The Album of The Jewish Ladies Organization of Iran 1947 to 1978


The Album of The Jewish Ladies Organization of Iran 1947 to 1978
The Album of
The Jewish Ladies Organization of Iran
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Board Members of the Jewish Ladies Organization of Iran
from 1947 to 1978
According to the duration of their service
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Iran Hay Morado",
Maliheh Sapir Kashfi
.;;..s:.,.)y.'!,.o ..,...:.
Sbamsi Moradpoor Hekmat
Mohtarnm DardashU Ghadlsbah
Touran Dardashti Afar
Ester Moradoff Moreh
Ashraf Hebron Nairn
Touba Kimiabakhsh Soumekh
Esatolmolouk Saranl Montakllilb
lS,t.",; -t{,:.
y '.r-"
Monireh Kukhabi Nehmadi
~L..JJj ~\plP..5j..
"'~y, ";::"J' -tyk
Molouk Asheghian Zargarian
Touba Dardashti Pourst
Maliheh Tabibi Nemanim M.D.
",\.=1 '" L; 1
Mahin Ebrami Etessami
Bodour Natan Manesbi
..,li~ 3Jj ,Iyci~ ~,!
Rebecca Shcmfatkhah Zeroubllbeli
Naima Natan Cohen
PourSD Toufer Nazarian
p ~ ",-)1.". j.l!>
Mahin Soumekh Kamran
Parvin Hakim Banaresh
Rachel Mirarjomand Pimazar
..,;WI JIr!.I!>y;
Molouk Rabban Rahimzadeh
Victoria Nalan Rahbar
Flora Israel Afshani
~b~ w~lAj 0Y..r
Mahin Levieldin Sbl'rafalkhah
Mahlagha Kasbfi Rastegar
Azizeh Zahabian Nehorai
,jl~~ ~"'\
Iran Babaoff Pourat
(<1,1;\ ~"~jil ~)~ "'~
Founding SUPPoTl~r
(~lfi.-il ~;..Ii
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Tamara Gabbay
Fakhri Solouki Ghedoushim
Zarin Farivar
Errat Mahboubian Sahim
Sharifeh Pellar Nairn
(~lfi.-I) "':r.~ '-'I ~l.o "-'J)l.o
Margent MashioffYaghoubzadeh'
Babich Attarchi Mehdian
Farokh Kimiabakbsb Sh"fa
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The Jewish Ladies Organization of Iran and
Thirty Years of Memories
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Board Membcn; of 1949
The Jewish Ladies Organization of Iran
Seating from right to left: Azizeh Zahabian, Parvin Hakim, Touba Moshfegh Vice President of Alliance School,
Maliheh Kashfi, Iran Moradoff, Shamsi Hckmat, Touran Afar, Mohtram Ghadisbab
Standing: Teachers and students of nursing and sewing schools.
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Board Members of the Jewish Ladies Organization
and Joint Representatives - 1949
From right to left: Mahin Kamran, Touba Soumckh, Parvin Hakim, Maliheh Kashfi, Touran Afar, Iran Navi
Joint representative, Ester Moreh, Mohtaram Ghadisbah, Iran Moradoff, Molouk Rahirnzadeh
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Members of the Board with SQJDe friends - 1950
Right to Icft:Maliheh Kashfi, Shamsi Hekmat,
Ezat Montakhab, Rahel Moradpour Shahabi
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rP"U' - ":"!.Iy"/J'Y-
Board Members of the
Jewish Ladies Organization
of Iran 1958
Right to left: Monireh Nehmadi,
Ezat Montakhab, Touba
Soumekh, Touran Afar, Maliheh
Kashfi, Shamsi Hekmal, Ester
Moreh, Iran Moradorr, Touba
Pourat, Mohtaram Ghadish..h
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Passover Bake Sale-1958
Right to left: A customer,
Abdolah Hekmat,
Shamsi Hekmat, Maliheh Kashfi
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Right to left:
Mahlagha Kashfi Rastegar,
MaIiheh Kashfi
Shamsi Hekmat and a guest
iu ODe of the events of the
organization - 1954
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The Jewish Ladies Board Members at a Bake Sale· 1959
Seated:Maliheh Kashfi
Standing right to left: Touba Soumekh, Touba Pourat, Mohtaram Ghadishah,
