Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School


Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School
Cnr Waratah & Keenan Street, Mona Vale NSW 2103
T: (02) 9999 3264  F: (02) 9979 8603
W:  E:
Term 2 Week 8 - 18/06/14
Dear Parents,
Community Spirit is alive and well at Sacred Heart. On the weekend the children in our community celebrated
their First Eucharist. My own son also made his First Eucharist last Sunday and as I sat through the rehearsal and
the actual ceremony I thought about the wonderful people in the parish who worked tirelessly behind the scenes
to make each Mass a joyous celebration. Here at Sacred Heart there are so many people to thank including the
group leaders who ran each session. Selina Nichols and Margaret Perusich lent a helping hand to Suzy Caruso
who oversees every aspect of this program ensuring that each ceremony is special and meaningful. I would like to
thank Suzy as well as congratulate all the children and their families. When I asked my son how he felt after
receiving Jesus for the first time he responded “I just feel so happy inside.” There were some very proud parents
around last weekend.
It is just so heartening when our parent community get behind us to support safety initiatives. We had a number
of emails supporting the need to monitor our drop off zone in the morning and our volunteer list of parent
helpers is slowly growing. If you are able to assist could you please contact Selina Nichols or leave your details
at the office. This would require half an hour of your time once a month.
The situation has improved greatly over this week as the children are ready to exit the car with their school bag
on their lap and parents are remaining in the car. Can I encourage you not to drop your children off so that they
need to walk across either the school driveway or the Woolworths driveway. I have attached the Kiss and Ride
procedures that were sent home last week to the end of this newsletter in case you missed it. If the children are
being dropped off by a carer or Grandparent could you please pass on these procedures.
On Thursday, 12th June the years 5/6 Eagle Tag and Rugby League teams joined the years 3/4 Rugby
League teams for the Term 2 Gala Day at Nolan's Reserve, Manly. The day was filled with fun, enjoyment
and sportsmanship. Sacred Heart had a very successful day with a number of notable results. Both of the years
5/6 girls competitive Eagle Tag teams went through the day undefeated only to play each other in a fantastic final.
The Years 3/4 Rugby League team 1 provided the result of the day, going through their pool undefeated and
winning the final 2-1 to move through to the State Cup in July. Well done boys and also a big thank you to Miss
Euers for your planning and encouragement.
These days just would not happen without parent support.
Our skills sessions on a Thursday afternoon helped the children achieve such great results. If you intend to
support these sessions but have not yet returned the note please do so tomorrow. Currently we do not have
enough helpers to continue with the program next term.
Another great news story this week saw three of our talented athletes make the State Cross Country Carnival.
Well done Chelsea S, Roxi B and Zoey M.
Finally, we have Our Sacred Heart Fun Day coming up next Thursday and our Mass on Friday, the last day of what
has been a busy and productive term. There are a lot of busy workers in the background preparing for these
events. The children will enjoy a disco, an obstacle course as well as a delicious lunch. We are asking our
Kindergarten and Year One families to bake a plate of goodies for our cake stall on the day. So start planning your
RED outfits and we look forward to seeing you at Mass on Friday.
Upcoming Dates:
Thursday, 26th June: Sacred Heart Fun Day (wear red bring lots of coins)
Friday, 27th June :
Sacred Heart Feast Day - Mass: 9.15am Mass
Friday, 27th June:
Last Day of Term 2
Term 3, 2014
Monday, 14th July:
Tuesday, 15th July:
Staff Development Day
Students return for Term 3
Yours sincerely,
Jayne Wheen
A mobile phone has been found on the 759 bus. Please ask at the school office.
Year 6 Science Expo - Invitation
Year 6 have been studying Energy in its different forms this term, with a particular focus on renewable energy.
On Wednesday, 25th June (Week 9), Year 6 will hold an Energy Expo in the hall from 9:15am – 2:00pm (breaking
for Recess and Lunch), which will showcase some of the renewable energy forms they have researched. Please
come along and see all of the amazing stands that will be on exhibit.
