December 2014 - Hudson Elementary School


December 2014 - Hudson Elementary School
Tracy Graziaplene, Principal – Tracy Hlady, Assistant Principal
Hudson Elementary School
7229 Hudson Ave – Hudson, FL 34667
(727) 774-4000
Schedule of Events
December 2nd
Picture Makeups
December 4th
PTA Spinnations
Skate Night
6:00p.m.- 8:00p.m.
A Note From The Principal
Dear Families:
December brings the end of our second quarter and the halfway mark of the school year. We have seen such
wonderful strides in our students so far, and I am confident that the second half of the school year will bring
continued growth and gains. Thank you for your continued support in your child’s education. December also
brings the opportunities for family involvement in different activities at our school. I hope to see many of you at
our holiday events. Enjoy the winter break spending time with your family and friends. We wish you the happiest
of holiday seasons.
December 5th
Fourth Grade Parent
10:00 a.m.-2:45 p.m.
HES Chorus Field
SAC Meeting
3-4 p.m.
December 15th
Holiday Party
11:00 a.m.
December 8th-11th
Holiday House
Winter Celebration/
Holiday House
Winter Concert
6:30 p.m
December 12th
Pre-K Holiday Party
Media Center
1;00 p.m.
December 16th
STEM Make & Take
4:30- 6:00
December 22ndJanuary 5th
Winter Break
No School
SPECIAL HOLIDAY EVENTS The following students were honored at our November Cougar of the Month celebration: Cadence Curry, Addyson Watson, Austin Grubbs, Julyan Matos, Isaiah Traywick, Emily Ennis, Zoe Santos, Ryne Ivancsits, Gabriella Colclough, Michael Hannan, Dominique Deneweth, Chelsea Traywick, Leyla Cemberci, Kenneth Hunt, Michael Varsetti, Ellie Thoms, Karah Little, Katie Stepka, Damien Sebak, Mia Triglia, Liam Nicastro, Timmielee Merwin, Aubree Edmonds, Anthony Bello, Dominic Garcia, Gabrielle Ortiz, Kayleigh Torrey, Vincenzino Rumore, Jonathan Gonzalez, Mason Cline, Jamal Poole, Destiny Skinner, Tracy
Graziaplene, Principal
Jeremiah Monserrate. Congratulations to all! We would like to thank: Beef O’Brady’s, Chili’s, Chick-­‐Fil-­‐A, Hudson Café, Hudson PTA, Walgreens and Winn-­‐
Dixie for their support of this program. Have your picture taken with Santa for a $1.00! Enjoy crafts with your children! PTA will be selling hot chocolate, coffee and cookies. Shop our Holiday House in the Media Center! Please join us for Winter Celebration on Thursday, December 11th between 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. in our HES Café for the start of a joyous holiday season! GREAT AMERICAN TEACH-­‐IN Tracy
Have your photo taken with Santa, and enjoy The GPrincipalT
reat American Teach-­‐In on November 20th make and take winter crafts. PTA will also be was a big success. We would like to thank all of the selling hot chocolate and cookies. The Holiday parents, individuals and companies for House will be open during the entire event participating and enriching our student’s and will be held in the Media Center December education. Special thanks to: Tara Bean, Robin 8th – 11th. Prices are affordable, so have your Borick, Bright and Beautiful Therapy Dogs, Mr. student(s) start their holiday shopping with Cunningham, Corporal Derner, Billiejo & us! Johnny Deskins, Domino’s Pizza, Department of HES Chorus will perform their annual Fire and Rescue, Deputy Febus,Home Depot-­‐
Holiday Concert at 6:30 p.m.! Gina Summers, McDonald’s-­‐Jennifer Prado, Join us for this festive occasion. Bring family Peggy Ann McKinley, Cindy Gifford, Hudson and friends for this exciting evening of musical Bowling Supply-­‐Ron Woods, Hudson High entertainment which is sure to be filled with School Marching Band, Richard Michaels, Pasco holiday and winter fun! Fire and Rescue, Pasco Sherriff’s Office, Phillips Korean Martial Arts, Safari of Smiles, Scotty’s Pizza, United States Coast Guard, V.F.W. Post # 4412 Ladies Auxiliary, Walmart, W.R.E.C . OUTSTANDING VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR We would like to recognize Penny Young as our Outstanding Volunteer of the Year! We would like to express our sincere thanks for her dedication to our school and for the countless things that she does for us on a daily basis. Congratulations and thank you for all that you do! HOLIDAY VOLUNTEER PARTY Hudson Elementary School would like to thank our dedicated volunteers for all of their hard work. To express our appreciation, all volunteers are invited to a Holiday Luncheon on December 15 th, at 11:00 a.m., in the Media Center. Please RSVP to Lisa Ganes at (727) 774-­‐4016. We look forward to seeing you there! P PARENT INVOLVEMENT OPPORTUNITIES PRE-­‐K FAMILY HOLIDAY CELEBRATION PTA NEWS Pre-­‐K parents come join the fun! You are invited to join your child in our Media Center at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, December 12th for a Holiday Celebration, sponsored by the Summertree Ladies Golf Club. Light refreshment will be served. FOURTH GRADE PARENT DAY Fourth grade parents are invited to join their student(s) in the classroom from 10:00 a.m.-­‐2:45 p.m. on Friday, December 5th. Parents will get a first hand view of how it is to walk a day in their students shoes. S.T.E.M. MAKE &TAKE NIGHT On December 16th from 4:30 p.m.-­‐ 6:30 p.m. you are invited to join us in our Media Center for information on this year’s upcoming S.T.E.M. Fair. A Note From The Nurse Preventing the Flu: Good Health Habits Can Help Stop Germs: The single best way to prevent seasonal flu is to get vaccinated each year, but good health habits like covering your cough and washing your hands often can help stop the spread of germs and prevent respiratory illnesses like the flu. Here are some tips to help prevent the flu this season: 1. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When you are sick, keep your distance from others to protect them from getting sick too. 2. Stay home when you are sick. Stay home from work, school, and errands when you are sick. You will help prevent others from catching your illness. 3. Cover your mouth and nose. Covering your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing may prevent those around you from getting sick. 4. Clean your hands. Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-­‐based hand rub. 5. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Germs are often spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth. 6. Practice other good health habits. Get plenty of sleep,
be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of
fluids, and eat nutritious food.
