to all of our Sunnyland Beach Volunteers


to all of our Sunnyland Beach Volunteers
The Sunnylander
The Sunnylander
A Message from our President
We’ve had some tremendous
events in Sunnyland this year. The
beach picnics bring in around 125
people each and the Golf Cart Poker
run had about 50 people as well.
The reason for each is probably due
to the fact that they’re a lot of fun. I
can only encourage more people to
show up, you’re really missing out
on some fun community activities.
Special thanks go out to Phil and Sue
Parker who have been doing a great
job coordinating the beach parties,
taking care of the equipment and
cooking duties. After this year, Phil
has requested to take a break from
cooking so we’ll be looking for several volunteers to help with the cooking next year. The parking signs
were re-installed around our beach
access. I’m not aware of anyone
getting a ticket there, but I wouldn’t
be surprised if someone did. The
signs were re-installed after 14 pictures of cars parking there were provided to the DOT with another complaint. The majority of the cars I saw
in the pictures (the complaint was a
public record) were residents that
failed to adhere to the parking guid-
ance we tried to communicate to
everyone. I’m afraid the signs are
going to be there for a while. To be
safe from possible tickets, I would
recommend parking your vehicle
EAST of the signs. The board has
looked into the purchase of empty
lots near the beach, but the voluntary costs for each resident would
far exceed our latest attempt at
dredging and we’ve discarded that
option. Perhaps things will change
with time. One down, one to go.
One last thing, if you have a extra
prayer...send it out to Cindy and
Denny Lusby.
Dave Gilbert
President, SBPOA
Have you missed out?
Do we have your e-mail
Please make sure to
give us your e-mail address so
you don’t miss out on events,
important information, news,
etc. concerning our neighborhood that are sent out by our
webmaster as needed.
Your address is only used
for Sunnyland business .
to all of our
Sunnyland Beach
Social Calendar 2014
Karaoke @ S.B.I.
Fri. Feb. 28
Beach Fishing Tournament
Sat. March 8
Spring Yard Sale
Sat. March 15
Golf Cart Poker Run
Sat. April 12
Memorial Day Beach Party
Sun. May 25 noon-4
Independence Day Beach Party Sat. July 5 noon-4
Labor Day Beach Party
Sun. Aug. 31 noon-4
Beach Clean Up
Sat. Oct 4
Golf Cart Poker Run
Sat. Oct. 18
Annual Meeting
Wed. Nov. 19
Holiday Boat Parade
Sat. Dec. 13
House Decorations
Sun. Dec. 21 thru
Sat. Dec. 27
(street & waterfront)
rain date Mon. Sept. 1
Dates subject to change.
Times to be determined at a later date.
Check details on our website
The Sunnylander
Did you forget?
Sunnyland Beach
POA Dues - slipped
your mind?
Dues keep our
updated, beach access safe for
community use and covers our
insurance and maintenance plus supports social activities
Be proud to live in Sunnyland
Beach, $50.00 so little to ask for
a slice of PARADISE.
Dues can be sent to Sunnyland
Beach POA at PO BOX 510872,
Melbourne Beach, FL 32951
Many Thanks,
Pamela K Fry CFCAL
SBPOA Treasurer
Sunshine Committee
Are you aware
that we, as a
have a way to
show how we
care for each
aware of a neighbor in need who
is ill,
recovering from surgery
or hospitalization, please contact
one of our Board members.
Sunnyland has a committee that
will provide a fruit basket, flowers
or a helping hand.
In addition, Sunnyland
has a bereavement fund to provide flowers in the event of a loss
of one of our residents.
New Member Spotlight
By Dave Gilbert
I’d like to welcome you all to a
new family that just moved into
344 Nikomas Way. I had the
pure pleasure of meeting Cory
and Krista Burdette who came
here from the Orlando area just
last month. They were attracted
to the area because of the river,
beaches and friendly people in
our neighborhood. They have
one child. A really cute and
beautiful kid……….and I just
realized I never asked for the
name. The kid is one year old
and it didn’t offer up his or her
(oh crap, I don’t even know)
name or talk all that much.
They also have a dog and two
cats, but when I asked why they
wanted two cats, they didn’t really know why. Cory and Krista
are interested in fishing and
kayaking in and around Mullet
Creek. They have intentions of
learning how to golf and scuba
dive as well. Krista works as a
medical accountant and Cory is
a technical consultant for
Hewlett Packard. The child,
who may be a boy or a girl who
may or may not have a name, is
only one year old and doesn’t
work as yet. They are in the
look-out for a used golf cart
should anyone be wanting to
part with theirs. Should you run
into either Cory or Krista and
their beautiful child, please welcome them to our community a
bit better than I have done here.
