powered by The value of loans to investors increased by 2.3% in the last quarter, while the value of loans to home owners increased by 1.28% during the same period. The increasing activity of investors has been a feature of the market for a number of years and can be traced back to the start of significant affordability issues for home owners. Graph 3 presents the relative value of each segment where the start date of each segment is assumed to be of equal value. G3: Comparative Growth G4: Unemployment The resulting picture is of an investor market growing more often at a faster rate. Equally, the recent pickup in increasing investor activity is also evident. This situation should not be expected to change as affordability becomes more difficult with interest rates due to increase to more normal levels in the future. The other significant driver in the market over the next year or two will be employment conditions. The December unemployment numbers were as expected and presented a deteriorating situation. While the percentage of unemployed people is relatively low by historical standards, it is on the increase (see Graph 4). As at December 31, 2013 the national unemployment rate was 5.8% on a seasonally adjusted basis. This suggests an increase of around 62,600 people who are now without work compared to the same time last year. In total, it is estimated that there are about 722,000 people looking for work. This number masks the real position as the participation rate over the same period has decreased by 0.7%. The numbers also make it clear that the mining development process is coming to an end as the most significant unemployment increases have occurred in the major resource states. In Western Australia and Queensland, unemployment increased by more than 17% in the last month. The rate in Victoria and New South Wales reduced by less than 1%. All of the above suggests that Australia is moving to a situation where large numbers of families are going to be renters unless something occurs that diminishes housing costs. Renting in capital cities looks as though it will be the natural outcome for young working families in these areas. Significant regionalisation of the population may be an outcome, provided job opportunities are offered in regional areas. The process to achieve this beneficial outcome would need financial incentives from the government to industries. Such incentives would probably be more financially beneficial to the government than the first home buyer schemes and stamp duty exemptions that we have seen in the past. The impact of the unaffordable level of housing and the need to rent property in many of our cities is evident in Table 2. For the year ending December 2013, the median weekly rental rose 6.4% for all of Australia and is now $415 per week. Looking forward, while I am inclined to think that there will continue to be house price growth in the 12 months ahead, I am not sure it will be as high as many may expect. I say this as I believe affordability and unemployment issues will moderate the rate of growth. However, I am equally mindful that investors www.residex.com.au ©2014 Page | 5 State Market Report are not constrained by these moderating forces and it is this group that are currently driving the market. Further, there has been house price pressure as a result of foreign investment. Overall, I believe that the growth will be a little less than we saw last year on an Australia wide basis with growth being more uniform across the nation. States like New South Wales and Victoria should moderate a little while other states such as Queensland should produce better outcomes. Until next time, happy investing. John Edwards. Founder of Residex and Consulting Analyst to Onthehouse. Page | 6 ©2014 www.residex.com.au Powered by Economic Report International Overall, this year probably hasn’t been as bad as many expected on a global basis. There were fears that the European Union (EU) would break up, however this has not materialised. In fact, the EU may now be starting to grow but significant changes are still needed as it moves forward, which are unlikely to be corrected for some years to come. The United States is in a period of gradual recovery. The recovery is much slower than most have wished for but nevertheless recent news suggests that the worst is over. While growth is now slowing again, it is expected to pick up in 2015. The improved position has been sufficient to cause the start of reducing the magnitude of the quantitative easing program that was running at $US85 billion per month. The reduction, or tapering, has been set at $US10 billion per month. However, given the slowing in growth that is now evident, the tapering decision may be moderated. While China's growth has slowed, it remains robust and the expected outcome in 2013 is in the order of 7.6%. The forecast for 2014 is likely to be a little lower, but still around the 7% mark. Looking forward, the most significant risk on a global basis appears to be the potential for the US Federal Reserve to accelerate or continue the process of tapering in a manner that is unsustainable if US economic growth continues to slow. The process would cause a gradual reduction in the rate the Federal Reserve bought securities from the market. The result would be a reduction in market liquidity, which would reverberate around global markets. However, the tapering has to happen at some point as the US must move back towards a more 'normal' monetary policy. Our expectation is that the tapering will slow but will not commence in earnest until 2015 due to the current slowing in the rate of growth in the US economy. European Union On a yearly basis, GDP fell by 0.3% in the euro zone, which is slightly better than the 0.6% decline recorded in the second quarter. From 1995 until 2013, GDP growth in the euro zone has averaged 0.4%. An all-time high of 1.3% was reached in June 1997 while a record low of -2.5% was recorded in March 2009. G1: EU GDP Growth In the European Union, GDP grew 0.3% in the third quarter, on a quarter-on-quarter basis, but this was lower than the 0.4% growth rate posted in the second quarter. Source: European Commision The European Commission, in its quarterly report released in early January 2014, stated that the Eurozone economy is expected to grow by an average of just 1% over the next decade despite signs that some European states will pick up in 2014 and 2015 after years of deep recession. The projection goes hand-in-hand with comments made by European Central Bank President Mario Draghi who stated that the economic recovery in Europe remains “fragile” and an accommodative approach to monetary policy will remain the norm for the time being. www.residex.com.au ©2014 Page | 7 State Market Report Marco Buti, head of the Commission’s economic department, said in an introduction to the report, “Looking further ahead, medium-term projections for the euro area do not give grounds for excessive optimism”. Adding further restrain to the economic recovery, the Commission said GDP per capita growth is expected to decline by more than 0.5% (to less than 1%) over the same period. It was stated that the high debt associated with the financial crisis was a further drag on growth and the financial crises had resulted in abnormally deep recessions, abnormally weak recoveries and prolonged, even permanent, reductions in the level of output. The report noted that growth should accelerate in the second half of the decade as economies in the euro area undergo refords designed to spur investment. It was stated that the main reasons for low levels of growth across the single currency area were the predicted deterioration in the region’s productivity levels, an ageing population and the continued fallout from the financial crisis. Graph 1 presents GDP growth in the EU member states. Australia has been included for comparison. Interestingly, the strongest EU member (Germany) is no longer presenting the highest growth rate. Its debt levels have been increasing since it became the banker of last resort to the more recalcitrant member states that are weighed down by debt. A problem for the member states that have low growth and significant levels of national debt is that while the debt accumulates interest, the GDP growth rate is not growing fast enough to pay off the debt. In fact, real GDP growth rates of many member states are declining so the relative debt to GDP ratio is further exacerbated. High unemployment in the European Union is inflicting damage that may take many years to repair. There are now people who have been jobless for years, particularly in Spain, Portugal and Greece. These people may be too discouraged to look for work again and prolonged periods of unemployment may cause the deterioration of skill levels. Younger people may be at a particular disadvantage in such a difficult labour market. They have little or no experience and their education may not have given them the skills that employers are seeking. This group of people will be vocal and cause social unrest. In the longer term, as this group becomes more vocal and the social unrest grows, the required change will be implemented. That is, the EU members will recognise that being joined together as a trading block provides advantages, but members need to have independent currencies such as the UK currently has. Even if the European Union survives its current debt and unemployment problems in its current form, there is no guarantee that past problems will not reoccur. The United States Growth in the US economy is now reducing. The slowing is forecast to continue for another year then a modest recovery is expected to occur. Graph 2 presents US GDP growth. The red dot shown presents the position as at the end of the third quarter while data beyond this point represents the predicted modelled outcome. G2: US GDP, Q3 2013 Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, Washington Page | 8 ©2014 www.residex.com.au Powered by The slowing of growth is broadly based with all the sectors listed below providing lower rates of growth: Consumer Expenditure Durable Goods Non-durable Goods Services Commercial Construction Infrastructure Machinery and Equipment Residential Construction In the prior quarter, residential construction was still increasing in growth. As it is now moving to produce lower levels of growth, there is no single sector of the US economy where growth is not slowing. G3: USA Contribution to Growth, Q3 2013 In Graph 3, the various sectors of the US economy and their contribution to growth of the economy is presented. Consumer expenditure is the single largest contributor to growth in the economy. A breakdown of the main components of this expenditure highlights the structural distortion that currently exists within the economy. Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, Washington G4: US Exports and Imports Approximately 13% of the expenditure is in the area of goods, being both durable and non-durable. That is, the strongest area of consumer expenditure occurs where most products are imported, such as motor vehicles, whitegoods, audio-visual goods and telecommunication items. Consequently, increasing Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, Washington consumer expenditure in these areas exacerbates the balance of payments deficit. This in turn increases the overall US Government debt through welfare payments to unemployed people who used to produce US manufactured goods that are now being imported. On the other hand, the services sector is the slowest growing area of consumer expenditure. It is also the area where the majority of US workers are employed. Basically, as a consequence of the structural problems evident from the above, the US is growing foreign economies as it tries to stimulate its own via its Quantitative Easing program – which is basically a $75 billion a month (adjusted for the Quantitative Easing program) borrowing and money printing exercise. www.residex.com.au ©2014 Page | 9 State Market Report The structural problems with the US economy are not new. These problems have existed for more than 25 years with imports exceeding exports for that period of time. Imports currently account for 15.4% of GDP while exports account for 12.8%. The difference translates into a current annual deficit of $418 billion. The relationship between these two components of US GDP are displayed in Graph 4, where both components are expressed as a percentage of GDP. China While it is widely reported that the Chinese economy has slowed, it continues to expand at a very healthy rate of something better than 7%. A recent report produced by the National Australia Bank economics department said, "Domestic demand has strengthened recently, with consumer confidence improving, while exports increased strongly during November – contributing to the widest trade surplus for four years. These trends were tempered by a slight easing in industrial production and slowing investment … Our forecast for 2014 is unchanged at 7.25%" Apart from the continuing strength in the economy, albeit at a lower level than what was seen over the last few years, the most significant issue to report from China is the first of the reforms being implemented following the third session of the 18th Communist Party Central Committee meeting (The Third Plenum). Basically, the country is moving to a market based interest rate setting mechanism. The People's Bank of China is starting the process of interest rate setting liberalism as it will soon be able to sell negotiable Certificates of Deposits with the reference rate set at the Shanghai Interbank Offered Rate. The above should ensure a higher level of stability within the financial system and is one additional step towards a more market driven economy. China remains a bright spot in an otherwise difficult global economy. Interestingly, the NAB report pointed to an increase in growth of exports to both the EU and the USA, confirming a gradual improvement in these two economies. Australia The Australian situation can be basically summarised as an economy that is slowing, which is as expected following its strong mining development investment period. There has been quite subdued growth in private domestic demand but this has partly been offset by good growth in exports. G5: Gross Domestic Product, Q3 2013 Source: ABS Cat#5206.0 The population has been spending their cash a little more recently, but this remains below the long term average as people look to reduce their debt and increase their savings. Consumer caution remains due to talk of increasing unemployment and as income growth slows. Inflation has remained low and is within the Reserve Bank of Australia's (RBA) target band. The outcome for the year to December will probably be an acceptable 2.25%, or a little more. Dwelling investment spending is in the early stages of a pickup but non-mining investment remains low. Housing markets have generally recovered from their corrections and investors are driving prices forward to new heights. The current RBA interest rate setting seems correct and the economy, although expected to slow a little further during 2014, is in quite reasonable shape. The reduction in the value of the Australian dollar has been a welcome devaluation and will help exporters. Basically, the situation is that a reduction in interest rates during 2014 is unlikely. Page | 10 ©2014 www.residex.com.au Powered by The slowing in the economy seen over the last 12 months has not been as severe as the Global Financial Crisis, nor is the growth rate expected to be as low as the last slowdown. Overall, GDP is now at 2.4%. G6: Gross Domestic Product, Q3 2013 Graph 5 presents the modelled predicted outcome over the next 12 months. Basically, further slowing in the economy is expected until late 2014 when the economy should start to provide better growth. Graph 6 indicates that Australia Source: ABS Cat#5206.0 is not in the same situation as the United States where the majority of growth stems from consumer expenditure. In Australia, consumer expenditure accounts for just 1.0% of the total 2.4% growth in the economy. The majority of Australia’s growth is now coming from exports. The second largest contributor is coming from non-dwelling construction (commercial construction), which in turn contributes to commercial production that should result in higher exports in the longer term. After many years of a balance of payments deficit, Australia is seeing a turn around. It is now producing a positive outcome where it is selling more to foreign countries than it is buying. It can be said that Australia, as a whole, is no longer living beyond its means. As at the third quarter of 2013, exports accounted for $339 billion with a growth rate of 6.3%, while imports accounted for $316 billion with a growth rate of -1 .3% for the same quarter. There is now a balance of payments surplus of $23 billion, which has not been seen for 25 years. This scenario is expected to continue in coming years as the results of the mining boom flow via increased mineral exports. The diminishing value of the Australia dollar is also making other exports more attractive to offshore buyers and encourages growth in the tourist industry. Additionally, imports will become more expensive for Australians and will hence hopefully cause a greater propensity for Australians to buy Australian products. While this might not be attractive to individuals, it will help Australia retain its ‘Triple A’ international credit rating, which will hold down government borrowing costs. __________________________________________________________________________________ Sources: European Commission. Quarterly Report on the Euro Area – Volume 12 N. 4 (2013). Retrieved from http://ec.europa.eu/economy_finance/publications/qr_euro_area/2013/pdf/qrea4_en.pdf National Australia Bank. China Economic Update. Retrieved from http://privatewealth.nab.com.au/resources/NabPrivate/pdf/chinese_monthly_update_dec_2013.pdf www.residex.com.au ©2014 Page | 11 State Market Report New South Wales Comment The New South Wales state economy is relatively well diversified. As a consequence, changing economic circumstances in one particular industry group does not significantly impact on the state’s economic fortunes. This situation has times of significant benefit. Now is one of these times. Just a few years ago, the resource states were powering ahead while NSW appeared to be suffering. In reality, NSW was growing but it was at a lower rate and growth was reflective of a more diversified economy. The Global Financial Crisis had a part to play in slowing economic activity, as it continues to do so today. This is not to say that NSW couldn’t have done better as the state could also be considered a resource state to some extent, given its coal and gas resources. Its failure to quickly develop infrastructure to deliver its resources to international markets has held it back. Today, as the resources boom comes to an end, NSW is starting to look like the state of “stability” and growth when compared to other states in Australia. This is simply because its economy does not predominantly depend on any one single economic driver. Additionally, it should be recognised that the current government has been under pressure to lift economy activity for some time now, simply because it was lagging the states that were benefiting from the mining boom. This pressure has caused the NSW Government to spend on stimulating the economy much earlier than others. Page | 12 G1: State Final Demand Source – ABS Catalogue 5206.0 G2: Exports and Imports NSW Source – ABS Catalogue 5206.0 G3: Unemployment Source – ABS Catalogue 6202 ©2014 www.residex.com.au Powered by A good and understandable measure of state activity is State Final Demand (SFD), which is the total value of goods and services that are sold in a state to buyers who wish to either consume or retain the goods in the form of capital assets. Graph 1 plots the growth rate of SFD on a quarterly basis for NSW and Western Australian. The more consistent growth in NSW is evident in the graph. More importantly, according to the last reported quarter (September) from the ABS, NSW is currently producing SFD growth of 0.39% compared to 0.1% in WA. Growth in NSW is equal to about 50% of the median growth rate over the last 20 years, while the growth rate in WA is in the order of 6.5% of the median over the same time period. Basically, while both economies are growing more slowly than normal, the impact of the slower growth in NSW will not be noticed or felt by the population as significantly as in WA, hence the all-important consumer confidence in NSW will be better. Notwithstanding the benefit of its more diversified economy, NSW still has a balance of payments deficit. Consumers are basically spending too much on imported goods, and exports are failing to be significant enough to offset the import spend. However, as is evident in Graph 2, the position is improving but there is some way to go in order to correct the problem. The reduced value of the Australian dollar will undoubtedly help, as will an increase in the export of coal from some of the newer mines. In regards to the housing market, one of the critical aspects will be the level of unemployment in the state. Unemployment can bring about mortgage defaults and diminish consumer confidence as portions of the population, including potential buyers, worry about their future employment situation and work opportunities. There has been much press about an expected increase in unemployment as the resources boom comes to an end. NSW, with its more diversified economy, should not be affected in unemployment growth terms as significantly as some of the other resource states. For example, unemployment in WA has more than doubled from its low in 2008 (2.3%) while growth in NSW unemployment has been in the order of about 35% over the same period. The unemployment numbers should be kept in perspective as we move forward. Even with the anticipated increase, unemployment rates are unlikely to get to levels that are abnormally high on a historical basis. Currently, the unemployment rate in NSW is in the order of 5.8% on a seasonally adjusted basis, which is lower than the long term (30 year) median of 6.3% but similar to the more remembered/expected normal median over the last 20 years of 5.7%. The changing unemployment position is presented in Graph 3. The data suggests that the maximum unemployment rate is probably close to being reached and there should be no significant increases in the medium term. NSW does not have a car manufacturing industry and, as already stated, it is not a major resource state. The more important issue for NSW in the short to medium term is the housing stock position and high cost of housing, which looks to be getting more difficult to solve in the longer term. In the section Important State Statistics NSW, ABS housing supply data for the NSW market is presented. Important points to note from this data include: • The trend in housing approvals is on the positive side. In fact, there were 4,000 dwellings more than the normal five year median approvals rate approved in the last reported quarter. • Actual housing commencements are on the increase and are again higher than the five year quarterly median by approximately 3,000 dwellings. • The state’s population growth has stagnated and is currently running at or a little less than the five year median growth rate. The last point is the most important given the first two points. The above information, when applied to Residex models, suggests that NSW may have a surplus of stock to the extent of about 4,000 dwellings. This stock is probably found in the unit market because this market can be supplied most quickly and requires lower levels of land. This potential oversupply requires thought and explanation given the growth in house prices and rental increases achieved in the last 12 months – houses grew by 11.99% and rent rates increased 6.25% in the year ending December 2013, while unit prices and rent rates increased 10.45% and 8.33% respectively in the same time period. These rates of growth are not normally be seen in a market where there is a stock overhang. www.residex.com.au ©2014 Page | 13 State Market Report Residex calculations assume property as it is developed and provided to the market, which is then sold and occupied. It also assumes that the number of people who occupy each dwelling is in the order of 2.8 people. Additionally, it is assumed that all past housing shortages are not carried forward. The assumption about the number of people per dwelling (2.8 people per property) is identified in regards to the immigrant mix. This looks to be conservative. If this is an over estimation, the housing surplus will be larger. Given this, the assumption is unlikely to be the cause of any supply side miscalculations. The assumption that past shortages should not be carried forward is also reasonable. While there has been an improvement in affordability, it has not been significant enough to cause a decrease in people per dwelling density at any great rate. The problem most likely lies in the first assumption. We are convinced that, from the increasing sale numbers of units plus some additional information, the majority of supply is being provided from the unit market. These units are being delivered to the market by large developers who have the capacity to manage supply to maintain development margins. This potentially means that stock is not being made available to the market even though it has been approved and developed. A further issue is that much of the new unit stock is being sold to international investors, many of which are speculators who are not using or making their purchased property available to the market. Anecdotal evidence supports these claims. A drive-by of many new unit developments at night reveals an apparent high level of nonoccupancy. Given the above, it seems possible that there is some level of stock surplus but it is not readily available to buyers, or the stock is not what the general market is seeking. The actual position is probably a combination of both of these issues. Basically, as housing is unaffordable for a percentage of the market, there is not a normal distribution of buying activity. This, coupled with a market that has an artificial stock shortage, presents higher levels of risk for everyone and a situation where affordability is set to get even worse. The affordability issue is the basic cause of all recent problems in the market. It has led governments to offer incentives of various types that have simply made the problem worse by causing additional price rises. In NSW today, the median home and the median household income will require the first home buyer to outlay about 49% of their after tax income to make loan repayments, even with a 20% deposit. Affordability in the unit market is better, requiring about 34% of after tax income, but even this percentage is high by historical standards. The consequence is that the first home owner is fast being driven to extinction. Graph 4 displays the decline of first home buyer activity in the market. The plotted data is the percentage of first home buyers to total buyer activity. The percentage of first home buyers in the market today is probably the worst recorded in history, and is the worst recorded by the ABS. The market is moving to be a renters market where investors (both local and international) and superannuation fund investors are the owners of residential G4: Declining First Home Owner Activity property. The latest releases on investor activity by the ABS confirms the growing activity of investors and superannuation investors. Australia-wide lending to investors was up by 1.5% in November from October, and up 21% for the year ending November. Investor activity in NSW is considerably stronger, with available data to October showing a rise of 25% over the last six months and a very significant increase of 45% over Source – ABS Catalogue 5609 Page | 14 ©2014 www.residex.com.au Powered by the last 12 months. The above is a recipe for substantial increases in rents, which will significantly diminish the standard of living for the next generation in the longer term. For the existing homeowner, this is a recipe for solid security and secure superannuation investment opportunities. However, in the longer term it will cause problems for governments who will have to act to find a solution at some point in the future. How this will be solved is unclear as we live in an international global environment where lending restrictions can be circumvented by foreign investors simply borrowing in their own country. We have allowed foreign investment in new dwellings in an effort to boost housing supply and hence controlled price increases, but if property is simply delivered and unsold for the purposes of speculation then the problems are simply made worse as scarce city land supply is reduced without providing supply. Should we simply stop foreign investment? Probably not, but I suggest that we should have limits on the volume of foreign capital invested into new housing in any one year. Many people will suggest that we should remove tax incentives and hence remove the investor. This also won’t be the solution as it will simply cause existing property owners to hold onto their assets and diminish their supply side activity at the same time. Housing will remain unaffordable, which will become worse and rental costs will become unacceptably high. Basically, the government has to carefully create a situation that causes housing costs to stagnate in Sydney so wage inflation can gradually allow housing to become affordable, but it can’t afford to cause housing to decrease in value too rapidly as this would cause significant economic issues for the state government. It can do this by reducing demand for housing stock in Sydney. It is possible that this will naturally happen as housing becomes excessively expensive and hence the population is given an incentive to move out of Sydney. However, the government needs revenue from housing stamp duties and hence has to maintain selling activity. At the same time, the government also needs the population to grow. Therefore there is one option – cause the population to disperse throughout the state. To do this, the government needs to create job opportunities in regional NSW. No matter what the outcome is, it is difficult to see a situation where housing prices decrease in value and rentals do anything other than increase in the medium to longer term. All of the above is good news for everyone except younger people who are looking for a place to live. If this analysis is correct, younger people who move from Sydney and develop businesses in regional NSW will be the real winners. However, I doubt that the majority will follow this path until forced so the investor is the winner in the meantime, and will be the envy of all who fail to join them. Investors hold the key to the future growth in Sydney. They should be buying with position and cost in mind and providing rental arrangements that are for relatively short terms so they can ride the wave of increasing rent. Given the skew in the buyer mix, it is difficult to identify a likely outcome in the year ahead. The outcome is dependent on the appetite of the investor market. The investor is a “return” hungry group and be interested in markets that are suitable for tenants. This being the case, the more affordable, quality rental yielding markets should be expected to perform best. Residex anticipates a growth outcome of something close to 7% in the next 12 months and the main growth properties being renovation houses and older style units. www.residex.com.au ©2014 Page | 15 State Market Report Important State Statistics for NSW This section displays a set of tables and graphs that are relevant to the housing market for the state as a whole. They have been developed around the knowledge that the important issues for prices and rental yields revolve around supply, take up of supply and demand being a result of population growth or retraction via immigration or natural increases. Housing Approvals Trend Change Last Quarter 12,964 Last 6 Months 24,967 Last 12 Months 45,757 Median Quarterly Change, Last 5 Years 8,865 Current Difference to Quarterly Median 4,099 Commencements and Trends Trend Change Last Quarter 10,889 Last 6 Months 21,509 Last 12 Months 41,895 Median Quarterly Change, Last 5 Years 7,905 Current Difference to Quarterly Median 2,984 Population Trends Trend Change Last Quarter 22,307 Last 6 Months 49,169 Last 12 Months 96,174 Median Quarterly Change, Last 5 Years 22,542 Current Difference to Quarterly Median % Change to Immigration -235 Last Quarter 66.41% Last 6 Months 70.09% Last 12 Months 70.48% Median Quarterly Change, Last 5 Years 67.51% Current Difference to Quarterly Median -1.13% Page | 16 ©2014 www.residex.com.au Powered by Finance Trends Trend Change Last Month 1.40% Last 3 Months 4.67% Last 12 Months 20.34% Median Monthly Change, Last Year 0.55% Current Difference to Monthly Median 0.85% Residex developed all information presented in this table from ABS publications. www.residex.com.au ©2014 Page | 17 State Market Report Best Estimate Range: -6,000 to -2,000 The estimated new dwellings needed per annum measure is based on ABS data and assumes household formation of 2.78 persons per household. Residex is not certain and cannot be confident that the number of people required for household formation is as quoted. Further, ABS numbers are unlikely to be complete. Having said this, the final estimate will provide a good guide to what the situation is. If the Best Estimate Range is positive, it is likely that there is a state housing shortage, which causes house prices to increase and/or rentals to increase. A housing surplus, indicated by a negative figure for the Best Estimate Range, causes housing values to stagnate or adjust slightly. Changes also cause housing formation numbers to alter. That is, if rental and housing purchase costs are generally unaffordable the population will have a tendency to increase the number of people per property. The only time a reasonably clear indicator of the number of people likely to be the basis of housing formation is at the Census date. Due to the above, it is not wise to aggregate shortages/surpluses year on year. It is better to simply identify or develop a broad understanding of what the current likely housing requirement is in the current year. A very positive number indicates that there are a significant number of dwellings required, which would be taken up if they were available and affordable. This is said because clearly, at any point in time, the population is basically housed but potentially not in a fashion that they would prefer. Affordability – NSW Median Household Income: $106,330 Median House Cost: $771,000 Median Unit Cost: $537,000 Assumed Deposit: 20% Assumed Interest Rate: 4.98% pa convertible monthly Rental Yield Houses: 4.02% Rental Yield Units: 5.03% Loan repayment for house = 49.07% of A/T household income or after loan repayments borrower has $859 per week to spend on other things. Rent for house = 35.20% of A/T household income or after rent tenant has $1,093 per week to spend on other things. Loan repayment for unit = 34.18% of A/T household income or after loan repayments borrower has $1,111 per week to spend on other things. Rent for unit = 30.70% of A/T household income or after rent tenant has $1,169 per week to spend on other things. Based on history it seems as if a maximum commitment level for a household is something in the order of 30% to 35% of A/T household income. Page | 18 ©2014 www.residex.com.au Powered by The State Housing Market at a Glance Sydney – Combined Houses and Units The median value of Sydney properties as at 31/12/2013 was $642,000 The overall rate of growth for Sydney property was 4.34% Sydney Houses There were 45,412 house sales in Sydney during the last year. Capital growth in the Sydney housing market over the last year was 11.99% and the Sydney median house value is now $771,000. The Sydney house median rental yield is 4.02% and the median weekly rent is $595. Current Quarter Future Predictions Median Value: $771,000 Capital Growth: 4.05% 4%+ pa next 5 yrs Number of sales: 14,014 Rental yield: 4.02% 6%+ pa next 8 yrs Median rent: $595 Total return: 2.34% Sydney Units There were 43,226 unit sales in Sydney during the last year. Capital growth in the Sydney unit market over the last year was 10.45% and the Sydney median unit value is now $537,000. The Sydney unit median rental yield is 5.03% and the median weekly rent is $520. Current Quarter Future Predictions Median Value: $537,000 Capital Growth: 4.44% 2%+ pa next 5 yrs Number of sales: 13,895 Rental yield: 5.03% 4%+ pa next 8 yrs Median rent: $520 Total return: 2.82% www.residex.com.au ©2014 Page | 19 State Market Report Market Activity – Capital Growth This section looks at various segments to identify where the activity is and if any sectors are failing to maintain growth or are in an upswing. From this information it is possible for lenders and investors to understand the areas at risk with respect to security values and the areas where there is some risk of failing. Sydney by Price Ranges in Dollars Number of Suburbs Suburbs Falling in Value Last Quarter % Suburbs Falling in Value Last Quarter by Number From $299,500 to $523,500 155 3.23% 5 From $523,500 to $770,500 167 2.99% 5 From $770,500 to $1,117,500 187 3.21% 6 From $1,117,500 to $3,032,500 183 6.56% 12 Number of Suburbs Suburbs Falling in Value Last Quarter % Suburbs Falling in Value Last Quarter by Number From $229,500 to $409,000 169 3.55% 6 From $409,000 to $537,000 135 2.96% 4 From $537,000 to $698,500 163 0.61% 1 From $698,500 to $1,598,000 125 1.60% 2 House Price Ranges Unit Price Ranges Sydney by Price Ranges in Dollars over 12 months By looking at the change in the sectors over the last 12 months, it is possible to understand if a segment is moving into or out of trouble or is simply stable. Houses Page | 20 ©2014 www.residex.com.au Powered by Units Sydney by Number of Properties Group % that Gained Value % that Value Lost *Change since Last Quarter Houses: Under the Median Value 96.89% 3.11% 3.52% Houses: Above the Median Value 95.14% 4.86% 4.74% Units: Under the Median Value 96.71% 3.29% 10.61% Units: Above the Median Value 98.96% 1.04% 4.68% *Note: A positive change indicates the number that is showing growth has increased while a negative number indicates the number showing growth has decreased. www.residex.com.au ©2014 Page | 21 State Market Report The Sales Activity Report This section provides information on the market’s activity. The Median Sale Price table provides the median price of properties that have sold in the last quarter and the last year. The Market Activity table presents the percentage of properties sold in each quartile of the market. Quartile ranges are developed from the values of all properties in the Sydney and Country New South Wales markets. Sydney Median Sale Price Last Quarter Last Year Quarterly Change Annual Change Houses $710,000 $657,000 2.16% 8.07% Units $535,000 $498,000 1.48% 7.43% Market Activity Last Quarter Last Year Quarterly Change Annual Change Houses 25.85% 24.49% 24.00% 25.66% Units 20.53% 21.14% 27.01% 31.32% Sales Activity 50,000 45,000 Houses Units Number of Sales 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Year Ending December Page | 22 ©2014 2011 2012 2013 www.residex.com.au Powered by Country NSW Median Sale Price Last Quarter Last Year Quarterly Change Annual Change Houses $359,500 $344,000 1.55% 4.51% Units $315,000 $280,000 5.35% 12.50% Market Activity Last Quarter Last Year Quarterly Change Annual Change Houses 23.33% 26.28% 26.64% 23.74% Units 23.89% 20.71% 25.38% 30.02% Sales Activity www.residex.com.au ©2014 Page | 23 State Market Report Sydney Growth Cycle Identifier In relation to the two graphs shown below, the sequences of events in growth cycles are: The higher cost or upper socioeconomic at the start of a period of growth. The middle of the market grows once the market growth cycle is under full swing. Towards the end of the growth period, the lower socioeconomic areas start to show strong growth. Houses Units Note: 2.5% represents the very low cost properties and 97.5% represents the very high cost properties whilst 50% represents the median value properties. These graphs display the segment(s) of most growth within a market and can often be an indicator of where the market is heading. Government actions like the First Home Buyers grant can distort markets and make it hard to see what is happening. Notwithstanding this, careful consideration of the data in conjunction with knowledge of the government's actions can still allow an understanding of where we are in any housing cycle. Page | 24 ©2014 www.residex.com.au Powered by Best Performing Suburbs by Value Quartile Houses Suburb Units P/code Median Value Best Performers: Sydney 0 to 25% Minto 2566 $371,500 Macquarie Fields 2564 $387,000 Kearns 2558 $441,000 Raby 2566 $400,000 Claremont 2747 $433,500 Meadows Capital Growth Last Qtr Last Yr 9.55% 8.00% 7.66% 7.61% 7.47% 16.90% 11.68% 13.57% 12.83% 17.43% Rental Yield Last Quarter Suburb Rental Yield Last Quarter 2761 2761 2566 2761 2564 $295,000 $377,500 $330,500 $334,500 $277,000 7.96% 7.33% 6.67% 6.57% 6.47% 10.16% 11.23% 17.00% 7.59% 11.40% 6.76% 6.33% 5.83% 6.20% 6.75% North Parramatta Erskine Park Eastwood Enfield Kurrajong 2151 2759 2122 2136 2758 $432,000 $433,500 $516,000 $510,500 $419,500 6.96% 6.69% 6.54% 6.27% 6.15% 13.36% 22.32% 15.93% 10.97% 19.83% 5.38% 5.54% 4.95% 4.94% 3.55% Mulgrave Kurmond Roseville North Ryde Strathfield 2756 2757 2069 2113 2135 $593,500 $607,500 $646,000 $687,000 $539,500 6.34% 6.27% 6.25% 6.12% 6.04% 9.06% 19.65% 13.06% 10.83% 15.13% 4.43% 6.73% 4.83% 4.46% 5.20% Milsons Point Lilyfield Coogee Denistone Kirribilli 2061 2040 2034 2114 2061 $1,059,500 $716,000 $737,000 $731,500 $817,000 5.89% 5.69% 5.63% 5.55% 5.52% 15.72% 10.96% 