Benefit Guide - Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan
Benefit Guide - Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan
2016 Benefit Guide Public Entity Members 2016 Benefit Guide Public Entity Members (This page intentionally left blank) 1 Summary of Benefits & Coverage 3 Member Information Health Savings Account Plan Notice of Privacy Practices PPO 600 Plan Appeal Procedures PPO 1000 Plan Uniform Glossary 4 Contact 2 Coverage Information Medical Plan Overview Health Savings Account Plan Overview Health Savings Account PPO 600 Plan Overview PPO 1000 Plan Overview Prescription Drug Plan Vision Plan Dental Plan Employee Assistance Program Disease Management Services Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Notice Contact Information (This page intentionally left blank) Section 1 Summary of Benefits & Coverage Health Savings Account Plan PPO 600 Plan PPO 1000 Plan Uniform Glossary MCHCP: Health Savings Account Plan Coverage Period: 1/1/2016 — 12/31/2016 Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What This Plan Covers & What it Costs Coverage for: Individual + Family | Plan Type: High-Deductible This is only a summary. If you want more detail about your coverage and costs, you can get the complete terms in the policy or plan document at or by calling 800-487-0771. Important Questions Answers Why this Matters: What is the overall deductible? $1,650 individual/$3,300 family (network) Does not apply to preventive care $4,000 individual/$8,000 family (non-network) You must pay all the costs up to the deductible amount before this plan begins to pay for covered services you use. The deductible starts over each year on Jan. 1. See the chart starting on Page 7 for how much you pay for covered services after you meet the deductible. Are there other deductibles for specific services? No. You don’t have to meet deductibles for specific services, but see the chart starting on Page 7 for other costs for services this plan covers. Is there an out-of-pocket limit on my expenses? Yes. $3,300 individual/$6,600 family (network) $5,000 individual/$10,000 family (non-network) The out-of-pocket limit is the most you could pay during a coverage period (usually one year) for your share of the cost of covered services. This limit helps you plan for health care expenses. What is not included in the out-of-pocket limit? Premium, balance bill charges, health care this plan doesn’t cover Even though you pay these expenses, they don’t count toward the out-of-pocket limit. Is there an overall annual limit on what the plan No. pays? The chart starting on Page 7 describes any limits on what the plan will pay for specific covered services, such as office visits. Does this plan use a network of providers? If you use a network doctor or other health care provider, this plan will pay some or all of the costs of covered services. Be aware, your network doctor or hospital may use a non-network provider for some services. Plans use the term in-network, preferred, or participating for providers in their network. See the chart starting on Page 7 for how this plan pays different kinds of providers. Yes. Contact UMR or ESI for a list of network providers. Do I need a referral to see No. a specialist? You can see the specialist you choose without permission from this plan. Are there services this Some of the services this plan doesn’t cover are listed on Page 10. See your Yes. plan doesn’t cover? policy or plan document for additional information about excluded services. Questions: Call 1-800-487-0771 or visit us at If you aren’t clear about any of the underlined terms used in this form, see the Glossary on Page 33. 6 Summary of Benefits & Coverage MCHCP: Health Savings Account Plan Coverage Period: 1/1/2016 — 12/31/2016 Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What This Plan Covers & What it Costs Coverage for: Individual + Family | Plan Type: High-Deductible Copayments are fixed dollar amounts (for example, $35 for a formulary brand prescription) you pay for covered health care, usually when you receive the service. • Coinsurance is your share of the cost of a covered service, calculated as a percent of the allowed amount for the service. You pay the deductible amount. Once the deductible has been met, you pay coinsurance. For example, if the health plan’s allowed amount for an overnight hospital stay is $1,000 and you’ve met your deductible, your coinsurance payment of 20% would be $200. If you haven’t met any of the deductible, you would pay the full cost of the hospital stay. • The amount the plan pays for covered services is based on the allowed amount. If a non-network provider charges more than the allowed amount, you may have to pay the difference. For example, if a non-network hospital charges $1,500 for an overnight stay and the allowed amount is $1,000, you may have to pay the $500 difference. (This is called balance billing.) • This plan encourages you to use network providers by charging you lower deductibles, copayments and coinsurance amounts. • Common Medical Event Services You May Need Primary care visit to treat an injury or illness 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance Specialist visit 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance If you visit a health care provider’s Other practitioner/chiropractor office visit office or clinic If you have a test Your cost if you use a Network Non-network Provider Provider Limitations & Exceptions None 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance Preauthorization (PA) required for some visits. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. Preventive care/screening/immunization No Charge 40% coinsurance Non-network Immunizations: No charge from birth to 72 months Diagnostic test (X-ray, blood work) 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance None Imaging (CT/PET scans, MRIs) 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance PA required. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. Questions: Call 1-800-487-0771 or visit us at If you aren’t clear about any of the underlined terms used in this form, see the Glossary on Page 33. 2016 Benefit Guide Public Entity Members 7 MCHCP: Health Savings Account Plan Coverage Period: 1/1/2016 — 12/31/2016 Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What This Plan Covers & What it Costs Coverage for: Individual + Family | Plan Type: High-Deductible Common Medical Event Services You May Need Generic drugs Your cost if you use a Network Non-network Provider Provider 10% coinsurance 40% coinsurance Formulary brand drugs If you need drugs Non-formulary drugs to treat your illness or condition Specialty drugs If you have outpatient surgery If you need immediate medical attention 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance 50% coinsurance 20% coinsurance No coverage Some prescriptions are subject to PA, quantity level limits or step therapy requirements. If you fail to follow requirements, the prescription may not be covered. Network: No charge for preventive formulary prescriptions and flu/shingles vaccinations Specialty drugs must be filled through Accredo, with the exception of the first fill of drugs needed immediately. Members who go to a retail pharmacy will be charged the full discounted price of the drug. Facility fee (e.g., ambulatory surgery center) 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance Physician/surgeon fees 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance Emergency room services 20% coinsurance 20% coinsurance after network deductible None 20% coinsurance 20% coinsurance after network deductible PA required for non-emergent use of emergency medical transportation. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. Emergency medical transportation Questions: Call 1-800-487-0771 or visit us at If you aren’t clear about any of the underlined terms used in this form, see the Glossary on Page 33. 8 Limitations & Exceptions Summary of Benefits & Coverage PA required. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. MCHCP: Health Savings Account Plan Coverage Period: 1/1/2016 — 12/31/2016 Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What This Plan Covers & What it Costs Coverage for: Individual + Family | Plan Type: High-Deductible Common Medical Event Services You May Need If you need immediate medical Urgent care attention If you have a hospital stay If you have mental health, behavioral health, or substance abuse needs Your cost if you use a Network Non-network Provider Provider 20% coinsurance 20% coinsurance after network deductible None Facility fee (e.g., hospital room) 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance PA required except for an observation stay. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. Physician/surgeon fee 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance None Mental/behavioral health outpatient services 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance Mental/behavioral health inpatient services 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance Substance abuse disorder outpatient services 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance Substance abuse disorder inpatient services 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance PA required for services provided at hospital except for an observation stay. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. Prenatal and postnatal care 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance No charge for routine prenatal care If you are pregnant If you need help recovering or have other special health needs Limitations & Exceptions Delivery and all inpatient services 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance PA required for some services. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. Home health care 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance PA required. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. Rehabilitation services 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance Habilitation services 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance PA required for some services. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. Questions: Call 1-800-487-0771 or visit us at If you aren’t clear about any of the underlined terms used in this form, see the Glossary on Page 33. 2016 Benefit Guide Public Entity Members 9 MCHCP: Health Savings Account Plan Coverage Period: 1/1/2016 — 12/31/2016 Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What This Plan Covers & What it Costs Coverage for: Individual + Family | Plan Type: High-Deductible Common Medical Event Services You May Need Skilled nursing care If you need help recovering or have other special health needs Your cost if you use a Network Non-network Provider Provider 20% coinsurance Limitations & Exceptions 40% coinsurance Limited to 120 days per calendar year. PA required for some services. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. Durable medical equipment 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance PA required for some services. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. No charge for breast pumps. Hospice service 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance PA required. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. Eye exam 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance One per calendar year 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance Coverage limited to fitting of eye glasses or contact lenses following cataract surgery Not covered Not covered None If you need Glasses dental or eyeServices care Excluded & Other Covered Services: Dental checkup Excluded Services & Other Covered Services: Services Your Plan Does NOT Cover (This isn’t a complete list. Check your policy or plan document for other excluded services.) • Acupuncture • Cosmetic Surgery • Dental care (adult) • Exercise equipment • Infertility treatment • Long-term care • Private-duty nursing • Routine foot care • Weight-loss programs Other Covered Services (This isn’t a complete list. Check your policy for other covered services and your costs for these services.) • Bariatric surgery • Chiropractic care • Hearing aids • Routine eye care (adult) Questions: Call 1-800-487-0771 or visit us at If you aren’t clear about any of the underlined terms used in this form, see the Glossary on Page 33. 10 Summary of Benefits & Coverage • Non-emergency care when traveling outside the U.S. covered as a non-network benefit MCHCP: Health Savings Account Plan Coverage Period: 1/1/2016 — 12/31/2016 Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What This Plan Covers & What it Costs Coverage for: Individual + Family | Plan Type: High-Deductible Your Rights to Continue Coverage: If you lose coverage under the plan, then, depending on the circumstances, federal and state laws may provide protections that allow you to keep health coverage. Any such rights may be limited in duration and will require you to pay a premium, which may be significantly higher than the premium you pay while covered under the plan. Other limitations on your rights to continue coverage may also apply. For more information on your rights to continue coverage, contact the plan at 800-487-0771. You may also contact your state insurance department, the U.S. Department of Labor, Employee Benefits Security Administration at 866-444-3272 or, or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services at 1-877-267-2323 x61565 or Your Appeal Rights: If you have a complaint or are dissatisfied with a denial of coverage for claims under your plan, you may be able to appeal. For questions about your rights, this notice, or assistance, you can contact UMR at 888-200-1167 or ESI at 800-797-5754. Additionally, a consumer assistance program can help you file your appeal. Contact the Missouri Department of Insurance, 301 W. High St., Room 530, Jefferson City, MO 65101; call 800-726-7390; visit; or email Does this Coverage Provide Minimum Essential Coverage? The Affordable Care Act requires most people to have coverage that qualifies as “minimum essential coverage.” This plan or policy does provide minimal essential coverage. Does this Coverage Meet the Minimum Value Standard? The Affordable Care Act establishes a minimum value standard of benefits for a health plan. The minimum value standard is 60% (actuarial value). This health coverage does meet the minimum value standard for the benefits it provides. Language Access Services: Para obtener asistencia en Español, llame MCHCP al 800-701-8881. To see examples of how this plan might cover costs for a sample medical situation, see the next page. Questions: Call 1-800-487-0771 or visit us at If you aren’t clear about any of the underlined terms used in this form, see the Glossary on Page 33. 2016 Benefit Guide Public Entity Members 11 MCHCP: Health Savings Account Plan Coverage Period: 1/1/2016 — 12/31/2016 Coverage for: Individual + Family | Plan Type: High-Deductible Coverage Examples About these Coverage Examples: These examples show how this plan might cover medical care in given situations. Use these examples to see, in general, how much financial protection a sample patient might get if they are covered under different plans. This is not a cost estimator. Don’t use these examples to estimate your actual costs under this plan. The actual care you receive will be different from these examples, and the cost of that care also will be different. See the next page for important information about these examples. Having a baby Managing type 2 diabetes (normal delivery) (routine maintenance of a well-controlled condition) ■■Amount owed to providers: $7,540 ■■Plan pays $3,490 ■■Patient pays $4,050 Sample care costs: Hospital charges (mother) Routine obstetric care Hospital charges (baby) Anesthesia Laboratory tests Pharmacy Radiology Vaccines, other preventive Total $2,700 $2,100 $900 $900 $500 $200 $200 $40 $7,540 Patient pays: Deductible Copayments Coinsurance Limitations or exclusions Total $3,300 $0 $600 $150 $4,050 Questions: Call 1-800-487-0771 or visit us at If you aren’t clear about any of the underlined terms used in this form, see the Glossary on Page 33. 