it now!
NATIONAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CENTER OF GEORGIA SAKPATENTI 3(391) 2014 TBILISI NATIONAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CENTER OF GEORGIA SAKPATENTI 3(391) INVENTIONS UTILITY MODELS DESIGNS TRADEMARKS DATE OF PUBLICATION 2014 02 10 INID CODES FOR IDENTIFICATION OF BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA INVENTIONS, UTILITY MODELS (10) (11) (21) (22) (23) (24) (31) (32) (33) (44) (45) (51) Number of publication for application, which has been examined Number of patent and kind of document Serial number of application Date of filing of the application Date of exhibition or the date of the earlier filing and the number of application, if any Date from which patent may have effect Number of priority application Date of filing of priority application Code of the country or regional organization allotting priority application number Date of publication of application not granted, but examined and number of bulletin Date of publication of registered document International Patent Classification Index (54) Title of the invention (57) Abstract (60) Number of examined patent document granted by foreign patent office, date from which patent has effect and country code (62) Number of the earlier application and in case of divided application, date of filing an application (71) Name, surname and address of applicant (country code) (72) Name, surname of inventor (country code) (73) Name, surname and address of patent owner (country code) (74) Name, surname of representative or patent attorney (85) Date of commencement of the national phase of International Application (86) Number and date of filing of international application (87) Number and date of publication of international application DESIGNS (10) (11) (15) (18) (21) (22) (23) (24) (28) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (44) (45) Number of publication for application Nnumber of patent and kind of document or number of registration Date of registration/Date of patent renewal Expected expir ation date of patent or registration Serial number of application Date of filing of the application Date of exhibition or the date of the earlier filing and the number of application, if any Date from which patent may have effect Number of designs included in the application Data relating to priority (number of application, date of filing of application, two-letter code identifying the authority with whom the priority application was made) Number of priority application Date of filing of priority application Code of the country or regional organization allotting priority application number Two-letter code according to WIPO St.3 identifying the authority with which the priority application was made Date of publication of design and number of bulletin (the first publication) Date of publication of design registered by WIPO and number of bulletin (51) International Classification for designs (class and subclass of the Locarno Classification) (54) Title of the invention (55) Reproduction of the design (57) Description of characteristic features of the design including indication of colors (62) Number of the earlier application, registration and document number and if available the date of filing an application in case of divided application (71) Name, surname and address of applicant (country code) (72) Name, surname of creator (country code) (73) Name, surname and address of patent owner (country code) (74) Name, surname of representative or patent attorney (81) Contracting states concerned II designated contracting states according to the 1960 Act III designated contracting states according to the 1999 Act (85) Owner’s permanent address (86) Owner’s nationality (87) Owner’s residence (88) State in which the owner has a real and effective industrial or commercial establishment TRADEMARKS (111) (151) (156) (181) (186) (141) (210) (220) (230) (260) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (310) (320) (330) (511) _ _ _ _ (526) _ Number of registration Date of registration Date of the renewal Expected expiration date of registration Reneval expiration date of registration Data of cancel of duration of the mark Serial number of application Date of filing of the application Data concerning exhibition Number of application, for which favorable decision of examination about registration has been taken (publication number) Number of the first application Date of filing of the first application Code, identifying national or regional Office where the first application was made International Classification of Goods and Services for the purposes of registration of trade marks and/or list of goods and/or services classified according thereto Disclaimer (531) _ Description of figurative elements of Trade Marks according to the International Classification of the Figurative Elements of Marks (540) _ Reproduction of Trade Mark (550) _ Nature and kind of Trade Mark (580) _ Date of recording of any kind changes in respect of applications or registrations (591) _ Information concerning colors claimed (731) _ Name and address of the applicant (732) _ Name and address of the holder of the registration (740) _ Name and address of the representative (750) _ Adrees for correspondence (770) _ Name and address of the previous applicant or holder in case of change in ownership (771) _ Previous name and address of the applicant or holder in case of change in ownership (791) _ Name and address of the licensee (793) _ Indication of conditions and/or restrictions under the license (Type of license, number of license agreement, data of license, data of validity of license) (800) _ Certain data relating to the international registration of Trade Marks under the Protocol Relating to Madrid Agreement (International registration number (891) _ Date of subsequent designation CODES FOR PUBLICATION IN BULLETIN (21) AP 0000 000000 _ serial number of application for invention (10) AP 0000 0000 A _ number of published application for invention (first publication) (11) P 0000 0000 B _ number of patent for invention (second publication) (21) API 0000 000000 _ number of application for imported patent (11) PI 0000 0000 A _ number of imported patent (first publication) (21) AU 0000 000000 _ serial number of application for utility model (10) AU 0000 000 U _ number of published application for utility model (first publication) (11) U 0000 000 Y _ number of patent for utility model (second publication) (21) AD 0000 000000 _ serial number of application for design (10) AD 0000 000 S _ number of published application for design (first publication) (11) D 0000 000 S _ number of patent for design (second publicatio M (210) (260) (111) (111) (111) AM 0000 000000 AAM 0000 00000 A M 0000 00000 R MMM0000 00000 Rn M 0000 00000 R(P) _ _ _ _ _ _ INTERNATIONAL PATENT CLASSIFICATION FOR INVENTIONS AND UTILITY MODELS SECTION A SECTION B SECTION C SECTION D SECTION E SECTION F HUMAN NECESSITIES PERFORMING OPERATIONS; TRANSPORTING CHEMISTRY; METALLURGY TEXTILES; PAPER FIXED CONSTRUCTIONS MECHANICAL ENGINEERING; LIGHTING; HEATING; WEAPONS; BLASTING SECTION G _ PHYSICS SECTION H _ ELECTRICITY _ _ _ _ _ _ Trade Mark Serial number of application; Publication number of application; Number of registration; Number of renewals, in which n=1,2,3; Number of registration under partial assignment of rights Date format: year, month, day (YY MM DD). LIST OF CODES, IN ALPHABETIC SEQUENCE, AND THE CORRESPONDING (SHORT) NAMES OF STATES, OTHER ENTITIES AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS (WIPO STANDARD ST.3) AD AE AF AG AI AL AM AN AO AP AR AT AU AW AZ BA BB BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BM BN BO BR BS BT BV BW BX BY BZ CA CD CF CG CH CI CK CL CM CN CO CR CU CV CY CZ DE DJ DM DO DZ EA EC EE EG EH EM EP ER ES ET FI FJ FK FO FR GA GB GC Andorra United Arab Emirates Afghanistan Antigua and Barbuda Anguilla Albania Armenia Netherlands Antilles Angola African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO) Argentina Austria Australia Aruba Azerbaijan Bosnia and Herzegovina Barbados Bangladesh Belgium Burkina Faso Bulgaria Bahrain Burundi Benin Bermuda Brunei Darussalam Bolivia Brazil Bahamas Bhutan Bouvet Island Botswana Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (BOIP) Belarus Belize Canada Democratic Republic of the Congo Central African Republic Congo Switzerland Cote d’lvoire Cook Islands Chile Cameroon China Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Cape Verde Cyprus Czech Republic Germany Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Algeria Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) Ecuador Estonia Egypt Western Sahara Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (Trademarks and Designs)(OHIM) European Patent Office (EPO) Eritrea Spain Ethiopia Finland Fiji Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Faroe Islands France Gabon United Kingdom Patent Office of the Cooperation Council GD GG GH GI GT GW GY HK HN HR HT HU IB ID IE IL IM IN IQ ID IE IL IM IN IQ IR IS IT JE JM JO JP KE KG KH KI KM KP KR KW KY KZ LA LB LC LI LK LR LS LT LU LV LY MA MC MD ME MG MK ML MM MN MO MP MR MS MT MU MV MW MX MY MZ NA for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) Grenada Guernsey Ghana Gibraltar Guatemala Guinea- Bissau Guyana The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China Honduras Croatia Haiti Hungary International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Indonesia Ireland Israel Isle of Man India Iraq Indonesia Ireland Israel Isle of Man India Iraq Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iceland Italy Jersey Jamaica Jordan Japan Kenya Kyrgyzstan Cambodia Kiribati Saint Kitts and Nevis Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Republic of Korea Kuwait Cayman Islands Kazakhstan Lao People’s Democratic Republic Lebanon Saint Lucia Liechtenstein Sri Lanka Liberia Lesotho Lithuania Luxembourg Latvia Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Morocco Monaco Republic of Moldova Montenegro Madagascar The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Mali Myanmar Mongolia Macao Northern Mariana Islands Mauritania Montserrat Malta Mauritius Maldives Malawi Mexico Malaysia Mozambique Namibia NE NG NI NL NO NP NR NZ OA OM PA PE PG PH PK PL PT PW PY QA QZ RO RS RU RW SA SB SC SD SG SH SI SK SL SM SN SO SR ST SV SY SZ TC TD TG TH TJ TL TM TN TO TR SE TT TV TW TZ UA UG US UY UZ VA VC VE VG VN VU WO WS XN YE ZA ZM ZW Niger Nigeria Nicaragua Netherlands Norway Nepal Nauru New Zealand African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) Oman Panama Peru Papua New Guinea Philippines Pakistan Poland Portugal Palau Paraguay Qatar Community Plant Variety Office (European Community) (CPVO) Romania Serbia Russian Federation Rwanda Saudi Arabia Solomon Islands Seychelles Sudan Singapore Saint Helena Slovenia Slovakia Sierra Leone San Marino Senegal Somalia Suriname Sao Tome and Principe El Salvador Syrian Arab Republic Swaziland Turks and Caicos Islands Chad Togo Thailand Tajikistan Timor-Leste Turkmenistan Tunisia Tonga Turkey Sweden Trinidad and Tobago Tuvalu Taiwan, Province of China United Republic of Tanzania Ukraine Uganda United States of America Uruguay Uzbekistan Holy See Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Venezuela Virgin Islands (British) Viet Nam Vanuatu World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Samoa Nordic Patent Institute (NPI) Yemen South Africa Zambia Zimbabwe CONTENTS PUBLISHED TITLES OF PROTECTION ...................................................................................... 2 INVENTIONS APPLICATIONS APPROVED FOR GRANTING PATENTS .............................................................. 4 PATENTED INVENTIONS ........................................................................................................................... 9 UTILITY MODELS APPLICATIONS APPROVED FOR GRANTING PATENTS .............................................................. 14 DESIGNS DESIGNS REGISTERED ACCORDING TO THE ACCELERATED PROCEDURE.................... 16 DESIGNS EGISTERED AT THE INTERNATIONAL BUREAU ON WHICH THE DECISION IS TAKEN CONCERNING THE EXTENSION OF REGISTRATION VALIDITY TO THE TERRITORY OF GEORGIA........................................................................................................................... 17 TRADEMARKS APPLICATIONS FILED UNDER THE NATIONAL PROCEDURE APPROVED FOR REGISTRATION ............................................................................................................................................ REGISTERED TRADEMARKS.................................................................................................................... TRADEMARKS REGISTERED ACCORDING TO THE ACCELERATED PROCEDURE .......... INTERNATIONAL TRADEMARKS FOR WHICH A DECISION ON GANTING PROTECTION IS TAKEN ............................................................................................................................. INTERNATIONAL TRADEMARKS PROTECTED IN GEORGIA .................................................... 40 51 54 56 134 APPELLATIONS OF ORIGIN AND GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATIONS OF GOODS AMENDMENTS TO REGISTRATION OF APPELLATION OF ORIGIN MUKUZANI………… 141 OFFICIAL NOTIFICATIONS TRADEMARKS CHANGES IN NAMES AND/OR ADDRESSES OF OWNERS...................................................................... 145 CANCELLING OF TRADEMARK REGISTRATION ............................................................................... 149 CORRECTION OF PUBLISHED INFORMATION ........................................................................................ 150 CLASSIFICATION INDEXES INVENTIONS ............................................................................................................................................................. UTILITY MODELS .................................................................................................................................................. DESIGNS ..................................................................................................................................................................... TRADEMARKS ......................................................................................................................................................... 151 154 154 155 PUBLISHED TITLES OF PROTECTION INVENTIONS APPLICATIONS APPROVED FOR GRANTING PATENTS 11479; 12015; 12602; 12715; 12645; 12536; 12436; 12727; 12783; 11520; 12407 PATENTED INVENTIONS 6026-6043 UTILITY MODELS APPLICATIONS APPROVED FOR GRANTING PATENTS 13121; 13148 DESIGNS DESIGNS REGISTERED ACCORDING TO THE ACCELERATED PROCEDURE 767 DESIGNS EGISTERED AT THE INTERNATIONAL BUREAU ON WHICH THE DECISION IS TAKEN CONCERNING THE EXTENSION OF REGISTRATION VALIDITY TO THE TERRITORY OF GEORGIA 80881; 80986; 80822; 79509; 81066, 81067; 79538; 79562; 81068; 81354; 81567; 81573; 81726; 82132; 82227 TRADEMARKS APPLICATIONS FILED UNDER THE NATIONAL PROCEDURE APPROVED FOR REGISTRATION 69116; 69842; 70796; 70917; 71119; 71163; 71198; 71360; 71369, 71370; 71417; 71440-71443; 71459-71463; 71487; 71491; 71497, 71498; 71522, 71523; 71526, 51527; 71536; 71566; 71590; 71659; 71679; 71837, 71838; 71842, 71843; 71900; 71981; 71983; 71987; 72103; 72154; 72265; 72290; 72292; 72326, 72327; 72408; 72460; 72512, 72513; 72561; 72611; 72694-72697; 72699, 72700; 72702; 72814; 69814* REGISTERED TRADEMARKS 24451-24473; 24475-24481 TRADEMARKS REGISTERED ACCORDING TO THE ACCELERATED PROCEDURE 24443-24450 INTERNATIONAL TRADEMARKS FOR WHICH A DECISION ON GANTING PROTECTION IS TAKEN 70044-70058; 70231-70235; 70239; 70275; 70370-70377; 70442-70444; 70446, 70447; 70449; 70549-70557; 70559, 70560; 70629-70632; 70669; 70677; 70684-70691; 79693; 70695-70697; 70706; 70708 -70723; 70735; 70737; 70740; 70752, 70753; 70755-70758; 70762-70776; 70778-70788; 70801, 70802; 70809-70812; 70815-70819; 70823-70825; 71001, 71002; 71004; 71006-71008; 71011-71015; 71017; 71020-71024; 71027, 71028; 71032; 71042-71045; 71272, 71273; 71281; 71286; 71295; 71298, 71299; 71303, 71304; 71316, 71317; 71321, 71322; 71324-71326; 71328; 71338, 71339; 73428; 69061* INTERNATIONAL TRADEMARKS PROTECTED IN GEORGIA 68500; 68696; 68701; 69414; 69422; 69453; 69479; 69515, 69516; 69525; 69557-69559; 69566; 69569; 69577-69579; 69628-69632; 69634-69639; 69642-69645; 69650; 69653, 69654; 69660, 69661; 69664; 69668; 69733-69736; 69739, 69740; 69742; 69744; 69746; 69748; 69750; 69752; 69754-69756; 69793-69795; 69798; 69907; 69910-69917; 69920-69925; 69928, 69929; 69931, 69932; 69934-69941; 69977-69981; 70001; 70004; 70009; 70013, 70014; 70017; 70161; 70218 3 INVENTIONS APPLICATIONS APPROVED FOR GRANTING PATENTS The decision can be appealed at the Chamber of Appeal of Sakpatenti within 3 months from the publication or at the Mtskheta District Court Administrative Cases Board (Address: №17, Samkhedro str., Mtskheta), within 1 month following the publication. PART A A 61 (10) AP 2014 11479 A (51) Int. Cl. (2006) A 61 F 13/537 (22) 2008 03 11 (21) AP 2008 011479 (31) 2007/01707 (32) 2007 03 19 (33) TR (71) EVYAP SABUN YAG GLISERIN SANAYI VE TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI (TR) Ayazaga Cendere Yolu No. 10 Levent 34396 Istanbul (TR) (72) EVYAP ARIN, Ayse (TR); OZER, Emre (TR); KUCUKOGLU, Sule (TR); ALGUL, Fatma (TR); AKYUZ, Sinan (TR); SUZEN, Mesut (TR); GENC, Gultekin (TR) (74) Tamaz Shilakadze (85) 2009 09 17 (86) PCT/IB2008/050883, 2008 03 11 (54) LAYERED ACQUISITION AND DISTRIBUTION COMPONENT (57) There is represented a component 5 comprising three layers connected to each other: fiber layer 6 containing nonwoven synthetic fibers; textile dye attached to paint fiber layer surface directly on technological line; and paper layer 7 prepared with cellulose, in preference, synthetic cellulose. Claims: 1 independent 6 dependent Fig.: 5 4 #3 Fig.1 _________________________________________ (10) AP 2014 12015 A (51) Int. Cl. (2006) A 61 K 31/4422 A 61 K 9/08 A 61 P 39/04 A 61 K 47/38 (21) AP 2008 012015 (22) 2008 04 25 (31) PCT/CA2008/000784 (32) 2008 04 25 (33) CA (71) APOTEX TECHNOLOGIES INC. (CA) 150 Signet Drive, Toronto, Ontario M9L 1T9 (CA) (72) SPINO, Michael (CA); HUI, Anita (CA); YANG, Cihua (CA); KABIR, Mohammed, N. (CA) (74) Shalva Gvaramadze (85) 2010 11 25 (86) PCT/CA2008/000784, 2008 04 25 (54) LIQUID FORMULATION CONTAINING DEFERIPRONE WITH PALATABLE TASTE (57) There is represented an oral pharmaceutical liquid formulation comprising deferiprone and a taste masking composition, said taste masking composition comprising an effective amount of a sweetener (such as sucralose) per litre of liquid composition, an effective amount of a thickening and suspension aid, (for example hydroxyethylcellulose), per litre of liquid composition, an effective amount of a humectant (such as glycerin) per litre of liquid composition, and 2014 02 10 INVENTIONS an effective amount of at least one flavoring agent, wherein a final form of said taste-masked pharmaceutical has a substantially non-bitter and palatable taste. Claims: 3 independent 16 dependent _________________________________________ and pharmaceutical compositions containing them, which are protein kinase modulators; they are applied at the treatment of disorders caused by protein kinase, particularly, diseases caused by CDK9. Claims: 4 independent 14 dependent _________________________________________ (10) AP 2014 12715 A PART C C 07 (10) AP 2014 12602 A (51) Int. Cl. (2006) C 07 D 213/74 C 07 D 401/04 C 07 D 401/12 A 61 K 31/506 A 61 P 29/00 A 61 P 35/00 (21) AP 2010 012602 (22) 2010 07 28 (31) 61/273154; 61/357720 (32) 2009 07 30; 2010 06 23 (33) US; US (71) NOVARTIS AG (CH) Lichtstrasse 35 CH-4056 Basel (CH) (72) BARSANTI, Paul, A. (GB); HU, Cheng (CN); JIN, Jeff (US); KEYES, Robert (US); KUCEJKO, Robert (US); LIN, Xiaodong (US); PAN, Yue (CN); PFISTER, Keith, B. (US); SENDZIK, Martin (DE); SUTTON, James (US); WAN, Lifeng (CN) (74) Alexander Kartvelishvili (85) 2012 02 29 (86) PCT/EP2010/060984, 2010 07 28 (54) PYRIDINE AND PYRAZINE DERIVATIVES AS PROTEIN KINASE MODULATORS (57) There are represented pyridine derivatives of formula (I), #3 (51) Int. Cl. (2006) C 07 D 401/12 C 07 D 471/04 A 61 K 31/437 A 61 K 31/4439 (22) 2010 10 19 (21) AP 2010 012715 (31) 61/253590 (32) 2009 10 21 (33) US (71) BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM INTERNATIONAL GMBH (DE) Binger Strasse 173, 55216 Ingelheim Am Rhein (DE) (72) COOK, Brian Nicholas (US); KUZMICH, Daniel (US); MAO, Can (CN); RAZAVI, Hossein (US) (74) Tamar Kochalamazashvili (85) 2012 05 18 (86) PCT/US2010/053142, 2010 10 19 (54) INDAZOLE AND PYRAZOLOPYRIDINE COMPOUNDS AS CCR1 RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS (57) There are represented indazole and pyrazolopyridine compounds of formula (I), (I) and pharmaceutical compositions containing them, which are CCRl receptor antagonists; they are applied at autoimmune diseases treatment. Claims: 3 independent 15 dependent _________________________________________ 2014 02 10 5 INVENTIONS (10) AP 2014 12645 A (51) Int. Cl. (2006) C 07 D 401/14 C 07 D 403/04 A 61 K 31/506 A 61 P 35/00 (21) AP 2010 012645 (22) 2010 08 27 (31) 61/238073; 61/313039 (32) 2009 08 28; 2010 03 11 (33) US; US (71) IRM LLC (US) 131 Front Street, P.O Box HM 2899, Hamilton, HM LX (BM) (US); NOVARTIS AG (CH) Lichtstrasse 35, CH-4056, Basel (CH) (72) HUANG, Shenlin (CN); JIN, Xianming (US); LIU, Zuosheng (CN); POON, Daniel (US); TELLEW, John E. (US); WAN, Yongqin (CN); WANG, Xing (CN); XIE, Yongping (US) (74) Alexander Kartvelishvili (85) 2012 03 28 (86) PCT/US2010/046930, 2010 08 27 (54) COMPOUNDS AND COMPOSITIONS AS PROTEIN KINASE INHIBITORS (57) There is represented compound of formula (Ia), pharmaceutical composition on basis thereof and usage thereat the treatment of condition caused by B-Raf kinase. Claims: 8 independent 18 dependent Table: 1 Fig.: 1 _________________________________________ 6 #3 (10) AP 2014 12536 A (51) Int. Cl. (2006) C 07 D 403/12 C 07 D 487/04 A 61 K 31/519 A 61 K 31/4353 A 61 K 31/4184 A 61 P 25/00 (21) AP 2010 012536 (22) 2010 06 17 (31) PCT/DK2009/050134 (32) 2009 06 19 (33) DK (71) H. LUNDBECK A/S (DK) Ottiliavej 9, DK-2500 Valby (DK) (72) RITZEN, Andreas (SE); KEHLER, Jan (DK); LANGGÅRD, Morten (DK); NIELSEN, Jacob (DK); KILBURN, John Paul (GB); FARAH, Mohamed M. (DK) (74) Shalva Gvaramadze (85) 2012 01 16 (86) PCT/DK2010/050147, 2010 06 17 (54) NOVEL PHENYLIMIDAZOLE DERIVATIVE AS PDE10A ENZYME INHIBITOR (57) There is represented compound 5,8-Dimethyl-2-[2-(1-methyl-4-phenyl-1H-imidazol2-yl)-ethyl]-[1,2,4]thazolo[1,5-a]pyrazine and pharmaceutically acceptable acid addition salts thereof. Said compound is applied at neurodegenerative and mental disorders treatment. Claims: 7 independent 2 dependent _________________________________________ (10) AP 2014 12436 A (51) Int. Cl. (2006) C 07 D 487/04 A 61 K 31/519 (21) AP 2010 012436 (22) 2010 03 26 (31) 2009 - 000574; PCT/EP2009/053907; 09171906.2 (32) 2009 03 31; 2009 04 01; 2009 09 30 (33) VE; EP; EP (71) BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM INTERNATIONAL GMBH (DE) Binger Straße 173, 55216 Ingelheim Am Rhein (DE) (72) GIOVANNINI, Riccardo (DE); DORNER-CIOSSEK, Cornelia (DE); EICKMEIER, Christian (DE); FIEGEN, Dennis (DE); FOX, Thomas (DE); FUCHS, Klaus (DE); 2014 02 10 INVENTIONS HEINE, Niklas (DE); ROSENBROCK, Holger (DE); SCHAENZLE, Gerhard (DE) (74) Tamar Kochlamazashvili (85) 2011 10 31 (86) PCT/EP2010/054050, 2010 03 26 (54) 1-HETEROCYCLYL-1, 5-DIHYDROPYRAZOLO [3, 4-D] PYRIMIDIN-4-ONE DERIVATIVES AND THEIR USAGE AS PDE9A MODULATORS (57) There is represented compound of formula (I), pharmaceutical composition on basis thereof and their usage as a drug. Claims: 5 independent 30 dependent Table: 4 _________________________________________ (10) AP 2014 12727 A (51) Int. Cl. (2006) C 07 D 493/08 C 07 H 7/04 A 61 K 31/35 A 61 P 3/04 A 61 P 3/10 (21) AP 2010 012727 (22) 2010 10 21 (31) 61/257140; 61/372938 (32) 2009 11 02; 2010 08 12 (33) US; US (71) PFIZER INC. (US) 235 East 42nd Street New York, NY 10017 (US) (72) MASCITTI, Vincent (FR) (74) Shalva Gvaramadze (85) 2012 05 30 (86) PCT/IB2010/054775, 2010 10 21 (54) DIOXA-BICYCLO[3.2.1]OCTANE-2,3,4TRIOL DERIVATIVES (57) There are represented dioxa-bicyclo[3.2.1] octane-2,3,4-triol derivatives and pharmaceutical compositions containing them, which are sodiumglucose cotransporter (SGLT2) inhibitors; they are applied at the treatment of obesity and disorders caused by obesity in animals. Claims: 7 independent 4 dependent _________________________________________ #3 (10) AP 2014 12783 A (51) Int. Cl. (2006) C 07 D 519/00 A 61 K 31/519 A 61 P 11/00 A 61 P 11/06 A 61 P 11/08 (21) AP 2010 012783 (22) 2010 12 15 (31) 09179982.5; 61/315552; PCT/EP2010/069704 (32) 2009 12 18; 2010 03 19; 2010 12 15 (33) EP; US; EP (71) NYCOMED GMBH (DE) Byk-Gulden-Str. 2, 78467 Konstanz (DE) (72) FLOCKERZI, Dieter (DE); STENGEL, Thomas (DE); MANN, Alexander (DE); OHMER, Harald (DE); KAUTZ, Ulrich (DE); WEINBRENNER, Steffen (DE); FISCHER, Stefan (DE); ZITT, Christof (DE); HATZELMANN, Armin (DE); DUNKERN, Torsten (DE); HESSLINGER, Christian (DE); MAIER, Thomas (DE); TENOR, Hermann (DE); BRAUN, Clemens (DE); KÜLZER, Raimund (DE); MARX, Degenhard (DE) (74) Tamar Kochalamazashvili (85) 2012 07 11 (86) PCT/EP2010/069704, 2010 12 15 (54) 3,4,4A,10B-TETRAHYDRO-1HTHIOPYRANO-[4,3-c] ISOQUINOLINE DERIVATIVES (57) There are represented 3,4,4A,10B-tetrahydro1H-thiopyrano-[4, 3-c] isoquinolines of common formula (I), (1) and pharmaceutical compositions containing them, which are PDE4 inhibitors; they are applied at respiratory tracts acute and chronic diseases treatment. Claims: 14 independent 15 dependent _________________________________________ 2014 02 10 7 INVENTIONS (10) AP 2014 11520 A (51) Int. Cl. (2006) C 07 K 16/28 A 61 K 39/395 C 12 N 15/13 C 12 N 15/63 (21) AP 2008 011520 (22) 2008 03 21 (31) 60/919,816; 60/919,938; 60/920,495 (32) 2007 03 22; 2007 03 22; 2007 03 27 (33) US; US; US (71) BIOGEN IDEC MA INC. (US) 14 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142 (US); UCB PHARMA S.A. (BE) 60 Allee de la Recherche, B-1070 Brussels (BE) (72) BURKLY, Linda C. (US); FERRANT-ORGETTAS, Janine L. (US); GARBER, Ellen A. (US); HSU, Yen-ming (US); SU, Lihe (US); TAYLOR, Frederick R. (US); ADAMS, Ralph (GB); BROWN, Derek Thomas (GB); POPPLEWELL, Andrew George (GB); ROBINSON, Martyn Kim (GB); SHOCK, Anthony (GB); TYSON, Kerry Louise (GB) (74) Tamaz Shilakadze (85) 2009 10 20 (86) PCT/US2008/003735, 2008 03 21 (54) BINDING PROTEINS, INCLUDING ANTIBODIES, ANTIBODY DERIVATIVES AND ANTIBODY FRAGMENTS, THAT SPECIFICALLY BIND CD154 AND USAGE THEREOF (57) An invention relates to CD154 binding proteins including antibodies, antibody derivatives and antibody fragments. The invention also relates to nucleic acid molecule coding CD154 binding protein, a vector containing said acid and host-cell containing this vector. Such protein preparation method, composition containing it, and application this protein and composition at the treatment are overviewed in this invention, as well. Claims: 10 independent 23 dependent 8 #3 Fig. 19 _________________________________________ C 10 (10) AP 2014 12407 A (51) Int. Cl. (2006) C 10 J 3/20 (22) 2010 03 03 (21) AP 2010 012407 (31) 10 2009 011 358.4 (32) 2009 03 05 (33) DE (71) KRONES AG (DE) Böhmerwaldstraße 5 93073 Neutraubling (DE) (72) KAMMERLOHER, Helmut (DE); JOHANNSSEN, Sven (DE); TRAN, Van Cung (DE) (74) Shalva Gvaramadze (85) 2011 10 05 (86) PCT/EP2010/052655, 2010 03 03 (54) METHOD AND DEVICE FOR UTILIZING STRAW-LIKE BIOMASS IN FIXED BED GASIFICATION PROCESS (57) An invention relates to a method for utilizing biomass, wherein following steps are performed: first, at least one raw material containing carbon is thermally gasified. In a next step, the synthesis gas produced in the gasification is purified. During said purification, the temperature of synthesis gas is changed. Then the synthesis gas is preferably converted into liquid fuel by means of catalyzed chemical reaction, wherein straw-like biomass is selected as the raw material containing carbon, the gasification is performed in fixed bed reactor, and ash-softening temperature of straw-like raw material is increased by adding at least one alkaline-earth salt. Claims: 3 independent 11 dependent Fig.: 2 _________________________________________ 2014 02 10 INVENTIONS PATENTED INVENTIONS PART A A 61 A 01 (11) P 2014 6042 B (11) P 2014 6029 B (51) Int. Cl. (2006) A 01 N 43/90 (44) 20(384)/2013 (10) AP 2013 12252 A (21) AP 2009 012252 (22) 2009 12 07 (24) 2009 12 07 (31) 61/120,438 (32) 2008 12 06 (33) US (86) PCT/US2009/006444, 2009 12 07 (73) INTRACELLULAR THERAPIES, INC. (US) 3960 Broadway, New-York, NY 10032 (US) (72) LI, Peng (US). WENNOGLE, Lawrence, P. (US); ZHAO, Chun (CN); ZENG, Hailin (CN) (74) Shalva Gvaramadze (54) ORGANIC COMPOUNDS _________________________________________ A 23 (11) P 2014 6038 B (51) Int. Cl. (2006) A 23 L 1/0524 (44) 20(384)/2013 (10) AP 2013 12685 A (21) AP 2012 012685 (22) 2012 04 30 (24) 2012 04 30 (73) Irina Bezhanidze (GE) Akhmetelis q. 7, b. 15, 6010 Batumi (GE); Zurab Kontselidze (GE) D. Aghmasheneblis q. 13, b. 2, 6010 Makhinjauri (GE); Tina Kharebava (GE) L. Asatianis q. 2/27, 6010 Batumi (GE) (72) Irina Bezhanidze (GE); Zurab Kontselidze (GE); Tina Kharebava (GE) (54) METHOD OF PECTIN RELEASE FROM PLANT RAW MATERIAL _________________________________________ #3 (51) Int. Cl. (2006) A 61 P35/00 A 61 K 31/495 C 07 D 401/04 C 07 D 401/10 C 07 D 401/12 C 07 D 401/14 C 07 D 405/04 C 07 D 405/12 C 07 D 409/12 C 07 D 413/10 C 07 D 413/12 C 07 D 417/12 C 07 D 405/14 C 07 D 413/14 C 07 D 217/24 (44) 18(382)/2013 (10) AP 2013 12760 A (21) AP 2010 012760 (22) 2010 12 21 (24) 2010 12 21 (31) 61/288992; PCT/CN2010/078927 (32) 2009 12 22; 2010 11 19 (33) US; CN (86) PCT/EP2010/070364, 2010 12 21 (73) NOVARTIS AG (CH) Lichtstrasse 35 CH-4056 Basel (CH) (72) BERGHAUSEN, Joerg (DE); BUSCHMANN, Nicole (DE); FURET, Pascal (FR); GESSIER, François (FR); HERGOVICH LISZTWAN, Joanna (CA); HOLZER, Philipp (CH); JACOBY, Edgar (BE); KALLEN, Joerg (CH); MASUYA, Keiichi (JP); PISSOT SOLDERMANN, Carole (FR); REN, Haixia (CN); STUTZ, Stefan (CH) (74) Alexander Kartvelishvili (54) SUBSTITUTED ISOQUINOLINONES AND QUINAZOLINONES _________________________________________ 2014 02 10 9 INVENTIONS PART B B 65 B 23 (11) P 2014 6040 B (11) P 2014 6027 B (51) Int. Cl. (2006) B 23 P 17/06 B 23 D 31/00 E 04 C 5/01 (44) 20(384)/2013 (10) AP 2013 12746 A (21) AP 2010 012746 (22) 2010 11 12 (24) 2010 11 12 (31) 09075503.4 (32) 2009 11 12 (33) EP (86) PCT/EP2010/067381, 2010 11 12 (73) IMPRESS GROUP B.V. (NL) Zutphenseweg 51051б NL-7418 AH Deventer (NL) (72) LEBOUCHER, Fabrice (FR) (74) Tamar Kochlamazashvili (54) PANEL FOR CONTAINER, CONTAINER PROVIDED WITH SUCH PANEL AND METHOD MAKING THEREOF _________________________________________ (10) AP 2013 12116 A (21) AP 2009 012116 (22) 2009 05 23 (24) 2009 05 23 (31) 10 2008 034 250.5 (32) 2008 07 23 (33) DE (86) PCT/DE2009/000736, 2009 05 23 (73) CENT & CENT GMBH & CO. KG (DE) Benzstrasse 14, 89155 Erbach (DE) (72) STAHL, Karl-Hermann (DE) (74) Shalva Gvaramadze (54) METHOD FOR PRODUCING STEEL FIBERS _________________________________________ B 67 B 62 (11) P 2014 6043 B (11) P 2014 6036 B (51) Int. Cl. (2006) B 62 D 3/02 (44) 20(384)/2013 (10) AP 2013 12588 A (21) AP 2012 012588 (22) 2012 02 20 (24) 2012 02 20 (73) Revaz Varsimashvili (GE) Vazha-Pshavelas Gamz., V kvart., korp. 4, b. 82, 0186 Tbilisi (GE); Merab Kakhiani (GE) Sulkhan Tsintsadzis q. 56, b. 1, 0160 Tbilisi (GE); Zurab Varsimashvili (GE) Mtskhetis q. 20, b. 34, 0179 Tbilisi (GE); Revaz Kakhiani (GE) Sulkhan Tsintsadzis q. 56, b. 1, 0160 Tbilisi (GE); Akaki Kakhiani (GE) Sulkhan Tsintsadzis q. 56, b. 1, 0160 Tbilisi (GE) (72) Revaz Varsimashvili (GE); Merab Kakhiani (GE); Zurab Varsimashvili (GE); Revaz Kakhiani (GE); Akaki Kakhiani (GE) (54) VEHICLE STEERING WHEEL CONTROL RACK-AND-PINION MECHANISM _________________________________________ 10 #3 (51) Int. Cl. (2006) B 65 D 17/40 (44) 20(384)/2013 (51) Int. Cl. (2006) B 67 D 1/08 B 67 D 1/04 B 67 D 1/00 (44) 19(383)/2013 (10) AP 2013 12944 A (21) AP 2011 012944 (22) 2011 09 12 (24) 2011 09 12 (31) PCT/GE2011/000005 (32) 2011 09 12 (33) WO (86) PCT/GE2011/000005, 2011 09 12 (73) Shota Pertia (GE) Mirotadzis q. 14, 0171 Tbilisi (GE) (72) Shota Pertia (GE) (54) METHOD OF DISPENSING FIZZY BEVERAGES UNDER COUNTERPRESSURE AND APPLIANCE "PERTO" _________________________________________ 2014 02 10 INVENTIONS B 69 (11) P 2014 6035 B (51) Int. Cl. (2006) B 69 K 17/00 (44) 20(384)/2013 (10) AP 2013 12586 A (21) AP 2012 012586 (22) 2012 02 20 (24) 2012 02 20 (73) Revaz Varsimashvili (GE) Vazha-Pshavelas Gamz., V kvart., korp. 4, b. 82, 0186 Tbilisi (GE); Merab Kakhiani (GE) Sulkhan Tsintsadzis q. 56, b. 1, 0160 Tbilisi (GE); Zurab Varsimashvili (GE) Mtskhetis q. 20, b. 34, 0179 Tbilisi (GE); Revaz Kakhiani (GE) Sulkhan Tsintsadzis q. 56, b. 1, 0160 Tbilisi (GE); Akaki Kakhiani (GE) Sulkhan Tsintsadzis q. 56, b. 1, 0160 Tbilisi (GE) (72) Revaz Varsimashvili (GE); Merab Kakhiani (GE); Zurab Varsimashvili (GE); Revaz Kakhiani (GE); Akaki Kakhiani (GE) (54) PULSATING DIFFERENTIAL _________________________________________ PART C C 07 (11) P 2014 6033 B (51) Int. Cl. (2006) C 07 D 213/75 C 07 D 401/12 C 07 D 401/14 C 07 D 403/12 C 07 D 413/14 C 07 D 417/12 C 07 D 417/14 A 61 P 35/00 (44) 20(384)/2013 (10) AP 2013 12397 A (21) AP 2010 012397 (22) 2010 03 01 (24) 2010 03 01 (31) 61/156599; 61/245187 (32) 2009 03 02; 2009 09 23 (33) US; US (86) PCT/US2010/025813, 2010 03 01 (73) IRM LLC (US) 131 Front Street, Box HM 2899, Hamilton, HM LX (US) (72) CHENG, Dai (US); ZHANG, Guobao (US); HAN, Dong (CN); GAO, Wenqi (CN); PAN, Shifeng (US); #3 (74) Alexander Kartvelishvili (54) N-(HETERO)ARYL, 2-(HETERO)ARYLSUBSTITUTED ACETAMIDES USAGE AS WNT SIGNALING MODULATORS _________________________________________ (11) P 2014 6026 B (51) Int. Cl. (2006) C 07 D 487/04 C 07 D 498/04 C 07 D 513/04 A 61 K 31/519 A 61 P 29/00 (44) 20(384)/2013 (10) AP 2013 11996 A (21) AP 2009 011996 (22) 2009 04 15 (24) 2009 04 15 (31) 902/MUM/2008; 61/057,971; 1201/MUM/2008; 61/074,112; 1687/MUM/2008; 61/092,324; 2174/MUM/2008; 61/113,344 (32) 2008 04 23; 2008 06 02; 2008 06 05; 2008 06 19; 2008 08 08; 2008 08 27; 2008 10 10; 2008 11 11 (33) IN; US; IN; US; IN; US; IN; US (86) PCT/IB2009/005290, 2009 04 15 (73) GLENMARK PHARMACEUTICALS S.A. (CH) Chemin de la Combeta 5, 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds (CH) (72) V.S. PRASADARAO, Lingam (IN); SACHIN, Sundarial, Chaudhari (IN); ABRAHAM, Thomas (IN); NEELIMA, Khairatkar-Joshi (IN); VIDYA G., Kattige (IN) (74) Alexander Kvernadze (54) FUSED PYRIMIDINEONE COMPOUNDS AS TRPV3 MODULATORS _________________________________________ (11) P 2014 6034 B (51) Int. Cl. (2006) C 07 D 471/04 A 61 K 31/4188 A 61 P 11/00 A 61 P 29/00 (44) 20(384)/2013 (10) AP 2013 12405 A (21) AP 2010 012405 (22) 2010 03 05 (24) 2010 03 05 (31) 09154414.8; 09179618.5 (32) 2009 03 05; 2009 12 17 (33) EP; EP (86) PCT/EP2010/052799, 2010 03 05 (73) BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM INTERNATIONAL GMBH (DE) Binger Straße 173, 55216 Ingelheim Am Rhein (DE) (72) PFAU, Roland (DE); ARNDT, Kirsten (DE); DOODS, Henri (NL); KLINDER, Klaus (DE); KUELZER, Raimund (DE); LUBRIKS, Dimitrijs (UA); 2014 02 10 11 INVENTIONS MACK, Juergen (DE); PELCMAN, Benjamin (SE); PRIEPKE, Henning (DE); ROENN, Robert (SE); STENKAMP, Dirk (DE); SUNA, Edgars (LV) (74) Tamar Kochlamazashvili (54) 3H-IMIDAZO [4,5-C] PYRIDINE-6CARBOXAMIDES AS ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AGENTS _________________________________________ (11) P 2014 6030 B (51) Int. Cl. (2006) C 07 D 491/00 (44) 20(384)/2013 (10) AP 2013 12254 A (21) AP 2009 012254 (22) 2009 12 07 (24) 2009 12 07 (31) 61/120,441 (32) 2008 12 06 (33) US (86) PCT/US2009/006442, 2009 12 07 (73) INTRA-CELLULAR THERAPIES, INC. (US) 3690 Broadway, New York, NY 10032 (US) (72) LI, Peng (CN); WENNOGLE, Lawrence P. (US); ZHAO, Chun (CN); ZENG, Hailin (CN) (74) Shalva Gvaramadze (54) ORGANIC COMPOUNDS _________________________________________ C 11 (11) P 2014 6037 B (51) Int. Cl. (2006) C 11 B 9/02 (44) 20(384)/2013 (10) AP 2013 12684 A (21) AP 2012 012684 (22) 2012 04 30 (24) 2012 04 30 (73) Zurab Kontselidze (GE) D. Aghmasheneblis q. 13, b. 2, 6010 Makhinjauri (GE); Irina Bezhanidze (GE) Akhmetelis q. 7, b. 15, 6010 Batumi (GE); Tina Kharebava (GE) L. Asatianis q. 2/27, 6010 Batumi (GE) (72) Zurab Kontselidze (GE); Irina Bezhanidze (GE); Tina Kharebava (GE) (54) ESSENTIAL OILS EXTRACTION FROM FRUIT PEEL _________________________________________ 12 #3 PART E E 04 (11) P 2014 6028 B (51) Int. Cl. (2006) E 04 B 1/32 (44) 20(384)/2013 (10) AP 2013 12247 A (21) AP 2011 012247 (22) 2011 06 02 (24) 2011 06 02 (73) Giorgi Tabagari (GE) Aghmasheneblis q. 31, 3300 Mtskheta (GE) (72) Bichiko Surguladze (GE); Giorgi Tabagari (GE) (54) CEILING APPROXIMATELY TENSE ARCHED CONSTRUCTION _________________________________________ (11) P 2014 6031 B (51) Int. Cl. (2006) E 04 C 2/54 B 28 B 23/00 E 04 B 2/02 (44) 20(384)/2013 (10) AP 2013 12289 A (21) AP 2009 012289 (22) 2009 12 10 (24) 2009 12 10 (31) MI2008A002190 (32) 2008 12 11 (33) IT (86) PCT/EP2009/066813, 2009 12 10 (73) ITALCEMENTI S.P.A. (IT) Via G. Camozzi, 124, I-24121, Bergamo (IT) (72) CANGIANO, Stefano (IT); CARMINATI, Aronne (IT) (74) Shalva Gvaramadze (54) COMPOSITE PANEL MADE FROM CEMENTITIOUS MORTAR WITH PROPERTIES OF TRANSPARENCY _________________________________________ (11) P 2014 6032 B (51) Int. Cl. (2006) E 04 H 9/02 E 04 B 1/344 (44) 20(384)/2013 (10) AP 2013 12315 A (21) AP 2011 012315 (22) 2011 07 22 (24) 2011 07 22 (73) Irakli Gobejishvili (GE) K. Cholokashvilis q. I kv., I korp., b. 8, 0113 Tbilisi (GE) (72) Irakli Gobejishvili (GE); Bichiko Surguladze (GE) (54) APPROXIMATELY TENSE ASEISMIC STABILE HANGING BUILDING _________________________________________ 2014 02 10 INVENTIONS PART G G 01 (11) P 2014 6041 B (51) Int. Cl. (2006) G 01 N 33/12 (44) 20(384)/2013 (10) AP 2013 12749 A (21) AP 2012 012749 (22) 2012 06 14 (24) 2012 06 14 (73) Valter Gelashvili (GE) Ketevan Tsamebulis Gamz. 76b, b. 33, 0144 Tbilisi (GE) (72) Valter Gelashvili (GE) (54) OPTICAL DEVICE _________________________________________ (11) P 2014 6039 B (51) Int. Cl. (2006) G 01 N 33/38 (44) 20(384)/2013 (10) AP 2013 12719 A (21) AP 2012 012719 (22) 2012 05 22 (24) 2012 05 22 (73) Akaki Iromashvili (GE) Varketilis IV mkr., II rigi., korp. 1, b. 52, 0163 Tbilisi (GE); Pridon Iromashvili (GE) Varketilis IV mkr., II rigi., korp. 1, b. 52, 0163 Tbilisi (GE); Irma Iromashvili (GE) Chavchavadzis q 67, 1500 Gurjaani (GE); Giorgi Iromashvili (GE) Varketilis IV mkr., II rigi., korp. 1, b. 52, 0163 Tbilisi (GE); Vano Natidze (GB) 7 Trent Road, Luton, Bedfordshire County, LU 3 1 SZ (GB) (72) Akaki Iromashvili (GE); Natela Iromashvili (GE); Pridon Iromashvili (GE); Irma Iromashvili (GE); Giorgi Iromashvili (GE) (54) CONDUCTOMETRIC METHOD TO SPECIFY CEMENT ACTIVITY, CEMENT AND WATER QUANTITY IN CONCRETE MIX AND CONCRETE DURABILITY _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 13 UTILITY MODELS APPLICATIONS APPROVED FOR GRANTING PATENT The decision can be appealed at the Chamber of Appeal of Sakpatenti within 3 months from the publication or at the Mtskheta District Court Administrative Cases Board (Address: №17, Samkhedro str., Mtskheta), within 1 month following the publication. PART B B 61 (10) AU 2014 13121 U (51) Int. Cl. (2006) B 61 H 13/20 (21) AU 2013 013121 (22) 2013 06 18 (71) Giorgi Usanetashvili (GE) Sop. Teliani, 2608 Kaspis R-ni (GE); Levan Lomsadze (GE) Didi Dighomi, III mkr. korp. 17, b. 31, 0131 Tbilisi (GE); Guri Sharashenidze (GE) Tsodniskaris q. 1 a, 0178 Tbilisi (GE) (72) Giorgi Usanetashvili (GE); Levan Lomsadze (GE); Guri Sharashenidze (GE) (54) RAILCAR BRAKE LINKAGE (57) There is represented linkage comprising a cylinder 1 connected to driving lever assembly, the drafts allocated from each side of car trucks, the wishbone suspensions consisting at least of two couples 6, 7, 8 and 9 of vertical levers, wherein each therefrom is hingedly connected to a support with its one end, and saddles 11, 12, 13 and 14 are fastened on another end thereof; at that, each saddle is equipped with a brake block 10. A hinge-lever assembly is allocated between each couple of vertical levers. This assembly is appropriated for clipping blocks executed as two – inner and outer levers 17, 18, 19, 20 allocated parallel to each other, and as bindings 15 and 16 are hingedly connected thereto; at that, by means of draft the lower end of each lever of hinge-lever mechanism is connected to this end of corresponding vertical lever, whereon the saddle is fastened; furthermore, upper ends of inner levers of hinge-lever mechanism allocated from each side of truck are hingedly connected to intermediate draft 5 binding them, and one from outer levers is connected to support by means of draft 4, and another is connected to driving lever assembly 2 by means of draft 3. Claims: 1 independent 3 dependent Fig.: 2 14 #3 _________________________________________ B 65 (10) AU 2014 13148 U (51) Int. Cl. (2006) B 65 D 88/00 (22) 2013 06 28 (21) AU 2013 013148 (71) Merab Jibladze (GE) I.Chavchavadzis Gamz. 16, b. 23, 0179 Tbilisi (GE); Irakli Sharabidze (GE) I.Chavchavadzis q. 78, b. 140, 6010 Batumi (GE); Tamaz Batsikadze (GE) R. Laghidzis q. 16, 0108 Tbilisi (GE); Guram Varshalomidze (GE) Baratashvilis q. 20, 6010 Batumi (GE); Zurab Razmadze (GE) Barnovis q. 26, 0108 Tbilisi (GE); Davit Sharabidze (GE) A. Kazbegis q. 11, b. 36, 6010 Batumi (GE); Vladimer Dolidze (GE) Parnavaz Mepis q. 105, b. 51, 6010 Batumi (GE) (72) Merab Jibladze (GE); Irakli Sharabidze (GE); Tamaz Batsikadze (GE); Guram Varshalomidze (GE); Zurab Razmadze (GE); Davit Sharabidze (GE); Vladimer Dolidze (GE) (54) ENVIRONMENTALLY SAFE CONVEYANCE FACILITY (57) There is represented a facility comprising hermetic capacity 1 with variable volume, which is placed in a tank or a cistern 2; at that, the tank or 2014 02 10 UTILITY MODELS the cistern are equipped with an air pipe 6 and a water conduit 7. Claims: 1 independent 1 dependent Fig.: 1 _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 15 DESIGNS DESIGNS REGISTERED ACCORDING TO THE ACCELERATED PROCEDURE The decision can be appealed at the Chamber of Appeal of Sakpatenti within 3 months from the publication. (11) D 2014 567 S (51) 09-01 (21) AD 2013 000780 (22) 2013 12 19 (24) 2013 12 19 (28) 1 (18) 2018 12 19 (73) Nikoloz Gogatishvili (GE) Vazisubnis Das. korp. 14, b. 87, 0152 Tbilisi (GE) (72) Nikoloz Gogatishvili (GE) (54) BOTTLE OF WINE WITH COVERING, LABEL AND BOTTLENECK LABEL (55) _____________________________________________ 16 #3 2014 02 10 DESIGNS DESIGNS REGISTERED AT THE INTERNATIONAL BUREAU ON WHICH THE DECISION IS TAKEN CONCERNING THE EXTENSION OF REGISTRATION VALIDITY TO THE TERRITORY OF GEORGIA The decision can be appealed at the Chamber of Appeal of Sakpatenti within 3 months from the publication or at the Mtskheta District Court Administrative Cases Board (Address: №17, Samkhedro Str., Mtskheta), within 1 . month following the publication. (11) DM/080881 (51) 10-02 (15) 2013 04 26 (45) 2013/43 (2013 11 01) (22) 2013 04 26 (28) 5 (73) SWATCH AG (SWATCH SA)(SWATCH LTD) Jakob-Stämpfli-Strasse 94, CH-2502 Bienne (CH) (85) CH (86) CH (87) CH (88) CH (89) CH (81) II. BZ, MA. III. AL, AM, AZ, BA, CH, EM, GE, HR, KG, LI, MC, MD, ME, MK, MN, NO, OM, SG, TJ, TN, TR, UA (72) Design 1: Claudia Carieri, Swatchlab, Via Archimede 6, 20129 MILANO, Italie; dessin 2: Patrizio Vita, Swatchlab, Via Archimede 6, 20129 MILANO, Italie; dessin 3: Patrizio Vita, Swatchlab, Via Archimede 6, 20129 MILANO, Italie; dessins 4 and 5: Danilo Sala , Swatchlab, Via Archimede 6, 20129 MILANO, Italie (54) 1.-5. Wristwatches (55) __________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 17 DESIGNS (11) DM/080986 (51) 10-07 (15) 2013 04 30 (45) 2013/43 (2013 11 01) (22) 2013 04 30 (28) 1 (73) SWATCH AG (SWATCH SA) (SWATCH LTD.) Jakob-Stämpfli-Strasse 94, CH-2502 Biel/Bienne (CH) (85) CH (86) CH (87) CH (88) CH (89) CH (81) II. BZ, MA. III. AL, AM, AZ, BA, CH, EM, GE, HR, KG, LI, MC, MD, ME, MK, MN, NO, OM, SG, TJ, TN, TR, UA (72) Danilo Sala, c/o Swatchlab, Via Archimede 6, I-20129 Milano (54) 1. Watch bracelet (55) __________________________________________ 18 #3 2014 02 10 DESIGNS (11) DM/080822 (51) 20-02 (15) 2013 05 03 (45) 2013/44 (2013 11 08) (22) 2013 05 03 (28) 1 (73) ETA SA MANUFACTURE HORLOGÈRE SUISSE CH-2540 Grenchen (CH) (85) CH (86) CH (87) CH (88) CH (89) CH (81) II. BZ, MA. III. AL, AM, AZ, BA, CH, EM, GE, HR, KG, LI, MC, MD, ME, MK, MN, NO, OM, SG, TJ, TN, TR, UA (72) Cristiano RIGHESCHI, Loc. Carda 19/B, I-52016 Castel Focognano (AR) (54) 1. Display unit (55) __________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 19 DESIGNS (11) DM/079509 (51) 23-01 (15) 2012 11 14 (45) 2013/45 (2013 11 15) (22) 2012 11 14 (28) 2 (73) ALFRED KÄRCHER GMBH & CO. KG Alfred-Kärcher-Straße 28-40, 71364 Winnenden (DE) (85) EM (86) DE, EM (87) DE, EM (88) DE, EM (89) EM (81) II. KP, MA. III. BA, CH, EG, EM, GE, HR, LI, MD, ME, MK, MN, OM, TR (54) 1.-2. Water filters (55) __________________________________________ 20 #3 2014 02 10 DESIGNS (11) DM/081066 (51) 02-07 (15) 2013 05 15 (45) 2013/45 (2013 11 15) (22) 2013 05 15 (28) 1 (73) OMEGA SA (OMEGA AG) (OMEGA LTD.) Jakob-Stämpfli-Strasse 96, CH-2502 Biel/Bienne (CH) (85) CH (86) CH (87) CH (88) CH (89) CH (81) II. BZ, MA. III. AL, AM, AZ, BA, CH, EM, GE, HR, KG, LI, MC, MD, ME, MK, MN, NO, OM, SG, TJ, TN, TR, UA (72) Monachon Jean-Claude, Rue Alice-de-Chambrier 1, 2022 Bevaix (54) 1. Belt buckle (55) __________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 21 DESIGNS (11) DM/081067 (51) 10-02 (15) 2013 05 15 (45) 2013/45 (2013 11 15) (22) 2013 05 15 (28) 2 (73) SWATCH AG (SWATCH SA) (SWATCH LTD.) Jakob-Stämpfli-Strasse 94, CH-2502 Biel/Bienne (CH) (85) CH (86) CH (87) CH (88) CH (89) CH (81) II. BZ, MA. III. AL, AM, AZ, BA, CH, EM, GE, HR, KG, LI, MC, MD, ME, MK, MN, NO, OM, SG, TJ, TN, TR, UA (72) Francesca Errani, Swatchlab, Via Archimede 6, Milano (54) 1.-2. Wristwatches (55) ________________________________________ 22 #3 2014 02 10 DESIGNS (11) DM/079538 (51) 09-01 (15) 2012 11 19 (45) 2013/46 (2013 11 22) (22) 2012 11 19 (28) 12 (73) ALFRED KÄRCHER GMBH & CO. KG Alfred-Kärcher-Straße 28-40, 71364 Winnenden (DE) (85) EM (86) DE, EM (87) DE, EM (88) DE, EM (89) EM (81) II. KP, MA. III. BA, CH, EG, EM, GE, HR, LI, MD, ME, MK, MN, OM, TR (54) 1.-12. Bottles (55) #3 2014 02 10 23 DESIGNS 24 #3 2014 02 10 DESIGNS #3 2014 02 10 25 DESIGNS 26 #3 2014 02 10 DESIGNS #3 2014 02 10 27 DESIGNS 28 #3 2014 02 10 DESIGNS __________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 29 DESIGNS (11) DM/079562 (51) 07-99 (15) 2012 11 15 (45) 2013/46 (2013 11 22) (22) 2012 11 15 (28) 4 (73) ALFRED KÄRCHER GMBH & CO. KG Alfred-Kärcher-Straße 28-40, 71364 Winnenden (DE) (85) EM (86) DE, EM (87) DE, EM (88) DE, EM (89) EM (81) II. KP, MA. III. BA, CH, EG, EM, GE, HR, LI, MD, ME, MK, MN, OM, TR (54) 1.-4. Watering devices for plants (parts of-) (55) 30 #3 2014 02 10 DESIGNS #3 2014 02 10 31 DESIGNS 32 #3 2014 02 10 DESIGNS __________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 33 DESIGNS (11) DM/081068 (51) 10-02 (15) 2013 05 16 (45) 2013/46 (2013 11 22) (22) 2013 05 16 (28) 3 (73) SWATCH AG (SWATCH SA) (SWATCH LTD.) Jakob-Stämpfli-Strasse 94, CH-2502 Biel/Bienne (CH) (85) CH (86) CH (87) CH (88) CH (89) CH (81) II. BZ, MA. III. AL, AM, AZ, BA, CH, EM, GE, HR, KG, LI, MC, MD, ME, MK, MN, NO, OM, SG, TJ, TN, TR, UA (72) No. 1, 2: Francesca Errani, Swatchlab, Via Archimede 6, Milano; No. 3: Claudia Carieri, Swatchlab, Via Archimede 6, Milano (54) 1.-3. Wristwatches (55) __________________________________________ 34 #3 2014 02 10 DESIGNS (11) DM/081354 (51) 14-04 (15) 2013 05 22 (45) 2013/46 (2013 11 22) (22) 2013 05 22 (28) 2 (30) for designs No(s) 2:14.12.2012; 29/439,762; US; for designs No(s) 1:14.12.2012; 29/439,763; US (73) YANDEX EUROPE AG Werftestrasse 4, CH-6005 Luzern (CH) (85) CH (86) CH (87) CH (88) CH (89) CH (81) III. AM, AZ, CH, GE, MD, NO, TJ, TR, UA (72) NEZHDANOV Mikhail, Ural'skay street, 57-a, flat 19, 614107 Perm; TIMKO Dmitry, street 65 years of the Victory, 248033Kaluga; SERGEEV Vasily, Zelenograd, district 4, building 450, flat 40, 124498 Moscow (54) 1.-2. Graphical user interfaces (55) _________________________________________ (11) DM/081567 (51) 06-04 (15) 2013 05 16 (45) 2013/46 (2013 11 22) (22) 2013 05 16 (28) 1 (73) ZB DI ROSSI BEATRICE Viale C. Dragoni, 51, I-52037 Sansepolcro (AR) (IT) (85) EM (86) IT, EM (87) IT, EM (88) IT, EM (89) EM (81) III. CH, GE, IS, LI, ME (72) Andrea Bucci, V.le Osimo, 2, I-52037 Sansepolcro (AR) (54) 1. Garment box (55) #3 2014 02 10 35 DESIGNS __________________________________________ 36 #3 2014 02 10 DESIGNS (11) DM/081573 (51) 02-03 (15) 2013 05 16 (45) 2013/46 (2013 11 22) (22) 2013 05 16 (28) 1 (73) ZB DI ROSSI BEATRICE Viale C. Dragoni, 51, I-52037 Sansepolcro (AR) (IT) (85) EM (86) IT, EM (87) IT, EM (88) IT, EM (89) EM (81) III. CH, GE, IS, LI, ME (72) Andrea Bucci, v.le Osimo, 2, I-52037 Sansepolcro (AR) (54) 1. Cashmere cap (55) __________________________________________ (11) DM/081726 (51) 25-01 (15) 2013 05 16 (45) 2013/46 (2013 11 22) (22) 2013 05 16 (28) 1 (73) ZB DI ROSSI BEATRICE Viale C. Dragoni, 51, I-52037 Sansepolcro (AR) (IT) (85) EM (86) IT, EM (87) IT, EM (88) IT, EM (89) EM (81) III. CH, GE, IS, LI, ME (72) Andrea Bucci, V.le Osimo 2, I-52037 Sansepol (54) 1. Bioserie panel (55) __________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 37 DESIGNS (11) DM/082132 (51) 14-03 (15) 2013 10 30 (45) 2013/46 (2013 11 22) (22) 2013 10 30 (28) 1 (73) ZON TV CABO PORTUGAL, S.A. Rua Actor António Silva, 9 Campo Grande, P-1600-404 lisboa (PT) (85) -(86) EM (87) n/a (88) n/a (89) EM (81) III. AL, AM, AZ, BA, BW, CH, EG, EM, GE, GH, IS, KG, LI, MC, MD, ME, MK, MN, NA, NO, OA, OM, RS, RW, SG, ST, SY, TJ, TN, TR, UA (72) 1: Nuno Cerqueira Santos Gomes Sanches, Rua Actor António Silva, 9, Campo Grande, P-1600-404 Lisboa (54) 1. Wireless remote control (55) __________________________________________ 38 #3 2014 02 10 DESIGNS (11) DM/082227 (51) 21-01 (15) 2013 10 21 (45) 2013/47 (2013 11 29) (22) 2013 10 21 (28) 1 (30) 24.04.2013; 002226233-0002; EM (73) MAGIC PRODUCTION GROUP S.A. Findel Business Center, Complexe B, Rue de Trèves, L-2632 Findel (LU) (85) -(86) BX (87) BX (88) BX (89) EM (81) II. BZ, KP, MA, SR. III. AL, AM, AZ, BA, BW, CH, EG, GE, GH, IS, KG, LI, MC, MD, ME, MK, MN, NA, NO, OA, OM, RS, RW, SG, ST, SY, TJ, TN, TR, UA (72) Maffiotti Enrico, Via Palazzotto, 8 Pino Torinese (Torino), I-10025 Italy; Ziliani Valentina, Via Bogino, 18 Torino I-10123 Italy (54) 1. Construction element (toy) (55) __________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 39 TRADEMARKS APPLICATIONS FILED UNDER THE NATIONAL PROCEDURE APPROVED FOR REGISTRATION The decision can be appealed at the Chamber of Appeal of Sakpatenti within 3 months from the publication or at the Mtskheta District Court Administrative Cases Board (Address: №17, Samkhedro str., Mtskheta), within 1 month following the publication. (260) AM 2014 69116 A (210) AM 069116 (220) 2012 10 04 (731) Gia Tikaradze Ilia Chavchavadzis q. 15, 4200, Signagi, Georgia (540) (260) AM 2014 70796 A (210) AM 070796 (220) 2013 02 07 (310) 85/708,920 (320) 2012 08 21 (330) US (731) LITTLE MISS MOGUL, LLC, Delaware Limited Liability Company 7 Times Square, New York, NY 10036-6569, USA (740) Tamar Kochalamazashvili (540) NICKI MINAJ (591) Black, white (511) 3 _________________________________________ (591) Grey, brown, elephant ivory colored (531) 07.05.10-29.01.14(511) 16, 35 __________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 69842 A (210) AM 069842 (220) 2013 06 03 (731) LEE KUM KEE COMPANY LIMITED 2-4 Dai Fat Street, Tai Po Industrial Estate, Tai Po, New Territories, The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the people's republic of China (740) Giorgi Taktakishvili (540) (591) Black, white (531) 28.03.00(511) 29, 30 _________________________________________ 40 (260) AM 2014 70917 A (210) AM 070917 (220) 2013 02 15 (731) HARRINGTON DEVELOPMENT INC. Elvira Mendez Street, Vallarino Bldg., 3rd Floor, Panama, Panama (740) Givi Akopashvili (540) (591) White, black, red, grey (531) 19.03.24-29.01.13(511) 34 _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2014 71119 A (210) AM 071119 (220) 2013 02 27 (731) JSC "TELAVI WINE CELLAR" Sop. Kurdghelauri, 2200 Telavi, Georgia (740) Alexander Kvernadze (540) (591) Black, white (531) 27.05.17(511) 33 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71163 A (210) AM 071163 (220) 2013 03 01 (731) Khatuna Dolbaia Kostavas q. 4, b. 37, 4400 Poti, Georgia (740) Eka Gvilava (540) SOPRO'SS (591) Black, white (511) 43 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71198 A (210) AM 071198 (220) 2013 03 04 (731) ARCOR S.A.I.C. Av. Fulvio Pagani 487, Arroyito, Province of Cordoba, Argentina (740) Tamar Kochlamazashvili (540) (260) AM 2014 71360 A (210) AM 071360 (220) 2013 03 14 (731) STARBUCKS CORPORATION d/b/a STARBUCKS COFFEE COMPANY (Washington Corporation) 2401 Utah Avenue South, Seattle, Washington 98134, USA (740) Tamar Kochlamazashvili (540) CREAMICE (591) Black, white (511) 29, 30, 32 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71369 A (210) AM 071369 (220) 2013 03 15 (731) EVOLUTION FRESH, INC. Delaware Corporation 1055 Cooley Avenue, San Bernardino, California 92408, USA (740) Tamar Kochlamazashvili (540) EVOLUTION FRESH (591) Black, white (511) 32 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71370 A (210) AM 071370 (220) 2013 03 15 (731) HARRINGTON DEVELOPMENT INC. Elvira Mendez Street, Vallarino bldg., 3rd Floor, Panama, Panama (740) Givi Akopashvili (540) MCM (591) Black, white (511) 34 _________________________________________ (591) Green, black, yellow (531) 05.11.11-25.07.06-26.11.07-26.01.2029.01.13(526) DISCLAIMER – The trademark is protected as a whole, verbal signs included therein "Tarragon and Limon" and "Тархун и лимон" shall not be subject to independent legal protection. (511) 30 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71417 A (210) AM 071417 (220) 2013 03 19 (731) HYATT INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION 71 S. Wacker Drive, 14th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606, USA (740) Shalva Gvaramadze (540) GOLD PASSPORT (591) Black, white (511) 43 _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 41 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2014 71443 A (210) AM 071443 (220) 2013 03 20 (731) STARBUCKS CORPORATION d/b/a STARBUCKS COFFEE COMPANY (Washington Corporation) 2401 Utah Avenue South, Seattle, Washington 98134, USA (740) Tamar Kochlamazashvili (540) (260) AM 2014 71440 A (210) AM 071440 (220) 2013 03 20 (731) STARBUCKS CORPORATION d/b/a STARBUCKS COFFEE COMPANY (Washington Corporation) 2401 Utah Avenue South, Seattle, Washington 98134, USA (740) Tamar Kochlamazashvili (540) STARBUCKS WILLOW BLEND (591) Black, white (511) 30 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71441 A (210) AM 071441 (220) 2013 03 20 (731) STARBUCKS CORPORATION d/b/a STARBUCKS COFFEE COMPANY (Washington Corporation) 2401 Utah Avenue South, Seattle, Washington 98134, USA (740) Tamar Kochlamazashvili (540) STARBUCKS COFFEE (591) Black, white (526) DISCLAIMER – The trademark is protected as a whole, verbal sign included therein "COFFEE" shall not be subject to independent legal protection. (511) 35, 43 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71442 A (210) AM 071442 (220) 2013 03 20 (731) STARBUCKS CORPORATION d/b/a STARBUCKS COFFEE COMPANY (Washington Corporation) 2401 Utah Avenue South, Seattle, Washington 98134, USA (740) Tamar Kochlamazashvili (540) (260) AM 2014 71459 A (210) AM 071459 (220) 2013 03 21 (731) STARBUCKS CORPORATION d/b/a STARBUCKS COFFEE COMPANY (Washington Corporation) 2401 Utah Avenue South, Seattle, Washington 98134, USA (740) Tamar Kochlamazashvili (540) STARBUCKS BLONDE (591) Black, white (511) 30 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71460 A (210) AM 071460 (220) 2013 03 21 (731) STARBUCKS CORPORATION d/b/a STARBUCKS COFFEE COMPANY (Washington Corporation) 2401 Utah Avenue South, Seattle, Washington 98134, USA (740) Tamar Kochlamazashvili (540) PIKE PLACE (591) Black, white (531) 27.05.17(526) DISCLAIMER – The trademark is protected as a whole, verbal sign included therein "COFFEE" shall not be subject to independent legal protection. (511) 35, 43 _________________________________________ 42 (591) Black, white (531) 27.05.17(511) 43 _________________________________________ (591) Black, white (511) 30 _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2014 71461 A (210) AM 071461 (220) 2013 03 21 (731) STARBUCKS CORPORATION d/b/a STARBUCKS COFFEE COMPANY (Washington Corporation) 2401 Utah Avenue South, Seattle, Washington 98134, USA (740) Tamar Kochlamazashvili (540) (540) STARBUCKS VERANDA BLEND (591) Black, white (511) 30 _________________________________________ GOLD COAST BLEND (591) Black, white (511) 30 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71462 A (210) AM 071462 (220) 2013 03 21 (731) STARBUCKS CORPORATION d/b/a STARBUCKS COFFEE COMPANY (Washington Corporation) 2401 Utah Avenue South, Seattle, Washington 98134, USA (740) Tamar Kochlamazashvili (540) YUKON BLEND (591) Black, white (511) 30 _________________________________________ KOMODO DRAGON BLEND (591) Black, white (511) 30 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71463 A (210) AM 071463 (220) 2013 03 21 (731) STARBUCKS CORPORATION d/b/a STARBUCKS COFFEE COMPANY (Washington Corporation) 2401 Utah Avenue South, Seattle, Washington 98134, USA (740) Tamar Kochlamazashvili (540) STARBUCKS VIA (591) Black, white (511) 30 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71487 A (210) AM 071487 (220) 2013 03 22 (731) STARBUCKS CORPORATION d/b/a STARBUCKS COFFEE COMPANY (Washington Corporation) 2401 Utah Avenue South, Seattle, Washington 98134, USA (740) Tamar Kochlamazashvili (260) AM 2014 71491 A (210) AM 071491 (220) 2013 03 22 (731) STARBUCKS CORPORATION d/b/a STARBUCKS COFFEE COMPANY (Washington Corporation) 2401 Utah Avenue South, Seattle, Washington 98134, USA (740) Tamar Kochlamazashvili (540) (260) AM 2014 71497 A (210) AM 071497 (220) 2013 03 22 (731) LTD BMC GEORGIA Sokhumis q. 10, 6000 Batumi, Georgia (740) Giorgi Taktakishvili (540) (591) Red, yellow (531) 07.01.09-27.05.17-28.19.00-29.01.13(526) DISCLAIMER – The trademark is protected as a whole, verbal sign included therein „ყველაფერი რემონტისა და მშენებლობისათვის“ shall not be subject to independent legal protection. (511) 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 27, 35, 37, 39, 42 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71498 A (210) AM 071498 (220) 2013 03 22 (731) LTD BMC GEORGIA Sokhumis q. 10, 6000 Batumi, Georgia (740) Giorgi Taktakishvili (540) #3 2014 02 10 43 TRADEMARKS (591) Red, yellow (531) 07.01.09-27.05.17-29.01.13((526) DISCLAIMER – The trademark is protected as a whole, verbal sign included therein "EVERYTHING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND REFURBISHMENT" shall not be subject to independent legal protection. (511) 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 27, 35, 37, 39, 42 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71522 A (210) AM 071522 (220) 2013 03 25 (731) STARBUCKS CORPORATION d/b/a STARBUCKS COFFEE COMPANY (Washington Corporation) 2401 Utah Avenue South, Seattle, Washington 98134, USA (740) Tamar Kochlamazashvili (540) CASI CIELO (591) Black, white (511) 30 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71523 A (210) AM 071523 (220) 2013 03 25 (731) STARBUCKS CORPORATION d/b/a STARBUCKS COFFEE COMPANY (Washington Corporation) 2401 Utah Avenue South, Seattle, Washington 98134, USA (740) Tamar Kochlamazashvili (540) (591) Orange, black (531) 04.05.03-28.19.00-29.01.02(526) DISCLAIMER – The trademark is protected as a whole, verbal sign included therein "საწარმო" shall not be subject to independent legal protection. (511) 9, 35, 42 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71536 A (210) AM 071536 (220) 2013 03 26 (731) LTD "PRIMA-VITA" Cross of Georgian Millitary Way with Akhmeteli St., 0159 Tbilisi, Georgia (740) Alexander Amashukeli (540) ოქსამპი ОКСАМП OXAMP BEARISTA (591) Black, white (511) 28 _________________________________________ (591) Black, white (511) 5 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71566 A (210) AM 071566 (220) 2013 03 28 (731) LTD "BARAMBO" Sop. Natakhtari, 3308 Mtskheta, Georgia (540) (260) AM 2014 71526 A (210) AM 071526 (220) 2013 03 25 (731) LTD "FMG SOFT" Dolidzis q. 2, 0171 Tbilisi, Georgia (540) (591) Red, black (531) 26.11.12-27.05.10-27.05.17-29.01.12(511) 9, 35, 42 _________________________________________ 44 (260) AM 2014 71527 A (210) AM 071527 (220) 2013 03 25 (731) LTD "FMG SOFT" Dolidzis q. 2, 0171 Tbilisi, Georgia (540) (591) Black, white (531) 27.05.01-28.05.00-28.19.00(511) 29 _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2014 71590 A (210) AM 071590 (220) 2013 03 29 (731) LTD "GEOPLANT" Sop. Rukhi, 2100 Zugdidis R-ni, Georgia (540) (260) AM 2014 71837 A (210) AM 071837 (220) 2013 04 12 (731) LTD "IVERTA" Sanapiros q. 10, 0108 Tbilisi, Georgia (740) Salome Jeladze (540) UTSAMLI უწამლი УТСАМЛИ (591) Black, white (531) 02.01.20-03.03.01-26.01.22-26.01.2527.05.01-28.19.00(511) 30 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71659 A (210) AM 071659 (220) 2013 04 03 (731) Lia Geliashvili Galis q. 1, 0179 Tbilisi, Georgia (540) (591) Black, white (511) 5, 33 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71838 A (210) AM 071838 (220) 2013 04 12 (731) LTD "ZODI PLIUS" Tseretlis Gamz. 115a, 0119 Tbilisi, Georgia (740) Edisher Khimshiashvili (540) (591) Black, white (531) 03.01.01-24.01.09-27.05.24(511) 6, 19, 37 _________________________________________ (591) Brown, white (531) 08.01.18-26.11.12-27.05.01(526) DISCLAIMER – The trademark is protected as a whole, verbal sign included therein "Italian icecream and more…" shall not be subject to independent legal protection. (511) 30, 35, 43 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71679 A (210) AM 071679 (220) 2013 04 04 (731) LTD IMPEX U.G. Didube-Chughuretis R-ni, Dighmis Mas., VI kv., korp. 21, b. 28, Tbilisi, Georgia (540) (260) AM 2014 71842 A (210) AM 071842 (220) 2013 04 12 (731) LTD BEAUTY LIFE Gagarinis Shesakhv. 