11.33% 9.00% 8.74% 4.22% 4.64% 4.52% 4.31% 4.32% 2567 2565 2567 2152 2570 $642,500 $687,000 $597,000 $695,500 $703,000 Brighton Le Sands Catherine Field Matraville Turrella Alexandria 2216 2557 2036 2205 2015 $1,083,500 $850,000 $1,085,000 $785,000 $1,056,500 Best Performers: Sydney 50 to 75% 8.21% 15.78% 2.87% 7.98% 23.76% 4.58% 7.87% 17.59% 3.51% 7.80% 26.72% 4.21% 7.60% 19.91% 4.17% $1,391,500 $1,287,000 $1,121,500 $2,012,500 $1,483,500 Best Performers: Sydney 75 to 100% 8.45% 23.61% 3.00% 8.18% 17.72% 4.30% 8.01% 23.67% 3.98% 7.70% 16.88% 2.87% 7.53% 14.33% 3.94% www.residex.com.au Capital Growth Last Qtr Last Yr Plumpton Glendenning Raby Oakhurst Macquarie Fields Smeaton Grange Macquarie Links Harrington Park Northmead Orangeville 2032 2093 2557 2031 2073 Median Value 5.74% 5.44% 5.63% 5.64% 5.58% Best Performers: Sydney 25 to 50% 9.02% 22.97% 4.67% 8.22% 13.67% 4.70% 7.59% 13.90% 5.23% 7.24% 15.19% 4.04% 6.81% 13.37% 4.63% Kingsford North Balgowlah Rossmore Clovelly Pymble P/code ©2014 Page | 25 Powered by Worst Performing Suburbs by Value Quartile Houses Suburb Units P/code Median Value Worst Performers: Sydney 0 to 25% Bonnyrigg Heights 2177 $499,000 Holroyd 2142 $517,000 Woodcroft 2767 $484,000 Wallacia 2745 $464,000 Kurrajong Heights 2758 $491,500 Capital Growth Last Qtr Last Yr -1.11% -0.90% -0.58% -0.52% -0.18% 4.31% 7.57% 4.71% 5.54% -1.33% Rental Yield Last Quarter Suburb 4.89% 4.48% 5.22% 4.73% 4.23% Cecil Hills Condell Park 2145 2145 2145 2171 2200 $581,000 $550,000 $625,500 $661,500 $647,500 Worst Performers: Sydney 25 to 50% -1.10% 6.31% 3.94% -0.76% 10.62% 4.08% -0.61% 3.98% 4.45% -0.44% 10.95% 4.78% -0.03% 13.52% 4.26% Woolloomooloo Mortlake Pyrmont Beaconsfield Denistone West 2011 2137 2009 2015 2114 $873,500 $1,053,500 $945,000 $913,500 $1,036,000 Worst Performers: Sydney 50 to 75% -1.11% 11.46% 2.97% -0.98% 1.92% 3.42% -0.95% -0.32% 4.04% -0.85% 3.40% 3.97% -0.23% 14.87% 3.29% $2,641,000 $2,720,500 $1,774,000 $1,390,000 $2,147,000 Worst Performers: Sydney 75 to 100% -6.42% -11.06% 2.51% -2.49% -4.01% 3.42% -1.03% -2.61% 3.00% -0.90% 2.09% 3.52% -0.82% 11.85% 1.88% Girraween South Wentworthville Pemulwuy Kurraba Point Cremorne Point Sydney Roseville Chase Potts Point www.residex.com.au 2089 2090 2000 2069 2011 P/code Median Value Capital Growth Last Qtr Last Yr Rental Yield Last Quarter North St Marys Guildford West Hobartville South Windsor Yennora 2760 2161 2753 2756 2161 $256,000 $391,000 $310,500 $307,000 $293,000 -1.55% -0.43% -0.37% -0.27% -0.26% 2.83% 7.63% 1.37% 5.09% -2.03% 6.36% 5.75% 6.58% 5.96% 5.42% Orangeville Glenmore Darlington Wattle Grove Holsworthy 2570 2570 2008 2173 2173 $517,000 $523,500 $448,000 $472,000 $486,500 -0.85% -0.45% -0.12% -0.09% 0.18% -8.13% -6.89% -1.76% 1.48% 6.10% 5.12% 5.09% 5.80% 4.97% 4.92% Taren Point Beaconsfield Peakhurst Heights Pymble Connells Point 2229 2015 2210 2073 2221 $662,000 $629,000 $609,500 $656,000 $683,500 -0.03% 0.02% 0.11% 0.21% 0.25% 2.23% 4.34% 0.94% 0.11% 4.86% 4.24% 5.28% 4.47% 4.93% 4.40% Chifley Lugarno Port Hacking Vaucluse Kyle Bay 2036 2210 2229 2030 2221 $699,500 $796,000 $966,500 $757,500 $995,000 -0.38% 0.06% 0.20% 0.34% 0.41% -2.27% 1.08% 2.24% 9.39% 2.44% 5.07% 4.26% 3.47% 4.51% 3.87% ©2014 Page | 26 Powered by Australian Capital Territory Comment The ACT economy slowed significantly according to the latest data provided by the ABS for the last reported quarter (third quarter). The ACT posted Gross State Product (GSP) growth of just 0.3%. There is little reason to believe that the situation has changed in the most recent quarter given the Territory’s reliance on the government to drive its economy and the Federal Government’s stated intention to constrain expenditure. Four quarters ago, consumer expenditure was producing a growth rate of 3.7%. As at the third quarter, it posted growth of 2.8%. G1: ACT Economy Source – ABS Catalogue 5206 G2: Market trends Dwelling construction and nondwelling construction activity has come off its peak, as has public infrastructure investment. These sectors are now negative contributors to growth in the ACT. The only significant contributors to growth in the ACT are consumer expenditure and government expenditure. While consumer expenditure is posting growth, the sector only occupies 28.6% of total economic activity. This is an unusual phenomenon since consumer expenditure commands between 58% and 60% of all economic activity in most economic areas in the world. In real dollar terms, the sector accounts for $14.7 billion. On the other hand, government consumption in the ACT is significant and accounts for $28.4 billion, which is twice as much as consumer expenditure. This sector is currently posting growth of 1.1%, which is down from 3.4% four quarters ago. Government consumption can be expected to decrease further as government budgets are constrained. Unemployment remains low at 4% and it is not growing. In fact, it has marginally fallen in December from 4.1%. It is unlikely that this will continue given the new Federal Government’s intention to do what it can to reduce budget deficits. Population growth is holding at or a little below the five year median growth rate. This normal to slightly lower rate of growth is occurring at a time when the dwelling commencement rate is about 20% above the five year median commencement trend (see the section Important State Statistics for ACT). As a consequence, there is a calculated dwelling surplus of approximately 2,000 dwellings. Affordability in the ACT is better than any other part of Australia by a considerable margin. For example, the median family in Canberra has about $600 per week extra to spend on living than the median Sydney family after making home loan repayments. www.residex.com.au ©2014 Page | 27 State Market Report Given the stated government objectives and anticipated redundancies in the Commonwealth Government sector, consumer sentiment will be lower in this market than in many others. This, coupled with the calculated oversupply of housing stock, should result in little to no capital growth as demand is met and investors look to other areas for capital gains. It is therefore no surprise that Canberra has produced the worst growth rate of all Australian capital cities for the last 12 months – growth was approximately 1% for the year for houses and 1.4% for units. Consequently, property values in the ACT fell in value in real terms. Graph 2 presents the capital growth trend for both houses and units. In an oversupplied market, rentals should be either stagnant or showing little growth. In this market, units are presenting no growth while rent for houses decreased by about 5%. Overall, this market is unlikely to show improvement until the government completes its reorganisation of staffing needs and begins a period of growth in the sectors it identifies as warranting support. Given the reasonable affordability level in this market, once this process begins and the housing supply overhang is absorbed, and once the government starts to grow, we should expect a little more from this market. It is not currently a market for any investor who is not prepared to wait for a year or two before there is real growth presenting. In the meantime, investors should expect this market to lose a little more in real value before it improves. Page | 28 ©2014 www.residex.com.au Powered by Important State Statistics for ACT This section displays a set of tables and graphs that are relevant to the housing market for the state as a whole. They have been developed around the knowledge that the important issues for prices and rental yields revolve around supply, take up of supply and demand being a result of population growth or retraction via immigration or natural increases. Housing Approvals Trend Change Last Quarter 1,191 Last 6 Months 2,615 Last 12 Months 4,857 Median Quarterly Change, Last 5 Years 1,026 Current Difference to Quarterly Median 165 Commencements and Trends Trend Change Last Quarter 1,302 Last 6 Months 2,492 Last 12 Months 4,467 Median Quarterly Change, Last 5 Years 1,066 Current Difference to Quarterly Median 236 Population Trends Trend Change Last Quarter 1,252 Last 6 Months 3,354 Last 12 Months 7,690 Median Quarterly Change, Last 5 Years 1,510 Current Difference to Quarterly Median % Change to Immigration -258 46.01% \Last Quarter Last 6 Months 56.69% Last 12 Months 38.60% Median Quarterly Change, Last 5 Years 42.52% Current Difference to Quarterly Median 3.49% www.residex.com.au ©2014 Page | 29 State Market Report Finance Trends Trend Change Last Month -1.40% Last 3 Months -3.17% Last 12 Months 12.52% Median Monthly Change, Last Year -0.15% Current Difference to Monthly Median -1.25% Residex developed all information presented in this table from ABS publications. Page | 30 ©2014 www.residex.com.au Powered by Best Estimate Range: -4,000 to 0,000 The estimated new dwellings needed per annum measure is based on ABS data and assumes household formation of 2.63 persons per household. Residex is not certain and cannot be confident that the number of people required for household formation is as quoted. Further, ABS numbers are unlikely to be complete. Having said this, the final estimate will provide a good guide to what the situation is. If the Best Estimate Range is positive, it is likely that there is a state housing shortage, which causes house prices to increase and/or rentals to increase. A housing surplus, indicated by a negative figure for the Best Estimate Range, causes housing values to stagnate or adjust slightly. Changes also cause housing formation numbers to alter. That is, if rental and housing purchase costs are generally unaffordable the population will have a tendency to increase the number of people per property. The only time a reasonably clear indicator of the number of people likely to be the basis of housing formation is at the Census date. Due to the above, it is not wise to aggregate shortages/surpluses year on year. It is better to simply identify or develop a broad understanding of what the current likely housing requirement is in the current year. A very positive number indicates that there are a significant number of dwellings required, which would be taken up if they were available and affordable. This is said because clearly, at any point in time, the population is basically housed but potentially not in a fashion that they would prefer. Affordability – ACT Median Household Income: $128,754 Median House Cost: $529,500 Median Unit Cost: $408,500 Assumed Deposit: 20% Assumed Interest Rate: 4.98% pa convertible monthly Rental Yield Houses: 5.00% Rental Yield Units: 5.40% Loan repayment for house = 27.83% of A/T household income or after loan repayments borrower has $1,474 per week to spend on other things. Rent for house = 24.81% of A/T household income or after rent tenant has $1,536 per week to spend on other things. Loan repayment for unit = 21.47 % of A/T household income or after loan repayments borrower has $1,604 per week to spend on other things. Rent for unit = 20.70% of A/T household income or after rent tenant has $1,620 per week to spend on other things. Based on history it seems as if a maximum commitment level for a household is something in the order of 30% to 35% of A/T household income. www.residex.com.au ©2014 Page | 31 State Market Report The State Housing Market at a Glance Canberra – Combined Houses and Units The median value of Canberra properties as at 31/12/2013 was $481,000 The overall rate of growth for Canberra property was 1.05% Canberra Houses There were 4,849 house sales in Canberra during the last year. Capital growth in the Canberra housing market over the last year was 0.99% and the Canberra median house value is now $529,500. The Canberra house median rental yield is 5.00% and the median weekly rent is $505. Current Quarter Future Predictions Median Value: $529,500 Capital Growth: 1.54% 5%+ pa next 5 yrs Number of sales: 1,235 Rental yield: 5.00% 4%+ pa next 8 yrs Median rent: $505 Total return: 1.32% Canberra Units There were 3,925 unit sales in Canberra during the last year. Capital growth in the Canberra unit market over the last year was 1.37% and the Canberra median unit value is now $408,500. The Canberra unit median rental yield is 5.40% and the median weekly rent is $425. Current Quarter Future Predictions Median Value: $408,500 Capital Growth: -0.65% 3%+ pa next 5 yrs Number of sales: 868 Rental yield: 5.40% 3%+ pa next 8 yrs Median rent: $425 Total return: 0.20% Page | 32 ©2014 www.residex.com.au Powered by Market Activity – Capital Growth This section looks at various segments to identify where the activity is and if any sectors are failing to maintain growth or are in an upswing. From this information it is possible for lenders and investors to understand the areas at risk with respect to security values and the areas where there is some risk of failing. Canberra by Price Ranges in Dollars Number of Suburbs Suburbs Falling in Value Last Quarter % From $276,500 to $433,000 9 22.22% 2 From $433,000 to $529,000 36 33.33% 12 From $529,000 to $669,000 26 46.15% 12 From $669,000 to $1,299,500 31 41.94% 13 Number of Suburbs Suburbs Falling in Value Last Quarter % Suburbs Falling in Value Last Quarter by Number From $226,000 to $349,500 14 92.86% 13 From $349,500 to $408,000 41 100.00% 41 From $408,000 to $497,500 28 92.86% 26 From $497,500 to $928,000 13 76.92% 10 House Price Ranges Unit Price Ranges Suburbs Falling in Value Last Quarter by Number Canberra by Price Ranges in Dollars over 12 months By looking at the change in the sectors over the last 12 months, it is possible to understand if a segment is moving into or out of trouble or is simply stable. Houses www.residex.com.au ©2014 Page | 33 State Market Report Units Canberra by Number of Properties Group % that Gained Value *Change Last Quarter % that Lost Value since Houses: Under the Median Value 68.89% 31.11% 45.63% Houses: Above the Median Value 56.14% 43.86% 10.38% Units: Under the Median Value 1.82% 98.18% -86.86% Units: Above the Median Value 12.20% 87.80% -76.18% *Note: A positive change indicates the number that is showing growth has increased while a negative number indicates the number showing growth has decreased. Page | 34 ©2014 www.residex.com.au Powered by The Sales Activity Report This section provides information on the market’s activity. The Median Sale Price table provides the median price of properties that have sold in the last quarter and the last year. The Market Activity table presents the percentage of properties sold in each quartile of the market. Quartile ranges are developed from the values of all properties in the Canberra market. ACT Median Sale Price Last Quarter Last Year Quarterly Change Annual Change Houses $515,000 $505,000 -3.19% 1.98% Units $439,000 $390,400 11.99% 12.43% Market Activity Last Quarter Last Year Quarterly Change Annual Change Houses 25.06% 22.12% 28.52% 24.30% Units 20.04% 21.63% 23.58% 34.75% Sales Activity www.residex.com.au ©2014 Page | 35 State Market Report Canberra Growth Cycle Identifier In relation to the two graphs shown below, the sequences of events in growth cycles are: The higher cost or upper socioeconomic at the start of a period of growth. The middle of the market grows once the market growth cycle is under full swing. Towards the end of the growth period, the lower socioeconomic areas start to show strong growth. Houses Units Note: 2.5% represents the very low cost properties and 97.5% represents the very high cost properties whilst 50% represents the median value properties. These graphs display the segment(s) of most growth within a market and can often be an indicator of where the market is heading. Government actions like the first Home Buyers grants can distort markets and make it hard to see what is happening. Notwithstanding this careful consideration of the data in conjunction with knowledge of the government's actions can still allow an understanding of where we are in any housing cycle. Page | 36 ©2014 www.residex.com.au Powered by Best Performing Suburbs by Value Quartile Houses Suburb Units P/code Median Value Best Performers: Canberra 0 to 25% Crace 2911 $354,000 Wright 2611 $390,500 Uriarra Village 2611 $421,500 Charnwood 2615 $384,000 Holt 2615 $424,000 Capital Growth Last Qtr Last Yr 3.56% 1.85% 1.67% 0.96% 0.36% 13.66% 6.21% 6.94% 2.01% 0.92% Rental Yield Last Quarter Suburb 6.04% 4.99% 4.84% 5.59% 5.53% Bonner Chisholm Scullin Gilmore Flynn 2914 2905 2614 2905 2615 $503,500 $451,500 $483,500 $472,500 $475,000 Best Performers: Canberra 25 to 50% 3.19% 5.77% 5.28% 2.21% 0.90% 5.42% 1.69% 6.80% 4.99% 1.66% -0.26% 5.31% 1.66% 1.02% 5.41% Downer Fisher Weston Forde Watson 2602 2611 2611 2914 2602 $637,000 $537,000 $573,500 $615,500 $596,000 Best Performers: Canberra 50 to 75% 4.33% 5.53% 4.42% 4.13% 1.44% 5.01% 3.72% 1.33% 4.93% 2.64% 0.58% 5.32% 2.13% 6.67% 4.51% $780,500 $737,500 $711,000 $735,000 $1,178,500 Best Performers: Canberra 75 to 100% 3.10% 2.61% 4.29% 3.06% 6.39% 4.46% 2.47% 3.79% 4.71% 2.43% 1.49% 4.12% 2.24% -2.01% 3.28% Garran Aranda Farrer Ainslie Reid www.residex.com.au 2605 2614 2607 2602 2612 P/code Median Value Capital Growth Last Qtr Last Yr Rental Yield Last Quarter Scullin Campbell Macgregor Chifley Hawker 2614 2612 2615 2606 2614 $288,500 $327,500 $347,500 $336,500 $308,000 0.76% -1.42% -1.57% -1.60% -1.90% 1.38% -6.50% 3.87% -0.43% -7.36% 5.94% 6.18% 5.83% 5.69% 5.81% Calwell Gilmore Page Isabella Plains Dickson 2905 2905 2614 2905 2602 $359,000 $373,500 $397,500 $371,500 $382,500 -0.02% -0.11% -0.32% -0.33% -0.54% 5.24% 3.22% 4.64% 3.66% 0.52% 5.60% 5.66% 5.31% 5.49% 5.34% Kingston Stirling Braddon Lyneham Crace 2604 2611 2612 2602 2911 $487,000 $450,000 $421,500 $422,500 $448,500 1.52% 0.32% -0.19% -0.38% -0.52% 0.80% -3.24% 0.94% 4.89% -2.56% 5.39% 5.00% 5.63% 5.18% 5.19% Yarralumla Forrest Ainslie Garran Fadden 2600 2603 2602 2605 2904 $828,500 $579,000 $671,500 $558,500 $578,500 0.68% 0.60% 0.05% -0.29% -0.83% 2.09% -2.20% -0.11% 2.99% 2.60% 4.74% 5.38% 4.24% 4.98% 4.66% ©2014 Page | 37 Powered by Worst Performing Suburbs by Value Quartile Houses Suburb Units P/code Median Value Worst Performers: Canberra 0 to 25% Belconnen 2617 $398,500 Banks 2906 $418,500 Ngunnawal 2913 $403,500 Holt 2615 $424,000 Charnwood 2615 $384,000 Capital Growth Last Qtr Last Yr -0.79% -0.13% 0.03% 0.36% 0.96% -1.66% -1.03% -1.78% 0.92% 2.01% Rental Yield Last Quarter Suburb 5.10% 5.42% 5.45% 5.53% 5.59% Casey Kambah Palmerston Isabella Plains Greenway 2913 2902 2913 2905 2900 $501,000 $478,500 $482,000 $436,500 $495,000 Worst Performers: Canberra 25 to 50% -1.60% -1.07% 5.24% -1.34% 0.48% 5.08% -1.12% -0.89% 5.22% -0.92% -2.49% 5.23% -0.68% -4.15% 5.00% Franklin Macarthur Torrens Lyons Mckellar 2913 2904 2607 2606 2617 $552,000 $581,000 $622,500 $619,500 $566,000 Worst Performers: Canberra 50 to 75% -2.13% -4.05% 4.91% -1.07% 1.88% 5.06% -1.01% -5.72% 4.72% -0.87% 2.66% 4.20% -0.77% -2.59% 5.18% Deakin Red Hill Barton Hawker Chapman www.residex.com.au 2600 2603 2600 2614 2611 Worst Performers: Canberra 75 to 100% $979,000 -1.11% 1.19% 3.92% $1,117,500 -1.02% 2.13% 3.83% $1,106,500 -0.96% -3.79% 2.58% $710,000 -0.80% -5.57% 4.33% $705,500 -0.80% -5.07% 4.67% P/code Median Value Capital Growth Last Qtr Last Yr Rental Yield Last Quarter Hughes Charnwood Holt Chisholm Curtin 2605 2615 2615 2905 2605 $256,000 $332,000 $348,500 $320,000 $297,500 -2.70% -2.65% -2.65% -2.59% -2.49% -6.34% -3.71% 0.87% 1.65% -3.89% 6.18% 5.81% 5.63% 5.55% 5.71% Watson Florey Hackett Giralang Oxley 2602 2615 2602 2617 2903 $372,000 $363,000 $403,500 $358,500 $380,500 -3.08% -2.83% -2.71% -2.70% -2.56% -5.55% -0.18% -0.26% 4.34% 1.86% 5.60% 5.65% 5.00% 5.48% 5.46% Pearce Turner Torrens Mawson Oconnor 2607 2612 2607 2607 2602 $432,000 $470,500 $427,000 $435,500 $446,000 -2.86% -2.82% -2.72% -2.64% -2.61% -2.61% -1.87% 3.42% -1.76% -3.54% 5.18% 5.51% 5.29% 5.41% 5.15% Red Hill Barton Forde Chapman Deakin 2603 2600 2914 2611 2600 $499,000 $573,500 $501,500 $722,500 $713,000 -2.32% -1.88% -1.86% -1.52% -1.48% 5.15% -1.78% 0.03% -4.83% -4.44% 4.81% 5.19% 5.51% 4.23% 4.80% ©2014 Page | 38 Powered by NSW Summary This section provides a macro analysis of the performance of the Sydney Metropolitan area, Country New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory over the last 10 years. Each region is broken down into houses and units, which is useful for comparing the regions to the overall performance of residential property in the greater part of the state/territory. Each regional summary contains the capital growth index, rental yield (rent rate) and the number of sales for each year ending at the current quarter. Data on the median price, number of sales, median rent, capital growth, rental yield and total return for the current quarter is also provided, along with the average annual capital growth projections for the next 5 and 8 years. ___________________________________________________________________ Residex defines Sydney Metropolitan as areas that fall in the following postcode ranges: 2000-2249 2552-2570 2740-2771 A house is defined as any property that is not a unit. E.g. 14a Darling St, Rozelle. A unit is any property that has a defining number in addition to its street number. E.g. 2/14 Darling St, Rozelle www.residex.com.au ©2014 Page | 39 Sydney Houses Property Count: Approximately 1,200,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $771,000 14,014 $595 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 4.05% 4.02% 2.34% Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 4%+ pa Next 8 Years: 6%+ pa Year Ending Capital Growth Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 -4.11% -2.64% 0.22% 9.01% -4.16% 12.82% 6.51% -2.54% 4.91% 11.99% Accumulated Growth Index 10 Accumulated Growth Index 0.9589 0.9336 0.9356 1.0199 0.9775 1.1028 1.1745 1.1447 1.2010 1.3449 Rental Yield 3.32% 3.36% 3.60% 4.02% 4.61% 3.80% 4.03% 4.38% 4.23% 4.02% 37,286 35,782 38,246 44,092 36,826 44,558 41,757 39,589 38,392 45,412 Rental Yield 10% Sydney Houses 9% Sydney Houses Number of Sales 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 04 0% 1 Sydney Units Property Count: Approximately 919,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $537,000 13,895 $520 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 4.44% 5.03% 2.82% Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 2%+ pa Next 8 Years: 4%+ pa Year Ending Capital Growth Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 -2.40% -0.83% 0.62% 6.04% -1.36% 10.41% 9.42% 2.16% -0.28% 10.45% Accumulated Growth Index 10 Accumulated Growth Index 0.9760 0.9680 0.9740 1.0328 1.0188 1.1248 1.2307 1.2574 1.2539 1.3849 Rental Yield 4.27% 4.38% 4.42% 4.95% 5.55% 5.02% 4.92% 4.97% 5.15% 5.03% 34,791 32,076 32,225 39,515 35,812 46,618 38,746 38,079 35,610 43,226 Rental Yield 10% Sydney Units 9% Sydney Units Number of Sales 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% ©2014 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Page | 40 Dec- 04 0% 1 www.residex.com.au NSW Country Houses Property Count: Approximately 1,428,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $367,000 12,590 $375 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 3.71% 5.32% 2.11% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 7%+ pa Next 8 Years: 6%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 Accumulated Growth Index 1.0469 1.0595 1.0866 1.1311 1.1076 1.1702 1.2261 1.1921 1.2413 1.3085 Capital Growth 4.69% 1.21% 2.56% 4.09% -2.08% 5.65% 4.78% -2.78% 4.13% 5.41% Rental Yield 4.35% 4.21% 4.28% 4.28% 4.87% 4.93% 5.01% 5.31% 5.19% 5.32% 44,775 40,706 44,251 48,297 38,814 48,609 41,957 40,753 41,691 44,487 Rental Yield 10% NSW Country Houses 9% NSW Country Houses Number of Sales 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 04 0% 1 NSW Country Units Property Count: Approximately 370,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $305,500 3,113 $320 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 0.87% 5.47% 0.65% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 1%+ pa Next 8 Years: 6%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 Accumulated Growth Index 1.0506 1.0680 1.0629 1.1138 1.0895 1.1398 1.1749 1.1616 1.1554 1.1914 Capital Growth 5.06% 1.66% -0.47% 4.78% -2.18% 4.61% 3.08% -1.14% -0.53% 3.12% 3.49% 3.91% 3.83% 3.84% 4.39% 4.64% 4.59% 5.17% 5.44% 5.47% Number of Sales 10,651 9,461 10,669 11,911 9,611 12,742 11,054 9,584 9,841 11,078 Rental Yield 10% NSW Country Units 9% NSW Country Units Rental Yield 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% ©2014 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 www.residex.com.au Dec- 04 0% 1 Page | 41 ACT Houses Property Count: Approximately 134,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $529,500 1,235 $505 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 1.54% 5.00% 1.32% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 5%+ pa Next 8 Years: 4%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 Capital Growth 1.27% 2.93% 10.10% 13.62% 0.85% 8.15% 8.93% -2.03% -0.49% 0.99% Accumulated Growth Index 1.0127 1.0424 1.1477 1.3040 1.3151 1.4222 1.5492 1.5177 1.5102 1.5252 Rental Yield 5.12% 4.69% 4.65% 4.61% 4.80% 4.70% 4.56% 4.94% 5.30% 5.00% Rental Yield 10% ACT Houses 9% ACT Houses Number of Sales 4,937 4,846 4,840 5,566 4,724 4,816 4,950 5,036 4,720 4,849 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 04 0% 1 ACT Units Property Count: Approximately 74,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $408,500 868 $425 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: -0.65% 5.40% 0.20% Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 3%+ pa Next 8 Years: 3%+ pa Year Ending Capital Growth Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 3.45% 1.90% 6.10% 11.38% 5.66% 5.92% 7.35% 2.39% -6.75% 1.37% Accumulated Growth Index 10 Accumulated Growth Index 1.0345 1.0542 1.1185 1.2458 1.3164 1.3944 1.4968 1.5326 1.4293 1.4488 Rental Yield 5.28% 5.18% 5.29% 5.87% 5.55% 5.38% 5.32% 5.49% 5.52% 5.40% 2,576 2,616 2,987 3,617 2,864 2,747 3,082 3,512 3,837 3,925 Rental Yield 10% ACT Units 9% ACT Units Number of Sales 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Page | 42 ©2014 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 0% Dec- 03 1 www.residex.com.au Powered by Residex Regions and LGA Analysis Sydney Local Government Areas Key 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Ashfield Auburn Bankstown Baulkham Hills Blacktown Botany Bay Burwood Camden Campbelltown Canada Bay Canterbury Fairfield Holroyd Hornsby Hunters Hill Hurstville Kogarah Ku Ring Gai Lane Cove Leichhardt Liverpool Manly Marrickville Mosman North Sydney Parramatta Penrith Pittwater Randwick Rockdale Ryde Strathfield Sutherland Sydney Warringah Waverley Willoughby Woollahra www.residex.com.au 26 ©2014 Page | 43 State Market Report Sydney Local Government Areas Long Term Statistics Last 10 Year Averages Local Council Ashfield Bankstown Blacktown Blue Mountains Botany Bay Burwood Camden Campbelltown Canada Bay Canterbury City Of Auburn City Of Kogarah Fairfield Gosford Hawkesbury Holroyd Hornsby Hunters Hill Hurstville Ku-Ring-Gai Lane Cove Leichhardt Liverpool Manly Marrickville Mosman North Sydney Parramatta Penrith Pittwater Randwick Rockdale Ryde Strathfield Sutherland Shire Sydney The Hills Shire Unincorporated Warringah Waverley Willoughby Wollondilly Woollahra Page | 44 Capital Growth Houses 4.13% 3.44% 3.14% 2.27% 4.35% 5.02% 2.25% 2.12% 4.64% 4.01% 4.30% 4.16% 3.34% 1.30% 2.29% 3.70% 4.02% 1.91% 3.46% 3.41% 4.63% 4.60% 2.80% 2.97% 5.05% 2.60% 3.61% 4.46% 2.66% 2.08% 3.85% 3.70% 4.53% 3.74% 2.66% 5.29% 3.28% 0.31% 3.27% 3.85% 4.18% 2.46% 3.45% Units 4.89% 3.06% 2.77% 1.57% 4.97% 4.86% 2.02% 2.94% 3.47% 4.67% 4.32% 5.01% 3.77% 1.21% 3.04% 2.66% 3.84% 2.68% 3.71% 3.59% 4.23% 3.89% 2.41% 3.62% 5.44% 3.73% 4.03% 3.70% 2.80% 3.17% 4.21% 3.47% 4.24% 3.33% 2.86% 4.42% 3.62% 17.21% 3.66% 3.99% 4.82% 2.68% 3.21% Rental Yield Houses 2.44% 4.07% 4.58% 4.16% 3.37% 2.90% 4.63% 4.93% 2.94% 3.65% 3.97% 2.93% 4.41% 4.17% 4.43% 4.10% 3.73% 2.60% 3.36% 3.56% 2.98% 3.61% 4.44% 3.17% 3.84% 2.59% 2.68% 3.86% 4.68% 3.71% 2.63% 3.24% 3.17% 2.25% 3.51% 3.76% 4.02% 9.10% 3.90% 2.49% 2.88% 4.60% 2.35% ©2014 Units 4.71% 5.38% 5.05% 4.09% 5.27% 4.54% 4.84% 5.46% 4.44% 5.53% 5.33% 4.74% 5.85% 4.52% 4.89% 5.43% 4.76% 4.03% 4.75% 4.46% 4.75% 4.22% 5.75% 4.14% 4.98% 4.31% 4.39% 5.19% 5.20% 4.35% 4.45% 4.70% 4.62% 4.96% 4.44% 4.86% 4.73% 7.62% 4.85% 4.33% 4.66% 4.90% 4.02% Total Return Houses 6.69% 7.71% 7.93% 6.57% 7.90% 8.09% 7.05% 7.25% 7.75% 7.84% 8.50% 7.23% 7.97% 5.58% 6.89% 8.01% 7.95% 4.58% 6.97% 7.13% 7.77% 8.41% 7.43% 6.26% 9.13% 5.28% 6.41% 8.54% 7.54% 5.91% 6.60% 7.08% 7.88% 6.09% 6.30% 9.30% 7.49% 9.79% 7.36% 6.46% 7.21% 7.26% 5.89% Units 9.91% 8.71% 8.06% 5.79% 10.60% 9.69% 7.05% 8.68% 8.14% 10.56% 9.99% 10.06% 9.97% 5.86% 8.16% 8.36% 8.87% 6.88% 8.72% 8.28% 9.27% 8.34% 8.42% 7.97% 10.79% 8.28% 8.67% 9.18% 8.25% 7.73% 8.92% 8.42% 9.14% 8.55% 7.50% 9.58% 8.61% 26.38% 8.78% 8.56% 9.78% 7.79% 7.42% www.residex.com.au Powered by Residex Regions For analysis purposes we have broken the Sydney metropolitan area into 16 different regions for houses defined by postcode ranges. We call these regions Residex Regions. These Regions are presented in a map on the following page. These regions have been defined so as to ensure that we have enough data to allow the calculation of reliable and detailed statistics. The grouping has been undertaken by identifying similar areas of Sydney in terms of price and location to one another. This entire process ensures the statistics gathered for a Residex Region may be interpreted usefully. Due to the smaller number of units in Sydney when compared to houses, it is necessary to increase the size of the Residex Regions for units to gain statistically acceptable results. As a consequence, you will notice that generally, the Residex Regions for units contain significantly more postcodes than for houses. Overall there are 5 different Residex Regions for units. Residex Regions for Sydney are presented in the map below. www.residex.com.au ©2014 Page | 45 State Market Report Sydney Long Term Statistics Average over the Last 10 Years Capital Growth (% pa) Rental Yield Inner Sydney Houses Eastern Suburbs Houses Inner West Houses Lower North Shore Houses Upper North Shore Houses Neutral Bay / Spit Houses Manly Warringah Houses North Western Suburbs Houses Western Suburbs Houses Parramatta and Hills Houses Liverpool / Fairfield Houses Canterbury Bankstown Houses St George Houses Cronulla Sutherland Houses Campbelltown Houses Penrith Windsor Houses Units 4.78% 3.65% 4.63% 3.79% 3.53% 2.77% 2.97% 4.20% 3.71% 3.29% 3.12% 3.72% 3.72% 2.70% 2.08% 2.81% 3.76% 2.55% 3.53% 2.86% 3.84% 2.60% 3.66% 3.38% 3.47% 3.89% 4.45% 3.93% 3.42% 3.51% 4.87% 4.64% 8.77% 6.31% 8.37% 6.78% 7.57% 5.47% 6.80% 7.76% 7.35% 7.35% 7.78% 7.84% 7.30% 6.34% 7.13% 7.66% South Units North Units North West Units South West Units Far West Units 4.06% 3.66% 3.61% 3.09% 3.09% 4.66% 4.61% 4.94% 4.96% 5.30% 8.99% 8.52% 8.83% 8.30% 8.66% Residex Region Total Return Houses Page | 46 ©2014 www.residex.com.au Powered by Country NSW Long Term Statistics Average over the Last 10 Years Residex Region Capital Growth (% pa) Rental Yield 1.23% 3.07% 4.10% 4.81% 2.67% 2.61% 1.90% 3.41% 3.28% 2.36% 3.06% 4.49% 6.47% 4.47% 4.45% 4.46% 5.27% 5.89% 4.68% 4.48% 4.35% 4.82% 5.80% 4.19% 5.44% 6.43% 6.14% 6.71% 5.80% 7.74% 9.70% 11.12% 7.56% 7.28% 6.41% 8.50% 9.41% 6.71% 8.79% 11.39% 13.16% 11.67% 1.39% 3.09% 4.55% 5.30% 6.08% 8.66% Total Return Houses Central Coast Houses Newcastle Houses Hunter Valley Houses New England Houses North Coast Houses Wollongong Houses South Coast Houses Southern Houses Riverina Houses Blue Mountains Houses Bathurst Orange Houses Dubbo and North West Houses Mudgee District Houses Western Houses Units All Country Units Far West Units www.residex.com.au ©2014 Page | 47 State Market Report Region Summary The following pages summarise the trends of capital growth, rental rates and number of sales for the last 10 years for each Residex Region. The Accumulated Growth Index graph measures the change in property values over the past 10 years for the specified Residex Region, while the Sydney index is also displayed for ease of comparison. The graph shows the price of properties at each time period relative to the base price of 1.000. For example, at the point where the graph reaches 2, prices have doubled from what they were when the graph commenced. When the line on the graph reaches 3, prices have trebled and so on. The graphs are displayed logarithmically to enable an easy visual comparison, meaning you can compare the slope of the line on a graph at any point to visually judge and compare the rate of change. That is, a movement of the same distance up the y-axis reflects a doubling of prices. The Rental Yield graph measures the trend in rental rates over the last 10 years and also provides the Sydney trend for comparison. The data table in each Residex Region summary presents the numbers behind the above mentioned graphs, along with the number of residential sales for each year. Due to the comparatively small amount of units in New South Wales Country, only one Residex Region is provided – All Country Units. This region provides data for all areas that do not fall in the Sydney Metropolitan. Rent statistics in this region are based on very limited data and should be used as a broad guide only. Page | 48 ©2014 www.residex.com.au Inner Sydney Houses Postcode Range: 2000 to 2020 Property Count: Approximately 30,000 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 5.75% 3.82% 1.18% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 5%+ pa Next 8 Years: 7%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 Inner Sydney Houses Capital Growth -2.73% 4.10% 1.55% 14.40% 1.43% 4.93% 8.85% 2.01% -1.26% 16.18% Accumulated Growth Index 0.9727 1.0126 1.0283 1.1764 1.1932 1.2521 1.3629 1.3903 1.3727 1.5949 Number of Sales 530 579 573 763 605 661 722 602 543 694 Rental Yield 10% 9% Sydney Houses Rental Yield 3.99% 3.24% 3.43% 3.40% 3.79% 3.55% 4.00% 4.05% 4.25% 3.82% Inner Sydney Houses Sydney Houses Dec- 11 $1,039,500 254 $760 Dec- 08 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 04 0% 1 Eastern Suburbs Houses Postcode Range: 2021 to 2036 Property Count: Approximately 61,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $1,646,000 715 $980 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 7.84% 3.11% 3.86% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 8%+ pa Next 8 Years: 9%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 Capital Growth -4.01% 2.75% 6.55% 12.60% -2.56% 7.07% 10.51% -3.42% -4.93% 14.19% Accumulated Growth Index 0.9599 0.9864 1.0510 1.1834 1.1531 1.2346 1.3643 1.3176 1.2527 1.4305 Eastern Suburbs Houses 9% Sydney Houses Number of Sales 1,753 1,757 1,998 2,436 1,882 1,938 2,209 1,981 1,840 2,243 Rental Yield 10% Eastern Suburbs Houses Rental Yield 2.61% 2.22% 2.30% 2.24% 2.39% 2.05% 2.45% 3.09% 3.24% 3.11% Sydney Houses 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% www.residex.com.au ©2014 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 0% Dec- 03 1 Page | 49 Inner West Houses Postcode Range: 2037 to 2059 Property Count: Approximately 55,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $1,080,000 743 $770 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 4.12% 3.72% 1.21% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 6%+ pa Next 8 Years: 8%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 Inner West Houses Capital Growth 1.44% -0.73% 1.72% 15.21% -0.87% 10.98% 9.36% -3.85% -1.05% 16.43% Accumulated Growth Index 1.0144 1.0071 1.0244 1.1802 1.1699 1.2984 1.4200 1.3653 1.3509 1.5728 Number of Sales 1,942 1,864 2,054 2,428 1,925 1,956 2,133 1,943 1,815 2,176 Rental Yield 10% Inner West Houses 9% Sydney Houses Rental Yield 2.96% 3.28% 3.41% 3.25% 3.80% 3.37% 3.59% 3.92% 4.12% 3.72% Sydney Houses 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 04 0% 1 Lower North Shore Houses Postcode Range: 2060 to 2069 Property Count: Approximately 37,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $1,528,500 508 $980 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 2.26% 3.35% -0.40% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 6%+ pa Next 8 Years: 7%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 Capital Growth 1.68% -1.58% 6.22% 15.18% -3.52% 4.00% 11.20% -4.67% -1.82% 13.43% Accumulated Growth Index 1.0168 1.0007 1.0630 1.2243 1.1811 1.2284 1.3660 1.3022 1.2785 1.4501 Lower North Shore Houses 9% Sydney Houses Number of Sales 1,216 1,307 1,298 1,573 1,130 1,244 1,351 1,230 1,228 1,515 Rental Yield 10% Lower North Shore Houses Rental Yield 2.22% 2.70% 2.73% 2.47% 2.85% 2.49% 2.93% 3.24% 3.27% 3.35% Sydney Houses 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Page | 50 ©2014 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 0% Dec- 03 1 www.residex.com.au Upper North Shore Houses Postcode Range: 2070 to 2087 Property Count: Approximately 66,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $1,078,000 930 $845 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 5.52% 4.10% 3.49% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 5%+ pa Next 8 Years: 6%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 Capital Growth 2.09% -0.38% 2.49% 11.68% -3.37% 3.68% 8.73% -3.70% 1.67% 13.95% Accumulated Growth Index 1.0209 1.0170 1.0424 1.1641 1.1249 1.1663 1.2681 1.2212 1.2417 1.4148 Upper North Shore Houses 9% Sydney Houses Number of Sales 2,403 2,438 2,479 2,864 2,354 2,569 2,634 2,291 2,438 3,038 Rental Yield 10% Upper North Shore Houses Rental Yield 3.45% 3.09% 3.57% 3.58% 4.26% 3.41% 4.18% 4.20% 4.49% 4.10% Sydney Houses 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 04 0% 1 Neutral Bay / Spit Houses Postcode Range: 2088 to 2091 Property Count: Approximately 12,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $2,066,000 148 $1,370 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: -1.69% 3.46% 4.08% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 9%+ pa Next 8 Years: 9%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 Capital Growth 0.60% 8.20% 3.94% 12.09% 7.56% -6.43% 10.33% -3.21% -9.18% 6.13% Accumulated Growth Index 1.0060 1.0885 1.1314 1.2682 1.3641 1.2764 1.4083 1.3630 1.2379 1.3138 Neutral Bay / Spit Houses 9% Sydney Houses Number of Sales 393 403 503 559 414 411 477 394 394 460 Rental Yield 10% Neutral Bay / Spit Houses Rental Yield 2.50% 2.30% 2.23% 2.16% 2.37% 1.78% 2.29% 3.37% 3.71% 3.46% Sydney Houses 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% www.residex.com.au ©2014 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 0% Dec- 03 1 Page | 51 Manly Warringah Houses Postcode Range: 2092 to 2109 Property Count: Approximately 59,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $1,163,000 801 $875 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 5.43% 3.93% 1.39% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 7%+ pa Next 8 Years: 8%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 Capital Growth -0.39% 3.06% 3.29% 9.54% 0.95% 2.70% 2.59% -3.66% 0.50% 12.08% Accumulated Growth Index 0.9961 1.0266 1.0603 1.1615 1.1726 1.2043 1.2354 1.1902 1.1961 1.3406 Manly Warringah Houses 9% Sydney Houses Number of Sales 1,960 2,049 2,176 2,548 1,873 2,224 2,266 1,986 1,991 2,352 Rental Yield 10% Manly Warringah Houses Rental Yield 3.07% 3.39% 3.43% 3.37% 3.85% 3.21% 4.12% 4.22% 4.22% 3.93% Sydney Houses 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 04 0% 1 North Western Suburbs Houses Postcode Range: 2110 to 2126 Property Count: Approximately 79,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $994,000 1,041 $650 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 3.37% 3.42% 0.70% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 5%+ pa Next 8 Years: 6%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 Capital Growth -1.51% -0.99% 2.49% 8.89% -0.39% 9.31% 8.04% -2.51% 2.05% 18.50% Accumulated Growth Index 0.9849 0.9752 0.9995 1.0883 1.0841 1.1850 1.2803 1.2481 1.2737 1.5094 North Western Suburbs Houses 9% Sydney Houses Number of Sales 2,399 2,405 2,522 3,043 2,395 2,814 2,854 2,641 2,629 3,295 Rental Yield 10% North Western Suburbs Houses Rental Yield 2.82% 2.81% 3.02% 3.13% 3.68% 3.28% 3.46% 3.68% 3.80% 3.42% Sydney Houses 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Page | 52 ©2014 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 0% Dec- 03 1 www.residex.com.au Western Suburbs Houses Postcode Range: 2127 to 2145 Property Count: Approximately 77,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $765,000 840 $525 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 2.87% 3.59% 0.12% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 5%+ pa Next 8 Years: 6%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 Capital Growth -2.39% -0.58% 0.71% 6.98% -2.94% 11.62% 9.17% 2.49% 0.14% 13.38% Accumulated Growth Index 0.9761 0.9705 0.9774 1.0457 1.0149 1.1329 1.2367 1.2675 1.2694 1.4392 Western Suburbs Houses 9% Sydney Houses Number of Sales 2,250 2,084 2,228 2,691 2,334 2,636 2,777 2,487 2,298 2,586 Rental Yield 10% Western Suburbs Houses Rental Yield 2.72% 2.78% 3.21% 3.43% 3.91% 3.60% 3.66% 3.79% 3.82% 3.59% Sydney Houses 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 04 0% 1 Parramatta and Hills Houses Postcode Range: 2146 to 2159 Property Count: Approximately 107,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $670,000 1,346 $555 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 4.97% 4.34% 2.35% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 5%+ pa Next 8 Years: 5%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 Capital Growth -2.96% -3.25% 3.06% 5.73% -3.21% 13.33% 6.25% 0.46% 1.66% 13.44% Accumulated Growth Index 0.9704 0.9389 0.9676 1.0231 0.9903 1.1223 1.1925 1.1980 1.2179 1.3816 Parramatta and Hills Houses 9% Sydney Houses Number of Sales 3,638 3,418 3,510 4,161 3,337 4,308 3,920 3,797 3,761 4,364 Rental Yield 10% Parramatta and Hills Houses Rental Yield 3.33% 3.44% 3.28% 3.42% 4.29% 3.83% 3.97% 4.48% 4.42% 4.34% Sydney Houses 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% www.residex.com.au ©2014 