12 Summary of Benefits & Coverage ■■Amount owed to providers: $5,400 ■■Plan pays $1,820 ■■Patient pays $3,580 Sample care costs: Pharmacy Medical Equipment and Supplies Office Visits and Procedures Education Laboratory tests Vaccines, other preventive Total $2,900 $1,300 $700 $300 $100 $100 $5,400 Patient pays: Deductible Copayments Coinsurance Limitations or exclusions Total $3,300 $0 $200 $80 $3,580 MCHCP: Health Savings Account Plan Coverage Examples Coverage Period: 1/1/2016 — 12/31/2016 Coverage for: Individual + Family | Plan Type: High-Deductible Questions and answers about the Coverage Examples: What are some of the assumptions behind Coverage Examples? • • • • • • • • Costs don’t include premiums. Costs are based on family coverage benefit levels. Sample care costs are based on national averages supplied to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and are not specific to a particular geographic area or MCHCP. The patient’s condition was not an excluded or pre-existing condition. All services and treatments started and ended in the same coverage period. There are no other medical expenses for any member covered under this plan. Out-of-pocket expenses are based only on treating the condition in the example. The patient received all care from network providers. If the patient had received care from non-network providers, costs would have been higher. What does a Coverage Example show? For each treatment situation, the Coverage Example helps you see how deductibles, copayments and coinsurance can add up. It also helps you see what expenses might be left up to you to pay because the service or treatment isn’t covered or payment is limited. Does the Coverage Example predict my own care needs? No. Treatments shown are just examples. The care you would receive for this condition could be different based on your doctor’s advice, your age, how serious your condition is, and many other factors. Does the Coverage Example predict my future expenses? No. Coverage Examples are not cost estimators. You can’t use the examples to estimate costs for an actual condition. They are for comparative purposes only. Your own costs will be different depending on the care you receive, the prices your providers charge, and the reimbursement your health plan allows. Can I use Coverage Examples to compare plans? Yes. When you look at the Summary of Benefits & Coverage for other plans, you’ll find the same Coverage Examples. When you compare plans, check the “Patient Pays” box in each example. The smaller that number, the more coverage the plan provides. Are there other costs I should consider when comparing plans? Yes. An important cost is the premium you pay. Generally, the lower your premium, the more you’ll pay in out-of-pocket costs, such as copayments, deductibles and coinsurance. You also should consider contributions to accounts such as health savings accounts (HSAs), flexible spending arrangements (FSAs) or health reimbursement accounts (HRAs) that help you pay out-of-pocket expenses. Questions: Call 1-800-487-0771 or visit us at If you aren’t clear about any of the underlined terms used in this form, see the Glossary on Page 33. 2016 Benefit Guide Public Entity Members 13 MCHCP: PPO 600 Plan Coverage Period: 1/1/2016 — 12/31/2016 Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What This Plan Covers & What it Costs Coverage for: Individual + Family | Plan Type: PPO This is only a summary. If you want more detail about your coverage and costs, you can get the complete terms in the policy or plan document at or by calling 800-487-0771. Important Questions What is the overall deductible? Answers $600 individual/$1,200 family (network) Does not apply to preventive care $1,200 individual/$2,400 family (non-network) Why This Matters: You must pay all the costs up to the deductible amount before this plan begins to pay for covered services you use. The deductible starts over each year on Jan. 1. See the chart starting on Page 15 for how much you pay for covered services after you meet the deductible. Are there other deductibles for specific services? No. Is there an out-of-pocket limit on my expenses? Yes. $1,500 individual/$3,000 family (network medical) The out-of-pocket limit is the most you could pay during a coverage period $3,000 individual/$6,000 family (usually one year) for your share of the cost of covered services. This limit helps (non-network medical) $5,100 individual/$10,200 family you plan for health care expenses. (prescription) What is not included in the out-of-pocket limit? Premium, balance bill charges, Even though you pay these expenses, they don’t count toward the health care this plan doesn’t cover out-of-pocket limit. You don’t have to meet deductibles for specific services, but see the chart starting on Page 15 for other costs for services this plan covers. Is there an overall annual limit on what the plan No. pays? The chart starting on Page 15 describes any limits on what the plan will pay for specific covered services, such as office visits. Does this plan use a network of providers? If you use a network doctor or other health care provider, this plan will pay some or all of the costs of covered services. Be aware, your network doctor or hospital may use a non-network provider for some services. Plans use the term in-network, preferred, or participating for providers in their network. See the chart starting on Page 15 for how this plan pays different kinds of providers. Yes. Contact UMR or ESI for a list of network providers. Do I need a referral to see No. a specialist? Are there services this Yes. plan doesn’t cover? You can see the specialist you choose without permission from this plan. Some of the services this plan doesn’t cover are listed on Page 19. See your policy or plan document for additional information about excluded services. Questions: Call 1-800-487-0771 or visit us at If you aren’t clear about any of the underlined terms used in this form, see the Glossary on Page 33. 14 Summary of Benefits & Coverage MCHCP: PPO 600 Plan Coverage Period: 1/1/2016 — 12/31/2016 Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What This Plan Covers & What it Costs Coverage for: Individual + Family | Plan Type: PPO • Copayments are fixed dollar amounts (for example, $35 for a formulary brand prescription) you pay for covered health care, usually when you receive the service. • Coinsurance is your share of the cost of a covered service, calculated as a percent of the allowed amount for the service. You pay the deductible amount. Once the deductible has been met, you pay coinsurance. For example, if the health plan’s allowed amount for an overnight hospital stay is $1,000 and you’ve met your deductible, your coinsurance payment of 10% would be $100. If you haven’t met any of the deductible, you would pay the $600 deductible plus 10% coinsurance on the $400 balance, for a total of $640. • The amount the plan pays for covered services is based on the allowed amount. If a non-network provider charges more than the allowed amount, you may have to pay the difference. For example, if a non-network hospital charges $1,500 for an overnight stay and the allowed amount is $1,000, you may have to pay the $500 difference. (This is called balance billing.) • This plan encourages you to use network providers by charging you lower deductibles, copayments and coinsurance amounts. Common Medical Event Services You May Need Your cost if you use a NonNetwork Provider Primary care visit to treat an injury or illness 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance Specialist visit 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance Limitations & Exceptions None 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance Preauthorization (PA) required for some visits. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. Preventive care/screening/immunization 100% coverage 30% coinsurance Non-network Immunizations: No charge from birth to 72 months Diagnostic test (X-ray, blood work) 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance None Imaging (CT/PET scans, MRIs) 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance PA required for some visits. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. If you visit a health care provider’s Other practitioner/chiropractor office visit office or clinic If you have a test Your cost if you use a Network Provider Questions: Call 1-800-487-0771 or visit us at If you aren’t clear about any of the underlined terms used in this form, see the Glossary on Page 33. 2016 Benefit Guide Public Entity Members 15 MCHCP: PPO 600 Plan Coverage Period: 1/1/2016 — 12/31/2016 Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What This Plan Covers & What it Costs Common Medical Event Services You May Need Generic drugs Formulary brand drugs If you need drugs to treat your illness or condition Non-formulary drugs Specialty drugs Coverage for: Individual + Family | Plan Type: PPO Your cost if you use a Network Non-network Provider Provider $8/$16/$24 copayment for up to 31/60/90 days (retail) $20 copayment 61 to 90 days You pay full price (mail order) of prescription and $35/$70/$105 file claim. copayment for up You are reimbursed to 31/60/90 days the cost of the (retail) drug based on the $87.50 copayment network discounted 61 to 90 days amount, less (mail order) the applicable $100/$200/$300 copayment. copayment for up to 31/60/90 days (retail) $250 copayment 61 to 90 days (mail order) $8 formulary generic copayment; $35 formulary No coverage brand copayment; $100 non-formulary brand copayment Questions: Call 1-800-487-0771 or visit us at If you aren’t clear about any of the underlined terms used in this form, see the Glossary on Page 33. 16 Summary of Benefits & Coverage Limitations & Exceptions Some prescriptions are subject to PA, quantity level limits or step therapy requirements. If you fail to follow requirements, the prescription may not be covered. Network: No charge for preventive formulary prescriptions and flu/shingles vaccinations If non-Medicare members purchase a brand-name drug when a generic is available, they pay the generic copayment plus the difference in the cost of the drugs. Specialty drugs must be filled through Accredo, with the exception of the first fill of drugs needed immediately. Members who go to a retail pharmacy will be charged the full discounted price. MCHCP: PPO 600 Plan Coverage Period: 1/1/2016 — 12/31/2016 Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What This Plan Covers & What it Costs Common Medical Event If you have outpatient surgery Services You May Need Coverage for: Individual + Family | Plan Type: PPO Your cost if you use a Network Non-network Provider Provider Facility fee (e.g., ambulatory surgery center) 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance Physician/surgeon fees 30% coinsurance Emergency room services 10% coinsurance Urgent care If you have a hospital stay PA required. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. $100 copayment plus 10% coinsurance $100 copayment plus 10% coinsurance after network deductible Copayment applies to the outof-pocket maximum, but not the deductible. The copayment is waived if admitted to the hospital or if the service is considered a “true emergency”. Medicare retirees will not owe copayments; they are only charged coinsurance. 10% coinsurance 10% coinsurance after network deductible PA required for non-emergent use of emergency medical transportation. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. 10% coinsurance 10% coinsurance after network deductible None If you need immediate medical attention Emergency medical transportation Limitations & Exceptions Facility fee (e.g., hospital room) 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance PA required except for an observation stay. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. Physician/surgeon fee 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance None Questions: Call 1-800-487-0771 or visit us at If you aren’t clear about any of the underlined terms used in this form, see the Glossary on Page 33. 2016 Benefit Guide Public Entity Members 17 MCHCP: PPO 600 Plan Coverage Period: 1/1/2016 — 12/31/2016 Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What This Plan Covers & What it Costs Common Medical Event Coverage for: Individual + Family | Plan Type: PPO Your cost if you use a Services You May Need Network Non-network Provider Provider Mental/behavioral health outpatient services 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance If you have mental health, Mental/behavioral health inpatient services 10% coinsurance behavioral health, or substance abuse Substance abuse disorder outpatient services 10% coinsurance needs Substance abuse disorder inpatient services 10% coinsurance Prenatal and postnatal care 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance 30% coinsurance 30% coinsurance No charge for routine prenatal care. Delivery and all inpatient services 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance PA required for some services. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. Home health care 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance PA required. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. Rehabilitation services 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance Habilitation services 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance Skilled nursing care Durable medical equipment 10% coinsurance 10% coinsurance Summary of Benefits & Coverage PA required for some services. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. 30% coinsurance Limited to 120 days per calendar year. PA required. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. 30% coinsurance PA required for some services. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. No charge for breast pumps. Questions: Call 1-800-487-0771 or visit us at If you aren’t clear about any of the underlined terms used in this form, see the Glossary on Page 33. 18 PA required for services provided at hospital except for an observation stay. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. 30% coinsurance If you are pregnant If you need help recovering or have other special health needs Limitations & Exceptions MCHCP: PPO 600 Plan Coverage Period: 1/1/2016 — 12/31/2016 Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What This Plan Covers & What it Costs Common Medical Event If you need help recovering or have other special health needs If you need dental or eye care Coverage for: Individual + Family | Plan Type: PPO Your cost if you use a Network Non-network Provider Provider Services You May Need Limitations & Exceptions Hospice service 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance PA required. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. Eye exam 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance One per calendar year Glasses 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance Coverage limited to fitting of eye glasses or contact lenses following cataract surgery Dental checkup Not covered Not covered None Excluded Services & Other Covered Services: Services Your Plan Does NOT Cover (This isn’t a complete list. Check your policy or plan document for other excluded services.) • Acupuncture • Cosmetic Surgery • Dental care (adult) • Exercise equipment • Infertility treatment • Long-term care • Private-duty nursing • Routine foot care • Weight-loss programs Other Covered Services (This isn’t a complete list. Check your policy for other covered services and your costs for these services.) • Bariatric surgery • Chiropractic care • Hearing aids • Routine eye care (adult) • Non-emergency care when traveling outside the U.S. covered as a non-network benefit Questions: Call 1-800-487-0771 or visit us at If you aren’t clear about any of the underlined terms used in this form, see the Glossary on Page 33. 2016 Benefit Guide Public Entity Members 19 MCHCP: PPO 600 Plan Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What This Plan Covers & What it Costs Coverage Period: 1/1/2016 — 12/31/2016 Coverage for: Individual + Family | Plan Type: PPO Your Rights to Continue Coverage: If you lose coverage under the plan, then, depending on the circumstances, federal and state laws may provide protections that allow you to keep health coverage. Any such rights may be limited in duration and will require you to pay a premium, which may be significantly higher than the premium you pay while covered under the plan. Other limitations on your rights to continue coverage may also apply. For more information on your rights to continue coverage, contact the plan at 800-487-0771. You may also contact your state insurance department, the U.S. Department of Labor, Employee Benefits Security Administration at 866-444-3272 or, or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services at 1-877-267-2323 x61565 or Your Appeal Rights: If you have a complaint or are dissatisfied with a denial of coverage for claims under your plan, you may be able to appeal. For questions about your rights, this notice, or assistance, you can contact UMR at 888-200-1167 or ESI at 800-797-5754. Additionally, a consumer assistance program can help you file your appeal. Contact the Missouri Department of Insurance, 301 W. High St., Room 530, Jefferson City, MO 65101; call 800-726-7390; visit; or email Does this Coverage Provide Minimum Essential Coverage? The Affordable Care Act requires most people to have coverage that qualifies as “minimum essential coverage.” This plan or policy does provide minimal essential coverage. Does this Coverage Meet the Minimum Value Standard? The Affordable Care Act establishes a minimum value standard of benefits for a health plan. The minimum value standard is 60% (actuarial value). This health coverage does meet the minimum value standard for the benefits it provides. Language Access Services: Para obtener asistencia en Español, llame MCHCP al 800-701-8881. To see examples of how this plan might cover costs for a sample medical situation, see the next page. Questions: Call 1-800-487-0771 or visit us at If you aren’t clear about any of the underlined terms used in this form, see the Glossary on Page 33. 