The Sunnylander
Do TERRA for Dogs ?
By Therese Doolin
I am asked quite often, essential
oils work great for people, can
oils be used for dogs?
The answer is yes. Children and
dogs benefit from essential oils
as much as adults.
The following list highlights some
of the oils that can be used to
treat mild problems for dogs.
Helichrysum: Bleeding, Wound
Care. Can be used for Liver Issues, Nerve Damage
Lavender: Anxiety, Allergies,
Inflammation, Wound Care. Can
be used for Abscesses, Burns,
Conjunctivitis (pink eye), Tumors, Vertigo,
Lemon: Anxiety, Infections,
Lymph Function, Can be used
for Electrolyte Imbalance, Immune Boost, Claw Strength
Melissa: Anxiety. Can be used
for Chronic Cough, Depression,
Flu, Herpes, Immune Support
Melaleuca: Wounds, Cuts, Insect Stings, Immune Support
and Mood
Oregano: Insect Repellent –
internally and externally. Can
also be used for: Bronchitis,
Colds, Infection, MRSA, Ringworm, Strept, Staph
However, I caution, always consult with your veterinarian if you
have questions or before you
decide to use alternative treatments for serious conditions,
with puppies or especially older
animals. Here is a list of the safe
oils to use for dogs and some of
the ailments they can help treat.
Peppermint: Asthma, Diarrhea,
Inflammation,. Can also be used
for: Bronchitis, Fever, Heatstroke, Muscle Pain, Ulcers
Rosemary: Internally as insect
repellent, intestinal issues, diarrhea
AromaTouch: Overworked Muscles. May also be used for Circulatory Issues, Heatstroke,
I use the following oils topically
for Lilly (my dog) and some are
Balance: Anxiety, Joint Issues
(used with Lemongrass and
Deep Blue). Also used for Dysplasia,
Frankincense: Anxiety, Inflammation, Infection, Insect Bites,
Scarring. Can be used for Tumors, Warts
Breathe: Can be used for Asthma, Allergies, Colds, Heatstroke,
Kennel Cough
The Sunnylander
Deep Blue: Muscle Cramps,
Wound Care. Can be used for
DigestZen: Diarrhea, Vomiting.
Can be used for Allergies, Digestive Parasites, Ulcers
Scarring, Tumors, Wound Care
On Guard: Insect Bites. Can be
used for Abscesses, Cold, Flu,
Immune Support, MRSA, Oral
Health, Parasites
Serentiy: Anxiety, Inflammation,
Wound Care and can be used for
Zendocrine: Can be used for
Kidney or Bladder Infections,
Liver Support
Cats can also benefit from the
use of essential oils, albeit in
much smaller amounts. For example, diluting frankincense in
coconut oil and applying topically
can help with immune and inflammation support.
One last word about essential
oils: Mosquitos and
NoSeeums: I was very skeptical
when I first began using essential oils, period (or snake oils, as
Keith calls them). But became
convinced of the validity of their
power quickly when I combined
Rosemary, Oregano and TerraShield oils to some Coconut
Oil and used it as a repellent.
When I use the oils, I am not
bothered with bites or stings by
the NoSeeums or Mosquitos.
With the threat of the Chickungunya, I am glad to be protected
from potentially dangerous bites.
Dwarf Sea Horses
By Dave Gilbert
Yes, right here in our lagoon exist Seahorses. I usually find
them when they fall off one of my
crab traps and end up in the
boat. I usually stick it in a bucket of water for a bit, watch it
swim around and then release
back unharmed where it came
from. My curiosity got the best of
me and I decided to do a little
research on them and learned
quite a bit. Seahorses are one
of only two species that swim
upright in the water (the other
being a razor fish). Seahorses
are not long lost decedents of
land horses but simply got their
name from the shape of their
heads. The seahorse most common in our environment is the
Dwarf Sea Horse (H. zosterae)
who also holds the distinction of
being the slowest moving fish in
the world. Not quite ready to be
a Triple Crown contender, the
dwarf sea horse is capable of top
speeds of five (5) feet per hour.