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 0% Dec- 03 1 Page | 53 Liverpool / Fairfield Houses Postcode Range: 2160 to 2189 Property Count: Approximately 142,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $528,500 1,387 $475 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 4.35% 4.68% 2.87% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 5%+ pa Next 8 Years: 5%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 Capital Growth 0.83% -4.75% -4.16% 2.29% 0.52% 11.78% 7.44% 2.01% 3.31% 13.49% Accumulated Growth Index 1.0083 0.9604 0.9204 0.9415 0.9464 1.0579 1.1366 1.1594 1.1979 1.3594 Liverpool / Fairfield Houses 9% Sydney Houses Number of Sales 4,255 3,838 4,252 4,729 4,340 5,581 4,770 4,801 4,398 4,958 Rental Yield 10% Liverpool / Fairfield Houses Rental Yield 3.33% 3.43% 3.94% 4.56% 5.25% 4.82% 5.02% 5.09% 4.84% 4.68% Sydney Houses 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 04 0% 1 Canterbury Bankstown Houses Postcode Range: 2190 to 2200 Property Count: Approximately 52,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $667,000 569 $525 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 4.17% 4.13% -0.42% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 4%+ pa Next 8 Years: 5%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 Capital Growth -2.79% -2.98% -2.22% 6.90% -1.30% 12.22% 12.88% 0.12% 3.20% 13.12% Accumulated Growth Index 0.9721 0.9431 0.9222 0.9858 0.9730 1.0919 1.2325 1.2339 1.2734 1.4405 Canterbury Bankstown Houses 9% Sydney Houses Number of Sales 1,476 1,298 1,469 1,667 1,489 1,971 1,720 1,554 1,484 1,833 Rental Yield 10% Canterbury Bankstown Houses Rental Yield 3.25% 3.17% 3.54% 4.00% 4.57% 4.23% 4.15% 4.30% 4.39% 4.13% Sydney Houses 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Page | 54 ©2014 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 0% Dec- 03 1 www.residex.com.au St George Houses Postcode Range: 2201 to 2223 Property Count: Approximately 105,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $873,000 1,216 $610 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 5.01% 3.66% 1.11% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 4%+ pa Next 8 Years: 6%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 St George Houses Capital Growth -2.85% -4.54% 0.55% 7.14% 0.12% 10.73% 10.72% 1.16% 1.41% 14.54% Accumulated Growth Index 0.9715 0.9274 0.9325 0.9991 1.0003 1.1076 1.2264 1.2405 1.2580 1.4410 Number of Sales 2,883 2,772 3,100 3,567 3,052 3,649 3,527 3,201 3,166 3,696 Rental Yield 10% St George Houses 9% Sydney Houses Rental Yield 2.66% 3.20% 3.19% 3.23% 3.79% 3.58% 3.51% 3.82% 3.79% 3.66% Sydney Houses 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 04 0% 1 Cronulla Sutherland Houses Postcode Range: 2224 to 2249 Property Count: Approximately 65,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $835,500 769 $655 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 5.06% 4.08% 2.06% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 5%+ pa Next 8 Years: 6%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 Capital Growth -2.89% -1.16% 1.47% 2.89% -0.15% 9.45% 6.55% -0.40% 2.00% 10.14% Accumulated Growth Index 0.9711 0.9599 0.9740 1.0021 1.0006 1.0952 1.1669 1.1622 1.1855 1.3056 Cronulla Sutherland Houses 9% Sydney Houses Number of Sales 1,919 1,939 2,032 2,380 1,991 2,264 2,360 2,158 2,088 2,465 Rental Yield 10% Cronulla Sutherland Houses Rental Yield 2.52% 2.51% 3.10% 3.46% 3.71% 3.42% 3.81% 4.17% 4.12% 4.08% Sydney Houses 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% www.residex.com.au ©2014 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 0% Dec- 03 1 Page | 55 Central Coast Houses Postcode Range: 2250 to 2263 Property Count: Approximately 134,000 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 4.94% 5.47% 1.50% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 6%+ pa Next 8 Years: 6%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 Central Coast Houses Capital Growth 0.10% -2.36% -0.59% 1.01% -4.15% 6.05% 3.09% -1.90% 1.93% 9.84% Accumulated Growth Index 1.0010 0.9774 0.9716 0.9814 0.9407 0.9976 1.0284 1.0088 1.0283 1.1295 Number of Sales 5,052 4,628 4,924 5,460 4,367 6,230 5,046 5,089 5,336 6,044 Rental Yield 10% 9% Sydney Houses Rental Yield 3.23% 3.75% 3.77% 3.95% 4.74% 4.90% 4.82% 5.27% 5.40% 5.47% Central Coast Houses Sydney Houses Dec- 11 $410,000 1,812 $430 Dec- 08 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 04 0% 1 Newcastle Houses Postcode Range: 2264 to 2319 Property Count: Approximately 163,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $431,500 1,773 $415 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 2.70% 5.02% 0.85% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 6%+ pa Next 8 Years: 7%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 Newcastle Houses Capital Growth 3.47% 2.35% 1.37% 5.57% -3.04% 8.43% 2.65% 0.37% 3.46% 6.56% Accumulated Growth Index 1.0347 1.0591 1.0736 1.1333 1.0988 1.1915 1.2230 1.2275 1.2700 1.3532 Number of Sales 5,702 5,389 5,985 6,403 5,238 6,842 5,956 5,963 5,999 6,297 Rental Yield 10% Newcastle Houses 9% Sydney Houses Rental Yield 3.56% 3.79% 3.96% 4.12% 4.77% 4.74% 4.89% 5.00% 5.14% 5.02% Sydney Houses 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Page | 56 ©2014 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 0% Dec- 03 1 www.residex.com.au Hunter Valley Houses Postcode Range: 2320 to 2339 Property Count: Approximately 103,000 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: -0.07% 5.46% 1.70% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 4%+ pa Next 8 Years: 6%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 Hunter Valley Houses Capital Growth 8.36% 1.54% 4.34% 5.94% 0.02% 5.73% 5.21% -2.05% 8.74% 3.73% Accumulated Growth Index 1.0836 1.1003 1.1481 1.2162 1.2165 1.2862 1.3533 1.3255 1.4414 1.4951 Number of Sales 3,198 2,995 3,334 3,452 2,799 3,705 3,041 3,264 3,477 3,052 Rental Yield 10% 9% Sydney Houses Rental Yield 4.34% 5.02% 5.02% 4.74% 5.22% 5.40% 5.74% 6.12% 5.86% 5.46% Hunter Valley Houses Sydney Houses Dec- 11 $331,500 803 $345 Dec- 08 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 04 0% 1 New England Houses Postcode Range: 2340 to 2419 Property Count: Approximately 98,000 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 4.60% 6.10% 0.65% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 2%+ pa Next 8 Years: 5%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 New England Houses Capital Growth 16.55% 7.27% 4.36% 5.18% 2.58% 4.86% 4.17% 1.52% -2.10% 4.64% Accumulated Growth Index 1.1655 1.2503 1.3048 1.3723 1.4078 1.4762 1.5379 1.5612 1.5283 1.5993 Number of Sales 3,305 2,720 2,884 2,929 2,329 2,852 2,390 2,356 2,259 2,307 Rental Yield 10% 9% Sydney Houses Rental Yield 5.02% 6.01% 5.89% 5.84% 5.81% 6.11% 6.08% 6.31% 6.05% 6.10% New England Houses Sydney Houses Dec- 11 $250,000 632 $290 Dec- 08 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% www.residex.com.au ©2014 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 0% Dec- 03 1 Page | 57 North Coast Houses Postcode Range: 2420 to 2499 Property Count: Approximately 273,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $362,000 2,124 $370 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 2.17% 5.36% 2.37% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 6%+ pa Next 8 Years: 7%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 North Coast Houses Capital Growth 9.01% 2.50% 3.18% 8.34% -1.11% 5.32% 3.37% -3.80% -2.17% 2.88% Accumulated Growth Index 1.0901 1.1174 1.1529 1.2491 1.2352 1.3010 1.3448 1.2937 1.2656 1.3021 Rental Yield 3.87% 4.12% 4.23% 4.06% 4.71% 4.91% 4.95% 5.15% 5.06% 5.36% Number of Sales 7,217 6,764 7,554 9,111 6,759 8,103 7,031 6,054 6,251 7,289 Accumulated Growth Index 10 North Coast Houses Sydney Houses Sydney Houses Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 04 1 1 Wollongong Houses Postcode Range: 2500 to 2530 Property Count: Approximately 92,000 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 3.64% 5.10% 1.65% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 8%+ pa Next 8 Years: 7%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 Wollongong Houses Capital Growth 2.16% 1.43% 3.83% -1.43% -0.67% 7.72% 1.29% 3.44% 2.12% 6.59% Accumulated Growth Index 1.0216 1.0362 1.0759 1.0605 1.0534 1.1348 1.1494 1.1890 1.2142 1.2943 Number of Sales 2,815 2,803 3,122 3,301 2,758 3,383 3,068 3,087 3,042 3,234 Rental Yield 10% 9% Sydney Houses Rental Yield 3.62% 3.78% 3.99% 3.98% 5.20% 4.56% 5.08% 5.16% 4.96% 5.10% Wollongong Houses Sydney Houses Dec- 11 $456,500 883 $445 Dec- 08 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Page | 58 ©2014 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 0% Dec- 03 1 www.residex.com.au South Coast Houses Postcode Range: 2531 to 2551 Property Count: Approximately 110,000 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 3.73% 5.01% 2.57% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 8%+ pa Next 8 Years: 8%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 South Coast Houses Capital Growth 5.28% 1.23% 0.78% 5.12% -2.74% 5.97% 3.79% -3.92% 1.60% 2.40% Accumulated Growth Index 1.0528 1.0657 1.0739 1.1289 1.0980 1.1635 1.2077 1.1603 1.1789 1.2072 Number of Sales 3,200 2,731 3,191 3,614 2,990 3,588 3,497 3,034 3,110 3,520 Rental Yield 10% 9% Sydney Houses Rental Yield 4.58% 3.80% 3.85% 3.66% 4.32% 4.22% 4.28% 4.98% 4.72% 5.01% South Coast Houses Sydney Houses Dec- 11 $365,500 1,014 $350 Dec- 08 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 04 0% 1 Campbelltown Houses Postcode Range: 2552 to 2570 Property Count: Approximately 82,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $403,000 914 $430 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 5.75% 5.55% 2.42% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 4%+ pa Next 8 Years: 5%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 Capital Growth -0.84% -0.49% -4.30% 3.02% 0.83% 8.02% 0.03% 1.09% 5.13% 9.03% Accumulated Growth Index 0.9916 0.9868 0.9443 0.9728 0.9809 1.0595 1.0598 1.0714 1.1264 1.2281 Campbelltown Houses 9% Sydney Houses Number of Sales 2,599 2,560 2,680 2,925 2,567 3,512 2,781 3,010 2,918 3,212 Rental Yield 10% Campbelltown Houses Rental Yield 3.45% 3.79% 4.55% 4.42% 5.19% 5.26% 5.78% 5.87% 5.48% 5.55% Sydney Houses 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% www.residex.com.au ©2014 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 0% Dec- 03 1 Page | 59 Southern Houses Postcode Range: 2571 to 2639 Property Count: Approximately 114,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $385,000 882 $375 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 3.36% 5.06% 2.43% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 7%+ pa Next 8 Years: 7%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 Southern Houses Capital Growth 7.81% 1.41% 1.63% 4.12% 3.83% 0.18% 8.74% 4.68% -1.54% 3.68% Accumulated Growth Index 1.0781 1.0933 1.1112 1.1570 1.2013 1.2034 1.3086 1.3698 1.3488 1.3984 Number of Sales 2,817 2,661 2,816 3,020 2,526 3,307 2,979 2,821 2,892 3,165 Rental Yield 10% Southern Houses 9% Sydney Houses Rental Yield 4.92% 4.94% 4.44% 4.02% 4.34% 4.81% 4.85% 4.98% 4.78% 5.06% Sydney Houses 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 03 0% 1 Riverina Houses Postcode Range: 2640 to 2739 Property Count: Approximately 140,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $242,000 1,025 $275 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 3.14% 5.92% 2.76% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: Negative Next 8 Years: 5%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 Riverina Houses Capital Growth 11.46% 5.60% 6.28% 4.87% 1.56% 1.39% -1.70% -5.76% 8.90% 1.31% Accumulated Growth Index 1.1146 1.1770 1.2509 1.3118 1.3323 1.3509 1.3279 1.2514 1.3629 1.3807 Number of Sales 4,716 4,150 4,353 4,354 3,602 4,088 3,379 3,212 3,273 3,682 Rental Yield 10% Riverina Houses 9% Sydney Houses Rental Yield 5.74% 4.93% 5.23% 5.33% 5.80% 6.05% 6.50% 6.42% 5.61% 5.92% Sydney Houses 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Page | 60 ©2014 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 0% Dec- 03 1 www.residex.com.au Penrith Windsor Houses Postcode Range: 2740 to 2771 Property Count: Approximately 173,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $434,000 1,840 $430 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 3.92% 5.17% 1.15% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 5%+ pa Next 8 Years: 5%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 Capital Growth 2.79% -1.63% -1.78% 3.90% -1.00% 9.51% 2.47% 0.97% 3.88% 9.67% Accumulated Growth Index 1.0279 1.0112 0.9932 1.0320 1.0216 1.1188 1.1464 1.1575 1.2025 1.3188 Penrith Windsor Houses 9% Sydney Houses Number of Sales 5,670 5,071 5,372 5,758 5,138 6,820 5,256 5,513 5,401 6,520 Rental Yield 10% Penrith Windsor Houses Rental Yield 3.70% 3.84% 4.07% 4.30% 4.96% 5.03% 5.18% 5.34% 5.21% 5.17% Sydney Houses 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 04 0% 1 Blue Mountains Houses Postcode Range: 2772 to 2786 Property Count: Approximately 41,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $406,500 484 $415 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 2.52% 5.31% 1.56% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 7%+ pa Next 8 Years: 7%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 Capital Growth 6.74% 3.39% -1.85% 5.48% -2.86% 6.97% 4.15% -0.94% -2.33% 5.56% Accumulated Growth Index 1.0674 1.1036 1.0832 1.1425 1.1098 1.1872 1.2365 1.2249 1.1963 1.2628 Blue Mountains Houses 9% Sydney Houses Number of Sales 1,417 1,284 1,489 1,598 1,281 1,725 1,448 1,430 1,351 1,620 Rental Yield 10% Blue Mountains Houses Rental Yield 3.72% 3.60% 3.74% 3.76% 4.02% 4.30% 4.59% 4.96% 5.10% 5.31% Sydney Houses 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% www.residex.com.au ©2014 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 0% Dec- 03 1 Page | 61 Bathurst Orange Houses Postcode Range: 2787 to 2819 Property Count: Approximately 68,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $287,500 503 $315 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 1.27% 5.68% -0.52% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 4%+ pa Next 8 Years: 5%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 Capital Growth 5.86% 2.81% 5.80% 3.42% -0.76% -1.48% 6.02% 1.24% 5.32% 2.73% Accumulated Growth Index 1.0586 1.0884 1.1515 1.1909 1.1819 1.1644 1.2344 1.2498 1.3163 1.3523 Bathurst Orange Houses 9% Sydney Houses Number of Sales 2,145 1,804 1,842 2,004 1,739 2,129 1,888 2,086 2,007 1,893 Rental Yield 10% Bathurst Orange Houses Rental Yield 5.22% 4.96% 4.90% 4.95% 5.30% 5.37% 5.86% 6.19% 5.54% 5.68% Sydney Houses 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 04 0% 1 Dubbo and North West Houses Postcode Range: 2820 to 2842 Property Count: Approximately 44,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $228,000 354 $260 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: -2.41% 5.90% 2.70% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: Negative Next 8 Years: 3%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 Capital Growth 8.00% 7.72% 5.75% 6.71% 3.85% 1.26% 1.35% -0.84% 4.63% 6.87% Accumulated Growth Index 1.0800 1.1633 1.2302 1.3127 1.3633 1.3805 1.3991 1.3874 1.4516 1.5514 Dubbo and North West Houses 9% Sydney Houses Number of Sales 1,541 1,350 1,305 1,465 1,233 1,405 1,129 1,100 1,188 1,190 Rental Yield 10% Dubbo and North West Houses Rental Yield 6.73% 5.95% 6.35% 6.08% 6.25% 6.30% 6.85% 6.65% 6.89% 5.90% Sydney Houses 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Page | 62 ©2014 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 0% Dec- 03 1 www.residex.com.au Mudgee District Houses Postcode Range: 2843 to 2863 Property Count: Approximately 18,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $282,000 123 $300 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: -7.17% 5.58% 0.76% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 4%+ pa Next 8 Years: 6%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 Capital Growth 19.73% 11.57% 8.16% 5.58% -4.20% 2.81% 8.90% 3.16% 16.21% -4.61% Accumulated Growth Index 1.1973 1.3359 1.4449 1.5254 1.4613 1.5024 1.6361 1.6879 1.9614 1.8710 Mudgee District Houses 9% Sydney Houses Number of Sales 484 401 398 402 385 486 433 488 568 457 Rental Yield 10% Mudgee District Houses Rental Yield 6.36% 5.44% 5.87% 4.99% 5.69% 5.99% 6.98% 6.77% 6.07% 5.58% Sydney Houses 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 04 0% 1 Western Houses Postcode Range: 2864 to 2886 Property Count: Approximately 31,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $163,500 202 $255 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 4.38% 8.11% 4.64% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 1%+ pa Next 8 Years: 4%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 Western Houses Capital Growth 10.64% 7.21% 10.22% 12.90% -1.17% 4.48% -0.29% 2.11% -3.68% 3.65% Accumulated Growth Index 1.1064 1.1862 1.3074 1.4761 1.4589 1.5242 1.5198 1.5518 1.4946 1.5491 Number of Sales 1,166 1,026 1,054 1,184 808 766 672 769 938 766 Rental Yield 10% Western Houses 9% Sydney Houses Rental Yield 6.26% 6.88% 6.24% 5.86% 7.46% 6.17% 6.35% 7.01% 7.38% 8.11% Sydney Houses 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% www.residex.com.au ©2014 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 0% Dec- 03 1 Page | 63 South Units Postcode Range: 2000 to 2059 Property Count: Approximately 296,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $667,000 4,047 $635 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 3.38% 4.98% 2.46% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 3%+ pa Next 8 Years: 5%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 South Units Capital Growth -0.29% 1.60% 1.49% 8.57% -1.97% 10.37% 7.84% 1.09% 2.41% 10.43% Accumulated Growth Index 0.9971 1.0130 1.0281 1.1162 1.0942 1.2077 1.3023 1.3165 1.3482 1.4888 Number of Sales 9,961 9,909 9,396 11,879 10,407 11,718 10,621 10,275 9,160 11,443 Rental Yield 10% South Units 9% Sydney Units Rental Yield 4.21% 4.08% 4.36% 4.54% 5.00% 4.53% 4.65% 5.18% 5.01% 4.98% Sydney Units 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 04 0% 1 North Units Postcode Range: 2060 to 2109 Property Count: Approximately 174,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $638,000 2,645 $585 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 3.83% 4.81% 1.96% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-04 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 3%+ pa Next 8 Years: 4%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 North Units Capital Growth 0.20% 1.75% 3.92% 6.98% -0.94% 8.27% 7.39% 0.78% -0.97% 0.20% Accumulated Growth Index 1.0020 1.0195 1.0594 1.1333 1.1227 1.2155 1.3054 1.3155 1.3028 1.0020 Number of Sales 6,660 6,753 6,565 8,336 6,635 8,494 7,859 7,656 6,644 6,660 Rental Yield 10% North Units 9% Sydney Units Rental Yield 4.09% 4.02% 4.43% 4.40% 4.75% 4.53% 4.53% 4.82% 4.98% 4.09% Sydney Units 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Page | 64 ©2014 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 0% Dec- 03 1 www.residex.com.au North West Units Postcode Range: 2110 to 2159 Property Count: Approximately 182,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $490,500 3,691 $475 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 4.72% 5.05% 2.36% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 2%+ pa Next 8 Years: 4%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 North West Units Capital Growth -1.86% -1.35% 0.05% 6.65% 0.47% 9.44% 8.91% 3.27% 0.16% 11.47% Accumulated Growth Index 0.9814 0.9681 0.9686 1.0330 1.0378 1.1358 1.2370 1.2775 1.2795 1.4262 Number of Sales 7,652 6,758 6,939 8,058 7,820 11,204 8,736 8,942 8,890 11,367 Rental Yield 10% North West Units 9% Sydney Units Rental Yield 4.18% 4.31% 4.86% 4.70% 5.56% 5.14% 5.03% 5.11% 5.22% 5.05% Sydney Units 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 04 0% 1 South West Units Postcode Range: 2160 to 2249 Property Count: Approximately 214,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $442,000 2,794 $435 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 3.25% 5.16% 2.42% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 2%+ pa Next 8 Years: 4%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 South West Units Capital Growth -1.58% -3.49% -0.57% 3.22% 1.54% 10.27% 9.99% 3.63% -0.93% 10.03% Accumulated Growth Index 0.9842 0.9498 0.9444 0.9748 0.9898 1.0915 1.2005 1.2441 1.2326 1.3562 Number of Sales 8,537 7,170 7,703 9,397 9,063 12,423 9,624 9,142 8,808 9,769 Rental Yield 10% South West Units 9% Sydney Units Rental Yield 4.07% 4.21% 4.58% 4.93% 5.66% 5.21% 5.14% 5.15% 5.35% 5.16% Sydney Units 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% www.residex.com.au ©2014 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 0% Dec- 03 1 Page | 65 Far West Units Postcode Range: 2552 to 2771 Property Count: Approximately 98,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $288,500 1,134 $330 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 4.31% 5.93% 0.92% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 3%+ pa Next 8 Years: 4%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 Far West Units Capital Growth 7.46% -0.71% -2.85% 3.92% -1.28% 9.28% 5.44% -0.22% 2.83% 7.79% Accumulated Growth Index 1.0746 1.0670 1.0367 1.0772 1.0635 1.1622 1.2255 1.2227 1.2573 1.3553 Number of Sales 3,429 2,831 3,092 3,460 3,251 4,398 3,238 3,379 3,340 3,882 Rental Yield 10% Far West Units 9% Sydney Units Rental Yield 5.02% 4.71% 4.25% 4.32% 5.30% 5.38% 5.60% 6.01% 5.98% 5.93% Sydney Units 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 04 0% 1 All Country Units Postcode Range: 2250 to 2886 Property Count: Approximately 325,000 Current Quarter Median value: Number of sales: Median rent: $314,500 2,728 $330 Capital Growth: Rental yield: Total return: 1.70% 5.44% 1.31% Year Ending Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Predicted Average Growth Next 5 Years: 3%+ pa Next 8 Years: 5%+ pa Accumulated Growth Index 10 All Country Units Capital Growth 3.85% -0.53% -0.02% 4.14% -3.99% 5.56% 3.37% -0.57% -1.63% 4.19% Accumulated Growth Index 1.0385 1.0329 1.0328 1.0755 1.0327 1.0901 1.1268 1.1203 1.1021 1.1483 Number of Sales 9,203 8,116 9,199 10,296 8,247 11,123 9,722 8,269 8,609 9,713 Rental Yield 10% All Country Units 9% Sydney Units Rental Yield 3.57% 3.78% 4.06% 3.98% 4.61% 4.89% 4.90% 5.52% 5.44% 5.44% Sydney Units 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Page | 66 ©2014 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 Dec- 03 Dec- 13 Dec- 12 Dec- 11 Dec- 10 Dec- 09 Dec- 08 Dec- 07 Dec- 06 Dec- 05 Dec- 04 0% Dec- 03 1 www.residex.com.au Powered by Suburb List NSW Houses Postcode The corresponding postcode to the listed suburb. Dwelling Count The number of dwellings in the suburb. Sales The number of sales that have occurred in the suburb. The figure has been modified to remove any excessively large and/or small value sales. ‘Last Quarter’ is the 3 months leading up to the quarter of this report. ‘Last Year’ is the 12 months up to the date of this report. Median Value The median (middle number when all values are arranged from smallest to largest) value of the properties in the suburb. This is different to the Median Price, which only relates to sold properties. ‘Current’ is the median value at the end of the quarter of this report. ‘Last Year’ is the median 12 months ago. Median Rent The median rent is an approximate figure calculated from sources such as newspapers and the internet. In smaller areas, this number can be skewed and should only be used as a guide. Capital Growth This is the growth in the value of properties in the area. ‘Last Year’ is the growth over the 12 months leading up to this report. ‘Last 10 Years’ is the per annum average figure over the last 10 years. Rental Yield Median Income The amount of This is the rental income you median can expect to household make over the income in the next 12 months, suburb. This expressed as a figure comes percentage of the from the latest value of a ABS data, property. For updated example, if the quarterly with the rental yield is 4%, Average Weekly you can expect to Earnings (AWE) receive gross Index. rental income equal to 4% of the value of the property over the next 12 months. For a property worth $500k, you could charge$385 rent per week (4% x $500k). * Any suburb marked with an asterisk has had all statistics revised to reflect any changes in suburb boundaries and the addition of new streets. www.residex.com.au ©2014 Page | 67 NSW Houses Suburb ABBOTSBURY ABBOTSFORD ABERCROMBIE ABERDARE ABERDEEN ABERGLASSLYN ABERMAIN ABERNETHY ACACIA GARDENS ADAMINABY ADAMSTOWN ADAMSTOWN HEIGHTS ADELONG AGNES BANKS AIRDS ALBION PARK ALBION PARK RAIL ALBURY ALEXANDRIA ALFORDS POINT ALLAMBIE HEIGHTS ALLAWAH ALSTONVILLE AMBARVALE ANNA BAY ANNANDALE APPIN ARCADIA VALE ARDLETHAN ARGENTON ARIAH PARK ARMIDALE ARNCLIFFE ARRAWARRA HEADLAND* ARTARMON ASHBURY ASHCROFT ASHFIELD ASHFORD ASHMONT ASHTONFIELD ASQUITH ATTUNGA www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2176 2046 2795 2325 2336 2320 2326 2325 2763 2629 2289 2289 2729 2753 2560 2527 2527 2640 2015 2234 2100 2218 2477 2560 2316 2038 2560 2283 2665 2284 2665 2350 2205 2456 2064 2193 2168 2131 2361 2650 2323 2077 2345 1231 1052 292 971 907 1080 922 115 1029 233 2171 2036 616 226 1311 3751 2310 2216 1607 986 2163 661 1986 2231 1325 3027 537 644 351 548 331 8573 2474 230 1299 1208 994 3738 311 1514 1333 1167 165 15 8 6 8 9 26 8 2 14 0 30 27 5 1 3 50 35 22 25 7 22 7 20 29 16 50 3 8 3 4 6 105 33 2 10 14 8 27 3 17 26 20 0 52 33 26 34 37 102 37 5 54 7 94 98 13 5 7 199 108 75 69 28 85 15 82 80 67 140 17 29 8 13 12 322 75 6 39 37 37 102 10 64 80 51 6 $714,500 $1,377,500 $429,500 $268,000 $315,500 $426,500 $253,000 $274,500 $571,000 $152,500 $515,000 $519,500 $208,500 $481,000 $276,500 $388,500 $347,000 $374,000 $1,056,500 $814,000 $1,047,000 $905,000 $416,500 $361,000 $402,500 $1,094,500 $479,500 $346,500 $95,500 $316,000 $102,500 $317,000 $826,000 $427,000 $1,697,000 $1,071,000 $382,000 $1,015,000 $100,000 $223,000 $425,000 $756,000 $208,000 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $611,500 $1,260,500 $419,500 $244,000 $294,500 $406,500 $243,000 $280,000 $537,500 $158,500 $463,000 $488,000 $189,000 $484,500 $248,500 $399,500 $331,000 $386,500 $881,000 $765,500 $935,500 $765,000 $398,500 $318,500 $393,500 $984,500 $474,500 $342,000 $90,000 $281,000 $100,000 $302,000 $706,500 $428,000 $1,481,000 $956,000 $355,000 $941,000 $98,000 $224,500 $403,000 $683,000 $198,000 $625 $705 $440 $320 $335 $415 $330 $330 $545 $180 $480 $505 $215 $470 $340 $420 $380 $360 $845 $770 $860 $560 $415 $405 $375 $795 $455 $340 $145 $340 $165 $370 $655 $400 $960 $690 $405 $480 $130 $285 $425 $600 $265 $590 $695 $450 $305 $360 $420 $320 $335 $550 $190 $495 $510 $225 $455 $325 $415 $365 $355 $800 $755 $840 $525 $390 $390 $355 $780 $460 $340 $140 $350 $165 $355 $625 $380 $905 $675 $390 $475 $125 $285 $435 $575 $255 16.88% 9.29% 2.40% 9.86% 7.23% 4.98% 4.16% -1.90% 6.22% -3.75% 11.25% 6.47% 10.22% -0.70% 11.23% -2.79% 4.72% -3.19% 19.91% 6.32% 11.94% 18.31% 4.50% 13.35% 2.21% 11.16% 1.09% 1.37% 6.08% 12.43% 2.86% 4.98% 16.94% -0.25% 14.57% 12.02% 7.60% 7.83% 1.76% -0.54% 5.49% 10.75% 5.02% 7.85% 7.75% 7.22% 7.36% 7.92% 9.43% 6.75% 7.56% 7.76% 4.84% 6.87% 6.16% 4.95% 6.29% 5.09% 5.91% 5.61% 4.56% 9.36% 6.39% 7.16% 7.54% 6.08% 5.53% 6.55% 8.51% 5.53% 5.58% 3.77% 6.45% 2.99% 5.58% 7.54% 6.60% 7.30% 8.06% 6.26% 8.16% 3.81% 3.79% 5.96% 7.20% 4.88% 4.72% 2.78% 5.40% 6.34% 6.01% 5.28% 6.81% 6.26% 5.23% 6.37% 5.29% 5.35% 5.79% 4.99% 6.65% 5.58% 5.70% 5.03% 4.37% 5.04% 4.42% 3.34% 5.12% 6.15% 4.73% 3.94% 5.15% 5.29% 7.90% 6.04% 8.68% 6.06% 4.29% 4.59% 2.94% 3.52% 5.66% 2.54% 6.67% 6.74% 5.41% 4.21% 6.53% 4.27% 3.55% 5.36% 7.15% 6.98% 5.91% 7.41% 7.83% 5.29% 9.16% 5.59% 5.04% 7.38% 5.37% 8.29% 5.61% 5.65% 5.30% 4.82% 4.04% 5.36% 3.62% 5.56% 5.98% 4.94% 4.46% 5.03% 5.67% N/A 6.67% 9.26% 6.11% 4.41% 6.17% 3.28% 3.82% 6.02% 3.66% 6.92% 6.80% 5.34% 5.68% 7.70% $1,971 $1,727 $1,849 $936 $1,370 $14,026 $1,013 $825 $2,217 $766 $1,214 $1,448 $832 $4,775 $544 $1,483 $1,028 $1,120 $2,075 $2,496 $1,689 $1,204 $888 $1,160 $901 $2,086 $1,663 $1,273 $1,820 $810 $679 $986 $1,251 $909 $1,910 $1,693 $694 $1,314 $669 $770 $1,827 $11,300 $1,048 ©2014 Page | 68 NSW Houses Suburb AUBURN AUSTINMER AVALON BEACH AVOCA BEACH AYLMERTON BALACLAVA* BALCOLYN BALGOWLAH BALGOWLAH HEIGHTS BALGOWNIE BALLINA BALMAIN BALMAIN EAST BALMORAL BALRANALD* BANGALEE BANGALOW BANGOR BANKSIA BANKSTOWN BANORA POINT BAR BEACH BARADINE BARDEN RIDGE BARDIA BARDWELL PARK BARDWELL VALLEY BARGO BARHAM BARMEDMAN BARNSLEY BARRABA BARRACK HEIGHTS BARRACK POINT BASIN VIEW BASS HILL BATEAU BAY BATEHAVEN BATEMANS BAY BATHURST BATLOW BAULKHAM HILLS BAWLEY POINT www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2144 2515 2107 2251 2575 2575 2264 2093 2093 2519 2478 2041 2041 2283 2715 2541 2479 2234 2216 2200 2486 2300 2396 2234 2565 2207 2207 2574 2732 2668 2278 2347 2528 2528 2540 2197 2261 2536 2536 2795 2730 2153 2539 6202 902 3544 1928 75 196 468 1961 1154 1781 2590 3390 546 274 652 225 719 1790 1027 4964 4742 340 471 1252 196 799 748 1013 632 243 754 774 2187 230 704 2539 4411 886 763 3054 589 10573 724 67 13 57 35 1 3 8 27 30 16 21 65 9 7 2 2 9 17 14 55 53 6 2 16 22 8 10 17 8 1 4 10 21 2 8 37 74 15 5 34 6 154 6 224 43 171 116 6 10 33 73 86 57 60 187 29 12 16 9 31 59 40 172 215 15 9 48 68 28 24 62 33 11 25 29 68 12 34 101 226 42 17 118 15 477 19 $607,000 $778,000 $1,149,000 $624,500 $379,000 $380,000 $391,000 $1,347,000 $1,762,000 $550,500 $399,500 $1,306,500 $2,035,000 $382,000 $122,000 $560,500 $529,500 $761,500 $752,000 $645,500 $441,500 $1,306,000 $105,000 $800,000 $462,500 $948,500 $809,500 $424,500 $216,500 $97,500 $344,500 $117,500 $355,500 $763,000 $281,500 $555,500 $436,000 $338,000 $296,000 $326,500 $144,500 $741,000 $445,500 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $544,500 $768,000 $1,014,000 $558,000 $382,500 $387,500 $363,000 $1,266,500 $1,676,000 $534,500 $397,500 $1,099,000 $1,709,000 $401,000 $116,000 $562,500 $519,000 $702,500 $697,500 $584,500 $434,000 $1,334,500 $97,000 $726,500 $417,500 $885,000 $751,500 $400,000 $199,500 $95,000 $342,500 $125,000 $350,500 $715,500 $287,500 $500,000 $390,500 $348,500 $273,000 $310,500 $146,000 $649,000 $471,500 $475 $595 $845 $530 $370 $370 $345 $1,015 $1,325 $525 $400 $890 $1,225 $370 $155 $440 $545 $725 $540 $515 $460 $695 $120 $725 $505 $655 $590 $405 $260 $125 $385 $130 $380 $500 $290 $510 $460 $320 $280 $355 $200 $605 $370 $490 $545 $785 $505 $375 $380 $345 $970 $1,280 $505 $400 $875 $1,185 $390 $150 $425 $495 $705 $545 $485 $445 $740 $125 $685 $525 $640 $575 $415 $235 $120 $380 $120 $380 $470 $285 $480 $430 $320 $265 $350 $195 $595 $370 11.51% 1.32% 13.29% 11.93% -0.92% -1.89% 7.72% 6.34% 5.14% 3.04% 0.46% 18.91% 19.05% -4.74% 5.40% -0.32% 2.03% 8.41% 7.85% 10.42% 1.71% -2.13% 8.25% 10.17% 10.78% 7.18% 7.73% 6.14% 8.58% 2.96% 0.66% -6.06% 1.45% 6.60% -2.01% 11.09% 11.65% -2.95% 8.44% 5.19% -1.13% 14.13% -5.44% 7.49% 6.46% 7.09% 6.07% 6.85% 6.32% 6.19% 7.25% 7.48% 6.18% 5.39% 8.29% 8.06% 6.03% 4.38% 6.84% 7.25% 6.35% 7.29% 7.00% 5.92% 7.88% 6.44% 7.05% 5.50% 6.98% 6.96% 7.46% 5.04% 2.19% 6.04% 3.99% 5.30% 7.21% 6.34% 6.08% 5.28% 5.58% 5.63% 5.69% 4.07% 6.45% 7.09% 4.44% 3.78% 3.86% 4.58% 5.10% 5.17% 4.83% 3.94% 3.94% 5.03% 5.24% 3.75% 3.33% 5.27% 6.66% 4.05% 5.09% 5.07% 3.96% 4.11% 5.44% 2.95% 6.44% 4.85% 6.32% 3.72% 3.92% 5.26% 6.00% 6.48% 5.85% 5.34% 5.65% 3.38% 5.35% 4.80% 5.45% 4.93% 4.97% 5.69% 7.08% 4.53% 4.24% 5.00% 3.88% 4.74% 4.19% 6.93% 6.46% 5.03% 4.63% 4.45% 4.62% 5.58% 4.16% 3.27% 5.39% N/A 4.59% 5.73% 4.38% 4.46% 4.52% 5.39% 3.34% N/A 4.21% 5.46% 3.85% 4.09% 5.90% 6.88% N/A 6.01% 4.92% 5.70% 3.92% 6.27% 4.89% 4.96% 5.71% 6.81% 5.98% 8.16% 4.81% 5.24% $968 $1,786 N/A $1,458 $1,375 $1,125 $970 $1,912 $2,695 $1,308 $683 $2,456 $2,511 $1,359 $844 $1,510 $1,024 $2,171 $1,371 $950 $902 $4,849 $651 $2,495 N/A $1,606 $8,061 $1,267 $755 $648 $1,330 $593 $943 $1,103 $884 $1,051 $938 $742 $584 $866 $785 $1,872 $758 ©2014 Page | 69 NSW Houses Suburb BAYVIEW BEACON HILL BEACONSFIELD BEAUMONT HILLS BEECHWOOD BEECROFT BEELBANGERA BEGA BELFIELD BELLA VISTA BELLAMBI BELLBIRD BELLBIRD HEIGHTS BELLEVUE HILL BELLINGEN BELMONT BELMONT NORTH BELMONT SOUTH BELMORE BELROSE BEMBOKA BENDALONG BENSVILLE BERALA BERESFIELD BERKELEY BERKELEY VALE BERMAGUI BEROWRA BEROWRA HEIGHTS BERRAMBOOL BERRARA BERRIDALE* BERRIGAN BERRIMA BERRY BEVERLEY PARK BEVERLY HILLS BEXHILL BEXLEY BEXLEY NORTH BIDWILL BILAMBIL HEIGHTS www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2104 2100 2015 2155 2446 2119 2680 2550 2191 2153 2518 2325 2325 2023 2454 2280 2280 2280 2192 2085 2550 2539 2251 2141 2322 2506 2261 2546 2081 2082 2548 2540 2628 2712 2577 2535 2217 2209 2480 2207 2207 2770 2486 1056 2352 143 2165 60 3019 128 1894 1870 1881 1370 789 327 2228 1341 2290 2205 447 3175 2573 204 156 796 2062 1357 2771 3020 897 1627 1834 187 370 585 672 303 1037 752 3097 154 4736 1388 1408 1238 13 40 8 49 5 62 3 22 25 37 7 12 4 25 22 28 22 4 24 34 2 3 14 19 13 28 59 12 20 24 3 3 7 2 3 14 12 50 1 62 15 6 14 53 115 20 168 8 175 8 73 73 114 23 39 10 96 70 105 102 17 79 128 7 8 45 56 43 94 183 37 67 78 10 11 18 19 10 54 37 136 5 174 46 28 62 $1,350,500 $956,500 $913,500 $760,000 $319,000 $1,109,500 $218,500 $256,000 $851,500 $950,500 $429,000 $259,500 $300,000 $3,363,000 $379,500 $425,500 $396,500 $402,000 $749,000 $979,000 $193,000 $496,500 $480,500 $659,500 $280,000 $309,500 $360,000 $366,500 $692,000 $674,000 $377,500 $366,000 $225,500 $133,000 $670,000 $593,000 $987,500 $828,500 $389,000 $829,000 $866,000 $301,500 $393,000 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $1,304,000 $858,000 $883,500 $686,000 $328,000 $996,500 $220,500 $251,000 $773,000 $861,000 $402,000 $246,000 $295,500 $3,201,500 $358,000 $403,000 $376,000 $404,000 $666,500 $891,500 $176,500 $499,000 $454,000 $577,000 $265,500 $307,500 $331,500 $355,000 $630,000 $633,000 $391,500 $381,500 $202,000 $120,500 $662,500 $580,500 $982,500 $751,500 $362,000 $728,000 $781,500 $267,500 $394,500 $935 $775 $695 $690 $310 $730 $265 $300 $595 $850 $405 $325 $355 $1,775 $380 $400 $400 $385 $495 $895 $230 $650 $465 $485 $340 $355 $410 $360 $575 $575 $345 $445 $265 $160 $485 $515 $620 $585 $395 $580 $605 $345 $425 $935 $770 $675 $690 $315 $765 $250 $290 $575 $845 $385 $320 $365 $1,700 $365 $400 $400 $385 $480 $875 $235 $660 $460 $490 $325 $345 $380 $370 $570 $560 $350 $470 $265 $150 $500 $495 $645 $585 $385 $570 $600 $345 $400 3.55% 11.44% 3.40% 10.73% -2.71% 11.38% -0.90% 2.00% 10.12% 10.40% 6.75% 5.63% 1.47% 5.03% 5.99% 5.62% 5.50% -0.51% 12.31% 9.79% 9.55% -0.47% 5.84% 14.22% 5.62% 0.71% 8.57% 3.23% 9.82% 6.48% -3.63% -4.00% 11.45% 10.26% 1.18% 2.20% 0.51% 10.24% 7.43% 13.87% 10.85% 12.61% -0.43% 6.81% 6.62% 9.48% 7.89% 7.00% 6.74% 4.67% 5.75% 7.88% 5.97% 6.12% 6.85% 4.85% 7.29% 6.87% 6.39% 6.16% 5.97% 7.49% 6.25% 5.86% 7.32% 5.74% 7.73% 5.94% 5.77% 4.84% 6.95% 6.56% 6.44% 6.71% 4.75% 6.49% 4.28% 9.58% 7.85% 6.96% 6.94% 7.78% 7.40% 6.74% 5.73% 6.43% 3.72% 4.42% 3.85% 5.01% 5.17% 3.76% 6.07% 6.05% 3.72% 4.96% 4.95% 6.53% 6.36% 2.70% 5.29% 5.06% 5.48% 4.97% 3.56% 4.94% 6.63% 7.11% 5.21% 4.10% 6.23% 5.96% 5.84% 5.58% 4.45% 4.52% 4.77% 6.66% 6.36% 6.10% 3.91% 4.49% 3.39% 3.85% 5.37% 3.84% 3.79% 6.38% 5.49% 4.51% 5.42% 5.13% 5.53% 7.05% 4.00% 6.44% 6.99% 4.17% 4.76% 5.41% 6.85% 6.10% 2.47% 6.07% 5.37% 5.56% 5.33% 4.24% 5.11% 7.99% 7.90% 4.77% 4.81% 6.82% 6.24% 5.39% 6.49% 5.84% 5.66% 5.37% 5.85% 8.64% 8.65% 5.10% 4.69% 3.71% 4.07% 7.12% 4.17% 3.91% 6.76% 5.65% $15,091 $1,950 $2,178 $2,541 $836 $2,523 $1,213 $838 $1,135 $2,634 $763 $1,192 $1,145 $2,566 $813 $860 $1,194 $827 $987 $1,782 $650 $919 $1,606 $1,012 $917 $885 $1,135 $691 $2,091 $1,885 $794 $689 $973 $693 $3,274 $1,054 $1,522 $1,260 $1,281 $1,358 $1,251 $686 $1,185 ©2014 Page | 70 NSW Houses Suburb BILGOLA PLATEAU BINALONG BINGARA* BINNAWAY BIRCHGROVE BIRMINGHAM GARDENS BIRRONG BLACK HEAD* BLACK HILL BLACKALLS PARK BLACKBUTT BLACKETT BLACKHEATH BLACKSMITHS BLACKTOWN BLACKWALL BLAIR ATHOL BLAIRMOUNT BLAKEHURST BLAXLAND BLAYNEY BLIGH PARK BLUE BAY BLUE HAVEN BLUEYS BEACH BOAMBEE* BOAMBEE EAST BOAT HARBOUR* BODALLA BOGAN GATE BOGANGAR BOGGABRI BOLTON POINT BOLWARRA BOLWARRA HEIGHTS BOMADERRY BOMBALA* BOMBIRA BONALBO BONDI BONDI BEACH BONDI JUNCTION BONNELLS BAY www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2107 2584 2404 2395 2041 2287 2143 2430 2322 2283 2529 2770 2785 2281 2148 2256 2560 2559 2221 2774 2799 2756 2261 2262 2428 2450 2452 2316 2545 2876 2488 2382 2283 2320 2320 2541 2632 2850 2469 2026 2026 2022 2264 1259 371 835 313 1114 834 935 302 29 1100 782 1111 3095 719 12598 836 662 110 2076 2831 1429 2154 441 2174 163 128 1860 438 200 120 1003 871 819 387 634 2563 1934 50 330 1439 1612 1775 1514 19 1 6 3 17 17 7 3 4 18 8 20 35 5 152 17 14 1 40 37 10 40 9 39 1 5 18 7 2 1 14 3 10 6 9 21 4 2 3 19 12 29 21 62 5 17 12 60 45 33 8 10 47 36 59 141 32 509 42 47 5 104 140 47 132 26 148 7 12 83 30 8 5 29 19 49 15 43 102 19 7 11 51 50 82 76 $1,013,500 $199,500 $162,500 $115,500 $1,593,500 $364,000 $585,000 $596,500 $869,500 $340,500 $447,000 $281,000 $372,000 $464,000 $467,500 $408,500 $442,500 $509,500 $1,226,500 $455,500 $249,500 $425,000 $533,000 $328,000 $775,500 $556,000 $356,500 $494,500 $211,500 $77,500 $433,500 $212,500 $344,500 $467,000 $500,500 $284,500 $162,000 $767,000 $137,000 $1,656,000 $1,700,500 $1,334,000 $368,000 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $960,500 $198,000 $138,500 $106,000 $1,337,000 $340,000 $502,500 $570,000 $799,000 $327,000 $457,000 $246,500 $352,500 $449,500 $400,000 $386,000 $424,500 $502,000 $1,075,500 $410,000 $236,500 $402,000 $512,000 $296,500 $803,500 $536,000 $340,000 $497,500 $196,000 $64,500 $441,500 $182,500 $350,500 $448,500 $501,500 $273,000 $160,000 $672,000 $139,500 $1,487,000 $1,508,000 $1,186,500 $349,500 $795 $250 $210 $120 $1,010 $380 $500 $530 $770 $320 $460 $345 $360 $370 $430 $410 $470 $540 $710 $465 $300 $425 $435 $405 $775 $495 $420 $460 $230 $145 $410 $305 $340 $420 $455 $350 $180 $685 $215 $920 $960 $945 $360 $790 $260 $200 $120 $975 $375 $485 $450 $805 $325 $455 $330 $350 $380 $420 $395 $455 $530 $710 $465 $290 $415 $415 $370 $835 $480 $415 $435 $215 $125 $390 $305 $350 $425 $465 $325 $190 $735 $210 $805 $875 $870 $345 5.55% 0.82% 17.61% 9.30% 19.19% 7.06% 16.43% 4.65% 8.87% 4.21% -2.15% 13.98% 5.58% 3.17% 16.82% 5.75% 4.29% 1.51% 14.05% 11.05% 5.48% 5.72% 4.09% 10.55% -3.44% 3.67% 4.90% -0.56% 8.09% 20.11% -1.79% 16.57% -1.78% 4.20% -0.19% 4.29% 1.24% 14.11% -1.96% 11.35% 12.76% 12.45% 5.31% 6.03% 7.22% 4.99% 5.52% 8.75% 6.55% 7.36% 6.79% 6.18% 6.18% 7.80% 5.87% 6.55% 6.66% 6.97% 4.82% 6.55% 6.97% 6.72% 6.08% 5.91% 7.05% 4.73% 5.51% 6.14% 6.01% 5.87% 8.69% 4.88% 4.98% 6.47% 6.31% 5.10% 5.92% 7.66% 5.30% 4.46% 7.05% 6.21% 8.42% 8.70% 7.97% 6.58% 4.17% 6.73% 6.72% 5.79% 3.53% 5.58% 4.63% 4.03% 5.01% 5.19% 5.31% 6.69% 5.10% 4.36% 5.09% 5.26% 5.66% 5.49% 3.22% 5.46% 6.21% 5.38% 4.26% 6.30% 5.56% 4.67% 6.28% 4.58% 5.60% 9.29% 4.75% 7.86% 5.30% 4.82% 4.78% 6.31% 6.14% 5.35% 7.99% 2.76% 2.90% 3.65% 5.13% 4.58% 8.87% N/A N/A 3.66% 6.15% 5.12% 4.80% 5.70% 5.74% 5.06% 7.32% 5.29% 4.99% 6.21% 4.92% 5.75% 5.92% 3.28% 4.83% 7.24% 5.55% 4.00% 5.58% 4.91% 4.39% 6.10% 4.87% 5.72% 6.51% 5.46% 8.83% 5.29% 5.16% 5.70% 6.24% 8.89% 6.55% 9.21% 3.70% 3.37% 3.95% 5.28% N/A $885 $580 $535 $2,726 $914 $1,095 $906 $2,020 $986 $1,230 $847 $919 $742 $1,174 $898 $2,065 $1,489 $1,903 $1,540 $1,019 $1,460 $837 $1,072 N/A $1,375 $1,018 $1,129 $1,526 $763 $965 $888 $794 $1,553 $1,934 $812 $887 $1,343 $640 $1,782 $1,856 $1,634 $982 ©2014 Page | 71 NSW Houses Suburb BONNET BAY BONNY HILLS BONNYRIGG BONNYRIGG HEIGHTS BONVILLE BOOKER BAY BOOLAROO BOOMERANG BEACH BOORAGUL BOOROOMA BOOROWA BOSSLEY PARK BOTANY BOURKE BOURKELANDS BOW BOWING BOWEN MOUNTAIN BOWENFELS BOWNING BOWRAL BOWRAVILLE BRADBURY BRAIDWOOD BRANXTON BRAY PARK* BREAKFAST POINT BREWARRINA BRIGHTON LE SANDS BRIGHTWATERS BROADMEADOW BROADWATER BROKE* BROKEN HILL BRONTE BROOKLYN BROOKVALE BROULEE BROWNSVILLE BRUNSWICK HEADS BUDGEWOI BUFF POINT BULAHDELAH BULLABURRA www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2226 2445 2177 2177 2450 2257 2284 2428 2284 2650 2586 2176 2019 2840 2650 2566 2753 2790 2582 2576 2449 2560 2622 2335 2484 2137 2839 2216 2264 2292 2472 2330 2880 2024 2083 2100 2537 2530 2483 2262 2262 2423 2784 848 1089 2811 2035 245 563 511 331 541 73 810 4362 1891 1079 773 489 57 806 239 3840 464 3082 816 398 329 275 518 1648 417 742 259 86 11256 1730 316 639 984 168 697 1950 1354 742 662 9 18 15 28 5 9 12 1 8 3 6 41 20 10 15 8 11 7 2 74 4 56 7 4 3 2 3 14 3 10 3 1 85 24 5 4 8 2 8 30 21 8 16 35 58 143 73 26 28 23 8 20 21 20 133 79 30 65 32 35 19 9 252 17 174 32 22 8 10 11 47 19 27 6 6 331 91 14 20 41 7 29 87 79 27 36 $760,500 $448,500 $483,000 $499,000 $481,500 $487,000 $327,500 $704,000 $336,000 $404,000 $180,000 $538,000 $933,000 $122,000 $384,000 $393,500 $327,500 $213,500 $278,500 $576,500 $190,500 $362,500 $362,500 $356,500 $339,500 $1,595,500 $94,500 $1,083,500 $479,000 $475,500 $297,500 $346,500 $129,000 $2,375,000 $584,000 $1,071,500 $370,500 $402,500 $574,000 $303,500 $331,000 $218,500 $327,500 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $731,500 $428,000 $457,500 $478,500 $509,000 $448,000 $295,500 $743,500 $303,500 $399,000 $190,500 $490,000 $861,500 $104,000 $363,000 $342,000 $284,000 $205,500 $278,000 $573,000 $179,500 $324,000 $326,500 $361,500 $300,000 $1,582,500 $87,500 $936,000 $484,000 $413,500 $311,500 $372,500 $122,000 $2,238,500 $525,500 $1,019,000 $400,000 $366,500 $593,500 $293,000 $298,500 $218,500 $323,500 $640 $430 $465 $465 $500 $425 $355 $560 $365 $445 $210 $490 $665 $160 $425 $420 $365 $250 $290 $505 $260 $405 $345 $370 $365 $1,120 $125 $595 $385 $460 $300 $345 $230 $1,355 $415 $760 $410 $420 $565 $350 $385 $240 $360 $650 $435 $460 $480 $500 $415 $345 $620 $355 $435 $205 $485 $655 $165 $415 $410 $340 $250 $300 $515 $285 $400 $330 $370 $345 $1,155 $135 $560 $365 $455 $310 $385 $215 $1,310 $400 $765 $435 $410 $535 $330 $360 $225 $345 4.00% 4.83% 5.53% 4.31% -5.36% 8.74% 10.90% -5.31% 10.85% 1.31% -5.44% 9.81% 8.30% 17.44% 5.72% 15.01% 15.38% 3.76% 0.22% 