20 Summary of Benefits & Coverage MCHCP: PPO 600 Plan Coverage Period: 1/1/2016 — 12/31/2016 Coverage Examples About these Coverage Examples: These examples show how this plan might cover medical care in given situations. Use these examples to see, in general, how much financial protection a sample patient might get if they are covered under different plans. This is not a cost estimator. Don’t use these examples to estimate your actual costs under this plan. The actual care you receive will be different from these examples, and the cost of that care also will be different. See the next page for important information about these examples. Coverage for: Individual + Family | Plan Type: PPO Having a baby Managing type 2 diabetes (normal delivery) (routine maintenance of a well-controlled condition) ■■Amount owed to providers: $7,540 ■■Plan pays $6,180 ■■Patient pays $1,360 Sample care costs: Hospital charges (mother) Routine obstetric care Hospital charges (baby) Anesthesia Laboratory tests Pharmacy Radiology Vaccines, other preventive Total $2,700 $2,100 $900 $900 $500 $200 $200 $40 $7,540 Patient pays: Deductible Copayments Coinsurance Limitations or exclusions Total $600 $10 $600 $150 $1,360 ■■Amount owed to providers: $5,400 ■■Plan pays $4,220 ■■Patient pays $1,180 Sample care costs: Pharmacy Medical Equipment and Supplies Office Visits and Procedures Education Laboratory tests Vaccines, other preventive Total $2,900 $1,300 $700 $300 $100 $100 $5,400 Patient pays: Deductible Copayments Coinsurance Limitations or exclusions Total $500 $600 $0 $80 $1,180 Questions: Call 1-800-487-0771 or visit us at If you aren’t clear about any of the underlined terms used in this form, see the Glossary on Page 33. 2016 Benefit Guide Public Entity Members 21 MCHCP: PPO 600 Plan Coverage Period: 1/1/2016 — 12/31/2016 Coverage Examples Coverage for: Individual + Family | Plan Type: PPO Questions and answers about the Coverage Examples: What are some of the assumptions behind Coverage Examples? • • • • • • • • Costs don’t include premiums. Costs are based on family coverage benefit levels. Sample care costs are based on national averages supplied to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and are not specific to a particular geographic area or MCHCP. The patient’s condition was not an excluded or pre-existing condition. All services and treatments started and ended in the same coverage period. There are no other medical expenses for any member covered under this plan. Out-of-pocket expenses are based only on treating the condition in the example. The patient received all care from network providers. If the patient had received care from non-network providers, costs would have been higher. What does a Coverage Example show? For each treatment situation, the Coverage Example helps you see how deductibles, copayments and coinsurance can add up. It also helps you see what expenses might be left up to you to pay because the service or treatment isn’t covered or payment is limited. Does the Coverage Example predict my own care needs? No. Treatments shown are just examples. The care you would receive for this condition could be different based on your doctor’s advice, your age, how serious your condition is, and many other factors. Does the Coverage Example predict my future expenses? No. Coverage Examples are not cost estimators. You can’t use the examples to estimate costs for an actual condition. They are for comparative purposes only. Your own costs will be different depending on the care you receive, the prices your providers charge, and the reimbursement your health plan allows. Questions: Call 1-800-487-0771 or visit us at If you aren’t clear about any of the underlined terms used in this form, see the Glossary on Page 33. 22 Summary of Benefits & Coverage Can I use Coverage Examples to compare plans? Yes. When you look at the Summary of Benefits & Coverage for other plans, you’ll find the same Coverage Examples. When you compare plans, check the “Patient Pays” box in each example. The smaller that number, the more coverage the plan provides. Are there other costs I should consider when comparing plans? Yes. An important cost is the premium you pay. Generally, the lower your premium, the more you’ll pay in out-of-pocket costs, such as copayments, deductibles and coinsurance. You also should consider contributions to accounts such as health savings accounts (HSAs), flexible spending arrangements (FSAs) or health reimbursement accounts (HRAs) that help you pay out-of-pocket expenses. MCHCP: PPO 1000 Plan Coverage Period: 1/1/2016 — 12/31/2016 Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What This Plan Covers & What it Costs Coverage for: Individual + Family | Plan Type: PPO This is only a summary. If you want more detail about your coverage and costs, you can get the complete terms in the policy or plan document at or by calling 800-487-0771. Important Questions Answers $1,000 individual/$3,000 family (network) $2,000 individual/$6,000 family (non-network) Why This Matters: You must pay all the costs up to the deductible amount before this plan begins to pay for covered services you use. The deductible starts over each year on Jan. 1. See the chart starting on Page 24 for how much you pay for covered services after you meet the deductible. Are there other deductibles for specific services? No. You don’t have to meet deductibles for specific services, but see the chart starting on Page 24 for other costs for services this plan covers. Is there an out-of-pocket limit on my expenses? Yes, $4,500 individual/$9,000 family (network medical) $10,000 individual/$30,000 family (non-network medical) $2,100 individual/$4,200 family (prescription) The out-of-pocket limit is the most you could pay during a coverage period (usually one year) for your share of the cost of covered services. This limit helps you plan for health care expenses. What is not included in the out-of-pocket limit? Even though you pay these expenses, they don’t count toward the Premium, balance bill charges, health care this plan doesn’t cover out-of-pocket limit. What is the overall deductible? Is there an overall annual limit on what the plan No. pays? The chart starting on Page 24 describes any limits on what the plan will pay for specific covered services, such as office visits. Does this plan use a network of providers? If you use a network doctor or other health care provider, this plan will pay some or all of the costs of covered services. Be aware, your network doctor or hospital may use a non-network provider for some services. Plans use the term in-network, preferred, or participating for providers in their network. See the chart starting on Page 24 for how this plan pays different kinds of providers. Yes. Contact UMR or ESI for a list of network providers. Do I need a referral to see No. a specialist? You can see the specialist you choose without permission from this plan. Are there services this plan doesn’t cover? Some of the services this plan doesn’t cover are listed on Page 29. See your policy or plan document for additional information about excluded services. Yes. Questions: Call 1-800-487-0771 or visit us at If you aren’t clear about any of the underlined terms used in this form, see the Glossary on Page 33. 2016 Benefit Guide Public Entity Members 23 MCHCP: PPO 1000 Plan Coverage Period: 1/1/2016 — 12/31/2016 Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What This Plan Covers & What it Costs Coverage for: Individual + Family | Plan Type: PPO • Copayments are fixed dollar amounts (for example, $25 for a primary care office visit) you pay for covered health care, usually when you receive the service. • Coinsurance is your share of the costs of a covered service, calculated as a percent of the allowed amount for the service. You pay the deductible amount you owe under this plan. Once the deductible has been met, you pay coinsurance. For example, if the plan’s allowed amount for an overnight hospital stay is $1,000 and you’ve met your deductible, your coinsurance payment of 10% would be $100. If you haven’t met any of the deductible you would pay the full cost of the hospital stay. • The amount the plan pays for covered services is based on the allowed amount. If a non-network provider charges more than the allowed amount, you may have to pay the difference. For example, if a non-network hospital charges $1,500 for an overnight stay and the allowed amount is $1,000, you may have to pay the $500 difference. (This is called balance billing.) • This plan encourages you to use network providers by charging you lower deductibles and coinsurance amounts. Common Medical Event Services You May Need Primary care visit to treat an injury $25 copayment and/ or 10% coinsurance or illness 30% coinsurance $40 copayment and/ or 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance Specialist visit If you visit a health care provider’s office or clinic Your cost if you use a Network Non-network Provider Provider Other practitioner/chiropractor office visit Chiropractor: $20 copayment and/ or 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance Preventive care/screening/ immunization 100% coverage 30% coinsurance Questions: Call 1-800-487-0771 or visit us at If you aren’t clear about any of the underlined terms used in this form, see the Glossary on Page 33. 24 Summary of Benefits & Coverage Limitations & Exceptions Medicare retirees are not charged copayments. They will pay coinsurance for the visit. Copayment covers office visit only. Coinsurance will be applied to lab, X-ray or other services associated with the visit. Chiropractor copayment may be less than $20 if it is more than 50% of the total cost of the service. Preauthorization (PA) required for some visits. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. Non-network Immunizations: No charge from birth to 72 months MCHCP: PPO 1000 Plan Coverage Period: 1/1/2016 — 12/31/2016 Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What This Plan Covers & What it Costs Common Medical Event If you have a test Coverage for: Individual + Family | Plan Type: PPO Diagnostic test (X-ray, blood work) Your cost if you use a Network Non-network Provider Provider 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance Imaging (CT/PET scans, MRIs) 10% coinsurance Generic drugs $8/$16/$24 copayment for up to 31/60/90 days (retail) $20 copayment 61 to 90 days (mail order) Services You May Need If you need drugs Formulary brand drugs to treat your illness or condition Non-formulary drugs 30% coinsurance You pay full price of prescription and file claim. $35/$70/$105 copayment for up to 31/60/90 days You are reimbursed (retail) $87.50 copayment 61 to 90 the cost of the drug based on the days (mail order) network discounted amount, less the applicable $100/$200/$300 copaycopayment. ment for up to 31/60/90 days (retail) $250 copayment 61 to 90 days (mail order) Limitations & Exceptions None PA required. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. Some prescriptions are subject to PA, quantity level limits or step therapy requirements. If you fail to follow requirements, the prescription may not be covered. Network: No charge for preventive formulary prescriptions and flu/shingles vaccinations If non-Medicare members purchase a brand-name drug when a generic is available, they pay the generic copayment plus the difference in the cost of the drugs. Questions: Call 1-800-487-0771 or visit us at If you aren’t clear about any of the underlined terms used in this form, see the Glossary on Page 33. 2016 Benefit Guide Public Entity Members 25 MCHCP: PPO 1000 Plan Coverage Period: 1/1/2016 — 12/31/2016 Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What This Plan Covers & What it Costs Common Medical Event Services You May Need If you need drugs to treat your Specialty drugs illness or condition If you have outpatient surgery Coverage for: Individual + Family | Plan Type: PPO Your cost if you use a Network Non-network Provider Provider $8 formulary generic copayment; $35 formulary brand No coverage copayment; $100 non-formulary brand copayment Facility fee (e.g., ambulatory surgery center) 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance Physician/surgeon fees 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance Emergency room services $100 plus 10% coinsurance $100 plus 10% coinsurance after network deductible Emergency medical transportation 10% coinsurance 10% coinsurance after network deductible If you need immediate medical attention Questions: Call 1-800-487-0771 or visit us at If you aren’t clear about any of the underlined terms used in this form, see the Glossary on Page 33. 26 Summary of Benefits & Coverage Limitations & Exceptions Specialty drugs must be filled through Accredo, with the exception of the first fill of drugs needed immediately. Members who go to a retail pharmacy will be charged the full discounted price. PA required. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. Copayment applies to the outof-pocket maximum, but not the deductible. The copayment is waived if admitted to the hospital or if the service is considered a “true emergency”. Medicare retirees are not charged copayments; they are only charged coinsurance. PA required for non-emergent use of emergency medical transportation. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. MCHCP: PPO 1000 Plan Coverage Period: 1/1/2016 — 12/31/2016 Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What This Plan Covers & What it Costs Common Medical Event Services You May Need If you need immediate medical Urgent care attention If you have a hospital stay Coverage for: Individual + Family | Plan Type: PPO Your cost if you use a Network Non-network Provider Provider $50 copayment and/ $50 copayment and/ or 10% coinsurance or 10% coinsurance after network deductible Facility fee (e.g., hospital room) 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance Physician/surgeon fee 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance Mental/behavioral health outpatient services $25 copayment and/ 30% coinsurance or 10% coinsurance Mental/behavioral health inpatient services 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance If you have mental health, Substance abuse disorder outpatient $25 copayment and/ behavioral health, 30% coinsurance or 10% coinsurance services or substance abuse needs Substance abuse disorder inpatient services 10% coinsurance If you are pregnant Prenatal and postnatal care 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance 30% coinsurance Limitations & Exceptions Copayment covers office visit only. Coinsurance will be applied to lab, X-ray or other services associated with the visit. Medicare retirees are not charged copayments; they are charged coinsurance. PA required except for observation. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. None Copayment covers office visit only. Coinsurance will be applied to lab, X-ray or other services associated with the visit. Medicare retirees are not charged copayments; they are charged coinsurance. PA required for services provided at hospital except for an observation stay. No charge for routine prenatal care Questions: Call 1-800-487-0771 or visit us at If you aren’t clear about any of the underlined terms used in this form, see the Glossary on Page 33. 2016 Benefit Guide Public Entity Members 27 MCHCP: PPO 1000 Plan Coverage Period: 1/1/2016 — 12/31/2016 Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What This Plan Covers & What it Costs Common Medical Event Services You May Need If you are pregnant Delivery and all inpatient services If you need help recovering or have other special health needs If you need help recovering or have other special health needs Coverage for: Individual + Family | Plan Type: PPO Your cost if you use a Network Non-network Provider Provider 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance PA required for some services. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. PA required. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. Home health care 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance Rehabilitation services 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance Habilitation services 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance Skilled nursing care 10% coinsurance PA required for some services. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. 30% coinsurance Limited to 120 days per calendar year. PA required. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. Durable medical equipment 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance PA required for some services. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. No charge for breast pumps. Hospice service 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance PA required. If you fail to get PA, the service may not be covered. Questions: Call 1-800-487-0771 or visit us at If you aren’t clear about any of the underlined terms used in this form, see the Glossary on Page 33. 28 Limitations & Exceptions Summary of Benefits & Coverage MCHCP: PPO 1000 Plan Coverage Period: 1/1/2016 — 12/31/2016 Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What This Plan Covers & What it Costs Common Medical Event Your cost if you use a Network Non-network Provider Provider Services You May Need $40 copayment or 10% coinsurance Eye exam Coverage for: Individual + Family | Plan Type: PPO 30% coinsurance If you need dental or eye care Glasses 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance Dental checkup Not covered Not covered Limitations & Exceptions Copayment covers office visit only. Coinsurance will be applied to lab, X-ray or other services associated with the visit. Medicare retirees are not charged a copayment; they are charged coinsurance. One per calendar year Coverage limited to fitting of eye glasses or contact lenses following cataract surgery None Excluded Services & Other Covered Services: Services Your Plan Does NOT Cover (This isn’t a complete list. Check your policy or plan document for other excluded services.) • Acupuncture • Cosmetic Surgery • Dental care (adult) • Exercise equipment • Infertility treatment • Long-term care • Private-duty nursing • Routine foot care • Weight-loss programs Other Covered Services (This isn’t a complete list. Check your policy for other covered services and your costs for these services.) • Bariatric surgery • Chiropractic care • Hearing aids • Routine eye care (adult) • Non-emergency care when traveling outside the U.S. covered as a non-network benefit Questions: Call 1-800-487-0771 or visit us at If you aren’t clear about any of the underlined terms used in this form, see the Glossary on Page 33. 2016 Benefit Guide Public Entity Members 29 MCHCP: PPO 1000 Plan Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What This Plan Covers & What it Costs Coverage Period: 1/1/2016 — 12/31/2016 Coverage for: Individual + Family | Plan Type: PPO Your Rights to Continue Coverage: If you lose coverage under the plan, then, depending on the circumstances, federal and state laws may provide protections that allow you to keep health coverage. Any such rights may be limited in duration and will require you to pay a premium, which may be significantly higher than the premium you pay while covered under the plan. Other limitations on your rights to continue coverage may also apply. For more information on your rights to continue coverage, contact the plan at 800-487-0771. You may also contact your state insurance department, the U.S. Department of Labor, Employee Benefits Security Administration at 866-444-3272 or, or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services at 1-877-267-2323 x61565 or Your Appeal Rights: If you have a complaint or are dissatisfied with a denial of coverage for claims under your plan, you may be able to appeal. For questions about your rights, this notice, or assistance, you can contact UMR at 888-200-1167 or ESI at 800-797-5754. Additionally, a consumer assistance program can help you file your appeal. Contact the Missouri Department of Insurance, 301 W. High St., Room 530, Jefferson City, MO 65101; call 800-726-7390; visit; or email Does this Coverage Provide Minimum Essential Coverage? The Affordable Care Act requires most people to have coverage that qualifies as “minimum essential coverage.” This plan or policy does provide minimal essential coverage. Does this Coverage Meet the Minimum Value Standard? The Affordable Care Act establishes a minimum value standard of benefits for a health plan. The minimum value standard is 60% (actuarial value). This health coverage does meet the minimum value standard for the benefits it provides. Language Access Services: Para obtener asistencia en Español, llame MCHCP al 800-701-8881. To see examples of how this plan might cover costs for a sample medical situation, see the next page. Questions: Call 1-800-487-0771 or visit us at If you aren’t clear about any of the underlined terms used in this form, see the Glossary on Page 33. 30 Summary of Benefits & Coverage MCHCP: PPO 1000 Plan Coverage Period: 1/1/2016 — 12/31/2016 Coverage Examples About these Coverage Examples: These examples show how this plan might cover medical care in given situations. Use these examples to see, in general, how much financial protection a sample patient might get if they are covered under different plans. This is not a cost estimator. Don’t use these examples to estimate your actual costs under this plan. The actual care you receive will be different from these examples, and the cost of that care also will be different. See the next page for important information about these examples. Coverage for: Individual + Family | Plan Type: PPO Having a baby Managing type 2 diabetes (normal delivery) (routine maintenance of a well-controlled condition) ■■Amount owed to providers: $7,540 ■■Plan pays $5,880 ■■Patient pays $1,660 Sample care costs: Hospital charges (mother) Routine obstetric care Hospital charges (baby) Anesthesia Laboratory tests Pharmacy Radiology Vaccines, other preventive Total $2,700 $2,100 $900 $900 $500 $200 $200 $40 $7,540 Patient pays: Deductible Copayments Coinsurance Limitations or exclusions Total $1,000 $10 $500 $150 $1,660 ■■Amount owed to providers: $5,400 ■■Plan pays $4,170 ■■Patient pays $1,230 Sample care costs: Pharmacy Medical Equipment and Supplies Office Visits and Procedures Education Laboratory tests Vaccines, other preventive Total $2,900 $1,300 $700 $300 $100 $100 $5,400 Patient pays: Deductible Copayments Coinsurance Limitations or exclusions Total $300 $850 $0 $80 $1,230 Questions: Call 1-800-487-0771 or visit us at If you aren’t clear about any of the underlined terms used in this form, see the Glossary on Page 33. 2016 Benefit Guide Public Entity Members 31 MCHCP: PPO 1000 Plan Coverage Period: 1/1/2016 — 12/31/2016 Coverage Examples Coverage for: Individual + Family | Plan Type: PPO Questions and answers about the Coverage Examples: What are some of the assumptions behind Coverage Examples? • • • • • • • • Costs don’t include premiums. Costs are based on family coverage benefit levels. Sample care costs are based on national averages supplied to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and are not specific to a particular geographic area or MCHCP. The patient’s condition was not an excluded or pre-existing condition. All services and treatments started and ended in the same coverage period. There are no other medical expenses for any member covered under this plan. Out-of-pocket expenses are based only on treating the condition in the example. The patient received all care from network providers. If the patient had received care from non-network providers, costs would have been higher. What does a Coverage Example show? For each treatment situation, the Coverage Example helps you see how deductibles, copayments and coinsurance can add up. It also helps you see what expenses might be left up to you to pay because the service or treatment isn’t covered or payment is limited. Does the Coverage Example predict my own care needs? No. Treatments shown are just examples. The care you would receive for this condition could be different based on your doctor’s advice, your age, how serious your condition is, and many other factors. Does the Coverage Example predict my future expenses? No. Coverage Examples are not cost estimators. You can’t use the examples to estimate costs for an actual condition. They are for comparative purposes only. Your own costs will be different depending on the care you receive, the prices your providers charge, and the reimbursement your health plan allows. Questions: Call 1-800-487-0771 or visit us at If you aren’t clear about any of the underlined terms used in this form, see the Glossary on Page 33. 32 Summary of Benefits & Coverage Can I use Coverage Examples to compare plans? Yes. When you look at the Summaries of Benefits & Coverage for other plans, you’ll find the same coverage examples. When you compare plans, check the “Patient Pays” box in each example. The smaller that number, the more coverage the plan provides. Are there other costs I should consider when comparing plans? Yes. An important cost is the premium you pay. Generally, the lower your premium, the more you’ll pay in out-of-pocket costs, such as copayments, deductibles and coinsurance. You also should consider contributions to accounts such as health savings accounts (HSAs), flexible spending arrangements (FSAs) or health reimbursement accounts (HRAs) that help you pay out-of-pocket expenses. 2016 Benefit Guide Public Entity Members 33 34 Summary of Benefits & Coverage 2016 Benefit Guide Public Entity Members 35 36 Summary of Benefits & Coverage Section 2 Coverage Information Medical Plan Overview Health Savings Account Plan Overview Health Savings Account Information PPO 600 Plan Overview PPO 1000 Plan Overview Vision Plan Dental Plan Employee Assistance Program Disease Management Services Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Notice Medical & Pharmacy Plan Overview Benefit Health Savings Account Plan (HSA Plan) Through UMR Network Non-Network You pay the deductible and coinsurance amounts until you reach the out-of-pocket maximum. Your HSA can be used to help pay medical and prescription expenses. Plan Description Individual $1,650 $4,000 Family $3,300 $8,000 Medical Out-of-Pocket Maximum Individual $3,300 $5,000 Family $6,600 $10,000 Prescription Out-of-Pocket Maximum Individual Preventive Services Annual physical exams, Immunizations Age-specific screenings Deductible Family Combined with medical MCHCP pays 100% 40% coinsurance Office Visit 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance Urgent Care 20% coinsurance 20% coinsurance after network deductible Emergency Room 20% coinsurance 20% coinsurance after network deductible Hospital (Inpatient) 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance Lab and X-ray 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance Surgery 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance Generic: 10% coinsurance Brand: 20% coinsurance Non-formulary: 40% coinsurance Generic and Brand: 40% coinsurance Non-Formulary: 50% coinsurance Prescription Drugs Deductible: The annual amount a member must pay before the plan begins to pay for covered medical services. Coinsurance: The percentage of a medical bill that a member must pay after the deductible is met. Out-of-Pocket Maximum: The maximum amount a member must pay before the plan pays 100 percent of covered services for the rest of the year. 38 Coverage Information Medical & Pharmacy Plan Overview PPO 600 Plan Through UMR PPO 1000 Plan Through UMR Network Non-Network Network Non-Network You pay the deductible and coinsurance amounts until you reach the out-of-pocket maximum. You pay a higher deductible and coinsurance amounts until you reach the out-of-pocket maximum. You pay the deductible and coinsurance amounts until you reach the out-of-pocket maximum. You pay a higher deductible and coinsurance amounts until you reach the out-of-pocket maximum. $600 $1,200 $1,000 $2,000 $1,200 $2,400 $3,000 $6,000 $1,500 $3,000 $4,500 $10,000 $3,000 $6,000 $9,000 $30,000 $5,100 $2,100 $10,200 $4,200 MCHCP pays 100% 30% coinsurance MCHCP pays 100% 30% coinsurance 10% coinsurance after deductible 30% coinsurance Primary Care or Mental Health: $25 copayment Specialist: $40 copayment Chiropractor: $20 copayment or 50% of total cost of service, whichever is less 30% coinsurance 10% coinsurance after deductible 10% coinsurance after network deductible $50 copayment $50 copayment $100 copayment plus 10% coinsurance $100 copayment plus 10% coinsurance after network deductible $100 copayment plus 10% coinsurance $100 copayment plus 10% coinsurance after network deductible 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance 10% coinsurance 30% coinsurance Days’ Supply Generic Brand Non-Formulary 1 to 31 days $8 $35 $100 32 to 60 days $16 $70 $200 61 to 90 days (home delivery) $20 $87.50 $250 61 to 90 days (retail) $24 $105 $300 Prescription Drug PPO Plan Copayments Apply when filled at a network pharmacy *See page 46 for non-network pharmacy benefits. 2016 Benefit Guide Public Entity Members 39 UMR Website Phone 888-200-1167 Availability Check with your employer to see which plan is offered ID Cards Issued Go to Page 6 to review the HSA Plan Summary of Benefits and Coverage Health Savings Account Plan Overview Health Savings Account Plan Network Deductible To enroll in the Health Savings Account Plan (HSA Plan), you cannot be covered by another medical plan unless it is a qualified high deductible health plan, and cannot be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return. Network providers have contracts with your plan that limit the amount they can bill you for services. Services from these providers cost less than services from non-network providers. The plan will not pay for medical and prescription drug expenses until the entire deductible is met. If two or more family members are covered, the family deductible must be met before the plan begins claims payment for any family member. Premiums, balance-billed charges or non-covered services do not apply to the deductible. You do not qualify if you are also enrolled in: • Medicare • TRICARE • Health care flexible spending account (FSA) • Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) • Veteran’s benefits that have been used in the past three months You qualify for this plan even if you are covered by any of the following: • • • • • • Drug discount cards Accident insurance Disability insurance Dental insurance Vision insurance Long-term care insurance Prescription Drug Plan When you enroll in an MCHCP medical plan, you are automatically enrolled in a prescription drug plan. You will receive separate ID cards from the prescription benefit administrator. To learn more about the prescription drug plan, go to page 46. Preventive Care Preventive care — such as preventive exams, vaccinations and age-specific screenings — is covered at 100 percent by MCHCP, regardless of whether you have met your deductible. 40 Coverage Information Present your ID card at the time of service. Network providers will submit the claim for you. Non-network providers may request full payment at the time of service, and you may need to file the claim with your plan to be reimbursed. MCHCP limits the amount it will pay to non-network medical providers to 80 percent of usual and customary charges. Non-network providers may bill you the difference between the amount MCHCP pays and the billed charge. You will owe the allowed amount — the maximum a provider may bill you for a service, based on the provider’s agreement with the plan — until you have met the deductible. After you have paid the deductible amount, the plan will begin paying a percentage of the fees charged by providers and pharmacies for covered services. Billing Coinsurance After the claim is processed, you will receive an explanation of benefits (EOB) from your medical plan. The EOB is not a bill. It details the service received, the amount covered by the plan and the amount the provider may bill you. The EOB also lists the deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums for your plan. Keep the EOB for your records, so you can keep track of your deductible and out-of-pocket balances. After you receive the EOB, you can expect a bill from the provider. The amount billed should match the amount listed on the EOB. Send payment to the provider. Sometimes you may receive a bill from your provider before you receive the EOB. If this occurs, contact the medical plan before you pay your provider to ensure you’re paying the proper amount. Once the deductible is met, you will pay a percentage of the fees charged by providers and pharmacies for covered services. This is your coinsurance. You pay the coinsurance until you reach the entire out-of-pocket maximum for the year. Out-of-Pocket Maximum The amounts you pay toward your deductible and for coinsurance are applied to the out-of-pocket maximum. The plan will begin paying 100 percent of covered services once the entire out-of-pocket maximum amount is met. If two or more family members are covered, the family outof-pocket maximum must be met before the plan begins paying 100 percent of covered services. Premiums, balance-billed charges or non-covered services do not apply to the out-of-pocket maximum. Central Bank Website Phone 573-634-1243 or 877-554-5535 Availability If offered by employer, available to employees with a Health Savings Account Plan Health Savings Account Information HSAs allow you to enjoy tax reductions and more affordable health insurance premiums. Among the benefits: • Contributions are 100 percent tax deductible • HSA balance rolls over from year to year. You own the funds, and they go with you at retirement or with a job change • Tax-deferred interest or earnings on the HSA • Funds can be used tax-free for qualified medical expenses To make voluntary pre-tax payroll contributions as a public entity employee, you must open an HSA with MCHCP’s partner bank. The IRS establishes a maximum annual contribution amount each year, but there is no limit on the balance in the HSA. Once your account is open, you will receive: • A debit card • Access to your account using online banking • A variety of investment options, including self-directing your funds with an investment representative You can use your HSA funds to pay for qualified medical expenses. IRS Publications 969 and 502 explain the rules for how you can use your HSA funds. For example, non-prescription medicines (other than insulin) are not considered qualified medical expenses for HSA purposes. A medicine or drug will be a qualified medical expense for HSA purposes only if the medicine or drug: The IRS family contribution limit is based on your family as reported to the IRS on your federal tax return and applies regardless of whether two employees are married and eligible for the HSA. For example, if one employee is covering a dependent and the other employee is covered as subscriber-only, the maximum contribution for the entire family is $6,750. 