FLORINE LEONI work selection Florine Leoni, Gärtnerstrasse 50, 4057 Basel, 0041 76 502 88 08 contact@florineleoni.net, www.florineleoni.net FLORINE LEONI Born in Switzerland, lives and works in Basel. EDUCATION SELECTED GROUP SHOWS PUBLICATIONS / ARTICLES 2011-13 Master of Arts in Contemporary Arts Practice, Y-Institute for Transdiciplinarity, Bern University of Applied Sciences, CH 2013 Städelschule, Class of Douglas Gordon; Film, Frankfurt a.M., D 2002-06 Diploma in Fine Arts, School of Art & Design, Lucerne, CH 2001-02 Schule für Gestaltung Bern, CH 2000 EPFL Lausanne, Architektur 96-2000 Gymnasium Bern Neufeld 2014 Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur, Presentation of «En garde». (forthcoming) 2014 Stadtkino Basel, an event by Schwarzwaldallee Basel, Presentation of «En garde». (forthcoming) 2014 Haus für elektronische Künste, Ma(r)king Territories, Basel, CH 2013 MJ Gallery, Genf, CH 2013 handlungsbereitschaft 4, Berlin, D 2013 Centre PasquArt Biel, SHOW ME SHOW ME SHOW ME, Thesis Master of Arts in Contemporary Arts Practice, CH 2013 ION, ON-ION, Zürich, CH 2013 Gallery Weekend THE ROOM, Berlin, D 2013 Kunsthalle Krems, Donaufestival Krems, AU 2012 L‘Atelier, Specific Space, Nantes, F 2012 District Kunst- und Kulturförderung, Post-Studio-Tales, Berlin, D 2011 Musée d‘Art Contemporain de Montreal, Triennale Quebecoise 2011, Montreal, CAN 2011 centquatre, Jeune Création, Paris, F 2011 Kunstraum Riehen, NICO UNIQUE, Riehen, CH 2010 Donetsk City, Art-Point, Ukraine 2010 S AM Schweizerisches Architekturmuseum, Kunstkredit Werkbeitraege Basel-Stadt, Basel, CH 2010 SWISS ART AWARDS Messehallen, Basel, CH 2010 Zeughaus Landenberg, ZONE, BBS, Sarnen, CH 2009 Kunsthalle Palazzo, Regioanle10, How close we are, Liestal, CH 2007 Kunsthaus Baselland, When nothing happens, Regionale8, CH. mit Faye Shapiro 2014 EN GARDE, Monografische Publikation zur Installation, 2014 2013 tageswoche.ch, Florine Leoni, Überschrittene Grenzen, by Karen N.Gerig. Published Dec. 10th, 2013 2013 POST-STUDIO-TALES, online documentation, http://district- berlin.com/pst-documentation, Ed. District Kunst- und Kulturförderung, Berlin, D 2011/12 Paper Jam#2, curated by Charlotte Seidel and Emile Ouroumov, Printed at: Cabaret Voltaire, Zuerich, May 31st 2012, marke.6 - gallery of Bauhaus-Universität Weimar June 14h, Le Commissariat at Treize, Paris, June 27th, Ygrec, Paris, June 29th, Messy Shop, Bankok, July 14th 2012. 2012 2011 Jeune Création 2011, Exposition internationale d’art contemporain, Ed. Jeune Création, Paris 2011 La Triennale Québecoise 2011, Le travail qui nous attend, Ed. Du Musée d’Art Contemporain de Montréal, Montreal 2011 iaab, GOING PLACES. 2011, Christoph Merian Stiftung, Basel 2011 YA YA YA - GENAU, Raum für Kunst - sic! [ zik; lat. ] so, ebenso; wirklich so! , Hrg. Nadine Wietlisbach, Luzern 2010 Art Point. Bereznitsky Project Donetsk, Ed. Master Knyg, Kiev 2009 Multiprise Toulouse, Le labyrinth de plans, by Anaïs Delmas. Published Sept. 21st, 2009 2009 Basler Zeitung, Aufschnitt, Bomben und ein blasser Jüngling, by Alexander Marzahn. Published Nov. 30st 2009 2008 ERNTE‘07, Kunstankäufe des Kantons Basel Landschaft, Kunsthalle Palazzo Liestal, Hrs. Marcel Falk, kulturelles.bl, Liestal 2008 Swiss Performance, KUNSTHALLE Wien, project space, Ed. Verlag für moderne Kunst Nürnberg, Nürnberg 2008 Basler Zeitung, Raum-Architektur, Florine Leoni in der mitart Galerie, by Simon Baur. Published Dec. 24th, 2008 2008 Basler Zeitung, Das ist kein Pappenspiel, by Nathalie Bau mann. Published Oct. 29th, 2008 2008 Basellandschaftliche Zeitung, Künstler bauen gemeinsam an einer Welt aus Karton, by Pia Zeugin. Published Feb. 1st, 2008 SELECTED SOLO SHOWS 2014 2011 2011 2010 2010 2009 2009 2008 2008 2007 Stadtgalerie Bern, Bern, CH (duo show with Thomas Hauri) Schwarzwaldallee, Koordinaten ihrer Erinnerung, nt-Areal, Basel, CH CIRCA Centre d’exposition art contemporain, Persistence, Montreal, CAN Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Voids Between Scenes, Taipei, Taiwan AXENEO7, Encounter, Ottawa, CAN Point de fuite, Otherwise it is an illusionary device, Toulouse, F. Duo show with Eva Nielsen Darling Foundry Garage, There are other situations which are equally valid, Montreal, CAN mitart gallery, Everything seems ordinary, Basel, CH