0.56% 6.10% 11.96% 11.10% -1.39% 13.11% 0.81% 8.06% 15.78% -1.01% 14.92% -4.49% -6.99% 5.82% 6.10% 11.13% 5.17% -7.38% 9.83% -3.26% 3.55% 10.90% 0.08% 1.19% 5.24% 6.42% 6.33% 6.77% 5.72% 5.99% 6.41% 6.92% 6.24% 4.01% 6.25% 6.11% 8.38% 4.60% 4.60% 6.37% 8.15% 4.41% 6.47% 6.53% 4.79% 5.43% 6.14% 7.09% 5.84% 8.87% 3.00% 7.30% 7.09% 7.54% 4.89% 5.48% 4.68% 9.17% 6.20% 6.79% 6.45% 5.86% 7.46% 4.61% 5.04% 5.06% 5.83% 4.63% 5.14% 5.10% 5.04% 5.33% 4.80% 5.85% 4.52% 5.74% 5.71% 5.89% 4.96% 3.85% 7.27% 5.90% 5.91% 5.85% 6.10% 5.64% 4.73% 7.94% 6.20% 5.00% 5.40% 5.58% 3.81% 7.33% 2.99% 3.97% 5.42% 5.32% 5.60% 9.51% 2.99% 3.89% 3.76% 5.98% 5.57% 4.88% 5.89% 6.05% 5.44% 5.66% 3.95% 5.72% 5.18% 4.78% 6.53% 4.68% 6.36% 4.46% 6.07% 7.30% 8.56% 4.87% 4.75% N/A 5.34% 5.63% 6.59% 6.90% 8.36% 4.76% 8.00% 5.99% 6.68% 6.77% 6.63% 3.53% N/A 3.41% 4.67% 5.50% 6.78% 7.48% 7.64% 3.25% 5.92% 5.39% 5.85% 6.01% 4.95% 5.61% 5.65% 7.04% 5.41% $2,396 $980 $1,051 $1,470 $1,117 $788 $919 $894 $808 $974 $771 $1,381 $1,628 $1,099 $1,694 $1,549 $1,574 $659 $1,235 $30,344 $647 $1,210 $877 $1,602 $851 $2,503 $783 $1,129 $975 $5,381 $757 $1,537 $789 $2,318 $1,326 $1,451 $851 $746 $664 $792 $838 $788 $1,270 ©2014 Page | 72 NSW Houses Suburb BULLI BUNDANOON BUNDEENA BUNGARRIBEE BUNGENDORE BURONGA BURRADOO* BURRANEER BURRAWANG* BURRILL LAKE BURRINGBAR BURWOOD BURWOOD HEIGHTS BUSBY BUTTABA BUXTON BYRON BAY* CABARITA CABRAMATTA CABRAMATTA WEST CADDENS CALALA CALLALA BAY CALLALA BEACH CAMBEWARRA CAMBEWARRA VILLAGE CAMBRIDGE GARDENS CAMBRIDGE PARK CAMDEN CAMDEN HEAD CAMDEN PARK CAMDEN SOUTH CAMERON PARK CAMMERAY CAMPBELLTOWN CAMPERDOWN CAMPSIE CANADA BAY CANIABA CANLEY HEIGHTS CANLEY VALE CANOWINDRA CANTERBURY www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2516 2578 2230 2767 2621 2739 2576 2230 2577 2539 2483 2134 2136 2168 2283 2571 2481 2137 2166 2166 2747 2340 2540 2540 2540 2540 2747 2747 2570 2443 2570 2570 2285 2062 2560 2050 2194 2046 2480 2166 2166 2804 2193 1887 1447 965 100 1017 549 1072 1205 140 869 181 2332 285 1370 447 581 1941 559 3460 2098 47 1129 1219 1027 135 400 740 2414 1017 107 396 1590 1563 1583 3346 1156 3589 365 65 3248 2176 910 1529 21 26 8 2 20 5 32 20 5 15 3 31 2 9 5 14 23 11 28 20 5 12 17 11 2 7 13 39 16 1 14 21 31 24 53 18 31 4 1 35 19 6 17 91 75 33 13 76 14 87 64 16 38 8 89 13 44 19 48 67 32 100 77 19 53 54 36 6 25 34 108 48 5 49 94 114 68 178 55 100 14 5 125 80 22 53 $660,500 $425,500 $711,000 $357,500 $570,500 $190,000 $963,000 $1,644,000 $619,500 $318,500 $387,500 $1,323,000 $1,298,000 $374,000 $525,000 $346,000 $748,500 $1,451,500 $580,000 $533,000 $504,500 $299,000 $382,000 $375,000 $419,500 $453,000 $393,000 $389,000 $453,000 $471,000 $675,000 $453,500 $449,500 $1,523,500 $368,500 $1,010,500 $862,500 $1,084,500 $446,000 $540,000 $529,000 $190,500 $803,000 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $609,500 $424,000 $658,000 $329,000 $538,000 $196,000 $953,000 $1,445,500 $555,500 $304,500 $383,000 $1,119,000 $1,099,000 $342,500 $531,500 $331,000 $712,500 $1,425,500 $486,500 $472,500 $441,000 $289,000 $365,500 $401,000 $424,500 $438,000 $370,000 $340,500 $430,500 $484,500 $662,000 $422,500 $441,000 $1,382,500 $334,000 $861,500 $759,500 $1,031,500 $465,000 $469,000 $488,500 $186,500 $807,000 $525 $375 $455 $390 $530 $220 $745 $995 $540 $295 $395 $705 $720 $390 $425 $365 $695 $880 $425 $430 $695 $350 $370 $335 $430 $410 $400 $395 $455 $420 $580 $465 $475 $980 $390 $740 $505 $660 $430 $435 $400 $245 $535 $495 $380 $445 $430 $540 $225 $745 $920 $485 $280 $370 $715 $725 $380 $455 $360 $640 $910 $395 $410 $805 $345 $355 $335 $405 $400 $395 $385 $445 $425 $605 $460 $480 $930 $385 $735 $500 $680 $415 $420 $390 $230 $550 8.33% 0.33% 7.99% 8.72% 5.97% -3.26% 1.08% 13.75% 11.53% 4.59% 1.12% 18.22% 18.11% 9.32% -1.19% 4.63% 5.07% 1.86% 19.17% 12.81% 14.46% 3.39% 4.65% -6.44% -1.22% 3.42% 6.24% 14.12% 5.18% -2.81% 2.00% 7.36% 1.88% 10.21% 10.31% 17.31% 13.57% 5.14% -4.13% 15.15% 8.30% 2.10% -0.48% 7.30% 6.73% 6.87% 5.99% 6.96% 3.81% 6.11% 6.42% 7.13% 6.67% 7.16% 8.45% 8.24% 6.23% 7.36% 6.34% 7.78% 8.91% 7.37% 7.39% 7.41% 4.79% 6.21% 6.30% 5.13% 6.62% 6.10% 6.45% 6.18% 5.11% 7.43% 5.58% 4.66% 7.46% 6.01% 8.61% 8.25% 8.35% 7.41% 7.39% 7.17% 5.75% 7.43% 4.13% 4.73% 3.40% 6.64% 5.17% 6.16% 4.10% 3.17% 4.29% 4.77% 5.12% 3.00% 3.25% 5.55% 4.48% 5.55% 4.68% 3.35% 3.92% 4.31% 8.99% 6.18% 4.97% 4.61% 5.15% 4.75% 5.57% 5.57% 5.33% 4.66% 4.81% 5.59% 5.67% 3.35% 5.85% 4.05% 3.21% 3.31% 4.83% 4.40% 3.99% 6.40% 3.56% 4.48% 5.59% 4.09% 7.33% 6.06% 7.04% 4.16% 2.80% 4.96% 6.12% 6.26% 3.40% 3.79% 5.93% 5.17% 6.23% 4.68% 3.53% 5.04% 5.18% 10.77% 5.99% 5.48% 5.61% 5.58% 5.10% 5.92% 6.17% 5.31% 5.38% 5.13% 5.17% 6.18% 3.75% 6.01% 4.75% 4.04% 4.34% 6.69% 5.24% 5.10% 7.83% 4.15% $1,463 $871 $1,333 N/A $2,109 $1,107 $1,378 $2,557 $1,021 $729 $831 $1,185 $1,399 $820 $1,317 $1,399 $871 $2,435 $780 $916 N/A $1,312 $889 $724 $1,069 $1,602 $1,647 $1,239 $1,188 $815 $2,462 $1,620 $1,875 $2,239 $993 $1,953 $945 $1,738 $1,398 $1,018 $824 $783 $1,229 ©2014 Page | 73 NSW Houses Suburb CANTON BEACH CAPTAINS FLAT CARCOAR CARDIFF CARDIFF HEIGHTS CARDIFF SOUTH CAREY BAY CARINGBAH CARINGBAH SOUTH CARLINGFORD CARLTON CARNES HILL* CARRAMAR CARRINGTON CARSS PARK CARTWRIGHT CASINO CASTLE COVE CASTLE HILL CASTLECRAG CASUARINA* CASULA CATALINA CATHERINE FIELD CAVES BEACH CECIL HILLS CENTENNIAL PARK CESSNOCK CHAIN VALLEY BAY CHARLESTOWN CHARMHAVEN CHATSWOOD CHATSWOOD WEST CHELTENHAM CHERRYBROOK CHESTER HILL CHIFLEY CHINDERAH* CHIPPENDALE CHIPPING NORTON CHISHOLM* CHISWICK CHITTAWAY BAY www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2263 2623 2791 2285 2285 2285 2283 2229 2229 2118 2218 2171 2163 2294 2221 2168 2470 2069 2154 2068 2487 2170 2536 2557 2281 2171 2021 2325 2259 2290 2263 2067 2067 2119 2126 2162 2036 2487 2008 2170 2322 2046 2261 666 296 235 2296 515 1091 323 2358 3998 6346 2520 234 684 787 419 719 4217 933 12094 1132 578 4161 1099 132 1436 1466 265 5271 669 4730 1005 3974 616 776 5568 3686 1010 248 509 2999 62 327 779 9 4 2 37 7 22 5 23 74 77 21 6 6 15 5 7 39 6 174 21 7 54 16 0 25 22 4 64 9 53 15 59 10 18 64 40 11 3 2 26 5 6 12 18 13 5 117 22 43 15 80 209 245 74 31 21 51 15 30 144 36 550 62 35 194 60 6 67 74 5 251 27 186 44 168 28 49 225 153 34 7 8 109 21 15 43 $327,500 $240,500 $369,500 $359,500 $410,000 $376,000 $464,500 $864,000 $1,090,000 $888,000 $863,000 $601,500 $455,500 $403,000 $1,191,000 $362,500 $222,500 $1,656,000 $891,500 $2,059,000 $750,500 $495,500 $338,000 $850,000 $521,000 $661,500 $3,310,500 $261,500 $333,500 $435,500 $293,000 $1,405,000 $1,114,500 $1,107,500 $901,000 $549,500 $1,052,000 $371,000 $921,000 $631,000 $651,000 $1,601,500 $380,000 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $309,500 $243,500 $333,000 $341,500 $385,500 $334,500 $480,000 $781,500 $1,019,500 $756,500 $756,000 $508,000 $408,500 $376,000 $995,000 $316,500 $235,000 $1,450,500 $775,000 $1,872,000 $680,500 $463,500 $329,000 $687,000 $513,000 $596,500 $3,205,500 $246,000 $306,000 $423,000 $271,500 $1,252,500 $1,079,000 $1,055,500 $772,000 $479,000 $1,003,500 $364,500 $839,500 $580,000 $592,000 $1,501,000 $344,000 $310 $310 $275 $385 $430 $410 $380 $615 $770 $620 $545 $575 $375 $405 $710 $390 $275 $1,145 $760 $1,285 $565 $465 $345 $745 $435 $605 $1,460 $320 $360 $435 $345 $895 $810 $760 $740 $485 $775 $390 $725 $560 $550 $820 $390 $305 $330 $270 $385 $425 $400 $380 $620 $770 $615 $530 $560 $350 $395 $675 $380 $275 $1,075 $730 $1,295 $545 $455 $330 $715 $425 $615 $1,350 $310 $340 $430 $335 $845 $795 $785 $745 $465 $745 $350 $765 $540 $545 $835 $385 5.89% -1.14% 11.03% 5.32% 6.40% 12.34% -3.15% 10.54% 6.88% 17.36% 14.14% 18.37% 11.38% 7.06% 19.74% 14.50% -5.26% 14.14% 14.97% 9.98% 10.32% 6.91% 2.73% 23.76% 1.51% 10.95% 3.27% 6.46% 9.04% 2.94% 7.89% 12.17% 3.29% 4.91% 16.73% 14.67% 4.83% 1.70% 9.73% 8.73% 9.98% 6.70% 10.43% 4.85% 7.10% 6.33% 6.51% 5.36% 6.57% 6.11% 6.08% 6.99% 6.83% 7.27% 8.97% 6.59% 7.81% 6.23% 5.85% 4.95% 5.73% 6.76% 7.01% 10.99% 5.91% 6.11% 7.40% 6.18% 7.39% 7.44% 6.89% 5.71% 5.94% 4.59% 7.08% 6.81% 6.43% 6.76% 6.53% 7.60% 5.99% 8.16% 5.75% 4.40% 7.63% 5.79% 5.01% 7.20% 4.02% 5.81% 5.65% 5.90% 4.24% 3.98% 3.89% 3.93% 3.42% 5.27% 4.38% 5.35% 3.21% 5.79% 6.36% 3.65% 4.65% 3.42% 3.92% 5.01% 5.25% 4.91% 4.46% 4.99% 2.23% 6.43% 5.65% 5.33% 6.16% 3.36% 3.80% 3.85% 4.62% 4.79% 3.81% 5.05% 4.49% 4.73% 4.50% 2.79% 5.49% 5.54% 8.78% 6.21% 6.01% 5.32% 5.88% 4.60% 3.83% 3.47% 4.35% 3.92% 3.92% 5.33% 6.20% 3.25% 5.99% 7.55% 3.53% 4.53% 3.31% 7.38% 4.97% 5.88% 5.86% 4.59% 4.85% 3.05% 7.13% 5.86% 5.35% 5.77% 3.84% 4.27% 3.80% 4.64% 4.90% 4.43% 6.89% 4.81% 4.30% 3.96% 3.56% 5.12% $519 $1,362 $1,257 $1,098 $5,458 $1,146 $872 $1,317 $1,803 $1,572 $1,320 N/A $764 $1,059 $1,352 $609 $757 $2,586 $2,059 $2,793 $1,456 $1,366 $798 $1,476 $1,187 $1,832 $1,713 $870 $676 $1,244 $972 $1,616 $2,503 $2,568 $2,267 $935 $1,289 $526 $1,371 $1,609 $3,889 $2,068 $1,104 ©2014 Page | 74 NSW Houses Suburb CHITTAWAY POINT CHURCH POINT CLAREMONT MEADOWS CLARENCE TOWN CLAREVILLE CLEMTON PARK CLIFTLEIGH* CLONTARF CLOVELLY CLUNES COAL POINT COALCLIFF COBAR COBARGO COBBITTY* COFFS HARBOUR COLEBEE COLEDALE COLLARENEBRI* COLLAROY* COLLAROY PLATEAU* COLO VALE COLYTON COMO CONCORD CONCORD WEST CONDELL PARK CONDOBOLIN CONISTON CONJOLA PARK CONNELLS POINT CONSTITUTION HILL COOGEE COOKS HILL COOLAH* COOLAMON COOMA COOMBA PARK COONABARABRAN COONAMBLE COOPERNOOK COORANBONG COOTAMUNDRA www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2261 2105 2747 2321 2107 2206 2321 2093 2031 2480 2283 2508 2835 2550 2570 2450 2761 2515 2833 2097 2097 2575 2760 2226 2137 2138 2200 2877 2500 2539 2221 2145 2034 2300 2843 2701 2630 2428 2357 2829 2426 2265 2590 381 459 1437 494 430 441 167 645 1244 255 857 48 1671 307 284 8189 134 425 375 1604 1537 388 2888 1345 4218 1880 3151 1529 628 252 919 1289 2283 1140 561 664 3247 487 1634 1297 118 1434 2889 7 6 23 3 8 2 2 5 17 5 11 2 23 3 2 91 2 6 3 20 21 9 31 19 48 22 46 13 3 1 15 18 19 7 5 9 35 6 12 25 0 15 34 22 16 68 16 19 14 6 25 57 12 38 6 67 14 9 319 7 18 9 85 58 30 115 60 141 71 149 45 14 8 44 39 60 44 15 25 120 19 45 62 7 58 129 $445,500 $1,493,000 $433,500 $352,500 $1,492,000 $892,500 $446,000 $2,385,000 $2,012,500 $428,000 $642,500 $1,004,500 $209,000 $250,500 $700,500 $371,500 $555,500 $800,500 $70,000 $1,479,500 $1,059,000 $376,500 $379,000 $808,000 $1,237,000 $1,184,000 $647,500 $131,500 $446,000 $319,500 $1,314,500 $606,000 $1,831,000 $643,500 $170,000 $250,000 $207,500 $171,500 $173,000 $122,000 $227,500 $363,000 $197,000 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $414,500 $1,436,500 $369,000 $333,500 $1,515,500 $757,000 $406,500 $2,245,500 $1,722,000 $447,500 $637,000 $1,028,000 $199,000 $243,000 $626,000 $360,500 $479,000 $835,500 $63,500 $1,356,500 $954,500 $366,000 $344,000 $749,500 $1,096,500 $1,043,500 $570,500 $145,000 $458,500 $344,000 $1,136,000 $520,000 $1,643,000 $583,500 $161,000 $225,500 $215,500 $180,500 $154,500 $116,000 $225,500 $336,000 $181,000 $405 $985 $465 $330 $1,050 $620 $390 $1,805 $1,105 $430 $460 $685 $315 $265 $585 $410 $505 $550 $85 $1,000 $690 $380 $400 $640 $745 $710 $530 $220 $420 $300 $745 $475 $890 $525 $200 $310 $240 $195 $220 $150 $275 $355 $245 $405 $900 $440 $325 $995 $610 $405 $1,765 $980 $425 $480 $665 $315 $260 $585 $395 $455 $540 $95 $970 $675 $390 $395 $650 $740 $705 $520 $220 $420 $300 $730 $475 $850 $525 $200 $240 $240 $185 $225 $165 $260 $350 $245 7.46% 3.93% 17.43% 5.63% -1.57% 17.90% 9.73% 6.20% 16.88% -4.38% 0.83% -2.30% 4.95% 3.02% 11.93% 3.07% 15.95% -4.17% 10.52% 9.07% 10.93% 2.86% 10.16% 7.80% 12.82% 13.48% 13.52% -9.43% -2.78% -7.13% 15.69% 16.54% 11.45% 10.30% 5.57% 10.84% -3.67% -5.16% 12.11% 5.38% 0.80% 8.07% 8.83% 5.67% 6.75% 6.77% 5.66% 6.43% 7.58% 8.31% 6.87% 9.17% 5.83% 6.16% 8.57% 6.44% 5.51% 6.66% 5.78% 6.87% 8.10% 3.90% 7.39% 7.69% 6.21% 6.31% 6.92% 8.62% 8.57% 6.79% 3.96% 6.31% 5.86% 6.64% 7.39% 8.22% 6.84% 6.92% 5.80% 5.24% 5.52% 4.29% 4.54% 5.60% 6.47% 5.24% 4.91% 3.31% 5.82% 4.99% 3.54% 3.86% 5.02% 4.01% 2.81% 5.09% 3.95% 3.43% 8.09% 5.61% 4.64% 5.76% 4.65% 3.48% 7.24% 3.66% 3.50% 5.42% 5.83% 4.41% 3.33% 3.38% 4.38% 8.59% 4.85% 4.79% 3.12% 4.41% 2.55% 4.45% 5.88% 5.21% 6.09% 5.63% 7.03% 7.25% 6.08% 5.31% 6.78% 4.95% 4.18% 5.91% 6.29% 3.89% 4.24% 6.17% 3.72% 3.55% 5.79% 4.02% 3.86% 8.06% 7.08% 4.66% 5.93% 5.38% 3.79% N/A 4.06% 5.58% 6.00% 6.35% 4.24% 3.73% 3.78% 4.63% 6.60% 5.49% 5.81% 3.01% 5.14% 3.32% 4.45% N/A 5.87% 7.69% 7.90% 8.13% 7.82% 7.85% 5.50% 8.16% $1,187 $6,752 $1,652 $1,246 N/A $1,138 $2,861 $2,740 $2,529 $1,102 $1,583 $1,531 $1,422 $2,104 $1,472 $847 $0 $1,825 $916 $1,862 N/A $1,331 $1,180 $2,254 $1,734 $1,750 $1,111 $867 $4,984 $789 $1,834 $1,192 $2,099 $1,398 $788 $1,009 $897 $1,144 $717 $815 $694 $1,053 $774 ©2014 Page | 75 NSW Houses Suburb COPACABANA COPMANHURST CORAKI CORDEAUX HEIGHTS CORINDI BEACH CORLETTE COROWA CORRIMAL COUTTS CROSSING COWAN COWRA CRANEBROOK CREMORNE CREMORNE POINT CRESCENT HEAD CRESTWOOD CRINGILA CROMER CRONULLA CROOKWELL CROSSLANDS CROUDACE BAY CROWS NEST CROYDON CROYDON PARK CUDGEN* CUDMIRRAH CULBURRA BEACH CULCAIRN CUMBALUM CUMNOCK CUNDLETOWN CURL CURL CURLEWIS CURRANS HILL CURRARONG DALEYS POINT DALMENY DAPTO DARETON* DARLING POINT DARLINGHURST DARLINGTON www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2251 2460 2471 2526 2456 2315 2646 2518 2460 2081 2794 2749 2090 2090 2440 2620 2502 2099 2230 2583 2446 2280 2065 2132 2133 2487 2540 2540 2660 2478 2867 2430 2096 2381 2567 2540 2257 2546 2530 2717 2027 2010 2008 1434 169 652 1301 529 2130 2554 1972 179 256 3671 5180 1845 394 599 1312 765 2274 2915 1335 142 207 1244 2933 3054 191 227 2189 635 228 166 633 627 274 1558 582 273 1191 3875 329 528 1886 739 20 1 6 20 8 44 23 22 0 3 54 83 18 2 8 9 6 26 25 9 4 2 19 42 40 1 3 26 6 8 2 10 12 2 31 6 3 15 39 0 3 28 8 64 5 11 55 23 124 78 75 10 12 185 278 66 9 13 39 26 78 71 40 11 11 58 104 112 8 5 95 25 23 5 31 27 9 87 19 10 50 170 6 8 71 24 $624,500 $177,500 $246,500 $550,000 $334,500 $497,000 $202,000 $486,000 $239,500 $628,500 $193,000 $400,000 $1,785,000 $2,720,500 $440,500 $450,500 $261,000 $924,500 $1,378,000 $243,000 $395,500 $491,000 $1,258,000 $1,048,000 $900,500 $417,500 $354,000 $383,000 $151,000 $540,000 $99,000 $254,500 $1,542,000 $181,000 $413,500 $484,500 $662,000 $330,000 $349,500 $111,000 $4,712,000 $1,247,500 $961,000 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $600,500 $174,000 $234,500 $491,000 $335,000 $466,500 $207,000 $460,500 $235,500 $575,000 $183,000 $372,000 $1,630,500 $2,834,000 $464,000 $471,500 $238,500 $841,500 $1,278,000 $251,000 $398,000 $473,000 $1,141,500 $953,000 $772,000 $393,500 $334,500 $357,500 $144,000 $559,500 $109,500 $245,500 $1,481,000 $183,500 $393,000 $473,000 $661,000 $313,500 $328,000 $100,500 $4,623,000 $1,160,000 $818,500 $490 $245 $290 $550 $360 $450 $235 $450 $305 $515 $245 $415 $1,165 $1,785 $370 $415 $315 $760 $540 $250 $415 $440 $855 $615 $585 $400 $405 $370 $235 $515 $210 $305 $1,115 $235 $435 $555 $560 $305 $390 $225 $2,090 $825 $780 $480 $235 $290 $530 $340 $455 $225 $440 $300 $505 $235 $410 $1,095 $1,725 $355 $440 $290 $725 $520 $235 $410 $450 $815 $630 $580 $370 $360 $355 $210 $505 $205 $290 $1,090 $235 $430 $505 $555 $295 $385 $205 $1,960 $865 $785 4.04% 1.78% 4.98% 11.94% -0.09% 6.54% -2.40% 5.43% 1.58% 9.35% 5.31% 7.63% 9.49% -4.01% -5.08% -4.45% 9.50% 9.83% 7.83% -3.17% -0.65% 3.82% 10.18% 9.98% 16.69% 6.06% 5.80% 7.08% 4.74% -3.53% -9.44% 3.57% 4.13% -1.49% 5.29% 2.39% 0.19% 5.21% 6.57% 10.13% 1.92% 7.51% 17.44% 5.94% 4.91% 6.74% 6.84% 6.65% 5.70% 4.13% 6.14% 4.04% 6.57% 4.67% 5.92% 7.47% 6.32% 6.29% 7.42% 6.51% 6.39% 6.78% 7.26% 4.66% 5.91% 7.43% 8.18% 8.01% 5.32% 5.55% 6.64% 4.10% 6.63% 3.27% 4.99% 8.42% 4.25% 6.90% 8.13% 6.12% 5.66% 5.17% 2.56% 7.31% 8.12% 9.07% 4.12% 7.16% 6.43% 5.36% 5.42% 4.93% 5.98% 4.89% 6.60% 4.38% 6.46% 5.65% 3.37% 3.30% 4.15% 5.02% 6.24% 4.34% 2.09% 5.10% 5.39% 4.83% 3.55% 3.22% 3.61% 4.83% 5.56% 4.99% 7.57% 4.86% 10.65% 6.23% 3.75% 6.70% 5.69% 5.47% 4.42% 4.83% 5.95% 10.27% 2.23% 3.73% 4.55% 4.05% 9.44% 7.90% 4.69% 6.98% 4.52% 6.44% 4.78% 7.29% 6.44% 6.88% 5.94% 3.91% 3.06% 5.00% 6.07% 7.35% 5.32% 2.81% 7.88% 7.62% 4.93% 4.23% 3.85% 4.15% 5.61% 6.46% 5.64% 8.19% 6.63% 7.60% 6.70% 4.98% 8.30% 5.66% 5.37% 3.83% 5.91% 5.91% 8.13% 2.32% 4.17% 5.13% $1,488 $604 $784 $2,082 $982 $1,105 $868 $963 $886 $1,424 $787 $1,555 $2,122 $2,530 $911 $1,257 $831 $1,659 $1,455 $819 $1,021 $1,358 $2,095 $1,509 $1,295 $1,162 $644 $757 $807 $1,390 $834 $846 $2,120 $944 $1,669 $845 $804 $695 $1,051 $787 $2,511 $1,840 $1,738 ©2014 Page | 76 NSW Houses Suburb DARLINGTON POINT DAVIDSON DAVISTOWN DEAN PARK DEE WHY DEEPWATER DENHAMS BEACH DENILIQUIN DENISTONE DENISTONE EAST DENISTONE WEST DENMAN DHARRUK DIAMOND BEACH DOLANS BAY DOLLS POINT* DOLPHIN POINT DOONSIDE DORA CREEK DORRIGO DOUBLE BAY DOUGLAS PARK* DOVER HEIGHTS DRUMMOYNE DUBBO DUDLEY DUFFYS FOREST* DULWICH HILL DUNBOGAN DUNDAS DUNDAS VALLEY DUNEDOO DUNGOG DUNOON DURAL EAGLE VALE EARLWOOD EAST ALBURY EAST BALLINA EAST BRANXTON EAST CORRIMAL EAST GOSFORD EAST GRESFORD www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2706 2085 2251 2761 2099 2371 2536 2710 2114 2112 2114 2328 2770 2430 2229 2219 2539 2767 2264 2453 2028 2569 2030 2047 2830 2290 2084 2203 2443 2117 2117 2844 2420 2480 2158 2558 2206 2640 2478 2335 2518 2250 2311 537 922 1019 1028 2551 272 315 3267 1162 714 325 599 918 294 233 203 169 4428 841 622 859 216 1210 2663 13478 881 183 3032 427 1147 1582 527 1060 264 1480 1765 5963 2235 1870 618 921 1266 134 2 9 11 18 30 3 3 36 19 18 7 5 11 6 3 0 0 47 9 6 8 3 18 31 199 7 2 43 4 18 26 0 9 2 24 24 60 37 20 9 8 15 0 12 48 44 52 78 7 13 138 59 37 19 22 45 14 12 6 6 170 42 21 32 5 58 100 668 30 6 88 18 57 92 6 35 9 80 77 185 114 64 34 30 45 6 $154,000 $980,000 $425,000 $402,500 $1,005,500 $146,000 $388,000 $187,500 $1,013,000 $1,019,500 $1,036,000 $342,500 $331,500 $343,500 $1,463,500 $1,070,500 $493,000 $429,000 $402,500 $280,500 $2,763,000 $480,000 $2,702,000 $1,306,500 $278,500 $568,000 $3,964,000 $1,061,000 $449,000 $725,000 $705,500 $164,000 $271,000 $326,500 $845,500 $362,500 $1,001,500 $330,000 $505,000 $351,500 $582,000 $449,500 $275,500 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $160,000 $939,000 $408,500 $353,000 $901,500 $140,500 $417,000 $175,500 $1,007,500 $880,000 $902,000 $310,000 $314,500 $353,500 $1,355,500 $1,041,500 $447,000 $359,500 $400,500 $263,000 $2,731,500 $433,000 $2,373,000 $1,165,500 $259,500 $514,000 $3,349,000 $892,000 $428,000 $644,500 $624,500 $162,500 $265,500 $336,000 $738,500 $340,500 $870,000 $318,000 $520,000 $352,000 $572,500 $415,500 $263,000 $195 $890 $410 $425 $740 $205 $350 $220 $615 $650 $650 $385 $385 $375 $1,015 $610 $415 $420 $335 $270 $1,285 $455 $1,940 $750 $320 $495 $2,515 $745 $405 $525 $480 $185 $310 $325 $685 $395 $680 $355 $440 $355 $470 $445 $235 $205 $905 $380 $405 $700 $200 $355 $225 $660 $630 $685 $375 $375 $350 $1,020 $585 $420 $405 $340 $265 $1,160 $440 $1,715 $750 $330 $500 $2,450 $715 $410 $530 $500 $205 $300 $335 $680 $390 $680 $345 $440 $370 $480 $425 $255 -3.82% 4.39% 4.07% 13.99% 11.51% 3.85% -7.04% 6.68% 0.52% 15.82% 14.87% 10.54% 5.51% -2.85% 7.97% 2.81% 10.22% 19.27% 0.58% 6.68% 1.15% 10.80% 13.86% 12.10% 7.50% 10.50% 18.38% 18.96% 5.01% 12.52% 12.97% 0.93% 2.11% -2.91% 14.44% 6.49% 15.13% 3.79% -2.86% -0.16% 1.60% 8.10% 4.76% 4.84% 5.57% 6.41% 6.25% 7.10% 5.97% 6.64% 3.74% 6.76% 7.72% 7.62% 7.35% 5.73% 4.70% 7.79% 6.04% 5.37% 6.58% 6.00% 6.57% 7.27% 6.90% 7.81% 7.79% 4.78% 7.25% 7.79% 8.73% 6.07% 6.95% 7.24% 4.69% 6.32% 6.12% 5.74% 5.66% 7.74% 5.02% 5.63% 6.16% 7.06% 5.01% 6.51% 6.77% 4.98% 4.87% 5.71% 3.91% 7.23% 4.66% 6.39% 3.43% 3.56% 3.62% 5.99% 6.22% 5.33% 3.79% 2.86% 4.54% 5.42% 4.47% 5.16% 2.28% 5.13% 3.56% 3.14% 6.42% 4.77% 3.45% 3.87% 4.85% 4.06% 3.92% 6.44% 5.83% 5.30% 4.57% 5.96% 3.84% 5.68% 4.57% 5.52% 4.36% 5.21% 5.09% 7.59% 4.90% 4.95% 6.12% 5.12% 9.05% 5.48% 6.83% 4.05% 4.29% 4.19% 8.22% 6.67% 6.29% 3.47% 3.82% 5.30% 5.88% 5.00% 7.17% 2.67% 6.09% 2.96% 3.85% 6.21% 4.72% 4.74% 4.15% 5.00% 4.92% 5.00% 8.47% 7.03% 6.78% 4.28% 5.90% 3.94% 5.82% 4.80% 6.38% 4.60% 4.79% 7.59% $896 $18,248 $948 $1,422 $1,435 $1,669 $873 $853 $2,145 $1,864 $1,790 $1,255 $1,179 $1,082 $2,269 $1,206 $728 $1,110 $919 $695 $2,277 $6,046 $2,508 $2,148 $1,052 $1,621 $2,611 $1,540 $685 $13,032 $1,370 $716 $758 $909 $1,998 $1,459 $1,391 $1,141 $1,068 $1,792 $1,098 $863 $2,034 ©2014 Page | 77 NSW Houses Suburb EAST HILLS EAST JINDABYNE* EAST KEMPSEY EAST KILLARA EAST LINDFIELD EAST LISMORE EAST MAITLAND EAST RYDE EAST TAMWORTH EASTERN CREEK EASTGARDENS EASTLAKES EASTWOOD EBENEZER EDEN EDENSOR PARK EDGECLIFF EDGEWORTH EDMONDSON PARK EGLINTON ELANORA HEIGHTS ELDERSLIE ELEEBANA ELERMORE VALE ELIZABETH BEACH ELIZABETH HILLS ELLALONG ELLIS LANE EMERALD BEACH EMERTON EMPIRE BAY EMU HEIGHTS EMU PLAINS ENFIELD ENGADINE ENGLORIE PARK ENMORE EPPING ERINA ERMINGTON EROWAL BAY ERSKINE PARK ERSKINEVILLE www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2213 2627 2440 2071 2070 2480 2323 2113 2340 2766 2036 2018 2122 2756 2551 2176 2027 2285 2174 2795 2101 2570 2282 2287 2428 2171 2325 2570 2456 2770 2257 2750 2750 2136 2233 2560 2042 2121 2250 2115 2540 2759 2043 1049 371 579 1043 1155 2209 4151 857 2396 308 312 973 4491 39 1572 2750 420 2533 234 646 1358 1521 2095 1635 195 40 400 161 633 651 777 1197 2928 771 5464 113 1227 5545 1197 3140 449 2081 1903 16 5 8 13 14 15 54 13 34 4 4 10 52 4 13 22 4 21 6 11 21 33 24 20 3 1 5 6 7 8 9 8 31 10 64 2 19 80 22 41 3 23 36 62 17 26 53 55 61 198 29 126 16 10 27 201 10 50 87 16 100 29 35 68 112 95 71 10 22 18 12 32 29 34 36 130 27 227 9 57 234 60 139 13 88 82 $662,000 $538,500 $250,500 $1,452,000 $1,677,000 $304,500 $380,500 $1,020,000 $345,000 $400,500 $1,185,000 $1,049,500 $1,104,000 $520,000 $331,500 $559,000 $1,350,000 $343,500 $715,500 $316,500 $998,500 $492,500 $586,000 $433,000 $431,000 $333,000 $315,500 $818,000 $402,500 $291,500 $481,000 $445,000 $445,500 $911,500 $667,000 $339,500 $903,000 $1,141,500 $511,000 $755,500 $409,000 $478,500 $948,500 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $634,000 $455,000 $221,500 $1,368,000 $1,416,500 $301,000 $349,000 $929,500 $330,500 $373,000 $994,000 $918,000 $934,000 $524,500 $318,500 $480,000 $1,360,500 $321,500 $684,000 $323,500 $933,000 $465,500 $531,000 $402,500 $456,500 $320,000 $307,000 $809,000 $412,500 $255,000 $385,000 $434,500 $427,000 $852,000 $601,500 $324,000 $850,500 $961,000 $446,000 $692,000 $352,000 $449,000 $817,500 $510 $515 $315 $1,005 $1,110 $345 $390 $710 $370 $375 $820 $710 $675 $465 $320 $525 $875 $375 $675 $360 $830 $505 $560 $470 $365 $335 $340 $575 $395 $355 $480 $415 $420 $555 $590 $365 $710 $715 $530 $525 $355 $490 $740 $515 $550 $300 $1,040 $1,040 $335 $385 $700 $365 $385 $765 $695 $695 $490 $305 $500 $835 $380 $650 $355 $825 $495 $540 $465 $350 $390 $335 $555 $385 $345 $440 $420 $420 $570 $570 $375 $720 $710 $505 $540 $335 $485 $730 4.39% 18.34% 12.98% 6.14% 18.38% 1.30% 8.93% 9.76% 4.41% 7.26% 19.23% 14.35% 18.20% -0.88% 3.99% 16.47% -0.76% 6.85% 4.66% -2.15% 7.01% 5.77% 10.34% 7.61% -5.58% 4.07% 2.69% 1.10% -2.43% 14.36% 25.00% 2.44% 4.33% 7.02% 10.87% 4.88% 6.18% 18.77% 14.57% 9.15% 16.26% 6.61% 16.00% 6.72% 6.51% 5.26% 6.29% 6.75% 5.51% 6.18% 6.88% 5.26% 6.81% 7.58% 7.96% 7.49% 5.62% 6.72% 7.42% 6.82% 5.87% 6.43% 6.08% 6.37% 5.89% 6.76% 5.81% 3.14% 8.32% 6.05% 6.40% 6.38% 6.20% 7.32% 6.15% 6.07% 8.19% 6.24% 4.82% 8.65% 7.58% 5.88% 7.63% 8.38% 7.45% 9.01% 4.18% 5.81% 6.65% 3.84% 3.53% 5.88% 5.58% 3.86% 5.57% 5.31% 3.67% 3.76% 3.56% 4.97% 4.99% 5.07% 3.27% 5.95% 4.82% 5.84% 4.50% 5.50% 5.14% 5.91% 4.14% 6.21% 5.71% 3.62% 4.99% 6.77% 5.30% 5.02% 5.08% 3.36% 4.76% 5.98% 4.29% 3.55% 5.56% 3.93% 4.61% 5.59% 4.31% 4.43% 6.81% 7.30% 4.30% 4.21% 6.56% 6.00% 4.16% 5.48% 6.20% 4.09% 4.50% 4.11% 4.80% 5.86% 4.83% 3.77% 6.05% 4.73% 5.81% 5.23% 5.20% 4.65% 5.26% 5.70% N/A 6.58% 3.92% 5.99% 7.18% 4.87% 5.33% 5.38% 4.00% 4.53% 5.80% 5.06% 4.05% 4.82% 4.82% 5.93% 5.58% 5.07% $1,319 $1,416 $783 $2,339 $2,694 $833 $1,036 $2,034 $1,161 $1,068 $1,085 $865 $1,327 $1,488 $784 $1,458 $12,590 $1,015 $3,064 $1,446 $1,997 $1,671 $1,833 $1,212 $863 $0 $3,513 $1,916 $1,183 $825 $1,133 $1,801 $1,409 $1,292 $1,666 $1,325 $1,714 $1,683 $805 $1,294 $1,104 $1,858 $2,290 ©2014 Page | 78 NSW Houses Suburb ESCHOL PARK ESTELLA ETTALONG BEACH EUGOWRA EUSTON EVANS HEAD EWINGSDALE EXETER FAIRFIELD FAIRFIELD EAST FAIRFIELD HEIGHTS FAIRFIELD WEST FAIRLIGHT FAIRY MEADOW FARMBOROUGH HEIGHTS FASSIFERN* FAULCONBRIDGE FENNELL BAY FERN BAY FERNHILL FIGTREE FINGAL BAY FINGAL HEAD FINLEY FISHERMANS PARADISE FISHING POINT FIVE DOCK FLETCHER FLINDERS FLORAVILLE FORBES FOREST HILL FOREST LODGE FORESTVILLE FORRESTERS BEACH FORSTER FREDERICKTON FREEMANS REACH* FRENCHS FOREST FRESHWATER FULLERTON COVE* GALSTON GANMAIN www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2558 2650 2257 2806 2737 2473 2481 2579 2165 2165 2165 2165 2094 2519 2526 2283 2776 2283 2295 2519 2525 2315 2487 2713 2539 2283 2046 2287 2529 2280 2871 2651 2037 2087 2260 2428 2440 2756 2086 2096 2318 2159 2702 900 673 1938 332 280 1186 90 314 3489 1412 1953 3377 1306 1896 1434 289 1621 675 417 330 3408 937 454 1120 267 489 2560 798 1384 509 3368 651 809 2596 1005 5209 412 295 4452 2038 58 567 445 12 13 18 0 4 12 4 3 43 13 23 49 14 17 15 3 21 7 7 2 36 10 2 16 6 9 28 15 22 8 42 7 18 39 14 76 5 6 64 35 0 8 3 46 42 88 9 13 38 11 11 116 66 84 136 51 77 61 6 76 30 30 7 135 31 7 52 17 25 91 53 69 32 157 26 42 117 41 260 17 19 211 95 15 24 9 $347,500 $299,000 $436,000 $145,000 $171,000 $476,500 $919,500 $535,500 $529,500 $487,500 $527,000 $493,000 $1,405,000 $499,000 $411,000 $396,000 $406,500 $355,500 $435,000 $451,000 $491,500 $487,500 $974,500 $145,000 $256,500 $507,000 $1,151,500 $507,500 $489,500 $473,000 $187,500 $230,000 $1,078,000 $991,000 $622,500 $376,500 $194,500 $535,500 $993,000 $1,374,000 $506,000 $742,000 $121,000 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $327,000 $302,000 $383,000 $140,000 $164,000 $465,000 $849,500 $506,500 $452,000 $416,500 $464,500 $442,000 $1,282,000 $508,000 $387,500 $399,000 $383,000 $349,000 $405,000 $439,000 $456,000 $481,500 $1,017,500 $134,000 $269,000 $466,000 $1,032,000 $457,500 $464,000 $445,500 $182,500 $233,000 $948,500 $898,500 $511,500 $378,000 $187,500 $500,000 $877,500 $1,321,000 $498,000 $703,500 $120,000 $385 $350 $400 $165 $210 $365 $790 $435 $450 $420 $470 $455 $1,075 $435 $435 $355 $420 $330 $435 $420 $495 $380 $560 $180 $240 $400 $680 $545 $495 $490 $255 $295 $830 $800 $575 $365 $270 $500 $895 $995 $475 $505 $160 $385 $355 $385 $175 $220 $350 $730 $440 $435 $405 $455 $440 $1,000 $455 $425 $345 $415 $345 $455 $385 $480 $385 $560 $180 $245 $395 $680 $545 $480 $465 $255 $285 $820 $760 $520 $350 $260 $505 $840 $940 $480 $500 $165 6.22% -1.00% 13.77% 3.63% 4.43% 2.52% 8.25% 5.77% 17.14% 17.00% 13.42% 11.52% 9.61% -1.70% 6.03% -0.76% 6.19% 1.75% 7.47% 2.69% 7.70% 1.29% -4.20% 8.07% -4.62% 8.85% 11.59% 10.88% 5.59% 6.15% 2.84% -1.27% 13.65% 10.32% 21.70% -0.39% 3.63% 7.12% 13.16% 4.04% 1.57% 5.44% 0.63% 5.63% 4.35% 5.62% 7.58% 5.44% 6.92% 5.57% 7.36% 6.90% 6.65% 7.26% 6.58% 7.94% 6.31% 5.54% 5.85% 6.38% 5.98% 6.23% 6.16% 5.74% 6.31% 8.42% 3.55% 5.32% 6.31% 8.04% 7.86% 10.46% 6.64% 4.38% 3.89% 8.34% 6.66% 6.90% 5.11% 5.42% 7.44% 6.48% 8.66% 7.49% 6.20% 2.92% 5.99% 6.25% 5.01% 6.59% 6.77% 3.94% 4.31% 4.41% 4.63% 4.66% 4.81% 4.93% 3.97% 4.75% 5.58% 4.64% 5.49% 5.03% 5.66% 4.62% 5.38% 4.19% 2.97% 6.72% 4.86% 4.24% 3.26% 5.89% 5.26% 5.44% 7.22% 6.59% 4.22% 4.29% 4.87% 4.95% 7.09% 5.16% 4.80% 3.78% 5.00% 3.61% 7.20% 5.98% 5.86% 4.86% 8.30% 7.98% 5.05% 4.34% 5.42% 5.17% 5.09% 5.16% 5.23% 4.62% 4.85% 5.23% 4.45% 5.05% 5.65% 6.07% 5.41% 5.09% 4.26% 4.35% 7.76% 6.83% 4.60% 4.21% 5.98% 5.37% 5.24% 5.59% 6.94% 4.68% 5.20% 4.43% 5.11% 7.33% 6.69% 5.48% 5.04% 3.02% 4.28% 8.94% $1,522 $1,367 $721 $774 $1,038 $700 $1,153 $1,314 $813 $848 $912 $1,083 $2,213 $867 $1,583 $1,194 $1,585 $3,977 $690 $619 $1,394 $805 $1,284 $759 $611 $1,375 $1,706 $2,177 $1,518 $5,104 $805 $1,205 $1,773 $1,731 $1,471 $729 $839 $1,518 $2,135 $1,833 $1,062 $1,588 $1,458 ©2014 Page | 79 NSW Houses Suburb GARDEN SUBURB GATESHEAD GENEVA GEORGES HALL GEORGETOWN GERRINGONG GERROA GEURIE GILGANDRA GILLIESTON HEIGHTS GIRARDS HILL GIRRAWEEN GLADESVILLE GLADSTONE GLEBE GLEDSWOOD HILLS GLEN ALPINE GLEN INNES GLENBROOK GLENDALE GLENDENNING GLENFIELD GLENFIELD PARK GLENHAVEN GLENMORE PARK GLENNING VALLEY GLENORIE GLENREAGH GLENROY GLENTHORNE GLENWOOD GLOSSODIA GLOUCESTER GOL GOL GOOGONG* GOOLOOGONG GOONELLABAH GORDON GORMANS HILL GOROKAN GOULBURN GRAFTON GRANVILLE www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2289 2290 2474 2198 2298 2534 2534 2818 2827 2321 2480 2145 2111 2440 2037 2557 2560 2370 2773 2285 2761 2167 2650 2156 2745 2261 2157 2450 2640 2430 2768 2756 2422 2738 2620 2805 2480 2072 2795 2263 2580 2460 2142 616 1244 254 2730 809 1410 482 405 1319 552 782 1416 3082 200 3149 71 1193 2615 1946 1283 1496 2348 1846 1947 6103 450 396 141 1079 23 4295 1064 1151 456 30 116 4876 1796 312 3287 8958 4315 3101 7 15 4 46 11 26 6 1 16 12 8 17 49 6 33 5 14 26 26 9 18 30 28 31 135 11 4 3 12 3 66 13 17 9 3 2 55 26 2 61 113 53 33 30 58 10 125 39 69 20 5 44 55 28 66 114 10 78 31 62 87 81 39 73 117 100 104 423 29 16 10 42 5 210 41 62 36 9 6 174 86 6 198 439 165 84 $469,500 $315,500 $294,500 $603,500 $479,500 $541,500 $777,500 $221,000 $164,000 $352,000 $306,000 $581,000 $1,211,000 $265,500 $1,161,500 $549,000 $622,000 $182,500 $585,500 $354,500 $421,000 $455,000 $282,500 $953,000 $497,000 $418,500 $696,500 $271,000 $292,000 $255,500 $636,500 $398,500 $241,000 $298,000 $867,500 $108,000 $325,000 $1,540,500 $261,000 $292,500 $290,000 $256,000 $556,000 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $472,500 $289,000 $300,000 $554,500 $429,000 $522,500 $775,000 $229,000 $153,500 $309,500 $297,500 $546,500 $1,048,000 $266,000 $979,500 $495,500 $582,500 $192,000 $567,000 $326,500 $383,000 $406,500 $285,500 $848,000 $450,500 $389,000 $700,000 $269,500 $289,500 $263,000 $577,500 $391,000 $251,500 $290,000 $900,000 $101,500 $323,500 $1,399,500 $252,000 $266,500 $281,000 $262,000 $465,500 $440 $360 $295 $525 $495 $455 $545 $280 $190 $375 $345 $440 $705 $315 $815 $545 $575 $225 $505 $375 $435 $455 $335 $795 $490 $450 $525 $300 $345 $290 $600 $390 $280 $310 $690 $130 $365 $970 $290 $350 $325 $315 $455 $460 $360 $290 $515 $485 $435 $510 $265 $240 $380 $335 $465 $720 $295 $815 $540 $570 $215 $535 $385 $425 $435 $335 $775 $485 $435 $535 $300 $325 $295 $595 $405 $285 $305 $715 $125 $355 $955 $290 $330 $330 $305 $460 -0.66% 9.14% -1.69% 8.87% 11.76% 3.68% 0.30% -3.61% 6.81% 13.63% 2.91% 6.31% 15.56% -0.16% 18.54% 10.80% 6.74% -4.87% 3.32% 8.46% 9.82% 11.95% -1.01% 12.36% 10.33% 7.52% -0.48% 0.43% 0.88% -2.83% 10.28% 1.91% -4.22% 2.65% -3.57% 6.22% 0.50% 10.10% 3.57% 9.84% 3.22% -2.19% 19.51% 6.20% 6.01% 5.46% 5.86% 7.36% 7.07% 7.28% 7.28% 4.17% 6.64% 5.54% 7.02% 8.18% 7.27% 7.99% 6.48% 7.08% 5.08% 7.43% 5.99% 7.21% 5.71% 4.61% 6.72% 6.09% 8.21% 5.43% 7.72% 4.73% 4.86% 9.41% 6.22% 5.21% 5.46% 7.48% 3.78% 5.54% 6.70% 5.61% 4.26% 7.01% 5.93% 7.86% 5.16% 6.24% 5.13% 4.64% 5.66% 4.34% 3.53% 6.28% 7.55% 6.04% 5.88% 4.24% 3.32% 5.88% 3.91% 5.42% 5.12% 6.00% 4.74% 5.87% 5.62% 5.32% 6.23% 4.52% 5.39% 5.67% 4.06% 5.88% 6.00% 6.02% 5.12% 5.39% 6.13% 5.43% 4.25% 6.13% 5.80% 3.40% 5.88% 6.23% 5.97% 6.36% 4.65% 5.24% 6.65% 6.70% 4.59% 5.85% 4.74% 4.11% 6.70% 8.68% 6.60% 6.53% 4.81% 3.87% 6.93% 4.24% 5.28% 4.60% 7.56% 4.44% 5.91% 5.92% 5.16% 6.05% 4.15% 5.42% 5.04% 4.34% 7.65% 5.80% 7.30% 5.27% 5.72% 7.07% 5.92% 4.02% N/A 6.20% 4.25% 6.80% 5.86% 6.97% 6.99% 5.35% $6,892 $819 $749 $1,325 $1,147 $1,186 $1,125 $1,117 $727 $1,183 $817 $1,315 $1,558 $769 $1,350 N/A $2,366 $729 $1,916 $1,059 $1,581 $1,394 $1,325 $2,293 $1,930 $1,503 $1,673 $740 $1,342 $808 $2,192 $1,577 $750 $1,143 $2,469 $625 $958 $2,223 $876 $771 $949 $816 $1,086 ©2014 Page | 80 NSW Houses Suburb GRASMERE* GRAYS POINT GREAT MACKEREL BEACH* GREEN POINT GREEN POINT GREEN VALLEY GREENACRE GREENFIELD PARK GREENHILL GREENHILLS BEACH GREENLEIGH GREENWELL POINT GREENWICH GREGORY HILLS GRENFELL GRETA GREYSTANES GRIFFITH GROSE VALE* GUILDFORD GUILDFORD WEST GULGONG GULMARRAD* GUNDAGAI* GUNDAROO GUNNEDAH GUNNING GUYRA GWANDALAN GWYNNEVILLE GYMEA GYMEA BAY HABERFIELD HALEKULANI HAMILTON HAMILTON EAST HAMILTON NORTH HAMILTON SOUTH HAMLYN TERRACE HAMMONDVILLE HARDEN HARDYS BAY* HARRINGTON www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2570 2232 2108 2251 2428 2168 2190 2176 2440 2230 2620 2540 2065 2557 2810 2334 2145 2680 2753 2161 2161 2852 2463 2722 2620 2380 2581 2365 2259 2500 2227 2227 2045 2262 2303 2303 2292 2303 2259 2170 2587 2257 2427 274 1046 146 2448 307 3358 6354 1351 215 98 237 731 1413 180 1200 1035 7714 6096 79 5098 1489 1118 215 1138 252 3254 324 838 1394 817 1936 2231 2346 1081 1659 398 408 1286 1776 994 1117 213 1361 1 16 5 32 2 43 100 15 2 4 3 8 19 5 9 16 94 63 4 73 17 11 6 3 4 30 7 5 19 12 22 25 25 20 20 5 9 15 21 12 12 3 24 11 46 7 121 6 143 294 41 6 8 8 32 57 53 47 40 287 231 8 234 62 35 21 13 11 120 21 27 72 34 66 76 66 60 76 21 24 46 84 43 33 6 86 $916,000 $854,500 $646,500 $506,500 $303,500 $481,000 $644,500 $540,000 $203,000 $882,000 $840,000 $327,000 $1,732,000 $566,000 $151,500 $319,500 $564,000 $256,000 $704,000 $539,500 $528,500 $274,000 $388,000 $168,500 $589,500 $283,500 $306,000 $204,000 $322,000 $568,000 $836,000 $895,500 $1,532,000 $326,500 $494,000 $852,000 $488,000 $715,000 $433,500 $503,500 $144,000 $879,000 $323,500 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $831,500 $860,000 $632,000 $473,500 $311,500 $452,500 $584,000 $475,500 $213,500 $816,500 $792,500 $319,000 $1,548,000 $527,000 $145,000 $293,500 $515,000 $250,000 $658,500 $472,000 $467,000 $278,000 $393,000 $180,000 $590,000 $282,500 $287,500 $220,000 $297,500 $546,000 $733,500 $847,000 $1,478,500 $295,000 $493,500 $802,500 $420,500 $684,500 $384,500 $453,000 $154,000 $851,500 $329,000 $695 $650 $420 $505 $330 $460 $550 $500 $275 $510 $630 $305 $1,065 $560 $190 $345 $465 $285 $610 $480 $490 $310 $370 $205 $500 $340 $325 $245 $355 $525 $630 $710 $835 $390 $480 $625 $480 $580 $495 $475 $210 $975 $345 $615 $655 $405 $480 $310 $450 $540 $480 $270 $515 $635 $290 $1,005 $505 $185 $370 $480 $275 $555 $470 $465 $310 $365 $200 $505 $355 $335 $245 $340 $510 $590 $690 $855 $360 $480 $630 $490 $565 $460 $460 $210 $935 $345 10.16% -0.59% 2.29% 6.95% -2.51% 6.21% 10.40% 13.57% -4.77% 8.03% 6.01% 2.55% 11.92% 7.42% 4.52% 8.81% 9.46% 2.27% 6.94% 14.32% 13.12% -1.38% -1.29% -6.46% -0.04% 0.27% 6.41% -7.24% 8.23% 4.08% 13.97% 5.76% 3.62% 10.81% 0.11% 6.15% 16.12% 4.44% 12.74% 11.19% -6.49% 3.24% -1.58% 9.71% 6.02% 6.22% 5.59% 4.05% 6.15% 6.92% 6.37% 4.15% 6.99% 7.63% 6.63% 7.41% 5.85% 5.23% 7.72% 6.86% 3.89% 5.56% 6.93% 6.84% 6.72% 5.33% 4.16% 6.55% 5.62% 6.30% 5.90% 5.22% 6.91% 6.85% 6.61% 7.79% 5.64% 6.86% 7.46% 7.54% 6.40% 5.66% 6.15% 5.33% 7.73% 5.55% 3.76% 4.09% 3.31% 5.19% 5.36% 5.16% 4.63% 5.01% 6.90% 3.12% 4.19% 4.85% 3.21% 4.86% 6.54% 6.26% 4.66% 5.74% 4.24% 4.84% 4.95% 5.74% 4.94% 6.07% 4.52% 6.54% 5.95% 6.14% 5.81% 4.79% 4.04% 4.26% 2.93% 6.22% 5.10% 4.03% 5.59% 4.24% 5.99% 5.10% 7.48% 5.71% 5.49% 3.65% 3.94% 3.60% 4.54% 6.21% 5.04% 4.75% 4.85% 8.23% N/A 4.28% 5.63% 3.43% 5.07% N/A 6.97% 5.09% 5.50% 6.08% 5.06% 5.12% 7.08% 5.87% 8.28% 5.92% 6.82% 7.97% 7.79% 5.71% 4.76% 4.15% 4.11% 3.64% 5.79% 5.12% 4.04% 5.78% 4.17% 5.30% 5.04% 9.13% 3.95% 6.16% $1,025 $2,285 $1,312 $1,084 $852 $1,391 $959 $1,331 $782 N/A $2,739 $737 $2,358 $1,527 $697 $1,330 $1,379 $1,015 $1,862 $945 $1,111 $902 $978 $828 $2,278 $938 $1,200 $847 $954 $789 $1,453 $2,204 $1,730 $730 $1,078 $3,640 $1,322 $846 $1,331 $1,444 $761 N/A $649 ©2014 Page | 81 NSW Houses Suburb HARRINGTON PARK HARRIS PARK HARWOOD HASSALL GROVE HAWKESBURY HEIGHTS HAWKS NEST HAY HAYWARDS BAY HAZELBROOK HEATHCOTE HEBERSHAM HECKENBERG HEDDON GRETA HELENSBURGH HENLEY HENTY HERMITAGE FLAT HIGHFIELDS HILL TOP HILLSBOROUGH HILLSDALE HILLSTON HILLVUE HINCHINBROOK HOBARTVILLE HOLBROOK HOLMESVILLE HOLROYD* HOLSWORTHY HOMEBUSH HOMEBUSH WEST* HORNINGSEA PARK HORNSBY HORNSBY HEIGHTS HORSESHOE BEND HORSFIELD BAY HORSLEY HOWLONG HOXTON PARK HUNTERS HILL HUNTERVIEW HURLSTONE PARK HURSTVILLE www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2567 2150 2465 2761 2777 2324 2711 2530 2779 2233 2770 2168 2321 2508 2111 2658 2790 2289 2575 2290 2036 2675 2340 2168 2753 2644 2286 2142 2173 2140 2140 2171 2077 2077 2320 2256 2530 2643 2171 2110 2330 2193 2220 2211 543 142 1277 157 1233 1269 174 2184 1831 1706 950 533 1846 155 678 175 350 861 256 396 681 2327 2939 1153 640 540 149 1485 967 403 1127 3900 2152 257 209 1928 1207 1323 2591 845 1407 4391 50 12 0 18 6 12 14 3 23 19 15 8 7 18 0 6 1 4 17 3 2 3 34 42 10 8 11 4 24 8 4 12 46 30 4 2 30 25 19 35 12 13 46 171 26 6 51 12 39 55 12 101 73 77 35 30 81 6 21 8 18 48 16 7 13 114 118 47 30 22 8 68 25 9 56 145 105 10 10 129 64 57 122 36 52 146 $597,000 $620,000 $211,000 $406,500 $402,500 $412,500 $125,000 $495,500 $349,500 $679,000 $332,500 $375,500 $361,000 $592,500 $2,393,500 $144,500 $150,500 $484,000 $315,000 $402,000 $933,500 $115,500 $324,500 $481,000 $415,500 $155,500 $363,000 $517,000 $508,500 $998,000 $897,500 $531,500 $780,500 $738,000 $253,000 $505,500 $425,500 $229,500 $479,000 $1,847,500 $447,000 $995,000 $1,032,500 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $524,000 $625,000 $189,500 $357,500 $396,500 $444,000 $127,000 $455,000 $337,000 $622,500 $301,500 $335,000 $365,500 $553,000 $2,181,000 $139,000 $154,000 $459,000 $290,500 $362,000 $826,500 $117,500 $315,500 $431,500 $367,000 $168,500 $346,500 $480,500 $455,500 $913,500 $887,000 $477,500 $709,000 $673,500 $245,000 $499,500 $402,000 $231,000 $428,000 $1,549,500 $448,000 $985,000 $939,000 $600 $390 $265 $420 $425 $400 $160 $500 $375 $600 $380 $395 $370 $550 $1,095 $175 $210 $450 $355 $410 $460 $160 $370 $475 $415 $210 $415 $445 $480 $545 $470 $525 $540 $615 $285 $420 $460 $265 $485 $1,055 $445 $700 $630 $565 $395 $265 $410 $405 $480 $145 $485 $370 $575 $370 $380 $385 $525 $1,090 $165 $210 $450 $345 $400 $415 $155 $365 $460 $390 $200 $400 $465 $475 $540 $475 $500 $520 $600 $305 $445 $455 $260 $465 $1,120 $475 $700 $620 13.90% -0.74% 11.40% 13.76% 1.53% -7.06% -1.65% 8.90% 3.66% 9.05% 10.38% 12.12% -1.11% 7.11% 9.74% 3.74% -2.32% 5.40% 8.39% 11.18% 12.90% -1.57% 2.72% 11.58% 13.15% -7.63% 4.67% 7.57% 11.59% 9.25% 1.20% 11.39% 10.09% 9.54% 3.42% 1.13% 5.78% -0.57% 11.95% 19.20% -0.14% 1.01% 9.96% 7.59% 6.75% 3.98% 6.72% 8.23% 5.03% 3.43% 7.96% 6.01% 6.60% 6.13% 6.07% 7.55% 7.55% 7.90% 3.71% 4.37% 6.80% 7.35% 5.57% 7.51% 4.51% 3.72% 7.19% 6.03% 3.89% 6.27% 7.21% 6.94% 7.78% 7.51% 6.00% 6.71% 6.49% 6.97% 6.16% 6.46% 4.90% 6.53% 7.52% 7.26% 8.43% 8.09% 5.47% 3.35% 6.92% 5.65% 5.41% 5.87% 6.22% 5.42% 5.64% 4.68% 6.22% 5.60% 5.62% 4.83% 2.57% 6.24% 7.16% 5.05% 6.00% 5.50% 2.50% 7.30% 5.96% 5.30% 5.31% 6.64% 5.99% 4.74% 5.08% 3.00% 2.83% 5.24% 3.72% 4.44% 6.20% 4.66% 5.76% 5.98% 5.38% 3.42% 5.51% 3.74% 3.33% 5.37% 4.63% 8.10% 5.97% 5.17% 4.54% 8.08% 6.35% 5.52% 4.59% 6.63% 5.85% 6.12% 4.48% 2.81% 7.63% 7.87% 5.37% 6.61% 5.87% 5.08% N/A 5.50% 5.06% 5.97% 8.01% 6.02% 6.42% 5.12% 3.56% 3.54% 4.74% 5.47% 5.77% 7.76% 4.56% 5.40% 6.42% 5.29% 3.29% 5.59% 3.96% 3.87% $2,124 $1,114 $835 $1,498 $1,546 $725 $790 $1,807 $1,247 $1,598 $1,066 $781 $1,772 $1,792 $2,625 $652 $766 $1,385 $1,233 $1,408 $1,134 $974 $1,365 $1,524 $1,262 $870 $1,269 $1,701 $1,923 $1,458 $1,318 $1,792 $1,436 $2,053 $924 $1,680 $1,643 $882 $1,574 $2,291 $2,406 $1,492 $1,137 ©2014 Page | 82 NSW Houses Suburb HURSTVILLE GROVE HUSKISSON HYAMS BEACH* HYLAND PARK ILLAWONG ILUKA INGLEBURN INVERELL ISLINGTON JAMBEROO JAMISONTOWN JANNALI JERILDERIE JERRABOMBERRA JESMOND JEWELLS JINDABYNE* JINDERA JOHNS RIVER JORDAN SPRINGS JUNCTION HILL JUNEE KAHIBAH KALARU KALKITE KANAHOOKA KANDOS KANGAROO POINT KANGAROO VALLEY* KANWAL KARABAR KAREELA KARIONG KARUAH KATOOMBA KEARNS KEARSLEY KEIRAVILLE KELLYVILLE KELLYVILLE RIDGE KELSO KEMPSEY KENDALL www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2220 2540 2540 2448 2234 2466 2565 2360 2296 2533 2750 2226 2716 2619 2299 2280 2627 2642 2443 2747 2460 2663 2290 2550 2627 2530 2848 2224 2577 2259 2620 2232 2250 2324 2780 2558 2325 2500 2155 2155 2795 2440 2439 877 468 237 189 2406 986 4410 4116 682 513 1552 1778 490 2867 742 886 987 480 96 352 477 1814 831 117 119 1821 823 195 180 1304 3063 1227 2152 1311 4874 850 243 1005 6317 2262 2713 193 296 12 3 3 3 36 7 50 61 3 6 16 20 5 42 8 9 5 5 3 22 10 32 14 7 0 16 9 3 3 32 30 21 25 8 69 10 3 7 140 48 43 3 7 40 12 11 12 92 32 182 190 22 18 56 57 14 166 34 34 14 19 5 110 27 91 33 18 5 72 35 13 10 77 100 54 100 22 227 40 12 29 523 173 154 7 25 $1,186,500 $438,500 $809,000 $342,500 $862,000 $327,000 $400,500 $215,500 $406,000 $582,500 $419,000 $727,000 $152,500 $627,000 $380,000 $445,500 $380,500 $265,500 $242,000 $534,000 $304,000 $178,500 $439,000 $332,000 $343,000 $382,000 $147,500 $2,082,500 $500,000 $326,500 $469,000 $779,500 $429,500 $262,000 $357,000 $441,000 $263,000 $602,500 $768,000 $682,000 $325,500 $189,000 $318,000 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $1,112,000 $463,500 $825,500 $352,000 $817,000 $334,500 $362,500 $214,500 $361,500 $556,500 $403,500 $660,500 $141,500 $625,500 $358,000 $455,000 $377,000 $265,000 $244,000 $453,000 $319,000 $174,500 $433,500 $331,500 $336,500 $372,500 $170,000 $2,028,000 $466,000 $300,000 $454,000 $750,500 $375,500 $245,000 $341,500 $388,500 $231,000 $540,000 $674,000 $593,500 $309,000 $191,500 $314,500 $735 $350 $870 $335 $755 $285 $430 $275 $410 $520 $400 $565 $180 $610 $365 $440 $395 $305 $260 $500 $350 $245 $415 $310 $320 $425 $195 $1,080 $440 $405 $470 $675 $465 $285 $380 $475 $305 $565 $700 $635 $360 $265 $305 $735 $345 $705 $340 $750 $290 $415 $270 $400 $485 $400 $580 $185 $625 $375 $455 $395 $305 $265 $495 $350 $235 $420 $310 $320 $410 $205 $1,105 $425 $370 $475 $680 $440 $285 $355 $460 $305 $545 $690 $620 $355 $255 $330 6.69% -5.37% -1.99% -2.58% 5.53% -2.19% 10.43% 0.45% 12.27% 4.73% 3.88% 10.07% 7.79% 0.23% 6.19% -2.02% 0.96% 0.28% -0.87% 17.88% -4.57% 2.03% 1.25% 0.21% 1.92% 2.62% -13.18% 2.71% 7.30% 8.74% 3.30% 3.83% 14.31% 6.90% 4.62% 13.57% 13.85% 11.61% 13.92% 14.85% 5.27% -1.32% 1.12% 7.90% 6.97% 7.30% 5.01% 6.42% 5.95% 5.43% 5.05% 8.05% 7.01% 6.06% 6.58% 4.52% 8.80% 6.34% 5.55% 5.04% 4.17% 4.48% 6.63% 6.20% 5.15% 6.48% 6.41% 6.15% 5.55% 6.10% 5.85% 8.35% 5.26% 7.18% 5.28% 5.14% 5.73% 7.22% 6.72% 7.05% 6.21% 