1. Requires a prescription, 2. Is available without a prescription (an over-the-counter medicine or drug) and you get a prescription for it, or 3. Is insulin. 2016 HSA Annual Contribution Limits Subscriber Only Subscriber/Spouse, Subscriber Child(ren) or Subscriber/Family IRS Contribution Limit1 $3,350 $6,750 IRS Contribution Limit Age 55 and older $4,350 $7,750 Contributions 1 1. Contribution rules for HSAs are complex. You should consult your tax advisor about your individual circumstances and the maximum contribution you can make. MCHCP does not provide individual tax advice. 2016 Benefit Guide Public Entity Members 41 UMR Website Phone 888-200-1167 Availability Check with your employer to see which plan is offered ID Cards Issued PPO 600 Plan Overview PPO plans offer members the following: • Freedom to choose care from any primary care provider, specialist or hospital • No referrals are needed to make appointments with specialists • Non-network benefits are available Prescription Drug Plan Go to Page 14 to review the PPO 600 Plan Summary of Benefits and Coverage When you enroll in an MCHCP medical plan, you are automatically enrolled in a prescription drug plan. To learn more about the prescription drug plan, go to page 46. You will receive separate ID cards from the prescription benefit administrator. Preventive Care Preventive care — such as preventive exams, vaccinations and age-specific screenings — is covered at 100 percent by MCHCP, regardless of whether you have met your deductible. Network Network providers have contracts with your plan that limit the amount they can bill you for services. Services from these providers cost less than services from non-network providers. Present your ID card at the time of service. Network providers will submit the claim for you. Non-network providers may request full payment at the time of service, and you may need to file the claim with your plan to be reimbursed. 42 Coverage Information MCHCP limits the amount it will pay to non-network medical providers to 80 percent of usual and customary charges. Non-network providers may bill you the difference between the amount MCHCP pays and the billed charge. Billing After the claim is processed, you will receive an explanation of benefits (EOB) from your medical plan. The EOB is not a bill. It details the service received, the amount covered by the plan and the amount the provider may bill you. The EOB also lists the deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums for your plan. Keep the EOB for your records, so you can keep track of your deductible and out-ofpocket balances. After you receive the EOB, you can expect a bill from the provider. The amount billed should match the amount listed on the EOB. Send payment to the provider. Sometimes you may receive a bill from your provider before you receive the EOB. If this occurs, contact the medical plan before you pay your provider to ensure you’re paying the proper amount. Deductible You will owe the allowed amount — the maximum a provider may bill you for a service, based on the provider’s agreement with the plan — until you have met the deductible for your plan. Premiums, copayments, balance-billed charges or non-covered services do not apply to the deductible. If two or more family members are covered and one family member reaches the individual deductible, the medical plan begins paying a percentage of the fees for covered services charged by providers for the individual. No more charges incurred by the individual may be used to satisfy the family deductible. If one or more additional family members meet the individual deductible, the medical plan begins paying a percentage of the fees for covered services charged by providers for the entire family. Coinsurance Once the deductible is met, you will pay a percentage of the fees charged by providers for covered services. This is your coinsurance. You pay the coinsurance until you reach the entire out-of-pocket maximum for the year. Copayments You have a copayment for emergency room (ER) services. Copayments do not count toward your deductible. The ER copayment is in addition to your deductible and coinsurance that you may also owe for the ER service. The copayment is waived if you are admitted to the hospital or the services are considered by your plan UMR Website Phone 888-200-1167 Availability Check with your employer to see which plan is offered ID Cards Issued PPO 600 Plan Overview to be a “true emergency.” Even if the copayment is waived, you will still have to pay any deductible or coinsurance that may be owed for the ER service. You will pay a copayment until you meet your out-of-pocket maximum for the year. Go to page 46 to learn about copayments for pharmacy services. Out-of-Pocket Maximum Go to Page 14 to review the PPO 600 Plan Summary of Benefits and Coverage The amounts you pay for your deductible, ER copayment and coinsurance are applied to the outof-pocket maximum. The plan will begin paying 100 percent of covered services once the entire out-of-pocket maximum amount is met. Premiums, balance-billed charges or non-covered services do not apply to the out-ofpocket maximum. If two or more family members are covered and one family member reaches the individual out-ofpocket maximum, the medical plan begins paying 100 percent covered services charged by providers for the individual. If one or more additional family members meet the individual out-ofpocket maximum, the medical plan begins paying 100 percent for covered services charged by providers for the entire family. Go to page 46 to learn about the outof-pocket maximum for pharmacy services. 2016 Benefit Guide Public Entity Members 43 UMR Website Phone 888-200-1167 Availability Check with your employer to see which plan is offered ID Cards Issued Go to Page 23 to review the PPO 1000 Plan Summary of Benefits and Coverage PPO 1000 Plan Overview Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Plans PPO plans offer members the following: • Freedom to choose care from any primary care physician, specialist or hospital • No referrals are needed to make appointments with specialists • Non-network benefits are available Prescription Drug Plan When you enroll in an MCHCP medical plan, you are automatically enrolled in a prescription drug plan. To learn more about the prescription drug plan, go to page 46. You will receive separate ID cards from the prescription benefit administrator. Preventive Care Preventive care — such as preventive exams, vaccinations and age-specific screenings — is covered at 100 percent by MCHCP, regardless of whether you have met your deductible. Network Network providers have contracts with your plan that limit the amount they can bill you for services. Services from these providers cost less than services from non-network providers. Present your ID card at the time of service. Network providers will submit the claim for you. Non-network 44 Coverage Information providers may request full payment at the time of service, and you may need to file the claim with your plan to be reimbursed. MCHCP limits the amount it will pay to a non-network provider to 80 percent of usual and customary charges. Non-network providers may bill you the difference between the amount MCHCP pays and the billed charge. Billing After the claim is processed, you will receive an explanation of benefits (EOB) from your medical plan. The EOB is not a bill. It details the service received, the amount covered by the plan and the amount the provider may bill you. The EOB also lists the deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums for your plan. Keep the EOB for your records, so you can keep track of your deductible and out-ofpocket balances. After you receive the EOB, you can expect a bill from the provider. The amount billed should match the amount listed on the EOB. Send payment to the provider. Sometimes you may receive a bill from your provider before you receive the EOB. If this occurs, contact the medical plan before you pay your provider to ensure you’re paying the proper amount. Deductible You will owe the allowed amount — the maximum a provider may bill you for a service, based on the provider’s agreement with the plan — until you have met the deductible for your plan. Premiums, copayments, balance-billed charges or non-covered services do not apply to the deductible. If two or more family members are covered and one family member reaches the individual deductible, the medical plan begins paying a percentage of the fees for covered services charged by providers for the individual. No more charges incurred by the individual may be used to satisfy the family deductible. If three family members meet the individual deductible or out-of-pocket maximum, the medical plan begins paying a percentage of the fees for covered services charged by providers for the entire family. Coinsurance and Out-of-Pocket Maximum The remaining percentage, which you must pay, is your coinsurance. You pay the coinsurance for your plan until you reach the plan’s out-of-pocket maximum for the year. After that, the plan pays for 100 percent of covered services for the rest of the year. Copayments UMR Website Phone 888-200-1167 Availability Check with your employer to see which plan is offered ID Cards Issued Go to Page 23 to review the PPO 1000 Plan Summary of Benefits and Coverage PPO 1000 Plan Overview You have a copayments for office visits, urgent care and emergency room (ER) services. Copayments do not count toward your deductible. The ER copayment is in addition to your deductible and coinsurance that you may also owe for the ER service. The ER copayment is waived if you are admitted to the hospital or the services are considered by your plan to be a “true emergency.” Even if the copayment is waived, you will still have to pay any deductible or coinsurance that may be owed for the ER service. You will pay copayments until you meet your out-of-pocket maximum for the year. Go to Page 46 to learn about copayments for pharmacy services. 2016 Benefit Guide Public Entity Members 45 Express Scripts, Inc. Website Phone 800-797-5754 Availability Available to all eligible members ID Cards Issued Prescription Drug Plan When you enroll in an MCHCP medical plan, you are automatically enrolled in a prescription drug plan. The non-Medicare prescription copayment and coinsurance information may be found in the Summary of Benefits & Coverage section of this guide. Express Scripts, Inc. (ESI) administers the prescription drug benefits. This plan maintains a broad choice of covered drugs and promotes the use of generic drugs. ESI maintains a nationwide pharmacy network. You can fill a prescription from any provider at a network pharmacy or through ESI’s home delivery program. For additional information on the formulary, contact ESI. Drug Formulary The drug formulary is a list of Food and Drug Administration (FDA)approved prescription drugs and supplies developed by ESI. The formulary is updated on a semiannual basis, but it can change throughout the year. Generic drugs, approved by the FDA, are proven to provide the same reliable, effective treatment as brandname versions, but at lower prices. If a generic drug is not available, talk to your doctor about taking a lower-cost brand-name drug on the formulary. If you purchase a brand drug when a generic is available, you will pay the generic copayment plus the difference in the cost of the drugs unless your 46 Coverage Information health care provider has indicated you must take the brand drug. Most, but not all, prescribed drugs that are not on the formulary may still be covered at a higher copayment level. Retail (Network) You may obtain up to a 31-day supply of a non-specialty prescription at a retail pharmacy. Select pharmacies provide up to a 90-day supply of some medication. Retail (Non-Network) For prescriptions filled at a nonnetwork pharmacy, you must: • Pay the full price of the prescription • Request a claim form from ESI or MCHCP, or download a copy from ESI or MCHCP’s website • File the claim with ESI within 365 days of when you filled the prescription. ESI reimburses the cost of the drug at the network discounted amount, less the applicable copayment or coinsurance • Attach a prescription receipt or label from the pharmacy to the claim form. Patient history printouts from the pharmacy are acceptable but must be signed by the pharmacist. Cash register receipts are acceptable only for diabetic supplies. Home Delivery Option The ESI home delivery program provides convenient home or office delivery of maintenance medications while saving you money. Maintenance medications are taken on a longterm basis and are available in more economical quantities through the home delivery program. Members must decide how they want to get their maintenance prescriptions filled: either by a retail pharmacy or home delivery. You may fill a maintenance prescription twice at a retail pharmacy while you decide. If you do not contact ESI and notify them of your decision by the third fill of a prescription, you will pay the full allowed amount for the prescription. 