GILES HIGH SCHOOL JJ Kirkner, Kelly Keister, Chelsea Dunford Art


GILES HIGH SCHOOL JJ Kirkner, Kelly Keister, Chelsea Dunford Art
March 2007
Art Contest Winners
1st “The Mill”
Kelly Keister
2 “Mystic Angel”
Chelsea Dunford
3rd “Lethal Threat”
JJ Kirkner
JJ Kirkner, Kelly Keister,
Chelsea Dunford
Volume Three
The Blue House
In This Issue…
By MaKayla Songer
The little girl woke up and lay shivering in her twin bed, huddled under the single sheet. It
was summer, and warm in the house. She could see through the open door and into the
hallway, the scene illuminated by the meager light from her window. It was coming. At once
she began to scream. To scream like she has since they moved here. To the Blue House. She
shrieked as loud as she could for her Mom and Dad. They would turn on the light and she
could run up to their room, where she would be safe. But there was no answer. The hallway
remained dark.
Why weren’t they answering? They always turned on the light for her! Her heart was
fluttering savagely in her chest, her fear mounting to sheer panic. What would happen if she
was still in her room when it passed? What would it do? Would it turn and see her? Or simply
go past? She didn’t want to leave the slight safety of her sheet for the open darkness, but she
didn’t want to be here when it came either! She quavered with indecision, terrified to take
So she screamed. Her voice rent the silence like shattering glass. There was no way that
they could not hear her. What had it done to them?! Her panic finally broke her indecision, and
she flung the sheet from her and bolted up the hallway, her bare feet pattering on the carpeted
She reached their room, still screaming, and began shaking her Mother, begging her to
wake up. She wouldn’t. She tried to crawl into the waterbed, but the fitted sheet had been
pulled loose and she couldn’t bear to lie on the icy bed. She needed to hide. Her Mother was all
twisted up in the regular sheet, and she couldn’t get herself underneath. She couldn’t stay in
the open!
She cast a terrified glance down the hallway and saw to her horror that it was coming.
She leapt from the bed, banging her knee on the padded from of the waterbed, and bolted
around to her Father’s side. She shook him, screaming and crying as loud as she could. But he
wouldn’t wake up either. As a last resort she climbed up onto the waterbed and began jumping,
screaming so loud she though her throat would tear.
And it was coming.
MaKayla Songer is the
winner of the Spartonian
short story contest.
“Alive and Growing”
Small Enough To Know You,
Big Enough To Serve You
United Methodist Church
1101 Valleyview Drive
P.O. Box 400
Pearisburg, Virginia 24134
Phone: 540-921-1021
School News
Entertainment 17-19
Katy Allamong &
Ryan Davis
Samantha Owens
Kristen Lucas
Brooke Johnson
Venessa Burnette
Kelsey Frazier
Megan Blevins
Jenna Warthen
Patrick Mahaney
Bryan Stafford
Tanner Bivens
Front Cover Designed By
Kristen Lucas
In the “The Marching
Band” article of the
December issue, the
trombone section leader
should be named as
Wyatt Hall, not Gary
Back Cover Designed By
Kelsey Frazier,
Ryan Davis, and
Katy Allamong
To Contact us, our email is
1St Place:
Can the Heart Be Healed?
By Blair McGee
A tear once cried, is a tear now dried
But the pain it still resides inside
Like a barren garden once full of life
A sad and lonely widow wife
A life once full of joy and light
Now darkness at a growing height
In too deep, emotion and fear
Anniversary in sight, approaching one year
How can they take it?
How will they survive?
If only the memory can be revived
His memory it seems all too far
And his death, brands on us a lasting scar
Oh, I wish to see his smiling face
Or at least to feel his loving embrace
Those simple things I once took for granted
And now to know that I can’t have them
It kills me inside, wrenching my heart
Was it really time for him to depart?
Indeed it’s true, I miss him so
I will not, cannot let the thoughts of him go
Just a moment with him, short and brief
That’s all I ask to rid my grief
But life it seems, moves far too fast
And there is no way to relive the past
Can the heart be healed from a pain like this?
The death of man we all still miss
3rd Place:
By Gelsina Ceritano
The Rain is like a wash.
That sinks inside your skin.
Then bleeds the old, lost memories.
That build up from within.
2nd Place:
A Love Lost
By Justin DiRico
This hurt is unreal
This pain I feel
I have to rise above
Because love is love
And mine is shattered
And it is battered
I write not to induce guilt
Because of the poison you spilt
The poison that left me damaged
But I have to manage
This is so I can spill my feelings
So I can endure the killing
The killing done to my heart
And the blood tastes salty sweet and metallically tart
But I do not guilt you
I still love and miss you
Even though I slept in a puddle of tears
And you confirmed my worst fears
But everyday
Everyday you are away
My heart slowly begins to heal
And again I can feel
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger
Helps you live longer
And this didn’t kill me
But if this is the way it must be
Then I won’t ask why
I’ll just say good bye
The past is broken from the bones.
Every drop leaves a burning sting.
Lost memories exit from your flesh.
The unwanted past is slowly evaporating.
Feel the liquid against you living body.
A feeling of release.
The old has been renewed.
The future, your mind shall feast.
January, February, and March Teachers of the Month
By Megan Blevins
The January teacher of the month was Ms. Barbara Maxwell. Ms. Maxwell has
been teaching in the math department for six years. When asked what her favorite
aspect of teaching was, Ms. Maxwell said, “I enjoy the students that are interested in
learning and try to better themselves by preparing for the SOL tests, graduation, and
their future outside of school.” Ms. Maxwell earned her bachelor’s degree from
Concord University and her master’s from Marshall University and West Virginia
University. She has taken additional classes from WVCGOS and New River
Community College. When asked why she decided to teach at GHS, Ms. Maxwell
said, “I retired from Princeton High School in West Virginia and discovered that I
did not want to stay at home. I heard of a math opening in Giles County and applied
for the job and have enjoyed my tenure here at Giles. The people in the county, the
staff at GHS, and the students are very friendly and make teaching here a pleasure.”
Ms. Maxwell said the reason she decided to become a teacher was, “At the time I
went to college, there was not many opportunities for women to get a professional job. As I continued through college, I found that I
enjoyed helping other students with their assignments and decided that I would become a teacher. Several of my aunts and uncles
were teachers and encouraged me in this endeavor.”
For February, S.A.E. chose Mr. Steve Ragsdale as the teacher of the month. Mr. Ragsdale has
been teaching at GHS for 32 years. Mr. Ragsdale says that his favorite aspect of teaching is “The
instruction part of teaching. Actually showing students how to do the problems.” Mr. Ragsdale
earned his bachelor of sciences degree from Roanoke College and his Master of Arts from
Virginia Tech. When asked how he ended up teaching here at Giles and why he became a teacher,
Mr. Ragsdale says he actually wasn’t planning on becoming a teacher until he was in grad school.
He decided to try teaching because he wanted to try coaching. He says that a big influence on his
becoming a teacher had to do with the fact that both his mother and father were teachers and
coaching because his dad was a coach as well. Mr. Ragsdale saw coaching as a big part of
teaching. He decided to teach at Giles because he did his student teaching here, and there was an
opening at the school for the year after he completed his student teaching. Another reason he says
he chose Giles was because he grew up in Giles county and he really like GHS.