2/5-4, sart. 3, s.p. 4, 0160 Tbilisi, Georgia (740) Giorgi Taktakishvili (540) (591) Black, white (531) 27.05.05(511) 3, 5, 35, 44 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71843 A (210) AM 071843 (220) 2013 04 12 (731) LTD WORLD MEDICINE Berbutis q. 10, Almasianis q. N19/21 (bloki II), b. 26, 0171 Tbilisi, Georgia (740) Giorgi Taktakishvili (540) (591) Blue, red (531) 26.01.18-26.01.19-29.01.13(511) 11, 37 _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 Drastorin Драсторин დრასტორინი 45 TRADEMARKS (591) Black, white (511) 5 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71900 A (210) AM 071900 (220) 2013 04 17 (731) INDIVIDUAL ENTERPRENEUR "AMALIA ARUTINYANI" Baraletis q. 75, 0189 Tbilisi, Georgia (540) (260) AM 2014 71987 A (210) AM 071987 (220) 2013 04 22 (731) LTD UNIMED GROUP CORP. Vake-Saburtalos R-ni, Ad. Mitskevichis q. 29, b. 61, Tbilisi, Georgia (740) Alexander Amashukeli (540) ABICEF АБИЦЕФ აბიცეფი (591) Black, white (511) 5 _________________________________________ (591) Yellow, white, grey, red, green (531) 05.05.01-25.01.01-28.19.00-29.01.15(511) 30 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71981 A (210) AM 071981 (220) 2013 04 22 (731) LTD UNIMED GROUP CORP. Vake-Saburtalos R-ni, Ad. Mitskevichis q. 29, b. 61, Tbilisi, Georgia (740) Alexander Amashukeli (540) ABILOT АБИЛОТ აბილოტი (591) Black, white (511) 5 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71983 A (210) AM 071983 (220) 2013 04 22 (731) LTD UNIMED GROUP CORP. Vake-Saburtalos R-ni, Ad. Mitskevichis q. 29, b. 61, Tbilisi, Georgia (740) Alexander Amashukeli (540) СИВУЛАН სივულანი SIVULAN (260) AM 2014 72103 A (210) AM 072103 (220) 2013 05 01 (731) THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY One Procter & Gamble Plaza, Cincinnati Ohio 45202, USA (740) Shalva Gvaramadze (540) OLAY (591) Black, white (511) 8 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 72154 A (210) AM 072154 (220) 2013 05 08 (731) LTD "TIMELESS" Rustavelis Gamz. 46, 0108 Tbilisi, Georgia (740) Salome Jojua (540) UCOM (591) Black, white (511) 38 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 72265 A (210) AM 072265 (220) 2013 05 17 (731) LTD "GEORGIA HE YUAN" 17 m/r, korp. 29, b. 25, 3700 Rustavi, Georgia (740) Ai Bin Li (540) (591) Black, white (511) 5 _________________________________________ 46 #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS (591) Blue, white, yellow (531) 26.03.01-27.05.24-29.01.13(511) 7, 9, 19, 35 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 72290 A (210) AM 072290 (220) 2013 05 20 (731) LTD "GEORGIA HE YUAN" 17 m/r, korp. 29, b. 25, 3700 Rustavi, Georgia (740) Ai Bin Li (540) (260) AM 2014 72327 A (210) AM 072327 (220) 2013 05 23 (731) MERCK SHARP & DOHME B.V Waarderweg 39, Haarlem 2013 bn, Netherlands (740) Tamaz Shilakadze (540) Импланон НКСТ (591) Black, white (511) 5, 10 _________________________________________ (591) Blue, yellow, white (531) 26.03.01-27.05.24-29.01.13(511) 20 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 72408 A (210) AM 072408 (220) 2013 05 29 (731) LTD "STANDART" Moskovis Gamz. 31a, 0120 Tbilisi, Georgia (540) (260) AM 2014 72292 A (210) AM 072292 (220) 2013 05 20 (731) "DAVAN GROUP" LLC Bagramianis q. 75, apt. 5, Yerevan 0033, Armenia (740) Davit Zurabishvili (540) (591) White, brawn, green, light green, yellow (531) 05.03.15-05.07.01-26.01.15-26.01.2129.01.15(526) DISCLAIMER – The trademark is protected as a whole, no one verbal sign included therein be subject to independent legal protection. (511) 29, 30, 43 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 72326 A (210) AM 072326 (220) 2013 05 23 (731) MERCK SHARP & DOHME B.V Waarderweg 39, Haarlem 2013 bn, Netherlands (740) Tamaz Shilakadze (540) (591) Red, blue, grey (531) 24.01.25-27.05.11-28.19.00-29.01.14(511) 3 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 72460 A (210) AM 072460 (220) 2013 05 31 (731) GALDERMA S.A. Zugerstrasse 8, CH-6330 CHAM, Switzerland (740) Shalva Gvaramadze (540) RESTYLANE (591) Black, white (511) 3, 10 _________________________________________ IMPLANON NXT (591) Black, white (511) 5, 10 _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 47 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2014 72512 A (210) AM 072512 (220) 2013 06 04 (731) BRIAN ATWOOD IP COMPANY LLC 1007 Orange Street, Suite 225, Wilmington, DE 19801, USA (740) Tamaz Shilakadze (540) (260) AM 2014 72611 A (210) AM 072611 (220) 2013 06 11 (731) THE GILLETTE COMPANY One Gillette Park, Boston, MA 02127, USA (740) Shalva Gvaramadze (540) QUENCH BRIAN ATWOOD (591) Black, white (511) 14, 18, 25 _________________________________________ (591) Black, white (511) 8 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 72513 A (210) AM 072513 (220) 2013 06 04 (731) BRIAN ATWOOD IP COMPANY LLC 1007 Orange Street, Suite 225, Wilmington, DE 19801, USA (740) Tamaz Shilakadze (540) (260) AM 2014 72694 A (210) AM 072694 (220) 2013 06 14 (731) Enriko Beridze Sanapiros q. 10, 0108 Tbilisi, Georgia (540) MAHAROBELI მახარობელი МАХАРОБЕЛИ (591) Black, white (511) 33 _________________________________________ (591) Black, white (531) 26.04.18-26.04.22-27.05.05-27.05.21(511) 14, 18, 25 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 72561 A (210) AM 072561 (220) 2013 06 07 (731) LTD "GEOPAST" Saburtalos q. 43, b. 13, 0102 Tbilisi, Georgia (540) (260) AM 2014 72695 A (210) AM 072695 (220) 2013 06 14 (731) Enriko Beridze Sanapiros q. 10, 0108 Tbilisi, Georgia (540) ZACHAROULI ზაქაროული ЗАХАРОУЛИ (591) Black, white (511) 33 _________________________________________ (591) Red, blue, white, golden (531) 03.01.06-26.01.15-29.01.14(511) 30, 35 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 72696 A (210) AM 072696 (220) 2013 06 14 (731) Enriko Beridze Sanapiros q. 10, 0108 Tbilisi, Georgia (540) GURGA გურგა ГУРГА (591) Black, white (511) 33 _________________________________________ 48 #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2014 72697 A (210) AM 072697 (220) 2013 06 14 (731) Enriko Beridze Sanapiros q. 10, 0108 Tbilisi, Georgia (540) (260) AM 2014 72702 A (210) AM 072702 (220) 2013 06 14 (731) JSC "CORPORATION KINDZMARAULI" Ilia Chavchavadzis q., 55, 4800 Kvareli, Georgia (540) შავი ჯიხვი Шави джихви Shavi Jikhvi (591) Black, white (531) 03.01.08-27.05.05(511) 33 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 72699 A (210) AM 072699 (220) 2013 06 14 (731) LTD UBC LEGAL SERVICES LLC Paliashvilis/Mosashvilis q. 85/24, 0162 Tbilisi, Georgia (540) (591) Black, white (511) 33 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 72814 A (210) AM 072814 (220) 2013 06 24 (731) KAHLUA AG C/O TESTATORIS AG Topferstrasse 5, 6004 Lucerne, Switzerland (740) Shalva Gvaramadze (540) (591) Dark red, dark blue (531) 27.05.10-27.05.19-29.01.12(511) 45 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 72700 A (210) AM 072700 (220) 2013 06 14 (731) JSC "CORPORATION KINDZMARAULI" Ilia Chavchavadzis q., 55, 4800 Kvareli, Georgia (540) (591) Black, white (531) 19.07.22-24.01.20(526) DISCLAIMER – The trademark is protected as a whole, signs included therein "EST" and "1936" shall not be subject to independent legal protection. (511) 33 _________________________________________ (591) Black, white (531) 03.04.11(511) 33 _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 49 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 69814 A * (210) AM 069814 (220) 2012 11 28 (310) 56640/2012 (320) 2012 06 01 (330) CH (731) ROTHMANS OF PALL MALL LTD Zählerweg 4, Zug CH-6300, Switzerland (740) Tamar Kochlamazashvili (540) (591) Blue, sky blue, dark blue, white, red, grey (531) 24.01.15-25.03.07-27.05.19-27.05.2429.01.14(526) DISCLAIMER – The trademark is protected as a whole, verbal sign included therein "LONDON" shall not be subject to independent legal protection. (511) 34 _________________________________________ 50 #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS REGISTERED TRADEMARKS (111) M 2014 024451 R (151) 2014 02 03 (181) 2024 02 03 (260) AM 2012 66879 A (220) 2012 04 10 (732) N.V. NUTRICIA Eerste Stationstraat 186-2712 HM Zoetermeer, Netherlands _________________________________________ (111) M 2014 024452 R (151) 2014 02 03 (181) 2024 02 03 (260) AM 2013 67161 A (220) 2012 04 27 (732) LTD "MEGATRADE" Marjanishvilis q. No. 6, 0102 Tbilisi, Georgia _________________________________________ (111) M 2014 024453 R (151) 2014 02 03 (181) 2024 02 03 (260) AM 2013 68052 A (220) 2012 07 12 (732) NISSAN JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA (also trading as NISSAN MOTTOR Co., LTD) No. 2 Takaracho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohamashi, Kanagawa-ken, Japan _________________________________________ (111) M 2014 024454 R (151) 2014 02 03 (181) 2024 02 03 (260) AM 2013 68264 A (220) 2012 08 10 (732) NIKON CORPORATION 12-1, Yurakucho 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan _________________________________________ (111) M 2014 024455 R (151) 2014 02 03 (181) 2024 02 03 (260) AM 2013 68300 A (220) 2012 08 13 (732) NIKON CORPORATION 12-1, Yurakucho 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan _________________________________________ (111) M 2014 024456 R (151) 2014 02 03 (181) 2024 02 03 (260) AM 2013 68345 A (220) 2012 08 14 (732) NOVARTIS AG 4002 Basel, Switzerland _________________________________________ (111) M 2014 024457 R (151) 2014 02 03 (181) 2024 02 03 (260) AM 2013 68346 A (220) 2012 08 14 (732) NOVARTIS AG 4002 Basel, Switzerland _________________________________________ (111) M 2014 024458 R (151) 2014 02 03 (181) 2024 02 03 (260) AM 2013 68767 A (220) 2012 09 06 (732) Grant Vardaniani N. Dumanis q. 1, b. 76, Yerevan, Armenia ________________________________________ (111) M 2014 024459 R (151) 2014 02 03 (181) 2024 02 03 (260) AM 2013 69239 A (220) 2012 10 12 (732) LTD "ARQI" Gamrekelis q. 19, 0160 Tbilisi, Georgia _________________________________________ (111) M 2014 024460 R (151) 2014 02 03 (181) 2024 02 03 (260) AM 2013 69327 A (220) 2012 10 19 (732) TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX FILM CORPORATION 10201 West Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90035, USA _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 51 TRADEMARKS (111) M 2014 024461 R (151) 2014 02 03 (181) 2024 02 03 (260) AM 2013 69387 A (220) 2012 10 25 (732) JDB INTERNATIONA GROUP COMPANY LIMITED Palm Grove House, PO Box 438 Road Town Tortola, Virgin Islands (GB) _________________________________________ (111) M 2014 024466 R (151) 2014 02 03 (181) 2024 02 03 (260) AM 2013 69849 A (220) 2012 11 30 (732) BRITISH AMERIKEN TOBAKO EXPORTS B.V. Handelsweg 53A, Amstelveen 1181 ZA, Netherlands _________________________________________ (111) M 2014 024462 R (151) 2014 02 03 (181) 2024 02 03 (260) AM 2013 69549 A (220) 2012 11 06 (732) LTD "CLEAN WATER" Paliashvilis q. 118, 0162 Tbilisi, Georgia _________________________________________ (111) M 2014 024467 R (151) 2014 02 03 (181) 2024 02 03 (260) AM 2013 69984 A (220) 2012 12 07 (732) Karen Akopyan R. Tabukashvilis q. 2, 0800 Akhaltsikhe, Georgia _________________________________________ (111) M 2014 024463 R (151) 2014 02 03 (181) 2024 02 03 (260) AM 2013 69550 A (220) 2012 11 06 (732) LTD "CLEAN WATER" Paliashvilis q. 118, 0162 Tbilisi, Georgia _________________________________________ (111) M 2014 024468 R (151) 2014 02 03 (181) 2024 02 03 (260) AM 2013 69985 A (220) 2012 12 07 (732) Karen Akopyan R. Tabukashvilis q. 2, 0800 Akhaltsikhe, Georgia _________________________________________ (111) M 2014 024464 R (151) 2014 02 03 (181) 2024 02 03 (260) AM 2013 69724 A (220) 2012 11 19 (732) IBAY INC. 2145 Hamilton Avenue, San-Jose, CA 95125, USA _________________________________________ (111) M 2014 024465 R (151) 2014 02 03 (181) 2024 02 03 (260) AM 2013 69753 A (220) 2012 11 21 (732) CHINA FAW CORPORATION LIMITED No 2259, Dongfeng Street, National Changchun Xixin EconomicTechnological Development Area, Jilin Province, China _________________________________________ 52 (111) M 2014 024469 R (151) 2014 02 03 (181) 2024 02 03 (260) AM 2013 69990 A (220) 2012 12 10 (732) LTD "AVERSI PHARMA" Davit Aghmasheneblis Gamz., 148/2, 0112 Tbilisi, Georgia _________________________________________ (111) M 2014 024470 R (151) 2014 02 03 (181) 2024 02 03 (260) AM 2013 70040 A (220) 2012 12 13 (732) SOCIÉTÉ DES PRODUITS NESTLÉ S.A. CH-1800 Vevey, Switzerland _________________________________________ (111) M 2014 024471 R (151) 2014 02 03 (181) 2024 02 03 (260) AM 2013 70073 A (220) 2012 12 14 (732) BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO (BRANDS) INC. (Delaware corporation) 2711 Centerville Road, Suite 300, Wilmington, DE 19808, USA _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS (111) M 2014 024472 R (151) 2014 02 03 (181) 2024 02 03 (260) AM 2013 70077 A (220) 2012 12 17 (732) JSC "BANK CONSTANTA" Tsinamdzghvrishvilis q. 115, 0107 Tbilisi, Georgia _________________________________________ (111) M 2014 024478 R (151) 2014 02 03 (181) 2024 02 03 (260) AM 2013 70357 A (220) 2013 01 17 (732) JSC "BABANEURI CELLAR" R. Agladzis q. 37a, b.16, 1086, Tbilisi, Georgia _________________________________________ (111) M 2014 024473 R (151) 2014 02 03 (181) 2024 02 03 (260) AM 2013 70085 A (220) 2012 12 17 (732) INTERNATIONAL PAPER KWIDZYN SP. Z. O. O. Ul. Lotnicza 1, 82-500 Kwidzyn, Poland _________________________________________ (111) M 2014 024479 R (151) 2014 02 03 (181) 2024 02 03 (260) AM 2013 71280 A (220) 2013 03 11 (732) NISSAN JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA (also trading as NISSAN MOTTOR Co., LTD) No. 2 Takaracho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohamashi, Kanagawa-ken, Japan _________________________________________ (111) M 2014 024475 R (151) 2014 02 03 (181) 2024 02 03 (260) AM 2013 70220 A (220) 2013 01 08 (732) ZENTIVA GROUP, A.S. U Kabelovny 130, 10237 Praha 10, Dolni Mecholupy, Czech Republic _________________________________________ (111) M 2014 024476 R (151) 2014 02 03 (181) 2024 02 03 (260) AM 2013 70316 A (220) 2013 01 14 (732) STARBUCKS CORPORATION D/B/A STARBUCKS COFFEE COMPANY (Washington Corporation) 2401 Utah Avenue South, Seattle, Washington 98134, USA _________________________________________ (111) M 2014 024480 R (151) 2014 02 03 (181) 2024 02 03 (260) AM 2013 71372 A (220) 2013 03 15 (732) UNILEVER N.V. Weena 455, 3013 AL Rotterdam, Netherlands _________________________________________ (111) M 2014 024481 R (151) 2014 02 03 (181) 2024 02 03 (260) _ (220) 2013 09 18 (732) BALTIKA BREWERIES 3. 6th Verkhny Pereulok, RU-194292 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation _________________________________________ (111) M 2014 024477 R (151) 2014 02 03 (181) 2024 02 03 (260) AM 2013 70347 A (220) 2013 01 15 (732) Gogita Sozashvili Simon Chikovanis q. 35, b. 7, 0171 Tbilisi, Georgia _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 53 TRADEMARKS TRADEMARKS REGISTERED ACCORDING TO THE ACCELERATED PROCEDURE The decision can be appealed at the Chamber of Appeal of Sakpatenti within 3 months from the publication. (111) M 2014 24443 R (151) 2014 01 24 (181) 2024 01 24 (210) AM 075324 (220) 2013 12 30 (732) LTD "GEORGIAN ALLIANCE" G. Nadareishvilis q. 4, 0137 Tbilisi, Georgia (540) (591) White, red (531) 28.05.00-29.01.01(511) 32 __________________________________________ (111) M 2014 24444 R (151) 2014 01 24 (181) 2024 01 24 (210) AM 075390 (220) 2014 01 09 (732) LTD "GMI MEDICAL" Rustavelis Gamz., No. 40, Dzveli Tbilisis R-ni, Tbilisi, Georgia (740) Nino Khetsadze (540) (111) M 2014 24446 R (151) 2014 01 24 (181) 2024 01 24 (210) AM 075469 (220) 2014 01 16 (732) LTD "HOTELITO" Belinskis q. 32, 0108 Tbilisi, Georgia (740) Davit Kikaleishvili (540) (591) White, blue, orange (531) 01.03.15-26.11.13-27.05.02-27.05.1129.01.13(511) 39, 43 _________________________________________ (111) M 2014 24447 R (151) 2014 01 27 (181) 2024 01 27 (210) AM 075468 (220) 2014 01 16 (732) LTD "DIGA DEGA" Shota Rustavelis q. 32, 3300 Mtskheta, Georgia (540) (591) Lilac (531) 27.05.11-27.05.19-29.01.05(511) 44 _________________________________________ (111) M 2014 24445 R (151) 2014 01 24 (181) 2024 01 24 (210) AM 075426 (220) 2014 01 14 (732) HERBALIFE INTERNATIONAL, INC. 800 W. Olympic Blvd., Suite 406, Los Angeles, CA 90015, USA (740) Natalia Babakishvili (540) (591) Golden, black (531) 26.01.21-26.01.20-26.01.24-27.05.2428.03.00-29.01.12(511) 32, 33 _________________________________________ (591) Black, white (531) 05.03.16-26.01.15-27.05.05(511) 3, 5, 29, 30, 32, 35 _________________________________________ 54 #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS (111) M 2014 24448 R (151) 2014 01 28 (181) 2024 01 28 (210) AM 075427 (220) 2014 01 14 (732) HERBALIFE INTERNATIONAL, INC. 800 W. Olympic Blvd., Suite 406, Los Angeles, CA 90015, USA (740) Natalia Babakishvili (540) (111) M 2014 24450 R (151) 2014 01 31 (181) 2024 01 31 (210) AM 075570 (220) 2014 01 21 (732) LTD "TAMARANI" Dzveli Tbilisis R-ni, Tamar Mepis Gamz. 17, 0162 Tbilisi, Georgia (540) THERMO COMPLETE (591) Black, white (511) 5 _________________________________________ (111) M 2013 24449 R (151) 2014 01 31 (181) 2024 01 31 (210) AM 075635 (220) 2014 01 24 (732) JAPAN TOBACCO INC. 2-2-1, Toranomon Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan (740) Shalva Gvaramadze (540) (591) Black, white (531) 27.05.05-28.05.00-28.19.00(511) 33 __________________________________________ (591) Black, dark blue, sky blue, grey, white (531) 01.03.15-03.07.16-19.03.24-25.07.2227.05.24-29.01.13(526) DISCLAIMER – maximum permissible norms, measurement rules and regulations as well as health warnings included in the trademark of tobacco goods designated for realization in Georgia shall not be subject to independent legal protection. (511) 34 _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 55 TRADEMARKS INTERNATIONAL TRADEMARKS FOR WHICH A DECISION ON GRANTING PROTECTIONS IS TAKEN The decision can be appealed at the Chamber of Appeal of Sakpatenti within 3 months from the publication or at the Mtskheta District Court Administrative Cases Board (Address: №17, Samkhedro str., Mtskheta), within 1 month following the publication. (260) AM 2014 70044 A (800) 1138112 (151) 2012 09 05 (731) EGIS GYÓGYSZERGYÁR Nyilvánosan Működő Részvénytársaság Keresztúri út 30-38 H-1106 Budapest, Hungary (540) (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical preparations for human use. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70045 A (800) 1138114 (151) 2012 09 28 (731) EGIS GYÓGYSZERGYÁR Nyilvánosan Működő Részvénytársaság Keresztúri út 30-38 H-1106 Budapest, Hungary (540) (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical preparations for human use. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70046 A (800) 1138115 (151) 2012 09 05 (731) EGIS GYÓGYSZERGYÁR Nyilvánosan Működő Részvénytársaság Keresztúri út 30-38 H-1106 Budapest, Hungary (540) (260) AM 2014 70047 A (800) 1138116 (151) 2012 10 26 (731) SOREMARTEC SA Rue Joseph Netzer 5, B-6700 ARLON, Belgium (540) (591) Black, red and gold (511) 29 – Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jams, compotes; eggs; milk and dairy products; edible oils and fats. 30 – Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; rice; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastry and confectionery; edible ices; sugar, honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt; mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice for refreshment; preparations for edible ices; pastry preparations, dessert preparations and sweet pastes for spreading, not included in other classes. 32 – Beers; mineral and carbonated waters and other non-alcoholic beverages; fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. 43 – Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation. _________________________________________ (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical preparations for human use. _________________________________________ 56 #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2014 70048 A (800) 1138163 (151) 2012 09 05 (731) Takko Holding GmbH Alfred-Krupp-Strasse 21, 48291 Telgte, Germany (540) (260) AM 2014 70050 A (800) 1138165 (151) 2012 07 31 (731) Abstragan Holding Limited Intershore Suites Vernon House, Sicilian Avenue, London WC1A 2QS, United Kingdom (540) (591) Red and yellow (511) 14 – Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments. 18 – Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and included in this class, bags, trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, sun umbrellas, parasols. 25 – Clothing, footwear, headgear. 35 – Retail services in relation to precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, jewellery, precious stones, horological and chronometric instruments, leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials, bags, trunks and travelling bags, umbrellas, parasols, clothing, footwear, headgear. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70049 A (800) 1138164 (151) 2012 07 31 (731) Abstragan Holding Limited Intershore Suites Vernon House, Sicilian Avenue, London WC1A 2QS, United Kingdom (540) (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; food and beverages which are adapted for medical purposes; air deodorising preparations. _________________________________________ (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; food and beverages which are adapted for medical purposes; air deodorising preparations. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70051 A (800) 1138182 (151) 2012 11 06 (731) Henkel AG & Co. KGaA Henkelstr. 67, 40589 Düsseldorf, Germany (540) FIBRE FORCE (591) Black, white (511) 3 – Soaps for toiletry purposes, perfumery goods, ethereal oils, cosmetics, preparations for the conditioning, cleaning, tinting, dyeing, bleaching, fixing and waving of hair, hair lotions and shampoos for cosmetic purposes. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70052 A (800) 1138189 (151) 2012 07 31 (731) Joint-Stock Company "Tatchempharmpreparaty" 260 Belomorskaya Str., Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation (540) (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical preparations; drugs for medical purposes. _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 57 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2014 70053 A (800) 1138200 (151) 2012 08 29 (731) ELLEDI S.P.A. Via Roma, I-35015 Galliera Veneta (Padova), Italy (540) (591) Black, white (511) 30 – Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, coffee substitutes; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice; biscuits; wafers; savoy biscuits; puff pastries; amaretti biscuits; bagels; tarts; pie crusts; snacks and cakes. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70054 A (800) 1138208 (151) 2012 10 16 (731) Ecolean AB Box 812, SE-251 08 Helsingborg, Sweden (540) SnapQuick (591) Black, white (511) 7 – Machines for processing of plastics, plastic products and plastic material; filling machines; packaging machines. 16 – Plastic material for packing (not included in other classes) and packaging; plastic films for packing and wrapping; plastic laminates in the shape of films or sheets for packaging and wrapping; labels made of plastic material. 17- Materials made of plastics (semi-manufactured); semi-manufactured plastics; plastic fibres for use in the manufacture of materials for packaging; plastic materials in extruded form for industrial use; all of the above excluding plastic connectors for flexible tubing for low pressure air applications. 20 – Goods made of plastic (not included in other classes); containers of plastic for provisions (not for household purposes); packaging containers made of plastic; closing devices for packaging containers; closing devices of plastics for containers; all of the above excluding plastic connectors for flexible tubing for low pressure air applications. _________________________________________ 58 (260) AM 2014 70055 A (800) 1138214 (151) 2012 08 20 (731) Société des Produits Nestlé S.A. CH-1800 Vevey, Switzerland (540) (591) Blue, white, yellow, beige and green (511) 5 – Dietetic substances and food for medical and clinical purposes; formulated milk, food, beverages and food substances for babies; formulated milk, food, beverages and food substances for babies, for medical use; food and food substances for medical use for babies, children and patients; food and food substances for pregnant women and nursing mothers, for medical use; nutritional and dietetic supplements for medical use; vitamin preparations, mineral food supplements for medical use; dietetic confectionery for medical use. 29 – Vegetables and potatoes (preserved, deep-frozen, dried or cooked), fruit (preserved, frozen, dried or cooked), mushrooms (preserved, dried or cooked), meat, poultry, game, fish and seafood, all these goods in the form of extracts, soups, jellies, spreads, preserves, cooked, deep-frozen or dehydrated dishes; jams; eggs; milk, cream, butter, cheese and dairy products; milk substitutes; milk beverages, milk predominating; milk-based beverages containing cereals, chocolate and/or coffee; desserts made of milk and desserts made of cream; yogurts; soya milk (milk substitute), preserved soya beans for human consumption; edible oils and fats; protein preparations for human consumption; coffee and/or tea whiteners (cream substitutes); sausages; charcuterie, peanut butter; soups, concentrated soups, clear soups, broth cubes, broth, consommes. 30 – Coffee, coffee extracts, coffee-based beverages and preparations; iced coffee; artificial coffee, artificial coffee extracts, artificial coffee-based beverages and preparations; chicory; tea, tea extracts, teabased beverages and preparations; iced tea; maltbased preparations for human consumption; cocoa and cocoa-based beverages and preparations; chocolate, chocolate products, chocolate-based beverages and preparations; confectionery, sugar confectionery, candy; sugar; chewing gum not for medical purposes; natural sweeteners; bakery products, bread, yeast, pastries; biscuits, cakes, cookies, wa- #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS fers, caramels, desserts (included in this class), puddings; edible ices, water ices, sherbets, frozen confectionery, frozen cakes, ice cream, frozen desserts, frozen yogurts, powders and binding agents (included in this class) for making edible ices and/or water ices and/or sherbets and/or frozen confectionery and/or frozen cakes and/or ice cream and/or frozen desserts and/or frozen yogurts; honey and honey substitutes; cereals, breakfast cereals, muesli, cornflakes, cereal bars, ready-to-eat cereals; cereal preparations; rice, pasta, noodles; food products made from rice, flour or cereals, also in the form of cooked dishes; pizzas; sandwiches; ready-to-bake cake paste and food paste preparations; sauces, soya sauce; tomato ketchup; flavoring or seasoning products for food; spices for food, condiments, dressings for salads, mayonnaise; mustard; vinegar. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70056 A (800) 1138215 (151) 2012 05 28 (731) TSN Brands LTD Geneva Place, Waterfront Drive, P.O. Box 3469, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands (540) (591) Black, white (511) 32 – Aperitifs, non-alcoholic; aerated water; kvass [non-alcoholic beverage]; cocktails, non-alcoholic; lemonades; peanut milk [non-alcoholic beverage]; non-alcoholic beverages; isotonic beverages; nonalcoholic honey-based beverages; whey beverages; non-alcoholic fruit juice beverages; milk of almonds [beverage]; fruit nectars, non-alcoholic; orgeat; beer; powders for effervescing beverages; sarsaparilla [non-alcoholic beverage]; syrups for lemonade; syrups for beverages; cider, non-alcoholic; vegetable juices [beverages]; fruit juices; preparations for making aerated water; preparations for making liqueurs; preparations for making mineral water; preparations for making beverages; must; grape must, unfermented; beer wort; malt wort; pastilles for effervescing beverages; sherbets [beverages]; nonalcoholic fruit extracts; extracts of hops for making beer; essences for making beverages. 33 – Aperitifs; arak [arrack]; brandy; wine; piquette; whisky; anisette [liqueur]; gin; digesters [liqueurs and spirits]; cocktails; anise [liqueur]; alcoholic beverages, except beer; alcoholic beverages containning fruit; spirits [beverages]; distilled beverages; hydromel [mead]; peppermint liqueurs; bitters; rum; sake; cider; rice alcohol; alcoholic extracts; fruit extracts, alcoholic; alcoholic essences. 35 – Import-export agencies; cost price analysis; rental of advertising space; computerized file mana- gement; demonstration of goods; opinion polling; marketing studies; business information; commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; business investigations; marketing research; business organization consultancy; business management consultancy; professional business consultancy; updating of advertising material; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; shop window dressing; business appraisals; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; economic forecasting; auctioneering; sales promotion for others, namely wholesale and retail trade of goods mentioned in classes 32, 33; rental of vending machines; publication of publicity texts; radio advertising; distribution of samples; direct mail advertising; advertising; on-line advertising on a computer network; advertising by mail order; television advertising; commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; administrative processing of purchase orders; modelling for advertising or sales promotion; procurement services for others [purchasing goods and services for other businesses]; outsourcing services [business assistance]. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70057 A (800) 1138217 (151) 2012 07 05 (731) Otkrytoe Aktsionernoe Obshchestvo "Novosibkhimfarm" 275, ul. Dekabristov, RU-630028 Novosibirsk, Russian Federation (540) (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Antibiotics; balms for medical purposes; hygienic bandages; bandages for dressings; paper for mustard plasters; aseptic cotton; antiseptic cotton; absorbent cotton; wadding for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use; vitamin preparations; veterinary preparations; mineral waters for medical purposes; medicinal mud; mineral food supplements; nutritional supplements; yeast for pharmaceutical purposes; acids for pharmaceutical purposes; candy, medicated; medicinal roots; starch for dietetic or pharmaceutical purposes; lactose for pharmaceutical purposes; lecithin for medical purposes; medicinal oils; surgical dressings; drugs for medical purposes; medicines for veterinary purposes; medicines for human purposes; milk ferments for pharmaceutical purposes; medicinal drinks; dietetic beverages adapted for medical purposes; medicinal infusions; tinctures for medical purposes; poultices; compresses; scapulars for surgical purposes; albuminous preparations for medical purposes; #3 2014 02 10 59 TRADEMARKS preparations of trace elements for human and animal use; pharmaceutical preparations; chemico-pharmaceutical preparations; chemical preparations for pharmaceutical purposes; chemical preparations for medical purposes; chemical preparations for veterinary purposes; albuminous foodstuffs for medical purposes; dietetic foods adapted for medical purposes; food for babies; by-products of the processsing of cereals for medical purposes; syrups for pharmaceutical purposes; antiseptics; analgesics; disinfectants for hygiene purposes; febrifuges; tonics [medicines]; medical preparations for slimming purposes; medicinal herbs; tranquillizers; enzymes for veterinary purposes; enzymes for medical purposes; ferments for pharmaceutical purposes; herbal teas for medicinal purposes; elixirs [pharmaceutical preparations. 16 – Fountain pens; posters; forms, printed; note books; pamphlets; booklets; packing paper; bags [envelopes, pouches] of paper or plastics, for packaging; cardboard articles; calendars; pencils; envelopes [stationery]; boxes of cardboard or paper; graphic prints; covers [stationery]; conical paper bags; folders for papers; boxes for pens; clipboards; handkerchiefs of paper; plastic film for wrapping; stands for pens and pencils; photograph stands; towels of paper; writing cases [sets]; office requisites, except furniture; printed matter; prospectuses; labels, not of textile. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70058 A (800) 1138229 (151) 2012 08 23 (731) GUCCIO GUCCI S.P.A. Via Tornabuoni, 73/R, I-50123 FIRENZE, Italy (540) (591) Red, green, beige and brown (511) 18 – Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas and parasols; walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. 25 – Clothing, footwear, headgear. _________________________________________ 60 (260) AM 2014 70231 A (800) 1139774 (151) 2012 11 01 (731) Anna Lotan Ltd 10 Hailan Street, 30600 Or Akiva, Israel (540) (591) Black, white (511) 3 – Cosmetics – face and body creams, lotions, face and body cleaning preparations, soaps, gels, masks – all included in this class. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70232 A (800) 1139777 (151) 2012 09 14 (731) Avon Products, Inc. World Headquarters, 777 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017, USA (540) AVON PERFECT KISS (591) Black, white (511) 3 – Non-medicated toilet preparations; toiletries; skin care preparations; skin moisturizers; body and beauty care preparations; powders, creams and lotions, all for the face, hands and body; cosmetic suntan preparations; soaps; shower and bath preparations; beauty masks; talcum powder; nail polish; nail polish remover; enamel for nails; false nails; adhesives for cosmetic purposes; cosmetics; eye makeup remover, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, lipstick, lip liner, lipgloss; make-up foundation; blusher; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes; cotton wool for cosmetic purposes; preparations for cleaning, moisturising, colouring and styling the hair; preparations for cleaning the teeth; shaving and aftershave preparations; perfumes, fragrance, toilet waters, eau de colognes; deodorants and anti-perspirants for personal use; essential oils (cosmetic); all the aforesaid being alone, in combination and/or in gift sets comprised of some or all of these items. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70233 A (800) 1139781 (151) 2012 10 22 (731) TM Investment Sp. z o.o. ul. Dębicka 44, PL-39-207 Brzeźnica, Poland (540) ŚNIEŻKA CLASSIC (591) Black, white (511) 2 – Paints; emulsions; enamels; varnishes; lacquers; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood; colorants. _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2014 70234 A (800) 1139786 (151) 2012 11 06 (731) Alticor Inc. 7575 Fulton Street East, Ada, MI 49355-0001, USA (540) ARTISTRY (591) Black, white (511) 21 – Utensils and containers, namely, cosmetic brushes and sponges; and compact storage cases. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70235 A (800) 1139795 (151) 2012 10 31 (731) EH Europe GmbH Löwenstrasse 32, CH-8001 Zürich, Switzerland (540) tion of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines; fireextinguishing apparatus; computer games, mobile phones, bags for mobile phones, carriers adapted for mobile phones, devices for hands-free use of mobile phones, rechargeable accumulators (batteries) for mobile phones; cases adapted for computers and tablet computers; navigation apparatus for vehicles; glasses, sunglasses, spectacle cases; fire resistant protective clothing for racing drivers, in particular gloves, shoes, jumpsuits, protective helmets, protecttive helmets for sports; electric apparatus and instruments; electronic devices, particularly navigation apparatus. 14 – Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments; key fobs; key straps; cufflinks, tie pins; badges (jewellery); pins (jewellery); watch cases. ENERSYS (591) Black, white (511) 9 – Batteries, cells and energy storage devices; battery chargers and charging apparatus; battery monitoring devices and apparatus; battery handling equipment. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70239 A (800) 1139933 (151) 2012 04 18 (731) Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche Aktiengesellschaft Porscheplatz, 1, 70435 Stuttgart, Germany (540) Macan (591) Black, white (511) 3 – Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; all aforementioned goods especially for the cleaning and care of the interior and exterior of automobiles; soaps, for personal use only; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions. 8 – Hand tools; implements (hand operated) for use in agriculture, horticulture and forestry, for the construction of machines, apparatus and vehicle and for the building industry; cutlery; side arms, razors. 9 – Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduce- 16 – Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, stickers, printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks; document files, calendars, pen holders; organizers (calendars); pencil cases; flyers; leather organizers for accommodating calendars, business cards and notebooks. 18 – Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials, particularly trunks, bags and small leather articles, included in this class; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; bags, included in this class; clothing for animals, toilet bags, rucksacks, handbags, wallets, briefcases, key cases. 20 – Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics; bottle closures not of metal. 21 – Household or kitchen utensils and containers; combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); brush-making materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steelwool; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes; wine and champagne coolers; insulated beverage cups; bottle openers; money boxes; ice cube moulds; perfume vaporizers. #3 2014 02 10 61 TRADEMARKS 25 – Clothing, footwear, headgear; dress handkerchiefs; scarfs; gloves; belts; leather clothing. 27 – Floor mats for motor vehicles. 28 – Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees; toy vehicles; model cars; golf clubs; golf balls. (260) AM 2014 70275 A (800) 1139547 (151) 2012 08 23 (731) Toruńskie Zakłady Materiałów Opatrunkowych, Spółka Akcyna ul. Żółkiewskiego 20/26, PL-87-100 Toruń, Poland (540) 34 – Tobacco; smokers' articles; matches; tobacco goods; cigarettes; cigars; cigarillos; lighters for smokers. 35 – Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; retail and wholesale services with regard to vehicles, particularly motor vehicles and electric vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water, motors for land vehicles, parts of motor vehicles and electro vehicles. 36 – Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; financing, particularly of leasing contracts; credit brokerage; insurances, particularly in the automobiles business. 37 – Building construction; repair, namely repair and maintenance of motor vehicles and parts thereof and of engines for motor vehicles and parts thereof; conversion and tuning of production automobiles and their engines; cleaning of motor vehicles; providing information relating to vehicle repair; tuning and cleaning of automobiles; installation services. 39 – Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement and organisation; vehicle rental; leasing of motor vehicles. (591) Red, white and blue (511) 5 – Disposable diapers for incontinents, disposable diaper-pants for incontinents, panty liners, urological pads. 10 – Bed underpads (hygienic products). _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70370 A (800) 1141390 (151) 2012 07 05 (731) PRIVATE JOINT STOCK COMPANY "INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION "KONTI" Bul. Shevchenko, 6-b, Donetsk 83015, Ukraine (540) 41 – Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; driving schools, in particular sport driving schools (education, training); motor sport events. 42 – Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; services of engineers; technical research, development and consulting, particularly in the field of vehicle and engine construction; preparation of technical reports; creation of programs for data processing; graphic arts designing; construction drafting; quality control services for certification purposes, testing, analysis and evaluation of the services of others for the purpose of certification. 43 – Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation. _________________________________________ 62 (591) Black, white (511) 30 – Coffee; tea; cocoa; sugar; rice; tapioca; sago; artificial coffee; meal and cereal preparations; bread; confectionery; ice cream; honey; golden syrup; yeast; baking-powder; salt; mustard; vinegar; condiments; spices; edible ices; peanut confectionery; farinaceous foods; bakery confectionery products; bread rolls; buns; waffles; waffle cakes; pastry; candied roasted nuts; desserts (confectionery); dragee (confectionery); fruit jellies; berry jellies; jellied confectionery; jelly candies; frozen kefir and yogurt (frozen confectionery); frozen bakery semifinished products; marshmallow; marshmallow covered with chocolate; cacao and coffee beverages; coffee beverages with milk; cacao with milk; cacao products; caramels (candies); lozenges (confectionery); cakes; brittle; sugar confectionery; crackers; starch foods; croissants; confectionery for decorating #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS Christmas trees; liquorice (confectionery); candy for food; marzipan; marzipan candies; almond confectionery; sweet mousse (confectionery); chocolate mousse; peppermint sweets; chocolate beverages; candy bars; paskha (Easter cheese cake); pastilles; cookies; cookies and biscuits covered with chocolate; pies; pate; quiches; fondants (confectionery); praline; gingerbread; gingerbread covered with chocolate; gingerbread with various fillings; puddings; Turkish delight; rice cakes, pastries; crescent rolls; rolls with various fillings; jelly candies; tarts; petits fours (cakes); chocolate pastries; fruit ice; berry ice; halvah; candy cake decorations; chocolate decorations for cakes; sweetmeats; candies; waffle candies; toffee candies; chocolate; chocolate desserts; chocolate dragee with raisins or nuts; chocolate paste; chocolate candies; chocolate sticks; chocolate beverages with milk; chocolate figurines; candies with whipped creamy filling. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70372 A (800) 1141399 (151) 2012 07 16 (731) MIROGLIO FASHION S.R.L. Via Santa Margherita, 23, I-12051 Alba (Cuneo), Italy (540) (260) AM 2014 70371 A (800) 1141393 (151) 2012 06 26 (731) SASIB S.p.A. Via Giuseppe di Vittorio, 21/B, I-40013 CASTEL MAGGIORE (BO), Italy (540) 35 – Retailing, including sale by mail order or online sale of goods of leather, bags, wallets, purses, handbags, key cases and briefcases of leather, textile or imitations of leather, of clothing, in particular women's clothing, dresses, shirts, sports jerseys, skirts, trousers, jackets, overcoats, waterproof clothing, belts, shoes, gym shoes, wedding dresses, boots, swimsuits, lingerie. _________________________________________ (591) Black, white (511) 7 – Packaging machines, in particular for foodstuffs and consumer goods, including packaging machines for cigarettes and cigars, canning devices, plastic film wrapping machines, packaging machines for handkerchiefs of paper, devices for filling bags with fine-cut tobacco; conveyors, in particular belt and roller conveyors, chain conveyors, overhead conveyors to transport packaging materials, any conveyor for the packaging industry or relating to packaging machines; robots to load and unload packaging containers, pallets; conveyors, packaging machines; gear boxes, geared motors, couplings other than for land vehicles; parts of the aforesaid machines, devices and units (included in class 7), in particular shafts, axles, journals, levers, gear wheels, drive wheels; valves, vacuum pumps, compressed air pumps, devices and units, in particular rigid tubes of metal used as machine parts, framework for automatic machines, in particular plates, bases and frames, hydraulic and pneumatic telescopic cylinders; machines for the manufacture of goods to smoke, in particular cigarettes; machines for the manufacture of cigarettes and cigars; tow treatment machines to prepare filter tow for the manufacture of filters for goods to smoke. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70373 A (800) 1141403 (151) 2012 06 19 (731) EZGI KONFEKSIYON SANAYI VE TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI Güngören Merter Keresteciler Sitesi, Kasim Sokak No:58 D:4, Istanbul, Turkey (540) (591) Black, white (511) 18 – Goods of leather not included in other classes, bags, wallets, purses, handbags, key cases and briefcases of leather, textile or imitations of leather. 25 – Clothing, in particular women's clothing, dresses, shirts, sports jerseys, skirts, trousers, jackets, overcoats, waterproof clothing, belts, shoes, gym shoes, wedding dresses, boots, swimsuits, lingerie. RGL REGIONAL (591) Black, white (511) 25 – Clothing, namely, trousers, jackets, overcoats, coats, skirts, suits, jerseys, waistcoats, shirts, Tshirts, sweatshirts, dresses, Bermuda shorts, shorts, pajamas, pullovers, jeans, tracksuits, rainwear, beachwear, bathing suits, swimming suits; clothing for sports (for exclusive use for sports), clothing for babies, namely, shirts, pants, coats, dresses; underclothing, namely, boxer shorts, brassieres, briefs, pants, socks; footwear, namely shoes excluding orthopedic shoes, sandals, waterproof boots, walking boots, booties, sporting shoes, slippers; shoe parts namely heelpieces, insoles for footwear, footwear uppers; headgear, namely caps, skull caps, sports caps, hats, berets; gloves (clothing), stockings, belts (clothing), camisoles, sarongs, scarves, neck scarves, shawls, collars, neckties, ties, suspender belts. #3 2014 02 10 63 TRADEMARKS 35 – Advertising agencies services, marketing and publicity bureaus services including commercial or advertisement exhibition and trade fair organization services; providing office functions; business management; business administration; import and export agencies; business investigations, evaluations, expert business appraisals; auctioneering; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of clothing, footwear, headgear (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; all the aforementioned services may be provided by retail stores, wholesale outlets, through mail order catalogues or by means of electronic media, for example, through web sites or television shopping programmes. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70374 A (800) 1141416 (151) 2012 08 01 (731) Vegapharm LLP Intershore Suites Vernon House, Sicilian Avenue London WC1A 2QS, United Kingdom (540) (591) Pantone hexachrome black C, pantone 1795C, pantone 636C, pantone 801C and pantone hexachrome magneta C (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; foods and beverages which are adapted for medical purposes; air deodorising preparations. _________________________________________ 64 (260) AM 2014 70375 A (800) 1141422 (151) 2012 08 14 (731) TM Investment Sp. z o.o. ul. Dębicka 44, PL-39-207 Brzeźnica, Poland (540) (591) Light green, dark green, green apple, orange, red, purple, navy and blue (511) 2 – Paints; emulsions; enamels; varnishes; lacquers; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood; colorants. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70376 A (800) 1141429 (151) 2012 08 16 (731) MEGAGEN IMPLANT CO., LTD. 472, Hanjanggun-ro, Jain-myeon, Gyeongsansi, Gyeongsangbuk-do 712-852, Republic of Korea (540) (591) Black, magenta (511) 10 – Dental implants; implant abutments; cover screws for dental purposes; pins for dental purposes; screws for dental purposes; screws for dental implantology; wires for dental purposes; apparatus and instruments for use in bone graft procedures; prosthetic instruments for dental purposes; filling instruments for dental purposes; mirrors for dentists; dental burs; broaches for dental purposes; treatment beds for dental purposes; orthodontic machines and instruments for dental purposes; orthodontic appliances; artificial teeth; dental excavators; cavity detectors; cutting and grinding discs for dental applications; cut-off and abrasive wheels for dental purposes; instruments and tools for dental implantology. _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2014 70377 A (800) 1141433 (151) 2012 09 06 (731) Tallinna Elektrotehnika Tehas "Estel" AS Kuuli 6, EE-11415 Tallinn, Estonia (540) (260) AM 2014 70443 A (800) 1142396 (151) 2012 09 04 (731) Avon Products, Inc. World Headquarters, 777 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017, USA (540) AVON ABSOLUTE EVEN (591) Blue and white (511) 7 – Machine coupling and transmission components [except for land vehicles]; current generators; generators of electricity. 9 – Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity, including transformers [electricity], converters [electric]. 11 – Apparatus for heating, including heat exchangers [not parts of machines]. 37 – Repair and installation services, namely installation, maintenance and repair of heat exchangers, electrical appliances and apparatus. 42 – Industrial analysis and research services, including technical project studies, engineering, material testing, technical research, surveying. _________________________________________ (591) Black, white (511) 3 – Non-medicated toilet preparations; toiletries; skin care preparations; skin moisturizers; body and beauty care preparations; powders, creams and lotions, all for the face, hands and body; cosmetic suntan preparations; soaps; shower and bath preparations; beauty masks; talcum powder; nail polish; nail polish remover; enamel for nails; false nails; adhesives for cosmetic purposes; cosmetics; eye makeup remover, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, lipstick, lip liner, lipgloss; make-up foundation; blusher; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes; cotton wool for cosmetic purposes; preparations for cleaning, moisturising, colouring and styling the hair; preparations for cleaning the teeth; shaving and aftershave preparations; perfumes, fragrance, toilet waters, eau de cologne; deodorants and anti-perspirants for personal use; essential oils (cosmetic); all the aforesaid being alone, in combination and/or in gift sets comprised of some or all of these items. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70444 A (800) 1142420 (151) 2012 11 09 (731) EGIS GYOGYSZERGYÁR Nyilvánosan Működő Részvénytársaság Kereszturi ut 30-38, H-1106 Budapest, Hungary (540) (260) AM 2014 70442 A (800) 1142368 (151) 2012 11 02 (731) AVENTRO Sàrl 1, Carrefour de Rive, CH-1207 Genève, Switzerland (540) (591) Black, white (511) 1 – Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; soil fertilizers; fire extinguishing compositions; metal tempering and soldering preparations; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; adhesives for industrial purposes. (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical preparations in human use for the treatment of oncologic and immunological diseases. _________________________________________ 5 – Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary products; dietetic substances for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for dental fillings and dental impressions; disinfectants; pesticides; fungicides, herbicides. 44 – Agricultural and horticultural services; gardening and landscaping services. _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 65 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2014 70446 A (800) 1142435 (151) 2012 10 31 (731) American Council on Education; One Dupont Circle, N.W. Washington, DC 20036, USA (540) GED (591) Black, white (511) 16 – Printed instructional, educational and teaching materials in the nature of test booklets, practice test booklets, booklets containing practice test answer sheets, practice tests, study guides, student books, instructor guides, teaching manuals, workbooks, exercise books, practice test forms, test administrator manuals, practice test scoring stencils, all in the fields of reading, writing, mathematics, science and social studies; printed pamphlets, brochures, manuals, booklets, leaflets, flyers, and newsletter featuring information about educational testing in the field of reading, writing, mathematics, science and social studies. 41 – Educational testing services. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70447 A (800) 1142446 (151) 2012 09 20 (731) José EISENBERG 24, avenue Princesse Grace, MC-98000 Monaco, Monaco (540) JOSÉ EISENBERG (591) Black, white (511) 3 – Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, degreasing and abrasive preparations; soaps, and more specifically shower gels, bath gels, shower creams, bath creams, shampoos; perfumery, and more specifically perfumes, fragrances, deodorants; essential oils; cosmetics, and more specifically cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes, beauty masks, skin whitening creams, make-up removing products, oils for cosmetic use; make-up products and more specifically lipsticks, lip gloss, pencils for cosmetic use, makeup, mascara, nail polish, make-up powders, make-up foundation; hair lotions; hair sprays; dentifrices. 25 – Clothing, underwear, footwear, headgear, tights, stockings, bodysuits, t-shirts, scarves, pareos. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70449 A (800) 1142449 (151) 2012 09 20 (731) José EISENBERG 24, avenue Princesse Grace, MC-98000 Monaco, Monaco (540) EISENBERG (591) Black, white (511) 3 – Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, degreasing and abrasive preparations; soaps, and more specifically shower gels, bath gels, shower creams, bath creams, shampoos; perfumery, and more specifically perfumes, fragrances, deodorants; essential oils; cosmetics, and more specifically cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes, beauty masks, skin whitening creams, make-up removing products, oils for cosmetic use; make-up products and more specifically lipsticks, lip gloss, pencils for cosmetic use, makeup, mascara, nail polish, make-up powders, make-up foundation; hair lotions; hair sprays; dentifrices. 25 – Clothing, underwear, footwear, headgear, tights, stockings, bodysuits, t-shirts, scarves, pareos. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70549 A (800) 1143776 (151) 2012 11 05 (731) GUESS? IP HOLDER, L.P. 1444 South Alameda Street, Los Angeles, CA 90021, USA (540) (591) Black, white (511) 14 – Jewelry and watches, chronometric instruments. 18 – Leather and imitation leather goods; wallets, handbags, luggage, key cases, business card cases, passport cases, purses, organizers, backpacks, carry alls and briefcases. 25 – Men's, women's, children's and infant's apparel, belts, and footwear. _________________________________________ 66 #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2014 70550 A (800) 1143785 (151) 2012 10 25 (731) OTKRYTOE AKTSIONERNOE OBSCHESTVO "WIMM-BILL-DANN PRODUKTY PITANIYA" komn. 306, d.16/15, Yauzsky bulvar, RU-109028 Moscow, Russian Federation (540) (591) Gold, beige, blue, light blue, dark blue, red, dark red, light red, black and white (511) 29 – Cheese bouillon; cheese jellies for food; fruit jellies with cheese; fruit-based snack food with cheese; vegetables, preserved, with cheese; olives, preserved, with cheese; liver pastes with cheese; foods prepared from fish with cheese; fish, preserved, with cheese; vegetable salads with cheese; fruit salads with cheese; fat-containing mixtures for bread slices with cheese; cheese soups; cheese; potato flakes with the taste of cheese; potato chips with the taste of cheese. 30 – Cheese aromatic preparations for food; cheese cookies; cheese waffles; cereal-based snack food with cheese; pasties with cheese; crackers with the taste of cheese; farinaceous foods with cheese; biscuits with the taste of cheese; pies with cheese; pizzas with cheese; popcorn with cheese; cheese condiments; cheese puddings; ravioli with cheese; cheese sauces [condiments]; spaghetti with cheese; rusks with the taste of cheese; sushi with cheese; sandwiches with cheese; chips [cereal products] with the taste of cheese. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70551 A (800) 1143820 (151) 2012 10 10 (731) Public Joint-Stock Company "SUN InBev Ukraine" Fizkultury St., 30-V, Kyiv 03680, Ukraine (540) (591) Black, white (511) 32 – Beer. 35 – Marketing studies; opinion polling; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; demonstration of goods; distribution of samples; commercial or industrial management assistance; shop window dressing; publication of publicity texts; radio advertising; advertising by mail order; advertising; dissemination of advertising matter; direct mail advertising; sales promotion for others; television advertising; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods in classes 29, 30, and 34 enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods in supermarkets, food markets, bars, and restaurants. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70552 A (800) 1143822 (151) 2012 11 12 (731) PRYSMIAN CAVI E SISTEMI S.R.L. Viale Sarca, 222, I-20126 Milano (MI), Italy (540) (591) Black, white (511) 9 – Electrical cables, optical cables, optical fibers, terminals (electricity), industrial plants in the form of distribution stations, switching stations, main grids and grid stations for the production and distribution of electricity including electricity distribution networks; apparatus and instruments for supervision, remote control, checking and measuring of electricity and energy consumption and for automatic operation of power plants; electrical connectors; transformers; data processing equipment and recorded computer programs to be used in the production, distribution and control of energy and electricity; solar cells and solar batteries for the generation of electricity and energy; land surveying instruments; detectors and alarm devices for industrial purposes and for use in energy production and distribution. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70553 A (800) 1143824 (151) 2012 11 12 (731) PRYSMIAN CAVI E SISTEMI S.R.L. Viale Sarca, 222, I-20126 Milano (MI), Italy (540) (591) Black, white (511) 9 – Electrical cables, optical cables, optical fiber, terminals (electricity), industrial plants in the form of distribution stations, switching stations, main grids and grid stations for the production and dis- #3 2014 02 10 67 TRADEMARKS tribution of electricity including electricity distribution networks; apparatus and instruments for supervision, remote control, checking and measuring of electricity and energy consumption and for automatic operation of power plants; electrical connectors; transformers; data processing equipment and recorded computer programs to be used in the production, distribution and control of energy and electricity; solar cells and solar batteries for the generation of electricity and energy; land surveying instruments; detectors and alarm devices for Industrial purposes and for use in energy production and distribution. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70554 A (800) 1143843 (151) 2012 11 21 (731) NJOY, INC. 15211 North Kierland Blvd., Suite 200, Scottsdale, AZ 85254, USA (540) (591) Black, white (511) 34 – Electric cigarettes; electronic cigarettes; electronic cigarettes for use as an alternative to traditionnal cigarettes. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70555 A (800) 1143848 (151) 2012 11 14 (731) Avon Products, Inc. World Headquarters, 777 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017, USA (540) AVON HERBAL FRESH (591) Black, white (511) 3 – Non-medicated toilet preparations; toiletries; skin care preparations; skin moisturizers; body and beauty care preparations; powders, creams and lotions, all for the face, hands and body; cosmetic suntan preparations; soaps; shower and bath preparations; beauty masks; talcum powder; nail polish; nail polish remover; enamel for nails; false nails; adhesives for cosmetic purposes; cosmetics; eye makeup remover, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, lipstick, lip liner, lip gloss; make-up foundation; blusher; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes; cotton wool for cosmetic purposes; preparations for cleaning, moisturising, colouring and styling the hair; preparations for cleaning the teeth; shaving and aftershave preparations; perfumes, fragrance, toilet waters, eau de cologne; deodorants and anti-perspirants for personal use; essential oils (cosmetic); all 68 the aforesaid being alone, in combination and/or in gift sets comprised of some or all of these items. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70556 A (800) 1143872 (151) 2012 04 26 (731) Tekstüre Çorap Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi Yeni Londra Asfalti Cevizlibag, Yilanli Ayazma Sk. No:20, TOPKAPI – ISTANBUL, Turkey (540) (591) Blue and light blue. (511) 25 – Belts, braces, stockings, clothing: cotton clothing, knit clothing, jean clothing, leather clothing, casual wear, sportswear, bath clothing, bath robes and beachwear, underclothes, athletic underpanties, bras, underskirts, camisole, undershirts, bodies, bustiers, corsets, morning gowns, lingeries, coats, overcoats, jackets, topcoats, raincoats, trench coats, trousers, skirts, dress, suits, cloaks, shirts, T-shirts, sweat shirts, pullovers, sweaters, blouses, shorts, Bermuda shorts, jump suits, suits, aprons, school uniforms, gloves, socks, shoes, boots, slippers, shoes for babies and parts thereof, sneakers, parts of shoes, heels, legs of boots, shoe uppers; headgears, hats, berets, caps, flat caps; cotton fabrics for babies, swaddling clothes for babies, baby's suits, nylon underpanties, baby bibs, clothing parts, dress collars, collars, bandanas, ties, bow-ties foulards (clothing), muffs (clothing), scarves, head bands, head scarves, wristbands. 35 – Services related to advertisement, marketing and public relations (including organization of exhibitions and fairs for commercial and advertisement purposes); office functions, business management, business administration services and consultancy, accounting and (including import-export agency services); professional business consultancy rendered by experts in relation to commercial and Industrial products; organization and arrangement of public auctions; the bringing together for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from whole outlets, retail outlets and from a general merchandise catalogue by mail order or by means of telecommunications. _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2014 70557 A (800) 1143897 (151) 2012 10 04 (731) Zakritoe akcionernoe obchtchestvo "Twins Tec" Ryabinovaya street 65, building 1, RU-121471Moscow, Russian Federation (540) (260) AM 2014 70629 A (800) 1144725 (151) 2012 12 03 (731) OJSC SIBUR Holding liter A, 5, ul. Galernaya, RU-190000 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation (540) (591) Black, white (511) 3 – Soap; perfumery; cosmetics; hair lotions; dentifrices; oils for perfumes and scents; oils for cosmetic purposes; oils for toilet purposes; essential oils; ethereal oils; oils for cleaning purposes. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70559 A (800) 1143930 (151) 2012 11 29 (731) CELLTRION, INC. 23, Academy-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon 406-840, Republic of Korea (540) (591) Black, white (511) 17 – Liquid rubber; synthetic rubber; rubber, raw or semi-worked; latex [rubber]; weatherstripping compositions; insulating materials; rubber material for recapping tires [tyres]; rubber solutions. 35 – Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; distribution of samples; commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70630 A (800) 1144726 (151) 2012 11 19 (731) "Delta Medical Promotions AG" Oetenbachgasse 26, CH-8001 Zurich, Switzerland (540) (591) Light brown, purple (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of cancer; pharmaceutical preparations of therapeutic and monoclonal antibodies. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70560 A (800) 1143931 (151) 2012 11 29 (731) CELLTRION, INC. 23, Academy-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon 406-840, Republic of Korea (540) (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Biological preparations for medical purposes; chemical preparations for medical purposes; chemical preparations for pharmaceutical purposes; chemico-pharmaceutical preparations; diagnostic preparations for medical purposes; enzyme preparations for medical purposes; enzymes for medical purposes; ferments for pharmaceutical purposes; first-aid boxes, filled; hormones for medical purposes; pharmaceutical preparations; preparations of trace elements for human and animal use. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70631 A (800) 1144743 (151) 2012 07 18 (731) Obshchestvo s ogranichennoy otvetstvennostyu "Konsortsium-PIK" pom. Pravleniya, 22, korp. 6, Festivalnaya ul. RU-125581 Moscow, Russian Federation (540) (591) Green,white, purple (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of autoimmune diseases and autoimmune disorders; pharmaceutical preparations of therapeutic and monoclonal antibodies. _________________________________________ (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Dietetic substances adapted for medical use; dental impression materials; disinfectants for hygiene purposes; hygienic preparations adapted for #3 2014 02 10 69 TRADEMARKS medical use; teeth filling material; dressings, medical; plasters for medical purposes; preparations for destroying noxious animals; food for babies; fungicides; herbicides. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70632 A (800) 1144756 (151) 2012 10 26 (731) Evolet Healthcare Limited Intershore Suites Vernon House, Sicilian Avenue, London WC1A 2QS, United Kingdom (540) (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic food and substances adapted for medical or veterinary use, food for babies; dietary supplements for humans and animals; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70669 A (800) 1144932 (151) 2012 12 11 (731) WREN LABORATORIES LIMITED Unit 15, Towergate Business Park, Colebrook Way, Andover, Hampshire SP10 3BB, United Kingdom (540) (591) Dark blue and light blue (511) 5 – Nutritional and/or food supplements. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70677 A (800) 1145022 (151) 2012 04 13 (731) Dr. med. Matthias Rath 1260 Memorex Drive, Santa Clara, CA 95050, USA (540) (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical products; vitamin preparations and food supplements with a base of minerals, all for medical purposes; food supplements not for medical purposes, mainly consisting of vitamins, amino acids, minerals and trace elements; food supplements and dietetic substances not for medical use with a base of vitamins, amino acids, minerals and trace elements. 29 – Foodstuffs of animal origin, included in class 29, in particular meat, fish, poultry, game and meat extracts; vegetables and other edible horticultural products, prepared for consumption or preservation, included in this class, in particular preserved, dried and cooked fruit and vegetables; jellies, jams, eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats; fat-containing mixtures for bread slices; tofu. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70684 A (800) 1145150 (151) 2012 09 19 (731) Spey Medical Limited Lynton House, 7-12 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9LT, United Kingdom (540) (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; food and beverages which are adapted for medical purposes; air deodorising preparations. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70685 A (800) 1145154 (151) 2012 10 04 (731) DULCEVIS S.R.L. întreprindere mixtā; Str. Calea Moşilor nr. 15 MD-2024 Chişinău, Republic of Moldova (540) Dr. Rath Zinc-Selenium Complex 70 #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS (591) Red (511) 30 – Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; rice; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastry and confectionery; ices; sugar, honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt; mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70686 A (800) 1145160 (151) 2012 11 29 (731) KMT Precision Grinding AB Box 910, SE-531 19 LIDKÖPING, Sweden (540) (591) Blue, white (511) 7 – Grinding machines. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70687 A (800) 1145163 (151) 2012 06 18 (731) ÇİMSA ÇİMENTO SANAYİ VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Toroslar Mah., Tekke Cad., Yenitaşkent Beldesi, TR-33013 Mersin, Turkey (540) (591) Black, blue, white (511) 19 – Concrete, plaster, lime; cement, heat-resistant cement, white cement, plaster cast, ready-mixed concrete, artificial stones; surface coatings (interior walls, façade, floor) with natural and artificial stones; tiles and glazed tiles not of metal for building purposes, flagstones, kerb stones, concrete pipes and joint components, building panels not of metal, concrete walls, concrete joists, concrete columns, concrete roof elements, precast concrete constructions, portable concrete constructions; concrete poles, concrete fence pickets, concrete poles for power lines, concrete communication lines, concrete barriers, concrete king posts, concrete benches, concrete window boxes. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70688 A (800) 1145172 (151) 2012 05 03 (731) DERIMOD KONFEKSIYON AYAKKABI DERI SANAYI VE TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI Beskardesler 4, Sokak No:12-14, Zeytinburnu, ISTANBUL, Turkey (540) (591) Black, white (511) 18 – Worked and unworked leather, animal skins, imitations of leather, linings of leather for boots and shoes, leathers for lining, goods made of leather, imitation leather, other materials and not included in other classes namely, bags, valises, wallets, portfolios, bags for carrying babies, boxes and cases of leather or leatherboard, card cases, empty toilet bags, empty tool bags, key cases, pouches, rucksacks, briefcases, shopping bags, school bags, umbrellas, parasols, walking sticks, hip bags, harness fittings, saddles, stirrups, saddle straps, gut and artificial gut for making sausages including salami. 25 – Clothing (underclothing and outer clothing); clothing of tricot; jean clothing; clothing of leather; loose clothing; clothing for sport, bath clothes and beach clothes; underclothes, undershirts, underpants, brassieres, petticoats, camisoles, vests, bodies, corsets, dressing gowns, nightgowns, topcoats, overcoats, hooded overcoats, light overcoats, rain coats, trench coats, coats, jackets, trousers, skirts, dresses, waistcoats, shirts, tee-shirts, sweat shirts, pullovers, cardigans, sweaters, blouses, shorts, Bermuda shorts, overalls, frocks, school uniforms, socks, footwear namely, shoes, high-topped boots, boots, slippers, bootees and parts thereof, sports shoes and nails thereof, parts of shoes namely non-slipping devices for shoes, heelpieces for shoes, welts for shoes, shoe uppers, headwear namely, headgears, hats, berets, caps, babies' clothing included in this class namely, very soft undershirts for babies, nylon underpants for babies. 35 – The bringing together of a variety of goods enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods. _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 71 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2014 70689 A (800) 1145173 (151) 2012 05 09 (731) YEŞİLTAN TURİZM VE MADENİ EŞYA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ Fatih Mahallesi Sanayi, Caddesi No 27/C Çanta, SILIVRI, Turkey (540) (591) Black, white (511) 21 – Household or kitchen utensils and containers; blenders, non-electric, for household purposes; mixing machines, non-electric, for household purposes; coffee grinders, hand-operated; spice sets; fruit presses, non-electric, for household purposes; graters (household utensils); cleaning instruments, hand-operated; brushes (except paint brushes); brush-making materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steel wool; sponges for household purposes; mops; cotton waste for cleaning; cloths for cleaning; gloves for household purposes; polishing apparatus and machines, for household purposes, non-electric; carpet sweepers; carpet beaters (hand instruments); abrasive pads for kitchen purposes; toothbrushes; toothbrushes, electric; floss for dental purposes; shaving brush stands; hair for brushes; combs; glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes; buckets; trash cans; cooking pots; table plates; paper plates; cups of paper or plastic; cabarets (trays); coffee percolators, non-electric; strainers; basting spoons, for kitchen use; mixing spoons (kitchen utensils); spatulas (kitchen utensils); bowls (basins); egg cups; cake molds (moulds); pitchers; kitchen containers; coasters, not of paper and other than table linen; flower pots; soap holders; soap dispensers; boxes of metal, for dispensing paper towels; toilet paper holders; baby baths, portable; coolers (ice pails); ice cube molds (moulds); thermally insulated containers for food; flasks; fitted picnic baskets, including dishes; goblets; domestic bread baskets; bread bins; bread boards; cooking utensils; non-electric cups; non-electric kettles; grills (cooking utensils); grill supports; cooking skewers of metal; flat-iron stands; ironing board covers, shaped; clothes racks, for drying; drying racks for washing; cages for household pets; litter boxes (trays) for pets; mangers for animals; bird baths; rings for birds; figurines (statuettes) of porcelain, ceramic, earthenware or glass; bottles; cookie jars; demijohns; beaters, non-electric; mouse traps; insect traps; fly swatters; toilet cases; deodorising apparatus for personal use; perfume burners; perfume sprayers; perfume vaporizers; cosmetic utensils; appliances for removing make-up, non-electric; powder puffs; nozzles for sprinkler hose; nozzles for watering cans; watering devices; syringes for watering flowers and plants; corkscrews; shoe horns; toothpicks; pipettes (wine-tasters); indoor terrariums 72 (vivariums); indoor terrariums (plant cultivation); glass, unworked or semi-worked, except building glass; mosaics of glass, not for building; powdered glass for decoration; glass wool other than for insulation. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70690 A (800) 1145179 (151) 2012 10 03 (731) IMAC S.p.A. Via Menocchia, 27, I-63010 MONTEFIORE DELL'ASO (AP), Italy (540) (591) Black, white (511) 18 – Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas and parasols; walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; bags, namely, shoulder bags, travelling bags, handbags, Boston bags, waist packs, sling bags for carrying infants, leather and canvas shopping bags, duffle bags, tote bags, clutch bags, trunks, wallets, purses, briefcases, attaché cases, pouches of leather or textile, school bags, suitcases, garment bags for travel, key cases made of leather, backpacks, rucksacks, vanity cases sold empty, carry-on bags, beach bags, umbrellas. 25 – Clothing, footwear, headgear; pullovers, cardigans, sweaters, jerseys, jumpers, jackets, sweatshirts, parkas, bathing suits, blouses, shirts, trousers, jeans, waistcoats, skirts, shorts, T-shirts, dresses, men's suits, coats, raincoats, overcoats, overalls, underwear, vests, hosiery and panty hose, bathrobes, shawls, scarves, neckties, gloves for clothing, belts for clothing, shoes, leather shoes, rubber shoes, rain boots and shoes, gymnastic shoes, sport shoes, halfboots, boots, lace boots, vinyl shoes, sandals, slippers, flip-flops, clogs, sandal shoes, flat shoes, desert boots, sneakers, hats and caps. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70691 A (800) 1145184 (151) 2012 11 14 (731) DENK PHARMA GmbH & Co. KG Prinzregentenstr. 79, 81675 München, Germany (540) #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS (591) Black, white (511) 1 – Chemicals for use in the foodstuff, food supplement, pharmaceutical and cosmetics Industries, also in the form of pre- and intermediate-products as well as additives and excipients; artificial sweeteners. 2 – Paints and dyes for use in the foodstuff, food supplement, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries also in the form of pre- and intermediate-products as well as additives and excipients. 3 – Plant extracts and plant oils for cosmetic purposes, also in the form of pre- and intermediateproducts as well as additives and excipients. 5 – Pharmaceutical preparations; chemical preparations for pharmaceutical and medical purposes; animal oils and plant oils as well as plant extracts for pharmaceutical and medical purposes; proteins for pharmaceutical and medical purposes; food supplements for pharmaceutical and medical purposes; all aforementioned goods also in the form of preand intermediate-products as well as additives and excipients; healthcare preparations; dietetic preparations for medical and non-medical purposes on the basis of vitamins, mineral nutrients, trace elements, proteins and carbohydrates. 35 – Wholesale and retail trade with chemicals used in industry, science, agriculture, horticulture and forestry, especially for use in the foodstuff, food supplement, pharmaceutical and cosmetics Industries, artificial sweeteners, paints and dyes, plant extracts and plant oils for cosmetic purposes, chemical preparations for pharmaceutical and medical purposes, animal oils and plant oils as well as plant extracts for pharmaceutical and medical purposes, proteins for pharmaceutical and medical purposes, food supplements for pharmaceutical and medical purposes, pharmaceutical preparations, healthcare preparations, dietetic preparations for medical and non-medical purposes on the basis of vitamins, mineral nutrients, trace elements, proteins and carbohydrates _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70693 A (800) 1145241 (151) 2012 11 05 (731) KAMPMANN GmbH Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 128-130, 49811 Lingen (Ems), Germany (540) (591) Black, white (511) 6 – Radiator coverings of metal, rigid grates, rolling grates, flood grates. 9 – Regulating, control and monitoring apparatus for heating, refrigerating, drying, ventilating and/or airconditioning apparatus and/or installations; operating units, operating panels, peripherals and monitors for the aforesaid regulating, control and monitoring apparatus. 11 – Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes; radiators, heating plates, radiant ceiling plates, underfloor heating, underfloor heaters, church heating, convectors, in particular for heating and/or refrigeration, fan coil units, air treatment apparatus, ventilation installations and equipment, fan heaters, domestic ventilation, fans, roof fans, air heaters, air heating apparatus, air curtain units, drying apparatus, hot air dryers, in particular for horses, warm air generators, heat-exchangers, air conditioning systems, air conditioning apparatus, in particular cold water air-conditioning systems, cold water generators, apparatus for preparing heat exchangers, namely heating apparatus for heating heat exchanger, apparatus for heating, cooling and/or ventilating in a selective and/or combined manner, ventilating apparatus, in particular fresh air ventilating apparatus, air conditioning apparatus, all the aforesaid goods, where possible, for stationary and/or mobile use; damper registers, filters, ventilation flaps and throttle valves, being parts of the aforesaid goods; solariums, in particular for horses. 27 – Door mats, entrance mats. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70695 A (800) 1145267 (151) 2012 11 21 (731) Merck KGaA Frankfurter Strasse 250, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany (540) (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical preparations for human use in the field of oncology. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70696 A (800) 1145274 (151) 2012 12 17 (731) NOVARTIS AG CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland (540) INFLUGARD (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Vaccines for human use. _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 73 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2014 70697 A (800) 1145288 (151) 2012 07 04 (731) Closed Joint-Stock Company "OBNINSKORGSINTEZ" 57 Kievskoye Shosse, RU-249032 Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russian Federation (540) (591) Black, white, grey, dark blue and pale blue (511) 1 – Acetate of cellulose, unprocessed; acetates [chemicals]; acetic anhydride; acetone; acetylene; acids; acidulated water for recharging batteries; acrylic resins, unprocessed; actinium; additives, chemical, to drilling muds; additives, chemical, to fungicides; additives, chemical, to insecticides; additives, chemical, to motor fuel; adhesives for billposting; adhesives for paperhanging; adhesives for wall tiles; agar-agar; agglutinants for concrete; agricultural chemicals, except fungicides, weedkillers, herbicides, insecticides and parasiticides; albumin [animal or vegetable, raw material]; albuminized paper; alcohol; aldehydes; alginates for industrial purposes; alkalies; alkaline iodides for industrial purposes; alkaline metals; alkaline-earth metals; alkaloids; alum; alumina; aluminium acetate; aluminium alum; aluminium hydrate; aluminium iodide; aluminium silicate; americium; ammonia; ammonia [volatile alkali] for industrial purposes; ammonia alum; ammonium aldehyde; amyl acetate; anhydrides; anhydrous ammonia; animal albumen [raw material]; animal carbon preparations; anti-boil preparations for engine coolants; antifreeze; anti-frothing solutions for batteries; anti-knock substances for internal combustion engines; antimony oxide; antistatic preparations, other than for household purposes; antitarnishing chemicals for windows; antranilic acid; argon; arsenic; arsenious acid; artificial resins, unprocessed; artificial sweeteners [chemical preparations]; astatine; automobile body fillers; auxiliary fluids for use with abrasives; bacteriological preparations for acetification; balm of gurjun [gurjon, gurjan] for making varnish; barium; baryta; baryta paper; barytes; bases [chemical preparations]; basic gallate of bismuth; bauxite; beer preserving agents; beer-clarifying and preserving agents; bentonite; benzene derivatives; benzene-based acids; benzoic acid; berkelium; bicarbonate of soda for chemical 74 purposes; bichloride of tin; bichromate of potassium; bichromate of soda; biochemical catalysts; biological preparations, other than for medical or veterinary purposes; bismuth; bismuth nitrite for chemical purposes; bleaching preparations [decolorants] for industrial purposes; blueprint paper; borax; boric acid for industrial purposes; brake fluid; brazing preparations; brickwork preservatives, except paints and oils; bromine for chemical purposes; calcined soda; calcium carbide; californium; camphor, for industrial purposes; carbide; carbolineum for the protection of plants; carbon for filters; carbon sulphide; carbonates; carbonic acid; casein for industrial purposes; cassiopium [lutetium]; catalysts; catechu; caustic soda for industrial purposes; caustics for industrial purposes; cement [metallurgy]; cement for mending broken articles; cement for pneumatic tires [tyres]; cement preservatives, except paints and oils; cement-waterproofing preparations, except paints; ceramic compositions for sintering [granules and powders]; ceramic glazings; ceramic materials in particulate form, for use as filtering media; chemical additives for oils; chemical condensation preparations; chemical preparations for facilitating the alloying of metals; chemical preparations for scientific purposes, other than for medical or veterinary use; chemical preparations for smoking meat; chemical preparations for the manufacture of paints; chemical preparations to prevent mildew; chemical preparations to prevent wheat smut; chemical preparations, except pigments, for the manufacture of enamel; chemical substances for analyses in laboratories, other than for medical or veterinary purposes; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; china slip; cholic acid; chrome alum; chromic acid; chromium oxide; cinematographic film, sensitized but not exposed; citric acid for industrial purposes; clarification preparations; coal saving preparations; cobalt oxide for industrial purposes; collodion; color-brightening chemicals for industrial purposes; combusting preparations [chemical additives to motor fuel]; compositions for repairing inner tubes of tires [tyres]; compost; concrete-aeration chemicals; condensation-preventing chemicals; coolants for vehicle engines; copper sulphate [vitriol]; corrosive preparations; creosote for chemical purposes; crotonic aldehyde; cryogenic preparations; cultures of microorganisms other than for medical and veterinary use; curium; currying preparations for leather; currying preparations for skins; damp proofing preparations, except paints, for masonry; defoliants; degreasing preparations for use in manufacturing processes; degumming preparations; dehydrating preparations for industrial purposes; detergent additives to petrol [gasoline]; detergents for use in manufacturing processes; diastase for industrial purposes; diatomaceous earth; diazo paper; disincrustants; dispersions of plastics; distilled water; dolomite for industrial purposes; dressing and finishing prepara- #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS tions for textiles; dressing, except oils, for skins; dysprosium; earth for growing; electrophoresis gels, other than for medical or veterinary purposes; emollients for industrial purposes; emulsifiers; enamel and glass staining chemicals; enamel-staining chemicals; engine-decarbonising chemicals; enzyme preparations for industrial purposes; epoxy resins, unprocessed; ethyl alcohol; europium; expandedclay for hydroponic plant growing [substrate]; fatbleaching chemicals; fatty acids; fertilizers; fertilezing preparations; filtering materials [chemical preparations]; filtering materials [mineral substances]; filtering materials [unprocessed plastics]; filtering materials [vegetable substances]; filtering preparations for the beverages industry; finishing preparations for use in the manufacture of steel; fire extinguishing compositions; fissionable material for nuclear energy; fixing baths [photography]; flashlight preparations; flocculants; flour for industrial purposes; flower preservatives; fluids for hydraulic circuits; formic acid; foundry binding substances; foundry molding [moulding] preparations; foundry sand; fuel-saving preparations; fuller's earth for use in textile industry; fulling preparations for use in textile industry; gadolinium; gallic acid for the manufacture of ink; gallium; gallnuts; gallotannic acid; galvanizing baths; galvanizing preparations; gambier; gas propellents for aerosols; gas purifying preparations; gelatine for industrial purposes; gelatine for photographic purposes; getters [chemically active substances]; glass-frosting chemicals; glassstaining chemicals; glaziers' putty; glucose for industrial purposes; glucosides; glue for industrial purposes; gluten [glue], other than for stationery or household purposes; glycerides; glycerine for industrial purposes; glycol; grafting mastic for trees; grafting wax for trees; graphite for industrial purposes; guano; gum arabic for industrial purposes; gums [adhesives], other than for stationery or household purposes; heavy water; helium; holmium; hormones for hastening the ripening of fruit; horticulture chemicals, except fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and parasiticides; humus; humus top dressing; hydrates; hydrazine; hydrochloric acid; hydrofluoric acid; hydrogen; hydrogen peroxide; hypochlorite of soda; hyposulphites; iodic acid; iodine for chemical purposes; iodine for industrial purposes; iodised albumen; ion exchangers [chemical preparations]; isinglass other than for stationery, household or alimentary purposes; isotopes for industrial purposes; kainite; ketones; kieselgur; krypton; lactic acid; lanthanum; lead acetate; lead arsenate; lead oxide; leather glues; leather-dressing chemicals; leather-impregnating chemicals; leatherwaterproofing chemicals; lecithin [raw material]; lime acetate; lime carbonate; lime chloride; limestone hardening substances; liquids for removing sulphates from batteries; lithia [lithium oxide]; lithium; litmus paper; magnesite; magnesium carbo- nate; magnetic fluid for industrial purposes; malt albumen; manganate; manganese dioxide; mangrove bark for industrial purposes; masonry preservatives, except paints and oils; mastic for leather; meat tenderizers for industrial purposes; mercuric oxide; metal earths; metal hardening preparations; metal tempering preparations; metalloids; methane; methyl benzol; moderating materials for nuclear reactors; moistening [wetting] preparations for use in bleaching; moistening [wetting] preparations for use in dyeing; moistening [wetting] preparations for use in the textile industry; mordants for metals; mouldrelease preparations; naphthalene; neodymium; neon; neptunium; nitrate of uranium; nitrate paper; nitrates; nitric acid; nitric monoxide; nitrogen; nitrogenous fertilizers; oenological bactericides [chemical preparations used in wine making]; oil cement [putty]; oil dispersants; oil-bleaching chemicals; oilpurifying chemicals; oils for currying leather; oils for preparing leather in the course of manufacture; oils for tanning leather; oils for the preservation of food; oil-separating chemicals; oleic acid; olivine [chemical preparations]; opacifiers for enamel or glass; organic-bleaching chemicals; oxalates; oxalic acid; oxygen; paper pulp; peat pots for horticulture; pectin [photography]; perborate of soda; percarbonates; perchlorates; persulphates; persulphuric acid; petroleum dispersants; phenol for industrial purposes; phosphoric acid; picric acid; plant growth regulating preparations; plasticizers; plastisols; Plutonium; polish removing substances; polonium; potash; potash water; potassium; potassium dioxalate; potato flour for industrial purposes; praseodymium; preparations for preventing the tarnishing of glass; preparations for preventing the tarnishing of lenses; preparations for stimulating cooking for industrial purposes; preparations for the separation of greases; preparations of the distillation of wood alcohol; preparations of trace elements for plants; presservatives for pharmaceutical preparations; preservatives for tiles, except paints and oils; protective gases for welding; quebracho for industrial purposes; radiator flushing chemicals; rare earths; reducing agents for use in photography; refrigerants; renovating preparations for phonograph records; rubber preservatives; sal ammoniac; salicylic acid; salpetre; salts [chemical preparations]; salts [fertilesers]; salts for galvanic cells; salts of precious metals for industrial purposes; scale removing preparations, other than for household purposes; sea water for industrial purposes; seaweeds [fertilizers]; sebacic acid; seed preserving substances; sensitized paper; sensitized plates for offset printing; separating and unsticking [ungluing] preparations; silicates; silicon; silicones; silver nitrate; sizing preparations; soap [metallic] for industrial purposes; sodium; solidified gases for industrial purposes; solutions for cyanotyping; solvents for varnishes; sorrel salt; spirits of vinegar [dilute acetic acid]; stain-preventing chemi- #3 2014 02 10 75 TRADEMARKS cals for use on fabrics; starch for industrial purposes; starch paste [adhesive], other than for stationery or household purposes; starch-liquifying chemicals [ungluing agents]; stearic acid; substances for preventing runs in stockings; sulphuric acid; sulphurous acid; surface-active chemical agents; synthetic materials for absorbing oil; synthetic resins, unprocessed; tan; tannic acid; tanning substances; tapioca flour for industrial purposes; tartar other than for pharmaceutical purposes; tartaric acid; test paper, chemical; textile-brightening chemicals; textile-impregnating chemicals; textile-waterproofing chemicals; tire repairing compositions; titanium dioxide for industrial purposes; toxic gas neutralizers; transmission fluid; tree cavity fillers [forestry]; tungstic acid; uranium oxide; vine disease preventing chemicals; viscose; vulcanisation accelerators; vulcanising preparations; wallpaper removing preparations; water glass [soluble glass]; water purifying chemicals; watersoftening preparations; wax-bleaching chemicals; welding chemicals; wine finings; witherite; wood pulp; xenon; x-ray films, sensitized but not exposed; ytterbium; yttrium; zirconia. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70706 A (800) 1145299 (151) 2012 10 12 (731) Otkrytoe aktsionernoe obshchestvo "Belaruskabel" g. Mozyr ul. Oktyabrskaya d. 14, 247760 g. Mozyr, Gomelskaya obl., Belarus (540) (591) Black, white (511) 6 – Wire; aluminium wire; antenna wire; wire for soft soldering; wire of common metal; wire of common metal alloys, except fuse wire; copper wire, not insulated; steel wire. 9 – Plugs, sockets [electric connections]; circuit closers; switchboxes [electricity]; identification threads for electric wires; coaxial cables; fibre [fiber (am.)] optic cables; cables, electric; holders for electric coils; coils, electric; junction sleeves for electric cables; sheaths for electric cables; identification sheaths for electric wires; magnetic wires; telegraph wires; telephone wires; wires, electric; conductors, electric; copper wire, insulated; fuse wire. 35 – Wholesale and retail trade services for goods indicated in classes 06 and 09. _________________________________________ 76 (260) AM 2014 70708 A (800) 429297 (151) 1977 03 26 (891) 2012 12 13 (731) POLIFARMA S.P.A. Viale dell'Arte, 69, I-00144 ROMA, Italy (540) POLIFARMA (591) Black, white (511) 1 – Chemical products for use in industry, science, photography, agriculture, horticulture, forestry; artificial and synthetic resins, unprocessed plastic materials (in powder, liquid or paste form); soil fertilizers (natural and artificial); fire extinguishing compositions; chemical tempering and soldering preparations; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; adhesive substances for industrial use. 3 – Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soap; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. 5 – Dietetic products for children and the sick; plasters, materials for dressings; material for dental fillings and dental impressions; disinfectants; preparations for weed and pest control. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70709 A (800) 785671 (151) 2002 07 01 (891) 2012 07 24 (731) UNICREDIT S.p.A. Via Alessandro Specchi, 16, I-00186 ROMA, Italy (540) CAPITALIA (591) Black, white (511) 35 – Advertising; business management; commercial administration; office tasks; rental of vending machines; psychological tests for personnel selection. 36 – Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate business. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70710 A (800) 929348 (151) 2007 06 08 (891) 2012 02 09 (731) Cosatto Holdings Limited Lakeside View, Bentinck Street, Farnworth, Bolton BL4 7EP, United Kingdom (540) COSATTO (591) Black, white #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS (511) 12 – Pushchairs; prams; strollers; vehicle seats for babies and children including safety seats and height-booster seats; covers, hoods, harnesses and belts for all of the aforesaid goods; safety belts, safety harnesses and safety restraints for vehicles; parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods. 20 – Furniture; cots, travel-cots, cribs, carry cots, beds, small beds for children, play-pens; chairs for children, high chairs and feeding chairs; rocking chairs; mattresses, mattresses for cots, cribs and prams, mattresses made from natural fibres; changing mats, changing and/or bathing units; furniture incorporating changing and/or bathing facilities; parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70711 A (800) 941394 (151) 2007 05 08 (891) 2012 05 18 (731) INTERBASIC HOLDING S.R.L. Strada Settecamini, 116, I-63811 Sant'Elpidío a Mare (Fermo), Italy (540) SCHIAPARELLI (591) Black, white (511) 3 – Perfumery and cosmetics, namely perfume, eau de cologne, rose water, cologne, after shave lotions, make-up, personal deodorants and antiperspirants, essential oils for personal use, soaps, shaving soaps, bath oils, bath foams, bath cream, bath salts for cosmetic purposes, cleansing soaps for personal hygiene, shower soaps, shaving lotions, shaving creams, beauty creams, vanishing creams, skin lotions, hand creams, lotions, body milk, cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes, sun oils, sun milks, sunscreen lotions, talcum powder, tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions, cotton stick for cleaning ears, cotton wool for cosmetic purposes, eyebrow pencils, eye liners, mascaras; face powder, lipsticks, eye make-up removers, skin milks, cleansing lotions, hair care preparations, shampoos, hair oils, henna, hair lotions, hair creams, hair sprays, hair decolorants, nail polish, depilatories, cosmetic kits, dentifrices; laundry preparations, namely cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations, bleach and laundry detergents; shoe and boot creams and polishes. 9 – Spectacles, sunglasses, lenses and frames therefor, contact lenses, optical lenses, magnifying glasses, cases, chains and cords for glasses and spectacles, parts and fittings, for all the aforesaid goods; leather covers for portable multimedia players, for mobile phones, for DVDs, for CDs, for computer cables, for audio reproduction devices, for palm-tops, for electronic agendas, for photographic cameras and for film cameras. 14 – Watches and clocks, pendulum clocks, chronographs and chronometers, rough gemstones, precious stones, diamond, coral jewellery, emerald, sapphire, ruby, opal, topaz, aquamarine, earrings, rings, necklaces, bracelets, ornamental pins made of precious metal, shoe ornaments of precious metal, pearls, boxes of precious metal, jewels cases of precious metal, brooches, pins, tie clips, cuff links, leather bracelets. 18 – Bags, handbags, traveling bags, briefcases, leather briefcases, leather credit card holders, wallets, leather document briefcases, leather key cases, purses, trunks, suitcases, cosmetic bags, sports bags included in this class, bags for athletic equipments, evening and shoulder bags for ladies, leather shopping bags, school bags, garment bags for travel, suit carriers for travel, shoe bags for travel, beach bags, rucksacks, diaper bags, backpacks, Boston bags, traveling trunks, duffel bags, overnight bags, carry-on bags, bags for mountain-climbing, satchels, opera bags, vanity cases (not fitted), hides, cases and boxes made of leather, bags made of leather for packaging, leather straps, umbrellas, leather leashes. 25 – Leather coats, leather jackets, leather trousers, leather skirts, leather tops, leather raincoats, leather long coats, leather overcoats, leather belts, leather braces for clothing, belts, suits, padded jackets, jackets, stuff jackets, jumpers, trousers, jeans, skirts, dresses, coats, overcoats, cloaks, raincoats, parkas, pullovers, shirts, T-shirts, blouses, sweaters, underwear, baby-dolls being nightwear, bathrobes, bathing costumes, negligées, swim suits, dressing gowns, nightgowns, one-piece dresses, two-piece dresses, evening dresses, shawls, scarves, ties, neckties, gentlemen suits, women's clothing, dress shirts, aloha shirts, sweat shirts, under shirts, polo shirts, body suits, blazers, shorts, sport shirts; shoes, athletic shoes, slippers, overshoes, low heel shoes, leather shoes, rubber shoes, galoshes, golf shoes, wooden clogs, angler shoes, basketball shoes, dress shoes, heels, hiking shoes, rugby shoes, boxing shoes, base ball shoes, vinyl shoes, beach shoes, inner soles, soles for footwear, footwear upper, heelpieces for shoes and boots, non-slipping pieces for shoes and boots, tips for footwear, rain shoes, trackracing shoes, work shoes, straw shoes, gymnastic shoes, boots, ski boots, half boots, arctic boots, football boots, laced boots, field hockey shoes, handball shoes, esparto shoes or sandals, sandals, bath sandals; gloves, gloves for protection against cold, leather gloves, mittens; hats and caps, visor (headgear), leather hats and caps. 35 – Bringing together, for the benefit of others, of perfumery and cosmetics, clothing, footwear, and headwear and accessories thereof, as well as of eyewear and leatherware, watches and jewelry, stationery and writing instruments, to conveniently view and purchase. _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 77 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2014 70712 A (800) 1046504 (151) 2010 06 07 (891) 2012 10 09 (731) Juwelo TV Deutschland GmbH Erkelenzdamm 59/61, 10999 Berlin, Germany (540) (260) AM 2014 70713 A (800) 1051838 (151) 2010 08 26 (891) 2012 10 29 (731) Bayer Consumer Care AG Peter Merian-Strasse 84, CH-4052 Basel, Switzerland (540) JUWELO (591) Black, white (511) 14 – Jewellery, amulets (jewellery, am jewelry); jewellery of yellow amber; diamonds; boxes of precious metal; precious stones; clocks and watches, electric; figures of precious metal; gold, unwrought or beaten; hat ornaments of precious metal; boxes of precious metal; tie clips; tie pins; works of art of precious metal; cufflinks; coins; clocks; watch bands; clock cases; cases for clock- and watch making. 35 – Retail services via the internet in the field of clocks and jewellery; retail services in the fields of watches and clocks, jewellery; retail teleshopping services in relation to watches, clocks and jewellery; online or mail-order catalogue trading services in the fields of clocks and jewellery. 38 – Telecommunication services; providing access to information on the Internet; providing access to Internet chat rooms; providing telecommunication channels for teleshopping; email services; electronic exchange of messages using chat lines, chat rooms and Internet forums; telecommunications by means of portals and platforms on the Internet; broadcasting of television programmes and films via the Internet; cable TV broadcasting via the Internet; radio broadcasting via the Internet; broadcasting of teleshopping programmes via the Internet; providing access to Internet protocol television; rental of telecommunications equipment; radio and television broadcasting. 38 – Entertainment; entertainment information; radio or television entertainment; production of radio programmes, television programmes, videos, films and audiovisual programmes; film showings (entertainment); publication, releasing, lending out of books, magazines and other publications, also in digital format, included in this class; providing information for entertainment via global computer networks; services of a publishing firm (except printing); online publication of electronic books and periodicals. _________________________________________ 78 (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical products; dietetic substances adapted for medical use. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70714 A (800) 1052316 (151) 2010 08 25 (891) 2012 10 30 (731) NYX, Los Angeles Inc. 2230 S. Tubeway Avenue, Commerce, CA 90040, USA (540) (591) Black, white (511) 3 – Liquid make up, compact powder, loose powder, powder blush, cream blush, eyebrow pencils, eyebrow powder, eye shadow, liquid eye liner, mascara, eye shadow pencil, eye liner pencil, gel and cream eye liner, pearl powder shadow, lipstick, lip liner pencil, jumbo lipstick pencil, body bronzer powder, body bronzer lotion, body bronzer cream, false eyelashes, nail polish, glue for false eyelashes, nail polish remover, cuticle cream, facial cleansing pads, facial mask sheets, eye cream, neck cream, shampoo, body lotion, shower gel, bath foam, massage cream. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70715 A (800) 1053482 (151) 2010 09 21 (891) 2012 10 16 (731) Kwizda Holding GmbH Dr. Karl Lueger-Ring 6, A-1010 Wien, Austria (540) Kwizda (591) Black, white (511) 1 – Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; manures; fire extinguishing compositions; tempering and soldering preparations; chemical #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; adhesives used in industry. 2 – Paints, varnishes, lacquers; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood; colorants; mordants; raw natural resins; metals in foil and powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists. 3 – Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. 5 – Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfecttants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. 9 – Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproducetion of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus. 10 – Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopedic articles; suture materials. 30 – Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from bread, pastry, cereals and confectionery; edible ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice. 32 – Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. 35 – Advertising; business management services; business administration; office functions. 42 – Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software. 44 – Medical services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; agriculture, horticulture or forestry services. 45 – Legal services. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70716 A (800) 1053763 (151) 2010 09 24 (891) 2012 10 05 (731) MOMONDO A/S Amagertorv 19, DK-1160 Copenhagen, Denmark (540) MOMONDO (591) Black, white (511) 39 – Travel arrangement services, namely travel agency services, making reservations and bookings for transportation, providing information concerning travel, travel news and travel-related topics via electronic communications networks, providing an interactive website featuring travel information for use in travel planning. 42 – Technological and computer services, namely, providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software for use in travel planning, and for use in making reservations and bookings for lodging and for saving data concerning travel activities. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70717 A (800) 1056066 (151) 2010 09 28 (891) 2012 10 15 (731) Comité International Olympique Château de Vidy, CH-1007 Lausanne, Switzerland (540) OLYMPIAN (591) Black, white (511) 35 – Advertising; dissemination of advertisements by any media, especially in the form of topic-based messages centred on human values; advertising via sponsoring; business management; business administration; office functions; promotion of the goods and services of others, through contractual agreements, especially through partnership (sponsoring) and licenses, offering them greater exposure and/or image strength and/or a surge of sympathy derived from that greater exposure and/or that image strength of cultural and sports events, especially international ones, and/or the surge of sympathy derived therefrom; promotion of the goods and services of others by means of what is referred to as the initial interest factor driving the public to consider, from among many competitors, goods or services that are are presented to them with personal signs, emblems or messages to capture their attention; promotion of the goods and services of others by the means referred to as image transfer; rental of advertising space of all kinds and on any media, in digital or other form; business administration of the #3 2014 02 10 79 TRADEMARKS participation of national teams to an international athletic competition and promotion of support to said teams aimed at the public and interested sectors; statistical information services. 41 – Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities, televised cultural and sporting entertainment; organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; operating lotteries and competitions; betting and gaming services linked to, or in connection with, sport; entertainment services provided at sports events or concerning sports events; organization of sporting and cultural activities and events; organizing real or virtual sports competitions; operating sports facilities; audio and video equipment rental services; production, presentation and distribution of films and video and audio recordings; rental of films and video and audio recordings; rental and/or provision by means of a computer network of interactive educational and entertainment goods, namely CDIs, CD-ROMs, computer games; entertainment, namely presentation of education and interactive entertainment goods, namely CDIs, CD-ROMs, computer games; radio and television coverage of sports events; production services for radio and television programs and videotapes; production of cartoons; production of animation programs for television; ticket reservation services for shows and sports events; timing of sports events; arranging of beauty contests; interacttive entertainment; online betting services; provision of games on the Internet; provision of raffle services; information on entertainment or education, provided online from a data bank or from the Internet; electronic games services provided by means of the Internet; providing electronic publications online; publication of books, magazines and texts (other than advertising texts) and periodicals; publication of books, magazines and texts (other than advertising texts) and electronic magazines online; provision of digital music from the Internet; provision of digital music from Internet MP3 Web sites; provision of sports results; information services in connection with sport and sports events; rental of recorded sounds and images; audio production services; information services about sports events provided online from a computer database or the Internet; editing and publishing services; provision of digital music (non-downloadable); offering digital music via telecommunications. _________________________________________ 80 (260) AM 2014 70718 A (800) 1065287 (151) 2011 01 14 (891) 2012 10 16 (731) Ravintoraisio Oy Raisionkaari 55, FI-21200 Raisio, Finland (540) (591) Turquoise, white, green, light green, red (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. 29- Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats. 30 – Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice. 32 – Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70719 A (800) 1078808 (151) 2011 05 02 (891) 2012 10 01 (731) Helsinn Healthcare SA Via Pian Scairolo 9, CH-6912 Lugano, Switzerland (540) FIDIZO (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical preparations, veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for dental fillings and dental impressions; disinfectants; pesticides; fungicides, herbicides. _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2014 70720 A (800) 1078808 (151) 2011 05 02 (891) 2012 10 01 (731) Helsinn Healthcare SA Via Pian Scairolo 9, CH-6912 Lugano, Switzerland (540) (260) AM 2014 70723 A (800) 1084779 (151) 2011 07 12 (891) 2012 11 02 (731) F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG Grenzacherstrasse 124, CH-4070 Basel, Switzerland (540) AKYNZEO RISTOVA (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical preparations, veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for dental fillings and dental impressions; disinfectants; pesticides; fungicides, herbicides. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70721 A (800) 1078810 (151) 2011 05 02 (891) 2012 10 01 (731) Helsinn Healthcare SA Via Pian Scairolo 9, CH-6912 Lugano, Switzerland (540) AROKARIS (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical preparations, veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for dental fillings and dental impressions; disinfectants; pesticides; fungicides, herbicides. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70722 A (800) 1079724 (151) 2011 03 28 (891) 2012 10 05 (731) ANALPA, INC. 13854 Stone Mill Way, Tampa FL 33613, USA (540) (591) Black, white (511) 25 – Clothing; footwear; headgear. _________________________________________ (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical preparations. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70735 A (800) 1145333 (151) 2012 07 31 (731) Abstragan Holding Limited Intershore Suites Vernon House, Sicilian Avenue, London WC1A 2QS, United Kingdom (540) (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical preparations namely cough syrups, cough lozenges and ointments for colds. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70737 A (800) 1145362 (151) 2012 07 24 (731) IRONFX GLOBAL LIMITED 17 Grigoriou Xenopoulou, Totalserve House, CY-3106 Limassol, Cyprus (540) (591) Black, white (511) 36 – Financial affairs. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70740 A (800) 1145424 (151) 2012 10 26 (731) ROSENBERGER Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG Hauptstr. 1, 83413 Fridolfing, Germany (540) RoDI (591) Black, white #3 2014 02 10 81 TRADEMARKS (511) 9 – Electric and electronic apparatus and instruments for scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching purposes; electric and electronic apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and controlling electricity, in particular the aforesaid apparatus and instruments in the field of high-frequency engineeering as well as in the field of the industrial measuring and testing technique; electronic components, electric and electronic switches and circuits, and connecting elements, including pin and socket connections (included in class 9), in particular USBconnectors; electric cables, fibre optic cables, optical fibre cables, optical fibres and cable harnesses, sockets, couplings, distributor housings, protective housings, splicing modules, ducts and mounts adapted therefor; apparatus for recording and transmission of words and images; magnetic data carriers; data-processing equipment and computers as well as interfaces for computers; machine-readable data carriers of all types with programs installed. 10 – Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, in particular medical measuring and testing apparatus. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70752 A (800) 1145616 (151) 2012 09 06 (731) OTKRYTOE AKTSIONERNOE OBSCHESTVO "WIMM-BILL-DANN PRODUKTY PITANIYA" komn. 306, d.16/15, Yauzsky bulvar, RU-109028 Moscow, Russian Federation (540) (591) Crimson, white, blue and grey (511) 5 – Balms for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use; mineral water for medical purposes; thermal water; mineral food-supplements; nutritional supplements; candy for medical purposes; candy, medicated; milk sugar for pharmaceutical purposes; lactulose; adhesive plaster, court plaster, sticking plasters, gummed taffeta plasters; lotions for pharmaceutical purposes; medicinal drinks; lacteal 82 flour for babies; dietetic beverages adapted for medical purposes; medicinal infusions; decoctions for pharmaceutical purposes; pills for pharmaceutical purposes; veterinary preparations; vitamin preparations; pharmaceutical preparations for skin care; pharmaceutical preparations; albuminous foodstuffs for medical purposes; food for babies; dietetic foods adapted for medical purposes; insect repellents; animal washes; remedies for perspiration; tonics [medicines]; nervines; digestives for pharmaceutical purposes; serums; medicinal herbs; elixirs [pharmaceutical preparations]. 29 – Peanuts, processed; albumen for culinary purposes; beans, preserved; bouillon; mushrooms, preserved; jellies for food; fruit jellies; edible fats; fruitbased snack food; charcuterie, sausages; caviar; meat, tinned [canned (am.)]; vegetables, tinned [canned (am.)]; fish, tinned [canned (am.)]; fruits, tinned [canned (am.)]; buttercream; croquettes; margarine; coconut oil, colza oil for food, corn oil, edible oils, maize oil, olive oil for food, palm kernel oil for food, palm oil for food, rape oil for food, sesame oil, sunflower oil for food; butter; milk; soya milk [milk substitute]; fruit pulp; meat; vegetables, dried; vegetables, cooked; olives, preserved; nuts, prepared; tomato puree; liver pâté; pectin for culinary purposes; jams; cream [dairy products], kefir [milk beverage], kumys [kumyss] [milk beverage], milk beverages, milk predominating, milk products, whey, yoghurt, yogurt; albumin milk; food products made from fish; curd; protein for use as a food additive; poultry, not live; cranberry sauce [compote]; apple puree; vegetable salads; fruit salads; whipped cream; fat-containing mixtures for bread slices; soups; cheese; tofu; crystallized fruits, frosted fruits; frozen fruits; fruit, stewed; potato flakes; fruit peel; potato chips, potato crisps; fruit chips; eggs. 30 – Aromatic preparations for food; cookies; waffles; natural sweeteners; mustard; cereal-based snack food; artificial coffee; pastries; fruit jellies [confectionery]; farinaceous food pastes, macaroni, pasta; pasty, pate [pastries]; frozen yoghurt [confectionery ices], frozen yogurt [confectionery ices]; cocoa; cocoa products; caramels [candy]; gruel, with a milk base, for food; sweetmeats [candy]; coffee; starch for food; crackers; crushed barley, husked barley, groats for human food, sago, semolina; corn, roasted; maize, roasted; farinaceous foods; candy for food; marmalade [confectionery]; custard; honey; ice cream; sherbets [ices], sorbets [ices]; barley meal, bean meal, corn flour, corn meal, flour for food, maize flour, maize meal, meal, mustard meal, oatmeal, potato flour for food, soya flour, tapioca flour for food, wheat flour; muesli; cocoa beverages with milk; coffee beverages with milk; coffee-based beverages; tea-based beverages; chocolate beverages with milk; chocolate-based beverages; cocoa-based beverages; infusions, not medicinal; pepper; biscuits, #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS macaroons [pastry], malt biscuits, petit-beurre biscuits; pies; pizzas; fondants [confectionery]; popcorn; powders for ice cream; condiments, mayonnaise, ketchup [sauce]; cereal preparations; flourmilling products; propolis [bee glue] for human consumption; gingerbread; spices; puddings; ravioli; chewing gum, not for medical purposes; rice; sugar; confectionery; bicarbonate of soda for cooking purposes [baking soda]; cooking salt; spaghetti; seasonings; rusks; sushi; sandwiches; tarts; beer vinegar, vinegar; halvah; bread; chips [cereal products], corn flakes, maize flakes, oat flakes; tea; iced tea; chocolate; essences for foodstuffs, except etheric essences and essential oils. 32 – Aperitifs, non-alcoholic; aerated water, lithia water, mineral water [beverages], seltzer water, soda water, table waters; kvass [non-alcoholic beverages]; cocktails, non-alcoholic; lemonades; non-alcoholic beverages; isotonic beverages; whey beverages; nonalcoholic fruit juice beverages; fruit nectars, nonalcoholic; orgeat; powders for effervescing beverages; syrups for beverages; tomato juice [beverage]; cider, non-alcoholic; vegetable juices [beverages]; fruit juices; preparations for making aerated water; preparations for making mineral water; preparations for making beverages; pastilles for effervescing beverages; sherbets [beverages]; non-alcoholic fruit extracts; essences for making beverages. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70755 A (800) 1145624 (151) 2012 09 20 (731) Zentiva Group, a.s. U kabelovny 130, CZ-102 37 Praha 10 – dolní Měcholupy, Czech Republic (540) (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Medicines, pharmaceutical preparations for human use. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70756 A (800) 1145625 (151) 2012 09 20 (731) Zentiva Group, a.s. U kabelovny 130, CZ-102 37 Praha 10 – dolní Měcholupy, Czech Republic (540) (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Medicines, pharmaceutical preparations for human use. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70757 A (800) 1145626 (151) 2012 09 20 (731) Zentiva Group, a.s. U kabelovny 130, CZ-102 37 Praha 10 – dolní Měcholupy, Czech Republic (540) (260) AM 2014 70753 A (800) 1145618 (151) 2012 08 04 (731) Robert Stark Irminfriedstrasse 12, 82166 Gräfelfing, Germany; Gerhard Eberle 2, Gachenaustrasse, 82211 Herrsching, Germany; Stefan Eberle Gachenaustrasse 2, 82211 Herrsching, Germany (540) (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of urological diseases. _________________________________________ Marinepool (591) Black, white (511) 9 – Life jackets. 18 – Leather bags, textile bags. 25 – Clothing, footwear, headgear, dry suits. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70758 A (800) 1145627 (151) 2012 09 20 (731) Zentiva Group, a.s. U kabelovny 130, CZ-102 37 Praha 10 – dolní Měcholupy, Czech Republic (540) (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of urological diseases. _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 83 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2014 70762 A (800) 1145679 (151) 2012 11 30 (731) TZ Tischlerzentrum GesmbH Neugasse 36, A-2244 Spannberg, Austria (540) DeepGlas (591) Black, white (511) 20 – Furniture, mirrors, picture frames. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70763 A (800) 1145720 (151) 2012 12 03 (731) EGIS GYOGYSZERGYÁR Nyilvánosan Működő Részvénytársaság Kereszturi ut 30-38, H-1106 Budapest, Hungary (540) (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical preparations for human use. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70764 A (800) 1145721 (151) 2012 12 03 (731) EGIS GYOGYSZERGYÁR Nyilvánosan Működő Részvénytársaság Kereszturi ut 30-38, H-1106 Budapest, Hungary (540) (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical preparations for human use. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70765 A (800) 1145727 (151) 2012 06 07 (731) TURKIYE IS BANKASI ANONIM SIRKETI Genel Mudurluk Is Kuleleri K:32 Levent, BESIKTAS-ISTANBUL, Turkey (540) (591) Black, white (511) 9 – Measurement tools, instruments, indicators including the ones for scientific purposes and labora- 84 tory-use purposes and materials used in laboratories (other than chemical preparations); apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound and images; apparatus, computer software and hardware for data processing, communication and reproducetion; magnetic and optical data carriers or data carriers in the form of exposed films; antennas, satellite antennas, amplifiers and parts thereof; ticket dispensers, ATMs; electronic components for use in machines and equipments; meters and timers for measuring the consumed amount in a given period of time; protective clothes, protecting and life saving equipments; glasses, sunglasses, contact lenses and their containers, cases, parts and accessories; controlling instruments and tools for conduction, conversion, storage of electrical energy (including cables and power sources used in electricity and electronic field); instruments the main function of which is warning and alarming (except for vehicle alarms), electric bells; signaling apparatus and instruments, traffic signaling devices; fire extinguishing apparatus and devices including vehicles for fire extinguishing purposes; radar apparatus, sonars, apparatus and devices for the improvement of night sighting; apparatus for electrolysis and galvanizing purposes; anodes, cathodes; magnets, decorative magnets. 36 – Insurance services; financial and monetary services; real estate broker and advisor services, real estate management services; customs brokerage services. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70766 A (800) 1145728 (151) 2012 06 07 (731) TURKIYE IS BANKASI ANONIM SIRKETI Genel Mudurluk Is Kuleleri K:32 Levent, BESIKTAS-ISTANBUL, Turkey (540) (591) Black, white (511) 9 – Measurement tools, instruments, indicators including the ones for scientific purposes and laboratory-use purposes and materials used in laboratories (other than chemical preparations); apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound and images; apparatus, computer software and hardware for data processing, communication and reproduction; magnetic and optical data carriers or data carriers in the form of exposed films; antennas, #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS satellite antennas, amplifiers and parts thereof; ticket dispensers, ATMs; electronic components for use in machines and equipments; meters and timers for measuring the consumed amount in a given period of time; protective clothes, protecting and life saving equipments; glasses, sunglasses, contact lenses and their containers, cases, parts and accessories; controlling instruments and tools for conduction, conversion, storage of electrical energy (including cables and power sources used in electricity and electronic field); instruments the main function of which is warning and alarming (except for vehicle alarms), electric bells; signaling apparatus and instruments, traffic signaling devices; fire extinguishing apparatus and devices including vehicles for fire extinguishing purposes; radar apparatus, sonars, apparatus and devices for the improvement of night sighting; apparatus for electrolysis and galvanizing purposes; anodes, cathodes; magnets, decorative magnets. 36 – Insurance services; financial and monetary services; real estate broker and advisor services, real estate management services; customs brokerage services. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70767 A (800) 1145742 (151) 2012 05 07 (731) TURKIYE IS BANKASI ANONIM SIRKETI Genel Mudurluk Is Kuleleri K:32 Levent, BESIKTAS-ISTANBUL, Turkey (540) (591) Black, white (511) 9 – Measurement apparatus and instruments and level indicators including those for scientific purposes and laboratory use; laboratory apparatus and instruments; magnetic and optical recorders or recorders in the form of exposed films; antennas, satellite antennas, amplifiers and parts thereof; meters and timers; protective clothes, protecting and life saving equipment; glasses, sunglasses, contact lenses and their containers, cases, parts and accessories; controlling instruments and tools for conduction, conversion, storage of electrical energy including cables and power sources used in electricity and electronics; warning and alarm apparatus except for vehicle alarms, electric bells; signalling apparatus and instruments; traffic road signs, luminous or mechanical; fire extinguishing apparatus and devices including fire trucks; radar apparatus, sonars, apparatus and devices for the improvement of night vision namely night vision goggles; anodes, cathodes; magnets, decorative magnets. 36 – Insurance services; financial and monetary services; real estate broker and advisor services, real estate management services; customs brokerage services. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70768 A (800) 1145749 (151) 2012 06 18 (731) SEÇİL ETEK GİYİM SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ Ehlibeyt Mahallesi 6. Sokak No.31, BalgatAnkara, Turkey (540) (591) Black, white, red (511) 35 – The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, namely, leather and imitations of leather and goods made of these materials, clothing, footwear, headgear, belts, pants suspenders, garters, buttons for clothes, hooks and eyes, hoops and zippers, buckles and clasps for shoes and belts, rivets, expanding bands for holding sleeves, laces for edgings, numerals and letters for making linen and competitors' numbers, (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from wholesale outlets, retail outlets and from a general merchandise catalogue by mail order or by means of telecommunications. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70769 A (800) 1145762 (151) 2012 10 26 (731) Abstragan Holding Limited Intershore Suites Vernon House, Sicilian Avenue, London WC1A 2QS, United Kingdom (540) (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; foods and beverages which are adapted for medical purposes; air deodorising preparations. _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 85 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2014 70770 A (800) 1145763 (151) 2012 10 26 (731) Abstragan Holding Limited Intershore Suites Vernon House, Sicilian Avenue, London WC1A 2QS, United Kingdom (540) (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; foods and beverages which are adapted for medical purposes; air deodorising preparations. _________________________________________ (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; foods and beverages which are adapted for medical purposes; air deodorising preparations. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70771 A (800) 1145764 (151) 2012 10 26 (731) Abstragan Holding Limited Intershore Suites Vernon House, Sicilian Avenue, London WC1A 2QS, United Kingdom (540) (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth; dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; foods and beverages which are adapted for medical purposes; air deodorising preparations. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70772 A (800) 1145765 (151) 2012 10 26 (731) Abstragan Holding Limited Intershore Suites Vernon House, Sicilian Avenue, London WC1A 2QS, United Kingdom (540) 86 (260) AM 2014 70773 A (800) 1145766 (151) 2012 10 26 (731) Abstragan Holding Limited Intershore Suites Vernon House, Sicilian Avenue, London WC1A 2QS, United Kingdom (540) (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; foods and beverages which are adapted for medical purposes; air deodorising preparations. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70774 A (800) 1145767 (151) 2012 10 26 (731) Abstragan Holding Limited Intershore Suites Vernon House, Sicilian Avenue, London WC1A 2QS, United Kingdom (540) (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; foods and beverages which are adapted for medical purposes; air deodorising preparations. _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2014 70775 A (800) 1145768 (151) 2012 10 26 (731) Abstragan Holding Limited Intershore Suites Vernon House, Sicilian Avenue, London WC1A 2QS, United Kingdom (540) devices, computer telecommunications devices, computer touchscreens, mobile phones and mobile phones peripherals including batteries. _________________________________________ (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; foods and beverages which are adapted for medical purposes; air deodorising preparations. _________________________________________ (591) Black, white (511) 30 – Tea. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70779 A (800) 1145826 (151) 2012 09 19 (731) BARGI, SIA Sterstu iela 21-2, LV-1004 Riga, Latvia (540) (260) AM 2014 70776 A (800) 1145771 (151) 2012 10 26 (731) Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft Petuelring 130, 80809 München, Germany (540) BMW Motorsport (591) Black, white (511) 14 – Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes, jewellery, precious stones, horological and chronometric instruments. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70778 A (800) 1145807 (151) 2012 11 12 (731) Intellectual Property Group SA 278, route d'Esch, L-1471 Luxembourg, Luxembourg (540) (260) AM 2014 70780 A (800) 1145870 (151) 2012 12 03 (731) KRKA, tovarna zdravil, d.d., Novo mesto Šmarješka cesta 6, SI-8501 Novo mesto, Slovenia (540) (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical and dietetic preparations with vitamins and minerals. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70781 A (800) 393165 (151) 1972 11 20 (891) 2012 12 14 (731) IRIS CERAMICA – SOCIETÀ PER AZIONI Via Ghiarola Nuova, 119, I-41042 FIORANO MODENESE (Modena), Italy (540) IRIS (591) Black, white (511) 19 – Ceramic tiles, especially of sandstone, for wooden floors and in general for paving and other elements relating to ceramic materials. _________________________________________ (591) Black, white (511) 9 – Computers, computer hardware, software, components and peripherals, computer internal and external accessories including batteries, netbooks, notebooks, tablets and tablet computers, laptops, nettops, external hard disk drives, external optical disk drives, computer multimedia products, computer input and output devices, computer storage (260) AM 2014 70782 A (800) 679607 (151) 1997 07 25 (891) 2012 07 04 (731) Radio Frequency Systems GmbH Kabelkamp 20, 30179 Hannover, Germany (540) RFS (591) Black, white #3 2014 02 10 87 TRADEMARKS (511) 9 – Electric cables and lines, including high frequency cables and waveguides, fittings for cables and lines and various kinds of cables and lines, including in-line connectors, cable joints, cable sealing ends; connectors and distribution equipment, electric relays; antennas and antenna systems made from said components and installations comprising such systems and components. (260) AM 2014 70785 A (800) 923880 (151) 2006 12 19 (891) 2012 11 15 (731) Britax Childear Holdings Limited 3000 Hillswood Drive, Hillswood Business Park, Chertsey, Surrey KT16 ORS, United Kingdom (540) BRITAX 37 – Assembly of the installations listed in class 9. 42 – Project studies for the installations listed in class 9. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70783 A (800) 882776 (151) 2006 02 15 (891) 2012 11 28 (731) Z & U SPIRITUOSEN MARKETING GMBH Heiligenstädter Strasse, A-1190 WIEN, Austria (540) UNICUM (591) Black, white (511) 33 – Wines, spirits and liqueurs (except beer). _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70784 A (800) 923297 (151) 2007 01 24 (891) 2012 11 28 (731) Z & U Spirituosen Marketing GmbH Heiligenstädter Str. 43, A-1190 Wien, Austria (540) (591) Green (511) 33 – Alcoholic beverages (except beers). _________________________________________ 88 (591) Black, white (511) 12 – Seats for use in or with apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; safety seats for use in or with apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; babies and children's safety seats for use in or with apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; baby and child booster seats; baby and child carrying seats for use in or with apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; safety belts and harnesses for seats for use in or with apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; seat belts; baby carriages; pushchairs; prams; covers for baby carriages, pushchairs and prams; detachable seats for use with baby carriages, pushchairs and prams; cushions for use in or with apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; child transportation systems; child carrier systems; parts, components and accessories for all the aforesaid goods. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70786 A (800) 988616 (151) 2008 10 17 (891) 2012 12 04 (731) FLAGMANTO LTD Spyrou Kyprianou 61, SK House, CY-4003 Limassol, Cyprus (540) (591) Black, white (511) 29 – Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats; anchovy; peas, preserved; mushrooms, preserved; weed extracts for food; frog legs; frozen fruits, vegetables, and berries; frozen fish; fish, not live; iced fish; iced seafood; frozen seafood; fish fillets; semi-finished products #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS made of fish and meat; salted fish; fish, tinned; smoked fish; fish pastes; caviar; salted caviar; caviar, preserved; shrimps, not live; spiny lobsters, not live; salmon; mussels, not live; shellfish, not live; laminaria, preserved; holothuria, not live; lobsters, not live; crayfish, not live; oysters, not live; dates; crustaceans, not live; tuna fish; fishmeal for human consumption; foods prepared from fish; fish salads; charcuterie; meat, tinned; meat pastes; salted meat; meat and fish snacks; meat salads; sardines; sausages; sausages in batter; ham; bacon; liver pastes; butter; vegetables, cooked; vegetables, dried; oils, preserved; olive oil for food; piccalilli; soups; preparations for making soups; vegetable juices for cooking; pickles; truffles, preserved; pistachio nuts; fruit preserved in alcohol; fruit, stewed; fruit salads; vegetable salads; crystallized fruits, berries, nuts; fruit chips; potato chips; potato crisps; potato flakes. 31 – Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains not included in other classes; live animals; fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds, natural plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals, malt; peanuts (fruits); protein for animal consumption; beans, fresh; meal for animals; grapes, fresh; bran; algae for human or animal consumption; mushrooms, fresh; nuts (fruits); hazelnuts; garden herbs, fresh; additives to fodder, not for medical purposes; grains for animal consumption; grains (cereals); fish spawn; marrows; squashes; potatoes, fresh; cola nuts; roots for food; forage; cattle food; fodder; pet food; shrimps, live; prawns, live; crabs, live; spiny lobsters, live; almonds, fruits; sea-cucumbers, live; mussels, live; laminaria, live; beverages for pets; plant seeds; lobsters, live; olives, fresh; fruit, fresh; crayfish, live; fish, live; fishmeal for animal consumption; lettuce; oysters, live; citrus fruit; shellfish, live; berries, fresh fruits. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70787 A (800) 1080886 (151) 2011 02 24 (891) 2012 11 16 (731) Sovmestnoe Obschestvo s Ogranichennoy Otvetsvennostyu "LEKPHARM" kv. 301, d. 2a, ul. Minskaya, 223110 Logoysk, obl. Minskaya, Belarus (540) (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; teeth filling and dental impression materials; disinfectants; preparations for destroying noxious animals; fungicides, herbicides; biologically active nutritional additives for medical purposes; nutraceuticals, parapharmaceuticals; mineral water for medical purposes. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70788 A (800) 1101394 (151) 2011 11 08 (891) 2012 10 26 (731) BEDA Investments GMBH, société à responsabilité limitée 15, rue Edward Steichen, L-2540 Luxembourg, Luxembourg (540) (591) Black, white (511) 32 – Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. 41 – Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. 43 – Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70801 A (800) 1108871 (151) 2012 01 26 (891) 2012 10 22 (731) Philip Morris Brands Sàrl Quai Jeanrenaud 3, CH-2000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland (540) (591) Black, white (511) 34 – Tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products, including cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, tobacco for roll-your-own cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco, kretek; snus; tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes); smokers' articles, including cigarette paper and tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases and ashtrays, pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters; matches. _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 89 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2014 70802 A (800) 1108873 (151) 2012 01 26 (891) 2012 10 22 (731) Philip Morris Brands Sàrl Quai Jeanrenaud 3, CH-2000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland (540) (591) Black, white (511) 18 – Handbags, wallets, purses, billfolds, suitcases, umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; backpacks; leather file folders; goods of leather and imitation leather not included in other classes. (591) Black, white (511) 34 – Tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products, including cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, tobacco for roll-your-own cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco, kretek; snus; tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes); smokers' articles, including cigarette paper and tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases and ashtrays, pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters; matches. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70809 A (800) 1109859 (151) 2011 12 09 (891) 2012 10 30 (731) DONG-A PHARM.CO., LTD. 252-6, Yongdu 2-dong, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 130-708, Republic of Korea (540) (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceuticals and medicines for tumor treatment; pharmaceuticals and medicines for the respiratory organs; cardiovascular agents; pharmaceuticals and medicines for the digestive organs; medicines for sensory organs; antihypertensives; antidiabetic pharmaceuticals; antibiotic preparations; blood solvent; anti-inflammatory and antipyretic preparations. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70810 A (800) 1110433 (151) 2012 02 28 (891) 2012 09 07 (731) Carolina Herrera Ltd 501 Seventh Avenue, 17Th Floor, New York, New York 10018, USA (540) 90 25 – Clothing and ready-to-wear clothing; bathing suits, bathrobes, underclothing; headgear, caps, bonnets, berets and visors, jumpers and sweaters, suits and pants, including knitwear; coats, dresses, gabardines, raincoats, gloves, scarves, neckties, belts, stockings, socks and footwear of all kinds (except orthopedic footwear). _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70811 A (800) 1111578 (151) 2012 03 09 (731) GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals S.A. Rue de l'Institut 89, B-1330 Rixensart, Belgium (540) AMAGEXAR (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Vaccines for human use. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70812 A (800) 1111579 (151) 2012 03 09 (891) 2012 11 01 (731) GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals S.A. Rue de l'Institut 89, B-1330 Rixensart, Belgium (540) ZUMAGEV (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Vaccines for human use. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70815 A (800) 1116531 (151) 2012 03 13 (891) 2012 10 22 (731) Philip Morris Brands Sàrl Quai Jeanrenaud 3, CH-2000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland (540) MAYBE (591) Black, white (511) 34 – Tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products, including cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, tobacco for roll-your-own cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco, kretek; snus; tobacco #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS substitutes (not for medical purposes); smokers' articles, including cigarette paper and tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases and ashtrays, pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters; matches _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70816 A (800) 1123674 (151) 2012 03 13 (891) 2012 10 17 (731) Sokolova Elena Vadimovna Vorotyinskaya ul., d.16, kv.32, RU-125466 Moscow, Russian Federation (540) 21 – Large-toothed combs for the hair; toilet cases; cosmetic utensils; toilet utensils; appliances for removing make-up, non-electric; powder compacts; perfume sprayers; powder puffs; soap dispensers; combs; comb cases; toilet brushes. 35 – Import-export agencies; commercial information agencies; rental of advertising space; demonstration of goods; marketing studies; business information; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; shop window dressing; sales promotion for others; advertising; modelling for advertising or sales promotion; procurement services for others [purchasing goods and services for other businesses]. 42 – Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; graphic arts designing; cosmetic research; industrial design; packaging design. (591) Blue and white (511) 3 – Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices; breath freshening sprays; shaving stones, antiseptic; petroleum jelly for cosmetic purposes; aromatics [essential oils]; scented water; laundry wax; dental bleaching gels; make-up; deodorants for personal use; perfumes; greases for cosmetic purposes; perfumery; decorative transfers for cosmetic purposes; eyebrow pencils; cosmetic pencils; cosmetic creams; skin whitening creams; hair spray; nail polish; aftershave lotions; hair lotions; lotions for cosmetic purposes; beauty masks; oils for cosmetic purposes; oils for toilet purposes; oils for cleaning purposes; adhesives for cosmetic purposes; cleansing milk for toilet purposes; disinfectant soap; deodorant soap; shaving soap; cakes of toilet soap; medicated soap; antiperspirant soap; soap for foot perspiration; almond soap; cosmetic kits; eau de cologne; lipsticks; pomades for cosmetic purposes; shaving preparations; cosmetic preparations for baths; toiletries; hair waving preparations; mouth washes, not for medical purposes; cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes; make-up removing preparations; lacquer-removing preparations; nail care preparations; make-up powder; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; potpourris [fragrances]; bath salts, not for medical purposes; astringents for cosmetic purposes; eyebrow cosmetics; make-up preparations; sun-tanning preparations [cosmetics]; hair colorants; cosmetic preparations for eyelashes; depilatory preparations; cosmetic preparations for skin care; cosmetics; mascara; detergents other than for use in manufacturing operations and for medical purposes; bleaching preparations [decolorants] for cosmetic purposes; antiperspirants [toiletries]; shampoos. 44 – Medical services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; pharmacy advice; manicuring; massage; hairdressing salons; beauty salons; tattooing; health spa services; visagists' services; opticians' services; services of a psychologist; sauna services; solarium services; telemedicine services; physiotherapy; chiropractics; plastic surgery. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70817 A (800) 1126338 (151) 2012 06 21 (891) 2012 10 24 (731) La T.I.S. SERVICE S.P.A. Via Lago d'Iseo, 4/6, I-24060 Bolgare, Italy (540) T.I.S. (591) Black, white (511) 11 – Apparatus for heating, water supply and sanitary purposes; valves and fittings for water and gas; fittings and equipment for the installation of water; water facilities and water systems; gas installation; gas appliances; fittings for gas installations; fittings for gas appliances. 35 – Sale of apparatus for heating, water supply and sanitary purposes; sale of valves and fittings for water and gas; sale of fittings and equipment for the installation of water; sale of water facilities and water systems, sale of gas installation; sale of gas appliances; sale of fittings for gas installations; sale of fittings for gas appliances. 42 – Design of apparatus for heating, water supply and sanitary purposes; design of valves and fittings for water and gas; design of fittings and equipment for the installation of water; design of water facilities and water systems; design of gas installation; #3 2014 02 10 91 TRADEMARKS design of gas appliances; design of fittings for gas installations; design of fittings for gas appliances. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70818 A (800) 1128499 (151) 2011 11 08 (891) 2012 10 15 (731) Comité International Olympique Château de Vidy, CH-1007 Lausanne, Switzerland (540) OLYMPIAD (591) Black, white (511) 1 – Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; fertilizers; fire extinguishing compositions; tempering and soldering preparations; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; adhesives for industrial purposes; sensitized films, unexposed; synthetic resins; thermoplastic and thermosetting synthetic resins and organic compounds for molding, for general use in industrial processes; intermediate chemicals; organosilicon compounds, namely polysiloxanes and silanes in the form of resins, pastes, fluids, elastomers, vulcanization and acceleration products; anti-foaming agents; catalysts for paints; chemicals for development and setting of x-ray films and other chemicals in connection with the development of said films; phosphorescent substances; chemical substances used as nuclear fission materials; fuel for nuclear reactors; fused quartz in various forms, such as disks, ingots, rods and tubes for general use in industrial processes; adhesive materials for use in industry; polycrystalline alumina ceramic for general use in industrial processes; brazing and soldering fluxes and products; thermoplastic and thermosetting adhesives; chemicals, biochemicals and reagents for use in industry, science and research; chemical reagents, kits and products for analysis or diagnosis for scientific purposes, namely chemicals for cell culture and separation, purification of nucleic acid, nucleotides, florescent nucleotides, oligonucleotides, peptides, proteins, amino acids, organic molecules and markers for DNA/RNA synthesis; luminescence reagents; reagents for gene expression quantifying; reagents for polymerase chain reaction processes; reagents for rolling circle amplification processes; reagents for DNA cloning and vectors, enzymes for modification and restriction; reagents for labeling, sequencing and fractal analysis of nucleic acids and proteins and customized synthesis; reagents for recombinant protein purification and expression; chromatography media; reagents for electrophoresis, biocomputing, spectrophotometry and fluorometry; radiochemical products for scientific research; rea- 92 gents for scintillation proximity assay; tests for high data rate analysis for producing medicines; reagents for high-resolution laser microscopy, fluoroscopic microscopy and confocal microscopy; specialized chemicals for use in industry, science and research; gases and gas mixtures for use in industry, science and research; chemical substances and products for manufacture of pharmaceutical products, diagnostic products and substances; chemical testing reagents, saline solution and paper coated with reagents, all for scientific use and for use in laboratories; fissile chemicals for scientific research; radioactive isotopes and elements for use in industry, science and research; radioactive sources and norms for radiographic technology; radioactive sources for nondestructive testing, purification and sterilization technology; radionuclides for scientific research; chemical compounds and chemicals for treatment of water supply systems, wastewater treatment systems, cooling water circuits, boiler water and steam generating systems, boiler condensate systems, liquid separation systems, systems for water purifycation and dehydration in aqueous systems, conditioning systems, gas purification systems, industrial process systems, fuel treatment systems, hydrocarbon and gas treatment systems, petrochemical systems and gas and oil treatment systems, pulp and paper making systems, metal and plastic coating systems, metal treating systems; chemicals, namely chemical additives for gasoline, additives for heating oil and additives for improving the efficiency of turbine engine fuel; bags with chemically treated granular materials for absorbing water to be placed in fuel tanks; testing kit comprising reagents for determining the presence of algae and active organic organisms in diesel; bacterial cultures and nutritive elements for treating sludge and wastewater; polymeric chemicals for dispersing particles in steam production equipment; chemicals and chemical compounds used as anti-fouling and demulsifying agents in operations for producing coke and metallurgy-derived products; chemicals, catalysts, plastic semi-processed goods used as materials, filters for removing acid gases, untreated plastics, crystal whiskers and diamond gray; radiopharmaceuticals for scientific use and for research; polymeric membrane materials for liquid separation. 2 – Paints, varnishes, lacquers; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood; colorants; mordants; raw natural resins; metals in foil and powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists; corrosion inhibitors in the form of a coating for use in the metal finishing industry, namely an acid aqueous product for final rinsing; corrosion inhibitors in the form of a coating for cooling water circuits; corrosion inhibitors in the form of a coating, namely resinous coatings for masonry and metal surfaces; covering materials, etching liquids; toner cartridges for printers; ink cartridges for printers; #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS toners, toners for copiers, toners for facsimile machines. 3 – Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, degreasing and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices; cleaning preparations containing chemicals and chemical compounds for cleaning steel, aluminum, mixed and galvanized metal surfaces for general industrial use for manufacturing goods of metal; cleaning agents containing chemicals and chemical compounds for industrial use for removing contaminants in Industrial process systems; paint stripping preparations containing chemicals and chemical compounds for removing paint from equipment surfaces in spraypainting booth operations. 4 – Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuels (including motor spirit) and illuminants; candles and wicks for lighting. 5 – Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for dental fillings and dental impressions; disinfectants; pesticides; fungicides, herbicides; pharmaceutical preparations for diagnosis; veterinary pharmaceutical preparations for diagnosis; veterinary and pharmaceutical substances for medical use; diagnostic preparations and reagents for medical use; diagnostic substances for medical use; contrasting substances for medical imaging; scanning diagnostic reagents for use in vivo; diagnostic imaging agents for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); radiopharmaceuticals for medical and clinical use; radiopharmaceutical sources and norms for nuclear medicine; radioactive pharmaceuticals and non-radioactive reagents for producing radiopharmaceuticals for in-vivo diagnosis or for therapeutic use; gases and mixtures for medical imaging; pre-filled bottles containing reagents for medical diagnosis; pre-filled cartridges containing chemical solutions for medical use; prefilled cylinders containing gases and gas mixtures for medical use; implantable radiotherapy devices consisting of radio-isotope brachytherapy sources in capsules; radiotherapy administration system consisting of radioactive pellets and of a bioabsorbable carrier set. 6 – Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; transportable buildings of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery and small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; goods of common metal, not included in other classes; ores; locks of metal; metal security casings, namely key cabinets, security key storage tubes and boxes; sealed post boxes of metal for industrial, residential, real estate and vehicle sales; metal key cabinets for key locking, search and storage; metal safes for keys; metals and alloys in unworked, liquid, sintered, pressed, machined, sheet, wire, pellet, rod, band and cast form; chains for keys; trolley wires for wiring, doors of metal, barriers of metal, electric garage doors, acid-resistant high-polymer coatings, sheet steel, steel panels for office floors, welding wires; small hardware of metal; small goods of metal; soundproofed sheets and plates of metal. 7 – Machines and machine tools; motors and engines (other than for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (other than for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than handoperated; incubators for eggs; apparatus, equipment and instruments for electricity production, namely electrical and wind energy generators generating electricity; turbines; turbines for energy production; wind turbines for energy production; wind turbines linked to wind farms, turbine-powered production installations, namely installations for electricity production; power-generating engines; and parts and components of all the aforesaid goods; solar energy electricity generators; machines and systems of machines, including parts and accessories for electricity production, transformation and conversion; dynamos, electric motors of all kinds, steam and gas turbines and their parts, electrical generators and their parts, aircraft engines, compressors; laundry washing machines, dishwashers, grinders and compactors of waste; pumps, namely centrifugal pumps, diaphragm pumps, bellows pumps, pumps and transfer pumps; liquid control devices, namely valves, regulators, actuators, ejectors, liquid separation cartridges and their parts, including semi-permeable diaphragms; filtering cartridges for various industrial machines for filtering applications, including for filtering of coating solutions for manufacturing of magnetic tapes and for filtering of petrochemicals, drinking water, beer in the brewing industry and other special chemicals; machines for supplying and applying chemicals for industrial use; axial-flow and radial-flow compressors; piston compressors; screw and sliding-vane compressors; rotary, vacuum, electric, submerged and centrifugal pumps; turboexpanders, namely, air and electric compressors; CNG refueling machines for land vehicles and industrial equipment and accessories and parts of all the aforesaid goods, namely pumps, valves, fuel filters, filter housings, distributor rotors, blades, bearings and mechanical joints; steam condensers; motors for boats; turbo-compressors for engines; fuel injectors; industrial robots, machines for insertion of electronic components, dry etching machines, electric micro-discharge machines, systems for production of optical discs, precision connection equipment, treatment machines for printed wiring panels, welding rods, machines for as- #3 2014 02 10 93 TRADEMARKS sembling parts, brazing machines, machines for fixing screws, electrical tools; electric motors, electric generators; elevators (lifts); washing and drying machines, electric washing machines, electric dishwashers; compressors (non-surgical); pumps, electric pumps; mixing, cutting and chopping machines, mixing machines, electric centrifuges, electric food processors, electric meat grinders, electric can openers, electric knife sharpeners, electric coffee grinders, electric ice crushers, electric waste-processing machines; garden tools, electric lawnmowers, garden vaporizers for disinfectants and insecticides; electric apparatus for cleaning, electric vacuum cleaners, electric floor polishers; electric window washers; electric hand tools and implements; welding machines, plasma, gas or arc-cutting machines for cutting metal; mixers, centrifuges, hand-held mixers, food processors. 9 – Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproducetion of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus; protective helmets for sports; spectacles, sunglasses, goggles for sports; computer software, computer game software; fuel pumps for service stations for aircraft engine refueling; fuel distribution equipment, namely calibrated fuel pumps, electric fuel-level gauges, control valves for regulating gas flow and fuel lines; automated systems for servicestation management comprising operating software, calibrated fuel pumps, flow control panels, fuel lines and pump nozzles for refueling of land vehicles, marine vehicles and aircraft; gas meters; on-board and roadside signaling and communication systems, train inspection systems, crossing notification systems, apparatus for electric control of switching; GPS tracking and monitoring systems for the railway and transit industries; electrical distribution products and devices, namely capacitors, circuit breakers, circuit-breaker patch boards, circuit closers, contact breakers, commutators, contactors, current rectifiers, current limiters, electric contacts, electric collectors, electric conductors, electric connectors, electric controllers, electric inductors, electric power supply systems, distribution boards and branch boxes (electricity), electrical distribution consoles, electrical switchboards and switchboxes; software for persons in charge of troubleshooting and maintenance of programmable controllers, software for blood vessel analysis, including heart vessel analysis, also with calculation functions with 94 regard to blood vessels, software for medical patient-monitoring equipment, software for receiving, processing, transmitting and displaying data, software for developing customized programs for asset allocation; software for use on line enabling vendors of office equipment to place orders, to manage portfolios and communicate with the company; software for accessing mortgage and insurance information, software for collecting data concerning vital signs, software for analyzing electrical systems and electronic instruction manuals sold in the form of sets, software for employees of financial institutions used for assessing customers' financial investments and processing the sale of the investments identified, software for obtaining information on the risk of flooding with regard to real property, software for developing graphic user interfaces and displaying data, software for calculating mortgage payments, software for controlling and managing vehicle fleet maintenance services, software for using and acessing commercial information technology services, software used by clients to obtain information regarding lease portfolios, software for a radiology information system for radiologists and radiology departments, software for managing databases containing information on employees and patients for archiving purposes and patient follow-up, software installed on and used with PCs and medical monitoring equipment for graphic user interfaces, software for sending encrypted and compressed data to radio-paging (transport) systems, software for providing access to web sites so that buyers and sellers can carry out business transactions by electronic means, and software for subterranean navigation, namely navigation of the assembly of a depth probe for oil drilling and drilling assemblies so as to set up subterranean installations; electronic, nuclear, industrial and laboratory instruments and apparatus, for testing, measuring, calculating and monitoring; electrical products, electricity production and distribution products and voltage surge protection products, namely lightning conductors, armored rods; electric capacitors; switches for lighting; input/output devices and controls; fuses; controls for lighting; switch boxes, DELs, namely light-emitting diodes, electrical voltage regulators, voltage surge protectors, voltage surge limiters, voltmeters, electrical circuit boards, relays and timers, electromagnetic switches and limit switches, manual full-voltage starters, reduced-voltage starters, electric disconnectting switches and switches, splitters for circuit boards and short-cycling panels, circuit breakers and disconnecting switches, transformers, electric circuit and electric lighting boards, electric wires, cables, cords and conductors, electric wiring and accessories, lightning conductors, electricity meters, wattmeters, grounding resistances, humidity and temperature sensors; industrial calibration sensors, push buttons, engine and motor control centers and their #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS electric controls and voltage regulators included in this class; computer programs and software for medical use, industrial use and for research; electrophoresis apparatus; chromatography columns and pumps; apparatus for microfabrication; apparatus for bio-informatics systems; scintillation apparatus; imaging apparatus for luminescent and radioactive emissions; integrated purification and synthesis systems; oligonucleotide-producing apparatus; optical laser systems for digital imaging; laboratory glassware; vials and micro-vials; microtiter plates; software for managing hospital operating rooms; software for intensive care information management; software for industrial operation control; software and manuals therefor sold in the form of sets for plant management; graphic interface computer programs for controlling machines in industrial automation applications; software for creating graphic presentations and editing dynamic data interfaces for real-time graphic applications for industrial and commercial use; communication software for providing connections among computer network users; software for injection molding of plastic; software for controlling, monitoring, simulating, communicating, recording and collecting data and for plant automation; software for integration of manufacturing machine operations, process control, supply of data for displaying, problem follow-up and production report generation; software packages for operating and programming grinders in the manufacture industry; computer hardware for monitoring Industrial processes, namely computerized monitors; portable computers, Ethernet cards and cables; computer networking hardware, memory boards; microchips; microprocessors; computer network hubs, switches and routers, computer accessories, displaying devices and terminals; computer whiteboards; processors and system cards; call controllers, operator interfaces, reference interfaces and data collectors; applications for manufacture and control, namely for statistical process control, data collection, direct digital control; document management systems; digital signal processing products and systems, namely, industrial automation controls and programmable logic controllers; adaptive control product in the form of an external controller for optimizing rough and semi-rough cutting performance of machine tools; distributed and remote input/output equipment, input/output modules, interface modules, electricity supplies and assembly equipment; antitheft and burglar alarm systems; security devices, namely logic programming computers, control panels, electronic burglar detectors, electronic glassbreakage detectors, electronic vibration detectors, magnetic contacts for security systems, electronic switch plates, electronic motion detectors for alarm systems, electronic motion-sensitive switches, fixed connection sirens, audio loudspeakers, electronic navigation systems, alarm monitoring and access control systems; fire, smoke and heat alarms and detectors; systems for access control with computer cards; card readers, card encoders and encoded cards for card-operated access control systems; video cameras; video devices for object recognition; video devices for object following; video devices for reading license plates; video devices for checking alarms; video devices for facial recognition; video devices for vehicle recognition; video devices for traffic detection; video devices for access door control; video devices for burglar detection; processing software or hardware used for analyzing digital video images for extracting, recording and reporting information automatically, and remote video surveillance systems for surveyllance and security applications; central video monitors; videotape recorders; apparatus for shooting and filming; closed-circuit video systems; closed-circuit video systems consisting of one or several cameras and camera housings; wireless, short-range and radiofrequency transceivers; transceivers for electrical lines; communication monitoring equipment for operating closed-circuit cameras; communication monitoring equipment, namely numeric-pad controls, matrix switching devices, multiplexers, digital video recorders, integrated swinging panoramic zoom domes, remote video controllers, receivers, electronic alarms, triggers and management controls and video transmission devices sold separately or as parts of a closed-circuit camera operating