Uniform Shop News
Broken School Bag Zippers: If anyone has a broken zipper to be fixed on their bag, please bring it
to the Uniform Shop as soon as possible and I will get them fixed next term.
Opening Hours: Monday and Friday mornings - 8.30am to 9.00am
Wednesday afternoons - 2.30pm to 3.00pm
Religious Education News
First Holy Communion
Congratulations to all of our students who received the Eucharist for the first time last week-end. Thank
you to all the parents for preparing their children so well through attending the group meetings. I hope
the First Eucharist experience remains a special memory for each child and their families.
Thank you to the year 3 teachers and staff for attending the masses.
Grandparents and Friends Morning and Mass
Grandparents are of unique importance in family life generally and particularly in the transmission of
faith through the generations. They provide children with a stability and sense of identity and continuity.
Many grandparents are also significant carers in the lives of their grandchildren, sometimes even the
primary carer.
To celebrate the gift of grandparents and special friends we invite all grandparents and special family
friends to Morning tea and mass next term.
Date: Friday, 25th July
10:00am - 10:30am: Open Classroom
10:30am: Band & Choir and Morning Tea in the School Hall
11:30am: Mass at Sacred Heart Church
Dates to Remember:
Friday, 27th June:
Sacred Heart Feast Day. Whole School Mass at 9:15am - Sacred Heart Church
Friday, 25th July:
Grandparents Day. Whole school Mass at 11:30am Sacred Heart Church
Christine McBryde– Religious Education Co-ordinator
Positive Behaviour For Learning
Respectful Relationships
Our PBL focus for this week is:
Be inclusive and play by the agreed rules.
Our Respectful Relationships focus for this week is:
Join in with others.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday from all at Sacred Heart to the following students who celebrate a birthday
during the coming week:
Amelia S
Marik V
Bridget C
Luke F
Nikola K
Matthew S
Danielle O
Sophie O
Riley L
Hannah S
Jarrod B
Ted E
Ryan W
Sports News
This Friday children will have the opportunity to try out for the school touch football teams to attend a
carnival which will be held in early Term 3.
Selection process
We have an accredited coach and selector who will select the children for teams during the try outs.
Who can try out ?
Any student in Years 3 to 6 who would like to try out for the teams will have the opportunity to do so
this Friday.
Could all children in Years 3- 6 wear their Sports Uniform this Friday, 20th June.
A note for the Athletics Carnival will be sent home shortly. Please complete and return your child’s form
before the end of term.
Term 3 – Thursday Afternoon Sport Sessions
We were hoping to implement the program again next term including Year 3 children, however we have
had minimum response from parents to assist and without this support the program cannot go ahead.
The Sports we were hoping to offer would include Netball, AFL, Cricket, Creative Movement and
Gymnastics. If you would like to assist, supervise, coach or help walk children down to Kitchener Park
please indicate below so we can make the decision as to whether we can proceed with this current
Term 3 Sports / Skills Program
☐ I am able to supervise
☐ I am able to coach ………………………………………………………………..…… (sport)
☐ I am an accredited coach in ……………………………………………..……….. (not a requirement)
Name: ………………………………………………..………
Contact No:
Child: …………………………………………..……………
Class: ……………………………………………………
Canteen News
CANTEEN ROSTER (start 9.30am - finish 1.45pm)
Mon 23/6
Thur 26/6
Fri 27/6
Jacqui C, Linda D, Melissa R, Kristina K
Linda M, Kammi B, Juliana J, Clare B
Kellie C, Jo B, Jenny O, Margaux Z
HELP: Friday, 27TH June from either 9.30am-1.45pm or 11am-1.30pm - please contact Marie.
VOLUNTEERS: We are currently finalising the Term 3 roster which will be sent home shortly. If you are no
longer available for canteen duty in Terms 3 or 4, could you please contact Kay at your earliest convenience.