Touran Afar, Ezat Montakhab, Iran Moradoff, Shamsi Hekmat
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The Jewish Ladies Board Members
visiting Alliance Cafeteria -1951
From right to left: Ester Moreh, Molouk
Zargarian, Touran Afar, Mohtaram
Ghadishah, Monireh Nehmadi, Touba
Pourat, Iran Moradoff
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At the alliance Cafeteria· 1951
Seated right to left: Iran Moradoff, Molouk Rahimzadeh, Ester Morch
Standing right to left: Molouk Zargarian,Touba Poorat, Mohtararn Ghadishah,
MaIiheh Kashfi, Touran Afar, Sharnsi Hekmat
Last row: Monireh Nehrnadi
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Board Members with the representatives of American Joint in the early nineteen sixties
Seated right to left: Azizeh Kermanian, Shamsi Hekmat, Joint representatives. Touran Afar
Standing: Shekoufeh Victori. Touba Sournekh, Molouk Zargarian, Ezat Montakhab, Ashraf Nairn,
Bodour Maneshi, Monirch Nehmadi
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Board meeting in the late nineteen fiftees
Iran Moradoff, Shamsi Hekmat, Joint representative, Maliheb Kashfi, Ashraf Nairn, Touran Afar,
Mohtaram Ghadishah, Naima Cohen. Bodour Maneshi
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V"'~l,; - u!.lY" I..i..,b - ,.jIJIyo ~'.r..l- ol.::..:~ (~- .rL.;;l,; - ~ .:,.r
Board Members with Joint representatives and some of the Day Care students in the early nineteen sixties
Right to Len: Maurice Lipilln, Eznt Montllkhab, unknown, Mohtaram Ghadishah, Irnn Moradoff. Touba Pourat,
unknown, Naima Cohen, Monireh Nehmadi, unknown, unknown, Abr:Jham Lascovc
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Standing right to left: Molouk Zargarian, Iran Moradoff, Mohtaram Ghadishah, Touba Soumekh, Touba
Pourat, Ester Morth, Touran Afar, Monireh Nehmadi
Sealed lert (0 right: Maurice Lipian and other Joinl represenlatives
oJ!"u, ~ "L..Q;.' j 1l:.if ~.*: olo.I
r.:...k ~-
Three familiar faces of the Board
Righi 10 left:
Touba Poursl, Shamsi Hekmat, Touba Soumekh
JAJ LSlflL...)J - ut...y..... o.f...L> ~
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c.:... ).J~- O)~ r-1 - u!J>,~u'.;l:o
The Board Members in the early 1960's
Front row right to Ie£!: Touba Soumekh,Ashra£
Nairn, Ezat Montakhab, Shamsi Hekmet,
Molouk Zargarian, Mohtaram Chadi~hab
Back row: Nainw Cohen, Iran MoradoIT, Touran
Afar, Maliheh Kasbfi, Touba Pourat.,
Ester Mareh, Badour Maneshi
:y.:;- ~ ~bjl
- LlL.J2i O~y" - dl.:.91 !J;J.9
W.J!r.l"'G:- ~ o~ - ~r' 1.S!,b
"l·- oLo"l..
Right to left: Flora Mshani, Pouran
Nazarian, Touba Soumekh and
Mrs. Brown President of International
Council of Jewisb Women
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- ":"';"y:-o-4W- ~1..J~1
Right to left: Molauk Zargarian, Pouran
Nazarian, Ashraf Nairn, Joint
representative, Sbamsi lIekmat, Mohtaram
Ghadishah at a welcome party
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A group picture of some of the Board Members with American Joint and Alliance representatives,
members of Brothers and Sisters Club and some representatives ofthe community in the early
First row sitting right 10 left: Mousa Kermanian, Mr Maurice Lipian the American Joint representative, Mr.
Cohenkah the dJrector of Alliance S~hool, Manoocber OmIdvar, unknown
Secnod row sittin!!:: Miss Dora Meisel head oC nursilll! school & nutrition. Victoria Toubia, Maliheh Kashli.