100% Coverage There are certain medications that MCHCP will pay the complete cost, when accompanied by a prescription and filled at a network pharmacy: • Formulary birth control (nonformulary may be covered if criteria is met) • Generic vitamin D, 1,000 IU or less • Over-the-counter (OTC) nicotine replacement therapy • Formulary tobacco cessation for members aged 18 and over • Generic Tamoxifen, generic Raloxifene, and brand Soltamox (Tamoxifen liquid for patients who have difficulty swallowing Tamoxifen tablets) for the prevention of breast cancer • Generic Aspirin, 81mg for women up to age 55 with preeclampsia risk Express Scripts, Inc. Website Phone 800-797-5754 Availability Available to all eligible members ID Cards Issued Prescription Drug Plan • Generic Aspirin, up to 325mg for men 45-79 years of age and women 55-79 years of age for the prevention of cardiovascular events • Generic Folic Acid, 400 to 800 mcg/ day for women up to age 50 • Generic bowel prep (formulary and OTC) • Influenza vaccination – members aged 6 months and over • Shingles vaccination – members aged 50 and over (pharmacists in Missouri may only be able to administer the vaccination to those aged 60 and over) • Fluoride for children aged 6 months through 12 years • Iron Supplement for members aged 6 months through 12 months Preauthorization ESI requires preauthorization, or prior authorization for specific medications. This means proof of medical necessity is required before a prescription for certain drugs is paid by the plan. The purpose is to prevent misuse and off-label use of expensive and potentially dangerous drugs. If you take a new prescription to the pharmacy and the pharmacist says it requires prior authorization, ask your physician to call ESI’s Prior Authorization line at 800-417-8164. Quantity Level Limits Quantities of some medications may be limited based on FDA labeling and medical literature. Limits are in place to ensure safe and effective drug use and to guard against stockpiling of medicines. Step Therapy Step therapy is designed for people who have certain ongoing medical conditions that require them to take medications on a regular basis. MCHCP uses step therapy to ensure members get the safest drugs at the best cost possible before moving to a more costly therapy. The step therapy program varies based on the drug prescribed and your doctor’s recommended treatment plan. Occasionally, you may be required to try more than one first-step drug. • First-Step Drugs –– Primarily generic drugs that have been proven safe and effective –– Lowest copayment or cost applies –– Drugs must be tried before the plan pays for a second-step drug • Second-Step Drugs –– Drugs recommended if first-step drugs don’t work –– Primarily brand-name drugs –– Higher copayment or cost normally applies Second-step drug prescriptions processed at your pharmacy for the first-time trigger a message to your pharmacist indicating the use of step therapy. You’ll need to speak with your doctor about the next plan of action. One of the following may occur: • Your doctor may decide to prescribe a first-step drug because he or she thinks it will work with your treatment plan. Only your doctor can change the prescription. • If your doctor decides, for medical reasons, your treatment requires a second-step drug without trying a first-step drug, your doctor must request prior authorization from ESI. You could pay a higher copayment than a first-step drug. Pharmacy Lock-In Program The Pharmacy Lock-In Program applies to members that have been identified as misusing pharmacy benefits. Once identified, the member will be limited to a designated network pharmacy for filling of prescriptions for controlled substances and muscle relaxants for a minimum of twelve (12) months. The lock-in period may be extended if it is determined the member continues to misuse benefits. Specialty Medications Specialty medications are drugs that treat chronic, complex conditions. They require frequent dosage adjustments, clinical monitoring, specialty handling, and are often unavailable at retail pharmacies. Accredo is ESI’s home delivery specialty pharmacy provider. Specialty drugs must be filled through Accredo. You may get the first fill at a retail pharmacy only of those specialty drugs that ESI has identified as being needed immediately. After the first fill for those specialty drugs that met criteria, you must get those drugs through Accredo. Members who continue to go to a retail pharmacy will be charged the full discounted price of the specialty drug. 2016 Benefit Guide Public Entity Members 47 Express Scripts, Inc. Website Phone 800-797-5754 Availability Available to all eligible members ID Cards Issued Prescription Drug Plan You can receive up to a 30-day supply of each specialty medication each time. The medications are delivered to your home or any approved location at no additional charge. Expert clinical support staff is available to answer all of your medication questions. Split-Fill Program Many times, a member’s provider will advise them to stop taking a specialty medication before the 30-day supply is depleted, typically due to undesirable side effects or lack of effectiveness. To help avoid cost for medications that will go unused and to reduce waste, the split-fill program provides members with a 15-day supply of some specialty drugs, rather than a full 30-day supply. Once it is determined that the member can tolerate the medication, the remaining 15-day supply will be filled. The copayment will be prorated based on the given days’ supply dispensed. For example, if your copayment is $35 for a 30-day supply, you will pay $17.50 for the first 15-day supply and then $17.50 for the second 15-day supply, if a second supply is filled. For the first three (3) months of taking a new prescription, the member will be in regular contact with a Therapeutic Resource Center (TRC)— specialist pharmacists, nurses and doctors — as well as their own health care provider, 48 Coverage Information in order to monitor for any potential complications. By the fourth (4th) month, if the medication is to be continued, a full 30-day supply will be dispensed. The split-fill program only applies to specialty drugs that are packaged to allow split-filling and those that are filled via Accredo specialty mail order pharmacy, beginning with the first fill. Disease Management Rewards Members enrolled and actively participating in a Disease Management (DM) Program through Alere may see reductions in prescription drug costs. Please see pages 53 for more details. Delta Dental of Missouri Website Phone 866-737-9802 Availability Dental Plan You may visit the dentist of your choice and select dentists on a treatment-bytreatment basis. Your out-of-pocket costs may vary depending on your choice. You have three options: Delta Dental PPO Network Check with your employer to see if this plan is offered This network offers you cost-control and claim-filing benefits. ID Card Delta Dental Premier Network Issued This network also offers you costcontrol and claim-filing benefits. However, out-of-pocket expenses (coinsurance amounts) may be higher with a Premier dentist. All participating dentists (PPO and Premier) have the forms to submit your claim. Delta Dental (DDMO) participating dentists will usually file claims for you, and DDMO will pay them directly. Visit MCHCP’s or DDMO’s website to find out if your dentist participates, or contact DDMO for PPO and Premier participating dentists in your area. Non-Participating Dentist If you go to a dentist not contracted with a Delta Dental plan, DDMO will make payment directly to you. It will be your obligation to make full payment to the dentist and file your claim. Obtain a claim form from MCHCP’s or DDMO’s website. The chart below is a summary of the covered services. Visit the MCHCP website for more information. Additional Benefits Two additional cleanings are allowed per calendar year for members who are pregnant, diabetic, have a suppressed immune system or have a history of periodontal therapy. Dental Services* Coverage Service You Pay Note To be eligible for the additional cleanings, you must submit a SelfReport form, which can be obtained from MCHCP’s or DDMO’s website or by contacting DDMO. Diagnostic and Preventive Examinations Prophylaxes (teeth cleaning) Fluoride Bitewing X-rays Sealants No deductible 0% coinsurance Dental exams, X-rays, cleanings and fluoride treatment do not apply to the individual plan maximum If periodontal therapy has already been reported on your claims, the SelfReport form is not necessary. Basic and Restorative Emergency Palliative Treatment Space Maintainers All Other X-rays Minor Restorative Services (fillings) Simple Extractions $50/person deductible1 20% coinsurance X-rays do not apply to the individual plan maximum Major Services Prosthetic Device Repair All Other Oral Surgery Periodontics Endodontics Prosthetic devices (bridges, dentures) Major Restorative Services (crowns, inlays, onlays) Implants/Bone Grafts $50/person deductible1 50% coinsurance 12-month waiting period for Major Services. The waiting period is waived with proof of 12 months of continuous dental coverage for Major Services immediately prior to the effective date of coverage in MCHCP’s dental plan * Coverage is limited to $1,000 per person per calendar year benefit period. 1. Coinsurance amounts apply after the $50 individual deductible is met under either Basic and Restorative or Major Services combined 2016 Benefit Guide Public Entity Members 49 National Vision Administrators, L.L.C. Website User Name mchcp Password vision1 Vision Plan When receiving services from a National Vision Administrators (NVA) provider, NVA pays the provider directly. If you use a non-network provider, you must pay the provider and file the claim. Phone 877-300-6641 ID Card Issued Availability Check with your employer to see if this plan is offered EyeEssential Discount Plan When members exhaust their annual benefits, NVA offers the EyeEssential Discount Plan — a low cost, memberfriendly vision plan, which includes significant discounts on materials Vision Services – Basic Plan Benefit Service Network Non-network Exams Once every calendar year Vision Exam (Two annual exams covered for children up to age 18) $10 copayment Reimbursed up to $45 Lenses Once every calendar year One $25 copayment for lenses Single-vision lenses (per pair) $25 copayment Reimbursed up to $30 Bifocal lenses (per pair) $25 copayment Reimbursed up to $50 Trifocal lenses (per pair) $25 copayment Reimbursed up to $65 Lenticular lenses (per pair) $25 copayment Reimbursed up to $100 Polycarbonate lenses (per pair) Applies to children up to age 18 100% coverage Not covered Frames Once every 2 calendar years Once every calendar year for children up to age 18 Up to $125 retail allowance and 20% discount off remaining balance1 Reimbursed up to $70 Contact lenses Once every calendar year in place of eye glass lenses Elective If member prefers contacts to glasses Up to $125 retail allowance and 15% discount off conventional or 10% discount off disposable remaining balance2 Contact lenses reimbursed up to $105 Necessary Additional costs covered at 100% Contact lenses reimbursed up to $210 Fitting and Evaluation $20 copayment for daily contact lenses $30 copayment for extended contact Reimbursed up to $20 for daily contact lenses or $30 for extended or specialty lenses $50 copayment for specialty contact lenses contact lenses Discount applied to all lens options Not covered Other Optional Items (cosmetic extras) 1. At Walmart or Sam’s Club Locations, frame price point is $55 2. At Walmart or Sam’s Club Locations, contact lens price point is $92 50 Coverage Information through participating NVA network providers. For example, the plan covers one pair of frames every 2 calendar years for adults, but you can get discounts on additional frames purchased throughout the 24-month period. National Vision Administrators, L.L.C. Website User Name mchcp Password vision1 Vision Plan LASIK Discounts Applies to Basic and Premium Plans NVA members will pay a maximum amount for corrective laser surgery: • Traditional PRK – $1,500 per eye Phone • Traditional LASIK – $1,800 per eye • Custom LASIK – $2,300 per eye Members may receive additional benefits at LasikPlus locations nationwide: • Special pricing on select technologies 877-300-6641 Vision Services – Premium Plan ID Card Benefit Service Issued • Free initial consultation and comprehensive LASIK vision exam • Advanced laser technologies including Wavefront and IntraLase (All-Laser LASIK) • Financing options available Network Non-network $10 copayment Reimbursed up to $45 Exams Vision Exam (Two annual exams Availability Once every calendar year covered for children up to age 18) Check with your employer to see if this plan is offered Lenses Single-vision lenses (per pair) $25 copayment Reimbursed up to $30 Bifocal lenses (per pair) $25 copayment Reimbursed up to $50 Trifocal lenses (per pair) $25 copayment Reimbursed up to $65 Lenticular lenses (per pair) $25 copayment Reimbursed up to $100 100% coverage Not covered Standard anti-reflective coating $30 copayment Not covered Standard progressive multifocal Discount applied to all lens options $50 copayment Not covered Frames Once every 2 calendar years Once every calendar year for Up to $175 retail allowance and 20% discount off Reimbursed up to $70 children up to age 18 remaining balance1 Once every calendar year One $25 copayment for lenses Polycarbonate lenses (per pair) Applies to children up to age 18 Contact lenses Once every calendar year in place of eye glass lenses Elective If member prefers contacts to glasses Necessary Fitting and Evaluation Up to $175 retail allowance Contact lenses reimbursed and 15% discount off up to $105 conventional or 10% discount off disposable remaining balance2 Additional costs covered at Contact lenses reimbursed 100% up to $210 $20 copayment for daily Reimbursed up to $20 for contact lenses $30 copayment for extended daily contact lenses or $30 for extended or specialty contact lenses contact lenses $50 copayment for specialty contact lenses Other Optional Items (cosmetic extras) Discount applied to all lens options Not covered 1. At Walmart or Sam’s Club Locations, frame price point is $77 2. At Walmart or Sam’s Club Locations, contact lens price point is $129 2016 Benefit Guide Public Entity Members 51 ComPsych Website Phone 800-808-2261 ID Card Not Issued Availability Check with your employer to see if this plan is offered Employee Assistance Program (EAP) The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through ComPsych is a confidential counseling and referral service that can help employees and their families successfully deal with life’s challenges. EAP services are available at no cost 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Resources include timely articles, HelpSheetsSM, tutorials, streaming videos and self-assessments. Identity Theft and Consumer Fraud Protection The EAP can help with challenges such as: EAP offers assistance with work-life balance by helping clients locate quality child care, elder care, education, adoption, and pet care. • • • • • • • • • Stress; Parenting; Alcohol and drug abuse; Marital problems; Anxiety and/or depression; Identity theft; Consumer fraud; Legal issues; and Financial concerns. The EAP covers up to six sessions per problem, per year for individual household members. There is no annual limit on the number of different problems. Counseling required by the employer is covered, but will not count as one of the six sessions. Additional counseling sessions may be covered by the employee’s medical plan. Legal and Financial Concerns For legal and financial concerns, the EAP offers unlimited phone consultations with ComPsych’s financial services professionals and attorneys. For in-person legal representation, the employee may receive a 30-minute consultation at no cost and a 25% reduction in customary legal fees with a ComPsych network attorney. 52 Coverage Information Contact the EAP at the beginning of a fraud-related emergency and receive a 60-minute consultation at no cost to employees. Trained fraud-resolution specialists will assist with expediting fraud claims and restoring credit. FamilySource® The FamilySource® program offers personalized and comprehensive referral packets which include: • A minimum of three local referrals with detailed maps to each • Specific state-licensing standards for facilities and providers • HelpSheetsSM related to the individual’s concerns • Checklists to evaluate facilities and providers Alere Website Phone 844-246-2427 (844-24MCHCP) ID Card Not Issued Disease Management Services Disease Management (DM) is a program offered to help manage specific chronic conditions. This program is available at no cost to the member. To qualify for DM, members must be 18 or over (unless otherwise noted), not have primary Medicare or TRICARE Supplement coverage, and have one of the following conditions: • Asthma (6 years and older); • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD); • Congestive heart failure; • Coronary artery disease; • Depression; • Diabetes (6 years and older); • Musculoskeletal/Chronic pain, including low back pain; • Obesity, defined as having a Body Mass Index more than or equal to 30; or • Hypertension, when managed with another condition above. Members identified with one of these conditions, through medical and pharmacy claims, may participate in a DM program through Alere. Once enrolled, members will receive regular phone calls from a DM nurse, helping the member better understand and manage their condition. Alere may also communicate with the member’s health care provider, so that the provider can make health care decisions that are right for the member. The DM program is completely confidential and follows medical privacy standards established by federal and state law. Disease Management Rewards Upon participating in a DM program through Alere, eligible members can receive the following rewards: • Formulary glucometer (one per year), and prescribed formulary test strips and lancets* • Four visits with a Certified Diabetes Educator* *Covered at 100 percent for PPO members or 100 percent after deductible is met for HSA Plan members, when received through a network provider. • Lower prescription copayments/ coinsurance Disease Management participants receive reduced prescription drug costs HSA Plan Coinsurance Reduced coinsurance amount Generic 5% coinsurance after deductible has been met (Diabetes medication only) Brand 10% coinsurance after deductible has been met 20% coinsurance after deductible has been met (Diabetes medication only) Non-Formulary (All medications) PPO Plan Copayments Supply Generic Brand (Diabetes (Diabetes NonFormulary medication only) medication only) (All medications) Up to 31-day $4 $17.50 $50 Up to 60-day $8 $35 $100 Up to 90-day (Retail) $12 $52.50 $150 Up to 90-day (Home Delivery) $43.75 $125 $10 2016 Benefit Guide Public Entity Members 53 Alere Website Phone 844-246-2427 (844-24MCHCP) ID Card Not Issued Disease Management Services Alere will contact all eligible members three times by phone to enroll and begin a DM program. Eligible members may also self-enroll by contacting Alere directly. If Alere is unable to reach a member over the phone, Alere will mail the member a notice to contact a DM nurse. Upon receiving the notice to contact, it is the member’s responsibility to call Alere within two (2) weeks of the letter date to begin participation. Once a member has completed the first call with a DM nurse, they have started participation in a DM program. Participation means one of the following: • Work one-on-one with a DM nurse; or • Meet initial goals to control the condition and receive up to two (2) calls per year from a DM nurse until the condition can be managed independently. DM Rewards begin no earlier than Jan. 1, 2016, and end on Dec. 31, 2016. Members who are participating in a DM program on Dec. 1, 2015, will begin receiving DM Rewards on Jan. 1, 2016. If a member starts after Dec. 1, 2015, DM Rewards begin the 1st day of the 2nd month after the member has completed the first one-on-one phone call with a DM nurse. For example, if a member completes a call on Feb. 19, 2016, he/ she will begin receiving DM Rewards on April 1. 