LEFT IN THE CANTEEN: We are hoping one last attempt will find the owner of a hot pink plastic bag which
was left in the canteen around the beginning of May. It has a brand new item of clothing and receipt from the
shop “Devine” in Mona Vale. If this belongs to you or you may know who owns it then please let us know asap.
BUTTER CHICKEN, ETC. HOLIDAY ORDERS: As the end of term approaches we are placing our last orders
this week. If any parents would like us to order supplies for the holidays e.g. Butter Chicken etc, please contact
either Kay or Marie before THIS Friday 20th June.
Kay and Marie 
Kiss & Drop Rules 2014
Kiss and Ride Procedures – Morning and Afternoon.
When you leave home ensure your children are in their seats with their bags with them. Bags should not
be in the back of the car.
Enter the Kiss and Ride from Waratah Street – left turn only. Right hand turn from Waratah Street May
not join the queue.
The school driveway cannot be used to do a U Turn.
Remain in the queue and keep children in the car until your car reaches the footpath between the school
driveway and the beginning of Kiss and Drop.
Please don’t drop children off in Waratah Street or before the school driveway as it dangerous for the
children to walk across a driveway that is in constant use by delivery vans and staff arriving at school at
that time.
When students exit the car parents must remain in the driver’s seat.
Students may only alight on the footpath side. Do not use Kiss and Drop if this is not possible.
Teachers will be on duty to open car doors and help children move to the pedestrian gate.
When leaving parents need to use their indicator and look for buses before pulling out into traffic.
Drivers for the Satellite Class cannot enter the Kiss and Drop Zone until 8.40am when the Satellite
teachers are in the seating area. Drivers cannot wait in the Kiss and Ride zone until teachers appear.
Please be respectful of other drivers, staff and volunteers if you use this service.
Do not park in Kiss and Drop before 3pm as the children are not brought around until then. There is a
large fine for staying longer than 5 minutes. The school is not responsible for any fines incurred by
Do not “meet” your children at Kiss and Ride. Any child using it must go to Kiss and Ride with teachers at
the correct time.
Enter the Kiss and Ride from Waratah Street – left turn only. Right hand turn from Waratah Street may
not join the queue.
Queue safely and legally until your car reaches the footpath between the school driveway and the
beginning of Kiss and Drop.
Please have your sign ready as many cars are heavily tinted and some teachers do not know every
parents face.
The school driveway cannot be used to do a U Turn.
Parents must remain in the driver’s seat.
Students must enter cars with a teacher. They cannot go to cars by themselves.
When leaving parents need to use their indicator and look for buses before pulling out into traffic.
Please be respectful of other drivers, staff and volunteers if you use this service.
P & F News
Sacred Heart School Fundraiser
Get out your class list, scroll through your phone, call your friends and secure your tickets to this years "Rock Theme"
Live music, fancy dress and games will ensure a relaxed, fun, social evening out & catch up.
For all familiar faces and new Sacred Heart Families we look forward to seeing you all enjoying a night out while
supporting our school community.
To assist us with raising funds on the night we are planning to auction major artworks created by your children's year
along with some fabulous hampers. To make it easier for parents we are providing each year with a theme.
The plan is that parents buy an item/s along the line if their year theme e.g. Beach Theme = beach towel.
We are more than happy for families to combine money to buy a more substantial gift if that suits. The idea is that once
all girlies have donated we can create amazing hampers filled with wonderful items. Boxes will be left in each
classroom for children to place their items in or if you would rather bring it in yourself please leave it at the office.
If any families are able to donate a more substantial gift that is best suited to bring an auction prize we are more than
happy to accept these instead or as well.
RAFFLES PRIZES: We are in need of some major prizes for raffle. Some suggestions: Weekend away, Apple Products – I
pad, IPod, Red Balloon Voucher, Dinner Vouchers, Photography Vouchers, Camera
Please contact Lisa Caterina on 0421 364 898 or Belinda Cimino on 0410303 378 in regard to this.
Items will be collected no later than Friday 1st August 2014
Tickets go on sale soon so start organizing!