Evelyn Peters, Shamsl Hekmat, Ezat Montakhab, Mousa Elyassian, Mrs. Lipian, unInown. unknown
Standing row: Benjamin Nehoray, Nassim Toubia, Homayoun Hekmati, Abdollah Hekmat, Naser Soumekh,unknown, Ebrahim
Morch, unknown, Mrs. Cohenkah, HabiboJlah Elghanian, Morteza Senehi, Moussa Cohen, and Rabbi YedJdia Shofet
Il\s:r !J\....jt... c.)!.J.o":'>~ l$~\jl ,f>.)j
- )19~lJGj- ~~~y.- ~":'>y- ~~- o~.ufr:v- ":'>!J>~..s!ir'- ~~P\:~~~Gj\
~ ~- o)y ?\-~)J~- lJ~.J)j ....5".;h~ ~~Iyo lJ'.i.1
Some ofibe Board Members - 1963
From right to left: Ashraf Nairn, Touba Pourat, Mohtaram Ghadishah, Maliheh Kashfi, , Ezat Montakhab, Touba
Soumekh, Touran Afar, Iran Moradofl', Molouk Zargarian, Bodour Maneshi, Ester Moreh, Shamsi Hekmat
J ~jY'T)~lS'o!rA "'! o.)!.J.o ~ . . ~l
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Board Members with educational
staff and some nursing school
students - 1965
Rigbt to Left:
Azimeh Sapir, Touba Soumekh,
Ezat Montakhab, Maliheh Kashfi,
Mobtaram Ghadisbab, Ester
Moreb, Minou Soumekh Michlin.
Standing: Nursing School Students
wLojl... o.J!J.o
~ \S~ljl ~.Jj
- O).Y' ;;...o1-~)J.1I- ~\)y'u!.,b- ~ ¥- 0\JIr w!J!.l- W~:~ "! ~\;j\ OJ~'
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A Group of Board Members
Right to left first row: Naima Cohen, Iran Moradoff, Maliheh Kashfi, Touba Pourat, Bodour Maneshi. Ester Morell.
Second row: Touba Soumekh, Ashraf Nairn, Touran Afar, Mohtaram Ghadishah, Molouk Zargarian
Third row; Ezat Montakhab, Shamsi Hekmat
oL.jL.o o.J!J.o ~jl ~
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Board Members at a meetin2
Seated right to left:
Naima Cohen, Bodour Maneshi, Ester Morch,
Ezat Montakhab, Mobtararn Ghadishah.
Molouk Zargarian
Standing; Touba Soumckh, Iran Moradoff, Touba
, Pourat, Ashraf Nairn, Touran Afar, Maliheh
Kashfi, Shamsi Hekmat
il!*):J:JJ£ u\;~ ,jlajl..)~jl ~
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c:..o))~- ~ 0;;1_ "~.u rP'<-"- ";.JA~\- ~~- ~ ~- ~ Cof
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A group picture or the National Board Members in the mid 1960's
First row, right to left: Moluk Zargarian, Iran Moradoff, Touran Afar, Ezat Montakhab, Shamsi Hekmat,
Maliheh Kashfi, Ester Moreh, Mohtaram Ghadishah, Ashraf Nairn, Bodur Mancshi, Board Members of Tehran.
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Board Members at the Auditorium of the Day Care Center No. I • in the mid 1960's
Seated rigbt to left:
Flora Mshani, Naima Cohen, Pouran Nazarian, Ezat Montakhab. Maliheh Kashfi, Shamsi Hekmat, Mohtaram
Ghadisbah, Touba Soomekh, Iran Moradoff, Ashraf Naim
Standing rigbt to left:
Molouk Zargarian, Malihch Tabibi, Rebecca ZeroubabeIi, principal &
teacher of the Day Care Center, Ester March· a visitor
AA':'.P'T lSlfIt... j:,l.9l.jjl ~l:....r-!,) Jl,..,).) lilajt... ui~ c.l-6;- j\ ,J;.),) lit.jt... O.)!.oU ~
- c.k ~- ~ r;.J;y- ~.)!J.a u!y-I- uIJ.JJj..5}.o:~ '4 ~\Jj\ d:-:J
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oJ.¥' ,r.-l-
o~J.i rr-- lJ~1 ~~) o.:.!i l.;-'~~..J;u.-
uL..P u\)Y,.