If we put this in context with our
environment, in just about any
current….the sea horse loses
Before breeding, seahorses may
court for several days. During
this time they may change color,
swim side by side holding tails or
grip the same strand of sea
grass with their tails and wheel
around in unison in what is
known as a “pre-dawn dance".
The Sunnylander
They eventually engage in a
“true courtship dance" lasting
about 8 hours which just seems
like a lot of work to me.
. At this point the male pumps
water through the egg pouch on
his trunk which expands and
opens to display its emptiness.
Yes, the male has a pouch in the
front of its tail and it’s used to
store her eggs. When the female’s eggs reach maturity, she
and her mate let go of any anchors and snout-to-snout, drift
upward out of the sea grass or
whatever they were hanging onto, often spiraling as they rise.
The female inserts her ovipositor
into the male’s pouch and deposits dozens to thousands of eggs.
Both animals then sink back into
the sea grass and she swims
The male then fertilizes the eggs
which are embedded in the
pouch wall and become surrounded by a spongy tissue. The
male supplies the eggs with prolactin, the same hormone responsible for milk production in
pregnant mammals. The pouch
provides oxygen as well as a
controlled environment incubator. The eggs
then hatch in the
pouch where the
salinity of the water is regulated;
this prepares the
newborns for life
in the sea.
Throughout gestation, which in
most species requires two to four
weeks; his mate visits him daily
for “morning greetings”. They
interact for about 6 minutes, reminiscent of courtship. The female
then swims away until the next
morning. Quite frankly, I believe
the males get a raw deal here.
After about 4 weeks of this the
fully developed seahorses are
then released from his pouch
into the water. My belly itches
just thinkin of this. Hey you
kids….stop horsing around down
there !!! At this point the male’s
role is done and unfortunately
less than 0.5% of infants survive
to adulthood. There is a common misconception that Sea
Horse’s mate for life. This isn’t
true, but at five feet per hour,
your options are a tad limited.
The Sunnylander
The Sunnylander
By Dave Gilbert
I prefer to write about the great things about our local environment and
have a little fun with it while doing so. This isn’t one of those stories.
For those that aren’t familiar with Chikungunya, it’s not a chicken based
gumbo type recipe like the name might suggest. Although that does
sound pretty good doesn’t it? Instead it’s a mosquito borne viral disease characterized by a bad headache, fever, and rash and debilitating
joint pain. There’s no cure, although I read your body can establish
immunity after you’ve caught it and suffered thru it for a week. Some
people aren’t that lucky and may experience extreme joint pain that
lasts months or even years. Its name in the African Makonde language,
means “that which bends up,” because patients are often contorted with
pain. There's no vaccine against chikungunya and the only treatment is
rest and pain relief.
Recently I read that there was a single case of Chikungunya in the Caribbean that was detected on the island of St. Martin in December 2013.
This represents the first time this disease has been mosquito borne on
this hemisphere ever. The virus is fairly new and was first detected in
1952 in southern Tanzania. By March 2014, more than 10,800 suspected cases and 2,727 laboratory confirmed cases were reported in
the Caribbean. As of July, the CDC has indicated that the Caribbean
has 350,580 suspected cases with 5,037 confirmed by medical personnel. Yes, that’s a pretty big jump since December last year. I view the
discrepancy between suspected and confirmed to be based on limited
income for many islanders and the fact that there’s no cure, so why pay
for a doctor’s visit?
I read that during previous outbreaks in populations without prior exposure to chikungunya, one-third to three-quarters of the population becomes infected with the virus. Up until last month so far this year, 243
cases of infection with chikungunya have been reported in 31 states,
with all patients having contracted the virus elsewhere. Now, in July,
we have the first reported case where a man who hasn’t traveled,
caught this right here in Florida from a mosquito. I fear this may
spread into something very bad and impact our mosquito enriched community as well.
The disease is spread when a certain female mosquito (Aedes aegypti
or Aedes albopictus) bites someone infected and then bites someone
else. I say female not because of my typical banter about the sexes, but
it’s the females that bite to get the protein from our blood needed for her
eggs. It’s pretty much that simple. That being said, the major difference between the female mosquito and the ex-wife is that the female
mosquito only wants your blood and typically doesn’t attack your wallet
while the ex-wife usually goes for both. The best prevention for this
painful ordeal is mosquito repellent and a pre-nup.