Ms. Mattie Ward has been selected by the S.A.E as the March Teacher of the
Month.. Ms. Ward has been teaching in Giles County since 1985. She has been
teaching for 27 years over all. When asked what her favorite aspect of teaching is,
Ms. Ward responded, “I enjoy interacting and spending time with the students.” She
earned her Associate’s degree from Wytheville Community College, her Bachelor’s
from Radford University and some additional endorsements from the University of
Virginia. Ms. Ward ended up teaching at GHS when her family moved here in 1985.
When asked why she became a teacher, Ms. Ward stated, “A young man at the
church I grew up in was my motivation. Micky was born with severe disabilities. I
was touched by him and all that he was. When I was about 12 years old I knew that I
wanted to become a teacher. I also knew that I wanted to teach in special education.
Working with Micky at church was something I enjoyed. He was so smart! He was
non-verbal, but had many ways to communicate. It was through knowing Micky and
working with him that I started believing I could make a difference.”
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Pearisburg, Virginia
8th Grade Spelling Bee
By Morgan Sumpter
The 8th Grade Spelling Bee participants
are L-R: Gianni Massaro, Blake Martin,
Sarah Carbaugh, Ashley Perkins, Jake
Hedrick, Virginia Greer, Ashley Cadle,
and Cody Ratcliff.
On Monday February 5, 2007, the 8th
grade classroom winners participated in
the school Spelling Bee. They spelled a
variety of words chosen by the level of
After several rounds, the winner of the
Spelling Bee was decided. The runner-up
was Sarah Carbaugh and the winner was
Gianni Massaro.
The first place winner, Gianni
Massaro, and runner-up, Sarah
Photos By Morgan Sumpter
Check It Out
By Kristen Lucas
Giles High School has made a new addition to their library. The new clerk, Mrs.
Barbara Dunn, graduated from GHS. She works part-time in the Library on Mondays,
Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. This is Mrs. Dunn’s first job working in a school. She is a
retired secretary and bookkeeper for the School Board Office, where she worked for 25
years. As a librarian, Mrs. Dunn helps Mrs. Beckner with whatever needs to be done in
the library, including checking out books for students. She also likes to check out
books for herself so she can pass the time reading. When she is not busy with books,
her passion is dedicated to the Relay for Life Cancer Society.
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Old Dominion University Model UN
By Katy Allamong
On February 14, twelve students accompanied by Mr. & Mrs. W.R. Johnston
went to represent the country of Denmark at Old Dominion University’s Model UN.
This year, about nine hundred students from over fifty schools gathered together to
confer about topics that are widely discussed around the world, including post-conflict
peace building, economic growth and sustainable development, Iran and the
proliferation of nuclear weapons, disarmament international security, immigration
standards, and the crisis in Darfur. There were several councils that were based after
the actual UN, such as the Economic and Social Committee, Future Security Council,
Historical Security Council, Security Council, and the Non-Governmental
Organization Forum. Each of these committees discussed different angles of various
Mr. W.R. Johnston, Katy Allamong,
topics and wrote resolutions proposing ways to stop the occurring conflicts.
Luke Marrs, Justin Williams, Astleigh
Delegates learned about their countries and how they would respond to
Hobbs, Annette Devereaux, Josh
situations that would interact with other nations. They were able to make motions to
Wiegand, Heather Thompson, Amanda
change the resolution topics, extend/shorten the speaking time, suggest a break, and
Meadows, Grace Meier, Kayla Stump,
motion for opportunities to suspend the rules to speak about what their working
Erica Maxey, and Chad Robertson.
Photo by Mr. W.R. Johnston
papers were about. The delegates were encouraged to work with the other countries
to complete a resolution that could work for the UN. Once the papers were
completed, all of the delegates voted on which resolution they believed would work the best.
The conference was not full of just meetings. In the evenings, there was karaoke, a dance, movie, and ample time to eat
meals. Several people seized the opportunity to take naps or chat with their new friends. By the end of the conference, many new
friends were made, knowledge was formed about the functioning of Model UN, and memories that will last a lifetime were created.
English MACC
By Ryan Davis
There’s nothing quite like the sound of a buzzer to get your competitive side going.
For the GHS English MACC team, that sound has become a familiarity. Since early
October, the team has been practicing hard every Tuesday after school until 4:30. Now,
nearing the conclusion of the MACC season, all their effort is being put to the test.
Unlike the other divisions of MACC, (Math, Science, History, and All Around) the
English team is assigned a reading list consisting of 56 items, including novels, poems,
short stories ,and plays. Each team member reads as much of the material as possible,
as questions are unpredictable and can be asked from any item on the list. The team is
also asked questions on 53 literary terms and parts of speech.
Although the team has only succeeded in winning one match and tying another of
the eight they have played, most have been nail bitingly close, coming down to as little
The English MACC team: (L-R) Jesse
as one question. English plays last this year, which is somewhat of an advantage for the
Phillips, Ryan Davis, Katy Allamong,
team, giving them a little extra time to study and size up the opposing players.
and Tanner Bivens. Not pictured:
“They always seem to ask questions on the one thing I didn‘t study,” laughs team
Photo by Patrick Mahaney
Bobbie Mayhew.
Captain Katy Allamong, “Sure, it’s more fun to win, but I don’t mind losing a match or
two as long as we don’t get slaughtered.” Win or lose, the team has played hard to the last question all season. Every player has studied
relentlessly for months and can often be seen with MACC binder in hand. The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy yourself,
however, and the team does just that.
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French Club
The French Club members during their morning
Photo by Megan Blevins
By Patrick Mahaney
The French Club consists of students who have taken at least one year of
French and meets during the morning on club day. Mr. Peter Binkley sponsors
the club. President Megan Blevins, Vice President Grace Meier, and Secretary
Autumn Widrig were elected by fellow French Club members. The members
of the French Club are: Sponsor Mr. Peter Binkley, Chelsea Dunford, Grace
Meier, Jarrod Alls, Autumn Widrig, Megan Blevins, Shanan Worrell, Katrina
VanHemert, Patrick Mahaney, Justin Silver, and Katherine Dinwiddie. Not
Pictured are Adam Songer, Jenna Warthen, and Michael Dinwiddie.
The French Club sold pizza and cookie kits as a fundraiser. Although an
official trip for the club has not been decided on, the club was invited to go
with the Spanish classes to Epcott. It may not have been an active year for the
French Club, but Megan Blevins says, “French classes and French Club are
great learning experiences.”
Can You Walk the Line?
By Kelsey Frazier
This past six weeks, the Girls Drivers Ed class got to experience an event that
will hopefully change their way of thinking when it comes to drinking and driving.
Mr. Wilburn brought beer goggles for the class to put on and try to walk a straight
line. Surprisingly enough, it was a lot harder than it looked. Not many students could
walk the line as accurately as they thought. Many said they saw two lines, but most
didn’t really see a line at all. This experience showed a lot of girls how drinking and
driving really does impair your vision and reactions to things. It may not have
influenced all the girls to not drink and drive, but it did for a lot. It could have also
saved a life or two. So be safe, DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE!!!
Jennifer Lang attempts to walk the line with
the level 3 daytime goggles.
Photo by Morgan Sumpter
P.O. Box 361 Narrows, Virginia 24124
(540) 921-2700 or 726- 8038
Senior High All-District Chorus
By Katy Allamong
On February 9-10, five singers represented Giles High School at Senior AllDistrict Chorus, which was held at Pulaski High School. Amelia Tyler (Alto2),
Meredith Epperley (Alto1), Hoil Song (Tenor2), and Duston Rakes (Bass2), were in
the Mixed Choir, while Katy Allamong (Alto2) was in the Women’s Chorus.