Board Members at an assembly at Etefagh High School auditorium in the late 1960's
Seated right to left: Molouk Zargarian, Iran Moradoff, Ezat Montakhab, Shamsi Hekmat, Pamn Hakim
'Jlanaresh:. Maliheb Kashfi, Maliheh Tabibi
Slanding right to left: Unknown, Monireh Nehmadi, Tauran Afar, Touba Pourat, Touba Soumekh, Bodour
Manesbi, Pauran Nazarian, Margarit Yagbyoubzadeh president oflsfahan chapter, Mohtaram
Ghadisbah, Ester Mareh
u~\ u~~ jl u"JJJ IoSJ.-H!ul,jj d~ oj.;! "WL&.\(I~ "'! 1oS\~)J
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CI)yr\-~i..J~l- ~CJr
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dWI).,l! -.c:... )J~ - uu.J)j..5y.... - OJ!.l~)..5,.,J.o
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\~~, "'..slfll.o.r"ljl),
Group picture at the Congress of International Council of Jewish Women in Tehran - in the late 1960's
Seating from right to left:
Unknown, Maliheb Kashfi, Shamsi Kckrnat, unknown, President of the Congress, unknown, Ezat Montakhab,
Ashraf Nairn, Ester Moreh
Standing right to left:
Four representatives of other countries, unknown, Touba Sournekb, Touran Afar, Parvin Hakim, Mohtaram
Gbadishah, Molouk Rabimzadeh, MoIouk Zargarian, Bodour Mancshi,
Flora Afshani, Mahin Kamran (the 3rd person in the last row) among other members of the congress
IJ!*- JlZ11J1:...~.:. Jl... J':'
A lecture meeting of the Iranian
Jewish Ladies Organization of
Iran at Etefagh High School
auditorium, Tehran
'~Vy, JUIJLojl,.., v-:-"'h.:.pL. ~J ~ ..5..$J\:5J} 0.l..J.o ~\
- o~.l9 f?'<-" - J\j~ u~j- ~~JJj ~J- w~JJj .5).0- 0JY' jW'1- t..3bl;-o S~l:~ ~ ..:-..\;y
- .r""'U-..).:5 ~- ~ "'j"- ""'" ~- 1::'>- <J!j.- .r""'U- ~.,......"
JJ...p ~yi-\ ~ wlo.f.o - d W \ ~..tl5
T.he Celebration Qfthe 25 lb Anniversary of the Iranian Jewish Ladies Organization in 1972
Right to left: Iran MoradoD', Ester Moreh, Molouk Zargarian, Rebecca Zeroubabeli, Touran Afar, Mohtaram
Ghadishah, Shamsi Hekmat, unknown, Touba Soumekh, Maliheh Thbibi, Ezat Montakhab, Maliheh Kashfi,
unknown, Flora Afshani, seated guest Akhtar Cohen Sedgh
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A Glance at Thirty Years of Activity in Iran
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Touba Soumekh at the interview and the registration of the
students at the Day Care Center
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l.S)kor; o~ ~~ ~).J J f.JL.JJj..5'.,.Lo - 0JY' ,;:..01- o~J.!
Board Members visiting Alliance School cafeteria -1951
Malibeb Kashfi, visitor, Touran Afar, Louise Brasel, Iran Moradoff, Molouk Zargarian, Monireh
Nehmadi, Ester March, Molollk Rahimzadeh
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Day Care eeote,r Cafeteria, a daily meal
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Children at the play ground of the Day Care Center
Day Care students in a baking c:lass at school
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olJ!)y lSy...:.lS.,t~~ r~
Nursing students in a training course at
Sapir Hospital
~J,j, olrA ~ O~)J.i. olS::.p
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~J u~!J~~jl r..f.!.J
Students ofthe Day Care Genter with
Miryam Moradpoor director. Helen
Hakim Shabatian teacher and Vicky a
Teacher's aid
l.S!r:-l r~.I.!
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The Day Care students whiJe performing
a folk dance show
Purim performance
by the Day Care Center
Children from the Day Care Center
during an art performance, 1958
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o~)J.J!. v:J.a.o ~~\..t l.SlJAl r->!J'" J~ d~ r~ ~
Helen Hakim Shabatian the head ofteachers training school in the mid 1960's
She is delivering a speech at the Day Care teacher's training graduation cercmony
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....,:-T ~J))J lSJWoti
or 015J~":-.J'.r'J OJ1j~J ..5y.,.-lJ"t:...:.u ~ ~-..:..:J$
I ~o·
..., .slfl.. Jo..I;I)'
Children of the Day Care Ccnter in thc mid 1950's
Right to left: Touran Afar, Mohtaram Ghadishah, Abraham Lascove Joint representative and his staff,
Maliheh Kashfi, Molouk Rahimzadeh and onc of the teachers. Monireh Nehmadi is seen in the back row.
-'t,))~ r~ ~ O~)J.i. iJJS,)fi
c..:..J"': !J\f~wJ uvjl.. loSl.Q.p.\
- o~Jj r~:~ ~ c....l;jl
Jy-lo 1>S- )1!~'u1>j-,p ¥
J ~j,aj).r\Jo~)\y~J.r-­
c..:..$ o~W;:""'~~!i.\
A visit to the Day Care Center by
some Board Members & direclor
of American Joint.