system; personal digital assistants (PDAs) configured for use by real estate professionals; communication interfacing devices for personal digital assistants (PDAs); fiber-optic transmission systems, namely fiber-optic transmitters, receivers and transceivers for transmission of video signals, audio signals and data via optical fibers; electric switches; electromechanical locking devices; magnetic cards for locks, access control, presence control, alarms and security systems; electronic keys; portable electronic hardware for reception, control, storage, handling, display and transmission of data and for actuating electronic locks; electronic access cards and their readers and encoders; magnetic access cards and their readers and encoders; memory access cards and their readers and encoders; proximity cards and their readers and encoders; key holders and their readers and encoders; barcode access cards and their readers, encoders and laminators; access keypads; radio-frequency tracking devices; tracking and control systems consisting of one or several detectors, transceivers and radiofrequency beacons for determining and checking the location and movements of assets, stocks and people; infrared sensors; computer hardware and software for managing infrastructures and monitorring systems for accessing infrastructures and components thereof, namely control boards, access card readers and video imaging, video surveillance, digi- #3 2014 02 10 95 TRADEMARKS tal hard disk recording, network transmission and remote access equipment and systems; networked digital video storage servers, applications for surveillance and access control, alarm and security monitoring, computer hardware and software for monitoring and operating access and security systems comprising locking systems, doors, access and identification devices; and security cases in the form of boxes for keys; surveillance and monitoring equipment sold separately or as components or in the form of sets such as systems comprising one or several surveillance cameras, hidden cameras, closed-circuit television cameras, camera casings, camera stands, lenses, video monitors, video recorders, digital recorders, video recording media, video switches, control panels, numerical pad controls, joysticks, interface apparatus for alarms and access control equipment, transceivers, receivers, transmittters, signal processors, multiplexers, matrix switches, controls, control panel casings, switch housings, transformers, switches, splitters, coaxial cables, connectors, motion detectors, microphones and loudspeakers; user interface software and control software for management of access, security and fire-extinguishing systems; electric locks; portable electronic communication and computer equipment for data reception, control, storage, handling, display and transmission for operating electronic locking devices; electronic key holders, readers and encoders; computer hardware and software for data processing; electric power supplies, namely batteries, rectifiers/regulators of current/voltage and transformers; control panels, namely electronic apparatus designed for electronically monitoring a predefined activity and for activating an anti-theft alarm; loudspeakers for sirens; and electronic siren controls, namely ringer tone generators and amplifiers for sirens; software for controlling communication equipment for operating and controlling closedcircuit cameras; switching devices integrating magnetically triggered blade switches for anti-theft alarm systems and fire alarm systems, in industrial tracking apparatus, revolution counters, security lock systems for equipment cabinets, industrial positionmonitoring apparatus, electric cables and pump and valve monitoring apparatus and home security alarm systems; electric and electronic checking apparatus for detecting the presence of certain substances on people, in luggage and freight; electric and electronic checking apparatus for detecting the presence of explosives and/or narcotics on people, in luggage and freight; apparatus for detecting the presence of explosives and other contraband; timers or sensitive apparatus for detecting changes in conditions for launching and monitoring regeneration or washing cycles for waster treatment equipment; control valves for water treating and filtering equipment; bioreactors for cell culture; portable analysis instruments, namely a probe with a recorder for data con- 96 version equipped with microprocessors for measuring organic and inorganic products in water; filters and filter housings for laboratories; membrane filters for laboratories; silt density measuring devices; deionization devices for laboratories, filters and filter housings for laboratories; liquid separating apparatus for laboratories; membranes for laboratories; liquid flow control devices, namely pumps, valves, flowmeters and regulators for laboratories; ozone monitoring instruments; laboratory equipment, namely porous titration microplates for cellular biology and other applications in life sciences; electronic controls for water treatment and processses, namely apparatus for treatment of industrial and commercial water supply systems, boiler water systems, water cooling systems, cooling water systems and closed water-supply systems, systems for paper and pulp treatment, fuel treatment systems and metal treatment systems for analyzing system chemistry, determining the right treatment program, applying the desired treatment and monitoring treatment efficacy; data management software in the field of paper, pulp and water treatment; electronic controls for data processing in the field of paper, pulp and water treatment; apparatus for industrial water-supply systems for measuring and checking pH and conductivity; apparatus for supplying an industrial, commercial or municipal water supply system with measured quantities of chemicals; electronic testing apparatus for water treatment; laboratory testing equipment, namely apparatus for testing deposit levels and corrosion speed; mobile laboratory equipped with instruments and equipment for measuring and monitoring pH, conductivity and concentration of chromate in domestic and industrial water, for carrying out inorganic and microbiological water testing; electronic and electrochemical products, namely fuel cells; apparatus for converting photo-electric radiation to electrical energy, namely, photovoltaic solar modules, hybrid photovoltaic solar modules, electronic sensors for measuring solar radiation, photo-cells; apparatus for converting electronic radiation to electric energy, namely photovoltaic solar modules, systems and components and all related system components; printers, laser printers, ink-jet printers, multi-function and multi-purpose printers, parts of all the aforesaid goods; portable electronic devices for wireless reception and/or transmission of data, enabling users to store or manage personal information and to transmit and receive voice, video and image communications; software for synchronization of data between a remote unit or station and a fixed unit or station, and software providing a one-way and/or two-way wireless connection to data; portable digital electronic apparatus and related software; portable electronic devices for wireless data reception and/or transmission; software for re-orientation of messages, electronic mail and/or other data from a personal #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS computer or a server towards one or several portable electronic devices; computer programs and software for wireless device operation and management; apparatus for telecommunication; software for accessing, researching, indexing and recovering information and data from global computer networks and global communication networks, and for navigation on web sites in the aforesaid networks; software for sending and receiving short messages and electronic mail and for filtering non-text information from data; portable electronic devices for voice, video, data and image communications; computer game software for mobile telephone receivers; electronic game software for mobile telephone receivers; software, software packages; batteries, dry cells and batteries, rechargeable batteries, battery chargers, storage batteries, solar cells and batteries, fuel cells; carbon, carbon electrodes for dry batteries, carbon electrodes for welding; wiring apparatus, connectors (electric), electric cables, electric ducts, floor ducts specially designed for housing electric cables, ballast (for discharge lamps), wiring systems under carpets, code lighting switches, circuit breakers, magnetic starter switches and contactors, circuit protectors, switching devices, electric connecting boxes, device switches, output jacks, plugs (electric), insulating materials, electric timers, other wiring devices; signaling apparatus and instruments, video intercoms, intercom systems, electric door chimes, intercoms, fire alarms, gas-leak alarms, anti-theft alarms, portable emergency intercoms; acoustic machines and apparatus, radios, tape recorders/players, radio cassette recorders, portable tape players, compact disc recorders/players, minidisc recorders/players, minidisc consoles, DVD audio recorders/players, secured digital recorders/players, secured digital cards, loudspeakers, tuners, amplifiers, stereo systems, disc readers, graphic equalizers, alarm clocks, integrated circuit recorders, digital audio processing devices, earphones, headphones, microphones, cassette recorders/players, software for compact discs (prerecordded), electric megaphones, language laboratories, audio systems for cars, public address systems, mixing consoles, cleaning products for audio equipment, audio cables, video cables, other audio machines; audiovisual machines and apparatus, television sets, cathode ray tube display devices, cathode ray tubes, image pick-up tubes, plasma television sets, plasma display devices, television sets (liquid crystal display), liquid crystal display monitors, television sets combined with video tape recorders, television sets combined with disc players, antennas, tuners for satellite broadcasting, television tuners, Internet terminals, video projectors, video cassette recorders, camcorders, video cameras, video printers, laser disc players, video CD (compact disc) players, software for video CD (compact disc), video recorders/players for DVDs, color video systems for large-scale display, cable television systems, hard disk units, video imaging devices, electric optical display boards, multi-purpose electric display systems, closed-circuit video equipment systems, software for DVDs, television cameras, video switches, nonlinear editing systems, editing controllers, DVD creation systems, LED displays, other audiovisual machines; optical disc machines and apparatus; optical disc units, optical disc recorders, optical disc readers, optical disc changers, optical disc cartridges, optical disc recording systems; communication apparatus and machines, facsimile transceivers, transceivers, telephones, cellular mobile telephones, cases for cellular mobile telephones, telephone answering machines, private auto-switch systems, global positioning system receivers, radiotelephones, marine radars, radio-paging receivers, mobile communication systems, multi-channel access radio systems, electric panels for traffic information, videoconferencing systems, private portable telephone systems, local network systems, AV codecs (coderdecoders), navigation systems for cars (road guidance systems), electronic systems for road toll collection, GPS (global positioning system) antennas; surveillance (monitoring) apparatus and instruments, electric door opening devices, communication and surveillance systems for apartment structures, intruder detection systems, automated systems for surveillance and control of functions in buildings, security apparatus with several electrical layers; automatic control machines and instruments, electric distribution boards, road signal control apparatus, bus placement systems, ultrasound vehicle detectors, information and telecommunication networks for road traffic management, light dimmers, light switches, inverters, programmable control systems, transformers, cabinets, domestic electricity production systems, power capacitors; data processing equipment; computers and computer peripherals, word processors, software (recorded), image scanners for personal computers, printers, PC cards, computer keyboards, mice (data processing equipment), CDROM units, diskette units, card reading/writing systems, barcode readers, time recorders, portable data terminals, point-of-sale systems, data collection terminals, personal digital assistants (PDAs), DVDRAM/ROM units, CAD/CAM (computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing) systems, hard disk units, electronic calculators, uninterruptible power supplies for computers /communication/ broadcasting; external storage devices, video cassettes, cleaning heads, D-VHS (video systems for household use), other computer peripherals; video tapes, audio cassettes, diskettes, optical discs, mini-discs, DVDs (digital versatile discs), integrated circuit memory cards; weighing and measuring apparatus and instruments, thermoluminescent dosimetry systems, portable x-ray dosimeters, electronic meters, ammeters, electricity consumption meters, grip measuring #3 2014 02 10 97 TRADEMARKS devices, electric apparatus for measuring leakance, electric insulation meters, thermometers, measuring system processors, electric multi-circuit sector voltage monitors, micro-precision measuring devices, body fat monitors, pacers, audio/video analyzers, oscilloscopes, modulators, voltmeters, distortion meters, other measuring apparatus; sensors, light-sensitive sensors, thermometric sensors, position sensors, angular velocity sensors, rotation sensors, angle sensors, dew point sensors, other sensors; electric components, LEDs, liquid crystals, liquid crystal display modules, magnetrons, diodes, transistors, thermostats, integrated circuits, semi-conductor storage devices, micro-computers with a single chip, cartridges for microphones with electric capacitor, gray-scale image processors, thermal print heads, magnetic heads, permanent magnets, connectors, relays, display components, semi-conductor lasers, charge coupling devices, image detectors, film capacitors, over-oxygenation membrane units, electric tuner units, high-frequency units, coin validation units, note validation units, magnetic card reading/writing devices, voltage-controlled oscillators, phase-locking circuit synthesizing modules, wireless communication module units, optical transmission components, printed wiring boards, loudspeaker components, electricity supplies, AC adaptors, focusing magnets, inductors (coils), capacitors for electric apparatus, electric signal filters, transformers, deflection coils, thermistors, varistors, piezoelectric ceramic components, acoustic-optical components, resistances, potentiometers, encoders, printing units, hybrid integrated circuits, switching components, heat-welding wiring boards, transparent button boards, electroluminescent components, remote control units, magnetic resistance elements, thermal disconnects, other electric utensils for household use, electric flat irons, electric hair curlers, electric hair straightening or curling irons; electric arcwelding apparatus, welding electrodes, electric timers; equipment for processing data, particularly for financial applications; operating system programs; computer hardware and software, particularly for local and wide-range computer network development, maintenance and use; systems for reading memory cards and systems for reading stored data including integrated circuit memories and bank card memories; automatic ticket dispensers; accounting machines; encoded cards, including magnetic cards and integrated circuit cards, particularly for financial applications; card readers, printing apparatus, including printing apparatus for data processing systems and financial transaction systems; machines for banking institutions; encoders and decoders; modems; encoded magnetic cards, cards with electronic data, readers for encoded magnetic cards, readers for cards with electronic data, electronic encryption systems, computer hardware, computer terminals, software used in financial services, in the 98 banking and telecommunication industries; electric and electronic products, namely calculating machines, pocket planners, alarms and torches; bank cards, including printed bank cards and bank cards with magnetic memory and with integrated circuit memory; bank cards, credit cards, debit cards, including such cards equipped with integrated circuits and microprocessors; memory cards (smart cards); automatic cash dispensers; data processing equipment and computers including cards equipped with microprocessors and integrated circuits; computer hardware in the form of integrated circuit cards and card readers containing transponders and other proximity payment devices; computer mouse pads; machines and machine systems, including parts and accessories for transmission, distribution and control of electricity; induction devices, electrical displacement devices, electricity control and regulation devices, electricity measuring instruments, electrical protecttion devices, switchboards, switchboard apparatus, wiring devices and supplies; liquid control devices, namely, flowmeters, manostats, sequential timers, electric controls and switches; electric devices for killing insects, audio amplifiers for keyboards, external memories for musical instruments; electrothermal hair curling apparatus, electric hair straightening or curling irons, electric hair curlers; systems for managing data and preserving archives in the field of anesthesia. 10 – Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopedic articles; suture materials; test kits for clinical medical use comprising test tubes, test plates and indicator diagrams for evaluating test results; systems comprising medical apparatus and accessories for administering measured doses of pharmaceutical preparations; bottles for medical use; cannulas for medical use; syringes for medical use; injectors for medical use; cartridges for medical use; infusion pumps used for administering liquids intravenously; needles for medical use; cardiac output monitors; humidity and heat exchangers for medical use; bacterial filters for medical use; gas analyzers for medical use; patient monitoring systems, namely gas monitors; pulse oximeters, multi-parameter monitors, ECG monitors, invasive and non-invasive blood pressure monitors, neuromuscular transmission monitors, metabolic monitors and spirometers for diagnostic, intensive care and anesthesia applications; anesthetic machines and ventilators; anesthesia and intensive care accessories for a single patient, namely gas sampling lines, airway adapters, respiratory circuits, spirometry tubes and sensors, tubes, water separators, pulse oximetry sensors, noninvasive sphygmomanometers, rinsing sets, anesthesia masks, carbon dioxide absorbers, temperaturesensing probes and nebulizers; central nervous system monitors; gastric tonometers; gradient coils, namely magnetic gradient coils for magnetic reso- #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS nance imaging; medical diagnosis devices, namely bone densitometers; fetal monitoring apparatus, namely fetal pulse and vital sign monitors; patient monitoring apparatus, namely, vital sign and cardiac monitors, medical imaging systems, namely ultrasound imaging machines for medical diagnosis, imaging devices for diagnostic and screening applications for planning operations and surgery, and their parts and accessories; medical diagnosis apparatus for displaying diagnostic images, namely spot film apparatus, image intensifiers, fluoroscopes, mobile x-ray devices, x-ray film viewers, CAT scans, nuclear resonance apparatus, ultrasound scanners, magnetic resonance apparatus, positron emission tomography apparatus (PET scans) and their parts and accessories, including tables and pads; electronic apparatus for measuring blood pressure, laser apparatus for medical treatment, ultrasound diagnosis equipment, acoustic apparatus, laser scalpels, electric massaging apparatus, portable vibrators for medical use, low-frequency muscle stimulators for medical use, high-frequency apparatus for medical use, electric air mattresses for preventing bedsores, electric inhalers for therapeutic use, electrically heated pads, CCD (charge-coupled device) sensor systems, medical apparatus for measuring bone density. 11 – Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes; solar panels, panels for capturing solar energy; solar lighting accessories, namely lighting units and solar light fixtures for indoor and outdoor use; solar-thermal installations, namely solar-thermal modules; solar water heaters; gas and electric cooking apparatus for household use, namely gas and electric cookers, cooking rings; gas and electric cooktops and ovens; heat exchangers; thick-wall chemical reactors and nuclear reactors and accessories and components thereof, namely, heat pumps, valves for steam systems and valves for regulating liquid and gas flow; electric lamps of all kinds and their parts; electric lighting accessories and their parts; freezers, air-conditioning apparatus, electric ovens, cookers, electric refrigerators; microwave ovens for cooking; wall-mounted cooking ovens for household use; food heating drawers; convection ovens, gas and electric cooktops; gas and electric cookers and cooking ovens; ventilation hoods for stoves and exhaust fans; water filters; water softeners; laundry driers; electric fans, ceiling fans, flashlights; vehicle lamps and lights; electric lights for Christmas trees; liquid separation devices; liquid concentration devices; liquid recycling devices; filters for filtering of solids from gas and liquids or for filtering of liquids from gas and for filtering of an immiscible liquid from another; spiral cartridges or elements contained in a tubular plastic sleeve for concentrating goods and removing impurities in liquid treatment systems; water condi- tioning devices for residential use; reverse osmosis modules and their membranes; devices and systems for water purification consisting of clarification units, electric deionization systems, condensate polishing filters, vacuum degassing devices, ultrafiltration devices, ultraviolet sterilization devices, ion exchangers, systems for regeneration of acids and caustic products, reverse osmosis systems, forced-air carbonate removal devices, filters, systems for supplying chemicals and devices for storage of bulk goods, sold with automatic controls and instruments for monitoring device and system operation parameters, electrochemical purification devices for liquids for industrial, commercial and municipal use; water filtering devices for household, industrial and commercial use; wastewater purification units; drinking water purification devices for household, industrial and commercial use; liquid separating devices, namely industrial liquid filters; recycling devices, namely liquid purification devices; water treatment equipment, namely cartridges; water treatment equipment for household use, namely water softeners and water conditioners; support filters and depth filters for removing deposits, iron, sulfur, tastes and smells from water; reverse-osmosis water purification devices; depth filter units and cartridges for filtering liquids and air for household, industrial and commercial use; disposable cartridge filters for filtering industrial water; apparatus and installations for lighting, incandescent bulbs, gas discharge starters, grooved fluorescent lamps, fluorescent lamps, tungsten and halogen lamps, pocket lamps, fluorescent lanterns, other lamps, fluorescent lighting apparatus, dynamo lighting kits for bicycles, germicidal lamps, other lighting apparatus; cooking apparatus and installations, automatic bread-making machines for household use, electric kettles, electric rice cookers, gas rice cookers, crock pots, electric grills, cooking ovens, toasters, coffee machines, cookers, electric thermal-insulating coffee machines, gas cookers, induction cooktops, electric barbecue grills, microwave ovens, gas cookers with ovens, electric saucepans, sink trays, other kitchen ranges; freezing and refrigerating apparatus and installations, refrigerators, freezers, cold/hot water dispensers, refrigerating and freezing display cases, electric water coolers, ice-making apparatus; ventilation apparatus and instruments, electric fans, fans, electric air purifiers, extractor hoods for cookers, electric dehumidifiers, electric humidifiers, blowers, blinds propelling cold air, air exhaust units, ceiling fans, ceiling ventilators, electrostatic dust extractors, their parts and components, all included in this class; other ventilation apparatus and installations; heating apparatus and installations, apparatus for steam generating, drying, cooling and air conditioning, air conditioners, blade fans for air conditioning, apparatus for cooling air by evaporation, stoves, electric radiators, electric blankets, electric floor carpets, #3 2014 02 10 99 TRADEMARKS kerosene-powered fan heaters, electric foot warmers (kotatsu), wireless gas radiators, other heating/cooling and air-conditioning installations; water distribution apparatus; sanitary installations, electric bidets, toilets, self-cleaning toilet seats, portable toilets, systems for wastewater treatment by aeration, water purifiers, incinerators (waste incinerators), household waste processors, saunas, bathtubs, bath installations, electric showers; water heaters, gaspowered instantaneous water heaters, other water heaters; driers, dish driers, electric hair driers, laundry driers, other driers; electric lamps, electric driers, electric-resistance heating cables; metallic kitchen sinks; laundry driers. 12 – Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; electric motors and diesel engines for land vehicles; bicycles, tires and tubeless tires for bicycles, automatic vehicles, electric bicycles; tires. 14 – Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes, particularly commemorative medals and coins; jewelry, precious stones; pins; timepieces and chronometric instruments; key rings. 16 – Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter, particularly postage stamps; newspapers, periodicals, books, photographs and posters; bookbinding material; stationery; adhesives (glues) for stationery or household purposes; artists' supplies; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional or teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printing type; printing blocks; computer printouts; checkbooks, punched cards; electronic newspapers and periodicals; paper shredders, electric staplers, battery-powered letter openers, electric pencil sharpeners, electric perforators, electronic typewriters, ribbon cartridges for electronic typewriters, apparatus for printing checks, thermal paper; disposable paper or cellulose diaperpants, diapers and napkins. 17 – Rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and goods made from these materials and not included in other classes; plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture; packing, stopping and insulating materials; flexible pipes not of metal; silicone mastics for various uses, particularly for caulking of bathtubs, boats and automobiles; impervious and road covering material made of silicone, roofing covering made of silicone rubber; plastic compounds for glazing; plastic materials in the form of sheets, plates, blocks, all for manufacture; electric insulation materials, electric insulation devices, including insulating varnish, silicone rubber compounds; plastic materials in the form of sheets, rods or plates, modeling materials. 100 18 – Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. 19 – Non-metallic building materials; rigid pipes, not of metal, for building; asphalt, pitch and bitumen; transportable buildings, not of metal; monuments, not of metal; thermoplastic building materials, namely thermoplastic molded and extruded materials used as substitutes for wood, metal or glass, for supporting or covering; doors (not of metal), rain gutters, ceiling panels, folding doors, wooden floors, roofing tiles, prefabricated houses, laminates, connecting tracks, steps (ladders) not of metal, building materials with soundproofing properties; non-metallic roofs, with solar cells; plastic panels for building; thermoplastic materials used as building materials for insulation, covering (roofing) and glazing; water pipes made of PVC (polyvinyl chloride). 25 – Clothing, footwear, headgear. 28 – Games, toys; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees; playing cards; electric floats for fishing, apparatus for tying fishing lines to hooks, electronic apparatus for practicing golf, wax applicators for skis; stationary exercise bicycles and rollers. 29 – Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats. 30 – Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, edible ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice for refreshment. 32 – Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic beverages; fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. 35 – Advertising; dissemination of advertisements by all media, particularly in the form of themed messages focused on human values; advertising by sponsorship (sponsoring); business management; business administration; office functions; promotion of the goods and services of others, by means of contractual agreements, particularly partnership (sponsorship) and licensing agreements, affording them with increased notoriety and/or enhanced image and/or sympathy derived from the notoriety and/or enhanced image resulting from cultural and sporting events, particularly international events and/or sympathy generated by the above; promotion #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS of the goods and services of others by means of what is referred to as the initial interest factor driving the public to consider, from among many competitors, goods or services presented with signs, emblems or messages so as to capture its attention; promotion of the goods and services of others by means of the socalled image transfer; rental of advertising space of all type and on all media, whether digital or not; business administration of the participation of national teams to an international sports competition, and promotion intended for the public and bodies interested in providing support to the aforesaid teams; inventory management services; advice relating to stock monitoring services; advertising by means of direct marketing for others consisting in marketing of databases; advice for advertising by means of direct marketing for others consisting in marketing of databases; advisory services in connection with business reorganization; automobile and truck fleet management services, namely billing via a global computer network; advice in connection with the management of automobile and truck fleets; business administration consultancy; management of power plants of others; advice regarding management of electric power plants; commercial services, namely administration of contracts for repair and servicing; supply chain management services and advice relating to the purchase and supply in terms of chemicals and chemical services; product inventory and supply services, limitation of costs; advice, marketing, analysis of prices and costs concerning devices for electrochemical purification of liquids for industrial use; administrative, commercial and technical management of computer files; data input and processing services; consultancy regarding information technology management; management of value-added data transmission networks and computer servers (multimedia systems, interactive videography, global computer networks for telecommunications); retail sale of electric and electronic machines and apparatus (grouping, for others, of a range of goods so as to enable customers to view and purchase said goods at their convenience in a retail store carrying electrical goods); information concerning the sale of raw materials; commercial information, commercial information agencies; rental of photocopiers; promotion of the sale of goods and services of others including by means of advertisements, promotional competitions, awarding of prizes and bonuses in the form of promotional lotteries, discounts, reduction tokens and valueadded offers in connection with the use of payment cards; promotion of sporting events and competitions for use by others; promotion of concerts and of cultural events for others; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; provision of documentation, namely direct mail advertising, distribution of advertising material, distribution of samples; reproduction of documents; advertising concerning the promotion of commercial sales of goods and services for retail sale purposes; provision of information in connection with ecommerce and electronic retail sale; provision of information concerning the purchase of goods and services on line via the Internet and other computer networks; tourist documentation services, namely advertising concerning transport, travel, hotels, accommodation, food and meals, sports, entertainment and sightseeing tours, tourist agency services; maintenance of computerized databases. 36 – Insurance underwriting; financial affairs; banking; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; credit card services; financing of sporting and cultural activities; rental of buildings and accessory buildings set up for corporate entertainment events; private mark and equity financing services; financial analysis and consultation; financial services in connection with credit cards; credit card services, namely granting credit to others; financial asset management for others; insurance and reinsurance services, namely underwriting of all types of insurance; equity capital investment services; insurance underwriting services in the field of bonds; financial security underwriting services; personal loan financing; lending against collateral; acquisition financing services; commercial financing services; commercial real-estate agency services; mutual funds; loan and private capital investments; information, assistance and advice in all the aforesaid fields; lease-purchasing of mobile and modular structures; insurance brokerage services; credit agency services in the field of commercial and consumer credit; financing of real estate loans and financial and banking services; monetary operations particularly by means of bank cards or customer loyalty cards; financial clearing services; issuing of checks and letters of credit; financial services; insurance services; financial operations; bill payment services; debit card services; payment card services; pre-payment card services; electronic transactions by credit and debit card; electronic transfer of funds; electronic money and smart card services; provision of liquidities; payment and credit card services replacing cash payments; electronic capital transfer services; check verification; encasehment of checks; safe deposit system and automated teller services; payment processing services; authentication and verification of transactions; provision of financial information via a global computer network; financial sponsoring of festivals and concerts; financial services for purchasing goods and services sold in retail at points-of-sale for promotion purposes; information services in the field of tourism, namely financial information; financial services for tourist assistance purposes; lease-purchasing of telephones, facsimile machines and other telecommunication equipment; lease-purchasing of transport containers. #3 2014 02 10 101 TRADEMARKS 37 – Construction; repair; installation services; replacement, overhaul and maintenance of power plants, motors and engines, turbines, wind turbines and apparatus, equipment and instruments for energy and electricity production and their parts, components and accessories; installation, maintenance and repair of compressors and pumps, namely machines, turbo-expanders, fuel pumps and fuel distribution equipment, CNG refueling equipment, gas turbines, steam turbines, air-cooled heat exchangers, steam condensers, thick-wall reactors and tubular reactors; maintenance and repair of gas and oil pipelines; drilling and pumping of oil and gas; drilling for crude oil; installation of tubes and pipelines for drilling of oil wells; rental of tools for drilling oil and gas wells; remote monitoring, diagnosis, repair and maintenance for the repair and maintenance of airplane engines, turbines, electrical equipment, medical equipment, locomotives, including parts and accessories of all the aforesaid goods; rental of construction equipment; chemical cleaning of glasscoated reactor vats used in the pharmaceutical and chemical treatment industries; maintenance of heat transfer systems and of condensers; maintenance and repair of equipment with computerized cooling systems, repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, apparatus, instruments and machines; maintenance and repair in the gas and oil field; services relating to installation of point-of-sales terminals in stores; computer maintenance services; installation and repair of electric apparatus; repair of radio receivers and television receivers; repair and maintenance of electric apparatus and instruments for communication; repair and maintenance of electric household appliances; repair and maintenance of electric lighting apparatus; repair and maintenance of electric apparatus for distribution and control; repair and maintenance of electric motors; repair and maintenance of machines and instruments for measuring and/or testing; repair and maintenance of medical apparatus and instruments; repair and maintenance of machines and tools for shaping metals; repair and maintenance of cooking apparatus; repair and maintenance of automatic vending machines; repair and maintenance of water purification apparatus; repair and maintenance of musical instruments; repair and maintenance of watches and clocks; repair and maintenance of gas-fired water heaters for household use; repair and maintenance of bathtubs; repair of toilets with water points; installation, maintenance and repair of computer hardware; repair and maintenance of air-conditioning apparatus; installation, maintenance and repair of office equipment and machines; installation, maintenance and repair of machinery equipment; repair of vehicles; repair and maintenance of electric apparatus and instruments for communication; repair and maintenance of computers; repair and maintenance of electronic printers; repair of telephones; 102 electricity works; telecommunication equipment; installation, maintenance and repair of compressors, pumps, namely, machines, turbo-expanders, fuel pumps and fuel distribution equipment, CNG refueling equipment, gas turbines, steam turbines, air-cooled heat exchangers, steam condensers, thickwall reactors and tubular reactors; repair and maintenance of gas and oil wells. 38 – Telecommunications; television program broadcasting, broadcasting of televised programs (live or recorded); cellular telephone communication; communications by electronic computer terminals, by databases and by telecommunication networks connected to the Internet; communications by telex; communications by telegrams; communications by telephone; communications by facsimile machines; radio paging services; teleconferencing communications; television broadcasting; cable television broadcasting; radio broadcasting; news agencies; other message transmission services; dissemination of a commercial site on the Internet; radio and television broadcasting provided via the Internet; electronic mail; provision of access to computer information newsletters and to discussion forums on line; transmission of messages and images via computers; provision of access to services for ordering and buying at home and at the office via computer and/or interactive communication technologies; telecommunication of information (including Web pages), computer programs and all other data; electronic mail services; provision of access to the Internet for users; telecommunication connections to the Internet or to databases; provision of access to web sites for digital music on the Internet; provision of access to MP3 web sites on the Internet; rental of access time to a central database (telecommunications); provision of access to search engines; operation of discussion forums on the Internet; rental of access time to a database server; rental of access time to a computer database (telecommunication services); simultaneous broadcasting, particularly by means of electronic interconnections, of films and of sound and video recordings; wireless data messaging services, particularly services enabling a user to send and/or receive messages via a wireless data network; one-way and two-way messaging services; electronic transmission of data, images, documents and audio and video data, including texts, cards, letters, messages, mail, animations and electronic mail, via local or global communication networks, including the Internet, intranets, extranets, television, mobile communication networks, cellular networks and satellite networks; electronic transmission of software via local or global communication networks, including the Internet, intranets, extranets, television, mobile communication networks, cellular networks and satellite networks; provision of access to databases and to local or global communication networks, including the Internet, intranets, extranets, #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS television, mobile communication, cellular and satellite networks; transmission and relay of messages, namely electronic transmission of messages; telecommunication services for dissemination of information by mobile telephone, namely transmission of data to mobile telephones; communication by mobile telephone; transmission and reception of voice communication services; transmission and reception on a value-added network; telecommunication services by telematic means and by multimedia networks; rental of access time to a database server center. 39 – Transport; packaging and storage of goods; arranging of tours; storage of media containing still and moving images; distribution of oil or gas by pipelines; rental of automobiles, airplanes, selfpropelled and marine vehicles; delivery and storage of chemicals in the field of water treatment and of pulp and paper making systems; boat transport; vehicle reservation services; information services concerning travel; travel reservation services; assistance for planning of transport before travel; printing product distribution; transport ticket reservation; information services in the field of tourism, namely transport information; information services in the field of tourism, namely information on reservation of tickets for transport, travel and sightseeing tours; information services in the field of tourism, namely information on planned activities for sightseeing tours and transport; services in connection with transport for tourist assistance; tourist reservation services, namely ticket reservetion services and transport reservation services; information relating to prices, timetables and means of transport; tourist assistance services concerning transport ticket, travel and sightseeing tour reservetion; tourist assistance services concerning planned sightseeing tours; tourist reservation services, namely reservation of tickets for transport, travel and sightseeing tours; preparation of travel reports via a global computer network. 40 – Treatment of materials; cinematographic film development; photograph enlargement, photograph printing, photographic film development; rental of photographic machines and instruments for developing, printing, enlarging or finishing; processing of oil; processing of gas; refining of oil and gas; wastewater treatment services, water treatment services, namely desalination, purification, treatment, cleaning of ion-exchange resins; membrane regeneration services; operation of electric power plants of others; advice regarding operation of electric power plants; provision of information to others, on a global computer network, concerning industrial systems for water purification. 41 – Educational services; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities, televised sporting and cultural entertainment; organization of exhibitions for cultural and educational purposes; operating lotteries and competitions; betting and gambling services in connection with or relating to sports; entertainment services provided during sporting events or concerning sporting events; organization of sporting and cultural events and activities; organization of real or virtual sporting competitions; operation of sports facilities; rental of audio and video equipment; production, presentation and distribution of films and of sound and video recordings; rental of sound and video recordings; rental and/or provision via a computer network of interactive entertainment and education products, namely interacttive compact discs, CD-ROMs, computer games; entertainment, namely presentation of interactive entertainment and education products, namely interactive compact discs, CD-ROMs, computer games; covering televised and broadcast sporting events; production of television and radio programs and of videotapes; production of cartoons; production of animated shows for television; reservation of tickets for sporting events and shows; timing of sports events; organization of beauty contests; interactive entertainment; on-line betting services; provision of games on the Internet; provision of raffle services; information concerning entertainment or education, provided on line from a data bank or the Internet; electronic game services provided by means of the Internet; provision of electronic publications on line; publication of books, magazines, texts (other than publicity texts) and periodicals; publication of books, magazines, texts (other than publicity texts) and of electronic periodicals on line; provision of digital music from the Internet; provision of digital music from MP3 web sites; provision of sporting results; information services concerning sports and sporting events; rental of recorded sounds and images; audio production services; information services concerning sporting events provided on line from a computer database or the Internet; editing and publishing services; provision of digital music (non-downloadable); offering digital music by means of telecommunications; publication of statistics regarding sporting results and audience ratings for sporting competitions; training in the use and operation of systems for signaling and notification of crossings for the railway and transit industries; education services in the field of medical imaging and diagnosis, namely conducting of seminars, conferences, symposiums or workshops concerning the pharmaceutical industry, intended for medical doctors and employees of pharmaceutical companies; education services, namely conducting of seminars, conferences, symposiums or workshops in the field of life sciences and biotechnology for scientists and researchers; conducting of seminars on problems in connection with industrial water treatment; training services in all the aforesaid fields; training services in the field of management and medicine by means of the use of instructions and #3 2014 02 10 103 TRADEMARKS demonstrations provided on line, via the Internet, intranets and extranets; education services, namely conducting of practical training workshops, courses and seminars including demonstrations in the field of medicine and management; design, conducting and hosting of courses, seminars and all training activities in the field of information technology; organization and performance of concerts; booking of seats for shows; movie presentations; entertainment information; film production; show production; theater production services; operation of golf facilities; health club services (fitness training); sports camp services; presentation of live performances; film projections; organization of shows (impresario services); holiday camp services (entertainment); movie studios; news reporter services; provision of on-line electronic publications, not downloadable; music hall services; education services, namely conducting of courses, seminars, presentations, video presentations, provision of educational material, namely dissemination of material in the field of financial knowledge; education services in the field of tourism; information services in the field of tourism, namely information services regarding reservation of tickets for recreational events; information services in the field of tourism, namely information services regarding entertainment; information services in the field of tourism, namely information services regarding planned sporting, cultural and recreational activities; services in connection with entertainment for tourist assistance; tourist reservation services, namely activity and entertainment reservation services; assistance services for tourists concerning reservation of tickets for recreational events; assistance services for tourists concerning planned sporting, cultural and recreational activities. 42 – Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; carrying out laboratory analyses; design and development of computers and software; services relating to wind and wind energy, namely professional consultancy and engineering services; design for others in connection with wind energy; industrial design services; design of equipment and installations for generating energy, wind energy and electricity; engineering services, technical consultancy and research for the gas and oil industries; exploration services relating to oil and gas; geophysical drilling for the gas and oil Industries; gas and oil field analysis; gas and oil prospecting, namely locating and testing of wells; gas and oil well testing; gas and oil pipeline inspection; remote monitoring and diagnosis services in connection with compressors, pumps, turbo-expanders, fuel pumps and fuel distribution equipment, CNG refueling equipment, gas turbines, steam turbines, aircooled heat exchangers, steam condensers, thickwall reactors and tubular reactors; information technology solution services in the field of railway 104 and transit industries on a global scale; research, consultancy and assistance services in connection with engineering, design and development problems encountered by governments, individuals and companies whether industrial or commercial and by public institutions; computer programming services for others; software design and analysis services for others; information technology consultancy services; maintenance and updating of computer software for others; software installation; design and analysis of computer systems for others; consultancy services relating to chemical research; consultancy services in connection with the discovery and evaluation of medicines and components with diagnostic, prophylactic and/or therapeutical properties; consultancy services concerning diagnostic methods by means of optical laser systems; tests for high data rate analysis for producing medicines; customer analysis and synthesis services; biotechnological services; technical assistance in connection with factory automation software, namely maintenance of software and periodical updating of software; customized design of security access systems; design and consultancy services relating to configuration of systems used in fiber-optic technology applications; technical assistance services, namely resolution of problems in connection with computer hardware, video and electronic communication and computer software; technical consultancy services relating to information technology and software in the field of security and access systems; technical consultancy services relating to surveillance cameras; customized design of security systems, access systems and systems for checking inventories and property for others; laboratory and testing services for liquid separation and membrane testing; engineering and consultancy services regarding water treatment, water supply systems, cooling water circuits, industrial boiler water systems, systems for water supply and industrial processes, industrial fuel treatment systems, pulp and paper making systems, systems for treating plastics and metals; engineering and technical assistance services concerning the design and configuration of systems comprising computer hardware and software for use in treatment of water supply systems and pulp and paper making systems, oil and petrochemical product treatment systems and metal and plastic finishing operations; consultancy services in all the aforesaid fields; chemical testing concerning supply of chemical treatment products via industrial water systems; programming for information processing machines, particularly programmming services in the field of electronic money; development of computer programs for securing data transfers; industrial development and research services in the field of information technology; all technical consultancy in the field of information technology; development of computerized databases and computer programs; development of software #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS concerning machines, apparatus and instruments; rental of data processing apparatus; computer engineering services; consultancy regarding computer programming and data processing, particularly in connection with financial transactions; hosting of computer sites [Web sites]; maintenance of computer software; provision of search engines for the Internet; quality control; computer data recovery; research and development of new products (for others); technical project studies; land surveying; updating of software; maintenance of software, engineering, testing and research concerning electric machines, apparatus and instruments, computer rental; recovery of data, images, documents and of audio and video data, including texts, cards, letters, messages, mail, animations and electronic mail, via global or local communication networks, including the Internet, intranets, extranets, television, mobile communication networks, cellular networks and satellite networks; identification and testing of microbiological organisms. 43 – Services for providing food and drink; cafeteria and restaurant services; hospitality services, namely providing food and drink; catering services; reservation of hotels and temporary accommodation; bar services; coffee shops; rental of meeting rooms; operation of tourist homes; providing information in the field of tourism, namely accommodation information; providing information in the field of tourism, namely information on provision of food and drink; accommodation information for tourist assistance; services in connection with providing food and drink for tourist assistance; reservation services for tourism, namely reservation of hotel rooms and of food and drink; information services in the field of tourism, namely information concerning the reservation of hotel rooms, accommodation, food and drink; assistance provided to tourists concerning the reservation of hotel rooms, accommodation, food and drink; tourist reservation services, namely reservation of hotel rooms, accommodation, food and drink; rental of mobile and modular structures. 44 – Medical services; medical and pharmaceutical toxicological controls; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings and animals; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services; advisory services in connection with medical imaging and diagnosis; advisory services in connection with prophylactic properties, therapeutic properties and pharmaceutical product diagnosis; medical information services; medical imaging services; medical diagnosis services; consultancy services in all the aforesaid fields; rental of medical systems. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70819 A (800) 1128501 (151) 2011 11 08 (891) 2012 10 15 (731) Comité International Olympique Château de Vidy, CH-1007 Lausanne, Switzerland (540) OLYMPIC (591) Black, white (511) 1 – Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; fertilizers; fire extinguishing compositions; tempering and soldering preparations; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; adhesives for industrial purposes; sensitized films, unexposed; synthetic resins; thermoplastic and thermosetting synthetic resins and organic compounds for molding, for general use in industrial processes; intermediate chemicals; organosilicon compounds, namely polysiloxanes and silanes in the form of resins, pastes, fluids, elastomers, vulcanization and acceleration products; anti-foaming agents; catalysts for paints; chemicals for development and setting of x-ray films and other chemicals in connection with the development of said films; phosphorrescent substances; chemical substances used as nuclear fission materials; fuel for nuclear reactors; fused quartz in various forms, such as disks, ingots, rods and tubes for general use in industrial processes; adhesive materials for use in industry; polycrystalline alumina ceramic for general use in industrial processes; brazing and soldering fluxes and products; thermoplastic and thermosetting adhesives; chemicals, biochemicals and reagents for use in industry, science and research; chemical reagents, kits and products for analysis or diagnosis for scientific purposes, namely chemicals for cell culture and separation, purification of nucleic acid, nucleotides, florescent nucleotides, oligonucleotides, peptides, proteins, amino acids, organic molecules and markers for DNA/RNA synthesis; luminescence reagents; reagents for gene expression quantifying; reagents for polymerase chain reaction processes; reagents for rolling circle amplification processes; reagents for DNA cloning and vectors, enzymes for modification and restricttion; reagents for labeling, sequencing and fractal analysis of nucleic acids and proteins and customized synthesis; reagents for recombinant protein purification and expression; chromatography media; reagents for electrophoresis, biocomputing, spectrophotometry and fluorometry; radiochemical products for scientific research; reagents for scintillation proxymity assay; tests for high data rate analysis for producing medicines; reagents for high-resolution laser microscopy, fluoroscopic microscopy and confocal microscopy; specialized chemicals for use in indus- #3 2014 02 10 105 TRADEMARKS try, science and research; gases and gas mixtures for use in industry, science and research; chemical substances and products for manufacture of pharmaceutical products, diagnostic products and substances; chemical testing reagents, saline solution and paper coated with reagents, all for scientific use and for use in laboratories; fissile chemicals for scientific research; radioactive isotopes and elements for use in industry, science and research; radioactive sources and norms for radiographic technology; radioactive sources for non-destructive testing, purification and sterilization technology; radionuclides for scientific research; chemical compounds and chemicals for treatment of water supply systems, wastewater treatment systems, cooling water circuits, boiler water and steam generating systems, boiler condensate systems, liquid separation systems, systems for water purification and dehydration in aqueous systems, conditioning systems, gas purification systems, industrial process systems, fuel treatment systems, hydrocarbon and gas treatment systems, petrochemical systems and gas and oil treatment systems, pulp and paper making systems, metal and plastic coating systems, metal treating systems; chemicals, namely chemical additives for gasoline, additives for heating oil and additives for improving the efficiency of turbine engine fuel; bags with chemically treated granular materials for absorbing water to be placed in fuel tanks; testing kit comprising reagents for determining the presence of algae and active organic organisms in diesel; bacterial cultures and nutritive elements for treating sludge and wastewater; polymeric chemicals for dispersing particles in steam production equipment; chemicals and chemical compounds used as anti-fouling and demulsifying agents in operations for producing coke and metallurgy-derived products; chemicals, catalysts, plastic semi-processed goods used as materials, filters for removing acid gases, untreated plastics, crystal whiskers and diamond gray; radiopharmaceuticals for scientific use and for research; polymeric membrane materials for liquid separation. 2 – Paints, varnishes, lacquers; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood; colorants; mordants; raw natural resins; metals in foil and powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists; corrosion inhibitors in the form of a coating for use in the metal finishing industry, namely an acid aqueous product for final rinsing; corrosion inhibitors in the form of a coating for cooling water circuits; corrosion inhibitors in the form of a coating, namely resinous coatings for masonry and metal surfaces; covering materials, etching liquids; toner cartridges for printers; ink cartridges for printers; toners, toners for copiers, toners for facsimile machines. 3 – Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, degreasing and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, 106 cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices; cleaning preparations containing chemicals and chemical compounds for cleaning steel, aluminum, mixed and galvanized metal surfaces for general industrial use for manufacturing goods of metal; cleaning agents containing chemicals and chemical compounds for industrial use for removing contaminants in industrial process systems; paint stripping preparations containing chemicals and chemical compounds for removing paint from equipment surfaces in spray-painting booth operations. 4 – Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuels (including motor spirit) and illuminants; candles and wicks for lighting. 5 – Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for dental fillings and dental impressions; disinfectants; pesticides; fungicides, herbicides; pharmaceutical preparations for diagnosis; veterinary pharmaceutical preparations for diagnosis; veterinary and pharmaceutical substances for medical use; diagnostic preparations and reagents for medical use; diagnostic substances for medical use; contrasting substances for medical imaging; scanning diagnostic reagents for use in vivo; diagnostic imaging agents for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); radiopharmaceuticals for medical and clinical use; radiopharmaceutical sources and norms for nuclear medicine; radioactive pharmaceuticals and non-radioactive reagents for producing radiopharmaceuticals for in-vivo diagnosis or for therapeutic use; gases and mixtures for medical imaging; pre-filled bottles containing reagents for medical diagnosis; pre-filled cartridges containing chemical solutions for medical use; prefilled cylinders containing gases and gas mixtures for medical use; implantable radiotherapy devices consisting of radio-isotope brachytherapy sources in capsules; radiotherapy administration system consisting of radioactive pellets and of a bioabsorbable carrier set. 6 – Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; transportable buildings of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery and small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; goods of common metal, not included in other classes; ores; locks of metal; metal security casings, namely key cabinets, security key storage tubes and boxes; sealed post boxes of metal for industrial, residential, real estate and vehicle sales; metal key cabinets for key locking, search and storage; metal safes for keys; metals and alloys in unworked, liquid, sintered, pressed, machined, sheet, wire, pellet, rod, band and cast form; chains for keys; trolley wires for wiring, doors of metal, barriers of metal, #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS electric garage doors, acid-resistant high-polymer coatings, sheet steel, steel panels for office floors, welding wires; small hardware of metal; small goods of metal; soundproofed sheets and plates of metal. 7 – Machines and machine tools; motors and engines (other than for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (other than for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than hand-operated; incubators for eggs; apparatus, equipment and instruments for electricity production, namely electrical and wind energy generators generating electricity; turbines; turbines for energy production; wind turbines for energy production; wind turbines linked to wind farms, turbine-powered production installations, namely installations for electricity production; power-generating engines; and parts and components of all the aforesaid goods; solar energy electricity generators; machines and systems of machines, including parts and accessories for electricity production, transformation and conversion; dynamos, electric motors of all kinds, steam and gas turbines and their parts, electrical generators and their parts, aircraft engines, compressors; laundry washing machines, dishwashers, grinders and compactors of waste; pumps, namely centrifugal pumps, diaphragm pumps, bellows pumps, pumps and transfer pumps; liquid control devices, namely valves, regulators, actuators, ejectors, liquid separation cartridges and their parts, including semi-permeable diaphragms; filtering cartridges for various industrial machines for filtering applications, including for filtering of coating solutions for manufacturing of magnetic tapes and for filtering of petrochemicals, drinking water, beer in the brewing industry and other special chemicals; machines for supplying and applying chemicals for industrial use; axial-flow and radialflow compressors; piston compressors; screw and sliding-vane compressors; rotary, vacuum, electric, submerged and centrifugal pumps; turbo-expanders, namely, air and electric compressors; CNG refueling machines for land vehicles and industrial equipment and accessories and parts of all the aforesaid goods, namely pumps, valves, fuel filters, filter housings, distributor rotors, blades, bearings and mechanical joints; steam condensers; boat engines; turbo-compressors for engines; fuel injectors; welding machines, industrial robots, machines for insertion of electronic components, dry etching machines, electric micro-discharge machines, systems for production of optical discs, precision connection equipment, treatment machines for printed wiring panels, welding rods, machines for assembling parts, brazing machines, machines for fixing screws, electrical tools; electric motors, electric generators; elevators (lifts); washing and drying machines, electric washing machines, electric dishwashers; compressors (non-surgical); pumps, electric pumps; mixing, cutting and chopping machines, mixing machines, electric centrifuges, electric food processors, electric meat grinders, electric can openers, electric knife sharpeners, electric coffee grinders, electric ice crushers, electric waste-processing machines; garden tools, electric lawnmowers, garden vaporizers for disinfectants and insecticides; electric apparatus for cleaning, electric vacuum cleaners, electric floor polishers; electric window washers; electric hand tools and implements; plasma, gas or arc-cutting machines for cutting metal; mixers, centrifuges, hand-held mixers, food processors. 9 – Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproducetion of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire extinguishing apparatus; protective helmets for sports; spectacles, sunglasses, goggles for sports; computer software, computer game software; fuel pumps for service stations for aircraft engine refueling; fuel distribution equipment, namely calibrated fuel pumps, electric fuellevel gauges, control valves for regulating gas flow and fuel lines; automated systems for service-station management comprising operating software, calibrated fuel pumps, flow control panels, fuel lines and pump nozzles for refueling of land vehicles, marine vehicles and aircraft; gas meters; on-board and roadside signaling and communication systems, train inspection systems, crossing notification systems, apparatus for electric control of switching; GPS tracking and monitoring systems for the railway and transit industries; electrical distribution products and devices, namely capacitors, circuit breakers, circuitbreaker patch boards, circuit closers, contact breakers, commutators, contactors, current rectifiers, current limiters, electric contacts, electric collectors, electric conductors, electric connectors, electric controllers, electric inductors, electric power supply systems, distribution boards and branch boxes (electricity), electrical distribution consoles, electrical switchboards and switchboxes; software for persons in charge of troubleshooting and maintenance of programmable controllers, software for blood vessel analysis, including heart vessel analysis, also with calculation functions with regard to blood vessels, software for medical patient-monitoring equipment, software for receiving, processing, transmitting and displaying data, software for developing customized programs for asset allocation; software for use on line enabling vendors of office equipment to place orders, to manage portfolios and communicate with the company; software for accessing mortgage and insurance information, software for collecting data #3 2014 02 10 107 TRADEMARKS concerning vital signs, software for analyzing electrical systems and electronic instruction manuals sold in the form of sets, software for employees of financial institutions used for assessing customers' financial investments and processing the sale of the investments identified, software for obtaining information on the risk of flooding with regard to real property, software for developing graphic user interfaces and displaying data, software for calculating mortgage payments, software for controlling and managing vehicle fleet maintenance services, software for using and accessing commercial information technology services, software used by clients to obtain information regarding lease portfolios, software for a radiology information system for radiologists and radiology departments, software for managing databases containing information on employees and patients for archiving purposes and patient follow-up, software installed on and used with PCs and medical monitoring equipment for graphic user interfaces, software for sending encrypted and compressed data to radio-paging (transport) systems, software for providing access to web sites so that buyers and sellers can carry out business transactions by electronic means, and software for subterranean navigation, namely navigation of the assembly of a depth probe for oil drilling and drilling assemblies so as to set up subterranean installations; electronic, nuclear, industrial and laboratory instruments and apparatus, for testing, measuring, calculating and monitoring; electrical products, electricity production and distribution products and voltage surge protection products, namely lightning conductors, armored rods; capacitors; switches for lighting; input/output devices and controls; fuses; controls for lighting; switch boxes, DELs, namely light-emitting diodes, electrical voltage regulators, voltage surge protectors, voltage surge limiters, voltmeters, electrical circuit boards, relays and timers, electromagnetic switches and limit switches, manual full-voltage starters, reduced-voltage starters, electric disconnecting switches and switches, splitters for circuit boards and short-cycling panels, circuit breakers and disconnecting switches, transformers, electric circuit and electric lighting boards, electric wires, cables, cords and conductors, electric wiring and accessories, lightning conductors, electricity meters, wattmeters, grounding resistances, humidity and temperature sensors; industrial calibration sensors, push buttons, engine and motor control centers and their electric controls and voltage regulators included in this class; computer programs and software for medical use, industrial use and for research; electrophoresis apparatus; chromatography columns and pumps; apparatus for microfabrication; apparatus for bio-informatics systems; scintillation apparatus; imaging apparatus for luminescent and radioactive emissions; integrated purification and synthesis systems; oligonucleotide-producing apparatus; optical 108 laser systems for digital imaging; glassware for laboratories; vials and micro-vials; microtiter plates; software for managing hospital operating rooms; software for intensive care information management; software for industrial operation control; software and manuals therefor sold in the form of sets for plant management; graphic interface computer programs for controlling machines in industrial automation applications; software for creating graphic presentations and editing dynamic data interfaces for real-time graphic applications for industrial and commercial use; communication software for providing connections among computer network users; software for injection molding of plastic; software for controlling, monitoring, simulating, communicating, recording and collecting data and for plant automation; software for integration of manufacturing machine operations, process control, supply of data for displaying, problem follow-up and production report generation; software packages for operating and programming grinders in the manufacture industry; computer hardware for monitoring Industrial processes, namely computerized monitors; portable computers, Ethernet cards and cables; computer networking hardware, memory boards; microchips; microprocessors; computer network hubs, switches and routers, computer accessories, displaying devices and terminals; computer whiteboards; processors and system cards; call controllers, operator interfaces, reference interfaces and data collectors; applications for manufacture and control, namely for statistical process control, data collection, direct digital control; document management systems; digital signal processing products and systems, namely, industrial automation controls and programmable logic controllers; adaptive control product in the form of an external controller for optimizing rough and semi-rough cutting performance of machine tools; distributed and remote input/output equipment, input/output modules, interface modules, electricity supplies and assembly equipment; antitheft and burglar alarm systems; security devices, namely logic programming computers, control panels, electronic burglar detectors, electronic glassbreakage detectors, electronic vibration detectors, magnetic contacts for security systems, electronic switch plates, electronic motion detectors for alarm systems, electronic motion-sensitive switches, fixed connection sirens, audio loudspeakers, electronic navigation systems, alarm monitoring and access control systems; fire, smoke and heat alarms and detectors; systems for access control with computer cards; card readers, card encoders and encoded cards for card-operated access control systems; camcorders; video devices for object recognition; video devices for object following; video devices for reading license plates; video devices for checking alarms; video devices for facial recognition; video devices for vehicle recognition; video devices for traffic de- #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS tection; video devices for access door control; video devices for burglar detection; processing software or hardware used for analyzing digital video images for extracting, recording and reporting information automatically, and remote video surveillance systems for surveillance and security applications; central video monitors; video recorders; apparatus for shooting and filming; closed-circuit video systems; closedcircuit video systems consisting of one or several cameras and camera housings; wireless, short-range and radiofrequency transceivers; transceivers for electrical lines; communication monitoring equipment for operating closed-circuit cameras; communication monitoring equipment, namely numeric-pad controls, matrix switching devices, multiplexers, digital video recorders, integrated swinging panoramic zoom domes, remote video controllers, receivers, electronic alarms, triggers and management controls and video transmission devices sold separately or as parts of a closed-circuit camera operating system; personal digital assistants (PDAs) configured for use by real estate professionals; communication interfacing devices for personal digital assistants (PDAs); fiber-optic transmission systems, namely fiber-optic transmitters, receivers and transceivers for transmitssion of video signals, audio signals and data via optical fibers; electric switches; electromechanical locking devices; magnetic cards for locks, access control, presence control, alarms and security systems; electronic keys; portable electronic hardware for reception, control, storage, handling, display and transmission of data and for actuating electronic locks; electronic access cards and their readers and encoders; magnetic access cards and their readers and encoders; memory access cards and their readers and encoders; proximity cards and their readers and encoders; key holders and their readers and encoders; barcode access cards and their readers, encoders and laminators; access keypads; radiofrequency tracking devices; tracking and control systems consisting of one or several detectors, transceivers and radio-frequency beacons for determining and checking the location and movements of assets, stocks and people; infrared sensors; computer hardware and software for managing infrastructures and monitoring systems for accessing infrastructures and components thereof, namely control boards, access card readers and video imaging, video surveillance, digital hard disk recording, network transmission and remote access equipment and systems; networked digital video storage servers, applications for surveillance and access control, alarm and security monitoring, computer hardware and software for monitoring and operating access and security systems comprising locking systems, doors, access and identification devices; and security cases in the form of boxes for keys; surveillance and monitoring systems sold separately or as components or in the form of sets such as systems comprising one or several surveillance cameras, hidden cameras, closed-circuit television cameras, camera casings, camera stands, lenses, video monitors, video recorders, digital recorders, video recording media, video switches, control panels, numerical pad controls, joysticks, interface apparatus for alarms and access control equipment, transceivers, receivers, transmitters, signal processors, multiplexers, matrix switches, controls, control panel casings, switch housings, transformers, switches, splitters, coaxial cables, connectors, motion detectors, microphones and loudspeakers; user interface software and control software for management of access, security and fire-extinguishing systems; electric locks; portable electronic communication and computer equipment for data reception, control, storage, handling, display and transmission for operating electronic locking devices; electronic key holders, readers and encoders; computer hardware and software for data processing; electric power supplies, namely batteries, rectifiers/regulators of current/voltage and transformers; control panels, namely electronic apparatus designed for electronically monitoring a predefined activity and for activating an anti-theft alarm; loudspeakers for sirens; and electronic siren controls, namely ringer tone generators and amplifiers for sirens; software for controlling communication equipment for operating and controlling closed-circuit cameras; switching devices integrating magnetically triggered blade switches for anti-theft alarm systems and fire alarm systems, in industrial tracking apparatus, revolution counters, security lock systems for equipment cabinets, industrial position-monitoring apparatus, electric cables and pump and valve monitoring apparatus and home security alarm systems; electric and electronic checking apparatus for detecting the presence of certain substances on people, in luggage and freight; electric and electronic checking apparatus for detecting the presence of explosives and/or narcotics on people, in luggage and freight; apparatus for detecting the presence of explosives and other contraband; timers or sensitive apparatus for detecting changes in conditions for launching and monitoring regeneration or washing cycles for waster treatment equipment; control valves for water treating and filtering equipment; bioreactors for cell culture; portable analysis instruments, namely a probe with a recorder for data conversion equipped with microprocessors for measuring organic and inorganic products in water; filters and filter housings for laboratories; membrane filters for laboratories; silt density measuring devices; deionization devices for laboratories, filters and filter housings for laboratories; liquid separating apparatus for laboratories; membranes for laboratories; liquid flow control devices, namely pumps, valves, flowmeters and regulators for laboratories; ozone monitoring instruments; laboratory equipment, namely porous titration microplates for cellular biology and other app- #3 2014 02 10 109 TRADEMARKS lications in life sciences; electronic controls for water treatment and processes, namely apparatus for treatment of industrial and commercial water supply systems, boiler water systems, water cooling systems, cooling water systems and closed water-supply systems, systems for paper and pulp treatment, fuel treatment systems and metal treatment systems for analyzing system chemistry, determining the right treatment program, applying the desired treatment and monitoring treatment efficacy; data management software in the field of paper, pulp and water treatment; electronic controls for data processing in the field of paper, pulp and water treatment; apparatus for industrial water-supply systems for measuring and checking pH and conductivity; apparatus for supplying an industrial, commercial or municipal water supply system with measured quantities of chemicals; electronic testing apparatus for water treatment; laboratory testing equipment, namely apparatus for testing deposit levels and corrosion speed; mobile laboratory equipped with instruments and equipment for measuring and monitoring pH, conductivity and concentration of chromate in domestic and industrial water, for carrying out inorganic and microbiological water testing; electronic and electrochemical products, namely fuel cells; apparatus for converting photo-electric radiation to electrical energy, namely, photovoltaic solar modules, hybrid photovoltaic solar modules, electronic sensors for measuring solar radiation, photo-cells; apparatus for converting electronic radiation to electric energy, namely photovoltaic solar modules, systems and components and all related system components; printers, laser printers, ink-jet printers, multi-function and multi-purpose printers, parts of all the aforesaid goods; portable electronic devices for wireless reception and/or transmission of data, enabling users to store or manage personal information and to transmit and receive voice, video and image communications; software for synchronization of data between a remote unit or station and a fixed unit or station, and software providing a one-way and/or two-way wireless connection to data; portable digital electronic apparatus and related software; portable electronic devices for wireless data reception and/or transmission; software for re-orientation of messages, electronic mail and/or other data from a personal computer or a server towards one or several portable electronic devices; computer programs and software for wireless device operation and management; telecommunication devices; software for accessing, researching, indexing and recovering information and data from global computer networks and global communication networks, and for navigation on web sites in the aforesaid networks; software for sending and receiving short messages and electronic mail and for filtering non-text information from data; portable electronic devices for voice, video, data and image communications; computer game soft- 110 ware for mobile telephone receivers; electronic game software for mobile telephone receivers; software, software packages; batteries, dry cells and batteries, rechargeable batteries, battery chargers, storage batteries, solar cells and batteries, fuel cells; carbon, carbon electrodes for dry batteries, carbon electrodes for welding; wiring apparatus, connectors (electric), electric cables, electric ducts, floor ducts specially designed for housing electric cables, ballast (for discharge lamps), wiring systems under carpets, code lighting switches, circuit breakers, magnetic starter switches and contactors, circuit protectors, switching devices, electric connecting boxes, device switches, output jacks, plugs (electric), insulating materials, electric timers, other wiring devices; signaling apparatus and instruments, video intercoms, intercom systems, electric door chimes, intercoms, fire alarms, gas-leak alarms, anti-theft alarms, portable emergency intercoms; acoustic machines and apparatus, radios, tape recorders/players, radio cassette recorders, portable tape players, compact disc recorders/players, minidisc recorders/players, minidisc consoles, DVD audio recorders/players, secured digital recorders/players, secured digital cards, loudspeakers, tuners, amplifiers, stereo systems, disc readers, graphic equalizers, alarm clocks, integrated circuit recorders, digital audio processing devices, earphones, headphones, microphones, cassette recorders/players, software for compact discs (prerecorded), electric megaphones, language laboratories, audio systems for cars, public address systems, mixing consoles, cleaning products for audio equipment, audio cables, video cables, other audio machines; audiovisual machines and apparatus, television sets, cathode ray tube display devices, cathode ray tubes, image pick-up tubes, plasma television sets, plasma display devices, television sets (liquid crystal display), liquid crystal display monitors, television sets combined with video tape recorders, television sets combined with disc players, antennas, tuners for satellite broadcasting, television tuners, Internet terminals, video projecttors, video cassette recorders, camcorders, video cameras, video printers, laser disc players, video CD (compact disc) players, software for video CD (compact disc), video recorders/players for DVDs, color video systems for large-scale display, cable television systems, hard disk units, video imaging devices, electric optical display boards, multi-purpose electric display systems, closed-circuit video equipment systems, software for DVDs, television cameras, video switches, non-linear editing systems, editing controllers, DVD creation systems, LED displays, other audiovisual machines; optical disc machines and apparatus; optical disc units, optical disc recorders, optical disc readers, optical disc changers, optical disc cartridges, optical disc recording systems; communication apparatus and machines, facsimile transceivers, transceivers, telephones, cellular #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS mobile telephones, cases for cellular mobile telephones, telephone answering machines, private autoswitch systems, global positioning system receivers, radiotelephones, marine radars, radio-paging receivers, mobile communication systems, multi-channel access radio systems, electric panels for traffic information, videoconferencing systems, private portable telephone systems, local network systems, AV codecs (coder-decoders), navigation systems for cars (road guidance systems), electronic systems for road toll collection, GPS (global positioning system) antennas; surveillance (monitoring) apparatus and instruments, electric door opening devices, communication and surveillance systems for apartment structures, intruder detection systems, automated systems for surveillance and control of functions in buildings, security apparatus with several electrical layers; automatic control machines and instruments, electric distribution boards, road signal control apparatus, bus placement systems, ultrasound vehicle detectors, information and telecommunication networks for road traffic management, light dimmers, light switches, inverters, programmable control systems, transformers, cabinets, domestic electricity production systems, power capacitors; data processing equipment; computers and computer peripherals, word processors, software (recorded), image scanners for personal computers, printers, PC cards, computer keyboards, mice (data processing equipment), CD-ROM units, diskette units, card reading/writing systems, barcode readers, time recorders, portable data terminals, point-of-sale systems, data collection terminals, personal digital assistants (PDAs), DVD-RAM/ROM units, CAD/CAM (computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing) systems, hard disk units, electronic calculators, uninterruptible power supplies for computers / communication / broadcasting; external storage devices, video cassettes, cleaning heads, D-VHS (video systems for household use), other computer peripherals; video tapes, audio cassettes, diskettes, optical discs, mini-discs, DVDs (digital versatile discs), integrated circuit memory cards; weighing and measuring apparatus and instruments, thermoluminescent dosimetry systems, portable x-ray dosimeters, electronic meters, ammeters, electricity consumption meters, grip measuring devices, electric apparatus for measuring leakance, electric insulation meters, thermometers, measuring system processors, electric multi-circuit sector voltage monitors, micro-precision measuring devices, body fat monitors, pacers, audio/video analyzers, oscilloscopes, modulators, voltmeters, distortion meters, other measuring apparatus; sensors, light-sensitive sensors, thermometric sensors, position sensors, angular velocity sensors, rotation sensors, angle sensors, dew point sensors, other sensors; electric components, LEDs, liquid crystals, liquid crystal display modules, magnetrons, diodes, transistors, thermostats, integrated circuits, semi-conductor storage devices, micro-computers with a single chip, cartridges for microphones with electric capacitor, gray-scale image processors, thermal print heads, magnetic heads, permanent magnets, connectors, relays, display components, semi-conductor lasers, charge coupling devices, image detectors, film capacitors, over-oxygenation membrane units, electric tuner units, high-frequency units, coin validation units, note validation units, magnetic card reading/writing devices, voltage-controlled oscillators, phase-locking circuit synthesizing modules, wireless communication module units, optical transmission components, printed wiring boards, loudspeaker components, electricity supplies, AC adaptors, focusing magnets, inductors (coils), capacitors for electric apparatus, electric signal filters, transformers, deflection coils, thermistors, varistors, piezoelectric ceramic components, acoustic-optical components, resistances, potentiometers, encoders, printing units, hybrid integrated circuits, switching components, heat-welding wiring boards, transparent button boards, electroluminescent components, remote control units, magnetic resistance elements, thermal disconnects, other electric utensils for household use, electric flat irons, electric hair curlers, electric hair straightening or curling irons; electric arc-welding apparatus, welding electrodes, electric timers; equipment for processing data, particularly for financial applications; operating system programs; computer hardware and software, particularly for local and wide-range computer network development, maintenance and use; systems for reading memory cards and systems for reading stored data including integrated circuit memories and bank card memories; automatic ticket dispensers; accounting machines; encoded cards, including magnetic cards and integrated circuit cards, particularly for financial applications; card readers, printing apparatus, including printing apparatus for data processing systems and financial transaction systems; machines for banking institutions; encoders and decoders; modems; encoded magnetic cards, cards with electronic data, readers for encoded magnetic cards, readers for cards with electronic data, electronic encryption systems, computer hardware, computer terminals, software used in financial services, in the banking and telecommunication industries; electric and electronic products, namely calculating machines, pocket planners, alarms and torches; bank cards, including printed bank cards and bank cards with magnetic memory and with integrated circuit memory; bank cards, credit cards, debit cards, including such cards equipped with integrated circuits and microprocessors; memory cards (smart cards); automated teller machines (ATMs); data processing equipment and computers including cards equipped with microprocessors and integrated circuits; computer hardware in the form of integrated circuit cards and #3 2014 02 10 111 TRADEMARKS card readers containing transponders and other proximity payment devices; mouse pads; machines and machine systems, including parts and accessories for transmission, distribution and control of electricity; induction devices, electrical displacement devices, electricity control and regulation devices, electricity measuring instruments, electrical protecttion devices, switchboards, switchboard apparatus, wiring devices and supplies; liquid control devices, namely, flowmeters, manostats, sequential timers, electric controls and switches; electric devices for killing insects, audio amplifiers for keyboards, external memories for musical instruments; electrothermal hair curling apparatus, electric hair straighttening or curling irons, electric hair curlers; systems for managing data and preserving archives in the field of anesthesia. 10 – Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopedic articles; suture materials; test kits for clinical medical use comprising test tubes, test plates and indicator diagrams for evaluating test results; systems comprising medical apparatus and accessories for administering measured doses of pharmaceutical preparations; bottles for medical use; cannulas for medical use; syringes for medical use; injectors for medical use; cartridges for medical use; infusion pumps used for administering liquids intravenously; needles for medical use; cardiac output monitors; humidity and heat exchangers for medical use; bacterial filters for medical use; gas analyzers for medical use; patient monitoring systems, namely gas monitors; pulse oximeters, multi-parameter monitors, ECG monitors, invasive and non-invasive blood pressure monitors, neuromuscular transmission monitors, metabolic monitors and spirometers for diagnostic, intensive care and anesthesia applications; anesthetic machines and ventilators; anesthesia and intensive care accessories for a single patient, namely gas sampling lines, airway adapters, respiratory circuits, spirometry tubes and sensors, tubes, water separators, pulse oximetry sensors, noninvasive sphygmomanometers, rinsing sets, anesthesia masks, carbon dioxide absorbers, temperaturesensing probes and nebulizers; central nervous system monitors; gastric tonometers; gradient coils, namely magnetic gradient coils for magnetic resonance imaging; medical diagnosis devices, namely bone densitometers; fetal monitoring apparatus, namely fetal pulse and vital sign monitors; patient monitoring apparatus, namely, vital sign and cardiac monitors, medical imaging systems, namely ultrasound imaging machines for medical diagnosis, imaging devices for diagnostic and screening applications for planning operations and surgery, and their parts and accessories; medical diagnosis apparatus for displaying diagnostic images, namely spot film apparatus, image intensifiers, fluoroscopes, mobile x-ray devices, x-ray film viewers, CAT 112 scans, nuclear resonance apparatus, ultrasound scanners, magnetic resonance apparatus, positron emission tomography apparatus (PET scans) and their parts and accessories, including tables and pads; electronic apparatus for measuring blood pressure, laser apparatus for medical treatment, ultrasound diagnosis equipment, acoustic apparatus, laser scalpels, electric massaging apparatus, portable vibrators for medical use, low-frequency muscle stimulators for medical use, high-frequency apparatus for medical use, electric air mattresses for preventing bedsores, electric inhalers for therapeutic use, electrically heated pads, CCD (charge-coupled device) sensor systems, medical apparatus for measuring bone density. 11 – Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes; solar panels, panels for capturing solar energy; solar lighting accessories, namely lighting units and solar light fixtures for indoor and outdoor use; solar-thermal installations, namely solar-thermal modules; solar water heaters; gas and electric cooking apparatus for household use, namely gas and electric cookers, cooking rings; gas and electric cooktops and ovens; heat exchangers; thick-wall chemical reactors and nuclear reactors and accessories and components thereof, namely, heat pumps, valves for steam systems and valves for regulating liquid and gas flow; electric lamps of all kinds and their parts; electric lighting accessories and their parts; freezers, air-conditioning apparatus, electric ovens, cookers, electric refrigerators; microwave ovens for cooking; wall-mounted cooking ovens for household use; food heating drawers; convection ovens, gas and electric cooktops; gas and electric cookers and cooking ovens; ventilation hoods for stoves and exhaust fans; water filters; water softeners; laundry driers; electric fans, ceiling fans, flashlights; vehicle lamps and lights; electric lights for Christmas trees; liquid separation devices; liquid concentration devices; liquid recycling devices; filters for filtering of solids from gas and liquids or for filtering of liquids from gas and for filtering of an immiscible liquid from another; spiral cartridges or elements contained in a tubular plastic sleeve for concentrating goods and removing impurities in liquid treatment systems; water conditioning devices for residential use; reverse osmosis modules and their membranes; devices and systems for water purifycation consisting of clarification units, electric deionization systems, condensate polishing filters, vacuum degassing devices, ultra-filtration devices, ultraviolet sterilization devices, ion exchangers, systems for regeneration of acids and caustic products, reverse osmosis systems, forced-air carbonate removal devices, filters, systems for supplying chemicals and devices for storage of bulk goods, sold with automatic controls and instruments #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS for monitoring device and system operation parameters, electrochemical purification devices for liquids for industrial, commercial and municipal use; water filtering devices for household, industrial and commercial use; wastewater purification units; drinking water purification devices for household, industrial and commercial use; liquid separating devices, namely industrial liquid filters; recycling devices, namely liquid purification devices; water treatment equipment, namely cartridges; water treatment equipment for household use, namely water softeners and water conditioners; support filters and depth filters for removing deposits, iron, sulfur, tastes and smells from water; reverse-osmosis water purification devices; depth filter units and cartridges for filtering liquids and air for household, industrial and commercial use; disposable cartridge filters for filtering industrial water; apparatus and installations for lighting, incandescent bulbs, gas discharge starters, grooved fluorescent lamps, fluorescent lamps, tungsten and halogen lamps, pocket lamps, fluorescent lanterns, other lamps, fluorescent lighting apparatus, dynamo lighting kits for bicycles, germicidal lamps, other lighting apparatus; cooking apparatus and installations, automatic bread-making machines for household use, electric kettles, electric rice cookers, gas rice cookers, crock pots, electric grills, cooking ovens, toasters, coffee machines, cookers, electric thermal-insulating coffee machines, gas cookers, induction cooktops, electric barbecue grills, microwave ovens, gas cookers with ovens, electric saucepans, sink trays, other kitchen ranges; freezing and refrigerating apparatus and installations, refrigerators, freezers, cold/hot water dispensers, refrigerating and freezing display cases, electric water coolers, ice-making apparatus; ventilation apparatus and instruments, electric fans, fans, electric air purifiers, extractor hoods for cookers, electric dehumidifiers, electric humidifiers, blowers, blinds propelling cold air, air exhaust units, ceiling fans, ceiling ventilators, electrostatic dust extractors, their parts and components, all included in this class; other ventilation apparatus and installations; heating apparatus and installations, apparatus for steam generating, drying, cooling and air conditioning, air conditioners, blade fans for air conditioning, apparatus for cooling air by evaporation, stoves, electric radiators, electric blankets, electric floor carpets, kerosene-powered fan heaters, electric foot warmers (kotatsu), wireless gas radiators, other heating/cooling and air-conditioning installations; water distribution apparatus; sanitary installations, electric bidets, toilets, self-cleaning toilet seats, portable toilets, systems for wastewater treatment by aeration, water purifiers, incinerators (waste incinerators), household waste processors, saunas, bathtubs, bath installations, electric showers; water heaters, gaspowered instantaneous water heaters, other water heaters; driers, dish driers, electric hair driers, laundry driers, other driers; electric lamps, electric driers, electric-resistance heating cables; sinks of metal; laundry driers. 12 – Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; electric motors and diesel engines for land vehicles; bicycles, tires and tubeless tires for bicycles, automatic vehicles, electric bicycles; tires. 14 – Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes, particularly commemorative medals and coins; jewelry, precious stones; pins; timepieces and chronometric instruments; key rings. 16 – Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter, particularly postage stamps; newspapers, periodicals, books, photographs and posters; bookbinding material; stationery; adhesives (glues) for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paintbrushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional or teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printing type; printing blocks; computer printouts; checkbooks, punched cards; electronic newspapers and periodicals; paper shredders, electric staplers, battery-powered letter openers, electric pencil sharpeners, electric perforators, electronic typewriters, ribbon cartridges for electronic typewriters, apparatus for printing checks, thermal paper; disposable paper or cellulose diaper-pants, diapers and napkins. 17 – Rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and goods made from these materials and not included in other classes; products made of semi-processed plastics; packing, stopping and insulating materials; flexible pipes not of metal; silicone mastic for various uses, particularly for caulking of bathtubs, boats and automobiles; impervious and road covering material made of silicone, roofing covering made of silicone rubber; plastic compounds for glazing; plastic materials in the form of sheets, plates, blocks, all for manufacture; electric insulation materials, electric insulation devices, including insulating varnish, silicone rubber compounds; plastic materials in the form of sheets, rods or plates, modeling materials. 18 – Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. 19 – Non-metallic building materials; rigid pipes, not of metal, for building; asphalt, pitch and bitumen; transportable buildings, not of metal; monuments, not of metal; thermoplastic building materials, namely thermoplastic molded and extruded #3 2014 02 10 113 TRADEMARKS materials used as substitutes for wood, metal or glass, for supporting or covering; doors (not of metal), rain gutters, ceiling panels, folding doors, wooden floors, roofing tiles, prefabricated houses, laminates, connecting tracks, steps (ladders) not of metal, building materials with soundproofing properties; non-metallic roofs, with solar cells; plastic panels for building; thermoplastic materials used as building materials for insulation, covering (roofing) and glazing; water pipes made of PVC (polyvinyl chloride). 25 – Clothing, footwear, headgear. 28 – Games, toys; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees; playing cards; electric floats for fishing, apparatus for tying fishing lines to hooks, electronic apparatus for practicing golf, wax applicators for skis; stationary exercise bicycles and rollers. 29 – Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats. 30 – Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, edible ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice for refreshment. 32 – Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic beverages; fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. 35 – Advertising; dissemination of advertisements by all media, particularly in the form of themed messages focused on human values; advertising by sponsorship (sponsoring); business management; business administration; office functions; promotion of the goods and services of others, by means of contractual agreements, particularly partnership (sponsorship) and licensing agreements, affording them with increased notoriety and/or enhanced image and/or sympathy derived from the notoriety and/or enhanced image resulting from cultural and sporting events, particularly international events and/or sympathy generated by the above; promotion of the goods and services of others by means of what is referred to as the initial interest factor driving the public to consider, from among many competitors, goods or services presented with signs, emblems or messages so as to capture its attention; promotion of the goods and services of others by means of the socalled image transfer; rental of advertising space of all type and on all media, whether digital or not; business administration of the participation of national teams to an international sports competition, 114 and promotion intended for the public and bodies interested in providing support to the aforesaid teams; inventory management services; advice relating to stock monitoring services; advertising by means of direct marketing for others consisting in marketing of databases; advice for advertising by means of direct marketing for others consisting in marketing of databases; advisory services in connection with business reorganization; automobile and truck fleet management services, namely billing via a global computer network; advice in connection with the management of automobile and truck fleets; business administration consultancy; management of power plants of others; advice regarding management of electric power plants; commercial services, namely administration of contracts for repair and servicing; supply chain management services and advice relating to the purchase and supply in terms of chemicals and chemical services; product inventory and supply services, limitation of costs; advice, marketing, analysis of prices and costs concerning devices for electrochemical purification of liquids for industrial use; administrative, commercial and technical management of computer files; data input and processing services; consultancy regarding information technology management; management of value-added data transmission networks and computer servers (multimedia systems, interactive videography, global computer networks for telecommunications); retail sale of electric and electronic machines and apparatus (grouping, for others, of a range of goods so as to enable customers to view and purchase said goods at their convenience in a retail store carrying electrical goods); information concerning the sale of raw materials; commercial information, commercial information agencies; rental of photocopiers; promotion of the sale of goods and services of others including by means of advertisements, promotional competitions, awarding of prizes and bonuses in the form of promotional lotteries, discounts, reduction tokens and value-added offers in connection with the use of payment cards; promotion of sporting events and competitions for use by others; promotion of concerts and of cultural events for others; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; provision of documentation, namely direct mail advertising, distribution of advertising material, distribution of samples; document reproduction; advertising concerning the promotion of commercial sales of goods and services for retail sale purposes; provision of information in connection with ecommerce and electronic retail sale; provision of information concerning the purchase of goods and services on line via the Internet and other computer networks; tourist documentation services, namely advertising concerning transport, travel, hotels, accommodation, food and meals, sports, entertain- #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS ment and sightseeing tours, tourist agency services; maintenance of computerized databases. 36 – Insurance underwriting; financial affairs; banking; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; credit card services; financing of sporting and cultural activeties; rental of buildings and accessory buildings set up for corporate entertainment events; private mark and equity financing services; financial analysis and consultation; financial services in connection with credit cards; credit card services, namely granting credit to others; financial asset management for others; insurance and reinsurance services, namely underwriting of all types of insurance; equity capital investment services; insurance underwriting services in the field of bonds; financial security underwriting services; personal loan financing; lending against collateral; acquisition financing services; commercial financing services; commercial real-estate agency services; mutual funds; loan and private capital investments; information, assistance and advice in all the aforesaid fields; lease-purchasing of mobile and modular structures; insurance brokerage services; credit agency services in the field of commercial and consumer credit; financing of real estate loans and financial and banking services; monetary operations particularly by means of bank cards or customer loyalty cards; financial clearing services; issuing of checks and letters of credit; financial services; insurance services; financial operations; bill payment services; debit card services; payment card services; pre-payment card services; electronic transactions by credit and debit card; electronic transfer of funds; electronic money and smart card services; provision of liquidities; payment and credit card services replacing cash payments; electronic capital transfer services; check verification; check cashing services; safe deposit system and automated teller services; payment processing services; authentication and verification of transactions; provision of financial information via a global computer network; financial sponsoring of festivals and concerts; financial services for purchasing goods and services sold in retail at points-of-sale for promotion purposes; information services in the field of tourism, namely financial information; financial services for tourist assistance purposes; leasepurchasing of telephones, facsimile machines and other telecommunication equipment; lease-purchasing of transport containers. 