Kunsthalle Vienna Projectspace, Kristall, Wien, A Performance mit Faye Shapiro sic! Raum für Kunst, I always knew it was there but never guessed where (2), Luzern, CH ARTIST RESIDENCIES GRANTS 2015 2012 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2012/14 2011 2010 2009 2006 CASA POLI, Concéption, Chile, April 2015 Post-Studio-Tales, District Kunst-, und Kulturförderung, Berlin, D Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei, Taiwan BBS Basel-Berlin-Sarnen, Sarnen, CH AXENEO7, Ottawa, CAN Darling Foundry, iaab International Exchange and Studio Programm Basel, Montréal, CAN Point de Fuite, Toulouse, F ARTIST TALKS 2011 2010 2010 Musée d‘Art Contemporain, Triennale Québécoise, Montréal, CAN Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei, Taiwan Concordia University Montreal, Master of Fine Arts, Open Media, Class of Prof. Trevor Gould, Montreal, CAN Fachausschuss Audiovision und Multimedia, Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft, CH, work grant Consulat Général de France à Québéc, Project grant , ProHelvetia Swiss Arts Council, Kulturpauschale Basel- Stadt, kulturelles.bl, Project grants Kunstkredit Basel-Stadt, Basel, CH, Work grant ProHelvetia Swiss Arts Council, Kulturpauschale Basel- Stadt, kulturelles.bl, Project grants* Jeu de Paume Paris, F. Swiss Confederation Marseille, F, Project grants Zeugin Stiftung Luzern, CH, Work grant COLLECTIONS Ludmila Bereznisky Gallery Collection, Kiew, Ukraine Installation MONUMENTING, 2010 kulturelles.bl (www.dotmov.bl.ch), Basel, CH Video-Audio Installation WHEN NOTHING HAPPENS, 2007 EN GARDE 2014, Full HD, 17min., color, sound, D/F/e Stadtgalerie Bern, CH, Stadtkino Basel, CH (Okt.2014), Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur CH (Nov. 2014) The art of fencing and hypnosis: at the place where two such disparate practices meet, the respective contours of their idiosyncratic dynamics become even sharper. Leoni puts a focus on the powerful impact of this encounter in the contestable zones where extremes collide: in one case, on a clearly demarcated field in which every movement – attempting to either defend or transgress boundaries – is minutely measured; in the other case, as a hypnotic liminal condition, as an associative journey through highly personal and fragile territory. This meeting space and questions related to the negotiation, placement and breaching of borders are themes that propel the cinematic approach of Leoni’s dynamic oeuvre. Doris Gassert, 2014 Director of photography: Aurelio Buchwalder Sound engeneers: Tobias Koch, Lukas Huber, Cedric Spindler Sound design / mastering: Robert Torche Supported by: Fachausschuss Audiovision und Multimedia BS/BL, Burgergemeinde Bern, Kultur Stadt-Bern, Argusch AG, Erdgas With: Vincent Laplaze, Basler Fechtclub, Sara Gassmann Director: Florine Leoni Installation view, Stadtgalerie Bern, July 2014 EN GARDE, publication, 2014 Academic essay by Dr.phil. Doris Gassert Graphic design by Dominique Berrel Grafik 27x24cm, 60 pages, english / german, 200 exemplars Published June 2014 in Basel, CH YOUR TERRITORY : KASIA PACURA 2013, HD Video, color, 9“, english, subtitles german. In her video installation YOUR TERRITORY Florine Leoni explores grey areas and personal boundaries in everyday sociospatial contexts. Two narratives of isolation and social responsibility derived from interviews serve as a point of departure. They are complemented by found footage from the Internet and in the case of YOUR TERRITORY: KASIA PARCURA also by specially recorded footage, whereby the mediated gaze creates connections between the personal space of each individual and his/ her immediate environment. The various levels are further interwoven by site-specific spatial interventions, which cause visual space and physical space to merge and their boundaries to blur. Leoni constructs an enigmatic narrative space that confronts the viewer with models of interpersonal behaviour and allows him/ her to experience emotional shifts ranging from involvement to exclusion. The interwoven visual, auditory and textual layers engage each viewer’s imagination and personal interpretations, thus allowing his/her combination of elements to become an integral part of the work. Doris Gassert, 2014 Installation view, MJ Gallery, Geneva, CH, 2013. Curated by Sophie Yerly Image: Sophie Yerly YOUR TERRITORY : DINA EWANS 2013, HD Video, color, 6“, swiss german, subtitles english. Camera: Michael Christ, anonym Mastering audio: Jannik Giger With: Carla Johnson, Kasia Pacura Director: Florine Leoni Supported by: Fachausschuss Audiovision und Multimedia, BS/BL, Futurum Stiftung, FHNW Basel, Hochschule der Künste Bern, Staatliche Hochschule für Bildende Künste Städelschule Frankfurt a.M. Shows and Screenings: Handlungsbereitschaft | 4, Blumenthalstrasse 7, Berlin, D, 2013 MJ Gallery, Geneva,CH, 2013 ON-ION, ION Eröffnung, Zürich, CH, 2013 Gallery Weekend Berlin 2013, THE ROOM, Kurfürstenstrasse 13, Berlin, D, 2013 Donaufestival 2013, Kunsthalle Krems, Österreich, 2013 Videostills Installation view, Haus für elektronische Künste Basel. CH, 2013. 2 Sitting cuboids, acoustic panels, cable conduits. Curated by: Doris Gassert and Sabine Himmelsbach Image: Stefan Holenstein (MALEEN, ICH BENEIDE DICH IN MANCHEN AUGENBLICKEN UM DEINE KÜHLE, VORNEHME UND BEWUSSTE DISTANZ ZUR UMWELT.) 2011, Triennale Québécoise, Musée d‘Art Contemporain, Montréal Canada HDV video, 11‘12“, loop, color, sound : english / german, subtitles french. MDF boards, timber beams, 2 display cases, grey paint. Music by Jannik Giger. In collaboration with Sylvain Baumann Installation views,Musée d‘Art Contemporain, Montréal, CAN , 2011 Script inspired by: ROM, BLICKE and ERKUNDUNGEN FÜR DIE PRÄZISIERUNG DES GEFÜHLS FÜR EINEN AUFSTAND by Rolf Dieter Brinkmann Sound and music: Jannik Giger With: Ariane Andereggen, Lucas Rössner, Barbara Jahn Camera: Sabrina Davatz, Bianca Dugaro Assistance script: Karin Aeschlimann Claquette: Ralph Bürgin Video: Director: Florine Leoni, assistance to the creation Sylvain Baumann Architecture: Creation Sylvain Baumann, assistance to the creation Florine Leoni VOIDS BETWEEN SCENES 2010, Kuandu Museum of Fine Art, Taipei, Taïwan With: Raphael Gschwind Camera: Florine Leoni, Sylvain Baumann Textfragments: Rolf Dieter Brinkmann, source: Keiner weiss mehr, 1968 Translation: Philip Matesic Director: Florine Leoni Installation view, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei, Taiwan Mixed-media installation. Wood, black glossy paint, video projection HDV Video b/w, sound, 7‘55“, loop, fluorescent lamps, laser foto print on wood structure. In collaboration with Sylvain Baumann. KOORDINATEN IHRER ERINNERUNG 2011/12. Schwarzwaldallee, Basel, Schweiz Mixedmedia Installation. HDV Video. color, loop, synchron, 7“, german, subtitles french, broken wall. In the beginning there was the wall, as it empathised the quality of the boarders of the exterior space as a fully valid physical element. As a fully valid physical element it defines the coordinates of the exterior space and thus constitutes the coordinates of this exterior space. It was there extended - as the word itself is extended. What is now, is the trace. What is now, are the shades. What is, are fragments and what lasts, is the memory. What remains, is projection. Florine Leoni‘s video installation marks the critical zone of the boarders where real and imaginative actualities encounter. It marks the critical zone, where the coordinates of the real world collapse to fit new memories. The fragments visible in the exhibition space are the witnesses of a past existence. The projections on the walls are the coordinates of their memory. Florine Leoni‘s video installation refers to the memory as a construction of reality. Lorenz Wiederkehr Filmstill Camera: Sabrina Davatz, Bianca Dugaro Music and sound: Jannik Giger With: Dominique Berrel, Martin Chramosta, Raphael Gschwind, Stefan Karrer, Simone Schelker, Lorenz Wiederkehr Text and voice: Rolf Dieter Brinkmann, source: Brinkmanns Zorn by Harald Bergmann 2005 Equipement: Institut Kunst HGK FHNW Basel, Institut für Transdisziplinarität BFH Bern Director: Florine Leoni MONUMENTING 2010, Donetsk City, Ukraine Site specific installation, scaffold, 100 fluorescent lamps. Produced with the support of Ludmila Bereznitski and Partner Gallery Kiev/Berlin. Edition 5 (1/5). Installation view, Donetsk SOMETIMES WHEN I WAKE UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT I DON‘T KNOW WHERE I AM 2010, Swiss Art Awards, Messezentrum, Basel, Switzeraland Mixed-media installation. MDF