54 Coverage Information Members who stop participating will lose DM Rewards for the remainder of the year. The loss effective date is the 1st day of the 2nd month after MCHCP learns the member has stopped participating. For example, if MCHCP is notified on Feb. 19, 2016, the member will lose DM Rewards beginning on April 1. Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Notice If you have had or are going to have a mastectomy, you may be entitled to certain benefits under the Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998 (WHCRA). For individuals receiving mastectomyrelated benefits, coverage will be provided in a manner determined in consultation with the attending physician and the patient, for: • All stages of reconstruction of the breast on which the mastectomy was performed; • Surgery and reconstruction of the other breast to produce a symmetrical appearance; • Prostheses; and • Treatment of physical complications of the mastectomy, including lymphedema. These benefits will be provided subject to the same deductibles and coinsurance applicable to other medical and surgical benefits provided under this plan. If you would like more information on WHCRA benefits, call UMR at 888-200-1167. 2016 Benefit Guide Public Entity Members 55 (This page intentionally left blank) 56 Member Information Section 3 Member Information Notice of Privacy Practices Appeal Procedures Effective September 1, 2013 Notice of Privacy Practices This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully. If you have any questions about this notice, please contact Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan’s Privacy Officer at 832 Weathered Rock Court, disclose protected health information with your providers (pharmacies, physicians, hospitals, etc.) to assist in your treatment. PO Box 104355, Jefferson City, MO 65110, or by calling 573-751-8881 or toll free 800-701-8881. For Payment We may use and disclose protected health information about you so that the treatment and services you receive will be paid. For example, we may use or disclose protected health information in order for your claims to be processed, coordinate your benefits, review health care services provided to you and evaluate medical necessity or appropriateness of care or charges. We may also use or disclose your protected health information to determine whether a treatment is a covered benefit under the health plan. We may use and disclose your protected health information to determine eligibility for coverage, in order to obtain pretax payment of your premiums from your employer or sponsoring entity, and for determining wellness premium incentives. We may use and disclose your protected health information for underwriting purposes, but, if we do, we are prohibited from using your genetic information for such purposes. This notice describes the information privacy practices followed by workforce members of Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan. For purposes of this notice, the pronouns “we”, “us” and “our” and the acronym “MCHCP” refer to Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan. This notice applies to the information and records we have about your health care and the services you receive. We are required by law to maintain the privacy of your protected health information and to notify you if there has been a breach of your protected health information. We are also required by law to give you this notice. It will tell you about the ways in which we may use and disclose health information about you and describes your rights and our obligations regarding the use and disclosure of that information. How We May Use and Disclose Health Information About You For Treatment We may use or disclose protected health information about you to assist in providing you with medical treatment or services. For example, we may use and 58 Member Information For Health Care Operations We may use and disclose protected health information for our health care operations. For example, we may use and disclose your protected health information to address or resolve complaints or appeals regarding your medical benefits. We may use or disclose protected health information with our wellness or disease management programs in which you participate. We may use your protected health information to conduct audits, for purposes of rate-making, as well as for purposes of risk management. We may also disclose your protected health information to our attorneys, accountants and other consultants who assist us in performing our functions. We may disclose your protected health information to health care providers or entities for certain health care operations activities, such as quality assessment and improvement activities, case management and care coordination. In this case, we will only disclose your protected health information to these entities if they have or have had a relationship with you and your protected health information pertains to that relationship, such as with other health plans or insurance carriers in order to coordinate benefits, if you or your family members have coverage through another health plan. Disclosures to Employer We may also use and disclose protected health information with your employer as necessary to perform administrative functions. Employers who receive this type of information are required by law to have safeguards in place to protect against inappropriate use or disclosure of your information. Effective September 1, 2013 Notice of Privacy Practices This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully. Disclosures to Family Members or Others We may disclose health information about you to your family members or friends if we obtain your written authorization to do so. Also, unless you object, we may disclose relevant portions of your protected health information to a family member, friend, or other person you indicate is involved in your health care or in helping you receive payment for your health care. For example, we may assume you agree to our disclosure of your personal health information to your spouse when you bring your spouse with you to a meeting or have your spouse on the telephone while such information is discussed. We may also disclose claim and payment information of family members to the subscriber in a family plan. If you are not capable of agreeing or objecting to these disclosures because of, for instance, an emergency situation, we will disclose protected health information (as we determine) in your best interest. After the emergency, we will give you the opportunity to object to future disclosures to family and friends. Disclosures to Business Associates We contract with individuals and entities (business associates) to perform various functions on our behalf or provide certain types of services. To perform these functions or provide these services, our business associates will receive, create, maintain, use or disclose protected health information. We require the business associates to agree in writing to contract terms to safeguard your information, consistent with federal and state law. For example, we may disclose your protected health information to a business associate to administer claims or provide service support, utilization management, subrogation or pharmacy benefit management. Special Situations We may use or disclose health information about you without your permission for the following purposes, subject to all applicable legal requirements and limitations: To Avert a Serious Threat to Health or Safety We may use and disclose health information about you when necessary to prevent a serious threat to your health and safety or the health and safety of the public or another person. Required By Law We will disclose your health information when required to do so by federal, state or local law. Public Health Activities We may disclose your health information to a public health authority that is authorized by law to collect or receive such information for the purpose of preventing disease or injury. For Research Under certain circumstances, and only after a special approval process, we may use and disclose your health information to help conduct research. To a Health Oversight Agency We may disclose your health information to a health oversight agency for oversight activities authorized by law. Judicial and Administrative Proceedings We may disclose your health information in the course of any judicial or administrative proceeding in response to an order of a court or administrative tribunal. We may disclosure your health information in the course of any judicial or administrative proceeding in response to a subpoena, discovery request, or other lawful process if we receive satisfactory assurance that you have been given notice of the request or that there is a qualified protective order for the information. Workers’ Compensation We may release health information about you for workers’ compensation or similar programs. These programs provide benefits for work-related injuries or illness. Law Enforcement We may release health information if asked to do so by a law enforcement official in response to a court order, subpoena, warrant, summons or similar 2016 Benefit Guide Public Entity Members 59 Effective September 1, 2013 Notice of Privacy Practices This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully. process, subject to all applicable legal requirements. For Military, National Security, or Incarceration/Law Enforcement Custody If you are involved with the military, national security or intelligence activities, or you are in the custody of law enforcement officials or an inmate in a correctional institution, we may release your health information to the proper authorities so they may carry out their duties under the law. Information Not Personally Identifiable We may use or disclose health information about you in a way that does not personally identify you or reveal who you are. Other Uses & Disclosures of Health Information We will not use or disclose your health information for any purpose other than those identified in the previous sections without your specific, written Authorization. If you give us Authorization to use or disclose health information about you, you may revoke that Authorization, in writing, at any time. If you revoke your Authorization, we will no longer use or disclose information about you for the reasons covered by your written Authorization, but we cannot take back any uses or disclosures already made with your permission. 60 Member Information If we have HIV or substance abuse information about you, we cannot release that information without a special signed, written authorization from you. In order to disclose these types of records for purposes of treatment, payment or health care operations, we will have to have a special written Authorization that complies with the law governing HIV or substance abuse records. If we have psychotherapy notes, we will not use or disclose that information without authorization unless the use or disclosure is used to defend MCHCP in a legal action or other proceeding brought by you. MCHCP will not use or disclose your protected health information for marketing purposes without an authorization, except if the marketing communication is in the form of a faceto-face communication made by MCHCP to you or in the form of a promotional gift of nominal value provided by MCHCP. MCHCP will not sell your protected health information without your authorization. Your Rights Regarding Health Information About You You have the following rights regarding health information we maintain about you: Right to Inspect and Copy You have the right to inspect and copy your health information, such as enrollment, eligibility and billing records. You must submit a written request to MCHCP’s Privacy Officer in order to inspect and/or copy your health information. If you request a copy of the information, we may charge a fee for the costs of copying, mailing or other associated supplies. We may deny your request to inspect and/or copy in certain limited circumstances. If you are denied access to your health information, you may ask that the denial be reviewed. If such a review is required by law, we will select a licensed health care professional to review your request and our denial. The person conducting the review will not be the person who denied your request, and we will comply with the outcome of the review. Right to Amend Incorrect or Incomplete PHI If you believe health information we have about you is incorrect or incomplete, you may ask us to amend the information. You have the right to request an amendment as long as the information is kept by this office. To request an amendment, complete and submit a Member Record Amendment/ Correction Form to MCHCP’s Privacy Officer. We may deny your request for an amendment if it is not in writing or does not include a reason to support the request. In addition, we may deny your request if you ask us to amend information that: Effective September 1, 2013 Notice of Privacy Practices This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully. Complaints If you believe your privacy rights have been violated, you may file a complaint with our office or with the federal office of the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services - Office of Civil Rights. To file a complaint with our office, contact MCHCP’s Privacy Officer at 573-751-8881 or toll free 800-701-8881. You will not be penalized or retaliated against for filing a complaint. You may contact the Department of Health and Human Service on your rights under HIPAA at: Office for Civil Rights, DHHS 601 East 12th St. – Room 248 Kansas City, MO 64106 (816) 426-7277 (816) 426-7065 (TDD) 1. We did not create, unless the person or entity that created the information is no longer available to make the amendment; 2. Is not part of the health information that we keep; 3. You would not be permitted to inspect and copy; or 4. Is accurate and complete. Right to an Accounting of Certain Disclosures You have the right to request an “accounting of disclosures.” This is a list of the disclosures we made of medical information about you for purposes other than treatment, payment and health care operations. To obtain this list, you must submit your request in writing to MCHCP’s Privacy Officer. It must state a time period, which may not go back more than six years from the date of the request. Your request should indicate in what form you want the list (for example, on paper or electronically). We may charge you for the costs of providing the list. We will notify you of the cost involved and you may choose to withdraw or modify your request at that time before any costs are incurred. Right to Request Restrictions You have the right to request a restriction or limitation on the health information we use or disclose about you for treatment, payment or health care operations. You also have the right to request a limit on the health information we disclose about you to someone who is involved in your care or the payment for it, like a family member or friend. For example, you could ask that we not use or disclose information about a particular health care treatment you received. We are Not Required to Agree to Your Request We are not required to agree to your request for restrictions. If we do agree, we will comply with your request unless the information is needed to provide you emergency treatment. If your request restricts us from using or disclosing information for purposes of treatment, payment or health care operations, we have the right to discontinue providing you with health care treatment and services. Request Restrictions To request restrictions, you may complete and submit the Request for Restriction on Use/Disclosure of Health Care Information to MCHCP’s Privacy Officer. Right to Request Confidential Communications You have the right to request that we communicate with you about medical matters in a certain way or at a certain location. For example, you can ask that we only contact you at work or by mail. To request confidential communications, you may complete and submit the Request for Restriction on Use and Disclosure of Health Care Information and/or Confidential Communication to MCHCP’s Privacy Officer. We will not ask you the reason for your request. We will accommodate all reasonable requests. Your request must specify how or where you wish to be contacted. Right to a Paper Copy of This Notice You have the right to a paper copy of this notice. You may ask us to give you a copy of this notice at any time. Even if you have agreed to receive it electronically, you are still entitled to a paper copy. To obtain such a copy, contact MCHCP’s Privacy Officer. Changes to This Notice MCHCP is required to abide by the terms of the notice currently in effect. We reserve the right to change this notice, and to make the revised or changed notice effective for medical information we already have about you, as well as any information we receive in the future. We will post the revised notice to our website prior to the effective date of the change, and we will distribute any amended notice or information about the change and how to obtain a revised notice in the next annual communication to members, either by mail or electronically if you have agreed to receive communications in that manner. Please note that the amended notice may be part of another mailing from MCHCP. In addition, we will post the current notice in our office and on www.mchcp. org with its effective date directly under the heading. You are entitled to a copy of the notice currently in effect. 