The Mixed Choir, who practiced in the auditorium, consisted of Tenors, Basses,
Sopranos, and Altos, with about 150 participants. They sang seven songs, one of
which featured several solos. Their director, Dr. Krudop, told them on the first day,
“If it is not stupid, we’re doing it wrong.” He encouraged them to put emotion into
the expressions while enjoying themselves at the same time.
In the chorus room, the Women’s Chorus, with about 90 singers, worked on
their selections: The Rose, Goin’ Up a Yonder, Ma Navu, How Can I Keep From
Singing, and Sisters. Unlike the Mixed Chorus, the Women’s Chorus did not feature
any solos, although tryouts were held. Instead, certain sections were featured as
depending on the voice range and the blend. One of the main focuses was
Meredith Epperley, Hoil Song, Katy
Sisters, which was choreographed and had synchronized handclaps. Mr.
Allamong, Amelia Tyler, and Duston
director, thoroughly enjoyed working with the group through this
Rakes before the concert on Saturday,
number, along with the others. He stressed the importance of singing lightly and
Photo by Mr. Larry Marion
February 10.
with energy, while doing so with a smile.
All-District Chorus practices were held for about 9 hours on Friday and 8 hours on Saturday. The directors chose when they
wanted to give breaks and made sure all of the singers were not over worked. After lunch and dinner breaks, each group preformed
various stretches and warm-ups to prepare for more singing to be in top shape for the concert. At the end of the concert, the AllVirginia delegates were selected. All-Virginia Chorus auditions were held on Friday at 4:00. This consisted of sight-reading 4 pars
from a random card. The prepared piece was Exsultate Justi, which was the original District tryout piece. Hoil Song was chosen as 2nd
alternate for the Tenor 2 section. As an alternate, he will be on call in case the other singers from District 7 cannot attend.
The concert was held at 5:00 on Saturday inside the auditorium. Much to the singers’ delight, the auditorium was packed. The
Women’s Chorus preformed first, nailing the songs and the choreography, which brought a bright smile to Mr. Lupton’s face. Next
up was the Mixed Chorus. The harmonizing and energy was tremendous, which ended the concert with a bang. Congratulations to all
of the singers for their selections, and thanks for putting the time and effort into making it such an incredible experience.
A Tasty Reward
By Venessa Burnette
Justin Silver decorated his yummy
treat with gummy bears.
Photos by Venessa Burnette
Sundaes for Scholars, awarded to the students who made
A/B Honor Roll or were nominated by teachers for academic
improvements, took place on Thursday January 11, 2007.
Many students were given the opportunity to leave their
seventh period class at 2:45 to enjoy their ice cream and time
with friends. Not only does it reward people with superb
grades, but it also makes Giles High students strive to
improve academically.
Numerous students look forward to Sundaes for
Scholars and taking a little break from the classroom. Senior
Laura Ruark said that she really enjoyed spending time with
her friends while eating her sundae, and even wishes the time
was extended.
Justin Williams added
caramel to his dessert for
delicious taste.
Thank You Lunch Ladies
By Samantha Brookner
A lot of people may not realize just how much work goes into our school
lunches. The lunch ladies are important to a student’s daily school life. Without
them, a lot of us would not have anything to eat for lunch. The lunch ladies start
coming in to work as early as 6:30 every morning to begin preparing the food that
we eat every day. These hard working cafeteria personnel do not leave until 2:00
every afternoon.
Sandra Strickland has been working in the GHS cafeteria for almost four
years, while Dewana Eason has been here for seven. Martha Davidson probably
has the most experience in our cafeteria, since she has been working here for
around 25 years.
Most of them agree
Pictured are some of our lunch ladies:
that trying to make
Loretta Smith, Beulah Williams, Sandra
enough food for all
Strickland, Dewana Eason, Birtha Stowers,
three lunches is
Photo by Samantha Brookner
and Martha Davidson.
toughest aspect of the whole job. They also said that most of the
students are polite and nice to them. A lot of the students that I have
talked to do not mind eating a school lunch and neither do the lunch
ladies, although both wish that there was more of a variety of food
prepared and served. The lunch ladies have earned respect by working
very hard while still being nice to all of us students.
Snack Attack
By Jenna Warthen
Snack: a small portion of food eaten between meals. Attack: to set into a forceful action. When the thought of a snack starts to
attack your mind, here are a few quick and healthy recipes!
™ 12 crackers
™ 1 stick of string cheese
™ 6 tablespoons of
spaghetti sauce
™ Cut cheese into six equal
™ Arrange 6 crackers on
microwaveable plate,
top with cheese.
™ Microwave on high for
15 to 20 seconds, or
until cheese begins to
™ Cover with remaining
™ Heat sauce until desired
temperature and enjoy!
™ 1 cup of rice crispies
™ 3 tablespoons of honey
™ ¼ cup of peanut butter
™ ¼ cup of nonfat dry milk
™ non-stick cooking spray
™ Crush cereal and put all
but 2 tablespoons in
™ Mix honey and peanut
™ Gradually add milk,
stirring well.
™ Spray hands with nonstick cooking spray.
™ Shape mixture into balls.
™ Roll in remaining cereal.
™ Chill in refrigerator for
about one hour.
™ ½ cup of sliced
™ 2 tablespoons of
whipped topping
™ 2 tablespoons of oat or
granola cereal
™ Place half the
strawberries in a glass.
™ Add layers of 1
tablespoon each of
whipped topping and
™ Cover with remaining
™ Top with glob of
whipped topping.
By Jenna Warthen
A major problem that some people seem to have is acceptance, acceptance of others for
what they do and who they are. We need to learn that each person is an individual and that
we cannot change them, only learn to accept them for who they are. People’s flaws and
mistakes cannot just be erased and rewritten, no matter how much someone else, or even the
person themselves, wishes that they could be. Flaws and mistakes shape who we are and
good or bad, that’s the way it is. We can all try to work to correct our flaws and learn from
our mistakes, but that is something for each person to do on their own. Once we can learn to
accept people for who they are, there would be a lot less drama and conflict in everyone’s lives. The bottom line is to at least not try to
change anyone just because you do not like some things about them or some things that they do, or have done in the past. Instead,
accept them for everything that they are. As a well-known quote says, “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I’m not.”
Chuck Taylors: Classic Footwear
By Bryan Stafford
Chuck Taylors is a highly popular shoe worn by all
sorts of people of different social statuses. The shoe was
first produced in 1923 and was aimed towards the audience
of basketball players. It was basketball player Chuck Taylor
that made them popular, thus the reason for the all-star
patch added to the side of the shoe. These shoes are made of canvas and rubber,
although other versions have incorporated the use of leather, suede, vinyl, denim,
and hemp. The shoes began production only available in black and white, but
demand for more colors and variety has resulted with a style of shoes that can fit
almost any personality or individual. To do so, there is a feature on that allows you to customize your own shoe.
All throughout the school there is a wide
With just a quick trip down the hallways of Giles High School, you will see
Photos by Bryan Stafford.
variety of Converse.
different kinds of Converse on the feet of people of all social groups. Students like
Willie Allen and Dru Kerr wear the shoes because they are easy to drive in. Tanner
Bivens and Cody Rose have further individualized their shoes by decorating the
white rubber on the shoes with markers. For example, Cody has a pair with a
checkerboard pattern on the toe piece. I personally have 8 pairs of the shoes, and I
enjoy them because of their uniqueness and comfort. I have a wide range of colors
including red, blue, green, and even camouflage. Another student, Mika Morris, has
a large variety as well, including a unique orange pair.