Right to left: Mobtaram
Ghadisbab, MaIiheh KWihfi,
Touran Afar, Dora Meisel, director of Nutrition and Abraham
Lucove Joint representative
t::--"" u!p rb:- oJ.,..,A O~)J.r. ulS',)p
- ~j')iJ,)J~lvj--""
Day Care Center children
with Touba Soumekh. and
Souzette Amini director
",15$ ".,t~ r~ oll:.:".I, ';15.-"
- ~l vj.J'"':~ ~ ~!JjlltoJl;.
~ jl.,i;""" ,
t:'.... "'....
Day Care Center children
in gardening class
Right to left: Souzette Amini,
Touba Soumekh and other
school teachers.
\l\~O - lJ~JJ~l.S,+-%'j'~Jj~
- ,-,1.)!J.o iJ!i.I:~ ~ c.......!J jl
- iJfS'~ - ~uy'~;b
6J;.;S .l.!Jj~
YU - uiW1!J.,li
!J~l:..A.fu,C:'; - ~!rlj'
iJ!.ly>l~1J JW~ l.SljW r~
Visitors of the Day Care Center - 1965
Right to left:Iran Moradoff, Touba Poura!,
Naima Cohen, Flora Afshani,
Visiting Rabbi from Israel, Rouholah
Monasebian watching the
children's performance
lfil::...S"JF ~jy>l )JIS'~ 6!J.o.A iJLojl.. C.f..J.. ~
MJ 1.51t1t.. Jjl ~)J
- 0)>"
;:..1- ;19ls ~!Jj":~
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Jd <b.,Lo - """, "'.;. - i::''' ",J-
ul::i~ ~!JlAJ ~'~jJo" :6J~1
" 6)W iJl::...S"J..p ~ jl hJ l.SI6~ J 4JWJF u!.r..J..
Board Members with the faculty of lite
Day Care Center in the early J960's
First row, right to left: Touran Afar, Ester
Moreh, Mobtaram Gbadisbah, Iran
Moradoff, Shamsi Hekmat, Touba
Soumekh, Touba Poura!, Maliheb Kasbfi,
Sccond row: SouzeUe Amini, Helen
Hakim ,Sbabatian directors of the Day
Care Center No.2 and the
educational staff.
!J!r'-J j' ~ ":"U.,n U!}O
.~tS" \.;.t.r. t1)Jjl r~!J lJ~)J.r.
- iJlJ)jO'"y..- c:...o)J~:~ "'! ~!Jjl
lJ)Y' r- 1- ~1;y" u!?
-=-. ,.
Touba Pourat is blessing one of the girls
from the Day Care Center on the occasion
of ber wedding
Right to left: BedOllr Maneshi, Molouk
Zargarian, Ester Moreh, Touba Pourat,
Mohtaram Ghadishab
_.' ", '.-
~1A V")IJ..o - j.J-AT~\~ cJ~~ r,S\~ ~ l"""'lr
r,S":1y:r r,S..I.!JI~
J.JJ' rt.;.l?)~)~
Group Bat Mitzvah - 1972
Bat Mitzvah students at the Day Care Center with Rabbi Ouriel Davidi
cJ!j.J-ATd-i b jl ~
~ ~ r~ d.!~.J":' ~jb
l"""'lr di":1L.. oJ.:.ibJC).J-A ?IJ ~i~lr cJ~\
J.j"':'U'" c~~ ~)~ 1.J""l:'" ~
Touba Soumekh congradulates one of the students,
Iran Moradoff and Ester Moreb the director of the annual
Bat Mitzvah ceremonies are seen in the picture
Iranian Jewish Women & Their Right of Inheritance
~lJ!1l.S".M! if~\J~..i.a iJ!roo]1 d"JJ- J:i!r\ l.S""~ J~.i.o u\f~w
~~1.)~ L.llY~ uLojl... 0.r....Lo ~ l.S~'
Tehran Conference 1966
Israeli and diplomatic representatives, some of the Iranian religious and social authorities,
Board Members of the Jewish Ladies Organization of Iran
')y)' "s'-*- P') 0j J ...... Jil.-l .li)' ........ "s.;/u\ 01r.1,-*- 0\j~ 0l.jt.. ",~I,;,;jl jl ..?-<
'~J:I. c.SjJJT 1ft1 iJ.1.~aollJ.ri' "'! J J!;.,b.*. ~~j l.S1J.i u~l...) lS!i. .~4(.f'1 j yo J~J~ ~ u".;u jl ~)1
<r-" ~)""'; d -"'" -*- 0~j J.W1.;r.! "s1A"";lP'jl "s)\,..U')~ ~ Jt.. "yl.l "'.... 01j4 0l.jt..