wood, synthetic resin, coal, metal wire, fluorescent tubes, grooved plexiglass, sound device 14‘ loop, entrance : two steps stairs, black plastic curtain. In collaboration with Sylvain Baumann. Images Installation: Eik Frenzel HOW CLOSE WE ARE 2009, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, Switzerland Mixed-media installation. Used metal grids, fluorescent tubes, sound device 7‘ loop. In collaboration with Sylvain Baumann Images:Eik Frenzel I ALWAYS KNEW IT WAS THERE BUT NEVER GUESSED WHERE 2008. sic! Raum für Kunst, Luzern, CH HDV Video 12‘11“ loop. color. audio 12‘11“. loop. L 720 W 230 H 195. wood MDF. synthetic resin. Production still Images Installation: Andreas Hagenbach Piano: Elena Grischenko Equipement: Institut Kunst HGK FHNW Basel Set Assistant: Nadine Münger Translator: Evgenia Volkova Director / Camera: Florine Leoni EVERYTHING SEEMS ORDINARY 2008, mitart gallery, Basel, CH Site specific mixed-media installation. 4 different synchron videoloops, HDV Video 7‘ loop. synchron, b/w. 4 audio 7‘ loop. synchron, mass L 800 W 600 H 350, MDF roh, white brilliant dispersion, composer canon: Raphael Strauss. «(...) The staircase, which was built of MDF, is hollow inside. This is of importance because mounted on four walls four screens are all showing the same black and white video. The videos show four people, two men and two women who are inside the stair element which is still under construction. A person alternately sings a song, according to a poem by the English author Alain Alexander Milne. The poem reveals experiences and qualities of being on a stair. In an akward way the singers interpret those lines musically and create all four together a canon which repets endlessly. Through this the picture of a latent uncertainty arises and we feel a certain character of reference. The staircase object is not only artifact, it is also a non-functioning architecture in the space. The staircase usually a symbol for progress, proves to be a deceptive trap. The steps lead only to the ceiling of the room and as the video illustrates it, the stair element becomes as prison. All these ambiguities in the work of Florine Leoni are intended and through minimal production create the maximum of imaginative space.» Simon Baur. BAZ Kulturmagazin 24.12.08. orignial text in DE Camera: Antonia Meile Composition Canon / Musical Director: Raphael Strauss Lyrics: Halfway down the stairs, Alain Alexander Milne Technical support video: tweaklab AG - tools for media and art Support audio: Anna Voegeli, Raphael Strauss Planning/realisation stair element: Matteo Winkler - suedquai With: Barbara Perkinzl, Daniel Roser, Daniel Ramsauer, Anna Voegeli Director: Florine Leoni Images Installation: Eik Frenzel EIN REIZ ODER ÄHNLICHES 2007, Galerie hippopotamus, Basel,CH Mixed-media Installation. DVD Video 8‘ loop, 2‘ loop, color, audio 11‘ loop, material: MDF wood, MDF, white dispersion paint. In collaboration with Michael Wojnar Cast: Mihaela Deutsch, Tobias Giezendanner Planning architecture supported by: Rolf Indermuehle Realisation architecure supported by: Matteo Winkler - suedquai Director, Camera, Editor: Florine Leoni, Michael Wojnar WHEN NOTHING HAPPENS 2007, Kunsthaus Baselland, CH «The installative work distinguishes a big formal unity. Both perception spaces image and sound as well as the formal consequence of the projected video scenes create a picture of a space putatively rapt the reality. But appearances are deceiving. The meaning levels refer to the uniformity and commonness of our life and to the repetitive and no longer consciously perceived actions. Those resolve bit by bit in the nebulous squadron and dissolve into Nothingless. The music by Faye Shapiro forms in addition - a Metasame immediately - a timeless, weight-bearing atmosphere for the viewer which connects the protagonists in the videos.» Marcel Falk. ERNTE‘O7. Kunstankäufe des Kantons Basel-Landschaft. original text in DE Images: Viktor Kolibàl Installation. DVD Video b/w, loop, sound, three synchron loops 14‘47“, backprojections. music by Faye Shapiro With: Raphael Gschwind, Sara Luescher, Elisabeth Muenger Music and sound: Faye Shapiro Lyrics inspired by: Kreislauf III, Rose Ausländer Camera: Florine Leoni Set Assistant: Sara Luescher Director: Florine Leoni