Chucks are not just for the younger generations, however. They are also
popular with adults. Art teacher Ms. Nikki Pynn wears a pair of the original shoes. I
asked her about them and she said she has been wearing them for fifteen years and
she prefers high top. She says that she has to replace them about every two years
due to wearing them out and she prefers high top. The shoes are also used on many
television shows and movies. Chucks have even inspired other shoe companies to
try to replicate them. There are brands of shoes that look highly similar to Converse
Chucks at the local Wal-Mart stores. Jenna Warthen, has a pair of high heel, bootMs. Pynn, Patrick Mahaney, and Tanner
type shoes that closely resemble a pair of original black and white Chucks.
Bivens wearing their Converses.
Although these shoes look nearly identical, they are not made by Converse. The
original Converse Chuck Taylors were produced in America, but these days they are
made in China due to Nike buying out Converse. Even though things have changed with the Converse industry, the shoes will forever
be a classic icon of the past and a popular shoe of today.
Fashion Frenzy
By Brooke Johnson
Above: Olivia
Simmons shows her
fashion sense by
carrying a cute
shoulder bag.
Right: Amber
McKinney wears a
scarf and furry boots.
Nearly everyone wants to be seen as fashionable by his or her peers. One
may read a magazine or watch television to get their fashion inspiration. Many
students around Giles High School have been seen in what is considered high
fashion clothing.
The hot trends for 2007 are straight leg jeans, stilettos, and anything of
bright color. Another fashion trend that is in right now is so-called “man”
jewelry. Many male students around our school wear jewelry, whether it is a
necklace or just their class ring. Large shoulder bags, scarves, and furry boots
are also in this year.
You can buy many of these high fashion clothing articles at several stores
in our area. They do not necessarily need to be expensive; it is simply how
you mesh the clothing together. For example, you may be wearing a pair of
jeans and a plain white t-shirt. By simply pairing this outfit with a pair of
stilettos or maybe even a handbag, it can be greatly improved in a fashion
By adding one simple item of color to any outfit, your outfit can be
intensified. You may even be looked at in admiration. Many wish to be
viewed as fashionable by their peers, and it can be obtained by anyone who
strives to do so.
Photos by Brooke Johnson
Jump Rope: Not Just For Kids Anymore
By Katy Allamong
Among young children, one of the most popular recess games is jump
rope. This activity can be traced as far back as 1600 A.D., when the Egyptians
used vines as their jump ropes. At this time, jumping rope was a male ritual
that women were banned from. In the 1850’s, however, young girls began to
join in the activity as well. Their paranoid mothers gave them this warning:
"Instances of blood vessels burst by young ladies who, in a silly attempt to
jump a certain number of hundred times, have persevered in jumping after
their strength was exhausted." As it so often happens, the warning was
ignored, and jump rope evolved into a girl’s game. By the 1990’s, jump rope
was recognized as a major aerobic exercise. Boxers such as Muhammad Ali,
use it as part of their training because it attributes endurance, stamina, and
Jump roping has become so popular, in fact, that numerous jump-roping
teams have been established throughout the world. One such jump rope team
The Double Dutch Forces relaxed after an out is Double Dutch Forces (Jump for Joy) found in Columbia, South Carolina.
standing performance at a Virginia Tech
This team was formed in 1985 and has won 217 State Title, 88 World
basketball game.
Photo by Katy Allamong
Championships, 54 Second Place Titles, 2 Grand National Titles, and 15 AAU
Junior Olympic Titles. The Forces has 85 members from elementary students
to college students. Their goal is to promote self-discipline, motivation, self-confidence, and fun. In February 1985, Jowana Harris,
Leah Davis, and Freda Davis (sisters) and Victor Morris formed the Valley Park Double Dutch Team in order to get in shape while
having fun. Joy Holman, a “superwoman of sports” agreed to help them in the training process. The team practiced long hours up to
the World Competition. The first time they competed they received 5th place. The Force returned 11 months later and captured 1st
place. Over the last 20 years, the team accumulated many more teams and changed their name to The Forces. They are now coached
by Joy Holman (Head Coach), Michael Peterson, and parent volunteers.
The team travels all over the world for competition, but mainly remains in the United States to perform. They perform at a
variety of events, including holiday parades and basketball games. The Forces have been
featured on several different sports programs, newscasts, magazines, and newspapers.
Over time, jump roping has evolved into a fun activity that people of all ages can
enjoy. It benefits health, fitness, and entertainment. It is easy to see why jump rope is not
just a kid’s game anymore. So go out, find a fun colored jump rope and hop to it.
The History of Hip-Hop and Its Culture
By Samantha Owens
Hip-hop is a cultural movement that began in African American and Puerto Rican communities
in South Bronx in the 1970’s. It began to spread somewhat through the 1980’s, but by the 1990’s it
was all over the world. The movement is said to have begun with the work of DJ Kool Herc,
Grandmaster Flash & the Furious Five, Afrika Bambaattaa, and Disco King Mario. The main aspects
of hip-hop culture are rapping, grafiti, break dancing, and beat-boxing.
Hip-hop dancing covers a wide range of styles that are usually either associated with hip-hop
music itself or hip-hop culture, which is the more urban aspect of the dance. This style has grown
more and more popular throughout the years, a lot having to do with the growing popularity of hip
hop music. The term also often times refers to break dancing.
The style of hip-hop evolved in the 1970’s and was primarily danced to funk and “old school hip-hop” music. Break dancing was
the base of hip-hop dancing, and the most well known of the hip-hop styles. In the 1980’s on the other hand, many funk styles that
originally evolved separately from hip-hop started being incorporated in the culture as well, and could be combined with break
In the 1990’s hip-hop grew farther away from funk and got slower, heavier, and more aggressive. Although inspired by the old
school styles, the dance started focusing more on upright styles, compared to break dancing. “Popping and locking”, “harlem shake”,
“tone wop”, and “hyphy” are some examples of hip-hop moves of the new school style.
Today, the newer hip-hop styles are being classified as unique, especially in larger street competitions. IDO [the international
dance organization], European street dance compitions, and Hoopdreamz Enterprises, are some examples of the more well-known
street compititons. Whether or not it’s in a studio, or on the street, hip-hop dancing has become not only popular, but the preferred
type of dance for students in the dance world today.
Hazing: Not Just A College Problem Anymore
By Ryan Davis
Over the past several years, hazing has gotten a lot of media attention, especially when it
occurs in colleges and the military. Hazing in high school, however, seems to have been
swept under the rug. More and more, hazing rituals have been adopted by high school
students across the country as popular methods of initiating new members into organizations,
clubs, and sports teams., a leading organization established to prevent hazing, defines it as: “any
activity expected of someone joining a group (or to maintain full status in a group) that
humiliates, degrades or risks emotional and/or physical harm, regardless of the person's
willingness to participate.” For years, hazing was considered harmless fun that college
fraternities used to initiate new members. This “fun” usually includes drinking binges,
dangerous stunts, and humiliation at the prospective member’s expense. By participating in
hazing rituals, new members demonstrate their desire to join the fraternity or sorority and
supposedly bond with their new brothers or sisters.
Hazing is not just a college problem, however, as dozens of high school hazing incidents
are reported annually. The problem is that while most colleges have realized that a problem
exists and put anti-hazing rules into effect, many high schools have ignored the situation. The blame for this may lie in the parents and
school officials, who look at hazing as childish fun. Many may have actually participated in the same hazing rituals that their children
are now taking part in, and view them as simple traditions. Others simply do not want to admit that a problem exists and deny that
such activities could take place right under their noses. For the safety of their children, these individuals need to realize that a problem
exists and act accordingly.
The types of hazing that students take part in are limitless. In college, victims of hazing can be forced to drink deadly amounts of
alcohol, perform dangerous stunts, and withstand physical and mental abuse. In high school, victims have reported being sexually
assaulted, stuffed into their lockers, forced into public nudity, kidnapped, and abused. In a Utah high school, hazees were showered
with a vomit/urine mixture. In Bellmore, New York, football players reported being sexually assaulted during football camp by older
players, as a right of passage.
According to a national study performed by Alfred University, 48 percent of students will experience hazing in their high school
careers. Of those, 43 percent will go through humiliating hazing, 29 percent will be involved in hazing rituals that are illegal, 23
percent will experience substance abuse hazing, and 22 percent will be experience abusive hazing. When asked why they performed
hazing rituals the most popular responses were: “It was fun and exciting,” and “I got to prove myself.” Although many think that
hazing only occurs in sports, incidents have been reported in all types of organizations, including drama and even Bible Club.
Although hazing in high school is not as well known as when it occurs in college, the problem does exist. Hazing is cruel and
needless behavior that affects students all over the nation. The acts will only end, however, when the individuals in charge admit that a
problem exists and put an end to it.
What’s With the Split?
By Samantha Brookner
You probably don’t know how your friend feels if their parents are divorced unless you have
been through the same thing. A divorce is not only hard on the couple, but it can completely
change a child’s life. Some causes of divorce could be cheating, abuse, or maybe just too much
yelling and cussing. It is becoming more and more common for couples to split. 44% of all
marriages end in divorce. Half of all children that have divorced parents are more likely to have
problems within their own marriage. To see how many people in our school had to deal with the
big divorce I asked 40 people to take a survey.
1) Are your parents divorced? Yes-20 No-20
For the students that said yes their parents are divorced, I
asked these questions:
2) Was the divorce within the last 5 years? Yes-5 No-15
3) Has it had a major effect on you? Yes-13 No-7
4) Has there been remarriage? Yes-11 No-9
5) Do you enjoy your new stepparent(s)? Yes-7 No-4
Gay Nature?
By Patrick Mahaney
Say what you want, but recent research shows that homosexuality may be a born trait.
Studies have shown that along with 200 different animal species (including flies, rats,
monkeys, and penguins), male sheep have preferred to mate with their own sex. Why?
After performing autopsies, researchers have discovered that a certain region of the brain,
called the hypothalamus, may be
responsible. The hypothalamus is involved
in activities such as our emotions, the full
and hungry feeling, homeostasis (an
organism’s ability to maintain stable
internal conditions), and the Sleep/Wake
The hypothalamus is also responsible
This picture shows the
for the release of sex hormones and
hypothalamus, a section of the
controlling stereotypical and types of
brain believed to control
sexual behavior. In normal males, their
hormones and sexual behavior.
hypothalamus is twice the size of the
Photo from http://mediabyran.kib.
females of the species. However, in these
sheep, the hypothalamus was the same size as normal females.
Male sheep are called rams and usually
While this is an impressive find, the research itself is not new. In 1991,
Photo from
have horns.
neurosurgeon Simon LeVay came to the same conclusion when he studied tissue
samples of humans. However, LeVay’s findings were criticized for the small
number of trials, poor background collection, and variety (every sample had come form a male who had died from AIDS).
Like LeVay, Kay Larkin, the scientist from Oregon Health and Science University who started the research, is facing roadblocks
of his own. The few media sources that picked up the story skewed many of the facts, causing people to formulate the wrong idea.
Animal rights activists and related organizations spoke out against the research, believing that Larkin wanted to “cure” the sheep
instead of just studying them.
Summers County High School
By R. Tanner Bivens
Have you ever wondered what other high schools are like? How they are
different and how they are similar to Giles High School? Well, I set out to answer
these questions. I took trips to Summers County High School in Hinton, West
Virginia to answer the questions.
The first trip I made was to Summers County High School, home of the
Bobcats. When I arrived at the school, I interviewed the school superintendent,
Mrs. Vicki Hinnerman. Mrs. Hinnerman told me that the school has roughly 500+
students attending. She said that SCHS does not have a tennis or soccer program,
but has a wonderful girls basketball team, which has won numerous
championships. After I interviewed Mrs. Hinnerman, I toured Summers County
High School to see the school first hand. I was welcomed with opened arms by the
faculty and student body. The first class that I went to was their Journalism class,
Summers County High School resides in
taught by Mr. Hartwell. The first major difference I noticed was that the SCHS
Photos from SCHC website
Hinton, West Virginia.
Journalism class is actually a recommended prerequisite to the Newspaper and
Yearbook classes. In this class the students learn the overall study of Journalism
before they enter a publication class. This is different from Giles, which allows students to go immediately to Journalism and
Yearbook without any stepping-stones.
Jessica Turner and Haley Sorbough, students who escorted me back to the main lobby after Journalism class ended, stated that
fighting and bullying was once a problem a SCHS, but thanks to a new and stricter policy, in which a person who starts a fight will get
up to 10 days out of school suspension, the school has become a much safer environment. Another dramatic difference was that SCHS
is not on the SOL curriculum, which is the test used by the state of Virginia. Instead SCHS tenth grade students have to take a test
called West Test, the test used in the state of West Virginia that has nothing to do with whether they pass high school or not. Some
other things I noticed were the overall physical appearance of the school. Even though SCHS has more students, they only have a onestory building, unlike GHS that has a two-story building. Also the day lengths are longer at SCHS yet they get to leave school earlier.
Unlike Giles, where school starts at 8:35AM and ends at 3:15 PM, at SCHS they must begin school at 8:05 AM and leave school at
3:05 PM. At the end of the day, I was quite pleased with Summers County High school. It was definitely a fun and informative
A Wrestler’s Legacy Revealed!
By Megan Blevins
The word “wrestler,” does it bring a certain picture to mind? How about a
beefy guy with long hair and what seems to be a permanent snarl painted on his
face? Maybe it’s more like a woman who you know could pummel you with a
snap of her fingers? Whatever the image may be, shake your head and picture
this: an adorable little girl with bouncing curls sticking to her neck from
sweating profusely. The little girl appears to be no older than eight. She waves
to her biggest fans, her family, and then takes her place on the mat looking her
opponent square in the eyes. The grin has left her face and in its place a thin line
takes shape and you hear her grunt. Right before your very eyes you witness
sweet little Betsy Blevins transform into Betsy the Beast. Watch out world here
Betsy proudly displays her medals and trophies
she comes!
earned throughout her five-year career.
It all began in 1997 with the showing of a movie at Eastern Elementary
Photos by Megan Blevins
School during gym class. Unlike the favorite Disney classics of the time, this
movie had way more action involved. Mrs. Lea Beth Bowers showed her 2nd grade gym classes a movie all about the grueling and
intense sport of wrestling. Later during the week, there was going to be sign ups
for the Newport Wrestling Team. The video showed both boys and girls taking
it to the mat, literally. Betsy watched with excitement, thinking: “I can do that!”