The good news is that those two particular mosquitos aren’t naturally
indigenous to the continental U.S. The bad news is that in 1983 a company in Texas brought in car tires to be retreaded from Asia. Contained
in the tires was some water that held mosquito eggs of the Aedes albopictus mosquito, also known as the “Asian tiger” mosquito. The
Asian tiger mosquito now lives throughout the southern US and as far
north as Chicago. These tiger mosquito’s attack during the day and
are considered much more aggressive than the average mosquito
(whatever its name is).
So, I’m writing this story up to warn you if you’re one of approximately 9
million U.S. travelers that visit the Caribbean each year, you may want
to reconsider like we have. Secondly, the disease is now being spread
by the Asian tiger mosquitos in Florida….and our area certainly has its
share of mosquitos. If you’d like more information on this or just want
updated news on the subject, visit:
The Sunnylander
The Sunnylander
Health Care Advance Directives
Working in the hospital environment, I was faced daily with families
who were losing loved ones to various illnesses and conditions. The
most difficult situations to help families with was when there was uncertainty around what “mom/dad/my husband/wife,” would have wanted had she or he been able to voice her/his opinion when she/he was
able. In these circumstances, there was no Advance Directive in
A Living Will describes the kind of medical care you want or do not
want if you cannot make your own decisions. You do not need an attorney to write your Living Will and you can be explicit and creative in
your wishes. You can determine the length of time you wish life preserving measures extend, if you wish to have tube feeding, pain medication and personal wishes, such as your loved ones at the bedside.
You can specify treatments and wishes for Palliative Care or Hospice.
You are not limited in your wishes at the end of your life to make it
comfortable for you and your family.
An Advance Directive is a written or verbal statement made about
how you would want medical decisions made should you not be able
to make them yourself. Let’s face it, death is uncomfortable to talk
about. We, as a society, have made it a taboo subject. But, death is a
part of life and sooner or later, we must all face it. So, why not think
about a plan to make it clear what our wishes might be if we are unable to speak for ourselves.
A Health Care Surrogate Designation is a document that names another person as your representative to make medical decisions for you
if you cannot make them yourself. You can include your instructions
about treatment. You want to choose a person that will follow your
wishes and not be swayed by pressure from friends or family. You
want that person to carry out what YOU want, not what everyone
thinks would be best for you!
What if, for instance, Mr. Smith is involved in a horrific accident and is
in a coma and not expected to live. Who makes medical decisions for
him? Well, in Mr. Smith’s case, he is married. Logically, his wife would
make those decisions. Unfortunately for Mr. Smith, he was on his way
to his attorney’s office to file divorce papers when his accident occurred. Mr. Smith would never have wanted Mrs. Smith making decisions regarding his life or death, but alas, he did not have an Advance
Directive to tell anyone who should make those decisions and had
never discussed this with his family. Very real, very sad scenario, and
it happens every day, putting families at odds, and causing great distress among loved ones and the doctors and nurses caring for the
patient. Remember Terry Schiavo?
An anatomical donation indicates your wish to donate, at death, all or
part of your body. You can donate tissue, organs to those in need, or
your entire body for training of health care workers.
Therese Doolin, MSA, BSN, RN
Florida law (Chapter 765, Florida Statutes) recognizes the right of a
competent adult to make an Advance Directive instructing the physician to provide, withhold or withdraw life-prolonging procedures; to
designate another individual to make treatment decisions if the person
becomes unable to make her/his own decisions; and/or to indicate the
desire to make an anatomical donation after death.
There are five types of Advance Directives:
Living Will
Health Care Surrogate Designation
Anatomical Donation
Durable Power of Attorney (DPOA)
Do Not Resuscitate Order (DNRO)
Another form of Advance Directive is a Durable Power of Attorney
(Chapter 709, Florida Statutes). This is similar to the Health Care Surrogate, but designates a person to perform other activities on your
behalf (financial, legal, medical, etc.) You may wish to consult an attorney before determining a Durable Power of Attorney.
Lastly, people who are determined to be terminally ill or do not wish to
be resuscitated from a respiratory or cardiac arrest, may wish to enact
a Do Not Resuscitate Order (DNRO). This DNRO is a yellow form
that helps emergency personnel know if they are to perform life saving
measures in an emergency situation. DNRO can be revoked during
surgical procedures or in certain situations stipulated in a Living Will.
The DNRO must be discussed with and signed by a physician.
No one is required to have an Advance Directive, but remember,
someone else may make decisions for you and not be aware of your
wishes or beliefs.
Again, an Advance Directive does not need to be drawn up by an attorney. Your wishes can be written on a piece of paper or typed up on
a computer. It is important to have two witnesses sign the Advance
Directive. Some people do have their attorney review or write the Advance Directive and some have it notarized.