.''''; ""ly,I,) ....'" JJI,.-I),) 01r. 1), dj,. JI< "'l.lao~.r.' yO
~ r~ ".r.'~ .......).rJ ~ .:#........Y- ,~,""j
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J.o "s~"':'''''''' .J""'- w 0~)')' •.I"'j~ .... l....o .:;.1
Y .... t...,.I) "sJ'» ",).u) ;.,. jl "s.;/ '.*- ~'-*- 01j4 0l.jt..
Jlyl":»10jli "')Jo" ~ 01r.\ "s.;:.5,I,
t"'" J>.J>
jl ~ 01.,..,..) .;,;t..) JJI,.-I)~"';l..)) "'l.lao
.jJl.ii~1 ~Y ~j~., "'! c.S j .*. 0tj ~
One of the accomplisJunents of the Jewish Ladies Organization of Iran is the continual
campaign for the amendment of Jewish Women Inheritance Act. This effort took place
through sixteen years of participation and contacts at national and intemationallevels. It
finally became fruitful during the parliamentary representation of Yousef Cohen. He took
advantage of his professional and social influence and succeeded, along with the
cooperation of Jewish Ladies Organization, to have the religious authorities in Israel
sanction the amended text for the Women's Inheritance Act. He then used the same
influence through the appropriate authorities of the Ministry of Justice in Iran to legalize
and enforce the Act in all the judicial courts of Iran
J.s' c...1u c....s::...~ :~ ~ c...!J jl
'-!.~~ rl::-b-..,..~ - 0lxl~..w.. ')ly~ Lll.oj\...
'y1yl ..:.JJJ~ U""'l. Lllf..l.:..!. ~ j\ .:} JJ~ JJ .hi.,.:.
\ .. ~~ JL.o Lll.*
.r'1.P J~
Right to left: Shamsi Hekmat, National
President of the Jewish Ladies
Organization, Rabbi Yedidia Shofet
and the two Israeli religious delegates
in Tehran Conference, 1966.
J..JJ\ r8-b--
.hj;:. 4~~ r8-b-
~y~- 4~~ ,,:-,~I.A ~lol.:l- lS..1lJI.:I
- Jl<' J# - ill,JliJ I .,..".. -
~y.-J'- d~ ~!I.\ Jb- )~.:* UL.,.,Y.
Seated right to left: Rabhl Yedldla Shofet,
Rabbi Ouriel Davldl, son -In-law ofHa Rav
Ovedia Yousef from Israel, Shamsl Hekmat,
Habib Elgbanlan, Khalll Nahal
Standing: Mlssond Haroonlan President ofTehran
Jewish Coundl, Incumbent Congressman
Joseph Coben annoDndng the amendment
and the adoption ofthe Iranian
Jewish Inheritances Ad In Tehran,1976
First row, right to lert: Parvin
Motamed, Touran Afar,
Maliheh Kashfi.
Second row: Pari Haroonian,
the IIfth person from right, at
the Announcement Event.
Tehran 1976
<J 1.0j L... IS lA>.:...;J W j \ ..;w\~ J ~ 1)1. \ <J.t
\j.t IS 4-',,~ ..I.!. ~ j 4
Visited by National and International Celebrities
~\j~ ~L. jL.. O~)Jfi 154-->% jl J.:.~j~ r~ l.5~y 0;:'1 <.:Jr'=''JI-, J
l.5k C';;1.;+i
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o~~ ~)J~J o;y ?\- ~ 0y;! iJ~.1:.5~':'j~
Her Majesty Farah Pahlavi & Princess Ashraf at a visit at the sample Day Care Center, at the
International Fair of Women's Activities in 1960
In the upper most picture from right to left: Ezat Montakhab, Shalnsi Hckmat, Touran Afar, Touba
Soumekh, Mohtararn Ghadishab, Ashraf Nairn, Ester March and Bedanr Mancshi
IrrA Jl..»'