That very same afternoon, Betsy got off the bus and ran excitedly to tell her
parents of the new sport she wanted to try. She was ecstatic. As she told of the
movie shown at school, her parents, Connie and Dawes, said, “Wrestling is just
for boys sweetie!” Betsy told them they were “oh so wrong.” She had seen a girl
pinning a guy on the video and she wanted to do that too. Reluctantly Dawes
and Connie agreed to let Betsy try her luck at the sport.
For the next five years Betsy gave wrestling her all. Her final year, she went
12-1. Betsy won a gold medal at every tournament, except in 3rd grade she took
turned Betsy
Betsy shows her winning defensive look.
into one of the
toughest people I know. During Betsy’s wrestling career, she mostly
wrestled boys and showed them that girls can be tough too. When
facing some of her opponents, the guys would say they didn’t want
to wrestle with a girl. Some even laughed and joked that she would
be an easy win. Once again stubborn Betsy would give it her all and
pin the boys. When she did so, the guys were shocked. They just
could not believe a girl had beaten them at a sport dominated by
Betsy wasn’t the only wrestler from the Blevins family; her older
brother Josh joined the team too. Betsy’s
dedication and love for the sport never
wavered. Through her experiences people can
see that giving up is never the answer. Betsy
was so successful in her wrestling career that
Carilion Giles Memorial Hospital in 2002 the Roanoke Times did a special
(CGMH) in Pearisburg offers article about her. Betsy had this to say about
her wrestling experience, “If you lose, don’t
families excellent patient care, close give up, keep trying until you get the gold.”
to home. From medical care and surgery to outpatient diagnostic services and rehabilitation… Generations of Care
CGMH promises the
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The Lyric Theater
By Katy Allamong
135 College Avenue
Blacksburg, VA
Office: 540-951-4771
Showtimes and info: 951-0604
Being teenagers, one of our favorite weekend
activities includes going to the movie theater.
Some people consider it to be the perfect place to
meet friends, go on dates, or just get away from home. So what is the downfall? Having
to pay for the tickets, popcorn, candy, and drinks. By the time the movie actually starts,
our wallets have shrunk immensely. Most of us begin to wonder if it is really worth going
to the theater.
Lucky for us, there is an affordable theater, located in Downtown Blacksburg,
minutes away from the Virginia Tech campus. The Lyric Theater is a fully restored
1930’s movie house. As a non-profit organization, it relies on the generosity of its
members and the community. An old-fashioned ticket booth greets moviegoers upon
entering the building. Picking your seat can be fun, considering the fact that the Lyric has
balcony seats along with the traditional seating choices. From the balcony you have an
amazing view of the screen without spraining your neck, and it is easy to lean back in the
plush red seats to see the intricate designs and
details inside the theatre.
The original Lyric Theatre was built in 1909 and circulated through many owners and
locations. Finally, on April 17, 1930, the Lyric was moved to building that it still resides in
today, in the heart of downtown Blacksburg. When first built in 1930, The Lyric was
considered to be the best small town theatre in Virginia. It was one of the three theaters built
for sound pictures in the state. Later, in the 1950s, it was renovated to make way for a
cinemascope screen. In June 1989, after 60 years of operation, the Lyric was sold and leased to
Virginia Tech, who used it as a lecture hall. For the next 2 years over 2,000 students met there
weekly for classes. The Virginia Tech Union screened four movies for up to 500 students a
weekend. When Tech’s lease ended, The Lyric was closed until 1996.
In 1995, The Lyric Council was formed to reopen the theatre. They received a 30-year
rent-free lease from the owners as thanks for the renovation. In the process of renovation, the
projection equipment was repaired, the concession stand was cleaned, and the lobby was
painted. The Lyric reopened for the first time in 8 years in 1996. Two years later it closed
again and the full-scale
renovations began. It was
opened yet again in October
Somethin’s Fishy
1998 and remains open for
Over the years
Fish & Seafood Market
have been
460 East Pembroke, VA 24136
made such as new doors,
(1 mile west of Pembroke Center)
display cases, and exit door.
(540) 626-7272
The marquee has been
renovated and upgraded with
decorative support brackets,
and paint scheme. The lobby
Over 14 varieties of Fish, Sno Crabs, Hush
entrance up (by Giles High
Puppies, Stuffed Flounder & Salmon, Home-style
School’s Mr. Michael Etzler).
Breaded Oysters, Devil Crab, Traditional
As an attention grabber, the Lyric letters have been relit. The Lyric
Maryland Crab Cakes, Frog Legs, Dips,
offers movies, art, live music, and performances. This variety would
Chowders & Bisques and so much more………..
explain the sculpted drama faces mounted on top of the building.
The Lyric is a cultural experience, as well as a wonderful place
Gift Certificates Available!!!
to spend an afternoon with friends. The best part of it all: Monday
is free popcorn day.
HOURS OF OPERATION: (New Winter Hours)
Monday & Tuesday: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Become a
Wednesday: CLOSED
Thursday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
-free admission, popcorn, and
Saturday: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
community service!
Sunday: CLOSED
Star Wars: The 30th Anniversary
By Bryan Stafford
The Star Wars saga has always been a popular movie
series among people of all ages. Well, did you know that
the original movie that started it all turns 30 years old this
May? The original movie, Episode 4, A New Hope, was
released on May 25th, 1977. At the time of its release the
film’s creator, George Lucas, had no idea that the film
would become such a success and have such a
Episode 4: A
My ratings:
large impact on society. The saga consists of 6 episodes that
have been released over the past 30 years with the most
The Phantom
– 7/10
recent film being in theaters in May of 2005. Star Wars is
not just movies, however, as there are many books, comics,
The Empire
merchandise, video games, collectables, and many other
Strikes Back
things that have been inspired by the films. The 30th
Attack of the
– 9/10
Darth Vader, the saga’s
anniversary will be a timeless celebration for fans of the
Clones – 5/10
icon of evil.
films and its creators. The festivities have already begun
Photos taken from Google images.
Episode 3:
Return of the
with participation in the Rose Parade with a special
Revenge Of
appearance by George Lucas himself.
the Sith –
– 8/10
The Star Wars saga has many memorable characters such as Darth Vader, Chewbacca, Yoda,
R2-D2, and many more. It has become such a popular film series that it has been referenced in many television
shows and other movies. It was originally aimed towards a younger audience, but over the years with all of the items released and the
newer movies, it has become just as popular with adults. I personally got into the movies at age 5, and have been a fan ever since. I
remember the re-release in 1997 and when the films first became available on DVD as well as going to each of the newer prequel
films on the first week of release. My personal favorite movie of the 6 is Episode 5. I have always been a fan of the older original
movies and like them better. The newer movies were somewhat of a disappointment due to the lack of originality. The entire saga
together does fit, and it is a grand movie experience. Star Wars fans and general movie fans alike should celebrate the 30th anniversary
because it was Star Wars that paved the way for special effects in other movies. It is an important part of American movie history and
a cultural classic. I suggest if you haven’t seen any of the movies to try and see these awesome pictures. May the force be with you!
Movie Review Eragon
By Patrick Mahaney
Eragon the movie brings
shame to the book. Not only
is a huge amount of the
story chopped out, some of
the roles of important
characters became trivial
others (a few playing a huge
role in the sequel) never
Eragon and Brom, the main characters.
Almost every
Photo from
town was removed. In fact,
the movie is so different from the book story-wise that it hardly
deserves to call itself by the same name.