Kindergarten – BEACH HAMPER: beach towels, beach games, beach bag, beach chairs, beach umbrella, beach
mat/rug, sunscreen, beach cafe vouchers, surf board, surf mat, picnic ware, goggles, flippers, snorkel, wahoo beach toys,
surf shop vouchers, cancer council shop vouchers,
Year 1 – GOURMET KICTHEN HAMPER: Gourmet food- olives, Gourmet tea, Teapots & cups, coffee, coffee pots &
cups, Gourmet Biscuits, Chocolates, Nougat, Tea Towels, Place Mats, Platter, Table Runners, Vouchers – Butcher,
Alfresco Emporium, Thomas Dux, Recipe Books, Food Related Magazine Subscriptions.
Year 2 – DAD’S HAMPER: BBQ Tools, Apron, Stubby Holder, Picnic Chairs, Vouchers - Car wash, Golf, Magazine,
Subscriptions, Book, ITunes Voucher, Bunning’s, Flower Power, Dinner
Year 3 – MUMS’S HAMPER: Hand Creams, Hair Products, Bath – Bath salts, Bubble bath, Body Wash/Lotion, candle,
Vouchers – Dinner, Pamper – Facial, Nails, Hairdresser, Massage, Gym pass, Pilates or Yoga Sessions, Gift Shop,
Magazine Subscription.
Year 4 – HOME HAMPER: Howard storage, Candle, Reed Diffuser, Voucher – Flower Power, House Cleaning, Carpet
Cleaning, Window Cleaning, Oven Fairy, BBQ Fairy, Painter for the day.. (offer your services for a day or half day)
Year 5 – GAMES: Board Games, Cards, Pool Games, Beach Games, Puzzles, Sudoku Books, Vouchers – EB Games, Ten
Pin Bowling
Year 6 KIDS SPORT FUN: Nerf Water Guns, Wahoo Toys, Tennis Racquet, Cricket Bat, Bocce, Pool Toys, Football,
Soccer Ball, Basketball, Netball, AFL, Tickets for sporting events, Vouchers – Rebel Sport, Mike Pawley’s.
School Awards - Term 2 Week 7
Charlie M, Natasha S, Bodhi P
Jack M, Hannah B, Summer P
Marlow M, Lily B
Michael N, Sarah K
Charlotte C, Alex B
Tom M, Joe G
Corey D, Eliza M
Kori C, Fergus H
Charlotte C, Sara A, Indeanna R
James M, Olivia J
Marnie H, Holly L
Tom D, Bianka S
Matthew B, Luka M
Grace D, Angelina G
Stephanie G, Ryan W
Principal’s Awards: Lacey C (1F), Cowen A (1T)
Community Notices
Please find below the link on our website to the July 2014 School Holiday
World Cup Soccer Camps -
Boys & Girls — Ages 5 to 15 — 9.00am to 3.00pm
Dee Why-St Ives-Mona Vale-Cammeray / Star Sports Camps is a Registered Child Care Provider Phone 9981 3472 / 0412 602 999.
MANLY WARRINGAH BASKETBALL CAMP: Tues 8th, Wed 9th and Thurs 10th July 2014
Session 1(ages 5-9):10am – Noon / Session 2(ages 10 & above):1-3pm
Venue: NBISC, Jackson Rd, Warriewood / Day 3 is Competition Day with great prizes. Cost: $70
This is a 3 day camp ONLY. Payments must be made prior to camp starting date. Please complete details
and forward to: Fax: 99133644 Email: Enquiries-99133622
‘THE POTTER LEAGUE’: WHEN: Starts in August runs ‘til Dec (No games in school holidays)
WHO: Designed for new players. Individual players can join at any time or you can enter a team of
between 7 & 10 players. COST: $150 per player includes registration, insurance, game fees, playing
singlet, match coaching court hire & referees. VENUE: Northern Beaches Indoor Sports Centre NBISC,
Jacksons Rd, Warriewood. ENQUIRIES: MWBA office ph 9913 3622 Fax 9913 3644.