iJ~ - u\j~ 1;\.0jl..o
i:'.... ",y. ,.;\;.li"':'L$" 4~~ ~ ~\):l
Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt
visiting the Day Care Center in 1959
Mrs. Tuba Soumekh in the background
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Mrs. Helen Hakim Shabatian welcomes
Mrs. eleanor Roosevelt to bel' class
4J!y'1 ~-* 4J'Y~ 4Jl.ojL.. olJlJL.. ~
4Jl.ojL.. 0 f-...I..a ~ (.5'~G:- j\ iJ ~ ~
~ ~- ~\J~ !J!y'I- ~
~ "'1 ~!Jj\
Princess Ashraf Pahlavi in the Annual
Celebration of Iranian Jewish Ladies
Right to left: Gity Montakhab, Iran Moradoff,
and Sbamsi Hekmat are in the picture
~~l~* (.5'l9l 4Jl.:.~J (.5'~~~ c>~":IIJ
j~)~ O~)J.Y,. 4JUJpjl J:.Jj~ r~
;"\> "I;h ,,1,;<,,: ~ J.> ~t;.";;!S'" oJ:.~ ~ )J
Princess Shams Pahlavi and her spouse
Mr. Mchrdad Pablbod visiting
the Day Care Center in Shiraz
Right to left: Helcn Hakim Sbabatian
and Touran Mar are seen in thc picture
(.5';J.t.. 01,;\..0) o~l.;T jl ~~j~
o~J.9 rrou:~ ~ ~I.J j\ '+il?
i "'"';'" r~ i::r ' ",;!o J
Laying flowers on the tumb of
Reza Shah Pablavi
Mohtaram Gbadishah,
Touba Soumckh
0\.o.jl.... oy-.J.o <.:.l~ 0~)J.s~
)Jl.o y"J o~
,.Ij~u'" o.l.i. J ~)J .rbb-I5I+o-'\.:;- 0~)J 0l>.)V 0~.t'~ - ~ ¥ - o~..l9 r~ - )lS~ 0~.i :~\.:;- ~ ~ ..:.....\.ljl
On the occasion of the Congress of International Council of Women in October 1965
Farideh Diba mother of 'Farah Pahlavi among Board Members
Right to left: Touran Afar, Mohtaram Ghadishah, Maliheh Tabibi, Pouran Nazarian are seen among Ihe ladies
.sh!oJ~' <.:.l~'1\J
01.ojl..o O~)-'Y.
Princess Ashraf Pahlavi
visiting the Day Care Center
\w· --4l\.... j~ j~ J
.i'~ ~
Some Lectures & Seminars in the'1970's
Rachel Pimazar
Delivering a speech on Women's Day
in Tehran - 1973
\Q,VA \:j~)~ ~tij J.W\~ ~1P
r';"J Jj\p:~ "-! ~!Jj\
", ..r!.l
"" J e'.,.., l,$,Y',"
International Women's Conference in AthIanta 1978
Right to left, the fil'St & the third persons
Touba Soumekh & Rachel Pirnazar
l:j~T)~ \Q,VA Jl.o J~ ulij J.WllJ:!~!P
O)~)) ~~ JG-)) P.r-'y~!J
u!il.=..n! ulj~ ul.ojt.. ISlAo~}J.f.,
':''':'u'' o~) u~' Jl:S")) ~.J'" l.I.?
Rachel Pilnazar delivering a speech about the Day
Care Centers in Iran, at the AthIanta Conference,
Touba Soumekh attending
. 58
w1.>..oJb ~ - WI)!1 ~~ Wl~~ wlojL.!
The Jewish Ladies Organization of Hamedan
ul..\.o.A .II ~Hy j ~11"'(;,:. ~Jj~
1$*- wt;i9- u~J+o~:~c.......4\~jl
ol..\.o.A ~~.J ~ 6.u,) J c.s~IS't!)- lS;pU
Princess Ashraf visits Hamedan
Far left to right: Bahich Mehdian,
Farrokh Shafa, Mehri NR5scri, Forugh
kasheri, and Faridch Shafa, pI'C.'lident
ulJ.."p. .II ~J oJ.l,) ~G:- ~Jj~
." ~
Mrs. Farideh Diba visits Hamedan
Right to left: Mrs. Katirai, Farrokh &
Farideh Shafa, Babieh Mehdia~
ciJ )I..u1...o1 y-J> r\"i ~G:- ~Jj~
ul..l.oA J.Jf.. ul;~ uLojL... o~)JJ?jl
} "'''''J Jr3 b J>.Y.J'.. -
Mrs. Ghavam, the governer's wife while
visiting the Day Care Center
From left to right: Farideh & Farrokh Shafa,
Babieh Mehdian, Mrs. Ghavam, Mehri Nasseri,
Parivash Dancshrad
W~l ~ - W~l.:l~ ~l';~ wlojl...l
The Jewish Ladies Organization of Isfahan
iJl5)~.J iJu\~ lSl.i iJ~1 ~).*. iJlj~ iJ~jL.. ';~\j lS.J))\
iJul~ j iJ~)) O)1j,,:-,~ e.".J)~ r"L;.