The story is about a young boy named Eragon (or “Dragon” with an
“E”) living in a small town and never venturing farther than a nearby
mountain (called “The Spine”). By a twist of fate, Eragon came to
possess a sought-after dragon egg, throwing the town into danger. He
decides the town’s troubles will vanish if he runs, so he does so with
the help of Brom, the town’s storyteller. This is where the book and the
movie differ in story; in the book, Eragon goes on various adventures
and meets several interesting characters, whereas the movie has Eragon
and Brom wandering through a forest and getting in a couple of
To its credit, the movie’s special effects are impressive and the
scenery is beautiful. The actors work well in their parts and the actual
movie (not the script) is well done. However, if you are a fan of the
book, save yourself the agony and stay far away from this film.
Reality TV: Why Do We Watch?
By Ryan Davis
It all started in 1992, when a new show, “The Real World,” premiered on MTV. The
concept of the show was like nothing on television; place half a dozen twenty-somethings in a
house together and watch the drama unfold. “The Real World” was a huge success and other
“reality” shows soon began appearing in the lineup. America had tasted blood and the reality
TV phenomenon began.
At first, reality shows were harmless enough. They usually followed the same format as
“The Real World,” placing completely different types of people together and watching as they
laughed, cried, fought, and lived their overly-dramatic lives. In 2000, “Big Brother” premiered
on CBS. The show added a twist to the concept by locking participants in the house and making
them compete against each other for money and prizes. Viewers eventually tired of the same
old format, however, and other types of reality shows began to air. “Fear Factor” was one of
these shows. It forced contestants to face their fears for the chance to win cash. Soon, viewers
were watching people devour bugs, jump from buildings, and put themselves in ridiculous
American love watching other
people put themselves in
TV executives began to realize that viewers loved watching other people humiliate
humiliating situations.
themselves. Now, the networks have worked the reality concept from every possible angle. The
problem is that most of these shows are practically clones of one another. Within months of a
successful reality show’s premiere, there are half a dozen other shows exactly like it. The best example of this is “American Idol.” After
the show scored high ratings other talent competition programs began airing. Now, it’s hard to flip the channel without seeing someone
being criticized by a panel of judges, one of which is always overly critical Brit. That’s not to say that there aren’t some appealing and
entertaining reality shows out there. Most of these shows grow old too quickly, however, when mimics begin appearing on other stations.
Some originals have remained popular, nevertheless, and keep viewers watching.
Of all reality programs, dating shows have probably reached the lowest level. In the sixties and seventies, shows like “Let’s Make A
Date” allowed people to politely interview potential romances. Today, with programs like “Elimidate” and “Next,” daters can drop their
love interests with a snap of their fingers, completely disregarding the person’s feelings and humiliating them on national TV. More and
more, reality show creators continue to add ridiculous twists to their
programs. Even a once respected show, “The Apprentice” has become
another ploy for ratings. Now, instead of contestants just trying to gain a
position in the Trump Empire, they are forced to sleep in tents and brave the
elements upon losing a task.
With every new reality show that premieres, more viewers tune in, and
America’s obsession grows. We have even begun to look at reality TV stars,
people who basically just act like themselves, as celebrities. Careers of stars
such as Paris Hilton have been launched by reality programs. The big
question is, why do we keep watching? Maybe the biggest reason is that it is
easier to laugh at the lives of other people than deal with our own problems.
After all, the biggest appeal of reality TV is that we get to watch the
dramatic and unscripted lives of real people. As we watch others face
After the success of American Idol, numerous other
hardships it can help us realize that our own lives aren’t so bad after all.
talent competitions appeared on television.
With some of the train wrecks that end up on television, it doesn’t take much
Photos from
imagination to make that realization.
Starfield Music Review
By Bryan Stafford
Starfield’s new album, Beauty
in the Broken.
(Photo taken from
Starfield is a Christian music group from Canada, formed by brothers Tim and Jon Neufeld.
As of today, Gordie Cochran has joined as drummer and Shaun Huberts as bassist. They have
released three albums so far with their debut album being released only in Canada in 2003.
Their second CD, and first internationally released album, is simply titled Starfield. It was
released on Sparrow Records in 2004. Their latest album, Beauty in the Broken, was also under
Sparrow Records and came out in 2006. The first single off of the album, “My Generation,” has
had success on the U.S. charts. Starfield has won numerous awards in the Canadian GMA
awards including song, group, and album of the year.
I had the privilege of seeing the group live in concert with my youth group during
Resurrection 2007. Getting to see them live was a really awesome experience. Their song, “I
Want to Hold the Hand That Holds the World” was somewhat of an anthem for the Resurrection
event. Each one of their songs has a powerful message and the music is really good. If you are
skeptical of Christian music, you should check out Starfield because they might make you feel
differently. Check out the band’s website,, for more information, to
hear their music, visit their online store, join their fan club, and more.
Music Review: The Fray
By R. Tanner Bivens
For many bands it takes almost a lifetime to reach the top. Most do not even make it to
stardom. But one band that has been on the rise and has taken the USA by storm is The
The Fray currently consists of Isaac Slade on lead vocals and piano, Joe King on guitar
and vocals, Dave Welsh on guitar, and Ben Wysocki. The band currently has no official
bassist but has recently been touring with bass guitarist Jimmy Stofer of the Dualistic.
The Fray’s album How to Save a Life has already spawned two American Top 40 hits,
“Over My Head,” and “How to Save a Life.”
The Fray’s main genres of music include Piano Rock and Alternative Rock. It is with
out a doubt, in my
opinion, that The Fray is
going to be one of
America’s next top
bands of 2007.
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Zach Atkins
Nathan Tanner
Cody Griffith
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Boys Varsity Basketball
By Morgan Sumpter
The Boys Varsity Basketball Team had a great start to their
season. Although they lost their first game to Ft. Chiswell, they
did not let it bring them down. With thirteen won games and
eight district wins, the Spartans have dominated over some
difficult teams.
The boys finished their regular season with a 12-6 record.
They went on to the District Tournament, winning against
Glenvar 59-44. They lost to Radford 64-62 in the second round
of the Tournament, coming in second place in the district. The
boys then traveled to George Wythe High School in the first
round of the Regional Tournament. Although they played a hard
game, the Spartans fell to the Maroons 84-55.
Senior Nathan Tanner and Junior Cody Griffith were both
selected 1st Team All District and Junior Mario Jones was
selected 2nd Team All District. The Spartans have had their first
winning season since 2002, and this is the third time in school
history that the varsity team has made it to regional playoffs.
Congratulations boys on a winning season!
Nathan Tanner attempts a shot
against Fort Chiswell.
Photos By Morgan Sumpter
Above Left: Cody Griffith leaps in attempt to get the ball. Above Right: Josh McCann
and Mario Jones try to block a pass during the game against Fort Chiswell. Below:
The Boy’s Varsity basketball team gathered in a huddle at the pep rally on February
Photos By Samantha Owens
20th before the Regional game at George Wythe.
Ft. Chiswell
Ft. Chiswell
East Mont
James Monroe
East Mont
George Wythe
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JV Girls Basketball
By Venessa Burnette
At the beginning of the season, the Girls Junior Varsity team progressed
slowly. With only eleven players on the team, they managed to win their first
scrimmage against Graham. After playing several games, the fairly new team
began to experience how their teammates functioned as a group. They started
respecting and encouraging each other, and they showed a change in their
attitudes. The team had a positive way of thinking towards all difficulties, and
because of their determination, they gained the accomplishment through hard
Their coach, Bill Mance, had his
JV Roster
doubts about his young team in the
1. Whitney Meredith
opening of the season. This year
2. Leigh Kauffelt
making his 9th year with being part of
3. Rachel Smith
the Giles athletic program, he knew that
The 2006-2007 JV basketball team discussed
4. Katie Griffith
this team was not as talented in the
their plans for a victory during a timeout.