BUILDING PARTNERSHIPS Partnerships are essential to the successful implementation of many school programs. Thank you to the following partners in education for their continued support of our school. Both school and partners benefit from cooperative endeavors by sharing resources that promote learning and overall school improvement. Thank you to the following for their continued support: Beacon Woods East Women’s Club, Beacon Woods East Recreational Association, Beacon Woods East Masters Association, Faith United Methodist Church, First United Methodist Church, Hudson Bowling Supply, Hudson Water Works, Hudson Rotary Club, St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, St. Michael’s Catholic Church, V.F.W. Post #4412 , Walgreens, Walmart, Winn-­‐Dixie. District School Board of Pasco County Kurt Browning, Superintendent 7727 Land O’ Lakes Boulevard Land O’ Lakes FL, 34639 Website: Come join PTA for Skate Night! Skate Night will be held at Spinnations, which is located at 8345 Congress St., Port Richey, and the phone number is (727) 847-­‐ 4336 on Thursday, December 4th from 6:00p.m – 8:00 p.m. Support HES and buy a pizza at Scotty’s Pizzeria on Friday, December 5th, a portion of the proceeds help support our school. The PTA is sponsoring many holiday events. The Holiday House will open on December 8th and the students will preview the items for sale. On December 9th -­‐11th the Holiday House will be open for students to shop. The Holiday House allows students to do holiday shopping at an affordable price, during school hours. The hours are 9:00 a.m.-­‐ 2:30 p.m. Winter Celebration will be held on Thursday, December 11th from 4:30p.m. -­‐6:30 p.m. During Winter Celebration student(s) will be invited to do seasonal crafts and P.T.A. will have hot chocolate and coffee for sale for $1.00 each, and cookies at two for a $1.00 which can then be decorated. Pictures with Santa will be available for $1.00 each. For some inexpensive holiday shopping visit our Holiday House which will be open from 4:30p.m.-­‐ 6:30 p.m. Please join us for our Chorus Holiday Winter Concert which will follow at 6:30 p.m. Please come join us for an evening of fun and entertainment! HOLIDAY ABC SPONSORSHIP The holiday season is here. Hudson Elementary ABC Program is making plans for assisting our families in need. The program is always looking for sponsors who can help families that are less fortunate. If you are able to assist with this wonderful program, please contact the school. Your generosity would be greatly appreciated. We would like to thank those sponsors who have already joined our program: Country Club Estates H.O.A., Cross Creek of Summertree H.O.A., First United Methodist Church, Hudson Bowling Supply, Hudson Lion’s Club, Hudson Water Works, Hudson Yacht Club, Les & Adele Parker, Ponderosa Park Ladies Auxiliary, Praise Assembly of Hudson, Regional Medical Center, Summertree Womens Golf Club, Toys for Tots, A special thanks to those of you who donated to our school’s Assist, Believe, Care (ABC ) Program for Thanksgiving. Thank you to: Beacon Woods East Association, Beacon Woods East Recreation Association, Beacon Woods East Women’s Club, Beacon Woods East Masters Association, Moose Club????St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, St. Michael’s Catholic Church, VFW Post #4412. Thank you. LABELS FOR EDUCATION By saving your Campbell’s soup labels, Tyson Chicken labels, and General Mills box tops, you can help our school get “free” stuff. Thank you for supporting HES. A NOTE FROM THE OFFICE Please do not drop student(s) off until 8:25 a.m., as there is no staff available at that time to watch students. Also, please only drop off students in the car loop, when staff is present. Thank you. We wish all of our families a happy and safe holiday
break and a very happy New Year!
Tracy Graziaplene, Principal – Tracy Hlady, Assistant Principal
Hudson Elementary School
7229 Hudson Ave – Hudson, FL 34667
(727) 774-4000