37 – Construction; repair; installation services; replacement, overhaul and maintenance of power plants, motors and engines, turbines, wind turbines and apparatus, equipment and instruments for energy and electricity production and their parts, components and accessories; installation, maintenance and repair of compressors and pumps, namely machines, turbo-expanders, fuel pumps and fuel distribution equipment, CNG refueling equipment, gas turbines, steam turbines, air-cooled heat exchangers, steam condensers, thick-wall reactors and tubular reactors; maintenance and repair of gas and oil pipelines; drilling and pumping of oil and gas; drilling for crude oil; installation of tubes and pipelines for drilling of oil wells; rental of tools for drilling oil and gas wells; remote monitoring, diagnosis, repair and maintenance for the repair and maintenance of airplane engines, turbines, electrical equipment, medical equipment, locomotives, including parts and accessories of all the aforesaid goods; rental of construction equipment; chemical cleaning of glasscoated reactor vats used in the pharmaceutical and chemical treatment industries; maintenance of heat transfer systems and of condensers; maintenance and repair of equipment with computerized cooling systems, repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, apparatus, instruments and machines; maintenance and repair in the gas and oil field; services relating to installation of point-of-sales terminals in stores; computer maintenance services; installation and repair of electrical appliances; repair of radio receivers and television receivers; repair and maintenance of electric apparatus and instruments for communication; repair and maintenance of electric household appliances; repair and maintenance of electric lighting apparatus; repair and maintenance of electric apparatus for distribution and control; repair and maintenance of electric motors; repair and maintenance of machines and instruments for measuring and/or testing; repair and maintenance of medical apparatus and instruments; repair and maintenance of machines and tools for shaping metals; repair and maintenance of cooking apparatus; repair and maintenance of automatic vending machines; repair and maintenance of water purification apparatus; repair and maintenance of musical instruments; repair and maintenance of watches and clocks; repair and maintenance of gasfired water heaters for household use; repair and maintenance of bathtubs; repair of toilets with water points; installation, maintenance and repair of computer hardware; repair and maintenance of airconditioning apparatus; installation, maintenance and repair of office equipment and apparatus; installation, maintenance and repair of machinery equipment; repair of vehicles; repair and maintenance of electric apparatus and instruments for communication; repair and maintenance of computers; repair and maintenance of electronic printers; repair of telephones; electricity works; telecommunication equipment; installation, maintenance and repair of compressors, pumps, namely, machines, turbo-expanders, fuel pumps and fuel distribution equipment, CNG refueling equipment, gas turbines, steam turbines, air-cooled heat exchangers, steam condensers, thick-wall reactors and tubular reactors; repair and maintenance of gas and oil wells. #3 2014 02 10 115 TRADEMARKS 38 – Telecommunications; television program broadcasting, broadcasting of televised programs (live or recorded); cellular telephone communication; communications by electronic computer terminals, by databases and by telecommunication networks connected to the Internet; communications by telex; communications by telegrams; communications by telephone; communications by facsimile machines; radio paging services; teleconferencing communications; television broadcasting; cable television broadcasting; radio broadcasting; news agencies; other message transmission services; dissemination of a commercial site on the Internet; radio and television broadcasting provided via the Internet; electronic mail; provision of access to computer information newsletters and to discussion forums on line; transmission of messages and images via computers; provision of access to services for ordering and buying at home and at the office via computer and/or interactive communication technologies; telecommunication of information (including Web pages), computer programs and all other data; electronic mail services; provision of access to the Internet for users; telecommunication connections to the Internet or to databases; provision of access to web sites for digital music on the Internet; provision of access to MP3 web sites on the Internet; rental of access time to a central database (telecommunications); provision of access to search engines; operation of discussion forums on the Internet; rental of access time to a database server; rental of access time to a computer database (telecommunication services); simultaneous broadcasting, particularly by means of electronic interconnections, of films and of sound and video recordings; wireless data messaging services, particularly services enabling a user to send and/or receive messages via a wireless data network; one-way and two-way messaging services; electronic transmission of data, images, documents and audio and video data, including texts, cards, letters, messages, mail, animations and electronic mail, via local or global communication networks, including the Internet, intranets, extranets, television, mobile communication networks, cellular networks and satellite networks; electronic transmission of software via local or global communication networks, including the Internet, intranets, extranets, television, mobile communication networks, cellular networks and satellite networks; provision of access to databases and to local or global communication networks, including the Internet, intranets, extranets, television, mobile communication, cellular and satellite networks; transmission and relay of messages, namely electronic transmission of messages; telecommunication services for dissemination of information by mobile telephone, namely, transmission of data to mobile telephones; communication by mobile telephone; transmission and reception of voice communication services; transmission 116 and reception on a value-added network; telecommunication services by telematic means and by multimedia networks; rental of access time to a database server center. 39 – Transport; packaging and storage of goods; arranging of tours; storage of media containing still and moving images ; distribution of oil or gas by pipelines; rental of automobiles, airplanes, selfpropelled and marine vehicles; delivery and storage of chemicals in the field of water treatment and of pulp and paper making systems; boat transport; vehicle reservation services; information services concerning travel; travel reservation services; assistance for planning of transport before travel; printing product distribution; transport ticket reservation; information services in the field of tourism, namely transport information; information services in the field of tourism, namely information on reservation of tickets for transport, travel and sightseeing tours; information services in the field of tourism, namely information on planned activities for sightseeing tours and transport; services in connection with transport for tourist assistance; tourist reservation services, namely ticket reservation services and transport reservation services; information relating to prices, timetables and means of transport; tourist assistance services concerning transport ticket, travel and sightseeing tour reservation; tourist assistance services concerning planned sightseeing tours; tourist reservation services, namely reservation of tickets for transport, travel and sightseeing tours; preparation of travel reports via a global computer network. 40 – Treatment of materials; cinematographic film development; photograph enlargement, photograph printing, photographic film development; rental of photographic machines and instruments for developping, printing, enlarging or finishing; processing of oil; processing of gas; refining of oil and gas; wastewater treatment services, water treatment services, namely desalination, purification, treatment, cleaning of ion-exchange resins; membrane regeneration services; operation of electric power plants of others; advice regarding operation of electric power plants; provision of information to others, on a global computer network, concerning industrial systems for water purification. 41 – Educational services; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities, televised sporting and cultural entertainment; organization of exhibitions for cultural and educational purposes; operating lotteries and competitions; betting and gambling services in connection with or relating to sports; entertainment services provided during sporting events or concerning sporting events; organization of sporting and cultural events and activities; organization of real or virtual sporting competitions; operation of sports facilities; rental of #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS audio and video equipment; production, presentation and distribution of films and of sound and video recordings; rental of sound and video recordings; rental and/or provision via a computer network of interactive entertainment and education products, namely interactive compact discs, CD-ROMs, computer games; entertainment, namely presentation of interactive entertainment and education products, namely interactive compact discs, CD-ROMs, computer games; covering televised and broadcast sporting events; production of television and radio programs and of videotapes; production of cartoons; production of cartoons for television; reservation of tickets for sporting events and shows; timing of sports events; organization of beauty contests; interactive entertainment; on-line betting services; provision of games on the Internet; provision of raffle services; information concerning entertainment or education, provided on line from a data bank or the Internet; electronic game services provided by means of the Internet; provision of electronic publications on line; publication of books, magazines, texts (other than publicity texts) and periodicals; publication of books, magazines, texts (other than publicity texts) and of electronic periodicals on line; provision of digital music from the Internet; provision of digital music from MP3 web sites; provision of sporting results; information services concerning sports and sporting events; rental of recorded sounds and images; audio production services; information services concerning sporting events provided on line from a computer database or the Internet; editing and publishing services; provision of digital music (non-downloadable); offering digital music by means of telecommunications; publication of statistics regarding sporting results and audience ratings for sporting competitions; training in the use and operation of systems for signaling and notification of crossings for the railway and transit industries; education services in the field of medical imaging and diagnosis, namely conducting of seminars, conferences, symposiums or workshops concerning the pharmaceutical industry, intended for medical doctors and employees of pharmaceutical companies; education services, namely conducting of seminars, conferences, symposiums or workshops in the field of life sciences and biotechnology for scientists and researchers; conducting of seminars on problems in connection with industrial water treatment; training services in all the aforesaid fields; training services in the field of management and medicine by means of the use of instructions and demonstrations provided on line, via the Internet, intranets and extranets; education services, namely conducting of practical training workshops, courses and seminars including demonstrations in the field of medicine and management; design, conducting and hosting of courses, seminars and all training activities in the field of information technology; organization and performance of concerts; booking of seats for shows; movie presentations; entertainment information; film production; show production; theater production services; operation of golf facilities; health club services (fitness training); sports camp services; presentation of live performances; film projections; organization of shows (impresario services); holiday camp services (entertainment); movie studios; news reporter services; provision of on-line electronic publications, not downloadable; music hall services; education services, namely conducting of courses, seminars, presentations, video presentations, provision of educational material, namely dissemination of material in the field of financial knowledge; education services in the field of tourism; information services in the field of tourism, namely information services regarding reservation of tickets for recreational events; information services in the field of tourism, namely information services regarding entertainment; information services in the field of tourism, namely information services regarding planned sporting, cultural and recreational activities; services in connection with entertainment for tourist assistance; tourist reservation services, namely activity and entertainment reservation services; assistance services for tourists concerning reservation of tickets for recreational events; assistance services for tourists concerning planned sporting, cultural and recreational activities. 42 – Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; carrying out laboratory analyses; design and development of computers and software; services relating to wind and wind energy, namely professional consultancy and engineering services; design for others in connection with wind energy; industrial design services; design of equipment and installations for generating energy, wind energy and electricity; engineering services, technical consultancy and research for the gas and oil industries; exploration services relating to oil and gas; geophysical drilling for the gas and oil industries; gas and oil field analysis; gas and oil prospecting, namely locating and testing of wells; gas and oil well testing; gas and oil pipeline inspection; remote monitoring and diagnosis services in connection with compressors, pumps, turbo-expanders, fuel pumps and fuel distribution equipment, CNG refueling equipment, gas turbines, steam turbines, air-cooled heat exchangers, steam condensers, thick-wall reactors and tubular reactors; information technology solution services in the field of railway and transit industries on a global scale; research, consultancy and assistance services in connection with engineering, design and development problems encountered by governments, individuals and companies whether industrial or commercial and by public institutions; computer programming servi- #3 2014 02 10 117 TRADEMARKS ces for others; software design and analysis services for others; information technology consultancy services; maintenance and updating of computer software for others; installation of computer software; design and analysis of computer systems for others; consultancy services relating to chemical research; consultancy services in connection with the discovery and evaluation of medicines and components with diagnostic, prophylactic and/or therapeutical properties; consultancy services concerning diagnostic methods by means of optical laser systems; tests for high data rate analysis for producing medicines; customer analysis and synthesis services; biotechnological services; technical assistance in connection with factory automation software, namely maintenance of software and periodical updating of software; customized design of security access systems; design and consultancy services relating to configuration of systems used in fiber-optic technology applications; technical assistance services, namely resolution of problems in connection with computer hardware, video and electronic communication and computer software; technical consultancy services relating to information technology and software in the field of security and access systems; technical consultancy services relating to surveillance cameras; customized design of security systems, access systems and systems for checking inventories and property for others; laboratory and testing services for liquid separation and membrane testing; engineering and consultancy services regarding water treatment, water supply systems, cooling water circuits, industrial boiler water systems, systems for water supply and industrial processes, industrial fuel treatment systems, pulp and paper making systems, systems for treating plastics and metals; engineering and technical assistance services concerning the design and configuration of systems comprising computer hardware and software for use in treatment of water supply systems and pulp and paper making systems, oil and petrochemical product treatment systems and metal and plastic finishing operations; consultancy services in all the aforesaid fields; chemical testing concerning supply of chemical treatment products via industrial water systems; programming for information processing machines, particularly programming services in the field of electronic money; development of computer programs for securing data transfers; industrial development and research services in the field of information technology; all technical consultancy in the field of information technology; development of computerized databases and computer programs; development of software concerning machines, apparatus and instruments; rental of data processing apparatus; computer engineering services; consultancy regarding computer programming and data processing, particularly in connection with financial transactions; hosting of 118 computer sites [Web sites]; maintenance of computer software; provision of search engines for the Internet; quality control; computer data recovery; research and development of new products (for others); technical project studies; surveying; updating of software; maintenance of software, engineering, testing and research concerning electric machines, apparatus and instruments, computer rental; recovery of data, images, documents and of audio and video data, including texts, cards, letters, messages, mail, animations and electronic mail, via global or local communication networks, including the Internet, intranets, extranets, television, mobile communication networks, cellular networks and satellite networks; identification and testing of microbiological organisms. 43 – Services for providing food and drink; cafeteria and restaurant services; hospitality services, namely providing food and drink; catering services; reservetion of hotels and temporary accommodation; bar services; coffee shops; rental of meeting rooms; tourist homes; providing information in the field of tourism, namely accommodation information; providing information in the field of tourism, namely information on provision of food and drink; accommodation information for tourist assistance; services in connection with providing food and drink for tourist assistance; reservation services for tourism, namely reservation of hotel rooms and of food and drink; information services in the field of tourism, namely information concerning the reservation of hotel rooms, accommodation, food and drink; assistance provided to tourists concerning the reservation of hotel rooms, accommodation, food and drink; tourist reservation services, namely reservetion of hotel rooms, accommodation, food and drink; rental of mobile and modular structures. 44 – Medical services; medical and pharmaceutical toxicological controls; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings and animals; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services; advisory services in connection with medical imaging and diagnosis; advisory services in connection with prophylactic properties, therapeutic properties and pharmaceutical product diagnosis; medical information services; medical imaging services; medical diagnosis services; consultancy services in all the aforesaid fields; rental of medical systems. _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2014 70823 A (800) 1134842 (151) 2012 09 11 (891) 2012 11 19 (731) CODISEM BP 2, F-82440 CAYRAC, France (540) (260) AM 2014 70825 A (800) 1145039 (151) 2012 08 07 (891) 2012 12 19 (731) ARÇELİK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ E5 Ankara Asfaltı Üzeri, TR-34950 Tuzla, İstanbul, Turkey (540) smart generation (591) Green, yellow, red, black and orange (511) 1 – Seeds for large-scale farming, namely corn, sunflower, rapeseed. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 70824 A (800) 1135976 (151) 2012 08 21 (891) 2012 12 26 (731) Carlsberg Breweries A/S Ny Carlsberg Vej 100, DK-1799 Copenhagen V, Denmark (540) (591) Green, black, white and grey (511) 32 – Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. 33 – Alcoholic beverages (except beers). 43 – Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation. _________________________________________ (591) Black, white (511) 7 – Machines and industrial robots use for processsing of wood, metal, glass and plastics, machine tools (including galvanizing machines and electrolyzing machines); working machines and robotic mechanisms having same functions; lifting, carrying and transferring machines, robotic mechanism having same functions (including elevators, moving stairs, winches); machines and robotic mechanisms use for agricultural and stockbreeding purpose and processing of cereals, fruits, vegetables and foods; motors and machines other than those for land vehicles; electrical motors and parts (including parts used for land vehicles, included in this class); electric doors closers and openers; bearings, ball and roller bearings; wheel removing and mounting machines; alternators, generators, electricity generators, generators driven by solar energy; painting machines, automatic paint injection guns; electric staple machines and guns, electric adhesive guns, pressured air or liquid atomizers (guns) for machines; manual electric drillers; manual motor saws, cutting machines; spiral machines, pressured air producers, compressors, vehicle washing machine and robotic mechanism having same functions; welding machines, electric arc welding machines, electric soldering machines, electric arc cutting apparatus, electrodes for welding machines and robotic mechanism having same functions; printing machines; packaging machines, filling, plugging and closing machines; labeling machines, sorting machines and robots and robotic mechanism having same functions (including electrical apparatus for sealing plastics [packaging]); textile machines, sewing machines and industrial robots having same functions; pumps other than machine or motor parts (including fuel filling and dispensing pumps and atomizers); electric apparatus used in the kitchen for chopping, grinding, crushing, mixing and crumbling, washing machines (including laundry, dish washing machines, tumble drier for laundry use [not heated]), electrical cleaning machines use for floor, carpets and floor coverings, vacuum cleaners and their parts; automatic vending machines. 8 – Goods such as forks, spoons, knives, including those made of precious metals, non-electrical kitchen apparatus use for cutting, chopping and peeling purposes; hand-operated cutting tools and weapons; #3 2014 02 10 119 TRADEMARKS shaving depilatory, manicure, pedicure and beauty care apparatus and instruments for personal use in this class (including electric hair straighteners, electric hair curling irons, scissors); hand tools (handoperated) for repairing machines, instruments and vehicles, in the fields of construction, agriculture, horticulture and forestry; electric and non-electric steam irons. 9 – Apparatus and instruments used for measurement and estimation in the field of science and laboratory; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound and images (including apparatus, hardware, software and peripherals for data processing, communication and reproduction); magnetic data carriers recording discs; computer programs and software recorded on magnetic media and optical discs; electronic publications downloadable from the internet and also recorded magnetic media and optical discs; cards with magnetic/optical reader; antennas, satellite antennas, amplifiers and parts thereof; automatic ticket dispensers; automated cash machines; electronic machines and apparatus; counters for measuring the consumption of the unit of time; timers; protective clothing, lifesaving and protecting equipments, including ear plugs for divers; glasses, sun glasses, lenses and their boxes, cases, parts and accessories; apparatus and electrical materials for transmission, conversion, storage and control of electricity (including cables and power supplies use for electric and electronic apparatus, batteries, accumulators, anodes cathodes); alarm apparatus (except vehicle alarms); electrical bells; signaling apparatus; speed indicators use for traffic purposes; fire engines; fire-extinguishing apparatus and devices (including fire hoses and fire-extinguishing valves); radars; submarine radars (sonars); night vision goggles; magnets, decorative magnets. 11 – Lighting apparatus (lightening armatures for vehicles, for indoors and outdoors); apparatus for heating and steam producing installations (including solid, liquid and gas fuel and electric stoves, cook stoves); climatization and air-conditioning devices; cooling apparatus and freezers; electric and gas apparatus, machines and devices used for cooking, drying and boiling (including electric and heating tumble drier for laundry use); hair driers and hand drying machines; sanitary installations and apparatus; water softening apparatus, water purifying apparatus, water purifying installations, sewage purifying installations; electrically heated coverlets and quilts not for medical purposes; electrically heated pillows; electrically heated footmuffs; electric heating pads not for medical purposes; water filters and aquarium filters; industrial type cooking, drying and cooling installations; pasteurizing and sterilizing machines. 35 – Services relating to advertising, marketing and public relations (including the organization of exhi- 120 bitions and fairs for trade purposes); office services, business administration, management and consultancy services related with these matters; accounting services; import and export agency services; commercial or industrial management assistance; organization and arrangement of public auctions; bringing together for the benefits of others of variety of machines and industrial robots use for processing of wood, metal, glass and plastics, machine tools (including galvanizing machines and electrolyzing machines), working machines and robotic mechanisms having same functions, lifting, carrying and transferring machines, robotic mechanism having same functions (including elevators, moving stairs, winches), machines and robotic mechanisms use for agricultural and stockbreeding purpose and processing of cereals, fruits, vegetables and foods, motors and machines other than those for land vehicles, electrical motors and parts (including parts used for land vehicles), electric doors closers and openers, bearings, ball and roller bearings; wheel removing and mounting machines, alternators, generators, electricity generators, generators driven by solar energy, painting machines, automatic paint injection guns, electric staple machines and guns, electric adhesive guns, pressured air or liquid atomizers (guns) for machines, manual electric drillers, manual motor saws, cutting machines, spiral machines, pressured air producers, compressors, vehicle washing machine and robotic mechanism having same functions, welding machines, electric arc welding machines, electric soldering machines, electric arc cutting apparatus, electrodes for welding machines and robotic mechanism having same functions, printing machines, packaging machines, filling, plugging and closing machines, labeling machines, sorting machines and robots and robotic mechanism having same functions (including electrical apparatus for sealing plastics [packaging]), textile machines, sewing machines and industrial robots having same functions, pumps other than machine or motor parts (including fuel filling and dispensing pumps and atomizers), electric apparatus used in the kitchen for chopping, grinding, crushing, mixing and crumbling, washing machines (including laundry, dish washing machines, tumble drier for laundry use [not heated]), electrical cleaning machines use for floor, carpets and floor coverings, vacuum cleaners and their parts, automatic vending machines, goods such as forks, spoons, knives, including those made of precious metals, non-electrical kitchen apparatus use for cutting, chopping and peeling purposes, hand-operated cutting tools and weapons, shaving depilatory, manicure, pedicure and beauty care apparatus and instruments for personal use in this class (including electric hair straighteners, electric hair curling irons, scissors), hand tools (hand-operated) for repairing machines, instruments and vehicles, in the fields of cons- #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS truction, agriculture, horticulture and forestry, electric and non-electric steam irons, apparatus and instruments used for measurement and estimation in the field of science and laboratory, apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound and images (including apparatus, hardware, software and peripherals for data processing, communication and reproduction), magnetic data carriers recording discs, computer programs and software recorded on magnetic media and optical discs, electronic publiccations downloadable from the internet and also recorded magnetic media and optical discs, cards with magnetic/optical reader, antennas, satellite antennas, amplifiers and parts thereof, automatic ticket dispensers, automated cash machines, electronic machines and apparatus, counters for measuring the consumption of the unit of time, timers, protective clothing, lifesaving and protecting equipments, including ear plugs for divers, glasses, sun glasses, lenses and their boxes, cases, parts and accessories, apparatus and electrical materials for transmission, conversion, storage and control of electricity (including cables and power supplies use for electric and electronic apparatus, batteries, accumulators, anodes cathodes), alarm apparatus (except vehicle alarms), electrical bells, signaling apparatus, speed indicators use for traffic purposes, fire engines, fire-extinguishing apparatus and devices (including fire hoses and fire-extinguishing valves), radars, submarine radars (sonars), night vision goggles, magnets, decorative magnets, lighting apparatus (lightening armatures for vehicles, for indoors and outdoors), apparatus for heating and steam producing installations (including solid, liquid and gas fuel and electric stoves, cook stoves), climatization and air-conditioning devices, cooling apparatus and freezers, electric and gas apparatus, machines and devices used for cooking, drying and boiling (including electric and heating tumble drier for laundry use), hair driers and hand drying machines, sanitary installations and apparatus, water softening apparatus, water purifying apparatus, water purifying installations, sewage purifying installations, electrically heated coverlets and quilts not for medical purposes, electrically heated pillows, electrically heated footmuffs, electric heating pads not for medical purposes, water filters and aquarium filters, industrial type cooking, drying and cooling installations, pasteurizing and sterilizing machines. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71001 A (800) 1147177 (151) 2012 12 25 (731) ZHANG JIAN RU Room 601, No. 13, Fujin East Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China (540) (591) Black, white (511) 25 – Clothing; layettes [clothing]; clothing for gymnastics; waterproof clothing; shoes; hats; hosiery; leather belts [clothing]; scarfs; gloves [clothing]. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71002 A (800) 1147190 (151) 2012 07 25 (731) MITSUBISHI JIDOSHA KOGYO KABUSHIKI KAISHA 33-8, Shiba 5-chome, Minato-ku Tokyo 108-8410, Japan (540) (591) Black, white (511) 12 – Automobiles and their parts and fittings thereof included in this class, excluding tires. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71004 A (800) 1147209 (151) 2012 09 11 (731) LAKECLIFF HOLDINGS, INC. Akara Bld., 24 De Castro Street, Wickhams Cay 1, Road Town, Tortola Vritish, British Virgin Islands (540) (591) Black, white (511) 9 – Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproducetion of sound or images; magnetic data media, sound recording disks; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; high-frequency apparatus; electric monitoring apparatus; electric batteries; indicators [elec- #3 2014 02 10 121 TRADEMARKS tricity]; fiber-optic cables; calculating machines; darkroom lamps [photography]; flashlights [photography]; contact lenses; optical lenses; optical data media; objectives [lenses] [optics]; spectacle frames; mirrors [optics]; spectacles [optics]; sunglasses; sighting telescopes for firearms; luminous or mechanical signals; optical fibers [light conducting filaments]; anti-theft warning apparatus; readers [data processing equipment]; signal lanterns; cameras [photography]; photometers; optical lamps. 11 – Tanning apparatus; lamps for solariums; ultraviolet ray lamps not for medical purposes. 16 – Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter (printing products); bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); pens; albums; printed forms; pamphlets; booklets; signboards of paper or cardboard; calendars; books; boxes of cardboard or paper; plastic film for wrapping; prospectuses; labels, not of textile. 35 – Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; import-export agencies; commercial information agencies; demonstration of goods; marketing studies; business information; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; shop window dressing; auctioneering; sales promotion for others; distribution of samples; on-line advertising on a computer network; television advertising; compilation of information into computer databases; commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; administrative processing of puchase orders; procurement services for others [purchasing goods and services for other businesses]. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71006 A (800) 1147217 (151) 2012 10 12 (731) Joint-Stock Company "Tatchempharmpreparaty" 260 Belomorskaya Str., Kazan, The Republic of RU-420091 Tatarstan, Russian Federation (540) (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Drugs for medical purposes; materials for dressing wounds. 35 – Advertising; business management; business administration. _________________________________________ 122 (260) AM 2014 71007 A (800) 1147230 (151) 2012 10 23 (731) IMoSS AG Heinrich-Wild-Strasse, CH-9435 Heerbrugg, Switzerland (540) IMOSS (591) Black, white (511) 9 – Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; calculating machines, equipment for data processing and computers, software; measuring instruments; measuring apparatus; precision measuring apparatus; distance measuring apparatus; compasses [measuring instruments]; levelling staffs [surveying instruments]; surveying, testing or measuring machines and instruments; theodolites; surveyor's levels; leveling instruments; lasers, not for medical purposes; downloadable software; scanning software and image processing software; software [recorded programs]; computer software, firmware and hardware; satellite navigational apparatus; satellites for scientific purposes; software for use with satellite navigation systems or global positioning (GPS); optical lenses; optical goods; mirrors [optics], prisms [optics]; optical glass; objectives [lenses][optics]; display screens; data carriers; magnetic and optical data media; data storage devices; data storage apparatus; all of the aforementioned for use in the field of monitoring of structural behaviour, positioning and control of machines, geo-monitoring encompassing the disciplines of geotechnics, geodesy, geomatics, geoinformatics and geosciences. 37 – Repair; installation services; installation, maintenance and repair of measuring and testing apparatus and instruments; providing information relating to the maintenance of measuring and testing equipment; installation, maintenance and repair of measuring, signalling and monitoring apparatus and instruments; repair and maintenance of laser measuring apparatus; installation of computer hardware; upgrading of computer hardware; installation, maintenance and repair of computer hardware and peripherals. 42 – Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; calibration [measuring]; technical project studies; technical measuring; technical measuring and testing services; consultancy relating to technical and scientific mea- #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS suring; technical measuring and testing laboratory services; research and development services relating to measuring and regulating technology; surveying; geological surveys land surveying; installation of software; software repair; computer software consultancy; rental of computer software; computer software support services; maintenance and upgrading of computer software; development and testing of computing methods, algorithms and software for processing telecommunication and navigation signals; design of computer software, computer firmware, computer hardware and computer systems; consultancy services relating to the design, development and use of computer hardware and computer software; scientific, technological, research and design services related to satellite signals for telecommunication and navigation; leasing of measuring apparatus; all of the aforementioned for use in the field of monitoring of structural behaviour, positionning and control of machines, geo-monitoring encompassing the disciplines of geotechnics, geodesy, geomatics, geoinformatics and geosciences. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71012 A (800) 1147310 (151) 2012 12 21 (731) Philip Morris Brands Sàrl Quai Jeanrenaud 3, CH-2000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland (540) (260) AM 2014 71008 A (800) 1147289 (151) 2012 11 01 (731) Vafo Praha, s.r.o. Chrástany 94, CZ-252 19 Chrástany, Czech Republic (540) (260) AM 2014 71013 A (800) 1147321 (151) 2012 11 30 (731) Tkachenko Volodymyr Petrovych prospekt Pravdy, 6 a, kv. 159, Kyiv 04108, Ukraine (540) (591) Red and black (511) 34 – Tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products, including cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, tobacco for roll-your-own cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco, kretek; snus; tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes); smokers' articles, including cigarette paper and tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases and ashtrays, pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters; matches. _________________________________________ PetPetit (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Vitamin and mineral supplements for pets. 29 – Meat and meat derivatives. 31 – Dry, semi-moist, wet complete and complementary pet food; pet treats. _________________________________________ (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Medicines for human purposes, namely, for treatment of complications and after effect of impaired cerebral circulation. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71014 A (800) 1147322 (151) 2012 11 30 (731) Tkachenko Volodymyr Petrovych prospekt Pravdy, 6 a, kv. 159, Kyiv 04108, Ukraine (540) (260) AM 2014 71011 A (800) 1147307 (151) 2012 12 18 (731) SOPHARMA AD oulitsa "Iliensko chausse" 16, BG-1220 SOFIA, Bulgaria (540) (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic food and substances adapted for medical or veterinary use, food for babies; dietary supplements for humans and animals. _________________________________________ (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Medicines for human purposes, namely, for treatment of complications and after effect of impaired cerebral circulation. _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 123 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2014 71015 A (800) 1147336 (151) 2013 01 10 (731) Puradigm LLC 1957 E 1050 S, Spanish Fork UT 84660, USA (540) (260) AM 2014 71022 A (800) 1147356 (151) 2012 12 17 (731) Janssen Pharmaceutica NV Turnhoutseweg 30, B-2340 BEERSE, Belgium (540) EMOTIVYST (591) Black, white (511) 11 – Air purifiers; water purifiers. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71017 A (800) 1147340 (151) 2012 12 12 (731) KRKA, tovarna zdravil, d.d., Novo mesto Šmarješka cesta 6, SI-8501 Novo mesto, Slovenia (540) (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Human pharmaceutical preparations. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71023 A (800) 1147358 (151) 2013 01 07 (731) Philip Morris Brands Sàrl Quai Jeanrenaud 3, CH-2000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland (540) AWARDIX (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71020 A (800) 1147341 (151) 2012 12 12 (731) KRKA, tovarna zdravil, d.d., Novo mesto Šmarješka cesta 6, SI-8501 Novo mesto, Slovenia (540) GACYTA (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Veterinary preparations. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71021 A (800) 1147342 (151) 2012 12 12 (731) KRKA, tovarna zdravil, d.d., Novo mesto Šmarješka cesta 6, SI-8501 Novo mesto, Slovenia (540) (591) Black, white (511) 34 – Tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products, including cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, tobacco for roll-your-own cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco, kretek; snus; tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes); smokers' articles, including cigarette paper and tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases and ashtrays, pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters; matches. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71024 A (800) 1147359 (151) 2013 01 07 (731) Philip Morris Brands Sàrl Quai Jeanrenaud 3, CH-2000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland (540) IWAZON (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations. _________________________________________ 124 (591) Black, white (511) 34 – Tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products, including cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, tobacco for roll-your-own cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS tobacco, snuff tobacco, kretek; snus; tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes); smokers' articles, including cigarette paper and tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases and ashtrays, pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters; matches. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71027 A (800) 1147395 (151) 2012 12 18 (731) QUANZHOU KARRACK SPORTS GOODS, CO.,LTD ZOKE Industrial Park, Luoyang, Huian, Quanzhou City, FUJIAN PROVINCE, China (540) (591) Black, white (511) 25 – Wet suits for water-skiing; motorists' clothing; cyclists' clothing; bathing caps; bathing drawers; bathing drawers; bathing suits; clothing for gymnastics; clothing for judo; clothing for wrestling. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71028 A (800) 1147429 (151) 2012 12 12 (731) KRKA, tovarna zdravil, d.d., Novo mesto Šmarješka cesta 6, SI-8501 Novo mesto, Slovenia (540) (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical products. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71032 A (800) 1147435 (151) 2012 12 25 (731) ZHANG JIAN RU Room 601, No. 13, Fujin East Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China (540) (591) Black, white (511) 25 – Clothing; layettes [clothing]; clothing for gymnastics; waterproof clothing; shoes; hats; hosiery; leather belts [clothing]; scarfs; gloves [clothing]. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71042 A (800) 1147471 (151) 2012 12 14 (731) WEX Inc. 97 Darling Avenue, South Portland ME 04106, USA (540) WEX (591) Black, white (511) 35 – Management information services involving the collection and reporting of fueling and other purchase data associated with fleet vehicle usage. 36 – Commercial fleet credit card services; financial services, namely, providing commercial loans, commercial credit cards and commercial deposit accounts via a global computer network; payment card services; payment processing services. 42 – Software-as-a-service featuring software in the fields of debit cards, credit cards, fuel cards and special purpose card products. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71043 A (800) 1147472 (151) 2012 12 17 (731) WEX Inc. 97 Darling Avenue, South Portland ME 04106, USA (540) (591) Black, white (511) 35 – Management information services involving the collection and reporting of fueling and other purchase data associated with fleet vehicle usage. 36 – Commercial fleet credit card services; financial services, namely, providing commercial loans, commercial credit cards and commercial deposit accounts via a global computer network; payment card services; payment processing services. 42 – Software-as-a-service featuring software in the fields of debit cards, credit cards, fuel cards and special purpose card products. _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 125 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2014 71044 A (800) 1147485 (151) 2011 12 14 (731) H. Lundbeck A/S Ottiliavej 9, DK-2500 Valby, Denmark (540) LUNDBECK (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; vaccines; pharmaceutical preparations and substances for the prevention and treatment of disorders and diseases in, generated from or affecting the central nervous system; pharmaceutical preparations and substances acting on the central nervous system; central nervous system stimulants; pharmaceutical preparations and substances for the prevention and treatment of psychiatric and neurological diseases and disorders; pharmaceutical preparations and substances for the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease, depression, psychosis, anxiety, epilepsy, sclerosis, porphyria, Huntington's disease, insomnia, Parkinson disease, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, oncology, pain, alcoholism and dependency; preparations, chemical substances, reagents and agents for diagnostic and medical purpose. 41 – Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; arranging and conducting seminars, conferences, symposiums, workshops (training) and courses; educational and training services in the field of research and development, science, clinical tests, diagnostic, medicine, pharmaceuticals, disorders, diseases, treatments and prevention; educational and training services in the field of research and development, science, clinical tests, diagnostic, medicine, pharmaceuticals, disorders, diseases, treatments and prevention provided electronically, on-line, via cable or internet or other electronic media; providing on-line publications (not downloadable), including of books, reports, brochures, booklets, leaflets, including patient information leaflets, magazines, journals, teaching and educational material in the field of research and development, science, clinical tests, diagnostic, medicine, pharmaceuticals, disorders, diseases, treatments and prevention. 42 – Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; providing software and scientific information in the field of research and development, science, clinical tests, diagnostic, medicine, pharmaceuticals, disorders, diseases, treat- 126 ments and prevention; pharmaceutical research and development; scientific and technological services and research in the field of disorders, diseases and prevention; scientific and technological services and research in the field of the central nervous system and central nervous system related disorders, diseases and pharmaceuticals; medical research; research and development in the field of diagnostic preparations; clinical research and tests; scientific services relating to diagnostic research and tests; providing information in the field of research and development, science, clinical tests. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71045 A (800) 1147492 (151) 2012 07 23 (731) Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052-6399, USA (540) (591) Black, white (511) 9 – Computer operating system programs; operating system software for mobile phones; mobile phones; internet browser software; computer software for managing and controlling servers for backup, storage and organization of files and data; computer programs for operating and managing network servers; computer network operating software; computer software for use by computer network administrators to deploy and manage application software and network server software; computer network server software for managing user content on computer networks and global computer networks; computer software for managing secure communications over computer networks and global computer networks; computer software for managing communications between computer networks and wireless networks; computer software for developing, managing and operating intranet sites; computer software development tools for network servers and applicaions; computer software for inventorying and monitoring computer hardware and software assets and use within an organization; computer software for downloading, streaming, and playing music, audio, videos and internet radio broadcasts; computer software for photo and video editing; computer software for instant messaging; computer software for managing email accounts, calendars and contacts; computer software for storing, accessing and synchronizing documents, photos and data; computer #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS software for creating and publishing blogs; computer software for restricting and monitoring computer and internet use; computer software for creating DVDs; computer software for sending and receiving faxes; computer software for scanning documents and images into electronic form; computer operating system software for accessing and using cloud computing networks; network operating software for computer networks, namely, local area networks, virtual private networks and wide area networks; computer software development tools; website development software; computer software that provides web-based access to applications and services through a web operating system or portal interface; computer software for developing and operating cloud computer networks and applications; computer software for use in database management; computer software platforms for cloud computing networks and applications; a full line of business and home computer programs for home and business use; computers; personal computers; tablet computers; computer servers; computer backup and storage systems; computer peripherals; carrying cases for computers; mobile phones and other mobile devices; peripherals for mobile phones, personal digital assistants, e-book readers and tablet computers; carrying cases for mobile phones and other mobile phones, personal digital assistants, tablet computers; protective covers and cases for mobile phones, laptops, e-book readers and tablet computers; web cameras. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71272 A (800) 1149558 (151) 2012 11 14 (731) Chivasso BV Edelgasstraat 101, NL-2718 TE Zoetermeer, Netherlands (540) (260) AM 2014 71273 A (800) 1149559 (151) 2012 11 14 (731) Chivasso BV Edelgasstraat 101, NL-2718 TE Zoetermeer, Netherlands (540) (591) Black, white (511) 24 – Woven and hosiery fabric, as far as contained in class 24, textile wallcoverings, upholstery and decorative fabrics, bedcover and tablecloth, textile goods, namely textile fabric, curtains, drapes, roller blinds (roll-up curtains) from textiles, table (not paper) and bed linen, as far as contained in class 24. 27 – Wallpaper, not from textile materials. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71281 A (800) 1149566 (151) 2012 12 06 (731) Roche Diagnostics GmbH Sandhofer Str. 116, 68305 Mannheim, Germany (540) (591) Black, white (511) 10 – Medical and surgical instruments and apparatus including accessories; lancets devices and lancets for medical purposes. 16 – Printed matter in the field of diabetes; books and brochures in the field of diabetes. 41 – Education; educational services and training in the field of diabetes; electronic publishing services. (591) Black, white (511) 24 – Woven and hosiery fabric, as far as contained in class 24, textile wallcoverings, upholstery and decorative fabrics, bedcover and tablecloth, textile goods, namely textile fabric, curtains, drapes, roller blinds (roll-up curtains) from textiles, table (not paper) and bed linen, as far as contained in class 24. 27 – Wallpaper, not from textile materials. _________________________________________ 44 – Medical services in the field of diabetes. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71286 A (800) 1149654 (151) 2012 10 09 (731) Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche Aktiengesellschaft Porscheplatz, 1, 70435 Stuttgart, Germany (540) #3 2014 02 10 127 TRADEMARKS (591) Black, white (511) 3 – Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps, perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. 7 – Metal, wood, plastics working machines; construction machines, electric or pneumatic hand drills, grinding machines, chain saws and machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than hand-operated; incubators for eggs, automatic vending machines. 8 – Hand tools and implements (hand-operated); cutlery; side arms; razors. 9 – Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproducetion of sound or images, magnetic data carriers, recording discs; compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment, computers; computer software; fire-extinguishing apparatus; computer games; mobile phones, bags for mobile phones, carriers adapted for mobile phones, devices for hands-free use of mobile phones, rechargeable accumulators (batteries) for mobile phones; cases adapted for computers and tablet computers; navigation apparatus for vehicles; glasses, sunglasses, spectacle cases; fire resistant protective clothing for racing drivers, in particular gloves, shoes, jumpsuits; protective helmets, protective helmets for sports; data processing devices; data carriers equipped with programs; electric apparatus and instruments; electronic devices, particularly navigation apparatus. 11 – Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes. 12 – Vehicles, particularly motor vehicles and electric vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; motors for land vehicles; parts and accessories for all the aforementioned goods, as far as included in this class. 16 – Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, stickers, printed matter; bookbinding mterial; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials, paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging, as far as included in this class; printers' type; printing blocks; document files, calendars, pen holders; organizers (calendars); pencil cases; flyers; leather organizers for accommodating calendars, business cards and notebooks. 18 – Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials, particularly trunks, bags, small leather articles, as far as included in this class; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; bags, as far as included in this class; clothing for animals, toilet bags, rucksacks, handbags, wallets, brief-cases, key cases. 20 – Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics. 21 – Household or kitchen utensils and containers; combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); brush-making materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steelwool; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes; wine and champagne coolers; insulated beverage cups; bottle openers; bottle closures; money boxes; ice cube moulds; perfume vaporizers. 22 – Ropes, string, nets, tents, awnings, tarpaulins, sails, sacks and bags (not included in other classes); padding and stuffing materials (except of rubber or plastics); raw fibrous textile materials. 25 – Clothing, footwear, headgear; dress handkerchiefs; scarves, gloves; belts; leather clothing. 28 – Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees; toy vehicles; model cars; golf clubs; golf balls. 34 – Tobacco; smokers' articles; matches; tobacco goods; cigarettes; cigars; cigarillos; lighters. _________________________________________ 14 – Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments; key fobs; key straps; cuff links, tie pins; badges (jewellery); pins (jewellery); buttons (jewellery); watch cases. 128 #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2014 71295 A (800) 1149723 (151) 2012 11 23 (731) TEKHNELOGOS YAZILIM MÜHENDİSLİK MÜŞAVİRLİK VE BİLİŞİM HİZMETLERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ Altunizade Mahallesi Tophanelioğlu, Cad. Başaran Iş Merkezi No.9/10 034, Turkey (540) (591) Red, grey, white (511) 9 – Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproducetion of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment, computers; computer software; fire-extinguishing apparatus. 42 – Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71298 A (800) 895270 (151) 2006 06 23 (891) 2012 12 10 (731) TATARELLA DISTRIBUZIONE S.P.A. Parco Commerciale Barese S.P. 231-Km 5.2, I-70032 BITONTO (BA), Italy (540) (591) Black, white (511) 25 – Shoes. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71299 A (800) 1024490 (151) 2009 10 27 (891) 2013 01 04 (731) YAŞAR DONDURMA VE GIDA MADDELERİ ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Gaziantep Karayolu Űzeri 5. Km., Erkenez Mevkii, KAHRAMANMARAŞ, Turkey (540) (591) Blue, white, orange, yellow, brown, pink (511) 30 – Ices; ice cream. 43 – Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71303 A (800) 1132201 (151) 2012 08 06 (731) Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 149 New Montgomery Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco CA 94105, USA (540) (591) Yellow, blue, gold (511) 9 – Computer software for collaborative editing of the content of websites and website management. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71304 A (800) 1149623 (151) 2012 12 28 (731) Kalisto Business Corp. P.O. Box 3321, Drake Chambers, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands (540) (591) Black, white #3 2014 02 10 129 TRADEMARKS (511) 14 – Bracelets (jewellery); straps for wristwatches; charms (jewellery); key rings (trinkets or fobs); brooches (jewellery); pins (jewellery); ornamental pins; tie pins; pearls made of ambroid (pressed amber); busts of precious metal; tie clips; cuff links; works of art of precious metal; jewellery of yellow amber; necklaces (jewellery); rings (jewellery); boxes of precious metal; medals; medallions (jewellery); coins; earrings; statuettes of precious metal; ornaments (jewellery); cases for watches (presentation); chronographs (watches); chains (jewellery); watch chains; watches; wristwatches; jewellery cases (caskets). 