Summer Camp, Margarit Yaghoubzadeh among the children attending summer camp
iJ4i-o\ o~J.J.xiJl5)~iJ~J) O)Ij,,:-,~ e.".JJlo- ~ ~- ~ ~:~ ~ e..,.,\jj1
Roght to left: Maliheh Kashfi, Shamsi Hekmat, Margarit Yaghoubzadeh
while visiting Isfah3" Day Care Center
~'.t I ,)~ wl,;~ wLo j~ "':! ~19 wlf'~,,) WLo jl...
Young Ladies Organization
Affiliated with Iranian Jewish Ladies Organization of Iran
tJtt~J~ !Jl.jl... o;...La ~ jl r./'JJ
- ~1'p~- :1..hJLt. J..J.o <t.i.:W:~ ~ c....ol;jl
~u:t-iIl,)~bl.SY,.- CJyl J.:.oo~~l,j
.~J)~'..w..~J- ,tJ~J; OJ\) WI!?.J)- ,}J~
From right to left: Latifeh Melamed, ShiJa
Kawakeb, Nahid Bahremand, Pari Dadfarin,
Gity Montakhab, Ruhi Aminzadeh,
Vajiheb Melamed
~\f~JJ ~l.jl...0.J!."""~jl r./'Jj
- ~~ I;)j- iIl.,.,!J'J lSY,.:~ ~ c....o!Jj\
J..o..l".~J-lJ"'Wl,j- J:-'...JJJ~)
_ ..;::.~.)~. iJ4~.l!. 1.J.#-lJ"'Wl,j- -J:-'JJJ
Y~~.J'.:~ ":-'~ JJ!JY,.
Right to left: Pari Dadfarin, Flora Siman,
Fereshteh Danish, guest, Vajiheh Melamed,
guest, Flora Yedidian, Pan-aoeh Yomtub
Seated: Parichebr Yomtub
Jl...)~ tJ15~.JJ uu,jl... c.J""::""'t' Jr'l... ~ ~
¥u- l.i,"'l... ~.Jf.l..1...:>-:~ ~ l.:-oI.Jjl- \"~A
- ';;I.$~~- !J'"f.'P~¥_l,j- J:-'J)~u""')~
Twentieth anniversary of Young Ladies
Organization 1968
Right to left: Hemda Brookhlm Sassoool ,
Nl1bid Darvisb Pani, Nabid Picnazar Oberman,
GUy Montakbab Klanfar, Rubi Aminzadeh Rabban
Memories from More Recent Times
i,ll.ojl.,., jl) ~t:...: u'y~
uLojL. ~
- ulJ,j..5;.IA:~ "'! c...o!>j\ d.:.....:.i
~~- ~¥-
I'*' "'" - P.n\ J.'o - .Jd ¥-
- ~!..- <lill.r.. - il!J..o\S'U:*IS"~\ V*- J.!~J)Jj~)
United Nation's Day 1978-Tehran
Seated right to left: Molouk
Zargarian, Ester More, Maliheh
Tablbl, Shamsl Hekmat, Mallheh Kashfi,
Rachel Plrnazar, Efat Sahim
Standing: Mahln Kamran, Parvaneb Sarraf,
_. __~beeea Zcroubabcll, Mahin Etesami
~TlJ"j ) J .l,i\;...oJ') ;1.l!.J
J u"l..o:z:J:.l
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- )U~ jj!>- l.S'"!i\ oy"1? o~\J)lo
uL..;u u!Jy,.
.;w\ 0;11
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A gathering in Los Angeles
Seated right to left: Shamsi Hekmat,
Malibeh Kashfi, Touran Afar
Standing: Mahin Etesami and her mother
Khatoon Ebrami, Rachel Pirnazar,
Pouran Nazarian, Fakhri Ghedoushim,
Flora Afshani
illoj L.o lJ'"':'"h
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The 36th. Anniversary o.r the
Organization at the home or Helen
Hakim Sbabatian • Los Angeles