2016 Benefit Guide Public Entity Members 61 Appeal Procedures Claim Submissions and Initial Denials You must use the claims and administrative procedures established by the health plan administering the particular service for which coverage, authorization or payment is sought. Pre-Service Claims Pre-service claims are requests made to the health plan before getting medical care, such as prior authorization or a decision on whether a treatment or procedure is medically necessary. Preservice claims must be decided no later than 15 days from the date the health plan receives the request. If the health plan requires more time for reasons beyond its control, it must notify you before the end of the first 15-day period, explain the reason for the delay and request any additional information. If more information is requested, you have at least 45 days to provide the information. The health plan must decide the claim no later than 15 days after receiving the additional information or after the period allowed to supply it ends, whichever is first. Urgent Care Claims Urgent care claims are a special type of pre-service claim that require a quicker decision because waiting the standard time could seriously jeopardize you or your family member’s life, health or ability to regain maximum function. A request for an urgent care claim must be submitted verbally or in writing and will be decided within 72 hours and followed by a written confirmation of the decision. 62 Member Information Concurrent Claims Concurrent claims are claims related to an ongoing course of previously approved treatment. If the health plan approved ongoing treatment over a period of time or number of treatments and later reduces or terminates the course of treatment, it will be treated as a benefit denial. The health plan must notify you in writing before reducing or ending a previously approved course of treatment, in sufficient time to allow you to appeal and obtain a determination before the benefit is reduced or terminated. Post-Service Claims Post-service claims are all other claims for services, including claims after services have been provided, such as requests for reimbursement or payment of the costs of services. Post-service claims must be decided no later than 30 days from the date the health plan receives the claim. If the health plan requires more time for reasons beyond its control, it must notify you before the end of the first 15-day period, explain the reason for the delay and request any additional information. If more information is requested, you have at least 45 days to provide the information. The health plan must decide the claim no later than 15 days after receiving the additional information or after the period allowed to supply it ends, whichever is first. Claim Filing Deadline • Claims must be filed by the provider or you to the health plan as soon as reasonably possible. Claims filed more than one year after charges are incurred will not be honored. Initial Denial Notice If you, your provider or your authorized representative submits a request for coverage or claim for services that is denied, in whole or in part, you will receive an initial denial notice with the following information: 1. Reason for denial 2. Reference to plan provisions, regulation, statute, clinical criteria or guideline on which the denial was based, and directions on how you can obtain access to this information free of charge 3. If documentation or information is missing, a description of the documentation or information necessary for you to provide, and an explanation as to why it is necessary 4. Information as to the steps you can take to submit an appeal of the denial Adverse Benefit Determinations You have the right to appeal adverse benefit determinations. Adverse benefit determinations include the following: • Denial, reduction, termination of, or failure to provide or make payment for a benefit based on an individual’s eligibility to participate in the plan • Denial, reduction, termination of, or failure to provide or make payment for a benefit based on utilization review or failure to cover a service because it is determined to be experimental, investigational, or not medically necessary or appropriate • Rescission of coverage after an individual has been covered under the plan Appeal Procedures Appeals of adverse benefit determinations must be submitted in writing to the entity that issued the original determination giving rise to the appeal. Medical Appeals First-Level Appeal A first-level appeal of an adverse benefit determination for medical services must be submitted in writing within 180 days of the date on the original claim decision notice. Include any additional information or documentation to support the reason the original claim decision should be overturned. The health plan will have someone review the appeal who was not involved in the original decision, and will consult with a qualified medical professional if a medical judgment is involved. The health plan must respond to you in writing within 30 days for postservice claims and 15 days for pre-service claims from the date the health plan received the first-level appeal request. Submit the first-level appeal in writing to the medical plan: UMR Pre-service/Concurrent claim appeals UMR Appeals PO Box 400046 San Antonio, TX 78229 Fax: 888-615-6584 Post-service claim appeals UMR Claims Appeal Unit PO Box 30546 Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0546 Fax: 877-291-3248 Second-Level Appeal A second-level appeal for medical services must be submitted in writing within 60 days of the date of the first-level appeal decision letter that upholds the original decision. Include any additional information or documentation to support the reason the first-level appeal decision should be overturned. The health plan will have someone review the appeal who was not involved in the original decision or first-level appeal, and will consult with a qualified medical professional if a medical judgment is involved. The health plan must respond in writing within 30 days for post-service claims and within 15 days for pre-service claims from the date the health plan received the second-level appeal request. Submit the second-level appeal in writing to the medical plan: UMR Pre-service/Concurrent claim appeals UMR Appeals PO Box 400046 San Antonio, TX 78229 Fax: 888-615-6584 Post-service claim appeals UMR Claims Appeal Unit PO Box 30546 Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0546 Fax: 877-291-3248 Pharmacy Appeals The pharmacy benefit manager will have someone review the appeal who was not involved in the original decision, and will consult with a qualified medical professional if a medical judgment is involved. The pharmacy benefit manager must respond in writing within 60 days for post-service claims and within 30 days for pre-service claims from the date the pharmacy benefit manager received the appeal request. Non-Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Appeals An appeal of an adverse benefit determination for pharmacy services must be submitted in writing within 180 days of the date on the original claim decision notice. Include the date you attempted to fill the prescription, the prescribing physician’s name, the drug name and quantity, the cost of the prescription, if applicable, the reason you believe the claim should be paid, and any additional information or documentation to support your belief that the original decision should be overturned. Submit the appeal to the pharmacy benefit manager: Express Scripts P.O. Box 66588 St. Louis, MO 63166-6588 Attn: Clinical Appeals Department Phone: 800-753-2851 Expedited Appeals An expedited appeal may be requested when a decision is related to a pre-service claim for urgent care. The health plan or pharmacy benefit manager will have someone review the appeal who was not involved in the original decision, and will consult with a qualified medical professional if a medical judgment is involved. 2016 Benefit Guide Public Entity Members 63 Appeal Procedures The health plan or pharmacy benefit manager must respond verbally within 72 hours of receiving a request for an expedited review, with written confirmation of the decision within three working days of providing notification of the determination. Submit the expedited appeal to the health plan or pharmacy benefit manager by telephone or fax: UMR Phone: 800-808-4424, ext. 15227 Fax: 888-615-6584 Attn: Appeals Unit Express Scripts Phone (Non-Medicare): 800-753-2851 Phone (Medicare): 800-935-6103 External Review After completion of the internal appeals process for medical or pharmacy services, an external appeal is available for covered medical and pharmacy benefits through the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Members may file a written request for external review within four months of receiving a final internal adverse benefit determination. The request should be sent to: MAXIMUS Federal Services, INC. MAXIMUS Federal Services 3750 Monroe Ave Suite 705 Pittsford, NY 14534 Fax: 888-866-6190 64 Member Information Contact MAXIMUS Federal Services at 888-866-6205 if you have any questions or concerns during the external review process. A decision will be made within 45 days of the request. You may file an expedited review if the standard review time frame would seriously jeopardize your life or health, or your ability to regain maximum function, or if the final internal adverse benefit determination involves admission, availability of care, continued stay, or an item or service for which you received services but have not been discharged from the facility. Dental and Vision Appeals Appeals involving services from the dental and vision plans must be submitted to the dental and vision plans. Delta Dental First-Level Appeal Attn: Customer Service 12399 Gravois Road St. Louis, MO 63127 Second-Level Appeal Attn: Appeals Committee 12399 Gravois Road St. Louis, MO 63127 National Vision Administrators National Vision Administrators, L.L.C. Attn: Complaints, Grievances, Appeals PO Box 2187 Clifton, NJ 07015 Administrative Appeals Administrative appeals involve issues regarding MCHCP eligibility, plan effective dates, premium payments, Partnership Incentive, TobaccoFree Incentive and plan choices. Administrative appeals must be submitted in writing within 180 days of the date of the notice of administrative decision or written denial of your administrative request. All administrative appeals should be addressed to: Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan Attn: Appeal PO Box 104355 Jefferson City, MO 65110-4355 Section 4 Contact Contact Information Who to Contact Your plan for: Claim questions ID cards Specific benefit questions Appeal information MCHCP for: General benefit questions Eligibility questions Enrollment questions Address changes or forms MCHCPid requests HIPAA forms and questions Contact Information Medical Plan Dental Plan HSA Plan, PPO 600 and PPO 1000 888-200-1167 800-335-8266 PO Box 8690 St. Louis, MO 63126-0690 UMR Claims Address PO Box 30787 Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0787 Appeals Addresses Pre-service and Concurrent Claims UMR Appeals PO Box 400046 San Antonio, TX 78229 Post-service Claims UMR Claims Appeal Unit PO Box 30546 Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0546 Delta Dental Claims Address PO Box 8690 St. Louis, MO 63126-0690 Appeals Addresses First-Level Appeals Address Attn: Customer Service 12399 Gravois Road St. Louis, MO 63127 Second-Level Appeals Address Attn: Appeals Committee 12399 Gravois Road St. Louis, MO 63127 Prescription Drug Plan Express Scripts, Inc. (ESI) 800-797-5754 TTY: 866-707-1862 Home Delivery Pharmacy Service PO Box 66773 St. Louis, MO 63166-6773 Appeals Address Express Scripts PO Box 66588 St. Louis, MO 63166-6588 Attn: Clinical Appeals Department 800-753-2851 Accredo Specialty Pharmacy 800-803-2523 TTY: 877-804-9222 66 Coverage Information Vision Plan National Vision Administrators, L.L.C. (NVA) User Name: mchcp Password: vision1 877-300-6641 Claims Address Attn: Claims PO Box 2187 Clifton, NJ 07015 Appeals Address: Attn: Complaints, Grievances & Appeals PO Box 2187 Clifton, NJ 07015 Contact Information Disease Management Program Alere 844-246-2427 (844-24MCHCP) Employee Assistance Program ComPsych® 800-808-2261 Nurse Call Lines All MCHCP members have access to 24-hour nurse call lines for health-related questions. If you’re unsure whether to go to the doctor for an illness or just want more information about a treatment or condition, registered nurses are on hand all day, every day to help. Helpful Tips Websites Plan websites are provided as a convenience to our members. The inclusion of other websites does not mean MCHCP endorses or is responsible for those websites. Provider Directories Participating providers may change during the year. Contact the plan or the provider to verify participation. Contact UMR for a list of network providers. Benefit Information This guide provides a summary of your benefits. More detailed information is available at or from the plans. To use this service, call your medical plan: UMR NurseLine 888-200-1167 2016 Benefit Guide Public Entity Members 67 About Us Website Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan Hours 8:30 a.m.– 4:30 p.m., Monday – Friday Phone 800-487-0771 or 573-751-0771 Fax 800-834-5181 Address 832 Weathered Rock Court PO Box 104355 Jefferson City, MO 65110-4355 Our vision is to be recognized and valued by our members as their advocate in providing affordable, accessible, quality health care options. Who We Are MCHCP’s Mission MCHCP provides coverage to employees and retirees of most state agencies as well as public entities that have joined MCHCP. Nearly 100,000 state and public entity members are covered by MCHCP. To provide access to quality and affordable health insurance to state and local government employees. We will accomplish this by: MCHCP is a separate, stand-alone state entity created by statute and organized under the direction of a 13-member board of trustees. • Consolidating purchasing power and administration to achieve benefits not available to individual employer members • Creating collaborations to ensure the needs of individual members are understood and met • Ensuring fiscal responsibility • Developing innovative delivery options and incentives • Identifying and contracting with high-value plans • Maintaining a high-quality and knowledgeable work force 832 Weathered Rock Court Jefferson City, MO 65101 800-487-0771 573-751-0771 myMCHCP
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