26 – Brooches (clothing accessories); pins, other than jewellery; false hair; artificial garlands; hair grips (slides); hair ornaments; tresses of hair; toupees; shoe fasteners; fastenings for clothing; hook and pile fastening tapes; zip fasteners; snap fasteners; shoe hooks; orsedew (trimmings for clothing); bows for the hair; wigs; hair bands; shoe buckles; buttons; hair nets; shoe ornaments, not of precious metal; trimmings for clothing; hat ornaments, not of precious metal; shoe laces; hair pins. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71316 A (800) 1149867 (151) 2012 10 17 (731) ROYAL-VOSTOK INVESTMENTS LIMITED 8 Kalypsous street, CY-3101 Limassol, Cyprus (540) (591) White, black, gray, yellow, golden and silver (511) 33 – Vodka. _________________________________________ 130 (260) AM 2014 71317 A (800) 1149872 (151) 2012 10 24 (731) Limited liability company "MIROPLAST" Sobinova, 1, Dnipropetrovsk 49083, Ukraine (540) (591) Blue, light-blue, red and white (511) 6 – Common metals and their alloys; materials of metal, namely: fittings of metal for building; reinforcing materials of metal for building; eye bolts (ring); loading pallets, of metal; fittings (armor) of metal for windows; metal windows; window casement bolts; window units (wheels, rollers, pulleys); window fasteners of metal; sash fasteners of metal for windows; blocks (drill, pulleys) of metal other than parts of machines; shutters of metal; window frames of metal; sash fasteners of metal; screws of metal; door openers, non-electric; door closers, nonelectric; door bolts of metal; door stops of metal; door springs, non-electric; door handles of metal; door panels of metal; door fittings, of metal; outdoor blinds of metal; locks of metal, other than electric; lock bolts; tool handles of metal; rings of common metal for keys; keys; runners of metal for sliding doors; insect screens of metal; knobs of metal; hinges of metal; aluminum; ironwork for windows; ironwork for doors; latch bars of metal; bolts, flat; latches of metal; crampons of metal [cramps]; bungs of metal; sills of metal; frames of metal for building; grilles of metal; roller blinds of steel; casement windows of metal- all of the above products are intended for use in window and door industry; ladders of metal; stair treads [steps] of metal; safes [strong boxes]. 19 – Nonmetallic building materials, namely: building glass; building materials not of metal; building materials (construction), non-metallic; building panels, nonmetallic; windows, not of metal; window glass, for building; window glass, except glass for vehicle windows; shutters, not of metal; window frames, not of metal; vinyl siding; stained-glass windows; doors, not of metal; door casings, not of metal; door panels, not of metal; wooden boards; blinds (outdoor), not of metal and not of textile; insulated glass [building]; building cardboard; insect screens, not of metal; casement windows, not of metal; casement door, not of metal; thick sheet glass (window glass) for building; glass (window glass) for building; safety glass (reinforced); alabaster glass; shutters, not of metal; reinforcing materials, not of metal, for building; flashing, not of metal, for building; all of the above products are intended for use in window and door industry; floor tiles, not of metal. #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS 37 – Building; repair, except motor vehicle; installation of equipment, namely: installation of doors and windows; electric appliance installation and repair; isolation for building; repair information; construction information; repair information; repair of security locks; varnishing; rust proofing; construction and repair of warehouses; window cleaning. 40 – Treatment of materials; dyeing services; engraving; woodworking; grinding; material treatment information; cadmium plating; laminating; metal casting; metal treating; metal tempering; metal plating; coppersmithing; magnetization; material treatment information; metal plating; laser scribing; custom assembling of materials for others; glass-blowing; metal tempering; window tinting treatment, being surface coating; chromium plating; galvanization; abrasion. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71321 A (800) 1149961 (151) 2012 12 28 (731) Kalisto Business Corp. P.O. Box 3321, Drake Chambers, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands (540) (591) Red, white (511) 18 – Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; chamois leather, other than for cleaning purposes; imitation leather; leather unworked or semi-worked; leatherboard; moleskin (imitation of leather); leather thread. 24 – Fabrics for textile use; non-woven textile fabrics; textile material; moleskin (fabric); fabric for footwear; adhesive fabric for application by heat; lining fabric for shoes; fabric of imitation animal skins. 35 – Demonstration of goods; commercial information and advice for consumers; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; sales promotion for others, including retail shop services; procurement services for others. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71322 A (800) 1150007 (151) 2012 12 28 (731) CHINAMATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. F/1-5, Block B, No.25 of Technology Industrial Park, No. 2372 of Meihua West Road, Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China (540) (591) Black, white (511) 2 – Ink (toners) for photocopiers, printers; toner cartridges (filled) for printers and photocopiers; ink boxes (filled) for facsimile machines, printers, duplicating machines, letters treating machines; carbon powder boxes (filled) for facsimile machines, printers, duplicating machines, letters treating machines; toner cartridges (filled) for facsimile machines, printers, duplicating machines, letters treating machines; carbon powder for facsimile machines, printers, duplicating machines; ink for printers, duplicating machines, letters treating machines; printing ink; dyes; pigments. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71324 A (800) 1150027 (151) 2012 09 05 (731) Limited Liability Company "Fabrica Universalnykh Pokrytiy" 2, Uglovoy pereulok, office 1011, RU-127055 Moscow, Russian Federation (540) (591) Black, white (511) 2 – Anti-fouling paints; coatings [paints]. 19 – Asbestos cement; asphalt; concrete; bitumen; binding agents for making briquettes; binding agents for making stones; binding material for road repair; gravel; rubble; artificial stone; bituminous products for building; tar; road coating materials; materials for making and coating roads; building materials, not of metal; pitch; refractory construction materials, not of metal; duckboards, not of metal; tiles for duckboards, not of metal; floor tiles, not of metal; paving slabs, not of metal; cement slabs; paving (terms too vague in the opinion of the International #3 2014 02 10 131 TRADEMARKS Bureau – Rule 13(2)(b) of the Common Regulations); asphalt paving; lighting slabs; macadam; fireproof cement coatings; paving blocks, not of metal; grout; glass granules for road marking; clinker ballast. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71325 A (800) 1150036 (151) 2012 10 05 (731) STERNE INTERNATIONAL S.p.A Via Aldo Manna, 75, I-07132 PERUGIA, Italy (540) (591) Black, white (511) 18 – Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; bags, handbags; holdalls, bags for sports, backpacks and knapsacks; vanity cases (not fitted); satchels; change purses; notecases; briefcases; key cases; umbrellas; walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. (260) AM 2014 71328 A (800) 1150044 (151) 2012 10 30 (731) Mejeriforeningen Danish Dairy Board Sønderhøj 1, DK-8260 Viby J, Denmark (540) (591) Blue (511) 29 – Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats; protein-based foodstuffs; protein for use as a food additive; rennet; cheese powder; substitutes for milk and cream; milk and cream in powder form; milk based dessert mousses; meat pâtés; soufflés. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71338 A (800) 1150193 (151) 2012 11 14 (731) ROYAL-VOSTOK INVESTMENTS LIMITED 8 Kalypsous street, CY-3101 Limassol, Cyprus (540) 25 – Clothing, underwear; articles of clothing, including stockings, neckties, sashes for wear, scarves, gloves, belts; footwear and headgear; hosiery. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 71326 A (800) 1150043 (151) 2012 10 30 (731) Mejeriforeningen Danish Dairy Board Sønderhøj 1, DK-8260 Viby J, Denmark (540) (591) Black, white (511) 29 – Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats; protein-based foodstuffs; protein for use as a food additive; rennet; cheese powder; substitutes for milk and cream; milk and cream in powder form; milk based dessert mousses; meat pâtés; soufflés. _________________________________________ 132 (591) White, black, gray, brown, yellow and golden (511) 33 – Vodka. _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2014 71339 A (800) 1150194 (151) 2012 11 14 (731) ROYAL-VOSTOK INVESTMENTS LIMITED 8 Kalypsous street, CY-3101 Limassol, Cyprus (540) (591) White, black, gray, blue, yellow and golden (511) 33 – Vodka. _________________________________________ (260) AM 2014 73428 A (800) 1168909 (151) 2013 06 21 (731) Vafo Praha, s.r.o. Chrástany 94, CZ-252 19 Chrástany, Czech Republic (540) Petit (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Vitamin and mineral supplements for pets. 29 – Meat and meat derivatives. 31 – Dry, semi-moist, wet complete and complementary pet food; Pet treats. _________________________________________ (260) AM 69061 A * (800) 1127533 (731) Twin Disc Incorporated 1328 Racine Street, Racine WI 53403, USA (540) QUICK SHIFT (591) Black, white (511) 7 – Marine transmissions, namely, boat transmissions. __________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 133 TRADEMARKS INTERNATIONAL TRADEMARKS PROTECTED IN GEORGIA (260) AM 2013 68500 A (800) 975870 (151) 2008 02 12 (891) 2012 05 30 (181) 2018 02 12 (511) 03, 05, 35, 39, 41, 42, 45 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 68696 A (800) 1124249 (151) 2012 04 25 (181) 2022 04 25 (511) 01, 03, 04, 35, 42 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69515 A (800) 1132755 (151) 2012 08 13 (181) 2022 08 13 (511) 05 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69516 A (800) 1132756 (151) 2012 08 13 (181) 2022 08 13 (511) 05 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 68701 A (800) 1124274 (151) 2012 06 04 (181) 2022 06 04 (511) 12 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69525 A (800) 913320 (151) 2006 10 12 (891) 2012 06 19 (181) 2016 10 12 (511) 05, 35 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69414 A (800) 1131533 (151) 2012 04 19 (891) 2012 10 26 (181) 2022 04 19 (511) 23, 24 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69557 A (800) 1132841 (151) 2012 09 21 (181) 2022 09 21 (511) 36, 37, 39 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69422 A (800) 1131628 (151) 2012 07 24 (181) 2022 07 24 (511) 33, 35 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69453 A (800) 1131755 (151) 2012 09 03 (181) 2022 09 03 (511) 30 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69479 A (800) 1132113 (151) 2012 05 18 (181) 2022 05 18 (511) 07, 09, 11, 40 _________________________________________ 134 (260) AM 2013 69558 A (800) 1132858 (151) 2012 08 24 (181) 2022 08 24 (511) 30 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69559 A (800) 1132859 (151) 2012 08 24 (181) 2022 08 24 (511) 30 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69566 A (800) 1133004 (151) 2012 06 07 (181) 2022 06 07 (511) 09, 38 _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2013 69569 A (800) 1133035 (151) 2012 07 19 (181) 2022 07 19 (511) 01, 02, 03, 17 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69577 A (800) 1133094 (151) 2012 08 29 (181) 2022 08 29 (511) 25, 35 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69578 A (800) 1133106 (151) 2012 09 10 (181) 2022 09 10 (511) 32 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69579 A (800) 1133114 (151) 2012 08 09 (181) 2022 08 09 (511) 01, 04, 42 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69628 A (800) 1107191 (151) 2012 01 31 (891) 2012 08 24 (181) 2022 01 31 (511) 14, 18, 25, 35 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69629 A (800) 1107195 (151) 2012 01 25 (891) 2012 08 24 (181) 2022 01 25 (511) 14, 18, 25, 35 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69630 A (800) 1107197 (151) 2012 02 03 (891) 2012 08 24 (181) 2022 02 03 (511) 14, 18, 25, 35 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69631 A (800) 1107198 (151) 2012 02 03 (891) 2012 08 24 (181) 2022 02 03 (511) 14, 18, 25, 35 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69632 A (800) 1107199 (151) 2012 02 03 (891) 2012 08 17 (181) 2022 02 03 (511) 14, 18, 25, 35 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69634 A (800) 1107203 (151) 2012 02 02 (891) 2012 08 24 (181) 2022 02 02 (511) 14, 18, 25, 35 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69635 A (800) 1107204 (151) 2012 02 03 (891) 2012 08 24 (181) 2022 02 03 (511) 14, 18, 25, 35 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69636 A (800) 1107205 (151) 2012 02 06 (891) 2012 08 24 (181) 2022 02 06 (511) 14, 18, 25, 35 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69637 A (800) 1107206 (151) 2012 02 01 (891) 2012 08 24 (181) 2022 02 01 (511) 14, 18, 25, 35 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69638 A (800) 1108852 (151) 2012 02 02 (891) 2012 08 24 (181) 2022 02 02 (511) 14, 18, 25, 35 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69639 A (800) 1116341 (151) 2012 03 14 (891) 2012 08 14 (181) 2022 03 14 (511) 07, 11 _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 135 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2013 69642 A (800) 1133745 (151) 2012 03 07 (181) 2022 03 07 (511) 10 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69661 A (800) 1134027 (151) 2012 07 12 (181) 2022 07 12 (511) 03 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69643 A (800) 1133751 (151) 2012 08 31 (181) 2022 08 31 (511) 01, 05, 31 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69664 A (800) 1134166 (151) 2012 07 23 (181) 2022 07 23 (511) 07 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69644 A (800) 1133782 (151) 2012 08 17 (181) 2022 08 17 (511) 33 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69668 A (800) 1134225 (151) 2012 04 19 (181) 2022 04 19 (511) 29 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69645 A (800) 1133792 (151) 2012 09 06 (181) 2022 09 06 (511) 34 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69733 A (800) 1134396 (151) 2012 08 28 (181) 2022 08 28 (511) 01, 02, 19 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69650 A (800) 1133884 (151) 2012 08 28 (181) 2022 08 28 (511) 05 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69734 A (800) 1134397 (151) 2012 08 13 (181) 2022 08 13 (511) 05 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69653 A (800) 1133948 (151) 2012 08 06 (181) 2022 08 06 (511) 03, 05 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69735 A (800) 1134398 (151) 2012 08 13 (181) 2022 08 13 (511) 05 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69654 A (800) 1133949 (151) 2012 09 25 (181) 2022 09 25 (511) 34 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69736 A (800) 1134399 (151) 2012 07 25 (181) 2022 07 25 (511) 05 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69660 A (800) 1134018 (151) 2012 09 25 (181) 2022 09 25 (511) 14 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69739 A (800) 1134400 (151) 2012 07 25 (181) 2022 07 25 (511) 05 _________________________________________ 136 #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2013 69740 A (800) 1134401 (151) 2012 08 13 (181) 2022 08 13 (511) 05 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69755 A (800) 1134584 (151) 2012 08 10 (181) 2022 08 10 (511) 05 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69742 A (800) 1134419 (151) 2012 09 05 (181) 2022 09 05 (511) 05 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69756 A (800) 1134601 (151) 2012 07 13 (181) 2022 07 13 (511) 36 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69744 A (800) 1134480 (151) 2012 09 21 (181) 2022 09 21 (511) 07 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69793 A (800) 1079927 (151) 2011 05 09 (891) 2012 09 17 (181) 2021 05 09 (511) 33 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69746 A (800) 1134506 (151) 2012 08 21 (891) 2012 11 21 (181) 2022 08 21 (511) 05 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69748 A (800) 1134527 (151) 2012 08 13 (181) 2022 08 13 (511) 09, 18, 25 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69750 A (800) 1134539 (151) 2012 03 02 (181) 2022 03 02 (511) 02, 03, 04, 05, 10, 44 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69752 A (800) 1134542 (151) 2012 03 23 (181) 2022 03 23 (511) 33 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69754 A (800) 1134566 (151) 2012 06 07 (181) 2022 06 07 (511) 09, 38 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69794 A (800) 1110174 (151) 2012 02 21 (891) 2012 09 13 (181) 2022 02 21 (511) 09 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69795 A (800) 1119348 (151) 2012 02 29 (891) 2012 10 10 (181) 2022 02 28 (511) 05 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69798 A (800) 1120864 (151) 2012 04 19 (891) 2012 09 07 (181) 2022 04 19 (511) 05 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69907 A (800) 1136170 (151) 2012 08 29 (181) 2022 08 29 (511) 05 _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 137 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2013 69910 A (800) 1099520 (151) 2011 07 26 (891) 2012 09 17 (181) 2021 07 26 (511) 25 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69911 A (800) 1114826 (151) 2012 03 27 (891) 2012 09 28 (181) 2022 03 27 (511) 05 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69912 A (800) 1115077 (151) 2012 03 07 (891) 2012 09 04 (181) 2022 03 07 (511) 03, 44 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69913 A (800) 1130426 (151) 2012 05 21 (891) 2012 10 05 (181) 2022 05 21 (511) 03 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69914 A (800) 1136273 (151) 2012 04 17 (181) 2022 04 17 (511) 25, 36, 42 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69915 A (800) 1136282 (151) 2012 05 28 (181) 2022 05 28 (511) 29 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69916 A (800) 1136305 (151) 2012 08 01 (181) 2022 08 01 (511) 03 _________________________________________ 138 (260) AM 2013 69917 A (800) 1136343 (151) 2012 09 19 (181) 2022 09 19 (511) 12 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69920 A (800) 1136426 (151) 2012 08 23 (181) 2022 08 23 (511) 09 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69921 A (800) 1136506 (151) 2012 07 03 (181) 2022 07 03 (511) 25 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69922 A (800) 1136528 (151) 2012 02 01 (181) 2022 02 01 (511) 09 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69923 A (800) 1136531 (151) 2012 03 07 (181) 2022 03 07 (511) 09 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69924 A (800) 1136541 (151) 2012 04 19 (181) 2022 04 19 (511) 29 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69925 A (800) 1136542 (151) 2012 05 22 (181) 2022 05 22 (511) 16 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69928 A (800) 1136549 (151) 2012 05 28 (181) 2022 05 28 (511) 30, 31, 32, 43 _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2013 69929 A (800) 1136575 (151) 2012 07 13 (181) 2022 07 13 (511) 12 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69939 A (800) 1136694 (151) 2012 10 10 (181) 2022 10 10 (511) 03 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69931 A (800) 1136584 (151) 2012 07 25 (181) 2022 07 25 (511) 07 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69940 A (800) 1136700 (151) 2012 09 24 (181) 2022 09 24 (511) 09 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69932 A (800) 1136615 (151) 2012 09 27 (181) 2022 09 27 (511) 05 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69941 A (800) 1136702 (151) 2012 09 24 (181) 2022 09 24 (511) 07, 11 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69934 A (800) 1136621 (151) 2012 10 02 (181) 2022 10 02 (511) 35, 41, 45 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69977 A (800) 1137251 (151) 2012 05 18 (181) 2022 05 18 (511) 16, 36, 41, 42 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69935 A (800) 1136641 (151) 2012 10 16 (181) 2022 10 16 (511) 03 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69978 A (800) 1137287 (151) 2012 07 24 (181) 2022 07 24 (511) 29, 30, 43 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69936 A (800) 1136685 (151) 2012 09 04 (181) 2022 09 04 (511) 36 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69979 A (800) 1137288 (151) 2012 07 24 (181) 2022 07 24 (511) 29, 30, 43 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69937 A (800) 1136686 (151) 2012 08 29 (181) 2022 08 29 (511) 05 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69980 A (800) 1137296 (151) 2012 07 02 (181) 2022 07 02 (511) 01, 05, 29, 30 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69938 A (800) 1136688 (151) 2012 09 14 (181) 2022 09 14 (511) 33 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 69981 A (800) 1137313 (151) 2012 08 14 (181) 2022 08 14 (511) 33 _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 139 TRADEMARKS (260) AM 2013 70001 A (800) 1137395 (151) 2012 08 31 (181) 2022 08 31 (511) 09, 28 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 70004 A (800) 1137539 (151) 2012 02 28 (181) 2022 02 28 (511) 03, 05 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 70009 A (800) 1137652 (151) 2012 08 06 (181) 2022 08 06 (511) 03 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 70013 A (800) 1137746 (151) 2012 07 12 (181) 2022 07 12 (511) 35, 36, 39 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 70014 A (800) 1137821 (151) 2012 08 01 (181) 2022 08 01 (511) 03 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 70017 A (800) 1137822 (151) 2012 08 01 (181) 2022 08 01 (511) 03 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 70161 A (800) 1139078 (151) 2012 10 16 (181) 2022 10 16 (511) 05 _________________________________________ (260) AM 2013 70218 A (800) 1139549 (151) 2012 07 31 (181) 2022 07 31 (511) 05 _________________________________________ 140 #3 2014 02 10 APPELLATIONS OF ORIGIN AND GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATIONS OF GOODS AMENDMENTS TO REGISTRATION OF APPELLATION OF ORIGIN MUKUZANI (Registration No. 2; Date: 30.08.2005) In accordance with Order No. 2-299 of 26.12.2013 of the Minister of Agriculture of Georgia "OnDetermination of Specific Zone Borders ofWine of Appellation of Origin MUKUZANI", amendments were made to the specification of wine of appellation of origin MUKUZANI registered at the National Intellectual Property Centre of Georgia SAKPATENTI. Proceeding fromthe above, in accordance with Article 8 (4) and (5) of the Law of Georgia on Appellations of Origin and Geographical Indications of Goods, the documentation submitted by the Ministry of Agriculture with regard to the specification of wineof appellation of origin MUKUZANI is published in the Official Bulletin of Industrial Property of Georgia. Within three months from data publication the remarks and additional information submitted to SAKPATENTI is sent for study to the Ministry of the corresponding field. If no information is submitted to SAKPATENTI within three months, the published data on MUKUZANI specification amendments will be reflected in the corresponding register. SPECIFIC ZONE OF WINE MUKUZANI PRODUCTION GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION. The specific zone of wine MUKUZANI is located in the Eastern Georgia, Inner Kakheti, Gurjaani Municipality, on the right bank of latitudinal gorge of river Alazani, on the Northern-Eastern slope of Tsiv-Gombori Ridge, at 350-750 meter above sea level. In the SouthWest, towards North-East and East direction the territory of the zone consists of slightly and moderately inclined slopes and trails with slightly wavy surface, which becomes flat towards the North-East and borders onthe first terrace of Alazani towards Chermiskhevi and Papriskhevi. Raw base includes whole villages: Mukuzani, Zegaani, Chumlaqi, Akhasheni and part of villages: Velistsikhe and Vazisubani. CLIMATE. The weather in the specificzone of MUKUZANI is formed by atmospheric processes developed in subtropical and moderate latitudes and displaced from west to east. The processes taking place under the influence of the relief of the location are also of great significance. Those processes mainly include the cold air masses blowing from high peaks of the Caucasus glaciers of Kakheti. The climate is moderately damp here, with hot summer and moderately cold winter.The horizon on the area selected for vineyards is well-extended from East to West, which makes effective radiation regimen for vine on the slopes. The annual duration of sunshine inwine-growing and wine-making micro-zone of Mukuzani is 21502200 hours, with 1600 hours during the vegetation period. Total solar radiation in the micro-zone of Mukuzani is no more than 130 kcal/cm2, and it is 95-100 kcal/cm2 during the vegetation period. Sum of direct annual radiation is 75 kcal/cm2, and the dissipated radiation is 54 kcal/cm2. In the micro-zone, the average annual temperature is 12.5°C, in the warmest months (July-August) it is 23.6°C and it is 1.1°C in the coldest month – January. Activation of the root system starts in the middle of May. The buds of Saperavi blossom in the middle of April, and flowering starts at the end of May. The grapes ripenin the second half of August. The technical ripening of grape takes place at the end of September. This needs active heat of 3500° and more, which in Mukuzani micro-zone accumulates at the altitude of about 750 m.The sum of active #3 2014 02 10 141 APPELATIONS OF ORIGIN AND GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATIONS OF GOODS temperatures (Σt>10°) at the altitude of 350-750 m in Mukuzani vine-growing micro-zone varies between 4120-3440°. Annual sum of atmospheric precipitations in the Mukuzani micro-zone is 645 mm in the vegetation period and during annual period it is 870 mm. The amount of precipitations during the fruit formation period (VI-VII-VIII) is few, because additional irrigation is allowed. The period of grape ripening is moderately humid (0.59) and the vine needs no irrigation. Average relative humidity of air is 71%. Air imbibition is the least in July (63%) and in August (60%), and it is relatively higher at the end of autumn (78%) and in winter (76-75%). The snow cover appears in the last decade of December (from 27.XII) and melts in the middle of March Thenumber of snowy days in winter is 26. The first freezing in microzone starts at the end of December. Final freezing ends from March 24 and can occur once in ten years till the middle of April. Period without frost is more than 230 days. The average of the annual absolute minimums of the air temperature is -9, -11°C. Once in every 10 years, minimum temperature can be -15°C. Number of hail winds average 2,1.During the year hail winds are seen mostly inMay(0,7 day) and in June (0,5 days). Rhumb winds of western (32%) and southern-western (23%) directions prevail in the micro-zone. The number of days without wind is about 21% per annum. At night, before the sunrise, the cold air masses flowing down the high tops of the Caucasus Mountains intensify the danger of winter frosts and spring night frosts. The specific zone of Mukuzani belongs to III group region of damaging winds region. Wind speed is 1.4m/min. The best means recommended for protection against the wind is planting two-row wind break belts. SOIL. On the basis of the analysis of the existing research materials, the following types and varieties of soils are distinguished in the specific zone: brown, alluvial and dealluvial varieties: 1) Brown, weakly skeletal, clay and loamy soil of great thickness; 2) Dark brown(old alluvial), clay of great thickness; 3) Dark brown, weakly skeletal, average and light clay of average thickness; 4) Rendzina-brown, weakly skeletal, light clay and heavy loamy soil of great thickness; 5) Rendzina-brown, weakly skeletal, clay and loamy soil of average thickness; 6) Brown forest, weakly skeletal and stony, heavy loamy soil of great thickness; 7) Dealluvial-carbonate, clay of great thickness; 8) Alluvial-carbonate, clay of great thickness; 9) Alluvial-carbonate, clay, skeletal of great thickness. Brown soils of great and average thickness are spread on most of the territory. Dealluvial-carbonate soil forms relief of slightly inclined trails in the centre of micro zone, on the ends of Tsiv-Gombori South slopes. Depth of profile in the soils of great thickness is from 80-100 cm to 110-130 cm, and the same indicator in the soils of average thickness is from 60-70 cm to 70-80 cm. The thickness of humuscontaining active layer in the soils of great thickness is from 50-60 cm to 75-85 cm and from 30-40 cm to 40-50 cm in the soils of average thickness. The texture of the soils is loamy and light lumpy in the lower layers. Roots, organic remains, limestone pebbles are met in the soil profile. The content of calcium carbonates increase from up downwards and amounts to 24% in the lower layers. The lower layers of some sections (Rendzina brown) contain calcium carbonates in extremely great amounts of up to 64%. 142 #3 2014 02 10 APPELATIONS OF ORIGIN AND GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATIONS OF GOODS The content of humus is little in every soil. The contents of hydrolysis nitrogen, soluble phosphorus and exchange potassium are mostly low. The reaction of soil area (pH) is average alkaline. The studied soil cover is spread on the inclined forms of the relief and the soils are developed on highcalcareous rocks. All the mentioned factors, together with the exposition, illumination and climatic conditions allow producing high-quality bulk wine “Mukuzani”. AGRO-TECHNOLOGICAL REGULATIONS In order to produce the wine of appellation MUKUZANI, the following agro-technological regulations should be observed by considering the soil and climatic conditions. SPECIES OF SAPERAVI Growing area: Up to 350-750 m above sea level. Norm of loading per 1 sq. m.: 8-10 buds; 80-100 thousand buds per hectare. Harvest: 7-8 tons per hectare. SOIL CULTIVATION Usage of organic-mineral fertilizers with cartographic agro-technological guidelines. FERTILIZATION Application of organic-mineral fertilizers under cartographic agricultural regulations. PHYTO-SANITARY REGULATIONS Pest and disease control by means of proper contact and systematic preparations registered in Georgia. WINEMUKUZANI MUKUZANI – Controlled high-quality, red dry wine of geographical appellation. It is characterized by pomegranate color, with full, harmonious, velvet and elaborate taste, welldefined species-specific aroma and race, high-extractability. Chemical properties of the wine MUKUZANI should correspond to the following indicators: Volumetric spirit content –no less than 10.5%; Mass concentration of sugars - no more than 4.0 g/dm3; Titrated acidity – no less than 5.0 g/dm3; Mass concentration of finished extract -no less than 20 g/dm3; Concentration of total mass of sulphuric acid - no more than 160 g/dm3; Concentration of free sulphuric acid - no more than 30 g/dm3; Volatile acidity - no more than 1.2 g/dm3. The rest norms should correspond to the legislative acts of Georgia and the EU Directive No. 1493/1999 of May 17, 1999. #3 2014 02 10 143 APPELATIONS OF ORIGIN AND GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATIONS OF GOODS AVAILABLE AREAS FOR SPECIFIC ZONE The areas for specific zone of the wine MUKUZANI is 10.5 km2. There is expected 3300 tons of conditional harvest; 214 500 decalitres of wine may be produced at the output of 65 decalitres out of 1 ton. 144 #3 2014 02 10 OFFICIAL NOTIFICATIONS TRADEMARKS CHANGES IN NAMES AND/OR ADDRESSES OF OWNERS (111) M 2008 018260 R (732) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Elektrykiv 26/9, 04176 Kyiv, Ukraine (770) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Pavla Usenka 8, 02105 Kyiv, Ukraine (580) 2014 01 03 _________________________________________ (111) M 2008 018323 R (732) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Elektrykiv 26/9, 04176 Kyiv, Ukraine (770) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Pavla Usenka 8, 02105 Kyiv, Ukraine (580) 2014 01 03 _________________________________________ (111) M 2008 018261 R (732) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Elektrykiv 26/9, 04176 Kyiv, Ukraine (770) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Pavla Usenka 8, 02105 Kyiv, Ukraine (580) 2014 01 03 _________________________________________ (111) M 2008 018324 R (732) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Elektrykiv 26/9, 04176 Kyiv, Ukraine (770) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Pavla Usenka 8, 02105 Kyiv, Ukraine (580) 2014 01 03 _________________________________________ (111) M 2008 018315 R (732) GLAXOSMITHKLINE CONSUMER HEALTHCARE S.A. Ave. Pascal 2-4-6, Wavre 1300, Belgium (770) GLAXOSMITHKLINE CONSUMER HEALTHCARE S.A. Rue du Tilleul, Genval 1332, Belgium (580) 2013 12 03 _________________________________________ (111) M 2008 018325 R (732) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Elektrykiv 26/9, 04176 Kyiv, Ukraine (770) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Pavla Usenka 8, 02105 Kyiv, Ukraine (580) 2014 01 03 _________________________________________ (111) M 2008 018322 R (732) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Elektrykiv 26/9, 04176 Kyiv, Ukraine (770) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Pavla Usenka 8, 02105 Kyiv, Ukraine (580) 2014 01 03 _________________________________________ (111) M 2008 018326 R (732) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Elektrykiv 26/9, 04176 Kyiv, Ukraine (770) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Pavla Usenka 8, 02105 Kyiv, Ukraine (580) 2014 01 03 _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 145 OFFICIAL NOTIFICATIONS (111) M 2008 018327 R (732) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Elektrykiv 26/9, 04176 Kyiv, Ukraine (770) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Pavla Usenka 8, 02105 Kyiv, Ukraine (580) 2014 01 03 _________________________________________ (111) M 2008 018328 R (732) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Elektrykiv 26/9, 04176 Kyiv, Ukraine (770) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Pavla Usenka 8, 02105 Kyiv, Ukraine (580) 2014 01 03 _________________________________________ (111) M 2008 018329 R (732) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Elektrykiv 26/9, 04176 Kyiv, Ukraine (770) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Pavla Usenka 8, 02105 Kyiv, Ukraine (580) 2014 01 03 _________________________________________ (111) M 2008 018330 R (732) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Elektrykiv 26/9, 04176 Kyiv, Ukraine (770) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Pavla Usenka 8, 02105 Kyiv, Ukraine (580) 2014 01 03 _________________________________________ (111) M 2008 018331 R (732) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Elektrykiv 26/9, 04176 Kyiv, Ukraine (770) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Pavla Usenka 8, 02105 Kyiv, Ukraine (580) 2014 01 03 _________________________________________ 146 (111) M 2008 018365 R (732) MANPOWER INC. CORPORATION Organized and Works Accordingly Wisconsin State Legislation 5301, North Ironwood Road, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA (770) MANPOWER INC. Wisconsin Corporation 5301North Ironwood Road, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA (580) 2013 12 03 _________________________________________ (111) M 2010 020585 R (732) LTD "MON'DELEZRUS LLC" Ul. Frants Shtolverka. 10, Vladimir Obl., Putushinsky R-n, 601123 Pokrov, Russian Federation (770) LTD "CRAFT FOODS RUS" 60112 Vladimir Obl., Putushinsky R-n, Pokrov, Ul. Frants Shtolverka. 10, Russian Federation (580) 2013 12 06 _________________________________________ (111) M 2010 020722 R (732) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Elektrykiv 26/9, 04176 Kyiv, Ukraine (770) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Pavla Usenka 8, 02105 Kyiv, Ukraine (580) 2014 01 03 _________________________________________ (111) M 2010 020723 R (732) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Elektrykiv 26/9, 04176 Kyiv, Ukraine (770) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Pavla Usenka 8, 02105 Kyiv, Ukraine (580) 2014 01 03 _________________________________________ (111) M 2010 020724 R (732) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Elektrykiv 26/9, 04176 Kyiv, Ukraine (770) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Pavla Usenka 8, 02105 Kyiv, Ukraine (580) 2014-01-03 _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 OFFICIAL NOTIFICATIONS (111) M 2010 020725 R (732) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Elektrykiv 26/9, 04176 Kyiv, Ukraine (770) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Pavla Usenka 8, 02105 Kyiv, Ukraine (580) 2014 01 03 _________________________________________ (111) M 2010 020730 R (732) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Elektrykiv 26/9, 04176 Kyiv, Ukraine (770) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Pavla Usenka 8, 02105 Kyiv, Ukraine (580) 2014 01 03 _________________________________________ (111) M 2010 020726 R (732) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Elektrykiv 26/9, 04176 Kyiv, Ukraine (770) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Pavla Usenka 8, 02105 Kyiv, Ukraine (580) 2014 01 03 _________________________________________ (111) M 2011 021054 R (732) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Elektrykiv 26/9, 04176 Kyiv, Ukraine (770) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Pavla Usenka 8, 02105 Kyiv, Ukraine (580) 2014 01 03 _________________________________________ (111) M 2010 020727 R (732) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Elektrykiv 26/9, 04176 Kyiv, Ukraine (770) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Pavla Usenka 8, 02105 Kyiv, Ukraine (580) 2014 01 03 _________________________________________ (111) M 2012 022209 R (732) LTD "MON'DELEZRUS LLC" Ul. Frants Shtolverka. 10, Vladimir Obl., Putushinsky R-n, 601123 Pokrov, Russian Federation (770) LTD "CRAFT FOODS RUS" 60112 Vladimir Obl., Putushinsky R-n, Pokrov, Ul. Frants Shtolverka. 10, Russian Federation (580) 2013 12 06 _________________________________________ (111) M 2010 020728 R (732) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Elektrykiv 26/9, 04176 Kyiv, Ukraine (770) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Pavla Usenka 8, 02105 Kyiv, Ukraine (580) 2014 01 03 _________________________________________ (111) M 2010 020729 R (732) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Elektrykiv 26/9, 04176 Kyiv, Ukraine (770) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Pavla Usenka 8, 02105 Kyiv, Ukraine (580) 2014 01 03 _________________________________________ (111) M 2012 022296 R (732) LTD "MON'DELEZRUS LLC" Ul. Frants Shtolverka. 10, Vladimir Obl., Putushinsky R-n, 601123 Pokrov, Russian Federation (770) LTD "CRAFT FOODS RUS" 60112 Vladimir Obl., Putushinsky R-n, Pokrov, Ul. Frants Shtolverka. 10, Russian Federation (580) 2013 12 06 _________________________________________ (111) M 2013 023260 R (732) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Elektrykiv 26/9, 04176 Kyiv, Ukraine (770) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Pavla Usenka 8, 02105 Kyiv, Ukraine (580) 2014 01 03 _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 147 OFFICIAL NOTIFICATIONS (111) M 2013 023414 R (732) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Elektrykiv 26/9, 04176 Kyiv, Ukraine (770) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Pavla Usenka 8, 02105 Kyiv, Ukraine (580) 2014 01 03 _________________________________________ (111) M 2013 023415 R (732) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Elektrykiv 26/9, 04176 Kyiv, Ukraine (770) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Pavla Usenka 8, 02105 Kyiv, Ukraine (580) 2014 01 03 _________________________________________ (111) M 2013 023416 R (732) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Elektrykiv 26/9, 04176 Kyiv, Ukraine (770) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Pavla Usenka 8, 02105 Kyiv, Ukraine (580) 2014 01 03 _________________________________________ (111) M 2013 023417 R (732) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Elektrykiv 26/9, 04176 Kyiv, Ukraine (770) DOTCHIRNE PIDPRIEMSTVO "KONDITERSKA KORPORATSIA "ROSHEN" Vul. Pavla Usenka 8, 02105 Kyiv, Ukraine (580) 2014 01 03 _________________________________________ 148 #3 2014 02 10 OFFICIAL NOTIFICATIONS CANCELLING OF TRADEMARK REGISTRATION (111) M 2012 22391 R (151) 2012 03 12 (141) 2012 05 18 Administrative Action No. a-119/25.04.12 of Giorgi Taktakishvili – Representative of Sopio Toroshelidze, Besik Tsikhelashvili, Irakli Bibilashvili, Mickheil Chelidze (732) Sergo Suladze Temkis Das., kvart. 9, korp. 15, b. 34, 0168 Tbilisi, Georgia _________________________________________ #3 2014 02 10 149 OFFICIAL NOTIFICATIONS CORRECTION OF PUBLISHED INFORMATION Page No. Publication No. (260) Bulletin No. Column What Was (260) AM 68283 A * (800) 1034142 (731) LUXOTTICA GROUP S.p.A. Via Cesare Cantù, 2, I-20123 MILANO, Italy (540) 77 AM 68283 A * #3 2014 I (591) Black, white (511) 9 – Sunglasses, eyeglasses, aesthetic glasses, cases for glasses and sunglasses. What Must Be (260) AM 68283 A * (800) 1034142 (731) LUXOTTICA GROUP S.p.A. Via Cesare Cantù, 2, I-20123 MILANO, Italy; LES PUBLICATIONS CONDE NAST S.A. 56A, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, F-75008 Paris (540) (591) Black, white (511) 9 – Sunglasses, eyeglasses, aesthetic glasses, cases for glasses and sunglasses. 150 #3 2014 02 10 CLASSIFICATION INDEXES INVENTIONS CONCORDANCE TABLE OF INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION INDEX AND PUBLICATION NUMBERS INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION INDEXES (51) A 61 F 13/537 A 61 K 31/4422; A 61 K 9/08; A 61 P 39/04; A 61 K 47/38 C 07 D 213/74; C 07 D 401/04; C 07 D 401/12; A 61 K 31/506; A 61 P 29/00; A 61 P 35/00 C 07 D 401/12; C 07 D 471/04; A 61 K 31/437; A 61 K 31/4439 C 07 D 401/14; C 07 D 403/04; A 61 K 31/506; A 61 P 35/00 C 07 D 403/12; C 07 D 487/04; A 61 K 31/519; A 61 K 31/4353; A 61 K 31/4184; A 61 P 25/00 C 07 D 487/04; A 61 K 31/519 C 07 D 493/08; C 07 H 7/04; A 61 K 31/35; A 61 P 3/04; A 61 P 3/10 C 07 D 519/00; A 61 K 31/519; A 61 P 11/00; A 61 P 11/06; A 61 P 11/08 C 07 K 16/28; A 61 K 39/395; C 12 N 15/13; C 12 N 15/63 C 10 J 3/20 NUMBER OF PUBLISHED APPLICATION (10) AP 2014 11479 A AP 2014 12015 A AP 2014 12602 A AP 2014 12715 A AP 2014 12645 A AP 2014 12536 A AP 2014 12436 A AP 2014 12727 A AP 2014 12783 A AP 2014 11520 A AP 2014 12407 A CONCORDANCE TABLE OF APPLICATION APPLICATION PUBLICATION NUMBERS AND INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION INDEXES NUMBER OF PUBLISHED APPLICATION (10) AP 2014 11479 A AP 2014 12015 A AP 2014 12602 A AP 2014 12715 A AP 2014 12645 A AP 2014 12536 A AP 2014 12436 A AP 2014 12727 A AP 2014 12783 A AP 2014 11520 A AP 2014 12407 A INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION INDEXES (51) A 61 F 13/537 A 61 K 31/4422; A 61 K 9/08; A 61 P 39/04; A 61 K 47/38 C 07 D 213/74; C 07 D 401/04; C 07 D 401/12; A 61 K 31/506; A 61 P 29/00; A 61 P 35/00 C 07 D 401/12; C 07 D 471/04; A 61 K 31/437; A 61 K 31/4439 C 07 D 401/14; C 07 D 403/04; A 61 K 31/506; A 61 P 35/00 C 07 D 403/12; C 07 D 487/04; A 61 K 31/519; A 61 K 31/4353; A 61 K 31/4184; A 61 P 25/00 C 07 D 487/04; A 61 K 31/519 C 07 D 493/08; C 07 H 7/04; A 61 K 31/35; A 61 P 3/04; A 61 P 3/10 C 07 D 519/00; A 61 K 31/519; A 61 P 11/00; A 61 P 11/06; A 61 P 11/08 C 07 K 16/28; A 61 K 39/395; C 12 N 15/13; C 12 N 15/63 C 10 J 3/20 #3 2014 02 10 151 CLASSIFICATION INDEXES CONCORDANCE TABLE OF INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION INDEXES, PATENT NUMBERS AND PUBLICATION NUMBERSES INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION INDEX (51) A 01 N 43/90 A 23 L 1/0524 A 61 P 35/00; A 61 K 31/495; C 07 D 401/04; C 07 D 401/10; C 07 D 401/12; C 07 D 401/14; C 07 D 405/04; C 07 D 405/12; C 07 D 409/12; C 07 D 413/10; C 07 D 413/12; C 07 D 417/12; C 07 D 405/14; C 07 D 413/14; C 07 D 217/24 B 23 P 17/06; B 23 D 31/00; E 04 C 5/01 B 62 D 3/02 B 65 D 17/40 B 67 D 1/08; B 67 D 1/04; B 67 D 1/00 B 69 K 17/00 C 07 D 213/75; C 07 D 401/12; C 07 D 401/14; C 07 D 403/12; C 07 D 413/14; C 07 D 417/12; C 07 D 417/14; A 61 P 35/00 C 07 D 487/04; C 07 D 498/04; C 07 D 513/04; A 61 K 31/519; A 61 P 29/00 C 07 D 471/04; A 61 K 31/4188; A 61 P 11/00; A 61 P 29/00 C 07 D 491/00 C 11 B 9/02 E 04 B 1/32 E 04 C 2/54; B 28 B 23/00; E 04 B 2/02 E 04 H 9/02; E 04 B 1/344 G 01 N 33/12 G 01 N 33/38 NUMBER OF PATENT (11) NUMBER OF PUBLISHED APPLICATION (10) P 2014 6029 B P 2014 6038 B AP 2013 12252 A AP 2013 12685 A P 2014 6042 B AP 2013 12760 A P 2014 6027 B P 2014 6036 B P 2014 6040 B P 2014 6043 B P 2014 6035 B AP 2013 12116 A AP 2013 12588 A AP 2013 12746 A AP 2013 12944 A AP 2013 12586 A P 2014 6033 B AP 2013 12397 A P 2014 6026 B AP 2013 11996 A P 2014 6034 B AP 2013 12405 A P 2014 6030 B P 2014 6037 B P 2014 6028 B P 2014 6031 B P 2014 6032 B P 2014 6041 B P 2014 6039 B AP 2013 12254 A AP 2013 12684 A AP 2013 12247 A AP 2013 12289 A AP 2013 12315 A AP 2013 12749 A AP 2013 12719 A CONCORDANCE TABLE OF PATENT NUMBERS, PUBLICATION NUMBERS AND INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION INDEXES 1 NUMBER OF PUBLISHED APPLICATION (10) 2 P 2014 6026 B AP 2013 11996 A P 2014 6027 B P 2014 6028 B P 2014 6029 B P 2014 6030 B P 2014 6031 B P 2014 6032 B AP 2013 12116 A AP 2013 12247 A AP 2013 12252 A AP 2013 12254 A AP 2013 12289 A AP 2013 12315 A P 2014 6033 B AP 2013 12397 A P 2014 6034 B AP 2013 12405 A NUMBER OF PATENT (11) 152 INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION INDEX (51) 3 C 07 D 487/04; C 07 D 498/04; C 07 D 513/04; A 61 K 31/519; A 61 P 29/00 B 23 P 17/06; B 23 D 31/00; E 04 C 5/01 E 04 B 1/32 A 01 N 43/90 C 07 D 491/00 E 04 C 2/54; B 28 B 23/00; E 04 B 2/02 E 04 H 9/02; E 04 B 1/344 C 07 D 213/75; C 07 D 401/12; C 07 D 401/14; C 07 D 403/12; C 07 D 413/14; C 07 D 417/12; C 07 D 417/14; A 61 P 35/00 C 07 D 471/04; A 61 K 31/4188; A 61 P 11/00; A 61 P 29/00 #3 2014 02 10 CLASSIFICATION INDEXES 1 P 2014 6035 B P 2014 6036 B P 2014 6037 B P 2014 6038 B P 2014 6039 B P 2014 6040 B P 2014 6041 B 2 AP 2013 12586 A AP 2013 12588 A AP 2013 12684 A AP 2013 12685 A AP 2013 12719 A AP 2013 12746 A AP 2013 12749 A P 2013 6042 B AP 2013 12760 A P 2013 6043 B AP 2013 12944 A 3 B 69 K 17/00 B 62 D 3/02 C 11 B 9/02 A 23 L 1/0524 G 01 N 33/38 B 65 D 17/40 G 01 N 33/12 A 61 P 35/00; A 61 K 31/495; C 07 D 401/04; C 07 D 401/10; C 07 D 401/12; C 07 D 401/14; C 07 D 405/04; C 07 D 405/12; C 07 D 409/12; C 07 D 413/10; C 07 D 413/12; C 07 D 417/12; C 07 D 405/14; C 07 D 413/14; C 07 D 217/24 B 67 D 1/08; B 67 D 1/04; B 67 D 1/00 CONCORDANCE TABLE OF APPLICATION NUMBERS, APPLICATION PUBLICATION NUMBERS AND PATENT NUMBERS NUMBER OF APPLICATION (21) AP 2009 011996 AP 2009 012116 AP 2009 012252 AP 2009 012254 AP 2009 012289 AP 2010 012397 AP 2010 012405 AP 2010 012746 AP 2010 012760 AP 2011 012247 AP 2011 012315 AP 2011 012944 AP 2012 012586 AP 2012 012588 AP 2012 012684 AP 2012 012685 AP 2012 012719 AP 2012 012749 NUMBER OF PUBLISHED APPLICATION (10) AP 2013 11996 A AP 2013 12116 A AP 2013 12252 A AP 2013 12254 A AP 2013 12289 A AP 2013 12397 A AP 2013 12405 A AP 2013 12746 A AP 2013 12760 A AP 2013 12247 A AP 2013 12315 A AP 2013 12944 A AP 2013 12586 A AP 2013 12588 A AP 2013 12684 A AP 2013 12685 A AP 2013 12719 A AP 2013 12749 A #3 2014 02 10 NUMBER OF PATENT (11) P 2014 6026 B P 2014 6027 B P 2014 6029 B P 2014 6030 B P 2014 6031 B P 2014 6033 B P 2014 6034 B P 2014 6040 B P 2014 6042 B P 2014 6028 B P 2014 6032 B P 2014 6043 B P 2014 6035 B P 2014 6036 B P 2014 6037 B P 2014 6038 B P 2014 6039 B P 2014 6041 B 153 CLASSIFICATION INDEXES UTILITY MODELS CONCORDANCE TABLE OF INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION INDEXES AND PUBLICATION NUMBERS NUMBER OF PUBLISHED APPLICATION (10) AU 2014 13121 U AU 2014 13148 U INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION INDEXES (51) B 61 H 13/20 B 65 D 88/00 CONCORDANCE TABLE OF PUBLICATION NUMBERS AND INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION INDEX NUMBER OF PUBLISHED APPLICATION (10) AU 2014 13121 U AU 2014 13148 U INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION INDEXES (51) B 61 H 13/20 B 65 D 88/00 DESIGN REGISTERED ACCORDING TO THE ACCELERATED PROCEDURE CONCORDANCE TABLE OF INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION INDEX AND PATENTS NUMBERS NUMBER OF PATENT (11) D 2014 567 S INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION INDEX (51) 09-01 CONCORDANCE TABLE OF PATENT NUMBERS AND INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION INDEX NUMBER OF PATENT (11) D 2014 567 S INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION INDEX (51) 09-01 CONCORDANCE TABLE OF APPLICATION NUMBERS AND PATENT NUMBERS NUMBER OF APPLICATION (21) AD 2013 000780 154 NUMBER OF PATENT (11) D 2014 567 S #3 2014 02 10 CLASSIFICATION INDEXES TRADEMARKS CONCORDANCE TABLE OF REGISTATION NUMBERS, APPLICATION NUMBERS, PUBLICATION NUMBERS AND BULLETIN NUMBERS NUMBER OF REGISTRATION (111) NUMBER OF APPLICATION (210) M 2014 24443 R M 2014 24444 R M 2014 24445 R M 2014 24446 R M 2014 24447 R M 2014 24448 R M 2014 24449 R M 2014 24450 R M 2014 24451 R M 2014 24452 R M 2014 24453 R M 2014 24454 R M 2014 24455 R M 2014 24456 R M 2014 24457 R M 2014 24458 R M 2014 24459 R M 2014 24460 R M 2014 24461 R M 2014 24462 R M 2014 24463 R M 2014 24464 R M 2014 24465 R M 2014 24466 R M 2014 24467 R M 2014 24468 R M 2014 24469 R M 2014 24470 R M 2014 24471 R M 2014 24472 R M 2014 24473 R M 2014 24474 R M 2014 24475 R M 2014 24476 R M 2014 24477 R M 2014 24478 R M 2014 24479 R M 2014 24480 R M 2014 24481 R AM 2014 75324 AM 2014 75390 AM 2014 75426 AM 2014 75469 AM 2014 75468 AM 2014 75427 AM 2014 75635 AM 2014 75570 AM 2012 66879 AM 2012 67161 AM 2012 68052 AM 2012 68264 AM 2012 68300 AM 2012 68345 AM 2012 68346 AM 2012 68767 AM 2012 69239 AM 2012 69327 AM 2012 69387 AM 2012 69549 AM 2012 69550 AM 2012 69724 AM 2012 69753 AM 2012 69849 AM 2012 69984 AM 2012 69985 AM 2012 69990 AM 2012 70040 AM 2012 70073 AM 2012 70077 AM 2012 70085 AM 2012 70114 AM 2013 70220 AM 2013 70316 AM 2013 70347 AM 2013 70357 AM 2013 71280 AM 2013 71372 AM 2013 70312 NUMBER OF PUBLISHED APPLICATION (260) AM 2012 66879 A AM 2013 67161 A AM 2013 68052 A AM 2013 68264 A AM 2013 68300 A AM 2013 68345 A AM 2013 68346 A AM 2013 68767 A AM 2013 69239 A AM 2013 69327 A AM 2013 69387 A AM 2013 69549 A AM 2013 69550 A AM 2013 69724 A AM 2013 69753 A AM 2013 69849 A AM 2013 69984 A AM 2013 69985 A AM 2013 69990 A AM 2013 70040 A AM 2013 70073 A AM 2013 70077 A AM 2013 70085 A AM 2013 70114 A AM 2013 70220 A AM 2013 70316 A AM 2013 70347 A AM 2013 70357 A AM 2013 71280 A AM 2013 71372 A - #3 2014 02 10 NUMBER OF BULLETIN 3(391) 2014 3(391) 2014 3(391) 2014 3(391) 2014 3(391) 2014 3(391) 2014 3(391) 2014 3(391) 2014 24(364) 2012 15(379) 2013 19(383) 2013 19(383) 2013 19(383) 2013 19(383) 2013 19(383) 2013 14(378) 2013 18(382) 2013 15(379) 2013 15(379) 2013 20(384) 2013 20(384) 2013 14(378) 2013 14(378) 2013 19(383) 2013 17(381) 2013 19(383) 2013 19(383) 2013 19(383) 2013 19(383) 2013 19(383) 2013 19(383) 2013 18(382) 2013 18(382) 2013 19(383) 2013 19(383) 2013 19(383) 2013 19(383) 2013 19(383) 2013 3(391) 2014 155 CLASSIFICATION INDEXES CONCORDANCE TABLE OF PUBLICATION NUMBERS AND APPLICATION NUMBERS 156 NUMBER OF PUBLISHED APPLICATION (260) NUMBER OF APPLICATION (210) 1 AM 2014 69116 A AM 2014 69842 A AM 2014 70796 A AM 2014 70917 A AM 2014 71119 A AM 2014 71163 A AM 2014 71198 A AM 2014 71360 A AM 2014 71369 A AM 2014 71370 A AM 2014 71417 A AM 2014 71440 A AM 2014 71441 A AM 2014 71442 A AM 2014 71443 A AM 2014 71459 A AM 2014 71460 A AM 2014 71461 A AM 2014 71462 A AM 2014 71463 A AM 2014 71487 A AM 2014 71491 A AM 2014 71497 A AM 2014 71498 A AM 2014 71522 A AM 2014 71523 A AM 2014 71526 A AM 2014 71527 A AM 2014 71536 A 2 AM 2012 69116 AM 2012 69842 AM 2013 70796 AM 2013 70917 AM 2013 71119 AM 2013 71163 AM 2013 71198 AM 2013 71360 AM 2013 71369 AM 2013 71370 AM 2013 71417 AM 2013 71440 AM 2013 71441 AM 2013 71442 AM 2013 71443 AM 2013 71459 AM 2013 71460 AM 2013 71461 AM 2013 71462 AM 2013 71463 AM 2013 71487 AM 2013 71491 AM 2013 71497 AM 2013 71498 AM 2013 71522 AM 2013 71523 AM 2013 71526 AM 2013 71527 AM 2013 71536 1 AM 2014 71566 A AM 2014 71590 A AM 2014 71659 A AM 2014 71679 A AM 2014 71837 A AM 2014 71838 A AM 2014 71842 A AM 2014 71843 A AM 2014 71900 A AM 2014 71981 A AM 2014 71983 A AM 2014 71987 A AM 2014 72103 A AM 2014 72154 A AM 2014 72265 A AM 2014 72290 A AM 2014 72292 A AM 2014 72326 A AM 2014 72327 A AM 2014 72408 A AM 2014 72460 A AM 2014 72512 A AM 2014 72513 A AM 2014 72561 A AM 2014 72611 A AM 2014 72694 A AM 2014 72695 A AM 2014 72696 A AM 2014 72697 A AM 2014 72699 A AM 2014 72700 A AM 2014 72702 A AM 2014 72814 A AM 2014 69814 A* #3 2014 02 10 2 AM 2013 71566 AM 2013 71590 AM 2013 71659 AM 2013 71679 AM 2013 71837 AM 2013 71838 AM 2013 71842 AM 2013 71843 AM 2013 71900 AM 2013 71981 AM 2013 71983 AM 2013 71987 AM 2013 72103 AM 2013 72154 AM 2013 72265 AM 2013 72290 AM 2013 72292 AM 2013 72326 AM 2013 72327 AM 2013 72408 AM 2013 72460 AM 2013 72512 AM 2013 72513 AM 2013 72561 AM 2013 72611 AM 2013 72694 AM 2013 72695 AM 2013 72696 AM 2013 72697 AM 2013 72699 AM 2013 72700 AM 2013 72702 AM 2013 72814 AM 2012 69814 CLASSIFICATION INDEXES CONCORDANCE TABLE OF INDEX OF GOODS AND/OR SERVICES AND APPLICATION NUMBERS INDEX OF GOODS AND/OR SERVICES (511) NUMBER OF PUBLISHED APPLICATION (260) 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 14 14 16 16 16 17 17 18 2 AM 2014 71497 A AM 2014 71498 A AM 2014 71497 A AM 2014 71498 A AM 2014 70796 A AM 2014 71842 A AM 2014 72408 A AM 2014 72460 A AM 2014 71536 A AM 2014 71837 A AM 2014 71842 A AM 2014 71843 A AM 2014 71981 A AM 2014 71983 A AM 2014 71987 A AM 2014 72326 A AM 2014 72327 A AM 2014 71497 A AM 2014 71498 A AM 2014 71838 A AM 2014 71497 A AM 2014 71498 A AM 2014 72265 A AM 2014 71497 A AM 2014 71498 A AM 2014 72103 A AM 2014 72611 A AM 2014 71497 A AM 2014 71498 A AM 2014 71526 A AM 2014 71527 A AM 2014 72265 A AM 2014 72326 A AM 2014 72327 A AM 2014 72460 A AM 2014 71497 A AM 2014 71498 A AM 2014 71679 A AM 2014 72512 A AM 2014 72513 A AM 2014 69116 A AM 2014 71497 A AM 2014 71498 A AM 2014 71497 A AM 2014 71498 A AM 2014 72512 A #3 2014 02 10 1 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 25 25 27 27 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 35 2 AM 2014 72513 A AM 2014 71497 A AM 2014 71498 A AM 2014 71838 A AM 2014 72265 A AM 2014 71497 A AM 2014 71498 A AM 2014 72290 A AM 2014 71497 A AM 2014 71498 A AM 2014 72512 A AM 2014 72513 A AM 2014 71497 A AM 2014 71498 A AM 2014 71523 A AM 2014 69842 A AM 2014 71360 A AM 2014 71566 A AM 2014 72292 A AM 2014 69842 A AM 2014 71198 A AM 2014 71360 A AM 2014 71440 A AM 2014 71459 A AM 2014 71460 A AM 2014 71461 A AM 2014 71462 A AM 2014 71463 A AM 2014 71487 A AM 2014 71491 A AM 2014 71522 A AM 2014 71590 A AM 2014 71659 A AM 2014 71900 A AM 2014 72292 A AM 2014 72561 A AM 2014 71360 A AM 2014 71369 A AM 2014 71119 A AM 2014 71837 A AM 2014 72694 A AM 2014 72695 A AM 2014 72696 A AM 2014 72697 A AM 2014 72700 A AM 2014 72702 A AM 2014 72814 A AM 2014 70917 A AM 2014 71370 A AM 2014 69814 A* AM 2014 69116 A 157 CLASSIFICATION INDEXES 1 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 37 37 37 37 38 39 2 AM 2014 71441 A AM 2014 71442 A AM 2014 71497 A AM 2014 71498 A AM 2014 71526 A AM 2014 71527 A AM 2014 71659 A AM 2014 71842 A AM 2014 72265 A AM 2014 72561 A AM 2014 71497 A AM 2014 71498 A AM 2014 71679 A AM 2014 71838 A AM 2014 72154 A AM 2014 71497 A 1 39 42 42 42 42 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 44 45 2 AM 2014 71498 A AM 2014 71497 A AM 2014 71498 A AM 2014 71526 A AM 2014 71527 A AM 2014 71163 A AM 2014 71369 A AM 2014 71417 A AM 2014 71441 A AM 2014 71442 A AM 2014 71443 A AM 2014 71659 A AM 2014 72292 A AM 2014 71842 A AM 2014 72699 A CONCORDANCE TABLE OF INDEX OF GOODS AND/OR SERVICES AND NUMBERS OF TRADEMARKS REGISTERED ACCORDING TO THE ACCELERATED PROCEDURE INDEX OF GOODS AND/OR SERVICES (511) 3 5 5 29 30 32 32 32 33 33 34 35 39 43 44 158 NUMBER OF REGISTERED ACCORDING TO THE ACCELERATED PROCEDURE (111) M 2014 24445 R M 2014 24445 R M 2014 24448 R M 2014 24445 R M 2014 24445 R M 2014 24443 R M 2014 24445 R M 2014 24447 R M 2014 24447 R M 2014 24450 R M 2014 24449 R M 2014 24445 R M 2014 24446 R M 2014 24446 R M 2014 24444 R #3 2014 02 10 OFFICIAL BULLETIN OF THE INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY 3(391) EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: EDITORS-TRANSLATORS: COMPUTER LAYOUT: N. Bebrishvili E. Gabunia G. Nadareishvili K. Svanidze E-mail:
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