The Sunnylander
You can always change your
mind and re-write, change or
update your Advance Directive,
but the changes should be written, signed and dated.
Advance Directives completed in
other states are legal and honored in Florida.
If you have an Advance Directive, keep the original in a
safety deposit box or safe, give a
copy to your lawyer, physician,
hospital of choice, trusted family
member or friend and your
Health Care Surrogate. Be sure if
you update your Advance Directive, you update copies you
have provided others.
Many organizations, hospitals,
and have Advance Directive forms available
online. One document is called
“Five Wishes,” and includes a
Living Will and Health Care Surrogate. “Five Wishes” gives you
the opportunity to specify if you
want tube feeding, assistance
with breathing, pain medication,
and other details that might bring
you comfort such as what kind of
music you might like to hear, if
you want to be shaved, if you
want your hair washed, among
other things.
The end of life is never comfortable to think or talk about, especially when you are young, vibrant and everything is going
well. But, having a plan in place,
in the event something drastic
happens, helps those who are
left behind with difficult decisions
The Sunnylander
make them with the peace of
knowing your wishes.
On a personal note, when my
step-father slipped into a coma
after surgery, my mother was
faced with decisions on how to
proceed with his medical care.
Fortunately, my step-father had
written a Living Will and made
my mother his Health Care Surrogate. My step-father’s family
did not agree with his wishes and
pressured my mother to pursue
with aggressive care, making the
end of his life very uncomfortable
for her. My mother did not waiver
from his wishes and he died with
dignity in the comfort of Hospice
Please, talk with your loved ones
and make plans for the unknown,
for we never know when the unknown may occur. If you need
assistance with finding Advance
Directive documents, please do
not hesitate to call or email me
for resources available to you, I
would be more than happy to
By Dennis Julin
New Residents Dennis and Jennifer Julin are hoping to find new
Pinochle players or partners that would be interested in coming
together for card playing fun. We can help with instructions for
new players and there are no costs. We'll provide the card table
and light snacks and organization.
Contact us by email
Sunnylanders…..A reminder that there are
mandatory lawn watering restrictions that specify
the days when you may water your landscape.
 Wednesday and Saturday for residential landscaping at odd
numbered addresses and properties with no addresses.
 Thursday and Sunday for residential landscaping at even
numbered addresses.
 Water only when needed and not between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
St. Johns River Water Management
Beach Chairs came out great !!
Please put them away when you
are done with them.
The Sunnylander
The Sunnylander
Something to Say
By Dave Gilbert
Have you ever found yourself in a position where something
had to be said, but you just struggled with what to say or how to
say it? I mean the kinda thing where you’re not even sure if saying something is even the right thing to do or not? Sure, some
will read it and understand completely. Some may even walk
away with a smile or consider you clever or creative. Others on
the other hand will neither understand nor appreciate the words
you used to say what you had to say.
When I find myself in these situations I usually ponder the plusses and minuses associated with what I have to say. There’s
always that saying “that you can’t please everyone, so you got
to please yourself.” I forget who sang that, but there’s a ton of
truth in those words. So these words may not make everyone
happy but that’s not the real reason for them anyhow.
Pleasing everyone is an over rated goal that ‘s rarely capable of
being done. You just have to hope that what you say, or how
you say it ,doesn’t really offend someone to the point of them
getting really upset at you for what you’ve done or said. I’m sure
that each of us has been in a circumstance like this if we all reflect back on our lives just a bit. You may have thought what
you had to say was the right thing to do, or perhaps you just had
to “please yourself” and didn’t really care.
Well, several day’s ago I found myself in precisely this same
situation. I was working on the Sunnylander, trying to come
close to the fantastic job that Cindy Lusby usually does here and
I was confronted with what appeared to be an unsurmountable
problem. You see, she’s currently pre-occupied with personal
challenges and wasn’t able to do the editing for this
Sunnylander. I don’t consider myself proficient with Microsoft
Editor and the last time I filled in for Cindy I was barely able to
put the pieces together and ended up with a newsletter that
pales in comparison to the fantastic job that she does for our
community time and time again.
I had to reach well within myself to come up with a solution without really knowing what to say or how to say it . I just hope that
no one objects to my solution once they figure out my rather
sneaky approach for filling in this page and not leaving it blank.
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The Sunnylander
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The Sunnylander
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