6.64% 10.71% 4.95% 4.26% 5.98% 3.39% 4.03% 4.60% 5.11% 4.77% 4.58% 5.78% 6.59% 5.52% 4.49% 5.13% 4.32% 6.70% 5.20% 5.33% 5.34% 5.47% 6.03% 5.68% 5.26% 5.89% 7.18% 5.04% 4.99% 4.89% 5.77% 6.87% 2.87% 4.70% 6.34% 5.42% 4.67% 5.74% 5.76% 5.47% 5.89% 6.41% 5.07% 5.03% 5.15% 5.81% 7.11% 5.38% 3.46% 5.02% 4.64% 6.46% 3.97% 5.80% 5.43% 7.26% 6.22% 4.44% 5.68% 4.41% 8.41% 5.17% 5.90% 4.99% 5.68% 6.33% 7.25% 5.53% 6.33% 7.81% 5.28% 6.14% 7.10% 5.55% 9.17% 2.66% 5.47% 5.62% 5.97% 4.22% 4.94% 6.73% 5.43% 5.39% 7.22% 4.60% 5.25% 5.67% 5.87% 8.42% 6.37% $1,772 $812 $1,176 $907 $2,287 $578 $1,210 $813 $1,148 $1,434 $1,228 $1,550 $812 $2,691 $735 $1,327 $1,239 $1,222 $790 N/A $995 $869 $7,454 $1,261 $1,042 $981 $614 $2,883 $989 $864 $1,559 $2,019 $1,456 $634 $806 $1,709 $1,005 $1,053 $2,251 $2,327 $1,272 $581 $833 ©2014 Page | 83 NSW Houses Suburb KENSINGTON KENTHURST KEW KHANCOBAN KIAMA KIAMA DOWNS KIAMA HEIGHTS KIANGA KILABEN BAY KILLARA KILLARNEY HEIGHTS KILLARNEY VALE KILLCARE* KILLCARE HEIGHTS KINCUMBER KING CREEK KINGFISHER SHORES KINGS LANGLEY KINGS PARK KINGS POINT KINGSCLIFF KINGSFORD KINGSGROVE KINGSWOOD* KINGSWOOD KIOLOA* KIRKHAM* KIRRAWEE KIRRIBILLI KOGARAH KOGARAH BAY KOOLEWONG KOONAWARRA KOORINGAL KOOTINGAL KORORA KOTARA KOTARA SOUTH KURMOND KURNELL KURRABA POINT KURRAJONG KURRAJONG HEIGHTS www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2033 2156 2439 2642 2533 2533 2533 2546 2283 2071 2087 2261 2257 2257 2251 2446 2259 2147 2148 2539 2487 2032 2208 2340 2747 2539 2570 2232 2061 2217 2217 2256 2530 2650 2352 2450 2289 2289 2757 2231 2089 2758 2758 1793 391 115 199 2424 1881 369 435 533 2471 1466 2819 503 474 2030 32 85 3174 1263 305 2065 2965 4293 64 2501 278 94 2585 586 2250 756 407 1291 2909 593 672 1627 478 175 879 274 600 353 20 2 4 3 39 28 5 5 10 34 22 47 6 4 31 6 4 45 23 5 27 29 47 3 24 1 4 36 4 24 14 5 20 43 10 5 26 10 6 7 2 6 10 55 13 6 10 136 99 19 24 25 134 61 144 26 20 98 18 6 163 68 11 94 91 128 14 92 8 10 109 15 69 32 16 50 134 31 29 73 33 12 23 10 28 37 $1,688,000 $1,108,000 $365,500 $126,000 $606,000 $548,500 $596,000 $321,000 $496,000 $1,703,000 $1,205,000 $362,000 $747,500 $724,000 $410,000 $475,500 $280,500 $607,500 $489,000 $344,500 $592,500 $1,391,500 $848,500 $479,500 $381,000 $306,000 $935,500 $760,000 $2,455,000 $884,000 $1,070,500 $438,500 $304,000 $278,000 $233,000 $465,000 $473,000 $460,500 $554,000 $677,500 $2,641,000 $589,000 $491,500 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $1,544,500 $1,047,500 $359,000 $120,500 $619,000 $521,500 $536,500 $334,500 $503,500 $1,547,000 $1,138,000 $327,000 $698,000 $732,500 $377,500 $493,000 $252,000 $559,500 $435,500 $343,000 $580,500 $1,125,500 $775,000 $496,500 $350,500 $300,000 $904,000 $696,500 $2,228,500 $816,500 $1,024,000 $450,000 $281,000 $266,500 $231,000 $475,000 $432,000 $442,000 $553,000 $662,500 $2,969,000 $565,500 $498,000 $820 $790 $365 $185 $510 $495 $500 $275 $385 $1,065 $1,000 $395 $1,015 $755 $440 $430 $330 $530 $470 $315 $450 $800 $600 $480 $385 $270 $690 $610 $955 $530 $655 $430 $360 $330 $285 $460 $480 $455 $465 $540 $1,270 $495 $400 $815 $810 $370 $185 $500 $485 $475 $270 $410 $1,050 $985 $375 $905 $755 $420 $415 $320 $525 $465 $295 $405 $700 $590 $470 $380 $270 $630 $605 $885 $515 $670 $430 $345 $335 $275 $455 $470 $470 $470 $520 $1,320 $495 $415 9.29% 5.76% 1.72% 4.81% -2.15% 5.16% 11.09% -4.05% -1.43% 10.09% 5.89% 10.66% 7.08% -1.15% 8.53% -3.46% 11.23% 8.52% 12.28% 0.42% 2.06% 23.61% 9.48% -3.41% 8.74% 2.06% 3.48% 9.09% 10.18% 8.30% 4.54% -2.49% 8.24% 4.41% 0.88% -2.07% 9.53% 4.12% 0.13% 2.23% -11.06% 4.22% -1.33% 7.32% 5.80% 5.70% 4.78% 7.05% 6.81% 7.01% 4.94% 6.47% 7.01% 6.34% 4.90% 7.02% 5.87% 5.36% 5.07% 5.56% 6.14% 6.21% 5.23% 7.86% 7.86% 6.73% 4.78% 6.08% 11.00% 6.36% 6.41% 8.03% 7.20% 6.72% 5.03% 5.30% 4.24% 4.49% 4.54% 6.28% 5.92% 5.60% 6.90% 7.32% 6.75% 6.12% 2.61% 3.88% 5.28% 7.67% 4.37% 4.77% 4.44% 4.37% 4.26% 3.42% 4.45% 5.76% 6.57% 5.46% 5.55% 4.52% 6.43% 4.77% 5.23% 4.60% 3.71% 2.95% 3.84% 5.05% 5.44% 4.66% 3.67% 4.39% 2.01% 3.16% 3.28% 5.10% 6.20% 6.33% 6.23% 5.06% 5.48% 5.31% 4.43% 4.18% 2.45% 4.55% 4.43% 3.37% 3.68% 6.56% 10.01% 4.49% 4.74% 4.57% 5.70% 4.56% 4.07% 4.98% 5.45% 4.12% 3.69% 4.97% 5.30% 6.44% 5.02% 5.67% 5.82% 4.72% 3.79% 4.14% 5.23% 5.95% 6.77% 3.73% 4.31% 2.54% 3.78% 3.40% 4.61% 6.41% 6.20% 6.86% 4.92% 5.34% 5.31% 5.39% 4.58% 3.11% 4.68% 5.01% $1,498 $2,109 $1,610 $759 $1,007 $1,558 $1,284 $751 $1,489 $2,508 $2,270 $948 $1,235 $1,411 $924 $1,316 N/A $1,940 $1,641 $865 $908 $1,227 $1,257 $1,455 $1,039 $718 $2,703 $1,387 $1,976 $1,238 $1,661 $1,237 $845 $1,021 $957 $1,267 $1,297 $1,135 $1,570 $1,597 $2,644 $1,723 $1,610 ©2014 Page | 84 NSW Houses Suburb KURRI KURRI KYEEMAGH KYLE BAY KYOGLE LAKE ALBERT LAKE CARGELLIGO LAKE CATHIE LAKE CONJOLA* LAKE HAVEN LAKE HEIGHTS LAKE ILLAWARRA LAKE MUNMORAH LAKE TABOURIE LAKELANDS LAKEMBA LAKEWOOD LALOR PARK LAMBTON LANE COVE LANE COVE NORTH LANE COVE WEST LANSDOWNE LANSVALE LAPSTONE LARGS LAURIETON LAVENDER BAY LAVINGTON LAWRENCE LAWSON LEETON LEICHHARDT LEMON TREE PASSAGE LENNOX HEAD LEONAY LEPPINGTON LETHBRIDGE PARK LEUMEAH LEURA LEWISHAM LIBERTY GROVE LIDCOMBE LIGHTNING RIDGE www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2327 2216 2221 2474 2650 2672 2445 2539 2263 2502 2528 2259 2539 2282 2195 2443 2147 2299 2066 2066 2066 2430 2166 2773 2320 2443 2060 2641 2460 2783 2705 2040 2319 2478 2750 2179 2770 2560 2780 2049 2138 2141 2834 2352 378 370 1335 1846 803 1167 442 1334 1418 1006 1521 422 448 2152 515 2813 1972 2247 1729 816 143 955 369 491 783 217 4559 430 1371 3246 4789 1285 2016 958 420 1602 3125 2590 888 314 4143 976 20 1 4 15 32 4 22 3 25 16 14 19 4 11 19 6 24 18 36 29 10 1 9 7 8 8 5 46 3 22 31 84 18 30 11 4 17 35 47 15 6 59 6 86 10 10 48 101 11 78 11 76 49 41 79 15 27 68 25 96 75 96 78 35 8 39 12 32 32 10 157 11 61 94 240 59 86 57 5 73 119 132 33 17 168 26 $266,000 $1,006,000 $1,413,500 $236,500 $311,500 $141,500 $393,500 $340,000 $334,500 $334,000 $324,000 $338,500 $305,000 $606,500 $626,000 $337,500 $411,500 $491,000 $1,412,500 $1,316,500 $1,341,000 $201,000 $495,000 $597,000 $440,000 $368,500 $2,789,000 $229,000 $279,000 $325,000 $183,500 $980,500 $319,500 $610,000 $558,500 $928,000 $283,000 $373,000 $496,000 $960,500 $762,000 $759,500 $171,500 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $256,000 $941,000 $1,331,000 $251,000 $308,000 $135,000 $379,000 $309,000 $307,500 $332,500 $323,500 $309,500 $302,500 $546,500 $531,500 $334,000 $366,500 $470,000 $1,252,000 $1,144,500 $1,155,500 $177,500 $469,500 $536,000 $441,500 $368,000 $2,122,500 $233,500 $295,500 $333,000 $190,000 $868,500 $305,500 $645,000 $512,000 $901,500 $246,000 $337,500 $467,500 $856,000 $698,500 $655,000 $171,000 $305 $640 $815 $265 $360 $185 $400 $330 $405 $365 $340 $405 $285 $575 $415 $345 $380 $455 $955 $905 $930 $250 $415 $530 $420 $345 $1,330 $275 $305 $350 $220 $745 $315 $510 $510 $485 $340 $410 $465 $725 $595 $535 $200 $310 $610 $810 $275 $360 $180 $395 $300 $375 $350 $345 $365 $275 $590 $395 $340 $380 $460 $905 $875 $890 $245 $405 $525 $425 $350 $1,215 $280 $310 $340 $225 $730 $320 $510 $505 $560 $330 $395 $455 $690 $600 $540 $225 3.89% 6.88% 6.18% -5.74% 1.27% 4.89% 3.84% 10.06% 8.68% 0.34% 0.13% 9.48% 0.77% 10.99% 17.81% 1.07% 12.27% 4.43% 12.82% 15.03% 16.03% 13.31% 5.38% 11.41% -0.30% 0.10% 31.42% -2.03% -5.59% -2.38% -3.35% 12.88% 4.48% -5.38% 9.16% 2.97% 14.84% 10.45% 6.12% 12.25% 9.08% 16.00% 0.08% 6.55% 7.86% 6.79% 6.38% 3.85% 4.96% 5.93% 5.58% 4.56% 5.69% 6.03% 5.80% 5.55% 6.88% 6.91% 3.83% 6.65% 7.01% 7.56% 7.34% 7.15% 4.94% 6.14% 7.39% 7.71% 5.45% 7.86% 3.80% 4.81% 5.77% 3.35% 8.49% 6.38% 7.24% 5.83% 6.75% 6.18% 5.27% 6.26% 8.29% 6.52% 8.51% 5.28% 6.25% 3.37% 3.14% 5.98% 6.12% 6.70% 5.28% 4.90% 6.24% 5.56% 5.54% 6.09% 4.90% 5.29% 3.63% 5.36% 5.11% 5.07% 3.55% 3.70% 3.66% 6.84% 4.44% 4.88% 5.01% 5.04% 2.57% 6.35% 5.67% 5.49% 6.37% 4.11% 5.40% 4.27% 4.97% 3.21% 6.68% 5.98% 4.94% 4.04% 4.27% 3.94% 6.60% 7.22% 3.76% 2.99% 7.56% 5.88% N/A 5.64% 6.27% 5.30% 5.82% 5.65% 5.56% 6.26% 4.36% 4.47% 5.48% 6.25% 5.37% 3.95% 4.13% 4.12% 8.12% 5.07% 4.48% 5.64% 5.45% 3.00% 6.41% 6.86% 5.63% 6.77% 4.88% 5.58% 4.71% 4.80% 3.68% 7.40% 5.79% 4.62% 4.86% 4.29% 4.83% 7.71% $846 $2,712 $4,438 $716 $1,436 $866 $923 $706 $698 $895 $707 $837 $741 $1,928 $849 $707 $1,017 $1,141 $1,942 $1,837 $2,540 $775 $1,074 $1,725 $5,951 $567 $1,947 $826 $728 $1,111 $977 $1,924 $870 $1,258 $1,902 $1,040 $759 $1,144 $1,016 $1,698 $1,924 $1,230 $541 ©2014 Page | 85 NSW Houses Suburb LILLI PILLI LILLI PILLI LILYFIELD LINDEN LINDFIELD LINLEY POINT LISAROW LISMORE LISMORE HEIGHTS LITHGOW LITTLE BAY LITTLETON LIVERPOOL LLANARTH LLOYD LOCKHART LOFTUS LONDONDERRY LONG BEACH LONG JETTY LONGUEVILLE LORN LOUTH PARK* LOWANNA LOWER PORTLAND LUDDENHAM LUGARNO LURNEA MACKSVILLE MACLEAN MACMASTERS BEACH MACQUARIE FIELDS MACQUARIE HILLS MACQUARIE LINKS MAIANBAR MAITLAND MAJORS CREEK MALABAR MALLABULA MALUA BAY MANDURAMA MANGERTON MANILDRA www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2229 2536 2040 2778 2070 2066 2250 2480 2480 2790 2036 2790 2170 2795 2650 2656 2232 2753 2536 2261 2066 2320 2320 2450 2756 2745 2210 2170 2447 2463 2251 2564 2285 2565 2230 2320 2622 2036 2319 2536 2792 2500 2865 491 446 2423 229 2478 150 1262 1796 982 2534 856 371 4128 555 232 733 1398 235 753 2373 777 566 41 119 27 484 2015 2582 1063 1371 780 4201 1015 297 299 934 132 1072 489 1317 279 819 286 9 4 34 3 44 2 20 15 9 33 12 9 24 17 8 7 20 0 7 43 10 5 1 3 3 5 23 33 8 18 15 43 17 8 4 7 3 14 5 11 3 10 2 27 15 113 9 129 8 68 41 37 142 40 18 117 53 17 20 55 8 29 127 34 21 6 9 7 15 71 121 28 46 40 127 65 27 17 20 7 49 18 37 7 43 5 $1,420,000 $443,000 $1,165,500 $466,500 $1,621,000 $2,335,000 $462,500 $295,500 $298,500 $237,000 $1,026,500 $243,500 $491,500 $430,500 $400,500 $143,500 $708,000 $435,500 $400,000 $411,500 $2,563,500 $480,000 $706,500 $187,500 $560,000 $488,000 $928,500 $447,000 $261,000 $278,500 $787,500 $387,000 $394,500 $687,000 $725,500 $326,500 $310,500 $1,305,500 $298,500 $397,500 $172,000 $554,500 $167,500 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $1,371,500 $445,500 $981,500 $451,500 $1,405,500 $2,216,500 $440,000 $286,500 $311,000 $228,500 $998,000 $239,500 $440,500 $441,000 $395,000 $154,500 $649,000 $416,500 $409,000 $386,000 $2,320,000 $483,500 $698,000 $197,500 $514,000 $457,000 $837,500 $385,500 $260,500 $279,500 $726,000 $346,500 $373,500 $604,500 $663,500 $319,500 $297,500 $1,214,500 $281,000 $407,500 $160,000 $534,500 $165,000 $980 $415 $855 $445 $1,015 $1,360 $500 $345 $335 $285 $790 $275 $395 $460 $420 $185 $605 $425 $360 $390 $1,530 $415 $625 $285 $520 $495 $710 $425 $285 $290 $570 $405 $435 $620 $465 $315 $280 $925 $320 $375 $210 $505 $255 $990 $410 $830 $445 $965 $1,375 $505 $325 $330 $275 $765 $280 $390 $460 $405 $205 $585 $435 $360 $380 $1,540 $425 $615 $290 $505 $490 $695 $400 $270 $285 $560 $390 $440 $585 $440 $345 $300 $865 $320 $360 $210 $490 $250 3.53% -0.54% 18.74% 3.40% 15.33% 5.35% 5.12% 2.99% -3.94% 3.80% 2.84% 1.77% 11.63% -2.35% 1.48% -7.26% 9.12% 4.60% -2.27% 6.49% 10.49% -0.70% 1.24% -5.16% 8.96% 6.86% 10.89% 15.86% 0.19% -0.26% 8.46% 11.68% 5.72% 13.67% 9.35% 2.23% 4.42% 7.50% 6.23% -2.43% 7.34% 3.73% 1.62% 6.41% 5.95% 8.85% 6.07% 7.37% 7.01% 5.73% 5.67% 5.33% 5.62% 7.42% 5.04% 6.53% 4.98% 4.10% 4.50% 6.46% 5.37% 6.12% 5.33% 7.09% 6.64% 8.53% 5.83% 6.86% 5.42% 5.98% 6.29% 5.38% 5.24% 6.25% 5.96% 5.53% 7.02% 6.85% 7.35% 7.43% 7.72% 5.77% 7.08% 6.42% 6.53% 4.52% 3.71% 4.82% 4.00% 5.01% 3.31% 3.21% 5.78% 5.97% 5.70% 6.17% 3.97% 6.12% 4.37% 5.50% 5.48% 7.40% 4.54% 5.35% 4.65% 4.98% 3.26% 4.61% 4.48% 7.95% 4.92% 5.45% 4.14% 5.07% 5.59% 5.39% 3.87% 5.69% 6.02% 4.81% 3.43% 5.48% 5.13% 3.60% 5.82% 4.80% 6.50% 4.81% 7.80% 3.09% 5.15% 4.61% 4.30% 4.18% 3.10% 4.79% 6.71% 6.39% 6.70% 4.46% 6.56% 4.93% 5.33% 6.01% 7.25% 4.51% 5.09% 6.13% 4.92% 3.00% 5.08% 6.54% 9.53% 5.79% 5.65% 3.79% 5.34% 6.63% 6.49% 3.77% 5.74% 5.75% 4.85% 4.41% 6.47% 6.59% 4.08% 5.66% 5.45% 8.58% 4.65% 6.68% $7,248 $962 $1,871 $1,692 $2,414 $3,023 $1,558 $705 $933 $780 $1,613 $1,139 $922 $2,047 $1,664 $806 $1,671 $1,400 $990 $735 $3,040 $1,402 $2,444 $571 $1,483 $1,562 $1,811 $883 $686 $703 $1,377 $989 $1,755 $2,684 $1,579 $933 $919 $1,058 $1,954 $935 $876 $1,251 $948 ©2014 Page | 86 NSW Houses Suburb MANILLA MANLY MANLY VALE MANNERING PARK MANNING POINT* MANYANA MARAYONG MARDI MARKS POINT MARMONG POINT MAROUBRA MARRANGAROO MARRICKVILLE MARSFIELD MARULAN MARYLAND MARYVILLE MASCOT MATHOURA MATRAVILLE MAYFIELD MAYFIELD EAST MAYFIELD WEST MAYS HILL MCGRATHS HILL MCMAHONS POINT MEDLOW BATH MEDOWIE MELROSE PARK MENAI MENANGLE MENINDEE* MEREWETHER MEREWETHER HEIGHTS MERIMBULA MERRIWA MERRYLANDS MERRYLANDS WEST METFORD MIDDLE COVE MIDDLETON GRANGE* MILLER MILLFIELD www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2346 2095 2093 2259 2430 2539 2148 2259 2280 2284 2035 2790 2204 2122 2579 2287 2293 2020 2710 2036 2304 2304 2304 2145 2756 2060 2780 2318 2114 2234 2568 2879 2291 2291 2548 2329 2160 2160 2323 2068 2171 2168 2325 1119 2516 1078 1111 124 741 2457 1001 601 292 6925 104 6569 2073 388 2419 494 2418 341 2590 3698 654 766 263 878 579 405 2494 555 2874 145 347 3703 507 1657 579 6854 1498 1575 482 715 881 420 12 28 16 21 2 6 35 25 11 5 71 1 72 25 4 29 4 21 4 18 52 11 16 5 18 7 11 36 6 38 1 3 54 9 16 7 89 14 24 9 21 9 5 35 80 42 61 9 19 129 76 39 14 229 6 190 65 12 109 22 76 20 68 192 32 34 7 49 26 22 162 17 126 8 7 171 23 57 24 276 61 64 19 68 26 14 $187,500 $1,867,000 $1,164,000 $308,000 $312,500 $350,500 $441,500 $422,000 $426,500 $465,500 $1,308,000 $417,000 $915,000 $1,107,000 $252,000 $390,500 $468,500 $896,000 $161,000 $1,085,000 $387,500 $365,000 $374,000 $648,500 $468,500 $1,706,500 $373,500 $387,500 $948,500 $754,500 $556,000 $76,000 $789,500 $698,500 $437,000 $187,000 $592,500 $537,500 $332,000 $1,461,500 $544,500 $365,000 $250,500 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $184,500 $1,703,000 $992,500 $284,500 $305,500 $344,500 $390,500 $370,000 $447,500 $438,000 $1,179,500 $408,500 $825,500 $899,000 $254,500 $371,000 $452,500 $766,000 $161,000 $922,500 $357,500 $345,500 $349,000 $548,500 $446,500 $1,634,500 $332,000 $376,000 $856,000 $673,500 $521,000 $82,000 $763,500 $629,500 $429,000 $192,500 $524,000 $491,500 $307,000 $1,410,500 $466,000 $317,500 $227,500 $255 $1,195 $915 $380 $315 $550 $415 $490 $380 $435 $830 $405 $710 $700 $285 $430 $455 $685 $195 $730 $420 $385 $400 $465 $460 $930 $380 $380 $580 $705 $565 $145 $570 $585 $390 $285 $485 $470 $360 $980 $550 $390 $295 $250 $1,130 $805 $355 $310 $485 $400 $465 $385 $440 $790 $380 $700 $700 $285 $430 $455 $675 $195 $645 $415 $390 $405 $465 $445 $910 $365 $385 $600 $675 $600 $140 $580 $585 $390 $265 $470 $440 $355 $945 $525 $370 $290 1.59% 9.63% 17.29% 8.26% 2.33% 1.77% 13.05% 14.01% -4.64% 6.24% 10.88% 2.05% 10.86% 23.15% -1.02% 5.30% 3.48% 16.94% -0.14% 17.59% 8.35% 5.65% 7.12% 18.23% 4.92% 4.39% 12.64% 3.12% 10.81% 12.04% 6.67% -7.47% 3.35% 10.91% 1.83% -2.74% 13.04% 9.32% 8.16% 3.62% 16.89% 15.03% 10.07% 5.90% 8.83% 8.04% 4.92% 4.58% 5.76% 6.59% 5.10% 6.09% 6.40% 7.43% 7.47% 8.39% 7.47% 6.24% 5.83% 8.32% 7.67% 3.80% 7.59% 6.94% 7.25% 6.71% 7.73% 6.40% 7.62% 6.62% 6.72% 7.61% 6.85% 7.41% 5.84% 7.84% 6.35% 6.73% 3.18% 7.04% 6.91% 5.47% 6.46% 8.87% 6.22% 6.51% 7.24% 3.34% 4.02% 6.32% 5.22% 7.54% 5.15% 6.13% 4.65% 4.99% 3.31% 4.76% 4.21% 3.64% 5.95% 5.93% 5.23% 4.24% 6.43% 3.44% 5.91% 5.81% 5.86% 4.05% 5.21% 2.86% 5.38% 5.33% 3.46% 4.95% 5.89% 9.61% 3.86% 4.53% 4.64% 7.27% 4.46% 4.56% 5.81% 3.51% 5.56% 5.75% 6.29% 8.08% 4.25% 5.24% 5.91% 5.95% 6.72% 6.23% 5.09% 5.01% 5.34% 3.84% 5.15% 4.50% 4.10% 7.26% 5.61% 6.05% 4.89% 8.06% 4.18% 6.51% 6.24% 6.13% 4.96% 5.54% 3.34% 5.53% 5.82% 4.39% 4.35% 5.31% N/A 4.24% 4.36% 5.05% 8.36% 4.79% 4.86% 6.19% 3.58% 4.87% 6.03% 7.71% $658 $2,084 $1,555 $892 $585 $828 $1,149 $1,330 $823 $1,172 $1,428 $1,823 $1,406 $1,413 $1,036 $1,434 $1,377 $1,483 $776 $1,291 $979 $1,069 $944 $1,269 $1,589 $2,549 $984 $1,501 $1,800 $1,967 $1,351 $708 $1,559 $1,901 $828 $888 $1,042 $994 $1,170 $2,812 $3,242 $593 $1,129 ©2014 Page | 87 NSW Houses Suburb MILLTHORPE MILPERRA MILTON MINCHINBURY MINMI MINNAMURRA MINTO MIRADOR* MIRANDA MIRRABOOKA MITTAGONG MOAMA MODANVILLE MOLLYMOOK MOLLYMOOK BEACH MOLONG MONA VALE MONTEFIORES MONTEREY MOONEE BEACH* MOONEY MOONEY* MOORE CREEK MOOREBANK MOREE MORISSET MORISSET PARK MORPETH MORTDALE MORTLAKE MORTS ESTATE MORUYA MORUYA HEADS MOSMAN MOSS VALE MOSSY POINT MOULAMEIN MOUNT ANNAN MOUNT AUSTIN MOUNT COLAH MOUNT DRUITT MOUNT HUTTON MOUNT KEIRA MOUNT KEMBLA* www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2798 2214 2538 2770 2287 2533 2566 2548 2228 2264 2575 2731 2480 2539 2539 2866 2103 2820 2217 2450 2083 2340 2170 2400 2264 2264 2321 2223 2137 2790 2537 2537 2088 2577 2537 2733 2567 2650 2079 2770 2290 2500 2526 381 1495 654 1652 245 360 3550 79 3678 344 2294 2144 56 690 1659 747 2957 264 1122 247 169 117 2687 3649 726 304 591 2541 186 287 1481 507 7128 3131 405 266 3040 1702 2450 3070 995 537 53 6 14 10 25 3 5 34 1 47 7 39 28 1 9 27 11 43 3 9 4 3 5 41 28 6 5 7 32 3 4 11 5 117 44 3 3 61 18 27 35 15 6 5 20 42 30 83 11 13 137 6 144 18 111 102 5 34 83 24 106 8 25 14 9 12 136 111 25 17 26 108 7 11 45 14 330 158 11 13 222 67 84 136 41 25 18 $322,000 $607,000 $408,500 $485,500 $396,000 $632,000 $371,500 $397,000 $821,000 $370,000 $434,500 $303,500 $450,500 $403,000 $426,000 $244,500 $1,125,500 $229,500 $1,051,500 $496,500 $704,000 $476,000 $584,000 $210,000 $338,500 $487,500 $408,000 $841,000 $1,053,500 $212,000 $318,000 $331,000 $2,271,500 $397,000 $404,000 $85,500 $501,000 $222,000 $686,500 $427,500 $385,500 $532,500 $558,000 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $329,000 $559,000 $399,500 $431,000 $386,500 $648,000 $318,000 $387,000 $728,000 $380,500 $428,000 $299,000 $470,500 $421,500 $417,500 $233,500 $1,003,500 $223,000 $983,000 $494,000 $654,500 $464,500 $529,500 $203,500 $346,000 $459,000 $390,000 $729,500 $1,033,500 $203,000 $300,500 $319,000 $2,131,000 $374,000 $385,000 $94,000 $456,000 $220,500 $651,500 $381,500 $370,000 $514,000 $523,500 $330 $560 $335 $480 $410 $510 $410 $385 $630 $310 $420 $300 $420 $335 $390 $275 $915 $240 $600 $460 $435 $460 $535 $260 $315 $415 $360 $600 $690 $265 $325 $325 $1,580 $405 $420 $100 $505 $280 $600 $425 $390 $510 $545 $335 $535 $325 $460 $410 $510 $385 $400 $635 $310 $420 $300 $425 $335 $365 $280 $850 $255 $580 $450 $425 $445 $510 $245 $320 $405 $365 $575 $710 $255 $315 $325 $1,520 $390 $380 $100 $500 $275 $585 $405 $400 $505 $535 -2.17% 8.61% 2.26% 12.63% 2.40% -2.47% 16.90% 2.50% 12.77% -2.80% 1.45% 1.51% -4.26% -4.41% 1.99% 4.87% 12.15% 3.06% 6.97% 0.47% 7.60% 2.55% 10.25% 3.21% -2.10% 6.24% 4.68% 15.30% 1.92% 4.49% 5.86% 3.82% 6.61% 6.12% 4.91% -9.00% 9.85% 0.75% 5.34% 12.05% 4.22% 3.58% 6.60% 7.31% 6.11% 5.95% 7.42% 7.02% 8.34% 5.61% 11.40% 6.63% 6.07% 6.26% 4.29% 4.64% 5.87% 5.79% 4.92% 6.99% 5.46% 6.57% 6.29% 7.24% 5.11% 6.16% 3.98% 6.74% 6.71% 7.04% 7.35% 7.12% 5.30% 6.51% 7.16% 7.28% 6.64% 7.57% 3.81% 7.64% 4.01% 6.33% 6.83% 5.86% 6.47% 5.47% 5.26% 4.84% 4.21% 5.41% 5.53% 4.18% 6.00% 5.22% 4.28% 4.35% 5.18% 5.27% 4.85% 4.28% 4.59% 6.07% 4.18% 5.72% 3.04% 4.88% 3.30% 4.94% 4.87% 6.17% 4.96% 4.51% 4.78% 3.85% 3.49% 6.39% 5.36% 5.15% 3.60% 5.34% 4.96% 6.05% 5.55% 6.62% 4.64% 5.42% 5.56% 5.03% 5.17% 6.47% 4.68% 5.39% 5.48% 5.78% 4.57% 5.85% 9.27% 4.23% 5.29% 5.44% 5.74% 4.84% 4.94% 5.41% 5.40% 5.05% 6.41% 3.22% 5.78% 5.33% 5.20% 4.72% 6.69% 5.61% 4.74% 5.73% 4.20% 4.02% 6.91% 6.33% 6.19% 3.49% 5.81% 5.92% N/A 5.19% 6.98% 5.68% 6.06% 5.58% 4.66% 4.08% $1,601 $1,683 $770 $1,712 $1,447 $1,258 $1,152 N/A $1,294 $1,139 $942 $871 $1,395 $816 $767 $1,008 $1,686 $960 $1,294 $1,204 $1,289 $1,516 $1,434 $1,084 $621 $1,346 $1,184 $1,392 $2,050 $742 $782 $929 $2,465 $1,008 $988 $777 $1,984 $794 $1,994 $1,049 $1,013 $1,630 $1,781 ©2014 Page | 88 NSW Houses Suburb MOUNT KURING GAI MOUNT LEWIS MOUNT OUSLEY MOUNT PLEASANT MOUNT PRITCHARD MOUNT RIVERVIEW MOUNT ST THOMAS MOUNT VERNON MOUNT VICTORIA MOUNT WARRIGAL MUDGEE MULBRING MULGOA MULLUMBIMBY MULWALA MUNGINDI MURRUMBATEMAN* MURRURUNDI MURWILLUMBAH MUSWELLBROOK MYSTERY BAY NABIAC NAMBUCCA HEADS NANA GLEN NARARA NARELLAN NARELLAN VALE NAREMBURN NAROOMA NARRABEEN NARRABRI NARRANDERA NARRAWALLEE NARRAWEENA NARROMINE NARWEE NELLIGEN NELSON BAY NEMINGHA* NEUTRAL BAY NEW BERRIMA NEW LAMBTON NEW LAMBTON HEIGHTS www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2080 2190 2519 2519 2170 2774 2500 2178 2786 2528 2850 2323 2745 2482 2647 2406 2582 2338 2484 2333 2546 2312 2448 2450 2250 2567 2567 2065 2546 2101 2390 2700 2539 2099 2821 2209 2536 2315 2340 2089 2577 2305 2305 598 350 572 483 2953 1158 566 36 763 1839 4210 122 474 1319 1148 588 150 599 2785 4560 172 299 2275 169 2820 1339 2174 1584 1021 1550 2758 2375 912 1937 1711 1362 202 2872 334 1572 281 3906 921 8 7 6 6 49 19 5 3 12 17 70 3 6 15 9 0 3 6 28 39 0 4 24 4 32 14 43 34 9 11 20 19 16 21 20 21 1 39 1 15 4 40 10 17 15 21 24 145 46 27 9 34 62 264 5 16 53 31 7 17 25 86 166 9 13 76 12 119 51 143 79 36 23 77 74 50 63 64 52 5 142 5 52 17 139 31 $700,500 $666,000 $536,500 $637,500 $460,500 $467,000 $414,000 $1,240,500 $323,000 $382,500 $357,500 $331,500 $551,000 $457,000 $273,000 $107,500 $676,500 $160,500 $318,500 $319,000 $320,000 $305,000 $305,500 $302,000 $367,500 $412,000 $457,000 $1,428,500 $341,500 $1,513,500 $324,000 $155,500 $393,500 $930,500 $192,500 $728,500 $402,500 $437,500 $271,000 $1,513,000 $280,500 $517,000 $575,000 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $599,000 $631,500 $506,500 $618,500 $409,500 $427,500 $414,000 $1,220,500 $295,000 $363,500 $366,500 $345,000 $476,500 $465,000 $290,000 $106,500 $704,500 $161,000 $333,000 $317,000 $341,000 $305,000 $293,000 $297,500 $338,500 $385,500 $430,000 $1,260,000 $347,000 $1,348,500 $309,500 $157,500 $394,000 $801,500 $199,000 $642,000 $433,000 $414,500 $251,000 $1,350,500 $283,000 $487,000 $561,500 $575 $555 $520 $580 $435 $510 $395 $935 $345 $400 $385 $360 $565 $475 $285 $85 $550 $215 $335 $345 $295 $260 $300 $335 $425 $430 $475 $940 $295 $1,040 $395 $185 $365 $755 $245 $535 $355 $390 $375 $975 $290 $470 $540 $555 $570 $520 $575 $415 $495 $400 $870 $340 $395 $400 $395 $540 $455 $270 $90 $585 $215 $335 $380 $285 $265 $305 $330 $405 $420 $470 $880 $285 $1,010 $370 $190 $355 $705 $265 $515 $360 $385 $355 $900 $295 $475 $550 16.88% 5.47% 5.92% 3.02% 12.46% 9.27% -0.05% 1.64% 9.42% 5.32% -2.50% -3.92% 15.68% -1.71% -5.84% 0.82% -3.97% -0.49% -4.38% 0.62% -6.09% 0.04% 4.13% 1.37% 8.54% 6.90% 6.28% 13.39% -1.63% 12.23% 4.57% -1.12% -0.16% 16.14% -3.10% 13.41% -7.06% 5.55% 7.99% 12.05% -0.80% 6.19% 2.44% 6.69% 7.03% 5.47% 5.30% 6.72% 6.04% 6.50% 6.08% 6.84% 5.71% 7.06% 4.94% 7.06% 7.10% 4.18% 4.60% 8.04% 5.33% 5.40% 6.87% 5.02% 4.91% 5.39% 6.15% 4.59% 5.52% 7.31% 8.13% 6.17% 8.48% 6.53% 4.04% 6.97% 6.91% 4.46% 6.77% 5.24% 4.92% 6.41% 6.73% 5.53% 7.39% 5.64% 4.49% 4.60% 5.22% 4.87% 5.03% 5.77% 5.02% 3.70% 5.80% 5.62% 5.68% 6.13% 5.58% 5.22% 5.13% 4.31% 4.44% 6.88% 5.44% 6.19% 4.58% 4.53% 5.37% 5.72% 6.07% 5.63% 5.67% 3.45% 4.40% 3.65% 6.21% 6.47% 4.72% 4.26% 7.07% 3.94% 4.56% 4.77% 7.20% 3.33% 5.52% 4.98% 5.07% 5.76% 4.71% 4.74% 4.34% 5.39% 4.87% 5.53% 3.31% 5.81% 5.34% 6.13% 6.19% 5.52% 5.66% 5.95% N/A 4.95% 8.38% 6.29% 6.57% 6.52% 5.82% 6.05% 7.10% 5.32% 5.30% 5.15% 4.09% 5.80% 4.61% 6.59% 7.65% 5.48% 5.54% 7.46% 4.30% 6.76% 4.63% 7.62% 3.84% 6.83% 5.37% 4.60% $1,709 $979 $1,530 $1,865 $966 $1,720 $1,173 $1,773 $884 $1,019 $1,023 $3,206 $9,992 $784 $826 $1,864 $2,442 $641 $770 $1,404 $657 $820 $626 $1,022 $1,294 $1,373 $1,768 $2,524 $724 $1,331 $1,047 $804 $811 $1,224 $848 $1,013 $906 $930 $986 $2,073 $1,073 $1,206 $10,777 ©2014 Page | 89 NSW Houses Suburb NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE EAST NEWINGTON NEWPORT NEWTOWN NIAGARA PARK NIMBIN NORAH HEAD NORAVILLE NORDS WHARF NORMANHURST NORTH ALBURY NORTH ARM COVE* NORTH AVOCA NORTH BALGOWLAH NORTH BATEMANS BAY NORTH BOAMBEE VALLEY NORTH BONDI NORTH CASINO NORTH CURL CURL NORTH EPPING NORTH GOSFORD NORTH HAVEN NORTH LAMBTON NORTH LISMORE NORTH MACKSVILLE NORTH MANLY NORTH NAROOMA NORTH NARRABEEN NORTH NOWRA NORTH PARRAMATTA NORTH RICHMOND NORTH ROCKS NORTH ROTHBURY NORTH RYDE NORTH SHORE NORTH ST MARYS NORTH STRATHFIELD NORTH SYDNEY NORTH TAMWORTH NORTH TURRAMURRA NORTH WAGGA WAGGA* NORTH WAHROONGA www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2300 2300 2127 2106 2042 2250 2480 2263 2263 2281 2076 2640 2324 2260 2093 2536 2450 2026 2470 2099 2121 2250 2443 2299 2480 2447 2100 2546 2101 2541 2151 2754 2151 2335 2113 2444 2760 2137 2060 2340 2074 2650 2076 174 339 1182 2948 4792 916 282 478 1249 421 1543 2795 654 1023 1132 156 637 2153 18 1284 1486 1133 732 1295 716 195 991 365 2031 2292 1964 1429 2664 245 3675 156 1424 785 1013 1552 1295 257 664 5 4 12 44 60 9 3 4 19 2 23 38 3 17 31 4 10 31 1 17 16 18 9 19 3 1 21 6 35 27 24 21 38 3 52 2 19 5 10 25 23 3 11 11 20 51 128 186 33 16 20 75 16 71 127 16 54 73 13 39 90 6 61 55 55 35 58 11 6 41 16 101 106 58 62 114 15 152 5 67 21 33 90 69 9 42 $745,000 $761,500 $848,500 $1,123,500 $932,000 $345,000 $282,500 $569,500 $344,000 $485,500 $850,000 $209,500 $472,000 $691,500 $1,287,000 $398,000 $399,000 $1,767,500 $344,000 $1,438,000 $982,000 $348,500 $386,500 $408,500 $211,000 $275,500 $1,187,500 $380,000 $902,000 $322,000 $739,000 $438,500 $781,500 $347,500 $987,000 $336,000 $332,000 $1,001,000 $1,387,500 $287,500 $1,078,500 $268,000 $1,064,500 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $689,500 $696,500 $775,000 $1,051,000 $804,500 $324,500 $295,000 $548,000 $336,000 $443,500 $722,000 $209,000 $400,000 $644,500 $1,093,500 $417,000 $366,500 $1,554,000 $351,500 $1,229,500 $883,500 $318,000 $371,000 $371,000 $213,500 $286,000 $986,000 $392,500 $846,000 $301,500 $634,000 $415,500 $706,000 $349,000 $879,500 $352,500 $294,000 $879,500 $1,285,000 $276,000 $1,046,500 $270,500 $990,500 $615 $595 $705 $825 $740 $400 $345 $450 $370 $370 $675 $260 $360 $580 $1,060 $375 $455 $1,055 $325 $1,050 $645 $405 $350 $410 $300 $300 $950 $360 $690 $395 $465 $435 $590 $345 $660 $350 $355 $605 $865 $335 $860 $350 $945 $620 $585 $725 $830 $730 $385 $325 $435 $355 $360 $640 $255 $340 $550 $955 $380 $440 $970 $315 $990 $640 $370 $350 $410 $300 $280 $885 $350 $680 $365 $495 $420 $590 $360 $660 $360 $345 $600 $850 $330 $830 $335 $920 8.08% 9.34% 9.45% 6.90% 15.89% 6.25% -4.18% 3.95% 2.43% 9.56% 17.76% 0.06% 18.08% 7.33% 17.72% -4.55% 8.90% 13.75% -2.18% 16.94% 11.17% 9.50% 4.22% 10.07% -1.15% -3.75% 20.46% -3.12% 6.60% 6.84% 16.57% 5.55% 10.70% -0.41% 12.20% -4.63% 12.92% 13.82% 7.97% 4.14% 3.04% -1.05% 7.49% 6.18% 6.95% 6.87% 6.62% 8.52% 4.25% 5.57% 6.08% 4.83% 6.55% 6.78% 3.75% 7.03% 6.09% 8.25% 4.77% 4.93% 8.54% 4.80% 8.67% 7.06% 5.37% 5.73% 6.36% 3.62% 3.82% 7.98% 5.93% 6.83% 5.57% 7.41% 5.77% 6.39% 8.89% 7.72% 4.71% 6.28% 8.00% 6.60% 5.40% 6.55% 5.91% 5.88% 4.55% 4.24% 4.69% 3.95% 4.37% 6.00% 5.94% 4.01% 5.47% 4.14% 4.24% 6.47% 4.08% 4.42% 4.33% 4.97% 6.05% 3.11% 4.82% 3.85% 3.63% 5.96% 4.82% 5.51% 7.39% 5.29% 4.27% 4.82% 4.10% 6.32% 3.68% 5.27% 4.21% 5.37% 3.71% 5.52% 5.87% 3.32% 3.33% 6.09% 4.21% 6.69% 4.70% 3.97% 4.53% 4.31% 4.89% 4.96% 5.32% 6.83% 4.10% 5.42% 4.52% 5.46% 6.77% 4.87% 3.97% 5.26% 5.97% 6.07% 3.68% 6.15% 5.09% 4.17% 5.41% 5.43% 5.63% 9.12% 6.96% 5.25% 5.47% 5.50% 6.00% 4.63% 5.28% 4.61% 6.62% 4.39% 5.10% 6.65% 3.82% 3.77% 6.35% 5.00% 7.28% 4.79% $1,750 $1,168 $2,184 $1,778 $1,753 $1,231 $617 $1,062 $902 $1,375 $1,775 $802 $804 $1,791 $2,438 $754 $964 $2,119 $1,253 $2,234 $2,038 $1,053 $619 $1,061 $790 $700 $14,478 $796 $1,793 $1,012 $1,277 $1,300 $1,891 $1,397 $1,604 $962 $944 $1,590 $1,926 $898 $1,632 $1,164 $2,519 ©2014 Page | 90 NSW Houses Suburb NORTH WILLOUGHBY NORTH WOLLONGONG NORTHBRIDGE NORTHMEAD NORTHWOOD NOWRA NULKABA* NUNDERI* NUNDLE NYNGAN OAK FLATS OAKDALE OAKHURST OAKLANDS* OAKY PARK OATLANDS OATLEY OBERON OCEAN SHORES OLD BAR OLD EROWAL BAY OLD GUILDFORD OLD TOONGABBIE ORAN PARK* ORANGE ORANGEVILLE ORCHARD HILLS ORIENT POINT OURIMBAH OXLEY PARK OXLEY VALE OYSTER BAY PADDINGTON PADSTOW PADSTOW HEIGHTS PAGEWOOD PALM BEACH PAMBULA PAMBULA BEACH PANANIA PARKES PARKLEA PARRAMATTA www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2068 2500 2063 2152 2066 2541 2325 2484 2340 2825 2529 2570 2761 2646 2790 2117 2223 2787 2483 2430 2540 2161 2146 2570 2800 2570 2748 2540 2258 2760 2340 2225 2021 2211 2211 2035 2108 2549 2549 2213 2870 2768 2150 1258 334 2088 2650 361 3912 156 84 272 910 2409 345 1981 211 179 1534 3231 1243 1942 1590 503 715 1054 386 13977 50 139 388 1071 790 1506 1876 4850 4146 1104 1134 1315 273 399 4194 4490 513 2038 18 2 34 34 6 46 4 0 4 6 15 8 23 1 0 18 48 13 18 29 4 13 13 9 163 1 1 4 16 16 21 26 105 58 10 14 20 3 6 44 40 6 22 50 7 103 110 15 134 10 7 10 29 75 17 95 9 8 79 147 49 79 91 16 25 40 31 562 6 5 9 43 46 75 102 274 182 43 31 57 11 13 225 145 34 60 $1,516,000 $576,500 $2,123,500 $695,500 $2,231,500 $273,500 $410,000 $575,000 $201,500 $147,500 $403,500 $389,000 $407,500 $87,000 $193,000 $979,000 $1,065,000 $230,000 $442,500 $314,000 $256,000 $507,000 $548,500 $530,000 $314,000 $703,000 $1,112,500 $331,500 $376,500 $441,500 $279,500 $849,000 $1,611,500 $697,500 $749,000 $1,255,500 $2,202,500 $319,000 $501,500 $690,000 $236,500 $633,000 $733,000 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $1,413,000 $574,500 $1,791,000 $604,000 $2,124,500 $266,000 $410,000 $535,500 $187,500 $153,500 $371,000 $363,500 $372,500 $93,000 $197,500 $854,000 $1,015,000 $226,500 $431,000 $299,000 $258,000 $442,000 $484,500 $478,000 $320,000 $620,000 $965,000 $308,000 $346,500 $385,500 $264,000 $798,500 $1,389,500 $602,500 $647,500 $1,083,000 $1,899,500 $302,500 $471,000 $617,000 $222,500 $563,000 $644,000 $935 $530 $1,360 $540 $1,380 $335 $410 $475 $245 $235 $430 $385 $425 $160 $260 $660 $655 $255 $455 $320 $265 $465 $455 $535 $340 $625 $985 $320 $440 $430 $325 $640 $1,135 $555 $580 $865 $1,170 $315 $370 $555 $300 $600 $465 $935 $515 $1,280 $515 $1,385 $325 $415 $450 $235 $270 $400 $385 $420 $150 $255 $690 $670 $245 $425 $315 $265 $430 $450 $510 $350 $580 $955 $300 $425 $420 $310 $660 $1,050 $535 $560 $775 $1,070 $305 $350 $540 $305 $585 $455 7.27% 0.37% 18.57% 15.19% 5.05% 2.71% -0.03% 7.36% 7.43% -3.89% 8.75% 7.08% 9.42% -6.09% -2.05% 14.59% 4.94% 1.73% 2.64% 4.94% -0.77% 14.71% 13.16% 10.88% -1.83% 13.37% 15.29% 7.68% 8.67% 14.48% 5.89% 6.30% 16.00% 15.73% 15.70% 15.93% 15.95% 5.45% 6.44% 11.81% 6.12% 12.46% 13.85% 7.90% 6.45% 7.51% 7.27% 7.07% 5.41% 5.72% 6.23% 5.79% 5.26% 6.55% 6.27% 7.14% 3.64% 5.11% 7.01% 6.83% 5.79% 6.97% 5.88% 5.90% 6.46% 6.77% 6.42% 5.17% 6.37% 7.00% 6.72% 5.40% 6.84% 4.42% 6.96% 7.82% 7.08% 6.70% 8.07% 7.87% 5.92% 5.59% 6.83% 4.77% 7.28% 7.65% 3.32% 4.82% 3.46% 4.23% 3.29% 6.41% 5.26% 4.35% 6.26% 9.25% 5.47% 5.39% 5.72% 9.06% 6.92% 3.95% 3.31% 5.69% 5.25% 5.39% 5.44% 4.85% 4.61% 5.37% 5.67% 4.67% 4.78% 5.00% 6.13% 5.46% 6.01% 4.22% 3.73% 4.29% 4.17% 3.52% 2.74% 5.15% 3.76% 4.38% 7.01% 5.18% 3.50% 3.85% 4.87% 3.32% 4.79% 3.07% 6.74% 4.68% 4.33% 7.77% 8.66% 5.40% 5.48% 5.96% N/A 7.16% 4.22% 3.44% 6.39% 5.65% 5.77% 6.76% 5.05% 5.39% 3.87% 5.95% 4.66% 5.45% 5.82% 5.14% 6.00% 6.18% 4.13% 3.83% 4.57% 4.23% 4.10% 4.23% 6.15% 4.61% 4.61% 5.49% 5.55% 4.58% $1,742 $4,909 $2,628 $1,389 $2,918 $683 $1,879 $1,370 $595 $917 $1,091 $1,324 $1,596 $759 $919 $1,666 $1,825 $959 $907 $805 $729 $1,076 $9,484 $1,643 $1,146 $2,089 $1,512 $787 $1,341 $1,108 $997 $2,176 $2,290 $1,272 $1,415 $1,472 $1,865 $752 $939 $1,347 $950 $2,078 $1,314 ©2014 Page | 91 NSW Houses Suburb PATONGA PAXTON PEAK HILL PEAKHURST PEAKHURST HEIGHTS PEARL BEACH PELAW MAIN PELICAN PEMULWUY PENDLE HILL PENNANT HILLS PENRITH PENROSE PENSHURST PERTHVILLE PETERSHAM PHEASANTS NEST PHEGANS BAY PHILLIP BAY PICNIC POINT PICTON PINDIMAR PITT TOWN PLEASURE POINT PLUMPTON POINT CLARE POINT FREDERICK POINT PIPER PORT HACKING PORT KEMBLA PORT MACQUARIE PORTLAND POTATO POINT POTTS POINT POTTSVILLE PRAIRIEWOOD PRESTONS PRETTY BEACH PRIMBEE PROSPECT PUNCHBOWL PUTNEY PYMBLE www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2256 2325 2869 2210 2210 2256 2327 2281 2145 2145 2120 2750 2530 2222 2795 2049 2574 2256 2036 2213 2571 2324 2756 2172 2761 2250 2250 2027 2229 2505 2444 2847 2545 2011 2489 2176 2170 2257 2502 2148 2196 2112 2073 246 324 617 3333 863 678 449 374 880 1629 2206 3873 455 2662 168 2181 12 226 235 1984 1384 395 408 105 2122 1401 473 322 384 1768 14249 881 153 436 1796 968 3803 287 642 1626 4649 1381 3374 1 9 7 46 9 6 7 4 26 13 32 50 6 27 4 31 1 3 2 34 28 3 5 1 25 17 11 3 8 13 222 11 4 1 29 13 47 0 8 22 48 21 72 7 18 18 144 29 26 20 14 75 55 102 155 22 88 15 79 7 13 7 119 86 11 20 5 86 68 31 8 31 63 751 39 6 8 94 36 183 10 23 57 157 64 198 $745,000 $245,000 $95,000 $768,500 $815,000 $806,500 $250,000 $449,500 $625,500 $563,000 $913,000 $399,500 $373,000 $899,500 $343,000 $971,500 $677,000 $463,500 $1,016,000 $751,000 $459,500 $413,500 $558,000 $1,076,000 $413,500 $448,500 $797,500 $7,475,500 $1,377,500 $377,000 $403,000 $174,500 $332,000 $2,147,000 $463,000 $577,000 $534,500 $643,000 $383,500 $499,000 $600,500 $1,399,000 $1,483,500 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $759,000 $240,500 $93,000 $679,000 $773,000 $751,000 $245,000 $438,500 $601,500 $515,000 $776,500 $360,500 $357,500 $785,500 $351,500 $872,000 $669,500 $409,000 $924,500 $713,000 $412,500 $355,500 $514,500 $987,000 $374,000 $402,500 $768,500 $6,777,500 $1,266,000 $351,000 $383,500 $177,500 $362,500 $1,919,500 $481,000 $538,500 $496,500 $593,000 $372,500 $434,000 $540,500 $1,272,500 $1,297,500 $645 $300 $180 $595 $640 $515 $310 $375 $535 $425 $655 $385 $395 $575 $375 $735 $540 $430 $780 $580 $455 $350 $515 $710 $420 $445 $475 $3,690 $940 $380 $430 $225 $350 $775 $440 $535 $510 $705 $380 $455 $515 $760 $1,120 $650 $300 $170 $580 $640 $515 $300 $375 $570 $445 $655 $380 $390 $565 $395 $725 $535 $405 $710 $600 $435 $310 $505 $710 $415 $430 $495 $3,285 $935 $370 $410 $225 $355 $860 $425 $525 $495 $610 $370 $455 $480 $750 $1,050 -1.81% 1.80% 1.87% 13.23% 5.43% 7.45% 1.93% 2.47% 3.98% 9.33% 17.52% 10.81% 4.27% 14.51% -2.43% 11.38% 1.14% 13.42% 9.91% 5.33% 11.40% 16.24% 8.46% 9.04% 10.57% 11.46% 3.77% 10.30% 8.81% 7.43% 5.11% -1.75% -8.46% 11.85% -3.71% 7.14% 7.63% 8.44% 2.95% 15.07% 11.05% 9.97% 14.33% 5.93% 7.09% 2.65% 6.96% 6.08% 6.80% 6.34% 6.24% 7.35% 7.36% 6.74% 6.30% 5.07% 7.27% 5.35% 8.14% 6.35% 6.52% 7.16% 6.49% 7.09% 5.71% 7.00% 5.83% 5.90% 5.13% 5.92% 6.79% 6.36% 6.34% 5.58% 5.64% 5.63% 8.94% 7.04% 6.60% 5.95% 6.58% 6.44% 6.35% 6.79% 8.15% 6.94% 4.58% 6.47% 10.04% 4.22% 4.18% 3.55% 6.46% 4.44% 4.78% 4.27% 4.09% 5.27% 5.65% 3.52% 5.85% 4.07% 4.17% 4.91% 3.87% 4.25% 5.29% 4.20% 5.07% 3.51% 5.56% 5.27% 3.33% 2.47% 3.78% 5.36% 5.54% 6.74% 5.41% 2.14% 4.81% 4.95% 5.11% 5.18% 5.17% 5.06% 4.48% 3.01% 4.06% 4.58% 7.93% 8.06% 4.37% 3.86% 3.90% 7.11% 4.93% 5.79% 5.00% 4.24% 5.82% 5.61% 3.88% 6.13% 4.71% 5.08% 4.83% 5.15% 4.29% 5.52% 5.82% 5.25% 3.60% 5.95% 4.63% 3.48% 2.27% 2.95% 5.77% 5.48% 8.45% 5.79% 3.46% 5.59% 4.70% 4.98% 4.27% 5.27% 5.62% 4.92% 3.61% 4.44% $854 $918 $626 $1,190 $1,525 $1,023 $959 $1,016 $2,346 $1,188 $1,842 $949 $1,023 $1,302 $1,423 $1,680 $1,513 $1,420 $1,454 $1,710 $1,488 $680 $1,727 $2,166 $1,617 $1,051 $1,033 $2,680 $2,428 $806 $855 $901 $860 $1,506 $1,033 $1,292 $1,790 $1,039 $937 $1,594 $920 $2,154 $2,671 ©2014 Page | 92 NSW Houses Suburb PYRMONT QUAAMA QUAKERS HILL QUEANBEYAN QUEANBEYAN EAST QUEANBEYAN WEST QUEENS PARK QUEENSCLIFF QUIRINDI RABY RAGLAN RALEIGH RAMSGATE RAMSGATE BEACH RANDWICK RANKIN PARK RATHMINES RAVENSWOOD RAWORTH RAYMOND TERRACE RAZORBACK RED HEAD* RED ROCK REDFERN REDHEAD REGENTS PARK REGENTVILLE REPTON REVESBY REVESBY HEIGHTS RHODES RICHMOND RICHMOND HILL RIVERSIDE* RIVERSTONE RIVERVIEW RIVERWOOD ROBERTSON ROCKDALE ROCKY POINT RODD POINT ROOTY HILL ROPES CROSSING www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2009 2550 2763 2620 2620 2620 2022 2096 2343 2566 2795 2454 2217 2217 2031 2287 2283 2824 2321 2324 2571 2430 2456 2016 2290 2143 2745 2454 2212 2212 2138 2753 2480 2444 2765 2066 2210 2577 2216 2259 2046 2766 2760 749 130 7894 1562 801 1051 971 475 1509 1926 434 78 343 256 5047 1011 853 257 389 4810 31 238 229 2438 1058 1290 333 98 4412 576 366 2073 143 87 2490 1062 2586 623 2124 113 531 3782 984 4 0 107 13 3 9 24 4 13 26 8 2 3 4 63 12 13 5 6 54 2 3 4 43 10 15 2 1 71 9 5 18 6 3 27 14 31 16 28 4 8 43 27 11 5 376 57 16 38 62 12 51 90 16 6 17 8 177 43 35 10 21 210 8 10 12 89 41 45 10 9 201 28 10 76 17 7 89 53 91 41 69 9 20 156 131 $945,000 $244,000 $519,000 $473,000 $491,000 $472,500 $1,807,500 $1,582,000 $204,000 $400,000 $328,500 $382,000 $961,500 $1,192,000 $1,620,500 $434,000 $381,500 $123,000 $464,000 $295,500 $784,500 $374,000 $372,000 $979,500 $690,000 $566,000 $446,000 $396,000 $679,000 $702,000 $1,098,500 $451,000 $492,500 $639,000 $480,000 $1,598,500 $691,000 $425,500 $885,000 $344,000 $1,328,000 $417,500 $473,500 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $948,000 $237,000 $457,000 $472,000 $515,000 $487,000 $1,680,500 $1,620,500 $180,500 $354,500 $328,000 $368,500 $876,500 $1,213,500 $1,427,000 $404,500 $374,500 $113,000 $415,000 $278,500 $727,000 $396,000 $377,000 $879,500 $648,000 $520,500 $422,000 $374,000 $609,000 $623,500 $980,500 $400,000 $509,000 $664,500 $418,500 $1,429,500 $588,000 $424,500 $747,500 $309,500 $1,228,500 $397,500 $439,500 $730 $265 $490 $445 $455 $470 $1,270 $1,100 $260 $430 $355 $365 $595 $615 $795 $480 $360 $155 $450 $320 $635 $400 $385 $760 $500 $450 $425 $385 $540 $540 $650 $435 $460 $500 $435 $1,125 $535 $405 $590 $400 $750 $420 $470 $750 $250 $475 $460 $475 $490 $1,245 $1,085 $250 $420 $360 $350 $600 $660 $725 $465 $365 $185 $450 $320 $610 $380 $365 $765 $490 $460 $415 $365 $530 $555 $670 $415 $440 $500 $420 $1,070 $505 $425 $560 $370 $745 $415 $475 -0.32% 3.00% 13.55% 0.30% -4.66% -2.89% 7.55% -2.37% 13.16% 12.83% 9.95E-05 3.65% 9.73% -1.78% 13.57% 7.29% 1.91% 8.99% 11.71% 6.02% 7.92% -5.58% -1.33% 11.35% 6.48% 8.71% 5.69% 5.85% 11.50% 12.61% 12.07% 12.78% -3.23% -3.87% 14.62% 11.79% 17.49% 0.17% 18.35% 11.18% 8.11% 5.02% 7.79% 8.33% 5.83% 6.74% 8.33% 7.71% 7.04% 8.11% 8.10% 5.14% 5.61% 5.72% 5.71% 7.01% 7.01% 8.11% 5.65% 5.96% 3.64% 6.33% 5.22% 6.54% 4.42% 7.18% 8.86% 7.55% 7.32% 6.61% 7.69% 7.05% 6.98% 7.97% 6.71% 4.48% 6.28% 6.70% 7.22% 6.88% 6.01% 7.75% 4.99% 8.06% 6.14% 8.97% 4.13% 5.52% 5.15% 5.10% 5.01% 5.34% 3.68% 3.60% 6.81% 5.98% 5.65% 4.97% 3.33% 2.89% 2.52% 5.94% 5.13% 8.33% 5.45% 5.84% 4.23% 5.21% 5.11% 4.33% 3.89% 4.36% 5.07% 5.02% 4.29% 4.37% 3.42% 5.12% 4.59% 4.05% 4.98% 3.70% 4.14% 5.26% 3.68% 6.02% 3.05% 5.41% 5.52% 4.69% 7.55% 5.35% 6.17% 5.81% 5.76% 3.72% 4.33% 7.70% 5.61% 5.84% 6.99% 3.68% 3.15% 3.43% 5.35% 5.20% 8.53% 6.28% 6.31% 5.24% 4.87% 6.72% 5.03% 4.38% 4.94% 5.70% 6.60% 4.65% 4.49% 3.68% 5.58% 4.72% 4.05% 5.58% 3.79% 4.54% 5.94% 4.04% 5.95% 3.90% 5.93% 6.95% $2,186 $900 $1,749 $1,273 $1,291 $1,614 $2,425 $2,173 $845 $1,649 $1,428 $922 $2,865 $1,026 $1,786 $1,565 $1,133 $715 $1,820 $1,003 $1,902 $876 $644 $1,447 $1,032 $974 $1,565 $922 $1,222 $1,672 $1,617 $950 $1,559 $968 $1,191 $2,702 $826 $1,150 $1,323 $1,114 $1,900 $1,422 $1,883 ©2014 Page | 93 NSW Houses Suburb ROSE BAY ROSEBERY ROSEDALE ROSEHILL ROSELANDS ROSEMEADOW ROSEVILLE ROSEVILLE CHASE ROTHBURY* ROUSE HILL ROZELLE RUSE RUSSELL LEA RUSSELL VALE RUTHERFORD RYDALMERE RYDE RYLSTONE SADLEIR SAFETY BEACH SALAMANDER BAY SALT ASH* SAN REMO SANCROX SANCTUARY POINT SANDRINGHAM SANDY BEACH SANDY POINT SANS SOUCI SAPPHIRE BEACH SARATOGA SAWTELL SCARBOROUGH SCHOFIELDS SCONE SCOTLAND ISLAND SCOTTS HEAD SEAFORTH SEAHAMPTON SEFTON SEVEN HILLS SHALVEY SHELL COVE www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2029 2018 2536 2142 2196 2560 2069 2069 2320 2155 2039 2560 2046 2517 2320 2116 2112 2849 2168 2456 2317 2318 2262 2446 2540 2219 2456 2172 2219 2450 2251 2452 2515 2762 2337 2105 2447 2092 2286 2162 2147 2770 2529 2000 1783 270 457 3298 2567 2924 598 171 1942 2674 1977 1530 497 3769 1849 5719 441 948 306 1630 85 1673 40 4043 399 751 212 3004 553 1529 1407 112 1239 2239 498 523 2422 108 1567 6777 1214 1071 20 22 2 7 36 34 48 9 5 46 52 24 24 7 43 22 67 6 5 5 26 4 25 2 72 6 11 2 36 5 26 18 2 11 31 3 7 49 2 24 80 9 25 60 49 6 14 143 98 152 23 9 127 160 88 68 17 179 68 216 18 26 12 83 12 96 6 230 12 39 15 106 20 106 59 6 41 125 12 16 146 6 61 255 52 96 $2,300,000 $1,211,500 $560,500 $584,500 $731,000 $355,500 $1,620,000 $1,390,000 $575,500 $708,000 $1,049,500 $377,500 $1,358,500 $524,500 $319,500 $759,500 $983,500 $256,000 $394,500 $469,500 $422,500 $453,500 $280,500 $464,500 $262,000 $1,344,000 $314,000 $850,500 $1,114,500 $462,500 $474,500 $480,000 $730,000 $490,000 $363,500 $719,500 $334,000 $1,524,000 $385,500 $579,500 $491,500 $321,000 $536,000 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $2,161,500 $1,111,500 $556,000 $532,500 $645,000 $320,000 $1,519,000 $1,361,500 $535,500 $638,000 $928,000 $336,000 $1,263,500 $472,000 $317,500 $617,000 $859,000 $279,000 $350,000 $490,500 $403,500 $442,000 $258,500 $456,000 $252,500 $1,346,500 $321,500 $799,500 $921,000 $482,500 $460,000 $483,000 $606,000 $468,000 $336,500 $730,000 $334,000 $1,411,000 $364,000 $490,000 $434,000 $289,500 $520,000 $1,195 $810 $755 $420 $585 $390 $1,075 $940 $520 $645 $760 $420 $770 $455 $330 $545 $600 $255 $415 $430 $385 $390 $370 $435 $280 $770 $345 $525 $695 $445 $445 $450 $670 $460 $380 $460 $280 $1,095 $400 $515 $440 $380 $545 $1,130 $835 $730 $435 $555 $380 $1,065 $940 $505 $640 $760 $410 $795 $445 $345 $545 $595 $260 $390 $420 $375 $395 $335 $410 $270 $780 $335 $575 $675 $435 $430 $450 $610 $455 $395 $470 $270 $1,035 $415 $490 $430 $360 $510 6.41% 9.01% 0.85% 9.75% 13.32% 11.06% 6.65% 2.09% 7.45% 10.96% 13.05% 12.46% 7.50% 11.07% 0.76% 23.07% 14.53% -8.23% 12.63% -4.29% 4.65% 2.59% 8.46% 1.79% 3.94% -0.16% -2.30% 6.33% 21.02% -4.06% 3.11% -0.60% 20.39% 4.78% 8.01% -1.43% 0.10% 7.99% 5.90% 18.28% 13.23% 10.92% 3.11% 7.23% 8.28% 6.59% 7.71% 7.10% 6.13% 6.75% 6.22% 8.23% 7.35% 8.16% 5.21% 8.48% 6.79% 6.16% 7.90% 7.93% 6.09% 6.51% 6.42% 5.74% 5.95% 5.32% 5.51% 5.91% 7.70% 6.48% 7.28% 7.18% 4.65% 5.93% 6.86% 8.37% 6.30% 6.87% 6.35% 4.06% 7.62% 6.35% 6.71% 6.91% 5.97% 5.26% 2.62% 3.74% 6.95% 4.06% 4.28% 6.05% 3.46% 3.52% 4.71% 5.01% 4.00% 6.09% 3.12% 4.78% 5.64% 4.09% 3.44% 4.96% 5.59% 4.60% 4.85% 4.73% 6.70% 4.75% 5.61% 3.05% 5.55% 3.57% 3.44% 4.87% 4.92% 4.93% 4.75% 5.02% 5.78% 3.41% 4.28% 3.78% 5.76% 4.81% 4.93% 6.39% 5.15% 2.67% 4.29% 5.97% 5.05% 4.53% 5.94% 3.60% 