5. Shanda Higginbotham 24
Photo by Venessa Burnette
beginning as some of his previous
6. Emily Ellis
teams had been. He continued to work
7. Rachel Lang
with them on developing a point guard, improving their skills, and becoming more aggressive.
8. Erica Boone
Now, with better improvements, Bill Mance could tell that the ladies’ will to win was
9. Chelsey Gibson
increasing. He constantly worked with his squad because he knew that when district games
10. Whitney Cecil
started, their opponents would have tremendous talent. Gradually, Coach Mance began to notice
11. Karelyn Ribbe
a dramatic difference in his team compared to earlier in the season.
At the beginning of the district games the JV team had a record of 1-1; they won against Eastern
Coaches: Mr. Bill Mance, Mr.
Montgomery, but fell to Radford. Persisting on with their season, they beat Glenvar’s JV team
J.P. Griffith
30-25 and Auburn’s team 3525. By gaining victories more and more the young team is beginning
to experience what victory really feels like.
Hooping It Up!
By Kelsey Frazier
2465 N. Franklin Street
This year’s Girls Varsity BasketballTeam had a
Christiansburg, VA 24073
rough start considering Starting Center Kayla Patteson tore her ACL
and MCL during the first game of the season. Striving for perfection,
Telephone 540-381-1730
the girls kick it up a notch to take victory against Glenvar, winning
Fax 540-381-1792
by three points. Linda Powell and Lynette Spicer led the Spartans
through most of the games, being seniors of the basketball team both
got honorable mention for the
three-river district. First time coach Jacky Koch was a firm believer in hard working equals
perfection. Everyday practices and running prepared us for the worst. Despite ending the season
with a loss against Glenvar, all girls were happy with themselves and the amount of
improvement they have had. Coach Koch is excited about next season and now knows what to
look for. Great Job Ladies!
Varsity Roster
Kayla Patteson
Linda Powell
Lynette Spicer
Keree Wilson
Stephanie Robertson
Lindsey Meredith
Kelsey Frazier
Kelly Patteson
Hannah Kellison
Kayla Patteson attempts to
jump for the rebound against a
Christiansburg player.
Kelly Patteson tries to dribble around a Bland
opponent during an intense game.
Photos by Morgan Sumpter
JV Boys Bringing It Back
Jarrod Alls
Cody Journell
Lukas Jackson
Chris Myers
William White
Wes Conley
Josh Stump
Justin Moose Gautier
Travis Robertson
Greg Ray
Andy Randel
Codey Williams
Frankie Robertson
Caleb Tilley
By Samantha Brookner
Coaches are: Timmy
Carbaugh, J.P. Griffith, and
Seth Davis
Ft. Chiswell
Ft. Chiswell
East Mont
James Monroe
East Mont
The JV boys gather for a
timeout during a very
intense game against
Narrows. Photos By Kelsey Frazier
William White jumps
for the ball as Chris
Myers and Jarrod Alls
block for him.
The JV Boys Basketball Team had a very good season. They won
all of their games, except for the game against Radford when they had
an off night, but they came back the next time that they played Radford
and defeated them. These boys have definitely earned some good
recognition and respect. They had a better record this year than the last
year. They also got along well on and off the basketball court. I talked
to some players and one stated that he was proud of their team this
season and hopes to do as well next season. Congratulations boys and
keep up the good work for next year.
SuperBowl XLI
By Brooke Johnson
Super Bowl XLI was played at Dolphin Stadium in Florida on February 4, 2007
between the Indianapolis Colts (16-4) and the Chicago Bears (15-4). Colts began the game
with the kickoff at 6:25pm, and Devin Hester from the Bears had a 92-yard kickoff return
touchdown. The extra point attempt was successful, and the score was 7-0. This occurred
with 14 seconds into the game. This may have worried many of the diehard Colt fans that
had traveled so many miles to see their favorite team play for SuperBowl victory, but
luckily, they still had time to recover.
With 6:50 left on the clock for the first quarter, Peyton Manning, quarterback of the
Colts, made a completed 53-yard pass to Reggie Wayne for their first touchdown of the
game. The two point rush following was unsuccessful, and the score was brought to 7-6.
Still in the first quarter, the Bears rushed 57 yards in four plays and Muhsin Muhammad caught a 4-yard touchdown pass to bring
the score to 14-6 at the end of the first quarter.
In the start of the second quarter, the Bears’ defense began taking a toll on the Colts. They forced the Colts to a fourth down,
and the Colts kicked a successful 29-yard field goal. With the Bears fumbling the ball, the Colts gained control of the game again
and scored with a 1-yard run by Dominic Rhodes. The kick after was good and the score at the end of the first half was 14-16. The
Colts were in the lead.
The half-time show was a grand success, and Prince rocked the stadium. He sang many of his greatest hits. With bright and
bursting fireworks, the show was unbelievable, and it truly pumped up the football fans for the second half of the game.
The game was close and many of the fans started to become intensely worried about the outcome. Both teams came back onto
the field hoping for the best. The Bears’ defense held off the Colts, and the offense was forced to kick a field goal. It was successful
and the score was brought to 14-19.
The rain had been falling from the sky in heavy amounts the entire game. No sooner did the Bears get the ball back, than they
fumbled and the Colts recovered. Although the Bears had this setback, they pushed the Colts’ offense into kicking yet another field
goal. Adam Vinatieri kicked another good field goal and the score was now 14-22.
Both coaches must have revved up their teams, for both were playing better than in the first half. The Colts’ defense was
playing tougher than usual and forced the Bears to a fourth down. Robbie Gould kicked the field goal, and the score was once again
close at 17-22.
The Bears had control of the ball at the beginning of the fourth quarter. With a stunning interception return, Kelvin Hayden
from the Colts made a 56-yard Touchdown with 11:44 left on the game clock. The Bears would try their hardest to make a truth of
their hopes for SuperBowl victory, but in the end, the score was 17-29. The Colts had secured their dreams and were crowned
SuperBowl XLI Champions!
Matches Made in
High School!
By Kelsey Frazier
Everyone wishes they could find
their one true love. Some are very
lucky to have found theirs in high
school. Each couple has their unique
way of showing their love for each
other. Holding hands is one of the
appropriate ways couples show their
love for one another at school. I
picked five couples that I believe
have the most unique way of
showing their love.
↑Ryan Eaton and Chelsea Dunford
are this years most affectionate
couple. You often see this couple
holding hands and treating each other
like royalty. They have been together
for 10 months.
↑Keree Wilson and Kurt Marcuseen
are voted most playful couple of the
year. They are often seen flirtatiously
joking and playing around. They
have been together for 6 months
→Garrison Ellis and Kayla Patteson
are this year’s most complicated
couple. Even through their rough
stages they always seem to work it
out and have much love for each
other. They have been together for 1
year off and on.
↓Gabby Merrix and Nate Ribbe are
this year’s most compassionate
couple. Being together for 9 months
this couple has truly out did
themselves, showing their love for
one another is what they do best.
←Brooke Johnson and
Alex Wilson are voted
most likely to get married.
This couple is often seen
mingling in each other’s
company. Both love each
other dearly and hope to
someday get married.
They have been together
about two years.