3.88% 5.41% 5.84% 4.60% 5.77% 3.90% 4.93% 6.37% 4.93% 4.29% 6.94% 5.91% 5.67% 4.76% 4.05% 6.15% 6.11% 6.35% 3.20% 6.52% 3.84% 3.54% 4.82% 4.59% 5.42% 4.54% 5.36% 6.34% 5.62% 5.99% 4.67% 6.60% 4.76% 5.88% 6.83% 5.33% $1,908 $1,524 $918 $1,237 $1,157 $1,286 $2,563 $2,622 $1,708 $2,132 $2,598 $1,480 $1,829 $1,200 $1,163 $1,287 $1,380 $836 $700 $1,025 $857 $1,150 $960 $1,428 $674 $3,999 $892 $2,312 $1,248 $1,257 $1,263 $838 $1,750 $1,454 $1,109 $1,724 $704 $2,553 $1,294 $985 $1,309 $903 $1,863 ©2014 Page | 94 NSW Houses Suburb SHELLHARBOUR SHELLY BEACH SHOAL BAY SHOALHAVEN HEADS SHORTLAND SILVERDALE SILVERWATER SILVERWATER SINGLETON SINGLETON HEIGHTS SKENNARS HEAD SMITHFIELD SMITHS LAKE SMITHTOWN SOLDIERS POINT SOUTH ALBURY SOUTH BATHURST SOUTH BOWENFELS* SOUTH COOGEE SOUTH GOLDEN BEACH SOUTH GRAFTON SOUTH GRANVILLE SOUTH GUNDAGAI SOUTH HURSTVILLE SOUTH KEMPSEY SOUTH LISMORE SOUTH LITTLETON SOUTH MAITLAND SOUTH MURWILLUMBAH SOUTH NOWRA SOUTH PAMBULA SOUTH PENRITH SOUTH TAMWORTH SOUTH TURRAMURRA SOUTH WENTWORTHVILLE SOUTH WEST ROCKS SOUTH WINDSOR SPEERS POINT SPRING FARM SPRINGDALE HEIGHTS* SPRINGFIELD SPRINGVALE* SPRINGWOOD www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2529 2261 2315 2535 2307 2752 2128 2264 2330 2330 2478 2164 2428 2440 2317 2640 2795 2790 2034 2483 2460 2142 2722 2221 2440 2480 2790 2320 2484 2541 2549 2750 2340 2074 2145 2431 2756 2284 2570 2641 2250 2650 2777 1112 562 973 1215 1464 968 456 136 2256 1644 262 3760 862 344 681 580 711 238 1428 339 2462 1436 422 1234 705 1010 129 250 480 432 127 4401 3062 1080 1743 2094 2183 1302 680 698 1660 10 3236 13 11 8 22 16 8 6 3 23 16 3 40 11 1 5 6 3 4 25 3 27 24 1 21 6 8 1 2 6 6 2 52 36 13 29 25 26 21 27 10 23 2 33 37 40 31 57 61 63 16 8 80 64 9 146 38 5 27 18 23 16 70 10 83 61 8 52 17 20 8 10 16 22 6 166 150 39 92 102 80 56 72 27 76 14 121 $511,500 $530,000 $431,500 $409,000 $348,000 $524,500 $677,500 $381,500 $382,500 $383,500 $623,500 $490,500 $299,500 $200,000 $508,000 $250,500 $283,000 $467,000 $1,607,000 $437,000 $197,500 $548,000 $168,500 $889,500 $158,500 $256,500 $164,000 $264,500 $319,000 $326,000 $322,000 $425,000 $229,000 $962,000 $550,000 $332,500 $384,500 $512,500 $463,000 $211,500 $370,500 $579,500 $429,500 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $476,500 $516,500 $406,000 $374,000 $308,500 $510,500 $579,500 $390,000 $388,500 $388,000 $651,500 $443,500 $300,500 $212,500 $503,000 $252,500 $260,000 $443,000 $1,526,000 $444,500 $207,000 $453,000 $179,000 $780,500 $159,000 $258,500 $155,500 $240,500 $331,500 $318,000 $302,000 $395,000 $220,000 $909,500 $497,500 $346,500 $355,000 $467,000 $432,500 $199,500 $357,000 $566,000 $411,500 $470 $510 $350 $375 $375 $495 $515 $330 $385 $415 $530 $455 $300 $255 $395 $295 $320 $415 $975 $455 $280 $465 $195 $560 $255 $305 $215 $300 $315 $385 $345 $415 $290 $790 $430 $325 $390 $470 $485 $270 $405 $525 $425 $445 $485 $355 $355 $365 $510 $530 $330 $430 $435 $525 $440 $285 $265 $390 $275 $305 $395 $960 $420 $270 $475 $200 $530 $240 $300 $210 $310 $320 $375 $335 $415 $280 $760 $445 $325 $380 $455 $485 $255 $400 $520 $420 7.32% 2.57% 6.31% 9.39% 12.86% 2.75% 16.96% -2.20% -1.58% -1.17% -4.29% 10.65% -0.42% -5.81% 1.00% -0.78% 8.86% 5.42% 5.33% -1.65% -4.44% 20.95% -5.88% 13.93% -0.21% -0.79% 5.44% 10.07% -3.75% 2.58% 6.64% 7.62% 4.15% 5.77% 10.62% -4.00% 8.27% 9.75% 7.07% 6.05% 3.82% 2.38% 4.39% 5.51% 5.45% 5.31% 6.35% 5.79% 6.90% 8.23% 5.12% 7.02% 6.19% 6.31% 6.59% 5.21% 3.92% 6.51% 4.19% 5.30% 12.32% 6.76% 7.14% 4.25% 7.82% 3.44% 7.19% 4.20% 5.72% 5.22% 7.24% 6.57% 5.36% 4.52% 6.14% 4.55% 6.42% 7.10% 6.26% 6.07% 6.91% 5.22% 4.99% 5.97% 4.52% 5.97% 4.76% 4.91% 4.48% 4.74% 5.81% 5.11% 4.37% 4.52% 5.76% 5.88% 4.35% 4.94% 5.07% 6.76% 4.09% 5.81% 5.88% 4.42% 3.21% 5.12% 7.13% 4.88% 6.06% 3.40% 8.17% 6.08% 6.85% 6.45% 5.21% 6.17% 5.58% 5.34% 6.61% 4.34% 4.42% 4.98% 5.48% 4.84% 5.72% 6.58% 5.72% 4.82% 5.26% 4.63% 4.48% 4.71% 5.34% 6.10% 5.23% 5.01% 5.37% 6.21% 6.06% 4.93% 5.40% 6.22% 6.83% 4.52% 6.59% 5.96% 6.44% 3.32% 5.61% 7.77% 5.34% 7.59% 3.86% 8.45% 7.59% 7.60% 8.09% 5.75% 5.94% 6.69% 5.79% 6.68% 5.33% 5.17% 5.53% 5.97% 5.01% 5.82% 6.12% 5.35% 5.40% 5.03% $1,208 $974 $683 $691 $878 $1,806 $1,289 $850 $1,314 $1,657 $1,072 $970 $795 $704 $887 $781 $917 $1,483 $1,065 $829 $709 $768 $935 $1,305 $726 $796 $857 $741 $834 $888 $1,055 $1,377 $749 $2,343 $1,181 $686 $1,054 $1,160 $1,911 $904 $1,290 $2,271 $1,337 ©2014 Page | 95 NSW Houses Suburb ST ANDREWS ST CLAIR ST GEORGES BASIN ST HELENS PARK ST HUBERTS ISLAND ST IVES ST IVES CHASE ST JOHNS PARK ST LEONARDS ST MARYS ST PETERS STANFORD MERTHYR STANHOPE GARDENS STANMORE STANWELL PARK STANWELL TOPS STOCKTON STRATHFIELD STRATHFIELD SOUTH STROUD STUARTS POINT SUFFOLK PARK SUMMER HILL SUMMERLAND POINT SUNSHINE SUNSHINE BAY SURF BEACH SURFSIDE SURRY HILLS SUSSEX INLET SUTHERLAND SUTTON FOREST* SWANSEA SWANSEA HEADS SYDENHAM SYLVANIA SYLVANIA WATERS TACOMA TACOMA SOUTH TAHMOOR TALBINGO TALLONG* TALLWOODS VILLAGE* www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2566 2759 2540 2560 2257 2075 2075 2176 2065 2760 2044 2327 2768 2048 2508 2508 2295 2135 2136 2425 2441 2481 2130 2259 2264 2536 2536 2536 2010 2540 2232 2577 2281 2281 2044 2224 2224 2259 2259 2573 2720 2579 2430 1870 6710 1159 1950 543 4951 1051 1825 238 3437 1011 234 2513 2197 499 170 1728 4997 902 399 394 1087 1485 1147 225 637 889 720 2502 1943 1589 41 1931 262 499 2984 954 236 108 1601 286 90 376 15 72 20 23 14 93 20 11 2 42 21 2 46 46 9 3 31 82 10 3 6 14 15 11 1 6 12 9 39 23 13 2 18 3 8 54 15 2 1 26 3 2 6 76 276 64 104 41 283 44 33 6 161 49 9 203 114 27 8 84 232 30 12 17 48 44 58 9 33 45 30 105 81 47 5 90 13 18 132 46 10 5 92 10 6 14 $370,500 $429,500 $329,500 $362,500 $845,000 $1,173,000 $1,099,500 $520,500 $1,564,000 $403,000 $814,500 $285,500 $632,000 $1,098,000 $874,500 $659,500 $498,000 $1,555,000 $972,500 $301,500 $247,500 $667,000 $1,121,500 $333,500 $427,500 $382,000 $337,500 $326,000 $1,168,500 $313,500 $669,000 $657,500 $405,500 $621,000 $721,500 $889,500 $1,180,500 $384,500 $437,500 $355,000 $158,500 $281,500 $388,000 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $343,000 $390,500 $324,000 $329,500 $780,000 $1,108,000 $970,000 $466,000 $1,484,500 $344,500 $691,500 $300,500 $569,000 $982,000 $876,000 $594,000 $459,000 $1,368,500 $831,000 $310,000 $243,500 $631,000 $1,079,000 $307,000 $427,000 $381,500 $346,000 $324,000 $1,032,500 $303,500 $630,500 $676,500 $395,000 $566,500 $662,500 $765,000 $1,112,000 $354,000 $384,500 $335,000 $172,500 $248,500 $355,000 $400 $450 $340 $395 $685 $970 $985 $480 $915 $405 $685 $345 $595 $830 $605 $580 $430 $745 $610 $320 $255 $655 $645 $390 $365 $360 $330 $330 $865 $305 $490 $560 $340 $430 $590 $680 $855 $440 $480 $390 $195 $265 $410 $400 $440 $325 $385 $650 $970 $930 $470 $905 $395 $665 $360 $595 $825 $580 $545 $430 $745 $595 $315 $250 $605 $655 $355 $360 $350 $330 $330 $875 $295 $485 $560 $340 $440 $600 $680 $885 $405 $445 $380 $190 $280 $380 8.02% 9.97% 1.62% 9.99% 8.35% 5.87% 13.34% 11.71% 5.34% 17.03% 17.81% -5.08% 11.03% 11.85% -0.20% 11.04% 8.46% 13.65% 17.06% -2.75% 1.57% 5.72% 3.95% 8.62% 0.10% 0.16% -2.49% 0.57% 13.19% 3.19% 6.14% -2.74% 2.73% 9.60% 8.96% 16.28% 6.18% 8.57% 13.78% 5.84% -8.09% 13.13% 9.19% 5.49% 5.94% 6.47% 6.37% 4.94% 6.00% 6.24% 5.83% 6.80% 6.73% 8.59% 5.97% 8.60% 8.60% 6.84% 7.07% 6.85% 7.63% 8.14% 6.08% 5.02% 6.48% 8.63% 6.12% 5.62% 6.29% 5.60% 6.87% 8.73% 6.88% 6.46% 6.83% 6.45% 6.36% 8.52% 6.31% 5.81% 5.53% 5.65% 5.99% 4.32% 9.81% 7.73% 5.96% 5.68% 5.39% 5.97% 4.17% 4.43% 4.83% 5.00% 3.09% 5.66% 4.62% 6.49% 5.20% 4.17% 3.53% 4.62% 4.74% 2.65% 3.42% 5.38% 5.38% 4.98% 3.15% 5.92% 4.49% 4.91% 5.08% 5.32% 4.14% 5.01% 3.97% 4.43% 4.47% 3.89% 4.47% 4.30% 4.07% 5.83% 5.72% 5.78% 6.11% 5.54% 5.27% 5.72% 5.81% 6.01% 5.82% 3.34% 4.82% 4.95% 4.93% 3.75% 6.27% 5.56% 6.90% 5.62% 4.74% 3.66% 4.40% 5.15% 3.02% 3.89% 6.67% 6.90% 4.82% 3.68% 5.68% 5.06% 5.37% 5.56% 5.89% 4.52% 5.67% 4.17% 5.60% 5.05% 4.27% 5.56% 3.94% 3.46% 5.28% 5.11% 5.89% 8.01% 9.26% 5.19% $1,504 $1,670 $853 $1,382 $1,044 $2,478 $2,601 $1,172 $2,212 $996 $1,786 $1,025 $2,140 $1,804 $2,135 $1,904 $1,072 $1,470 $1,475 $925 $654 $1,030 $1,570 $919 $949 $781 $745 $780 $1,760 $598 $1,375 $1,375 $708 $1,480 $1,423 $1,421 $1,660 $1,375 $1,125 $1,118 $963 $986 $1,025 ©2014 Page | 96 NSW Houses Suburb TAMARAMA TANILBA BAY TAPITALLEE TARALGA TARCUTTA TAREE TAREN POINT TARRAWANNA TARRO TASCOTT TATHRA TATTON TEA GARDENS TELARAH TELEGRAPH POINT TELOPEA TEMORA TEMPE TENAMBIT TENNYSON POINT TENTERFIELD TERALBA TERRANORA TERREY HILLS TERRIGAL THE ENTRANCE THE ENTRANCE NORTH THE HILL THE JUNCTION THE OAKS THE PONDS* THE ROCK THIRLMERE THIRROUL THORNLEIGH THORNTON THURGOONA TIGHES HILL TINGIRA HEIGHTS TINONEE TINTENBAR* TOCUMWAL TOLLAND www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2026 2319 2540 2580 2652 2430 2229 2518 2322 2250 2550 2650 2324 2320 2441 2117 2666 2044 2323 2111 2372 2284 2486 2084 2260 2261 2261 2300 2291 2570 2769 2655 2572 2515 2120 2322 2640 2297 2290 2430 2478 2714 2650 361 1282 102 209 194 6056 455 557 597 721 858 683 1237 1034 70 1127 1985 1343 1157 408 1888 539 659 847 3850 1159 543 501 394 723 1741 1341 924 1832 2661 2380 2040 729 694 361 56 1153 1366 6 18 0 4 0 84 8 5 9 18 10 18 11 17 2 19 18 20 11 7 21 4 20 18 67 17 11 5 5 9 96 7 14 22 46 41 32 13 9 3 3 11 22 17 60 5 6 6 283 21 19 22 54 34 55 53 46 5 61 86 62 49 21 78 15 48 35 223 48 34 18 22 30 286 19 55 76 141 125 105 29 37 18 8 42 59 $2,784,000 $322,500 $567,000 $230,000 $151,500 $227,500 $1,181,500 $503,000 $301,000 $418,000 $416,500 $449,500 $390,500 $289,000 $257,000 $738,000 $190,500 $801,000 $331,000 $1,671,000 $190,500 $361,500 $528,000 $968,000 $590,500 $396,500 $491,500 $957,500 $753,000 $429,000 $663,500 $160,500 $409,500 $692,500 $781,500 $375,500 $276,000 $390,500 $402,000 $244,000 $707,000 $214,000 $244,000 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $2,733,000 $301,500 $576,500 $241,000 $154,500 $225,500 $1,118,500 $479,000 $278,000 $378,000 $415,000 $437,500 $363,000 $284,000 $247,500 $655,000 $181,000 $684,500 $316,000 $1,539,000 $187,000 $342,500 $521,500 $945,500 $555,000 $385,000 $440,500 $917,000 $752,500 $416,000 $635,000 $173,500 $391,500 $666,000 $703,500 $363,000 $284,000 $382,500 $387,000 $261,000 $731,500 $238,000 $241,000 $1,540 $345 $615 $250 $195 $285 $800 $445 $350 $435 $335 $475 $325 $325 $265 $525 $245 $650 $350 $920 $205 $395 $540 $865 $525 $350 $415 $760 $545 $435 $605 $225 $400 $570 $585 $385 $330 $400 $425 $275 $580 $220 $305 $1,435 $335 $525 $270 $190 $285 $795 $405 $340 $415 $340 $465 $330 $330 $255 $525 $235 $645 $360 $950 $195 $405 $515 $875 $515 $345 $380 $755 $555 $425 $635 $215 $415 $520 $595 $375 $320 $400 $435 $280 $590 $215 $300 1.86% 6.90% -1.67% -4.59% -2.05% 0.81% 5.62% 4.96% 8.24% 10.67% 0.34% 2.79% 7.58% 1.78% 3.83% 12.68% 5.15% 16.95% 4.72% 8.60% 1.89% 5.52% 1.24% 2.40% 6.42% 3.04% 11.61% 4.41% 0.04% 3.09% 4.54% -7.25% 4.59% 3.94% 11.11% 3.53% -2.74% 2.14% 3.87% -6.56% -3.33% -10.14% 1.27% 8.88% 5.84% 6.53% 4.19% 4.49% 4.47% 6.96% 5.93% 5.98% 4.79% 6.14% 6.26% 6.02% 7.19% 5.28% 7.22% 4.71% 8.74% 5.84% 8.55% 5.52% 6.28% 5.52% 6.30% 5.16% 4.72% 5.21% 6.57% 7.46% 5.54% 7.13% 3.78% 6.84% 6.97% 6.68% 6.06% 4.85% 7.32% 6.14% 4.20% 5.96% 3.73% 3.29% 2.80% 5.68% 4.86% 5.98% 6.65% 6.64% 3.68% 4.45% 6.10% 5.44% 4.23% 5.60% 4.56% 6.00% 5.28% 4.00% 6.70% 4.47% 5.76% 3.14% 5.44% 5.90% 5.17% 4.84% 4.77% 4.68% 4.35% 4.28% 3.88% 5.30% 5.05% 6.87% 5.40% 4.12% 4.19% 5.41% 6.15% 5.47% 5.74% 5.82% 4.35% 5.08% 6.58% 2.81% 5.63% 4.62% 8.39% 8.98% 6.87% 3.51% 5.03% 6.66% 4.86% 5.43% 4.99% 5.24% 6.96% 8.06% 4.77% 7.51% 5.51% 6.13% 3.38% 7.49% 5.90% 5.61% 5.17% 4.20% 4.54% 4.38% 3.65% 4.13% 5.27% 3.90% 7.49% 5.62% 4.12% 4.62% 5.89% 6.36% 6.13% 5.50% 6.74% 3.04% 6.55% 6.32% $2,666 $828 $1,591 $836 $784 $704 $1,246 $1,002 $936 $1,231 $882 $1,881 $756 $905 $1,068 $1,070 $763 $1,615 $1,082 $2,057 $728 $907 $1,422 $1,902 $1,323 $699 $893 $5,853 $1,159 $1,559 $2,471 $907 $1,371 $1,625 $1,964 $1,629 $19,548 $996 $1,445 $891 $1,327 $709 $853 ©2014 Page | 97 NSW Houses Suburb TOMAKIN TOMERONG TOOLEYBUC TOONGABBIE TOORMINA TOOWOON BAY TORONTO TOTTENHAM TOUKLEY TOWNSEND TOWRADGI TRANGIE* TREGEAR TRUNDLE TUCABIA TUGGERAH TUGGERAWONG TULLIMBAR TUMBARUMBA TUMBI UMBI TUMUT TUNCURRY TURA BEACH TUROSS HEAD TURRAMURRA TURRELLA TURVEY PARK TWEED HEADS TWEED HEADS SOUTH TWEED HEADS WEST UKI ULLADULLA ULMARRA ULTIMO UMINA BEACH UNANDERRA UNGARIE URALLA URANA URANQUINTY URUNGA VALE OF CLWYDD VALENTINE www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2537 2540 2736 2146 2452 2261 2283 2873 2263 2463 2518 2823 2770 2875 2462 2259 2259 2527 2653 2261 2720 2428 2548 2537 2074 2205 2650 2485 2486 2485 2484 2539 2462 2007 2257 2526 2669 2358 2645 2652 2455 2790 2280 540 113 125 4109 2190 269 2199 280 1918 343 1053 518 1247 320 159 439 481 113 826 1286 2651 2116 1289 1796 3671 476 1467 2249 1627 1610 148 3071 242 632 6434 2175 326 1065 256 300 1139 230 1937 4 1 1 35 20 5 22 3 44 5 9 2 18 2 0 4 8 3 6 17 29 24 16 10 53 7 29 18 19 12 3 42 2 3 94 25 2 10 2 3 12 2 18 15 9 6 136 81 16 86 9 118 18 47 10 42 7 7 19 28 11 24 71 92 87 53 55 191 16 76 64 60 46 9 117 6 8 330 66 8 37 6 13 52 6 75 $345,000 $336,000 $159,000 $567,500 $331,500 $694,500 $327,000 $82,500 $326,000 $281,500 $546,500 $110,500 $277,500 $101,500 $192,000 $327,500 $345,500 $474,000 $178,000 $405,000 $240,000 $368,000 $401,500 $323,500 $1,202,000 $785,000 $325,000 $502,500 $389,000 $380,000 $372,000 $345,500 $245,000 $991,500 $422,500 $358,000 $65,000 $248,500 $77,500 $238,000 $354,500 $204,000 $547,500 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $336,000 $323,500 $144,000 $487,000 $320,000 $627,000 $318,000 $80,000 $304,000 $280,000 $504,000 $114,500 $242,500 $107,000 $195,000 $300,000 $326,500 $458,000 $170,000 $374,500 $250,500 $365,500 $373,500 $340,500 $1,128,000 $619,500 $316,000 $536,000 $379,500 $399,500 $390,500 $348,500 $255,500 $869,000 $378,000 $333,500 $69,500 $226,500 $76,500 $218,500 $352,500 $216,500 $543,000 $355 $370 $200 $460 $390 $515 $320 $145 $355 $290 $500 $140 $350 $175 $200 $390 $385 $475 $210 $440 $260 $355 $385 $360 $915 $635 $350 $425 $420 $385 $380 $315 $215 $765 $415 $375 $80 $280 $105 $310 $320 $250 $490 $325 $350 $190 $460 $385 $490 $330 $145 $350 $290 $470 $155 $325 $170 $225 $365 $360 $460 $195 $415 $265 $340 $380 $325 $920 $585 $345 $430 $390 $380 $370 $305 $235 $750 $400 $370 $80 $270 $105 $300 $305 $255 $500 2.61% 3.91% 10.32% 16.49% 3.72% 10.79% 2.87% 3.40% 7.18% 0.64% 8.42% -3.31% 14.53% -4.99% -1.39% 9.17% 5.76% 3.49% 4.85% 8.12% -4.23% 0.69% 7.44% -4.95% 6.55% 26.72% 2.75% -6.24% 2.52% -4.87% -4.77% -0.87% -4.06% 14.11% 11.72% 7.40% -7.10% 9.60% 1.64% 9.07% 0.63% -5.76% 0.82% 6.02% 6.03% 3.82% 6.98% 4.41% 6.80% 5.11% 2.49% 5.09% 4.67% 6.78% 2.82% 5.94% 3.92% 4.77% 5.22% 5.49% 5.66% 2.88% 5.24% 5.00% 3.99% 5.03% 5.92% 6.54% 7.66% 5.00% 6.26% 6.37% 5.80% 6.74% 6.07% 5.78% 8.48% 5.05% 5.41% 3.42% 6.81% 4.07% 4.06% 5.19% 5.79% 5.61% 5.20% 5.62% 6.46% 4.54% 6.18% 3.92% 5.25% 9.42% 5.79% 5.48% 4.76% 7.13% 6.76% 8.56% 6.16% 6.10% 5.76% 5.28% 6.12% 5.65% 5.63% 4.95% 5.08% 5.21% 4.14% 4.37% 5.66% 4.35% 5.45% 5.14% 5.14% 4.69% 4.88% 4.24% 5.20% 5.62% 6.36% 5.94% 7.24% 6.93% 4.63% 6.36% 4.85% 5.97% 6.64% 6.65% 5.47% 6.43% 3.86% 5.69% 7.94% 5.47% 6.85% 4.74% N/A 7.36% 8.20% 9.42% 5.51% 5.61% 4.86% 7.80% 5.07% 6.12% 5.16% 5.43% 5.87% 4.74% 4.41% 5.86% 4.91% 5.71% 5.74% 6.62% 5.52% 7.46% 4.88% 5.01% 5.63% N/A 7.10% 7.79% 6.92% 5.55% 7.09% 4.51% $741 $1,172 $700 $1,407 $752 $804 $816 $648 $710 $778 $979 $821 $768 $666 $716 $1,064 $962 $1,791 $868 $1,151 $918 $623 $882 $744 $2,293 $1,296 $1,340 $746 $662 $711 $851 $703 $2,207 $1,098 $917 $795 $2,043 $866 $582 $1,218 $731 $653 $1,653 ©2014 Page | 98 NSW Houses Suburb VALLA BEACH* VALLEY HEIGHTS VAUCLUSE VILLAWOOD VINCENTIA VOYAGER POINT WADALBA WAGGA WAGGA WAHROONGA WAITARA WAKELEY WALCHA WALGETT* WALLA WALLA WALLABADAH WALLABI POINT WALLACIA WALLAGA LAKE WALLALONG WALLERAWANG WALLSEND WAMBERAL WANGI WANGI WARABROOK WARATAH WARATAH WEST WARDELL WAREEMBA WARIALDA WARILLA WARNERS BAY WARNERVALE WARRAGAMBA WARRAWEE WARRAWONG WARREN WARRIEWOOD WARRIMOO WARWICK FARM WATANOBBI WATERFALL WATERLOO WATERVIEW HEIGHTS* www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2448 2777 2030 2163 2540 2172 2259 2650 2076 2077 2176 2354 2832 2659 2343 2430 2745 2546 2320 2845 2287 2260 2267 2304 2298 2298 2477 2046 2402 2528 2282 2259 2752 2074 2502 2824 2102 2774 2170 2259 2233 2017 2460 607 466 2491 1754 2184 315 760 2910 5111 485 1317 1098 947 359 212 236 417 447 159 791 4461 2177 1296 524 1541 1065 268 465 826 2183 2674 265 574 811 1588 659 1498 912 777 1372 218 893 4 12 3 33 12 28 4 16 27 86 7 9 7 4 4 0 4 8 4 6 8 47 44 13 6 21 13 2 4 6 24 27 2 5 18 13 6 30 7 5 20 1 7 5 20 18 118 50 90 23 71 118 284 14 36 15 24 14 5 10 19 16 18 29 202 126 51 27 68 43 8 16 16 69 106 5 16 61 42 22 82 30 26 78 8 17 12 $418,500 $453,000 $3,537,000 $509,500 $492,000 $763,000 $429,500 $361,000 $1,181,000 $957,000 $507,500 $193,500 $148,500 $154,000 $212,000 $395,500 $464,000 $328,000 $440,500 $216,000 $376,000 $589,500 $400,500 $447,000 $416,500 $377,000 $295,000 $1,201,000 $150,000 $339,500 $443,500 $440,000 $309,000 $1,550,500 $316,000 $149,000 $985,500 $415,000 $416,500 $301,500 $595,500 $871,500 $374,500 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $402,000 $431,500 $3,084,500 $442,000 $467,000 $660,000 $378,000 $355,500 $1,031,000 $862,000 $483,500 $201,000 $137,000 $159,000 $194,000 $416,500 $439,500 $326,000 $461,500 $251,000 $341,000 $557,000 $397,500 $421,500 $372,500 $355,000 $294,000 $1,167,000 $159,500 $323,000 $423,500 $401,000 $296,000 $1,517,000 $299,000 $131,000 $900,500 $375,500 $385,000 $283,500 $529,000 $736,500 $368,500 $390 $450 $2,205 $475 $485 $605 $470 $360 $895 $645 $480 $215 $170 $190 $245 $335 $420 $320 $385 $235 $405 $545 $325 $450 $435 $395 $325 $695 $200 $375 $415 $510 $335 $1,115 $355 $175 $880 $430 $320 $390 $470 $670 $370 $395 $430 $2,025 $455 $430 $615 $455 $360 $895 $595 $475 $220 $195 $180 $230 $335 $445 $305 $415 $240 $405 $510 $335 $455 $415 $385 $315 $715 $190 $365 $420 $470 $335 $1,130 $340 $190 $810 $405 $320 $360 $455 $685 $360 4.18% 4.95% 14.68% 15.27% 5.32% 15.57% 13.69% 1.50% 14.57% 11.03% 5.00% -3.71% 8.54% -3.32% 9.49% -5.06% 5.54% 0.56% -4.54% -13.93% 10.22% 5.84% 0.74% 6.06% 11.88% 6.26% 0.29% 2.91% -5.97% 5.17% 4.73% 9.73% 4.38% 2.22% 5.53% 13.82% 9.44% 10.56% 8.28% 6.39% 12.59% 18.34% 1.64% 6.52% 7.07% 7.19% 6.77% 6.73% 6.87% 4.50% 5.63% 6.35% 7.34% 5.98% 4.66% 4.67% 2.87% 5.75% 3.85% 6.60% 6.08% 6.81% 5.18% 6.26% 5.96% 6.00% 7.67% 7.27% 6.44% 3.05% 7.96% 3.17% 5.46% 5.90% 7.30% 6.34% 5.74% 3.12% 4.83% 6.99% 6.40% 6.21% 4.66% 6.06% 8.93% 4.90% 5.08% 5.15% 3.27% 5.05% 4.69% 4.45% 5.89% 5.37% 4.26% 3.57% 5.07% 6.02% 6.81% 6.26% 5.86% 4.36% 5.05% 4.88% 4.77% 5.37% 5.86% 4.80% 4.46% 5.50% 5.62% 5.56% 5.65% 3.15% 6.45% 5.81% 5.04% 5.96% 5.86% 3.85% 5.84% 6.94% 4.59% 5.36% 4.21% 6.55% 4.32% 4.42% 5.15% 6.74% 5.02% 2.46% 5.35% 4.53% 4.22% 5.50% 5.68% 4.77% 4.98% 4.94% 7.58% 9.03% 7.78% 7.72% 5.24% 5.52% 6.28% 5.82% 7.06% 5.92% 4.40% 4.99% 5.00% 5.81% 5.86% 6.49% 4.00% 8.67% 5.93% 5.20% 5.14% 6.74% 3.84% 6.20% 7.52% 5.41% 5.22% 5.29% 5.89% 4.45% 5.29% 5.87% $848 $1,680 $2,425 $586 $935 $2,551 $1,252 $978 $2,381 $1,413 $1,236 $872 $1,142 $1,022 $677 $1,513 $1,309 $675 $2,066 $1,125 $979 $1,552 $931 $1,233 $940 $954 $907 $1,634 $747 $730 $1,055 $2,724 $1,073 $2,658 $646 $893 $1,944 $1,740 $716 $973 $1,598 $905 $1,014 ©2014 Page | 99 NSW Houses Suburb WATSONS BAY WATTLE GROVE WAUCHOPE WAVERLEY WAVERTON WEE WAA WELBY WELLINGTON WENTWORTH WENTWORTH FALLS WENTWORTHVILLE WEROMBI* WERRI BEACH WERRINGTON WERRINGTON COUNTY WERRINGTON DOWNS WERRIS CREEK WEST ALBURY WEST BALLINA WEST BATHURST WEST HAVEN WEST HOXTON WEST KEMPSEY WEST NOWRA WEST PENNANT HILLS WEST PYMBLE WEST RYDE WEST TAMWORTH WEST WALLSEND WEST WOLLONGONG WEST WYALONG WESTDALE WESTLEIGH WESTMEAD WESTON WETHERILL PARK WHALAN WHALE BEACH WHEELER HEIGHTS WHITE ROCK WHITEBRIDGE WICKHAM WILBERFORCE www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2030 2173 2446 2024 2060 2388 2575 2820 2648 2782 2145 2570 2534 2747 2747 2747 2341 2640 2478 2795 2443 2171 2440 2541 2125 2073 2114 2340 2286 2500 2671 2340 2120 2145 2326 2164 2770 2107 2097 2795 2290 2293 2756 243 2679 2315 908 555 935 356 2133 703 3237 2844 21 318 949 1312 1160 816 1487 963 1658 427 2471 1990 492 5106 1845 2878 2467 794 1526 1272 744 1542 1589 1365 2097 1946 318 969 53 910 264 855 2 30 35 13 6 11 2 22 8 53 25 1 8 9 14 9 10 14 10 19 9 45 22 8 83 31 31 24 9 13 9 13 28 17 12 14 21 4 15 3 6 4 8 5 119 107 43 18 28 9 77 31 181 94 6 25 32 66 34 31 53 31 79 31 121 65 29 251 111 120 92 37 56 31 48 81 42 55 53 84 16 34 13 25 11 32 $2,496,000 $548,500 $291,000 $1,455,500 $1,794,000 $167,500 $380,000 $138,000 $166,000 $404,000 $654,000 $857,500 $728,500 $383,500 $391,000 $398,500 $146,500 $300,000 $436,500 $273,500 $385,500 $576,500 $198,500 $290,500 $980,000 $1,105,500 $958,000 $221,000 $348,000 $465,500 $179,000 $256,500 $835,000 $790,500 $251,500 $513,000 $298,500 $2,869,500 $927,000 $669,000 $498,500 $422,500 $527,000 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $2,202,000 $504,500 $283,000 $1,363,500 $1,596,000 $171,000 $362,500 $136,000 $169,500 $395,000 $555,500 $789,500 $662,500 $346,000 $351,500 $370,000 $132,500 $314,500 $453,500 $261,000 $375,500 $526,000 $183,500 $275,500 $860,000 $918,000 $854,000 $205,500 $314,500 $435,500 $193,000 $240,000 $757,500 $701,000 $252,500 $475,000 $266,500 $2,996,000 $834,000 $659,500 $442,000 $396,500 $467,500 $1,595 $515 $340 $930 $985 $215 $405 $175 $200 $420 $465 $695 $460 $385 $415 $400 $240 $330 $415 $320 $375 $570 $270 $360 $795 $860 $555 $285 $385 $425 $235 $320 $660 $465 $310 $495 $365 $1,210 $650 $585 $450 $445 $495 $1,430 $510 $325 $885 $925 $210 $390 $190 $195 $410 $470 $640 $460 $385 $420 $415 $225 $325 $420 $310 $375 $570 $265 $345 $790 $805 $565 $275 $390 $420 $255 $310 $685 $465 $330 $475 $345 $1,185 $610 $595 $460 $425 $470 13.37% 8.79% 2.75% 6.77% 12.41% -2.06% 4.92% 1.46% -2.11% 2.33% 17.73% 8.63% 9.95% 10.83% 11.26% 7.64% 10.86% -4.59% -3.73% 4.76% 2.59% 9.65% 8.33% 5.54% 13.96% 20.42% 12.15% 7.49% 10.58% 6.82% -7.25% 7.04% 10.21% 12.75% -0.48% 7.95% 11.91% -4.23% 11.13% 1.44% 12.87% 6.66% 12.79% 7.63% 7.75% 5.46% 7.81% 7.29% 4.52% 6.60% 4.86% 4.75% 6.90% 7.71% 6.09% 8.37% 5.86% 5.75% 5.93% 5.10% 4.75% 4.47% 5.17% 4.73% 6.53% 5.14% 6.07% 6.65% 6.97% 7.74% 4.96% 6.65% 5.84% 4.44% 5.83% 6.02% 8.12% 6.74% 5.87% 6.07% 7.77% 6.87% 8.55% 7.43% 8.21% 6.57% 3.15% 5.10% 5.95% 3.28% 2.90% 6.50% 5.57% 7.17% 6.10% 5.40% 4.03% 4.04% 3.42% 5.48% 5.87% 5.69% 8.38% 5.68% 4.96% 6.11% 5.13% 5.30% 7.34% 6.55% 4.51% 4.25% 3.30% 6.78% 6.14% 4.95% 7.24% 6.51% 4.47% 3.28% 6.87% 5.16% 6.66% 2.15% 3.62% 4.61% 5.06% 5.45% 5.06% 2.91% 4.94% 6.31% 3.76% 3.29% 7.69% 6.54% 8.73% 7.24% 5.01% 4.79% 3.35% 4.38% 5.98% 5.87% 5.92% 8.88% 5.47% 5.25% 6.27% 5.33% 4.96% 7.75% 6.58% 4.33% 5.16% 4.27% 6.90% 6.27% 5.05% 7.75% 6.50% 4.43% 4.29% 7.46% 4.95% 7.20% 2.66% 5.26% 6.13% 5.08% 6.11% 5.04% $2,166 $1,938 $735 $1,724 $2,292 $900 $858 $661 $4,663 $1,000 $1,314 $1,814 $1,163 $1,078 $1,605 $1,725 $706 $1,001 $794 $990 $680 $1,872 $633 $1,082 $2,449 $2,512 $1,392 $726 $1,057 $1,068 $924 $1,230 $2,339 $1,475 $973 $1,309 $793 N/A N/A $1,860 $1,412 $1,093 $1,550 ©2014 Page | 100 NSW Houses Suburb WILEY PARK WILLMOT WILLOUGHBY WILLOUGHBY EAST WILLOW VALE WILTON WINDALE WINDANG WINDELLA WINDERMERE PARK WINDRADYNE WINDSOR WINDSOR DOWNS* WINGELLO WINGHAM WINMALEE WINSTON HILLS WOLLONGBAR WOLLONGONG WOLLSTONECRAFT WOMBARRA WONGARBON WOODBERRY WOODBINE WOODBURN WOODCROFT WOODENBONG* WOODFORD WOODPARK WOODRISING WOODSTOCK WOOLGOOLGA WOOLI* WOOLLAHRA WOOLLAMIA WOOLOMIN* WOOLOOWARE WOOLOWEYAH WOOLWICH WOOMBAH WOONGARRAH WOONONA WORONORA www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2195 2770 2068 2068 2575 2571 2306 2528 2320 2264 2795 2756 2756 2579 2429 2777 2153 2477 2500 2065 2515 2831 2322 2560 2472 2767 2476 2778 2164 2284 2793 2456 2462 2025 2540 2340 2230 2464 2110 2469 2259 2517 2232 1402 786 1988 630 243 397 1324 720 14 296 1187 1023 113 221 1956 2410 3984 810 2364 742 266 236 1139 888 313 1643 251 867 483 406 237 1546 366 2237 108 152 1151 205 271 186 1382 3400 816 12 11 39 10 2 7 7 8 2 5 19 8 1 3 24 26 61 7 17 7 8 4 12 9 5 17 3 11 8 4 1 17 4 31 4 3 20 2 2 1 35 47 10 41 45 110 30 10 29 18 32 5 19 76 24 5 9 87 101 163 29 68 15 24 11 44 29 12 71 5 27 20 20 6 63 17 108 12 8 53 8 10 10 144 143 33 $583,000 $266,000 $1,404,000 $1,681,000 $453,000 $462,500 $248,500 $460,000 $624,500 $349,500 $317,000 $494,000 $945,000 $300,500 $225,500 $424,500 $693,000 $436,000 $574,000 $1,930,500 $949,500 $249,500 $247,500 $386,500 $290,000 $484,000 $165,500 $365,000 $487,000 $338,000 $133,500 $385,000 $374,000 $2,114,500 $469,500 $192,500 $1,063,000 $419,500 $3,740,500 $326,500 $468,000 $581,500 $831,500 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $533,000 $228,500 $1,246,500 $1,510,500 $457,500 $442,500 $239,500 $431,000 $605,500 $310,000 $305,500 $470,500 $917,000 $270,000 $228,000 $396,500 $596,000 $408,000 $526,500 $1,768,000 $952,500 $233,500 $248,000 $344,500 $290,000 $462,500 $146,500 $368,000 $460,500 $307,000 $130,000 $376,500 $361,000 $1,951,500 $417,500 $193,500 $956,000 $436,000 $3,451,500 $311,500 $414,000 $532,000 $769,500 $385 $325 $910 $1,075 $445 $460 $335 $415 $525 $330 $360 $475 $645 $305 $285 $455 $570 $445 $500 $1,015 $660 $285 $305 $405 $285 $485 $185 $360 $450 $370 $170 $390 $310 $1,360 $445 $255 $640 $340 $1,665 $315 $525 $520 $660 $400 $315 $845 $1,000 $445 $455 $330 $410 $520 $335 $355 $470 $665 $280 $295 $455 $550 $425 $495 $975 $635 $305 $305 $410 $285 $485 $185 $360 $440 $370 $195 $380 $315 $1,290 $425 $250 $605 $340 $1,720 $305 $490 $520 $660 9.44% 16.32% 12.61% 11.31% -0.94% 4.56% 3.73% 6.76% 3.08% 12.75% 3.64% 4.95% 3.04% 11.31% -1.20% 7.08% 16.25% 6.86% 9.08% 9.18% -0.32% 6.96% -0.34% 12.17% -0.13% 4.71% 12.77% -0.75% 5.73% 10.01% 2.96% 2.19% 3.60% 8.36% 12.48% -0.52% 11.18% -3.79% 8.37% 4.89% 13.01% 9.31% 8.07% 6.94% 5.71% 7.74% 8.02% 6.16% 6.22% 5.07% 6.38% 7.27% 6.90% 5.03% 6.77% 9.04% 7.01% 5.41% 5.99% 7.03% 5.39% 6.40% 7.05% 7.72% 5.34% 5.50% 5.69% 6.16% 5.61% 5.21% 6.00% 6.29% 6.82% 5.93% 6.66% 6.50% 7.42% 9.06% 4.73% 7.25% 7.10% 6.69% 6.00% 5.29% 6.57% 6.44% 3.73% 6.79% 3.38% 3.30% 5.24% 5.33% 7.14% 4.87% 4.29% 5.21% 5.93% 5.11% 3.73% 5.22% 6.76% 5.70% 4.51% 5.24% 4.62% 2.80% 3.54% 6.56% 6.47% 5.95% 5.25% 5.39% 6.27% 5.20% 4.93% 5.94% 7.58% 5.18% 4.43% 3.35% 5.10% 6.73% 3.21% 4.20% 2.54% 5.14% 5.94% 4.89% 4.26% 4.58% 7.42% 4.01% 3.81% 5.98% 5.55% 7.52% 5.04% 5.50% 5.73% 5.82% 5.31% 3.93% 7.44% 7.13% 5.09% 5.08% 5.48% 4.61% 3.06% 3.71% 6.75% 7.07% 5.71% 7.07% 5.39% 7.48% 5.24% 5.02% 5.82% 8.87% 6.08% 6.65% 3.27% 6.50% 8.09% 3.58% 5.52% 2.61% 6.26% 5.30% 4.54% 4.08% $876 $774 $2,124 $2,691 $1,487 $1,807 $566 $677 $2,403 $991 $1,226 $1,002 $2,263 $1,764 $766 $1,692 $1,682 $1,126 $966 $2,235 $1,780 $1,357 $934 $1,419 $838 $2,067 $739 $1,447 $1,285 $1,200 $1,355 $784 $583 $2,173 $974 $749 $1,627 $1,081 $2,359 $682 $1,584 $1,237 $1,907 ©2014 Page | 101 NSW Houses Suburb WORONORA HEIGHTS WORRIGEE WOY WOY WOY WOY BAY WYALONG WYEE WYEE POINT WYOMING WYONG WYONGAH YAGOONA YAMBA YANCO YANDERRA YARRAMALONG YARRAWARRAH YARRAWONGA PARK YASS YATTALUNGA YELLOW ROCK YENDA YENNORA YEOVAL YERRINBOOL YOOGALI YOUNG YOWIE BAY ZETLAND www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2233 2540 2256 2256 2671 2259 2259 2250 2259 2259 2199 2464 2703 2574 2259 2233 2264 2582 2251 2777 2681 2161 2868 2575 2680 2594 2228 2017 865 1388 3889 219 263 594 424 4116 1429 765 4653 2677 412 192 48 932 189 2261 212 235 477 481 199 419 315 3605 954 251 14 45 60 3 0 4 8 49 27 13 56 30 1 0 2 18 1 19 4 4 4 2 1 5 0 46 10 13 38 118 187 10 6 22 23 161 78 30 191 104 5 10 10 42 7 79 14 13 13 9 5 27 8 146 40 30 $819,000 $332,500 $413,500 $675,000 $132,500 $359,000 $394,000 $357,500 $338,500 $308,000 $586,500 $382,500 $122,000 $357,500 $478,000 $703,500 $346,500 $362,500 $451,000 $457,000 $180,000 $456,000 $123,000 $342,000 $361,500 $223,000 $1,189,000 $982,000 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $771,500 $326,500 $368,500 $618,000 $141,000 $360,000 $341,000 $328,000 $297,000 $298,000 $502,000 $394,000 $129,000 $357,500 $425,500 $649,000 $357,000 $381,000 $391,000 $419,000 $187,500 $431,000 $137,500 $347,000 $337,500 $214,000 $1,073,000 $827,000 $710 $375 $405 $570 $190 $405 $405 $410 $400 $370 $515 $350 $165 $325 $520 $645 $305 $365 $475 $460 $220 $390 $200 $355 $375 $265 $820 $780 $705 $370 $390 $590 $210 $400 $385 $390 $370 $345 $470 $340 $155 $335 $485 $625 $310 $390 $425 $475 $215 $390 $200 $370 $340 $265 $820 $795 6.18% 1.82% 12.16% 9.24% -5.89% -0.21% 15.52% 8.96% 13.92% 3.28% 16.76% -2.91% -5.57% -0.07% 12.44% 8.39% -3.00% -4.83% 15.33% 9.03% -3.96% 5.79% -10.63% -1.47% 7.16% 4.12% 10.80% 18.71% 6.88% 5.62% 5.45% 6.57% 2.48% 6.05% 6.76% 4.54% 5.20% 4.56% 6.85% 5.70% 3.73% 5.46% 6.36% 5.88% 5.66% 7.52% 6.21% 8.61% 3.43% 6.17% 4.05% 5.53% 5.16% 6.36% 6.39% 8.94% 4.62% 5.95% 5.22% 4.71% 8.06% 5.85% 5.53% 6.03% 6.18% 6.13% 4.57% 4.63% 6.50% 4.91% 5.66% 4.91% 4.63% 5.56% 5.37% 5.50% 6.20% 4.66% 8.18% 5.60% 5.16% 6.37% 3.76% 4.48% 3.98% 6.12% 5.03% 4.12% 8.66% 5.55% 5.47% 5.35% 5.62% 5.70% 4.90% 5.28% 5.34% 6.13% 5.47% 4.37% 6.21% 6.99% 5.04% 5.12% 6.06% 5.11% 7.04% 6.21% 4.52% 7.67% 3.36% 5.27% $2,581 $1,245 $795 $1,481 $971 $977 $2,813 $982 $711 $1,153 $980 $721 $804 $1,046 $1,512 $2,151 $1,110 $1,293 $1,154 $3,737 $1,010 $644 $646 $1,162 $2,872 $813 $2,009 $1,870 ©2014 Page | 102 NSW Units Suburb ABBOTSFORD ABERDARE ABERGLASSLYN ADAMSTOWN ADAMSTOWN HEIGHTS ALBION PARK ALBION PARK RAIL ALBURY ALEXANDRIA ALLAMBIE HEIGHTS ALLAWAH ALSTONVILLE AMBARVALE ANNA BAY ANNANDALE ARMIDALE ARNCLIFFE ARTARMON ASHFIELD ASHMONT ASQUITH AUBURN AUSTINMER AVALON BEACH AVOCA BEACH BALGOWLAH BALGOWNIE BALLINA BALMAIN BALMAIN EAST BANGOR BANKSIA BANKSTOWN BANORA POINT BAR BEACH BARDEN RIDGE BARDWELL PARK BARDWELL VALLEY BARHAM BARRACK HEIGHTS BASS HILL BATEAU BAY BATEHAVEN www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2046 2325 2320 2289 2289 2527 2527 2640 2015 2100 2218 2477 2560 2316 2038 2350 2205 2064 2131 2650 2077 2144 2515 2107 2251 2093 2519 2478 2041 2041 2234 2216 2200 2486 2300 2234 2207 2207 2732 2528 2197 2261 2536 1718 210 101 1080 107 762 719 1530 4089 278 1890 974 219 736 2016 2500 2027 4132 8646 381 240 6620 284 953 688 2639 635 3280 3491 629 295 183 8220 3144 449 81 129 295 144 298 877 1251 713 34 5 4 12 1 12 6 14 59 2 23 8 5 1 17 16 30 43 79 2 2 124 2 28 9 42 11 30 31 7 5 5 121 51 7 1 3 5 2 2 3 6 8 84 15 13 36 5 50 35 51 188 10 93 30 17 7 45 66 115 154 337 5 11 407 9 91 34 153 27 102 91 22 22 12 432 169 20 8 6 12 5 10 18 18 26 $741,500 $256,000 $298,500 $359,500 $329,000 $319,000 $267,000 $238,500 $573,500 $595,000 $505,000 $265,000 $242,000 $322,000 $578,500 $235,500 $540,000 $647,000 $515,500 $159,000 $597,000 $356,500 $576,000 $516,500 $563,000 $693,500 $411,000 $307,500 $753,000 $776,500 $538,000 $444,000 $360,000 $302,500 $445,500 $607,000 $589,500 $563,000 $160,500 $240,000 $435,500 $281,000 $239,000 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $670,500 $252,500 $280,000 $327,000 $336,000 $309,000 $257,000 $218,000 $503,000 $550,500 $437,000 $259,000 $216,500 $315,500 $541,000 $236,000 $475,000 $583,000 $458,500 $148,000 $507,500 $323,500 $512,500 $522,000 $580,000 $630,500 $411,500 $305,500 $684,500 $746,000 $500,500 $421,500 $321,000 $306,000 $395,500 $594,500 $528,500 $513,500 $158,000 $222,500 $404,000 $252,000 $244,000 $630 $270 $320 $390 $350 $365 $325 $240 $575 $575 $470 $285 $335 $330 $525 $255 $535 $575 $475 $185 $540 $440 $545 $470 $500 $640 $425 $325 $670 $635 $515 $455 $415 $330 $455 $575 $570 $515 $190 $280 $475 $315 $250 $615 $275 $310 $385 $345 $360 $310 $235 $560 $620 $465 $275 $325 $330 $525 $250 $525 $560 $465 $180 $525 $415 $520 $450 $495 $630 $420 $325 $650 $630 $515 $440 $405 $320 $450 $575 $540 $510 $195 $260 $460 $300 $250 10.62% 1.27% 6.67% 10.01% -2.00% 3.35% 3.83% 9.32% 13.93% 8.10% 15.51% 2.31% 11.92% 2.11% 6.94% -0.16% 13.63% 10.99% 12.50% 7.48% 17.60% 10.24% 12.45% -1.12% -2.93% 9.99% -0.18% 0.57% 10.05% 4.11% 7.44% 5.45% 12.17% -1.01% 12.76% 2.13% 11.55% 9.57% 1.74% 7.88% 7.70% 11.46% -2.03% 6.69% 4.12% 2.99% 5.43% 4.56% 5.09% 4.65% 5.51% 7.04% 6.66% 6.44% 4.37% 5.45% 4.20% 6.98% 4.41% 7.65% 6.18% 7.23% 3.81% 5.80% 6.37% 6.32% 6.09% 4.25% 6.60% 4.32% 4.41% 6.59% 6.50% 5.56% 7.15% 5.49% 4.23% 6.34% 5.67% 6.20% 6.16% 3.17% 5.11% 4.78% 4.50% 3.51% 4.63% 5.65% 5.58% 5.94% 5.53% 5.97% 6.23% 5.40% 5.47% 5.62% 5.13% 5.58% 7.45% 5.48% 4.89% 5.54% 5.39% 4.80% 4.99% 6.26% 5.01% 6.48% 5.01% 4.63% 4.55% 5.03% 5.41% 5.57% 4.74% 4.38% 5.22% 5.43% 6.19% 5.57% 5.54% 4.99% 5.03% 4.99% 6.46% 6.04% 5.64% 5.86% 5.48% 4.87% 4.61% 5.20% 5.23% 5.05% 5.21% 5.26% 6.49% 5.95% 5.62% 5.42% 5.20% 7.15% 4.72% 5.33% 5.58% 5.45% 5.47% 5.48% 7.41% 5.67% 6.58% 4.15% 4.79% 3.37% 5.36% 4.53% 4.95% 5.00% 4.57% 4.69% 5.83% 6.14% 4.96% 4.94% 4.82% 5.62% 4.81% 7.38% 5.85% 5.29% 5.09% 4.89% $1,727 $936 $14,026 $1,214 $1,448 $1,483 $1,028 $1,120 $2,075 $1,689 $1,204 $888 $1,160 $901 $2,086 $986 $1,251 $1,910 $1,314 $770 $11,300 $968 $1,786 N/A $1,458 $1,912 $1,308 $683 $2,456 $2,511 $2,171 $1,371 $950 $902 $4,849 $2,495 $1,606 $8,061 $755 $943 $1,051 $938 $742 ©2014 Page | 103 NSW Units Suburb BATEMANS BAY BATHURST BAULKHAM HILLS BAYVIEW BEACONSFIELD BEECROFT BELFIELD BELLAMBI BELLEVUE HILL BELMONT BELMONT NORTH BELMONT SOUTH BELMORE BELROSE BERALA BERKELEY VALE BERMAGUI BERRAMBOOL BERRY BEVERLEY PARK BEVERLY HILLS BEXLEY BEXLEY NORTH BIRCHGROVE BIRMINGHAM GARDENS BLACK HEAD BLACKALLS PARK BLACKBUTT BLACKTOWN BLACKWALL BLAKEHURST BLAXLAND BLIGH PARK BLUE BAY BOAMBEE EAST BOGANGAR BOMADERRY BONDI BONDI BEACH BONDI JUNCTION BONNYRIGG BOOKER BAY BOOMERANG BEACH www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2536 2795 2153 2104 2015 2119 2191 2518 2023 2280 2280 2280 2192 2085 2141 2261 2546 2548 2535 2217 2209 2207 2207 2041 2287 2430 2283 2529 2148 2256 2221 2774 2756 2261 2452 2488 2541 2026 2026 2022 2177 2257 2428 929 2036 3514 778 300 336 657 636 3626 1250 302 195 2512 1918 1163 644 397 123 307 127 1145 3347 318 663 246 217 177 391 5966 252 349 327 545 373 320 772 939 5075 6505 3603 430 345 352 9 20 55 4 6 16 7 13 58 10 3 0 76 21 11 7 4 2 3 2 20 57 4 9 2 2 4 14 110 7 3 3 10 6 3 12 13 65 95 44 4 7 6 30 76 205 11 15 61 31 52 208 28 7 5 139 68 48 21 14 16 8 5 83 201 14 25 12 9 13 35 442 17 10 10 32 11 14 32 35 189 291 110 17 22 12 $237,000 $239,000 $556,500 $1,254,500 $629,000 $659,500 $511,000 $285,000 $766,000 $345,500 $346,000 $292,000 $361,000 $463,500 $336,500 $255,000 $237,500 $232,500 $372,500 $624,000 $526,000 $488,000 $526,000 $822,000 $356,500 $337,500 $308,500 $328,500 $340,000 $328,000 $471,500 $376,000 $332,500 $408,000 $283,000 $347,500 $222,000 $758,500 $715,500 $711,500 $381,000 $349,000 $324,500 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $233,000 $224,000 $490,500 $1,101,000 $603,000 $672,500 $456,500 $280,000 $702,500 $355,500 $330,000 $270,000 $331,500 $446,500 $300,500 $230,000 $249,000 $241,000 $360,500 $583,500 $455,500 $437,000 $483,500 $782,000 $314,000 $304,500 $296,000 $299,500 $302,000 $308,000 $460,000 $386,500 $321,000 $389,000 $281,000 $320,500 $220,500 $668,000 $638,500 $679,500 $351,500 $322,500 $343,500 $245 $275 $540 $970 $635 $560 $485 $310 $700 $330 $375 $310 $390 $455 $385 $295 $375 $250 $360 $590 $500 $490 $515 $680 $425 $355 $320 $355 $390 $355 $435 $390 $365 $385 $320 $335 $265 $695 $665 $640 $420 $375 $270 $250 $270 $510 $930 $620 $555 $475 $305 $680 $325 $360 $295 $375 $510 $380 $280 $370 $250 $345 $560 $475 $470 $495 $660 $415 $315 $310 $345 $380 $335 $415 $405 $365 $390 $330 $330 $260 $670 $635 $655 $410 $355 $290 1.70% 6.60% 13.52% 13.91% 4.34% -1.94% 11.89% 1.73% 8.99% -2.84% 4.84% 8.24% 8.81% 3.82% 12.01% 10.93% -4.68% -3.48% 3.35% 6.99% 15.42% 11.63% 8.76% 5.09% 13.56% 10.81% 4.27% 9.69% 12.61% 6.49% 2.51% -2.67% 3.49% 4.86% 0.77% 8.43% 0.63% 13.51% 12.05% 4.75% 8.39% 8.20% -5.46% 3.93% 5.22% 6.22% 6.73% 7.50% 4.73% 6.65% 4.74% 6.60% 5.45% 4.53% 4.69% 6.77% 4.33% 6.51% 3.55% 2.31% 3.38% 4.41% 5.35% 6.59% 6.60% 6.14% 6.81% 4.73% 4.24% 4.10% 5.07% 5.46% 4.95% 5.57% 4.73% 5.80% 4.37% 5.20% 5.27% 4.47% 6.83% 7.46% 6.93% 5.60% 5.03% 2.43% 5.45% 6.17% 5.11% 4.18% 5.20% 4.38% 5.11% 5.71% 4.87% 4.83% 5.62% 5.47% 5.73% 5.81% 6.18% 5.95% 8.03% 5.52% 5.07% 4.85% 5.06% 5.33% 5.10% 4.39% 6.45% 5.15% 5.40% 5.74% 6.25% 5.60% 4.78% 5.52% 5.86% 5.07% 6.11% 5.20% 6.16% 4.93% 4.95% 4.86% 5.96% 5.60% 4.57% 5.25% 5.70% 5.16% 4.59% 5.67% 4.41% 5.31% 5.36% 4.88% 4.75% 4.73% 5.54% 6.36% 6.06% 7.11% 5.09% 6.07% 5.25% 4.29% 5.13% 5.19% 5.42% 4.95% 4.41% 5.91% 4.62% 4.99% 5.12% 6.53% 4.66% 5.03% 4.28% 5.84% 4.04% 5.65% 4.92% 5.82% 5.02% 5.20% 5.07% 5.95% 4.41% 4.16% $584 $866 $1,872 $15,091 $2,178 $2,523 $1,135 $763 $2,566 $860 $1,194 $827 $987 $1,782 $1,012 $1,135 $691 $794 $1,054 $1,522 $1,260 $1,358 $1,251 $2,726 $914 $906 $986 $1,230 $1,174 $898 $1,903 $1,540 $1,460 $837 $1,018 $965 $812 $1,782 $1,856 $1,634 $1,051 $788 $894 ©2014 Page | 104 NSW Units Suburb BOSSLEY PARK BOTANY BOURKELANDS BOWRAL BRADBURY BREAKFAST POINT BRIGHTON LE SANDS BROADMEADOW BRONTE BROOKVALE BROULEE BROWNSVILLE BRUNSWICK HEADS BUDGEWOI BULLI BURRADOO BURRANEER BURWOOD BURWOOD HEIGHTS BYRON BAY CABARITA CABRAMATTA CALALA CALLALA BAY CALLALA BEACH CAMBRIDGE PARK CAMDEN CAMDEN SOUTH CAMMERAY CAMPBELLTOWN CAMPERDOWN CAMPSIE CANADA BAY CANLEY VALE CANTERBURY CARDIFF CARDIFF HEIGHTS CARDIFF SOUTH CAREY BAY* CARINGBAH CARINGBAH SOUTH CARLINGFORD CARLTON www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2176 2019 2650 2576 2560 2137 2216 2292 2024 2100 2537 2530 2483 2262 2516 2576 2230 2134 2136 2481 2137 2166 2340 2540 2540 2747 2570 2570 2062 2560 2050 2194 2046 2166 2193 2285 2285 2285 2283 2229 2229 2118 2218 266 2604 151 1572 397 1863 3505 321 1838 1963 501 169 519 200 542 264 172 4580 192 3016 460 5082 89 60 19 432 489 106 2798 2344 3890 6475 186 1508 1318 500 122 159 210 4794 990 2865 2029 3 57 1 35 6 32 51 0 24 23 0 3 9 1 5 2 4 70 3 25 6 62 1 3 3 15 9 3 45 31 211 86 5 24 27 3 3 3 1 88 24 128 33 6 109 9 97 21 221 161 5 83 139 9 11 10 8 9 6 10 296 8 91 17 226 8 8 6 51 29 5 133 120 387 398 12 71 82 16 7 6 6 290 89 322 108 $371,000 $636,500 $290,000 $411,500 $225,000 $795,000 $495,500 $347,000 $740,000 $528,000 $271,500 $195,000 $375,000 $229,000 $393,500 $1,037,500 $861,000 $616,500 $630,000 $450,000 $1,062,500 $298,500 $248,500 $375,000 $519,500 $322,000 $334,500 $290,000 $697,500 $277,000 $621,000 $418,000 $645,000 $305,500 $507,000 $289,000 $256,500 $304,500 $406,000 $502,000 $778,000 $564,500 $484,500 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $336,000 $606,500 $253,500 $434,000 $214,500 $728,500 $444,000 $307,000 $644,000 $509,500 $285,000 $195,500 $366,500 $235,500 $378,000 $865,000 $757,000 $539,500 $549,000 $442,500 $1,019,000 $269,000 $237,000 $374,500 $469,500 $302,000 $319,000 $285,000 $644,500 $264,000 $568,500 $374,500 $594,500 $283,000 $442,000 $279,500 $255,000 $298,500 $417,500 $464,500 $678,500 $507,500 $436,000 $405 $620 $335 $410 $310 $745 $470 $405 $630 $490 $475 $240 $315 $245 $405 $750 $655 $580 $560 $505 $900 $325 $285 $355 $435 $390 $375 $345 $640 $355 $615 $425 $570 $340 $470 $320 $225 $330 $450 $465 $640 $535 $455 $395 $625 $320 $425 $300 $735 $445 $390 $630 $495 $450 $230 $320 $240 $395 $735 $615 $545 $540 $510 $875 $320 $285 $370 $400 $370 $375 $345 $620 $350 $600 $410 $560 $330 $455 $325 $235 $340 $465 $455 $620 $515 $440 10.38% 4.94% 14.33% -5.22% 4.96% 9.11% 11.61% 12.91% 14.91% 3.64% -4.74% -0.22% 2.31% -2.61% 3.98% 19.98% 13.72% 14.26% 14.81% 1.76% 4.23% 10.97% 4.74% 0.20% 10.67% 6.65% 4.77% 1.77% 8.22% 5.01% 9.25% 11.59% 8.54% 7.95% 14.73% 3.22% 0.71% 1.98% -2.71% 8.10% 14.71% 11.17% 11.10% 6.46% 6.96% 3.79% 5.14% 5.41% 5.19% 6.04% 4.66% 7.11% 5.18% 3.60% 4.68% 6.85% 3.22% 5.48% 6.33% 6.17% 6.80% 5.04% 5.87% 4.96% 6.75% 1.51% 4.15% 4.87% 4.77% 5.27% 4.24% 6.59% 5.97% 6.43% 7.20% 6.10% 6.09% 7.01% 4.19% 3.11% 4.30% 2.47% 5.44% 6.52% 5.85% 6.42% 5.90% 5.26% 6.28% 5.27% 7.24% 5.03% 5.04% 6.19% 4.68% 4.99% 8.56% 6.20% 4.55% 5.36% 5.50% 4.05% 3.99% 5.00% 4.85% 6.05% 4.44% 5.87% 6.07% 5.17% 4.22% 6.35% 5.93% 6.38% 4.88% 6.80% 5.34% 5.45% 4.75% 5.89% 5.00% 5.95% 4.73% 5.94% 6.00% 5.00% 4.49% 5.06% 5.09% 5.83% 5.32% 6.65% 4.71% 7.21% 4.71% 5.00% 5.75% 5.12% 5.71% 6.65% 6.48% 4.62% 5.53% 4.62% 5.17% 3.95% 5.16% 4.82% 4.46% 3.93% 7.36% 5.57% 5.13% 4.09% 5.79% 5.69% 5.72% 5.34% 6.62% 5.61% 6.10% 5.17% 6.87% 5.28% 5.20% 5.54% 5.57% 3.77% 4.94% 3.97% 5.22% 5.32% $1,381 $1,628 $1,694 $30,344 $1,210 $2,503 $1,129 $5,381 $2,318 $1,451 $851 $746 $664 $792 $1,463 $1,378 $2,557 $1,185 $1,399 $871 $2,435 $780 $1,312 $889 $724 $1,239 $1,188 $1,620 $2,239 $993 $1,953 $945 $1,738 $824 $1,229 $1,098 $5,458 $1,146 $872 $1,317 $1,803 $1,572 $1,320 ©2014 Page | 105 NSW Units Suburb CARRAMAR CARRINGTON CASINO CASTLE HILL CASUARINA CASULA CENTENNIAL PARK CESSNOCK CHARLESTOWN CHATSWOOD CHERRYBROOK CHESTER HILL CHIPPENDALE CHIPPING NORTON CHISWICK CLAREMONT MEADOWS CLOVELLY COFFS HARBOUR COLLAROY COLYTON COMO CONCORD CONCORD WEST CONDELL PARK CONISTON CONNELLS POINT CONSTITUTION HILL COOGEE COOKS HILL COOMA COOTAMUNDRA CORLETTE COROWA CORRIMAL COWRA CRACKENBACK* CRANEBROOK CREMORNE CREMORNE POINT CRESTWOOD CROMER CRONULLA CROWS NEST www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2163 2294 2470 2154 2487 2170 2021 2325 2290 2067 2126 2162 2008 2170 2046 2747 2031 2450 2097 2760 2226 2137 2138 2200 2500 2221 2145 2034 2300 2630 2590 2315 2646 2518 2794 2627 2749 2090 2090 2620 2099 2230 2065 962 365 1214 4171 741 1370 1320 1261 1843 8237 1306 1056 2445 865 1546 98 1240 7386 2110 162 117 1740 483 1062 567 199 359 7018 1350 667 352 564 579 1399 423 39 355 5309 1240 1390 702 8632 2002 15 5 6 58 18 13 18 5 25 95 10 8 356 8 43 3 14 79 41 1 5 27 5 22 11 1 9 90 14 2 4 6 5 25 3 3 6 68 18 22 4 134 18 44 15 12 204 50 42 58 18 82 317 44 26 667 36 118 12 49 243 123 5 17 81 19 61 30 11 18 259 48 8 13 26 19 98 11 12 60 263 48 82 12 505 53 $247,000 $444,000 $191,000 $595,500 $344,000 $394,000 $544,500 $268,500 $355,500 $699,000 $643,500 $334,000 $580,000 $361,000 $654,500 $340,500 $857,500 $251,500 $572,500 $305,000 $610,000 $577,000 $587,000 $445,000 $294,500 $683,500 $413,500 $737,000 $448,500 $258,000 $196,000 $377,500 $160,500 $328,500 $149,000 $219,000 $347,000 $756,000 $963,000 $240,500 $532,000 $544,000 $651,000 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $221,500 $397,500 $192,500 $521,500 $349,500 $353,500 $498,000 $255,500 $323,500 $621,000 $561,000 $322,000 $486,000 $341,000 $612,000 $337,500 $773,500 $248,000 $526,500 $269,500 $566,000 $543,500 $540,500 $413,000 $291,000 $652,000 $377,500 $662,000 $406,500 $228,500 $181,500 $369,500 $151,500 $328,000 $144,500 $240,500 $308,500 $669,000 $900,000 $250,500 $490,000 $479,500 $558,000 $320 $465 $190 $570 $350 $420 $510 $285 $400 $655 $595 $390 $590 $395 $590 $405 $715 $305 $550 $370 $520 $520 $510 $480 $330 $575 $425 $635 $470 $215 $200 $385 $150 $365 $170 $275 $395 $665 $750 $285 $490 $480 $605 $300 $455 $195 $545 $355 $410 $500 $295 $390 $635 $580 $375 $565 $390 $585 $395 $715 $300 $525 $370 $520 $530 $510 $470 $325 $590 $420 $620 $465 $210 $200 $380 $150 $355 $170 $280 $380 $640 $755 $300 $465 $465 $580 11.50% 11.72% -0.78% 14.21% -1.57% 11.45% 9.40% 5.13% 9.99% 12.54% 14.68% 3.78% 19.34% 5.86% 6.95% 0.88% 10.91% 1.40% 8.71% 13.26% 7.80% 6.16% 8.53% 7.67% 1.21% 4.86% 9.59% 11.33% 10.34% 13.01% 8.04% 2.09% 5.84% 0.18% 3.20% -8.98% 12.62% 12.96% 7.02% -4.11% 8.63% 13.49% 16.75% 6.13% 5.71% 2.16% 5.88% 3.41% 6.09% 6.80% 4.27% 5.13% 6.32% 5.46% 5.05% 7.22% 4.34% 6.41% 5.69% 7.63% 5.48% 6.53% 4.49% 5.83% 6.67% 7.38% 5.79% 5.61% 5.79% 5.73% 7.09% 5.92% 4.09% 2.43% 3.96% 3.58% 4.70% 3.64% 2.78% 6.03% 6.30% 6.06% 6.30% 5.14% 6.67% 6.35% 6.78% 5.61% 5.42% 5.11% 5.33% 5.75% 5.05% 5.85% 5.98% 5.11% 5.00% 6.04% 5.57% 5.83% 4.82% 6.14% 4.52% 6.25% 5.06% 6.74% 4.62% 4.90% 4.65% 5.75% 5.95% 4.59% 5.55% 4.72% 5.66% 4.45% 5.48% 5.32% 5.11% 5.71% 5.89% 6.57% 6.12% 4.72% 4.31% 6.38% 4.90% 4.78% 5.03% 7.81% 4.68% 6.15% 5.06% 3.94% 5.86% 5.69% 5.35% 5.11% 5.52% 5.07% 5.96% 5.70% 5.88% 5.13% 6.15% 4.74% 5.57% 5.80% 5.86% 4.86% 5.07% 5.26% 5.45% 5.52% 4.25% 5.98% 5.07% 4.65% 6.16% 7.45% 4.36% 7.28% 4.72% 6.63% N/A 5.93% 5.09% 4.15% 8.02% 5.59% 4.83% 5.49% $764 $1,059 $757 $2,059 $1,456 $1,366 $1,713 $870 $1,244 $1,616 $2,267 $935 $1,371 $1,609 $2,068 $1,652 $2,529 $847 $1,862 $1,180 $2,254 $1,734 $1,750 $1,111 $4,984 $1,834 $1,192 $2,099 $1,398 $897 $774 $1,105 $868 $963 $787 N/A $1,555 $2,122 $2,530 $1,257 $1,659 $1,455 $2,095 ©2014 Page | 106 NSW Units Suburb CROYDON CROYDON PARK CULBURRA BEACH CUMBALUM CURL CURL CURRANS HILL DALMENY DAPTO DARLING POINT DARLINGHURST DARLINGTON DAWES POINT DEE WHY DENILIQUIN DENISTONE DENISTONE EAST DOLLS POINT DOONSIDE DOUBLE BAY DOVER HEIGHTS DRUMMOYNE DUBBO DULWICH HILL DUNDAS DUNDAS VALLEY DURAL EAGLE VALE EARLWOOD EAST ALBURY EAST BALLINA EAST CORRIMAL EAST GOSFORD EAST HILLS EAST LISMORE EAST MAITLAND EAST TAMWORTH EASTLAKES EASTWOOD EDEN EDENSOR PARK EDGECLIFF EDGEWORTH ELANORA HEIGHTS www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2132 2133 2540 2478 2096 2567 2546 2530 2027 2010 2008 2000 2099 2710 2114 2112 2219 2767 2028 2030 2047 2830 2203 2117 2117 2158 2558 2206 2640 2478 2518 2250 2213 2480 2323 2340 2018 2122 2551 2176 2027 2285 2101 1297 1692 268 51 266 85 197 1003 3388 7124 749 482 9466 720 257 112 970 420 3019 548 4404 2479 4014 613 548 511 178 1356 1028 1325 843 1500 322 695 1632 631 2281 3222 378 306 1735 507 84 25 28 1 4 5 1 4 5 38 87 4 6 179 4 6 8 20 6 48 7 59 12 41 7 8 10 1 9 12 12 14 29 1 0 10 4 21 38 4 2 29 2 8 61 68 6 6 14 5 7 24 92 324 10 20 640 21 50 10 83 17 122 30 211 54 141 28 20 35 8 59 27 39 58 82 6 5 53 16 71 204 11 7 64 14 8 $561,500 $461,500 $286,000 $427,000 $785,500 $342,000 $262,500 $296,500 $1,276,500 $625,500 $448,000 $1,699,500 $521,000 $145,000 $731,500 $773,000 $516,000 $342,500 $861,000 $697,000 $727,000 $216,500 $520,000 $468,000 $641,000 $505,000 $301,000 $534,500 $178,500 $363,500 $303,500 $357,000 $520,500 $194,000 $290,000 $235,000 $434,500 $516,000 $178,000 $407,500 $635,000 $299,000 $745,000 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $511,500 $424,500 $262,000 $410,500 $756,500 $327,000 $233,500 $304,500 $1,204,500 $557,500 $456,000 $1,646,000 $464,000 $141,500 $671,500 $691,500 $468,000 $315,500 $809,000 $677,000 $670,500 $199,000 $470,500 $445,000 $586,000 $475,500 $269,500 $484,500 $175,000 $366,500 $301,500 $335,000 $482,000 $198,500 $268,500 $233,000 $398,500 $445,500 $187,000 $383,500 $620,500 $280,500 $681,000 $500 $430 $275 $415 $665 $390 $285 $320 $935 $615 $500 $1,115 $515 $155 $605 $640 $465 $405 $730 $625 $625 $220 $475 $450 $595 $450 $350 $475 $210 $360 $320 $385 $465 $215 $300 $255 $435 $490 $220 $440 $575 $315 $645 $480 $425 $270 $405 $675 $385 $305 $305 $915 $600 $500 $1,160 $495 $150 $595 $635 $455 $395 $720 $635 $610 $215 $465 $450 $595 $485 $335 $465 $210 $350 $315 $375 $465 $215 $295 $250 $425 $460 $215 $435 $575 $315 $670 9.84% 8.72% 9.16% 4.06% 3.82% 4.59% 12.44% -2.56% 5.98% 12.19% -1.76% 3.26% 12.29% 2.42% 9.00% 11.79% 10.29% 8.62% 6.47% 2.91% 8.43% 8.78% 10.49% 5.15% 9.46% 6.24% 11.80% 10.32% 2.16% -0.74% 0.72% 6.60% 7.97% -2.25% 8.05% 0.93% 9.11% 15.93% -4.72% 6.28% 2.34% 6.66% 9.37% 6.98% 7.10% 4.34% 4.70% 6.95% 4.71% 4.34% 4.74% 5.48% 6.54% 7.14% 5.76% 6.60% 3.16% 6.43% 5.02% 6.42% 5.12% 6.35% 6.12% 6.17% 5.09% 7.77% 5.73% 5.95% 5.00% 6.08% 7.20% 4.28% 4.92% 4.87% 4.86% 5.18% 2.38% 5.14% 4.25% 6.70% 6.47% 5.01% 5.00% 6.04% 4.15% 5.13% 4.74% 5.09% 5.05% 5.11% 4.67% 6.05% 6.33% 5.40% 3.91% 5.30% 5.83% 3.59% 5.32% 5.74% 4.49% 4.56% 4.91% 6.28% 4.59% 4.89% 4.62% 5.46% 4.93% 5.17% 5.05% 5.10% 6.22% 4.77% 6.33% 5.09% 5.55% 5.74% 4.89% 5.70% 5.60% 5.65% 5.37% 5.05% 6.16% 5.81% 4.84% 5.65% 4.92% 5.23% 5.78% 5.40% 4.50% 5.05% 6.35% 5.59% 4.98% 3.53% 5.44% 6.04% 3.74% 6.09% 6.72% 4.51% 5.22% 5.18% 5.69% 4.51% 5.03% 5.12% 5.93% 5.52% 5.52% 4.75% 5.10% 6.25% 5.20% 7.48% 4.60% 4.80% 4.67% 4.89% 6.05% 5.26% 5.82% 6.53% 5.66% 6.14% 5.62% 5.05% 5.10% 4.95% $1,509 $1,295 $757 $1,390 $2,120 $1,669 $695 $1,051 $2,511 $1,840 $1,738 $2,703 $1,435 $853 $2,145 $1,864 $1,206 $1,110 $2,277 $2,508 $2,148 $1,052 $1,540 $13,032 $1,370 $1,998 $1,459 $1,391 $1,141 $1,068 $1,098 $863 $1,319 $833 $1,036 $1,161 $865 $1,327 $784 $1,458 $12,590 $1,015 $1,997 ©2014 Page | 107 NSW Units Suburb ELERMORE VALE ELIZABETH BAY ELIZABETH HILLS EMU PLAINS ENFIELD ENGADINE ENMORE EPPING ERINA ERMINGTON ERSKINEVILLE ETTALONG BEACH EVANS HEAD EVELEIGH FAIRFIELD FAIRFIELD HEIGHTS FAIRLIGHT FAIRY MEADOW FIGTREE FINGAL BAY FIVE DOCK FLINDERS FLORAVILLE FOREST LODGE FORESTVILLE FORSTER FRENCHS FOREST FRESHWATER FULLERTON COVE GEORGES HALL GEORGETOWN GERRINGONG GIRARDS HILL GIRRAWEEN GLADESVILLE GLEBE GLEN INNES GLENBROOK GLENDENNING GLENFIELD GLENFIELD PARK GLENHAVEN GLENMORE PARK www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2287 2011 2171 2750 2136 2233 2042 2121 2250 2115 2043 2257 2473 2015 2165 2165 2094 2519 2525 2315 2046 2529 2280 2037 2087 2428 2086 2096 2318 2198 2298 2534 2480 2145 2111 2037 2370 2773 2761 2167 2650 2156 2745 863 5094 6 755 491 1539 814 3916 1690 1094 2830 1783 964 231 4380 640 2111 1575 1075 568 2366 480 93 711 657 4523 389 2489 18 573 155 252 137 877 2781 4304 301 144 136 1085 612 421 658 13 58 4 10 12 47 5 65 4 15 41 32 8 5 55 4 38 27 3 6 36 10 2 5 9 51 8 57 6 4 4 1 2 23 63 29 1 3 2 13 3 3 29 30 196 6 39 27 119 27 351 6 48 146 94 28 11 253 14 112 172 23 16 124 28 9 19 26 176 14 170 9 10 5 5 8 49 178 109 5 6 6 52 21 20 51 $297,500 $592,000 $211,000 $374,500 $510,500 $454,500 $519,500 $614,000 $302,500 $583,500 $609,500 $340,000 $319,000 $598,500 $294,000 $400,500 $784,500 $311,000 $376,500 $369,000 $668,500 $353,500 $326,500 $594,500 $637,000 $284,000 $804,000 $562,500 $498,500 $453,000 $266,000 $400,000 $197,000 $420,000 $499,000 $596,000 $196,500 $438,500 $377,500 $307,000 $242,500 $668,000 $350,500 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $302,000 $509,000 $199,000 $359,000 $460,000 $416,000 $464,500 $540,000 $293,500 $540,500 $539,000 $328,500 $319,500 $555,500 $265,000 $357,500 $727,500 $279,000 $348,000 $346,000 $591,500 $347,000 $319,000 $521,500 $616,000 $268,500 $741,000 $506,500 $492,000 $403,500 $255,500 $368,000 $206,500 $376,000 $447,500 $558,500 $190,500 $413,000 $339,500 $261,000 $241,500 $637,500 $348,000 $350 $595 $340 $390 $485 $420 $465 $530 $350 $545 $640 $370 $290 $605 $350 $440 $725 $360 $395 $350 $600 $390 $350 $570 $565 $305 $525 $520 $400 $485 $310 $375 $190 $425 $445 $555 $170 $455 $460 $355 $290 $600 $390 $355 $575 $325 $390 $460 $415 $455 $520 $345 $525 $615 $355 $290 $610 $345 $430 $700 $345 $395 $355 $590 $390 $345 $540 $565 $290 $500 $500 $395 $465 $310 $370 $205 $415 $440 $540 $160 $435 $410 $340 $285 $575 $390 -1.43% 16.32% 6.06% 4.27% 10.97% 9.34% 11.79% 13.73% 2.97% 7.93% 13.08% 3.52% -0.13% 7.67% 10.79% 12.02% 7.88% 11.56% 8.09% 6.61% 13.02% 1.90% 2.29% 14.02% 3.43% 5.79% 8.50% 11.01% 1.29% 12.29% 4.01% 8.68% -4.51% 11.76% 11.57% 6.75% 3.01% 6.17% 11.23% 17.71% 0.33% 4.77% 0.80% 5.04% 6.42% 5.01% 4.50% 6.43% 5.65% 7.41% 6.59% 3.81% 6.04% 7.04% 4.17% 4.93% 5.84% 6.10% 5.02% 6.71% 5.52% 5.46% 4.97% 6.71% 5.01% 4.68% 7.42% 5.35% 4.11% 3.68% 6.89% 4.07% 5.85% 5.08% 4.87% 3.10% 5.24% 6.69% 6.81% 4.84% 5.21% 5.30% 5.86% 4.74% 5.23% 4.51% 6.30% 5.48% 8.20% 5.60% 5.04% 4.95% 4.86% 4.70% 6.03% 4.93% 5.62% 5.64% 4.72% 5.50% 6.45% 5.90% 4.89% 6.14% 5.68% 5.13% 4.84% 5.77% 5.54% 5.06% 4.79% 5.58% 3.42% 4.95% 4.21% 5.71% 6.19% 5.05% 5.27% 5.48% 4.85% 4.94% 4.35% 5.41% 6.16% 6.23% 6.22% 4.66% 5.94% 5.40% 5.52% N/A 5.29% 5.31% 5.24% 6.23% 5.16% 4.71% 5.24% 5.90% 4.38% 4.73% 5.31% 6.89% 5.60% 5.15% 5.27% 4.83% 4.40% 5.18% 4.81% 5.22% 5.60% 5.17% 4.61% 5.02% 5.97% N/A 5.32% 6.78% 4.33% 6.24% 5.75% 5.50% 5.31% 6.80% 3.94% 5.80% 6.68% 6.44% 4.88% 5.42% $1,212 $1,710 $0 $1,409 $1,292 $1,666 $1,714 $1,683 $805 $1,294 $2,290 $721 $700 $1,312 $813 $912 $2,213 $867 $1,394 $805 $1,706 $1,518 $5,104 $1,773 $1,731 $729 $2,135 $1,833 $1,062 $1,325 $1,147 $1,186 $817 $1,315 $1,558 $1,350 $729 $1,916 $1,581 $1,394 $1,325 $2,293 $1,930 ©2014 Page | 108 NSW Units Suburb GLENROY GLENWOOD GOONELLABAH GORDON GOROKAN GOSFORD GOULBURN GRAFTON GRANVILLE GREEN POINT GREEN VALLEY GREENACRE GREENFIELD PARK GREENWICH GREGORY HILLS GRETA GREYSTANES GRIFFITH GUILDFORD GUILDFORD WEST GUNNEDAH GWYNNEVILLE GYMEA GYMEA BAY HABERFIELD HAMILTON HAMLYN TERRACE HAMMONDVILLE HARRINGTON HARRIS PARK HASTINGS POINT HAWKS NEST HAYMARKET HAZELBROOK HEATHCOTE HELENSBURGH HILLSDALE HILLVUE HINCHINBROOK HOLROYD HOLSWORTHY HOMEBUSH HOMEBUSH WEST www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2640 2768 2480 2072 2263 2250 2580 2460 2142 2251 2168 2190 2176 2065 2557 2334 2145 2680 2161 2161 2380 2500 2227 2227 2045 2303 2259 2170 2427 2150 2489 2324 2000 2779 2233 2508 2036 2340 2168 2142 2173 2140 2140 282 121 1428 1722 797 2477 1717 1603 3173 446 434 2435 108 1308 37 27 637 1838 3217 207 663 612 1739 228 510 779 272 337 499 2034 625 706 4032 122 721 368 2322 125 167 379 165 2374 2594 2 4 11 57 15 53 13 7 39 2 3 23 3 29 3 0 6 8 71 4 3 4 35 3 4 5 1 3 1 23 2 6 28 1 7 9 149 1 6 9 5 38 81 10 8 43 149 51 155 58 32 165 14 9 68 8 59 17 6 22 34 185 17 17 23 104 18 15 20 22 13 13 116 6 25 104 6 27 32 222 5 23 34 10 171 472 $196,500 $478,000 $260,000 $727,500 $233,000 $294,000 $218,500 $223,000 $360,500 $358,500 $400,500 $423,000 $386,000 $601,500 $368,500 $309,000 $407,500 $223,500 $341,000 $391,000 $230,500 $320,500 $532,500 $696,500 $555,500 $388,000 $344,500 $367,000 $251,500 $338,000 $435,000 $311,500 $652,500 $335,500 $521,500 $442,000 $451,500 $288,500 $397,500 $424,500 $486,500 $501,000 $456,000 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $200,000 $468,500 $259,000 $687,000 $229,500 $275,000 $185,500 $214,500 $321,500 $340,500 $360,500 $384,500 $358,000 $541,500 $351,000 $279,000 $384,500 $195,000 $316,500 $363,000 $229,500 $302,500 $480,500 $673,000 $498,000 $373,500 $308,500 $324,500 $263,000 $295,500 $431,000 $332,500 $598,000 $303,000 $478,000 $428,000 $405,000 $301,500 $359,500 $401,500 $458,500 $469,000 $405,500 $230 $525 $260 $665 $280 $345 $245 $240 $395 $365 $455 $485 $395 $555 $450 $310 $405 $225 $385 $430 $275 $340 $490 $635 $505 $420 $375 $400 $255 $380 $310 $315 $720 $380 $485 $465 $460 $305 $435 $435 $460 $495 $470 $230 $525 $270 $655 $280 $330 $230 $245 $385 $360 $430 $470 $400 $550 $425 $325 $415 $220 $385 $425 $275 $330 $485 $630 $485 $420 $375 $390 $280 $375 $315 $340 $715 $330 $475 $455 $440 $315 $415 $435 $475 $495 $455 -1.70% 2.09% 0.42% 5.85% 1.38% 6.91% 17.73% 3.98% 12.17% 5.22% 11.16% 9.97% 7.87% 11.03% 4.99% 10.70% 5.95% 14.65% 7.72% 7.63% 0.37% 5.98% 10.82% 3.53% 11.60% 3.89% 11.67% 13.10% -4.44% 14.39% 0.97% -6.32% 9.16% 10.78% 9.10% 3.19% 11.52% -4.22% 10.60% 5.69% 6.10% 6.84% 12.39% 3.47% 5.60% 4.89% 5.11% 4.17% 3.70% 4.93% 4.77% 6.50% 4.88% 6.19% 5.63% 6.03% 5.67% 4.60% 4.60% 5.47% 3.68% 5.56% 5.23% 2.91% 5.59% 6.26% 5.11% 6.79% 5.75% 4.70% 5.64% 4.14% 6.23% 7.38% 3.07% 3.10% 5.28% 5.88% 5.25% 6.81% 3.46% 5.81% 3.98% 6.24% 6.32% 6.73% 6.16% 5.82% 5.45% 4.90% 6.34% 6.16% 6.08% 5.92% 5.99% 5.46% 5.96% 6.11% 5.62% 5.01% 6.24% 5.82% 5.48% 5.47% 6.06% 5.82% 6.24% 5.61% 5.01% 4.86% 4.81% 5.85% 5.99% 5.99% 5.73% 6.15% 3.86% 5.53% 5.91% 5.40% 4.95% 5.51% 5.42% 5.63% 5.76% 5.54% 5.23% 5.41% 5.56% 6.70% 4.92% 5.59% 4.79% 5.53% 4.85% 6.71% 5.74% 6.41% 4.68% 5.83% 5.69% 6.07% 5.48% 6.04% 6.17% 5.77% 5.72% 5.96% 5.44% 5.72% 4.98% 5.08% 4.23% 5.61% 4.83% 5.07% 5.69% 4.98% 6.93% 4.45% 4.13% 4.69% 4.78% 4.87% 4.28% 6.46% 5.22% 5.99% 5.36% 5.13% 5.56% 5.85% $1,342 $2,192 $958 $2,223 $771 $1,013 $949 $816 $1,086 $1,084 $1,391 $959 $1,331 $2,358 $1,527 $1,330 $1,379 $1,015 $945 $1,111 $938 $789 $1,453 $2,204 $1,730 $1,078 $1,331 $1,444 $649 $1,114 $585 $725 $1,007 $1,247 $1,598 $1,792 $1,134 $1,365 $1,524 $1,701 $1,923 $1,458 $1,318 ©2014 Page | 109 NSW Units Suburb HORNSBY HORNSBY HEIGHTS HORSLEY HOWLONG HUNTERS HILL HUNTERVIEW HUNTLEYS COVE HURLSTONE PARK HURSTVILLE HURSTVILLE GROVE HUSKISSON ILLAWONG ILUKA INGLEBURN ISLINGTON JAMISONTOWN JANNALI JERRABOMBERRA JESMOND JINDABYNE KAHIBAH KANAHOOKA KARABAR KARIONG KATOOMBA KEIRAVILLE KELLYVILLE KELLYVILLE RIDGE KELSO KENSINGTON KIAMA KIAMA DOWNS KILLARA KILLARNEY VALE KINCUMBER KINGS LANGLEY KINGS PARK KINGSCLIFF KINGSFORD KINGSGROVE KINGSWOOD KIRRAWEE KIRRIBILLI www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2077 2077 2530 2643 2110 2330 2111 2193 2220 2220 2540 2234 2466 2565 2296 2750 2226 2619 2299 2627 2290 2530 2620 2250 2780 2500 2155 2155 2795 2033 2533 2533 2071 2261 2251 2147 2148 2487 2032 2208 2747 2232 2061 6797 109 106 165 1482 194 487 813 6450 138 358 205 380 2042 277 1009 969 504 716 1685 327 545 727 132 1021 503 858 253 455 4801 1801 156 1919 476 2404 210 129 2695 3691 661 2415 1833 2556 119 4 1 4 23 6 9 8 113 4 11 3 6 29 2 20 16 4 6 27 6 3 11 1 7 8 5 47 4 64 30 3 142 0 6 1 0 38 36 44 36 20 33 310 9 7 9 79 15 29 23 392 13 18 11 11 91 14 51 54 31 39 80 18 10 27 5 19 29 34 85 18 326 97 9 260 5 21 12 7 110 111 61 152 75 101 $501,000 $682,000 $334,000 $234,500 $601,000 $359,000 $884,000 $487,000 $531,500 $721,000 $374,000 $623,000 $243,000 $289,500 $431,000 $275,000 $427,500 $418,500 $281,500 $213,000 $391,000 $356,500 $352,000 $314,500 $264,500 $356,000 $572,000 $437,500 $169,500 $623,500 $394,000 $346,500 $735,500 $270,500 $288,000 $460,000 $373,500 $350,500 $599,500 $417,500 $298,000 $480,000 $817,000 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $437,500 $597,500 $322,000 $238,000 $563,000 $339,500 $787,500 $452,500 $476,000 $666,500 $368,500 $572,000 $249,500 $264,000 $407,500 $266,500 $400,500 $403,000 $262,000 $228,000 $364,500 $353,000 $364,500 $299,500 $249,500 $349,500 $536,000 $406,000 $155,500 $548,000 $381,000 $360,500 $694,500 $261,500 $285,500 $423,000 $332,500 $339,000 $536,000 $399,000 $271,000 $436,500 $751,000 $495 $595 $370 $250 $490 $400 $680 $450 $500 $600 $335 $590 $220 $365 $435 $335 $410 $455 $330 $265 $440 $380 $380 $360 $275 $390 $580 $445 $260 $580 $390 $340 $655 $300 $320 $465 $390 $330 $545 $445 $360 $465 $675 $465 $565 $360 $250 $485 $425 $705 $445 $495 $590 $345 $590 $225 $355 $435 $325 $415 $455 $330 $265 $415 $370 $395 $355 $270 $385 $575 $435 $250 $555 $380 $340 $645 $300 $305 $445 $385 $330 $545 $430 $345 $450 $655 14.54% 14.19% 3.72% -1.47% 6.81% 5.74% 12.26% 7.63% 11.66% 8.16% 1.59% 8.86% -2.62% 9.70% 5.66% 3.31% 6.78% 3.80% 7.40% -6.62% 7.30% 0.95% -3.42% 4.95% 6.16% 1.86% 6.66% 7.81% 8.75% 13.78% 3.39% -3.82% 5.90% 3.58% 0.75% 8.75% 12.35% 3.36% 11.86% 4.68% 9.91% 9.99% 8.74% 6.32% 6.49% 4.98% 4.27% 6.11% 5.69% 6.22% 7.11% 6.71% 4.79% 4.91% 4.42% 4.06% 5.64% 6.83% 5.08% 5.77% 6.43% 4.95% 3.58% 4.84% 3.98% 5.74% 4.50% 5.18% 4.47% 6.04% 5.28% 4.05% 6.78% 5.24% 4.68% 5.87% 4.02% 4.56% 5.75% 5.91% 4.54% 6.67% 6.33% 5.67% 6.15% 6.33% 5.25% 4.64% 5.79% 5.58% 4.44% 6.28% 4.38% 5.03% 5.15% 4.46% 4.82% 5.14% 4.80% 6.72% 5.41% 6.48% 5.22% 5.88% 6.31% 6.44% 5.79% 5.54% 5.77% 6.04% 5.66% 5.70% 5.36% 5.46% 7.98% 5.05% 5.17% 5.04% 4.84% 5.88% 5.73% 5.30% 5.63% 5.06% 5.02% 5.59% 6.45% 5.16% 4.52% 5.99% 5.55% 4.71% 7.17% 4.97% 5.15% 4.13% 5.29% 5.34% 4.14% 4.44% 4.36% 5.03% 6.43% 4.71% 6.06% 5.18% 5.96% 5.75% 6.63% 4.70% 4.14% 6.19% 4.82% 5.29% 4.54% 5.22% 5.74% 7.06% 5.40% 4.42% 4.27% 5.17% 4.66% 4.91% 6.20% 6.12% 4.59% 5.35% 5.35% 6.21% 5.28% 4.69% $1,436 $2,053 $1,643 $882 $2,291 $2,406 $2,069 $1,492 $1,137 $1,772 $812 $2,287 $578 $1,210 $1,148 $1,228 $1,550 $2,691 $735 $1,239 $7,454 $981 $1,559 $1,456 $806 $1,053 $2,251 $2,327 $1,272 $1,498 $1,007 $1,558 $2,508 $948 $924 $1,940 $1,641 $908 $1,227 $1,257 $1,039 $1,387 $1,976 ©2014 Page | 110 NSW Units Suburb KOGARAH KOORINGAL KORORA KOTARA KURRABA POINT KURRI KURRI LAKE CATHIE LAKE HAVEN LAKE HEIGHTS LAKE ILLAWARRA LAKEMBA LAMBTON LANE COVE LANE COVE NORTH LANE COVE WEST LAURIETON LAVENDER BAY LAVINGTON LEETON LEICHHARDT LEMON TREE PASSAGE LENNOX HEAD LEUMEAH LEURA* LEWISHAM LIBERTY GROVE LIDCOMBE LILYFIELD LINDFIELD LISAROW LISMORE LISMORE HEIGHTS LITTLE BAY* LIVERPOOL LOFTUS LONG JETTY LUGARNO LURNEA MACLEAN MACQUARIE FIELDS MACQUARIE PARK MAGENTA MAITLAND www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2217 2650 2450 2289 2089 2327 2445 2263 2502 2528 2195 2299 2066 2066 2066 2443 2060 2641 2705 2040 2319 2478 2560 2780 2049 2138 2141 2040 2070 2250 2480 2480 2036 2170 2232 2261 2210 2170 2463 2564 2113 2261 2320 4829 801 379 276 828 547 318 529 317 884 4609 662 3786 3307 405 731 579 2576 745 2886 189 1265 1200 524 613 656 2703 1212 1643 385 947 379 1475 7901 215 1935 147 749 342 1475 3198 247 512 74 3 4 3 14 7 3 0 3 9 53 7 157 90 4 5 7 23 2 24 1 18 17 4 5 11 47 14 21 5 3 3 27 136 3 23 4 7 2 25 34 1 8 271 22 21 18 44 27 8 8 6 23 226 22 265 281 10 14 39 95 16 82 6 67 54 11 22 33 166 33 85 16 7 11 71 469 10 94 11 27 8 82 106 8 25 $453,500 $192,500 $287,500 $356,500 $810,000 $271,500 $221,000 $241,500 $279,000 $260,000 $303,000 $366,000 $588,500 $550,000 $595,000 $292,500 $687,000 $164,000 $161,500 $674,000 $247,500 $477,500 $247,500 $354,000 $499,000 $566,500 $478,500 $716,000 $658,500 $314,500 $177,500 $239,000 $802,500 $281,000 $552,000 $289,500 $796,000 $329,000 $236,500 $277,000 $510,500 $679,500 $255,500 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $412,500 $183,500 $292,500 $325,500 $766,500 $240,500 $217,000 $233,000 $257,500 $258,000 $262,000 $332,000 $525,500 $484,000 $531,000 $297,000 $615,500 $159,000 $151,500 $627,500 $247,500 $469,000 $236,000 $312,000 $456,500 $515,500 $433,000 $645,500 $620,000 $287,000 $186,000 $248,000 $723,000 $256,500 $530,500 $269,500 $787,500 $297,500 $222,500 $249,000 $457,000 $619,500 $262,500 $450 $205 $360 $405 $655 $280 $260 $285 $275 $305 $370 $385 $525 $505 $550 $300 $595 $190 $180 $605 $290 $425 $320 $370 $445 $565 $505 $635 $610 $380 $190 $255 $740 $340 $485 $320 $650 $370 $235 $360 $460 $560 $255 $440 $200 $350 $395 $660 $285 $255 $280 $275 $290 $355 $385 $505 $485 $540 $300 $595 $190 $175 $585 $280 $445 $320 $360 $430 $560 $485 $595 $595 $365 $200 $260 $715 $335 $485 $315 $640 $365 $240 $340 $445 $520 $275 9.95% 4.86% -1.84% 9.57% 5.67% 12.85% 1.77% 3.76% 8.39% 0.80% 15.66% 10.15% 11.99% 13.61% 12.04% -1.51% 11.61% 3.29% 6.48% 7.39% 0.17% 1.76% 4.93% 13.45% 9.32% 9.90% 10.51% 10.96% 6.24% 9.53% -4.47% -3.71% 10.97% 9.57% 4.02% 7.40% 1.08% 10.71% 6.21% 11.40% 11.66% 9.67% -2.54% 6.46% 5.21% 2.92% 4.98% 6.25% 5.12% 3.34% 3.48% 5.19% 4.38% 6.32% 5.41% 6.25% 6.36% 5.33% 3.86% 6.57% 3.79% 3.62% 7.09% 2.20% 6.00% 5.18% 3.39% 7.03% 4.99% 7.22% 7.23% 6.30% 4.43% 2.28% 3.92% 3.74% 6.05% 5.16% 4.32% 5.47% 5.11% 4.28% 5.54% 6.62% 4.02% 4.49% 5.33% 5.71% 6.33% 6.15% 4.50% 5.81% 6.31% 6.15% 5.37% 5.90% 6.57% 5.77% 4.78% 4.95% 5.05% 5.37% 4.81% 6.22% 6.04% 4.77% 5.82% 4.93% 6.93% 5.64% 4.72% 5.38% 5.57% 4.68% 5.02% 6.40% 5.72% 5.55% 4.88% 6.56% 4.77% 5.93% 4.21% 6.09% 5.43% 6.92% 4.86% 4.17% 5.55% 5.62% 7.10% 4.80% 5.02% 4.87% 5.61% 5.50% 4.98% 5.09% 5.14% 6.93% 4.87% 5.61% 6.03% 5.47% 4.74% 5.39% 7.08% 6.76% 5.15% 5.01% 4.32% 6.59% 4.16% 6.02% 5.11% 5.71% 4.96% 5.39% 4.91% 5.88% 5.77% 4.23% 6.94% 4.59% 4.98% 3.86% 6.14% 5.66% 6.59% 5.45% 3.35% 5.73% $1,238 $1,021 $1,267 $1,297 $2,644 $846 $923 $698 $895 $707 $849 $1,141 $1,942 $1,837 $2,540 $567 $1,947 $826 $977 $1,924 $870 $1,258 $1,144 $1,016 $1,698 $1,924 $1,230 $1,871 $2,414 $1,558 $705 $933 $1,613 $922 $1,671 $735 $1,811 $883 $703 $989 $1,258 $2,083 $933 ©2014 Page | 111 NSW Units Suburb MANGERTON MANLY MANLY VALE MARAYONG MARDI MARKS POINT MAROUBRA MARRICKVILLE MARSFIELD MARYVILLE MASCOT MATRAVILLE MAYFIELD MAYFIELD EAST MAYFIELD WEST MCMAHONS POINT MEADOWBANK MEDOWIE MENAI MEREWETHER MERIMBULA MERRYLANDS MERRYLANDS WEST METFORD MIDDLETON GRANGE* MILLERS POINT MILSONS POINT MINCHINBURY MINTO MIRANDA MITCHELL* MITTAGONG MOAMA MOLLYMOOK MOLLYMOOK BEACH MONA VALE MONTEREY MOOREBANK MOREE MORTDALE MORTLAKE MOSMAN MOSS VALE www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2500 2095 2093 2148 2259 2280 2035 2204 2122 2293 2020 2036 2304 2304 2304 2060 2114 2318 2234 2291 2548 2160 2160 2323 2171 2000 2061 2770 2566 2228 2795 2575 2731 2539 2539 2103 2217 2170 2400 2223 2137 2088 2577 497 8599 2018 414 194 396 8275 6605 4436 262 3565 1426 1260 187 235 1439 2361 88 1168 2255 2148 4644 1516 363 53 2229 2620 183 1036 4264 118 577 696 226 269 2724 1296 467 1020 2385 363 10205 590 9 128 32 1 5 3 91 73 46 3 73 35 13 0 3 15 42 2 17 23 24 80 14 4 1 11 21 39 15 57 2 4 10 2 3 36 20 44 3 38 19 166 5 25 383 131 9 13 12 370 374 167 14 315 75 26 29 8 41 138 9 53 77 82 246 62 10 6 50 72 43 56 188 5 15 34 7 9 152 71 59 8 125 77 438 22 $276,000 $800,500 $507,000 $395,500 $247,000 $285,500 $629,000 $500,500 $582,500 $618,500 $621,500 $620,500 $294,000 $346,500 $296,000 $755,000 $443,000 $226,500 $545,500 $407,000 $211,000 $350,000 $338,000 $311,000 $448,000 $1,057,000 $1,059,500 $345,500 $269,000 $497,000 $165,000 $452,500 $219,000 $309,500 $332,000 $642,000 $537,500 $401,000 $182,000 $446,500 $750,000 $699,500 $349,000 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $271,500 $728,500 $483,500 $347,000 $244,500 $260,000 $564,500 $434,500 $526,000 $594,000 $559,000 $583,000 $285,000 $299,000 $306,000 $725,000 $413,500 $222,000 $488,500 $391,000 $210,500 $312,000 $298,000 $297,000 $404,000 $968,000 $915,500 $325,500 $237,500 $449,500 $154,000 $441,000 $210,000 $290,500 $313,500 $621,500 $477,500 $351,000 $189,000 $403,500 $734,000 $631,000 $381,000 $345 $740 $495 $430 $315 $315 $585 $475 $530 $585 $600 $580 $325 $365 $240 $630 $420 $270 $505 $410 $250 $400 $385 $315 $470 $975 $855 $430 $345 $475 $220 $405 $220 $400 $310 $575 $510 $430 $190 $425 $695 $615 $345 $335 $715 $500 $415 $325 $295 $570 $465 $510 $575 $590 $565 $300 $330 $245 $635 $415 $260 $495 $405 $235 $385 $375 $310 $465 $940 $840 $415 $330 $460 $210 $385 $220 $360 $310 $580 $485 $420 $155 $415 $715 $595 $350 1.57% 9.84% 4.87% 13.88% 1.13% 9.70% 11.49% 15.15% 10.77% 4.15% 11.17% 6.44% 3.25% 15.90% -3.13% 4.13% 7.14% 1.86% 11.68% 4.09% 0.10% 12.19% 13.37% 4.84% 10.93% 9.20% 15.72% 6.16% 13.18% 10.61% 6.95% 2.67% 4.24% 6.54% 5.85% 3.36% 12.55% 14.27% -3.58% 10.74% 2.18% 10.80% -8.38% 3.31% 6.99% 6.68% 3.87% 2.26% 4.04% 6.83% 7.93% 6.34% 4.47% 7.92% 6.18% 4.87% 5.87% 5.26% 6.66% 7.00% 4.09% 6.08% 5.69% 2.79% 5.80% 5.58% 5.05% 5.09% 6.01% 6.11% 4.71% 5.65% 5.96% 3.99% 4.13% 3.61% 3.74% 4.05% 6.97% 6.50% 5.51% 2.35% 6.37% 4.81% 6.37% 6.18% 6.54% 5.00% 5.26% 5.82% 6.90% 5.65% 5.00% 5.13% 4.84% 4.99% 5.25% 4.94% 5.56% 5.34% 4.28% 4.51% 5.16% 6.11% 4.99% 5.34% 5.93% 6.13% 6.15% 5.40% 5.58% 4.88% 4.51% 6.60% 6.95% 5.14% 6.93% 4.61% 5.34% 6.40% 4.99% 4.89% 5.05% 5.80% 4.49% 5.14% 5.00% 4.73% 5.13% 4.78% 5.31% 6.13% 5.96% 5.20% 5.15% 5.40% 5.79% 5.16% 3.84% 5.82% 5.20% 5.37% 5.37% 5.03% 4.87% 5.82% 6.22% 4.91% 4.78% 5.35% 6.12% 5.98% 5.28% N/A 3.94% 4.33% 5.90% 6.69% 5.18% 6.94% 4.73% 6.40% 5.05% 4.55% 5.47% 4.99% 5.61% 2.59% 5.58% 4.35% 5.15% 5.56% $1,251 $2,084 $1,555 $1,149 $1,330 $823 $1,428 $1,406 $1,413 $1,377 $1,483 $1,291 $979 $1,069 $944 $2,549 $1,419 $1,501 $1,967 $1,559 $828 $1,042 $994 $1,170 $3,242 $2,202 $2,632 $1,712 $1,152 $1,294 $506 $942 $871 $816 $767 $1,686 $1,294 $1,434 $1,084 $1,392 $2,050 $2,465 $1,008 ©2014 Page | 112 NSW Units Suburb MOUNT ANNAN MOUNT COLAH MOUNT DRUITT MOUNT HUTTON MOUNT PRITCHARD MUDGEE MULWALA MURWILLUMBAH* MUSWELLBROOK NAMBUCCA HEADS NARARA NAREMBURN NAROOMA NARRABEEN NARWEE NELSON BAY NEUTRAL BAY NEW LAMBTON NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE EAST NEWCASTLE WEST NEWINGTON NEWPORT NEWTOWN NIAGARA PARK NORMANHURST NORTH ALBURY NORTH BATEMANS BAY NORTH BONDI NORTH CURL CURL* NORTH EPPING NORTH GOSFORD NORTH HAVEN NORTH MANLY NORTH NOWRA NORTH PARRAMATTA NORTH RICHMOND NORTH ROCKS NORTH RYDE NORTH ST MARYS NORTH STRATHFIELD NORTH SYDNEY NORTH TAMWORTH www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2567 2079 2770 2290 2170 2850 2647 2484 2333 2448 2250 2065 2546 2101 2209 2315 2089 2305 2300 2300 2302 2127 2106 2042 2250 2076 2640 2536 2026 2099 2121 2250 2443 2100 2541 2151 2754 2151 2113 2760 2137 2060 2340 88 147 3332 628 463 1204 555 733 1042 1632 603 1555 830 3803 1111 3004 5870 1302 2032 564 678 1311 1565 4191 181 653 780 148 2769 142 140 755 443 182 328 4556 693 770 750 140 1354 5692 1004 1 2 88 7 1 7 3 5 5 5 7 25 10 64 13 52 96 16 32 4 11 29 37 38 3 4 5 3 39 1 2 19 4 4 4 83 14 3 7 1 13 56 4 10 5 275 19 6 22 15 10 23 18 25 94 32 232 29 143 262 61 156 15 31 73 114 87 10 17 24 9 122 7 7 52 11 8 13 279 49 14 15 5 43 197 15 $353,500 $605,000 $267,000 $337,500 $350,500 $315,000 $249,000 $258,500 $208,000 $221,500 $297,000 $750,000 $242,500 $605,000 $390,500 $326,000 $725,500 $348,500 $529,000 $728,500 $359,500 $528,500 $548,000 $516,500 $364,500 $577,000 $155,500 $219,000 $726,000 $683,000 $758,500 $293,500 $295,500 $487,500 $215,000 $432,000 $338,000 $602,000 $687,000 $256,000 $577,000 $599,000 $217,500 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $347,500 $563,500 $245,500 $317,000 $330,000 $284,000 $249,000 $274,000 $213,000 $240,500 $278,000 $673,000 $231,000 $540,500 $355,500 $323,000 $635,500 $323,500 $503,500 $687,000 $338,000 $497,500 $530,500 $446,000 $355,000 $520,000 $162,000 $218,500 $660,000 $582,500 $715,500 $270,500 $287,000 $472,500 $209,500 $381,000 $316,000 $530,500 $620,000 $249,000 $523,500 $554,500 $211,000 $400 $575 $365 $370 $385 $340 $250 $275 $250 $245 $335 $665 $225 $545 $405 $315 $635 $380 $570 $690 $450 $515 $515 $485 $395 $510 $165 $240 $640 $625 $610 $355 $265 $485 $260 $445 $385 $555 $585 $310 $555 $570 $260 $400 $555 $350 $355 $385 $345 $255 $275 $270 $235 $330 $655 $230 $535 $395 $325 $615 $380 $570 $680 $420 $515 $505 $465 $390 $490 $175 $235 $625 $585 $595 $340 $260 $490 $255 $420 $375 $535 $555 $335 $545 $570 $255 1.85% 7.37% 8.70% 6.47% 6.15% 10.91% 0.05% -5.70% -2.20% -7.86% 6.83% 11.41% 4.93% 11.97% 9.78% 0.92% 14.19% 7.67% 5.03% 6.02% 6.29% 6.19% 3.39% 15.88% 2.67% 10.99% -3.96% 0.16% 10.01% 17.23% 5.99% 8.57% 2.88% 3.22% 2.53% 13.36% 6.97% 13.51% 10.83% 2.83% 10.23% 8.08% 3.15% 5.75% 5.70% 5.76% 5.10% 5.30% 5.31% 6.05% 5.25% 5.07% 4.05% 4.39% 6.69% 3.77% 6.69% 6.31% 2.31% 6.20% 5.13% 5.03% 4.77% 3.27% 4.54% 6.05% 7.90% 5.51% 5.76% 4.36% 3.61% 7.22% 7.47% 5.42% 3.30% 3.77% 6.36% 3.97% 6.00% 5.37% 5.01% 6.07% 4.96% 6.62% 6.08% 3.79% 6.09% 5.01% 7.26% 5.69% 5.87% 5.96% 5.42% 5.41% 6.69% 5.45% 6.03% 4.85% 5.01% 4.91% 5.57% 5.23% 4.79% 5.85% 5.74% 5.08% 6.42% 5.27% 5.00% 5.11% 5.68% 4.70% 5.66% 5.57% 4.75% 4.84% 4.20% 6.35% 4.66% 5.33% 6.19% 5.54% 5.97% 4.98% 4.52% 6.77% 5.21% 5.19% 6.21% 5.96% 6.24% 6.85% 5.11% 6.27% 5.10% 6.34% 5.66% 6.66% 5.27% 5.06% 5.24% 5.13% 5.66% 5.68% 4.17% 4.94% 5.14% 4.11% 3.64% 4.53% 4.99% 5.56% 6.00% 4.52% 5.51% 7.23% 5.29% 5.08% 5.55% 4.60% 5.02% 4.58% 5.99% 5.97% 5.85% 5.47% 4.82% 4.62% 6.98% 5.23% 5.32% 5.86% $1,984 $1,994 $1,049 $1,013 $966 $1,023 $826 $770 $1,404 $626 $1,294 $2,524 $724 $1,331 $1,013 $930 $2,073 $1,206 $1,750 $1,168 $1,200 $2,184 $1,778 $1,753 $1,231 $1,775 $802 $754 $2,119 $2,234 $2,038 $1,053 $619 $14,478 $1,012 $1,277 $1,300 $1,891 $1,604 $944 $1,590 $1,926 $898 ©2014 Page | 113 NSW Units Suburb NORTH TURRAMURRA NORTH WILLOUGHBY NORTH WOLLONGONG NORTHBRIDGE NORTHMEAD NOWRA OAK FLATS OATLANDS OATLEY OBERON OCEAN SHORES OLD BAR ORANGE ORANGEVILLE* OURIMBAH OXLEY PARK OYSTER BAY PADDINGTON PADSTOW PADSTOW HEIGHTS PAGEWOOD PALM BEACH PAMBULA PANANIA PARKLEA PARRAMATTA PEAKHURST PEAKHURST HEIGHTS PEMULWUY PENDLE HILL PENNANT HILLS PENRITH PENSHURST PETERSHAM PICNIC POINT PICTON PLUMPTON POINT CLARE POINT FREDERICK POINT PIPER POKOLBIN PORT KEMBLA PORT MACQUARIE www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2074 2068 2500 2063 2152 2541 2529 2117 2223 2787 2483 2430 2800 2570 2258 2760 2225 2021 2211 2211 2035 2108 2549 2213 2768 2150 2210 2210 2145 2145 2120 2750 2222 2049 2213 2571 2761 2250 2250 2027 2320 2505 2444 597 660 1048 627 2407 1341 446 772 1190 229 458 681 3402 94 387 675 182 3276 1444 506 352 160 198 756 110 10387 1227 49 392 1420 944 4060 3333 2363 285 204 478 440 720 713 126 721 11345 4 7 11 6 36 9 8 19 22 1 13 12 21 2 10 13 4 46 21 1 5 5 1 10 8 265 11 0 8 11 9 66 62 22 2 3 4 3 14 5 2 3 128 14 38 71 29 147 30 24 54 71 5 36 44 74 7 30 50 9 128 56 7 9 11 5 32 15 860 41 6 94 53 50 234 214 58 16 19 21 10 60 23 8 9 461 $864,000 $621,000 $348,500 $601,000 $461,500 $180,500 $288,000 $566,000 $571,000 $183,500 $342,000 $215,000 $235,500 $517,000 $267,000 $328,000 $632,500 $555,000 $496,000 $540,500 $706,000 $933,000 $237,000 $512,500 $418,000 $409,000 $619,000 $609,500 $418,500 $354,000 $481,500 $281,000 $433,500 $550,000 $550,000 $296,000 $295,000 $310,500 $294,000 $1,867,500 $216,000 $214,500 $288,500 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $825,000 $560,000 $337,000 $604,500 $407,500 $173,000 $271,500 $517,500 $518,000 $177,000 $354,000 $206,500 $242,000 $563,000 $253,500 $293,000 $563,500 $490,500 $454,500 $496,000 $702,000 $932,500 $229,500 $478,000 $405,500 $363,000 $593,000 $604,000 $372,000 $324,500 $439,500 $258,500 $396,500 $490,500 $514,500 $296,500 $267,500 $294,500 $261,500 $1,911,000 $213,000 $223,500 $281,500 $750 $570 $375 $555 $450 $225 $330 $560 $475 $155 $360 $255 $265 $505 $325 $390 $550 $525 $470 $495 $635 $730 $220 $460 $475 $435 $550 $520 $430 $375 $460 $325 $420 $500 $465 $350 $380 $355 $345 $1,215 $210 $265 $320 $755 $565 $375 $555 $435 $220 $320 $545 $480 $180 $365 $240 $275 $510 $325 $390 $550 $510 $465 $495 $650 $780 $225 $460 $475 $425 $560 $570 $420 $375 $470 $320 $415 $485 $475 $330 $360 $340 $330 $1,255 $225 $260 $310 4.72% 10.84% 3.32% -0.54% 13.17% 4.41% 6.05% 9.44% 10.21% 3.57% -3.42% 4.15% -2.66% -8.13% 5.33% 11.84% 12.18% 13.23% 9.11% 9.00% 0.60% 0.04% 3.44% 7.21% 3.08% 12.70% 4.42% 0.94% 12.52% 9.13% 9.54% 8.64% 9.26% 12.11% 6.90% -0.28% 10.16% 5.42% 12.40% -2.28% 1.41% -3.97% 2.44% 3.96% 6.56% 5.78% 6.03% 5.46% 4.08% 5.09% 5.64% 6.54% 3.66% 6.34% 3.88% 4.93% 5.95% 4.57% 5.57% 5.15% 6.61% 6.06% 5.88% 6.75% 6.98% 5.14% 6.02% 5.98% 6.18% 6.15% 4.81% 5.63% 5.31% 4.71% 5.40% 6.46% 7.37% 5.60% 5.60% 5.36% 4.31% 4.33% 5.72% 0.09% 4.93% 4.71% 4.67% 4.97% 5.76% 4.84% 5.29% 6.53% 6.00% 5.29% 4.55% 5.27% 5.53% 6.12% 6.04% 5.09% 6.45% 6.57% 4.77% 5.15% 5.12% 4.94% 4.89% 4.43% 5.02% 4.87% 6.02% 5.75% 4.84% 4.90% 5.61% 5.74% 5.33% 6.35% 5.21% 4.91% 4.63% 6.08% 6.99% 5.93% 6.21% 3.49% 5.35% 6.31% 5.78% 4.32% 5.61% 4.93% 5.42% 5.48% 6.23% 5.27% 5.07% 4.81% 6.04% 5.19% 5.22% 5.70% N/A 5.25% 6.06% 4.91% 5.59% 5.16% 4.88% 4.83% 4.49% 5.72% 4.96% 5.35% 6.12% 4.54% 4.75% 5.82% 6.09% 5.35% 6.09% 5.55% 5.78% 4.68% 5.88% 6.32% 4.69% 5.00% 3.20% 4.54% 5.88% 4.99% $1,632 $1,742 $4,909 $2,628 $1,389 $683 $1,091 $1,666 $1,825 $959 $907 $805 $1,146 $2,089 $1,341 $1,108 $2,176 $2,290 $1,272 $1,415 $1,472 $1,865 $752 $1,347 $2,078 $1,314 $1,190 $1,525 $2,346 $1,188 $1,842 $949 $1,302 $1,680 $1,710 $1,488 $1,617 $1,051 $1,033 $2,680 $1,833 $806 $855 ©2014 Page | 114 NSW Units Suburb POTTS POINT POTTSVILLE PRESTONS PROSPECT PUNCHBOWL PUTNEY PYMBLE PYRMONT QUAKERS HILL QUEANBEYAN QUEANBEYAN EAST QUEANBEYAN WEST QUEENS PARK QUEENSCLIFF RAMSGATE RAMSGATE BEACH RANDWICK RAWORTH RAYMOND TERRACE RED HEAD REDFERN REDHEAD REGENTS PARK REVESBY RHODES RICHMOND RIVERWOOD ROCKDALE ROOTY HILL ROSE BAY ROSEBERY ROSEHILL ROSELANDS ROSEMEADOW ROSEVILLE ROUSE HILL ROZELLE RUSHCUTTERS BAY RUSSELL LEA RUSSELL VALE RUTHERFORD RYDALMERE RYDE www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2011 2489 2170 2148 2196 2112 2073 2009 2763 2620 2620 2620 2022 2096 2217 2217 2031 2321 2324 2430 2016 2290 2143 2212 2138 2753 2210 2216 2766 2029 2018 2142 2196 2560 2069 2155 2039 2011 2046 2517 2320 2116 2112 7328 1034 405 152 2526 157 940 9564 1891 2407 1794 451 486 1728 115 962 11887 79 1011 94 6303 441 654 1607 6003 1574 2795 4811 962 3866 2505 1438 1354 332 1320 252 2118 2083 615 139 652 1187 5384 130 12 2 0 27 3 13 109 38 37 23 3 7 42 5 25 181 1 8 4 38 1 9 12 545 26 16 97 44 41 18 24 24 7 23 0 31 19 10 3 6 11 84 289 34 8 6 115 9 52 306 115 117 94 13 12 104 8 50 489 8 40 21 114 5 33 42 780 63 54 316 93 158 84 101 90 15 121 5 103 83 26 8 24 51 428 $546,500 $339,500 $398,500 $396,500 $308,000 $866,000 $656,000 $722,500 $416,000 $320,500 $255,000 $367,000 $756,500 $642,500 $453,500 $521,500 $661,000 $320,500 $213,500 $360,000 $676,000 $400,500 $352,500 $500,000 $648,000 $336,500 $483,000 $480,000 $367,000 $741,000 $590,500 $365,500 $343,000 $296,000 $646,000 $498,500 $802,000 $574,000 $633,000 $381,500 $279,000 $537,500 $477,500 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $490,000 $347,500 $385,000 $349,500 $281,000 $784,000 $655,500 $656,000 $379,000 $301,000 $261,500 $399,000 $731,500 $583,000 $418,000 $474,000 $595,500 $322,000 $213,500 $334,000 $584,000 $358,500 $313,000 $463,000 $597,000 $307,000 $439,000 $424,000 $338,500 $720,000 $543,000 $324,500 $318,000 $263,500 $571,500 $462,000 $749,500 $511,000 $567,000 $370,000 $259,500 $485,500 $419,500 $555 $330 $420 $430 $365 $645 $620 $735 $465 $345 $305 $385 $645 $615 $435 $490 $590 $335 $260 $345 $685 $370 $405 $485 $605 $370 $490 $510 $435 $645 $585 $375 $385 $360 $600 $490 $695 $525 $545 $395 $295 $510 $455 $540 $335 $425 $425 $355 $630 $645 $725 $445 $360 $310 $395 $650 $595 $425 $460 $570 $340 $270 $315 $655 $370 $390 $475 $600 $365 $475 $490 $420 $630 $580 $375 $375 $345 $585 $485 $690 $510 $530 $400 $290 $500 $440 11.55% -2.41% 3.50% 13.49% 9.65% 10.51% 0.11% 10.19% 9.79% 6.48% -2.48% -8.02% 3.41% 10.19% 8.55% 10.10% 11.01% -0.45% -0.09% 7.69% 15.73% 11.67% 12.64% 7.97% 8.55% 9.63% 10.01% 13.23% 8.49% 2.91% 8.82% 12.58% 7.92% 12.39% 13.06% 7.89% 7.00% 12.34% 11.63% 3.12% 7.59% 10.67% 13.90% 7.22% 5.25% 5.23% 5.45% 6.00% 6.07% 5.17% 6.73% 5.84% 7.54% 6.42% 5.57% 6.91% 6.91% 5.98% 6.43% 6.95% 4.74% 4.50% 4.16% 7.11% 4.25% 6.00% 6.16% 6.72% 5.94% 6.74% 6.56% 5.26% 6.35% 6.75% 6.24% 6.32% 5.56% 6.08% 3.57% 6.76% 5.66% 6.29% 4.90% 5.07% 5.65% 7.12% 5.50% 5.08% 5.65% 5.92% 6.31% 4.04% 5.16% 5.53% 5.96% 6.03% 6.35% 5.49% 4.56% 5.13% 5.11% 4.92% 4.78% 5.57% 6.61% 4.78% 5.51% 5.11% 6.13% 5.18% 5.00% 5.98% 5.46% 5.69% 6.31% 4.57% 5.32% 5.59% 5.97% 6.55% 5.07% 5.24% 4.71% 4.95% 4.62% 5.58% 5.65% 5.08% 5.17% 6.05% 4.82% 5.33% 5.99% 6.80% 4.43% 5.04% 5.65% 5.42% 7.10% 7.83% 6.34% 4.87% 5.73% 5.21% 4.92% 5.33% 5.15% 6.12% 4.55% 5.39% 4.67% 6.42% 5.17% 4.87% 5.76% 5.30% 5.53% 5.52% 4.68% 5.53% 6.35% 6.47% 6.35% 5.26% 4.90% 4.76% 5.29% 5.13% 4.55% 5.27% 5.27% 5.76% $1,506 $1,033 $1,790 $1,594 $920 $2,154 $2,671 $2,186 $1,749 $1,273 $1,291 $1,614 $2,425 $2,173 $2,865 $1,026 $1,786 $1,820 $1,003 $876 $1,447 $1,032 $974 $1,222 $1,617 $950 $826 $1,323 $1,422 $1,908 $1,524 $1,237 $1,157 $1,286 $2,563 $2,132 $2,598 $1,372 $1,829 $1,200 $1,163 $1,287 $1,380 ©2014 Page | 115 NSW Units Suburb SALAMANDER BAY SANDRINGHAM SANS SOUCI SAPPHIRE BEACH SARATOGA SAWTELL SCONE SEAFORTH SEFTON SEVEN HILLS SHELL COVE SHELLHARBOUR SHOAL BAY SHOALHAVEN HEADS SHORTLAND SILVERWATER SINGLETON HEIGHTS SKENNARS HEAD SMITHFIELD SOLDIERS POINT SOUTH ALBURY SOUTH COOGEE SOUTH GRAFTON SOUTH GRANVILLE SOUTH HURSTVILLE SOUTH PENRITH SOUTH TAMWORTH SOUTH WENTWORTHVILLE SOUTH WEST ROCKS SOUTH WINDSOR SPEERS POINT SPRING FARM SPRINGDALE HEIGHTS SPRINGFIELD SPRINGWOOD ST CLAIR ST IVES ST LEONARDS ST MARYS ST PETERS STANHOPE GARDENS STANMORE STRATHFIELD www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2317 2219 2219 2450 2251 2452 2337 2092 2162 2147 2529 2529 2315 2535 2307 2128 2330 2478 2164 2317 2640 2034 2460 2142 2221 2750 2340 2145 2431 2756 2284 2570 2641 2250 2777 2759 2075 2065 2760 2044 2768 2048 2135 1383 275 2352 589 111 831 528 387 416 1217 98 487 1034 342 347 759 393 293 739 521 533 1279 387 567 948 420 976 663 1060 866 362 58 311 106 838 110 2319 4410 2626 821 483 1803 5290 10 10 41 8 3 8 3 6 5 5 0 4 7 9 3 15 3 4 7 4 3 8 1 4 15 4 2 12 4 10 3 3 1 2 5 4 60 54 53 9 0 15 80 44 19 126 20 6 30 10 17 15 24 9 15 31 18 15 38 14 8 21 12 9 16 5 7 55 15 12 39 23 38 13 16 5 7 21 12 331 193 266 25 33 55 320 $298,000 $604,000 $567,000 $355,500 $404,000 $303,000 $246,000 $846,500 $365,500 $420,500 $463,500 $361,500 $326,000 $249,500 $303,000 $496,000 $293,500 $477,500 $368,500 $447,500 $191,500 $720,500 $232,500 $421,000 $564,500 $332,500 $164,000 $421,000 $239,500 $307,000 $418,000 $393,000 $133,000 $314,500 $341,500 $379,500 $674,500 $631,500 $302,500 $543,500 $507,000 $523,500 $539,500 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $289,500 $533,000 $504,500 $312,000 $395,000 $299,000 $255,500 $739,500 $331,000 $383,500 $436,500 $338,000 $347,500 $247,000 $285,000 $435,000 $264,000 $472,500 $344,000 $425,000 $188,000 $686,500 $224,000 $378,000 $494,000 $299,000 $147,500 $387,000 $254,000 $292,000 $392,500 $381,000 $122,000 $304,500 $339,500 $358,000 $653,000 $556,000 $269,000 $514,500 $527,500 $484,000 $468,500 $335 $510 $530 $430 $375 $335 $260 $755 $430 $430 $460 $365 $295 $270 $360 $505 $330 $445 $420 $410 $195 $620 $235 $465 $520 $370 $195 $435 $245 $350 $425 $435 $185 $350 $345 $430 $655 $615 $365 $560 $675 $485 $535 $340 $490 $510 $420 $375 $350 $270 $730 $425 $415 $450 $360 $310 $265 $355 $490 $360 $465 $405 $450 $195 $625 $245 $445 $510 $365 $190 $425 $230 $360 $410 $430 $175 $340 $340 $415 $665 $610 $360 $560 $665 $485 $510 2.97% 13.32% 12.45% 14.08% 2.26% 1.30% -3.75% 14.45% 10.45% 9.71% 6.17% 6.83% -6.24% 1.09% 6.35% 13.97% 11.18% 1.14% 7.10% 5.30% 1.70% 4.96% 3.64% 11.31% 14.32% 11.21% 11.01% 8.81% -5.63% 5.09% 6.47% 3.22% 9.08% 3.24% 0.61% 6.02% 3.29% 13.59% 12.27% 5.59% -3.91% 8.20% 15.13% 4.10% 5.75% 6.31% 4.16% 5.45% 5.51% 5.26% 6.75% 5.67% 5.13% 5.01% 4.74% 3.89% 3.94% 4.46% 5.11% 5.42% 5.61% 4.72% 4.96% 3.88% 7.30% 3.74% 6.75% 6.07% 5.86% 2.76% 5.21% 4.15% 5.51% 5.78% 4.05% 2.98% 4.98% 4.77% 5.91% 3.97% 5.55% 6.22% 6.63% 3.76% 7.39% 6.13% 5.96% 4.59% 4.98% 6.57% 4.96% 6.16% 5.66% 4.81% 6.35% 5.49% 5.22% 5.42% 4.81% 5.56% 6.22% 5.55% 6.71% 5.15% 6.04% 5.38% 5.40% 4.68% 5.58% 5.82% 5.07% 6.04% 6.34% 5.56% 4.91% 6.14% 5.29% 5.83% 7.50% 5.67% 5.27% 6.01% 5.31% 5.32% 6.60% 5.58% 6.84% 5.01% 5.34% 4.76% 4.57% 4.85% 4.52% 4.40% 5.27% 5.43% 4.83% 5.83% 5.62% 4.44% 4.56% 4.12% 5.02% 5.85% 4.98% 6.10% 4.30% 5.92% 4.13% 7.58% 5.18% 5.78% 6.07% 4.80% 5.84% 6.21% 5.76% 5.12% 5.84% 4.46% 5.01% 8.89% 4.85% 4.45% 5.53% 4.87% 5.28% 6.43% 5.66% 6.18% 5.92% 5.41% $857 $3,999 $1,248 $1,257 $1,263 $838 $1,109 $2,553 $985 $1,309 $1,863 $1,208 $683 $691 $878 $1,289 $1,657 $1,072 $970 $887 $781 $1,065 $709 $768 $1,305 $1,377 $749 $1,181 $686 $1,054 $1,160 $1,911 $904 $1,290 $1,337 $1,670 $2,478 $2,212 $996 $1,786 $2,140 $1,804 $1,470 ©2014 Page | 116 NSW Units Suburb STRATHFIELD SOUTH SUFFOLK PARK SUMMER HILL SURF BEACH SURRY HILLS SUSSEX INLET SUTHERLAND SWANSEA SYDNEY SYLVANIA SYLVANIA WATERS TAHMOOR TALLWOODS VILLAGE TAMARAMA TAREE TAREN POINT TARRAWANNA TATHRA TATTON TEA GARDENS TELOPEA TEMPE TENAMBIT TERRIGAL THE ENTRANCE THE ENTRANCE NORTH THE HILL THE OAKS* THE ROCKS THIRROUL THORNLEIGH THORNTON TOONGABBIE TOORMINA TOOWOON BAY TORONTO TOUKLEY TOWRADGI TUMBI UMBI TUNCURRY TURA BEACH TUROSS HEAD* TURRAMURRA www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2136 2481 2130 2536 2010 2540 2232 2281 2000 2224 2224 2573 2430 2026 2430 2229 2518 2550 2650 2324 2117 2044 2323 2260 2261 2261 2300 2570 2000 2515 2120 2322 2146 2452 2261 2283 2263 2518 2261 2428 2548 2537 2074 610 590 2538 554 10122 611 4197 1056 26750 2144 235 250 129 625 2595 153 320 294 187 697 1496 160 178 2521 2873 601 1048 75 1088 877 686 158 1590 1211 197 816 914 715 360 2686 407 101 1232 5 9 35 7 114 0 70 7 175 29 1 9 2 15 15 1 1 0 7 5 15 16 1 48 44 7 16 3 10 16 15 1 33 9 1 10 13 7 1 28 6 2 78 32 38 87 17 281 5 249 25 631 144 14 15 7 35 64 8 7 5 11 14 61 20 9 155 158 32 63 5 33 50 39 9 153 39 8 45 45 11 5 83 23 6 135 $546,000 $486,000 $547,500 $247,000 $621,000 $243,000 $455,000 $314,000 $640,500 $601,500 $461,500 $242,000 $315,500 $908,500 $164,500 $662,000 $422,000 $271,000 $324,000 $297,000 $456,500 $398,500 $282,000 $518,000 $309,000 $309,500 $350,500 $348,500 $902,000 $519,500 $659,500 $251,500 $416,500 $229,000 $364,500 $370,000 $243,000 $359,000 $265,000 $255,000 $311,500 $197,500 $607,000 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $464,500 $468,000 $503,000 $245,500 $556,000 $241,000 $416,500 $310,000 $580,500 $567,000 $420,000 $248,000 $305,500 $845,500 $172,000 $647,500 $412,500 $253,500 $290,000 $292,500 $423,000 $332,500 $276,000 $498,000 $281,500 $282,000 $349,500 $345,500 $874,500 $488,500 $620,000 $252,000 $361,000 $227,500 $339,500 $343,500 $229,500 $356,000 $242,000 $246,000 $295,000 $212,000 $579,500 $520 $555 $480 $245 $650 $235 $430 $305 $735 $545 $440 $265 $335 $795 $220 $540 $425 $245 $370 $315 $440 $420 $300 $465 $335 $360 $395 $370 $900 $495 $575 $290 $420 $270 $345 $365 $280 $370 $325 $275 $300 $205 $565 $495 $535 $475 $245 $630 $235 $420 $315 $720 $520 $430 $270 $310 $780 $205 $570 $420 $245 $345 $315 $425 $390 $310 $460 $330 $355 $385 $360 $925 $480 $565 $295 $410 $270 $335 $365 $275 $350 $320 $260 $290 $195 $550 17.53% 3.91% 8.81% 0.60% 11.73% 0.93% 9.29% 1.37% 10.36% 6.10% 9.83% -2.46% 3.25% 7.45% -4.49% 2.23% 2.35% 6.93% 11.62% 1.43% 7.94% 19.84% 2.10% 3.98% 9.62% 9.74% 0.25% 0.90% 3.15% 6.28% 6.37% -0.18% 15.44% 0.80% 7.43% 7.77% 5.92% 0.79% 9.69% 3.78% 5.52% -6.91% 4.74% 5.33% 5.75% 7.85% 3.64% 7.07% 3.44% 5.82% 4.36% 5.04% 6.07% 5.79% 4.70% 0.50% 7.66% 3.37% 5.20% 4.86% 4.30% 4.34% 2.96% 5.89% 6.88% 6.10% 5.07% 3.95% 4.07% 5.49% 5.76% 5.06% 5.90% 6.28% 4.94% 6.58% 4.61% 4.40% 4.14% 3.88% 5.58% 3.91% 3.89% 3.97% 3.87% 5.62% 5.12% 5.94% 4.73% 5.26% 5.63% 5.03% 5.09% 5.32% 6.18% 4.74% 5.09% 5.81% 5.31% 4.69% 6.52% 4.51% 5.23% 4.77% 6.02% 5.64% 5.12% 5.58% 5.78% 4.74% 5.81% 6.25% 5.89% 5.48% 5.38% 5.02% 4.64% 6.17% 5.49% 6.20% 4.99% 5.34% 5.99% 5.18% 6.62% 5.46% 5.02% 5.08% 4.91% 5.06% 4.50% 5.57% 5.18% 5.68% 5.18% 5.32% 4.76% 5.37% 4.52% 5.34% 6.38% 3.64% 4.64% 6.16% 4.17% 4.48% 5.17% 6.25% 4.40% 5.51% 7.61% 5.48% 3.84% 4.52% 4.76% 5.09% 5.75% 4.55% 4.13% 4.68% 5.39% 5.78% 5.91% 4.42% 4.40% 5.02% 4.74% 5.31% 4.86% 4.85% 5.48% 5.25% $1,475 $1,030 $1,570 $745 $1,760 $598 $1,375 $708 $1,488 $1,421 $1,660 $1,118 $1,025 $2,666 $704 $1,246 $1,002 $882 $1,881 $756 $1,070 $1,615 $1,082 $1,323 $699 $893 $5,853 $1,559 $1,868 $1,625 $1,964 $1,629 $1,407 $752 $804 $816 $710 $979 $1,151 $623 $882 $744 $2,293 ©2014 Page | 117 NSW Units Suburb TWEED HEADS TWEED HEADS SOUTH TWEED HEADS WEST ULLADULLA ULTIMO UMINA BEACH UNANDERRA URUNGA VALENTINE VAUCLUSE VINCENTIA VINEYARD WADALBA WAGGA WAGGA WAHROONGA WAITARA WAKELEY WALLSEND WAMBERAL WARABROOK WARATAH WAREEMBA WARILLA WARNERS BAY WARRAWEE* WARRAWONG WARRIEWOOD WARWICK FARM WATANOBBI WATERLOO WATSONS BAY WAUCHOPE WAVERLEY WAVERTON WENTWORTH WENTWORTH FALLS WENTWORTH POINT WENTWORTHVILLE WERRINGTON WEST ALBURY WEST BALLINA WEST GOSFORD WEST PENNANT HILLS www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2485 2486 2485 2539 2007 2257 2526 2455 2280 2030 2540 2765 2259 2650 2076 2077 2176 2287 2260 2304 2298 2046 2528 2282 2074 2502 2102 2170 2259 2017 2030 2446 2024 2060 2648 2782 2127 2145 2747 2640 2478 2250 2125 4490 3296 2118 730 6446 2047 747 406 314 2156 344 228 19 2428 1808 3211 230 1535 516 271 900 249 921 1121 379 983 1082 1799 152 6950 171 501 1552 1523 146 250 3496 2153 1153 664 567 831 664 57 23 19 6 44 22 4 5 2 60 3 4 0 29 41 51 7 22 5 1 36 3 3 24 15 5 25 20 0 98 1 4 18 24 3 1 493 29 27 5 12 9 5 190 92 71 17 185 91 17 11 13 153 13 12 8 77 131 134 11 78 16 7 44 14 12 61 43 13 138 64 5 398 13 16 52 63 6 5 881 95 80 17 24 34 25 $352,000 $299,000 $223,000 $292,000 $555,000 $349,500 $322,500 $236,500 $395,000 $757,500 $335,000 $165,000 $256,000 $246,500 $599,000 $504,500 $386,000 $322,000 $428,000 $316,500 $306,500 $674,000 $310,000 $397,000 $598,500 $193,000 $681,000 $236,500 $266,500 $616,500 $979,500 $247,000 $657,000 $789,000 $145,000 $369,500 $526,000 $398,500 $270,500 $221,000 $318,000 $286,000 $673,000 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $357,500 $290,000 $224,000 $285,000 $502,500 $329,000 $331,000 $229,000 $363,500 $692,500 $339,000 $157,000 $249,000 $229,500 $550,000 $447,500 $357,500 $306,500 $400,000 $303,000 $293,000 $638,000 $286,000 $387,000 $570,000 $186,000 $641,500 $223,000 $258,500 $568,000 $911,500 $235,000 $598,000 $707,000 $142,500 $368,500 $490,000 $348,000 $257,000 $206,000 $330,000 $264,000 $576,000 $350 $330 $275 $260 $600 $365 $335 $240 $420 $655 $325 $245 $330 $275 $575 $515 $420 $360 $410 $350 $335 $570 $340 $390 $580 $225 $635 $290 $335 $635 $650 $275 $600 $680 $175 $355 $495 $425 $335 $240 $325 $335 $625 $340 $320 $255 $275 $580 $360 $340 $230 $400 $665 $320 $245 $335 $260 $555 $490 $410 $360 $405 $340 $330 $570 $315 $390 $580 $220 $635 $290 $345 $620 $640 $255 $580 $675 $175 $360 $500 $410 $330 $240 $335 $325 $590 -1.44% 3.20% -0.44% 2.51% 10.54% 6.34% -2.66% 3.40% 8.76% 9.39% -1.23% 5.04% 2.91% 7.38% 8.90% 12.81% 8.05% 5.11% 6.99% 4.35% 4.56% 5.67% 8.33% 2.49% 4.98% 3.97% 6.14% 6.04% 3.21% 8.57% 7.47% 5.19% 9.83% 11.63% 1.82% 0.26% 7.36% 14.47% 5.22% 7.42% -3.62% 8.30% 16.80% 4.31% 3.89% 3.80% 4.10% 5.82% 4.49% 3.83% 4.57% 4.57% 6.50% 4.59% 5.12% 3.53% 4.91% 5.30% 5.51% 5.29% 5.19% 4.96% 4.64% 5.03% 6.02% 5.56% 5.81% 4.21% 3.28% 5.50% 5.83% 4.24% 6.06% 7.32% 3.53% 7.39% 6.47% 3.73% 4.43% 4.41% 6.10% 5.62% 3.16% 3.28% 3.90% 6.13% 5.15% 5.66% 6.17% 4.94% 5.73% 5.51% 5.45% 5.23% 5.54% 4.72% 4.95% 8.03% 6.84% 5.93% 5.14% 5.46% 5.78% 6.04% 5.07% 5.70% 5.88% 4.48% 5.58% 5.24% 5.18% 6.04% 5.02% 6.64% 6.74% 5.54% 3.56% 5.54% 4.84% 4.68% 6.46% 5.09% 5.11% 5.78% 6.57% 5.96% 5.46% 6.26% 4.93% 4.61% 4.97% 5.60% 4.87% 5.97% 4.48% 4.58% 5.92% 4.49% 4.80% 4.42% 8.95% 5.47% 6.41% 5.42% 5.84% 5.69% 5.25% 4.14% 5.18% 5.16% 4.84% 5.01% 4.76% 5.13% 5.91% 5.28% 7.42% 5.32% 5.48% 4.63% 5.26% 5.32% 5.04% 8.35% 4.13% 4.61% 6.06% 6.47% 5.94% 4.82% 5.01% 4.82% $746 $662 $711 $703 $1,098 $917 $795 $731 $1,653 $2,425 $935 $935 $1,252 $978 $2,381 $1,413 $1,236 $979 $1,552 $1,233 $940 $1,634 $730 $1,055 $2,658 $646 $1,944 $716 $973 $905 $2,166 $735 $1,724 $2,292 $4,663 $1,000 $2,034 $1,314 $1,078 $1,001 $794 $790 $2,449 ©2014 Page | 118 NSW Units Suburb WEST RYDE WEST TAMWORTH WEST WOLLONGONG WESTMEAD WETHERILL PARK WHITEBRIDGE WICKHAM WILEY PARK WILLOUGHBY WINDALE WINDANG WINDRADYNE* WINGHAM WINSTON HILLS WOLLI CREEK WOLLONGBAR WOLLONGONG WOLLSTONECRAFT WOODPARK WOOLGOOLGA WOOLLAHRA WOOLLOOMOOLOO WOOLOOWARE WOOLWICH WOONONA WORRIGEE WOY WOY WYOMING WYONG YAGOONA YAMBA YASS YOUNG ZETLAND www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2114 2340 2500 2145 2164 2290 2293 2195 2068 2306 2528 2795 2429 2153 2205 2477 2500 2065 2164 2456 2025 2011 2230 2110 2517 2540 2256 2250 2259 2199 2464 2582 2594 2017 2934 904 844 5267 375 145 255 2673 912 265 887 149 335 574 1767 247 9297 4318 40 871 2850 3302 794 144 1934 66 2203 1220 976 1721 1827 350 751 3631 43 3 9 106 3 4 3 44 17 2 0 3 1 3 27 6 196 62 1 4 38 59 24 2 39 3 29 7 4 17 13 6 8 348 146 10 39 374 14 7 11 136 48 27 9 10 10 24 101 17 578 204 17 11 115 164 69 9 118 6 105 26 18 78 42 14 30 785 $455,000 $201,500 $297,000 $410,000 $344,000 $349,500 $445,500 $303,500 $615,000 $222,000 $353,500 $175,000 $173,500 $350,000 $540,500 $281,500 $381,500 $720,000 $395,500 $285,000 $787,000 $681,500 $478,500 $637,500 $373,500 $287,500 $333,500 $256,500 $234,000 $369,500 $307,000 $310,500 $203,000 $675,500 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $395,500 $184,500 $304,500 $378,500 $301,500 $331,000 $431,000 $266,000 $563,500 $215,000 $322,000 $165,500 $160,000 $296,500 $498,000 $274,000 $364,000 $650,000 $351,000 $284,000 $743,500 $604,500 $470,000 $583,000 $352,500 $280,500 $306,500 $253,000 $204,000 $339,500 $325,500 $315,000 $191,000 $616,500 $425 $210 $320 $420 $375 $385 $465 $370 $545 $235 $340 $285 $215 $410 $555 $305 $425 $655 $430 $285 $690 $710 $435 $465 $395 $305 $375 $320 $310 $430 $265 $340 $230 $665 $415 $225 $320 $415 $370 $365 $470 $360 $545 $250 $325 $275 $230 $390 $540 $295 $410 $640 $390 $290 $675 $695 $435 $520 $390 $300 $360 $310 $305 $405 $275 $345 $220 $645 15.07% 9.27% -2.50% 8.30% 14.07% 5.65% 3.37% 14.07% 9.06% 3.25% 9.69% 5.92% 8.55% 18.16% 8.56% 2.88% 4.88% 10.77% 12.67% 0.25% 5.89% 12.75% 1.86% 9.39% 5.97% 2.51% 8.69% 1.37% 14.73% 8.94% -5.71% -1.48% 6.25% 9.60% 6.83% 4.57% 4.82% 5.36% 5.36% 4.70% 5.50% 6.41% 6.33% 4.24% 4.98% 4.37% 3.58% 3.40% 6.57% 3.87% 5.42% 6.33% 3.95% 5.46% 6.63% 6.13% 6.07% 7.09% 5.57% 4.53% 4.67% 3.64% 4.79% 5.33% 4.91% 5.02% 3.59% 6.45% 5.13% 5.94% 5.63% 5.51% 6.04% 5.59% 5.55% 6.64% 4.85% 6.01% 5.02% 8.50% 7.32% 6.34% 5.47% 5.66% 5.80% 4.90% 5.47% 5.35% 4.71% 5.72% 4.84% 4.45% 5.71% 5.44% 5.91% 6.35% 7.26% 6.08% 4.56% 5.72% 5.90% 5.26% 5.87% 6.06% 4.77% 5.88% 6.13% 5.22% 4.51% 6.92% 5.59% 4.45% 4.82% 7.82% 6.89% 6.25% 5.06% 5.20% 4.75% 5.29% 5.43% 5.41% 4.75% 5.39% 4.80% 5.27% 4.75% 5.42% 4.72% 5.06% 5.91% 5.79% 4.50% 6.15% 6.37% 5.14% $1,392 $726 $1,068 $1,475 $1,309 $1,412 $1,093 $876 $2,124 $566 $677 $1,226 $766 $1,682 $1,768 $1,126 $966 $2,235 $1,285 $784 $2,173 $1,383 $1,627 $2,359 $1,237 $1,245 $795 $982 $711 $980 $721 $1,293 $813 $1,870 ©2014 Page | 119 ACT Houses Suburb AINSLIE AMAROO ARANDA BANKS BARTON BELCONNEN BONNER BONYTHON BRADDON BRUCE CALWELL CAMPBELL CANBERRA CASEY CHAPMAN CHARNWOOD CHIFLEY CHISHOLM CONDER COOK CRACE* CURTIN DEAKIN DICKSON DOWNER DUFFY DUNLOP EVATT FADDEN FARRER FISHER FLOREY FLYNN FORDE* FORREST FRANKLIN FRASER GARRAN GILMORE GIRALANG GORDON GOWRIE GREENWAY www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2602 2914 2614 2906 2600 2617 2914 2905 2612 2617 2905 2612 2601 2913 2611 2615 2606 2905 2906 2614 2911 2605 2600 2602 2602 2611 2615 2617 2904 2607 2611 2615 2615 2914 2603 2913 2615 2605 2905 2617 2906 2904 2900 2089 1457 973 1519 162 828 2063 985 565 715 1951 1390 143 1244 1057 1167 951 1995 1350 1135 686 2060 1153 823 1445 1201 2153 2081 1121 1307 1214 1706 1325 849 519 1362 808 1043 1004 1313 2176 1184 366 22 16 9 15 0 7 43 6 3 4 21 10 1 44 12 11 4 20 15 9 22 18 10 5 13 15 37 19 8 17 14 13 6 32 5 17 8 5 10 14 32 8 1 64 80 32 78 2 18 128 23 8 24 90 35 1 149 37 48 22 67 68 39 114 70 46 33 56 52 128 80 43 58 45 51 40 113 10 68 35 24 35 57 97 35 5 $735,000 $509,500 $737,500 $418,500 $1,106,500 $398,500 $503,500 $517,500 $826,000 $665,000 $461,500 $895,500 $2,099,500 $501,000 $705,500 $384,000 $591,000 $451,500 $482,000 $525,000 $354,000 $735,500 $979,000 $657,500 $637,000 $576,500 $467,000 $472,500 $623,000 $711,000 $537,000 $483,500 $475,000 $615,500 $2,011,500 $552,000 $523,000 $780,500 $472,500 $488,000 $465,000 $506,000 $495,000 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $724,500 $515,500 $693,500 $423,000 $1,150,000 $405,500 $476,500 $514,500 $772,500 $651,000 $483,500 $892,000 $2,205,000 $506,500 $743,000 $376,500 $623,000 $447,500 $500,500 $539,000 $311,500 $666,000 $967,500 $664,500 $604,000 $566,500 $464,500 $483,500 $622,500 $685,000 $529,500 $490,000 $470,000 $612,000 $2,096,000 $575,000 $500,000 $761,000 $474,000 $498,000 $478,000 $491,000 $516,500 $580 $525 $630 $435 $550 $390 $510 $505 $510 $630 $475 $650 $975 $500 $630 $410 $500 $470 $480 $470 $410 $565 $735 $520 $540 $525 $495 $475 $585 $640 $515 $485 $490 $625 $1,340 $520 $510 $640 $480 $475 $470 $515 $475 $575 $530 $615 $435 $620 $395 $495 $505 $510 $625 $480 $620 $1,040 $510 $655 $405 $505 $455 $490 $465 $400 $590 $755 $540 $525 $515 $495 $475 $595 $625 $485 $485 $485 $630 $1,385 $550 $505 $645 $475 $475 $470 $500 $485 1.49% -1.11% 6.39% -1.03% -3.79% -1.66% 5.77% 0.58% 6.94% 2.16% -4.54% 0.35% -4.77% -1.07% -5.07% 2.01% -5.12% 0.90% -3.71% -2.56% 13.66% 10.42% 1.19% -1.06% 5.53% 1.80% 0.50% -2.27% 0.08% 3.79% 1.44% -1.34% 1.02% 0.58% -4.03% -4.05% 4.59% 2.61% -0.26% -1.99% -2.67% 3.10% -4.15% 7.44% 6.83% 6.96% 8.49% 6.11% 5.53% 6.51% 6.38% 6.98% 5.79% 6.42% 6.75% 5.48% 7.14% 5.75% 5.93% 7.34% 6.20% 7.20% 6.14% 8.00% 7.63% 6.50% 7.58% 7.79% 7.17% 6.61% 6.12% 6.39% 6.50% 6.51% 5.94% 6.04% 7.25% 6.73% 6.26% 5.95% 6.85% 6.34% 6.30% 9.05% 6.01% 5.71% 4.18% 5.42% 4.54% 5.43% 2.84% 5.13% 5.32% 5.07% 3.35% 5.00% 5.34% 3.66% 2.54% 5.20% 4.75% 5.58% 4.37% 5.34% 5.28% 4.61% 6.27% 4.36% 4.05% 4.26% 4.47% 4.76% 5.57% 5.24% 4.94% 4.77% 4.88% 5.21% 5.39% 5.46% 3.54% 5.09% 5.12% 4.44% 5.27% 5.09% 5.33% 5.28% 5.01% 4.84% 5.55% 4.86% 6.32% 4.22% 6.50% 6.11% 5.53% 4.15% 4.80% 5.80% 4.15% 2.67% 6.10% 4.67% 6.94% 5.39% 6.03% 5.67% 5.32% 7.27% 4.87% 4.08% 5.25% 5.41% 5.55% 6.07% 6.02% 4.92% 4.73% 5.67% 5.61% 5.93% 3.16% 3.48% 5.56% 5.56% 4.44% 5.87% 5.89% 5.46% 5.73% 5.46% $1,877 $2,315 $2,312 $1,964 $2,678 $1,418 $2,097 $1,950 $1,679 $2,080 $2,093 $2,416 $2,155 $2,180 $2,595 $1,361 $1,633 $1,958 $2,148 $1,763 $1,986 $2,020 $2,512 $1,650 $1,547 $1,962 $2,072 $2,014 $2,693 $2,047 $1,645 $1,636 $2,149 $2,687 $2,947 $2,292 $2,176 $2,368 $1,873 $1,993 $1,978 $2,141 $1,699 ©2014 Page | 120 ACT Houses Suburb GRIFFITH GUNGAHLIN HACKETT HALL HARRISON HAWKER HIGGINS HOLDER HOLT HUGHES ISAACS ISABELLA PLAINS JACKA KALEEN KAMBAH KINGSTON LATHAM LYNEHAM LYONS MACARTHUR MACGREGOR MACQUARIE MAWSON MCKELLAR MELBA MONASH NARRABUNDAH NGUNNAWAL NICHOLLS OCONNOR OMALLEY OXLEY PAGE PALMERSTON PEARCE PHILLIP PIALLIGO RED HILL REID RICHARDSON RIVETT SCULLIN SPENCE www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2603 2912 2602 2618 2914 2614 2615 2611 2615 2605 2607 2905 2914 2617 2902 2604 2615 2602 2606 2904 2615 2614 2607 2617 2615 2904 2604 2913 2913 2602 2606 2903 2614 2913 2607 2606 2609 2603 2612 2905 2611 2614 2615 1297 1769 1194 123 1854 930 1256 1067 1721 1148 896 1492 99 2732 5730 434 1449 1147 920 514 2380 982 868 958 1203 1694 2152 3085 1461 2064 329 562 965 1535 907 763 35 1235 400 1194 1319 1110 987 9 18 9 0 27 8 16 10 11 9 9 15 1 22 46 4 11 7 7 4 32 6 9 6 10 13 15 51 21 21 1 7 11 16 8 4 0 8 2 15 15 10 10 54 72 36 1 111 25 57 33 52 34 26 57 4 89 179 15 51 36 30 17 159 32 36 22 41 57 85 160 81 62 5 16 33 61 30 13 2 45 6 59 44 48 34 $1,149,500 $539,000 $682,500 $912,000 $568,500 $710,000 $458,000 $537,500 $424,000 $701,500 $740,500 $436,500 $236,000 $537,000 $478,500 $1,082,500 $454,000 $633,000 $619,500 $581,000 $437,000 $541,000 $623,500 $566,000 $495,500 $495,500 $664,000 $403,500 $655,000 $755,500 $1,613,000 $526,500 $469,000 $482,000 $667,500 $491,500 $2,059,500 $1,117,500 $1,178,500 $434,500 $477,000 $483,500 $469,500 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $1,124,500 $538,500 $678,000 $946,000 $553,500 $752,000 $450,500 $541,500 $420,500 $730,500 $773,000 $447,500 $231,500 $549,000 $476,000 $1,095,000 $449,000 $618,500 $603,500 $570,000 $426,000 $523,500 $624,500 $581,000 $502,500 $494,000 $652,000 $410,500 $653,000 $761,000 $1,435,500 $523,500 $464,500 $486,500 $672,000 $485,500 $1,989,000 $1,094,000 $1,202,500 $442,000 $488,500 $453,000 $467,500 $855 $535 $540 $740 $570 $590 $475 $510 $450 $550 $670 $435 $305 $510 $465 $885 $475 $540 $500 $565 $485 $520 $535 $560 $505 $505 $525 $420 $605 $585 $1,365 $495 $420 $480 $595 $405 $1,810 $820 $740 $450 $445 $460 $480 $850 $545 $555 $700 $575 $610 $480 $500 $450 $595 $675 $445 $285 $520 $480 $780 $470 $535 $525 $575 $465 $495 $545 $565 $505 $505 $525 $430 $615 $600 $1,350 $510 $430 $495 $585 $420 $2,005 $810 $760 $450 $450 $460 $480 2.21% 0.09% 0.63% -3.56% 2.71% -5.57% 1.65% -0.73% 0.92% -3.99% -4.15% -2.49% 1.83% -2.18% 0.48% -1.13% 1.13% 2.41% 2.66% 1.88% 2.61% 3.34% -0.23% -2.59% -1.39% 0.28% 1.91% -1.78% 0.24% -0.72% 12.35% 0.56% 0.95% -0.89% -0.62% 1.25% 3.54% 2.13% -2.01% -1.71% -2.35% 6.80% 0.40% 7.01% 5.45% 7.30% 5.36% 6.40% 5.85% 6.54% 6.78% 6.02% 6.91% 5.18% 6.10% 5.84% 6.34% 6.44% 6.02% 6.11% 6.95% 7.34% 5.87% 6.16% 6.81% 7.20% 5.55% 6.37% 6.53% 7.25% 6.23% 6.15% 7.37% 6.70% 5.96% 6.47% 7.67% 7.14% 5.72% 6.42% 6.69% 6.92% 6.16% 6.44% 6.79% 6.44% 3.90% 5.23% 4.21% 3.92% 5.35% 4.39% 5.45% 4.87% 5.49% 4.33% 4.70% 5.26% 6.38% 5.06% 5.18% 3.78% 5.40% 4.48% 4.41% 5.14% 5.67% 4.89% 4.57% 5.13% 5.34% 5.35% 4.20% 5.54% 4.91% 4.12% 4.61% 5.02% 4.77% 5.32% 4.61% 4.44% 5.12% 3.82% 3.39% 5.38% 4.92% 5.09% 5.35% 3.75% 5.48% 5.07% 4.14% 5.50% 4.45% 6.28% 5.62% 6.42% 4.77% 4.40% 6.09% N/A 5.69% 5.97% 3.76% 6.15% 5.09% 5.30% 5.27% 6.26% 5.64% 5.23% 5.22% 5.71% 5.60% 5.08% 6.26% 4.77% 4.86% 3.86% 5.61% 6.10% 5.29% 5.09% 5.63% 5.53% 3.78% 3.73% 6.19% 5.93% 6.15% 6.02% $2,182 $2,074 $1,789 $2,225 $2,663 $1,844 $1,589 $1,772 $1,418 $1,898 $2,016 $1,857 N/A $1,948 $1,861 $2,502 $1,720 $1,643 $1,379 $2,737 $1,898 $1,535 $1,554 $2,125 $1,858 $1,911 $1,834 $1,795 $2,583 N/A N/A $1,923 $1,309 $1,923 $1,816 $1,594 $1,739 $2,504 $1,344 $1,632 $1,690 $1,495 $1,849 ©2014 Page | 121 ACT Houses Suburb STIRLING THEODORE TORRENS TURNER URIARRA VILLAGE WANNIASSA WARAMANGA WATSON WEETANGERA WESTON WRIGHT YARRALUMLA www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2611 2905 2607 2612 2611 2903 2611 2602 2614 2611 2611 2600 712 1308 906 622 49 2968 1015 1688 981 1241 512 1352 3 15 5 6 2 25 8 15 8 10 8 11 16 55 32 23 5 102 33 58 25 45 16 37 $587,000 $459,500 $622,500 $1,042,000 $421,500 $480,000 $529,000 $596,000 $729,500 $573,500 $390,500 $1,070,500 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $545,000 $451,000 $660,500 $1,060,000 $394,500 $490,000 $536,500 $558,500 $705,500 $566,000 $367,500 $1,079,500 $545 $470 $565 $620 $390 $465 $495 $515 $610 $540 $375 $770 $540 $470 $565 $625 $385 $475 $475 $510 $600 $530 $415 $775 7.71% 1.88% -5.72% -1.70% 6.94% -2.06% -1.45% 6.67% 3.43% 1.33% 6.21% -0.84% 6.08% 6.52% 6.71% 7.65% 6.96% 6.04% 6.91% 7.32% 6.43% 6.91% 7.12% 7.35% 5.01% 5.37% 4.61% 3.13% 4.95% 5.09% 4.74% 4.59% 4.37% 4.92% 5.71% 3.77% 5.25% 5.97% 5.28% 3.95% 6.46% 5.81% 5.58% 5.49% 4.70% 5.42% 8.15% 3.87% $1,750 $1,977 $1,832 $1,954 N/A $1,896 $1,681 $1,908 $2,446 $1,777 N/A $2,580 ©2014 Page | 122 ACT Units Suburb AINSLIE AMAROO BANKS BARTON BELCONNEN BONNER BONYTHON BRADDON BRUCE CALWELL CAMPBELL CANBERRA CASEY CHAPMAN CHARNWOOD CHIFLEY CHISHOLM CONDER COOK CRACE CURTIN DEAKIN DICKSON DOWNER DUFFY DUNLOP EVATT FADDEN FARRER FISHER FLOREY FLYNN FORDE* FORREST FRANKLIN* FRASER FYSHWICK GARRAN GILMORE GIRALANG GORDON GOWRIE GREENWAY www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2602 2914 2906 2600 2617 2914 2905 2612 2617 2905 2612 2601 2913 2611 2615 2606 2905 2906 2614 2911 2605 2600 2602 2602 2611 2615 2617 2904 2607 2611 2615 2615 2914 2603 2913 2615 2609 2605 2905 2617 2906 2904 2900 694 381 452 1540 4149 158 863 4543 2882 465 573 2500 324 78 139 459 64 458 803 158 423 730 458 262 210 218 106 70 349 266 462 39 297 1035 798 68 113 502 92 154 1048 66 1333 5 9 2 10 43 1 6 60 31 2 6 20 25 0 2 14 1 3 3 2 1 3 9 3 3 1 0 0 4 4 1 0 10 7 16 0 1 13 0 0 9 0 12 15 22 14 45 342 30 33 311 281 13 21 85 48 2 7 22 2 11 25 2 11 13 44 11 8 4 2 5 12 15 12 3 27 32 232 3 9 35 5 5 40 4 60 $671,500 $427,000 $351,000 $573,500 $378,000 $392,000 $397,000 $421,500 $424,500 $359,000 $327,500 $451,000 $361,500 $722,500 $332,000 $336,500 $320,000 $375,500 $417,500 $448,500 $297,500 $713,000 $382,500 $299,000 $421,500 $414,000 $382,000 $578,500 $362,000 $356,500 $363,000 $438,500 $501,500 $579,000 $342,000 $446,000 $474,500 $558,500 $373,500 $358,500 $358,000 $638,000 $432,000 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $672,000 $426,000 $370,500 $584,000 $368,500 $391,500 $397,000 $417,500 $419,000 $341,000 $350,500 $475,000 $382,000 $759,000 $344,500 $338,000 $314,500 $381,500 $412,000 $460,000 $309,500 $746,000 $380,500 $316,500 $435,500 $419,000 $388,000 $564,000 $330,500 $371,500 $363,500 $463,000 $501,000 $592,000 $327,000 $444,000 $488,000 $542,000 $361,500 $343,500 $365,000 $618,000 $434,500 $545 $445 $375 $570 $400 $450 $405 $455 $430 $385 $390 $485 $395 $585 $370 $365 $340 $405 $405 $445 $325 $655 $390 $325 $435 $425 $400 $515 $385 $330 $395 $445 $530 $595 $375 $450 $470 $530 $405 $375 $380 $520 $445 $575 $455 $390 $585 $405 $430 $420 $460 $450 $385 $395 $530 $400 $575 $385 $380 $355 $410 $410 $450 $335 $700 $405 $345 $425 $435 $410 $495 $390 $350 $400 $465 $535 $595 $370 $460 $515 $535 $395 $390 $390 $505 $445 -0.11% 0.27% -5.22% -1.78% 2.46% 0.11% -0.01% 0.94% 1.34% 5.24% -6.50% -5.04% -5.36% -4.83% -3.71% -0.43% 1.65% -1.60% 1.38% -2.56% -3.89% -4.44% 0.52% -5.55% -3.30% -1.22% -1.53% 2.60% 9.53% -4.02% -0.18% -5.28% 0.03% -2.20% 4.60% 0.53% -2.71% 2.99% 3.22% 4.34% -1.89% 3.25% -0.59% 5.90% 5.55% 6.54% 5.18% 5.82% 5.69% 6.25% 5.00% 4.92% 6.54% 6.38% 3.51% 5.66% 5.41% 5.55% 6.28% 5.19% 6.49% 6.33% 5.05% 6.42% 5.75% 5.41% 6.56% 6.17% 6.24% 4.79% 5.24% 6.77% 5.02% 6.18% 5.33% 5.55% 3.03% 5.58% 5.23% 3.06% 5.22% 6.29% 5.08% 6.33% 5.32% 5.14% 4.49% 5.49% 5.62% 5.30% 5.69% 5.66% 5.50% 5.75% 5.52% 5.71% 6.16% 6.05% 5.70% 4.08% 5.92% 5.85% 5.80% 5.66% 5.12% 5.23% 5.78% 5.05% 5.53% 5.85% 5.21% 5.46% 5.56% 4.49% 5.79% 5.03% 5.70% 5.39% 5.47% 5.38% 5.69% 5.37% 5.58% 5.09% 5.60% 5.65% 5.62% 4.18% 5.41% 4.40% 5.68% 6.36% 5.10% 6.42% 5.59% 5.81% 5.52% 5.29% 6.26% 6.46% 5.14% 5.83% 4.14% 6.95% 6.55% 6.96% 6.19% 5.69% 5.62% 7.06% 4.08% 5.80% 6.51% 5.61% 5.92% 5.75% 4.71% 6.65% 5.46% 5.97% 5.61% 4.48% 4.32% 7.43% 5.54% 5.14% 4.99% 6.46% 6.16% 6.29% 4.45% 5.34% $1,877 $2,315 $1,964 $2,678 $1,418 $2,097 $1,950 $1,679 $2,080 $2,093 $2,416 $2,155 $2,180 $2,595 $1,361 $1,633 $1,958 $2,148 $1,763 $1,986 $2,020 $2,512 $1,650 $1,547 $1,962 $2,072 $2,014 $2,693 $2,047 $1,645 $1,636 $2,149 $2,687 $2,947 $2,292 $2,176 N/A $2,368 $1,873 $1,993 $1,978 $2,141 $1,699 ©2014 Page | 123 ACT Units Suburb GRIFFITH GUNGAHLIN HACKETT HARRISON HAWKER HIGGINS HOLDER HOLT HUGHES ISAACS ISABELLA PLAINS KALEEN KAMBAH KINGSTON LATHAM LYNEHAM LYONS MACARTHUR MACGREGOR MACQUARIE MAWSON MCKELLAR MELBA MONASH NARRABUNDAH NGUNNAWAL NICHOLLS OCONNOR OMALLEY OXLEY PAGE PALMERSTON PEARCE PHILLIP RED HILL REID RICHARDSON RIVETT SCULLIN SPENCE STIRLING THEODORE TORRENS www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2603 2912 2602 2914 2614 2615 2611 2615 2605 2607 2905 2617 2902 2604 2615 2602 2606 2904 2615 2614 2607 2617 2615 2904 2604 2913 2913 2602 2606 2903 2614 2913 2607 2606 2603 2612 2905 2611 2614 2615 2611 2905 2607 2124 1340 337 819 548 118 227 894 323 355 538 227 836 3910 132 1916 846 18 259 368 905 79 224 867 1028 961 591 1012 152 114 552 958 571 1647 364 871 88 181 351 99 162 340 156 68 6 2 30 6 1 3 7 0 2 7 1 8 87 4 20 4 1 2 0 5 1 4 9 18 9 2 8 2 3 4 8 3 18 1 4 1 0 7 0 1 8 1 176 81 14 182 22 2 11 30 5 6 24 7 23 393 7 86 16 1 11 6 40 3 6 28 70 38 19 57 10 4 35 38 22 79 4 13 2 2 15 3 3 17 4 $400,000 $342,000 $403,500 $388,000 $308,000 $360,500 $403,500 $348,500 $256,000 $590,500 $371,500 $398,500 $368,000 $487,000 $356,000 $422,500 $278,500 $493,000 $347,500 $385,000 $435,500 $443,000 $378,500 $431,500 $433,000 $357,500 $491,000 $446,000 $891,000 $380,500 $397,500 $365,000 $432,000 $354,000 $499,000 $420,000 $388,500 $394,000 $288,500 $379,500 $450,000 $353,500 $427,000 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $412,000 $355,000 $405,000 $416,500 $332,500 $369,000 $426,000 $345,500 $273,500 $578,000 $358,500 $409,500 $375,500 $483,500 $354,500 $403,000 $279,000 $483,500 $334,500 $378,500 $443,500 $462,500 $383,000 $425,000 $433,500 $355,500 $468,000 $462,500 $925,000 $373,500 $379,500 $368,500 $444,000 $364,500 $474,500 $429,000 $387,500 $407,500 $284,500 $400,000 $465,500 $354,500 $413,000 $410 $360 $385 $415 $345 $390 $415 $375 $305 $525 $390 $415 $385 $500 $385 $420 $330 $490 $390 $405 $450 $445 $415 $440 $440 $385 $485 $440 $745 $400 $405 $390 $430 $390 $460 $460 $385 $430 $330 $390 $430 $375 $435 $430 $370 $410 $420 $350 $405 $415 $390 $310 $545 $390 $435 $395 $505 $395 $430 $325 $480 $400 $405 $460 $470 $430 $430 $455 $395 $500 $485 $760 $410 $405 $400 $445 $395 $490 $490 $400 $435 $325 $405 $435 $380 $440 -2.88% -3.60% -0.26% -6.82% -7.36% -2.29% -5.20% 0.87% -6.34% 2.20% 3.66% -2.69% -2.04% 0.80% 0.38% 4.89% -0.09% 2.03% 3.87% 1.77% -1.76% -4.18% -1.16% 1.56% -0.11% 0.65% 4.94% -3.54% -3.68% 1.86% 4.64% -0.91% -2.61% -2.98% 5.15% -2.14% 0.19% -3.38% 1.38% -5.10% -3.24% -0.26% 3.42% 5.32% 4.85% 6.29% 3.91% 6.20% 5.38% 6.09% 5.87% 6.51% 5.94% 6.53% 5.37% 5.92% 5.70% 5.53% 6.24% 6.06% 5.98% 5.36% 5.79% 5.64% 4.32% 5.36% 5.93% 5.40% 6.19% 6.38% 5.01% 4.55% 6.28% 5.95% 5.94% 6.15% 5.44% 4.70% 5.61% 5.73% 6.26% 5.76% 5.03% 3.71% 6.58% 5.90% 5.57% 5.52% 5.25% 5.47% 5.76% 5.76% 5.28% 5.75% 6.17% 4.85% 5.58% 5.63% 5.49% 5.47% 5.77% 5.39% 6.05% 5.10% 6.06% 5.58% 5.48% 5.37% 5.86% 5.24% 5.54% 5.71% 5.32% 5.50% 4.40% 5.53% 5.42% 5.64% 5.23% 5.78% 5.12% 5.98% 5.37% 5.63% 5.99% 5.47% 5.04% 5.59% 5.31% 5.75% 6.11% 6.07% 5.27% 6.85% 6.30% 5.90% 6.21% 7.61% 4.69% 6.26% 5.85% 6.17% 5.42% 6.59% 5.70% 7.27% 5.03% 6.76% 6.17% 5.16% 5.41% 6.11% 5.59% 5.53% 6.18% 5.10% 5.35% 3.85% 6.48% 5.89% 6.12% 5.70% 6.05% 5.07% 5.56% 6.10% 6.24% 7.05% 5.73% 4.79% 6.39% 5.95% $2,182 $2,074 $1,789 $2,663 $1,844 $1,589 $1,772 $1,418 $1,898 $2,016 $1,857 $1,948 $1,861 $2,502 $1,720 $1,643 $1,379 $2,737 $1,898 $1,535 $1,554 $2,125 $1,858 $1,911 $1,834 $1,795 $2,583 N/A N/A $1,923 $1,309 $1,923 $1,816 $1,594 $2,504 $1,344 $1,632 $1,690 $1,495 $1,849 $1,750 $1,977 $1,832 ©2014 Page | 124 ACT Units Suburb TURNER WANNIASSA WARAMANGA WATSON WEETANGERA WESTON YARRALUMLA www.residex.com.au Postcode Dwelling Count Sales, Last Median Value Qtr Year Current 2612 2903 2611 2602 2614 2611 2600 2595 501 298 1457 188 375 508 30 10 3 16 3 5 6 89 25 28 121 11 15 21 $470,500 $367,500 $367,000 $372,000 $446,000 $403,000 $828,500 Median Rent, Last Capital Growth, Last Rental Yield, Last Last Year Qtr Year Year 20 Years Year 20 Years Median Income $479,500 $346,000 $386,000 $394,000 $447,000 $428,500 $811,500 $495 $395 $410 $400 $440 $420 $750 $515 $390 $400 $420 $440 $425 $735 -1.87% 6.27% -4.95% -5.55% -0.17% -6.00% 2.09% 4.50% 6.49% 5.33% 5.56% 6.21% 6.15% 5.83% 5.60% 5.56% 5.55% 5.69% 5.16% 5.38% 4.75% 5.37% 6.35% 6.06% 5.92% 5.53% 5.76% 4.06% $1,954 $1,896 $1,681 $1,908 $2,446 $1,777 $2,580 ©2014 Page | 125 State Market Report About Residex Residex Pty Limited was founded in 1990, by John Edwards. Its founding goal was to understand residential property markets and inform the public and professionals. It was the first company of its kind in Australia to analyse the residential property market. It is dedicated to providing quality information on the real estate market to governments, financial institutions, valuers, real estate agents, accountants, solicitors and individuals. Residex collects data from all State and Territory Government Departments and compiles it into a unique database. Representations by Government Departments mean it is believed that Residex has nearly every New South Wales sale record since 1978 and every Queensland sale record since 1990. Prior to this time, Residex has significant sample data going as far back as 1901. The unique Residex database cannot be matched by any public or private organisation in terms of accessible historical data. Residex provides information on all aspects of the real estate market, not just relating to price. Rental yield data, growth in prices, analysis of market movements, mortgage design, financial transaction structuring, raising and placing of funding facilities, loan risk profiles, statistical consulting and research are all available. The company is a consultant and adviser to State and Federal Governments on housing related issues including the development of financial instruments to provide funding for housing needs. Residex is the only company in Australia to have won international actuarial recognition for its work in the development of a definitive measure of capital growth in the Melbourne Residential Markets. In 2012, online real estate company Onthehouse Holdings (ASX:OTH) acquired 100% of Residex. Residex is now a member of the Onthehouse Group of companies. Page | 126 ©2014 www.residex.com.au Powered by How to use this Report Dataset What is it? Median Value Every quarter, Residex calculates a value for every property in its database. The middle value is found (i.e. middle number when all the values are arranged in order), which is the median value. The median value tells you straight away what a typical house is worth in an area. By knowing the cost of a typical property in the area, you can tell fairly quickly which areas you can realistically afford to invest in. Number of Sales The number of sales figure is the number of sales we receive over a time period from the government after we have taken out any sales that are too high or too low to be useful. In areas where we have not yet received all that quarter’s sales from the Government, we have published an approximate number of sales. If there is a high number of sales in an area, this tells you: a) That the area is fairly busy and sees a lot of sales activity b) How confident you can be in the Residex figures, because the more sales we have, the more data has been used to calculate growth, medians and other data. Median Rent The median rent is calculated from various sources of weekly rental information such as newspapers and the internet. The median rent tells you the typical amount of rent per week you can expect to earn in an area. Capital Growth The capital growth is the growth in house prices over a period of time. It is sometimes quoted for the latest quarter, and sometimes the average is given for the last 10 years. The capital growth is the amount by which your investment grows in value. By following the growth in an area, you can find out what your property should be worth or how an area is performing. Rental Yield The rental yield is the amount of rent you can expect to receive in a year, expressed as a percentage of a property’s value. Unlike capital growth and total return, which are quarterly figures, rental yield is an annual figure. Note: Users should exercise caution when evaluating very high or very low long-term average yields. The rental yield gives you an idea of how much rental income you can make in an area. For example, if an area has 5% rental yield and a property in that area is worth $500,000, then you should be able to make $25,000 ($500,000 x 5%) worth of rent in a year or approximately $480 a week. Total Return A combination of both capital growth and rental income. If you have been renting out your investment property, the total return figure tells you what your return is from both the growth in house price plus the cash flow from the rental. Median Income Median Income is based on the median household income figure for the specified suburb at the time of the last Census. This is updated each quarter with the latest Average Weekly Earnings (AWE) index. Median income allows you to measure affordability in the suburb. www.residex.com.au What does it tell you? ©2014 Page | 127 State Market Report Where Residex gets its Figures Residex has an extensive and ever-growing database of sales information on the Australian property market. Every month, we receive sales information from various state government sources and our statisticians put the data through a detailed process of cleaning, sorting and analysing before it is released in reports such as this one. What makes Residex figures unique is our approach to calculating property price growth (or capital growth) and then predicting that capital growth into the future. The Non-Revisionary Total Market Methodology and Residex Dwelling Price Trading Indexes Residex first developed the Repeat Sale methodology of index calculation in the early 1990s. Previously, the only way to measure how an area (such as a suburb, postcode or region) had grown was to look at the raw median sale price of all the properties that had sold in one time period and then compare them with the median price of the properties that sold in the next time period. The problem with this is that if cheaper properties sold in the first time period and more expensive properties sold in the second time period, you would be comparing a low median price in the first period with a high median price in the next period. While this was adequate for a rough guide, if you were trying to estimate how your property had grown over that time period, you could easily make a mistake. At the time, there was no adequate measure in existing statistics to cover this situation, so Residex developed its own. We realised that the problems were caused by comparing one group of houses in one time period with another group of houses in another time period. Wouldn’t it be better to see how each house individually had grown over time? When a property is sold for the first time, we would record the sale price and then when it sold a second time (a repeat sale), we could see how the property had grown over that time period. These two sales for the one property are called a ‘sale pair’. Residex statisticians took sale pairs for every property where we had at least two sales recorded. So for a large number of properties, we were able to tell exactly how each property had grown over the time period. We then combined these individual property growth rates into a complete growth rate for the area we were looking at. (See the pictures beside for an explanation of how this is done.) This special method developed by Residex gave such outstanding results that we even won an international actuarial award for it. So far, we have just been discussing the Repeat Sale methodology. Its weakness, like the use of raw median sale prices, is that the figures are subject to constant revision as new data is collected, and it doesn’t cover the entire market. The Median Sale price covers only the portion of the market that sold and the Repeat Sales methodology covers the second-hand market, that is, the portion of the market that has sold at least twice before. While the latter is a huge improvement, coverage of the complete market is preferred. This is exactly what the Residex Dwelling Price Trading Indexes do, as well as being non-revisionary. The Dwelling Price Trading Indexes were developed late 2005 and are still based around the basic Repeat Sales method, but with additional features that make them more robust and reliable. As well as considering only the properties that have sold at least twice, we also include new sales in the calculation of the indexes, so they truly cover the entire market. In addition, the indexes are nonrevisionary, which means that they never change. The figure that we first come up with is the definitive one for the particular area, time period and dwelling type. Page | 128 ©2014 www.residex.com.au Powered by The non-revisionary total market Residex Dwelling Price Trading Indexes are available for houses and units in the Residex Index Report. The Report is available for a specified suburb, postcode, Residex Region, Local Government Area or State. Each Report is valued at $95 and is available at http://www.residex.com.au/index-report. The Residex Prediction Model The Residex prediction methodology is also unique. How did we work out what the market is likely to do over the next 5 or 8 years? We started by gathering a lot of information. The Residex statisticians used Melbourne as a good base model and collected information going back to 1901 to analyse how Melbourne had performed over a long time period including the Great Depression, two World Wars, and many other events that could have had a bearing on the housing market. From this century-long series, it became clear that, no matter what was going on in the world, the Australian property market moves in noticeable trends and cycles. Residex then investigated lots of different factors to see what their bearing was on the property market: interest rates, inflation, employment levels, population, bank bill rates, etc. By combining the results of these studies with our understanding of past trends and history, we were able to develop the Residex predictions. We have been producing predictions since December 1994, and we are constantly refining them to increase their accuracy. For many years, they have proved to be very good indicators of the property market. www.residex.com.au ©2014 Page | 129 Residex Product Range State Market Reports $90 This is the most thorough and up-to-date analysis available on the property market. This quarterly Report is available for each state/territory. It includes key data such as median values, number of sales, capital growth and rental returns for every suburb in the selected state/territory, along with easy to read tables and graphs. Complete with expert advice and commentary, this Report is designed to make you the expert in property. Annual Subscriptions are available, which include four quarterly Reports and an exclusive Annual Supplement. Best Growth Predictions Reports from $155 Using the most up-to-date and accurate statistical growth prediction methods available, Predictions Reports detail the best areas Residex predict to be amongst the highest capital growth performers over the next 5 and 8 years. Top 100 Reports reduce Australia's 10,000+ suburbs to the best 100 locations in Australia for capital growth. Budget Predictions are available, detailing the best predicted growth locations where median property values are under $500,000. Prediction Reports are a vital tool for anyone advising or investing in the Australian property market. A must for all property investors! Available reports can be viewed at www.residex.com.au/top-100-predictions-report. Best Rent Report $250 This quarterly Report is ideal for the investor seeking areas with high rental returns. This Report is for Australia wide and includes suburbs that offer total returns of 10% p.a. or higher. Each suburb is selected from statistical calculations along with extensive research by the Residex team. Not only does this Report give you vital statistics, it also tells you why each suburb makes a good investment area. This is the most intensively-prepared Report that also features an overview of each state and territory property market. Annual Subscriptions are available, which include four quarterly Reports for the price of three. Great value! Renovator Reports $215 ea As a market first, Residex has developed two Reports specifically designed to help you build wealth through property renovation. The Renovators Top 100 Report identifies the best suburbs in a selected area with renovation potential. The Report also tells you the number of streets in each suburb with renovation potential and provides information on future growth and rental returns, ensuring you find the best locations in Australia. After identifying the right suburb, the Renovators Suburb Report helps you find the streets that offer the best opportunities. This Report is the ultimate tool to price a property and to identify those which are best for renovation. This is a recent sales and statistical street by street Report. Every street in the suburb is identified and a page is devoted to each street, detailing the price structure of the street, if there are renovation opportunities and at what price points opportunities exist. Available reports can be viewed at www.residex.com.au/renovator-reports. Residex Product Range Postcode Explorer Report from $90 This Report contains a list of sales in a specified postcode that have occurred over that last 12-months. Included in the sales list is the current day price estimate for each property, based on the growth that has occurred in the area since the sale date. For the specified postcode, you receive the median value and rent, historical returns from 1, 2 and 3 years ago, and 5 and 8 year predictions for the area. This Report is ideal for those who have selected an area where they want to buy. Right Price Report $65 Are you intending to buy or sell a property, or would simply like to know what your property is worth? This Report specifically looks at the sales history of the chosen property and the recent sale is indexed to today's value. You will also receive a list of comparable sales, 5 and 8 years predictions, median value and rental returns. Index Report $95 Do you want to better understand housing market cycles? The Residex Index Report is available for houses or units in a specified suburb, postcode, Residex Region, Local Government Area or state. Each Report includes a historical index for the specified dwelling/area for as long as Residex holds data for. Residex capital growth indexes are the most accurate measures of capital growth available in Australia. Available electronically only. For more information about indexes, please call one of our customer service representatives on (02) 9409 0333 or e-mail info@residex.com.au. MarketFacts contact for price If you are a real estate agent, mortgage broker, valuer, developer, investment advisor or a dedicated private investor, MarketFacts property information software can help you. MarketFacts delivers best in class residential property data and marketing solutions. Including historical sales data, a property search tool, price estimates, property reports, calculators and marketing aids, MarketFacts is the ultimate data and marketing tool. MarketFacts can help you get you more leads, generate business from your existing clients, increase your loan conversion rates and enhance your professional image. Call us on 1300 139 775 for more information or to sign up. For more information and to sing up, please contact the MarketFacts Team on 1300 139 775 or e-mail marketfacts@residex.com.au. How to order… Reports can be ordered online at www.residex.com.au, where a sample can be viewed for most Reports. Alternatively, you can call (02) 9409 0333 during office hours or complete the order form on the next page. Residex Pty Limited 9/46-56 Kippax Street Surry Hills, NSW, 2010 www.residex.com.au Phone: (02) 9409 0333 Fax: (02) 9954 0729 E-mail: retail@residex.com.au Order Form Product Total State Market Report NSW/ACT $90 QLD/NT $90 VIC $90 Annual Supplement $300 __________________________________________ WA $90 SA $90 Please specify TAS $90 reports required: Best Rent Report Quarterly Report $250 Annual Supplement $750 Predictions Report Top 100 Quarterly Report $215 Please visit our website or contact us on the above details to find out which reports are available. Please specify reports ____________________________________________________________________ required: Budget Predictions Report Top 50 (Under $500k) Quarterly Report $155 Please visit our website or contact us on the above details to find out which reports are available. Please specify reports _______________________________________________________________ required: Australia-wide Predictions under $500,000 Quarterly Report $250 Amount owing: $ Payment Details Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ____________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________ Yes, I wish to subscribe to the FREE Residex Newsletter (your email address must be provided). Credit Card Details Visa Master Card American Express Card Number: __________ /__________ /__________ /__________ Expiry Date: _______ /_______ Name on Card: ____________________________________________________________________________________ If you wish to pay by cheque, please make payment out to Residex Pty Limited and mail it with this form to the address above.
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